HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 10/29/2018 Page 1 of 2 Approved Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes October 29, 2018 Date: October 29, 2018 Time: 4:00 PM Place: Centennial Center - 1St Flr Attending: Bill Boyce, Chair Erin Buck, John Casey, Tim Higgins, David Kwok, Bryan Powell, Agenda: I. Call to Order 4:00 PM Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Present Erin Buck Present John Casey Present Tim Higgins Present David Kwok Absent Bryan Powell Absent Andy Rosas Absent Barbara Smith Present Andrew Hutchinson Present Andrea Keikala Present II. Changes to the Agenda 3 sets of minutes will be approved at the next LTAC meeting. Previously drafted minutes require editing by the committee secretary so were not submitted to the committee. III. Review Lodging Tax Account Fund Balance Barbara Lopez presented for Aaron BeMiller. Budget report was not submitted for the agenda packet but will be incorporated into the public minutes. IV. Economic Development Update - Bill Ellis Why Kent Valley Matters - Bill Ellis presented the concept of the Kent Valley and its nearly 50/50 split between wholesale and manufacturing category Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes October 29, 2018 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 2 businesses as the primary reason to undertake an overhaul of the LTAC grant awarding process. Real data shows that the majority of travel to the Kent Valley is related to the employment and industries located there. Therefore support of events which take place outside the city limits but support the companies and industries that do call Kent home and which will elevate our brand in advanced manufacturing circles may be a good use of these funds. V. Application Process Michelle provided a brief summary of the changes to the applications and explained the format of the agenda for the benefit of the committee members. VI. Evaluate and Score Grant Applications Discussion and questions from committee members to clarify the evaluation criteria. Chair Boyce, and city staff both provided clarification to committee members charged with scoring the applications. Then a few applications were selected for the committee to go through together and score. After scoring 2 applications as a group, Bill called on individual committee members to share their scores and explain how they arrived at them. He then charged committee members to go home and score the rest on their own, but send their scores to Michelle Wilmot for tallying by ECD administrative staff. Bill Boyce suggested a score aggregator form be sent to each committee member in the next day or two to expedite the process. Date for the next meeting was discussed and settled at Thursday, Nov. 8th, next week. VII. Discuss Committee Membership, need for 1 new member, and term expirations Three Committee Members terms are up at the end of the year, including that of the Chair. All three of those were present and expressed their desire to continue serving on the committee. Bill also discussed the qualifications of a potential new member, who he met with recently and found him to be a very engaged and impressive hotel professional. VIII. Adjournment 5:03 PM The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 pm. Committee Secretary