HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 06/25/2019 (2)
Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Recreation Commission meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of
each month in Kent City Hall Campus, Centennial Building - Room 402
400 West Gowe, Kent 98032.
For additional information, please contact Ron Lashley by email at rlashley@kentwa.gov.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-
856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service, call Washington Telecommunications Relay
Service at 1-800-833-6388.
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda
Commissioners: Chair Richard Minutoli, Vice-Chair Annie Sieger
Director: Julie Parascondola, CPRE
June 25, 2019
6:00 p.m.
Item Description Action Speaker Time
1. Roll Call / Call to order - Chair Minutoli 01
2. Changes to the Agenda - Chair Minutoli 01
3. Approve Minutes Summary dated May 28,
YES Chair Minutoli 01
4. Update on Recreation Program Plan to
City Council June 18, 2019 / Feedback
and Next Steps
NO Julie Parascondola 15
5. Update on 2019 Capital Projects
(including new grants awarded)
NO Brian Levenhagen 30
6. Update on Kent’s Transportation Master
Plan Process / Commission Rep
NO Brian Levenhagen 05
7. Final Approach to RCO Conversion for loss
of property at Morrill Meadows Park
NO Brian Levenhagen 20
8. Update on Green River Park Projects NO Brian Levenhagen 30
9. Gowe Street Traffic Median NO Brian Levenhagen 15
10. Director/Commission Updates NO All 10
11. Adjournment NO Chair Minutoli 01
Parks and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes
Kent, Washington
Pending Approval
Date: May 28, 2019
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Centennial Bldg. Room 402
Attending: Chair Richard Minutoli, Vice-Chair Annie Sieger, Jennifer Ritchie, Kristie
Duggan, Randy Furukawa, Scott Taylor, Tim Wilson Todd Minor,
Zandria Michaud, Director Julie Parascondola
Absent: Kathleen Roberts
1. Call to Order/Roll Call:
Commission Chair Minutoli called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
2. Changes to Agenda:
Minor change
3. Minutes dated April 23, 2019:
Approved with friendly change
4. Public Comment:
5. West Hill Water Tower / Park Property
Deputy Director Operations Manager David Brock shared a PowerPoint
presentation regarding the West Hill Water Tower that will be placed on Parks
property. Operations Director Tim Laporte also added comments to the discussion
regarding the location chosen for the new water tower. June 18th Operations will
be presenting at the City Council Workshop, the West Hill Water Supply. July 2nd
City Council Work Shop Operations will be presenting the West Hill Water Tank.
Commission voiced concern at Parks losing land and questioning the Public Works
Operations Manager and Director regarding the need to utilize Park property over
other options.
6. King County Veterans, Seniors & Human Services Levy Submittal
Director Parascondola provided an update to the Commission regarding the
applying for the levy grant. Parks submitted for the four years Levy for a max of
450k. Looking to market the Kent Senior Center as a regional Sr. Center due to
the number of users of the Center not being Kent residents.
7. Recreation Program Plan (Survey Results, Data Discussion)
Director Parascondola shared survey results with the commission. Handouts of
the Findings Report, Recreation Division Career Staff vs. City Hiring Trend line
graph and % Chg in Population vs. Recreation & Operations Net GF Investments
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line graph was given to the Commission. Also, the demographic findings packet
was passed around to the commissioners and discussed. The final presentation
will be presented at the City Council Workshop on June 18th at 5 p.m. Brian will
confirm when Survey will be online.
8. Commission Guidelines for Political Engagement
Director Parascondola congratulated two commissioners for running for City
The director also provided follow up feedback to the commission regarding
representing the commission on political views, especially during elections. The
issues are not advocacy of the commission as a whole; it is more regarding
endorsing or influencing, as a political party anything that is on a public Ballot and
doing so as a representative of the commission, that is not allowed.
Commissioners may do so as private citizens. More clarification of what is
acceptable quorum gathering of the commission will be researched as well.
9. Director Updates/Commission Updates
Kent Parks FaceBook page was launched today.
10. Adjournment:
Commission Chair Minutoli concluded the meeting at 8:13 p.m.
Ronald Lashley Jr
Ronald Lashley Jr.
Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary