HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 9/18/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 2, 2OI8 Dater Time: Place: September 18, 2018 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at7:04 p.m. with Mayor Ralph presiding. 2. Roll Call Mayor Ralph - Present Council President Boyce - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Satwínder Kaur, Councilmember - Present Marli Larimer, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present 3. Chanqes to the Aoenda Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, added item 4.A,iv. "Proclamation for Attendance Awareness Month," and removed Executive Session item 11A. "Property Negotiations, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(c) - To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease." Council President Boyce moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. 4. PublicCommunicationsA, Public Recognition Lake Meridian Ridge Neighborhood Council Toni Azzola, Neighborhood Program Coordinator, introduced the Lake Meridian Ridge Neighborhood Council and provided information on the City's program. Mayor Ralph presented the proclamation to Kristen Henderson. fntroduction of Michael Frans for Judicial Appointment Mayor Ralph introduced Michael Frans, Frans expressed his appreciation and thanked Judge Jorgensen and Judge Phillips for their support. iii Proclamation for Diaper Needs Awareness Week Mayor Ralph read the proclamation for Diaper Needs Awareness Week ADDED - Proclamation for Attendance Awareness Month Mayor Ralph presented the proclamation for Attendance Awareness Month. Karen DeBrueler, Kent Scool District Board member, Debbie Straus, Vice President of the Kent School District Board, Carmela Jaurequi, Youth and IV Page 1 of I Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington B Approved October 2, 2OL8 Family Case Manager at CENTRO RENDU, and LaTasha Jackson-Rodrigues, Founder and Executive Director of RAP - Restore, Assemble, Produce, accepted the proclamation and provided information regarding their work with students and families. Straus and DeBrueler provided information on research and work to help provide opportunities for students to be present in school. Community Events Council President Boyce advised of the upcoming games for the Thunderbirds and extended an invitation to attend the Seattle Thunderbirds' flag raising ceremony at noon on September 2L,2018 at Kent City Hall. Boyce advised of upcoming Spotlight Series events that will be held at the Kent- Meridian Performing Arts Center and the Kentwood Performing Arts Center. Visit KentArts.com for event details. C. Public Safety Report Assistant Chief Kammerzell gave brief histories on each of the officers being sworn in tonight. Mayor Ralph performed the swearing in of officers Justin Campbell, Brandon Hamilton, and Kelly Robinson. Kammerzell indicated Kevin Strong is the new School Resource Officer for Kent Meridian High School and Meridian Middle School. Kammerzell advised that the Police Department will continue to provide funding for the Alive and Free program and the Commercially, Sexually, Exploited Children program to fight against human trafficking. Kammerzell provided details regarding the four racer emphasis that were conducted over the summer, Kammerzell advised the depaftment promoted Andrew Grove and Robert Hollis to Commanderand indicated they will both be working in the patrol division. Upcoming events include the Ask a Coop Faceook event on October 1Oth from 4- 5 p.m, with the topic of traffic issues and problems, and a community meeting that will be held on October 18th at 7 p.m. at Neely O'Brien Elementary, with the topic of homelessness. 5. Reoorts from Council and Staff Mayor Ralph Mayor Ralph met with county Chiefs and Mayors to discuss gun violence in South County and indicated the chief's will be meeting with King County and ATF to put together a task force. Page 2 of I Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 2, 2018 Mayor Ralph participated on a Commercial Real Estate Women's Organization panel regarding economic development and she conveyed the opportunities for economic development in Kent. Mayor Ralph advised that the King County Council voted unanimously to approve an amendment to the lodging tax ordinance to include $200,000 per year for 10 years beginning in 2021 for the capital improvements to the accesso ShoWare Center. Mayor Ralph expressed her appreciation of King County Council members Reagan Dunn and Peter von Reichbauer for their work to bring funding back to the accesso ShoWare Center. Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer Matheson advised the Mayor's proposed budget is getting close to being finalized and that it will be presented during a special city council meeting at 5 p.m. on September 25, 2018 followed by a special workshop. Matheson detailed the changes to the regular meeting schedule following the September 25th meeting. Matheson advised his written report is in today's agenda packet and there is an executive session for Council to discuss potential litigation that is expected to last 15 minutes with no action anticipated following executive session. Council President Boyce Boyce detailed topics presented during tonight's City Council workshop, including a Sound Transit update from Economic and Community Development that included the status of the Development Agreement and Kent Station Project. Boyce provided a recap of the Public Works construction update from Eric Connor and Tim LaPorte Boyce provided an update on today's Operations Committee agenda items. Boyce indicated the City is working to finalize an agreement with the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority for services provided by each agency. Councilmember Kaur Councilmember Kaur serves on the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Chair Committee and advised that during a recent meeting there was discussion on zero emission vehicles and the recent wildfires. Additionally, Kaur advised that the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency received $610,000 from the Department of Ecology that will be used to remove old stoves and fireplaces in Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties. Kaur advised of the free community dinner that will be held at the Kent Senior Center, Journey to Peace: a community feast and sharing event will take place from 5 p.m, - 7:30 p.m, Visit Projectfeast.org for event details. Councilmember Higgins Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee. The meeting minutes are available online. Page 3 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 2, zOLg Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee and indicated tomorrow's meeting agenda includes a discussion on planning for new routes in the Metro 2024 plan. Councilmember Troutner Councilmember Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee. No report, Councilmember Troutner serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Board and indicated the fire authority has hired 14 people that will start the academy this month, and that CFO Margaret Maftin is retiring and recruitment is in process, Councilmember Trouter serves on the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee, and during the September 12th meeting, the SCA legislative agenda was discussed. Councilmember Troutner serves on the Regional Law Safety and Justice Committee, and the September 27Th agenda includes a presentation from new law enforcement leadership and the City's Chief Padilla will be speaking. Councilmember Thomas Councilmember Thomas serves on the Puget Sound Regaional Fire Authority Board and advised that the next meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on September 19th at Fire Station 78. Councilmember Fincher Councilmember Fincher serves on the Arts Commission and provided details regarding the two recent art competitions. Councilmember Fincher advised of the Human Services Parallel Grant Letter of Interest and indicated the deadline to submit an application is October 5,2018. Councilmember Fincher advised of the upcoming free Wellness Fair at the Kent Senior Center on Sept 22d and indicated you can purchase lunch for $1. 6. Public HearinoA. Public Hearing on the 2OL9-2O2O Biennial Budget Mayor Ralph opened the public hearing, Aaron BeMiller, Finance Department Director provided a detailed overview of the budget process, including challenges addressing the fiscal cliff. BeMiller indicated the Mayor's budget is balanced and sustainable for the biennium and provided fufther details on the baseline (gap)/surplus, department reductions, expenditure changes, revenue changes, and additions. Page 4 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 2, 2OL8 Public Input Tim Clark, a Kent resident, thanked the Council and the Mayor for continuing to set aside Io/o of the budget committed to human services. Clark, speaking as the President of Greater Kent Historical Society, thanked the Council fortheir support of funding the local history museum at 855 East Smith. Boyce moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-O. B. Public Hearing on the 2OL9-2O24 Capital Improvement Plan Mayor Ralph opened the public hearing. Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, provided details on the 2OL9 - 2024 Capital Improvement Plan, including providing information on the requirements under the Growth Management Act, and advised that resources match project costs. Boyce, Thomas moved to close 7-O. 7. Public Comment Julien Loh, Public Policy and Government Affairs Manager for PSE, asked for council to approve item 8D PSE Service Agreement for Green Direct Program. Loh provided information regarding the program. Green Direct 1 is a wind project- 20L7, and Green Direct 2 is a solar project - 2018 Loh thanked the Council for participation in program and expressed appreciation for the work of Derek Matheson and Danielle Butsick. Mayor Ralph thanked Danielle for her work on this project. Tim Clark, President of Greater Kent Historical Society, advised of the Gala "Hoptoberfest," that will be held on October 6th at 6p.m. at the Kent Senior Center. Councilmember Higgins advised he is hosting a table at the event. L Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar ltems A through M, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. A. Minutes of September 4, 20t8t Workshop and Council Meeting Approve Minutes of the September 4,2018 Workshop and Council Meeting were approved, Page 5 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Approval of checks issued for vouchers Date7/3I/t7 Wire Transfers7/3t/t7 Regular Checks7/3t/17 Payment Plus Void Checks7/3L/t7 Use Tax Payable September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Amount $2,583,165.49 $5,578,095.70 $L48,362.72 (ç70,348.24) $1,982.46 58,24L,248.L3 Amount ç2,367,768.38 $3,050,735,50 #32,447.03 $0.00 $1,974.80 ç5,452,925.7L Approved October 2, 2OL8 B. Payment of Bills - Approve Bills received through August 15,2018 and paid on July 31,2018 and August 15, 2018 were approved, after being audited by the Operations Committee on September 4,20L8. Check Numbers 7593 - 7609 726349 - 72680L 101005 - 101025 Approval of checks issued for vouchers:Date Check Numbers8/L5/I8 Wire Transfers 76LO - 76268/L5/t8 Regular Checks 726802 - 7272388/I5/L8 Payment + 101026-101040 Void Checks8/I5/I8 Use Tax Payable Approval of checks issued for pavroll for July 16 - July 31, 2018 and paid on August 3, 2018:Date Check Numbers Amount8/3/18 Checks $0.00 Voids and Reissues8/3/18 Advices 4I3O4O - 4L39I7 $1,858,943.88 $1,959,943.99 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 1 - August 15, 2018 and paid on August 2O,2Ot8:Date Check Numbers Amount8/2O/20I8 Checks $0.00 Voids and Reissues8/20/2018 Advices 413918 - 4L4798 $1.802,895.95 $1,802,995.95 C. Judicial Appointment of Michael Frans - Confirm Council confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Michael Frans as a municipal judge for the Kent Municipal Court, to serve the remaining three-year term of Judge Karli Jorgensen, that will commence on January L,2OI9. Page 6 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 2, 2OL8 D. Puget Sound Energy Service Agreement for Green Direct Program - Ratify Council ratified the Mayor's signature on a service agreement with Puget Sound Energy to purchase power for City-owned and operated facilities through the Green Direct program for a l5-year term. E, Ordinance Amending KCC 15.O8.O35 - Small Cells - Adopt Ordinance No.4286 was adopted, which amends chapter 15.08.035 of the Kent City Code, related to small cell wireless facilities. F. Resolution Recognizing the Lake Meridian Ridge Neighborhood Council - Adopt Resolution No, 1974 was adopted, recognizing the La ke Meridian Ridge Neighborhood Council, supporting its community building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program, G, South 228th Street UPRR Grade Separation Project - Public Highway Overpass Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Public Highway Overpass Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad for the South 228th Street UPRR Grade Separation Project in an amount not to exceed ç307,47L.00 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Consultant Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. for South 228th Street Project Construction Support - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. to provide construction support for the S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation Project for an amount not to exceed #3I2,2L7.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L Consultant Agreements with HDR Engineering Inc. for South 228th Street Project Construction Support Project - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. to provide construction support for the S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation Project in an amount not to exceed $L22,O5L.64, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. J. Recreation and Conservation Office Resolution for Downey Farmstead - Adopt Resolution No.1975 in support of the City's application for grant funding assistance from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board for the Downey Farmstead project was adopted. K. King County Cooperative Watershed Management Grant Agreement for Downey Farmstead - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a grant agreement with King County accepting a 2018 Cooperative Watershed Management grant in the amount of $780,000 for the Page 7 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 18, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 2, 2OL8 Downey Farmstead Restoration project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L. 2018 SAMHSA Drug Free Communities Grant - Accept The Mayor was authorized to sign the Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the amount of $125,000, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the grant funds in accordance with the grant's terms and conditions. M. 2018 Crack Sealing - Accept as Gomplete The Mayor was authorized to accept the 2018 Crack Sealing Project as complete and release retainage to C.R. Contracting LLC, upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. 9. Other Business None. 1O. BidsA. 2018 Curb Ramp Upgrade - Award Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director provided details regarding the Curb Ramp Upgrade project. Councilmember Higgins moved to award Award the 2018 Curb Ramp Upgrade Project to TITAN Earthwork LLC in the amount of $874,O47.6O and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by Councilmember Fincher, the motion passed with a vote ol7-O. 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session REMOVED l€a€'e B. Potential Litigation, as per RCW 42.3O.L1O(1X¡) At 8:13 p.m., the Council convened into Executive Session. At 8:3O p.ñ., Executive Session was extended an additional 1O minutes. At 8:38 p.ffi., Executive Session was extended an additional 5 minutes. At 8:44 p.ffi., the Council reconvened into regular session. L2. RalM h adj rn the ng at 8:44 pm Kimberley City Clerk Kom September 18, 2018 Page 8 of I