HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/15/2018 Unless otherwise noted, the Human Services Commission meets at 2:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month in Kent Centennial Center, Mountain View Conference Room #401, 400 West Gowe St. Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Christine Cain at 253-856-5063 or via email at Ccain@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Human Services Commission Agenda Commissioners: Gina Bellisario, Chair – Zenovia Harris, Co-chair February 15, 2018 2:30 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Call to order Gina Bellisario, Chair 1 2. Roll Call Gina Bellisario, Chair 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Gina Bellisario, Chair 1 4. Approval of January 18, 2018 Minutes Yes Gina Bellisario, Chair 5 5. Mayor Dana Ralph No Mayor Ralph 5 6. 2017 CAPER and 2018 Annual Action Plan Yes Dinah Wilson 20 7. Human Services Web Page Update No Christine Cain 10 8. Application Cycle – Update No Merina Hanson 15 9. Outcomes and Demographic Reports – Update No Lori/Christine 15 10. Updates No Staff 15 11. Adjourn No Gina Bellisario 1 Kent Human Services Commission Meeting January 18, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: January 18, 2018 Time: 2:30 p.m. Place: Centennial, Mountain View Conference Room #401 Attending: Andy Rosas, Chair Mike Heinisch, Commissioner Bill Hallerman, Commissioner Zenovia Harris, Commissioner Rickie Robinson, Commissioner Dennis Higgins, Council Member Merina Hanson, Human Services Manager Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator Lori Guilfoyle, Coordinator Christine Cain, Coordinator Absent: Gina Bellisario, Co-Chair Shatha Abbas, Commissioner Vacant, Student Vacant, Student Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m. 2. Roll Call One Commissioner absent, one excused. 3. Changes/Additions to the Agenda Correction to date on approval of previous minutes to October 19th, 2017. Additions to the agenda: Catholic Community Services RFP Application. 4. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Hallerman MOVED to approve pending minutes from October 19, 2017 Commissioner Heinisch SECONDED. Commissioner Robinson ABSTAINED. 5. Elect Chair and Chair-Elect Commissioner Heinisch MOVED to elect Commissioner Bellisaro Chair. Commissioner Harris SECONDED. Commissioner Heinisch MOVED to elect Commissioner Harris Chair-Elect. Commissioner Hallerman SECONDED. 6. King County Office of Equity & Social Justice (Bookda Gheisar/Neha Vyas) Kent Human Services Commission Meeting January 18, 2018 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Bookda Gheisar, King County Immigrant and Refugee Policy & Strategy Analyst, and Neha Vyas, Senior Attorney at Gibbs Houston Pauw, presented on the continuing development of strategies and focus on immigrant and refugee rights through inclusion, equity and social justice. King County brought together a 13 member Task Force and two consultants to strategize around discrimination, language and cultural issues, navigation of systems and insufficient resources in our community. Over a six week period between March through mid-April, the task force partnered with community based organizations, service providers and government entities to host conversations to connect, engage and share ideas about how to overcome barriers faced by immigrants and refugees. The Taskforce recommended to King County that a King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission be formed. 7. Application Cycle Update (Merina Hanson) The application cycle funding 2019-2020 opens March 7, 2018 and will close April 10, 2018. A South King County workshop will occur March 7th from 1-3pm at Renton City Hall in the Chambers. 8. Current Funding and Human Service Priorities (Lori Guilfoyle) Information on the structure of the current funding priorities provided. (Handout) 9. Parallel Application 2017 Recap (Dinah Wilson) Dinah discussed currently funded agencies as well as the challenges and successes of the funding process. Kent will be meeting with Federal Way and Tukwila about continuing the parallel funding application. 10. King County RFP Application (Merina Hanson) King County released a Request for Proposal that would award a million dollars over three years specifically for use of expansion of shelter/homeless services. The County is requiring a 20% match by cities. The RFP is due Jan 31st. Catholic Community Services is the only agency that has reached out to the City. Money would be used to expand hours of the Community Engagement Center. Commissioner Heinisch MOVED to write a letter of support for the Catholic Community Services Community Engagement Center Project. Commissioner Harris SECONDED. Commissioner Hallerman RECUSED himself. 11. Adjournment At 3:36 p.m. Andy Rosas declared the meeting adjourned. Christine Cain Recording Secretary January 18, 2018 Advoncing Equity ond Opportunity for King County lmmigronts ond Refugees Office of Equity cnd Socicl Justice Office of King County Executive Dow Constcntine t{l KingCounty [:1 ru q-: l<S ] fi' o (..] r r e.i were foreign-born. tremendous diversity to the locol economy, politicol climote ond sociol fobric. increosing opportunity for low-income residents, people of color ond immigronts ond refugees. t{l KingCounty !rrcfiq-:sImn.l King County efforts: tfl KingCounty Exclu:sion THE I,\'ORS.r PAF.T 15 FEELING LIKE NOBODY IS LISTENI,NE TO US. NOIV\tNATED FOR AN OSCAR. oH HeY, oroorNotd cor li{l OAc)2-42 j or enb er g.bl o gspot.com KingCounty ffie:v(;)Hc:p[r:g; A Strcxf c:gy cxr"ld Fmcu"s lmmigront ond Refugee Tosk Force brought together o Tosk Force of l3 members recommendotions from the Tosk Force to King County t{l KingCounty lmmigront ond Refugee Tcsk Force > tosk force members portnered with community bosed orgonizotions, service providers ond government entities to host more thon 20 community conversotions 505 people porticipoted in conversotions throughout the County. su ccessf u l. but ore reody to shore ideos obout how those borriers con be overcome. t{l KingCounty Hn''vlnn[g;nrurut r;ne,i $8a::f;'u*e;e]ffi I exs[< tmrcffi Common borriers thot immigront ond refugee communities foce: t{l KingCounty ClmrylH'.y.1 t"nput[._j B"l \/\tvI "Before lrespond fo fhis question, lwill like to know whot fhe Co unfy will do wifh fhis dofo thot fhey ore collecting from this focus gro up. As com munity we ore very concerned obout fo/ks coming info our communities to collect dofo but never come bock with anv -so/r-rfions" -Commu nity Conversotion Porticipont emfi'Yl $'Y'l Li nn fr y f, n pu.;t "We don't coll fhe police when we hove o problem becouse they don't freof us with respect ond dignity." -Community Conversotion Porticipont "The police need fo meet o ur communify fo see thot we ore o hord-working people fhot respect the law. We ore not criminols. " -Community Conversotion Porticipont Ll c: rr ) H"Y"l {".} H"'}[ fry fl nr p t: t Community input wos given obout the impoct of the following oreos in community members lives: refugees - I r ttl I I I tlt I r !r! \f, KingCounty Proposed Solutions by Community Members The communities' ideos obout how to oddress issues ond set immigronts ond refugees up for success were robust, but some common threods emerged thot ore worth noting, including improving: lnclusion qnd conneclion & Represenlolion Community members proposed chonges in the following oreos: engogement Recommendctions to King County Executive from the Task Force A commiqsion: The Commission works to enhonce the integrotion of refugees ond immigronts culturolly, economicolly, ond civicolly, in order to strengthen the communities where they live. Stoff: Commission supported by o single stoff member housed within Office of Equity ond Sociol Justice. One stoff limits the Commission's obilityto serve os o hub for collective oction, but would provide odequote stoffing to support the Commission in o more limited odvisory role to the County on immigront ond refugee issues. Focus on Differinq Needs in Suburbon Cilies qnd Unincorporqled Areqs: Specific focus on understonding ond oddressing chollenges foced by communities living in suburbon cities ond unincorporoted oreos of the County Kmc: clrilr"n#rle*rut!ffi$lE te; K[rng; ffimun"l fly [:xmilL;tlve* flrmn"y'r "fi $'re* {-e-xsk( F'e-:re n] Volue of Feedbock Loops Office oct os o hub gothering oll criticol ployers together to ochieve greoter impoct. Ihis rec ommendotion o/igns with fhe Co unty's commif ment fo "being o /eoder in building regionol portnerships ond promoting o coordinoted, regionol opprooch fo oddress fhe needs of fhis county's immigront ond refugee residenfs, consisfenf with the county's vision for o sfrofegic plon for equify ond socio/jusfice." A New Doy! Results of November 201 6 Elections I hle* fm fr h F"a:rwq,xr ej Equity ond Sociol Justice is coordinoting o response to rising needs ond concerns for immigronts ond refugees following the November election. threot of deportotion ond heightened rociol profiling in the nome of im migrotion enforcement notionol origin ond religion. H KingCounty fih<: li"e; filll F a;u'wqtrr"j 'tr!r\t+h!h-*l F'A J^ 1 fz '1,,A '/ ,F'-- \ n ----\-* r -*J-- &&, i HI KingCounty Ropid Response cnd Legol Defense Fund ore estoblishing o one-time $750,000 fund dlosu efforls in the n process ond fight deportotion throughout the county vio CBOs orgonizotions so thot everyone in King County knows where to go for resources, olerts, ond opportunities. HI KingCounty The Path Forwcrd ORGANIZE ('I tfl KingCounty WErcoug HERS. We proudly serve immigrants, refugees, and all who live in King County. \{KinsCounty \n Alr ARE '!,xltt rru br'rrrrrrrlo\ n{1tri. i;,ilril(r! I{iirrlhrs,rs.l, it:r rrr ,r lrniltlirrIh \. trllXr.rtLrr I trrlr: lor qur lrver, 'rr , l t.r,nrlarlo rlr Krrrg y,"o tfirir )frr-4.! ll.li'j]]i:;tv],,ri {r1.1:il . flli.lH.rJ .)llii,,,f., l,':i{}Jijil;,r*ri-r,rr.G< lxl(rirn('tr!grl{it.lttrtr ilt,!,dol(,d;i\.(:h(rllkilhlirrlrlrrhllhrr r'!rohlilill,ttfanxllill}t11, ll trint ril liil ( ii nhfinll Jl \(inl: (l (Jrriil Klr41. rx-*- i hrnrr,rrr krr srrr rllr.nv.rrrl" l,rlLrrur. lVrrl .ir.rrl rnrn rh ru arrnol rllraw, rtr ileJl.r Alrrrhg,r, (?,i\1xdru.,t rvl rlhala,rrr rklL.r kr n",'l ! )r'grrra,L lrrr;,,. *l ll1)hl!r ltoxa|(trtitr e ltitHl Mrd { toplloctb{) oixlryxhr{t{tM {ilu{tpilHrott, l{fi3tntlctr s 6t)cx_ (tri ilpoxrltllu, ts oxryt('kFilt r.--" , L. xt "-o.1. i* Jl {{! ej.1U. Ut-S* .5 r.X*Lll. o.uFr-ll Lii! Fii ^-b tlacr;rtso otxrct ilr] yctxl M[ ] la^rcrxt ottrfitf(]Ryl:aro tils!Itr;1ltrin. b*crrltF, a Tjtox acrr llo {rtxxttr !r oxt)y] (t}f !r..,o,.o More informqtion www. ki n g cou n ty. g ov/eq uity Current Funding by Master Plan Priorities Master Plan Area AGENCY MEETING COMMUNITY BASICS Emergency Assistance/Diversion Multi Service Center Food/Feeding Programs Kent Food Bank Homeless Outreach Catholic Community Services Sound Mental Health Resource and Referral Crisis Clinic Crisis Clinic Shelter/Housing Catholic Community Services Catholic Community Services DAWN Kent Youth & Family Services Mercy Housing Northwest Multi Service Center St. Stephen Housing Association YWCA - Anita Vista Transitional Housing INCREASING SEI.F RETIANCE Employmentfi ob Training Orion Puget Sound Training Center Neighborhood House Legal Services King County Bar Foundation lmmigrant/Refugee or Other Culturally Specific Programs lraqi Community Center of WA Lutheran Community Services Jewish Family Service Open Doors for Multicultural Families Somali Youth and Family Club St. Vincent de Paul - Centro Rendu PROGRAM Rent and Emergency Assistance Food Bank Community Engagement Center Path outreach to homeless for mental health and chemical dependency King County 2LL Teen Link HOME Katherine's House Domestic Violence Housing - shelter, hotel, supportive services Watson Manor Transitional Living for parenting teens/young adults Family Stability - Housing Plus Service approach Housing Continuum - temporary shelter, case management, etc. housing case management, housing support services domestic violence transitional housing people with disabilities Employment and Training - low income/refugees/immigrants - warehouse training/certification Employment and Family Self Sufficiency Program Pro Bono Legal Services Case Management Comprehensive lnternational Counseling Refugee and lmmigrant Service Center Family Services for diverse families with 0D members case management for refugees, education, etc. case management education, classes, ESl. primarily Latino Current Funding s6s,000 s70,ooo S24,ooo s12,000 ss,000 Ss,ooo s62,ooo s12,000 Sgo,ooo s1s,000 s10,000 s130,000 s14,000 s19,000 s10,000 s5,ooo slo,ooo sL0,ooo Current TOTAL total MP AR+ s6s,000 s6s,000 s70,000 s70,000 s24,000 s12,000 s36,ooo Ss,ooo Ss,ooo Slo,ooo s52,000 s12,000 Sso,ooo s1s,000 s10,000 s146,000 s14,000 s19,000 s308,000 s s10,000 Ss,ooo s10,000 s2s,oo0 slo,ooo s10,000 s10,000 s10,000 s10,000 s14,000 Slo,ooo s1s,000 489,000 510,000 s10,000 510,000 s14,000 s10,000 s1s,0oo Ukrainian Community Center of WA BUILDING SAFER COMMUNITIES Domestic Violence DAWN DAWN Sexual Assault Services King County Sexual Assault Resource Center IMPROVING HEATTH AND WEtt BEING Health Care/Dental Care HealthPoint HealthPoint South King County Mobile Medical Van lnfant and Children Medical/lntervention Pediatric lnterim care center Mental Health/Counseling Dynamic Family Services Kent Youth & Family Services Senior Programs/Adult Day Health Catholic Community Services Full Life Care Sound Generations Valley Cities STRENGTHENING CHITDREN AND FAMILES Child Care/Child Development/Family Development Child Care Resources Child Care Resources Children's Home Society Kent Youth & Family Services Mentoring Current Funding by Master Plan Priorities case management etc for Russian/Ukrainian refugees/immigrants Community Advocacy Program KIDS Program - Prevention Comprehensive Sexual Assault Services Primary Dental Care Primary Medical Care health care for homeless people lnterim Care of Drug Exposed lnfants Children with special needs Clinical - Behavioral Health Programs Volunteer Chore Services Adult Day Health Volunteer Transportation Senior Counseling Program Child Care Financial Assistance Homeless Child Care South King County Family Resource Center Early Childhood Education preschool group mentoring for at risk youth Mentoring in elementary ss,ooo s33,000 ss,000 s2s,ooo s1s,000 s1s,0oo s10,000 slo,ooo sso,ooo s73,ooo s10,000 s8,0oo s10,000 s32,000 s33,000 s10,000 s10,000 s20,000 SO s10,000 s3s,ooo slo,ooo s8,ooo 510,000 s32,000 ten nnn a sso,ooo s73,ooo s123,000 s33,000 s10,000 s10,000 s20,000 s73,000 s10,000 s3s,0oo S45,ooo ss,000 s74,000 s s33,000 ss,000 s38,o0o s2s,000 s2s,000 s 51s,000 sls,ooo slo,ooo s40,000 slo,ooo s10,000 109,000 53,000 ttt nnn Clergy Community for Children Youth Coalition (4c) Communities in Schools of Kent Youth Kent Youth and Family Services After School Programs Sls,ooo Sls,ooo }Curent Funding hy Ma,ster Flan Prlorftles "Tic€horce' Ssditb F{undatlon Seqlh Kireepqruil of l{lrman Ssnqhge CapaFny Eundirlg, Prp:i_eet cktpaefty .$g,mo $x,ffi,@o $ $l ,$8ff10re 15;000 1,05l;0ff 1 i I l l T