HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 05/16/2019Unless otherwise noted, the Public Facilities District meets at 4 p.m. on the last Thursday of each quarter at the accesso ShoWare Center, 625 West James Street, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk at 253-856-5728 or via email at Kkomoto@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Public Facilities District Board Board Members: Position NO. 1 – Vacant - Jeff Piecewicz - Lew Sellers – Randall Smith – Carmen Goers Staff Representatives: Treasurer, Barbara Lopez - Kimberley A. Komoto SPECIAL MEETING accesso ShoWare Center May 16, 2019 4 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to order Lew Sellers 1 2. Roll Call Kim Komoto 1 3. Changes to the Agenda MOVE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA Lew Sellers 1 4. Approval of Minutes dated January 31, 2019 and April 25, 2019 MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES DATED JANUARY 31, 2019, and April 25, 2019 Yes Lew Sellers 1 5. Position No. 1 Vacancy No Kurt Hanson/Pat Fitzpatrick 10 6. Financial Reports A. City of Kent B. accesso ShoWare Center No Barbara Lopez Arletta Voter 10 7. Operational Updates: A. General Manager B. Marketing Update C. City of Kent Update No Tim Higgins Kelly Spreitzer- Saucer Kurt Hanson 15 8. Seattle Thunderbirds Update A. Sales, Marketing and Attendance B. Advertising and Suite Sales No Colin Campbell 10 9. Other Business Lew Sellers 1 10. Adjournment Yes Lew Sellers 1 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting January 31, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 1 of 2 Date: January 31, 2019 Time: 4 p.m. Place: accesso ShoWare Center Other Attendees: SMG General Manager, Tim Higgins SMG Finance Director, Arletta Voter City Attorney, Arthur “Pat” Fitzpatrick Colin Campbell, Thunderbirds General Manager City of Kent Economic and Community Development Director, Kurt Hanson City Clerk, Kimberley A. Komoto Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m., with Mike Miller presiding. 2. Roll Call Carmen Goers – Present Mike Miller – Present Lew Sellers - Present Randall Smith - Present Jeff Piecewicz – Present 3. Changes to the Agenda None 4. Approval of Minutes dated October 25, 2018 With the correction of Randall Smith having an excused absence, Sellers moved to approve the minutes dated October 25, 2018, seconded by Carmen Goers. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 5-0. 5. Nomination and Election of Officers The board elected to have all officers continue in their current capacity for an additional year. Smith moved to elect Mike Miller as Chair, Jeff Piecewicz as Vice Chair and Lew Sellers as Secretary, seconded by Goers. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 5-0. 6. Financial Reports A. City of Kent. No report was presented during the meeting. Chair Miller advised he will obtain the report and sent it to the board members. B. accesso ShoWare Center. Arletta Voter provided details of the accesso ShoWare Center Income Statement Fourth Quarter Comparison for 2017-2018, Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting January 31, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 2 of 2 including direct event income, ancillary income, other event income, other operating income, indirect expenses, net income from operations, admission tax and net income. Voter also reviewed the Income Statement Year End Comparison for 2017- 2018. These reports are in a new, easier-to-read format. 7. Operations Update a/b. General Manager/Marketing Update. Tim Higgins provided a marketing update and advised that Pollster ranked the accesso ShoWare Center 102nd in Worldwide Ticket Sales Top 200 Arena Venues and 115th in North America. Higgins reviewed event highlights from the fourth quarter of 2018. Higgins also advised that the City approved its 2019-2020 budget that includes $900,000 in capital improvements to the accesso ShoWare center. Higgins provided details regarding King County contributing $2 million over 10 years, beginning in 2020 to the accesso ShoWare Center. Higgins advised of the upcoming 10-year anniversary of the center and upcoming events celebrating the anniversary. 8. Seattle Thunderbirds Update Colin Campbell provided an update that included the recent Teddy Bear toss – over 6,200 bears were donated. Campbell indicated they are building themes around the games and ticket sales are doing well. Corporate partners have increased from 2018 and the team just entered a 3-year deal with BECU. Campbell provided an update on current and former players. 9. Other Business None 10. Adjournment Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Sellers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 4:51 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk January 31, 2019 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting April 25, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Pending Approval Page 1 of 1 Date: April 25, 2019 Time: 4 p.m. Place: City of Kent Centennial Center Conference Rooms 105/107 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032 At 4:11 p.m, the board members present were Carmen Goers and Randall Smith. Without a quorum, the meeting could not be held. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk April 25, 2019 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual Actual Actual Adj. Budget YTD Beginning Fund Balance 1,610,543 2,161,074 2,448,464 2,577,460 2,577,460 Revenues Admissions Tax 385,546 347,109 488,638 350,000 - SMG Income-Loan Proceeds 181,900 194,990 104,587 - - Other Income 280,543 13,128 25,103 - - Transfer In from ShoWare POS 84,430 - - Transfer In Capital (Lifecycle)300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 - Transfer In from GF 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 - Total Revenues 1,647,988 1,355,226 1,502,759 1,150,000 - Expenditures Services 440,005 551,480 807,675 799,990 57,552 Capital Outlay (SMG)240,957 208,808 104,587 - - Other Capital Outlay 68,535 13,555 - - Bank Account Adjustment 321,048 (92,221) 110,558 - - Debt Service on SMG Loan 2,058 24,796 52,651 24,800 - Lifecycle Maintenance 93,390 306,438 284,736 599,000 12,557 Total Expenditures 1,097,457 1,067,836 1,373,763 1,423,790 70,109 Change in Fund Balance 550,531 287,390 128,996 (273,790)(70,109) Ending Fund Balance 2,161,074 2,448,464 2,577,460 2,303,670 2,507,351 SHOWARE CENTER OPERATING FUND March 31, 2019 2016 2017 2018 2019 Actual Actual Actual YTD Beginning Fund Balance 283,216 290,211 322,422 350,301 Revenues Sales & Use Tax 900,659 916,139 1,018,768 84,724 City of Kent 3,069,514 3,126,031 3,103,041 Interest - Sales Tax 1,825 4,017 11,454 1,915 Total Revenues 3,971,998 4,046,187 4,133,263 86,639 Expenditures Debt Service 3,965,003 4,013,977 4,105,383 - Total Expenditures 3,965,003 4,013,977 4,105,383 - Change in Fund Balance 6,995 32,210 27,880 86,639 Ending Fund Balance 290,211 322,422 350,301 436,940 March 31, 2019 PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT FUND (PFD) KENT SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER Rec'd From For the 2018-2019 Percent State Month of 2016 2017 2018 2019 Variance Change March January 67,491.02 66,601.62 74,684.13 84,723.60 10,039.47 15% April February 70,218.75 67,453.42 66,095.59 0% May March 80,978.10 78,264.92 85,380.95 0% June April 72,265.70 70,108.46 83,574.97 0% July May 69,656.54 75,701.34 82,830.77 0% August June 79,863.45 85,649.15 89,006.94 0% September July 70,492.04 73,399.53 85,439.37 0% October August 74,139.52 77,179.92 84,732.10 0% November September 80,821.74 80,018.27 93,748.95 0% December October 70,811.98 76,630.86 86,888.20 0% January November 75,435.99 76,535.32 84,246.87 0% February December 88,484.53 88,596.45 102,139.02 0% Total 900,659.36 916,139.26 1,018,767.86 84,723.60 10,039.47 1% KENT PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT Sales Tax Collections As of March 31, 2019 ShoWare Center Income Statement First Quarter Comparison 2018 _ 2019 Direct livcnt Incomc Ilental Income Service Revenue Service llxpenses 'fotal Direc( Event Income Ancillary lncomc Ir & B Concessions F & B Catering Novelry Sales Total Ancillary Incornc Olhcr llvcnt lncomc I.,uxury Box Ticket Sales 'l'ickel Rebates IraciliLy Fees 'l-otal Othcr Evcnt Incornc Total Event lncomc Othcr Operating lncome Ad.iustcd Gross Incomc I N DI R IIC.I" E,X PI.],NSES Salaries & Wages Payroll Taxcs & Bcncfits [-abor Allocations to l]vents Nct Salaries and Rene fits Contracted Services General and Administrative Operaring Repairs & Maintenance Operafional Supplics I nsu rance Utilities Other SMC Managcrnent lrees Totnl Indirect llxpcnscs Nct lncome (l,oss) from ()pcrations Estimated Admission Tax Ql 2018 Actua I $ 435,943 t23,617 (57 5,712) Qr 20r9 Actual $ 432,268 153,7 44 (603.469) Qtr I ltt/!9 Actual Va ria n cc $(3,675) 30,127 (27,13'.1) (t6,t72)07.457)( I .285) 420,206 64,193 12,288 302,045 99,094 10,92 t (r r8,r6r) 34,90t ( r .367) 496.687 412,060 (84.627) t2,954 I I 2,855 t37,62s I I ,444 I 38,508 I 20.33 5 (r,5ro) 25,653 i7.290) 263.434 270,287 6,853 7 43,949 664.890 (79.059) 226.613 r90,489 (36. l 84) 970,62"85 5,379 il15.243\ 595,521 r r 8,658 (288,732') 42s,447 53,843 I 28,45 5 66, I 5s 20,303 21,467 28,455 r32,615 35.77 6 619,667 147,39t (286,922\ 480, I 36 55,892 175,746 42,252 36,656 2t,245 29,7 5t t32,354 3(t'137 24,146 28,733 1,8t0 54,689 2,049 47,291 (23,e03) 16,353 (222) t,296 (26t) 96t 9 t2.5t6 1.0 t0.769 98.253 $ 58.t06 $ ( r 5s.390)$ (2 13.496) t 59.593 I19.406 $ (40.187) $ 217,699 $ (3s.9841 $ (253,683)Net lncome (Loss) (EtTtn ;€ttaler :r F n*i *#ffi ry.ru#,S *re rpE..{€,{ff ry#? #m rgf# ry,; '1 '-+* . g F..--. '1 PFD Marketing Update - April 2019 , rji;"--F* ShoWare accesso CENTER woildwtde EnEndhnena dnd Conventlo n Ve aue Mandq.ment accessoshoWa reCenter. com Statistics Homepage for Q1 2019 . Users on Website in Quarter 1 2OL9:58,087. Users on website Quarter 12018: 55,525. o "'':" :: :::l ;'.'ilil'33 111;'# : :H u r we b s ite rro m Fa ce b o o k . Page views for Q1 in 20L9 - 167,296 r 97,038 sessions have been started on our website this quarter - up 25Yo over Q4 2018. o Nearly 32,000 of those sessions came from Seattle o Our mobile presence has grown this quarter to 62% of our patrons getting to our website through a mobile device, meaning our social is expanding its reach AS OF TODAY - Social Media statistics: @accessoShoWareCenter o Facebook: 15,553 Followers . Twitter: 2,t6L Followers r lnstagram: I,375 followers AS OF TODAY - Email Marketing information: Nearing 130,000 email subscriptions. o Our email database is the most important data we can work with. This data allows us to leverage 1't party social media campaign data and allows us to really target on-sales to the correct customers. We continue to grow this database allowing us to really reach the correct patrons and bring new "look-a-like" audiences to the building o accesso showare center News / Hiehlights for Q1 2019: o The Seattle Thunderbirds finished this season losing in the first round of playoffs against Vancouver Giants. lt was another record breaking year for attendance. o Gut Check Wrestling high school wrestling event over three days and had wrestlers from New York, Florida, and other states. KDP was a sponsor for this event. . accesso ShoWare Center - 625 W James St - Kent, WA 98032 - Ph 253.856.6999 ' accessoShoWareCenter.com r o Sesame Street Live! Had two performances in January. lt was a very successful event. o 2Cellos rehearsed for two days before their performance at accesso ShoWare Center that had great ticket sales. o ASnp Rocky: Injured Generation Tour promoted by AEG and was a successful event. o Chris Tomlin's Holy Roar tour - This was a sold out show. This concert kicked off their tour season. They rehearsed for three days prior to their show. o Trey Songz's concert - another sold out show in March. This was rescheduled from a February date due to our famous snow storm. . Uncanny Comedy Festlval - Featuring Hannibal Buress and local Kent native Jeff Dye. Another great event with great ticket sales. o Our Tacoma Stars made the Playoffs, and lost in double overtime to the San Dlego Sockerson April 19 at the accesso ShoWare Center. Upcoming Ticketed Events . April 14 Mercy Me - SOLD OUT PERFORMANCE . April 25 Garden Brothers Circus . May 1.1 LFL Seattle Mist v. Omaha Heart . May 24 - 25 Paw Patrol Live! The Great Pirate Adventure . May 30 Hillsong United: The People Tour MMXIX . June 1 Ring of Honor Wrestling . June 21 Judas Priest o June 23 Klose to My Life Live in Concert with Sonu Nigam and Neha Kakkar . June 29 LFL Seattle Mist v. Austin Acoustic . July 25 Shinedown World Tour . October 19 Gloria Trevi . accesso ShoWare Center - 625 W James St - Kent, WA 98032 - Ph 253.856.6999 - accessoShoWarecenter.com o Upcoming Q2 Community & Catering Events e April 30 Labor Council Career Fair o May 4 Khalsa Day Celebration 2OI9 r May 15 Urban League Job Fair o May 17 PICC . May 18 Kent lnternational Festival . May t9 - 23 King County Emergency Management o June 29 AJAC Signing Day . accesso ShoWare Center - 625 W James St - Kent, WA 98032 - Ph 253.856.6999 - accessoShoWareCenter.com r