HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 01/24/2018KENT WagHr{OION Civil Service Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Callius Zaratkiewicz, Pauline Thomas, Jeff Piecewicz Regularly Scheduled Meeting January 24t zOLg 5:3O p.m. Council Chambers West Item 1. 2. 3. 4. Description Call to order Roll Call Changes to the Agenda Action Speaker Chair Zaratkiewicz Chair Zaratkiewicz Time 1 1 1 1 Chair Zaratkiewicz Approval of the Minutes from the December YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 20, 2OL7 special meeting. 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 A. Memo dated December L4,2OL7 from Chief Thomas providing the Commission the findings from IA No. 17-010 involving Ofr. Brian Cortinas.B. Letter dated December L6, 20L7 from Chief Thomas to Ofr. Jacob Reed notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer effective December L7, 2OL7. C. Letter dated December L8, 20t7 from Chief Thomas to Sgt. Thomas Clark notifying him that he will be temporary assigned administrative sergeant duties effective immediately, D. Memo dated December 18, 20L7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Sgt. Jason Bishop will be assigned as the Traffic Sergeant effective February 1, 2018 and that Ofr. Michael Morfoot will be assigned as the Rotating Detective from February 4- August 4,2OL8.E. Letter dated December L8, 20t7 from Ofr. Ian Kerr tendering his resignation effective January 2, 2OL8.F. Memo dated December 18, 2Ot7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that he has accepted the resignation of Ian Kerr and that his last day will be January 2,20L8. G. Letter dated January L,2OL8 from Chief Thomas to Corrections Sergeant James Chapman notifying him that he successfully completed the Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-8OO-833-6388. KENT W^SHrxClÕx probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as a Corrections Sergeant effective January 1, 2018. H. Letter dated December 29, 2OL7 from Chief Thomas to Brandon Hamilton congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective January 16, 2018.I. Letter dated January 1, 2018 from Sgt. Joe Gagner providing notice of his intent to retire effective January 31, 2018.J. Memo dated January 2,2OL8 from Chief Thomas accepting the retirement of Sgt. Joe Gagner and noting his last day will be January 31, 2018.K. Memo dated January 2, 2Ot8 from Chief Thomas providing the Commission the fíndings from IA No. L7-OOg involving Ofr. Kevin Strong.L. Memo dated January 4,2OL8 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that A/C Derek Kammerzell will be assigned to Investigations Division and A/C Rafael Padilla will be assigned to the Patrol Division effective February 4,2OLg. M. Memos dated January L2,2OLB from Chief Thomas providing notice that Officers Christopher Mills and Eric Tung will be promoted to Sergeant effective February L, 2OL8. N. Email dated January L2,20L8 from Annamaría Decker tendering her resignation effective January L2, 2OL8. O. Memo dated January L2, 2OL8 from Chief Thomas accepting the resignation of Ofr. Annamaria Decker effective January L2, 2OL8.P. Memo dated January L7, ZOLB from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Ofr. Brieann Knott will be assigned as an assistant Recruiting Officer effective February 1, 2018. 6. Items to Approve YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on December 18, 2OL7.B. Eligibility list for the position of Police Records Specialist that was established on January L6,2018. C. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on January L7,2018. D. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Corrections Officer that was established on January 18, 2018. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-8OO-833-6388. KENT W^3BrxôroN 7. Action Items YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 There are no action items to discuss. 8. For the Good of the Order Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 9. Adjournment YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p,m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032, For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. r Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-80O-833-6388. Civil Service Commission Minutes December 20,20L7 Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: December 20,2OL7 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Council Chambers West Attending: Callius Zaratkiewicz- Chair; Pauline Thomas, Commissioner; Jeff Piecewicz, Commissioner; Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Exa miner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM 2. Roll Call All Commissioners present, 3 Chanqes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda as it was a special meeting. 4. Approval of the Minutes Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the regularly scheduled November 15, 2OL7 Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Piecewicz; motion passed 3-O. 5, Consent ltems to Accept Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 A. Letter dated November 6, 20t7 from Chief Thomas to Crystal Sundquist offering her reinstatement to the position of Probationary Police Records Specialist effective November t6, 2OL7.B. Letter dated November 7, 20L7 from Sgt. Jon Shipman tendering his retirement effective December L, 2OL7. C. Memo dated November 9,2Ot7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Ofr. Kevin Bateman is assigned as Acting Sergeant from November 9-L2, 20t7. D. Memo dated November 9,2Ot7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Sgt. Travis Reed is assigned as Acting Corrections Commander from November 13-16, 2OL7. E. Letters dated November L4, 2OL7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Entry Level Police Officer candidates Guillermo Cabrera, Eric Clark, and Colton Rintala notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for that position effective November L4,2OL7. Page 1 of 4 Civil Service Commission Minutes December 20,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approval Pending F. Memo dated November L4,2OL7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that he has accepted the retirement of Sgt. Jon Shipman effective December 1, 20t7. G. Memo dated November L5, 20L7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Ofr. Rigoberto Gonzalez is assigned as Acting Sergeant from November 2L-22, 2OL7. H. Letter dated November L6,2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Michael Davlantis notifying him that his name has been removed from the Experienced/Lateral Police Officer Continuous Testing Eligibility List effective November t6, 20L7. I. Letter dated November L7, 20L7 from Chief Thomas to Ty Tomlinson congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective December L, 20L7. J. Letter dated November 2L, 20L7 from Ofr. Albert Kim tendering his resignation effective November 2L, 20L7. K. Memo dated November 22, 2OL7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that he has accepted the resignation of Albert Kim.L. Letter dated November 22, 20t7 from Chief Thomas to Ofr. Erin Bratlien notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective November 22, 2OL7. M. Letters dated November 29,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Ryan Deville, Jonathan Douglas, Jonathan Ng, Shannon Ro, and David Rudenko notifying them that their names have been removed from the Entry Level Police Officer Continuous Testing Eligibility List effective November 29,20L7.N. Letter dated November 29,2OL7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Paula Higgins notifying her that her name has been removed from the Police Records Specialist Eligibility List effective November 29, 20L7 . O. Letter dated November 30,20t7 from Nicholle Shelton tendering her resignation as a Corrections Officer effective December L,2OL7.P. Memo dated November 30,20L7 from Chief Thomas accepting the resignation of Nicholle Shelton effective December L,2Ot7. a. Letter dated November 30,2OL7 from Chief Thomas congratulating Joshua Hartman on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective January 16, 2018. R. Letter dated December 2, 2017 from Chief Thomas to Corrections Officer Brandon Li notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective December I,2OL7.S. Letter dated December 2, 2Ot7 from Chief Thomas to Corrections Officer Derek Lind notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective December L,2Ot7.T. Letter dated December 5,20L7 from Chief Thomas congratulating Michael Saponara on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective February 16, 2018. Page 2 of 4 Civil Service Commission Minutes December 20,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approval Pending U. Letter dated December 8, 20L7 from Chief Thomas to Devin Hill congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective December 29,2OL7. V. Letters dated December LL,2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Entry Level Police Officer candidates Chris Baker, Jeffrey Benefiel, Aaron Brooks, Paul Nieto, and Tyler Hankinson notifying them that they have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List effective December 1L,2Ot7. W. Letters dated December t3,2Ot7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Entry Level Police Officer candidates Jeff Arnevick, Manuel Gomez, and Jake Ramsey notifying them that they have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List effective December 13, 2OL7.X. Memo dated December L3,20L7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Sgt. Andy Kelso is Acting Commander from November 2L-24,20t7. There being no questions, Chair Zaratkiewicz made a mot¡on to accept consent items A-X. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded; motion passed 3-O. 6. Items to Aoorove A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on November L4,2Ot7.B. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on November L6, 2OL7.C. Eligibility list for the rank of Sergeant that was established on December L2, 20L7. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to approve into record items A-C, Commissioner Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3-O. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated December L4,20t7 from Chief Examiner Winecka requesting amendment to rule 3.08 (a) regarding what information the Commission would like to see reported from the Chief/Police department. Chief Examiner provided the findings regarding what other jurisdictions require to come before their respective Commissions and explained the reasoning behind the suggested clarification to the rule. After discussion of the matter, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to accept and amend rule 3.Og as presented. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded; motion passed 3-O. Page 3 of 4 Civil Service Commission Minutes December 20,20t7 Kent, Washington Approval Pending 8. For the Good of the Order Nothing further was brought before the Commission as it was a special meeting 9. Adjournment Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner December 20,2OL7 Page 4 of 4 KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address:. 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WA S H I N G T O N Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM RE: December t4,2017 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Discipline 15.04 Internal Affairs investigation No. 17-010 involving Police Officer Brian Cortinas was conducted. Two other incidents were addressed as well. The final determination of the allegation of violation of Kent Police Department Policy follows: Kent Police Department (Policy 17.30) Booking, Booking Evidence Before End of Shift - Sustained. Kent Police Department (Policy 13.10) Code of Conduct, Truthfulness - Not Sustained. Kent Police Department (Policy L7.19) Destruction of Property - Not Sustained. Officer Cortinas was given a written reprimand and a performance improvement plan was established and put in position. a a a WASHINGToN KËB*T COPV FO[.IEE ADMINTSTRJqTTON Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800 ÍTËCEÍVHI} FI-IONE: 253-856-5800 il[t. I $ l0t7 i-l uni ¿ ll *:ìç*iuu rces üíty of tient December 16,2017 Police Officer Jacob Reed Kent Police Department 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Officer Reed, I am pleased to notify you that on December L6, 2017, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the positÌon of Police Officer as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer for the Kent Police Department. Congra lations n your achievement and best wishes for your future success. Sinc ly, Ken Thonnas Chief of Police CC Civil Service Commission Human Resources Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell o? pc CJYj 3I ( M¡lyOnSUZffff COOfe.:--.-' :.--.----:--T:-r-r.ï-::.:r"r:.-:-'.-.- -r:-.-.:.-..:-:---j --.=-:=:=--,---r-::.-..-:r=--- - ....: City of Kent Police Department - Accredited Police Agency KENT ;:r i:.r.':';lVËf..) l" :, )ì iú ?-t17 ü-lunì¡,,, ;..,,{JlJlCÊ$ Cii.¡ .-,; ;r.enl POTICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of police 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800 PHONE: 253-856-5800 HAND D LIVERED WasHrNGrôN December L8,2077 Sergeant Thomas Clark RE: fn-Station Administrative Sergeant Assignment Sergeant Clark: By this letter, I am advising you that you are being temporarily assigned to the police Department Headquarters where you will be performing administrative sergeant duties until further notice. This assignment shall begin immediately. In this assignment, you are to report to Commander Durham and perform sergeant level administrative work as assigned. Unless directed by a command level officer, you have no authority to engage in enforcement actions outside of the station while on your normal shift. While on this temporary assignment you are not authorized to work overtime shifts unless approved by your commanding officer. This assignment is not disciplinary action and should not be interpreted as such. While assigned in this restricted capacity, your work schedule will remain the same, howeveryour hours will be moved from graveyard to day shift. Please contact Commander Durham to arrange your specific work hours. You are directed to have no contact with Officer Hartley and not to discuss the circumstances of this investigation with anyone other than your union representative. Res il Chief Ken Thomas Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer Marty Fisher, Human Resources Director Ken Clay, KPOA President cc o Ol < =ucoYj 3 3 {l Mnyon Suze-rre Coore City of Kent Police Department - Accredited police Agency KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WasHrNGfoN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December LB,20t7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Assignments, Rule 3.08 Effective February \,ZOLB, Sergeant Jason Bishop will be assigned as the Traffic Sergeant. Officer Michael Morfoot will be assigned as the Rotating Detective in the Investigations Division from February 4, 2018 through August 4, 20L8. He will be assigned to the Property Crimes Unit. N ñ loX) lí, fuiY ryLvn krrø'tdw(lfr^ e* 0t t"ñ {" \f KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 2s3-Bs6-5888WasHrNGfÒN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum December L8,20L7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of ResÌgnation, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Police Officer Ian Kerr's letter dated December L8, 20L7, announcing his resignation from the Kent Police Department. Ian's last day with the department is January 2,ZOLB, We wish him well in his future endeavors. KENT GOPY POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave. So. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Fax: 253-856-6802 Phone: 253-856-5800 - WasHtNoToN January 1, 2018 Sergeant James Chapman Kent Police Department 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Sergeant Chapman, I am pleased to notify you that on December 3L,20L7, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the position of Corrections Sergeant as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as Corrections Sergeant for the Kent Police Department. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success. Si rely Ken Thomas Chief of Police ogr =pc c)Vj =3 o cc Civil Service Commission Employee Services Accreditation M¡yon Suzrrrr Cooxe www.ci.kent.wa.us/police C¡ty of Kent Police Department - Nationally Accredited KENT POTICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of police 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800WaSHtñoroñ o Ctr <3ucov 3ì 3 a December 29,20L7 PHONE: 253-856-5800 Mr. Brandon Hamilton Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Hamilton; Congratulatíons on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent police Department. Weare looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Departmentand the City of Kent. This letter is to confírm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Tuesday, January 16,2018. Upon receipt of this letter, please caillia¡ning Sergeant Bill glowers at (253) 856-5858 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving an email from NeoGov with a l¡nk toactivate your City of Kent onboarding account. Please notify HR Reiruitment at (253)956 -5270 tf you don,treceive the link within three business days of the date of this letter. It is critical Ènat yo, set up your account to review new employee information and complete all checklist tasks as assigned priorto your startdate. we anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Tuesday, January 16, at 10:00 AM with theBenefits staff in Human Resources. Please bring document(s) required by government regulations for allnew hires providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United States, wñich you will neãd to completeyour I-9 form. A list of acceptable documents can be found on your onboarding portal. please report to tnuHiring Unit at the Kent Police Department at 8:00 AM and contact Recruiting Oñiier Wayne Graff who willfacilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia tJhave you." óity access cardphoto taken. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at g5,464,00 per month. you will be eligible for a stepincrease on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Rcãdemy. you willbe placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic LawEnforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completionof probation, you are elígible for a training opportunity of your choosing with¡n the prescribed parurLte.s(up to $1,000, up to one week, in-state, and job related) to further yoùr profess¡on'al development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Cráft a-t thã address listedabove. Again, I forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent police De Accepted, E. Tho Bran Hamilton Chief of Police cc: Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accreditation Mnvon Suzrrre City of Kent Police Department - Accred¡ted Police Agency KEHTg¿*s*ã*r*s Kent Police Department Kenneth E Thomas Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5800 ,1(" \''l TO: Chief Thomas FROM: Sergeant J. Gagner DATE: January 1,2018 SUBJECT: My Retirement letter Please accept this letter as my official notification that I intend on retiring from the Kent Police Department on January 31, 2018. I am leaving in good standing and have enjoyed my 33 years of service. The City of Kent has been very good to me and my family. This was my dream job that I dreamed about s¡nce I was in the 5th grade. Thank you for the opportunity to serve this great community. DATE: TO: FROM RE: KENT WASHTNGToN Memorandum January 2,20L8 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Retirement, Rule 13.02 POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 I have accepted Sergeant Joe Gagner's letter of resignation dated January t, 20t8, announcing his retirement from the Kent Police Department. Joe's last day of work with the department will be JanuarY 3L,2018. Joe's service of 33 years with the City of Kent began on November 13, 1984. He's leaving the department under good standing and we wish him well in his future endeavors. KENT POLTCE DEPARTMENT Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WASHINGTÔN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: k January 2,20LB Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Discipline 15.04 Internal Affairs investigation No. 17-009 involving Police Officer Kevin Strong was conducted. A pre-disciplinary hearing was waived. The final determination of the allegation of violation of Kent Police Department Policy follows: Kent Police Department (Policy 16.30) Child Abuse Investigations - Sustained. Kent Police Department (Standard Operating Procedure 4.23.01) Child Abuse/Neglect/Sexual Abuse, Reporting - Sustained. RCWs (26.44.030-050) Reports -Abuse or neglect of a child - Not Sustained. Officer Strong was given one day suspension a a a KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WaSHTNGToN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: v- January 4,20t8 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Assignments, Rule 3.08 Effective February 4,20L8, Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell will be assigned as the Assistant Chief of the Investigations Division, Effective February 4, 2018, Assistant Chief Rafael Padilla will be assigned as the Assistant Chief of the Patrol Division, KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WA S H I N G 1o N DATE: TO: FROM: RE: k Memorandum January L2,2OI8 . Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Promotion Announcement, Rule 11.04 (b) This memo serves as notice of the promotion of Officer Christopher Mills to the position of Sergeant effective February 1, 2018, This appointment will be permanent upon satisfactory completion of a probationary period of twelve months, per Civil Service Rule 12.01 (g). KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Kenneth E, Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 Wa 3 H r N c r o N DATE: TO: FROM: RE: t[- Memorandum January L2,20LB Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Promotion Announcement, Rule 11.04 (b) This memo serves as notice of the promotion of Officer Eric Tung to the position of Sergeant effective February 1,2018. This appointment will be permanent upon satisfactory completion of a probationary period of twelve months, per Civil Service Rule 12.01 (g), Thomas, Ken From: Sent: lo: Subject: Decker, Annamaria Friday, January L2,20Lg 3:27 PM Thomas, Ken; Durham, Todd Resignation 1.-\K I b'Le Chiel This is my official resignation. Thank you for the opportunity Annamaria Decker 1 KENT POLTCE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5BBBWa s H r N G T o N DATE: TO: FROM: RE: [( Memorandum January L2,2OL8 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Resignation, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Police Officer Annamaria Decker's letter of resignation from the Kent Police Department dated January L2, 20L8. Annamaria's last day with the department is January L2, 2018. We wish her well in her future endeavors. MãVED JAN r I20tg Human Resoufcoo Gtvof tGnt POLTCE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 I KENT WA s H I N G T Ô N Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: {tr January L7, zOtB Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Assignments, Rule 3.08 Effective February I,20L8, Officer Brieann Knott will be assigned as an assistant Recruiting Officer in the Support Services Division, KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WaSHTNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:December 18, 2OL7 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Jonathan Mannino Kent Keller Crystal Brassard Daniel Brom Christopher Cabrera Bradley Marion (0s/Ls/2oL7) (oe/27/2017) (LL/16/2017) (LU16/2017) (12/L8/2oL7) (LO/31/2Or7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appear¡ng thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissionero O| < BPco\¿j =3 o Mnyon Suzrrre Coore P:\RECRUIT\Civ¡l Seru¡ce\Eligib¡lityLists\Potice\2017\Lateral pot¡ce Officer- Dececmber lg.docx KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-627Q OFFICE: 253-856-5282 WasHrNgloN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: Expiry date of list: Extended to: January 16, 2018 July 16, 2018 January 16,2O19: July 16, 2O19: January L6,2O2Ot TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of Records Specialist in the Kent Police Department: _Yes _Yes _Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -No-No -No Jordan Cookston Jennifer Murray Margaret Penman Sarah Durgin Heather Casey Sandra Johnson Michael Clemente Sandi Whitmore Nancy Koehler Heather Sykes Crystal Roth I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner ool < =+)c 0,v a P:\RECRUIT\C¡v¡l Serv¡ce\El¡gibilityL¡sts\Pol¡ce\2018\Records Specialist.docxx MayorDanaRalph @ Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WagHrNgToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CryIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:January L7,2OI8, TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Hector Aponte Zac Bartelt Derek Wetlaufer Spencer Cutler Adam McCauley Kevin Brunink Melody Wright Taylor McCormick Davis Needham ïsom Brown Tyree Bell Alec McClelland Jerry Alvarez Eric Clark Robert Leon Darrin Wise Brandon Winters Harrison Sargent Nathan Brown Landon Lydig Kasey Barnes-Trask Kian Taheri Roderick Boatner Taylor Lasko Bryan Alfaro (or/L7/2ot8) (or/17/2oL8) (oL/L7/2018) (oL/17/2018) (0L/17/2018) (or/17/2018) (or/L7/2018) (or/t7/2or8) (or/L7/20L8) (ot/L7/2018) (or/L7/2018) (oL/17/20L8) (oL/L7/2018) (or/L7/2078) (out7/20t8) (ot/17/20L8) (ot/17/20L8) (0L/17/20L8) (oL/77/2018) (ot/17/2018) (oL/17/20L8) (ot/L7/20L8) (oL/L7/2018) (ou17/2018) (oL/17/2018) 1 (tie) 1 (tie) 1 (tie) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 21 (tie) 21 (tie) 23 24 25 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner o(tl < =+)c OJv Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Jeff Piecewicz Commissíoner a Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUIT\C¡vil Service\EligibilityLists\Police\z018\Entry PD Officer- January 17, 2018.docx KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 10 11 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WaSHTNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:January 18, 2018 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Cont¡nuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: Hector Aponte Zac Bartelt Kevin Brunink Evan Smith Alec McClelland Darryl Means, II Jerry Alvarez Lamont Villars Kian Taheri Taylor Lasko Howard Spencer (oL/L8/2018) (01/18/2018) (0L/18/2oL8) (01/18/2018) (0L/LB/20L8) (01/18/2018) (01/L8/ZOLB) (0L/18/2oL8) (0L/Lgl2OL8) (0L/18/2oLe) (ot/18/2018) 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (t (t te ie ) ) I hereby certify that this Iist was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner o Oì < =+J C,(u \¿ a Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUIT\Civil Seru¡ce\Eli9¡bilityLists\Police\z018\Entry Corrections Officer- Jan 18, 2018.docx