HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 01/16/2018 (2)Operations Committee Minutes Approved February 6, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Date: January 16, 2018 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers East Attending: Bill Boyce, Dennis Higgins, and Les Thomas, Chair Agenda: 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Changes to the Agenda. There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Check Summary Reports dated 11/16/17 thru 11/30/17, 12/01/17 thru 12/15/17, and 12/16/17 thru 12/31/17. B. Boyce moved to approve the check summary report dated 11/16/17 thru 11/30/17, 12/01/17 thru 12/15/17, and 12/16/17 thru 12/31/17. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 5. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated December 5, 2017. D. Higgins moved to approve the Operations Committee meeting minutes dated December 5, 2017. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 6. Third Lease Amendment – City and Valley Communications – Cambridge Site - Recommend. City Attorney Tom Brubaker made a request to move forward a third lease amendment between the City’s water utility and Valley Communications Center (Valley Com) for a structure and tower for radio communications, the ground space is located at the Cambridge tank site. The initial lease was entered into on November 22, 1993, and amended on January 8, 2010 and December 14, 2016. This third amendment will extend the lease term through December 31, 2019, and will allow the term to automatically extend on a month-to-month basis, terminable by either party upon thirty days’ notice. The lease allows Valley Com to assign or sublet all or part of the leasehold premises to King County’s Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) project. The County will need to use some of Valley Com’s radio communications facilities to complete this important next-generation emergency radio system. Valley Com will be in charge of the details of any sublease or assignment to King County, then King County will work directly with the City to negotiate a new lease. Operations Committee Minutes Approved February 6, 2018 Page 2 of 3 B. Boyce moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the third lease amendment between the city of Kent and Valley Communications Center for the Cambridge tank site subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney and public works director. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 7. 2018 Insurance Program – Information Only. Risk Manager Chris Hills updated committee members on the City’s 2018 insurance program. Highlights from the conversation are:  Liability – For 2017 the City’s Self-Insured Retention (SIR) increased to $500,000 per loss. The City’s losses developed adversely during 2017. Three lawsuits were settled during the year, all of which included payments by the reinsurer in addition to the City’s payment of the full $250,000 SIR. Considering these loss payments, premiums to remain at the $250,000 SIR increased significantly. Evaluation of losses in the $250,000 to $500,000 layer combined with discussions with Finance suggested that moving to a $500,000 SIR better fits the City’s risk profile and allows coverage to step in where most appropriate, while providing better cash flow due to lower premium.  Worker Compensation – For 2018, our Excess Worker Comp premium remains the same as 2017.  Cyber Risk – This was a new coverage effective February 1, 2017. This coverage provides compensation as well as recovery expenses in the event of a serious Cyber incident, network extortion or ransomware loss. Premium remains the same as 2017 while coverage limits increase to $3 million. All programs (Liability, Worker Compensation and Cyber Risk) remain within budgets projected during the 2017-2018 Budget process. 8. 4th Quarter Procurement Report – Information Only. Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson reported on the third quarter procurement report. There were no significant highlights to report. 9. Director’s Report – Information Only. Mr. BeMiller reported out on two items, they are:  Debt Management Policy Resolution: at the end of 2017 staff issued two interfund loans: 1. an “overnight loan” in the amount of $500,000 to provide general fund cash to the Housing and Community Development (HCD) fund in order to close the HCD fund books in a positive cash Operations Committee Minutes Approved February 6, 2018 Page 3 of 3 position. The loan was taken out December 31, 2017 and returned January 2, 2018. Mayor Cooke provided the Golf fund with the ongoing $4.2 million that came from the Insurance fund. The hope is that the golf fund will only need about half that amount next year with following years decreasing even more and/or going away completely. 2. Crossover Refunding Ordinance: the bonds closed December 28, 2017 with an aggregate principal amount of $13,180,000. The bonds were sold in the aggregate at 118 percent with the net present value debt service savings of the refunded bonds being 5.9 percent, or $871,357. The true interest cost for the bonds was 2.5 percent. The final maturity date for the bonds is no later than December 1, 2029. 10. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m. by L. Thomas. J. Hays Jennifer Hays Operations Committee Secretary