HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 5/1/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May15,2018 Date: May 1, 2018Time: 7 p.m. Placer Council Chambers East/West Attending: Mayor Dana Ralph Bill Boyce, Council President Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with Mayor Ralph presiding 2. Roll Call Mayor Ralph - Present Council President Boyce - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Excused Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present 3. Changes to the Aoenda Council President Boyce added item 8H, an excused absence for Councilmember Thomas. Council President Boyce moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilmember Higgins. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 5-O. 4. PublicCommunications A. Public Recognition i. Proclamation for Affordable Housing Week Mayor Ralph presented Jo Cherland from Catholic Community Services with the proclamation for Affordable Housing Week. Cherland expressed her appreciation of the City's proclamation and provided goals of Catholic Community Services. Proclamation for Hillside Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden Day Mayor Ralph presented Tahmina Martelly, from World Relief Seattle with the proclamation for Hillside Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden Day. Page 1 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved Mayl5, 2018 Martelly, Pastor Grantley Martelly, and a Burma refugee, expressed their appreciation of the proclamation and provided details on the creation of the garden and extended an invitation to the grand opening and fundraiser on May 9, 2OL8, from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Hillside Church located at 930 E. James Street, iii Proclamation for Kent Healthy Eating Month Mayor Ralph presented Shamso Issak, along with members of Living Well Kent, with the proclamation for Kent Healthy Eating Month. The members expressed their appreciation of the proclamation and extended an invitation to a celebration of the proclamation on May 12th at the Kent Commons from 11-2 p.m. iv Proclamation for Kent Rotary Day Mayor Ralph presented Billy and Julie Shott, with the proclamation for Kent Rotary Day. Julie and Billy Shott expressed their appreciation of the proclamation and extended an invitation to attend and be a part of the Kent Rotary. V Employee of the Month of May Mayor Ralph recognized Tammy White as the City's May employee of the month. Pat Fitzpatrick provided a brief history of Tammy's employment at the City and conveyed his appreciation of Tammy's work. Tammy expressed her appreciation of the award. B. Community Events Council President Boyce provided information regarding upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center. Visit accessoShoWareCenter.com for additional details. Councilmember Kaur advised of the Kent Rotary Annual Dinner Auction that will be held on May 5th at the Green River College Lindbloom student Union in Auburn from 5-9p.m. Councilmember Kaur also advised of the Greater Kent Historical Society's plant and book sale on May 12th from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Councilmember Higgins encouraged the public to join the Kiwanis Club of Kent Crab Feed on May 19th atthe Kent Senior Center. There will be two seatings at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Councilmember Troutner advised that the Kent Downtown Partnership is hosting their Team up to Clean Up on May 12th from 8 * noon. 5. Reoorts from Council and Staff Mayor Ralph Page 2 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May15,2018 Mayor Ralph attended the Kent Little League opening day and successfully threw the first pitch. Mayor Ralph attended a meeting with Pacific Metallurgical, a Kent company that strengthens metal and has been nominated as Small Manufacturer of the Year. Mayor Ralph attended the Transportation Policy Board and the Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board. Work continues the Transportation Plan Update. Ralph indicated the additional language that was requested to support park-n-rides was included. Mayor Ralph visited Sunrise Elementary students last week, an attended the CERT training graduation last weekend, and participated in the Kent Meridian High School multicultural assembly celebrating diversity in Kent. Mayor Ralph advised that the next budget roadshow is scheduled for May 17th Mayor Ralph advised that the Chief Administrative Officer's report is in the packet Mayor Ralph provided comments regarding her recent State of the City address. Council President Boyce Council President Boyce provided a recap of today's Operations Committee meeting Boyce advised that the State Auditor on site performing an audit of City's finances. Boyce provided a brief recap of tonight's City Council workshop regarding 2OL7 year- end financial report and 2018 street repair program. Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association's Public Issues Committee. No report Councilmember Kaur Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Advisory Council. No repoft. Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Growth Management Planning Council. No report. Councilmember Higgins Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee. No report Higgins serves as an alternate on the Regional Transit Committee. The topic of the last meeting included a discussion on the One Center City initiative with the City of Seattle. Councilmember Troutner Page 3 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved Mayl5,2018 Councilmember Troutner serves on the Sound Cities Association Regional Law, Safety and Justice Committee. No report. Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee. No report Troutner serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Governance Board. During the last meeting Kent Police Officers James Sherwood and Daniel Ross received life-saving awards for saving a resident. Councilmember Fincher Councilmember Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association Mental Health and Drug Dependency Oversight Committee. The committee authorized a budget adjustment to receive additional funding from King County Council and Discussed safe harbors and how to get more beds for opioid addiction. Community-driven grants were discussed in addition to the physical and behavior healthcare integration program. Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association King Conservation District Advisory Committee. Fincher serves on the Urban and Rural Forestry committee that is looking at who they are serving, how they are serving, and evaluating if they are the best people to provide services. Fincher ís the chair of the Parks and Human Services Committee. During the last meeting the committee heard a presentation regarding the Parks, Planning and Development department. Fincher advised that Camp W.A. L. K.A. P.A. L.A. participants will get to experience the Science Technology Engineering Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) initiative. Fincher is the Council's Liaison to Arts Commission and advised that the acts for the 2018-2019 Spotlight Series have been booked and that the Kent Creates "Light up the Dark" contest winners are posted on the City's website. 6. Public Hearing None 7. Public Comment Andy Hough, a Kent resident, expressed his concerns over the City's recent request for tax increases and suggesting allowing retail marijuana sales in the City. Karen Minahan, a Kent resident, asked questions regarding the Marquee on Meeker project. Todd Minor, a Kent resident, expressed his support of Proposition A. Minor suggested changing the method the message is conveyed to the voters on any future propositions. Minor wants the City to be creative on how funds are raised to support additional officers and encourages communications via social media outlets. Page 4 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Check Numbers 7460 - 7474 722950 - 723404 100818 - 100832 May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington Amount ç2,L89,004.57 #5,L7L,158.57 s42,338.O4 Approved Mayl5, 2018 8. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar ltems A through H, seconded by Councilmember Kaur. The motion passed unanimously with a 5-O vote. A. Minutes of April L7 | zOLg Workshop and Council Meeting, and April 24t 2OL8 Special Meeting - Approve Minutes of the April 17, 2018 Workshop and Council meetings and April 24,2018 Special meeting were approved. B. Payment of Bills - Approve Bills received through March 31, 2018 and paid on March 31, 2018 were approved. The Operations Committee audited the payment of bills on April 17, 2018. Approval of checks issued for vouchers Date 0313L/tB Wire Transfers O3/3L/L8 Regular Checks O3/3L/LB Payment Plus Void Checks O3/3L/78 Use Tax Payable $2,793.7O $7,405,294.88 Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 15, 2018 through March 31, 2018 and paid on April 5, 2018: Date Check Numbers Amount 4/5/20L8 Checks 0 Voids and Reissues 4/5/2OLB Advices 405772 - 406667 çL,720,L59.3L $1,720,159.31 C. Hyas Group Investment Consultant Services Agreement - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with the Hyas Group for Investment Consulting Services for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan for three years, subject to approval of final terms and conditions by the Human Resources Director and the City Attorney. D. Resolution for Grant Application to the Recreation and Conservation Office for Drainage Improvements at Service Club Ball Field Park - Adopt Resolution No. 1966 was adopted, authorizing the submittal of grant application #18- L527 to the Recreation and Conservation Office, to assist in funding drainage improvements at Service Club Ballfields Park. Page 5 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved Mayl5,2018 E, Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No.4275 was adopted, amending Section 2.60.020 of the Kent City Code to reduce the membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission from 16 to 12 members, providing for only one youth representative position, and creating an alternate position on the Commission. F, Human Services Commission Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4276 was adopted, amending Section 2.53.040 of the Kent City Code to create an alternate position on the Human Services Commission. G. Right-of-Way Dedication for South 224th Street Project - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a deed dedicating right-of-way along South 218th Street for the South 224th Street Improvement Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Excused Absence for Councilmember Thomas - Approve Council approved an excused absence for Councilmember Thomas for the May 1, 2018 Council meeting. 9. Other Business None 1O. Bids A. 2018 Asphalt Overlays Project - Award Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, provided a brief overview of the 2018 asphalt overlays project. Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2O18 Asphalt Overlays Project to ICON Materials in the amount ol $L,754,376,OO and authorized the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by Councilmember Fincher, motion passed 5-O. B, 2018 Asphalt Grinding Project - Award Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, provided a brief overview of the 2018 asphalt grinding project. Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2O18 Asphalt Grinding Project to Statewide Parking Lot Services, Inc., in the amount of $7O,95O.OO and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by Councilmember Troutner, motion passed 5-O. 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session None Page 6 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Approved May15,2018 12. Adiournment Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. & Kimberley City Clerk Ko May 1, 2018 May 1, 2018 Kent, Washington PageT of7