HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 2/20/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting
February 20,20L8
Kent, Washington
Approved March 6, 2018
February 20,2OL8
7 p.m.
Council Chambers East/West
Mayor Dana Ralph
Bill Boyce, Council President
Tina Budell, Councilmember
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
Toni Troutner, Councilmember
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. with Mayor Ralph presiding.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Ralph - Present
Council President Boyce - Present
Tina Budell, Councilmember - Present
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present
Les Thomas, Councilmember - Excused
Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present
3. Changes to the Aqenda
Council President Boyce moved to accept the agenda as submitted,
seconded by Councilmember Budell.
The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-O.
4. PublicCommunicationsA. Public Recognition
B. Community Events
Council President Boyce provided details regarding the upcoming Spotlight Series
event in addition to past and upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center. Visit
accessoShowareCenter.com for ticketing information.
C. Public Safety Report
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
February 20,zOtB
Kent, Washington
Approved March 6, 2018
Ken Thomas, Police Chief, presented a public safety update that included
information on the East Hill shooting at 108th and SE 24}th Street, that included a
community meeting held on February L3, 2OL8, the investigation is ongoing.
Chief Thomas advised that today he attended a meeting to provide input on King
County's Inquest Review Panel process.
Chief Thomas provided a brief background of Louis Daniels and Joshua Haftman.
Mayor Ralph performed the official swearing ins of Officer Daniels and Hartman.
Chief Thomas presented the Chief's Award of Citizen Commendation to Harli
Thompson for her assistance and outstanding work in assisting officers Williams and
Richardson with taking suspects into custody. Chief Thomas also indicated that
Patrick Helmbrect is receiving the Chief's Award of Citizen Commendation for this
same incident, but Patrick was unable to attend tonight's meeting.
Chief Thomas presented officers Lisa Hartley and Sean Goforth with the Lifesaving
Award. The officers administered multiple doses of Narcan to a person that had
overdosed. If not for the outstanding actions of officers Hartley and Goforth, the
person would not have survived.
5. Reoorts from Council and Staff
Mayor Ralph
Mayor Ralph advised that in the past weeks, she has been meeting with staff,
community members, employers, state representatives and senators.
Mayor Ralph highlighted her meeting with a City of Kent Intern named Zara. Zara is
a recent immigrant from Iraq where she worked to map hospitals, schools and
infrastructures. Her work at the City included mapping assets of the City of Kent.
Zara recently accepted a full-time job with Apple. Mayor Ralph is proud of the City
for providing her with the opportunity to build her resume and gain full-time
Mayor Ralph also attended the South County Area Transpiration Policy Board. The
board is looking into applying for grant funds. Grant funds are being sought for the
509 projects and the S 229th Street project that will go over Hwy 167.
Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer
Derek Matheson advised that the City Council has scheduled a follow up retreat
dedicated to budget issues and is scheduled for Friday, March 9th from 1:30-5:30
p.m. The location is yet to be determined.
The Mayor's Leadership Team will have its own retreat on Friday, March 2nd to
discuss the budget and other topics.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
February 20,2OI8
Kent, Washington
Approved March 6,2Ot8
The Mayor and staff have started the recruitment process for a municipal court
judge, replacing Judge Jorgensen. Look for an upcoming press release seeking
cover letters and resumes. The plan is to have a new judge in place in the fall.
There is an executive sessíon tonight that is expected to last 25 minutes with action
after the council reconvenes in open session.
Council President Boyce
Council President Boyce advised of the agenda items discussed during today's
Operations Committee meeting.
Council President Boyce advised the council that the Sound Cities Association
network dinner will be held on February 28th at 5:30 at the Renton Pavilion. Mayor
Durkin will be the keynote speaker.
Council President Boyce attended the Best Start for Kids Children Youth Advisory
Board last week. The Board is in the process of discussing a detention center for at
risk youth.
President Boyce provided a brief recap of tonight's City Council workshop topics
including small cells (5G) and vegetation maintenance management.
Councilmember Budell
Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence
Initiative. The first meeting is scheduled for February 22"d at 9 a.m. and the agenda
includes discussion on domestic violence workplace policies, the #Metoo movement,
the domestic violence firearms unit, and the opening of a children's advocacy center
at the King County courthouse.
Councilmember Kaur
Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Growth Management
Planning Council. The next meeting is scheduled for February 21't.
Councilmember Kaur serves on the Sound Cities Association Puget Sound Clean Air
Agency Advisory Council. The first meeting is February 22"d.
Councilmember Kaur attended the Public Issues Committee workshop.
Councilmember Kaur attended the Neighbors of West Hill Neighborhood Council and
learned about the ID program.
Councilmember Higgins
Councilmember Higgins is waiting on a regional committee assignment,
Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee. No report.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
February 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved March 6, 2018
Councilmember Troutner
Councilmember Troutner serves on the Sound Cities Association Regional Law,
Safety and Justice Committee. The meeting on February 22nd meeting will include
discussion on behavior health and the justice system.
Councilmember Troutner attended the Public Issues Committee and discussion took
place on topics on local hazardous waste program, King County land conservation
initiative, the comprehensive solid waste management plan and whether King
County should be able to make cities ban smoking in parks.
Councilmember Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee. The
committee heard a presentation by King County Prosecutor Dan Carew on "Shots
Fired." The presentation covered gun violence, victims of gun violence, and hot
Councilmember Troutner advised that the City's severe weather shelter was
activated on Sunday night and will be extending through Thursday night.
Councilmember Fincher
Councilmember Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association Mental Health and
Drug Dependency Oversight Committee - King County. The next meeting is
scheduled for February 22"d.
Councilmember Fincher serves on the Sound Cities Association King Conservation
District Advisory Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for February 21't.
Councilmember Fincher is the chair of the Parks and Human Services Committee.
Last week's meeting discussed Community Development Block Grant program
project funding, and discussed the conflict public defense council agreement
Public Hearino
7. Public Comment
Nancy Simpson, representative of the Greater Kent Historical Society, extended an
invitation for the public to attend "The Fair Behind Barbed Wire" on March LOth 2-4
p.m. at the Kent Lutheran Church located at 336 2nd Avenue South.
Tim Petersen, a Kent resident, spoke about the Ínternment of the Japanese
Americans in Kent. Tim also expressed his concerns over drug overdoses.
L Consent Calendar
Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar Items A
through H, seconded by Councilmember Kaur.
N one
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
February 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved March 6, 2018
The motion passed unanimously with a 6-O vote.
A. Minutes of February 6, 2OL8, Workshop and Council Meetings - Approve
The minutes of the February 2018, Workshop and Council Meetings were approved.
B. Excused Absence for Councilmember Thomas - Approve
Council approved the excused absence for Councilmember Les Thomas, as he is
unable to attend the City Council meeting of February 20,2018.
C. Goods and Services Agreement with AMTest Inc., for Water System
Bacteriological Sampling - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a Goods and Services Agreement with AmTest,
Inc., for routine bacteriological water sample collection in an amount not to exceed
$53,011.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney
and Public Works Director.
D. Budget Certificat¡on for Annexat¡on Sales Tax Credit - Resolution
Resolution No. 1958 was adopted, certifying the Panther Lake annexation sales tax
credit of $4,977,770 for the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2OL9.
E. Ramstead Short Plat Bill of Sale - Accept
Council accepted the Bill of Sale from Curtis Lang Custom Homes as detailed in
items A, B, C, and D in the summary of this item.
F. Council Rules and Procedures Resolution - Adopt
Resolution 1959 was adopted, repealing Resolution No. 1895 and the current Kent
city council rules and procedures, and adopting new amended rules and procedures
for the council.
G. Scenic Hill Neighborhood Council Repeal Resolution - Adopt
Resolution No. 1960 was adopted, repealing Resolution No. L776, regarding the
recognition of the Scenic Hill Neighborhood Council.
H. Consultant Services Agreement with JayRay Ads & PR Inc - Marketing
for VisitKent.com - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with JayRay
Ads & PR, Inc., to provide marketing for VisitKent.com, in an amount not to exceed
$185,803, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and
Community Development Director and City Attorney.
9. Other Business
1O. Bids
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
February 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved March 6,2OL8
A, Cambridge Reservoir Recoating and Fall Protection Improvements Rebid
#2 - Award
Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director gave the staff
presentation regarding the Naden parcel and the City's Request for Interest that ran
from December 8,2OL7 - January 22,20L8.
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the Cambridge Reservoir
Recoating and Fall Protection Improvements Rebid #2 Project to HCI
Industrial and Marine Coatings, Inc., in the amount of $1r334r85O.OO,
including sales tax, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary
documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Councilmember Fincher.
Motion passed 6-O.
11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session
A. Property Negotiations, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) - Purchase or lease
B. Litigation, as per RCW 42.3O.LLO(1)(¡)
C. Property Negotiations, as per RCW 42.3O.LLO(1)(c) - Sale or lease
At7:45 p.ffi., the Council went ínto Executive Session.
Executive Session was extended for an additional 5 minutes.
At 8:L7 p.m., the Council reconvened into open session.
Council President Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to take all action
necessary and sign all documents required to retain real estate brokerage
services to assist the City in negotiating the sale of the Naden Avenue
properties, subject to approval of the final terms and conditions by the City
Attorney and the Economic and Community Development Director,
seconded by Kaur. Motion passed 6-O.
12. Adjournment
Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting at B:20 p.m.
City Clerk
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