HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 10/23/2019 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Date: October 23, 2019 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Centennial Bldg. Room 402 Attending: Chair Richard Minutoli, Vice-Chair Annie Sieger, Jennifer Ritchie, Jeremy Jasman, Kristie Duggan, Randy Furukawa, Riham Hashi, Scott Taylor, Todd Minor, Zandria Michaud, Director Julie Parascondola, Deputy Director Brian Levenhagen Absent: Tim Wilson, Bonnie Williams 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Commission Chair Minutoli called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Changes to Agenda: None 3. Approve Minutes dated September 23, 2019: Approved 4. Parks – Grand Opening Policy: The Deputy Director disseminated the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Policy and Procedure Manual Section: 1 Policy No. 1.3 Titled: Dedications, Ground Breaking, New Openings. The Policy was explained to the Commissioners. A follow-up presentation will occur once the policy is updated and finalized. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions made. 5. Gowe Street Triangle: The Director and Deputy Director shared with the Commission the meeting held with North Scenic Neighborhood Board and its outcome, including within the next two years the renovation of the location into a legitimate, sustainable, usable space. This meeting also included Parks Operations Superintendent Garin Lee. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions made. 6. 2020 Budget / Parks Capital Update: The Director disseminated Page 46, 47 & 85 of the Budget Overview and provided a high-level overview of its content regarding the parks operating and capital budget funding and programs. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions made. 7. Kent School District Partnership: Director gave an update to the partnership/collaboration with the Kent School District. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions made. P a g e | 2 8. Kent’s Legislative Agenda: The Director passed around a copy of Policy Document 4.A.A Packet Pg. 4 (Attachment: City of Kent 2020 Policy Document (2016: Kent’s 2020 Stat Legislative Agenda – Approve) updated 10/15/2019). A high-level overview of the Policy was provided. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions made. 9. Transportation Plan Update: Deputy Director Brian Levenhagen shared the https://www.kenttmp.com/ website with the commission. He, along with Vice-Chair Annie Sieger, shared information regarding the transportation plan with the Commission. Commissioners requested the link to the site. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions made. 10. Director/Commission Updates: • Kathleen Roberts resigned and is moving to the Human Services Commission • Holding recruitment until results of Kent City general elections are complete • Doodle Poll for December meeting will be sent out • Restructure of Rolls in Parks (organizational structure updated October 2019) was disseminated to commissioners. • New Parks Logo shared with Commission • Kent Parks Foundation has transitioned to Kent Community Foundation at their November meeting. • The following dates to at to be provided to the Commissioners: o November 19th Urban Parks Forestry Program presented at City Council Workshop o Pros Consulting coming back for the final presentation on the Recreation program plan at CCM. o Feb 4 YMCA final wrap up o Feb 4 Human Services final strategic plan o March 17th Green Kent program Update o Update Nov 12 C.O.W. Kronich. PRC Chair, Vice-Chair, Director and Deputy Director, will arrange a meeting to discuss with Public Works. • Lunar Rover Stem Festival Nov 14 from 5 to 7:30 @ accesso Showare Center • Next Town Hall Thursday 24 at the Fire Department 11. Adjournment: Commission Chair Minutoli concluded the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Ronald Lashley Jr Ronald Lashley Jr. Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary