HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 5/15/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15,2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/L8
Date: May 15, 2018
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: Council Chambers East/West
Attending: Mayor Dana Ralph
Bill Boyce, Council President
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
Toni Troutner, Councilmember
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m, with Mayor Ralph presiding.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Ralph - Present
Council President Boyce - Present
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present
Les Thomas, Councilmember - Excused
Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present
3. Changes to the Agenda
Council President Boyce moved to approve the agenda as presented,
seconded by Councilmember Higgins. The motion passed unanimously with
a vote of 5-O.
4. PublicCommunications
A. Public Recognition
i. Swearing in of Chief Padilla
Mayor Ralph performed the swearing in of Chief Rafael Padilla. Chief Padilla
expressed his appreciation of the opportunity to serve as the City of Kent
Police Chief.
Representative Tina Orwall - Legislative Update - Session Wrap-up
Representative Tina Orwall provided an update on recent legislative activity,
including the number of bills introduced and signed by the Governor,
provided highlights including housing trust fund/homelessness statewide
drug take back, net neutrality, student load debt bills, K-L2 teacher
compensation, special education, and pathways. Rep. Orwall indicated some
of the disappointments include not fixing the car tab miscalculation, property
taxes, public records, and streamlined sales tax.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/t8
Information was presented regarding SOAR HB 1169, abandoned properties
HB 2057, suicide prevention, and the airport impact study. The Capital
Budget 20L7-Lg was enacted that included funding for the Kona Kai Coffee
training center, YMCA Building Communities Grant, Mill Creek Flood Control
Project, Puget Sound Skills Center, and Sea Mar dental capacity.
Priorities for the next session include youth and firearms, human trafficking,
language access, K-LZ suicide prevention, affordable housing/workforce
housing, and apprenticeships.
Council expressed their appreciation of Rep. Orwall's work and asked her to
make streamlined sales tax a priority.
ilt.Community Arts Support Grant Recipient
Lindsey Schumway provided information regarding the grant that she wrote
and ultimately received 1/z of the grant amount requested for community arts
support. Schumway showed a Powerpoint of the project that benefitted 3,000
students. Schumway unveiled the "Love begins with me" project that was
created with the use of the grant funds.
tv.Kent Lions Club Recognition
Brian Levenhagen, Deputy Parks Director recognized the Kent Lions Club's
B0 years of serving the Kent Community and provided details regarding
projects including Cornucopia Days, the Kent Farmers Market, Winterfest at
Town Square Plaza, the special needs fishing derby, multiple projects
supporting Kent Parks, and projects that benefit the Kent Senior Center.
Proclamation for National Police Week
Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for National Police Week to Chief
Padilla and the police department.
vi. Proclamation for National Public Works Week
Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for National Public Works Week to
the City's Public Works staff. Katie Fischnaller, Storm Maintenance Worker,
provided details regarding the public works event that will be held at the
accesso ShoWare Centeron May 31'tfrom 10 am - 3:30 p.m. Information is
available at KentWA.gov.
vii.Proclamation for Relay for Life - Kent Days
Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for Relay for Life - Kent Days to
Shannon Crawford.
Proclamation for Kent International Day
Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for Kent International Day to
members of the Kent International Festival committee members. This year's
festival will be held at the accesso ShoWare Center on Saturday, June 2nd
vil t.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/L8
with the theme "Learn from Each Other." Nancy Skipton expressed her
appreciation of the proclamation and of the volunteers that help to put on
the event.
B. Community Events
Council President Boyce provided information regarding recent and upcoming events
at the accesso ShoWare Center. Visit accessoShoWareCenter,com for additional
Councilmember Kaur invited the public to attend the Rotary Fishing Event on May
19th fromT:30 a.m. - noon at the Old Fishing Hole, The event is free, and all supplies
are provided, Call 253-856-5030 to register.
Councilmember Kaur invited the public to attend the Khalsa day parade at the access
Showare Center Saturday May 26th, parade begins at 3 p.m.
C. Public Safety Report
Chief Padilla presented a lifesaving award to Officer Daniel Ross and Officer James
Sherwood for their lifesaving efforts using CPR and an AED.
Chief Padilla presented the Chief's Award of Citizen Commendation to Jacob Terrell
for his contribution to helping arrest and charge a suspect with a crime.
Chief Padilla indicated today is national Peace Officers Memorial Day and this is
National Police Officers Appreciation Week. Padilla expressed his appreciation of the
community support for the police department.
Chief Padilla provided information regarding the racer emphasis that took place over
the last weekend that resulted in 22 arrests, 17 vehicles impounded, and 10 vehicles
that were left behind. Chief Padilla indicated the racer emphasis will continue.
5. Reoorts from Council and Staff
Mayor Ralph
Mayor Ralph advised that Pacific Metallurgical received the gold award for the 2018
Washington's Manufacturer of the Year.
Mayor Ralph advised that she had the opportunity to speak to students during the
Civic Tuesday event held at Highline Community College.
Mayor Ralph advised that she attended the Flood Control Advisory Meeting this week
and attended the WRIA 9 meeting that focused on salmon habitat.
Mayor Ralph indicated the Transportation Policy Board continues their work on the
Vision 2050.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/L8
Mayor Ralph advised that during the South County Area Transportation Policy Board
meeting, there was a presentation from Metro Connects and that she is making sure
consideration is given to making access to transit available to shift workers in Kent.
Chief Administrative Officer
Derek Matheson advised that he recently attended the International City County
Manager's Association West conference.
Matheson indicated two save-the-dates for the Mayor and Council: Tuesday, June
12th at 5 p.m., to interview the seven finalists for City Council Position No. 1. The
date will be finalized after Councilmember Thomas returns, and Friday, July 13th for
the second budget mini-retreat to be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Platform Apartments.
Matheson advised his report is in today's agenda packet and there is no executive
Council President Boyce
Boyce provided a brief recap of tonight's City Council workshop regarding the Sound
Transit Sounder Access Improvement Project and 228th/224th Street Corridor Funding
Remaining Segments.
Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association's Public Issues Committee. The Medic
One Medical Services Levy will be reauthorized for 2O2O-2O25.
Boyce advised that Mayor Ralph sits on the One Table committee that is looking for
solution to homelessness.
Boyce advised that the Best Starts for Kids committee met last week and discussed
sending a proposal to King County for zero detention for youth ages 9-15-year old's.
Councilmember Kaur
Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Puget Sound Clean Air
Agency Advisory Council. She was elected as the Chair. The staff heard a
presentation focusing on recommendations to the Puget Sound Regional Council that
included low carbon fuel standards. Additionally, air quality sensors were discussed
including the inaccuracy of hand held, online versions. The Puget Sound Clean Air
Agency is working on a project to calibrate devices and lend to the public.
Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Growth Management
Planning Council. No report.
Councilmember Higgins
Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee. Meeting notes
are in the minutes and are available online.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/L8
Higgins serves as an alternate on the Regional Transit Committee, Tomorrow's
meeting agenda includes discussion on the Transit Capital Program and Innovative
Councilmember Troutner
Councilmember Troutner serves on the Sound Cities Association Regional Law, Safety
and Justice Committee. No report,
Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee. No report
Troutner serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Governance Board. No
Councilmember Fincher
Councilmember Fincher serves on the Arts Commission that is dedicating the artwork
on the utility boxes that will be held on May 30, 2018 at noon at the Kent Commons.
The Arts Commission is working on the integration of public art with the Meet Me on
Meeker projects, including planning for the public art.
Fincher advised that the summer art exhibit will be held on June 6, 20L8, at the
Centennial Center starting at 5 pm. Artists will be in attendance.
Fincher is the chair of the Parks and Human Services Committee. There is a Green
Kent Day at Park Orchard Park on June 10, 2OL8, from 9-noon.
Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association Mental Health and Drug Dependency
Oversight Committee. No report.
Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association King Conservation District Advisory
Committee. No report.
6. Public Hearino
7. Public Comment
Tim Brown, a Kent resident, spoke in opposition to placing Proposition A on the ballot
again in 2018 and suggested trying again next year.
Mayor Ralph responded that Proposition A will not be placed on the ballot again in
Austin Freeman, a Des Moines resident, thanked Mayor Ralph for the opportunity to
job shadow her today. Austin spoke regarding Proposition A.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
Check Numbers
7475 - 749L
723405 - 723728
100833 - 100850
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/t8
Grant Weasner, a Kent resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed residential
neighborhood zone parking ordinance.
8. Consent Calendar
Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar ltems A
through F, seconded by Councilmember Higgins with the change to item 8.4
changing the date of the minutes from May 15 to May 1, 2018.
The motion passed unanimously with a 5-O vote.
A. Minutes of May 1, 2018 Workshop and Council Meeting - Approve
Minutes of the May 1, 2018 Workshop and Council meeting were approved.
B. Payment of Bills - Approve
Bills received through April 15,2018 and paid on April,2OLS were approved. The
Operations Committee audited the payment of bills on May L,20t8.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers
O4/L5/t8 Wire Transfers
04/15/L8 Regular Checks
04/L5/L8 Payment Plus
Void Checks
O4/t5/L8 Use Tax Payable $4,247.32
Approval of checks issued for oayroll for April t,2Ot8 through April 15, 2018
and paid on April 20,2OL8:
Date Check Numbers Amount
4/2O/20L8 Checks 0
Voids and Reissues
4/2O/2OLB Advices 406668 - 407598 $1.769,191,90
C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Thomas - Approve
Council approved an excused absence for Councilmember Thomas.
D. School Zone Traffic Safety Camera Program Fund Expenditures -
Council approved the expenditure of $868,000 from the School Zone Traffic Safety
Camera Fund, amend the budget, and authorize the Mayor to sign all documents
necessary to purchase 14 police vehicles in order to initiate a car-per-officer program,
subject to final terms acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/51L8
E. CORE Networking Routing Contract for Technical Hardware Upgrade
- Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to purchase technology equipment through the
cooperative purchasing agreement that the State Department of Enterprise Services
has with Cisco Systems, Inc., if those purchases are within the City's established
budgets and made during the term of the State contract, which is current through
March 3L,2OL9, and any later contract extensions the State may authorize, subject
to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and
City Attorney.
F. South 228th Street Interurban Trail Connector Project Acceptance of
Grant Funds - Accept
The Mayor was authorized to sign the grant agreement to accept grant funds from
the Washington State Department of Commerce in the amount of $485,000 for the
South 228th Street Inter-Urban Trail Connector Project, establish a budget for the
funds, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director.
9. Other Business
1O. Bids
A. 2018 Crack Sealing Project - Award
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, provided a brief overview of the 2018 crack
sealing project.
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2O18 Crack Sealing Project to
C.R. Contracting in the amount of $13O,115.OO, and authorize the Mayor to
sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by
Councilmember Fincher, motion passed 5-O.
B. 2018 Paint Line Striping and RPM Replacement Project - Award
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, provided a brief overview of the 2018 paint line
striping and RPM replacement project.
Councilmember Higgins moved to the 2018 Paint Line Striping and RPM
Replacement Project to Stripe Rite, Inc., in the amount of $2561855.OO, and
authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms
and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
Seconded by Councilmember Troutner, motion passed 5-O.
C. Kent Springs and Pump Station No. 4 Electrical Upgrades Project -
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, provided a brief overview of the Kent springs and
pump staton No. 4 electrical upgrades project.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 15, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved 6/5/LB
Councilmember Higgins moved to the Kent Springs and Pump Station No. 4
Electrical Upgrades Project to Colvico, Inc., in the amount of $111O2 1943.14
and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works
Director. Seconded by Councilmember Fincher, motion passed 5-O.
11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session
12. Adjournment
Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Kimberley A.
City Clerk
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