HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 04/18/2018Economic and Community Development Committee April 9, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved May 14, 2018 4:03 PM Page 1 of 3 Date: April 9, 2018 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Attending: Bill Boyce, Tina Budell, Satwinder Kaur, Committee Secretary Rhonda Bylin; City Staff: Toni Azzola w/ Frank Raymond & Kaitlyn Saunders from the Ferncrest Neighborhood Council; Matt Gilbert, Danielle Butsick, Hayley Bonsteel & Michelle Wilmott. Agenda: 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Taken 3. Changes to the Agenda None 4. Approval of Minutes Committee Member Budell MOVED, Committee Member Kaur SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of March 12, 2018 minutes, motion PASSED 3-0. 5. Fern Crest Neighborhood Council - Resolution Toni Azzola presented the Fern Crest neighborhood request to become a neighborhood council. The neighborhood consists of 191 households and is located on the East Hill of Kent. On March 8, 2018, the Fern Crest neighborhood submitted an official registration form to request that the City recognize their neighborhood council and allow the neighborhood to take part in the City’s neighborhood program. The neighborhood has now completed the process to be recognized as a neighborhood council. Neighborhood Council representatives were longtime resident Frank Raymond and relative newcomer Kaitlyn Saunders, who expressed their excitement to work with the city on multiple community enhancing events and projects. MOTION: Recommend Council adopt a resolution that recognizes the Fern Crest Neighborhood Council, supports its community building efforts, and confers all opportunities offered by the City’s Neighborhood Program. Committee Member Kaur MOVED, Committee Chair Boyce SECONDED a Motion to recommend Council adopt a Resolution for Fern Crest Neighborhood, motion PASSED 3-0. 6. Permitting Process Improvements and Hiring Update Matt Gilbert presented that ECD is working on a number of initiatives to cut waste from the permitting process, beginning by focusing on Minor Utility permits, whose review time will be cut by 9 working days and whose cost will be reduced by 1/3 to ½ of the current rate. We expect our efforts will result in better utilization of staff resources and shorter timelines for permit approvals. In addition, ECD and IT are preparing to introduce electronic plan review later this year. Matt further reported that 1 of 2 new term limited plans examiner position has already been hired, Economic and Community Development Committee April 9, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved May 14, 2018 4:03 PM Page 2 of 3 interviews for inspectors were held last week, so new staff will be aboard by early May. 7. Urban Separators Outreach Findings Danielle Butsick provided an overview of the outreach activities for the Urban separators project which are now complete. The project was established to determine the best use for Kent’s Urban Separators, lands identified as priority areas for preserving wildlife habitat, connecting open space and critical areas, as well as providing recreational and aesthetic benefits for Kent residents. As such they are currently zoned SR-1. Based on docket requests made in 2014 & 2015 to consider zoning changes to these areas, outreach efforts were set up to help assess community response to changing the zoning of these areas. These included a mass mailing inviting people to share their opinions with the city in private interviews, and two public meetings one for the East Hill and one for the West Hill Communities. Findings were that the majority opinion expressed is to maintain urban separators as they are. The 2nd was to make minor changes to facilitate development but carefully to maintain the character of the separators. Some felt incentives should be provided to property owners to maintain their lots as they are. Some citizens questioned the need to look into this, based on only two docket requests since 2014. Others felt that City should focus on improving infrastructure in advance of considering development in previously undeveloped areas. Next Steps will be for staff to develop alternatives and make a recommendation as well as conduct a complete SEPA review. Those concepts will be presented to a future LUPB workshop and Hearing. 8. Economic Development Webpages Michelle Wilmot presented that Economic Development Staff have contracted with JayRay to improve the Economic Development Webpages. Market research shows that 98% of site selectors are searching for data online; including up-to-date information about demographics, key industries, showcases of leading employers, incentives, workforce attributes, and available infrastructure and housing. Additionally, information on available sites/properties via a GIS-enabled component is a feature site selectors expect to see on economic development sites allowing them to visualize exactly where available properties are located in the area. Staff is exploring options for a third-party plug-in solution which puts property and demographic information right onto the website where site selectors want it. Testing has already begun and Wilmott reported that it should be live by the end of the month. Economic and Community Development Committee April 9, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved May 14, 2018 4:03 PM Page 3 of 3 Council member Budell offered some comments regarding the usability of sites which direct users elsewhere for information, without retaining navigability to the original site. Wilmott responded that for budgetary reasons JayRay was utilizing the original website platform, but the plug-in was offering the most requested enhancements to the website in a fiscally responsible way. 9. Acknowledgement of Councilmember Budell’s resignation. Committee Chair Bill Boyce expressed gratitude for Committee member Budell’s service to the ECD Committee, the Kent City Council and the citizens of Kent, and wished her continued success as she relocates to the Chicago area for a new career opportunity with Bank of America. 10. Adjournment 5:54 p.m. ______ ___________________________________ Submitted Rhonda Bylin