HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 05/16/2019 (2)Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes May 16, 20L9 Kent, Washington Approved 7125/L9 Dater May 16,20L9Time: 4 p.m. Place: accesso ShoWare Center Other Attendees: SMG General Manager, Tim Higgins SMG Finance Director, Arletta Voter SMG Director of Sales and Marketing, Kelly Spreitzer City Attorney, Arthur "Pat" Fitzpatrick Colin Campbell, Thunderbirds General Manager City of Kent Economic and Community Development Director, Kurt Hanson City Clerk, Kimberley A. Komoto Deputy City Clerk, Kathryn McKee Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:59 p.ffi., with Lew Sellers presiding. 2. Roll Call Carmen Goers - Present Lew Sellers - Present Randall Smith - Present Jeff Piecewicz - Present 3 N Chanoes to the Aoenda 4. Aooroval of Minutes dated Januarv 31, 2O19 and Aoril 25, 2O19 Goers moved to approve the minutes dated January 3L,2Ot9 and April 25,2OL9, seconded by Jeff Piecewicz. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. 5. Position No. l Vacancy Fitzpatrick corrected the position number from t to 2 and provided the procedural process to fill the vacancy. Hanson advised that during the May 2L,2Ot9, City Council meeting, the Council will confirm the appointment of Greg Haffner to Position No. 2. 6. Financial Reports A. City of Kent. City of Kent Finance Director, Barbara Lopez was not present during this meeting, but the financial reports were included in the agenda packet. one Page 1 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes May 16, 2OL9 Kent, Washington Approved 7/25/L9 B. accesso ShoWare Center. Arletta Voter provided details of the accesso ShoWare Center Income Statement First Quarter Comparison for 20L8-2OL9, including direct event income, ancillary income, other event income, other operating income, indirect expenses, net income from operations, admission tax and net income. Multiple events were either moved or cancelled in response to the first quarter snow events. Higgins advised that five Thunderbird games were impacted during the snow events. 7. Operations Uodatea. General Manager Update. Higgins advised the accesso ShoWare Center will host 23 graduations spread over 15 days. Higgins anticipates the capital projects of rebranding the concessions and new carpeting, should be nearly complete by September. b. Marketing Update. Higgins introduced Kelly Spreitzer, SMG Sales and Marketing Manager. Spritzer provided an updated version of the marketing update for April 2Ot9. Spreitzer reviewed statistics for the website, social media and email marketing. Details were provided for events for the first quafter, upcoming ticketed events, and upcoming community and catering events. Spreitzer advised that both children's programming and faith-based events do well at the accesso ShoWare Center. c. City of Kent Update. Hanson provided development happening in Kent that may positively impact the accesso ShoWare Center. 8. Seattle Thunderbirds Uodate Colin Campbell provided a recap of last season and indicated there is excitement about building a young team going into 2019. Information was provided regarding season ticket sales, suite sales, and corporate paftnerships. Campbell indicated the schedule of games will be released in June and their will be six Tuesday games. Campbell indicated that the Thunderbirds Community Sports Foundation awarded $29,000 in Youth Sports in School Grants. And provided details regarding the Support a Sport Event fundraising opportunity for organizations. Tickets are sold for $26 and $20 is retained by the organization selling the tickets. Campbell advised of a team bantam tournament that will be held in 2020. There will 9. Other Business Page 2 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 7/25/t9 None 1O. Adiournment Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Goers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. Meetin g adjourned at 4:42 p. &. Kimberley City Clerk Komoto May 16, 20Lg May 16, 2OL9 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3