HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/16/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved November 6, 2018
October 16, 2018
7 p.m.
Council Chambers East/West
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at7:O2 p.m, with Council President Boyce presiding
2. Roll Call
Mayor Ralph - Absent
Council President Boyce - Present
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present
Marli Larimer, Councilmember - Present
Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present
Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present
3. Changes to the Agenda
Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, added Executive Session item 114.
"Potential Litigation, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) that is expected to last 20 minutes
and no action is expected when Council reconvenes into open session.
4. PublicCommunications
A. Public Recognition
i. Proclamation for Fire Prevention Month
Chief Morris expressed his appreciation of the proclamation and encouraged
everyone to enter the "Look, Listen, and Learn" competition and to develop
an evacuation plan for your home, practice the plan, and check your smoke
il Introduction of New Parks and Recreation Commission Board
Mayor Pro Tem, Bill Boyce introduced all the new members.
B. Community Events
Boyce encouraged everyone to attend an upcoming Thunderbirds game
Councilmember Troutner advised that the Kent Downtown Partnership is
particípating in the "Vote Your Mainstreet" competition to restore the Morrill
Bank building. To vote, visit Downtownkentwa.gov, or Vote Your Mainstreet.
Fincher, advised of the upcoming Spotlight Series events in addition to the
upcoming Green Kent Events. Fincher advised of the upcoming holiday craft
market that will be held at the Kent Senior Center on November 2, and 3, 2018.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved November 6, 2018
Public Safety Report
Chief Padilla introduced new officers Alex Ault-Booneel and Robert Curl and
Boyce performed the swearing-ins.
Padilla provided details on the 20L7 Use of Force Report in addition to recent
crisis interventions conducted by Kent police officers.
Chief Padilla advised that the next Diversity Task Force Meeting will be held on
October 17, 2OL8, at the police department. And a community meeting will be
held on October 18 at Kent Elementary. There will be a discussion on
homelessness and some of the things Kent is doing to combat this issue. The
meeting will be streamed live.
Chief Padilla advised of the upcoming holiday DUI and traffic safety emphasis.
Chief Padilla advised that the Police Department will participate in the DEA
Prescription Take Back Day on October 27,2Ot8 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m, Drop off
unwanted and unused medication for proper disposal at the police department.
5. Reports from Council and Staff
Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer
Matheson advised his written report is in today's agenda packet and there is an
executive session for Council to discuss potential litigation that is expected to last 20
minutes. There are four public hearings this evening that relate to the budget
including the School District Capital Facilities Plans.
On November 6th at 4 p.m., the operations committee will hold a public hearing on
Fire Impact Fees so that the ordinance can get back on track with other budget-
related items that will go before the Operations Committee on November 6, 20L8,
and then onto the full council on November 20,20L8.
Matheson advised that staff is preparing a list legislative issues that will go to the
operations committee and then onto the full council for approval,
Council President Boyce
Boyce advised he will attend the December 5, 2018 Sound Cities Apsociation meeting,
as the City's voting member.
Boyce asked councilmembers to let him know which Sound Cities Association
committees they would like to serve on.
Councilmember Higgins
Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee and recommend
everyone view the video from the October 15, 21018 meeting regarding garbage
issues throughout the City.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved November 6, 2OL8
Councilmember Troutner
Councilmember Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee and indicated
Chief Padilla covered everything in tonight's report.
Councilmember Thomas
Councilmember Thomas serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Board
and advised he will attend tomorrow's meeting at 5:30 p.m. at station 78 in
Councilmember Fincher
Councilmember Fincher advised that the "You, Me, We" event has been cancelled
6. Public Hearino
A. Second Public Hearing on the 2OL9-2O2O Biennial Budget
Boyce opened the public hearing.
BeMiller provided a brief overview of the budget process to date. BeMiller presented
the high-level basic assumptions that are included in the budget, the positions
summary by departments and biennial budget staffing.
Public fnput
T.J. Peterson, a Kent resident, expressed his support of the budget
Bryce White, a Kent resident, representing Columbia Distributing, spoke in
opposition to the proposed increases to B&O tax.
Higgins requested Mr. White meet with Matheson in the next week to confirm the
accuracy of the tax figures he quoted.
Brenda Campbell, representing Poulsbo RV, spoke in opposition of the proposed
increases to B&O tax.
Valentia Caspoor, a Kent resident, and representative of Save-U-More, expressed
his concerns over budget staffing and requested Kent go after King County to stop
the release of felons.
Phillip Loulier, a Kent resident and representative at Bakery Express, spoke in
opposition of the proposed increase to B&O taxes.
April Sta. Rosa, a Kent resident, and owner of Valley Floor Company, requested the
Council find alternate funding sources and to not burden Kent businesses with
increased taxes. Sta.Rosa provided proposals and reductions to council.
Craig Hanela, a Kent resident, owner of BuyKen Metal Products, spoke in opposition
of B&O tax increases.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved November 6, 2018
Carey Milton, a Federal Way resident and representative of Save-U-More, spoke in
opposition of B&O tax increases.
Rhianna Misn, a Kent resident and representative of Save-U-More, spoke in
opposition of B&O tax increases.
Paulla Bowman, a Kent resident and representative of Magic Flavors Café, spoke in
opposition to B&O tax increases.
Jerre McCann, a Kent resident, CEO of Sonic Services in Kent, spoke in opposition
of the proposed increases to B&O tax.
Karin Ho, a Kent resident, spoke in opposition to tax increases.
Sally Ramsden, a Kent resident, spoke in opposition of the proposed increases to
B&O tax.
Todd Minor, a Kent resident, encouraged business to not only advocate, but to also
come up with budget solutions. Minor indicated the Mayor's community
conversations should continue, and that Kent needs more police.
Higgins moved to submit April Sta. Rosa's budget suggestions in to the
record, seconded by Councilmember Troutner. The motion passed
unanimously with a vote ol 7-O.
Councilmember Thomas moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
Councilmember Higgins. The motion passed unanimously with a vote o17-
B. Second Public Hearing on the 2OL9-2O24 Capital fmprovement PIan
Boyce opened the public hearing.
BeMiller provided details regarding the 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
Public Input
Councilmember Thomas moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
Councilmember Kaur. The motion passed unanimously with a vote ol 7-O.
C. Public Hearing on the 2018 Property Tax Levy for the 2019 Budget
Boyce opened the public hearing.
BeMiller provided information on the 2018 Property Tax Levy for the 2OL9 Budget.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approved November 6, 2018
Public Input
Councilmember Thomas moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
Councilmember Kaur. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-O.
D. Public Hearing on the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Capital
Facilities Element to Adopt School District Capital Facilities Plans
Boyce opened the public hearing,
Hayley Bonsteel, Senior Long Range Planner, provided information on the
Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element to Adopt School District Capital
Facilities Plans.
Public Input
Rod Sheffer, a representative from the Highline School District provided an update
on Highline's projects from 20L7.
Sally D. Mclean, a representative of the Federal Way School District, restated the
district's school impact fees submitted in 2OL7 and requested the council reconsider
its ordinance limiting school impact fees.
Councilmember Thomas moved to close the public hearing, seconded by
Councilmember Fincher. The motion passed unanimously with a vote ol7-
7. Public Comment
Steven Smith, expressed his concerns over the security for the new Valley Medical
Center facility opening on the West Valley Highway and spoke on the Law
Enforcement Assisted Diversion pre-booking program.
TJ Petersen spoke regarding taxes and expressed appreciation of the upcoming police
department's community meeting on homelessness.
8. Consent Calendar
Councilmember Thomas moved to approve the Consent Calendar Items A
through Ft seconded by Councilmember Troutner, The motion passed
unanimously with a 7-O vote.
A. Minutes of October 2,2018 City Council Meeting; October 6, 2018
Special Workshop; and October 9, 2018 Special Workshop - Approve
Minutes of October 2, 20LB City Council Meeting; October 6, 2018 Special
Workshop; and October 9, 2018 Special Workshop were approved.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
9. Other Business
1O. Bids
Approved November 6, 2018
Payment of Bills - Approve
Bills received through August 31, 2018 and paid on August 31, 2018 after
auditing by the Operations Committee on October L6,2OLB were approved.
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers
0813L/L8 Wire Transfers 7627 - 7647
O9/3L/!B Regular Checks 727239 - 727943
O9/3L/!B Payment Plus 101041 - LO1O74
Void Checks
O9/3L/LB Use Tax Payable
Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 16, 2018, and paid on
August 31, 2018:
Date Check Numbers Amount
8/3lt9 Checks $0.00
Voids and Reissues
8/3/L8 Advices 4L304O - 4L3917 91.858.943.88
Set Public Hearing Date on the Development Agreement with Sound
Transit - Approve
Council set November 6, 2018 as the date for the public hearing on the
Development Agreement with Sound Transit,
Appointments to the Parks and Recreat¡on Commission - Confirm
Council confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Todd Minor, Kristie Duggan, Ed
Keeley, Scott R Taylor, and Tim Wilson to the Kent Parks & Recreation
Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Change Order - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a change order in the amount of $792,369
for the Downey and Naden Clearing and Grading Project, subject to final terms
and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
2018 Annual Docket - Approve
Council approved the 2018 Annual Docket Report as presented by staff,
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
Approved November 6, 2OL8
11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session
At 8:41 p.ñ., the Council convened into Executive Session
At 9:O5, the Council reconvened into open session.
A. Potential Litigation, as per RCW 42.3O.LLO(1)(¡)
There was no action following executive session.
12. Adjournment
Boyce adjo urned the meetin gat 06 pm
Kimberley A,
City Clerk
October 16, 2018
October 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
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