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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 02/26/2018Land Use and Planning Board February 26, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Page 1 of 2 Date: February 26, 2018 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Attending: Paul Hintz, Chair; Katherine Jones, Vice Chair; Frank Cornelius; Dale Hartman; Gwen Allen-Carston; Ali Shasti; Danielle Butsick, Long Range Planner; Adam Long, Assistant City Attorney Agenda: 1. Call to Order Vice Chair Jones called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes Vice Chair Jones moved and Board Member Hartman seconded a motion to approve the minutes of November 27, 2017. Motion passed 7-0. 4. Added Items None 5. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings Butsick announced that two public meetings have been scheduled at 7:00 pm on March 8th and March 14th. The first meeting will be held at Panther Lake Elementary School and the second at Sunnycrest Elementary. Chair Hintz Opened the Public Hearing 7. Public Hearing Zoning Code Amendment, Midway Transit Community -1 (MTC-1) Signs [ZCA-2018-1] Butsick stated that this amendment intends to amend the sign codes within the Midway Transit Community area, an area envisioned as the gateway to the Midway area. Staff desires a pedestrian-oriented character for development. The zoning district is characterized by highway frontage, fronts SR-516 on the north end, while the South is bifurcated by SR-99/Pacific Highway. Butsick stated that amendments to the sign code has an emphasis on promoting pedestrian amenities, character, visibility, and meets the needs of people in the area, both pedestrians and motorists as the area is highway oriented. The code will include consistency between jurisdictional regulations, specifically between Kent and Des Moines. The sign code will encourage creative design and help meet the goals of the Midway area and Midway design guidelines. Creative signs generate visual interest and create an attractive and interesting environment for both pedestrians and motorists. Land Use and Planning Board February 26, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Page 2 of 2 Proposed amendments will mirror Des Moines, will increase the allowed monument sign size to be: 20 Feet tall, 100 Square feet total and 50 Square feet per side. The director may allow exceptions to the type and size of signs for freestanding signs that are not monument signs based on the following conditions: 1. No cabinet face may be greater than 40 square feet; 2. If applicants can show creative design, that is attractive at the pedestrian level, and can show that other sign types would not work in a particular environment, staff would allow the sign to be up to 150 Square feet. Language was removed about blinking, flashing, and rotating signs - as it is already referenced in our prohibited signs portion of the code. Butsick gave examples of creative free-standing monument signs. The Board deliberated, with Butsick responding to questions from the Board. Board Member Shasti MOVED and Board Member Jones Seconded a Motion to approve the proposed amendment to 15.06.050 of the Kent City Code related to the sign regulation of the Midway Transit Community as presented. Chair Hintz called for the vote. Motion Passed 7-0. Chair Hintz closed the Public Hearing. Adjournment Chair Hintz seeing no further business adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm. Samuel M Maloney Planning Technician Economic and Community Development