HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 4/17/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April t7, 2018 Kent, Washington Date: Time: PIace: Attending: Approved May 1, 2018 April L7, 2018 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Mayor Dana Ralph Bill Boyce, Council President Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at7:O4 p.m. with Mayor Ralph presiding 2. Roll Call Mayor Ralph - Present Council President Boyce - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present 3. Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. Council President Boyce moved to accept the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilmember Higgins. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-O. 4. PublicCommunications A. Public Recognition i. Recognition of State Legislators Mayor Ralph expressed her appreciation for the City's legislators - Senator Karen Keiser, Senator Joe Fain, Senator Bob Hasegawa, Rep. Pat Sullivan, Rep. Tina Orwall, Rep. Mark Hargrove, Rep. Steve Bergquist, Rep, Hudgins - for taking the time to meet with us and our lobbyist last fall and during the 60-day 2018 legislative session to understand Kent's needs and to go to bat for us where it really mattered. Rep. Mark Hargrove and Senator Karen Keiser expressed their appreciation for Kent recognizing the efforts of all the City's legislators and indicated it is a team effort, Page I of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April L7, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 Recognition of Doug Levy Mayor Ralph recognized long-time lobbyist Doug Levy, who has loyally served the City of Kent, since 1999. Doug, who has worked closely with our staff, local elected officials and legislators, has taken dedication to a new level - working 100 hours a week during session, to make sure he represents our interests and that we are kept apprised of all that's happening in Olympia. Doug started lobbying for Kent in 1999 when Mayor Jim White was here. He has since worked with Mayor Suzette Cooke and now Mayor Dana Ralph, and a handful of Chief Administrative Officers including John Hodgson, Tom Brubaker and Derek Matheson. Among Doug's many talents is his ability to develop good relationships with our staff and our legislators - keeping true to the idea that advocacy is a "team sport." Councilmembers conveyed their appreciation of Doug and all the work that he has done for the City. Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer expressed his appreciation and indicated Doug is the best of the best, and his passion and integrity is unmatched. Doug expressed his appreciation of the council, legislators, and community members and conveyed his deep gratitude for Kent hiring him back in 1999. Doug indicated that, without legislators that care, things could not get done and he is extremely proud that he has been a part of Kent's accomplishments. ii. Fern Crest Neighborhood Council Toni Azzola, Neighborhood Programs Coordinator, provided an overview of the City's neighborhood program and presented the neighborhood certification to members of the Fern Crest Neighborhood Council, the City's 36th Neighborhood Council. iii. Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Comm¡ssion Mayor Ralph advised of the appointment of Barry Fretwell to the Kent Parks and Recreation Commission to fill a vacancy for the remainder of a four-year term that expires October 3L, 2OL9. B. Community Events Council President Boyce provided information regarding upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center. Visit accessoShoWareCenter.com for additional details. Councilmember Fincher advised of Earth Day April 21't Riverview Park 9-noon, and the April 28th work party at Clark Lake Park that begins at 9 a.m. Councilmember Kaur advised that the Kent Yangzhou Sister City Committee host a fundraising dinner event at the Senior Center on April 20th at 5:30 p.m. Money Page 2 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April L7, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 raised will be used for scholarships. Visit their website or email Kent Yangzhou Sister City Com mittee@ KentYangzhou. com C. Public Safety Update Chief Ken Thomas expressed his appreciation of Doug Levy and for his work for Kent Police Department, the City and law enforcement statewide. Chief Thomas indicated that Levy worked in Olympia and started gang intervention/prevention programs and a gang law database. Chief Thomas Recognized and thanked Tina Budell for her support of the Kent Police Department. Chief Thomas introduced Officer Robert Bonjukian and Mayor Ralph conducted the official swearing in. Officer Bonjukian introduced his family and expressed his appreciation of his family and Chief Thomas. Chief Thomas provided a public safety update that included information on National Volunteer Week and the work of Kent's Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS). Chief Thomas awarded a Letter of Commendation to all the VIPS members. Joe Cimaomo and Sandy Williams accepted the award. Chief expressed his appreciation of Marla Pinelli's work coordinating the VIPS program. Chief Thomas advised that April 24th is the last day to vote for Proposition A and provided information on the ratio of officers to population and crimes per officer. 5. Reports from Council and Staff Mayor Ralph participated in the "Go Green" conference that provides private sector and municipalities with best practices to support our environment. Mayor Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board that recently adopted the regional transportation plan. Mayor Ralph serves on the South Country Transportation Board. The recent agenda included a presentation on growth and planning and how Kent takes part of determining how density stays in the urban growth boundaries. Mayor Ralph advised that she visited the Farrington Court Retirement Community and thanked them for the flowers they sent to her. Mayor Ralph advised that the second installment of the budget roadshow will take place on Saturday, April 21st at 10 a.m. at Sunrise Elementary. Page 3 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 17,2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 Mayor Ralph invited everyone to attend her state of the City address that will be held on Thursday, April 26th at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. A reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. prior to the event. Mayor Ralph participated in the Sound Cities Association's One Table group discussion addressing the root cause of homelessness, including criminal backgrounds, kids in foster care aging out, mental health and substance abuse, and the lack of affordable housing. Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, advised that his report is in the packet. Matheson indicated that the City will contract with Briahna Murray, with Gordon Thomas Honeywell. Murray represents the cities of Tacoma and Bellevue along with other smaller cities. Matheson provided contract details. Matheson indicated there is no executive session today. Council President Boyce Boyce provided a brief recap of tonight's City Council workshop regarding the chambers renovation and the YMCA project. Details are available in the workshop minutes. Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee. No report Boyce provided details on how to apply for the city council vacancy. Councilmember Kaur Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Advisory Council. During the April LL,2018, meeting, there were recommendations on greenhouse gas emission reductions. Kaur advised that she has been nominated as the chair of the committee and a vote will take place later this month. Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Growth Management Planning Council. No report Councilmember Higgins Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee. Yesterday's meeting is in the minutes and indicated that the committee has recommended the council adopt an ordinance creating a residential parking zone in the Mill Creek neighborhood. Higgins advised that he has been assigned as an alternate to the Regional Transit Committee and their next meeting is April with an agenda of the One Center City Initiative. Page 4 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April L7, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 Councilmember Troutner Councilmember Troutner serves on the Sound Cities Association Regional Law, Safety and Justice Committee. Next meeting is May 24th. Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee and during the April 10th meeting, Chief Thomas presented information on take home cars, Troutner invited the public to attend the Coffee with the Chief, on April 18th at a a.m. at the Dilettante Mocha Café in the Kent Station. Troutner advised that the Kent Police Department is hosting a Prescription Take Back Day on April 28th from 10-2 p.m. Visit KentWA.gov for more information. Troutner reminded registered voters to read through the voter's guide and vote by April 24th. Councilmember Thomas Councilmember Thomas serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Board and indicated the next meeting is April 18th at 5:30 p.m. at Station 78. Thomas encouraged everyone to vote. Councilmember Thomas is the chair of the Operations Committee and indicated his report is in the minutes. Councilmember Fincher Councilmember Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association Mental Health and Drug Dependency Oversight Committee and indicated the next meeting is scheduled for next week. Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association King Conservation District Advisory Committee and the Urban Forestry workgroup met last week. Fincher is the chair of the Parks and Human Services Committee and advised that they are hiring referees and umpires. Fincher indicated a Request for Proposals is available online for a new restaurant at Riverbend. Fincher also advised of new golf programs for youth and encouraged everyone to visit KentWA,gov for details. 6. Public Hearing None 7. Public Comment Sylvia Hildebrandt, a resident of Kent, provided comment regarding Proposition A and quiet skies. Page 5 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Check Numbers 7440 - 7459 722279 - 722949 100786 - 100817 April 17, 2018 Kent, Washington Amount $3,051,930.50 $2,7O2,342.8L $L32,3LL.62 Approved May 1, 2018 8. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar ltems A through I, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 6-O vote. A. Minutes of April 2, 2OLg Workshop and Council Meeting - Approve Minutes of the April 3, 2018 Workshop and Council meetings were approved. B. Payment of Bills - Approve Bills received through March 15, 2018 and paid on March 15, 2018 were approved The Operations Committee audited the payment of bills on April 3, 2018. Approval of checks issued for vouchers Date 03/L5/LB Wire Transfers O3/L5/t8 Regular Checks O3|L5/LB Payment Plus Void Checks 03/L5/LB Use Tax Payable $5,025.41 $5,891,610.34 Approval of checks issued for payroll for March 1, 2018 through March 15, 2018 and paid on March 20,20L8: Date Check Numbers Amount3/20/2OtB Checks 0 Voids and Reissues 3/20/20L8 Advices 404907 - 4O577L 9t.732,262.26 $L,732,262.26 C. Resolution Recognizing the Fern Crest Neighborhood Council - Adopt Resolution No. 1965 was adopted, recognizing the Fern Crest Neighborhood Council, supporting its community building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. D. South 218th Street Schedule 74 Undergrounding and Joint Trench Agreements - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Schedule 74 Underground Conversion Agreement with Puget Sound Energy and Joint Trench Agreements with Comcast and Centurylink for utility undergrounding on South 218th Street as part of the South 224th Street Phase 2 project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. E. Contract Amendment with AECOM for Upper Mill Creek Dam - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a contract amendment with AECOM for engineering services in the amount of $t07,452.5L, for the completion of the Page 6 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 77,2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 design of the Upper Mill Creek Dam project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. F. Document Routing System - Information Technology Consultant Services, Robert Half International - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to approve an extension of the City's contract with Robert Half International to provide business analysis services necessary to assist the City's Information Technology Department with active projects in a total amount not to exceed $110,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director, and the City Attorney. G. Document Routing System - Informat¡on Technology Consultant Services, Prime Team Partners - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign an extension of the City's contract with Prime Team Partners to provide business analysis services necessary to assist the City's Information Technology Department with active projects through December 31, 20L8, in an amount not to exceed $190,000, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director, and the City Attorney, H. Park Place Bill of Sale - Accept The Mayor was authorized to accept the Bill of Sale from Harbour Homes LLC for the Park Place project as detailed in items A, B,C, D, E, and F. I. Appointment to Parks and Recreat¡on Commission - Confirm Council confirmed Mayor Ralph's appointment of Barry Fretwell to the Kent Parks and Recreation Commission to fill a vacancy for the remainder of a four-year term that expires October 3I, 2Ot9. 9. Other Business None 1O. Bids None 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session None 12, Adjournment May or Ral ph adj ourned the m ng at 8:21 p.m. û Kimberley City Clerk Komoto April 17, 2018 PageT of7