HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 04/24/2018 (2) Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Kent, Washington Approved Date: April 24, 2018 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Centennial Building, Conference Room 402 Attending: Chair Dan Barrett, Co-chair Zandria Michaud, Annette Bailes, Annie Sieger, Barry Fretwell, Jennifer Ritchie, Kalika Carver-Cox, Kari Hedrick, Kathleen Roberts, Randy Furukawa, Richard Minutoli, Deputy Director Brian Levenhagen Absent: Kathleen Roberts, Tye Whitfield 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Commission Chair Barrett called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Changes to Agenda: 3. Minutes dated March 27, 2018: Approved 4. Welcomed New Commissioner Barry Fretwell 5. Park & Recreation Commissions – External Review Summary Deputy Director Levenhagen presented a high-level external review of 12 neighboring cities Parks Commission/ Boards. A compiled list of comparable duties and responsibilities was presented to the commission to give clear guidance as to what Advisory Commissions/Boards are utilized for in the decision-making process of City business. Work plans were also handed out for certain cities. 6. Goals, Purpose of Park & Recreation Commission A series of questions were given to the commission for a Q&A session regarding the goals and purpose of the commission. Feedback given gave the commission a working directive of what goals they should pursue as a commission. 7. Commission Work Plan Visioning Each commissioner presented why each of them wanted to be apart of the commission and what their goals are for being on the commission and what their P a g e | 2 top priorities are that they would like the commission to tackle as projects. See attached summary sheet of commission priorities. 8. Adjournment: Chair Barrett concluded the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Ronald Lashley Jr Ronald Lashley Jr. Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary P a g e | 3 Commission Work Plan Visioning D.B.: Parks on/around/near Panther Lake Z.M.: Concerned about health effects of synthetic turf. Want to be aligned with the focus/intent of Parks Committee. Discussion: How are Parks being developed? Sustainability of Parks. A.S.: Align with City Council and Parks Committee regarding Parks Commission objectives. More proactive with prioritizing decisions. Public Engagement and setting boundaries of what we do vs. what public thinks we do. Discussion of balancing what we do and what we can do without increasing work of Park Staff. What are we going to advise on vs. instead of discussing what we are not or capable of? What can we work on? A.B.: Springwood and Earthwork clean up. Public access to Huse J.R.: Clark Lake - turning into of leash dog park issue. Parking and Signage issue. Discussion of how we can better engage with the community. Girl Scout Project Volunteer options. Better internal communication options. Raising Funds. K.C.: Park maintenance and how it impacts wildlife. What are the protocols for wildlife in parks, i.e., a coyote is hanging out with Park visitors? Discussion: how is the level of services maintained across parks. Some seem to be better than others. P a g e | 4 R.M.: More open and accessible spaces. Work towards CAPRA. Increase Commission's knowledge of the Recreation & Human Services side. How will the Fiscal Cliff Impact Parks? K.H.: Commission is not fully representing demographics of Kent Community. Require more outreach/community involvement to get feedback from underrepresented populations of Kent. Discussion: How to address feedback from the community in wanting to take back parks, i.e. cleaning them up and keeping out unwanted behaviors. How do we achieve this? Where or who do we direct them to? B.F.: Interested in learning more about the Recreation Department. What are the “Recipricol / Working agreements / Partnerships” interdepartmental and externally, i.e., school districts with Parks regarding Programs and Youth/Teens? R.F.: Be more of a voice of the community to the council. Let more of the community know that the Commission exists. Piggybacking off of Z.M., how do synthetic parks impact citizens health and the environment? Interest in environment issues i.e. the Rivers, Bicycle trail loop, and trails. Discussion: how to better advertise the commission and what we do to the public for outreach purposes.