HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 08/20/2019 Unless otherwise noted, the Operations Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month in Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Cathie Everett at 253-856-5705, or via email at CEverett@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Rela y Service at 7-1-1. Operations Committee Agenda Chair - Les Thomas Bill Boyce– Dennis Higgins Tuesday, August 20, 2019 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 01 MIN. 2. Roll Call Chair 01 MIN. 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair 01 MIN. 4. Approval of July 16, 2019 Minutes YES Chair 05 MIN. 5. Approval of Check Summary Report Dated July 1 through July 15 and July 16 through 31, 2019. YES Chair 05 MIN. 6. Small Cell Franchise with Verizon YES Assistant City Attorney Christina Schuck 15 MIN. 7. Municipal Court Ordinance KCC 2.34 - Repeal and Reenact YES Assistant City Attorney Tammy White and Judge Glenn Phillips 05 MIN. 8. Origami - Risk Management Information System Contract YES Risk Manager Chris Hills 05 MIN. 9. 2019-2020 Property Insurance Program Review NO Risk Manager Chris Hills 05 MIN. 10. June Financial Report NO Senior Financial Analyst Shane Sorenson 05 MIN. 11. Adjournment Chair 01 MIN. Page 1 of 3 Pending Approval Operations Committee CC Ops Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2019 Date: July 16, 2019 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers Attending: Les Thomas, Committee Chair Bill Boyce, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Les Thomas Committee Chair Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Dennis Higgins Councilmember Present 3. Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes dated July 2, 2019 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated July 2, 2019 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Higgins, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Thomas, Boyce, Higgins 5. Approval of Check Summary Report Dated June 16 through June 30, 2019 MOTION: Move to approve the check summary report dated June 16 through June 30, 2019. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Dennis Higgins, Councilmember AYES: Thomas, Boyce, Higgins 6. Consultant Services Agreement with Robert Half International - Authorize IT Director Mike Carrington and PMO Supervisor Brian Rambonga presented a request to recommend council authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement 4 Packet Pg. 2 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f J u l 1 6 , 2 0 1 9 4 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) Operations Committee CC Ops Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 with Robert Half International to provide information technology professionals in project and contract to hire positions as needed. The Information Technology department will leverage contractor work through Robert Half that is currently expected to cost no more than $2,499,226.49. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to enter into agreement with Robert Half International Inc., subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and the City Attorney, for a total amount not to exceed $2,499,226.49. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS]Next: 8/6/2019 5:00 PM MOVER: Dennis Higgins, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Thomas, Boyce, Higgins 7. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments Between March 1, 2019 and June 30, 2019 - Adopt Interim Finance Director Barbara Lopez presented a request to authorize council to approve the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between March 1 and June 30, 2019 reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,871,920. Adjustments totaling $11,285,320 have previously been approved by Council. The remaining adjustments totaling $4,586,600 have not been previously approved by Council. Some of the highlights include $1,880,000 for software, system integrations and contingency, $320,000 for two term-limited positions to backfill HR and Payroll staff, $140,000 increase to budgeted unemployment claims based on year-to-date costs and $45,000 for HR/Finance Director search. These expenditures are funded by grants, existing fund balance, or other new revenues. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. ____, approving the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between March 1, 2019 and June 30, 2019, reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,871,920. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS]Next: 8/6/2019 5:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Dennis Higgins, Councilmember AYES: Thomas, Boyce, Higgins 8. Debit/Credit Card Payment Changes Interim Finance Director Barbara Lopez, IT Project Manager Annette Pape and Customer Service Manager Patty Roseto brought an information only item to the committee explaining a new process that will be implemented to 4 Packet Pg. 3 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f J u l 1 6 , 2 0 1 9 4 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) Operations Committee CC Ops Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 mitigate the merchant bankcard fees currently being paid by the City. The City paid $781,000 in merchant bankcard fees in 2018. It was recommended to Administration that a 2.65% service fee be added to the customer for all card payments taken by Customer Service and via the City of Kent Portal, which will cover the cost of the merchant bankcard fees. Approval was given to implement the service fee at the Customer Service location when the new cashiering and card processing systems come on-line later this year. Fees will be re-evaluated annually to ensure the service fee continues to cover the merchant bankcard fees without costing the customer more than is necessary. Staff has developed a communication plan which includes a Kent Now video with Mayor Ralph, Information posted on the website and Customer Service counter and scripts for staff to ensure consistent communication. The committee requested that Finance make the process of re-evaluating the amount of this fee each year an official process. Ms. Lopez will work with the Legal Department to make this a formal process. 9. Adjournment 4:28 p.m. Cathie Everett Committee Secretary 4 Packet Pg. 4 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f J u l 1 6 , 2 0 1 9 4 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 256-856-5712 DATE: August 20, 2019 TO: Operations Committee SUBJECT: Approval of Check Summary Report Dated July 1 through July 15 and July 16 through 31, 2019. MOTION: Move to approve check summary reports dated July 1 through July 15 and July 16 through 31, 2019. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services 5 Packet Pg. 5 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 256-856-5712 DATE: August 20, 2019 TO: Operations Committee SUBJECT: Small Cell Franchise with Verizon MOTION: Recommend council adopt an ordinance establishing a 5-year franchise agreement with Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership, doing business as Verizon Wireless, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City. SUMMARY: The City has been negotiating franchise agreements with a number of telecommunications companies that are seeking to deploy new small cell equipment on Puget Sound Energy utility poles throughout the City. The City adopted a franchise with AT&T earlier this year. Small cells are a relatively new wireless technology and are low-powered with a smaller profile than traditional wireless communication facilities, i.e., monopoles. They are deployed to provide additional capacity for networks and sometimes to provide coverage in areas where the traditional cell phone towers are challenged by terrain or buildings. As consumers’ reliance upon mobile devices continues to increase, wireless infrastructure must continue to be upgraded and improved to keep up with demand. By all accounts small cells will be integral to the future deployment of 5G wireless technology. Accordingly, small cell deployment is expected to increase dramatically, with hundreds of individual cells deployed throughout the City. The installation of small cells raises safety and aesthetic concerns and will consume considerable City resources, including staff time. Small cell equipment can be small and compact, but can also be the size of a small refrigerator. Deploying this equipment on existing utility poles often means that the pole must be replaced to accommodate the additional load. Electrical safety standards must also be met, leading to the installation of taller replacement poles. Importantly, small cells also require fiber optics. Fiber is attached to small cells via conduits installed on the poles. Additionally, this fiber must run either aerially on wires or be installed underground. All of these small cell components directly impact the City’s rights-of- way. The legal landscape surrounding this technology has changed on both federal and local levels. Recent action by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has significantly limited local control over small cell deployments and requires the City to act on applications within compressed timelines. In response, the City has 6 Packet Pg. 6 updated its code to establish a specific franchise application process and has established design standards and aesthetic requirements for small cells located within the right-of-way. The terms of the franchise agreement with Verizon Wireless include these new design standards and more broadly, attempt to balance the desire to embrace new technology with the need to address the safety and aesthetic concerns this technology raises. At the same time, it is the City’s intention that these terms to be flexible enough to accommodate the 5G equipment that is still being developed. Because small cell technology and the legal landscape surrounding it will continue to evolve, the franchise term was set for five years. Additionally, the franchise includes terms governing the relocation of small cell facilities to accommodate public improvements; requirements for the franchisee to keep detailed records of its facilities; and stiff penalties for the installation of unauthorized facilities. BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City, Innovative Government ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A to Verizon Small Cell Franchise (PDF) 2. Exhibit B to Verizon Small Cell Franchise (PDF) 3. Verizon - Small Cell Franchise Ordinance - FINAL (PDF) 6 Packet Pg. 7 SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: SITE INFORMATION: CONCEPTUALNODEDESIGN REV. DATE: ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: md7 PROJECT NUMBER: PLANS PREPARED BY: R POLYGON: VZW TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS POLYGON verizon DP-CTM TYPICALDISTRIBUTION POLECANISTER TOP MOUNTEDExistingProposed Wood Utility Pole VZW Typical Installations - #DP-CTM (Distribution Pole - Canister Top Mounted) Elevation Profile SMALL CELL CANISTER ANTENNA ON POLE BASE MOUNT REPLACEMENT WOOD UTILITY POLE NOTE: POLE ATTACHMENTS (ELEC. AND COMM. TO BE RELOCATED TO NEW POLE) CONDUIT (COAX) CONDUIT (POWER) FIBER LINE DISCONNECT BOX RRU ENCLOSURE (BRACKET WITH SHROUD) NOTE: EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE IS APPROXIMATELY 12 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME EXISTING DISTRIBUTION LINES (STREET SIDE) RF NOTICE & SITE ID SIGNAGE (3) 2FT PANEL ANTENNAS NOTE: ANTENNA DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BUT WILL NOT EXCEED 3 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME *NOTE: POLE HEIGHT MAY VARY. NEUTRAL LINE 6.a Packet Pg. 8 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t A t o V e r i z o n S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: SITE INFORMATION: CONCEPTUALNODEDESIGN REV. DATE: ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: md7 PROJECT NUMBER: PLANS PREPARED BY: R POLYGON: VZW TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS POLYGON verizon DP-PAMP Existing Proposed Wood Utility Pole VZW Typical Installations - #DP-PAMP (Distribution Pole - Panel Antenna Mid Pole) Elevation Profile TYPICALDISTRIBUTION POLECANISTER SIDE MOUNTED REPLACEMENT WOOD UTILITY POLE NOTE: POLE ATTACHMENTS (ELEC. AND COMM. TO BE RELOCATED TO NEW POLE) CONDUIT (COAX) CONDUIT (POWER) FIBER LINE DISCONNECT BOX RRU ENCLOSURE (BRACKET WITH SHROUD) NOTE: EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE IS APPROXIMATELY 12 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME EXISTING DISTRIBUTION LINES (STREET SIDE) RF NOTICE & SITE ID SIGNAGE (3) 2FT PANEL ANTENNAS NOTE: ANTENNA DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BUT WILL NOT EXCEED 3 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME *NOTE: POLE HEIGHT MAY VARY. NEUTRAL LINE (2) 2FT PANEL ANTENNAS NOTE: ANTENNA DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BUT WILL NOT EXCEED 3 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME 6.a Packet Pg. 9 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t A t o V e r i z o n S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: SITE INFORMATION: CONCEPTUALNODEDESIGN REV. DATE: ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: md7 PROJECT NUMBER: PLANS PREPARED BY: R POLYGON: VZW TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS POLYGON verizon NOTE: POLE ATTACHMENTS (ELEC. AND COMM. TO BE RELOCATED TO NEW POLE) CONDUIT (COAX) CONDUIT (POWER) CONDUIT (FIBER) EXISTING CONDUIT EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES EXISTING DISTRIBUTION LINES (STREET SIDE) EXISTING WOOD UTILITY POLE TYPICALTRANSMISSION POLE -CANISTER SIDE MOUNTEDExistingProposed Wood Utility Pole VZW Typical Installations - #TP-PAMP (Transmission Pole - Panel Antenna Mid Pole) Elevation Profile DISCONNECT BOX RRU ENCLOSURE (BRACKET WITH SHROUD) NOTE: EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE IS APPROXIMATELY 12 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME RF NOTICE & SITE ID SIGNAGE (3) 2FT PANEL ANTENNAS NOTE: ANTENNA DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BUT WILL NOT EXCEED 3 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME *NOTE: POLE HEIGHT MAY VARY. NEUTRAL LINE TP-PAMP (2) 2FT PANEL ANTENNAS NOTE: ANTENNA DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BUT WILL NOT EXCEED 3 CUBIC FEET IN VOLUME 6.a Packet Pg. 10 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t A t o V e r i z o n S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) {ERZ1744692.DOCX;2/00085.080011/ } EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby accepts and agrees to be bound by all lawful terms, conditions and provisions of the Franchise attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. ___________________________________ By: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________ Name: ____________________ Title: ____________________ STATE OF ________________ ) )ss. COUNTY OF ______________ ) On this ____ day of _______________, 201_, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of _________________, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared, __________________ of Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless, the company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal on the date hereinabove set forth. _____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of __________________, residing at _________________________ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: _____________________________ 6.b Packet Pg. 11 At t a c h m e n t : E x h i b i t B t o V e r i z o n S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 1 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, granting to Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless, and its affiliates, successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and nonexclusive franchise for five years, to construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair a small cell telecommunications network, in across, over, along, under, through and below certain designated public rights-of-way of the City of Kent, Washington. RECITALS A. Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless, (the “Franchisee”) has requested that the City Council grant it a nonexclusive franchise (this “Franchise”) to construct, maintain, operate, repair, upgrade, remove, replace and restore small cell networks in the City’s right-of-way; and B. The City Council has the authority to grant franchises for the use of its streets and other public properties pursuant to RCW 35A.47.040. C. Small cell facilities are relatively new technology deployed by wireless providers to meet the evolving needs of consumers and their increased reliance upon mobile devices. To meet demand, wireless infrastructure must continue to be upgraded and improved. 6.c Packet Pg. 12 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 2 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless D. In contrast to the familiar cell phone towers and monopoles, small cells are low-powered and low profile wireless base stations that function like cells in a mobile wireless network and typically cover localized (smaller) areas. Wireless providers use small cells to provide connectivity in areas where the coverage and capacity of traditional cell towers are challenged by terrain or buildings and they also use small cells to provide enhanced capacity to users (e.g., more data, more quickly). Because they are smaller, small cells are often mounted to existing structures within the right-of-way, such as utility poles and light poles. E. Small cell facilities and networks will also be integral to the deployment of the next generation of wireless service, known as “5G” or “5th Generation.” Wireless providers and the Federal Communications Commission claim that 5G will provide additional capacity in existing networks for emergency service, increased data use, telecommuting, and the support of Internet of Things applications. F. The City embraces and supports small cell technology and the advances the City expects it to provide, yet also has a fundamental role to manage the rights-of-way fairly for the residents and tax-payers and protect the City’s significant investments of time, resources and money in construction, design standards and undergrounding of utilities. G. In order to balance the deployment of new technology with the City’s role to manage the rights-of-way, this franchise includes robust, yet flexible design standards for the small cells. It also includes requirements to keep a detailed record of small cell installations, relocation requirements and penalties for unauthorized installations. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6.c Packet Pg. 13 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 3 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Definitions. In addition to terms otherwise defined herein, the following definitions shall apply generally to the provisions of this Franchise. 1.1 “Director” means the Public Works Director, the Economic and Community Development Director, or his/her designee. 1.2 “Rights-of-Way” (singular “Right-of-Way”) as used in this Franchise, means the surface of, and the space above and below, any public street, highway, freeway, bridge, land path, alley, court, boulevard, sidewalk, way, lane, public way, drive, circle, pathways, spaces, or other public right-of-way, and over which the City has authority to grant permits, licenses or franchises for use thereof, or has regulatory authority thereover. Rights-of-Way for the purpose of this Franchise do not include railroad right-of-way, airports, harbor areas, buildings, parks, poles, conduits, open spaces, nature trails, dedicated but un-opened right-of- way, undedicated streets and/or right-of-way, environmentally sensitive areas and any land, facilities, or property owned, maintained, or leased by the City in its governmental or proprietary capacity or as an operator of a utility. 1.3 “Small Cell Equipment” or “Small Cell Facilities” means Wireless Telecommunications Facilities attached, mounted, or installed on a proprietary or leased pole, excluding monopole towers, that is located in Right-of-Way and used to provide “personal wireless service” as defined in Title 47, United States Code, Section 332(c)(7)(C), including all future amendments and is substantially similar in aesthetics and proportion to those pictured in Exhibit A. 6.c Packet Pg. 14 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 4 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 1.4 “Utility Pole” means a pole or vertical structure owned by a utility company or other third party with the right either pursuant to state law or a franchise to place such facilities in the Right-of-Way. An “Original Utility Pole” is a pole that has not been replaced to accommodate Small Cell Facilities, but that is capable of accommodating Small Cell Facilities. A “Replacement Utility Pole” means a pole that replaces an Original Utility Pole to accommodate Small Cell Facilities and does not result in an increase in the total number of Utility Poles. Each reference to a Utility Pole herein includes any Original Utility Pole and any Replacement Utility Pole. SECTION 2. – Franchise Granted. 2.1 Pursuant to RCW 35A.47.040, the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (“City”), hereby grants to Franchisee, its successors, legal representatives and assigns, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, a non-exclusive Franchise for a period of five (5) years beginning on the effective date of this ordinance, set forth in Section 48. 2.2 This Franchise ordinance grants Franchisee the right, privilege, and authority to construct, operate, maintain, replace, relocate, restore, upgrade, remove, excavate, acquire, and use the Small Cell Facilities, as defined in Section 1.3, for its telecommunications network, in, under, on, across, over, through, along or below the public Rights-of-Way located in the City of Kent, as approved pursuant to City codes and permits issued pursuant to this Franchise. This Franchise does not authorize the installation of any ground mounted equipment anywhere within the Rights-of-Way. 2.3 This Franchise shall not prevent the City from granting franchises in, along, over, through, under, below, or across any Rights-of-Way. This Franchise shall not prevent or prohibit the City from using any Rights-of- 6.c Packet Pg. 15 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 5 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Way or affect its jurisdiction over any Rights-of-Way or any part of Rights- of-Way. The City shall retain power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishment, improvement, dedication of Right-of-Way as the City deems fit, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance, and improvement of all new Rights-of-Way, thoroughfares, and other public properties of every type and description. SECTION 3. - Grant of Authority Limited. 3.1 The authority granted by this Franchise is a limited authorization to occupy and use the Rights-of-Way throughout the City (the “Franchise Area”). The Franchisee is authorized to place its Facilities in the Rights-of- Way only consistent with this Franchise, the City of Kent Zoning Code, the Comprehensive Plan, the Area Design and Construction Standards and the Kent Municipal Code (collectively the “Codes”). Nothing contained herein shall be construed to grant or convey any right, title, or interest in the Rights-of-Way of the City to the Franchisee other than for the purpose of providing telecommunications services. Franchisee hereby warrants that it expects to provide the following services within the City: small cell network consisting of a collection of interrelated Small Cell Facilities designed to deliver personal wireless services (the “Services”). Services do not include personal wireless services and associated facilities that fall outside of the definition of Small Cell Facilities (i.e., macro facilities). 3.2 This Franchise does not grant Franchisee the right to install and operate wires and facilities to provide wireline broadband transmission services, whether provided by a third party provider, Franchisee, or a corporate affiliate of Franchisee. Any entity that provides such wireline broadband transmission services must have an independent franchise to use the Rights-of-Way outside of this Franchise. Further, this Franchise does not grant the right to offer cable internet services or Cable Services as those terms are defined in 47 U.S.C. § 522(6) by wireline transmission. 6.c Packet Pg. 16 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 6 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 3.3 This Franchise does not grant Franchisee the right to install any facility, infrastructure, wires, lines, cables, or other equipment, on any City property other than a Right-of-Way, or upon private property without the owner’s consent, or upon or in any City, public or privately owned poles or conduits. 3.4 Nothing within this Franchise shall be construed to grant or convey any right, title, or interest in the Rights-of-Way of the City to Franchisee other than for the purpose of providing the Services, or to subordinate the primary use of the Right-of-Way as a public thoroughfare. 3.5 If Franchisee desires to expand the Services provided within the City, it shall request a written amendment to this Franchise. If Franchisee desires to use City owned property, including poles and structures within the Rights-of-Way it shall enter into a separate lease or license agreement with the City. 3.6 Franchisee shall have the right, without prior City approval, to lease the Facilities, grant a right of user interest in the Facilities or any portion thereof or offer or provide capacity or bandwidth to its lessees or customers consistent with this Franchise provided: a. Franchisee at all times retains exclusive control over its telecommunications system, Facilities and Services and remains responsible for constructing, installing, and maintaining its Facilities pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Franchise; b. Franchisee may not grant rights to any customer or lessee that are greater than any rights Franchisee has pursuant to this Franchise; c. Such customer or lessee shall not be construed to be a third- party beneficiary under this Franchise; and 6.c Packet Pg. 17 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 7 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless d. No such customer or lessee may use the telecommunications system or Services for any purpose not authorized by this Franchise, nor to sell or offer for sale any service to the citizens of the City without all required business licenses, franchise or other form of state wide approval. SECTION 4. - Location of Facilities. 4.1 Franchisee may locate its Facilities anywhere within the Franchise Area consistent with the City’s Design and Construction Standards and area design and construction standards and subject to the City’s applicable Code requirements. Franchisee shall not be required to amend this Franchise to construct or acquire Facilities within the Franchise Area, provided that Franchisee does not expand its Services beyond those described in Section 3.1. 4.2 To the extent that any Rights-of-Way within the Franchise Area are part of the state highway system (“State Highways”) and are governed by the provisions of chapter 47.24 RCW and applicable Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) regulations, Franchisee shall comply fully with these requirements in addition to local ordinances and other applicable regulations. Without limitation of the foregoing, Franchisee specifically agrees that: a. any pavement trenching and restoration performed by Franchisee within State Highways shall meet or exceed applicable WSDOT requirements; b. any portion of a State Highway damaged or injured by Franchisee shall be restored, repaired and/or replaced by Franchisee to a condition that meets or exceeds applicable WSDOT requirements; and 6.c Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 8 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless c. without prejudice to any right or privilege of the City, WSDOT is authorized to enforce in an action brought in the name of the State of Washington any condition of this Franchise with respect to any portion of a State Highway. SECTION 5. - Relocation of Small Cell Facilities. 5.1 Relocation Requirement. Franchisee agrees to protect, support, temporarily disconnect and then reconnect, relocate, or remove from any Rights-of-Way any of its Facilities when reasonably required by the City by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, dedications of new Rights-of- Way, the establishment and improvement of new Rights-of-Way, widening or improvement of existing Rights-of-Way or both, street vacations, freeway construction, change or establishment of street grade, or the construction of any public improvement or structure by any governmental agency acting in a governmental capacity or as otherwise necessary for the operations of the City or other governmental entity. Collectively, such matters are referred to within this Franchise with the term “Public Improvement.” 5.2 Relocation. If the request for relocation from the City arises from a Public Improvement, in which structures or poles are either replaced or removed, then Franchisee shall relocate or remove its Facilities as required by the City, and at no cost to the City, subject to the procedure in Section 5.4. Franchisee acknowledges and agrees that the placement of Small Cell Facilities on third-party owned or City owned structures does not convey an ownership interest in such structures. Franchisee acknowledges and agrees, that to the extent Franchisee’s Small Cell Facilities are on poles owned by third parties, the City shall not be responsible for any costs associated with requests for relocation which the City makes solely for aesthetic purposes and where such request arises out of a Public Improvement. 6.c Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 9 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 5.3 Locate. Upon written request of the City, or a third party performing work in the Right-of-Way, and in order to facilitate the design of City street and Right-of-Way improvements, Franchisee agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to locate, and if determined necessary by the City, to excavate and expose its Facilities for inspection so that the Facilities’ location may be taken into account in the improvement design. The decision as to whether any Facilities need to be relocated in order to accommodate the Public Improvement shall be made by the City upon review of the location and construction of Franchisee’s Facilities. The City shall provide Franchisee at least fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice prior to any excavation or exposure of Facilities. Franchisee shall be responsible for any delays due to failure to locate its Facilities when requested, except that Franchisee shall not be responsible for delays or damages due to circumstances beyond the control of the Franchisee. 5.4 Notice and Relocation Process. If the City determines that the project necessitates the relocation of Franchisee’s existing Facilities, the City shall: a. At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to commencing the project, provide Franchisee with written notice requiring such relocation and a date by which relocation must be complete; provided, however, that in the event of an emergency situation, defined for purposes of this Franchise as a condition posing an imminent threat to property, life, health, or safety of any person or entity, the City shall give Franchisee written notice as soon as practicable; and b. At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to commencing the project, provide Franchisee with copies of pertinent portions of the plans and specifications for the improvement project and a proposed location for Franchisee’s Facilities so that 6.c Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 10 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Franchisee may relocate its Facilities in other City Rights-of- Way in order to accommodate such improvement project; and c. After receipt of such notice and such plans and specifications, Franchisee shall complete relocation of its Facilities consistent with the date for relocation established in accordance with this Section 5.4(a) at no charge or expense to the City, except as otherwise provided by law. Relocation shall be accomplished in such a manner as to accommodate the Public Improvement. 5.5 Alternative Arrangements. The Franchisee may make its own appropriate arrangements in response to a request for relocation of its Facilities from a person or entity other than the City, so long as any improvements being constructed are not or will not become City-owned, operated or maintained; except that any such arrangements shall not unduly delay a City construction project. 5.6 Contractor Delay Claims. Franchisee shall be solely responsible for the out-of-pocket costs incurred by the City for delays in a Public Project to the extent the delay is caused by or arises out of Franchisee's failure to comply with the final schedule for the relocation (other than as a result of a Force Majeure Event or causes or conditions caused by the acts or omissions of the City or any third party unrelated to Franchisee; Franchisee vendors and contractors shall not be considered unrelated third parties). Such out-of-pocket costs may include, but are not limited to, payment to the City's contractors and/or consultants for increased costs and associated court costs, interest, and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the City to the extent directly attributable to such Franchisee’s caused delay in the Public Project. 6.c Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 11 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 5.7 Indemnification. Franchisee will indemnify, hold harmless, and pay the costs of defending the City, in accordance with the provisions of Section 22. 5.8 Moving of Buildings or Other Objects. Franchisee shall, on the request of any individual or private entity holding a valid permit issued by a governmental authority, temporarily remove, raise or lower its Facilities to permit the moving of buildings or other objects. The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lowering of Facilities shall be at the expense of the requestor. 5.9 City’s Costs. If Franchisee fails, neglects, or refuses to remove or relocate its Facilities as directed by the City following the procedures outlined in this Section 5, the City may perform such work or cause it to be done, and the City’s costs shall be paid by Franchisee pursuant to Sections 15.3 and 15.4. 5.10 Survival. The provisions of this Section 5 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Franchise during such time as Franchisee continues to have Facilities in the Rights-of-Way. SECTION 6. - Undergrounding of Facilities. 6.1 No installation of Small Cell Facilities in Undergrounded Areas. Franchisee shall not install Small Cell Facilities in areas that already have undergrounding of aerial utilities, except as authorized by the Director and in compliance with any Kent construction standards. Any Facilities so located shall be approved by the Director and if such Facilities include the installation of a new pole or installation on a City-owned pole, Franchisee shall be required to enter into a separate agreement with the City for such installations. 6.c Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 12 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 6.2 Requirement to Remove Small Cell Facilities. Franchisee hereby acknowledges and agrees that whenever the City requires the undergrounding of the aerial utilities in any area of the City, which includes the removal of structures (e.g., Utility Poles) in the Rights-of- Way, Franchisee will also be required to remove or relocate its Facilities from such structures within the timeframe set for such undergrounding project. If the aerial utilities are required to be undergrounded, Franchisee’s grant of permission for Small Cell Facilities on Utility Poles in that area will be automatically revoked upon removal of these Utility Poles. Franchisee may re-install any Small Cell Facilities only as authorized by the Director and in compliance with any Kent Construction Standards, unless otherwise approved by the Director. Installation of new poles shall require a site specific separate agreement pursuant to chapter 35.99 RCW. 6.3 Survival. The provisions of this Section 6 shall survive the expiration, revocation, or termination of this Franchise. Nothing in this Section 6 shall be construed as requiring the City to pay any costs of undergrounding any of the Franchisee’s Facilities. SECTION 7. - Information, Inventory and Records. 7.1 Information Request. a. Franchisee shall supply and maintain updated, at no cost to the City, any information reasonably requested by the City to coordinate its functions with the Franchisee’s activities and fulfill any municipal functions under state law. This required information may include, but is not limited to, any installation inventory, location of existing or planned Facilities, maps, plans, operational data, and as-built drawings of Franchisee’s 6.c Packet Pg. 23 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 13 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Facilities in the City. Franchisee shall warrant the accuracy of all information provided to the City. b. Within thirty (30) calendar days of a written request from the Director, but in no event more than once annually, the Franchisee shall furnish the City with information sufficient to demonstrate: 1) that the Franchisee has complied with all applicable requirements of this Franchise; and 2) that all utility taxes due the City in connection with the Franchisee’s services and Facilities provided by the Franchisee have been properly collected and paid by the Franchisee. 7.2 Current Inventory. a. Franchisee shall maintain a current inventory of Small Cell Facilities throughout the Term of this Franchise. Franchisee shall provide to City a copy of the inventory report no later than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Effective Date of this Franchise, and an updated inventory report shall be provided by December 31 of each year and within thirty (30) calendar days of a reasonable request by the City. The inventory report shall include GIS coordinates, date of installation, type of pole used for installation, description/type of installation for each Small Cell Facility installation and photographs taken before and after the installation of the Small Cell Facility and taken from the public street. b. Small Cell Facilities that are considered Deactivated Facilities, as described in Section 24.1, shall be included in the inventory report and Franchisee shall provide the same information as is provided for active installations as well as 6.c Packet Pg. 24 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 14 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless the date the Facilities were deactivated and the date the Deactivated Facilities were removed from the Right-of-Way. The City shall compare the inventory report to its records to identify any discrepancies, and the parties will work together in good faith to resolve any discrepancies. Franchisee is not required to report on future inventory reports any Deactivated Facilities which were removed from the Right-of- Way since the last reported inventory and may thereafter omit reference to the Deactivated Facilities. Franchisee shall keep the City reasonably informed of its long-range plans for coordination with the City’s long-range plans. 7.3 Inspection. All books, records, maps, and other documents maintained by Franchisee with respect to its Facilities within the Rights-of- Way shall be made available for inspection by the City at reasonable times and intervals; except that nothing in this Section 7.3 shall be construed to require Franchisee to violate state or federal law regarding customer privacy, nor shall this Section 7.3 be construed to require Franchisee to disclose proprietary or confidential information without adequate safeguards for its confidential or proprietary nature. Unless otherwise permitted or required by state or federal law, nothing in this Section 7.3 shall be construed as permission to withhold relevant customer data from the City that the City requests in conjunction with a tax audit or review; provided, however, Franchisee may redact identifying information such as names, street addresses (excluding City and zip code), Social Security Numbers, or Employer Identification Numbers related to any confidentiality agreements Franchisee has with third parties. 7.4 Public Records Act. a. Franchisee acknowledges that information submitted to the City is subject to the Washington Public Records Act, chapter 6.c Packet Pg. 25 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 15 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 42.56 RCW, and is open to public inspection, subject to any exceptions permitted by law (i.e., unless an exemption applies). b. Franchisee may identify documents submitted to the City that Franchisee believes are non-disclosable, such as trade secrets. Franchisee shall be responsible for clearly and conspicuously identifying the work as confidential or proprietary, and shall provide a brief written explanation as to why such information is confidential and how it may be treated as such under state or federal law. The City agrees to keep confidential any proprietary or confidential books or records to the extent permitted by law. c. If the City receives a public records request under chapter 42.56 RCW or similar law for the disclosure of the documents or any part of the documents Franchisee has designated as confidential, trade secret, or proprietary, the City shall provide Franchisee with written notice of the request, including a copy of the request prior to disclosure so that Franchisee can take appropriate steps to protect its interests. Nothing in this Section 7.4 prohibits the City from complying with chapter 42.56 RCW or any other applicable law or court order requiring the release of public records, and the City shall not be liable to Franchisee for compliance with any law or court order requiring the release of public records. The City will not assert an exemption from disclosure or production on Franchisee’s behalf. d. The City shall comply with any injunction or court order obtained by Franchisee that prohibits the disclosure of any such confidential records. If a higher court overturns an 6.c Packet Pg. 26 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 16 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless injunction or court order and such higher court action is or has become final and non-appealable, Franchisee shall reimburse the City for any fines or penalties imposed for failure to disclose such records within forty-five (45) calendar days of a request from the City, unless additional time is reasonably necessary under the circumstances and is agreed to by the parties. 7.5 Annual Audit. On an annual basis, upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice, the City shall have the right to conduct an independent audit of Franchisee's records reasonably related to the administration or enforcement of this Franchise, in accordance with GAAP. If the audit shows that tax or fee payments have been underpaid by three percent (3%) or more, Franchisee shall pay the total cost of the audit. SECTION 8. - Work in the Rights-of-Way. 8.1 During any period of relocation, construction or maintenance, all work performed by Franchisee or its contractors shall be accomplished in a safe and workmanlike manner and only after obtaining permits pursuant to Section 8.3. Franchisee shall minimize interference with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining property, whether public or private. Franchisee shall at all times post and maintain proper traffic control to warn and direct the road users. Traffic control devices include but are not limited to barricades, traffic cones, traffic drums, tubular markers, flags, certified flaggers, lights, flares, and other measures as required for the safety of all members of the general public. Franchisee shall also comply with all applicable safety regulations during such period of construction as required by the ordinances of the City or the laws of the State of Washington, including RCW 39.04.180 for the requirement of trench safety systems for trench excavations. The provisions of this Section 8.1 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Franchise 6.c Packet Pg. 27 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 17 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless and during such time as Franchisee continues to have Facilities in the Rights of Way. 8.2 Franchisee shall, at its own expense, maintain its Facilities in a safe condition, in good repair, and in a manner suitable to the City. Additionally, Franchisee shall keep its Facilities free of debris and anything of a dangerous, noxious, or offensive nature or which would create a hazard or undue vibration, heat, noise, or any interference with City services. The provisions of this Section 8.2 shall survive the expiration of this Franchise during such time as Franchisee continues to have Facilities in the Rights-of-Way. 8.3 Whenever Franchisee shall commence work in any Rights-of-Way for the purpose of excavation, installation, construction, repair, maintenance, or relocation of its Facilities, it shall apply to the City for a permit to do so. During the progress of the work, the Franchisee shall not unnecessarily obstruct the passage or proper use of the Rights-of-Way, and all work by the Franchisee in the area shall be performed in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications and warranted for a period of two (2) years. In no case shall any work commence within any Rights-of-Way without a permit, except as otherwise provided in this Franchise. 8.4 If either the City or Franchisee plans to make excavations in any area covered by this Franchise and as described in this Section 8.4, the party planning such excavation shall afford the other an opportunity to share such excavation, PROVIDED THAT: a. The joint use shall not unreasonably delay the work of the party causing the excavation to be made; b. The joint use shall be arranged and accomplished on terms and conditions satisfactory to both parties; and 6.c Packet Pg. 28 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 18 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless c. The initiating party may deny such request for safety reasons. 8.5 Upon prior written notice from the City, Franchisee shall meet with the City and other franchise holders to schedule and coordinate construction in the Rights-of-Way. To minimize public inconvenience, disruption or damage, the Franchisee shall coordinate all construction locations, activities, and schedules as reasonably directed by the City. 8.6 Franchisee acknowledges that it shall be solely responsible for compliance with all marking and lighting requirements of the FAA and the FCC with respect to Franchisee’s Facilities. Franchisee shall indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from any fines or other liabilities caused by Franchisee’s failure to comply with these requirements. Should Franchisee or the City be cited by either the FCC or the FAA because the Facilities or Franchisee’s equipment is not in compliance and should Franchisee fail to cure the conditions of noncompliance within the timeframe allowed by the citing agency, the City may elect any or all of the following remedies: (1) cure the conditions of noncompliance at Franchisee’s expense, and collect all reasonable costs from Franchisee in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.3 and Section 15.4; (2) collect damages pursuant to Section 28.2; or (3) revoke this Franchise pursuant to Section 27. Franchisee shall not be liable for any claims, damages or liability resulting from City’s acts in effecting the cure on behalf of Franchisee. SECTION 9. – Trees. 9.1 Franchisee may trim trees upon and overhanging on Rights-of-Way, streets, alleys, sidewalks, and other public places of the City so as to prevent the branches of any such trees from coming in contact with Franchisee’s Facilities. The right to trim trees in this Section 9.1 only 6.c Packet Pg. 29 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 19 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless applies to the extent necessary to protect above ground Facilities. Franchisee shall avoid unnecessary trimming of trees and vegetation in the vicinity of its Facilities and shall avoid damaging any trees or vegetation. Franchisee shall ensure that its tree trimming activities protect the appearance, integrity, and health of the trees to the extent reasonably possible. Franchisee shall be responsible for all debris removal from such activities. 9.2 Upon the written request of the Director, Franchisee shall prepare and maintain a tree trimming schedule to ensure compliance with this Section 9.2 and to avoid exigent circumstances where tree cutting, trimming, or removal is necessary to protect the public safety or continuity of service. Franchisee shall submit the tree trimming schedule to the Director. Franchisee shall notify and obtain written approval from the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned, before completing any trimming, except in an emergency. 9.3 All tree trimming shall be completed at the expense of Franchisee. Franchisee may contract for such services, however, City approval is required prior to commencing such trimming, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. Nothing in this Franchise grants Franchisee any authority to act on behalf of the City, to enter upon any private property, or to trim any tree or natural growth not owned by the City. Except in an emergency, all tree trimming must be performed under the direction of an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture, unless otherwise approved by the Director. 9.4 Franchisee shall be solely responsible and liable for any damage to any third parties’ trees or natural growth caused by Franchisee’s actions. Franchisee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City from claims of any nature arising out of any act or negligence of Franchisee with regard to tree and/or natural growth trimming, damage, and/or removal. 6.c Packet Pg. 30 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 20 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Franchisee shall reasonably compensate the City or the property owner for any damage caused by trimming, damage, or removal by Franchisee. SECTION 10. - One Call Locator Service. Prior to doing any work in the Rights-of-Way, Franchisee shall follow established procedures, including contacting the Utility Notification Center in Washington and comply with all applicable State statutes regarding the One Call Locator Service pursuant to chapter 19.122 RCW. Further, upon request by the City or a third party, Franchisee shall locate its Facilities consistent with the requirements of chapter 19.122 RCW. The City shall not be liable for any damages to Franchisee’s Facilities or for interruptions in service to Franchisee’s customers that are a direct result of Franchisee’s failure to locate its Facilities within the prescribed time limits and guidelines established by the One Call Locator Service regardless of whether the City issued a permit. SECTION 11. - Safety Requirements. 11.1 Franchisee shall, at all times, employ professional care and shall install and maintain and use industry-standard methods for preventing failures and accidents that are likely to cause damage, injuries, or nuisances to the public. All structures and all lines, equipment, and connections in, over, under, and upon the Rights-of-Way, wherever situated or located, shall at all times be kept and maintained in a safe condition. Franchisee shall comply with all federal, state, and City safety requirements, rules, regulations, laws, and practices, and employ all necessary devices as required by applicable law during the construction, operation, maintenance, upgrade, repair, or removal of its Facilities. By way of illustration and not limitation, Franchisee shall also comply with the applicable provisions of the National Electric Code, National Electrical Safety Code, FCC regulations, and Occupational Safety and Health 6.c Packet Pg. 31 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 21 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Administration (OSHA) Standards. The City reserves the general right to inspect the Facilities to evaluate if they are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. 11.2 If an unsafe but non-emergent condition or a violation of Section 11.1 is found to exist, and becomes known to the City, the City agrees to give Franchisee written notice of such condition and afford Franchisee a reasonable opportunity to repair the condition. If Franchisee fails to start to make the necessary repairs and alterations within a reasonable time frame specified in such notice (and pursue such cure to completion), then the City may make such repairs or contract for them to be made. All costs, including administrative costs, incurred by the City in repairing any unsafe conditions shall be borne by Franchisee and reimbursed to the City pursuant to Sections 15.3 and 15.4. 11.3 Additional safety standards include: a. Franchisee shall endeavor to maintain all Facilities in an orderly manner, including, but not limited to, the placement of any cables connecting equipment in an orderly manner. b. All installations of equipment, lines, and ancillary facilities shall be installed in accordance with industry-standard engineering practices and shall comply with all federal, state, and local regulations, ordinances, and laws. c. The Franchisee shall at all times protect any opening or obstruction in the Rights-of-Way or other public places made by Franchisee in the course of its operations by the placement of adequate barriers, fences, or boarding, the bounds of which, during periods of dusk and darkness, shall be clearly marked and visible. 6.c Packet Pg. 32 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 22 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 11.4 On notice from the City that any work is being performed contrary to the provisions of this Franchise, or in an unsafe or dangerous manner as reasonably determined by the City, or in violation of the terms of any applicable permit, laws, regulations, ordinances, or standards, the work may immediately be stopped by the City. The stop work order shall: a. Be in writing; b. Be given to the person doing the work or posted on the work site; c. Be sent to Franchisee by overnight delivery; d. Indicate the nature of the alleged violation or unsafe condition; and e. Establish conditions under which work may be resumed. SECTION 12. - Work of Contractors and Subcontractors. Franchisee’s contractors and subcontractors shall be licensed and bonded in accordance with State law and the City’s ordinances, regulations, and requirements. Work by contractors and subcontractors are subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the work were performed by Franchisee. Franchisee shall be responsible for all work performed by its contractors and subcontractors and others performing work on its behalf as if the work were performed by Franchisee and shall ensure that all such work is performed in compliance with this Franchise and applicable law. SECTION 13. – Restoration after Construction. 13.1 Franchisee shall repair any damage to the Rights-of-Way, and the property of any third party, after installation, construction, relocation, maintenance, or repair of its Facilities or after abandonment approved pursuant to Section 24, within thirty (30) days following the date of any of these activities at Franchisee’s sole cost and expense. Franchisee shall 6.c Packet Pg. 33 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 23 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless restore the Rights-of-Way and the surface of the Rights-of-Way to the same or better condition as it was immediately prior to any installation, construction, relocation, maintenance or repair by Franchisee, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Franchisee shall not be responsible for any changes to the Rights-of-Way not caused by Franchisee or anyone doing work for Franchisee. No survey monument may be removed (or replaced) without a professional land surveyor obtaining a permit in advance from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and submitting a copy of the approved permit to the City. Franchisee shall restore all concrete encased monuments that will be disturbed or displaced by such work to City standards and specifications. The Director shall have final approval of the condition of the Rights-of-Way after repair or restoration by the Franchisee. 13.2 Franchisee agrees to complete all restoration work to the Franchise Area or other affected area at its sole cost and expense and according to the time and terms specified in the construction permit issued by the City. All work by Franchisee pursuant to this Franchise shall be performed in accordance with applicable City standards and warranted for a period of two (2) years and for undiscovered defects as is standard and customary for this type of work. 13.3 If conditions (e.g., weather) make the complete restoration required under this Section 13 impracticable, Franchisee shall temporarily restore the affected Right-of-Way or property. Such temporary restoration shall be at Franchisee’s sole cost and expense. Franchisee shall promptly undertake and complete the required permanent restoration when conditions no longer make such permanent restoration impracticable. 13.4 If Franchisee does not repair a Right-of-Way or an improvement in or to a Right-of-Way within the reasonable time agreed to by the Public Works Director, or his/her designee, the City may repair the damage and 6.c Packet Pg. 34 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 24 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless shall be reimbursed its actual cost within sixty (60) calendar days of submitting an invoice to Franchisee in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.3 and Section 15.4. In addition, and pursuant to Section 15.3 and 15.4, the City may bill Franchisee for expenses associated with the inspection of such restoration work. The failure by Franchisee to complete such repairs shall be considered a breach of this Franchise and is subject to remedies by the City including the imposition of damages consistent with Section 28.2. 13.5 The provisions of this Section 13 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Franchise so long as Franchisee continues to have Facilities in the Rights-of-Way and has not completed all restoration to the City’s standards. SECTION 14. - Emergency Work/Dangerous Conditions. 14.1 In the event of any emergency in which any of Franchisee’s Facilities located in the Rights-of-Way breaks, falls, becomes damaged, or if Franchisee’s Facilities is otherwise in such a condition as to immediately endanger the property, life, health or safety of any person, entity or the City, Franchisee shall immediately take the proper emergency measures to repair its Facilities, to cure or remedy the dangerous conditions for the protection of property, life, health or safety of any person, entity or the City without first applying for and obtaining a permit as required by this Franchise. However, this shall not relieve Franchisee from the requirement of obtaining any permits necessary for this purpose, and Franchisee shall apply for all such permits on the next day Kent City Hall is open for business. 14.2 The City retains the right and privilege to cut, move or remove any Small Cell Facilities located within the Rights-of-Way of the City, as the City may determine to be necessary, appropriate or useful in response to 6.c Packet Pg. 35 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 25 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless any public health or safety emergency, including the knockdown of a Utility Pole with Small Cell Facilities. 14.3 The City shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of Facilities within the Rights-of-Way as a result of or in connection with any public works, public improvements, construction, grading, excavation, filling, or work of any kind in the Rights-of-Way by or on behalf of the City, except to the extent directly and proximately caused by the gross negligence or willful acts of the City, its employees, contractors, or agents. The City shall further not be liable to Franchisee for any direct, indirect, or any other such damages suffered by any person or entity of any type as a direct or indirect result of the City’s actions under this Section 14 except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful acts of the City, its employees, contractors, or agents. 14.4 Whenever the construction, installation or excavation of Facilities authorized by this Franchise has caused or contributed to a condition that appears to substantially impair the lateral support of the adjoining street or public place, or endangers the public, an adjoining public place, street utilities or City property, the Public Works Director may direct Franchisee, at Franchisee’s own expense, to take reasonable action to protect the public, adjacent public places, City property or street utilities, and such action may include compliance within a prescribed time. If the Franchisee fails or refuses to promptly take the actions directed by the City, or fails to fully comply with such directions, or if emergency conditions exist which require immediate action, before the City can timely contact Franchisee to request Franchisee effect the immediate repair, the City may access the Facilities and take such reasonable actions as are necessary to protect the public, the adjacent streets, or street utilities, or to maintain the lateral support thereof, or reasonable actions regarded as necessary safety 6.c Packet Pg. 36 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 26 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless precautions, and Franchisee shall be liable to the City for the costs thereof. 14.5 Franchisee shall promptly reimburse the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.3 and Section 15.4 for any and all costs the City reasonably incurs in response to any emergency situation involving Franchisee’s Facilities, to the extent the emergency is not the fault of the City. The City agrees to simultaneously seek reimbursement from any franchisee or permit holder who caused or contributed to the emergency situation. SECTION 15. - Recovery of Costs, Taxes and Fees. 15.1 The City may charge for the actual administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to the receiving and approving this Franchise pursuant to RCW 35.21.860, including the costs associated with the City’s legal costs incurred in drafting and processing this Franchise. No permits shall be issued for the installation of any Facilities until such time as the City has received payment of this fee. 15.2 Franchisee shall further be subject to all permit fees associated with activities undertaken through the authority granted in this Franchise or under the laws of the City. Where the City incurs costs and expenses for review, inspection, or supervision of activities, including but not limited to reasonable fees associated with attorneys, consultants, City Staff and City Attorney time, undertaken through the authority granted in this Franchise or any ordinances relating to the subject for which a permit fee is not established, Franchisee shall pay such costs and expenses directly to the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.3. 15.3 Franchisee shall reimburse the City within sixty (60) calendar days of submittal by the City of an itemized billing for reasonably incurred costs, itemized by project, for Franchisee’s proportionate share of all 6.c Packet Pg. 37 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 27 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless actual, identified expenses incurred by the City in planning, constructing, installing, repairing, altering, or maintaining any City facility as the result of the presence of Franchisee’s Facilities in the Rights-of-Way. Such costs and expenses shall include but not be limited to Franchisee’s proportionate cost of City personnel assigned to oversee or engage in any work in the Rights-of-Way as the result of the presence of Franchisee’s Facilities in the Rights-of-Way. Such costs and expenses shall also include Franchisee’s proportionate share of any time spent reviewing construction plans in order to either accomplish the relocation of Franchisee’s Facilities or the routing or rerouting of any utilities so as not to interfere with Franchisee’s Facilities. 15.4 The time of City employees shall be charged at their respective rate of salary, including overtime if applicable, plus benefits and reasonable overhead. Any other costs will be billed proportionately on an actual cost basis. All billings will be itemized so as to specifically identify the costs and expenses for each project for which the City claims reimbursement. A charge for the actual costs incurred in preparing the billing may also be included in the billing. At the City’s option, the billing may be on an annual basis, but the City shall provide the Franchisee with the City’s itemization of costs, in writing, at the conclusion of each project for information purposes. 15.5 Franchisee hereby warrants that its operations as authorized under this Franchise are those of a telephone business as defined in RCW 82.16.010, or service provider as defined in RCW 35.99.010. As a result, the City will not impose a franchise fee under the terms of this Franchise, other than as described herein. The City hereby reserves its right to impose a franchise fee on Franchisee if Franchisee’s operations as authorized by this Franchise change such that the statutory prohibitions of RCW 35.21.860 no longer apply, or if statutory prohibitions on the 6.c Packet Pg. 38 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 28 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless imposition of such fees are removed. In either instance, the City also reserves its right to require that Franchisee obtain a separate Franchise for its change in use. Nothing contained herein shall preclude Franchisee from challenging any such new fee or separate agreement under applicable federal, state, or local laws. 15.6 Franchisee acknowledges that certain of its operations within the City constitute a telecommunication business subject to the utility tax imposed pursuant to chapter 3.18 of the Kent City Code. Franchisee stipulates and agrees that certain of its business activities are subject to taxation as a telecommunication business and that Franchisee shall pay to the City the rate applicable to such taxable services under chapter 3.18 of the Kent City Code, and consistent with state and federal law. The parties agree however, that nothing in this Franchise shall limit the City's power of taxation as may exist now or as later imposed by the City. This provision does not limit the City's power to amend chapter 3.18 of the Kent City Code as may be permitted by law. SECTION 16. - Small Cell Facilities – Approvals and Permits. 16.1 City Retains Approval Authority. The City shall have the authority at all times to control by appropriately exercised police powers through ordinance or regulation, consistent with 47 U.S.C. § 253, 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7) and the laws of the State of Washington, the location, elevation, manner of construction, and maintenance of any Small Cell Facilities by Franchisee, and Franchisee shall promptly conform with all such requirements, unless compliance would cause Franchisee to violate other requirements of law. This Franchise does not prohibit the City from exercising its rights under federal, state or local law to deny or give conditional approval to an application for a permit to construct any individual Small Cell Facility. 6.c Packet Pg. 39 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 29 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 16.2 City Approvals and Permits. The granting of this Franchise is not a substitute for any other City required approvals to construct Franchisee’s Facilities in the Rights-of-Way (“City Approvals”). The parties agree that such City Approvals (except Right-of-Way use permits as described in Section 8.3) are not considered use permits, as that term is defined in RCW 35.99.010. These City Approvals do not grant general authorization to enter and utilize the Rights-of-Way but rather grant Franchisee permission to build its specific Small Cell Facilities. Therefore City Approvals are not subject to the thirty (30) day issuance requirement described in RCW 35.99.030. The parties recognize that this provision is specifically negotiated as consideration for designating the entire City as the Franchise Area. Such City Approvals shall be issued consistent with the Codes, state and federal laws governing wireless communication facility siting and shall be in addition to any permits required under Section 8.3. This Section does not affect the thirty (30) day issuance requirement described in RCW 35.99.030 required for use permits such as Right-of-Way use permits and traffic control permits. SECTION 17. – Design Standards. Franchisee shall construct its Facilities consistent with the concealment or stealth requirements as described or shown in the Kent City Code, any Kent Construction Standards, this Franchise and in the applicable permit(s), in order to minimize the visual impact of such Facilities. These requirements are intended and stipulated to be concealment features when considering whether a proposed modification is a substantial change under Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act, 47 U.S.C. § 1455(a). These requirements are intended to be used solely for the purpose of concealment and siting. Nothing shall be interpreted or applied in a manner which dictates the use of a particular technology. When strict application of these standards or requirements would unreasonably impair the function of the technology chosen by the applicant, alternative forms of concealment or deployment 6.c Packet Pg. 40 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 30 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless may be permitted which provide similar or greater protections from negative visual impacts to the streetscape. SECTION 18. – Unauthorized Facilities. Any Small Cell Facilities installations in the City Right-of-Way that were not authorized under this Franchise or other required City Approval or were installed substantially out of compliance with the concealment or stealth requirements as described or shown in the Kent City Code, any Kent Construction Standards, this Franchise and in the applicable permit(s) (“Unauthorized Facilities”), will be subject to the payment of an Unauthorized Facilities charge by Franchisee. City shall provide written notice to Franchisee of any Unauthorized Facilities identified by City staff and Franchisee shall have thirty (30) calendar days thereafter in which to establish that this installation was authorized or obtain the applicable permit. Failure to establish that the installation is authorized will result in the imposition of an Unauthorized Facilities charge in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per Unauthorized Facility per day starting on the thirty-first (31st) day. Franchisee may submit an application to the City under this Franchise for approval of the Unauthorized Facilities. If the application for the Unauthorized Facilities is not approved, Franchisee shall remove the Unauthorized Facilities from the City’s Right-of-Way within thirty (30) calendar days after the expiration of all appeal periods for such denial. The City shall not refund any Unauthorized Facilities charges, unless Franchisee is successful in an appeal. This Franchise remedy is in addition to any other remedy available to the City at law or equity. SECTION 19. - Graffiti Abatement. As soon as practical, but not later than fourteen (14) days from the date Franchisee receives written notice or is otherwise aware, Franchisee shall remove all graffiti on any of its Small Cell Facilities in which it is the owner of the pole or structure or on the Small Cells Facilities themselves attached to a third-party pole 6.c Packet Pg. 41 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 31 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless (e.g., graffiti on the shrouding protecting the radios). The foregoing shall not relieve Franchisee from complying with any City graffiti or visual blight ordinance or regulation. SECTION 20. - Emissions Reports. 20.1 Franchisee is obligated to comply with all laws relating to allowable presence of or human exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation ("RFs") or Electromagnetic Fields ("EMFs") on or off any poles or structures in the Rights-of-Way, including all applicable FCC standards as now or hereafter adopted, whether such RF or EMF presence or exposure results from the Small Cell Facility alone or from the cumulative effect of the Small Cell Facility added to all other sources on or near the specific pole or structure. 20.2 Franchisee must provide to the City a copy of the report (the “Emissions Report”) from a duly qualified engineer analyzing whether RF and EMF emissions at the proposed Small Cell Facility locations would comply with FCC General Population standards. Franchisee may provide one standard Emissions Report which certifies that a standard Small Cell configuration (including power output, elevation of antennas above ground level, number of antennas) complies with FCC standards for its entire deployment, provided that the configuration of its Facilities remains identical (“Master Emissions Report”). Franchisee shall provide multiple Master Emissions Reports if it deploys different configurations within the City. All applications for Small Cells shall certify that the configuration is the same as or emits less emissions than the design in the standard Emissions Report. If an installation differs from the standard report as being more intrusive, then Franchisee will be required to provide a customized Emissions Report for such Small Cell installation. If not provided earlier as part of a Master Emissions Report, Franchisee must submit the Emissions Report to the City with the applicable Small Cell Permit application. Further, following any subsequent modification to a 6.c Packet Pg. 42 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 32 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Small Cell Facility that materially alters the configuration of such Small Cell Facility, Franchisee shall, at its own cost and expense, perform an RF emissions test following such modification to validate that the Small Cell Facilities once modified comply with the FCC standards. 20.3 If the City discovers that the emissions from a Facility exceeds the FCC standards, then the City may order Franchisee to immediately turn off the Facility or portion thereof committing the violation, until the emissions exposure is remedied. 20.4 If Small Cell Facilities have already been installed by the Franchisee or other entities within the vicinity of a proposed Small Cell Facility, Franchisee shall provide an Emissions Report for the proposed Facility that includes the cumulative effects of all of these already existing Facilities. SECTION 21. – No Interference. 21.1 Interference with Public Facilities. Franchisee’s Small Cell Facilities shall not interfere with any City operations (including, but not limited to, traffic lights, radio systems, or other City communications infrastructure), or PSERN (or its successor entity) communications operation or equipment. If the City reasonably determines that the Small Cell Facilities cause such interference, Franchisee shall respond to the City’s request to address the source of the interference as soon as practicable, but in no event later than forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of written notice. The City may require, by written notice, that Franchisee cease operation of the specific Small Cell Facilities causing such interference and either modify, remove or relocate such Small Cell Facilities. If, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such written notice from the City of such interference, Franchisee has not abated such interference, such Small Cell Facility may be deemed an Unauthorized Facility and subject to the provisions of Section 18. 6.c Packet Pg. 43 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 33 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 21.2 Interference with Other Facilities. Franchisee is solely responsible for determining whether its Small Cell Facilities interfere with telecommunications facilities of utilities and franchisees existing within the Rights-of-Way prior to Franchisee’s installation. Franchisee shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission regarding radio frequency interference when siting its Small Cell Facilities within the Franchise Area. Franchisee, in the performance and exercise of its rights and obligations under this Franchise shall not physically or technically interfere in any manner with the existence and operation of any and all existing utilities, sanitary sewers, water mains, storm drains, gas mains, poles, aerial and underground electrical and telephone wires, electroliers, cable television, and other telecommunications, utility, or municipal property, without the express written approval of the owner or owners of the affected property or properties. SECTION 22. – Indemnification. 22.1 General Indemnification. Franchisee shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its officers, officials, boards, commissions, agents, and employees, harmless from any action or claim for injury, damage, loss, liability, cost or expense, including court and appeal costs and reasonable attorneys' fees or reasonable expenses, arising from any casualty or accident to person or property, including, without limitation, damages in any way arising out of, or by reason of, any construction, excavation, operation, maintenance, reconstruction, or any other act done under this Franchise, by or for Franchisee, its agents, or its employees, or by reason of any neglect or omission of Franchisee. Franchisee shall consult and cooperate with the City while conducting its defense of the City under this Franchise. Franchisee shall not be obligated to indemnify the City to the extent of the City’s negligence or willful misconduct. 6.c Packet Pg. 44 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 34 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 22.2 Indemnification for Radio Frequency Emissions or Radiation. Franchisee shall also indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives from any and all claims, costs, judgments, awards or liability to any person arising from radio frequency emissions or radiation emitted from Franchisee’s Facilities located in the Rights-of-Way, regardless of whether Franchisee’s equipment complies with applicable federal statutes and/or FCC regulations related thereto. These indemnification obligations shall extend to claims that are not reduced to a suit and any claims that may be compromised, with Franchisee’s prior written consent, prior to the culmination of any litigation or the institution of any litigation. 22.3 Indemnification for Relocation. Franchisee shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless for any damages, claims, additional costs or reasonable expenses and attorneys’ fees, including contractor construction delay damages, assessed against or payable by the City and arising out of or resulting from Franchisee's failure to remove, adjust, or relocate any of its Facilities in the Rights-of-Way in accordance with any relocation required by the City, provided that Franchisee shall not be liable under this section in the event Franchisee’s failure to remove, adjust or relocate any of its Facilities is the result of a force majeure event or events beyond the control of Franchisee. 22.4 Avoidance. a. Inspection or acceptance by the City of any work performed by Franchisee at the time of completion of construction shall not be grounds for avoidance by Franchisee of any of its obligations under this Section 22. b. The fact that Franchisee carries out any activities under this Franchise through independent contractors shall not constitute 6.c Packet Pg. 45 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 35 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless an avoidance of or defense to Franchisee's duty of defense and indemnification under this subsection. 22.5 Procedures and Defense. If a claim or action arises, the City or any other indemnified party shall promptly notify Franchisee of such claim or action and tender the defense of the claim or action to Franchisee, which defense shall be at Franchisee’s expense. The City’s failure to so notify and request indemnification shall not relieve Franchisee of any liability that Franchisee might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudices Franchisee’s ability to defend such claim or suit. The City may participate in the defense of a claim, but if Franchisee provides a defense at Franchisee’s expense then Franchisee shall not be liable for any attorneys’ fees, expenses, or other costs the City may incur if it chooses to participate in the defense of a claim, unless and until separate representation as described in Section 22.6 is required. In that event, the provisions of Section 22.6 shall govern Franchisee’s responsibility for City’s attorney’s fees, expenses, or other costs. In any event, Franchisee may not agree to any settlement of claims affecting the City without the City's consent, such consent not to be unreasonable withheld or delayed. 22.6 Payment of fees and costs. a. If Franchisee refuses the tender of defense in any suit or any claim, as required pursuant to the indemnification provisions within this Franchise, and said refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter), to have been a wrongful refusal on the part of Franchisee, Franchisee shall pay all of the City’s reasonable costs for defense of the action, including all expert witness fees, costs, and attorney’s fees, and including costs and fees incurred in recovering under this indemnification provision. 6.c Packet Pg. 46 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 36 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless b. If separate representation to fully protect the interests of both parties is or becomes necessary, such as a conflict of interest between the City and the counsel selected by Franchisee to represent the City, Franchisee shall pay, from the date such separate representation is required forward, all reasonable expenses incurred by the City in defending itself with regard to any action, suit, or proceeding subject to indemnification by Franchisee. Provided, however, that in the event that such separate representation is or becomes necessary, and the City desires to hire counsel or any other outside experts or consultants and desires Franchisee to pay those expenses, then the City shall be required to obtain Franchisee’s consent to the engagement of such counsel, experts, or consultants, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. The City's expenses shall include all reasonable out of pocket costs and expenses, such as consultants' fees and court costs, but shall not include outside attorneys’ fees for services that are unnecessarily duplicative of services provided the City by Franchisee, except in the event of a conflict of interest where such duplication may be required. Each party agrees to cooperate and to cause its employees and agents to cooperate with the other party in the defense of any claim or action. 22.7 RCW 4.24.115. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Franchise is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Franchisee and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Franchisee’s liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Franchisee’s negligence. It is further specifically and 6.c Packet Pg. 47 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 37 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Franchisee's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Franchise. 22.8 Assumption of Risk. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section 22, Franchisee assumes the risk of damage to its Facilities located in the Rights-of-Way and upon City-owned property from activities conducted by the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, elected and appointed officials, and contractors, except to the extent any such damage or destruction is caused by or arises from the sole negligence or the willful or criminal actions of the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or elected or appointed officials, or contractors. Franchisee releases and waives any and all such claims against the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or elected or appointed officials, or contractors. Franchisee further agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City against any claims for damages, including, but not limited to, business interruption damages, lost profits and consequential damages, brought by or under users of Franchisee’s Facilities as the result of any interruption of service due to damage or destruction of Franchisee’s Facilities caused by or arising out of activities conducted by the City, its officers, agents, employees or contractors, except to the extent any such damage or destruction is caused by or arises from the gross negligence or any willful misconduct on the part of the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or elected or appointed officials, or contractors. 22.9 Survival. The provisions of this Section 22 shall survive the expiration, revocation, or termination of this Franchise. 6.c Packet Pg. 48 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 38 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless SECTION 23. - Insurance. 23.1 Insurance Limits. Franchisee shall maintain in full force and effect at its own cost and expense each of the following policies of insurance: a. Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence and Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) general aggregate. Coverage shall be at least as broad as that provided by the ISO Form or its equivalent and include severability of interests. Such insurance shall include the City, its officers, officials and employees as additional insureds as their interest may appear under this Agreement per ISO Form or its equivalent. There shall be a waiver of subrogation and rights of recovery against the City, its officers, officials and employees. Coverage shall apply as to claims between insureds on the policy, if applicable; b. Commercial Automobile Liability insurance with combined single limits of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) each accident for bodily injury and property damage with respect to each of Franchisee’s owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the operation of the Facilities in the City; c. Workers’ Compensation coverage or qualified self insurance as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington and employer’s liability with limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) each accident/disease/policy limit. 23.2 Deductibles/Certificate of Insurance. Any deductible of the policies shall not in any way limit Franchisee’s liability to the City. 23.3 Endorsements. All required liability policies shall: 6.c Packet Pg. 49 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 39 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless a. Except workers compensation and employer’s liability include The City, its officers, officials, boards, commissions, and employees, additional insureds as their interest may appear under this Agreement with respect to liability arising out of activities performed by Franchisee under this Franchise or Applicable Law, or in the construction, operation or repair, or ownership of the Cable System; b. Franchisee's required insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City, its officers, officials, boards, commissions and employees. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, boards, commissions and employees shall be in excess of the Franchisee's required insurance and shall not contribute to it; and c. Franchisee's required insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or lawsuit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. d. Notwithstanding the forgoing, Licensee may, in its sole discretion, self-insure any of the required insurance under the same terms as required by this Agreement. In the event Licensee elects to self-insure its obligation under this Agreement to include Licensor as an additional insured, the following conditions apply: (i) Licensor shall promptly and no later than sixty (60) calendar days after notice thereof provide Licensee with written notice of any claim, demand, lawsuit, or the like for which it seeks coverage pursuant to this Section and provide Licensee with copies of any demands, notices, summonses, or legal papers received in connection with such claim, demand, lawsuit, or the like; (ii) Licensor shall not settle any such claim, demand, lawsuit, or the like without the prior written consent of Licensee; and (iii) 6.c Packet Pg. 50 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 40 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless Licensor shall fully cooperate with Licensee in the defense of the claim, demand, lawsuit, or the like. 23.4 Acceptability of Insurers. The insurance obtained by Franchisee shall be placed with insurers with a Best’s rating of no less than “A minus VII." 23.5 Verification of Coverage. The Franchisee shall furnish the City with (a) certificates of insurance and (b) blanket additional insured endorsements. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by an authorized representative of the insurer. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be on standard forms or such forms as are consistent with standard industry practices. 23.6 Maintenance of Insurance. Franchisee’s maintenance of insurance as required by this Section 23 shall not be construed to limit the liability of Franchisee to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City’s recourse to any remedy available at law or equity. Further, Franchisee’s maintenance of insurance policies required by this Franchise shall not be construed to excuse unfaithful performance by Franchisee. SECTION 24. - Abandonment of Franchisee’s Telecommunications Network. 24.1 Where any Facilities or portions of Facilities are no longer needed and their use is to be discontinued, the Franchisee shall immediately report such Facilities in writing (“Deactivated Facilities”) to the Public Works Director. This notification is in addition to the inventory revisions addressed in Section 7.2. Deactivated Facilities, or portions thereof, shall be completely removed within ninety (90) days and the site, pole or 6.c Packet Pg. 51 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 41 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless infrastructure restored to its pre-existing condition, reasonable wear and tear and damage by casualty excepted. 24.2 If Franchisee leases a structure from a landlord and such landlord later abandons the structure, for example by building a replacement structure, Franchisee shall remove or relocate its Facilities as soon as possible but no later than ninety (90) calendar days of such written notification from the landlord, at no cost to the City. 24.3 Upon the expiration, termination, or revocation of the rights granted under this Franchise, Franchisee shall remove all of its Facilities from the Rights-of-Way within ninety (90) calendar days of receiving written notice from the Director. The Facilities, in whole or in part, may not be abandoned by Franchisee without written approval by the City. Any plan for abandonment or removal of Franchisee’s Facilities must be first approved by the Public Works Director or his/her designee and all necessary permits must be obtained prior to such work. Franchisee shall restore the Rights-of-Way to at least the same condition the Rights-of- Way were in immediately prior to any such installation, construction, relocation, maintenance or repair (reasonable wear and tear and damage by casualty excepted), provided Franchisee shall not be responsible for any changes to the Rights-of-Way not caused by Franchisee or any person doing work for Franchisee. Franchisee shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with removing its Facilities. 24.4 Notwithstanding Section 24.3, the City may permit Franchisee’s Facilities to be abandoned in place in such a manner as the City may prescribe. Upon permanent abandonment, and Franchisee’s agreement to transfer ownership of the Facilities to the City, Franchisee shall submit to the City a proposal and instruments for transferring ownership to the City. 6.c Packet Pg. 52 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 42 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 24.5 Any Facilities which are not removed within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of either the date of termination or revocation of this Franchise or the date the City issued a permit authorizing removal, whichever is later, shall automatically become the property of the City. Any costs incurred by the City in safeguarding such Facilities or removing the Facilities shall be reimbursed by Franchisee. Nothing contained within this Section 24.5 shall prevent the City from compelling Franchisee to remove any such Facilities through judicial action when the City has not permitted Franchisee to abandon these Facilities in place. 24.6 The provisions of this Section 24 shall survive the expiration, revocation, or termination of this Franchise and for so long as Franchisee has Facilities in Rights-of-Way. SECTION 25. - Bonds. 25.1 Construction Guarantee. As a condition of performing work in the Right-of-Way, the timely, complete, and faithful performance of all construction work in the Right-of-Way shall be guaranteed in an amount equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the cost estimate (prepared by a licensed contractor, professional engineer, or architect) of the construction work. The guarantee may be by performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit. If Franchisee, in the sole judgment of the City, has a history of corrections or defaults, Franchisee must provide the full guarantee by assignment of funds. These funds shall guarantee the following: (1) timely completion of construction; (2) construction in compliance with all applicable plans, permits, technical codes, and standards; (3) proper location of the Facilities as specified by the City; (4) restoration of the Rights-of-Way and other City properties affected by the construction; (5) submission of as-built drawings after completion of construction; and (6) timely payment and satisfaction of all claims, demands, or liens for labor, materials, or services provided in connection 6.c Packet Pg. 53 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 43 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless with the work that could be asserted against the City or City property. The guarantee must remain in full force until the completion of construction, including final inspection, corrections, and final approval of the work, recording of all easements, provision of as-built drawings, and the posting of a maintenance bond as described in Section 25.2. Compliance with the performance guarantee requirement of the City’s current Design and Construction Standards shall satisfy the provisions of this Section 25.1. 25.2 Maintenance Bond. Maintenance and the successful operation of the Right-of-Way improvements shall be bonded for a period of at least two (2) years (or other period as required by Kent City Code) from the date of final construction approval. The bond shall be in an amount to be determined by the City. The minimum maintenance guarantee shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or twenty percent (20%) of the original performance construction guarantee as described in Section 25.1, whichever is greater. At six (6)-month intervals during this maintenance period, the City will inspect the improvements and identify to Franchisee any noted deficiencies. Franchisee will have thirty (30) days to correct any deficiencies. The satisfactory correction of the work may commence a new two (2)-year maintenance period for the improvements as corrected, as determined by the City. The City will initiate collection against the financial guarantee if deficiencies are not satisfactorily addressed by the end of the thirty (30)-day response period. Compliance with the maintenance guarantee requirement of the City’s current Design and Construction Standards shall satisfy the provisions of this Section 25.2. Original financial guarantee amounts described in Section 25.1 and Section 25.2 above may be reduced one time only prior to the maintenance period, at the discretion of the City. If an extension to any associated permits are granted, the financial guarantees may be increased 6.c Packet Pg. 54 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 44 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless based on an updated engineer’s cost estimate or as determined by the City. Financial guarantees will be fully released only after all final punch list items are accomplished, final construction approval, and the elapse of the two (2)-year maintenance guarantee period with all corrective actions complete and accepted by the City. 25.3 Franchise Bond. Franchisee shall provide the City with a bond in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) (“Franchise Bond”) running or renewable for the term of this Franchise, in a form and substance reasonably acceptable to the City. If Franchisee fails to substantially comply with any one or more of the provisions of this Franchise, following written notice and a reasonable opportunity to cure, then there shall be recovered jointly and severally from Franchisee and the bond any actual damages suffered by the City as a result thereof, including but not limited to staff time, material and equipment costs, compensation or indemnification of third parties, and the cost of removal or abandonment of Facilities. Franchisee specifically agrees that its failure to comply with the terms of this Section 25 shall constitute a material breach of this Franchise, subject to the notice and cure provisions of Section 28. Franchisee further agrees to replenish the Franchise Bond within fourteen (14) calendar days after written notice from the City that there is a deficiency in the amount of the Franchise Bond. The amount of the Franchise Bond shall not be construed to limit Franchisee's liability or to limit the City's recourse to any remedy to which the City is otherwise entitled at law or in equity. 25.4 Form of Bonds. All bonds provided to the City under this Section 25 shall be on a form provided by the City and with sureties registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner or other financial institutions acceptable to the City. 6.c Packet Pg. 55 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 45 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless SECTION 26. - Modification. The City and Franchisee hereby reserve the right to alter, amend, or modify the terms and conditions of this Franchise upon written agreement of both parties to such alteration, amendment or modification. SECTION 27. - Revocation. If Franchisee willfully violates or fails to comply with any material provisions of this Franchise, then at the election of the City Council after at least thirty (30) calendar days written notice to Franchisee specifying the alleged violation or failure, or such extended periods as may be required beyond the thirty (30) day cure period to cure any violation if the nature of the cure is such that it reasonably requires more than thirty (30) days to cure, the City may revoke all rights conferred and this Franchise may be revoked by the City Council after a hearing held upon such notice to Franchisee. Such hearing shall be open to the public and Franchisee and other interested parties may offer written and/or oral evidence explaining or mitigating such alleged noncompliance. Within thirty (30) calendar days after the hearing, the City Council, on the basis of the record, will make the determination as to whether there is cause for revocation, whether the Franchise will be terminated, or whether lesser sanctions should otherwise be imposed. The City Council may in its sole discretion fix an additional time period to cure violations. If the deficiency has not been cured at the expiration of any additional time period or if the City Council does not grant any additional period, the City Council may by resolution declare the Franchise to be revoked and forfeited or impose lesser sanctions. If Franchisee appeals revocation and termination, such revocation may be held in abeyance pending judicial review by a court of competent jurisdiction, provided Franchisee is otherwise in compliance with the Franchise. 6.c Packet Pg. 56 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 46 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless SECTION 28. - Remedies to Enforce Compliance. 28.1 The City may elect, without any prejudice to any of its other legal rights and remedies, to obtain an order from the superior court having jurisdiction compelling Franchisee to comply with the provisions of the Franchise and to recover damages and costs incurred by the City by reason of Franchisee’s failure to comply. In addition to any other remedy provided herein, the City reserves the right to pursue any remedy to compel or force Franchisee and/or its successors and assigns to comply with the terms hereof, and the pursuit of any right or remedy by the City shall not prevent the City from thereafter declaring a forfeiture or revocation for breach of the conditions herein. Provided, further, that by entering into this Franchise, it is not the intention of the City or Franchisee to waive any other rights, remedies, or obligations as otherwise provided by law equity, or otherwise, and nothing contained here shall be deemed or construed to effect any such waiver. 28.2 If Franchisee shall violate, or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise, or should it fail to heed or comply with any notice given to Franchisee under the provisions of this Franchise, the City shall provide Franchisee with written notice specifying with reasonable particularity the nature of any such breach and Franchisee shall undertake all commercially reasonable efforts to cure such breach within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of notification. If the parties reasonably determine the breach cannot be cured within (30) thirty days, the City may specify a longer cure period, and condition the extension of time on Franchisee's submittal of a plan to cure the breach within the specified period, commencement of work within the original thirty (30) day cure period, and diligent prosecution of the work to completion. If the breach is not cured within the specified time, or Franchisee does not comply with the specified conditions, the City may, at its sole discretion, (1) revoke 6.c Packet Pg. 57 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 47 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless this Franchise with no further notification, or (2) claim damages of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per day against the Franchise Bond set forth in Section 25.3, or (3) pursue other remedies as described in this Section 28. Liquidated damages described in this Section 28.2 shall not be offset against any sums due to the City as a tax or reimbursement pursuant to Section 15.6. SECTION 29. - Non-Waiver. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements of this Franchise or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenants, agreements or option or any other covenants, agreements or option. SECTION 30. - Police Powers and City Ordinances. Nothing herein shall be deemed to restrict the City’s ability to adopt and enforce all necessary and appropriate ordinances regulating the performance of the conditions of this Franchise, including any valid ordinance made in the exercise of its police powers in the interest of public safety and for the welfare of the public. The City shall have the authority at all times to reasonably control by appropriate regulations the location, elevation, manner of construction and maintenance of Facilities by Franchisee, and Franchisee shall promptly conform with all such regulations unless compliance would cause Franchisee to violate other requirements of law. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Franchise and any other generally applicable ordinance(s) enacted under the City’s police power authority, such other ordinances(s) shall take precedence over the provisions set forth herein. SECTION 31. - Cost of Publication. The cost of publication of this Franchise shall be borne by Franchisee. 6.c Packet Pg. 58 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 48 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless SECTION 32. - Acceptance. Franchisee shall execute and return to the City its execution and acceptance of this Franchise in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. In addition, Franchisee shall submit proof of insurance obtained and additional insured endorsement pursuant to Section 23, any Construction Guarantee, if applicable, pursuant to Section 25.1 and the Franchise Bond required pursuant to Section 25.3. The administrative fee pursuant to Section 15.1 is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice from the City. SECTION 33. - Survival. All of the provisions, conditions, and requirements of Section 5, Section 6, Section 8, Section 13, Section 22, and Section 24 of this Franchise shall be in addition to any and all other obligations and liabilities Franchisee may have to the City at common law, by statute, or by contract, and shall survive the City’s Franchise to Franchisee for the use of the Franchise Area, and any renewals or extensions thereof. All of the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements contained in this Franchise shall further be binding upon the heirs, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns of Franchisee and all privileges, as well as all obligations and liabilities of Franchisee shall inure to its heirs, successors and assigns equally as if they were specifically mentioned where Franchisee is named herein. SECTION 34. - Assignment. 34.1 This Franchise may not be directly or indirectly assigned, transferred, or disposed of by sale, lease, merger, consolidation or other act of Franchisee, by operation of law or otherwise, unless approved in writing by the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. The above notwithstanding, Franchisee may freely assign this Franchise in whole or in part to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity or for collateral security purposes. Franchisee shall 6.c Packet Pg. 59 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 49 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless provide prompt, written notice to the City of any such assignment. In the case of transfer or assignment as security by mortgage or other security instrument in whole or in part to secure indebtedness, such consent shall not be required unless and until the secured party elects to realize upon the collateral. For purposes of this Section 34, no assignment or transfer of this Franchise shall be deemed to occur based on the public trading of Franchisee’s stock; provided, however, any tender offer, merger, or similar transaction resulting in a change of control shall be subject to the provisions of this Franchise. Any transactions which singularly or collectively result in a change of fifty percent (50%) or more of the ownership or working control (for example, management of Franchisee or its Telecommunications facilities) of the Franchisee or of the ownership or working control of the Franchisee's Telecommunications facilities within the City, or of the ownership or working control having ownership or working control of the Franchisee or of the Franchisee's Telecommunications facilities within the City, or of control of the capacity or bandwidth of the Franchisee's Telecommunication facilities within the City, shall be considered an assignment or transfer requiring notice to the City pursuant to this Franchise. Such transactions between affiliated entities are not exempt from notice requirements. A Franchisee shall notify the City of any proposed change in, or transfer of, or acquisition by any other party of control of a Franchisee within sixty (60) days following the closing of the transaction. 34.2 Franchisee’s obligation to remain fully responsible for compliance with the terms under this Section 34 shall survive the expiration of this Franchise but only if and to the extent and for so long as Franchisee is still the owner or has exclusive control over the Facilities used by a third party. SECTION 35. - Extension. If this Franchise expires without renewal, the City may, subject to applicable law either allow Franchisee to 6.c Packet Pg. 60 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 50 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless maintain and operate its Facilities on a month-to-month basis, provided that Franchisee maintains insurance for such Facilities during such period and continues to comply with this Franchise; or order the removal of any and all Facilities at Franchisee’s sole cost and expense consistent with Section 24.3. SECTION 36. - Entire Agreement. This Franchise constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties as to the subject matter herein and no other agreements or understandings, written or otherwise, shall be binding upon the parties upon execution of this Franchise. SECTION 37. - Eminent Domain. The existence of this Franchise shall not preclude the City from acquiring by condemnation in accordance with applicable law, all or a portion of the Franchisee’s Facilities for the fair market value thereof. In determining the value of such Facilities, no value shall be attributed to the right to occupy the area conferred by this Franchise. SECTION 38. - Vacation. If at any time the City, by ordinance, vacates all or any portion of the area affected by this Franchise, the City shall not be liable for any damages or loss to the Franchisee by reason of such vacation. The City shall notify the Franchisee in writing not less than sixty (60) calendar days before vacating all or any portion of any such area. The City may, after sixty (60) calendar days’ written notice to the Franchisee, terminate this Franchise with respect to such vacated area. SECTION 39. - Notice. Any Notice or information required or permitted to be given to the parties under this Franchise agreement may be sent to the following addresses unless otherwise specified: // // 6.c Packet Pg. 61 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 51 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless If to Licensee (including invoices): Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless (City of Kent) (WA) d/b/a Verizon Wireless Attn: Network Real Estate 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, New Jersey 07921 with an additional copy to: With a copy to: Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Attn: Pacific Market General Counsel 15505 Sand Canyon Avenue Irvine, CA 92618 If to Licensor: CITY OF KENT Attn: City Clerk 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 SECTION 40. - Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Franchise should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Franchise unless such invalidity or unconstitutionality materially alters the rights, privileges, duties, or obligations hereunder, in which event either party may request renegotiation of those remaining terms of this Franchise materially affected by such court’s ruling. SECTION 41. - Compliance with All Applicable Laws. Franchisee agrees to comply with all present and future federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, except to the extent that the Franchisee has a vested right in accordance with the vested rights doctrine under Washington case law or as codified at RCW 19.27.095. This Franchise is subject to ordinances of general applicability enacted pursuant to the City’s police powers. Franchisee shall, at its own expense, maintain its Facilities in a safe condition, in good repair and in a manner suitable to the 6.c Packet Pg. 62 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 52 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless City. Additionally, Franchisee shall keep its Facilities free of debris and anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature or which would create a hazard or undue vibration, heat, noise or any interference with City services. City reserves the right at any time to amend this Franchise to conform to any hereafter enacted, amended, or adopted federal or state statute or regulation relating to the public health, safety, and welfare, or relating to roadway regulation, or a City ordinance enacted pursuant to such federal or state statute or regulation upon providing Franchisee with thirty (30) calendar days written notice of its action setting forth the full text of the amendment and identifying the statute, regulation, or ordinance requiring the amendment. This amendment shall become automatically effective upon expiration of the notice period unless, before expiration of that period, Franchisee makes a written request for negotiations over the terms of the amendment. If the parties do not reach agreement as to the terms of the amendment within thirty (30) days of the call for negotiations, City may enact the proposed amendment, by incorporating Franchisee's concerns to the maximum extent City deems possible. SECTION 42. - Attorneys’ Fees. If a suit or other action is instituted in connection with any controversy arising out of this Franchise, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all of its costs and expenses, including such sum as the court may judge as reasonable for attorneys’ fees, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees upon appeal of any judgment or ruling. SECTION 43. - Hazardous Substances. Franchisee shall not introduce or use any hazardous substances (chemical or waste), in violation of any applicable law or regulation, nor shall Franchisee allow any of its agents, contractors or any person under its control to do the same. Franchisee will be solely responsible for and will defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers 6.c Packet Pg. 63 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 53 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless harmless from and against any and all claims, costs and liabilities including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with the cleanup or restoration of the property associated with Franchisee’s use, storage, or disposal of hazardous substances, whether or not intentional, and the use, storage or disposal of such substances by Franchisee’s agents, contractors or other persons acting under Franchisee’s control, whether or not intentional. SECTION 44. - Licenses, Fees and Taxes. Prior to constructing any improvements, Franchisee shall obtain a business or utility license from the City. Franchisee shall pay promptly and before they become delinquent, all taxes on personal property and improvements owned or placed by Franchisee and shall pay all license fees and public utility charges relating to the conduct of its business, shall pay for all permits, licenses and zoning approvals, shall pay any other applicable tax unless documentation of exemption is provided to the City and shall pay utility taxes and license fees imposed by the City. SECTION 45. - Miscellaneous. 45.1 City and Franchisee respectively represent that its signatory is duly authorized and has full right, power and authority to execute this Franchise. 45.2 This Franchise shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any dispute related to this Franchise shall be the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, or King County Superior Court, without waiver of any right to removal. 45.3 Section captions and headings are intended solely to facilitate the reading thereof. Such captions and headings shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of the text herein. 6.c Packet Pg. 64 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 54 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless 45.4 Where the context so requires, the singular shall include the plural and the plural includes the singular. 45.5 Franchisee shall be responsible for obtaining all other necessary approvals, authorizations and agreements from any party or entity and it is acknowledged and agreed that the City is making no representation, warranty or covenant whether any of the foregoing approvals, authorizations or agreements are required or have been obtained by Franchisee by any person or entity. 45.6 This Franchise may be enforced at both law and equity. SECTION 46. – Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 47. – Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 48. – Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved // // // // 6.c Packet Pg. 65 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) 55 Small Cell Franchise Agreement-- Verizon Wireless ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______ ARTHUR “PAT” FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 6.c Packet Pg. 66 At t a c h m e n t : V e r i z o n - S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e O r d i n a n c e - F I N A L ( 1 9 3 7 : S m a l l C e l l F r a n c h i s e w i t h V e r i z o n ) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 256-856-5712 DATE: August 20, 2019 TO: Operations Committee SUBJECT: Municipal Court Ordinance KCC 2.34 - Repeal and Reenact MOTION: Recommend Council repeal and reenact Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code relating to the establishment and operations of the Kent Municipal Court. SUMMARY: The Kent Municipal Court was established in accordance with Chapter 3.50 RCW, which provides a municipal court structure which may be used by cities with a population of four hundred thousand (400,000) or less. The Kent Municipal Court began operations on January 1, 1994. The Washington Court Rules are established by the Washington Supreme Court and govern numerous aspects of court operations and procedures. Included within the Washington Court Rules are the Rules of General Application (“GR”). GR 29 was adopted by the Washington Supreme Court in 2002, and requires a municipal court with more than one judge to establish a procedure by local court rule for the judges to elect a presiding judge. GR 29 also sets forth judicial and administrative duties of the presiding judge that cannot be delegated to persons in either the legislative or executive branches of government. Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code sets forth Kent’s laws regarding the establishment and administration of the Kent Municipal Court. Chapter 2.34 KCC has not been amended since the Supreme Court’s adoption of GR 29. In addition, the current Chapter 2.34 KCC contains numerous provisions that originally mirrored Chapter 3.50 RCW. However, since the adoption of Chapter 2.34 KCC, many provisions of Chapter 3.50 RCW have been amended, and like amendments have not made to Chapter 2.34 KCC. It is necessary to amend portions of Chapter 2.34 KCC to better align the chapter with the requirements of GR 29 and the current version of Chapter 3.50 RCW. Due to the extensive nature of the amendments, Chapter 2.34 KCC is being repealed in its entirety, and reenacted. The repeal and reenactment of Chapter 2.34 KCC is primarily a housekeeping measure, and will not change the daily operations at the Kent Municipal Court. 7 Packet Pg. 67 BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City, Innovative Government ATTACHMENTS: 1. KMC 2.34 Ordinance - Repeal and Replace - 051619 (PDF) 7 Packet Pg. 68 1 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code relating to the Kent Municipal Court, and enacting a new Chapter 2.34 relating to the Kent Municipal Court. RECITALS A. The Kent Municipal Court was established in accordance with Chapter 3.50 RCW, which provides a municipal court structure which may be used by cities with a population of four hundred thousand (400,000) or less. The Kent Municipal Court began operations on January 1, 1994. B. The Washington Court Rules are established by the Washington Supreme Court and govern numerous aspects of court operations and procedures. Included within the Washington Court Rules are the Rules of General Application (“GR”). C. GR 29 was adopted by the Washington Supreme Court in 2002, and requires a municipal court with more than one judge to establish a procedure by local court rule for the judges to elect a presiding judge. GR 29 also sets forth judicial and administrative duties of the presiding judge that cannot be delegated to persons in either the legislative or executive branches of government. 7.a Packet Pg. 69 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 2 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court D. Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code sets forth Kent’s laws regarding the establishment and administration of the Kent Municipal Court. Chapter 2.34 KCC has not been amended since the Supreme Court’s adoption of GR 29. In addition, the current Chapter 2.34 KCC contains numerous provisions that originally mirrored Chapter 3.50 RCW. However, since the adoption of Chapter 2.34 KCC, many provisions of Chapter 3.50 RCW have been amended, and like amendments have not made to Chapter 2.34 KCC. E. It is necessary to amend portions of Chapter 2.34 KCC to better align the chapter with the requirements of GR 29 and the current version of Chapter 3.50 RCW. Due to the extensive nature of the amendments, Chapter 2.34 KCC is being repealed in its entirety, and reenacted. F. The repeal and reenactment of Chapter 2.34 KCC is primarily a housekeeping measure, and will not change the daily operations at the Kent Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Repeal. Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code, entitled “Municipal Court,” is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. - New Chapter. A new Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code, entitled “Municipal Court,” is hereby enacted as follows: 7.a Packet Pg. 70 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 3 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court Chapter 2.34 MUNICIPAL COURT Sec. 2.34.010. Municipal court established. Effective January 1, 1994, and pursuant to Chapter 3.50 RCW, there is established “The Municipal Court of the City of Kent,” hereinafter referred to as the “municipal court.” Sec. 2.34.020. Jurisdiction – Pleading, practice and procedure – References to state law. A. The municipal court shall have the jurisdiction and shall exercise all powers enumerated in Chapter 3.50 RCW and the Kent City Code, together with all such other powers and jurisdiction as are generally conferred upon courts of limited jurisdiction in the state of Washington either by common law, statutes, regulations, city code provisions, or rules established by the Washington Supreme Court. B. Matters and subjects regarding the municipal court not addressed in this chapter shall be controlled and governed by Chapter 3.50 RCW as well as common law, statutes, regulations, city code provisions, or rules established by the Washington Supreme Court. C. All references to state laws in this chapter are references to the laws as now enacted or hereafter amended or recodified. Sec. 2.34.030. Court seal. The municipal court shall have a seal which shall be the vignette of George Washington, with the words “Seal of the Municipal Court of Kent, State of Washington,” surrounding the vignette. Sec. 2.34.040. Judges – Election – Appointment – Qualifications. A. The municipal court shall have two (2) full-time elected judicial positions titled “Position I” and “Position II.” Position I was filled by election 7.a Packet Pg. 71 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 4 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court with the term beginning January 1, 2002. Position II was filled by election with the term beginning on January 1, 2006. Each position is filled for a term of four (4) years. Elections required by this section shall be conducted in accordance with RCW 3.50.050. B. A municipal court judge may, in accordance with RCW 3.50.093 and RCW 3.50.095, be appointed by the mayor to fill an existing judicial position in the event a vacancy occurs due to the death, disability, resignation, retirement, or removal. Additional municipal court judges may be appointed by the mayor in accordance with RCW 3.50.070 when public interest and the administration of justice makes such additional judge or judges necessary. C. A person elected or appointed as municipal court judge shall be a citizen of the United States of America, a resident of King County, and an attorney admitted to practice law before the courts of record of the state of Washington. D. Every judge of the municipal court, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of judge of the municipal court of the city of Kent according to the best of my ability." No bond shall be required for the faithful performance of the judge’s duties. Sec. 2.34.050. Municipal judge salary – Costs. The city will automatically adjust the salary paid to the Kent municipal court judges who meet the requirements of RCW 2.56.030(22) to an amount equal to 95 percent of the salary of district court judges as set by the Washington Citizens’ Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. The Kent municipal court judge salary adjustments required of this section shall be effective on a date commensurate with the effective date of adjustments to the salaries 7.a Packet Pg. 72 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 5 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court of district court judges made by the Washington Citizens’ Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. Sec. 2.34.060. Judges pro tem – Court commissioners. A judge pro tem or commissioner appointed in accordance with RCW 3.50.075 or RCW 3.50.090 shall receive compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60.00) per hour unless modified by resolution or ordinance. The term of the appointment shall be specified in writing but in any event shall not extend beyond the term of the elected municipal judges. Sec. 2.34.070. Court Administrator. There is hereby created the position of court administrator who shall be in charge of the administrative functions of the municipal court subject to the powers vested upon the municipal court judge pursuant to Chapter 3.50 RCW or court rule. The court administrator shall be appointed by and report directly to the presiding judge. Sec. 2.34.080. Municipal court hours. The municipal court shall be open during all regular business days and hours as the other offices of the city shall be open, but the dates and times of open court shall be set by the presiding judge; provided, that the municipal court shall not be open on non-judicial days. Sec. 2.34.090. Juror Fees. Jurors shall be paid a fee of $15 for each day in attendance at the municipal court and shall receive a mileage allowance pursuant to RCW 43.03.060. Sec. 2.34.100. Inmate participation in programs. Any person sentenced by the municipal court for a commitment or period of confinement at the Kent corrections facility, and who serves such commitment or confinement at the Kent corrections facility, may, pursuant to Kent 7.a Packet Pg. 73 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 6 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court corrections facility policies, be eligible for corrections facility programs or incarceration alternatives as set forth in Ch. 9.34 KCC; provided, the municipal court may, in its sound discretion, prohibit the inmate from participating in one (1) or more programs or incarceration alternatives. The court shall state its reason(s) for limiting program consideration on the record. Upon the motion of any party and for good cause shown, reconsideration of eligibility or prohibition from programs may be argued before the court. Sec. 2.34.110. Use of credit cards. The municipal court may permit the use of credit cards for purposes of billing and collecting unpaid penalties, fines, costs, assessments, and forfeitures imposed. The municipal court may enter into agreements with one (1) or more financial institutions for the purpose of such collections. Said agreements may specify conditions, remuneration for services, and other charges deemed appropriate, upon confirmation by the city council. Sec. 2.34.120. Use of collections agencies and attorneys. A. The municipal court may use collection agencies as defined in Chapter 19.16 RCW for purposes of collecting unpaid penalties on infractions, criminal fines, costs, assessments, civil judgments, or forfeitures that have been imposed by the court. The municipal court may enter into agreements, with the confirmation of the city council, with one (1) or more attorneys or collection agencies for collection of outstanding penalties, fines, costs, assessments, and forfeitures. These agreements may specify the scope of work, remuneration for services, and other charges deemed appropriate. B. Servicing of delinquencies by collection agencies or by collecting attorneys in which the municipal court retains control of its delinquencies shall not constitute assignment of debt. C. The term debt shall include penalties, fines, costs, assessments, or forfeitures imposed by the municipal court. 7.a Packet Pg. 74 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 7 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court D. The municipal court may assess, as court costs, the monies paid for remuneration for services or charges paid to collecting attorneys, to collection agencies, or, in the case of credit cards, to financial institutions. Sec. 2.34.130. Revenue deposits. All fees, costs, fines, forfeitures, and other monies imposed or collected by the municipal court for the violation of any city ordinance, together with any other revenue received by the municipal court, shall be deposited with the city treasurer as part of the general fund of the city unless otherwise required by law. SECTION 3. – Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. – Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 5. – Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7.a Packet Pg. 75 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) 8 Repeal and Adopt Ch. 2.34 KCC Municipal Court ARTHUR “PAT” FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 7.a Packet Pg. 76 At t a c h m e n t : K M C 2 . 3 4 O r d i n a n c e - R e p e a l a n d R e p l a c e - 0 5 1 6 1 9 ( 1 9 3 8 : M u n i c i p a l C o u r t O r d i n a n c e K C C 2 . 3 4 - R e p e a l a n d R e e n a c t ) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 256-856-5712 DATE: August 20, 2019 TO: Operations Committee SUBJECT: Origami - Risk Management Information System Contract MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a three-year agreement with Origami Risk LLC for a cloud-based Risk Management Information System (RMIS), subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Risk Manager. SUMMARY: The Risk Management division (RM) of the Human Resources Department is responsible for managing Liability and Worker Compensation risks and claims citywide and for the purchase of all city insurance. RM currently employs a third- party administrator (TPA) to adjudicate these claims. Currently, RM must first request claims data, then aggregate claims data in Excel, to analyze claims trends. This is both time-consuming and can result in data input errors. Further, when Public Records Requests (PRR) related to claims and lawsuits are received, it is necessary to request downloads for data evaluation to properly respond. This process can also be very time-consuming. Origami Risk LLC can provide current dashboards to RM staff, which will increase awareness of claims trends and will also provide performance measures based on prior year performance, as well as other measures to be determined. RM will have a schedule of automatically generated dashboards and reports to Departments. These reports can be tailored to each Department based on specific needs, including comparison of year over year claims trends in Liability and Worker Comp claims frequency and severity. In addition to regular reporting of claims information, RM will have the ability to more easily analyze data and provide additional enhanced reporting to Departments. Origami Risk LLC will also retain in an easily accessible format, vital information on all of our insurance programs. This will aid in responding to Public Records Requests and will also ensure proper reporting of claims to insurers and reinsurer as required by insurance contracts. The contract with Origami Risk LLC is for three years. Total cost over three years is $127,570. The payment schedule is as follows: 8 Packet Pg. 77 Year 1: $32,385 due at Contract signing, with additional $32,385 due 4 months later. Year 2: $31,400 due on Statement of Work anniversary. Year 3: $31,400 due on subsequent Statement of Work anniversary. BUDGET IMPACT: Cost of this program, as with all costs of risk, will be allocated down to the Department/Division level within the Liability Insurance fund and the Worker Compensation fund (50/50). SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government, Sustainable Services ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2019 Origami Software Subscrition Agreement 0814 (PDF) 8 Packet Pg. 78 ORIGAMI RISK CoNrrneNrrrl SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT This SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of 2019 (the "Effective Date") by and between ORIGAMI RISK LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Origami"), and City of Kent, Washington ("Client"). Origami and Client hereby agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS. "Affïliate" means, with respect to a party, its parent company and subsidiaries and/or controlled corporations or entities which are directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control with, such party. "Client Data" means the data provided or inputted by or on behalf of Client or any User or Affiliate of Client for use with the Service. "Client Party" means Client and each of its Affiliates and Users. "Confidential Information" means all confidential and proprietary information of a party, including, without limitation, business plans, strategies, products, software, source code, object code, clients, data models, discoveries, inventions, developments, know-how, improvements, works of authorship, concepts, or expressions thereof, whether or not subject to patents, copyright, trademark, trade secret protection or other intellectual property right protection. ooCustomizations" means specifically modified reports, dashboard panels, or other configurations, features or modules of the Service customized for Client. "Documentation" means all user guides, videos, embedded help text, and other reference materials generally furnished with respect to the Service, whether in printed or electronic format. "Fees" means the fees payable pursuant to this Agreement as set forth in any Statement of Work. "Intellectual Property Rights" means worldwide intellectual and proprietary property owned or properly licensed by a party and all intellectual or proprietary property rights subsumed therein, including copyright, patent, trademark (including goodwill), trade dress, trade secret and know-how rights. "Professional Services" means professional services provided by Origami to Client as set forth in any Statement of Work. "Service" means Origami's software-as-a-service identified in the Statement of Work and accessible by Client via https://live.OrigamiRisk.com or another designated web site or IP address or mobile application, rendered to Client by Origami. "Statement of Work" means any statement of work entered into and mutually approved in writing by the parties pursuant to this Agreement from time to time. The initial Statement of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and the pricing detail with respect to such Statement of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 'olJser" means any employee, contractor, agent, customer, investor, consultant or service provider of Client or any of Client's Affiliates who uses or accesses the Service or any other person or entity that is provided user credentials to the Service by or on behalfofClient or any of Client's Affiliates. "Work Product" means Customizations and any software, programming, tools, documentation, and materials that are used, created, developed, or delivered by Origami to Client in connection with Customizations, and all Intellectual Property Rights subsumed therein. 2. SERVICE. (a) Service. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, Origami hereby grants Client a non-exclusive right to permit its Users to access the Service via the Internet. Client, its Affiliates and Users may use the Service solely for internal business of Client, its Afflrliates and Users. Users shall use the Service in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable Statement of Work and Documentation. (b) Storage. Client may store Client Data through the Service up to the amount set forth in the applicable Statement of Work. If the amount of storage used exceeds this limit, Client will be charged, on a monthly basis, the excess storage fees pursuant to the Statement of Work. (c) Service Level Agreement. Origami's Service Level Agreement with respect to the Service is set forth as Exhibit C (the "Service Level Agreement"). Any Excluded Event (as defined in such Service Level Agreement) and any unavailability of the Service that does not constitute a failure of the Availability Requirement set forth in such Service Level Agreement shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement. (d) Restrictions. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a grant to Client of any right to, and Client shall not, and shall not permit any User or any other third party to: (i) reproduce, license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Service or 8.a Packet Pg. 79 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORIGAMI RISK any portion thereof; (ii) distribute, disclose or allow use of any of the Service, or any portion thereof, in any format, through any timesharing service, service bureau, network or by any other means, to or by any third party; (iii) decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer or attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of the Service in any manner; (iv) create derivative works from, modify or alter any of the Service in any manner whatsoever; (v) use or access the Service in a manner that would reasonably be expected to damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Origami servers or the networks connected to any Origami server (and if any access or use of the Service does damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Origami servers or the networks connected to any Origami server, then Client shall promptly discontinue such access or use upon written notice ofsuch by Origami); (vi) take any action that would reasonably be expected to interfere with any third party's use and enjoyment of the Service (and if any Client action does interfere with any third party's use and enjoyment of the Service, then Client shall promptly discontinue such action upon written notice of such by Origami); (vii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service, accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to any Origami server; (viii) use any robot, spider or other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy portions of the Service; (ix) use the Service in a manner intended to abuse or violate the privacy or property rights of others; (x) perform any vulnerability scanning or penetration testing on the Service or Origami's systems or networks without Origami's explicit prior written consent for each such scan or test; or (xi) access the Service in order to (A) build a competitive product or service, or (B) build a product using similar unique and confidential ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service. (e) Users. Client may permit the number of authorized Users as set forth in the Statement of Work to use the Service. Each authorized User shall access and use the Service (i) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the applicable Statement of Work and Documentation, and, (ii) when applicable, through a unique and reasonably secure username and password as further described in the applicable Statement of Work or Documentation. The Service allows Client to grant different levels of access to Client Data, to different Users, as described in more detail in the Statement of Work. It is Client's responsibility to designate the applicable access to be granted to each User. Client shall cause all Users to comply with all obligations of Client hereunder, to the extent applicable to Users. Except for Client's and its Affiliates' system administrators where reasonably necessary for administrative or security purposes, no User may use the username/user identification or password of any other User. Client's failure to cause a User to comply CoNFIDENTIAL with the terms of this Agreement or any uncured User noncompliance shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement by Client. (Ð Third Party Access. Client shall also have the right for Client and its Affiliates to permit third party Users to access or use the Service in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable Statement of Work, provided that each such third party User has agreed in writing to Origami's Third Party User Agreement ("Third Party Terms") prior to or upon such User's initial login to the Service. Such Third Party Terms are available from Origami upon request. Client may meet this requirement with respect to any third party User by requiring such third party User to accept the Third Party Terms as part of a click-through that can be enabled to appear upon such third party LJser's initial login to the Service. Any rights granted hereunder or under the Third Party Terms with respect to the Service to third party Users shall expire or terminate immediately upon the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms. Client shall be fully responsible for (i) ensuring the compliance of each Client Party with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the applicable Statement of Work and Documentation, and the applicable Third Party User Agreement, and (ii) all violations of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the applicable Statement of Work and Documentation, and the applicable Third Party Terms by each Client Party. (g) Professional Services. During the term of this Agreement, Origami will make available to Client certain Professional Services to the extent set forth in the Statement of Work. Client may also contract for expanded services for additional days and hours in accordance with the rates set forth in the Statement of Work, or if no such rates are specified, Origami's then-current policies and prices. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Origami will not be obligated to provide any support required as a result of, or with respect to, (i) Client's operating systems, networks, hardware, or other related equipment of Client, or (ii) Client's or any of its Users' use of the Service other than in accordance with the applicable Statement of Work and Documentation and as permitted under this Agreement. (h) Client Obligations. Client shall: (Ð provide Origami with reasonable access to Client's premises to the extent necessary to enable Origami to perform its obligations hereunder; (ii) provide adequate resources to participate in or facilitate the performance of the Service; (iii) timely participate in meetings relating to the Service; (iv) assign personnel with relevant training and experience to work in consultation with Origami; (v) meet the requirements to use the Service as set forth at http://www.origamirisk.com/product-requirements; (vi) safeguard the usernames, passwords and other security data, 2 8.a Packet Pg. 80 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORIGAMI RISK methods and devices furnished to Client in connection with the Service and prevent unauthorized access to or use ofthe Service and promptly notif,i Origami if it becomes aware of any such unauthorized access or that the security of its usernames or passwords has been compromised; (vii) be responsible for Client networks, equipment and system security required or appropriate in connection with the Service; (viii) have sole responsibility for the acc,uracy, quality, legality, reliability and appropriateness of all Client Data; (ix) transmit Client Data only in an encrypted format as set forth in the Service Level Agreement or as otherwise mutually agreed by the parties; (x) obtain all consents and authorizations from any third parties that Client requires in order for Origami to provide the Service and perform the Professional Services, and (xi) take such other actions as are required of Client pursuant to this Agreement, including any Statement of Work. (i) Client Warranty. The parties acknowledge and agree that during the term of this Agreement a Client Party or other third parties may disclose certain Client Data, including personally identifiable data regarding employees or other individuals, to Origami for the benefit of a Client Party. With respect to any Client Data so disclosed by, or on behalf of, a Client Party to Origami, Client represents and warrants to Origami that: (i) each such Client Party, and such other third parties operating on Client's behalf are authorized to collect, use and disclose the Client Data to Origami for use and storage pursuant to this Agreement; (ii) such disclosure, use or storage does not and shall not violate applicable law or, if applicable, such Client Party's agreements with or privacy notices to individuals with respect to whom the Client Data relates; and (iii) Client shall not request Origami to use, store, disclose or otherwise process Client Data in any manner that would not be permissible under applicable law or, if applicable, such Client Party's agreements with or privacy notices to individuals with respect to whom the Client Data relates, if done by Client. 0) Non-Origami Events. Client acknowledges and agrees that Origami shall not be responsible or liable for any delay or failure in its performance of any duties or obligations pursuant to this Agreement, including any Statement of Work, to the extent such delays or failures result or arise from any (l) act or omission of any Client Party, including any delays in their performance or cooperation with respect to the obligations or warranties set forth in this Agreement or any Statement of Work; (2) failure of any Client Party's equipment or software (other than the Service); or (3) Force Majeure Event. (k) Mobile Service. The Service may include certain services that are available via an application downloaded and installed on a mobile device. To the extent CoNnrnnNrtlt, Client chooses to use such application, Client acknowledges and agrees that Client Data may be stored locally on a mobile device as part of such service and that the physical security of any mobile device used to access such services is Client's responsibility. If Client or any User elects to store data on a mobile device, Origami shall not be responsible for any loss of Client Data or any other data on such device. 3. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. (a) Origami Intellectual Property Rights. As between Origami and Client, Origami owns all right, title and interest, including all related Intellectual Property Rights in and to, or related to the Service and Work Product, including all software programs contained therein. To the extent that any such Intellectual Property Rights do not otherwise vest in Origami or its licensors, Client hereby agrees to promptly assign such Intellectual Property Rights to Origami or its licensors, and to do all other acts reasonably necessary to perfect Origami's or its licensors' ownership thereof, without additional consideration of any kind. The Origami name, the Origami logos, and the product names associated with the Service are trademarks of Origami or third parties, and no right or license is granted with respect to their use. The Service may contain intellectual property belonging to third parties. All such intellectual property is and shall remain the property of its respective owners. Except for the limited rights expressly granted herein, all right, title and interest in and to the Service and Work Product are reserved by Origami, and, except as expressly granted herein, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring any right, title, interest or license with respect to the Service or Work Product upon Client, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. In addition, Client agrees and acknowledges that Origami shall have an unlimited right to incorporate into any updates, upgrades, or modifications to the Service all suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by Client or any User relating to the Service. Such Service, as updated, upgraded, or modified, shall be owned by Origami as provided in this Section. Client expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Work Product shall not constitute work made-for-hire under the United States Copyright Act, and that Origami shall have the exclusive right to protect the Work Product by patent, copyright, or any other means. Work Product shall be made available to Client as part of the Service to the extent set forth in the Statement of Work, and Client shall have no other right to use any Work Product. Nothing in this Section shall affect the ownership by Client of all Client Data as provided below or other Client proprietary information. J 8.a Packet Pg. 81 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) OnIc,ltvtI RIsr (b) Client Data. Client Data shall be Confidential Information of Client under this Agreement. As between Origami and Client, Client shall own all right, title and interest in and to the Client Data, which shall never be deemed to be the Service or Work Product, even if delivered or incorporated therewith. Origami shall have no responsibility, whatsoever, for the accvracy, quality, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership of Client Data, and Origami shall not review, monitor or check the Client Data except as necessary to provide the Service to Client. Origami shall not be responsible or liable for the deletion, destruction, damage or loss of any Client Data through no fault of Origami or its providers without limiting Origami's liability to maintain backup data as set forth in the Service Level Agreement. Upon Client's written request within 30 days following the termination of this Agreement, Origami will at its expense provide electronic files to Client in delimited text format containing Client's Client Data. Subject to Origami's confidentiality obligations set forth in this Agreement, Client agrees that Origami shall have the right to collect and use data or information resulting from a Client Party's use of the Service so long as such data and information is de- identified and aggregated so that it cannot identify, be traced back to or otherwise be associated in any manner with Client or any particular individual. (c) Notices of Infringement. In the event Client discovers or is notified of an actual or suspected infringement of the rights of Origami or its licensors in or to the Service or any unauthorized access to or use of the Service (each, an "Infringement"), Client shall promptly notify Origami of such known or suspected Infringement and terminate such Infringement to the extent within Client's control. Client agrees to reasonably cooperate with and assist Origami (at Origami's sole expense) in protecting, enforcing and defending Origami's rights in and to the Service. 4. FINANCIAL TERMS. (a) Fees. Client shall pay to Origami the Fees set forth in any Statement of Work or as otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. (b) Expenses. Client shall reimburse Origami for all pre-authorized in writing, reasonable, documented out of pocket travel, lodging, meal and other expenses reasonably incurred by Origami in the course of performing the Service. (c) Taxes. Client shall be liable for any taxes (including without limitation sales, use, excise and gross receipts taxes), charges, tariffs, and duties and any interest and penalties arising under this Agreement, excluding taxes CoNrIuu¡qtt¡l based upon Origami's income. All such taxes may be included in amounts invoiced by Origami to Client. (d) Payments. All Fees under this Agreement shall be payable by Client in accordance with the applicable Statement of Work or as otherwise agreed by the parties. Fees shall be due within 30 days of invoice date. Except as provided in Sections 7(b) and 9(a), all Fees paid hereunder are non-refundable. 5. CONFIDENTIALITY. (a) Confidential Information. Each parTy acknowledges and agrees that during the term of this Agreement it may be furnished with or otherwise have access to Confidential Information of the other party. The party that has received Confidential Information (the "Receiving Party"), in fulfilling its obligations under this Section, shall exercise the same degree of care and protection with respect to the Confidential Information of the party that has disclosed Confidential Information to the Receiving Party (the "I)isclosing Party") that it exercises with respect to its own Confidential Information, but in no event shall the Receiving Party exercise less than a reasonable standard of care. The Receiving Party shall only use, access and disclose Confidential Information as necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, including any Statement of Work, or in exercise of its rights expressly granted hereunder. Receiving Party shall not directly or indirectly disclose, sell, copy, distribute, republish, create derivative works from, demonstrate or allow any third party to have access to any of Disclosing Party's Confidential Information; provided that the Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information to its directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents, Affiliates or other representatives (collectively, the "Representatives") who have a need to know and who are bound by confidentiality obligations with respect to such Confidential Information that are substantially similar to those set forth in this Section. The Receiving Party shall be responsible and liable for any breach of this Section by any of its Representatives. This Agreement (including all Statements of Work and pricing thereunder) and all Intellectual Property Rights with respect to the Service and Work Product shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of Origami under this Agreement. (b) Exclusions. The following information shall not be considered Confidential Information subject to this Section: (i) information that is publicly available or later becomes available other than through a breach of this Agreement; (ii) information that is known to the Receiving Party or its Representatives prior to such disclosure or is independently developed by the Receiving Party or its Representatives subsequent to such disclosure; or (iii) 4 8.a Packet Pg. 82 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORrcrur Rrsr information that is subsequently lawfully obtained by the Receiving Party or its Representatives from a third party without obligations of confidentiality. If the Receiving Party is required by law to disclose any portion of the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information, Receiving Party shall give prior timely notice of such disclosure to Disclosing Party to permit Disclosing Party to seek a protective or similar order, and, absent the entry of such an order, Receiving Party shall disclose only such Confidential Information as is necessary be disclosed in response to such subpoena, court order or other similar document. (c) Return of Confidential Information. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Receiving Party will promptly return or destroy any Confidential Information in the possession or control of the Receiving Party. Origami's obligation to return and destroy Client Data is set forth in Section 3(b). 6. DATASECURITY. (a) Audit Report. Upon Client's written request to Origami during the term of this Agreement (no more than once in any l2-month period), Origami shall provide a copy of its Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 audit report (or an equivalent audit report or pursuant to a successor standard) ("SOC 2 Report") to Client, and such report shall contain an unqualified opinion. Such audit report shall be deemed Confidential Information under the terms of this Agreement. (b) Safeguards. Origami shall maintain commercially reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the security and privacy of Client Data. Such safeguards are described in Origami's most recently completed SOC 2 Report. In no event during the term of this Agreement will Origami materially diminish the protections provided by the controls set forth in such SOC 2 Report. Such safeguards shall comply with data privacy laws that are applicable to Origami in its performance of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any applicable data privacy laws addressing personally identifiable information that may be contained in the Client Data. Origami shall also maintain an internal information security management program that addresses data security and the security controls employed by Origami in compliance with this Agreement. Origami shall encrypt Client Data as set forth in the Service Level Agreement. (") Notifïcation. Origami shall inform Client promptly and without undue delay in the event that it learns of any breach of Origami's systems resulting in unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, any Client Data. Any such notice will provide a description about the Client Coxrlnnurt¡r. Data that was accessed to the extent available at the time of the notice. Origami will provide regular updates to Client as additional details about the nature of the affected Client Data become available. Origami agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effects from such breach that are or become known to Origami. 7. TERM AND TERMINATION. (a) Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and remain in effect for three years, unless terminated sooner in accordance with this Section. This Agreement may be extended upon the mutual agreement of the parties. (b) Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material term and fails to cure such breach within 30 days after receipt of written notice of such breach. If Client terminates the Agreement for Origami's breach in accordance with this Section, Origami shall refund to Client, within 45 days of the effective date of such termination, any prepaid but unearned Fees paid to Origami in advance by Client. (c) Termination for Non-Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient appropriations and authorizations are not made available to Client, this Agreement may be terminated at the end of Client's then current fiscal year upon written notice given by Client to Origami. Such event shall not constitute an event of default. All payment obligations of Client and all of its interest in this Agreement will cease upon the date of termination. In the event of termination under this section, Client shall pay Origami for all timely completed and conforming work done to the date of termination. (d) Events Upon Termination. Upon the termination of this Agreement: (i) Origami shall cease providing the Service to Client, and Client and its Users shall cease use of the Service; and (ii) Origami shall invoice Client for all accrued Fees and all reimbursable expenses. Client shall pay the invoiced amounts, including from previously issued invoices, within 30 days of the date of such invoice. (e) Survival. Except as otherwise set forth herein, in the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, the provisions of Sections 2(i), 2Q),3, 5,7(c),7(d), 8(c), and 9 through 13, as well as all payment obligations, shall survive. 8. LIMITED WARRANTY. (a) Service Warranty. Origami warrants that the Service will perform in all material respects in 5 8.a Packet Pg. 83 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORTGAMI RISK accordance with the Documentation when used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement on the hardware and with the third-party software specified by Origami from time to time. Client's sole remedy for any breach by Origami of the warranty provided in this Section shall be replacement of the nonconforming Service, at Origami's sole expense, as described herein. Origami shall deliver to Client replacement Service, a work-around and/or an error/bug f,rx as may be necessary to correct the nonconformity. In the event that Client gives Origami notice of an apparent nonconformity that Origami reasonably determines is not due to any fault or failure of the Service to conform to the warranty provided herein, all time spent by Origami resulting in such determination, including time spent attempting to correct the problem, shall be charged against Client's client service hours, or, if client service hours have been exhausted, charged to Client at Origami's then current hourly rate for such services. (b) Professional Services Warranty. Origami represents and warrants that the Professional Services shall be performed in a professional and commercially reasonable manner consistent with the standard of care exercised by Origami in performing similar services for other clients. Client's sole remedy for breach of this warranty shall be re-performance of the nonconforming Professional Services, provided that Origami must have received written notice of the nonconformity from Client no later than 30 days after the original performance of the applicable Professional Services by Origami. (c) Disclaimers. (i) EXCEPT AS OTHERWTSE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ORIGAMI MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE, WORK PRODUCT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, OR ANY OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER OR THE USE THEREOF BY CLIENT AND ITS USERS, TNCLUDING QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT, AND ORIGAMI HEREBY DISCLAIMS THE SAME. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, ORIGAMI AND ITS LICENSORS DO NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT: (a) THE USE OF THE SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE; OR (b) THE SERVICE WILL MEET CLIENT'S REQUIREMENTS OR EXPECTATIONS; OR (c) ALL ERRORS OR DEFECTS IN THE SERVICE V/ILL BE CORRECTED. (ii) CLTENT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE SERVICE IS A TOOL TO BE CoNFIDENTIAL USED BY CLIENT IN THE COURSE OF EXERCISING ITS PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT. THE SERVICE MAY BE SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS, DELAYS, AND OTHER PROBLEMS INHERENT IN THE USE OF THE INTERNET AND ELECTRONIC COMMLINICATIONS. ORIGAMI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DELAYS, DELIVERY FAILURES, OR OTHER DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH PROBLEMS OUTSIDE OF ITS REASONABLE CONTROL. NO ORIGAMI AGENT OR EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY EXPANSION, MODIFICATION OR ADDITION TO THIS LIMITATION AND EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES IN THIS AGREEMENT. (iii) Origami shall not be responsible for: (A) any non-conformities of the Service with Documentation, omissions, delays, inaccuracies or any other failure caused by a Client Party's computer systems, hardware or software (other than the Service), including by interfaces with such third party software, or any inaccuracies that such systems may cause within the Service; or (B) any data that Origami receives from a Client Party or third party sources and including the data's accuracy or completeness, or Client's claim handling or other decisions. Origami disclaims any liability for interception of any such data or communications, including of encrypted data. Client agrees that Origami shall have no responsibility or liability for any damages arising in connection with access to or use of the Service by any Client Party to the extent such access or use is not authorizedby this Agreement. 9. INDEMNIFICATION BY ORIGAMI. (a) Indemnification. Origami agrees to indemnify, defend, settle, or pay any third party claim or action against a Client Party for infringement of any U.S. patent or copyright arising from Client's use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement. If the Service or any part of the Service is held to infringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrained or, if as a result of a settlement or compromise, such use is materially adversely restricted, Origami shall, at its own expense and as Client's sole remedy therefor (other than the indemnification obligation set forth above), either: (i) procure for Client the right to continue to use the Service; or (ii) modify the Service to make it non-infringing, provided that such modification does not materially adversely affect Client's authorized use of the Service; or (iii) replace the Service with a functionally equivalent non-infringing program at no additional charge to Client; or (iv) if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Origami, terminate this Agreement and refund to Client any prepaid but unearned Fees paid to Origami in advance by Client prior to the effective date of the termination. 6 8.a Packet Pg. 84 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORIGAMI RISK (b) Exclusions. Origami's indemnification obligations under Section 9(a) shall not apply to the extent the claim is based on: (i) modifications to the Service or any component thereof made by anyone other than Origami or on behalf of Origami; (ii) use of any Service in combination with a product not supplied by Origami; or (iii) use of any Service other than in accordance with this Agreement and the Documentation. (c) Conduct. Origami shall have the sole right to conduct the defense of any such infringement claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise, and to settle or compromise any such claim. Client agrees to cooperate and ensure that each Client Party cooperates with Origami in doing so. Client agrees to give Origami prompt written notice, in no case longer than within seven days of receipt or discovery, of any threat, warning, or notice of any such claim or action, with copies of any and all documents each Client Party may receive relating thereto. IO. INDEMNIFICATION BY CLIENT. Client agrees to indemniff, defend and hold harmless Origami, its Afflliates, and all their officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, employees and other agents for and against any damage, cost, liability, expense, claim, suit, action or other proceeding, to the extent based on or arising in connection with: (a) any breach of this Agreement by a Client Party in connection with Client Data; (b) a Client Party's violation of any Federal, state or local law, rule or regulation relating to such Client Party's collection and use of any Client Data; (c) a claim, which, if true, would constitute a breach of Client's representations and warranties under this Agreement. 11. INSURANCE Origami shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit D attached and incorporated by this reference. 12, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) Disclaimer of Damages. Origami's warranty excludes damage related to: (a) failure to follow Service use instructions; (b) Service used with products not manufactured or recommended by Origami; (c) abuse, misuse, intentional, or deliberate damage to the Service; (d) force majeure; or (e) Service repaired or modified by persons other than Origami without Origami's written permission. (b) Limitation of Liability. Origami's cumulative liability to any Party for any loss or damage resulting from any claim, demand, or action arising out of or relating to any Origami Service or the Professional CoNFIDENTIAL Services will not exceed the greater of (i) two times the payments actually made to Origami hereunder during the 12 months preceding the date on which any claim is made against Origami and (ii) $100,000. In no event will either Party be liable for special, indirect, incidental, exemplary, punitive oÍ consequential damages, however caused, whether for breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability, tort or any other legal theory, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. 13. EXPORT CONTROL. (a) Export. Client shall not export the Service or any Work Product in violation of applicable United States laws and regulations. Client also agrees that it will not knowingly export, directly or indirectly, the Service or any Work Product (i) that it knows will directly assist in the design, development, production, stockpiling or use of missiles, nuclear weapons or chemical/biological weapons; (ii) to any entity on the Department of Commerce Entity List or any person or entity on the Department of Commerce Denied Persons List, each currently available at http://www.bis.doc.gov; or (iii) to any country subject to sanctions administered by the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control or to any person or entity on the lists of prohibited entities and persons maintained by such office, currently available at http ://www.ustreas. gov/ofac. (b) Disclaimer. Origami makes no representation that the Service is appropriate or available for use in other locations. If Client uses the Service from outside the United States of America, Canada and/or the European Union, Client is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable 1aws, including export and import regulations of other countries. Any diversion of the Service contrary to applicable law is prohibited. 14. GENERAL. (a) Notices. Any notice, request, demand or other communication (each, a "Notice") given pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing and delivered to the other party by either personal delivery, Certified Mail (return receipt requested and postage prepaid), nationally recognized overnight courier (with all fees prepaid) or e- mail at the address of such party listed on the signature page to this Agreement. Notices sent via e-mail will be deemed delivered upon the recipient's confirmation of receipt. A party may change its address by giving Notice pursuant to this Section. (b) Assignment. Neither party shall have the right to assign, transfer, or sublicense any obligations or benefit under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that no written consent shall be required to assign or transfer this 7 8.a Packet Pg. 85 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcnvu Rrsr Agreement to any parent or wholly owned subsidiary of a party, and further provided that Origami may assign or transfer this Agreement without Client's prior written consent to a successor by way of a merger, acquisition, sale, transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and permitted assigns of the parties. (c) Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement does not and is not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any party other than the parties to this Agreement. (d) Pubticity. Without prior written approval signed by an authorized representative of the other party, neither party shall, directly or indirectly, make any public announcement related to this Agreement or the Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Origami may disclose the fact that Client has procured a license for the Service; provided that Origami will not state or imply that Client endorses or recommends the Service without the written permission of Client. (e) Bntire Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement (including all exhibits, appendices, schedules and attachments hereto) constitutes the final agreement between the parties. All prior and contemporaneous oral and written communications, negotiations and agreements between the parties on the matters contained in this Agreement, including, without limitation, any nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements entered into between the parties prior to the date of this Agreement, are expressly merged into and superseded by this Agreement. No terms or conditions contained in any purchase order shall amend this Agreement or shall otherwise constitute an agreement between the parties. The parties may amend this Agreement only by a written agreement of the parties that identifies itself as an amendment to this Agreement. (Ð Waivers. The parties may waive aîy provision in this Agreement only by a writing executed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced. No failure or delay in exercising any right or remedy, or in requiring the satisfaction of any condition, under this Agreement, and no act, omission or course of dealing between the parties, operates as a waiver or estoppel of any right, remedy or condition. A waiver once given is not to be construed as a waiver on any future occasion or against any other person. (g) Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be determined to be illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this CoNprnnNrrnl Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. (h) Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim, or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the parties' right to indemnification under Section 10 of this Agreement. (i) Force Majeure. Neither party shall have any liability for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement (except for payment) because of circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, acts of God, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, civil disturbances, terrorism, sabotage, accidents, unusually severe weather, labor disputes, governmental actions, power failures, viruses that are not preventable through generally available retail products, inability to obtain labor, material or equipment, catastrophic hardware failures, usage spikes, attacks on servers, or any inability to transmit or receive information over the Internet (each, a "Force Majeure Event"), nor shall any such failure or delay give any party the right to terminate this Agreement. 0) Certain Remedies. Each party acknowledges and agrees that (i) it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to calculate the actual damages in the event of Origami's breach of Section 3(b) or 5 of this Agreement or Client's breach of Section 2, 3 or 5 of this Agreement; and (ii) breach of any such provision of this Agreement would result in ongoing damages to the non- breaching party that could not be adequately compensated by monetary damages. Accordingly, each party agrees that in the event ofany actual or threatened breach ofany such provision of this Agreement, the non-breaching party shall be entitled, in addition to all other rights and remedies existing in its favor atlaw, in equity or otherwise, to seek injunctive or other equitable relief (including without limitation a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction and a final injunction) against the other party to prevent any actual or threatened breach of any such 8 8.a Packet Pg. 86 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcaur R¡sx provision and to enforce this Agreement specifrcally, without the necessity of posting a bond or other security or of proving actual damages. (k) Counterparts. This Agreement and each Statement of Work may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Delivery ofan executed counterpart ofa signature page to this Agreement or any Statement of Work by PDF or other electronic means shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement or such Statement of Work. Coxrronxrw 9 8.a Packet Pg. 87 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) OnrcrvrrRrsr IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date ORIGAMI RISK LLC CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON By:By: Name Name: (Print Name)(Print Name) Title:Title Co¡lrrnnNrr¡, Address: 222N. LaSalle St. Suite 2125 Chicago, IL 60601 Email : legal@origamiri sk. com Address: Email: 8.a Packet Pg. 88 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcavrt Rrsr CoNFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF WORK This Statement of Work ("SOW") describes services to be performed by Origami Risk LLC ("Origami") for the City of Kent ("Client"). This SOW is subject to all the terms and conditions of the Software Subscription Agreement between Client and Origami, into which it will now be integrated as Exhibit A. PROJECT SCOPE Provide and implement Origami's Risk Management Information System (RMIS) (the "Service") to Client's Risk Management team to help ensure accurate and consistent tracking and reporting of Client's claims, policies, locations and exposures. Project Priorities: The immediate priorities focus on the following areas (i) Convert and load data from TPAs Origami will convert the Client's TPA data and import into the Service. This process requires the receipt of timely and accurate data from the TPA vendors, and requires collaboration between Origami and Client to evaluate and resolve data anomalies uncovered throughout the conversion process. (ii) Reporting and Dashboards Origami will work with Client to configure and deploy the standard reporting and dashboard features of the Service to empower Client's professionals at locations throughout the hierarchy to view/receive reports and dashboards. Origami and Client will collaborate on the reports and dashboard layouts using standard widgets and reports. CLIEI{T ROLES AND RESPOI{STBILITIES Client will identify a System Administrator ("Client SA") who will be responsible for working with Origami to implement the Service and to provide ongoing production support to Client's Users. The Client SA and, from time to time, other Client employees will be available to provide timely direction and feedback as needed by Origami to complete the Origami tasks in this SOW. The Client SA will also be responsible for setting up, assigning security rights, and maintaining user IDs for all Users. Client will have final responsibility for decisions regarding the functionality, usability and data access rights of any configurations (such as forms, dashboards and interfaces) contemplated by the Implementation or Support sections in this SOV/ or otherwise created by or for Client or Client's users in the Service. Page i 8.a Packet Pg. 89 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORrcnrurr Rrsr LICENSES ConrtonNtLlI, Enterprise License License Selected Description RMIS Yes This Enterprise License includes functionality related to risk management, including incidents, claims, insurance policy management, locations, certificates of insurance, safety, and risk management portal. Enterprise Risk Management IERM) No This Enterprise License includes ERM functionality * Origami also offers other Enterprise Licenses (e.9.. Commercial Claims and Commercial Underwritins) that are not included under this SOW User Licenses License Ouantitv Descrintion Full User 3 These licenses have access to all the capabilities and features ofthe Service under the selected Enterprise License, except those features utilized for adjusting claims such as check writing, setting reserves and calculating indemnity benefits. These licenses have access to Extended Functionality features to the extent selected below. Light User These licenses have access to the dashboard, reports pre-configured for them, and read-only access to other areas ofthe Service under the selected Enterprise License. Light Users do not have access to Administration features or Extended FunctionaliW features. Claims Adjusting lJser 0 These licenses have access to all the features and capabilities ofthe Service under the selected Enterprise Licensc, including those features utilized for adjusting claims such as check writing, setting reserves and calculating indemnity benehts. These licenses have access to Extended Functionality features to the extent selected below. Non-Named User Access Licenses License Selected Ouantitv Description Enterprise Wide Record Entry No Up to 0 records added per year These licenses are not named licenses and have access only to enter records either by (l) an anonymous collection portal, by clicking an anonymous collection link generated via Origami's administration features ("Portal Data Entry") or (2) granting access to a URL sent ÍÌom Origami Risk as a Data Entry Event email notification, giving time limited access to a single record ("Grant Access"). Enterprise Values Collection No 0 Users These lìcenses allow representatives in the field to enter data through the Service's online platform pertaining to information necessary for renewal submissions, such as TIV, Square Footage, COPE information, or other such asset and exposure data. Extended Functionalitv Licenses License Selected Ouantitv Descrintion Secure Email No Up to 0 Secure Emails sent per month This license provides secure email functionality, which provides password protected hosting for email communications from and to the Service. OCR Scanning No Not Included This license provides optical character recognition (OCR) functionality for the purpose of mapping specified data fiom scanned documents to data frelds within the Service. Certihcate of Insurance Tracking No [!ryggþover initial 100 This license provides certificate ofinsurance tracking for third party insureds, such as tenants, vendors, contractors or customers. The first 100 insureds are provided at no additional cost, and this license provides the ability to track certificates for more than 1 00 insureds. SMS Messaging*No 0 SMS Messaees (over initial 500) This license provides the ability to send SMS messages as workflow actions within the Service's administration features. The frrst 500 messages per year are provided at no additional cost, and this license provides the ability to send more than 500 messages Der vear. Two Factor Authentication* No 0 2FA Messaees (over initial 500) This license provides the ability to send SMS and/or email messages to users to validate their identity before logging in fiom a new device and/or once every 30 days fiom the same device. The fìrst 500 messages per year are provided at no additional cost. and this license Drovides the ability to send more than 500 messases oer vear. Mobile Forms App No Not Included Origami's Mobile Forms App may be used by any named user for no additional license fee. but service hours are required lor confisuration. Page ii 8.a Packet Pg. 90 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORrc¿,mr Rrsr CoNrrnpNrrrl * By purchasing this license, Client will need to agree to certain vendor terms and conditions to be provided by Origami. License Notes: l. Origami adds generally available features from time to time that may require conflrguration prior to use. If Client requests Origami's assistance in this configuration, Professional Services hours may be applied for any such configuration. 2. In addition to the generally available features, Origami may occasionally deploy new functionality that will require an Extended Functionality License similar to those listed in the Extended Functionality License section above. These features may require additional fees based on record volume, number of additional users accessing the new features, or some other incremental cost driver. Client may agree to add such an Extended Functionality License in a separate Statement of Work. HOSTII{G Origami will provide data storage for up to 5,000 claims and incidents. In addition, Origami will provide 50GB of file attachment storage. Additional storage is available al any time during the term of this SOW as set forth in the Pricing section below. Origami will host the application and data in a secure internet accessible environment. Origami will backup Client data at periodic intervals each day. TMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Implementation is the process of configuring the Service for use by Client including system settings, supporting Client in loading data, training users, and other work identified in this section of the SOW. The implementation phase is completed when Client is able to utilize the Service platform for the purposes described in the Project Scope above, referred to by Origami as being Live in the system. Origami will manage the overall implementation process, including scheduling and leading meetings, communicating with the team, follow up documentation, and maintaining the project schedule through the Go-Live date. Client's provision of timely and accurate specifications, direction and feedback is essential to the implementation. Svstem Configuration Origami will: - Develop the claim forms for Work Comp, General Liability, Property, Auto Liability and Auto Physical Damage (including form for recoveries/receivables). - Configure up to 2 default dashboards using standard Origami dashboard widgets. - Configure up to 8 reports using standard Origami RMIS templates and/or the custom template design tool. - Configure up to 2 report distribution lists. Mobile Claimant App No Not Included Origami's Mobile Claimant App may be used by any named user for no additional license fee, but service hours are required for conhguration. Requires a minimum of three (3) Claims Adiustins Users. Workers' Compensation Solutions* No Jurisdictions: None This license includes the following Origami Compliance solutions (this functionality is only available to Claims Adjusting Users): r Automated EDI FROI/SROI State Reporting via Mitchell r lndemnity Benefits Rates o Workers' Compensation State Forms ODG Integration User* No 0 Users This license provides integration with ODG's Return to Work guidelines. This feature may only be utilized by Claims Adjusting Users and Full Users. This feature queries ODG's RTW and treatment euidelines based on WC claim diaenosis codes. Tableau*No 0 Users This license allows Origami users to access Tableau within the Origami environment, orovidins enhanced data visualization. eSignature Intesration* No 0 Envelopes This license provides the ability to tag mail merge documents with electronic signature fields, authenticating through a third-party eSignature tool. Page iii 8.a Packet Pg. 91 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcltrrr Rrsr CoNrrnsNrIlL Configure I Location form layout Deploy Standard Contact form layout Deploy Standard Policy form layout Configure up to 5 data entry events with corresponding system actions Annual process to purge claims that are past the retention date agreed to with Client (likely to be 7-10 years, based on retention schedule and underwriter needs). Client will: - Provide specifications, direction, and feedback as needed by Origami in a timely manner. - Configure additional default dashboards, fields, forms, user roles, distribution lists, reports and other features as needed by Client. Loadine Other Sunnorted Risk Data via Data Imnort Center Origami will: - Provide training and support to Client as needed for following import activities Client will: - Provide, or anange to provide, spreadsheets containing Client's risk data in the format supported by the Service's Data Import Center. - Utilize the Service's standard Data Import Center tools to import the above risk data. Loadine Carrier / TPA Claims Data for Data Processine Origami will: - Provide Client with text for data request letters suitable for requesting necessary data from each of the sources named below. - Convert and load the initial system data from the sources named below Client will: - Arrange for claims and transactions data be sent to Origami from Carl Warren.- Arrange for claims and transactions data to be sent to Origami from Work Comp TPA. Confieuration of [Incidentl Intake Process Origami will: - Configure the Enterprise Portal Data Entry Screens to accurately mirror Client's existing process (with below improvements) - Build the workflow in the Service for proper email notification, mail merge document distribution and task creation according to Client's business rules. Clìent will: - Provide screen shots of existing intake forms currently in use. - Work with Origami to identify opportunities to improve on current intake forms and process. - Specify the workflows and individuals required for event triggered emails, tasks and mail merge Trainins Orieami will: Provide 16 hours of training to Client in year I of this SOW and provide additional training each subsequent year as needed. Professional Service hours will be eroded for training in future years. Training will be provided at Client offices or online at Client's request. Training can be provided in one session or several on mutual agreement between Client and Origami. Travel & Expenses associated with any on-site training will be pre- approved by Client and billed as incurred. Page iv 8.a Packet Pg. 92 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrc¡uI Rtsr Co¡trlopNtrlr- Client will: - Provide Origami with guidance about the employees to be trained and any training requirements or a preferred approach. - If training is to be provided in Client office, provide appropriate meeting space and internet access so Origami can perform the training and also provide for transportation and other expenses for Client employees who attend the training. PROJECT MANAGEMENT OPTION SELECTED: Origami is founded on a set of ITERATIVE processes from top to bottom. These contemporary tenets are the foundation of Origami's ability to deliver better service and faster and more accurate implementations. Origami ¿lso maintains a set of best practices, tools and experts for our clients who require a more TRADITIONAL approach to managing their implementation project. The selection below indicates the project management model included within this SOW: This SOW includes: Included Iterative Project Management Not Included Traditional Project Management Iterative Proiect Management - Included Origami will: o Maintain schedule with key deliverables and expected dates* o Lead status calls twice per month o Maintain project status document containing priority list, open items and changes which may impact timeline o Coordinate all activity within Origami to complete Origami's tasks on the project schedule o Origami's administrative tools and screens are by their nature self-documenting and serve as documentation of the implementation for Client's System Administrator to reference. Client will: o Participate in status calls and working meetings o Coordinate all activity within Client's organization to complete Client's tasks on the project schedule o Coordinate all activity of Client's 3'd party providers required to complete tasks on the project schedule Traditional Project Management - Not Included In addition to Iterative Project Management described above, Origami shall designate a Project Manager to provide [xx] hours of project management during the Implementation (on average [x] hours per week). This Project Manager shall maintain a library of written artifacts and conduct activities including: ACTIVITIES: o Formal project kickoff** o Designated Project Manager role o Maintain schedule with key deliverables and expected dates/milestones o Coordinate all activity within Origami to complete Origami's tasks on the project schedule o Coordinate meetings and discussions with stakeholders as needed to maintain project progress* o Maintain project stafus document containing priority list, open items and changes which may impact timeline ARTIFACTS: o Formal project kickoff agenda** o Communication plan o Formal stakeholder analysis o Project charter o Collaborationwebsite o Detailed work breakdown structure o Weekly project status calls, agenda, meeting notes o Detailed issues and risks log o Action items list o Detailed project plan o On site agendas** o Change control management o Executive steering committee stafus call agenda (as needed) o Origami governance decision management document o UAT test plan for critical items*** o Executive project dashboard o Lessons learned analysis Page v 8.a Packet Pg. 93 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcapu Rrsx CoNrropNrru *Project Management assigned as shared role of team members **May include on site attendance ***Dependent on client input and test cases provided ONGOING SUPPORT After the Implementation is completed or Client is using the Service in production for greater than 30 days, this section of the SOW describes Origami services through the remainder of the term of this SOW. Carrier / TPA Claims Data Oneoine Processine Origami will: Process the claim data updates received from Client data providers as follows: - Carl Warren: Claims and Financial Transactions processed Monthly - Work Comp TPA: Claims and Financial Transactions processed Monthly Client will: - Use Origami tools to resolve exceptions, if any, such as missing locations, incomplete code maps, and other exceptions, which may occur in the update as a result of data enors or missing data from data providers. - Notify Carrier / TPA of data exceptions when appropriate to have data corrected at source. Professional Services This SOW includes up to 40 hours of Professional Services in the first year, up to 40 hours in the second year, and up to 40 hours in the third year. Professional Services include any work performed by Origami professionals on behalf of Client. Examples include: ¡ Helpdesk support for users ¡ Additional user training o General assistance utilizing the Service ¡ Configuration of features for Client's use ¡ Maintenance of screens and system configurations as workflows evolve o Configuration of customized reports o Maintenance or modification of any import or export scripts ¡ Attendance in meetings ¡ Project management tasks and administration Page vi 8.a Packet Pg. 94 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcmur Rtsr Coxproe¡{rr¡L PRICII{G AND INVOICE SCHEDULE The price for the licenses and services listed above in this SOW is $68,770 for the first year, $31,400 for year two, and $31,400 for year three of the contract. Exhibit B provides a detailed breakdown of the components of the price. Origami is provided a discount of $4,000 in the first year for a total of $64,770. Payment for Year I will be invoiced with $32,385 due upon execution of this SOW and the remaining $32,385 due 4 months from the execution of this SOW. Payments for Year 2 and3 are due on the anniversary date of this SOW. If needed, additional services can be purchased through an addendum to this SOW. All fees are subject to state sales tax, where applicable. All travel costs and expenses will be pre-approved by Client in writing and billed to Client as incurred. ADDITIONAL PRICING: 1. If Client requires additional storage during the term of this SOW, additional fees will apply as follows: - Current annual fee for storase of uo to 5.000 Claims / Incidents : $5.000 - Annual fee for storage of 5,001-10,000 Claims / Incidents - $7,500 - Annual fee for storage of 10,001-25,000 Claims / Incidents: $15,000 - Current annual fee for storage includes 50GB of File Attachment storage - Additional File Attachment storage is $2,000 per 50GB per year 2. Additional Professional Service hours will be invoiced as incurred at Origami's unbundled rate listed within Exhibit B Bundled hours may be added prior to the start of each contract year. 3. Additional users, additional licenses or additional use beyond that which is listed above in the Licenses section of this SOW shall require additional fees. Origami shall invoice Client, and Client shall pay for any additional licenses, hosting, service hours or other usage in excess of what is specified in this SOW. Page vii 8.a Packet Pg. 95 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORIGAMIRISK STATEMENT OF \ilORI( APPROVAL The undersigned agree to this Statement of Work. ORIGAMI RISK LLC Name (Print Name) Title: Date: CITY OF KENT CoNrrunNrrar, By:By: Name: Title: (Print Name) Date: Page viii 8.a Packet Pg. 96 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Gomments Software Licensing, Hosting, Network, Storage, and lT Operations $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 . Base Origami Software License. Up to 5,000 records . lncludes 50 GB of file Storage User Licensinq $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 . 3 Full User . Admin Access for No Additional Charge TPA lnterfaces $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 . Monthly Claim and Transaction Data Loads for CarlWarren and Work Comp TPA lmplementation Fee $37,370 $o $o . 202 hours - See above for deliverables Onqoinq Support $7,400 $7,400 $7,400 . 40 Annual Support Hours Discount ($4,ooo) Total $64.770 s31.400 $31,400 ORIGAMI RISK CoxnlnrNtlal EXHIBIT B PRICING MODEL Page ix 8.a Packet Pg. 97 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORrcrvrr Rrsx Co¡,tFrnnNrt¡.l EXHIBIT C SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) SYSTEM AVAILABILITY Origami Risk will be available 995% of the time, excluding unavailability as a result of any Excluded Event (the "Availability Requirement"). This includes holidays, weekends, and non-business hours. It does not include planned downtime. In normal circumstances, Origami Risk will schedule downtime between 8:00 PM CT and 7:00 AM CT. Origami Risk will post system availability statistics quarterly. "Excluded Event" means (i) scheduled maintenance windows of which Client is notified at least 24 hours in advance and which occur outside of normal business hours; (ii) scheduled repairs of not more than two hours duration in any one week period of which Client is notified at least four hours in advance and which occur outside of normal business hours; (iii) critical repairs including security updates where advance notice cannot be reasonably provided; (iv) intemrptions caused by transmission errors, Internet service providers, vandalism, user effor or other factors beyond Origami's or its direct service providers' reasonable control; or (v) intemrptions caused by any act or omission of Client (including any employee, contractor, agent, customer, investor, consultant or third party user of Client or any of Client's affiliates who uses or accesses the service), including any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations or failure of Client's equipment or non-Origami software. The Availability Requirement applies only to Origami's production environment and not to Origami's staging environment. Service Credits: In the event there is a material failure of Origami's service to meet the Availability Requirement (a "service Level Failure") in any calendar month, then Client shall have the following sole and exclusive remedy: Origami will provide Client with a service credit on the next annual invoice equal to the pro-rated charges for one (l) full day of the affected services (i.e., l/30 of the monthly fee, assuming a thirty (30) day month) for each day during which there was a Service Level Failure in such calendar month (a "service Credit"). For clarity, such Service Credit shall not include credit for hosting fees, data processing fees, professional services fees or any other prepaid bundled fees other than licensing fees. If Client believes that it is entitled to receive Service Credits, Client shall notify Origami in writing within seven business days after the applicable calendar month with a description of the Service Level Failure and the date and time of such Service Level Failure. If Client does not notify Origami within such timeframe, then Client shall be deemed to have waived all claims with respect to such Service Level Failure (but not to any future Service Level Failure). Origami will make all determinations regarding Service Credits in its reasonable discretion. For any given month, Client shall in no event be entitled to receive a Service Credit that exceeds i00% of its monthly license fees for such month. Client agrees that Service Credits are the sole and exclusive remedy for any Service Level Failure. BACKUP AND RECOVERY Origami currently backs up transactions every l5 minutes via incremental backups. A differential database backup is performed nightly and a full backup is performed weekly. Backups are stored off site via Amazon 53, which has multiple redundancy and99.9999.999990/o durability and99.99%o availability of objects over a given year. Periodic database restore tests are performed to validate that backups are valid. Origami retains weekly backups for a minimum of six months. NOTICES Two email subscription options are available to each Origami Risk user. These determine the type of communication that they will receive from Origami Risk. Page x 8.a Packet Pg. 98 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrcaur Rrsr - Emergency: Receive emails concerning outages and other system problems - Maintenance: Receive emails concerning scheduled maintenance on the system. Courrnnxtt¡t, In addition, any Origami Risk user can visit http://status.origamirisk.com/ to view the current system status. SERVICE REQUESTS Origami Risk will respond to service related incidents or issues within the following time frames: Urgent Requests An urgent request for service concerns a new development that significantly affects a major business task with no workaround. Client will request urgent support by sending an email to support@origamirisk.com with the word "lJrgent" in the subject line. An urgent request made between 7:00 AM CT and 8:00 PM CT will typically be responded to immediately, and Client may also call any member of the Origami Risk support team directly. If Client does not receive a prompt response, Client may escalate by contacting any Origami Risk service or support employee or manager via contact information provided to Client. The target resolution time for an urgent issue is as soon as possible. Normal Requests A normal request for service is any service request that is not urgent. A normal service request will typically be responded to within one business day. Client will request support by sending an email to support@origamirisk.com. Client may also call or email any member of the Origami Risk support team directly. SECURITY Any access to Origami Risk requires a unique user id and password. Passwords must adhere to standard password security rules including minimum length and complexity. Origami Risk uses a role-based security model. Client is responsible for assigning and maintaining role, location, and coverage security for users. Client's system administrators can use the tools in Origami Risk to review and change security rights, edit the user profile, and reset the password. User passwords are encrypted in the Origami database using a SHA-256 hash algorithm. System locks out user after five login attempts with an incorrect password. An administrative user must then reset the user's password and unlock the user account. Origami Risk uses TLS vl.2 or higher for all communications over htçs. Origami databases are fully encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption. Claim, Transaction, and Notes data sent to the Origami Risk FTP site must be encrypted using at least 128 bits. Origami uses Open PGP for file encryption and can provide an encryption key to be used by the client. Origami Risk will keep the files on a secured files system in encrypted format except during the import process. When the import process is completed, unencrypted files are removed from the system. Page xi 8.a Packet Pg. 99 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) ORIGAMI RISK CoNnlonNrnl EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occuffence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an additional insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 I 1 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage, 2. Cyber Liability insurance. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the state of residency 4. Emplo)'ers Liability Stop Gap coverage, which may be met in combination with Consultant's Cyber Liability insurance. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits Commercial General Liability lnsurance shall be written with limits no less than $ 1,000,000 each occuffence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. Coverage may be in the form of an underlying GL policy combined with an Umbrella/Excess policies in order to meet the limits required. Cyber Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $10,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 Aggregate. 3. Emplo)¡ers Liability Stop Gap $1,000,000. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self- insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. If Consultant fails to meet the insurance requirements set forth in this Exhibit, Consultant shall provide written notice to the City. 2. Page xn 8.a Packet Pg. 100 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) Onrc¡,ur Rrsx a-t. CoNrrnnNtr.lt, The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. F.Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Consultant. Page xiii 8.a Packet Pg. 101 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) DATE (MM/OO/YYYY) 08t12nu9 THIS CERTIF¡CATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTTFTCATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSU|NG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf fhe certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement, A statement on fhis certificate does not confer riqhts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER MARSH USA INC. 540 W. MADISON cHtcAGo, tL 60661 cN10829761 7-Std-GAWU-18-19 PHONE FÆ(¿Àlf: Nâì! INSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC * tNsURER A : Travelers Pro'p€rtv Casualtv Co. of America 25674 INSURED 0rigami Risk LLC 222 N Lasalle St. Suite 2125 Chicago, lL 6060'l INSURFR B: N/A N/A INSURER C : INSURER D: INSI,JRER E : INSUÞFF F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER cHt-009324604-01 REVISION NUMBER: 2 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURÂNCE fNcn POLICY NUMBER FOLICY EFF f MM/ftfl/YYYvt POLICY EXP fMM/DDÍVYYVI LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS.MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: X ,o,-,"" fl 55"o; fl ,-o" X zLP-31M20600-1 8-t5 1211712018 12t1712019 EACH OCCURRÊNCE $1,000,000 UAMA(jI IUKtsNItsU PPFMISFS lFâ ñ¡-¡rrrañôÁl $I,000,000 MED EXP (Anv one De6on)$10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANYAUTO OWNEO AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS ONLY $ BODILY INJURY (Per peßon) BODILY INJURY (Per acc¡d€nt) $ $ UMBRELLALIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS.MADE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE NFD RFTFNTION $$ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANYPROPRIETORYPARTNERYEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandafory ¡n NH) lf yes, descr¡be under ntrS(ìRlPTIôN ôF ôPFRÂTlôNS hêlôw N/A uts-EJ1 /0169-18{b-G 'tzt1il¿u1ö 1Zt1t t20'19 V IPhK^ I srÂTUTF otH- FR Ê.L. EACH ACCIDENT s 1,000,000 E.L, DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $r,000,000 E.L- DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT s 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS , LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Add¡tlonal Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more spacê ls rêqulrod) limited to liability arising out ofthe operations of the named insured subject to policy lerms ând condil¡ons. c @ 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE wlLL BE DELIVERED IN AGCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. The City of Kent, Washington 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of Marsh USA lnc, --Þ4*a-q,,tøo¡; $4^À¿-l\r,\+<l-Manash¡ Mukherjee ACORD 25 (2016/03) 8.a Packet Pg. 102 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) COVERAGES CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER:cHt-00932461 0-01 REVISION NUMBER: 2 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) 0811u2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSU|NG TNSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(íes) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAMD, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement{s). PRODUCER MARSH USA INC. 540 W. MADISON cHtcAGo, tL 606ô1 CN10829761 7-Std-Cybe1-l 9-20 PHONElÂln N^ Frl'FAX,ÂrC Nôì. INSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # TNSURER A : National Union Fire lns Co Pittsburoh PA 19445 INSURED Origami Risk LLC 222 N LaSalle St. Suite 2125 Chicago, lL 60601 INSURER B: INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E INSURFR F : THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRITR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WN POLICYNUMBER POLIGY EFFIMil'DDÍYYYYI FOLIGY EXP IMM'DD/YYYY-ì LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERÁL LIABILITY CLAIMS.MADE OCCUR LIMITAPPLIES PER: 3Ë& l-1'o" EACH OCCURRENCE t UAMAGb IUT{ENIEU ÞPtrMlStrS ltrâ ^.^"rañÉ\$ MED EXP lAnv one Derson)$ PERSONAL &ADV INJURY t GENERAL AGGREGATE t PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG $ $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY $ BODILY INJURY (Per peßon)$ BODILY INJURY (Per aæident)$ $ $ X UMBRELLALIAB EXCESS LIAB X OCCUR CLAIMS.MADE EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ DED X RETENfloN $ 10.000 a WORKERS COMPENSATION ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y/N ANYPROPRIETORYPARTNERYEXECUTIVE OFFICEFUMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory ¡n NH) lf yes, descr¡be under DFSCRIPTION OF OPFRATIONS b6lôw N N'A IPER I I srÂTilTF I otH- FF¡ E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE . EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L- DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT c A Cyber Liability and Enon and Omissions 06-245-7349 06t22t2015 12t17t2020 Per Claim Annual Aggregate 5,000,000 5,000,000 DESCRIPTIOI'¡OFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORDl0l,AdditíonalRêmerksSchêdule,maybeattached¡fmorespacêlsrêqulred) CERTIFICATE HOLDER @ 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTIGE wlLL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVÍSIONS. The City of Kent, Washington 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of Marsh USA lnc, -.Þ4*at,¡-a.*r.i 1}r4"*J¿-\¡/.d.......¡<r-Manashi Mukherjee ACORD 25 (20161031 8.a Packet Pg. 103 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 1 9 O r i g a m i S o f t w a r e S u b s c r i t i o n A g r e e m e n t 0 8 1 4 ( 1 9 3 9 : O r i g a m i - R i s k M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m C o n t r a c t ) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 256-856-5712 DATE: August 20, 2019 TO: Operations Committee SUBJECT: 2019-2020 Property Insurance Program Review SUMMARY: Briefing on the City’s 2019-20 Property Insurance Program. Property Insurance renewal was July 1. The recent premium history is as follows: • July 2015 to July 2016 $404,800 Premium decrease of 6.5%, includes increase in Earthquake/Flood limit from $50M to $75M. ShoWare remains at $5M. • July 2016 to July 2017 $370,725 Premium decrease of 10.3%, despite having negotiated a “flat” renewal for 2016-17. • July 2017 to July 2018 $346,323 Premium decrease of 7%. Decrease based on adding another layer to EQ/Flood coverage at a lower rate than Lexington’s rate for the $10M to $25M layer. • July 2018 to July 2019 $362,500 Premium increase of 7%, due primarily to increased reinsurance costs resulting from 3 hurricanes and the fires in California during 2017. • July 2019 to July 2020 $477,521 Premium increase of 23% due to severe losses due to California fires and flooding, combined with the 2 major carriers limiting their coverage. To offset, we’ve lowered our flood/earthquake limits to $35M and we’ve lowered our per occurrence maximum to $150M. 2017 is now the highest insurable loss year on record and 2018 is the 3rd highest on record. The chart below illustrates US inflation-adjusted Catastrophe losses since 1980. 9 Packet Pg. 104 The result of this trend is an unsettled Property market. There is an increased reliance on reinsurance and lower overall capacity within the market. The major carriers, Lexington (our insurer), FM Global, Travelers, CNA, and many others are limiting coverage. Earthquake coverage is also being limited. These factors have led to our selection of limits for this renewal. Despite the increase in premium and the decrease in Earthquake/Flood coverage, our overall cost of property insurance remains less for the upcoming year than what we paid for similar limits in the 2013-2014 policy period. This fact illustrates the “soft” state of the Property market over the past 5 years, when we’ve been able to take advantage by increasing our limits. The increase is able to be absorbed within the Property Insurance fund. Details of the current program are on attached chart. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Community, Sustainable Services ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Charts 19-20 6.24.19 (PDF) 9 Packet Pg. 105 CITY OF KENT $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $10,000,000 $300M Primary 2018 / 2019 2019 / 2020 *Excludes Surplus Lines Taxes & Fees Lexington 100.00% All Risk $210,000 All Risk Earthquake and Flood Deductibles: $100,000 Earthquake: 5%/$100,000 Minimum Flood: $250,000 except 5%/$1M for Zones A&V (ShoWare) TIV: $313,802,509 Premium: $362,500* Rate: .116* (+3.4%) Flood – A&V (ShoWare) RSUI $125M 100% All Risk $87,500 Lexington $25M 100% All Risk $265,000 $150,000,000 $5,000,000 All Risk Earthquake and Flood Deductibles: $100,000 Earthquake: 5%/$100,000 Minimum Flood: $250,000 except 5%/$1M for Zone A&V (ShoWare) TIV: $326,731,065 Premium: $467,500* Rate: .143* (+23.3%) Flood – A&V (ShoWare) $300,000,000 $75,000,000 $5,000,000 Lexington $10M Lexington $10M Everest Indemnity $25M 100% $115,000 United Specialty 38.46% $55,767 Everest Indemnity 61.54% $89,233 $25,000,000 $35,000,000 9.a Packet Pg. 106 At t a c h m e n t : P r o p e r t y C h a r t s 1 9 - 2 0 6 . 2 4 . 1 9 ( 1 9 4 0 : 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 P r o p e r t y I n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m R e v i e w ) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 256-856-5712 DATE: August 20, 2019 TO: Operations Committee SUBJECT: June Financial Report SUMMARY: Shane Sorenson, Sr. Financial Analyst, will report out the June 2019 financial report. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 2019 Monthly Report (PDF) 10 Packet Pg. 107 2019 Adj Budget 2019 YTD 2019 Est Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) %Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Revenues 107,697,000 55,571,922 110,196,630 2,499,630 2.3% Expenditures 108,566,297 44,237,199 107,798,532 767,765 0.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (869,297) 11,334,723 2,398,098 3,267,395 Beginning Fund Balance 23,341,440 23,341,440 Ending Fund Balance 22,472,143 25,739,538 Ending Fund Balance Detail: General Fund Reserves 22,148,353 24,871,118 20.4%23.1% Restricted for Annexation 323,790 868,420 Revenue Overview Expenditures Overview Required Ending Fund Balance Calculation Estimated Expenditures for 2019 (from above)107,798,532 18.0% 18% GF Ending Fund Balance 19,403,736 Through June, all departments are remaining fairly close to budget with an overall budget variance of $768 thousand or 0.7%. June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview Summary Analysis through June shows an overall positive budget variance of $3.3 million. The budgeted use of fund balance is offset by the positive budget variance of $3.3 million, creating a net surplus of $2.4m. General Fund Reserves are estimated to end the year at $24.9 million, or 23.1% of estimated 2019 expenditures. Revenues are estimated to end the year approximately $2.5 million (2.3%) higher than budgeted. 2.06 0.83 0.64 4.13 7.65 9.46 11.91 18.92 20.65 21.67 24.87 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Est. 2019 General Fund Ending Fund Balance 10-year History (excluding Annexation)$ in millions Page 1 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 108 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) Revenue Categories 2019 Adj Budget 2019 YTD 2019 Est Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) %Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Taxes: Property 29,978,040 16,253,193 30,293,290 315,250 1.1% Sales & Use 21,770,980 12,399,945 23,301,730 1,530,750 7.0% Utility 19,596,150 9,881,918 19,154,210 (441,940) -2.3% Business & Occupation 11,500,000 2,906,813 11,745,800 245,800 2.1% Other 882,650 248,482 861,870 (20,780) -2.4% Licenses and Permits 7,082,370 3,876,832 7,331,970 249,600 3.5% Intergovernmental Revenue 6,720,580 3,991,314 6,473,430 (247,150) -3.7% Charges for Services 6,001,180 3,874,747 6,496,140 494,960 8.2% Fines and Forfeitures 1,113,790 660,227 1,241,800 128,010 11.5% Miscellaneous Revenue 2,135,530 1,440,818 2,346,390 210,860 9.9% Transfers In 915,730 37,631 950,000 34,270 3.7% Total Revenues 107,697,000 55,571,922 110,196,630 2,499,630 2.3% June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview - Revenues Variance analysis for revenues is provided for particular line items or those in which the estimated actual amount differs from the budgeted amount by at least 10% or minimum of $500,000. Variance Notes Sales & Use Tax: $1.5m increase due to higher than anticipated sales tax revenues, including $106k in annexation sales tax revenue, due to a strong construction economy. Fines and Forfeitures: $128k increase due to B&O Penalties ($102k) and Court Holdings ($58k) offset by a decrease in Civil & Criminal Penalties and Civil Costs ($32k) 2019 Estimated General Fund Revenues Property Taxes 27% Sales Taxes 21% Utility Taxes 17% B&O Taxes 11% Other Taxes 1% Licenses and Permits 7% Intergovernmental 7% Charges for Services 6% Fines and Forfeits Misc & Transfers In 3% Other 16% Page 2 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 109 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 5,721 6,214 6,540 February 5,542 5,546 5,521 March 7,432 8,269 7,624 April 18,343 17,452 20,431 May 8,891 7,922 9,230 June 6,778 6,751 6,226 July 8,084 7,508 0 August 5,496 5,735 0 September 6,935 7,277 0 October 19,388 18,069 0 November 8,117 7,122 0 December 10,353 9,831 0 Total 111,081 107,697 55,572 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 0 10 32 February 213 225 230 March 736 953 866 April 12,768 12,204 12,268 May 1,860 2,172 2,730 June 121 158 128 July 269 111 0 August 104 110 0 September 327 591 0 October 11,934 11,603 0 November 1,432 1,589 0 December 207 251 0 Total 29,971 29,978 16,253 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 1,761 1,626 2,060 February 2,045 2,037 2,485 March 1,810 1,611 2,058 April 1,604 1,564 1,788 May 2,074 1,834 2,244 June 2,019 1,618 1,765 July 2,000 1,752 0 August 2,152 1,966 0 September 2,066 1,808 0 October 2,056 1,811 0 November 2,261 1,983 0 December 2,851 2,162 0 Total 24,699 21,771 12,400 June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) All Revenues Sources Property Tax Sales Tax $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19 Bud 18 Act 19 Act $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19 Bud 18 Act 19 Act $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19 Bud 18 Act 19 Act Page 3 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 110 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 1,860 2,082 1,887 February 1,771 1,748 1,583 March 1,719 1,669 1,680 April 1,737 1,840 1,707 May 1,602 1,542 1,575 June 1,447 1,419 1,450 July 1,647 1,739 0 August 1,482 1,482 0 September 1,560 1,681 0 October 1,427 1,479 0 November 1,537 1,494 0 December 1,499 1,422 0 Total 19,289 19,596 9,882 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 1 6 2 February 3 14 2 March 33 261 48 April 322 1,785 2,479 May 1,688 844 543 June 223 175 81 July 2,011 2,286 0 August 340 446 0 September 145 129 0 October 2,100 2,530 0 November 252 417 0 December 3,378 3,491 0 Total 10,496 12,383 3,155 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 2,099 1,893 2,560 February 1,510 933 1,221 March 3,135 2,771 2,972 April 1,912 1,687 2,189 May 1,667 1,548 2,139 June 2,968 2,853 2,801 July 2,157 1,735 0 August 1,419 1,423 0 September 2,836 2,723 0 October 1,870 1,971 0 November 2,634 1,484 0 December 2,417 2,949 0 Total 26,625 23,969 13,882 Utility Tax Other Taxes Other Revenues (Intergovernmental, Licenses & Permits, Charges for Service, Fines & Forfeits, and Misc Revenues) $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19 Bud 18 Act 19 Act $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19 Bud 18 Act 19 Act $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19 Bud 18 Act 19 Act Page 4 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 111 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) Department 2019 Adj Budget 2019 YTD 2019 Est Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) %Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) City Council 439,300 195,302 410,700 28,600 6.5% Mayor's Office/City Clerk 3,005,410 1,380,643 3,009,900 (4,490) -0.1% Economic & Community Dev 7,374,150 3,430,662 7,215,500 158,650 2.2% Finance 3,343,250 1,672,454 3,299,400 43,850 1.3% Fire Contracted Services 3,905,690 1,806,340 3,761,122 144,568 3.7% Human Resources 2,204,290 1,077,642 2,125,000 79,290 3.6% Information Technology 528,260 250,835 511,100 17,160 3.2% Law 1,828,780 877,284 1,806,000 22,780 1.2% Municipal Court 3,516,080 1,768,759 3,545,900 (29,820) -0.8% Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 19,134,947 8,773,239 18,856,200 278,747 1.5% Police 42,803,350 20,947,051 42,800,900 2,450 0.0% Public Works 1,142,280 575,008 1,116,300 25,980 2.3% Non-Departmental 19,340,510 1,481,980 19,340,510 Total Expenditures 108,566,297 44,237,199 107,798,532 767,765 0.7% June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview - Expenditures Variance analysis for expenditures is provided for particular departments or those in which the estimated actual amount differs from the budgeted amount by at least 10% or a minimum of $500,000. Variance Notes None. City Council Mayor's Office/City Clerk 3% ECD 7%Finance 3% Fire Contracted Services 3% Human Resources 2% I.T. Law 2% Municipal Court 3% Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 18% Police 40% Public Works 1% Non-Departmental 18% Other 5% 2019 Estimated General Fund Expenditures Page 5 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 112 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Actual Adj Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 19,987,828 21,595,175 23,341,440 23,341,440 23,341,440 Revenues Taxes: Property 22,999,864 29,971,155 29,978,040 16,253,193 30,293,290 Sales & Use 21,109,277 24,699,301 21,770,980 12,399,945 23,301,730 Utility 19,648,349 19,289,162 19,596,150 9,881,918 19,154,210 Business & Occupation 9,141,800 9,422,048 11,500,000 2,906,813 11,745,800 Other 900,663 1,074,356 882,650 248,482 861,870 Licenses and Permits 6,962,130 7,557,658 7,082,370 3,876,832 7,331,970 Intergovernmental Revenue 8,102,414 7,919,860 6,720,580 3,991,314 6,473,430 Charges for Services 7,328,567 6,602,681 6,001,180 3,874,747 6,496,140 Fines and Forfeitures 1,549,964 1,360,976 1,113,790 660,227 1,241,800 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,241,585 2,233,777 2,135,530 1,440,818 2,346,390 Transfers In 934,128 950,000 915,730 37,631 950,000 Total Revenues 100,918,740 111,080,973 107,697,000 55,571,922 110,196,630 Expenditures City Council 349,577 344,160 439,300 195,302 410,700 Mayor's Office/City Clerk 2,745,792 2,759,974 3,005,410 1,380,643 3,009,900 Economic & Community Dev 5,841,098 6,675,576 7,374,150 3,430,662 7,215,500 Finance 2,522,554 3,061,472 3,343,250 1,672,454 3,299,400 Fire Contracted Services 3,668,180 3,619,385 3,905,690 1,806,340 3,761,122 Human Resources 1,835,276 2,075,553 2,204,290 1,077,642 2,125,000 Information Technology 521,151 506,265 528,260 250,835 511,100 Law 1,600,451 1,673,438 1,828,780 877,284 1,806,000 Municipal Court 3,128,652 3,442,107 3,516,080 1,768,759 3,545,900 Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 16,655,356 17,992,171 19,134,947 8,773,239 18,856,200 Police 37,167,622 39,315,958 42,803,350 20,947,051 42,800,900 Public Works 1,111,563 1,155,562 1,142,280 575,008 1,116,300 Non-Departmental 22,164,122 26,706,702 19,340,510 1,481,980 19,340,510 Total Expenditures 99,311,394 109,328,323 108,566,297 44,237,199 107,798,532 Net Revenues less Expenditures 1,607,347 1,752,650 (869,297) 11,334,723 2,398,098 Ending Fund Balance 21,595,175 23,347,825 22,472,143 34,676,162 25,739,538 Ending Fund Balance Detail: General Fund Reserves 20,654,415 21,666,605 22,148,353 24,871,118 based on same year actuals/budget 20.8% 19.8% 20.4% 23.1% Restricted for Annexation 940,760 1,681,220 323,790 868,420 June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Page 6 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 113 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 % of thru June thru June thru June Budget Revenues Taxes: Property 12,108,519 15,697,802 16,253,193 555,392 3.5%54.2% Sales & Use 10,191,237 11,312,838 12,399,945 1,087,108 9.6%57.0% Utility 10,353,641 10,135,978 9,881,918 (254,059) -2.5%50.4% Business & Occupation 2,559,012 1,934,400 2,906,813 972,413 50.3%25.3% Other 269,831 335,365 248,482 (86,883) -25.9%28.2% Licenses and Permits 2,911,948 3,882,775 3,876,832 (5,942) -0.2%54.7% Intergovernmental Revenue 4,055,689 4,068,988 3,991,314 (77,673) -1.9%59.4% Charges for Services 3,470,919 3,663,777 3,874,747 210,970 5.8%64.6% Fines and Forfeitures 903,723 598,380 660,227 61,847 10.3%59.3% Miscellaneous Revenue 1,039,098 1,076,976 1,440,818 363,842 33.8%67.5% Transfers In - - 37,631 37,631 4.1% Total Revenues 47,863,617 52,707,277 55,571,922 2,864,644 5.4%51.6% Expenditures City Council 178,151 180,277 195,302 15,025 8.3%44.5% Mayor's Office/City Clerk 1,139,336 1,161,917 1,380,643 218,725 18.8%45.9% Economic & Community Dev 2,775,093 3,370,795 3,430,662 59,868 1.8%46.5% Finance 1,196,469 1,532,044 1,672,454 140,410 9.2%50.0% Fire Contracted Services 1,890,372 1,645,682 1,806,340 160,657 9.8%46.2% Human Resources 893,390 1,045,097 1,077,642 32,545 3.1%48.9% Information Technology 281,141 253,349 250,835 (2,514) -1.0%47.5% Law 774,087 857,871 877,284 19,414 2.3%48.0% Municipal Court 1,555,907 1,641,308 1,768,759 127,452 7.8%50.3% Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 7,840,936 8,353,493 8,773,239 419,746 5.0%45.8% Police 18,060,373 19,344,704 20,947,051 1,602,347 8.3%48.9% Public Works 603,155 573,529 575,008 1,479 0.3%50.3% Non-Departmental 2,410,597 3,755,724 1,481,980 (2,273,744) -60.5%7.7% Total Expenditures 39,599,008 43,715,790 44,237,199 521,409 1.2%40.7% *General Govt. includes City Council, Mayor/Clerk, HR, IT, & Finance Variance June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019-18 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 16,000,000 18,000,000 Property Taxes Sales & Use Taxes Utility Taxes Other Revenues GF Revenues thru June 2017 2018 2019 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 Police Parks *General Govt. ECD Non-Dept & Other GF Expenditures thru June 2017 2018 2019 Page 7 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 114 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2019 2019 2019 2019 Beginning Fund Balance Estimated Revenues Estimated Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. General Fund 23,341,440 110,196,630 107,798,532 25,739,538 Street Fund 5,416,967 18,640,720 19,630,190 4,427,497 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits 1,872,112 1,179,590 1,423,000 1,628,702 Lodging Tax 336,765 295,630 510,790 121,605 Youth/Teen Programs 91,846 957,730 957,730 91,846 Capital Resources 15,599,192 17,362,480 22,601,850 10,359,822 Criminal Justice 7,247,796 6,358,530 6,087,720 7,518,606 ShoWare Operating 2,563,460 1,159,000 1,423,790 2,298,670 Other Operating 587,401 112,670 112,670 587,401 Councilmanic Debt Service 1,451,046 10,266,810 9,803,310 1,914,546 Special Assessments Debt Service 479,916 1,305,380 1,119,460 665,836 Water Utility 20,822,197 29,667,610 36,221,310 14,268,497 Sewer Utility 6,829,754 31,820,310 31,667,540 6,982,524 Drainage Utility 17,562,223 23,533,520 29,677,130 11,418,613 Solid Waste Utility 466,749 895,230 874,520 487,459 Golf Complex (1,110,421) 2,638,000 2,660,000 (1,132,421) Fleet Services 5,869,149 6,707,070 7,593,290 4,982,929 Central Services 15,044 396,000 387,290 23,754 Information Technology 3,348,099 8,916,250 9,078,180 3,186,169 Facilities 2,316,961 5,769,380 5,104,090 2,982,251 Unemployment 1,401,222 121,700 313,610 1,209,312 Workers Compensation 3,478,730 1,094,000 1,456,980 3,115,750 Employee Health & Wellness 3,886,427 15,052,030 13,011,440 5,927,017 Liability Insurance 878,314 1,810,690 2,017,600 671,404 Property Insurance 607,537 1,365,920 1,332,100 641,357 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Fund Balances June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Page 8 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 115 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Street Fund Revenues 14,407,771 15,241,855 17,345,420 6,949,074 18,640,720 Expenditures 12,511,397 15,698,374 19,630,192 7,611,352 19,630,190 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,896,373 (456,519)(2,284,772)(662,278)(989,470) LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues 1,285,285 1,948,504 1,179,590 95,355 1,179,590 Expenditures 1,163,174 1,372,764 1,423,000 699,387 1,423,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 122,111 575,740 (243,410)(604,032)(243,410) Lodging Tax Revenues 316,975 320,774 294,830 120,948 295,630 Expenditures 328,804 441,566 510,790 199,987 510,790 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (11,830)(120,791)(215,960)(79,039)(215,160) Youth/Teen Programs Revenues 955,757 928,958 957,730 478,257 957,730 Expenditures 942,000 942,000 957,730 957,730 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 13,757 (13,042)478,257 Capital Resources Revenues 19,948,247 22,962,097 16,169,310 8,049,723 17,362,480 Expenditures 15,579,639 23,009,239 22,601,850 3,161,111 22,601,850 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 4,368,607 (47,142)(6,432,540)4,888,612 (5,239,370) Criminal Justice Revenues 6,032,589 5,141,297 6,300,130 2,606,155 6,358,530 Expenditures 4,533,302 5,090,504 6,087,720 3,273,366 6,087,720 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,499,287 50,792 212,410 (667,212)270,810 ShoWare Operating Revenues 1,355,226 1,502,759 1,150,000 132,763 1,159,000 Expenditures 1,067,836 1,373,763 1,423,790 529,590 1,423,790 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 287,390 128,996 (273,790)(396,827)(264,790) Other Operating Revenues 129,338 133,288 112,670 112,670 Expenditures 40,094 72,045 112,670 72,674 112,670 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 89,244 61,243 (72,674) Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues 10,781,229 10,535,010 10,266,810 2,510,901 10,266,810 Expenditures 10,316,403 10,070,185 9,803,310 2,533,468 9,803,310 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 464,826 464,826 463,500 (22,567)463,500 Special Assessment Debt Service Revenues 1,979,573 1,458,264 1,305,380 440,636 1,305,380 Expenditures 2,585,818 1,561,009 1,119,460 436,072 1,119,460 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (606,245)(102,745)185,920 4,564 185,920 Debt Service Funds June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Special Revenue Funds Page 9 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 116 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Water Utility Revenues 28,209,235 29,438,960 29,589,060 14,794,532 29,667,610 Expenditures 26,577,932 28,004,249 36,221,310 10,427,374 36,221,310 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,631,303 1,434,710 (6,632,250)4,367,158 (6,553,700) Sewer Utility Revenues 31,820,310 16,180,823 31,820,310 Expenditures 31,667,540 14,355,108 31,667,540 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 152,770 1,825,715 152,770 Note: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainage Utility in 2017 & 2018. Drainage Utility Revenues 54,240,288 57,343,023 23,343,620 12,372,978 23,533,520 Expenditures 49,060,469 56,879,160 29,677,130 7,184,531 29,677,130 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 5,179,819 463,863 (6,333,510)5,188,448 (6,143,610) Solid Waste Utility Revenues 754,868 799,794 892,980 337,019 895,230 Expenditures 577,964 812,476 874,520 371,946 874,520 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 176,904 (12,682)18,460 (34,927)20,710 Golf Complex Revenues 3,027,079 9,229,538 2,819,210 1,217,934 2,638,000 Expenditures 3,081,308 6,467,553 2,963,220 1,365,106 2,660,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (54,229)2,761,985 (144,010)(147,172)(22,000) Fleet Services Revenues 5,480,210 5,686,534 6,707,070 4,461,276 6,707,070 Expenditures 4,164,630 7,286,339 7,593,290 3,475,128 7,593,290 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,315,580 (1,599,805)(886,220)986,148 (886,220) Central Services Revenues 350,602 375,410 447,090 190,040 396,000 Expenditures 290,147 357,253 387,290 163,954 387,290 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 60,455 18,157 59,800 26,086 8,710 Information Technology Revenues 8,173,478 8,416,261 9,116,700 4,888,326 8,916,250 Expenditures 8,175,302 8,676,906 9,078,180 4,013,012 9,078,180 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,824)(260,645)38,520 875,314 (161,930) Facilities Revenues 4,737,520 4,941,020 5,754,880 2,627,069 5,769,380 Expenditures 4,761,950 4,933,077 5,838,050 2,088,039 5,104,090 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (24,429)7,943 (83,170)539,030 665,290 Unemployment Revenues 167,215 158,565 121,700 81,725 121,700 Expenditures 75,154 181,851 313,610 123,733 313,610 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 92,061 (23,286)(191,910)(42,008)(191,910) Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Note: Golf revenues include proceeds from the sale of land of $500k in 2017 and $6m in 2018. 2018 Exp include $3.3m transfer to Capital Projects Page 10 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 117 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Workers Compensation Revenues 1,082,091 1,829,452 1,094,000 612,554 1,094,000 Expenditures 1,013,278 725,048 1,456,980 574,702 1,456,980 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 68,813 1,104,404 (362,980)37,852 (362,980) Employee Health & Wellness Revenues 11,707,967 13,857,791 15,052,030 7,566,241 15,052,030 Expenditures 13,428,552 12,931,931 14,898,160 6,638,790 13,011,440 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,720,584)925,860 153,870 927,451 2,040,590 Liability Insurance Revenues 2,087,755 1,950,908 1,810,690 1,096,600 1,810,690 Expenditures 2,180,680 2,733,726 2,017,600 1,398,374 2,017,600 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (92,925)(782,818)(206,910)(301,775)(206,910) Property Insurance Revenues 556,770 587,906 1,365,920 1,033,328 1,365,920 Expenditures 436,283 632,404 1,332,100 501,304 1,332,100 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 120,487 (44,498)33,820 532,024 33,820 0 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000 80,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000 2017 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Budget 2019 Est. Actuals Other Fund Revenues Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds 2019 Estimated Fund Balances Beginning Balance Estimated Ending Balance 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 70,000,000 80,000,000 90,000,000 100,000,000 2017 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Budget 2019 Est. Actuals Other Fund Expenditures Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Page 11 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 118 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 thru June thru June thru June Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Street Fund Revenues 5,463,195 5,668,922 6,949,074 1,280,152 22.6% Expenditures 5,377,270 6,661,636 7,611,352 949,715 14.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 85,924 (992,715)(662,278) LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues 485,753 381,608 95,355 (286,253)-75.0% Expenditures 596,874 746,764 699,387 (47,377)-6.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (111,121)(365,156)(604,032) Lodging Tax Revenues 114,812 118,910 120,948 2,038 1.7% Expenditures 88,826 184,775 199,987 15,212 8.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 25,986 (65,864)(79,039) Youth/Teen Programs Revenues 514,018 500,188 478,257 (21,931)-4.4% Expenditures Net Revenues Less Expenditures 514,018 500,188 478,257 Capital Resources Revenues 8,139,197 9,430,999 8,049,723 (1,381,276)-14.6% Expenditures 2,188,613 2,709,213 3,161,111 451,898 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 5,950,583 6,721,786 4,888,612 Criminal Justice Revenues 2,324,665 2,366,315 2,606,155 239,840 10.1% Expenditures 2,084,152 2,120,557 3,273,366 1,152,809 54.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 240,513 245,758 (667,212) ShoWare Operating Revenues 108,389 245,714 132,763 (112,951)-46.0% Expenditures 195,064 403,928 529,590 125,662 31.1% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (86,675)(158,214)(396,827) Admissions Tax revenues received quarterly (April, July, September, January) Other Operating Revenues 5,000 (5,000)-100.0% Expenditures 3,142 27,047 72,674 45,627 168.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (3,142)(22,047)(72,674) Combines several small programs, including City Art Program and Neighborhood Matching Grants Special Revenue Funds Variance June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019-18 Page 12 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 119 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 thru June thru June thru June Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Variance June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019-18 Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues 2,721,443 2,620,517 2,510,901 (109,616)-4.2% Expenditures 2,721,443 2,620,517 2,533,468 (87,049)-3.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (22,567) Debt service payments are generally due in June and December. Special Assessments Debt Service Revenues 770,706 536,531 440,636 (95,894)-17.9% Expenditures 196,552 188,577 436,072 247,495 131.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 574,154 347,954 4,564 Water Utility Revenues 12,621,056 13,113,205 14,794,532 1,681,326 12.8% Expenditures 9,721,751 10,612,829 10,427,374 (185,455)-1.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,899,305 2,500,376 4,367,158 Sewer Utility Revenues 16,180,823 16,180,823 Expenditures 14,355,108 14,355,108 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,825,715 Note: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainage Utility in 2017 & 2018. Drainage Utility Revenues 25,876,647 27,846,325 12,372,978 (15,473,347)-55.6% Expenditures 22,791,783 21,388,358 7,184,531 (14,203,828)-66.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,084,864 6,457,967 5,188,448 Note: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainage Utility in 2017 & 2018. Solid Waste Utility Revenues 300,638 321,873 337,019 15,146 4.7% Expenditures 239,901 412,653 371,946 (40,707)-9.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 60,737 (90,780)(34,927) Golf Complex Revenues 1,129,585 7,173,950 1,217,934 (5,956,015)-83.0% Expenditures 1,316,564 1,181,338 1,365,106 183,768 15.6% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (186,979)5,992,612 (147,172) 2018 Revenues include $6m in proceeds from the sale of land. Fleet Services Revenues 2,460,633 2,440,542 4,461,276 2,020,734 82.8% Expenditures 1,740,170 2,479,456 3,475,128 995,672 40.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 720,463 (38,914)986,148 Central Services Revenues 175,462 214,324 190,040 (24,284)-11.3% Expenditures 137,682 205,348 163,954 (41,394)-20.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 37,781 8,976 26,086 Debt Service Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Page 13 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 120 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t ) 2017 2018 2019 thru June thru June thru June Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Variance June 2019 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019-18 Information Technology Revenues 3,965,252 4,147,658 4,888,326 740,667 17.9% Expenditures 2,649,806 4,041,675 4,013,012 (28,664)-0.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,315,446 105,983 875,314 Facilities Revenues 2,327,116 2,435,915 2,627,069 191,154 7.8% Expenditures 1,978,506 1,985,735 2,088,039 102,304 5.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 348,611 450,179 539,030 Unemployment Revenues 93,054 71,481 81,725 10,245 14.3% Expenditures 34,777 97,825 123,733 25,908 26.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 58,277 (26,344)(42,008) Workers Compensation Revenues 523,049 520,912 612,554 91,642 17.6% Expenditures 545,162 545,678 574,702 29,024 5.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (22,113)(24,766)37,852 Employee Health & Wellness Revenues 5,422,709 6,590,968 7,566,241 975,273 14.8% Expenditures 6,988,225 6,831,995 6,638,790 (193,205)-2.8% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,565,517)(241,027)927,451 Liability Insurance Revenues 1,451,197 852,219 1,096,600 244,381 28.7% Expenditures 2,221,565 1,491,174 1,398,374 (92,800)-6.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (770,369)(638,955)(301,775) Property Insurance Revenues 279,967 287,795 1,033,328 745,533 259.0% Expenditures 221,600 222,713 501,304 278,591 125.1% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 58,367 65,083 532,024 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Other Fund Revenues thru June 2017 2018 2019 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 35,000,000 40,000,000 Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Other Fund Expenditures thru June 2017 2018 2019 Page 14 of 14 10.a Packet Pg. 121 At t a c h m e n t : J u n e 2 0 1 9 M o n t h l y R e p o r t ( 1 9 4 1 : J u n e F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t )