HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 3/20/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2OL8 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved April 3, 2018 March 20,2Ot8 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Mayor Dana Ralph Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at7 p.m. with Mayor Ralph presiding. 2. Roll Call Mayor Ralph - Present Council President Boyce - Present Tina Budell, Councilmember - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present 3. Changes to the Agenda Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, added item 70 - Overview of Rental Housing Inspection Program Ordinance. Council President Boyce moved to accept the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilmember Thomas, The motion passed unanimously with a vote ol 7-O. 4. PublicCommunications A. 2018 Legislative Session Update from Senator Karen Keiser Senator Karen Keiser provided a legislative update that included information regarding the supplemental and capital budgets. The capital budget included a $2 appropriation for the Mill Creek flood control project and $1m for the YMCA. The Transportation budget included $3m for the roundabout project at the Naden site. Senator Keiser indicated she will work with Kent to ensure that Kent does not come up short regarding streamline sales tax. The Department of Revenue is currently conducting a revenue study. Page 1 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2OL8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 Details were provided regarding fully-funding education. Senator Keiser provided details regarding bills that Kent worked oh, including Senate Búl 6t97, and the body camera bill. Senator Keiser expressed her appreciation for the work of Chief Thomas for his leadership on Initiative 940. Mayor and Councilmembers expressed their appreciation of Senator Keiser's work during this past legislative session. B. Public Recognition Mayor Ralph recognized Kent Parks and multimedia staff for the best t-shirt design silver award desÍgn for the Kent Cornucopia race and the bronze award for design for the Christmas Rush. Appointment to the Arts Commission Mayor Ralph recognized Sandi Westman. Appointments to the Bicycle Advisory Board Mayor Ralph recognized Lynell Mooney, John Otakie, Wendy Graves and Aaron Dent, along with Andrew (Andy) Sobczyk and Brandon Swanson Appointment to the Human Services Commission Mayor Ralph recognized Sara Grace Roach Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission Mayor Ralph recognized Kathleen Cordelia Roberts Connection Condominiums and Laurel Springs Lower Community Neighborhood Councils Toni Azzola, Neighborhood Program Coordinator, provided a brief overview of the City's Neighborhood Program. Toni recognized Connection Condominiums and Lauren Springs Lower Community Neighborhoods. C. Community Events Council President Boyce advised of past and current events held at the accesso ShoWare Center. Visit accesso ShoWare.com for ticketing information. Councilmember Fincher advised of the upcoming Green Kent Events in addition to the upcoming Spotlight Series Event. Councilmember Kaur advised of the upcoming World Dance Party that will be held at the Kent Senior Center on March 24, ZOLB,4 pm. Visit Kent International Festival.com for more information. IV V Page 2 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2Ot8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 D. Public Safety Update Chief Thomas provided a brief background of Officer Daniel Brom. Mayor Ralph performed the swearing in of Officer Brom. Fire Chief Matt Morris and Officer Reed joined Chief Thomas in the presentation of the Chief's Award for Valor to Firefighter Jim Blatt for his assistance to officer Reed. On January 18, 2018, Officer Reed was investigating a traffic collision of a suspected DUI driver, the driver pulled handgun. Firefighter Blatt jumped in and assisted Officer Reed to control the subject. Firefighter Blatt continued to assist officer Reed until the suspect was handcuffed. Chief Thomas presented Officer Ian Warmington with the Officer of the Year award Officer Warmington was recognized by his peers for his devoted services. Chief Thomas presented Officer Amber Horejsi as the Corrections Officer of the Year award. Chief Thomas presented Karen Wesson as the Civilian Staff Member of the Year award. Chief Thomas advised of the upcoming community meeting at the Kent Senior Center in addition to the Diversity Task Force Meeting at the training center. 5. Reports from Council and Staff Mayor Ralph Mayor Ralph advised of her recent visit with students in Mrs. Saucedo's class at Kent Elementary. Mayor Ralph recently met with Spady family, the owners of Dick's Drive in. The ground breaking is expected in April with an opening in October. Mayor Ralph provided information regarding her work with Senator Keiser and other jurisdictions regarding streamline sales tax and the study being done that will be presented to the legislature. Mayor Ralph attended the South County Area Transportation Policy Board. The board discussed the macro economic forecast that is projecting to the year 2050. Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson, advised that the Mayor and Council have been discussing the 2OL9-2O2O budget. Derek advised of next steps, including the Mayor's budget roadshow. Derek advised that the City has hired Dana Neuts as the Communication Manager Page 3 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,20t8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 Derek indicated there is no executive session tonight and the Chief Administrative Officer's report is in today's agenda packet. Council President Boyce President Boyce provided a brief recap of tonight's City Council workshop topics including advance Kent innovation fair and Sound Transit Federal Way link extension project and special events. Council President provided an opportunity for two Boy Scouts to speak regarding their projects. Council President Boyce conveyed that has was recently confirmed as the representative for Best Starts for Kids on the Children and Youth Advisory Board. Councilmember Budell Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Initiative. No report since last meeting. Councilmember Kaur Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Advisory Council. The next meeting is scheduled for April 11th. Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Growth Management Planning Council. The next meeting is scheduled for May 30th. Councilmember Kaur attended "Leadership Tomorrow," a regional development program. Councilmember Higgins CouncÍlmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee. The March 19th minutes contain his report. There will be a FEMA flood insurance map meeting from 6-8 pm on March 21't in Council Chambers. Councilmember Troutner Councilmember Troutner serves on the Sound Cities Association Regional Law, Safety and Justice Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for March 22nd. Councilmember Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee on March 13th. Discussed police uniform contract. The next meeting is scheduled for April 10th. Councilmember Troutner advised of the two upcoming community meetings. Councilmember Thomas Councilmember Thomas serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Board and indicated the next meeting is scheduled for March 2l't at 5:30 p.m. at the Kent Fire Department consortium building located on North Central. Page 4 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2Ot8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 Councilmember Thomas is the chair of the Operations Committee. During today's meeting the committee approved increasing the council's administrative assistant to a fulltime position. Councilmember Fincher Councilmember Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association Mental Health and Drug Dependency Oversight Committee - King County. An update was provided on the implementation and evaluation program. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association King Conservation District Advisory Committee. No report since last meeting. Councilmember Fincher is the chair of the Parks and Human Services Committee. Details were provided regarding the recent rededication ceremony at Hogan Park at Russell Road. Councilmember Fincher also provided information regarding the new dock at Lake Fenwick Park, and the Red Cross Hero award. The Human Services manager gave a presentation regarding the City's Human Services division. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Arts Commission and provided details regarding the current Kent Creates program and the student art exhibits throughout downtown Kent. 6. Public Hearing None 7. Public Comment Steven Smith expressed his concern over the facility being constructed in the old rehabilitation center on the West Valley Highway and SR 516. The Rev. Dr. Jayne Parry Moore, of St James Episcopal Church, spoke regarding affordable Housing and expressed her strong support for the rental licensing and inspection policy. Elizabeth Peterson, a North Park resident, spoke regarding the senior housing development being constructed North of the North Park neighborhood. And requested additional traffic calming measures. Hamdi Abdulle spoke in support of the Rental Housing Inspection ordinance and indicated that Kent's vision aligns with her agency's mission. Susan Stoddard, a North Park resident expressed her concern over increased traffic through the North Park neighborhood. A. Rental Housing Inspection Program Matt Gilbert, Deputy Director of Economic and Community Development, provided a review of the work done on this ordinance that included a public outreach component and input from multiple Page 5 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2OL8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 associations, unions, and tenants. This ordinance creates an inspection requirement that is tied to business licenses. Owners are required to hire inspectors to inspect to a checklist that addresses safety and health issues. Once the business passes the inspection, the City issues a business license. Inspections will take place every 3 years that being in 2019. Mayor Ralph and Council President Boyce expressed their appreciation of Matt's work on this project. 8. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar Items A through O, seconded by Councilmember Budell. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. A. Minutes of March 6, 2018, Workshop and Council Meetings and March 9, 2OLg Workshop- Approve Minutes of March 6, 20L8, Workshop and Council Meetings and March 9, 2018 Workshop were approved. B. Appoint Sandi Westman to the Arts Commission - Confirm Council confirmed Mayor Ralph's appointment of Sandi Westman to the Kent Arts Commission for a four-year term that will expire on October 3L, 202L. C. Appointments to the Bicycle Advisory Board - Confirm Council confirmed Mayor Ralph's appointment of Lynell Mooney, John Otakie, Wendy Graves and Aaron Dent to the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board for two-year terms, along with reappointment of Andrew (Andy) Sobczyk and Brandon Swanson for additional two-year terms that will expire on October 3I,2020. D. Appoint Sarah Grace Roach to the Human Services Commission Confirm Council confirmed Mayor Ralph's appointment of Sara Grace Roach to the Kent Human Services Commission as a Youth Member for a two-year term that will expire December 3L, 2020. E. Appoint Kathleen Cordelia Roberts to the Parks and Recreation Commission - Confirm Council confirmed Mayor Ralph's appointment of Kathleen Cordelia Roberts to fill a vacant position on the Kent Parks & Recreation Commission, completing the three- year term that will expire on December 31, 2O2O. F. Water Facility Agreement with Covington Water District and Cedar River Water Sewer District - Authorize Page 6 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2OL8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 Council authorized the Mayor to sign a Water Facility Agreement between the City of Kent, Covington Water District and Cedar River Sewer and Water District, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. G. Contract with Jacobs Engineering Group for the Green River Natural Resources Area South Pump Station - Authorize Council authorized the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $360,800.00 for engineering services on the Green River Natural Resources Area South Stormwater Pump Station, subject to final terms and conditíons acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Signal Shop Lease - Authorize Council authorized the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to lease warehouse space for 36 months at the Plemmons Industrial Park for traffic signal system storage and workspace, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. I. Resolution Recognizing the Connection Condominiums Neighborhood Council- Adopt Resolution No. t962 was adopted, recognizing the Connection Condominiums Neighborhood Council, suppofting its community building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. J. Resolution Recognizing the Laurel Springs Lower Community Neighborhood Council - Adopt Resolution No. 1963 was adopted, recognizing the Laurel Springs Lower Community Neighborhood Council, support¡ng its community building effofts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. K. Rental Housing fnspection Program Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4272 was adopted, establishing the rental housing registration and inspection program. L. Zoning Code Amendment - Midway Transit Community 1 - Signs - Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4273 was adopted, amending Section 15.06.050 of the Kent City Code, related to sign regulations in the Midway Transit Community-1 zoning district. M. Goods and Services Agreement with L.N. Curtis and Sons for Police Uniforms - Authorize Council authorized the Mayor to sign a Goods and Services Agreement with L.N. Curtis and Sons to purchase police uniforms on an as-needed basis, in an amount not expected to exceed $100,000 annually, and with options to renew to a Page 7 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,ZOLB Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 maximum contract length through December 3L, 2023, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. N. Council Administrative Assistant FTE Increase - Authorize Council authorized an increase the Council Administrative Assistant position from a 0.75 to 1.00 full-time employee and change the allocation of costs from 100o/o Council Office to 50o/o Council Office and 50o/o Mayor's Office. O. Ordinance Amending the Kent City Code to Create an Alternate Position on the Arts Commission - Adopt Ordinance No. 4274 was adopted, that creates an alternate position on the Arts Commission to fill in for an absent member or vacant position and moves the Arts Commission code provisions from Chapter 4.02 of the Kent City Code to Chapter 2.6L. 9. Other BusinessA. Resolution in Support of Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Proposition No. 1 - Property Tax Levy for Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services - Adopt Pat Fitzpatrick, City Attorney, provided a brief overview of the procedural requirements, that include : 1. The resolution be passed at an open public meeting or the council 2. The notice for the meeting contain the title and number of the resolution 3. Members of the Council and members of the public who hold a view opposite of that expressed in the resolution must be provided with an approximately equal amount of time to express their opinion at the meeting in which the resolution is passed. Pat advised that the first two requirements have been met and for the third requirement, the Mayor will give approximately equal opportunity to council members and the public to express an opposing opinion. Councilmember Troutner moved to adopt Resolution No L964, supporting Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Proposition No. 1 in which voters are asked to restore the Fire Authority's effective property tax to $1.O0 per $lrOOO of assessed value to fund Fire Authority operations and equipment, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion passed 7-O. Council President Boyce spoke in support of the resolution Mark Morris, Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, spoke in support of the motion. Mayor Ralph provided an opportunity for council members and the public to express an opposing opinion. There were no speakers in opposition of the motion. Page 8 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 20,2OL8 Kent, Washington Approved April 3, 2018 The motion passed unanimously with a vote ol 7-O. B. Lawsuit Against Opioid Manufacturers and Distributors - Approve Pat Fitzpatrick, City Attorney, provided information regarding the potential litigation against opioid manufacturers and distributors. Pat indicated there are many cities counties, and states filing lawsuits against opioid manufacturers and distributors. The foundations of lawsuits allege the companies flooded the market with a highly-addictive drug under the guise of a prescription medication and the risk of addiction and the dangers of the drugs were not disclosed. Pat advised that the city of Kent has suffered. Many homeless are heroine addicted, and property crimes have increased, From a services standpoint, the City's human services department is affected, the correctional department is overwhelmed with medical issues related to opioid addiction, and many of the cases handled by the prosecutors are related to the opioid epidemic. The intent of the lawsuit is to hold manufacturers and marketers and distributors responsible for their actions and to obtain change in the way that opioids are prescribed and to force defendants to fund the remedy for the problem. Pat advised of the proposed defendants and assertions regarding the claims. Pat also advised of the venue where the lawsuit will be initiated and the potential for it to be removed to federal court. Pat indicated this is a complicated case and that the City has been consulting with Keller Rohrback Law Offices. Pat also provided information regarding the benefits of hiring a law firm on a contingency-basis. Councilmember Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to retain the services of a law firm on a contingency fee basis in order to initiate a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers and distributors, subject to final review of the City Attorney and Chief Administrative Officer, seconded by Councilmember Troutner. Councilmember Higgins spoke in support of the motion Councilmember Fincher spoke in support of the motion Councilmember Budell spoke in support of the motion. The motion passes unanimously with a vote of 7-O. Mayor Ralph provided final comments. Page 9 of 1O Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Approved April 3, 2018 1O. Bids None 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session None 12. Adjournment Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m û Kimberley City Clerk moto March 20,2OL8 March 20, 2018 Kent, Washington Page 1O of 1O