HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 10/14/2019 Page 1 of 3
Pending Approval
Land Use and Planning Board
Land Use Regular Meeting
October 14, 2019
Date: October 14, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Attending: Paul Hintz, Chair
Katherine Jones, Vice Chair
Gwen Allen-Carston,
Shane Amodei,
Frank Cornelius,
Dale Hartman,
Ali Shasti
1. Call to Order 7:00 p.m.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Paul Hintz Chair Present
Katherine Jones Vice Chair Present
Gwen Allen-Carston Present
Shane Amodei Present
Frank Cornelius Absent
Dale Hartman Excused
Ali Shasti Excused
3. Approval of Minutes dated September 9, 2019
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated September 9, 2019
MOVER: Katherine Jones, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Gwen Allen-Carston
AYES: Hintz, Jones, Allen-Carston, Amodei
ABSENT: Cornelius
EXCUSED: Hartman, Shasti
4. Changes to the Agenda
5. Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.09 KCC and the 2009 Design and
Construction Standards (Naden Relocation and Street Standards) -
The City is preparing to sell property formerly acquired for a facility it is no
longer feasible to build. Part of the anticipated property development is a
rebuilt street, Naden Avenue. There are several standards with overlapping
jurisdiction that might apply to the new Naden Avenue; the proposed
Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular
October 14, 2019
Kent, Washington
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ordinance would clarify the street standard by adding a new detail for Naden
Avenue South. The ordinance will also clarify City expectations more broadly
by adding cross references between varying sets of adopted standards that
relate to infrastructure improvements in downtown Kent. These include the
2009 Design and Construction Standards including the Downtown Overlay,
and the Downtown Design Guidelines. Finally, this proposal will amend the
2009 Design and Construction Standards to allow latecomer agreements for
streets. Latecomers agreements allow developers who build infrastructure
that serves theirs and other nearby properties to recoup some of the
construction costs when those other properties develop. The city has long
allowed latecomers agreements for sewer and water main extensions, and it
appears that excluding streets was an oversight that should be corrected.
Kathy Johnson asked if Latecomers Agreements are a regular tool that other
jurisdictions use. Matt Gilbert explained that it is a very common practice.
MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. ______ amending Chapter 15.09 of
the Kent City Code and the 2009 Design and Construction Standards
to clarify applicability of standards and establish a street design
standard for future relocation of Naden Avenue.
Next: 10/22/2019 4:00 PM
MOVER: Gwen Allen-Carston
SECONDER: Katherine Jones, Vice Chair
AYES: Hintz, Jones, Allen-Carston, Amodei
ABSENT: Cornelius, Hartman
6. Adult Family Homes Zoning Code Amendment
Erin George presented proposed Zoning Code amendments relating to adult
family homes, also referred to as group homes. Staff have received
complaints from residents about such facilities and other room rental
situations, primarily related to the number of residents, the number of cars,
and living conditions. Ms. George explained state laws relating to adult family
homes - namely that cities must allow them in all residential and commercial
zones - but also licensing and inspection requirements for providers, as
enforced by DSHS.
Ms. George outlined existing city code and its shortcomings, highlighting the
overly broad definition of group homes and the outdated definition of
boarding homes. She explained staff recommended code changes to address
these shortcomings by narrowing the group homes definition and referencing
the state definition of “adult family home,” renaming boarding homes as
“short-term rentals,” and adding a new category called “communal
residences” to address long-term room rentals. Associated regulations would
Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular
October 14, 2019
Kent, Washington
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require city business licenses for all these uses, proof of any required state
licenses, and limitations on the number of rooms that may be rented in
short-term rentals and communal residences. Adult family homes would be
limited to 6 residents per the state definition.
Paul Hintz asked if the excessive car problem has been looked at from the
position of limiting vehicles per household. Ms. George explained that staff
had considered that approach, but decided the health and safety concerns
relating to living conditions could not be ignored and could better be
addressed (along with parking issues) by regulating the uses themselves.
Shane Amodei asked if Short-Term Rentals and Communal Residences will be
a part of the Rental Housing Inspection Program. Ms. George explained that
the program is in its 1st year of a 3 year inspection cycle and currently is
limited to apartments and attached housing types. However after 3 years,
staff will evaluate the potential for expanding to other housing types.
Clarification was requested regarding how Business Licenses are screened.
Ms. George explained that business licenses are currently administered by
Finance Customer Service and simply involve application and payment of the
license fee. Starting next year, Planners will also get routed business licenses
to review for Zoning Code compliance, which would include the regulations in
the proposed ordinance if adopted.
MOTION: Recommend City Council approve the code amendment for
Adult Family Homes as presented by staff.
Next: 11/12/2019 4:00 PM
MOVER: Katherine Jones, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Gwen Allen-Carston
AYES: Hintz, Jones, Allen-Carston, Amodei
ABSENT: Cornelius, Hartman
7. Adjournment 7:55 p.m.
Tanya Kosen
Committee Secretary