HomeMy WebLinkAboutLW15-031 - Extension - City of Maple Valley - Municipal Court Services - 03/29/2021Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet (Print on pink or cheny colored paper) FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Dir Asst: Dir/Dep: forms,KENT (Optional) WAsHINGTON 73 o oLo. CL Originator: Cathie Everett Department: //Mayor's Office Date Sent: '04/08/202L Date Required Authorized to Sign: fDlrector or Designee flnlayor Date of Council APProval Budget Account Number: Budeet?$*lves[*lNo \JI Type: N/A tro flo El-ora- E thtco Eool- Ctl Vendor Name: City of Maple Valley Category: -ether \\oca Vendor Number:Sub-Category: €ther E +-\n ProjectName: lnlsrlocal Agreement for Municipal Court Services ProjectDetails:Term extension & application of CPI-W adjustment Agreement Amount: $ 186,225,$ Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other * Metno to Mayor tnust be attached Termination Date: N/A Local Businesszfvesfl\6* /fmeetsrequiremenrsperKcc3.T0.l00,pleasecomplete'\/endor Business License Verificur:o-r* nY"t f]ln-Process fr"emRt (KCC 5'01'045) Purch ase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice reouired prior to disclosure? It",ffno contract Number: A"1Soc:oYl t.Lu\?-b3 Comments:it ttl bL'd fL( ?lztlzt avdu P D.lLalttl>ut '{ il, ,'(tfu,r, Date Received by CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: 0Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ()q otc ,P =\.o !To=Ei oc El UI ad(Wl2l/l,l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.200821 KENT OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Derek Matheson, CAO 2204th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Faxr 253-855-6725Warrrr6tdr PHOI{E! 253-886.5700 March 29,242L Laura Phllpot, Clty Manager Clty of Maple Valley 220t7 SE Wax Road, Sulte 200 Maple Valley, WA 98038 Re: Interlocal Agreement for Munlclpal Court Services ("Agreement") Matter: Term Extenslon and Appllcation of CPI-W AdJustment pV*rfeon !o.urc' Through the First Amendment to the Agreement between the ClEes of Maple Valley and Kent for munlclpal couft serulces, the partles provlded an optlon to extend the Agreementt term for up to three addltlonal years beyond tts stated explratlon date of January 1, 2020, Each option to extend was to be accompllshed by a wrltten agreement between Kent's Chlef Administratlve Officer and Maple Valley's Clty Manager. Due to an lnadvertent overslght, the partles did not execute a formal writing to extend the Agreement beyond lts January 1, 2O2Ot termlnation date, though they each acted consistent wlth the Agreement's contlnuation, Through each representatlve's signlng of thls letter, the parties agree and acknowledge as follows: 1 The partles exercise the extenslon optlons provided for under the Flrst Amendment, and the Agreement is formalty extended through December 31, 2022, All acts conslstent wlth the authorlty of the Agreement and prior to the date of thls letter agreement are ratlfled and afflrmed, and the terms of the Agreement, as amended by lts Flrst Amendment, shall be deemed to have applied, In accordance wlth the Flrst Amendment, the fees due under Sectlon 4 of the Agreement are adJusted by the percentage change ln the CPI-W rate over the prlor l2-month perlod for June. The adJusted rates for 2A2A and 2021 are noted below, The 2O22 rate wlll simllarly be adjusted as provlded for ln Section 4 of the Agreement: 2020 Flat Rate - $184,382.10 annually ($15,365.18 per month)1 2020 Plonthly OyeraosRate - $4,2L4.452 L A L,7o/o lncr€as€ ($3,082.10) over the 2019 Flat Rate of 9181,300 annually/g15,108,33 monthly 2 A l,7vo lncrerse (g70,45) over the 2019 Overate Rate of g4,144 monthly 2 a o{ cil\4 tMriYCq Dnfin Rai.Pl Lpura Philpot, Ctty Manager March 29,2A2I Page 2 Derek Matheson Chlef Ad m tnlstrailve Offtcer b, 2021 Ftat Rare - $p?3?5..e2 annuaily (g15,518.83 per month)3 2021 Monthty Overaoe Rate _ ++,iSO.Sgo Due to an error rn bilring,,th:,qll-w rate adJustment for 2020 was not apprredto involces sent to mapte valley. *ni.rl il.ufted in .n -rno"roililng of the' contract rate' The addltional amount oue'xeiit ror zozo iervices is g3,0g2,10,whlch-M1?le l/alley agrees to remtt to Kent, AddtHonally, the involce forJanuary of 2021 was -Urilea at $i;;'Zsi,i.i]' wnrch represents g259,42 tessthan the 2021 flat rate,,dlvlded-ft;6ii,-'rvapte vailey srmlarty agrees torerntt thts amount to Kent. Ther;fo;;; in,iiotir .aoltronlr ilvlil", due fromMapre vatev to account for cpl-w ;.#.djfimenrs rs g3,341,52. :.Tjlgl?#:t.h the Februa ry 202r lnvoice, rnvotces wilt reflect the new cpr-w If this summary ls cglslstent wlth Mgole Valley's understandlng.of the Agreement,s terrns,please acknowledge your agreement bv coulleisrgnrng where triotcateo u6oui'ino retumrngIt to Margaret yetter, Court-eAm tnrriraior, at Myerter@ kenrwd, crov, Thank you. qest regards, O-ul,Nl Agreed Phllpot,Clty Clty of Maple Valley 3 A 1.00,6 lncrcase ($1,s43,82) over the 2020 Flat Rate of $184,3g2,10 annuaily/gl5,365,18 monthty* A r'090 lncrsase ($42.14) over the zozo ou"r"g" Rate of g4aL4,4'monthry