HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/9/2018Kent City Council Special Workshop Minutes October 9, 2018 Kent, Washington Date: Time: PIace: Attending: Approved October 16, 2018 October 9,20L8 5 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Dana Ralph, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:04 p.m Aoenda: 2OL9-2O2O Biennial Budget Process Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, provided a review of today's agenda in addition to providing the Council with materials relating to the Questions and answers from the October 6, 2OL8 workshop, BeMiller provided further details in response to: Question #28 - Provide a pie chart of all the components that went into balancing the General Fund for 2O20; and Question #29 - Looking at the General Fund revenue graph on page 25, how are the tax percentages expected to shift over the next 5-10 years? BeMiller provided additional details on the expected percentage changes over the next 10 years, based on the l5-year forecast. BeMiller responded to question #30 - If an additional parking enforcement FTE is authorized, how much of those costs could be expected to be recovered through parking fees? Chief Padilla provided further information regarding the duties of the current parking enforcement officer. BeMiller advised of the financial impact of increasing the FTE to a full-time employee. Council requested the Finance Department research industry standards and what parking enforcement officers are compensated in addition to their duties. Marty Fisher, Human Resources Director, responded to Question #31 - Request to add $30,000 in the HR budget for outside training. Councilmembers supported the idea of community conversations and sought further information regarding how the funds will be spent and where it comes from. Reducing the budget and utilizing Uriel Varela, the City's Cultural Community Coordinator to bring in speakers was suggested. BeMiller will return to the next workshop with additional information. Page 1 of 3 Kent City Council Special Workshop Minutes October 9, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 16, 2018 Fisher responded to Question #32 - Related to new temporary employees hiring in and then moving to another department within a short space of time, do we or can we say that they can't move to another department for X number of months? Fisher responded to Question #33 - Clarify the supported employment budget of $40,000 and using about $30,000, Is there currently a surplus for that line item? Julie Parascondola, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director and Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director responded to Question #34 - Provide additional information on the Green River Trail/Van Doren's project, including scope of project and why the City is contributing a large amount of funding towards the project. Parascondola responded to Question #35 - Is there an opportunity to use volunteer inters to begin addressing Parks GIS needs? Parascondola responded to Question #36 - Is there an option to have an Adopt-A- Park program for groups to organize themselves for clean-ups? Is there a limit of volunteer hours the department can log per year? Fisher provided confirmation that the City's union contract contains standard language regarding the use of volunteers. Higgins suggested revising the union contract to include language for volunteers to be able to work on Green Kent events. Additional follow up BeMiller responded to Kaur's question regarding the 13.60lo increase in the General Fund for the Finance Department as follows: (1) Recent reclassifications; and (2) because of the Cost Allocation Plan, expenditures that were sent out to other funds are now being reduced. BeMiller responded to Kaur's question regarding the 3 million increase in police are due to salaries, increase in number of positions, recruitment division, increases for body worn cameras, in car cameras, and red-light cameras, Additionally, since police has a large FTE count, the 20olo medical increase that everyone is sharing amounts to a larger amount in the police department. Chief Padilla responded to Kaur's question regarding the policy on how far an officer can take their assigned police car home. Padilla advised that the policy is not finalized, but he anticipates the distance will be 40-45 miles. Next steps BeMiller advised that during the October 16, 2018 final Council workshop final requests and decisions will need to be made. Page 2 of 3 Kent City Council Special Workshop Minutes October 9, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 16, 2018 On October 16, 2OL8, the 7 p.m. Council meeting will include the public hearing for the property tax levy and second public hearings for the budget and Capital Improvement Plan. Budget items will go before the Operations Committee on November 6, 2018 The budget items will go before the full Council for adoption on November 20,20L8. The meetin g concluded at 6:09 p.m. Kimberley City Clerk October 9, 2OL8 û m Page 3 of 3