HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 05/13/2019 Unless other noted, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meets in April and September to review grant requests. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held in the Centennial North and South Conference Rooms, 400 West Gowe Street, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact City Clerk at (253) 856-5725 or via email at CityClerk@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service all Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Committee Members: Mohamad Abouelrous, Bill Boyce - John Casey – Tim Higgins – Andrew Hutchison - David Kwok - Bryan Powell - Barbara Smith City Staff: Bill Ellis – Rhonda Bylin – Michelle Wimot Monday, May 13, 2019 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 01 MIN. 2. Roll Call Chair 01 MIN. 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair 01 MIN. 4. Approval of April 22, 2019 Minutes YES Chair 05 MIN. 5. Open Public Meetings Act Training NO Adam Long 15 MIN. 6. Review/Adoption of Proposed LTAC Bylaws YES Adam Long 15 MIN. 7. Evaluate Grant Applications NO Michelle Wilmot 30 MIN. 8. Schedule next meeting, if needed Chair 01 MIN. 9. Adjournment Chair 01 MIN. Page 1 of 3 Pending Approval Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes April 22, 2019 Date: April 22, 2019 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Centennial Center - 1St Flr Attending: Mohamad Abouelrous, Bill Boyce, Chair John Casey, Tim Higgins, Andrew Hutchison, David Kwok, Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Mohamad Abouelrous Absent Bill Boyce Chair Present John Casey Present Tim Higgins Present Andrew Hutchison Present David Kwok Excused Bryan Powell Absent Barbara Smith Present 3. Changes to the Agenda 4. Approval of the Minutes - December 10, 2018 An error in David Kwok's name within the notes was noted, and the fact that Mo Abouelrous was present at the meeting though he was not yet an appointed member. The minutes have been edited to correct the error and confirm that Mr. Abouelrous was present. 1. Approval of Minutes dated December 10, 2018 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated December 10, 2018 4 Packet Pg. 2 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f A p r 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 4 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes April 22, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 RESULT: APPROVED AS AMENDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Andrew Hutchison SECONDER: Barbara Smith AYES: Boyce, Casey, Higgins, Hutchison, Smith ABSENT: Abouelrous, Powell EXCUSED: Kwok 5. LTAC Budget Update/Review 6. Review/Adoption of Proposed LTAC Bylaws Michelle Wilmot introduced the topic of adopting bylaws and assistant City Attorney Adam Long provided the legal basis for adopting and using by-laws as the best practice for advisory committees. The Open Public Meetings Act provides that all quasi permitting and judicial bodies need to be aware of the Open Public Meetings act and the need for as much transparency as possible regarding the decisions made by a committee or subcommittee. Some discussion regarding the sections related to voting, public comment, conflict of interest and the practice of sending those with a conflict of interest out of the room, caused the vote on this to be tabled until a few small revisions and clarifications are made to the proposed bylaws. A formal training on the Open Public Meetings Act was suggested as an Agenda item for the next meeting also, and would be conducted by Adam Long or his designee from the Office of the City Attorney. Other items introduced informally will also be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, such as how to confer a seat on the committee upon the replacement of an organizations representative- e.g. Whether their replacement must apply for the seat or if it would be automatically conferred for the remainder of the predecessors term. MOTION: Recommend the Committee Adopt the bylaws as presented by the assistant City Attorney. RESULT: TABLED [0 TO 0] Next: 5/13/2019 4:00 PM ABSTAIN: Boyce, Casey, Higgins, Hutchison, Smith ABSENT: Abouelrous, Powell EXCUSED: Kwok 7. Determination of Non-Profit vs. for Profit Applicant Eligibility A more recent interpretation of the rules related to the awarding of grants from Lodging Tax Revenues has determined that a committee may award funds to a for profit group or entity provided the intended result clearly supports the goal of heads in beds or promotion of other travel related visits and spending. 4 Packet Pg. 3 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f A p r 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 4 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes April 22, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 8. Adjournment 4:47 p.m. Committee Secretary 4 Packet Pg. 4 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f A p r 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 4 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Pat Fitzpatrick, City Attorney 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5770 DATE: May 13, 2019 TO: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Open Public Meetings Act Training SUMMARY: Assistant City Attorney, Adam Long will provide training on the Open Public Meetings Act. 5 Packet Pg. 5 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 DATE: May 13, 2019 TO: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee FROM: Office of the City Attorney SUBJECT: Review/Adoption of Proposed LTAC Bylaws MOTION: Recommend the Committee Adopt the bylaws as presented by the assistant City Attorney. SUMMARY: Bylaws establish rules of conduct and govern the operations of the committee. The bylaws proposed are attached to this agenda. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Inclusive Community, Thriving City ATTACHMENTS: 1. LTAC Bylaws 2019 Final (DOCX) 04/22/19 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee TABLED Next: 05/13/19 6 Packet Pg. 6 BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 1 of 7 (4/22/19) BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE ARTICLE I Organization Section 1.1. Organizational Name. The name of the Committee is the City of Kent Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (“Committee”). As provided for in section 2.54.020 of the Kent City Code (“KCC”), the Committee consists of nine (9) members appointed by the City Council (“Members”). Section 1.2. Committee’s Duties and Responsibilities. The Committee shall have those duties and responsibilities as provided for in RCW 67.28.1816 and KCC 2.54.040, as currently enacted or later amended. As provided in KCC 2.54.040, the Committee shall make reports and recommendations to the mayor and city council as follows regarding proposals for imposition of a city lodging tax, review any increases in the rate of tax imposed, repeal of any exemption from a tax imposed, or a change in the use of revenue received under Chapter 67.28 RCW. The Committee shall consider any such proposal, provide for public input, and submit comments in a timely manner to the Mayor and City Council. The comments shall include an analysis of the extent to which the proposal will accommodate activities for tourists or increase tourism, and the extent to which the proposal will affect the long-term stability of the fund created under RCW 67.28.1815. As provided in RCW 67.28.1816, the Committee shall also receive applications for use of lodging tax revenues, and shall select candidates from amongst the applicants, and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the City Council. ARTICLE II Meetings Section 2.1. Place of Meetings. All regular meetings of the Committee shall be held in the City of Kent, Centennial Building, 4th Floor, Room 402 at 4:00 PM, located at 220 Fourth Avenue South, in the City of Kent, Washington, unless otherwise designated by a majority of the Committee or the Chair and set forth in the notice of the meeting. Section 2.2. Meetings. 2.2.1 Regular Meetings. The Committee shall regularly meet, at least twice per year, on the fourth Monday of April and October at 4:00 p.m., in the meeting location designated in accordance with Section 2.1. All meetings of the Committee will be conducted in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW. Subject to appropriate notice, the Chair, by written or verbal order, may establish or amend the date or time for regular meetings of the Committee. 2.2.2 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Committee may be called at any time by the Chair or a majority of the Committee, subject to the notice and special meeting requirements of Ch. 42.30 RCW. Section 2.3. Notice of Meetings. Notice of the Committee’s meetings shall be given by the Secretary as required by the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW. 6.a Packet Pg. 7 At t a c h m e n t : L T A C B y l a w s 2 0 1 9 F i n a l ( 1 7 4 6 : R e v i e w / A d o p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d L T A C B y l a w s ) BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 of 7 (4/22/19) Section 2.4. Agendas. The Committee’s agenda shall be set by the Chair, in coordination with the Secretary. A copy of the agenda for all Committee meetings should be sent by the Secretary to each Member five (5) days prior to the date of the next meeting, but no less than 24 hours prior as required by law and be accompanied with any necessary staff reports. Unless altered by the Chair, or by a majority of the Members present at any Committee meeting, the order of business of all meetings of the Committee shall be as follows: 1. Call to order; 2. Roll call; 3. Changes to the agenda (if not a special meeting); 4. Adoption of minutes from prior meeting(s); 5. Business; 6. Informational Items; and 6. Adjournment. At any regular meeting, a Member may ask that an item be considered by the Committee, even if it is not identified on a formal agenda, by raising the issue during the changes to the agenda. The item shall then be considered, with the approval of the Committee. At a special meeting, however, items that are not on the agenda should not be considered or discussed by the Committee. Section 2.5. Quorum. The number of Members required to be present at any meeting to transact the Committee’s business is five (5), or if the number of Members serving on the Committee is less than nine (9), then a majority of the then current membership shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the Committee’s business. If there is no quorum at the opening of a meeting, the Chair may re-arrange the agenda to allow voting items to occur later in the meeting, allowing additional members to arrive, if late, or such meeting may be adjourned, recessed, or measures taken to obtain a quorum, by a vote of a majority of the members voting on the motion. Members shall notify the Secretary at least 24 hours in advance of their absence from any meeting. Failure to provide such notice shall result in an unexcused absence. Section 2.6. Presiding Officer. The Chair shall be the presiding officer for all meetings of the Committee. If the Chair will not be present at a meeting, another City Council member shall attend and act as Chair and presiding officer (“Substitute Chair”). In the absence of both the usual Chair and a Substitute Chair, the meeting shall be cancelled and rescheduled by the Secretary. The presiding officer shall retain all powers and rights inherent to a Member, including without limitation, voting powers. Section 2.7. Member Conduct. While the Committee is in session, all its members must preserve order, decency, and decorum at all times and no Member shall, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the meeting, nor disturb any Member while speaking, or refuse to obey the order of the Chair. The Members may reprimand any other Member for disorderly conduct and, upon written charges entered upon by motion, may expel a member from the Committee meeting by a vote of a majority plus one of the membership of the Committee in attendance at that meeting. In addition , the 6.a Packet Pg. 8 At t a c h m e n t : L T A C B y l a w s 2 0 1 9 F i n a l ( 1 7 4 6 : R e v i e w / A d o p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d L T A C B y l a w s ) BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 3 of 7 (4/22/19) following shall control Member’s conduct during any meeting of the Committee or any of its subcommittees: 2.7.1 The Chair will call the meeting to order and manage the meeting agenda and time to allow for appropriate discussion and action, where appropriate. 2.7.2 Members are to keep the meeting organized by speaking only when recognized by the Chair and granted the floor. To seek recognition, Members are to raise their hands and wait to be addressed by the Chair. In lieu of hand raising, voting/name cards may be used to indicate votes or requests to speak. 2.7.3 Members are to refrain from interrupting another person who has the floor or from having any sidebar conversation. 2.7.4 Members are to treat others with respect, courtesy, and in a fair and unbiased manner. Members shall refrain from any conduct or speech that is abusive, bullying, discriminatory, or derogatory. 2.7.5 Members should be open and honest about their actions and de cisions, and be respectful of others whose opinions may differ. Repeated violations may result in the Member’s removal from the Committee in accordance with Section 3.3. Section 2.8. Public Comment. While the public may attend Committee meetings, the meetings are those of the Committee itself and the public has no general right to address the Committee. Committee meetings are not an open public forum, and they are subject to restrictions imposed by the Chair, these bylaws, and the law. The Chair has the discretion to authorize the public to address the Committee, if the Chair so desires. If permission is granted, and prior to addressing the Committee, each speaker shall sign in and state his or her name and address for the record. R emarks will be limited to the time allocated by the Chair for each speaker, usually three (3) minutes per speaker. All remarks shall be pertinent to matters considered by the Committee, and speakers shall address the Chair and the Committee as a whole and not any member individually. Section 2.9. Public Demeanor. No one shall use any impertinent, degrading, or slanderous language directed to the Chair, Members, Mayor, staff, or other member of the public, and no one shall otherwise engage in disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior includes, for example, addressing matters restricted from public comment, repeated shouting and angry outbursts, cursing, direct or implied threats of violence, etc. After receiving verbal notice from the presiding officer, the presiding officer may direct that a speaker return to his or her seat or may remove any person for disruptive behavior at Committee meetings. Section 2.10. Voting. Discussion by the Committee shall relate to the subject matter at hand and shall be relevant and pertinent. When action of the Committee is required, the Chair will request a motion for a vote. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote, including the Chair. Motions shall be made, seconded, and voted upon. The Chair is authorized to establish all reasonable and necessary procedures to permit the casting of votes by Members. Every Member, unless disqualified by reason of a conflict of interest or as otherwise provided 6.a Packet Pg. 9 At t a c h m e n t : L T A C B y l a w s 2 0 1 9 F i n a l ( 1 7 4 6 : R e v i e w / A d o p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d L T A C B y l a w s ) BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 4 of 7 (4/22/19) by law or excluded by the Committee, shall cast his or her vote upon any matter put to vote by the Committee. Unless otherwise directed by the Chair, all votes shall be by voice or a show of hands. No votes shall be made by proxy. Any Member who abstains from voting, or who otherwise remains silent during a vote, will be deemed to have not have casted a vote on that item. As provided for in Section 2.12, an abstention will not count as a vote, either in favor of, or in opposition to, any motion. Action by the Committee requires only the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast, except where otherwise required by these bylaws or law. Section 2.11. Conflict of Interest. A conflict of interest arises when a Member has a direct personal or pecuniary interest in the Committee’s action on a matter, which interest is not common to other members of the Committee. If a Member determines he or she has a conflict of interest, that Member may state the nature of the confli ct and abstain from the discussion and vote on the matter. A conflict of interest, however, shall not preclude a Member from remaining present during the discussion. Section 2.12. Abstention. An abstention is a decision by a Member not to vote on a particular matter and it shall not affect the quorum of the Committee or count as any vote in favor of, or in opposition to, any matter. An abstention is not a vote and is not counted as a vote. ARTICLE III Officers and Members Section 3.1. Chair of the Committee. Pursuant to KCC 2.54.020, the City Council president shall appoint a member of Council’s operations committee to serve as a member and the Chair of the Committee. The Chair shall have the powers and duties as set forth in these bylaws. Section 3.2. Chair Powers and Duties. The duties of the Chair are as follows: 3.2.1 Chair. The Chair shall perform the following duties: Set the Committee’s agenda, in coordination with the Secretary; Preside over all meetings of the Committee, preserve order and decorum, decide all questions of order and conduct the meeting’s proceedings using the rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order where applicable, with the Chair having the ultimate decision of how the meeting will be conducted; Call special meetings and cancel regular meetings for cause, including lack of a quorum; Act as the Committee’s liaison with the Council, the Mayor, and the Department of Economic and Community Development on policy issues; Nominate or appoint Members to any subcommittees the Committee may form; 6.a Packet Pg. 10 At t a c h m e n t : L T A C B y l a w s 2 0 1 9 F i n a l ( 1 7 4 6 : R e v i e w / A d o p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d L T A C B y l a w s ) BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 5 of 7 (4/22/19) Serve as a Committee focal point for Council, Mayor, and staff and as principal spokesperson for the Committee; Oversee the distribution of the Committee’s agenda and materials during the monthly Committee meetings; Section 3.3. Secretary of the Committee. The Secretary of the Committee shall be the staff member assigned by the Mayor to assist the Committee. 3.3.1 Secretary. The Secretary is not a Member and shall have no voting rights. The Secretary shall perform the following duties: Attend all Committee meetings and keep the Committee’s minutes, including those of any meetings of any subcommittees the Committee may form, which minutes will be reviewed and adopted by the Committee at a subsequent meeting; Reproduce, distribute, and file with the City Clerk’s Office for the city of Kent a copy of all minutes of Committee meetings; See that all notices of Committee meetings are given as required by the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW, and these bylaws; Serve as custodian of the Committee’s records and responsible for retaining those records as required by state retention schedules and producing those records as required under the state Public Records Act, Ch. 42.56 RCW; Maintain a list of the names, addresses, and contact information for each Member; Perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Chair. Section 3.4. Members of the Committee. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the City Council in accordance with RCW 67.28.1817 and KCC 2.54.020. Each Member may serve a three (3) year term as provided in KCC 2.54.030. Members seeking reappointment to a subsequent term shall signify their intent in writing to the Secretary three (3) months prior to their current terms’ expiration. Members shall complete training regarding the Open Public Meetings Act (“OPMA”) in accordance with RCW 42.30.205 within 90 days of assuming duties on the Committee. 3.4.1 Removal from Committee. In accordance with KCC 2.54.030, the City Council the city council shall review the membership of the lodging tax advisory committee at least once annually, and shall make changes as appropriate. The Chair may also recommend to Council removal or replacement of a Member from the Committee for any reason, which may include any of the following: 6.a Packet Pg. 11 At t a c h m e n t : L T A C B y l a w s 2 0 1 9 F i n a l ( 1 7 4 6 : R e v i e w / A d o p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d L T A C B y l a w s ) BYLAWS OF THE CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 6 of 7 (4/22/19) A Member resigns from the Committee; or A Member is absent from more than two (2) unexcused consecutive meetings; or A Member is absent from a meeting four (4) times within any twelve (12) month period; or A Member fails to complete training on the OPMA. Any decision by the City Council to remove a Member is final and no appeal may be taken. ARTICLE IV General Provisions 4.1 Adherence to and Amendment of Bylaws. These bylaws may only be amended or repealed by the City Council. Failure to fully conform to these rules and procedures will not render any action by the Committee invalid, nor shall these rules and procedures be deemed to provide any citizen rights that he or she does not already have by operation of law. The undersigned Secretary of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee certifies by signing below that the foregoing bylaws have been duly adopted by the City Council on the date noted below. CITY OF KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Adopted _____ day of ________, 2018 ___________________________________ Secretary (Print Name__________________________) 6.a Packet Pg. 12 At t a c h m e n t : L T A C B y l a w s 2 0 1 9 F i n a l ( 1 7 4 6 : R e v i e w / A d o p t i o n o f P r o p o s e d L T A C B y l a w s ) ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5454 DATE: May 13, 2019 TO: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Evaluate Grant Applications SUMMARY: Evaluate grant applications for award recommendation to the Economic and Community Development Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Evaluation Criteria (PDF) 2. Grant Applications (PDF) 7 Packet Pg. 13 Evaluation Criteria 1 Leisure and/or Business Travel Promotion – The project/event has a demonstrated or high potential to promote a positive image for Kent as a leisure and/or a business destination. 2 Benefit to the Community – This project/event has potential to result in economic benefit to Kent. It is scalable with potential to grow and over time, will elevate and substantiate Kent’s distinctive brand. 3 Innovation - This project is unusual/unique. It has potential to promote Kent as an innovation hub from a business recruitment and retention perspective and to reinforce Kent’s positive attributes. 4 Community/Partnerships Support - The project/event has exhibited or high potential to elicit support by interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organizations. 5 Overnight Stays – This funding request has potential to result in overnight stays in Kent hotels. 7.a Packet Pg. 14 At t a c h m e n t : E v a l u a t i o n C r i t e r i a ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Scoring Table Title Event Venue Name of Organization Projected Attendance Projected Overnight Stays Date Range Amount Requested Fund at 100% Fund at 75% Fund at 50% Gut Check Wrestling Tournament US / Canada High School Wrestling Tournament accesso ShoWare Center Washington State Wrestling Foundation 2500 800 1/3/2020 - 1/4/2020 $30,000 Washington State Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day Inaugural State- wide Celebration of Washington’s First Youth Apprentices accesso ShoWare Center Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee 400 100-120 6/28/2019 $30,000 Renton City Comicon Event Celebrating Geek, Nerd, and Science Culture in PNW Renton Technical College Northwest Entertainment Alliance 2500-3000 10-30 7/17/2019 $10,000 Migrating Meals Series of Community Events at Local, Immigrant- or Refugee-owned Restaurants Multiple Kent Locations Project Feast 90-160 5-10 9/2019 - 5/2020 $12,000 The US Challenge Cup International Major Junior Hockey Tournament accesso ShoWare Center Western Hockey League (WHL) 1000-2000 550-600 2/2020 $50,000 WFTDA International Roller Derby Playoff International Women's Roller Derby Playoff Tournaments accesso ShoWare Center Women's Flat Track Derby Association 1500 600-900 9/13/2019 - 9/16/2019 $2,000 2020-21 Thunderbirds Hockey Season Major Junior Hockey Season accesso ShoWare Center Thunderbirds Hockey Enterprises 170,000 - 195,000 1000+ 9/2020 - 8/2021 $66,780 PNDC Summer Bash PNDC Summer Networking Event TBD, Kent Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC) 100 - 200 < 50 8/2019 $5,000 7.a Packet Pg. 15 At t a c h m e n t : E v a l u a t i o n C r i t e r i a ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity Gut Check Wrestling Tournament 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable accessoShoWare Center 3. Grant Amount Requested 30000 4. Total Project Cost 58000 5. Name of Organization Washington State Wrestling Foundation Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name, Title Phillip Pine 7. Mailing Address 92 Keys Rd. West Elma, WA 98541 8. Phone / Email 360-470-1443 / ptpine@centurytel.net 9. Federal Tax ID Number 603-208-497 Event/Activity Information 7.b Packet Pg. 16 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 of 5 This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 10. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Operational expenses for a tourism-related facility operated by a non-profit or the City [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 11. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? The Gut Check is a nationally recognized high school wrestling tournament which will be held Jan 3-4, 2020. High school teams from throughout the US and Canada will be competing. Our tournament will be marketed by the teams who are invited as well as social and national media. 12. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? Wrestling is an athletic event which promotes a healthy and dedicated lifestyle. The 2019 tournament consisted of more than 80% of the teams from outside the area. Most of the attendees would tend to visit Seattle instead of Kent if not for the tournament. This is a great event to showcase Kent and what it has to offer. 13. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? There was a huge degree of partnership for the 2019 Gut Check with KDP and LTAC. Together, they paid $27,500 to help cover the cost of the ShoWare Center. Without this support, we could have never held the tournament in Kent. We partnered with a number of local hotel owners for this event. They offered group rates for fans/teams. Local restaurants also agreed to help sponsor our hospitality room (for volunteers, coaches, referees) but most of their offers fell through. Proceeds from our event go almost exclusively to local college wrestling teams who help us run the tournament. 14. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. We have not applied for LTAC funds from any other source. The largest source of other revenue that we have is from team entry fees. In 2019, entry fees will be $16,000. We also have a few sponsors who donate ($3000) to the tournament to help pay for awards. 15. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. The only way to modify the tournament is to increase or decrease the number of entrants. For a two-day tournament, it is easier to increase the entries. If we reduced it to a one day tournament, it would no longer be the national level event that it has become and there would not be a need to host it in a facility like the ShoWare. 7.b Packet Pg. 17 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 of 5 If only partial funding was available, we would need to look for corporate sponsorships to continue to hold the event at the ShoWare. In lieu of that, we would have to move the tournament to another location. 16. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. Our funding request is for the continuation of the second year of our event at the ShoWare. 7.b Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 of 5 Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 17. Goals • Provide an elite level wrestling experience for high school and college athletes. • Invite high school teams ranked in the top 40 in the USA to the event • Invite all returning high school state champions and All-Americans from the Pacific Northwest • Invite all Pacific NW college teams to enter their available wrestlers for exhibition matches 18. Outcomes / Deliverables • Tournament will showcase some of the best high school wrestlers in the nation which will increase the reputation and branding of the event. • Total number of top 5 teams entered from each state. • Total number of competing Cadet/Junior All-Americans • Total number of entrants who are individual state placers and state champions 19. Estimated Completion Date Jan 4, 2020. 20. Success Measures • 20% increase in number of entrants (600 from 500. 896 entrants is maximum) • Kent area hotel room nights increase from 258 to 300. 21. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. Present to December 2019 - inviting teams and individuals to tournament September 1, 2019 - 500 entrants confirmed October 1, 2019 - 600 entrants confirmed Dec 1, 2019 - adding entrants for a buffer Jan 2, 2020 - Tournament set up day. Out of town high schools teams practice. College competition in evening Jan 3, 2020 - Day 1 of Gut Check Jan 4, 2020 - Day 2 of Gut Check, finals, team and individual awards presented 22. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 2500 23. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 800 7.b Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 5 of 5 24. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 25. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity Washington State Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable accessoShoWare Center 3. Grant Amount Requested 30000 4. Total Project Cost 60000 5. Name of Organization Aerospace Machinists Joint Training Committee DBA Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name/Title Demetria "Lynn" Strickland, Executive Director 7. Mailing Address 6770 East Marginal Way South Building A-106 Seattle, WA 98108 8. Phone / Email 206-764-7940, lstrickland@ajactraining.org 9. Federal Tax ID Number 263339866 7.b Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 of 6 Event/Activity Information This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 10. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 11. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? The Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee’s (AJAC) 2019 Washington State Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day Ceremony is an inaugural state-wide celebration to commemorate some of Washington’s first Youth Apprentices as they launch their careers in high-demand industries including aerospace, manufacturing, automotive and healthcare. The 2019 Signing Day will bring together over 400 guests including the 100 youth apprentices, their families, over 40 local-area employers, political officials and education leaders from across Washington State. Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has agreed to keynote the event two years in a row. Signing Day’s invited attendees will primarily come from neighboring counties in Washington State, including, Spokane, Yakima, Grant, Benton, Franklin, Snohomish, and Pierce Counties. Nearly 30% of the invited attendees will travel from Eastern Washington with only 11% traveling from King County. The majority will require an overnight stay in order to attend the event. Youth Apprenticeship has received coverage from top media outlets including Q-13 FOX (KCPQ), KOMO- TV, KING-TV, KIMA-TV (CBS), KBTC-TV (PBS), KNDO-TV (NBC), Tacoma News Tribune, Yakima Herald, KNKX (NPR), Renton Reporter, Arlington Times, Forbes Magazine and Northwest Aerospace News Magazine. Successful coverage of Youth Apprenticeship and Signing Day can be directly contributed to marketing the event to local media outlets through descriptive Media Advisories and Press Releases, as well as engaging social media content on multiple channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. 12. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? Although Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day is closed to the general public, marketing this event to local media outlets has been instrumental in the success of bringing awareness to career-connected learning opportunities available to high school students. By hosting Signing Day, Kent will promote a strong commitment to career connected learning and apprenticeship opportunities in a variety of industries. At least 8 Kent and South King County employers will participate, representing close to a quarter of the total number of employer partners who will sign youth apprentices that day. This will help underscore the importance Kent businesses place on youth apprenticeship and career connected learning, further cementing the positive image of the Kent business community as a whole. With the vast majority of the expected 400 attendees traveling from outside of King County, Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day participants will have an opportunity to spend at least one day (with many spending the night) in the City of Kent, primarily in the vicinity surrounding the ShoWare Center. AJAC plans to provide lodging assistance to youth apprentices and their families through Lodging Tax grant dollars, and will ensure all families stay in a Kent-based hotel close to the ShoWare Center. We have also reached out to the City of Kent to provide a welcome address to the event, and are actively 7.b Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 of 6 looking into the possibility of Bill Boyce, the City Council President and a former Boeing executive, to welcome attendees at the event. This will further cement a positive image for Kent for the hundreds of private, public, educational and non-profit partners that we anticipate will be in attendance. 13. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? Youth Apprenticeship embodies strong public-private partnerships between the education, business, non- profit and public sectors. AJAC is partnering with the following agencies to promote the event: Association of Washington Business, Association of Career and Technical Educators, Port of Seattle, Washington State Governor’s Office, State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, Career Connect Washington, Office of Superintendent and Public Instruction, Washington Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers, the Washington Automotive Services Association, Bates Technical College, South Seattle College, Everett Community College, Bellingham Technical College, Yakima Valley Community College, Columbia Basin Community College, Spokane Community College, Renton Technical College, Bellingham School District, Snohomish School District, Everett Public Schools, Sno-Isle Tech Skills Center, Renton School District, Puyallup School District, Tacoma Public Schools, West Valley School District, Yakima School District, Spokane School District, Big Bend Community College, Moses Lake School District, Columbia Basin Technical College, Acro Machining, Everett Engineering, Onamac Industries, SEA-LECT Plastics, Umbra Cuscinetti, Peregrine Manufacturing, Work Force Development Center, Omada International, Fatigue Technology, Mold-Rite, OSW Equipment and Repair, Aer-Plastics, Automatic Products, Buyken Metal Products, OMAX, TECT Aerospace, Industrial Repair Services, Seattle Precision Form, Aero-Plastics Inc, Out of the Box Manufacturing, American Structures & Design, Norfil, Laser Cutting NW, Globe Machine Manufacturing, NW Etch, Cadence Aerospace, Tool Gauge, Farwest Aircraft, Quality Stamping & Machining, Triumph Actuation Systems, Pexco Aerospace, Magic Metals, Rankin Equipment, Proto Technologies, Cub Crafters, Tree Top, Washington Fruit, Yakima Chief Hops, Senior Aerospace - AMT and Toolcraft. 14. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. AJAC plans to leverage $15,000 of its operating budget to support the full cost of the event. AJAC applied for Lodging Tax funding from the City of Renton to support Signing Day 2019 this past January, but the request was not funded. 15. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. If partial funding is available, AJAC will prioritize flights and hotel stays for families from Eastern Washington, where the travel burden is highest. As noted above, we anticipate nearly 30% of the total attendees will be from this area. Depending on the level of funding, AJAC will support hotel stays and/or travel reimbursements for youth apprentices from other parts of the state where it might be more feasible to travel without spending the night, but where an offer for an overnight stay would increase the likelihood for the youth and their families to attend. 16. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. 2019 will be the third year in a row that AJAC has supported Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day. Youth Apprenticeship has rapidly expanded since its inaugural pilot in 2017, and the 2019 Signing Day will bring together over 400 guests including the 100 youth apprentices, their families, over 40 local-area employers, political officials and education leaders from across Washington State. The event was held at the Museum 7.b Packet Pg. 23 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 of 6 of Flight the previous two years, and was strictly confined to AJAC’s Production Technician Youth Apprenticeship program. The 2019 event will now include automotive and healthcare employers, in addition to AJAC’s second program, Automation Technician which make up the core group of aerospace and advanced manufacturing employer partners. Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 17. Goals • Showcase the growing number of youth apprenticeship programs across Washington State by inviting up to 10 youth apprenticeship programs to participate in 2019 Signing Day at Kent ShoWare Center. • Celebrate new youth apprenticeships by inviting at least 100 new youth apprentices and their families to attend 2019 Signing Day at Kent ShoWare Center. • Highlight youth apprenticeship partnerships by inviting at least 40 employers and over 100 public, private and non-profit partners to attend 2019 Signing Day at Kent ShoWare Center. • Promote Kent as a viable and desirable business and/or leisure destination by hosting youth apprentices and their families at Kent-based hotels 18. Outcomes / Deliverables • Promote Kent as the host of the 2019 Signing Day to over 2,000 AJAC social media followers and 4,500 AJAC newsletter recipients • At least 400 people will attend 2019 Signing Day. • Provide hotel accommodations to approximately 100-120 youth apprentices and their families attending the 2019 Signing Day event 19. Estimated Completion Date Marketing and promotion for the June 28, 2019 Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day is underway and will continue until the event conclusion, with post-event media mentions likely. 20. Success Measures • 400 event attendees will come to Kent ShoWare Center for 2019 Signing Day. • At least one quarter of total attendees will spend the night at a Kent-based hotel. 21. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. Key activities have already been completed to ensure that Signing Day 2019 is a successful event. For example, AJAC secured the ShoWare Center location in January, and recently confirmed Governor Inslee to provide the keynote speech. Upcoming dates and expectations for key activities include: 4/19/2019 – First wave of emails, marketing and outreach is sent to: employers, state representatives and senators, community partners, community colleges, school districts and partnering state agencies. 4/30/19 – Confirm availability of Bill Boyce to provide welcome address. 7.b Packet Pg. 24 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 5 of 6 5/6/2019 – Parents and students are notified by email about upcoming employer information nights and next steps for getting selected by an employer for an apprenticeship. Confirm Governor Inslee’s arrival time and talking points. 5/15/2019 – Communication about hotel accommodations are communicated to parents, students and employers traveling from out of town. 6/1/2019 – Summer boot camps begin and youth apprentices are confirmed for attendance. Media outreach to all local and state newspaper and television partners completed. Confirm booking and hotel arrangements to make sure that parents, students and employer partners are registered for the event and have their travel plans finalized. 6/10/2019 – Confirm total registrations and email blasts to remind attendees of the details of the event. 6/28/2019 – Youth Apprenticeship Signing Day 2019. 7/31/2019 – Signing Day videos, testimonials and other coverage of the event shared with partners through AJAC’s summer newsletter, website, and social media. 22. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 400 23. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 100-120 24. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 25. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. 7.b Packet Pg. 25 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 6 of 6 The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 26 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity Renton City Comicon 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable Renton Technical College, 3000 NE 4th St, Renton, WA 98056 3. Grant Amount Requested 10000 4. Total Project Cost 57700 5. Name of Organization Northwest Entertainment Alliance Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name, Title Brian Morris, CEO 7. Mailing Address 4329 SE 3rd Street, Renton, WA 98059 8. Phone / Email 206-914-8054 / admin@rentoncomicon.com 9. Federal Tax ID Number 61-1907261 7.b Packet Pg. 27 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 of 6 Event/Activity Information This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 10. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Operational expenses for a tourism-related facility operated by a non-profit or the City [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 11. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? Renton City Comic Con is a two-day, family-centric event that celebrates the geek, nerd and science culture in the Pacific Northwest. Renton City Comic Con, or “RenCon” for short, includes activities and events for groups and individuals of all ages, sizes, and interests. Our base customer demographic ages range from 15-45 with the highest attendance in the 25-35 age range. RenCon has a strong history of family participation with over 1,000 children under the age of ten in attendance last year. Popular attractions that draw patrons include vendors and artists, celebrity panels, local creative types and experts, "cosplay" activities, car shows, live Internet streaming, and E-Sports competitions. Rencon hosts over 50 vendors and artists from all over the Pacific Northwest. It also has a particularly strong and unique connection with the science and technology society in Kent. This relationship includes sponsors, panels and workshops involving specialists from companies such as Boeing, Blue Origin, NASA, Space-X, and Microsoft. Marketing and advertising for this event includes the following: - Social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. - A marketing campaign with KTCW 11. - A direct mailing program to over 3,000 subscribers. - Posters and flyers in local businesses. - Representatives at local events such as "Kent Cornucopia Days", "Renton River Days", nearby conventions and a variety of other public events. 12. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? At RenCon, our science track, or "Sci-Fest", would be a great partnership with the city of Kent. Sci-Fest would feature speakers and sponsors from a variety of aerospace companies stationed in Kent such as the Boeing Space Center, Blue Origin, and others. This would not only educate our attendees of all of the wonderful scientific opportunities nearby but would also enhance interest in such companies. Our demographic ages range from 20-45: a prime crowd for employee recruitment. Plus other businesses that sponsor or attend RenCon will have the chance to see the best and brightest that Kent companies have to offer. Our partnership with the city of Kent will allow us to offer a broader variety of speakers, workshops, and 7.b Packet Pg. 28 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 of 6 displays for patrons to experience. As a sponsor of RenCon, Kent will also be featured on our advertising and marketing platforms, allowing us to highlight the businesses as well as the many family-friendly activities that take place in the Kent region. 13. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? From its origin, Renton City Comic Con has been a volunteer-based organization. Every position on our development team, as well as the event itself, has been filled by the community. Our team is comprised of business owners, students, parents, community leaders, and elected individuals all building this event to become what it is today. From the event volunteer "Side Kicks" answering general customer questions all the way up to the CEO, everyone at RenCon freely gives their time and resources to make this event a success. Many of our volunteered staff members are also involved in the surrounding communities in other ways. RenCon hosts a “Storm Trooper Clean Up” in which costumed individuals from the community help citizens clean up the streets of Renton. You can also find RenCon supporters at a variety of other community events including Tukwila's “Touch-A-Truck”, the “Return to Renton Car Show”, "Renton River Days", "Auburn Days" and various others. As a non-profit ourselves, we also encourage local businesses and corporations to be involved in our community efforts. The Renton Chamber of Commerce has been a prominent supporter as well as local businesses such as The Boeing Company, Microsoft, The Renton Printery, Slager Fuj Creative Media, and Zaklabs. 14. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. Renton City Comic Con seeks funding from a variety of sources. Our primary funding source has always been vendors and artists throughout the region. These small businesses cover approximately 90% of our venue costs. Ticket sales cover on average 50-60% of the costs of the event. The remaining expenses associated with the event are covered by various sponsorships from corporations, funding from Non- profits, government grants, and LTAC funding. Currently, we have a Budget of $57,000 for 2019. We are seeking LTAC and local arts funding from both the City of Renton and the City of Kent as follows: City of Renton = $20,000 requested City of Kent = $10,000 requested Renton Arts Commission = $3,000 requested 4culture = $1,500 requested Funding from the city of Kent, if approved, would go toward financing our Sci-Fest educational activities and involvement. This would provide additional speakers, workshops, and panels for the attending guests. 15. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. Flexibility is key when hosting an event such as this. Complete funding is, of course, preferred, but accommodations can be made with only partial funding. We always have a backup plan to make Rencon a success. We are looking to fund several aspects of RenCon with the Kent LTAC funds. Currently, we are seeking nationally known speakers such as NASA astronauts; but, if funding falls short we can seek locally known speakers from companies such as Boeing, Space-X or Blue Origin. Additionally, we would love to finance interactive exhibits for STEM education and science-related topics. We can 7.b Packet Pg. 29 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 of 6 always scale back on these aspects this year and plan to expand in the future as larger corporations and companies get involved. 16. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. 2019 will be RenCon's fourth year of operation. We have had an annual push into science and technology because it correlates with the science fiction aspect of many comic cons. This year we would like to expend that presence in three separate ways: - The first is to expand the selection of speakers available for panels and workshops from three to six. - Secondly, we would like to offer an interactive workshop that would involve an educational aspect for attendees of all ages. We have never had a presence such as this and we believe it will enhance the experience of our clients. - Third, we would love to develop our social media marketing presence into different markets within the Pacific Northwest, like the Kent Valley region, Seattle, and much of King County. This social presence will aid in getting the word out about our new science track, as well as the overall appeal of RenCon to the growing Pacific Northwest. Each of the areas listed above can be clearly defined and measured before and during the event. For example, RenCon marketing can be measured by the number of advertisements, click rates, ad placements and the number of companies we are partnering with. Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 17. Goals • Provide STEM exposure of emerging technologies through panels at Renton City Çomic Con involving top high tech and aerospace producers in the Kent Industrial Valley. • Provide STEM exposure of emerging technologies through hands-on workshops at Renton City Çomicion featuring aerospace experts in the Kent Industrial Valley and beyond. • Provide local aerospace companies opportunities for exposure through involved displays and booths. • Provide Kent hotels with the opportunity to offer their services and accommodations for individual patrons and attending businesses. • Provide a platform for the advertisement of the Kent tourism industry and the business opportunities including the new Lunar Rover Park. 7.b Packet Pg. 30 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 5 of 6 18. Outcomes / Deliverables • RenCon will schedule panels featuring top speakers from Kent Valley business covering topics on emerging technologies, aerospace advancements and human-tech interactions. • RenCon will feature workshops for STEM education presented by Kent Valley aerospace and high tech companies, giving attendees hands-on experience with VR, AI, and other interactive technologies. • Booths/displays will be available to Kent Valley Businesses who want to support Rencon and exhibit their companies to attendees and other companies. • Booths, banners, and displays will be available to Kent Valley hotels that would like to support RenCon and exhibit their venues to potential clients. • Hotels that would like to support RenCon will have access to advertising platforms to display their venues and services to potential clients. Platforms will include social media and print. 19. Estimated Completion Date Estimated completion date of Renton City Comic Con is the weekend of September 6th through September 8th. Social media Advertising will peak on August 1st, continuing throughout the month. 20. Success Measures • 2,000 attendees will be exposed through sponsors at RenCon to the innovative technologies and businesses available in the Kent Valley. • Advertising through social media platforms will reach up to 100,000 individuals throughout the Greater Puget Sound area. • 250 attendees will be exposed through panels and workshops at RenCon to innovative STEM technologies and aerospace educational topics. 21. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. • April 12, 2019: announce event via outreach channels • July 1, 2019: Media Day • July 16, 2019: Pre-event networking / social event • July 17, 2019: Day of event • July 19, 2019: Post-event media follow-up 22. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 2500 to 3000 23. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 10 to 30 7.b Packet Pg. 31 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 6 of 6 24. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 25. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 32 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 1 General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity Migrating Meals 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable Various locations in Kent 3. Grant Amount Requested 12,000 4. Total Project Cost 15,600 5. Name of Organization Project Feast 6. First and Last Name Veena Prasad 7. Title Executive Director 8. Mailing Address 202 W Gowe St Ste L Kent, WA 98126 9. Phone 206-841-8923 10. Email veena@projectfeast.org 11. Federal Tax ID Number 46-2005131 7.b Packet Pg. 33 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 Event/Activity Information This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 12. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Leisure or business tourism promotion/marketing by a non-profit or the City [×] Operational expenses for a tourism-related facility operated by a non-profit or the City [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 13. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? Project Feast is a nonprofit with the mission to empower refugee and immigrant cooks through pathways to employment in the food industry and to enrich our community through intercultural exchange. We launched an event series called Migrating Meals in order to promote the rich cultural heritage and cuisine that exists in the Greater Seattle area. The series invites members of the community to join us at immigrant or refugee owned restaurants. At each event, guests learn the story of the owner and their path to starting the business, participate in a rich discussion as a group and with the business owner, and leave having learned something new about that culture, business, or location. They also commit to taking a small or big action in their lives. While we have featured a couple of Kent restaurants in the past, with this application, we propose to focus our efforts solely on Kent. The intent is to connect the residents of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellevue and beyond with the rich diversity and culture in Kent. Project Feast proposes to promote the Migrating Meals series in Kent as well as the restaurants in the series through video, social media, PR and through cross listing on other platforms such as Intentionalist and AirBnB. 14. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? At Project Feast, we've organized events since our inception in 2013 in Seattle, Tukwila and Kent. We've been based in Kent since 2017. At the first Migrating Meals in Kent, a guest commented on how inconvenient it was to fight traffic and come down to Kent. They also mentioned how amazing the event was and how glad they were to do it. If they hadn't, they would never have had the chance to connect with the Kurdish refugee owners that run Olive Tree restaurant. We see over and over again that guests are surprised when we tell them that Kent is the 10th most diverse city in the USA and that over 130 languages are spoken in the Kent School District! Guests comment that Kent was not as far away as they thought and that they want to see what else is available here. 7.b Packet Pg. 34 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 Through showcasing the international food scene in Kent, we aim to not only meet our mission at Project Feast, we also aim to bring wide exposure to Kent's tagline of "Bringing the World Home". This is turn will help create more awareness of Kent while increasing its positive image of being a diverse and inclusive community. While we do not expect that our events will draw many visitors that are traveling long distances (over 50 miles), the more we can help bring exposure to Kent's diversity and its great food scene, the higher the overall profile of Kent and more people will see the possibility of Kent as a tourist destination. We can expand further on the migrating meals series in the following year and create a bigger event like "Kent Restaurant Week" or "Taste of Kent" that brings more visitors to Kent. 15. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? We plan to partner with the following entities: 1. Between 6-8 restaurants in Kent that have international cuisines. These could include: Afghan Cuisine, Saigon Soul, Punjab Sweets etc. Together with our partners, we would vet the restaurants for their food offering, willingness to participate in the series, share their story and how it fits in Kent, and gather information to create a PR campaign around the Migrating Meals series. The restaurants would agree to hosting our team for videography, and sharing time at our Migrating Meals event at their restaurant. Their restaurant would get new guests, and marketing and PR through our efforts. 2. Intentionalist is a company based in Seattle. They have created an online guide to intentional spending that supports small businesses and diverse local communities. They make it easy for people to find local restaurants, bars, gyms, shops, and more owned by women, people of color, veterans, LGBTQ, families, and differently abled people. Beyond serving as a directory, Intentionalist supports community connection through business profiles and videos based on interviews with local business owners as well as events that provide the opportunity to meet them and learn about the stories behind their businesses. The Intentionalist has a highly engaged community on Instagram and other social media. The partnership would allow us to better market the series and individual events to prospective guests outside of Kent who already see the Intentionalist as a great way of discovering businesses. 3. With You Media - A media company that focuses on creating compelling and evocative stories. In 2017, they created a video for Project Feast that is on our homepage. Their website (https://withyoumedia.com/) showcases their work which also includes a video promoting the work of Marketshare in Seattle whose mission was to create an exciting food market at the King Street Station. With You Media is excited to partner with us on this event and create the story of Kent's tagline of Bringing the World Home. 4. Kent Cultural Commission - We haven't approached the Commission members yet but believe their help with and presence on video footage would lend weight and how committed the City of Kent is to the diverse communities that call the city home. 16. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. We will apply for funds from Seattle Foundation's Neighbor to Neighbor grant for the remaining funds to cover Project Feast staff time. 7.b Packet Pg. 35 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 17. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. 18. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. This funding is to continue the Migrating Meals series but with several changes including focusing on Kent and creating assets like a video to showcase the area. With this "relaunch", we believe there is potential to further expand on the series next year creating a further tourist draw. As we create a stronger awareness of Kent and its restaurant offerings, we see the possibility of a "Kent Restaurant Week" or a larger food event becoming a possibility. Scope of Work 19. Goals • Provide wide exposure to Kent's international food scene through social media, marketing and in person events in partnership with local restaurants • Increase awareness of Kent's tagline "Bringing the World Home" and the number of refugee/immigrant and other diverse communities that call Kent home • Increase awareness of Project Feast's Migrating Meals program • Create enduring partnerships that finds ways to continue to work together after the grant period is complete 20. Outcomes / Deliverables • Project Feast and its partners market the Migrating Meals series and individual events to over 10,000 people through social media and newsletters. • Expand the network of people who know about the diverse food scene in Kent to another 100,000 people outside of Kent through advertisements and PR in Seattle Globalist, Seattle Times and other publications • Help market 6-8 restaurants in Kent 21. Estimated Completion Date • We anticipate the completion of this project scope to be June 2020. 22. Success Measures • Between 90 and 160 people attend the Migrating Meals series, hear about the diversity in Kent and its amazing offerings of cuisines, and change their perceptions of the city. • More than 110,000 people are exposed to Kent's tagline, the diversity in Kent and the migrating meals series. 7.b Packet Pg. 36 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 5 23. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. July 2019 - August 2019: Create Video, find 6-8 restaurants to feature in the series, create migrating meals landing page on Project Feast's website, and purchase ads/marketing to announce series. September 2019 - May 2020: Hold 6-8 events in Kent at different restaurants, do social media and newsletter marketing for each event on Project Feast accounts, Intentionalist accounts as well as partners accounts. June 2020: Debrief with partners and create plan for next year. 24. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 90-160 25. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 5-10 26. If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 27. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 37 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 1 General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity The US Challenge Cup 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable Kent, Washington, accesso ShoWare Center (625 W James St, Kent, WA 98032, USA) and Kent Valley Ice Centre (6015 S 240th St, Kent, WA 98032, USA) 3. Grant Amount Requested 50000 4. Total Project Cost 100000 5. Name of Organization Western Hockey League (WHL) Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name Ron Robison 7. Title WHL Commissioner 8. Mailing Address Western Hockey League Father David Bauer Arena 2424 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N3Y9 9. Phone 403-693-3056 7.b Packet Pg. 38 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 Email: robisonr@whl.ca 11. Federal Tax ID Number XXX – Canadian Organization Event/Activity Information This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 12. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Leisure or business tourism promotion/marketing by a non-profit or the City [×] Operational expenses for a tourism-related facility operated by a non-profit or the City [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 13. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? The U.S. Challenge Cup will provide an opportunity for the top ranked Western U.S. Bantam hockey teams to participate in a high caliber tournament and serve to promote the growth of the game of hockey at the grassroots level in the Seattle area. Eight (8) of the top ranked Bantam Teams in the Western U.S. will be invited to compete with the top four (4) ranked teams from Western Canada. The event will utilize the WHL’s and the five (5) US Based WHL Club’s websites and social media platforms as the main promotional driver. Further advertising purchases will be made prior to the event to promote the upcoming event in and around the city of Kent. Our target audience will be young families and hockey enthusiasts in and around the Kent area in hopes of growing the game of hockey at the grassroots level. 14. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? 250 Word Limit The U.S. Challenge Cup will attract families from all over Western U.S. and Western Canada to Kent, Washington who otherwise wouldn’t have had an opportunity to travel to this area. By providing a first- class experience in all areas of the event, this will reflect highly on Kent as a destination for both leisure and business. 15. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? The event will require partnerships with local volunteers, local minor hockey organizations, corporate businesses including hotels, restaurants and arena facilities. 7.b Packet Pg. 39 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 16. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. We will not be requesting any further Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality. 17. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. Our objective is to make The U.S. Challenge Cup the premier Bantam hockey tournament in Western United States. With it being the inaugural tournament, it is extremely important that we provide an exceptional experience for all participants and spectators so that this tournament will be viewed as the number one tournament teams want to attend in hopes of growing it each subsequent year. 18. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. This funding is for a new project for the Western Hockey League. Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 19. Goals • To create a major youth sporting event for the City of Kent • To grow the game of hockey at the grassroots level in and around the Kent, Washington area • To provide all participants and spectators a memorable experience • To provide the top players in the US an opportunity to learn about the benefits of playing in the Western Hockey League and the WHL Scholarship program it offers • To provide exposure for all participants to allow them to achieve their athletic goals 20. Outcomes / Deliverables • To create a hockey tournament which encourages youth to participate in the sport • To establish the City of Kent as the annual host of this major showcase hockey tournament • To generate significant economic impact for businesses in the City of Kent • To develop a strong community spirit through volunteer involvement and spectator attendance at the event. 21. Estimated Completion Date Marketing and promotion for the event will begin in September 2019 and continue until the event concludes on Sunday, February 23, 2020. 22. Success Measures • Over 1000 boys and girls from the Kent area will be exposed to the game of hockey and have an opportunity to skate with WHL/NHL Alumni 7.b Packet Pg. 40 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 • 2000 spectators attend the games over the 3-day event 23. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. 24. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 1000-2000 spectators over the three-day event 25. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 550-600 individuals in paid accommodations or approximately 1,200 room nights 26. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 27. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 41 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity WFTDA International Roller Derby Playoff 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable Showare Center 3. Grant Amount Requested 2000 4. Total Project Cost 65000 5. Name of Organization Women's Flat Track Derby Association Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name, Title Sue Nally, WFTDA Tournament Manager 7. Mailing Address Women’s Flat Track Derby Association P.O. Box 14100 Austin, TX 78761 8. Phone / Email 519-590-6255 / suzyslam@wftda.com 9. Federal Tax ID Number 32-0328905 Event/Activity Information 7.b Packet Pg. 42 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 of 5 This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 10. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Leisure or business tourism promotion/marketing by a non-profit or the City [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 11. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? The international governing body of the sport of Roller Derby, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (www.wftda.com), produces international playoff tournaments yearly in different cities around the world. This event brings the top 12-14 teams, out of over 400 member leagues, together to compete for a spot in the WFTDA International Championships. As the flagship events of the WFTDA, they are the highlight of the season for teams and fans alike, akin to an event such as the Stanley Cup playoffs or European Cup qualifiers. The event takes place over three days with a total of 12-16 games starting early on Friday and ending with finals on Sunday followed by an award presentation. The event is executed by the staff of the WFTDA, crews of officials, a local league as host and volunteers, marketing teams and broadcast teams for live webcasting and televising (numbering approximately 300 participants and volunteers). This season we are really focusing on the growing junior leagues around the world and having them and their families attend the events. 12. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? As this is the second time we're running this event here we feel it shows that Kent is a location with great facilities and interesting, dynamic, unique events happening. It also shows support of non-profit sporting organizations that cater to women and young girls sports in particular. 13. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? Our events always support the local roller derby league, in this case it is Rat City Roller Girls (http://ratcityrollergirls.com/), multiple volunteer referees and general event volunteers. 14. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. As a non-profit, we rely on ticket sales to our events as the main revenue source. We do actively look for sponsorship opportunities by national brands that relate to our sport and for local sponsorship that would be of interest to our attendees. We are not applying for any other Lodging Tax Funds. 7.b Packet Pg. 43 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 of 5 15. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. If we receive partial funding we would scale back on the stipends for the half-time entertainment performers, the host league stipend (Rat City Roller Girls) and what we are able to provide to our volunteers in terms of lodging and travel stipends. 16. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. This funding request is for a one-off event however we do really enjoy hosting our event at the Showare Center in Kent and would love to come back a third time if it is financially viable. We do feel these events have a very positive impact on the growth of sports for young people in the area and an opportunity to be exposed to a new sport option. 7.b Packet Pg. 44 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 of 5 Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 17. Goals • Promote people of all ages participating in sports activities that are inclusive and welcoming. • will be offering a Junior roller derby skater discounted weekend pass to promote young athletes and their families to attend the event • will be offering a discounted evening ticket to give an affordable option for people not familiar with the sport and encourage them to come check it out • will be offering an open scrimmage opportunity to all skating attendees to encourage athletes to have a chance to participate actively in the sport on the weekend of the event 18. Outcomes / Deliverables • As the governing body of the sport of Roller Derby, the WFTDA brings the top-ranked teams in the world together to vie for a chance to be named the champions. • games between the top teams in the world and coming all the way from England, Sweden, Argentina, Canada, Australia and across the USA • produce top level officiating and announcing by approx 100 participants from around the world who volunteer their time and money to be part of these events • be one of the must-see events for the sporting community • growth of interest in the local derby league either as a fan to attend games or as a participant to be a skater or referee 19. Estimated Completion Date September 16th - end of the tournament event September 17th - bowl skating workshop by top bowl skater in the world 20. Success Measures • Growth of the sport and interest in attending the other events around the world. • Bringing fans following teams, skaters, participants and people from all around the world to Kent, WA for the tournament • Sttendance of 2000 people throughout the weekend 21. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. June 17th - tickets on sale via venue and all WFTDA social media June 11 - Sept. 13 - promote the event at local events and through social media Sept. 13-Sept. 16 - Tournament Weekend Sept. 17 - wrap up and social time in town for attendees 22. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 1,500 attendees 7.b Packet Pg. 45 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 5 of 5 23. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 10 Word Limit, number or range acceptable 600-900 24. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 25. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 46 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity 2020-21 Thunderbirds Hockey Season 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable accesso ShoWare Center - 625 W. James St. - Kent, WA 98032 3. Grant Amount Requested 66780 4. Total Project Cost 66780 5. Name of Organization Thunderbirds Hockey Enterprises Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name, Title Jason Thomsen, Director of Business Development 7. Mailing Address 625 West James St. Kent, WA 98032 8. Phone / Email 253-856-6834 / jasont@seattlethunderbirds.com 9. Federal Tax ID Number 61-1855810 7.b Packet Pg. 47 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 of 4 Event/Activity Information This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 10. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Marketing and/or operation of a special event or conference designed to attract leisure or business travelers 11. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? The Thunderbirds play 34 regular season games, pre-season and home playoff games at accesso ShoWare Center, bringing 160,000 – 180,000+ people to the area each year. We allow VisitKent.com to reach beyond the walls of the arena through Radio, Television, social media and more making this the only multifaceted opportunity to not only promote Kent as a destination, but to ensure fans, teams, scouts and more come to the city to eat, sleep, stay and play in Kent. 12. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? The team allows us to bring people from outside of Kent to town for a great experience. They come in, eat at local restaurants, shop nearby and many stay in town while they follow their favorite team, whether it’s the Thunderbirds or our opponents. In addition, we tell the story of Kent through all the promotional elements in this package. 13. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? This partnership is a multifaceted partnership that allows us to tell the story of Kent, while incorporating VisitKent.com in so much of what we do and take the brand across the Northwest and Western Canada. 14. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. We are not applying for Lodging Tax Funds from anywhere else. 15. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. It can be modified, but we have hand selected every element specifically to tell the story of Kent in a fully customized, effective way throughout the Pacific Northwest. To remove elements would decrease the effectiveness of the package. 16. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. It will be for continuing to tell the story to new fans. We will be adding additional promotional support and social media elements to help tell the story of the Apollo celebration throughout the year. In addition, we will be working with you to find more unique ways to continue to tell the unique and ever-changing story of Kent and what is happening here and why it is a destination for business and leisure. 7.b Packet Pg. 48 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 of 4 Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 17. Goals • Make VisitKent.com a part of every game night experience, both in arena, on the road and over the airwaves / web. • Put the VisitKent.com message onto radio and television expanding your reach beyond the arena • Take VisitKent.com with us on the road across Washington, norther Oregon and western Canada • Create fun promotions across the VisitKent.com social media platforms • Tell the story of the city of Kent from both a leisure and business standpoint while bringing people to town to eat, shop play and stay. 18. Outcomes / Deliverables • As the premier event in the city of Kent, we will bring approximately 170,000-185,000+ people to the area during the season. These are people that will eat, sleep, play and stay in Kent. • We will once again account for over 1,000 room nights from fans, teams, scouts, business and more. • We will deliver a complete media package with radio and television elements taking your message well beyond the walls of the arena. • We will work with you to change your messaging throughout the season to reflect what is happening in the city, while delivering it in a fun and effective way. 19. Estimated Completion Date The 2020-21 season will begin in September 2020 and end in March of 2021 with playoffs to follow, which can run as late as May of 2021. 20. Success Measures • There are so many ways to measure the success of the partnership including attendance, media, social media, promotions and more... all focused on telling the story of Kent. • Approximately 180,000 people to the area for games each season. Plus other teams and support personnel to push the number closer to 200,000 people. • Over the course of the season you will have over 200 radio commercials, a television and streaming media presence, social media promotional events and all of it specifically placed for you. 21. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. August 2020 - Training Camp Begins End of September 2020 - Regular season begins 7.b Packet Pg. 49 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 of 4 End of March 2021 - Playoffs begin August 31, 2021 - partnership year ends. 22. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 170,000 - 195,000+ 23. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? 1,000+ room nights with 1-4 people per room. 24. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 25. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 50 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) General Information Lodging Tax grant applications are submitted electronically and must be received by midnight on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. If for some reason you’re unable to submit the application online, please send your application and any possible attachments to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. All applications received become public records. 1. Title of the Event/Activity PNDC Summer Bash 2. Proposed Location, Event/Activity, if applicable Pegasus Northwest, Buyken Metals Products, Airways Brewing (PNDC Non-Member) PNDC's Summer Bash is the highlight of the summer! Join PNDC members and guests for an evening of networking, fun, good food and libations. 3. Grant Amount Requested 5000 4. Total Project Cost 5000 5. Name of Organization Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC) Please ensure the individual listed below is authorized to sign financial contracts on behalf of your organization. 6. First and Last Name, Title Sarah Garrison, President & CEO 7. Mailing Address P.O. Box 92154 Portland, OR 97292 8. Phone / email 360-789-6263 / karlee@pndc.us 9. Federal Tax ID Number 20-3180915 Event/Activity Information This information will be referenced by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee during the grant application review period. Keep your responses within the word limits. (You might consider drafting responses in a 7.b Packet Pg. 51 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 2 of 5 word processor and copying to the online form). Portions of responses exceeding the word limit may not be considered. 10. Check all categories that apply to this application: [×] Leisure or business tourism promotion/marketing by a non-profit or the City 11. Describe your business or leisure travel-related activity or event and target audience. What methods will you use to promote your project/event to business and leisure travelers (ex. mailings, advertising, social media, etc)? The Summer Social is the highlight of the summer! Join PNDC members and guests for an evening of networking, fun, good food and libations! Our target audience is PNDC and PNDC-Potential Members as well as those serving in the defense/aerospace/security industries. Pre-event Marketing: E-vites, Social Media via LinkedIn, Twitter, PNDC's Weekly Newsletter (14,000+ contacts) and invitations that will be given out at PNDC events leading up the Summer Social. 12. How does your project/event promote a positive image for Kent as business or leisure destination? PNDC would love to bring this event to Kent to highlight our local members and their role within the Kent Community. Hosting it at one of our Member Facilities will focus on the positive impact Manufacturing is continuing to have in the Kent Valley region. If a Member facility is unavailable hosting it at a local brewery/pub is the perfect alternative for a relaxed, entertaining evening for those in attendance while highlighting a local brewer/business owner. As an event host you will have an opportunity to welcome attendees and have a display table to showcase offerings and literature. - Event will be promoted as co-hosted by City of Kent and PNDC - Invitations will be extended to PNDC members and the larger defense and security community - City of Kent may greet attendees with a short welcome presentation (3-5 mins/no slides.) Talking points could include your mission, updates and programs relevant to the audience 13. What kind and degree of partnership does the project/event exhibit (volunteer involvement, interjurisdictional, corporate, business and/or civic organization support)? Local Business and Member support--as well as partnering with the local Chamber and City to bring more attendees to the event. 14. What other revenue sources will be used to support this project/event? Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funds from another municipality? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. PNDC is a non-profit organization so we will seek additional Sponsors for the event if needed to help off- set the cost and all that goes into the event (staffing, planning, food, beverage venue costs etc...) since this is a celebration traditionally it is FREE to PNDC Members--that is why Event Sponsors are imperative to the event's success! We are not applying for funds in another municipality. 7.b Packet Pg. 52 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 3 of 5 15. If only partial funding is available, can the project/event be modified? Please explain how. Of course! The amount of food, beverage, that is available to guests as well as the type can be examined, where we host the event (Member Facility = Free vs. Public Space = Charge), additional Sponsors for the event as well can help make up for partial funding. 16. Is this funding request for a new project/event or to continue or expand an ongoing project/event? If the proposal is associated with an existing project/event - in operation for more than three years - it must be for expansion or enhancements that are clearly defined or measurable. Please describe. The Summer Social is PNDC’s flagship event that began in our founding state, Oregon. As we have worked tirelessly to fulfill our mission to create, grow and diversify business development opportunities for the Pacific Northwest Defense & Security Industry Businesses, PNDC expanded our efforts into Washington state and as our membership base has grown here, a separate Summer Social was created to celebrate our members here in Washington. This will be the fourth annual Summer Social and our hope is to have it be the biggest yet in attendees and community support! Scope of Work This information will be used to generate a one-page Scope of Work for contracting purposes if your event/activity is awarded funds. Please summarize your responses into bulletized lists within the prescribed word limits. Each point should reference key objectives or milestones. 17. Goals • Celebrate PNDC Members throughout the Pacific Northwest while highlighting all the businesses supported in the Kent Industrial Valley • Emphasize PNDC's mission to create, grow and diversify business development opportunities for Pacific Northwest Defense & Security industry businesses. • Showcase the diverse businesses throughout the Kent Industrial Valley and how Kent is THE place to work and play! • Securing the Economic Future of Our Region: PNDC bridges the gap with educational programs, business-to-business networking, outreach and advocacy with government decision makers. • Reinforce that PNDC is THE defense association to be a part of as we serve as an intermediary between members and the defense industry in the US and abroad--PNDC can make the right connections and we celebrate those connections each year at our Summer Social 18. Outcomes / Deliverables • Event promotion to over 15,000+ businesses highlighting the Kent Industrial Valley as our host • Bringing 150-200+ folks to the Kent Industrial Region (some as far as Oregon) for an evening of fun and hopefully encourage some of our guests to stay at facilities close by. • Celebrating our members throughout the Pacific Northwest and highlighting the unique work they do in supporting defense • Creating new connections that contribute to the growth of the Defense & Security industry, Pacific Northwest businesses and Kent Industrial Valley 19. Estimated Completion Date 7.b Packet Pg. 53 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 4 of 5 Initial event planning, marketing, and promotion for the 2019 PNDC Summer Social is underway and will continue until the event conclusion, with usual pre-and post-event marketing 20. Success Measures • 150-200 event attendees will be exposed to the businesses available in the Kent Valley. 21. Outline the timeline and milestones for project completion into a list. Include dates and expectations for key activities. May 2019: Announce event via outreach channels June & July 2019: Pre-event marketing, outreach and promotion August 2019: Day of event TBD (It will be in the Summer...date is TBD) After the Event: Post event media follow-up, sponsor thank-you's, notes to our attendees, thanking them for participating etc... 22. What is the projected overall attendance at your proposed event/activity? 150-200 23. What is the projected number of attendees who will stay in Kent overnight in paid accommodations? Less than 50 24. Additional Forms If your application is awarded a grant, these forms are required for contracting purposes. To expedite the process, please submit the following forms to LTAC@KentWA.gov: • Vendor Form for Grant Recipient (PDF) • Form W-9 (PDF) • Copy of Current Insurance Certificate. While not required at time of application, grant awardees must obtain levels of insurance prescribed in Insurance Requirements for LTAC Grant Agreement (PDF) You may also submit any supporting documentation (presentations, reports, links, etc) to LTAC@KentWA.gov. Be sure to note the name of your organization and activity/project referenced in your application in the email subject line. Keep the size of each email, with attachments, to less than 10 MB. 25. I am an authorized agent of the nonprofit and/or public organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • If awarded, my organization will enter into a contract with the City of Kent and provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as an additional insured. • Half of the grant funds, unless otherwise specified, will be provided once the contract is executed. The remaining half will be reimbursed after the activity/event and a signed reimbursement invoice, copies of receipts over $100 have been submitted to the City. • My organization will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. 7.b Packet Pg. 54 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ) Page 5 of 5 The certification field is required and cannot be left blank. [×] 7.b Packet Pg. 55 At t a c h m e n t : G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s ( 1 7 7 8 : E v a l u a t e G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n s )