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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4400ORDINANCE NO. 44OO AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, related to design and construction standards for infrastructure improvements, repealing Ordinance No. 3927 and amending Chapter 6.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Required public improvements." RECITALS A, The City last developed and enacted design and construction standards for public works related improvements on August 18, 2009' Since 2OOg, construction techniques have changed dramatically, necessitating revisions of the city's design and construction standards' Public works Department staff has worked to complete a thorough review and update of the standards and standard Plans' B, Updating the Kent Design and Construction Standards was a city-wide effort involving all City of Kent Public Works Engineering and Operations departments, Economic and Community Development, Development Engineering, the Law and Parks Departments. Comments were also incorporated from the Puget sound Regional Fire Authority' Additionally, the document was reviewed by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division, the Washington State Health Department and the Master Builders Association' 1 Amend KCC 6.02' Re: Design and Construction Standards C. The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official has determined that the proposed code amendments are procedural in nature and further SEPA analysis is not required for these code amendments. D. On November 20, 2020, the city requested expedited review from the state of Washington, under RCW 36.70A'106, of the City's intent to adopt amendments to the subdivision code. Approval for expedited review was granted on December 7, 2020 and no significant comments were made after review. E. The Committee of the Whole considered these updates to the design and construction standards on November 17 , 2020, and the Land Use and Planning Board considered these updates on December L4, 2020' The Board then held a public hearing on February 22,2O2L. The committee of the Whole considered the issues and the recommendation of the Board on March g,}OZL The City Council adopted these amendments at its meeting on March L6,2OZL. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION l. - Repealer. Ordinance 3927 of the City of Kent, enacting new construction standards for public works related improvements in the City of Kent, adopted on August 18,2009, is hereby repealed' 'E'TION 2. - Adoot. The city hereby adopts the 2021 Design and Construction Standards for infrastructure related improvements, attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by this reference' Amend KCC 6'02- Re: Design and Construction Standards 2 'E?TION 3. - Amendment chapter 6.02 of the Kent city code, entitled "Required Public Improvements," is amended as follows: Chapter 6.02 REQUIRED IN FRASTRUCTURE IM PROVEM ENTS Sec. 6.02.O10. Construction standards adopted. The city hereby adopts the 202L2e89 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards ("construction standards") and all codes, standards, and provisions cited therein in Section 1.6. One (1) copy of the construction standards is on file in the city clerk's office. Sec. 6,O2.020. Intention. It is intended that the construction standards shall become the base specifications and standards for the construction of and improvements to city infrastructure including: streets, alleys, sanitary sewer systems, water distribution systems, storm drainage systems, and other transportation, telecommunications and utility systems and associated appurtenances. It is also intended that the construction standards shall govern all permits for excavation and grading in the city and be applicable to the city's own projects for public works' Sec. 6.O2.030. PurPose. A. The purpose of this chapter is to establish: 1. The intention of the city to require each developer for a development permit ("developer") to construct or install reasonable infrastructure imProvements; and Amend KCC 6'02' Re: Design and Construction Standards 3 2. procedures to determine the nature, extent, and location of the required infrastructure improvements; and 3, Criteria that will be used to determine the nature, extent and location of the required infrastructure improvements' B. The criteria established in this chapter do not satisfy or supersede additional requirements imposed by the city under other code provisions or the State Environmental Policy Act. Sec. 6.O2.O40 Scope and exceptions' All development in the city will require infrastructure improvements as conditions of permit except when: A. The permit is to make additions, alterations, or repairs of less than fiftfnjnety-thousand dollars ($950,000) in cost to any site, as that term is defined in the standards. This threshold amount shall be automatically adjusted annually to increase or decrease by the Same percentage changeir+erffrs*|#e€reElse -in the Construction Cost index values for the preceding yeari or B. The permit is to make additions, alterations or repairs of fiftfnineEy thousand dollars ($5g90,000) or more in cost to any site, such threshold amount to be subject to the automatic adjustment described in subsection (A) of this section, if the developer proves to the public works director orhis e*erdesignee ("director") that the additions, alterations or repairs will result in no adverse. impacts to existing infrastructure; or Amend KCC 6.02- Re: Design and Construction Standards 4 C. The permit is to make wholly interior improvements within an existing structu re provided, however, that if a developer chooses to make any infrastructure improvements for a development permit that would otherwise be exempt, then such improvements shall be in compliance with the construction standards. Sec. 6.O2.050. General. The city shall require each developer not exempted by this chapter to install or otherwise provide for the following infrastructure improvements in compliance with the construction standards: A. Adequate rights-of-way and paved streets; B. Street lighting sYstems; C. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and landscaping; D. Storm drainage sYstems; E. Sanitary sewer sYstems; F. Domestic water and fire sYstems; G, Traffic control sYstems; H. Conduit for fiber oPtic sYstems Amend KCC 6.02- Re: Design and Construction Standards 5 Sec. 6.O2.060' Procedure. A. Generally. After consultation with representatives of the departments listed in subsection (B) of this section, the director shall tentatively determine: 1. The nature, extent, and location of the infrastructure improvements that are to be provided within the criteria set forth in KCC 6.02.070; 2. Whether to require the developer to: a Install necessary infrastructure improvements; and/or b. Pay a fee in lieu of construction; and/or c. Execute and record a covenant to run with the land agreeing not to protest the formation of a local improvement district to finance any deferred infrastructure improvements required under this chapter; and/or d. provide plat guarantees as set forth in the construction standards to secure the later construction of the required infrastructure improvements. The director shall discuss the tentative preliminary determination with the developer in relation to the criteria of KCC 6.02.040. After any resulting modifications deemed appropriate by the director, the director shall inform the developer of the final determination' Amend KCC 6.02- Re: Design and Construction Standards 6 B. Interdepartmental review. Before making the final determination required by subsection (A) of this section, the director shall consult with and may incorporate or modify the recommendations of representatives from the following departments of the city: 1. Police; *.----Fire 32. CommunitYdeveloPment; 43. Parks and recreation The director may consult with other city departments as appropriate' Department representatives shall use only the criteria in this chapter to formu late their recommendations' sec. 6.02.070' criteria fOr requiring infrastructure improvements. The director shall use only the following criteria in making the determinations required by KCC 6'02.060(4)(1): A. If the city council, through an approved plan or policy, has, by ordinance or resolution, established the nature, extent, and location of infrastructure improvements to be provided in the vicinity of the property for which the development permit is sought, the director shall require infrastructure improvements under this chapter consistent with the nature, extent, and location thereof as established by the city council. 7 Amend KCC 6'02- Re: Design and Construction Standards B. If the city council has not established the nature, extent and location of infrastructure improvements in the vicinity of the property for which the development permit is sought: 1, The director shall require the appropriate infrastructure improvements if the director has first explored alternatives to requiring the developer to provide the improvements and the director has found these alternatives i#is-orinion-not reasonably feasible, and if the director additionally finds any of the following: a. Similar infrastructure improvements already exist or are scheduted in the immediate vicinity of the property for which the development Permit is sought; b, The ProPosed development Permit is sought infrastructu re im Provements; use of the necessitates property for which the installation of the the c. The property for which the development permit is sought is located in close proximity to an activity center, defined as a park, school, commercial center, large employment center, large multifamily development or any other public or private development where people or activities are concentrated, and that the required improvements will enhance access to this activity center and that it is in the best interests of the residents of the city to enhance access to this activity center; d. Physical characteristics of the property for which a development permit is sought, including but not limited to topograPhY, slope, soil type, drainage pattern, or vegetation, necessitate the installation of i nfrastructu re imProvements; Amend KCC 6.02- Re: Design and Construction Standards 8 6Lr water quality; or Infrastructure improvements are necessary to maintain f. For any other reason, the infrastructure improvements are in the public interest. If the director requires infrastructure improvements under this subsection, the director shall make written findings and conclusions specifying the public interest that necessitates the improvements and the manner in which these improvements will fulfill this public interest. Z. The public works director shall require any infrastructure improvement to comply with the construction standards. Sec. 6,02.O8O. Criteria for deferral for infrastructure improvements. The director may allow the developer to defer the construction of portions of the required infrastructure improvements where such improvements will result in only partial structures, where anticipated future development and/or planned city public works projects will result in more complete and logical systems, and where such deferral is otherwise in the public interest. Upon the determination of the director to allow deferral, the developer shall secure its contribution pursuant to KCC 6'02'060(A)(2)' Sec. 6.O2.090. Enforcement. A. Infrastructure improvements and the conditions of any deferrals required by the director under this chapter shall be listed as conditions of approval and shall become part of the approved development permit' Amend KCC 6.02- Re: Design and Construction Standards 9 B. Preeedafe. The provisions required by the director under subsection (A) of this section shall be enforced as conditions of the approved development permits and otherwise as allowed by applicable law' Sec. 6.O2.1O0. APPeals. A. The determination of the director regarding the nature, location, and extent of infrastructure improvements shall be final, unless an appeal by the developer is made to the hearing examiner within fourteen (14) days after the director's determination, The appeal shall be in writing to the hearing examiner and filed with the public works department. The hearing examiner shall act on the appeal within sixty (60) days unless an extension thereto is agreed to, in writing, by the developer' The hearing examiner should review the decision of the director to assure compliance with this chapter, the general purposes of the comprehensive plan of the city as well as all adopted ordinances, resolutions and standards. B, A fee of twenty five dell as established bv council resolution shall be paid at the time of filing the written appeal. The appeal will not be accepted unless accompanied by full payment of the required fee' C. The decision of the hearing examiner may be appealed to the city council pursuant to the rules and procedures established for the hearing examiner under Ch. 2'32 KCC. D. Decisions of the director with respect to compliance with the construction standards shall be final with no administrative appeal' SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such Amend KCC 6.02' Re: Design and Construction Standards 10 decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect' 'E9TION 5, - Corrections by citY clerk or code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations' SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law' NA RALPH, MAYOR March 16, 2021 Date Approved ATTEST: KI BERLEY MOTO,RK APPROVED AS TO FORM UR'P PATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY March 16. 2021 Date Adopted March 19. 2021 Date Published $t{ r' ;" v7 1, 7- -.,,. Amend KCC 6'02- Re: Design and Construction Standards ,J,rl t_'r', t* ' .',i:+l.l j".,t 11 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & GONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT KENT WASHTNGToN EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT KENT wasHtNcron 2027 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MarkHowlett, PE lnterim Deputy Public Work DirectorKity Engineer NOTE: This plan is not a legal Engineering document but an electronic duplicate.The original, signed by the Engineer and approved for publication is kept on file at the City of Kent. A copy may be obtained upon request. EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DTPARTMENT EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PtJ BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT KENT Engineering Location: 400 W. Gowe . Mail to: 220 4th Avenue South ' Kent, WA 98032-5895 (2s3) Bs6-ss00 FAX: (2s3) 8s6-6s00 WASHTNGtoN Request for Change to Design and Construction Sta nda rds With a publication of the complexity of the City of Kent's Design and Construction Standards there may be errors or omissions that must be periodically corrected. Standards and product types and names also change. The City strives for accuracy and consistency in these standards. Users of this manual are encouraged to recommend changes to the City of Kent's Design and Construction Standards utilizing this form' From Date: Phone Email: City of Kent Public Works Engineering 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 To: Or Fax: (253) 856-6500 Or Email: Comment and provide marked-up copy of requested change(s): EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEGTION 1: GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SECTION 2: CONSTRUCTION CONTROT AND INSPECTION SECTION 3: STANDARDS FORWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 4: STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS SECTION 5: STANDARDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SECTION 6: STANDARDS FOR STREETS APPENDIX A:TREE LIST APPENDIX B: SAMPLE FORMS APPENDIX C:SAMPLE REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS APPENDIX D:SAMPLE ENGINEER COST ESTIMATE AND BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET APPENDIX E: MEET ME ON MEEKER. STREETSCAPE DESIGN AND CON STRUCTION STANDARDS APPENDIX F: DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS P I.J BLIC WORKS DTPARTM ENT TABLE OF CONTENTS POLICY AND PURPOSE P'l 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1'1 1.4 Changes to this Manua|.......... '.........'..'.'.'...'...'.""'1-'l 1 .5 Responsibility to Provide Street lmprovements.....'...'.......'...'.'...'...."...........'.."""1-2 1.5.A Land Development lmpacts ..'...'....""""""""""1-2 1 .5.8 Land Development Abutting Existing Streets.....'...'..'......'...'."........'.....'........."""'1-2 1 .5.C Land Development Containing lnternal Streets....'...........'...'...'..............'...""""'1-2 1,6.4 General References....... ..."""""1-2 1.6.8 Primary Design and Construction References....'...'........'.....'.............""""""""""'1-3 1.6C Other Specifications and Guidelines....... ................... " "" " """'1-4 1.7 Engineering Plans Submittal Requirements '.'............'........'........."'...."""" """""'1-5 1.7.A General Plan Requirements.........,,............ """""'1-5 1 .7 .B Requirements in All Plans,.. .......'......""" """""""1 -6 1.7.C Exemptions from Engineering Plan Requirements"..".................."" "" """""'1-1 1 'l.B Errors and Omissions....... """"1-12 1.9 Consequences of Failure to Comply with Standards.".....'.'.............""""""""'1-12 1.10 Transfer of Ownership of Real Property.. ......... ......... """""1-12 1.1 1 Transfer of Ownership of lmprovements........,....."'........' """"'l-12 1.12 Financial Guarantees,.... """""'1-12 1.12.8 PerformanceGuaranteesforWorkinRightof-Way...'.........'....-.....""""1-13 1.12.C Maintenance Guarantees..... ..."............'........." " 1-1 3 1.12.D 1.12.E 1.13 1.14 Site Restoration Guara ntees 1-1 3 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-14 Reduction/Release of Financial Guarantees......'..."...........'.... Responsibility of Revisions or Additions After Approval 1.15.A AuthorityofEngineer........,..... EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESTGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PI.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT Cooperation by Developer Conformity with Engineering P1ans............... Prosecution of Work...,.......... Removal of Defective or Unauthorized Wor Protection of Public and Private Uti1ities..................',......'.'... Damage to Public and Private Property and Persons.........".......'..".'............'.. Final Inspection and Final Acceptance of Public 1.15.K Maintenance Period of all Public lmprovements.................'........."" """""""""'1-18 1.15.1 Maintenance of Facilities and Public Use.'."..'.......,.".."' ."""""1-19 1.16 LatecomersAgreements.. ."............."""" """""1-19 1.17.A Minimum Criteria forVariances.. '..,...'.""""""1-19 1.17.8 Application forVariance.... .....".......... "" """"""" 'l-20 1 .1 8 Definitions and Abbreviations.................'..' .. '.......'..'...................."" 1 -20 2,O CONSTRUCTION CONTROL AND INSPECTION 2'1 2.1 )) 2.2.4 2.2.8 1.J 2.3.4 23.8 23.C 23.D 2.3.E 24 2A.A 2.4.8 2.4.C 1fL.J 2.6 2.6.4 2.6.8 Inspection lnterim Traffic Control 1.15.D 1.15.E 1.15.F 1.15.G 1.15.H 1 .15.1 1.',I5.J 1-15 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-17 1-17 ll Controlof Materials..... '.."...'...'2-4 Penalties for Failure to Notif,7 and Obtain Approval Source of Supply and Quality of Materials Samples and Tests Temporary Stockpiling and Disturbed Soils Subgrade Traffic Control in Development Construction...........'.........'..........".....'..'.."'..........2-B ill EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.6C 2.6.D 1-7 10 Haul Routes Haul Route Agreement City Forces and City Contract Street Inspection....... .'.....'.."2-9 -9 Easements and Rig hts-of-WaY Watermain Extension Design Requirements Comprehensive Water SYstem Plan Water System Design Standa I m provements and/or Alterations Watermain Locations WaterValves BIowoffs Deletion of Mains, stubs,Valves and Water Services......................'.............'."...3-8 Watermains and Appurtenances................... ..."..............'...'..'.........3-8 Stubs, StubValves and ApPurtena GATCVAIVCS Water Services Deletion Private Fire Syste CallBeforeYou 3.0 STANDARDS FORWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 3'1 3.1 3.1.A 3.1.8 3.3 3A 3.5 ?6 3.6.A 3.6.8 3.6.C 3.6.D 3.6.E 3.6.F 3.6.G 3.6.H ?-7 3.7.4 3.7.8 3.7.C 3.7.D 3.8 3.8.A 3.8.8 3.8.C 3.8.D 3.8.E 3.9 3.10 2 Double Check Detector tusemblies (DCDA) Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA) Double CheckValve Assembly (DCVA) I nstal lation Requirements System Upgrade DomesticWater Service 10 10 10 10 10 11 Water Meters 11 EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.10.A 3.10.8 3.10.c 3.10.D 3.10.E 3.10.F 3.1 1 3.1 1.A 3.1 1.8 3.11.C 3.1 1.D 3.1 1.E 3.1 1.F J. I t.b 3.1 1.H 3.1 1.1 3.12 3.',i3 3.14 3.14.A 3.14.8 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.',]8 3.19 3.19.A 3.19.8 3.19.C 3.19.D Service lnstallation Meter and Meter Box Location Meter Box lrrigation Premises lsolation Meter Setter Water Service Laterals Material LocatorWire Service Saddles Corporation Stops Connections Water Meter lnstallation 13 14 15 15 i5 15 15 '15 16 16 16WaterU Sewer Rate Meters 17 All Sources Discharged Metering 17 Partial Sources Discharged Metering 17 Backflow Prevention 18 Premises lsolation 19 lrrigation System 19 Watermain Materials 19 WaterValves 20 Valve 21 Fire Hydrant Assemblies..... ..'....'....'................'....."3-21 NewWatermain lnstallation And Existing Water Main Pipe Installation 23 Pipe Bedding and Foundation Material .'...., ".,...".......'...'....""'3-23 3.21 3.21.4 3.21.8 11 11 12 13 Pipeline Cover (Backfi ll)24 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESI GN & CO NSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.21.C. Blocking 3.21.D CorrosiveSoils Easements and Rig hts-of-WaY Plan Approval and Permits Sanitary Sewer System Design Requirements General Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Pla 4-2 Service Area Considerations Alignment and Grade Depth Location Garbage Areas, Enclosures and CarWashes..... ......".........""...4-5 Sanitary Sewer Manholes Locatio Diameter Drop Connections................,....... ..'...".......".'..........'...4-6 24 25 l5 26 26 28 3.21.F Pressure and LeakageTests 3.21.G Chlorinelnjection 3.21.1 Final Connection(s) to the Existing Water Main 3.22 Water System Standard P1ans...........""...." """'3-30 4.O STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS 4'1 4.1 4.1.4 4.1.8 4.2 4.3 4.3.4 4.3.8 4.3.C 4.3.D 4A 4A.A 4.4.8 4A.C 4.4.D 4.4.E 4.4.F 4.4.G 4A.H 4.5 4.5.A 4.5.8 45.C 4.5.D 4.5.E 4.5.F 2 2 3 Downstream I 4-7 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BtIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4.s.G 4.5.11 4.5.1 4.5.) 4.6 4.6.4 4.6.8 4.6.C 4.6.D Street Grade Locking Rings Corrosion Protection Private Side Sewer Systems Sewer Perm connections 10 Grinder Pump Systems, Pressure Side Sewers, and Private Force Main Discharge Pipelines from Grinder Pumps................ .,........'4-10 Joint Use Side Sewer and Grinder Pump Systems:'......"..'..........'....,.....'........."'4-15 7 4.6.D.2.) 4.6.D.2.K 4.6.D.2.L 4.6.E 4.6.F 4.6.G 4.6.11 4.7 4.7.4 4.7.B 4.7.C 4.7.D 4.7.E 4.7.F 4.8 4.8.A 4.8.8 4.8.C 4.8.D 4.8.E 4.9 49.4 49.8 4.10 LeakageTesting Backup Storage/System Waste Discharge Approval 17 lnspection BeforeTrenches are Filled..... .'....4-18 Excavation in Streets to be Protected...............,.....'..'..... .............4-18 Sanitary Sewer System Materials 1B Sanitary Sewer Pipe..... ...........'4-18 Fittings 1B 15 15 Manholes and Covers.... '..'.....4-18 Pipe Beddi 19 Sanitary Sewer System I nstallation Connection to Existing Sewer System ...""'4 20 Cleaning Television lnspection Vacuum Testing Sanitary Sewer Manholes Sewage Pump Stations General 22 Design Requirements 1') Sanitary Sewer System Standard Plans vil 25 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 5.0 STANDARDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 5'1 5.',] 5.1,A 5.1.8 s.1.C 5.2 5.3 5A 5A.A 5.4.8 5A.C 5.4.D E( 5.s.A s.5.8 s.5.c s.s.D s.5.E 5.6 s.6.4 s.6.B 5.6.C 5.6.D 5.6.E 5.6.F 5,6.G 5.6.H s.6.1 5.6.J 5.6.K 5.6.1 s.6.M 5,7 5.8 General Design Standards Conflicts Extent of Storm Drainage lmprovements.......'.'..........'........'..'..'.......".."....'....'.........5-1 Easements and Rig hts-of-WaY Pipe Bedding Storm Sewer Pipe Material. "......'.....".'...'......."""5-2 Catch Basin Locations and Junctions '....."'.5-2 Catch Basins 2 Connections to Pipe Systems 3 Manholes in Lieu of Catch Basins Roof andYard Drains Frames, Grates, and Porosity in Metal Castings for Drainage Structures 3Casting for Manhole Rings Metal Grates and Covers for Catch Basins and lnlets Grate and Cover Seating Vaned Grates RunoffCollection in Catch Basins Locking Drain Covers and Grates Fencing for Stormwater Facilities....... ."'.'........5-4 Storm Drain Marker Television lnspection Erosion Control vill EXHIBIT A 2A2T DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS P I.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.0 5.9 Low lmpact DevelopmentTechnologies.'..".........."..'........'........'............ """"""""'5-6 5.10 Storm Drain System Standard Plan 6.2.A ArterialStreets 6.2.8 Collector Streets 7 6.2.D 6.2.E 6.2.F 6.2.G 6.3 6.3.A 6A 6A.A 6.4.8 6A.C 64.D 6.4.E 6.5 6.s.A 6.5.8 6.5.C 6.6 6.6.A 6.6.8 6.6.C 6.6.D 6.6.E 6.6.F 6.6.G 6.6.11 Private Streets Public Half Streets Street lmprovements Minimum Public Street 1mprovements...........................'..'..........."....'...'...'."..........'...6-8 Street Design Standards Street Design SummarY Downtown Overlay District,The Meeker Street Corridor, and Relocation of Naden Avenue South................... .......'...'....'....'......'6-10 Downtown Overlay Design Standards 10 Access Management Standard........... .'.'..'..'....6-12 Traffic Calming 15 Driveways, Sidewalk and Non-Motorized Lanes orTrails...'...'............."...'..6-16 Sidewalks 17 lntersections Design 19 lntersections Spacing 20 On Sloping Approaches 20 '10 10 IX EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.6.1 6.6.) 6.6.K 6.6.L 6.6.M 6.6.N 6.6.O 66.P 6.6Q 6.6.R 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.1 1.A 6.1 1.8 6.1 1.C 6.1 ',t.D 6.1 1.E 6.1 1.F 6.12 6.12.4 6.12.8 6]2.D 6.13 6.13.A 6.13.8 6.14 6.14.4 6.14.8 6.14.C 6.14.D 6.15 Traffi c Signal Equipment 22 Railroad Crossings for New Construction..........'.. .....'.'...'."...'...6-22 lntersection Geometric Design................ .......'6-23 Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams......... '...'.'...'."6-23 Bridge Cross Section 24 Mailboxes Fencing or Pedestrian Rail Structural Retaining Walls and Rock Facin9s............... .............6-28 Traffic Control Devices 30 Traffic Sig 30 Construction Area Traffi c Control 34 Landsca pe Requirements on Pu bl ic Rig ht-of-way Street Light Luminaires Street Light Standards Street Light Calculations Pavement Markings.......... "......6-30 X Street Light Criteria EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARD S PIJ I]LIC WORKS DE PARTM ENT 6.19 Roadway Design Standards 6.20 Street System Standard Plans '......'..'...'.....' """"6-63 APPENDIX A: TREE L|ST......... ..................' A-1 APPENDIX B: SAMPLE FORMS ..................................' B-1 APPENDIX C: SAMPLE REAI ESTATE DOCUMENTS .............""" C-1 APPENDIX D: SAMPLE ENGINEER COST ESTIMATE AND BOND QUANTITYWORK5HEET............. ..... D-l APPENDIX E: MEET ME ON MEEKER - STREETSCAPE DESTGN AND CONSTRUCTION 5TANDARDS............................... E-1 APPENDIX F: DOWNTOWN DESIGN GU1DEL|NES.................."" F-1 6.16 6.16.4 6.16.8 6.16.C 6.17 6.17.4 6.17.8 6.17.C 6.18 6.18.A 6.18.B 6.18.C 6.18.D 6.18.E xi EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT POLICY AND PURPOSE The City of Kent has adopted these Design and Construction Standards (hereinafter'Standards') for two primary reasons: 1. To the extent practicable, to set forth the minimum requirements for specific and consistent construction of and improvements to: public and private streett water utilities, sewer utilities, and storm water utilities; placement and operation of any utilities in rights-of-way;and all excavation and grading in the City.These Standards include procedures for inspection, acceptance, warranty and deviations' 2. To establish uniform criteria to guide the City's own design, construction and improvement of City streets and utilities. These Standards are crafted to enable the Cityto achieve goals for neighborhood and transportation connectivity, transportation safety, affordable housing, storm water management, environmental protection, and cultural resource enhancement in balance with sound and efficient development. With respect to transportation, the City requires consistent standards to assure, so far as practical, that motoring, bicycling, transit, and pedestrian safety needs are met in compliance with requirementifor public safery convenience, aesthetics, surface water drainage, economical maintenance, and cultural and environmental resource protection. Given that the City must have flexibility to carry out its paramount duty to provide for the diverse and changing needs of the traveling publig these Standards are not intended to represent the legal standard by which the City's duty to the traveling public is to be measured. These Standards cannot provide details for all situations.They are intended to guide, but not to substitute for, competent work by licensed professional surveyors, architects and engineers. The City recognizes that these professionals must use their best judgment and skill in design and construction decisiont and must consider manyfactors including, but not limited to, environmental constraints, existing geometry and sub-surface conditions. For its own projects, the City faces the additional factor of limited economic resources which are constrained by limits upon taxing authority. These Standards are not intended to be so inflexible as to limit the economies of lower impact development alternatives or other innovative or creative designs that could result in equivalent or improved safety, quality, and maintainability. At the same time, environmental conditions may requiie more limiiing design parameters than would be otherwise required bythese Standards. Any proposed variance from the Standards will be evaluated as to the likelihood that such variance will produce a compensating or comparable result as would the application of the original standard under typical conditions and be safe and adequate for the public in every way. fhe final decision on any proposed variances will be made by the Deputy Public Works Director/ City Engineer or his or her designee (hereinafter'Engineer'). This document does not require that existing facilities not subject to any public or private development be rebuilt to comply with these Standards, but the Engineer reserves the rightto require upgrades in any particular circumstances where warranted and as required by applicable law. P-1 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJBL IC WOIIKS DTPARTMENT This page intentionally left blank. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 1.0 1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS GENERAL These Standards are the general conditions and requirements for all improvements to or extensions of the City of Kents street, storm drainage and utility systems.The conditions as stated herein, and in the current City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual, apply to all improvements made by public agencies, utilities, and private developers. For the sake of efficiency, the term "Developer'means any person or entity designated or named in writing by the property or easement owner to be the applicant, or a public agency or utility which owns a right-of-way or easement in a permit application or approval for a development proposal or capital improvement project. Developer also includes a permit applicant, one who has already been granted a permit, and the City itself for those situations where City construction activities are subject to approval under the particular standard. While the City will be guided by the standards as noted herein, the City does not grant or require permits or financial guarantees for its own work. APPLICABILITY These Standards shall apply to all newly constructed street, utility, and right-of-way facilities and improvementS public and private, within the City of Kent. The Standards apply to modifications of street features or existing facilities which are within the scope of reconstruction, widening or narrowing, required off-site street improvements for land developments, or capital improvement projects when so required by the City, or to the extent they are expressly referred to in the Kent Comprehensive Plan and associated subarea plans. The Standards shall apply to every new placement and every planned, non-emergency replacement of existing utility poles, underground facilities, and other utility system structures within the City right-of-way. Every effort shall be made to meet the Standards during emergency replacements. SEVERABILITY lf any part of these Standards as adopted by ordinance shall be found invalid, all other parts shall remain in effect. CHANGESTOTHIS MANUAL The Engineer may incorporate minor changes to these Standards as they become necessary. Major, substantive changes shall include an opportunity for public review and comments and adoption by ordinance. With a publication of this complexitythere may be errors that must be conected, and periodic updates required due to changing standards.The City strives for accuracy and consistency in these standards. Any errors, omissions or recommended changes may 1.2 1.3 1.4 1-1 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 1.5 1.6 be submitted to the City utilizing the'Request for Change to Design and Construction Standards'form at the front of this document. RESPONSIBITITY TO PROVIDE STREET IMPROVEMENTS Developers for projects meeting one or more of the thresholds listed below shall construct street improvements, including pedestrian and bicycle facilities, in accordance with these Standards: 1.5.A Land DeveloPment lmPacts Any land development, which will impact the service level, safery or operational efficiency of any City streets serving such land development or is required by other Ciry code or ordinance to improve such streets. Off-site street improvements shall be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land development by the Engineer. 1.5.8 Land Development Abutting Existing Streets Any land development abutting existing public streets.The extent of improvements shall be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land development by the Engineer. 1.5.C Land Development Containing lnternal Streets Any land development that contains internal streets. Unless otherwise approved bythe Engineer, the internal streets shall be constructed in compliance with these Standards. REFERENCES All references herein shall be to the editions or versions in effect at the time a complete application for the required Permit is accepted by the Ciry unless a Developer is otherwise vested by applicable law. 1.6.A GeneralReferences The standards are intended to be consistent with the following codes, Plans,Programs Manuals, Guidelines, Laws and regulations' Kent City Code, as amended, including: a. Title 6: PublicWorls b. Title 7: Utilities c. lltle B: Health and Sanitation d. Title 1 1:Environmental Management e. Title 12:Planning and Land Development 1-2 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT f Title 13:Fire Prevention and Protection g Title 14:Buildings and Construction h. Title 15:Zoning 2. City of Kent ComPrehensive Plan 3. City of Kent Subarea Plans 4. The State Shoreline Management Act and regulations adopted thereunder, RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-26 5. City of Kent Shoreline Management Master Program, Kent City code 1 1.04 6. City of Kent Capital lmprovement Program city of KentTransportation lmprovement Plan 7. City of Kent Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan B. City of Kent Comprehensive Water Plan g. Ciry of Kent Storm Water Master Plan 10. City of KentTransportation Master Plan 1 1 . City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual 1 2. City of Kent Downtown Design Review Guidelines 13. City of Kent Meeker Streetscape Design and Construction Standards 14. lnternational Building and Fire Codes 15. King County Flood Hazard Management Plan '16. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and rules adopted thereunder 17. King county surface water Design Manual (KCSWD) - as amended by the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual Primary Design and Construction References Except where these Standards provide otherwise, the design detail, construction workmanship, and materials shall complywith the current editions or versions of the following publicationt as amended by the City of Kent. 1.6.8 1-3 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1.6.C Washington State Department ofTransportation (WSDOT), Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as amended by the City of Kent. These wil I be referred to as the'WSDOT Standa rd Specificationsl' 2. WSDOT Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction, will be refened to as the'WSDOT Standard Plansl' 3. WSDOTDesign Manual 4. WSDOTConstruction Manual 5. WSDOT Local Programs Environmental classification summaryGuidebook 6. City and Counry Design Standards, adopted in accordance with RCW 35.78.030 a nd RCW 43.3 2.020 as publ ished in WSDOT's Local Agency Guidelines. 7. Washington State Departmentof Health,WaterSystem Design Manual B. United states Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Cross Connection ControlManual g. United States Federal HighwayAdministration (FHWA), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), as adopted and supplemented by the State ofWashington. Other Specifications and Guidelines The following specifications and guidelines shall be applicable when specifically cited in these Standards, when required as a Development condition, and/or when required by state or federal funding authority. 1. WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) 2. Design criteria adopted by federal agenciet including, but not limited to, the United States Federal Housing Administration (FHA), United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), United States FHWA, and United States Department ofTransportation (USDOT) 3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. 4. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges 5. AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities 6. American Society forTesting and Materials (ASTM), applicable standards 1-4 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESI GN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DIPARTMENT 1.7 and specifications as determined by the Engineer 7. King county MetroTransit Facilities Guidelines 8. FHWARoundabouts:An lnformationalGuide g. AASHTO Standard specifications for structural supports for Highway signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals 10. section 106 0f the National Historic Preservation Act and 36 CFR 800 1 1. Section 4(f) of the Department ofTransportation Act of 1966,49 U.S.C. 303 12. Washington State High OccupancyVehicle (HOV) Policy 13. FHWAGuidance on HOVLanes 14. Washington State Department of Ecology, Criteria for Sewage Work 1 5, American Water Work Association, America n Water Work Sta nda rds 1 6. WSDOT U nderstandi ng Flexibil ity in Transportation Design-washi ngton 1 7. lnstitute oflransportation Engineers (lTE), Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities 18. Recommended Practice for Design and Maintenance of Roadway and Parking Facility Lighting, ASSI/IES RP-8-00. ENGINEERING PLANS SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS Engineering Plans for all public and private projects shall be prepared and submitted through the City of Kent Permit Center as part of a civil construction permit application or otherlpplicable permit.The anticipated order of events is:submittal of Engineering Plans and permit application(s);acceptance of Engineering Plans as complete;approval of Engineering Plans;submittal of associated documents such as frnancial guarantees and certificate of insurance; and issuance of permit(s). Projects may be constructed in phases provided that all public and private infrastructure needed to serve the phase being accepted has met the conditions of these Standards. At a minimum, the Engineering Plans shall meet the following requirements: 1.7.A General Plan Requirements 1. A Professional Engineer licensed and in good standing with the State of washington shall prepare the Engineering Plans.The Engineering Plans must be signed and stamped by the responsible Professional Engineer. 1-5 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PtJ BLIC WORKS DFPARTM ENT 1.7.8 2. A cover sheet shall be provided. All engineering plan sheets shall include the same general title block including consecutive sheet numbers.The vicinity map and legend of symbols shall also be included on the cover sheet. 3. The engineering plan sheets shall be22"x34" or 24"x36"in size on good quality white paper and in reproducible black ink. Engineer scale and scale bar shall be required with horizont al 1"=20' andvertical 1 ':5'for the street frontage/ public improvements. site work plans may use an engineering scale of 1'=50'for horizontal and 1"=5'for vertical. Channelization plans for intersections shall be provided at a l ":20'scale. Blue lines/blueprints will not be accepted' 4. All final Engineering Plans submitted to the City shall be bond drawings and shall be clear, legible, contain a north arrow, and be drawn to scale. Electronic and hard copies of the final Engineering Plans shall be submitted in conformance with the requirements of the Permit Center.Where modifications to existing streets and utilities are to be constructed, existinq features shall be'screened or ghost lined'l New construction and/or improvements shall be indicated with heavy bold lines using ApWA standard CAD symbols and layers. Final real property documents shall be submitted in hard copy and an electronic copy which is non-alterable. 5. The Engineering Plans must include existing and proposed survey monuments. The street centerline, easementt and other pertinent data shall be referenced to existing monuments. 6. When applicable, the Engineering Plans shall incorporate the engineering plan requirements of the current Kent SurfaceWater Design Manual. 7. A land survey stamped and signed by a Professional Land Surveyor registered and in good standing with the State ofWashington is required for all preliminary subdivisions, short subdivisions and commercial/ industrial Developments. 8. The Engineer may require other plan elements in addition to those described above. Requirements in All Plans The following items must be incorporated into all Engineering Plans: 1. Horizontal Plan Street or proposed utility system alignments, reading from left to right, showing stationing of points of curvature, tangency, intersection angle points, and with ties to section or quarter corners, also including all necessary curvature data. b. ldentification of all existing and proposed improvements, such as the right-of- way and/or easement lines, the streets, sidewalk, shoulders, utilities, drainage a. 1-6 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT facilities, rock facings, retaining walls, guard rails, bridges, fences and driveways. Existing and proposed driveway cross-sections are required. c. All topographic features within and adjacent to proposed improvemenf and impacts of slopes, drainage, access, future extensions, area and so forth, shall be incorporated into the Engineering Plans. d. All existing and proposed public and private utilities, including water, sewer, telephone, power, gas, cable, and any other utilities within the project area shall be shown on the Engineering Plans. All utility system stubs shall be shown on the Engineering Plans with stationing provided. All existing wells and associated pipes and pump facilities within the property and 100'outside the property lines shall be shown. e. ln the event that off-site street and/or utility system extensions are to be included as part of the construction of the pro;ect then the civil design shall include the information identified herein in the engineered drawings of the off-site utilities. f Existing and proposed drainage facilities, including culvertt catch basins, ditches, etc., indicating direction of flow size, type of pipe, invert and rim elevations. g. ldentification of adjacent streets, subdivisions, building addresset parcel numbert or any other available information to identif,/ locations and future reference (such as property owner and mailing address, if required) shall be shown. All intersections and driveways within 2OO'of the proposed development shall be shown. h. At a minimum, curb return elevations shall be shown at quarter points at all intersections to verif,7 drainage and a smooth transition. Larger radiiwill require more points. i. The vertical and horizontal survey controls for all lnfrastructure lmprovements shall be based on the State Plane coordinates; an assumed coordinate system is noi permitted.The State Plane coordinates shall be on the NAD B3l91 datum and must relate to at least two (2) City of Kent control points within one half mile of the proposed Development. In addition, the project shall be tied into at least two (2) City of Kent NAVD BB vertical benchmark and two (2)additional permanent benchmark shall be established within the project.The locations, descriptions and elevations of these benchmarks will be reported at the time Record Drawings are submitted, along with field notes sufficient to verifl7 the required 1-7 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMFNT preosron. j. lnclude on the cover sheet calculations in square feet (per parcel) of total parcel area, added or removed pervious area and total impervious area. k. These two approval block are to be shown on the plans' 1) City of Kent approved block(4"x2') provided in lower right corner of each sheet, including permit number above the approval block. Approval block area to be printed with the following: 2) Sign-off block provided for Record Drawing certification and printed as follows on each plan sheet, generally in the lower right hand corner: THESE RECORD PLANS ANDTHE INFORMATION SHOWN ACCURATELY REFLECT EXISTING FIELD CONDITION AS OF - (DATE SIGNED). BY 2. Profile Plan Profile drawings shall be prepared with all sanitary sewer, storm drain, PERMIT NO. BASED ON THE SUBMITTED DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS PRO- VIDED BYIHE APPLICANT'S LICENSED ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND ARCHITECTS AND OTH ER CERTI FI ED PROFESSIONALS, THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF KENT ENGI- NEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS Development Engineering Manager Date City Engineer Date a. 1-8 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT domestic water, and street design plans, whether public or private, and with any other plans where vertical control is deemed to be important. b. The existing centerline profile shall be plotted, denoting grade breals, topographic features and any other information important to the design. c. The street and/or utility system profile shall be shown with the same stationing as the horizontal plan. d. Street profiles shall include existing and proposed centerline elevations at 5O-foot stations or less for all centerline grades and vertical curves, including stations and elevations at point of vertical curvature (PVCs), point of vertical intersection (PVls), and point of verticaltangency (PWs).When existing or proposed street includes sections where stopping sight distance or intersection/driveway sight triangle may be deficient, a sight distance diagram shall be included. e. sanitary sewe[ domestic water, and storm drain profiles shall include pipe slopes, pipe type diameters, lengths, rim and invert elevationt manhole and/or catch basin locations, type and numbers, and any other information relevant to the design. f The Storm Drainage Plans shall contain the following table which will be utilized for calculation of system development charges and monthly stormwater utility billing: DRAI NAGE UTILITY SUMMARY TABLE Note: The purpose of this table is to assist in the calculation of system development charges and adjustments in monthly utility billing. 3. DetailPlans a. Detail drawings shall contain adequate dimensions, sectiont non- standard detailt views, notet and call outs to construct the structure, or allow preparation of detailed shop drawings by the fabricator when necessary. Use of very light gray shading and very light hatching is acceptable, provided they do not obscure data and other pertinent Parcel No. Total Area of Parcel (sf)t Exist. lmpervious Area (sf) New lmpervious Area (sf) Total lmpervious Area (sf) Percent lmpervious Area (o/o) 1-9 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT information at ful I and reduced scale. b. Where special construction procedures or structures are required, special detail drawings are required. Standard plans can be referenced to the WSDOT Standard Plans or the standard plan as contained at the end ofeach chapter ofthese Standards and need not to be shown on the Engineering Plans. Detail drawings for facilities such as buildings, water wellS sewage, pump stations, etc. shall be prepared under the supervision of a Professional Engineer licensed and in good standing with the State of Washington. d. Scaled plan view and cross-section of the storm water outlet control structure shall be provided at a scale of 1"=21. ). lllumination Plans a. lllumination plans shall be labeled as street light plans and shall be prepared and stamped by a licensed engineer qualified to design street light systems. b. lllumination plans shall be provided on separate sheets that do not show unrelated street, utilities, or on-site improvements. C. c.lllumination plans may be combined with the landscaping plans' d. The minimum requirement for lllumination plans are as follows: 1) The light standard (pole) used (material, make and model), the mounting height in feet, and the bracket or arm length in feet. 2) The overhang from the curb to the luminaire in feet. 3) The luminaire,light distribution pattern (type of optics and distribution type), lamp type (LED required) and wattage, rated lamp life, and initial lumens. 4) The design spacing and design spacing less 10 percent' 5) The locations of all street lights by station, and the offset to center of pole in feet. 6) All conduit runs, their diameter, material, length between j-boxes, and purpose (street lighting, traffic signal interconnect, spares, etc). 7) On all Collector Arterials and higher classification streets one extra 1-10 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1.7,C 4'diameter Schedule 80 PVC conduit run is required at all non- signalized intersections for the Iater installation of traffic signal interconnects, these conduit runs shall terminate within a new junction box unless otherwise determined bythe Engineer. B) The locations of all new and/or existing service points (the PSF connection or service location), and the new or existing contact service cabinets (the CiV service location), 9) The locations of alljunction boxet existing and proposed, shall be shown including their type and size (Type 1,Type 2, etc), and purpose (lighting, fiber optics or traffic signal). 10) The locations and specifications (mounting height, luminaire and lamps, curb overhangs, etc.) of all existing street lights for a distance of 300'in each direction from the limits of the project site, including both sides of the street(s) and in medians where appropriate. 1 1) Proposed righrof-way improvements including the street curb and gutter, sidewalk and planter strips. Exemptions from Engineering PIan Requirements one or more of the foregoing engineering plan requirements may be omitted or the terms of the applicable requirement may be modified by the Engineer upon the following criteria.The determination of the Engineer shall be final. 1. No more than 2,000 square feet will be cleared and graded within the rightof-way or easement; and 2. The existing grade in the street right-of-way or easement does not exceed 8 percent; and 3. The work will not impact a critical area, or critical area buffer, or otherwise impact critical areas and/or natural surface drainage as set forth in Kent City Code 1 1 .06 or the current Kent Surface Water Design Manual; and 4. Work does not require a full drainage review; and 5. The work is a condition of a street use or utility permit, and involves less than '100 lineal feet of existing public street improvement;and 6. Standard Plans submitted with required permits are sufficient to describe the improvement to be constructed;and 1-1 1 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS P I.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 7. Routine maintenance and minor extensions consisting of less than 300'of existing public or utiliry owned infrastructure and associated appurtenances and service connections. 1.8 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS At the discretion of the Engineer, any significant errors or omissions in the Engineering plans or information used as a basis for permit approvals will constitute grounds for withdrawal of the permits and the issuance of an order to stop any work commenced under the withdrawn permits. Work may not continue unless and until the appropriate professional makes such changes as required by the Engineer to bring the Engineering plans into conformance with these Standards and any non-conforming work is removed or corrected. 1.9 CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURETO COMPLYWITH STANDARDS Failure to comply with these Standards will be cause for denial or revocation of engineering plan approvals and permits;withholding of release of frnancial guarantees; deLy of final inspection; delay or denial of final approval;denial of occupancy certificates (temporary and permanent); notice to surety or other financial institution and/or legal action forforfeiture of financial guarantees;code enforcement;and/or other penalties as provided by law. 1.10 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF REAL PROPERTY All real property and interests therein shall be conveyed to the City by statutorywarranty deed (individual, partnership or corporate) or by dedication pursuant to RCW 58'1 7'165 on final short plats and subdivision plats. Allexceptions and encumbrances shall be cleared prior to conveyance. lnterests to be conveyed include, but are not limited to, rights-of-way, storm drainage easements, slope easements and utility easements. See Appendix C: Real Estate Documents. 1.11 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS All improvementt including but not limited to pavement, utilities and storm water facilities, shall be conveyed to the City by an itemized Bill of 5ale. Under no circumstances will a Bill of Sale be placed on rhe City Council agenda for action until all easements have been approved by the Engineer and recorded, and all infrastructure improvements set forth in the Engineering Plans or otherwise required by the City have been completed and finally accepted by the City. See Appendix B:Sample Forms' 1.12 FINANCIATGUARANTEES All financial guarantees shall be on forms provided by the City and with sureties registered with theWashington State lnsurance Commissioner or other financial institutions acceptable to the City. See Appendix B:Sample Forms' 1.12.A Plat Guarantees All work shown on the approved Engineering Plans should be completed 1-12 EXHIBIT A 2A2I DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1.12.8 1.12.C 1.12,D prior to plat recording. However, the Engineer may allow recording prior to the completion of all work so long as such completion is guaranteed by performance bond in amount equal to one hundred and fifty percent (1500/0) of the Engineer's estimate for the completion of the work. Recordation will not be allowed, in any even! unless all surveying and monumentation is complete. Performa nce G ua ra ntees for Wo rk i n Ri ght-of-Way As a condition of the applicable permit, the timely, complete and faithful performance of all construction work on City right-of-way (either maintained or unmaintained) or stormwater tracts shall be guaranteed in an amount to be calculated at one hundred and twenty five percent (125o/o) of the Engineer's Cost Estimate (see Appendix B:Sample Forms). Fifteen percent (15%o) of the guarantee or five thousand dollars ($5,000), whichever is greater, shall be in the form of an assignment of funds.The balance may be by performance bond, inevocable lener of credit or, in the alternative;the entire guarantee may be in the form of an assignment of funds. Developers with a history of corrections or defaults must provide the full guarantee by assignment of funds. The minimum bond for a Grade and Fill Permit shall be one thousand dollars (s1,000).The minimum bond for a civil Permit shall be five thousand dollars ($5,ooo). Mai ntenance Guarantees Maintenance and the successful operation of the right-of-way improvements or related drainage facilities shall be warranted for a period of at least two years (or other period as required by Kent City Code) from the date of final construction approval. The warranty shall be guaranteed in an amount to be determined bythe Engineer.The minimum maintenance guarantee shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or twenty percent (2070) of the original performance guarantee, whichever is greater.The forms of the guarantee shall be as set forth in Subsection 1 .'12.B herein.The City will inspect the improvements and identifii to the Developer any noted deficiencies. The Developer will have 30 days to conect any deficiencies as set forth in subsections 2.2.A.11and 12.The satisfactory correction of the work may commence a new 2-year maintenance period forthe improvements as corrected as determined by the Engineer.The City will initiate collection against the financial guarantee if deficiencies are not satisfactorily addressed by the end ofthe 30-day response period. Site Restoration Guarantees For grade and fill permitt the completion and performance of all stormwater and erosion control measures shall be guaranteed prior to commencing work and for a period of at least one year (or other period as required by Kent city code) from the date of final construction approval.The amount of the site restoration guarantees shall be determined bythe Engineer.The forms of site restoration guarantee shall be as set forth in Subsection 1.12.8 herein. ln addition to foreclosure for failure to perform the terms of the permits, the City 'l-1 3 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT retains the right to foreclose on the financial guarantee and utilize the funds to reduce drainage impacts and permanently stabilize the site in the event that the City determines that the site has been abandoned. The City will consider a site to be abandoned based on the absence ofresponse by the Developer to correct noted deficiencies or failure to complete improvements prior to permit expiration. Permanent stabilization includes, but is not limited to, reclamation of the site if a prolect is abandoned after construction or excavation has commenced. 1.12.E Reduction/Releaseof Financial Guarantees original financial guarantee amounts may be reduced one time only prior to the maintenance period, at the discretion of the Engineer. lf an extension to the associated permit is granted, the financial guarantees may be increased based on an updated engineer's cost estimate or as determined bythe Engineer Financial guarantees will be fully released only after all final punchlist items are accomplished, final construction approval, and the elapse of the 2-year maintenance guarantee period with all corrective actions complete and accepted by the City. ln no event will the required 15 percent assignment of fundt pursuant to Section 1.12.B, be released prior to the completion of the 2-year maintenance guarantee period. 1.13 RESPONSIBITITY OF DEVELOPER The Developer is responsible for completing all work and infrastructure improvements in full compliance with the approved Engineering Plans.The Developer shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, necessary supplies and incidentals required to make each and every item complete as documented by said Engineering plans. All financial guarantees shall show the Developer as the Obligor and the City as Obligee. Developer shall be held responsible for the actions or omissions of any agents, heirs, assigns or contractors. 1.14 REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS AFTER APPROVALS A Developer may seek revisions or additions to the Engineering Plans after approvals for good cause shown, at the discretion of the Engineer.The Engineer may require tuuitiont or additions to Engineering Plans upon his or her initiative. Revisions must be presented through revised plans to be reviewed and approved by the Engineer before work under the plans is undertaken. Revisions in the Engineering Plans and other associated documents shall have the same force and effect as if contained in the original approved Engineering Plans and documents. Associated permits will be amended and/ or conditioned accordingly.The decision of the Engineer in this regard shall be final. 1.15 CONTROL OFWORK 1.15.A AuthoritY of Engineer Work included in the Engineering PIans and related documents are to be done to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.The decisions of the Engineer as to the construction and intent of the approved Engineering Plans and 1-14 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 1.15.8 1.1s.C 1.15.D estimates and as to all questions arising as to proper performance of the work shall be final. The Engineer shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to the quality or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the Engineer to direct the method or manner of performing any work under this chapter. However, the work in progress shall be open to inspection by the Engineer at all times.The Engineer may appoint staffengineers and inspectors to review engineering plans, inspect the materials used and the work performed, and may otherwise delegate authority as is appropriate. Authority and Duties of lnspectors The Engineer will assign inspectors to inspect all materials used and all work performed. Such inspection may extend to any or all parts of the work and to the preparation and/or manufacture of the materials to be used.The lnspector will not be authorized to revise, alter, increase or relax the provisions of these Standards or conditions attached to approved Engineering Plans or permits. An inspector is assigned to the site to keep the Engineer informed as to the progress of the work and the manner in which it is being done, as well as to call the attention of the Developer to any unapproved deviations from the approved Engineering Plans. Failure of the lnspector or the Engineer to call the attention of the Developer to faulty work or deviations from the approved Engineering Plans shall not constitute acceptance of said work. The Engineer may approve any portion of the work or require revisions to the Engineering Plans prepared by the Developer's Professional Engineer when necessary, due to conflicting or unanticipated field conditions.The lnspector will have authority to reject defective material and to suspend any work that is being improperly done, subject to the final decision of the Engineer. The lnspector will exercise such additional authority as may be specifically delegated to him/her by the Engineer. lnspector Overtime lf the Developer wishes to extend daily working time beyond the established working hours of the assigned inspector and if such extension of time is not contrary to law or regulation and arrangements are made with the Engineer, the Developer will compensate the City for the lnspectort time at an overtime rate of time and a half plus actual applicable overhead costt such costs to be determined bythe Engineer.The Developerwill be invoiced monthlyfor such costs and Developer will pay such invoice within thirV (30) days of mailing by delivering a check or money order to the City of Kent' Cooperation by DeveloPer A set of approved Engineering Plans, permits and any variances and/or 1-15 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTI ON STANDARDS PIJ BtIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 1.15.E 1.1s.F 1.15.G revisions must be kept available on the site at alltimes.The Developer or designated representative shall be at the Site at all times during the progress of work.The Developer must be available to receive explanations as necessary from the Engineer to allow the satisfactory performance and completion of the work.The Developer may not cause any unnecessary delay or hindrance to other City workers, utility workers, or other parties performing work on the same City rights of way or on adjacent real property and will coordinate and cooperate with such other workers to the fullest extent possible. Conformity with Engineering Plans The work shall be done in strict conformity with the approved Engineering Plans and according to such necessary instructions as may be given bythe Engineer or designated representative.The Developer shall protect and preserve all survey stakes, pointt or mark in their original position that were set for the work in order to allow proper inspection. Any revision from the approved Engineering Plans, approved conditions of development, or instructions must be approved by the Engineer prior to proceeding with the work per Subsection 1 .14 herein. Prosecution of Work The Developer shall begin work within ten (10) calendar days from the pre- construction conference, u nless otherwise approved by the Engi neer. The Developer shall diligently pursue the work to the physical completion within twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the relevant permit unless an extension is granted by the Engineer. Regardless of the status of construction, the civil construction permit will expire automatically with the expiration of an associated commercial building permit or with the passing of deadlines for the underlying land use actions.lf the work is not commenced or completed as required, the permit will expire, and a stop work order will be issued by the publicwork Department.The Developer shall be required to applyfor new permits and be reviewed according to the regulations in place at the time when the new application is deemed complete. Removal of Defective or Unauthor:zed Work Defective work or materials may be rejected by the Engineer at any time before the Final Acceptance of the work. Notice of such rejection will be given in writing by the Engineer. such rejected work shall be immediately iemoved or disposed of to the satisFaction of the Engineer.The Engineer will act in the public interest to the extent possible, but has no affirmative duty to discover non-conforming or inferior work or material. lnspection by the city will in no way release the Developer from responsibiliry liability or penalties, nor shall it be construed as acceptance of such work. Neither inspection nor Final Acceptance will bar the City from recovering damages and otherwise foreclosing on financial guarantees for damages for latent or undiscovered defects. lt will be a condition of the applicable permit that the Developer save, 1-16 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PtJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT defend and hold harmless the city for claims for damages due to any and all defective work and/or materials. See also Section 2 of the Design Standards manual,2.3.D Defective Materialt for additional explanation. 1.15.H Protection of Public and Private Utilities The Developer shall be responsible for locating all existing underground and above ground utility system facilities, including traffic loops, in rights-of-way and protecting them against damage from Developer's activities. Such utilities must be located by Developer and shown on the Engineering Plans whether they are shown on available City Record Drawings or not.The Developer shall support and protect all pipes, conduits, loops, poleg wires or other apparatuses which may be in any way affected by the work, and do everything to support, sustain, and protect the same, under, over, along, or across the rightof-way. lf Developer damages any public or private utility system facilities in City right- of-way, Developer shall arrange for repairs or payment for repairs with the utility,franchisee, or licensee owning the facilities. lt will be a condition of the applicable permit that Developer save, defend and hold harmless the City from any and all claims for damages to utility system facilities in the City's rights-of- way.This condition will include damages asserted by the utiliry its customers or other third parties, Damage to Public and Private Property and Persons The Developer's work shall be confined to rights-of-way and property owned by Developer as designated in the Engineering Plans or to property for which the Developer otherwise has license or property rights as designated in the Engineering Plans. Developer shall not enter upon or place materials on other public or private properry lt shall be a condition of the permit that Developer will save, defend and hold harmless the City from all claims for damages to public or private property or to persons upon such property' Final Inspection and FinalAcceptance of Public lmprovements A Final inspection is a prerequisite to any Final Acceptance event.The Engineer will not make or direct the final inspection until all wor( including final cleanup, has been completed in compliance with the approved Engineering Plans and permits and to the satisfaction of the lnspector;and the Bill of Sale and approved Record Drawings have been submitted to the PublicWork Department. ln addition, the Developer shall, at any time requested, submit to the Engineer properly authenticated documents or other satisfactory proof as to compliance with the approved Engineering Plans and permits. 1. Following the conection of all defects as noted on the final inspection, the respective improvements shall be considered ready for acceptance within thirty (30) days See Section 2.2.A.11Final lnspection, for scheduling 1.15.1 1.15.J 1-17 EXHIBIT A aOZTDESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT notiflcation requirements with the City. Final acceptance of improvements requires the following: 2. Record drawings -The approved Engineering Plans, technical reports and electronic CAD files shall be revised by the Developer to reflect actual constructed improvements.The field surveyed record drawings shall be certified by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed and in good standing by the State ofWashington as to actualfield construction. 3. Bill of Sale -The Developer shall submit a completed Bill of Sale to the Engineer itemizing the respective improvements to be accepted by the City.The Bill of Sale shall include an affidavit stating that all debts sustained during the construction and acceptance of this project have been paid, and by said acceptance of the infrastructure improvements identified in the Bill of sale, all debts prior to acceptance of the infrastructure improvements by the City are the sole responsibility of the Developer.The property and improvements shall be unencumbered. 4. Certified Final lnspection Punchlist - A completed final inspection punchlist, certified by the Engineer or the Engineer's representative as having been completed, shall be provided' 5. Close-out Review - lf the examination of the item described and submitted in steps 1 - 3 above, or of the work reveals any defects, such defects shall be repaired or replaced as the Engineer may direct before further inspection and proceeding to Final Acceptance.The cost of such repairs and replacements shall be borne solely by the Developer' 6. Final Acceptance/City council consideration - Following approval of the Record Drawings, the certified inspection list, and the Bill of sale the Engineer will cause formal City Council action for Final Acceptance to be placed on the appropriate agenda. lf Final Acceptance is approved by the cityCouncil, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Publicwork infrastructure identified on the Bill of Sale will thereafter be undertaken by the City. Provided, however, that Developer will continue to be bound to the maintenance and restoration guarantees required herein' 1 .15.K Maintenance Period of all Public lmprovements Following Final Acceptance of all public improvementt the Developer shall guarantee satisfactory performance of design, materialt workmanship and operation for a period of two (2)years and provide the frnancial guarantees required in section '1 .'1 2. Any defects arising or becoming apparent during the first 2-year period shall be corrected by the Developer, at no cost to the city, at which time a new 2-year guarantee period will commence. Failure to conect defects within thirty (30) days, or sooner if directed by the Engineer, will result in foreclosure by the City on the financial guarantee as needed for the City to perform the correction as public work. 1-18 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 1.15.L Maintenance of Facilities and Public Use A maintenance and defect agreement shall be signed by the Developer prior to engineering plan approval.The Developer shall be responsible for all the improvements to City infrastructure and shall warrant from defects said improvements until they have been accepted by the City and for two years thereafter, as described in previous sections.This agreement shall also consider the plant establishment period for landscaping defined in Section 6.13.1n the event that any portion of the public improvements come into public use prior to formal City Council Action for Final Acceptance, the City will assume responsibiliry for routine cleaning and/or any damage caused by normal public use. 1.16 LATECOMERSAGREEMENTS Any Developer utilizing private funds to install domestic water, storm drainage, sanitary sewer and/or street improvements, including signalization and street lighting, to the City owned systems in accordance with these Standards may apply to the City to recover a prorated share of the cost of constructing said improvements from other properties that will later derive a benefit. The Developer may apply for a latecomer agreement with the City pursuant to RCW 35.72, RCW 35.91 RCW and Kent City Code 6.05 by following the procedures set forth in these provisions. 1,17 DESIGN VARIANCES The Engineer may approve variances from these Standards under the criteria set forth in this subsection. See also, Section 1 .14 Revisions or Additions After Approvals. Variance requests for short plats and subdivisions should be proposed at the preliminary application and prior to any public hearing. All known variances must be approved prior to approval of the Engineering Plans for construction' 1.17.A Minimum Criteria for Variances Variances from these Standards may be granted by the Engineer upon the following minimum criteria which must be shown bythe Developerto be based on sound engineering principles: 1 . An application for variance that indicates those sections of the Standards which are relevant to the proposed alternative and explanation of how the variance meets the essential elements of these Standards' 2. An application for variance that includes a specific description of the proposed alternative to the Standards along with supporting documentation. Documentation may include, but is not be limited to, a record of successful use by other agencies, or evidence of meetinq criteria for quality such as the American Association of state Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and American Society forTesting and 1-19 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Materials (ASTM) standa rds. 3. Verification that such variances are not contrary to the public interest. 4. Verification that compliance with the standards from which the variances are sought it under the circumstances, not feasible. 5. Verification that the activity as permitted underthe variance will require no compromise from these Standards with respect to safety, function, fire protection, transit needs, appearance and maintainability' 6. Verification that all requirements of the lnternational Fire Code and any other aPPlicable codes are met' 1.17.8 Application for Variance 1 . Variance application forms are available at the Permit Center or online at the City's website at 2. Allvariance applications must be signed and sealed by a licensed professional Engineer certirying that the design features that do not meet design standards are acceptable based on engineering principals and Professiona I j udgment. 3. Variance applications for location of utilities by an entiry allowed by franchise or permit must be prepared and submitted by that entity. 4. Variance requests shall be directed to the Engineer on forms prescribed by the Public Works DePartment. 1.18 DEFINITIONSANDABBREVIATIONS when referring to these standards the following definitions shall apply: Average DailyTraffic (ADT) -The totalvolume during a given time period (in whole days), Eeater than one (1 ) day and less than one (1) year, divided by the number of days in that time period. ADT is typically used in quantiflTing the combined number of vehicles traveling in both directions on a particular street' Alley - A public or privately maintained thoroughfare, tract, or easement, usually narrower than a street, which provides access to the rear boundary of one or more lots and is not intended for general traff c circulation. Applicant - For the purposes of these Standards, Applicant shall be considered the same as Developer; and may be used interchangeably. Appurtenance - Equipment and/or accessories that are part of an operating system or 1-20 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJBL IC WORKS DIPARTMENT subsystem. Arterialstreets - A street classification which includes principal, minor, industrial collector and residential collector arterials and residential collectors.Those streets so designated by the City of Kent Transportation Master Plan, and described in more detail in Seition 6.2 StreetTypes and Geometrict and following the guidelines contained in the Federal Function Classification System. Auxiliary Lane -That portion of the street adjoining the traveled way for speed change, turning, storage for turning, weaving, truck climbing, or other purposes supplementary to th rough-traffi c movement. Backfill - Replacement of excavated material with suitable material compacted as specified. Best Management Practices (BMPs) - A schedule of activities, prohibitions of practices, physical structures, maintenance procedures, and other management practices undertaken to reduce or prevent increases in runoffquantity and pollution. Bike Lane - A travel lane, located within the paved area of a street, which is provided for the exclusive use of bicycles designated by lane use signs and pavement markings. Billof Sale -The transfer of ownership document that Developer must provide before the City will agree to accept, operate and maintain public improvements.The Bill of Sale will contain an itemized list and associated costs of all improvements to be conveyed to and subsequently owned and operated bythe City. Bollard - A fixed or removable post designed to prevent vehicular accest or to prevent damage to an adjacent above-ground structure. Breakaway Structure - A structure that has been crash tested in accordance with National cooperative Highway Research Program procedures - NCHRP 230. Buffer -The zone contiguous to a critical area as defined in Kent City Code 1 1 '06 that is required for the continued maintenance, function, and/or structural stability of the critical area. Boring -Grade and alignmentcontrolled mechanical method of installing a pipe or casing under a street without disturbing the sunounding medium. Bus40 -This is the designation for a particular class of bus with a wheelbase (WB) measurement of 401This is used by the City as the design vehicle for garbage, frre and stormwater maintenance trucl$. Caliper -The unit of measurement for a tree trunk measured at 68 above ground level 1-21 EXHIBIT A }OZLDESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT for trees up to 4"in diameter, and at 12"above the ground for trees larger in diameter. Certificate of Materials - An approved list of materials certified by the manufacturer or supplier as meeting the minimum requirements of these Standards. Channelization -The separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by the use of pavement marking5 raised islands or other suitable means to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of both vehicles and pedestrians. Gharge ln Lieu of Assessment -The fee charged to a Developer when their development of a parcel of land is contingent upon use of public facilities to be built under a City Local lmprovement District or Utility Local lmprovement District, when the Developer of the subject parcelwas not included within the original Local lmprovement District or Utility Local lmprovement District boundaries. City -The City of Kent, acting through its legally constituted elected officials, employees or agents. ClearZone -The total roadside border area starting at the edge of the traveled way available for use by errant vehicles.This area may consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or aclear run-out area in accordance with AASHTO guidelines. Clearing -The act of destroying, trimming, altering, or removing vegetation by any means, Collector Streets - A street classification which includes industrial collector arterial, residential collector arterial, and residential collector. Commercial Development - Includes multi-family residential, and commercial, office or industrial buildings. Compaction -The densification offrll by mechanical means. Construction Manager -The Construction Management Section Manager or his/her designee authorized by the Engineer to oversee the inspection and acceptance of street, storm drainage, and/or utiliry system improvement projects constructed pursuant to private development permits and the City's capital improvements administered by the Department. Contractor -The individual, partnership, firm, corporation or joint venture contracted with the ownerto perform prescribed work. Cost -The cost to make all improvements including, but not limited to, grading, paving, utility extensions, building additions, alterations or repairs on site for the prrpor. of determining whether or not a project is exempt from the requirements of 1-22 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PI-J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT these Standards as allowed in Kent City Code 6.02.040.This cost shall be based on a construction cost estimate prepared by a licensed contraclor, professional enqineer or Architect. CriticalAreas - Areas within the Cirythat include wetlandl streams, wildlife and fisheries habitat, geologic hazardareas, frequently flooded areas and aquifer recharge areas. Cubing -The process of inserting foam cubes (pigs) into and pushed through a new water or sanitary sewer main to remove any residug dirt, debris, obstruction or foreign materialfrom the pipe.This process is also referred to as'piggingl CuFde-sac - A short street having one end open to traffic and the other temporarily or permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround at or near the terminus. Culvert - Pipe, pipe arch or concrete box structure which drains open channels, swales or ditches under a street or embankment;typically with no catch basins along its length. Cut - See Excavation. Dead End - A street with a single location for ingress and egress for vehicles. Deputy Director/City Engineer -The PublicWork Deputy Director(ity Engineer, hereinafter referred to as "En g i neerl incl ud ing authorized representatives. Design Capacity -The traffic volume at which a particular class of street will operate at un .ttublith.d acceptable level-of-service.Typically, the design capacity of a street is the number of vehicles, in a24-hour period at which that street would operate at a level of- service"E"or"Fi'as defined in the City of KentTransportation Master Plan' DesignVariance-The process and resulting documentation associated with a g.orutti. f.uture created or perpetuated by a PublicWorks improvement that does not conform to the minimum criteria set forth in these Standards and policies, but does provide the same safety elements to the public.This includes what some may refer to as a design exception, deviation or exemption' See Section 1-17. Design Speed -The vehicle speed approved by the Engineer which is used to determine the design elements of a street, including but not limited to, intersection/ driveway sight triangle, stopping sight distance, super-elevations, curve radii, etc. for residential and industrial streets, or equal to 5 mph above the posted speed for streets designated as arterials and equal to the posted speed limit for collectors and local streets unless otherwise determined by the Engineer. DesignVehicle-TheFHWAclassificationofvehicle(such as"WB-62",BU5,orSU)thatis used io establish the design of a particular street, intersection, or driveway; or the on-site maneuvering area required in the parking/loading area of a private business or public 1,)3 EXHIBIT A 2OZI.DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMFNT facility. Developer - For the purposes of these Standards, the Developer means any person or entitydesignated or named in writing by the property or easement owner to be the Applicanf or a public agency or utility which owns a right-of-way or easement in a permit application or approval for a development proposal or capital improvement pioject. Developer also includes a permit applicant, one who has already been granted a permit, and the City itself for those situations where City construction activities are subject to approval under the particular standard. Development - Land disturbing activities;structural development (including construction or installation of a building or other structure);creation of impervious surfaces;and subdivision, short subdivision and binding site plans, as defined in RCW 58.17. Director -The City of Kent's PublicWork Director hereinafter referred to as"Directo#and his or her authorized representatives. Downtown Overlay - A special planning district within the City of Kent shown on Standard Plan 6-Ba.The Downtown Overlay implements the guidance related to streets and sidewalk in the Cityof Kent Downtown Design Review Guidelines.The Downtown Overlay standards are superseded by the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards for that portion of the Downtown Overlay area fronting Meeker Street, whose crosswalk, medians, and streetscape features shall comply with the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards. Additional design criteria are required for streets, developments, properties and projects within this area. See Section 64.C Downtown Overlay and Naden Avenue South Desiqn Standards. Drainage Master Plan -The City of Kent Comprehensive Drainage Plan prepared as part of the City of Kent Surface Drainage Utility Ordinance. Drip Line -The circle that would exist if you drew a line below the tips of the outer most branches of a tree or plant. Driveway - A privately maintained access to residential, commercial or industrial properties, DrySeason - ln the application of these Standards:April '1 to September 30 of each year. Easement - Means a legal encumbrance that is placed against a property's title to reserve specified privileges for the users and beneficiaries, both public and private, within the boundaries ofthe easement Engineer - See Deputy DirectorKity Engineer. 1-24 EXHIBIT A 2A2T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DT- FARTM TNT Engineer Cost Estimate -The estimated cost of construction of all improvements included in the approved Engineering Plans.The estimate is based on the Engineer Cost Estimate Form provided in these Standards in Appendix D. Allfees referencing a percentage of the construction cost shall be based on this Engineer Cost Estimate. Engineering Plans -The official drawings, plans, profiles, typical cross-sections and supplementil drawings, and specificationt technical reports, or reproductions thereof approved by the Engineer; which show the location, character, dimensions and details of workto be performed.The engineering plan shall be prepared, dated, stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State ofWashington. All such documents are to be considered as a part of the plans whether attached to or separate. An engineering plan may be supplemented with reports which contain detailed calculalions, structural calculations, or other supporting documents needed to assess the total plan. Engineering Review - An evaluation by the Public Work Department of a proposed propctt compliance with these Standards and other applicable City, State, and Federal regulations, ordinance5 and policies. Erosion -The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water, or ice. Eyebrow - A partial cul-de-sac bulb located adjacent to the serving street that provides access to Iots and serves as a vehicle turnaround. Excavation -The removal of earth material by artificial means also referred to as cut. Filling - Deposition of earth materials by artificial means. FinalAcceptance - Acceptance by City Council action of the infrastructure improvements constructed by the Developer and the point at which the City assumes ownership, operation and maintenance based on the Bill of Sale. Finalconstruction Approval -The approval granted bythe Engineer of all infrastructure improvements constructed by the Developer as required by the approved Engineering Plans. All items on the final inspection punchlist must be completed priorto receiving this approval. FinalCleanup - As defined in the WSDOT Standard Specification Section 1-04'11 ' Finallnspection -This is the last inspection of the physical infrastructure improvements bythe lnspector and PublicWorks Department staffresulting in the list of correction items shown in the frnal inspection punchlist. Final Inspection Punchlist -The list prepared by the Inspector of missing or defective work that must be completed in accordance with the approved Engineering Plans and 1-25 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT any revrslons. FinancialGuarantee - A surety bond, assignment of funds, irrevocable letter of credit, or other means acceptable to or required by the Engineer to guarantee that work is completed in compliance with the project's approved plans, and in compliance with City of Kent requirements. Footcandle (fc) -This is a unit of measurement for illumination. A footcandle equals one lumen per square foot. Geometrics -The physical arrangement of the visible elements of a street such as alignment, grade, curvature, width and side slopes' Grade - The vertical location of the ground surface. Grade, Existing -The grade prior to grading. Grade, Finished -The grade of the site at the conclusion of all grading and/or construction activities. Grading - An excavation or fill, or combination thereof H-20 - A design load consisting of a two-axle loading specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifi cations for Highway Bridges. HS-20 - A design load consisting of a three-axle loading specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Half-Street - An interim street section built adjacent to the property line which eventuallywill be completed to a fullwidth street section when the adjacent property is developed. Hammerhead - A type of street feature used to provide a place for vehicles to turn around at the end of a private'dead-end"street.The turnaround is shaped like a hammer or the letter"T'1 lmproved City Street - A term referring to a public street typically paved with asphalt .onctetu, and having such features as sidewalk,landscaping, a paved area for parked vehicles, curbs and gutters, street lightt traffic signs, pavement markings, etc.This is in contrast to an "unimproved"street with no physical improvements or which might be built with only an unmaintained gravel surface. lnfrastructure lmprovements - Street improvementt Street lighting, traffic control devices and signage, water, sewer, Street and storm drainage SyStemS, and COnduit for fiber optics systems. Ingress/Egress - Points of access to and from a property or parcel. 1-26 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS P I.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT Inspector -The City's authorized representative assigned to make all necessary inspections of work performed, or of materials furnished or being furnished by the Developer. Intersection/Driveway SightTriangle -The specified areas along intersection and driveway approach legs, and across their included corners, that are clear of obstructions that might block a driver's view of potentially conflicting vehicles.The dimensions of the legs of the sight triangles depend on the design speed and the type of traffic control used at the intersection. Intersection -The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb linet or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two or more highways which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles; or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different highways joining at any other angle may come in conflict. Joint-Use Driveway - A private driveway jointly owned and maintained driveway serving two properties. KC/DNRP-IWP -The King County Department of Natural Resources and Parla lndustrial Waste Program, acting through its legally constituted elected officials, employees or agents, Keyway - A compacted fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a slope. Landing - A street or driveway approach area to any public or private street. AlSq this refers to the level area at the back of the sidewalk ramp, typically 5'wide. Land Disturbing Activity - Any activity that result in movement of earth, or a change in the existing soil cover (both vegetative and non-vegetative) and/or the existing soil topography. Land disturbing activities includg but are not limited to, clearing, grading, filling, and excavation. Compaction that is associated with stabilization of structures and street construction shall also be considered land disturbing activity. Latecomers Agreements -Those agreements which identif,T costs for constructed public improvements that will be shared by other developers when they develop parcels within the specific time period specified by those agreements. See RCW 35.91 '020 and 35.72. Local lmprovement District - A method provided by RCW 35.43 by which a group of property owners can share in the cost of transportation or utility system infrastructure improvements.This may involve improving the street, building sidewalks, installing water and sanitary sewer service, and providing a stormwater management system. Local lmprovement Districts may be used to finance new improvements or improvements on existing streets that previously have been accepted for maintenance by the City. 1-27 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LocalAccess Streets - A street classification which includes industrial/commercial local access and residential local access streets. These streets are designed in the Transportation Master Plan and described in more detail in Chapter 6.2 - StreetTypes and Geometrics, following the guidelines contained in the Federal Functional Classification System. Lot - A physically separate and distinct parcel of property that has been created pursuant to the provisions Kent City Code 'l 2.04 or pursuant to any previous laws governing the subdivision, short subdivision or segregation of land. For the purposes of these Standards, Lot shall be considered the same as Property or Parcel and may be used interchangeably' Low lmpact Development (LlD) - An innovative ecosystem-based approach to land Development and storm water management that results in fewer environmental impacts. Lumen -The unit of measurement for lighting levels. Luminance -The reflected light from street lights or other light sources from the pavement surface that is visible to the motorist's eye. Mainline Extension -The extension or expansion of the system of watermaint sanitary sewer mains, storm drainage systems, streett and all related appurtenances to be constructed in whole or in part as required by the conditions of approval. Generally mainline extension refers onlyto improvements that, following City Council acceptance, become part of the City utility or street systems. MaterialsTesting Laboratory - A materials testing laboratory adhering to ASTM and AASHTO accepted standards and all reports shall be stamped and signed by a Professional En gineer. Meeker Street Corridor *The Meeker Street Corridor runs the length of Meeker Street from Kent-Des Moines Road on the west and central Avenue on the east. Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards - Streetscape design standards that apply to those properties that front the Meeker Street Corridor and titled'Meeker Street Streetscape Design and Construction Standardsi'and adopted by Council through Ordinance No.4262.The Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards provide distinct design criteria that are required for the streetscape, including streett sidewalk, medians, and crosswalk, along the Meeker Street Corridor. Monitoring -The collection of data by various methods for the purposes of understanding natural systems and features, evaluating the impacts of development proposals on such systems, and assessing the performance of mitigation measures imposed as conditions of development approval. National pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) -This is the part of the federal Clean Water Act which requires point source dischargers to obtain permits.These 1-28 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PtJ BLIC WORKS DTPARTMFNT permits are refened to as NPDES Permits and are administered by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Owner - Forthe purposes of these Standardt Owner shall be considered the same as Developer, and may be used interchangeably. pathway - A facility designated for pedestrian and non-motorized traffic. Pathways are typically constructed of asphalt and may be part of the paved shoulder. Separation from vehicle traffic may be provided by pavement striping, curbing, planter strip, a ditch or open space. pavementWdening - Pavement widening projects are expansion of the street surface for vehicular use and may involve earthworK drainage and paving elements.These projects are considered alterations of the street and must address ADA accessibility for pedestrians. Permit - Any land use or environmental approval or license required from the City of Kent for a project action, including but not limited to building permitt site development permitt land use preparation permits, subdivisions, binding site plans, planned unit developments, conditional uset shoreline substantialdevelopment permits, and engineering plan review. Plan Approval-The approval of the Engineering Plans by PublicWork staff for the uppropiiut. permit application.This approval is a prerequisite for being able to have the permit issued. Also required from the Developer for permit issuance are the appropriate financial guaranteet certificate of insurance, and payment of all applicable fees and charges. Plans - See the definition for Engineering Plan. Posted Speed -The speed limit as established by City and State codes and posted on officialsigning. Pre-Construction Conference - Meeting held bythe Engineerwith the Developer, utilities, contractors and staffto convey information regarding the expectations ofthe City. pre-Developed Condition -The native vegetation and soils that existed at a site prior to the influence of Euro-American settlement.The pre-developed condition shall be assumed to be a forested land cover unless reasonable, historic information is provided that indicates the site was prairie prior to settlement. private AccessTract - A privately owned and maintained tract that provides vehicular access to nine (9) or fewer single-family residential properties' private Street - Any private street that serves nine (9 or fewer single-family residential lots, or certain streets within a planned unit development (PUD). 1-29 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Professional Engineer - A person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qruiified to practice engineering as defined in RCW 18.43, as attested by his or her legal registration as a Professional Engineer professional Land surveyor - A person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and principles and practices of land surveying, which is acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to practice land surveying as defined in RCW 1843, as attested to by his or her legal registration as a Professional Land Surveyor. Profile Grade - Rate or percentage of change in elevation measured along the centerline of any infrastructure as defined herein, either ascending or descending from or along the said lnfrastructure. Project -The proposed action by a Developer requiring improvements to the street, water, storm drainage sewer and utility systems within the City. protected DrivewayThroat -That portion of an industrial/commercial Driveway from the back of sidewalk into the property where no turning movements or parking stalls are allowed public Street - Publicly owned facility-providing for the movement of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians and/or access to adjacent properties, including the street and all other improvements, within the right-of-way. PublicWorks - All worK construction, alteration, repair, or improvement other than ordinary maintenance, executed at the cost of the state or of any municipaliry or which is by law a lien or charge on any property therein. All PublicWorks, including maintenance when performed bycontract shall complywith RCW 39.12. Record Drawings Gertification - Certification by Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State ofWashington. Record Drawing -This is the record of all changes to the intended physical product of approved Engineering Plans. Plans shall show all changes that occurred during construction, including changes in materialt distances,lengths,locations, elevationS volumes, etc. and shall contain a record drawings certifrcation conforming to these Standards. Redevelopment - On a site that is substantially developed (i.e., has 35%o or more existing impervious surface coverage), the creation or addition of impervious surfaces; the ex[ansion of a building footprint or addition or replacement of a structure;structural 1 -30 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BtIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT development including construction, installation or expansion of a building or structure; replacement of impervious surface that is not a part of a routine maintenance activity; and land disturbing activities. Road - For the purposes of these Standards, Road shall be considered the same as Street, and may be used interchangeably. Right-of-way- Land, property, or property interests, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes. Rock Facing * Slope protection which are constructed of graded rock, but without cement or grout to hold the rock together, and which are designed to resist adjacent soil pressures primarily by resistance of their weight and mass only. SEPA Mitigation - Any of the following actions based on SEPA rules, WAC 197'11-768'. Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action;or Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation by using appropriate technology, or bytaking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; or RectifiTing the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environmen! or Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action;or Compensating for the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environment: and/or Monitoring the impact and taking appropriate corrective measures Shared UseTrail - A path or trail reserved for exclusive use by bicycles and pedestrians and physically separated from motorized vehicle traffic by an open space or barrier. Site-Thearea defined bythe legalboundariesofa parcel,orparcelsof land,subjectto new development or redevelopment. For street projectl the length of the prolect and the right-of-way boundaries define the site. Shoulder -The paved or unpaved portion of the street outside the traveled way that is available for emergency parking or non-motorized use. Slope - An inclined surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance. Standards -These 2020 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards as adopted by 1 -31 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTM ENT the City Council. Standard Plans -Those plans included in the back of Chapter 3 through Chapter 6 of these Standards. Stream - Critical area as defined in Kent City Code 1 I .06485' Street - A facility serving three lots or more and providing public or private access including the street and all other improvements inside the right-of-way. Street Frontage - Any portion of a lot or combination of lots that directly abuts a public right-olway or private access tract. Stop Work Order - A notice to stop work on a project or property in violation of City Codes per Kent City Code 1.04. Stopping Sight Distance -The length of the street ahead that is visible to the driver. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - A pollution prevention plan required by the NPDES stormwater permit requirements. The purpose of the SWPPP is to describe the proposed construction activities and all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, pollution prevention measures, inspection/monitoring activities, and record keeping that will be implemented during the proposed construction project. Superetevation -The change of the street from a cross-section where the elevation of the edge of the paved area, in a curve in the street, is either higher or lower than normal. Superelevation of the street has been commonly refened to as"banking the curve'land is used to allow a sharper (smaller radius) curve to be used. Surety - A bonding company that is bound with the Developer to ensure performance of the work shown in the approved plans and specificationt payment of all obligations pertaining to the work and fulfillment of other such conditions as are specified in the permit, contract, contract bond, or otherwise required by law. TestTee -That tee installed at the end of the sanitary sewer stub-out for the purpose of air testing the integrity of the sanitary sewer installation. Traffic Calming Measures -Techniques of design and physical treatments located to encourage a reduction in traffrc speeds and the creation of opportunities for streetscape to change the character ofStreet. TraveledWay -That portion of the street made for vehicle travel excluding shoulders and auxiliary lanes. Thermoplastic - A type of plastig bonded to the street surface with a heat source, 1-32 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT which is used for marking the channelization. Tract - A legally created parcel of property designated for special non+esidential and non-commercial uses. Common tracts include stormwater drainage tracts, sensitive area tracts, native growth protection tracts, private access tract' and tracts for ingress/egresg and utilities that may serve more than one lot. Type lV Landscaping - Landscaping for areas in the right-of-way per Kent City Code 15.07.050. Uniformity Ratio -This is the ratio of the average light level on a section to the minimum Iight levelof the same section. Utility - A privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned line, faciliry or system for producing, transmitting, or distributing communications, cable television, power, electricity, llght, heat, gas, oil, crude products, water, Steam, Waste, or any other similar commodiry which directly or indirectly serves the public. Additionally, the privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned company that owns the line, facility, or system. Utility Easement - Means a legal encumbrance that is placed against a property's title to reserve specified privileges for the users and beneficiaries of utility system facilities, both public and private, within the boundaries of the Easement. Wetlands - Critical area as defined in Kent City Code 1 1 .06.530. Wet Season - ln the application of these Standards, October I to March 31 of each year. Work -The provision of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and everything else needed to successfully complete the required infrastructure improvements based on approved Engineering Plans. WSDOT Standard Specifications -The Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter, American Public Works Association and Washington State Department ofTransportation; latest edition with latest revisions, hereinafter referred to as the WSDOT Standard Specifications. ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations can be found in theWSDOT Standard Specifications, latest edition, the King County Surface Water Design Manual and the current City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. These additional abbreviations are used in the Standards and are defrned as follows: AASHTO ADA American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Americans with Disabilities Act 1-33 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARD S P I.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT APWA ASTM ATB AWWA CATV CB CDF CMP csBc csTc DCVA Diam. DOE fps GVW HMA KCC KClDNRP KCSWDM KDCS KSWDM LID MH MPH MUTCD NPDES NST ocr PC American Public Works Association American Society for Testing and Materials Asphalt Treated Base American Water Works Association Cable Television Catch Basin Controlled DensitY Fill Corrugated Metal PiPe Crushed surfacing base course Crushed surfacing toP course Double Check Valve AssemblY Diameter Department of EcologY Feet per second Gross Vehicle Weight Hot Mix Asphalt Kent City Code King County Department of Natural Resources King County Surface Water Design Manual Kent Design and Construction Standards Kent Surface Water Design Manual Low Impact DeveloPment Manhole Miles Per Hour The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Nationa I Standard Threads Overall Condition Index Point of Curvature 1-34 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESI GN & CON STRUCTI ON STANDARD S PU BI.IC WORKS DFPARTM ENT PCP PI PCC PLS PT PVC PVI RCP RCW ROW RPBA RPDA SEPA SWPE SWPPP TESCP VMD wAc WSDOH WSDOT wsP Plain Concrete Pipe Point of Intersection Portland Cement Concrete Professional Land SurveYor Point of Tangency Polyvinyl Chloride or Point of Vertical Curvature Point of Vertical Intersection Reinforced Concrete PiPe Revised Code of Washington Right-of-Way Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly State Environmental PolicY Act Solid Wall Polyethylene Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams Washington Administrative Code Washington State Department of Health Washington State Department of Transportation Water System Plan 1 -35 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PI.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 2.O 2.1 CONSTRUCTION CONTROL AND I NSPECTION BASIS FOR CONTROL OF THEWORK Work performed in the construction or improvement of public or private streets and utilities shall be done in accordance with these Standards and approved Engineering Plans, and any other specifications or guidelines as per Section 1.6 References. lt is emphasized that no work may be started until such plans are approved by the City. Any revision to such Engineering Plans shall be approved by the Engineer before being implemented per Section I .14 Revisions or Additions After Approvals. Any improvements by other water and sewer providers other than the City shall be designed and approved by the utility, with copies provided to the City prior to approval of the Engineering Plans. The Engineer is authorized to enforce these Standards as well as other referenced or pertinent specifications or guidelines. He/she will appoint project engineers and inspectors as necessary to inspect the work and they will exercise such authoriry as the Engineer may delegate. Provisions of Section 1-05 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall apply, with the term "Engineer"therein construed to be the Engineer as defined in these Standards. INSPECTION Generally, on all privately developed infrastructure including street, utiliry and drainage system construction proposed or in progress by a private developer, control and inspection will be done by the Construction Management Section on behalf of the Engineer. The Engineer must approve any variances from the Standards during construction as described herein. The Developer is ultimately responsible for quality control of construction and the assurance of meeting these Standards. Public Work inspectors monitor these activities with enforcement authoritywhen requirements are not met. All materials provided by the Developer shall be subject to inspection and approval by the lnspector at any time during the progress of work until Final Acceptance.The contractor's construction schedule shall include sufficient time for materials testing and any required verifrcation by the lnspector. The Inspector mayadvisethe Developerorcontractorof anyfaultyworkormaterials; however, failure of the Inspector to advise the Developer or contractor does not constitute acceptance or approval. Any deficiency list the lnspector may or may not provide to the Developer prior to a formally scheduled final inspection event (Section 1.15.J and 2.2.A.t1),shall be viewed as assistance to the Developer, as aid for expeditious and diligent completion of the work. ln no way shall periodic lists be required of the lnspector or be construed as a final inspection document by the Developer. At the lnspector's order, the Developer and/or contractor shall immediately remedy, remove, replace, and dispose of unauthorized or defective work or materials and bear all the costs of doing so. 2,2 2-1 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BL IC WORKS DEPARTMENT All street, utility and drainage system infrastructure must be inspected. Subgrade inspection will not commence until density tests confirm that the compaction is in accordance with the specifications. The Citys right to conducl inspections is to determine if acceptable construction practices are followed.The inspection process does not make the City an insurer or guarantor of Developer compliance or competence. Responsibility for any failures to iollow these Standards rests solely with the Developer. See Section 1 .15 Control ofWork; A. Authority of Engineer, B. Authority and Duties of lnspectors, C. lnspector Overtime, D' Cooperation by Developer, E. Conformity with Engineering Plans, F Prosecution ofWork, G. Removal of Defective or Unauthorized Work, H. Protection of Public and Private Utilities, and l. Damage to Public and Private Properties and Persons for additional explanations. 2.2,A Minimum Requirements Prior to beginning any critical tasK the Developer must schedule meetings and/or inspections with the Inspector in advance. At a minimum, the following critical tasks require advance notification: 1. Pre-Construction conference: Five (5) working days prior notice unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. conference must precede the beginning of construction and include the DevelopeI contractor, design engineer, utilitiet and other applicable participants. Engineering plan approvals and permits must be issued prior to the scheduling of the conference, unless otherwise a pproved by the En gineer. Work sha I I begin within ten ('10) calendar days following the pre-construction conference per section 1 ,1 5.F Prosecution ofwork, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. Clearing andTemporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control: One (1) working day notice prior to initial site work involving drainage and installation of temporary erosion/sediment control. see section 2.3.ETemporary Stockpiling and Disturbed Soils and 5.7 Erosion Control for additional information. Utility and Storm Drainage lnstallation: One (1) working day notice prior to trenching and placing of storm sewers and underground utilities such as sanitary, water, gat power, telephone, and TV lines. See Section 6J7 All Utiliries within city Right-of-way, and standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69 for additional information on pavement restoration' Utility and Storm Drainage Backfill and Compaction: One (1) working day notice before backfilland compaction of storm sewert drainage structure5 and underground utilities. Subgrade Completion: One ('l) working day notice at stage that underground utilities and street grading are complete;to include 3. 4. 5. 11 EXHIBIT A 2A2T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT placement of gravel base if required. See Section 2.5 Subgrade for additional information. 6, Curb and Sidewalk Forming:One (1) working day notice. 7. Curb and Sidewalk Placement:One (1) working day notice. 8. Crushed Surfacing Placement One (1) working day notice. g. Paving: Three (3) working days notice in advance of paving with asphalt or Portland cement concrete. Roadway surface paving shall not be allowed until all subsurface drainage and sewer facilities have passed inspection by the City or other franchised utiliry. 10. Structural: Three (3) working days notice prior to each critical stage, such as placement of foundation piling or footings, placement and assembly of major componentt and completion of structure and approaches' 1 1 . Final Inspection: Fifteen (15) working days prior to overall check of project site. All paving and associated appurtenances and improvements, cleaning of drainage system, and all necessary cleanup shall be completed prior to the request for final inspection. See Section 1.15J Final lnspection and Final Acceptance for Public lmprovements for a complete description of the close-out Process. 12. Final Facility owner lnspection: A final walk-thru inspection is performed by the publicWork Department forty-five (45) days prior to the end of the 2-year maintenance period outlined in section 1 .12 and 'l .15.K and L. Prior to release of the maintenance financial guarantee, there shall be successful completion of the maintenance period as described in Section 'l.l5.K Maintenance Period of All Public lmprovements, replacemenVrepair of any failed facilities, and the payment of any outstanding fees. 2,2.8 Penalties for Failure to Notify and Obtain Approval Notification by the Developer or designated representative, at the necessary time frames noted above, is essential for the City to verifu, through inspection, that the work meets these Standards. Failure to notifl/ and obtain approval will result in the city requiring additional materials sampling and testing by a materials testing laboratory. Costs of such testing and certification shall be borne by the Developer. lf the test results conclude that the unauthorized work does not meet these Standards, the Developer will be required to remove the unauthorized material and replace it with materials that meet the Standards at his/her own expense. At the time that such action is directed by the Engineer, further work on the development may be limited or prohibited until all directed tests have been completed, approved, and all corrections identified by the City have been made to the satisfaction of the Engineer. lf necessary, the Ciry may take further action as set forth in Kent City Code' -)? EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.3 CONTROL OF MATERIATS 2.3.A Source of Supply and Quality of Materials The Developer shall notifl7 the Engineer of proposed sources of supply for all materials to be furnished. At the option of the Engineer, the Source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by the Engineer before the delivery is started. ln order of precedence, only materials conforming to the requirements defined specifically by 1) the Engineer;2) the standards herein;or 3)the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be used. When discrepancies exist within these, this order of precedence shall govern. See Section 1 -06.1 of the WSDOT standard specifications for approval of materials prior to use. Any of the materials proposed to be used may be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. l[ after testing, it is found that sources of supply which have been previously approved do not meet the specifications or if the product from any source proved unacceptable at any time, the Developer shall furnish approved materials from other approved sources. No materials which, after approval, have in any way become unfit for use shall be used in the work' 2.3.8 Samples and Tests At the direction of the Engineer, the lnspector shall direct that a materials testing laboratory be utilized to conduct necessary field and/or lab tests of materials or methods. Alltesting shall be done in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO accepted standards and all reports shall be stamped and signed by a professional Engineer. Such tesVlaboratory reports shall be transmined to the lnspector by the Developer and shall be the basis upon which decisions may be made for the Developer to proceed with certain portions of their work. The absence of adequate materials testing reports may delay or prohibit work from proceeding. In such cases the City shall not be responsible for Developer delays. Alltesting shall be in accordance with commonly recognized standards of the appropriate national organizationg wsDoT, ASTM, AASHTq or common industry standards.The field tests of materials shall be made as deemed necessary by the Engineer at no costto the City. ln general, tests shall be made at the frequency as outlined by the applicable sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, and the WSDOTConstruction Manual. The Developer shall furnish, without charge, samples of all materials as requested bythe Engineer. Materials shall be delivered, in advance, on the site in such quantities as to afford the Engineer an opportunity to make tests before the materials are to be used.The Developer shall furnish, at their own expense, such labor and facilities as may be required to enable the Engineer to make a thorough inspection of the materials. A Certificate of Materials shall be provided. Materials shall not be used until approved. When required by these standards or those referenced documents listed in Section 1 .6, physical verification and witness by the Inspector or Facility owner 2-4 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 2,3.C 2.3.D 2.3.E designee shall occur. As soon as materials have been tested and inspected, the Developer shall immediately remove all rejected materials from the site as the Enqineer may require, and shall arrange for replacement of rejected materials at their own expense.The neglect or failure on the part of the Engineer to reject inferior materials or work shall not be construed as an acceptance of the materials or work. Storage of Materials All materials intended for use in the work shall be stored by the Developer by means that will prevent damage from exposure to the elements, erosion, contamination from admixture of foreign materials, or from any other cause. The Engineer will refuse to accept, or to sample for testing, any materials that are improperly stored.The Engineer may inspect materials when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the materials no longer meet specifications. lf materials are found not to meet specificationt they shall be removed immediately from the project site. Defective Materials All materials not conforming to the requirements of these specifications and the approved Engineering Plans will be re.lected by the Engineer and all such materials whether in place or not, shall be immediately removed from the site by the Developer, Also see section 1 .1 5.G Removal of Defective or Unauthorized Work. Temporary Stockpiling and Disturbed Soils A temporary stockpile consists of materials such as fill material, unsuitable excavation, or aggregate that is stored in piles of varying size awaiting use or disposal on a public or private project. No contaminated stockpiles shall be allowed within the City of Kent, unless associated with a cleanup plan approved by DOE, or aS otherwise approved by the Ciry of Kent. Temporary stockpiles are allowed within public or private project limits subject to the requirements below. All stockpiling activities on privately owned property adjacent tq or in the vicinity of a project shall be subject to the grading requirements of Kent City Code '14.0i Building Codes and these Standards. ln addition, stockpiling of more than 1000 cubic yards throughout the total lifetime of the fill or excavation shall be subject to SEPA regulations per Kent City Code 1 1.03.210.A.5. 2-5 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS P t-J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT All of the following requirements shall be met while temporarily stockpiling material: l. All proposed stockpile locations must be shown on theTemporary Erosion and sediment control (TESC) plan sheets or otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. Locate temporarystockpiles a minimum of 50'awayfrom sensitive area buffers, concentrated flows of stormwater, drainage courses, and/or inlets. This 50'restriction may be reduced based on a site specificTESC plan that addresses best management practices (BMPt for protecting the stockpile and as approved bY the Engineer. 3. Protect all temporary stockpiles from wind and stormwater erosion using plastic sheeting installed per the current city of Kent surfacewater Design Manual specifications. Perimeter protection, such as vegetative buffers, silt fence, straw bale baniers, or wattles, must be used in conjunction with the stockpile covering as necessary to prevent sediment transport. 4. All temporary stockpiles shall be inspected before, based on weather forecasts and after any recordable precipitation or once a week if no precipitation occurs. 5. Temporary stockpile locations shall not blockthe sight distance at any intersection or d rivewaY. 6. Maximum height of stockpiled materials shall be 241 Alltemporary stockpiles and disturbed soils shall be covered and protected during the wet season (October 1 to March 31) if theyare not being used for any 2-day period or, if during the dry season (April 1 to September 30) the material is notto be used for anyT-day period. During the wet season, slopes and stockpiles 3H:1Vor steeper with more than 10'of vertical relief shall be covered if they are to remain unworked for more than twelve ('12) hours. The intent of these measures is to prevent erosion by having as much area as possible covered during any period of precipitation.This shall not exclude extended dry periods as well. Dust migration and erosion must also be considered and appropriate BMP's utilized when necessary. Portland cement, cement concrete rubble, asphalt concrete, and asphalt concrete rubble stockpiles shall be covered at all times. All temporary stockpiles shall be removed and the area restored to its original pre-stockpiling condition prior to the Final Acceptance of the project associated with the stockpiling need.Temporary stockpiles may not be used as fill on the stockpile site or any other site unless specifically included, described and approved in a Permit for the Site on which it is to be used. 2-6 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 2.4 For further reference on how to temporarily stockpile materialt see Standard Plan 5-35 in ChaPter 5. CONSTRUCTION CONTROL IN DEVELOPMENTS The provisions of Section 2-03 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications apply in all respects to development construction unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, The following elements are mentioned for clarification and emphasis: 2.4.A Embankment and Cut Section Compaction Each layer of the entire embankment shall be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density per section 2-03.3(14)C of thewsDoTStandard Specifications, as determined bythe compaction control tests described in Section 2-03.3(1 4)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifi cations. 2.4.8 Testing for In-Place Dens:ty and Moisture Content 1 . Prior to placing any surfacing material on the street, it will be the responsibility of the Developer to provide density test reports reviewed and approved by a Professional Engineer and accepted bythe lnspector, It is the obligation of the approving Professional Engineer to notirythe lnspector of anytest results that do not meet the minimum requirements of the specifications. optimum moisture content, maximum densiry in- place density and moisture content shall be determined by methods cited in Section 2-03.3('l a)D of WSDOT Standard Specifications or by other test procedures approved by the Engineer. For work to be accepted, tests must show consistent uniform density and moisture content as required by tests referenced above. 2. Compaction reports are required for all projects.The reports shall include a sketch showing the locations the tests were taken. Compaction testing shall be accomplished as backfill or embankment construction progresses' At a minimum, compaction tests are required per Section 9-5'7 of the wSDOTConstruction Manual. Additional tests and/or shorter length intervals may be required by the lnspector. 2.4.C ln cases where tests or frequency of testing do not meet the minimum standard, corrective action shall be taken as directed bythe Developer's Engineer and approved bythe lnspector. Retests shall show passing densities prior to placing the next lift of fill or pavement. Unsuitable Foundation Excavation The contractor shall excavate unstable natural ground before building any embankment over it or in trenches for storm drainage and utilities. This unstable material may include peat, muck swampland, buried logs and stumpt or other material not fit for a base. lf unsuitable material is encountered, the Developer and/or contractor shall immediately contact EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 2.5 2.6 the lnspector and the Engineer of Record. No fill, backfill or permanent parts of a structure shall progress until authorized bythe lnspector. Corrective actions may include, but are not limited tq over excavation, dewatering and/ or development and approval of a special design section.The contractor shall excavate such material to the boundaries set by the Engineer of Record and/or their designee, working closelywith ihe lnspector. SUBGRADE ln preparing the roadbed for surfacing before any paving, the requirements outlined in sections 2-06.3(1) and 2-06.3(2) of the wsDoT Standard specifications shall be met. After the subgrade preparation has been completed, it shall be thorouqhly ehecked bythe Developer and/or contractor using a level, laser level string line, crown board, or other means to determine that the subgrade conforms to the approved street section and these Standards prior to placing any surfacing material. TRAFFIC CONTROL IN DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION 2.6.A lnterim Traffic Control The Developer shall be responsible for interim traffic control during construction on or along traveled city streets, including grade and frll operations which exceed haul route requirements and workon private property where trucls and equipment are entering and exiting the site on a daily basis. See Section 6.12.C Construction AreaTraffic Control.When street or drainage work is to be performed on City streets that are open to traffic, the Developer will be required to submit a traffic control plan for approval by the Engineer prior to approval of the plans unless otherwise approved bythe Engineer. In no case shall construction begin until the tralfic control plans have been approved and suitable notification has been provided and confirmed withthelnspector.TrafficcontrolshallfollowtheguidelinesofSection 1-07'23 of theWSDOT Standard Specifrcations' All banicadeg signs and flagging shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD Manual. For more specific requirements, see Section 6)2frafficControl Devices and Standard Plan6-72. Signs must be legible and visible and shall be removed at the end of each workday if not applicable after construction hours. 2.6,8 Temporary Street Closures and Detours When temporary street closures cannot be avoided the Developer and/or contractor shall post'This StreetWill Be Closed'signl after approval of closure by the City, and a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the closing.The types and locations of the signs shall be shown on a detour plan. A proposal for a street closure and a detour plan must be prepared and submitted to the Engineer at least ten (10) working days in advance and approved prior to closing any city street. In addition, the Developer and/or contractor must notiry, in writing, all adjacent property owners and/or tenants, local fire, school, and law enforcement authorities, METROTransit, and any other aflected persons as directed by the Engineer at least five (5) working days prior to 2-8 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DTPARTMENT 2.6.C 2.6.D 2,7 2.8 closing. The City will not allow construction related street closures during the following times: Memorial DayWeekend, July 4th Weekend, Cornucopia Celebration Weekend (2nd weekend in -July), Labor DayWeekend,Thankgiving Weekend, and December 20th through January lst.Within the Downtown Overlay DistriG no construction activities within public right-of way will be allowed from November 2oth through January 1st unless authorized bythe Public Worls Director or Deputy PublicWork Director. Haul Routes A haul route plan approval is required when there are more than 100 haul trips to and from the site, or over 10,000 cubic yards of fill or excavation. Haul routes should guide trucks to the nearest City truck route as shown in Figure 5-12 of the City of KentTransportation Master Plan.lf the construction of a proposed development is determined by the Engineer to require special routing of large trucls or heavy construction equipment to prevent impacts to sunounding streett residences or businesses, the Developer and/or contractor shall be required to develop and use an approved haul route. When required, the haul route plan must be prepared and submitted to the Engineer and approved prior to beginning or continuing construction.The haul route plan shall address routing, hours of operation, signage, flagging, and daily maintenance. lf the Developer and/or contractor's traffic fails to use the designated haul route, the Engineer may prohibit or limit further work on the development until such time as the requirements of the haul route are complied with. HaulRoute Agreement When identified as a need by the SEPA review process or by the Engineer, a haul route agreement shall be obtained bythe franchised utiliry Developer, or property owner establishing restoration procedures to be performed upon completion of the haul operation. City Forces and City Contract Street Inspection Street construction performed by City forces or by contract for the City will be inspected under the supervision of the Engineer. CallBeforeYou Dig Contractors and builders are responsible for timely notifrcation of utilities in advance of any construction in right-of-way or utiliry easements and musi comply with allWashington State Dig Laws defined in RCW 19'122 Underground utilities.The Utility Notification center phone number 1-800- 424-5555 or 81 1 should be prominently displayed on the site. 2-9 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTMFNT For additional information and resources regarding utility locate laws in Washington State, please visit www.callbeforeyoudig.orglwashington/index. asp andwvwv.washington8l Reference Section 1.15.H Protection of Public and Private Utilities also. 2-10 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT This Page lntentionally Left Blank 2-11 EXHIBIT A t 7 I EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.0 STANDARDS FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS These Standards contain the design criteria and improvement standards for the extension or connections to the City of KentWater System.The conditions as stated herein apply to all improvements made by public agencies, private Developers, utiliry providers and Contractors.These improvements may include the following: . Watermain extensiont modifications and replacements . Fire line and/or yard hydrant or fire hydrant connections to Ciry mains . Water service and water use only meter installations 3.1 . Backflow Prevention Assemblies EASEMENTS AND RIG HTS.OF.WAY Permanent on-site easements for acceSs, maintenance, and construction are required for allwatermain extensions located outside of public right-of-way. Easements shall be provided by the Developer for all public water system infrastructure including the pipe, valves, backflow preventers, etc. Whenever an easement or right-of-way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the easement and a City lock must be placed in 'series'to facilitate access by the City.When easements are required, legal descriptions shall be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed by the State ofWashington. A title report, dated within thirty (30)days, covering the properties to be encumbered by the easements shall accompany the description. When off-site and/or on-site easements for the extension of approved comprehensive water plans are required, these easements shall be approved and recorded by the City before any civil construction permit is issued unless the easements are being dedicated to the City as a part of the recorded final subdivision. Private improvements such as buildings, fencet garages, carports, retaining walls, utilities, signs, light standardt domestic or irrigation service lateralt fire service linet etc., are not allowed in public easements and rights-of-way unless the owner has executed a limited Street license with the City. Watermain easements and rights-of-way are not allowed within the setback bewveen two residential structures.Where an encroachment occurt the Developer shall remove and relocate the conflicting private improvement immediately upon direction from the Engineer. 3.1.A EasementRequirements Easements shall be accessible for construction equipment normally used for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Cross slopes exceeding 5 percent will require approval from the Engineer.The minimum easement widths, centered on the utility system, are as follows: 3-1 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.2 1. Watermain under 5'deep - I5'wide minimum 2. Watermain 5'- 9'deep - 25'wide minimum 3. Watermain over 9'deep -The formula for half of the width of the easement shall be the sum of;the total depth from the top of pipe to the surface plus the pipe diameter plus 3iThe total will then be rounded to the nearest even foot up to a maximum of 50'total width. 4. Special conditions or installation requirements may require greater easement widths as determined by the Engineer. 5. ln easements with multiple utility systemt the easement width shall be increased by the minimum separation distance between the lines. 3.1.B Right-of-way Where feasible, the utility system extensions shall be located within the City's inside adjacent City, county and/or state right-of-way requires special permits from the respective agencies. Adjacent City, County and State permits and others must be obtained by the Developer or the City if required by franchise prior to Engineering Plans approval by the City' STAN DARD SPECIFICATIONS The installation of allwatermains and appurtenances shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the latest edition of theWashington State Department of Health (WSDOH) Water System Design Manual, AWWA or WSDOT Standard Specifications. The manufacturer's recommended installation procedures should be adhered to and not conflictwith AWWA orWSDOTStandard Specifications. ln the event of conflict, the Engineer shall determine any exceptions to WSDOH, AWWA oTWSDOT Standard Specifications. Note: As of Ja nuary 4,2O14,allwetted brass water system parts (excluding fire hydrants) are required to meet the new'lead free'definition in accordance with the'Reduction of Lead in DrinkingwaterActlBrass parts in contactwith water shall be tested and certified in compliance with Annex G of NSF/ANSI Standard 61 or NSF/ANSI Standard 372. For additional information and clarification please refer to the WSDOH website. Boxes located with pedestrian access route that are adjusted and/or installed shall have slip resistant surface per Section 6.5.8. WATERMAIN EXTENSION DESIGN REQUIREMENTS All watermain extensions shall conform to these Standards and WSDOH. Main extensions are also subject to appropriate permits and plan review fees. Contact the City's Permit 3.3 3-2 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 3.4 3.5 3.6 Center at 253-856-5300, or see the web site at COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN The ComprehensiveWater System Plan (WSP) indicates the location and configuration of the major elements of the existing and proposed water supply maint distribution system, inter-ties and loops.The exact location or configuration of this system may be modified, provided the proposed system remains consistent with the overall intent of the plan. Minor modifications to the WSP require specific approval by the Engineer. ln some instances, where existing pressures are not met or cannot be provided, as determined by the Engineer, portions of the WSP may be the direct responsibility of the Developer to complete in order to meet the minimum development requirements. Specific conditions may be placed in the permit approval or conditions of approval for the project. MAI NLI N E WATER EXTENSIONS Mainline extensions will be required when the property does not front on a watermain, or when the existing main is deemed inadequate for the proposed use.The extension shall be in accordance with the latest adopted WSP and these Standards. The watermain must be extended to the far edge of the property to be serviced, as approved by the Engineer, regardless of where the service connection is to be made to serve properties in the same service area. WATER SYSTEM DESIGN STANDARDS 3.6.A lmprovementsand/orAlterations All improvements and/or alterations to the water system must be designed to incorporate the standards described below: 1. The desirable system working pressure shall be approximately 60-70 pounds per square inch (psD, but not less than 35 psi under peak hourly demand (PHD).The minimum pressure in the water system under fire flow conditions shall be 20 Psi. 2. A pressure reducing valve (PRV)shall be installed and maintained on water service lines by the property owner when system pressures are in excess of B0 psi. See standard Plans 3-13a and 3-1 3b for service applications up to 2" in size. The minimum diameter of watermain for multi-family and residential developments shall be 8'and looped, except as described in Section 3.6.A.7.The minimum diameter of watermain for commercial and industrial developments shall be 12" and looped'The minimum pipe diameter applies to new installations and replacements.The water main, in all cases, must be adequately sized to provide fire flow rates determined by the Fire Marshal during maximum day demand while maintaining a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi in the water system. 3 3-3 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CON STRUCTI ON STANDARDS PL-J BLIC WORKS DFPARTM ENT 4.Connections to existing watermains shall be accomplished by"extensionl 'wet tap'or'tut in"when mainline valves are required on the existing main' once the new valve has been installed on the existing watermain, the City Water Section shall be responsible for placing a lock on the connecting valve and any operations. The Contractor shall not operate the connecting valve for any reason.The Contractor shall contact the lnspector assigned to the project for filling or flushinq of the new main, or any other need for operation of the connecting valve. No direct connection to the City's existing water system will be allowed until all purity and leakage testing results for the new water main extension have met the requirements of W AC 246.290.1 25.2b f or PurirY. 5. Two cubes for'tubing"shall be installed in the new watermain at the initial connection and at each lateralfrom the newwatermain.TheWater section shall provide the cubes, which can be picked up by the contractor at the Water Section Shop located at 5821 South 240th Street. 6. Dead end mains shall be avoided whenever possible. where dead end mains exist, a minimum 6"blowoffassembly is required.The diameter of the blowoffand tap must be sized to achieve a minimum flow of 2.5 fps in the watermain. Where cubes for'tubing'are required in the main installation, the watermain shall terminate with a frre hydrant as long as pressures and flows meet the minimum requirements for a fire hydrant. lf these requirements are not met, then a blowoffassembly shall be used. The city may approve a dead end watermain in a single-family residential area where looping within the development or with an adjacent development is not feasible. Watermain Locations 1 . Watermains shall be installed at least 1 0'horizontally from any existing or proposed sanitary sewer.The distance shall be measured from the outside edge of an existing or proposed watermain. Any deviation from this requirement shall meet DoE and wsDoH requirements and be allowed only upon approval of the Engineer. 2. Watermains crossing sanitary sewers shall be installed to provide a minimum vertical distance of 18"above the sewer line, measured from the bottom of the water line to the top of the sewer Iine with no joint in the watermain within '10'of the sewer line.Where separation between the water line and sewer line is less than 1 8'lthe sewer line shall be PVC C900 or ductile iron per Section 4.7.8 Sanitary Sewer Pipe. All sanitary sewer lines which cross above a watermain, regardless of the separation, shall be PVC C900 or ductile iron Class 50 epoxyJined, with no joints within 10'of the watermain. See Standard Plan3-24. 3.6.8 3-4 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3. lnstallation of watermains near other potential sources of contamination may be subject to written approval by the Engineer on a case-by-case basis.The sources may include but are not limited tq storage ponds, land disposal sites for wastewater or industrial process water containing toxic materials or pathogenic organismt solid waste disposal sites, or any other facility where failure of the facility would subject the water in the main to toxic chemical or pathogenic contamination. 4. Watermains shall be located ai least 5'away from any other utility system, including, but not limited to, storm drains, otherwatermains, power, natural gas, cable television (CAry), private fire lines, etc. 5. New and replacement watermains 12-inch in diameter and larger, installed within the KentValley, that are susceptible to liquefaction shall be earthquake resistant ductile iron pipe (ERDIP). Currently the City of Kent approves the following products: US Pipe TR-Xtreme and American Pipe Earthquake.Joint System (EJS). Use of field lock gaskets are not allowed. All other 12-inch and larger pipe installed within the KentValley shall be restrain joint pipe. 3.6.C WaterValves 'l . Water valves are required at the following locations: a. 400'maximum spacing in commercial/industrial and multi-family residential areas. Locations involving hospitall medical clinics, and others determined by the City to be critical applications may be required to have the spacing reduced. b. 800'maximum spacing in residentialareas. c, All sides of mainline tees and crosses. d. At all fire line and hydrant connections to the City's watermain system. When fire hydrants are installed on a fire line run, a valve is required prior to the fire line vault but after the fire hydrant connections. e. At both sides of all bridge crossings, railroad crossings and casings/ bores. f Existing gate valves may be subject to replacement with a new resilient wedge gate valve installed at the discretion of the Engineer. 2. WaterValveTypes: a. 16'diameter valves and smaller shall be resilient wedge gate valves' -J-) EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT b. Valves larger than 16"shall be offset gear driven gates. 3.6.D Combination AirA/acuum ReleaseValves 3.5.E 3.6.F Fire Hydrants 1. Location: Combination airlvacuum release valves shall be located at high points along the main, including dead end mains ending with a high point' As a guide, valves are necessarywhere the difference in elevation between high and low point is 2'or more on a gradual rise, or any abrupt rise. Actual locations shall be approved bythe Engineer.The air inlet/discharge opening shall be 36"above finished grade and provided with a Screened downward facing vent opening. It shall be located outside of traffic and sidewalk areas, and installed to prevent damage to landscaping or hazards to pedestrians and bicyclists. See Standard Plan 3-20. Blowoffs Blowoffs shall be located at the dead end of all mains and low points for flushing and'tubing'purposes. Blowoff assemblies must be sized and designed to achieve a minimum flow of 2.5 fps in the watermain.These flows are to be used as a guideline but do not relieve the Developer from assuring a clean line.The minimum blowoffsize for a permanent installation is4"for 4" diameter watermain and 6"for pipe diameters from 6"lo 12". 1. Where cubes for'tubing"are required in the main line installation, the watermain shall terminate with a fire hydrant as long as pressures and flows meet the minimum requirements for a fire hydrant. lf these requirements are not met, then a blowoffassembly shall be used. ln those cases, see Standard Plan 3-1 9. 2. Using water from blowoffs requires a temporary hydrant meter and check valve assembly, issued by the Water Section. Persons using water illegally will be prosecuted. Proposed fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and approved bythe Fire Marshal prior to engineering plan approval. ln general, fire hydrants shall be instal led at the following locations: a. At street intersections. b. 600'maximum spacing in single-family residential areas. c. 300'foot spacing in multi-family and commercial areas. d. At locations noted on approved project plans. e. Within 50'of the fire department connection. 7_6 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PtJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT f At other locations as directed by the Engineer and/or the Fire Marshal. Fire hydrants shall not be installed in areas with contaminated soils unless there are no other feasible options. lf a fire hydrant must be installed within an area with contaminated soils, it shall be isolated from the city's water system with an approved backflow prevention assembly per section 3.16 Backflow Prevention. 2. Connection to Existing Main: a. Hydrant lead shall be Class 52 ductile iron. b. Hydrant lead shall not exceed 50'in length. c. wet tap connection with heavy-duty full circumference ductile iron or stainless steel long tapping sleeve and resilient wedge tapping valve is required. No size on size wet tapping will be allowed. No service connections are allowed to hydrant leads. d. Using water from hydrants requires a temporary hydrant meter and check valve assembly issued by the Water Section. Persons using water illegally will be prosecuted. e. No bends will be allowed on hydrant leads. f The breakaway connection shall be at a minimum of 2" and a maximum of 6'above the finished grade of the surrounding area Leads 18 feet and less in length may include restrained mechanicaljoint fittings with mega-lug type followers or 3/c"tar coat or zinc plated shackle rod in two places. Blocking to be used for all runs over 181 Mega-lug type mechanical followers shall be used at the hydrant, the gate valve and on the tee per Standard Plan 3-1. a. Public fire hydrants shall be painted Farwest wonderglow quicket enamel #'l 100 series white. b. private fire hydrants shall be painted Farwest wonderglow quickset enamel #1 100 series Yellow c. Private fire hydrant assemblies require an approved double check 3. Assemblies: The hydrants leads shall be a minimum of 6"in diameter. An auxiliary valve shall be installed in the hydrant lead located at the connection to the City main. 3-7 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 3.7 detector assembly (DCDA) located on private property as near as possible to the right-of-way line. Installation of the DCDA shall be per Section 3.16 Backflow Prevention and Standard Plan 3-18. d. An isolation valve shall be installed at the connection to the City watermain. e. All new or relocated fire hydrants shall have a 5"Storz adaptor installed Per CitY Standard Plan 3-1. 3.6.G Access Roads Access roads to all appurtenances are required for maintenance. Access and/or maintenance roads (where required) shall be 15'wide and shall accommodate turning movements for a BUS-40 design vehicle. Access and/ or maintenance roads will require an approved all-weather surface, and shall be designed to support an HS-20 vehicle load.The profile grade of an access road shall not exceed 15 percent. Access roads with grades exceeding 12 percent shall be paved. All access roads longer than 150'from the nearest face ofcurb or edge ofpavement ofthe connecting street shall have approved standard hammerhead turnaround per Standard Plan 6-21,or shall be looped to connect back to a public street. Whenever an easement or right-of-way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the easement and a City lock must be Placed in'series'l 3.6.H Casings Where a water line passes under or through a retaining wall or is attached to a bridge structure, the pipe shall be cased in steel pipe at least 4" larger than the largJst outer diameter of the bell or joint of the water line. No pipe joints will be allowed within the casing, except on bridge structures or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.The casing shall extend on either side of the wall a distance equal to the height of the retaining wall, plus 4iAll voids within the casing shall be filled with blown sand except on bridge structures. Casing rpa.&t shall be CascadeWaterwork Manufacturing Company stainless steel casing spacers or approved equal.The casing spacers shall be installed such that the waier line is centered and restrained within the casing and spaced such that a uniform profile grade will be maintained within the casing. DELETION OF MAIN5, STUBS,VALVES ANDWATER SERVICES The Contractor shall be responsible for abandoning existing watermain' stubs, valves, water services, and/or appurtenances adjacent to the property being developed when there is no further need for them, or when required by the Engineer as described below: 3.7.A Watermains and Appurtenances Watermains and appurtenances shall be abandoned by removal and disposal, capping, and/or plugging the cut ends with concrete at the discretion of the 3-8 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3,7.8 3.7,C 3.7.D Engineer.The plug shall be a minimum of two and one-half (2.5) times as long as the inside diameter of the pipe being abandoned. All asbestos cement pipe shall be removed in accordance with State and Federal regulations. Stubs, Stub Valves and Appurtenances Stubs, their valves and appurtenances shall be removed and disposed of and the tee shall be plugged with a mechanicaljoint plug or blind flange. GateValves Gate valves on stubs to properties being served by the proposed development not meeting these Standards shall be removed and replaced with new resilient wedge gate valves. Water Services Deletion 1 . The Contractor must write a letter to the City of Kent Finance Customer Service Section requesting that the service be deleted.The water service(s) shall then be abandoned by turning the corporation stop offat the main, cutting and removing a minimum i'section of the service line from the corporation stop and capping the corporation stop with a brass cap.The City will remove the meter once the Contractor has removed the 1'of service line and capped the service. 3.8 2. Water services larger than 2"shall be abandoned per Section 3.7,A above. 3. The Engineer or designee reserves the right to change the above requirements to better fit unforeseen existing conditions in the field as they are discovered. PRIVATE FIRE SYSTEMS Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed at each fire service connection to the Citywatermains. All backflow prevention assemblies shall be from the latest approved list from theWSDOH, and approved bythe Engineer priorto installation. January 4,2014 the 'lead free'requirements"Reduction in Lead in Drinking Water'apply. Only backflow prevention assemblies that are approved and listed by the University of Southern California Foundation for cross connection control shall be used. Single checkvalve devices on fire lines in-lieu of approved backflow prevention assemblies are unacceptable. Existing single checkvalve devices on dedicated fire lines shall be removed and replaced with approved backflow prevention assemblies as they become identified bythe City's cross connection control program. Backflow protection is not required for residential flow-through or combination fire protection systems constructed of potable water piping and materials. 3-9 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.8.4 3.8.8 3.8.C Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDA) Approved DCDAs are required on all commercialfire protection systems. Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA) Approved RPDAs are required for all high hazard fire systems including, but not limited tq the following: 1. Systems where an unapproved, non-City source is permanently connected to the fire system, including private storage reservoirs. 2. All foamite or chemically charged installations' 3. Systems in which anti-freeze is allowed. Double CheckValve Assembly (DCVA) Approved DCVAs are required for all residentialfire systems. 3.8.D lnstallationRequirements The required backflow prevention assembly shall be installed in accordance with the following: 1. DCDAs shall be located on private property, at or as near as possible to the edge of the City right of-way, in a location approved by the Engineer in an above ground enclosure of adequate size and structural design for the specific Site application, as indicated on Standard Plan 3-18. DCDAs may be allowed in a below grade reinforced concrete vault per Standard Plan 3-18, only with the approval of the Engineer and Ciry's Cross Connection Control Specialist. 2. The DCDA may be installed in a building only where zoning allows for a 0' setback. See Standard Plan 3-18. 3.8.E System Upgrade Where an existing fire line and/oryard hydrant system is extended to serve a new building or a building additlon, the existing fire line, fire hydrant(s) and/or yard hydrant and all related backflow prevention assemblies shall be upgraded to comply with current City codes, these Standards, Standard Plan 3- 1 8, the latest edition of the AWWA "Cross Con nection Control Man ual" Pacifi c Northwest Section and Kent City CodeT.02. An on-site pre-construction meeting with the property owne(s) or designated representative(s), the designated contractor, and the City's Cross Connection Control specialist is required for all dedicated fire line backflow assembly retrofits. 3-1 0 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.9 ln order to ensure an accurate and efficient system upgrade, prior to ordering new parts for the retrofit project, contact the City's Cross Connection Control Specialist by calling (253) 856-5500. DOMESTICWATER SERVICE Each service connection to the Citywatermain shall be metered. Unless specifically approved otherwise, all buildings shall have a separate service connection and a single meter, All domestic and industrial consumption of water, except for fire systems, shall be metered.Water service connections and plumbing shall conform to relevantWashington State plumbing Codes and these Standards. All domestic water service connections require an approved water permit from the City.The City shall own and maintain the water service from the watermain tq and including, the water meter, as well as the meter box and setter.The service line, from the connection to the setter to the premises or building is the sole responsibility of the owner or lessee per Kent City Code 7.02'040. 3.10 WATER METERS Allwater meters shall be located within an easement or right-of-way, and shall be located in such a manner as to provide easy access for the meter reader and maintenance and operations crews. 3.10.A Service lnstallation The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of all new domestic water services from the water main.The Contractor shall also be responsible for relocation, reconnection, replacement and abandonment of existing services. All new construction, service upsizing, or service relocations shall require the service to be renewed back to the main. Water services shall be upgraded to these Standards at the discretion of the Engineer when a remodel, demolition, or change in rype of use is made. Existing services no longer providing service shall be abandoned in accordance with these Standards. All costs are to be borne bY the Contractor. The location of the service line shall be as shown on the approved Engineering plans, or as directed by the Engineer.There shall be a minimum 3'separation bewveen service taps at the water main, and installed as near perpendicular as possible to the street centerline where applicable.The Engineer, or designee, shall inspect the installation prior to approval to backfrll.The meter box and setter shall be installed to final grade, being square to adjacent hardscape improvements. Final approval must be granted prior to the installation of the water meter. See Section 3'12for meters larger than 21 3.10.8 Meter and Meter Box Location 1. New Service -The meter shall be located so that the meter box is directly 3-1 1 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT behind the sidewalk, or curb if there is no sidewalh and perpendicular to the street, with the top of the angle stop 8-10'below the finish grade See Standard Plans 3 10 and 3-1 1. 2. Exception lf there is no sidewalk between the edge of pavement and the property line, the meter box will be installed behind the shoulder and/or ditch at a location approved by the Engineer. lt will be necessary to culvert the ditch at the meter location for meter reading access. 3. lt may be necessary to place the meter box in the sidewalk. ln such cases, the edge of the meter box shall be no closer than 6"to any edge of the sidewalk. A minimum of 2"(edge to edge) must be maintained between adjacent meter boxes. See Standard PIans 3 10 and 3-1 1. 4. Meter boxes shall not be installed within driveway approaches unless no other location is feasible. In that case, traffic bearing meter boxes and lids shall be installed within 5'of the driveway. 5. lt shall be the Contractor's, and subsequent Owner's, responsibility to install and maintain the service from the setter connection to the premises or building served by City water, per Kent City CodeT '02'040' When wireless meter readers are required, they shall be installed by the Contractor and become a part of the installation. 3.10.C Meter Box The type of box shall be as follows, or an approved equal in writing by the Engineer: Table 3.1 Setter Size Location TyPe 5/8 x 3/+ lo 3/c"Planters*Carson 1220-12 5/8 x3/q lo 3/q" Sidewal ks, d riveways or pavement, or within 5'of a driveway Olympic Foundry #SM29 1" lo 2'Planters*Carson 1730-15 1" Io 2" Sidewalks, driveways or pavement, or within 5'of a driveway Olympic Foundry #SM30 3"and larger Planters**Concrete Vault*" 312 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT " All plastic boxes are to be black polyethylene with black polyethylene inspection lids ** See Standard Plan 3 12 Note: lnstallation in sidewalks, driveways or pavementwill not be allowed unless there is no other feasible alternative 3.10.D lrrigation Box The type of box will be as follows or approved equal in writing by the Fngineer: Table 3.2 DCVA or PRV Size BoxType 3/+'to 1'(and all PRV's)Carson 1324-15G (Green lid, solid)Carson 1324-2L (Extension Boxes,6')Carson 13248-1L 11/2" lo 2" Carson 1730C-18 for 15" high Carson 1730D-18 for '18'high (Green lid, solid)Carson 1730-P2L 3.10.E Premises lsolation The type of box will be as follows or approved equal in writing by the Engineer: Table 3.3 DCVA BoxType 3/c'lo 2'Same as section 3.'10.D lrrigation Box above 3" and larger See RPBATable 3.4 * See Standard Plan 3-12 3-1 3 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.10.F Table 3.4 RPBA BoxType 3/4'andlarger A.S.S.E. Standard 1060 Certified lnsulat- ed Enclosure - above ground Enclosures shall be large enough to meet the minimum clearances noted on Standard Plan 3-14. Premises lsolation backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed directly behind the water service meter on the customer's property or an alternative location acceptable to the City of Kent Cross Connection Specialist to isolate the consumer's water system from the City of Kent's distribution system. Contact the City of Kent Cross Connection Specialist at (253) 856-5500 with questions. Meter Setter The meter setter shall have dual-purpose end connections for iron pipe thread male adapters on both ends. lt will be used with type'K'copper tubing or polyethylene plastic pipe, with a brace pipe eye and pipe to hold the selter vertical.The setter will be equipped with an angle shut-offvalve with padlock wings, and on the outgoing side a check valve to prevent backflow. The check valve is to be spring loaded, of brass and stainless steel construction with a removable backfor maintenance purposes.This check must be of the same type used at the present time by the PublicWorks Department. See Standard Plans 3-10 through 3-12. The following products are standard. Other approved equal products require written approval ol the t ngineer: Table 3.5 Note: All brass parts must comply and be certified meeting Annex G of NSF/ ANSI Standard 61 or NSF/ANSI Standard 3/2. Meter Setter Size Type 3/t'Ford VH 72-15W - NL 1'Ford VH74-15W - NL 1Y2'Ford VH76-15 1 1-66 - NL 2 FordVHTT-151 1-77 - NL 3,14 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DIPARTMENT 3.11 WATER SERVICE LATERALS 3.11.A Depth The service lateral shall have a minimum cover of 24"at the meter connection and shall increase in depth to the elevation at the main.The corporation stop shall be installed ata22-degree upward angle from the center line of the main, and must be tapped on the same side of the watermain as the service lateral. A minimum separation of 3'must be maintained between service taps through the end of the service run. 3.1 1.8 Material 1. Shall bea minimumofl"diameter, 2. Copper -Type K per Section 9-30.6(3)4 of theWSDOTStandard Specifications. Copper shall be used for all 2"diameter and smaller service laterals in areas of known contaminated soils. 3. Polyethylene - Conforming to AWWA C901, high molecular weight with a 200 psi rating, per Section 9-30.6(3)8 of theWSDOTStandard Specifications. Plastic pipe shall not be used in areas subject to contamination by petroleum distillates or other contamination that potentially could leach into pipe as determined by the Engineer' 4. Service laterals that arel-lz" and2"diameter shall be polyethylene with the exception of areas of known ordiscovered contaminants. 5. In situations where the flow needs exceed the capacity of a 2"diameter pipe, the service lateral shall be increased to a minimum 4"diameter and shall be class 52 ductile iron pipe' 3.1 1.C Locator Wire A 12-gauge solid copper, single strand continuous locating wire with plastic insulation is to be wound on the outside of all polyethylene laterals.The wire shall be stripped of insulation at the connection and then securely and permanently connected to the corporation stop at the watermain and to the meter setter so as to maintain continuity. see standard Plans 3-10 through 3-12. No splices will be allowed in the locator wire. 3.1 1.D Service Saddles The service saddle shall be an approved equal to Smith Blair, Romac, or Mueller double strap style. A 3'minimum separation will be required between other services, saddles and appurtenances. 3.1 1.E Corporation StoPs Ford, AY MacDonald, Mueller corporation stops, or approved equals, shall be brass and are to be used to isolate the service lateral from the Citywatermain. 3-1 5 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT They are to have iron pipe thread to connect to the saddle and the adapter. 1-Vz" and 2"diameter laterals shall have ball corporation stop type. All corporation stops shall be certified under Annex G of NSF/ANSI Standard 61 or NSF/ANSI Standard 372. 3.11.F Connections Ford, AY MacDonald or Mueller packjoint adapters or approved equals shall be brass and are to be used to connect the service line pipe to the corporation stop and meter setter. All connections and service lines shall be placed, as near as practical, at 90 degrees to the water line. All packjoint adapters shall be cerrified under Annex G of NSF/ANSI Standard 61 or NSF/ANSI Standard 372. 3.1 1.G Water Meter lnstallation The water meter shall be set bythe Water Section following approval of the water permit and approval of the water service installation and final inspection. Contact the Permit Center for a cunent fee schedule. 3.11.H Water Use Using water from water services prior to meter installation requires a temporary hydrant meter and check valve assembly, issued by the Water Section. Persons using water illegally will be prosecuted. 3.1 1.1 Service Markings ln new projects or subdivisions where street improvements are to be made, each service lateralshall be marked bya'WS'in the curbwhere itcrosses perpendicular to the curb.The marking shall be done at the time the curb is installed and shall be as-built by stationing. Lettering shall be 3"high and a minimum Vi'deeP. 3.12 3"AND LARGER COMPOUND METERS Compound meters for service connections larger than 2"shall be installed within a pre-cast concrete vauit in accordance with Standard Plan 3-12. Compound meters shall be the Sensus OMNI C2 in the DRS lay length and installed by the Developer.Turbine type compound meters will only be allowed on a case-by-case basis. All services larger than 2l not including the meter, shall be pressure tested, disinfected, flushed, and have acceptable purity sample results prior to being accepted and turned on by the City. All meters are to be tested by an approved meter testing company for accuracy after installation.The test repori shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to acceptance of the meter. An isolation valve shall be installed at the connection to the City watermain. Meters shall measure in 100 cubic feet (CF). 3.13 WATER USE ONIY OR DEDUCT METERS The deduct meter is a private meter purchased, installed and maintained by the property owner downstream of the domestic meter.The reading on the deduct meter is deducted 3-16 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT from the reading on the domestic meter to determine the monthly sewer charge.The installation of a deduct meter requires an approved Water Permit. Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule. The landscape irrigation deduct meter shall be located on private property adjacent to the City meter.The location shall be as indicated in Standard Plan 3-15.The Fngineer may approve other locations prior to installation. Deduct meters located inside buildings or in access restricted areas require remote readouts to be located near the City meter.The type of meter and remote assembly shall be approved by the City and shall be subject to periodic inspections and certifications. When the water-use-only meter is a direct service connection to the City main, the meter assembly and installation is the same as all domestic meters, however, there is no sanitary sewer charge computed for this type of service.The appropriate system development fee, based on meter size, will be charged to the contractor for the direct service connection. See Standard Plan 3-15 for landscape irrigation deduct meter installation, and Standard Plans 3-10 through 3-12 for water use only service installation. A drawing is required for deduct meters used for processing equipment' AII meters shall measure in 100 cubic feet (CF). 3,14 SEWER RATE METERS The sewer rate meter is a private meter purchased, installed and maintained by the Contractor.The metering system is subject to approval by the City and K?DNRP-WID. Meter shall read cubic feet.There are several use applications: 3.14.A All Sources Discharged Metering When the sewer rate meter is used to meter all public and/or private sources of water discharged to the sewer, the domestic meter is changed to water use only. Deduct meters are not used in this system.The sewer rate meter determines the sewer charges.This application is installed in two ways: '1. ln a manhole, in line with the side sewer, 2. In the building, in plumbing pipes at location(s) that will read all public and private water that discharges to sewer. 3.14.8 Partial Sources Discharged Metering The sewer rate meter is used to meter part of public and/or private sources of water discharqed to the sewer and deduct meters are used to meter the uses not discharged to the sewer.The domestic meter determines water and sewer charges.The sewer rate meter iS added to the sewer charges.The deduct mete(s) are deducted from the sewer charges,The meter for this type of installation is located in three ways: 3-17 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DTPARTMENT 1. ln the building, in plumbing pipes at location(s) that will pick up that portion of the public and/or private sources of water discharged to the sewer but prior to its use. 2. ln line with the discharge pipes of processing equipment fed from the public meter prior to discharge to the building plumbing or side sewer. This water must be free of debris that could clog the meter used. 3. ln line with the discharge pipes of processing equipment fed from the public meter or private source of water.This water may contain debris. The sewer rate meter shall be located on private property in a location that is convenient to the Developer with a remote readout located near the City water meter as approved by the Engineer.The type of meter and remote used is subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall read in cubic feet only. The sewer rate meter requires a sewer permit from the city and waste discharge approval from KC/DNRP-WTD. An industrial rate charge is normally added to the sewer bill for sewer permits with waste discharge approval as determined bY K?DN RP-WID. 3.1s CROSS CONNECTIONS There shall be no cross connection whatsoever bewveen the City water distribution system and any unapproved pipel wells, pumpt private hydrants, tank, non,potable fluid or any other contaminating materials that may backflow into the potable water system.The City's potable water distribution sysrem includes all Ciry owned watermain, service pipe up to and including the meter for residential services and appurtenances up to the backflow prevention assemblies located after the water service meter' Where building setback limit the installation of backflow prevention assemblies between the water meter and the structure, backflow prevention assemblies may be permitted within the structure on a case by case basis as approved bythe city's cerrified cross connection control specialist.when approved for installation within the structure, the backflow assembly shall be installed at the location where water service enters the structure. When retrofits of existing systems are required, please contact the City's Cross Connection Control Specialist at (253) 856-5500 before ordering any new parts. This will assist in ensuring accurate and efficient system upgrades. 3.16 BACKFLOWPREVENTION The degree of public health protection required must be commensurate with the degree of hazaid presented as defined in WAC 246.290.490.1n situations of high health hazardt whether known or potential physical or toxic health hazards, air gap separation and/or 3-1 8 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PtJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.17 3.18 3.19 reduced pressure backflow prevention assemblies (RPBA$ shall be required. DCVAs or pressure vacuum breakers are generally utilized where low health hazard, aesthetic or detrimental effects on water quality may occur. Each water system connection has unique problems arising from location, climatic conditions, service demands, and other factors. Consequently, each cross-connection shall be evaluated on an individual basis and the City shall make the final determination as to the degree of backflow protection required. See testing and annual inspection requirements set forth in Kent City Code 7.02.390, Backflow prevention assemblies proposed for use can be found on the current list of approved assemblies bytheWSDOH. All backflow prevention assemblies are required to be tested annually by a Washington State certified backflow assembly tester. Copies of these inspection reports shall be sent to the City: PublicWorks Engineering, Attn:Cross Con nection Control Specia I ist, 400 West Gowe, Kent, WA 98032' A separate water permit will be required for each bacKlow device installed. An annual inspection and fee will be required for each backflow device' PREMISES ISOLATION Where the City determines protection of the public water distribution system is necessary, a backflow preventer shall be installed at the property line commensurate with the degree of hazard as defined in WAC 246.290490.A sample use requiring such protection would be a medical/dental office building. Installation of air gaps shall be approved by the City based on submitted drawings in accordance with the latest edition of the City of Kent Cross-Connection Control Program Manual. RPBAs shall be per Standard Plan 3-'14. ln situations where a non-residential building has multiple tenants or the potential to have future multiple tenants, an RPBA per Standard Plan 3-14 shall be required at the property line. IRRIGATION SYSTEM A DCVA is the minimum protection required for typical irrigation systems. See Kent Construction Standard 3-15. Non-typical irrigation systems using chemical or fertilizer injection would require an RPBA at both the irrigation meter and the domestic water meter. Reference Kent Construction Standard Plans 3-14a and 3-'l4b (Premises lsolation). No private irrigation system shall cross public right of way or public easements. WATERMAIN MATERIALS The installation of watermains and the materials used shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of theWSDOTStandard Specifications, except as herein modified. 3-19 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 3.19.A Watermains and Fittings The following materials and appurtenances are accepted for Ciry watermains: 1. Pipe - Ductile iron pipe, class 52, with cement mortar lining. Restrained joint pipe, when required, shall be one of the following products. No field welding beads will be allowed. 2. US Pipe: TR-Flex Restrained Joint Pipe 3. pacific State Cast lron Pipe Co.: Thrust-Lock Boltless Restrained Joint Pipe 4. American Ductile lron Pipe: Flex-Ring Joint Pipe using Field Flex-Ring, or MJ CouPled Joint PiPe. 5. Joints - Mechanical or push-on joints with SBR gaskets. 6. Fittings - Cast iron or ductile iron, with cement mortar lining' 7. Fitting Joints - Mechanical or flanged joints with SBR gaskets' 8. Jointing - Coupling pipes and cut-ins shall be joined by mechanicaljoint ductile iron long pattern sleeves unless prior approval is given by the Engineer.,'Dresser or Romac type'couplings will not be allowed, except to join different sizes or dissimilar piping materialt and only upon approval by the Engineer. g. lnstallation of watermains and/or appurtenances in known contaminated materials should be avoided whenever possible. lf a watermain must be installed in a location with contaminated materials, the rubber gaskets used for alljoints shall be SBR. 3.19.8 WaterValves 1 . Gate Valves < 1 6'- Shall be used for 1 6'diameter and smaller applications and shall be resilient wedge per AWWA standards. 2. Gate Valves > 1 6"- Shall be gear assisted off-set resilient wedge per AWWA standards.Valve operation - All valves must open by rotating the valve stem in the counter clockwise direction. 3. Valve Joints - Mechanical or flanged fittings. 4. Stem Nuts -Valve stem nuts shall be no shallower than 1-%'and no deeper than 3'below finished grade. In cases where valves are deeper, an extension rod assembly with a rock guard must be installed on the 3-20 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT operating nut. See Standard Plan 3-7' 5. Valve Marker Posts - Concrete valve marker posts shall be furnished and installed for each valve located outside of the paved street. Marker posts shall be white with black lettering. See Standard Plan 34. 3.19.C Valve Box j. Valve boxes in all areas, except as described in Section 3.19.C.2 below shall include the following comPonents: a. Valve Box Bottom Section -VB1C or Rich 24'bottom compatible with the top section. b. Valve BoxTop Section with Covers -VB 940 with a 2"'deep skirt"cover and"WATER"cast in the cover, c. Covers shall be installed with the ears in line with the water flow See Standard Plan 3-7. Alternates must be standard equals. d. Extensions are required when the valve nut is more than 3'below the finished grade.Valve box extension shall be soils pipe and be a minimum of f in length. 2. Transmission Main: Zone Separation or other applications specified by the Engineer. b. Valve Box Bottom Section -VB1C or Rich 24'bottom compatible with the top section. c. Valve BoxTop Section with Covers -VB-045D/Twith compatible cover and,,wATER"cast in the cover. Covers shall be installed with set screws in line with the water flow. see standard Plan 3-7. Alternates must be standard equals. 3.19.D Fire Hydrant Assemblies Fire hydrants shall be compression Vpe, break-away (traffic model) hydrants conforming to AWWA C502, except as herein modified. see standard Plan 3- l . Per the'Com m un ity Fire Safety Act of 20 1 3'section 1 41 7, fir e hyd rants a re exempt from the"lead free'requirements of the'Reduction of Lead in Drinking WaterActl' 1. Valves and Nozles: 3-21 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Fire hydrants shall have a bottom valve size of at least 51 one 4-72'NST pumper port with 5"Storz fitting and two 2-1/2" nozles. Nozles shall have National Standard Threads (NST), with 1-7+'pentagonal nuts on the nozzle caps and operating nut. 2. Hydrant Leads: The hydrants leads shall be a minimum of 6"in diameter. An auxiliaryvalve shall be installed in the hydrant lead located at the connection to the City main. Leads 18 feet and less in length shall include restrained mechanicaljoint fittings with mega-lug type followerso( 3/+"tar coat or zinc plated shackle rod in two places. Blocking to be used for all runs over 181 Megalug type mechanical followers shall be used at the hydrant, the gate valve and on the tee. 3. Drainage: All hydrants shall be equipped with a drain. A gravel pit or dry well shall be provided per Standard Plan 3-1. Hydrant drains shall not be connected to, or located within, I0'horizontally of sanitary sewers or storm drains' 4. Painting: Public owned hydrants shall be painted with two (2) coats of Farwest wonderglow Quicket white gloss enamel#'l 100 series -v1814-W. Private hydrants shall be painted with two (2)coats of FarwestWonderglow Quicket yellow gloss #1 100 series -V1814Y'#3472. 5. Fire Hydrant Guard Posts: Concrete fire hydrant guard posts shall be furnished and installed with fire hydrants as required by the City. After installation, the posts shall be painted with two (2) coats of FarwestWonderglow Quickset Gloss Alkyd Enamel #1 100 series and match the color of the hydrant installed' See Standard Plan 3-3. 6. Standard Fire HydrantTYPes: Standard Fire Hydrant types shall be: a. Clow Medallion b. Mueller Centurion or 3-22 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT c. EJWatermaster5CD250 No Corey type hydrants allowed. 7. Fire Hydrant Clearance: 3'clearance with maximum 2 percent slope shall be provided around all fire hydrants, as well as clear access tolfrom the traveled way. See Standard Plan 3-3. 3.20 NEWWATERMAIN INSTALLATION AND EXISTING WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS prior to construction, it shall be understood that a physical separation between all untested and potentially contaminated watermains (or new main extensions) and the City's existing water system shall be maintained at all times unless the connection is protected by an approved bacKlow prevention assembly. See Standard Plan 3-2. A hydrant meter and an approved backflow prevention assembly shall be used whenever drawing water from the City's water system. Hydrant meters and backflow prevention assemblies shall be obtained from the PublicWork Operations Division, Water Section.The Contractorwill be required to completethe billing forms for aWater permit along with making the required damage deposit at the Permit Center located on the first floor of the Centennial Building,400 West Gowe Street. The assembly equipment may then be picked up at the Public Work Operations main facility located at 5821 S. 240th Street.There will be a charge for all water used in accordance with Kent City Code 7.02;10-TemporaryWater Meters. Call (253) 856-5500 for current fee schedule. The contractor has the option of cutting in the connection tee on the existing watermain, or providing potable water from an existing hydrant or blowoffto provide a temporary water supply per standard Plan 3-2. lf the contractor chooses the option of installing a new connection tee, the contractor shall install new resilient wedge valves on all sides of the tee, or otherwise as required by the Engineer. A mechanicaljoint plug with a 2' minimum tap and proper blocking shall be installed on the new incoming mainline valve at the new tee with piping accessible to accommodate filling the new water main. 3.21 PIPE INSTALLATION 3.21.A Pipe Bedding and Foundation Material pipe bedding shall be placed under and all around the pipe meeting the requirements of Crushed Surfacing Top Course shall be used for Pipe Zone Bedding per Section 9-03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, latest edition. lt shall be placed and compacted, hand knifed around the pipe haunches with a round point shovel to ensure uniform support and then in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe to 95 percent compaction ASTM D-l557. See 3-23 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT wsDoTStandard specifications and standard Plan3-22 in this chapter. Where determined necessary by the Engineer, ballast material shall be used below the pipe bedding to stabilize the trench.This ballast shall meet the requirements of shoulder ballast per Section 9.03.9(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 3.21.B Pipeline Cover (Backfill) All watermains shall be covered with sufficient depth to prevent freezing. The pipe shall be placed at a constant profile grade to provide the minimum cover as shown below and to allow for the release of air within the system.The minimum depth of cover forwatermains is: Table 3.6 Main Size Minimum Cover 10'and smaller 36'cover 12"and larger 48" cover Pipe trench backfill shall be crushed surfacing top course (CSTC) or controlled density fill above the pipe zone under all arterial classifications of roadways and those local streets adjacent to commercial or industrial land uses. Gravel borrow shall be used for pipe trench backfill in all other locations if in the opinion of the Engineer, existing trench Excavation soils are unsuitable. csTC or gravel borrow shall be from a pit approved by the Engineer and shall meet the requirements of CSTC per Section 9.03.9(3) or gravel borrow per Section 9.03.14(1) of the wSDoT standard specifications. controlled density fill shall meet rhe requirements of 2-09.3(1)E of the wsDoT standard Specifications. Each layer shall be compacted to 95 percent in paved areas and 90 percent in unpaved areas in accordance with ASTM D 1557, in lifts not to exceed 181The maximum particle size shall not exceed 6" or 2/3the depth of the layer being placed, whichever is less. Pipe trench backfill for lateral runs crossing existing or proposed improved City streets shall be CSTC meeting the requirements of Section 9.03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standa rd SPecifi cations. In paved areas, the trench patching shall be in accordance with Standard Plans 6-64lhrough649. 3.21.C Blocking All fittings changing the horizontal or vertical alignment of the pipe shall be installed with Class 3000 cement concrete thrust blocking, mix conforming 3-24 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Pt] BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 3.21.D 3.21.E with secrion 6-02.3(2)Bof the WSDOT Standard specifi cations. Blocking shall bear against solid undisturbed earth at the sides and bottom of the trench Excavarion and shall be securely wrapped with 4-mil polyethylene sheeting. Restrained joint pipe shall be required in areas where soils consist of peat or other low bearing strength materials or other areas as determined by the Engineer.Tie rods can be used in conjunction with thrust blocking for hydrant installations. see standard Plan 3-1 or fittings as approved by the Engineer. Mega Lugs or Mechanical Restrained Joint Pipe may be used in place of blocking only upon approval by the Engineer. Corrosive Soils ln areas with conosive soils, and at the sole discretion of the City Engineer, the watermain shall be encased in 4-mil high density polyethylene, in accordance with Method A of the most recent M41 AWWA Manualand all applicable AWWAStandards. Cubing Foam cubes (pigs) shall be inserted into and pushed through the new water main to remove any residue, dirt, debris, obstruction or possible foreign material in the new water main. Cube Usage 1. The Water Section will supply the foam cubes to the contractor based on the water system design as shown on the approved Engineering Plan' 2, The Contractor shall pick up the cubes at PublicWorla Operations and shall install two (2) foam cubes at the initial connection and two (2) foam cubes at each lateral connection 6"in diameter and larger (downstream of each connecting valve), as the new main is installed.This would include all 6'and larger diameter lateral runs to hydrants that are longer than one full pipe length, or have more than a single joint in them. 3. A mechanicaljoint cap with a 2'minimum tap shall be installed with proper blocking at the initial connection point on the new main with piping accessible to accommodate both flushing and chlorine injection. 4. The inspector and/orwater section shall retrieve the foam cubes when the contractor performs the cubing process, All cubing and flushing shall be under the supervision of theWater Section or the Inspector' 5. To accommodate the launch and the retrieval of the cubes, the minimum blow-offsize shall be 6"for watermain diameters up to 12'l 6. lt shall be the contractor's responsibility to properly dispose of all flush water per section 3.21.G below as well as locating and retrieving any'lost" 3-25 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 3.21.F 3.21.G or missing cubes or partial cubes from the watermain. 7. ln the event that the initial cubing does not adequately clean the new water maint the contractor shall be required to provide additional point(s) for launching and retrieval of additional cubes, and re-cube those sections of main that have debris in them until clean, as determined bytheWater Section. Pressure and Leakage Tests All new water mains, extensions of existing maint water system appurtenances and water services larger than 2"shall be pressure tested for leakage. Hydrostatic pressure tests shall be made at a minimum pressure of 250 psi for a duration of 1 5 minutes. No drop in pressure is allowed. Water appurtenance s2" andsmaller installed prior to watermain testing shall also be pressure tested with the watermain. At no time will the temporary water system connection or backflow prevention assembly remain connected or in place during the pressure test procedures. All costs for re-testing, including the lnspector's time to come back due to the Developer"not being readyi will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime ratet overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. Chlorine lnjection After the Contractor has cleaned the watermain by Cubing and flushing, the Contractor shall inject a liquid chlorine solution evenly throughout the new main and all connections and Appurtenances for complete and optimal disinfection.The chlorine dosage shall be a minimum of 50 mg/l and a maximum of 1 00 mg/l. AWWA C651 -99 Standards include detailed procedures for the adequate disinfection, flushing and microbiologicaltesting of all watermains. lf the contractor wishes the water section to do the injection, the lnspector shall give theWater Section five (5)working days notification to perform the chlorine injection.The Contractor must sign a waiver holding the city harmless for any failure of purity samples due to the work performed by the Water Section, as well as agreeing to reimburse the City for all costs associated with the disinfection process. Work may be scheduled after hours, outside of the 5-day notification period, or refused by the City due to manpower or workload constraints. The chlorine shall remain in the main for the time specified according to the procedure used from AWWA Standards C651-99. After the 24-hour disinfection period, the remaining residual throughout the watermain and Appurtenances shall not be lower than 25 mg/L, if so it would require reapplication of chlorine. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all chlorinated and turbid water. Chlorinated and turbid water shall be disposed of in an approved sanitary sewer. lf a sanitary sewer is not available, or the capacity of the sanitary 3-26 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM FNT sewer will be at risk, the Developer shall be responsible for disposing of the water per all applicable regulations, including Kent City code 7.14 lllicit Discharges. Amount of chlorine needed to produce 50mg/L in 18'of pipe (one pipe length) for 5.25o/o household bleach (with no additives) and 12.5o/o sodium hypochlorite solutions is shown in the following table' Table 3.7 Formula: Gals Required : (Pipe Length/l8) x Disinfectant Amount Example: How many gallons of fresh 5.2570 sodium hypochlorite will be required to disinfect 5,000'of B"main? 5,000'+ 18' 278x0.039 278 lengths of 8'piPe 1 1 gallons required All costs for re-injecting, including the Inspector's time to come back due to the Contractor'not being readyi'will be the responsibility of the Contractor. costs shall be the actual costs including hourly overtime rate for labor, overhead, equipment and materials and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. Diameter Household Bleach 5.25o/o (gall Sodium Hypochlorite 12,5o/o lgall 4 0.009 0.00s o 0.022 0.0't 1 B'0.039 0.019 10'0.061 0.031 12',0.087 0.044 16"0.156 0.078 t8'0.197 0.098 24',0352 0.176 30'0.548 0.275 3,27 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.21.H Bacteriological Purity SamPles Two (2) consecutive sets of acceptable puriry samples, taken at least 24 hours apart, shall be collected from representative points of the new watermain, all appurtenances and all other connections to the new watermain(s). Water Section personnel will take the first bacteriological puriry sample(s) after the chlorine is removed, flushing is completed and the chlorine level is no greater than, or less than, the level present in the adjacent distribution system.Water services installed prior to watermain testing shall also be purity tested with the water main and all other connections to the new watermain. The second set of purity samples shall be taken 24 hours after the first set of samples. A representative background sample of the City water system may be taken from the distribution source at the same time purity samples are taken from the new main. ln the event that the Water Section or the lnspector determines that trench water, dirt or debris has entered the new main during construction, the first purity samples shall not be taken until the water has stood in the new main for at least 16 hours after final flushing. As above, the second set of purity samples shall not be taken until the water in the new main has stood for an additional 24 hours. No water shall be flushed during the 1 6- or 24-hour incubation periods described above, or prior to the purity samples being taken. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to make arrangements to transport the sample(s)toTest Laboratories located at 13600 NE 126th Pl' Suite C, Kirkland,WA 98034.The Contractor shall be responsible for paying all costs for the purity samples. Two (2) consecutive samples,24 hours aparq must show no coliform presence before performing final connections to the existing water system. The Water Section may be available during normal working hours, depending upon workload, (7:30 am to 4:00 pm), excluding holidays and weekends, to take purity samples, assist with cubing and chlorine injections.The Contractor shall reimburse the City for all associated costs including labor, overhead, equipment, and material charges. Outside of normal working hours, the Contractor shall reimburse the City at the most current hourly overtime rate for labor, overhead, equipment and material and any other associated charges. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Fngineer. Final Connection(s) to the Existing Water Main When both sets of purity sample results are satisfactory and received in writing 3.21.1 3-28 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMFNT from the state-certified laboratory, and all other Citywater system standards have been met, the Contractor shall be allowed to connect the new mains to the existing distribution system following City and AWWA Standards. lt shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent, at all times, the contamination of the new and existing watermains with trench water, dirt, debris, or other foreign material. The Inspector and/orWater Section representative must be present to witness the final connection(s) to the existing water system, and the Water Department will turn on and flush the new water system, and place the new water system and appurtenances into service. 3-29 EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESI GN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3.22 WATER SYSTEM STANDARD PLANS 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-5a 3,sb 3-6 3-7 3-B 3-9a 3-9b 3-1 0 3-1 1 3-12a 3-12b 3-1 3a 3-1 3b 3-14a 3-14b 3-1 5 3-16 3-17 3-',18a 3-1 Bb 3-lBc 3,1 8d 3-1 Be 3-19 3-20 3-21 J-LL 3-23 Standard Fire Hydrant Tem porary Water 5u pply Con nections Guard Post Valve Marker Post Connection to Concrete Cylinder Main - 4"1o 12" Connection to CCP or MCSP Water Main - 4'to B"Sheet I of 2 Connection to CCP or MCSP Water Main - 4to B''Sheet 2 of 2 Not used Valve Box and Operating Nut Extender Not used Concrete Blocking Sheet 1 of 2 Concrete Blocking Sheet 2 of 2 Service Connection l "Service Service Connection 1-Vz" and 2"Service Compound Water Meter with By-Pass Sheet 1 of 2 CompoundWater Meterwith By-Pass Sheet 2 of 2 New or Retrofit Pressure Reducing Valve with Box for 3/+" and l "Service Lines New or Retrofit Pressure Reducing Valve with Box for 1-Vz" and 2"Service Lines Premises lsolation Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly LessThan 3"Diameter Premises lsolation Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly 3"Diameter and Larger lrrigation Service Installation Single-Family Residential Domestic waterline/Fireline FlowThrough system Multi-Family Residential DomesticWaterline/Fireline Up to 2"Demand Size Double Check Detector AssemblyAbove Ground (Demand Greaterthan 2') Sheet 1 of 5 Double Check Detector Assembly and Vault (Demand Greater than 2') Sheet 2 of 5 Double Check Detector Assembly lnside Building (Demand Greater than 2') Sheet 3 of 5 Double Check Detector Assembly and Vault Parts List Sheet 4 of 5 Double Check Detector Assembly and Vault Notes Sheet 5 of 5 Standard 6' Blowoff Assembly 2",4" and6'Combination AirlVacuum Valve and Vault Tapping Sleeve a nd Valve Assemblies Typical Water Main Trench Not used 3-30 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CO N STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DF.PAR TMTNT 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27a 3-27b 3-27c Water Main Crossing Other Utilities Water Pipe Encasement Requirements Sampling Station 6lnchWater Main PRVTop and SideViews Sheet 1 of 3 6 lnch Water Main PRV Outlet Profiles Sheet 2 of 3 6 lnch Water Main PRV Notes 3 of 3 3-31 EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY OF KENT DOCUMA LEGALTHIS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT STANDARD FIRE HYDRANTKENT DESIGNED COK nD^wN coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALE 12/2019DATFCHECKED COK 3-1ENGINEER APPROVED 4' NOMINAL REFERENCE POINT FOR HYDMNT LOCATION 3' MIN. CLEAMNCE FROM OBSTRUCI-IONS BOTTOM OF FLANGE ELEV 2" MIN.- 6" MAX. ABOVE INSTALL 1-114" OPEMTING NUT INSTALL SIDE PORT AND 1-1l4" OPEMTING NUT' REMOVE CHAINS AND RINGS LESS BY THE ENGINEER NOTE 1 SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-7 CONC. AROUND FIRE HYDMNT (SEE NOTE 4) 18 FEET c, z.o3 z.- FINISHED GRADE 2olo MAX. SLOPE AWAY FROM HYDMNT, TYP. ALL FINISHED LEVEL GRADE FILTER 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.)6" D.I., CL. 52, LENGTH AS REQUIRED, BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR ALL RUNS OVER CONCRETE CL. 3OOO THRUST BLOCKING, SEE STANDARD PLAN 3.9 WASHED ROUND GMVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINAGE PER WSDOT SPEC. 9-03.72(4), tl2 CUBIC YARD MIN 2-6" MEGALUG 12"xl2" OR 16"x8"x4"GljNDS coNc. NOTES: 1. SEE SECNON 3.19.D FOR FIRE HYDMNT TYPE. ALL NEW HYDMNTS SHALL HAVE A 5" ANODIZED ALUMINUM STORZ NOZZLE (HIHS). ALL RELOCATED HYDMNTS SHALL HAVE A STORZ ADAPTER (HPHA) AND STORZ NOZZLE, STANDARD FIRE HYDMNT WPES SHALL BE CLOW MEDALUON, MUELLER CENTURION OR EAST JORDAN WATERMASTER. 2. PArNT HYDMNTS WITH TWO (2) COATS OF FARWEST WONDERGLOW QUICKSET HI-PERFORMANCE ENAIVEL. PUBLIC HYDMNTS ARE WHITE #1100 SERIES AND PRIVATE HYDMNTS ARE YELLOW #3472' ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED BEHIND SIDEWALK OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS, THE PORT CAP SHALL NOT BE OVER THE SIDEWALK 4, PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL PER STANDARD PLAN 5'35 AROUND HYDMNT WHERE ADJACENT TO CONCRETE. PROVIDE NOMINAL 4 FT. SQUARE CONC. PAD IN ALL AREAS. CONCRETE FINISH SHALL MATCH SURROUNDING STYLE. WHERE ADJACENT CONCRETE DOES NOT EXISTTHE SURFACE SHALL BE BROOM FINISH INCLUDING A 4" EDGE (SHINE) AT PERIMETER, 4" THICK CONCREIE PLAN 2olo MAX. SLOPE AWAY FROM VALVE, TYP. ALL SIDES 6" MJxMJxFLTEE FOR NEW,0R TAPPING SLEEVE AND TAPPING VALVE FOR EXIST, WATER MAINS 5" FLXMJ RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE CONCRETE CL' 3O()O THRUST BLOCKING SIZE TO WITHSTAND PRESSURE. SEE STANDARD PI.AN 3-9 5, SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-3 FOR GUARD POST DETAILS. 6, WHEN FIRE HYDMNTS FALL BEHIND A DNCH LINE; PLACE A MINIMUM 10' WIDE APPROACH WITH CULVERT. PVC OR PLASTIC CULVERT PIPE IS UNACCEPTABLE. BACK FILL WITH CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE. RIP RAP PIPE ENDS AS NEEDED FOR EROSION CONTROL. 7. NO HYDMNT SHALL BE INSTALLED LESS THAN 10 FEET FROM THE EDGE OF A PRIVATE STREET OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 8. FIRE HYDMNT SHALL FACE THE F]RE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROAD OR STREET UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE ENGINEER. 9. A TEMPOMRY USE HYDMNT PERMIT, METER AND CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY ARE REQUIRED FOR DMWING WATER FROM HYDMNTS PERSONS DMWING WATER ILLEGALLY WILL BE PROSECUTED. lO.INSTALL BLUE MiSED PAVEMENT MARKER IF HYDMNT IS IN THE RIGHT OF WAY. o or =z. 3 SEE NOTE 1 lttr EXHIBIT A Sx18" MIN TEMPOMRY TEST BLOCKING SEE NOTE 3 z =an SUPPLY HOS REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY AND METER EXISTING WATER MIN. TEMPOMRY CONTROL VALVE NG CUBES PROVIDED BLOW.OFF SIZE CHART MAIN SIZE BLOW-OFF SIZE 4'4 6"-18"5" JOINT PLUG z',CLEANING CUBES CONTMCTOR PROVIDED TEMPOMRY CONTROL VALVE (TYP.) TAP OR BETTER WITH THRUST BLOCKING WITHOUT HYDMNT CONNECTION SEE NOTE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY AND METER z.z(t't SUPPLY EXISTING WATER MAIN AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPONTHE ENT BUTPLAN IS CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY CONNECTIONSKET DESIGNED COK SIANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATE qCHECKED COK 3-2 APPROVED --- ENGINEER FORMULA FOR ESTIMATING RATE OF DISCHARGE ^ 2.83 d2 Sxtl=--.F WHERE: ^ - DISCHARGE IN GALLONS V - PER MINUTE . INSIDE DIAMETER OFo = olscnRnce plpe d, Sx, Sy = MEASURED IN INCHES APPLIES TO PIPES UP TO AND INCLUDING 8" (200 mm) DIAMEIER TEMPOMRY WATER MAIN TEST \,:CAP OR PLUG CONTRACI-OR PROVIDED TEMPOMRY CONTROL VALVE NOTES:WITH HYDRANT CONNECTION 1 THE USER SHALL PROVIDE TEMPOMRY CONTROL GATE VALVES BETWEEN THE METERAND DISCHARGE POINT(S)' 2, REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY AND METER SHALL BE SUPPORTED A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE GROUND AND ATTACHED BY A 2Y2. FIRE HOSE T0 FIRE HYDMNT PORT OR BLOW.OFF CONNECTION. 3. A TEMPOMRY MANIFOLD PROVIDED THE CONTMCTOR MAY BE NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM FLOW REQ. BASED ON THE SIZE OF THE NEW MAIN' CONTMCTOR TO PROPERLY TREAT AND DISPOSE OF ALL FLUSH WATER. EXHIBIT A i" I', I I t' I I I II ti I It. { .1 " i,,. F 't "t ! I !' F .N I {" .t "l .t" I g, Lf i "i 9" DIA AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST RINGIS NOTA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT GUARD POSTt.6- DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRA'/{N coK 12/201eDATEcoKCHECKED INGINEB 3-3 1 \-f-II Ilr 3'NRE HYDMNT d Fi =@ MIN. j T 3' ,I t1 WATER MAINI / /" lll s -' LB__-ll--* a/. 4'x4'x4" THICK CONCRETE PAD REQUIRED AROUND HYDMNT PER STANDARD PLAN 3-1. 2olo MAX' SLOPE AWAY FROM HYDRANT, TYP, ON PADS, SEE NOTE 5. z', GUARD POST 1 3'x3'x4" THICK CONCREIE PAD REQUIRED AROUND VALVE PER STANDARD PI.AN 3.1, 2olo MAX. SLOPE AWAY FROM VALVE TYP. SEE NOTE 5. a -\a) la,\, 5 - #3 REINFORCEMENT BARS; CLASS 3000 PRECAST CONCRETE LOWER LIMIT FOR PAINT 4 I I ! N UU UI GUARD POST 3'MIN, TYP. ALL SIDES 3',wP.PROVIDE HAND RAIL IF GREATER THAN 2'-6" ALL SIDES CUT FILL HYDMNT LOCATION (CUT OR FILL'I NOTES: 1. THE FOG-TITE HYDMNT GUARD POST IS PRE. APPROVED. ALL OTHERS REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 2. GUARD POST ARE INSTALLED WITH TOPS SET AT THE SAME HEIGHT AS THE HYDMNT, IF MORE THAN ONE POST IS SET' THEY SHALL BE SFT AT THE SAME HEIGHT. 3. PAINT EXPOSED POST THE SAME COLOR, TYPE AND NUMBER OF COATS AS THE FIRE HYDMNT, SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-1 4. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-1 FOR FIRE HYDMNT DETAILS' .'- N.T.S 5. CONCRETE FiNISH SHALL MATCH SURROUNDING STYLE. WHERE ADIACENT CONCRFTE DOES NOT EXIST THE SURFACE SHALL BE BROOM FINISH INCLUDING A 4" EDGE (SHINE) AT PERIMETER. 6, GUARD POST SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE CLEAR ZONE, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-50. EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON IS NOT A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT VALVE MARKER POSTKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDF{AWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 3-4ENCINERAPPROVED- t-l 8 4'DIRESTIONAL ARROW (1t ) TYPICAL 2" HIGH BLACK STENCIL MARKINGS ON THIS FACE ONLY. HOMERIGHT PAINT DISTANCE FROM MARKER POST TO MAIN looo cotrfrt INDICATES SIZE I .v \ oF vALVE \ ,1 )c,/i55 sl ilNt5fio apAgt ul"t5 fl ifl#iff ul) ,1" 14 N\ Mr firil{ovcilaAF i/f{p' PRECAST UNITS INCLUDE RECESSED STAMP FOR TYPE \ pl8" \\ rl'60 vg5' iltt6il1t NOTES ,4Il 111' 1. FOR USE ON EASEMENTS OR WHENEVER THE WATER VALVE IS LOCATED IN AN UNPAVED AREA. 2, THE FOG TITE INC, VALVE MARKER POST WITH THE "WATER" LEGEND IS THE PRE-APPROVED PRODU T. ALL OTHERS REQUIRE THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, 3, LOCATE BEHIND WALK WHEN PRESENT OR BEYOND ROADWAY CLEAR ZONE, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT CONNECTION TO CCP OR WATER MAIN - 4,, TO SHEET 1 OF 2 MCSP g" DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE 01CHECKED 3-5oENGIN€ER APPROVFI) EXPOSE EXISTING STEEL PIPE. SEE NOTE 7 NOZZLE (CERTIFIED WELDER REQUIRED, sEE NOTES 2 AND 3 ) TAPPING VALVE FOR WATER SERVICE APPLICATIONS PLAN TABLE A: MINIMUM COLLAR WIDTH REINFORCING PAD WIDTH SHALL BE HALFTHE REQUIRED COLLAR WIDTH TABLE B: PLATE THICKNESS WATER MAIN GAUGE COLLAR PLATE AND REINFORCING PAD THICKNESS 12 TO 16 1/8" 9&10 s/32" ,<SEE NOTE 5 FOR COLLAR PLATE AND REINFORCING PAD REQUIREMENTS SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR NOTES AND ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS CCP = CONCREIE CYLINDER PIPE - AWWA C303 MCSP = MORTAR COATED STEEL PIPE - AWWA CJP W FUSION TO PIPE CYLINDER EXISTING CCP OR MCSP (STEEL PIPE WITH INNER AND OUTER LAYERS OF MORTAR) SEE NOTE 1 8-12 INCH SIZE TO ACCOMMODATE TAPPING MACHINE CJP W CONTOUR FILLET TO NOZZLE NOZZLE WELDED TO CYLINDER, JOINT FIT-UP TO MATCH CYLINDER CONTOUR A 111 !l ilt FLANGE, WELD BAR WRAP ON TO COLLAR, TYPICAL OF EACH CUT BAR FOR CCP MAINS MIN 1" SEE NOTE 11 9 NOZZLE. SEE NOTE 5 AND 10 REINFORCING PAD, A35 STEEL. SEE TABLE B FOR PLATE THICKNESS SECTION A-A COLLAR, A36 STEEL. SEE TABLE B FOR PLATE THICKNESS COLLAR, SEE TABLE A FOR WIDTH REINFORCING PAD, SEE TABLE A FOR WIDTH SECTION B-B * EXISNNG CCP OR MCSP B A B EXISTING WATER MAIN DIAMETER (iN) 18 2L NOMINAL NOZZLE DIAMETER (in)l6 2"z',2u4 3"3'3"6 4',484 l t' NOZZLE v z FRO\ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERI ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBTICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CMY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' NG DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT CONNECTION TO CCP OR MCSP WATER MAIN _ 4'' TO 8'' SHEET 2 OF 2 KENT DFSIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK o1 /2021DATFCHECKED COK 3-sbENGIIIEER APPROVED- NOTES: 1. REFERENCE CITY AS-BUILT INFORI4ATION FOR WATER MAIN PIPE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS' 2. THE FOLLOW]NG SUBM]TTALS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY OF KENT UTILITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL 10 BUSINESS DAYS PRIORTO ANY WORK BEING PERFORMED: 2.1. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) 2.2. WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) 2.3. WELDER QUALIFISATI9N / cERTIFICATIbN FoR THE WELDING OF THE GAUGE STEEL TO THE STEEL PLATE, FOR PIPE (ALL POSITIONS / ANGLES) pER THE MATERIALS AND METHODS OF THE APPROVED WELD PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION. 2,4, PROJECT PROCEDURE SUBMITTAL 3. CERTIFIED WELDER, FLANGE AND VALVE SHALL BE PRE.APPROVED BYTHE CITY OF KENT UTILITY ENGINEER. 4. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AWS PIPE WELDING CODE AND ASME CODE FOR PRESSURE PIPE. ALL FIELD WELDS SHALL BE LIQUID PENETMNT TESTED. 5. NEW PIPE, COLLAR, AND REINFORCING PAD SHALL BE A36 STEEL PLATE WiTH TOXX WELD. NOZZLE SHALL BE SCH' 40 PIPE AND MORTAR COATED AND MORTAR LINED INTERIOR WITH HOLDBACKS FOR WELDS. 6. COORDINATE WITH THE CITY IN REDUCING MAINLINE PRESSURES. OPERATING PRESSURE OF THE PIPE MUST BE BELOW 75 PSI PRIOR TO CUMNG OR REMOVING BAR WMP. 7. REMOVE ENERIOR MORTAR COATING WITHOUT DAMAGE TO THE STEEL PIPE OR BAR WMP. TACK WELD BAR WRAP TO THE PIPE. REMOVE JUST ENOUGH BAR WRAP TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF COLLAR, CLEAN PIPE OF ANY DEBRIS THAT MAY INTERFERE WITH THE WELDING OF THE CONNECTION. INSPECT PIPE FOR INTEGRITY. CONFIRM THE PROPER FIT OF COLLAR, 8. FIELD WELD NOZZLE, COLLAR, AND REINFORCING PAD, WELD BAR WRAP TO COLLAR. 9. AFTERWELDSHAVEBEENINSPECIEDANDACCEPTED,APPLYMORTARCOATTOCOVERALLEXPOSEDSTEEL(1/2"UNIFORM THICKNESS) EXCEPT THE BOLTED F|-ANGE AREA. MORTAR COAT SHALL BE PER AWWA M-9 USING A CUSTOM poLyFfHyLENE FOAM-LTNED GROUT BAND EQUAL TO MARMAC, OR SUBMIT MEANS AND METHODS FOR MORTAR COATING USING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AS DIAPER. 10, LINE THE INTERIOR HOLDBACKS WNH MPID SET MORTAR PRIOR TO TAPPING. ll.PROVIDE FLANGE AND BOLT PAfiERN MTED EQUALTO THE PRESSURE MTING OFTHE CYLINDER MAIN BUT IN NO CASE SHALL BE LESS THAN 250 PSI. ENSURE OUTLET IS ALIGNED WITH BMNCH LINE CONNE TION AND THAT FLANGE BOLT PATTERN IS ORIENTED FOR VERTICAL GATE VALVE ]NSTALLATION. PROVIDE INDEPENDENT STRUCTUML SUPPORT FOR THE VALVE AND TAPPING MACHINE. ccP = CONCREIE CYLINDER PIPE - AWWA C303 MCSP = MORTAR COATED STEEL PIPE - AWWA EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT XXXX XXXXKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 6/2020DATECHECKED COK 3-6ENGINER APPROVED- EXHIBIT A SLOPE AWAY 2olo MAX (TYP) OLYMPIC FOUNDRY VB 940 WnH TWO (2) INCH ,DEEP SKIRT'COVER. THE COVER SHALL BE MARKED'WATER", SEE NOTES 3, 4, AND 5. 3' x =eo 4', SEE NOTE 3 CARE SHALL BE TAKEN IN BACKFILL OPEMT]ONS ENSURING OPEMTING NUT IS IN CENTER AT ALL TIMES m WATER MAIN DIRESNON BASE SECIION: RICH 24" VALVE BOX BOTTOM, OLYMPIC NO, VB1C OR PRE-APPROVED EQUAL AND SHALL BE COMPATIBLE NUT EXTENDER AS NEEDED (BELOW RIGHT) z. E ro o tnU d WITH TOP SECNON 3'x3'x4" THICK CONCRETE (3,OO() PSI) PAD AROUND VALVE COVER IN UNPAVED AREAS PLAN VIEW 2'SQUARE OPERATING NUT ROCK GUARD, 4 L/4'DrA. 1/8" MrN. THICK VALVE BOX WITH OPEMTING NUT EXTENDER !F(,zUJ ouoUUz. (n NOTES: 1, ETTENSIONS ARE REQUIRED WHEN VALVE NUT IS MORE THAN THREE (3) FEET BELOW FINISHED GMDE, 3/4" SOLID STEEL ROD. 2. ETTENSIONS SHALL BE SIZED AS NEEDED, AND PAINTED WITH TWO (2) COATS OF METAL PAINT, OPEMTING NUT EXTENDER 3. EARS, LUGS OR STAINLESS CAP SCREWS (TMNSMISSION MAINS ONLY) ON COVER SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH DIRESIION OF WATER FLOW, SEE PLAN VIEW, IS NOT A DOCUM AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON 4. FORADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND USE SEE CIW OF KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS 3. 19.8 AND C, CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VALVE BOX AND OPERATING NUT EXTENDER 5, VALVE BOX SHALL BE CENTERED OVER 2" SQUARE OPEMTING NUT, SCALE STANDARD PLAN DATE r- WATER ___)-_-Az l{ 4 *13"- - -lL:, -a- _a____,___<4 la I I --T.o I <l I I FA I CHECKED ENGINEER 3-7 EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON BUT: THIS PLAN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT XXXX XXXXKENT NFSICNFD COK - STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK - 12 /2019DATFCHFCKFD COK 3-8EI{CINIER APPROVED EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST PI-AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONCRETE BLOCKING SHEET 1 OF 2G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE DRAWN CHFCKFD COK DATE q 3-9oEI{GINEER APPROVFI) FUSION BONDED EPOXY coATED SHACKLE RODS (TYP.) a SEE STMP DETAIL BELOW FUSION BONDED EPOXY coATED SHACKLE RoDS (wP.) an IFd. uor cod. Ftnoz f S TYPE A I STMP DETAIL IFd Uo UJro& =Fvt 6z = s TYPE B TYPE A BLOCKING FOR 1l %" AND 22k" VERTICAI BENDS VB s d L o 5nZ,Tu(JNZ ulv UL ud.fU)Ltl ^&.9dg Ftt1IUF oz.^ HNJ u.l<d.(J(9FUE6_u L(9o= F\ZL(J =O(Jd LoLi 2a umfucuL:oH uvo IJ'' uJ!zOaadNU}r-utntt L'. 6 L)69= o z. tno!!^9trS*E- L (J;.iO z.=-o=tr(J-oua 4', 300 lL%8 2 % 18 221A t2 2% 24 6" fi%t2 2% 22y 27 3 8" tly 16 2r5 22y 43 3y lzu lIY^64 4 1 22rt 125 5 36 TYPE B BLOCKING FOR 45O VERTICAL BENDS VB s d L o E6'9uZ.=u(JNZ Uc ud.fUI(/t^Yv,tgFanUF o EoJU<d.U('FT Es L(9o= F\ZL(J =O(J# LoLi.zO^26 Udt (JF LUoH U\Jo (n NU'vuJr/r- ^(Jo=d= UJ:z(J -at Lo (f z. U)aul^98fruU/,oz.= -o=tru-duo 4" 300 45 2I 3 v 206"64 4 8"L25 5 12,2t6 6 I 30 YFRE\ EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST NOT ANOTE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT CONCRETE BLOCKING SHEET 2 OF 2KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-9bENOINE€RAPPROVED- WMP PIPE AND FITTINGS WITH 8.MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING AS BOND BREAK BETWEEN PIPES AND CONCREIE THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCK VERT q- OF PIPE AND BLOCK BOTTOM FACE THRUST BLOCK AREA REFERS TO THE BOTTOM FACE OF BLOCK N4EASURED IN SQUARE FEET TYPE C NOTES: 1. LOCATION AND SIZE OF BLOCKING FOR PIPE LARGERTHAN 12" DIAMETER AND FOR SOIL fiPES DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN SHALL BE DETERMINED BYTHE ENGINEER. 2, ALL BLOCKING FOR VERTICAL FITTINGS (POURED IN PLACE) SHALL BEAR AGAINST UNDISTURBED NATIVE GROUND' 3. ALL POURED THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE BACKFILLED AFTER MIN. 1 DAY, PRESSURE TESTING SHALL OCCUR AFTER CONCRETE HAS REACHED MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 4. ALL BLOCKING SHALL BE COMMERCIAL CLASS 3O()O CONCRETE' 5. AFTER INSTALLATION, SHACKLE RODS AND PIPE SADDLES SHALL BE CLEANED AND COATED WITH 2 COATS OF ASPHALTIC VARNISH, ROYSTON ROYKOTE #612M ORAPPROVED EQUAL. 6. SHACKLE RODS SHALL BE FUSION BONDED EPOXY COATED ROUND MILD STEEL, ASTM A 36, WITH THREADS ON ENDS ONLY. 7. BLOCKING AGAINST FIfiINGS SHALL BEARAGAINSTTHE GREATEST FITTING SURFACE AREA POSSIBLE' BUT SHALL NOT COVER OR ENCLOSE BELL ENDS, JOINT BOLTS OR GLANDS. REASONABLE ACCESS TO BOLTS AND GLANDS SHALL BE PROVIDED, TYPE C BLOCKING FOR 11 y0.,22u',,45o, AND 90o VERTICAL BENDS THRUST BLOCK AREA IN SQUARE FEET PIPE SIZE FIRM SILT OR FIRM SILTY SAND COMPAST SAND COMPAST SAND AND GMVEL o oiliZ-u(JNZ ULo ha oz. ^oftudrao{hu\iA UJ UJF s NN ^6 <Hx hfi oz. ^oert dlo o(h lLl$ouuF )N Nr{ ^o <Hs d hfi az. ^o=2.fuuJ6Ao(hul+o UJUF :c 6lN ^6 eH :* 4u 5,8 4.2 1.7 2,9 2.L 1,0 2.2 1.6 1.0 5"13.3 9.4 3.8 6.7 4.7 1.9 5.0 3.s L,4 8',23.3 16.7 6.7 LL.7 8.4 3.4 8.8 6.3 2.5 t2'53.0 37.5 15.0 26.5 18.8 7.5 20,0 14.0 5,6 AREAS CALCUI-ATED ON 3OO PSI TEST PRESSURE AND 3'-0" MIN COVER OVER WATER MAIN EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. EERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT SERVICE CONNECTION 1'' SERVICEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 5-10ENCIIER APPROVED- r I t- -1 I I I J I L 6" MIN SEE NOTE 5 INSPECTION LID, SEE NOTE 6 STOP SHALL BE LOCATED IN BOX WHERE ANGLING OF SHUT.OFF. WRENCH IS NOT REQUIRED SIDEWALK OR CURB STREET PLANTER STRIP (fiP.) ANGLE METER STOP wtrH PADLOCK WINGS sEE NOTE 4 METER SFTTER (%" oR 1" DEPENDING ON METER) SEE NOTE 1 1" PACK JOINTX%" I.P THREAD MALE ADAPTER (%" SETTER ONLY) INLET _* NOTES: SEE SEC. 3.10 FOR PRE.APPROVED METER SETTERS AND METER BOXES. 2. PROVIDE 8' MIN. CLEAMNCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE EDGES OF ADJACENT METER BOXES. 3. CENTER METER SETTER IN METER BOX; FRONT-TO-BACK, SIDE.TO.SIDE. PLAN VIEW CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE OR BUILDING ]NSTALLED UNDER PLUMBING PERMIT END OF CITY OF KENT MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUTY PER KENT CITY CODE SECflON 7.02,040 INSTALL AN 18" PIECE OF SCHEDULE 80 PVC PIPE IN METER SETTER BMCE EYE. 1"0 MIN. TYPE ''K" COPPER PIPE OR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE TO PROPERW LINE UNOBSTRUCTED ANGLE STOP INSPECTION LID AND METER WHEN EQUIPPED METER BOX SEE NOTE 1 ACCESS SIDEWALK (6" MIN.) OR PLANTER STRIP SINGLE CHECK ELL d.o Ed.IUcod.c Fz.U =Hs<=UJ o oF @ DRILL HOLE 2'MAX. FROM PROPERTY LINE METER SETTERS SEE NOTE 7 8" TO 10'OF 5/8" GMVEL FOR DMINAGE AND BOX SUPPORT ANGLE STOP ACCESS =tt) [lo d(, o UJ =u't z. L =o) UJdt N z. =d.UF = uz.5 Fz.UEUU' ul d.o Fatr!dod.o 1 SEE NOTE 4 1" PACK JOINT ADAPTER X 1" I.P. FEMALE THREAD 5. PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE ENDS TO METER SETTER AND TAPPING SADDLE WITH STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS. 6. INSPESTION LID IS ONLY INCLUDED IN PLASTIC BOXES ALLOWED IN PLANTER STRIPS, ALL NEW INSTALLATIONS AND REPLACEMENTS SHALL ENSURE BOX AND SETTER PLACEMENT IS OR WILL BE SQUARE TO THE NEW OR EXISTING HARDSCAPE SURROUNDINGS. 1" CORP. DOUBLE STMP SADDLE 220 SEE NOTE 4 CL,-52 DUCTILE IRON WATER MAIN 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER LOCATING WIRE, PLASTIC COATED, FOR POLY PIPE ONLY. BARE WIRE ENDS. NO SPLICES WILL BE ALLOWED. PERMANENTLY CONNECT WIRE END TO SADDLE OR CORP. STOP. 7 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY IVAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SERVICE CONNECTION 1-1/2" AND 2" SERVICEKENT STANDARO PLANSCALE CHFCKED COK 9/2020DATE ENGINEER 3-1 1 d.o Fatucodd uz J Fz.UEUtJ) U METER BOX SEE NOTE 4 SIDEWALK OR PI-ANTER STRIP CURB (rYP.) ANGLE METER STOP WITH PADLOCK WINGS METER SETTER SEE NOTE 1 PACK JOINT ADAMER (TYP.) SEE NOTE 8 BE EQUIVALENT S]ZE OF THE SETTER TYPE "K" COPPER PIPE OR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE TO PROPERW LINE PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE END TO SADDLE OR CORPORANON STOP BALL TYPE CORP sToP w M.I.P.r. ENDS SEE NOTE 2 DOUBLE STMP SEE NOTE 1 SADDLE HORTZoNTAL q WATER MAIN F.I.P. X POLYETHYLENE PIPE- PACK JOINT ADAPTER WITH STAINLESS STEEL INSERT t7-rl4' (2'SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP 1' MAX FROM PROPERTY UNE SINGLE CHECK ELL 8',TO 12" OF s/8" GMVEL FoR DMINAGE AND BOX SUPPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE OR BUILDING, INSTALLED UNDER PLUMBING PERMIT OF CITY OF KENT MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILIW PER KENT CITY CODE SESTION 7.02.040 NOTES: 1. 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER LOCAT]NG WIRE' PLASTIC COATED BARE WIRE ENDS, FOR POLYETHYLENE PI.ASTIC PIPE ONLY NO SPUCES ARE ALLOWED. 2, FORD NO, FB-500, AY MCDONALD OR MUELLER CORPOMTION STOP OR APPROVED EQUAL, 3. PERMANENTLY CONNECI BARE WIRE ENDS TO METER SETTER WITH STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS. 4. SEE SEC, 3.10 FOR PRE-APPROVED METER SETTERS AND METER BOXES. 5. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-13 IF PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS REQUIRED. 6. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 2'CLEAMNCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE EDGES OF ADJACENT METER BOXES. 7. CENTER METER SETTER IN METER BOX; FRONT.TO.BACK' SIDE-TO.SIDE. 8. INSTALL AN 18" PIECE OF SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE IN EACH OF THE METER SETTER BMCE EYES. STREET 220 13-1/4' (1-U2" MTR,) 6"MIN. (f, oF 6 SPACER PIPE W HOLE IN SPACER (DO NOT INSTALL GASKETS) lo- 1 I DRILL HOLE SEE NOTE 3 BRACE (NO BY-PASS) vFR8\ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COMPOUND WATER METER WITH BY-PASS SHEET 1 OF 2 KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 3-12oSNCINEER APPROVFf] SEE NOTE 3 8'-4" (4484 LA) 10'-6" (s106 LA) PLAN VIEW sENsus oMNI c2 wRren vrtTnltlSilS LAY LENGTH wITH BY-PAss a 5 s56$ oFq o q o(h F FROM MAIN NOTES: 1, FLANGE COUPLING ADAPTER. 2. 3'.6" COMPOUND WATER METERS TO BE TESTED BY APPROVED TESTING COMPANY FOR ACCUMCY AFTER INSTALLATION. 3, AN ISOLATION GATE VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED ATTHE CONNECTION TO THE CITY MAIN. 4. FOR 3" AND 4" WATER MAINS USE UNLITY VAULT 4484 I.A OR EQUIVALENT WITH AN OVEMLL DEPTH OF 5'-7' AND HAVE A DOUBLE HATCH LID WITH RECESSED LOCKING HASP. FOR 6" AND 8" WATER MAINS USE UTILITY VAULT 5106 LA OR EQUIVALENT WITH AN OVEMLL DEPTH OF 7'.2" AND HAVE A DOUBLE HATCH LID WITH RECESSED LOCKING HASP. 5. RESILENT WEDGE GATE VALVE FLXFL 2" SQUARE OPEMTING NUT NON RISING STEM. 6. INSTALL 1-2,,X6'' BMSS NIPPLE, 1-2'' BALL VALVE (FIP THREAD), l-2" tilPx?-Ll}" NST HOSE FITTING #D579 AND 1-2-112" NS6T CAP #D5r94. 7. INSTALL A2-332 LID APPROXIMATELY 36"Wx56"1. 8. IF IN DRIVEWAY OR SIDEWALK DOUBLE HATCH MUST HAVE NON SLIP COATING. 9. BYPASS RESILIENT WEDGE FLxFL OS & Y GATE VALVE FLxFLXFL TEE SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 1 SENSUS OMNI C2 METER IN DRS LAY LEI{GTH FLXFL 90o IT VAULT LIDVAULT WALL (TYP) DUCTILE IRON PIPEFLXMI 90o RESILIENT WEDGE FLXFLOSANDY GATE VALVE I-ADDER WNH SAFETY UP DEVICE CUSTOMER TO SEE NOTE 5 VARIES __-F!9L-- SILENT CHECK SEE NOTE 5 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT COMPOUND WATER METER WITH BY-PASS SHEET 2 OF 2 DESIGNED COK ho^r!f,r col( STANDARD PLANSCALE DATE aCHECKED 3-12bENCINEER APPROVFT) GRADE INSTALL: 1-2"x6" BMSS NIPPLE, 1-2" BALL VALVE (FIP THREAD) #Blt777 1-2" MIP x 2 L/2" NST HOSE FITTING #0579 r-2 tlz', NST CAP #D5194 FLxFL RESILENT WEDGE GATE VALVE 2" OPEMTING NUT NON RISING STEM SEE SENSUS OMNI C2 IN DRS tAY LENGTH I (Oo h c{ N d.o I\to$s F\ 6 FROM MAIN 1 VAULT WALL FLANGE COUPLING ADAPTER FL x PI-ANE END CUT TO LENGTH FLXFL RESILENT WEDGE GATE VALVE 2" OPERATING NUT NON RISING STEM 6" CSTC OR CSBC PAD (TYP) PROFILE NOTES: 1. GATE VALVES TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN LID OPENING FOR "KEY" OPEMTION ABOVE GROUND OR CORE DRILL LID AND INSTALL VALVE BOX PER CIW OF KENT CODE FLUSH WITH TOP AND BOTTOM OF LID, LADDER REQUIRED PER OSHA AND WISHA REQUIREMENTS. 2. STANDON S89 FLANGE SUPPORT OR EQUAL GALVANIZED PIPE SUPPORTS TO BE INSTALLED UNDER EACH VALVE AND TWO PLACES UNDER THE METER AS SHOWN. 3. FOR 3'AND 4" WATER MAINS USE UTIUTYVAULT 4484IAOR EQUIVALENT WITH AN OVERALL DEPTH OF 5'-7" AND HAVE A DOUBLE HATCH LiD WITH RECESSED LOCKING HASP, FOR 6" AND 8'' WATER MAINS USE UTILITY VAULT 5106 LA OR AppRovED EQUAL WITH AN OVEMLL DEPTH OF 7'-2" AND HAVE A DOUBLE HATCH LID WITH RECESSED LOCKING HASP. 4. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM OUTSIDE WALL OF VAULT TO ANY OTHER UTILITY OR PIPE' 4 6" MrN. (TYP.) SILENT CHECK SEE NOTE 2 (rYP.) MrN. 36", MAX, 48" FROM FLOOR6" MrN, (TYP.) EXHIBIT A AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPONTHE BUTENGINEERINPLAN IS CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NEW OR RETROFIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH BOX FOR 3/4" AND 1" SERVICE LINES t.6- DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE NONE 3-13oDATE NOTES: 1. BOX AND PRV ASSEMBLY TO BE LOCATED DOWNSTREAM OF WATER METER AND SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN. 2, PRV TO BE ALL CAST BRONZE UNIONLESS WATER REDUCING VALVE AND STAINLESS STEEL STMiNER WILKINS, NO, 6OOXLLU, 3/4" AND 1' 3, SIZE OF MTTER SETIER, REGULAR ADAPTER AND FITTINGS TO BE ALL THE SAME AS EXISTING SERVICE LINE. 4. SEE SEC. 3,10 FOR PRE-APPROVED METER BOXES, PRE APPROVED MEIER SETTERS ARE: W73-15W-xx-33-NL FOR 3/4" PRV AND W74-15W-xx-44-NL FOR 1" PRV' 5. CENTERASSEMBLY IN METER BOX; FRONT-T0-BACK' SIDE-TO-SIDE. SEE ANGLE STOP ACCESS PI.AN. INSPECTION LID, SEE NOTE 5 3'' TO 4" CLEAMNCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOX LID AND TOP OF PRV SEE NOTES 2 AND 3 STOP SHALL BE LOCATED IN BOX WHERE ANGLING OF SHUT-OFF WRENCH IS NOT REQUIRED ANGLE BALL, ANGLE INVERTED KEY OR ANGLE COMPRESSION INLET PEA GMVEL NATIVE SOIL METER SEE NOTE 4 FROM METER PACK JOINT, MALE ADAPTER PLAN PRV ADAPTOR: MALE IRON PIPE THREAD BY MALE METERTHREAD (M-2-NL FOR 3/4- PRV AND M-4-NL FOR 1" PRV) FINISHED GMDE ANGLE BALL, ANGLE INVERTED KEY OR ANGLE COMPRESSION OUTLET VALVE INSTALL AN 18" PIECE OF SCHEDULE 80 PVC PIPE IN [4ETER SETTER BRACE EYE + TO CUSTOMER NEW OR EXISTING SERVICE LINE INSPECTION LID AND PRV ANGLE STOP ACCESS UNOBSTRUCTED ANGLE STOP ACCESS NOTE 1 TO CUSTOMER TO CITY MAIN t- L J r I I I L PRVWATER METER 3-4" MIN. EXHIBIT A AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON BUTENGINEE: THIS PI-AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NEW OR RETROFIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH BOX FOR 1-1/2" AND 2" SERVICE LINESG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE o1CHECKED 3-13bENCINEA APPROVFT) NOTES 1. BOX AND PRV ASSEMBLY TO BE LOCATED DOWNSTREAM OF WATER METER AND SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN' 2. PRV TO BE ALL CAST BRONZE SINGLE UNION WATER REDUCING VALVE AND STAINLESS STEEL STMINER WILKINS, NO. 6()OXL, 1-1l2" AND 2' 3. SIZE OF METER SETTER, REGULAR ADAPTER AND FIfiINGS TO BE ALL THE SAME AS EXISTING SERVICE LINE. 4. SEE SEC, 3.10 FOR PRE-APPROVED METER BOXES. PRE APPROVED METER SEfiERS ARE: VBB75-15-44-66-NL FOR 1-1l2" PRVAND vBB77-Ls-44-77 FOR2' PRV. METER SFTTER TO HAVE NO BY-PASS. 5. CENTERASSEMBLY IN MFIER BOX; FR0NT-TO-BACK, SIDE-T0-SIDE. SEE ANGLE STOP ACCESS PLAN. 6. METER FLANGE BY FEMALE IRON PIPE THREAD, AND GASKETS; CF31-66-NL FOR 1-112" PRV AND CF31-77-NL FOR 2" PRV . PROVIDE TWO 5/8" x2-tl2" ZINC PLATED STEEL BOLTS AND NUTS FOR ATTACHING FLANGE TO METER. 7. BMSS IRON PIPE THREADED FITNNG CUT TO LENGTH. METER FLANGE BY MALE IRON PIPE THREAD 2' MIN LENGTH, AND GASKETS; CF38-66-2-NL FOR 1-112" PRV AND CF38-77-2-125-NL FOR 2" PRV . PROVIDE TWO 5/8" x2-112" ZINC PLATED STEEL BOLTS AND NUTS FORATTACHING FLANGE TO METER. PLAN LID, SEE NOTE 5 NISHED GRADE FLANGED ANGLE BALL METER VALVE, OUTLET NEW OR EXISTING SERVICE LINE TO CUSTOMER JOINT MAKE ADAPTER INSPECI-ION LID AND PRV UNOBSTRUCTED ANGLE STOP ACCESS ANGLE STOP ACCESS SEE NOTE 1 TO CIW MAIN TO CUSTOMER STOP SHALL BE LOCATED IN BOX WHERE ANGLING OF SHUT-OFF WRENCH IS NOT REQUIRED FLANGED ANGLE METER VALVE, INLET PEA GMVEL NATIVE SOIL FROM 3" TO 4" CLEAMNCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOX LID AND TOP OF PRV I I METER PACK MAKE ADAPTER INSTALL AN 18" PIECE OF SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE IN EACH OF THE METER SETTER BMCE EYES t- L J r I I I L WATER METER \ -- SEE NOTE 8 SEE NOTES 2 AND 3 SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTE 7 {tt, :/ 3-4" MIN SEE NOTE 4 illl=IliEI EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT PREMISES ISOLATION REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY LESS THAN 5,' DIAMETER G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 3-14oENGINEERAPPROVED- N,IETER ASSEMBLY METER FINISHED SEE NOTE 2GMDE (rYP.) ENCLOSURE ASSE STD#1060, CLASS II CERTIFIED ENCLOSURE, SEE NOTE 2, TNSTALL UNIONS (TYP.) FOR 2- SMALLER ASSEMBLIES 4" MIN LEVER OR WHEEL AND INSIDE WALL SEE NOTE 9 4" MIN, INSULATED ENCLOSURE, SEE NOTE 2(TYP.) 12" MIN SECTION A-A NOTES: 1. DMWINGS ARE ILLUSTMTIONS ONLY. SIZE OF METER AND BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. 2. ABOVE GROUND ENCLOSURES SHALL BE ASSE 1()5O PER SECNON 3.10,E LOCKING THE ENCLOSURE IS ENCOUMGED AND ACCEPTABLE. 3. INSUI.ATED ENCLOSURES SHALLALLOW MINIMUM CLEARANCES. 4. BACKFLOW PREVENTION SHALL BE PER SECTION 3,L6, 3'L7 AND 3' 18. 5. PROVIDE STANCHION APPROVED SUPPORT FOR ASSEMBUES I.ARGER THAN 2" DIAMETER, 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH, INSTALL, TEST ALL PIPING AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, 7. THE ASSEMBLY MUST BE PROTECTED FROM FREEZING, OTHER SEVERE WEATHER, AND FROM ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE. 8. IMMEDIATELY AFTER WATER IS PROVIDED (TURNED ON) TO THE METER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A WASHINGTON STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER (BAT) TEST AND APPROVE THE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. 9. IF PIPING MATERIAL OTHER THAN COPPER OR BRASS IS USED, OR IF THE RPBA IS I.ARGER THAN 2", ADEQUATE SUPPORT TO THE ASSEMBLY MUST BE PROVIDED, U4-TURN, BALL VALVE sHUT-oFF (TYP.) MIN. (TYP.) 4" MrN, (fiP,) DMrN (TYP.) BOTH ENDS TO DOMESTIC OR INDUSTRIAL USE TYPE K COPPER, BMSS, OR APPROVED EQUAL, CENTERED IN SLEEVES (GALVANTZED NOT ACCEPTABLE) REDUCED PRESSURE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY PROPERTY OR -rnseNerw rrrvE- DOMESTIC WATER METER PI.AN VIEW - TYPICAL INSTALI.ATION 10. RPBA MUST BE ON WASHINGTON STATE DOH APPROVED LIST, MUST BE TESTED UPON INSTALLATION BY A WASHINGTON STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER, AND MUST BE TESTED ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, SUCCESSFUL TEST RESULT MUST BE REPORTED ANNUALLY TO THE CITY'S CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGMM. 11. RBPA MUST BE TESTED IF MOVED OR REPAIRED. 12. THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION. 13. YARD DMINS OR OTHER OVERFLOW WATER COLLECTION MEANS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN FINAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN TO PREVENT HAZARDOUS CONDITION FOR PASSING PEDESTRIANS, I.E., SLIPPERY ICE OR ERODED SOIL AND MULCH TO WALKING SURFACES. 14. FINAL INSPE TION OF THE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE crrY's cRoss coNNESIION CoNTROL PROGRAM (CCCP) INSPECIOR. THE BACKFLOW PERMIT AND COPY OF THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TEST SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE CCCP INSPESTOR AT THE ON-SITE INSPE TION A oF FROM WATER _ MAIN PVC SLEEVE 2" GREATER t2" MIN THAN PIPE d.o EdUcod.c uz:l Fz.t!E LUUI UJ CONC. SLAB I (wP.) 6" MIN EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT PREMISES ISOLATION REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 3'' DIAMETER AND LARGER DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED 3-14bENGINEfi APPROVFN ENCLOSURE ASSE STD# 1060, CLASS II CERTIFIED ENCLOSURE,3" MIN. WHEN VALVE SEE NOTE 2. 1S FULLY OPEN STANCHION STYLE PIPE SUPPORTS (TYP.)A 2" MIN. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE (rYP.) GRADE T2' MIN, PVC SLEEVE 2" GREATER THAN PIPE SIZE PROFILE VIEW - WATER SERVICE AND REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY 3" MIN. (rYP,) 12" MIN TO BUILDING INSULATED ENCLOSURE, SEE NOTE 2 PROPERTY OR EASEI4ET'IT LINIE SECTION A.A PLAN V]EW - TYPICAL INSTALI.ATION PRESSURE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY 3" MlN. (rYP.) uz.5 Fz UJtuv, U d,o FdUAod.L (rYP.) ENDS DRAIN BOTH A TO FROM WATER IYAIN L 4" MIN. (wP.) NOTES: 1, DRAWINGS ARE ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY. SIZE OF METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. 2. ABOVE GROUND ENCLOSURES SHALL BE PER SECIION 3.10.E 3. INSULATED ENCLOSURES SHALLALLOW MINIMUM CLEAMNCES 4. PROVIDE STANCHION APPROVED SUPPORT FORASSEMBLIES LARGER THAN 2" DIAMETER, 5, THE CONTRACIOR SHALL FURNISH, INSTALL, TEST ALL PIPING AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 6. THE ASSEMBLY MUST BE PROTECTED FROM FREEZING, OTHER SEVERE WEATHER, AND FROM ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE. 7. DMIN SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL MANUAL 6-8. DOMESTIC INDUSTRIAL USE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY WITH INSULATED ENCLOSURE HIGH HAZARD DOMESTIC WATER METER 8, RPBA MUST BE ON WASH1NGTON STATE DOH APPROVED LIST, MUST BE TESTED UPON INSTALLATION BY A WASHINGTON STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER, AND MUST BE TESTED ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, SUCCESSFUL TEST RESULT MUST BE REPORTED ANNUALLY TO THE CITY'S CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM. 9. RBPA MUST BE TESTED iF MOVED OR REPAIRED. 10.THE FACILITY IS OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION. 11, YARD DMINS OR OTHER OVERFLOW WATER COLLECTION MEANS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN FINAL I.ANDSCAPE DESIGN TO PREVENT HAZARDOUS CONDITION FOR PASSING PEDESTRIANS, I.E.' SLIPPERY ICE OR ERODED SOIL AND MULCH TO WALKING SURFACES. nH..ft^CONC, SLAB FLOW - 36" MIN. -TT T T 5" MIN (rYP.) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY IVAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT IRRIGATION SERVICE INSTALLATIONKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK ENGINEN 3-15 TO IRRIGATION DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (DCVA) DEDUCT pa47A-=r' R/W, PROPERTY OR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE (PRV) IF REQUIRED TO LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION TO BUILDING FOR IRRIGATION PRV IF REQUIRED FOR BUILDING (SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-13) INSTALL TEE AFTER PROPERTY LiNE -REDUCED PRESSURE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY (RPBA), SEE STANDARD PLANS 3-14a AND 3-14b .- DCVA IRRIGATION WATER METER IRRIGATION MAINUNE (srzE vARrEs) PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE LOCATION, IF REQUIRED FOR IRRIGATION, PER STANDARD PI-AN 3.13 EASEMENT IINE DOMESTIC WATER TYPICAL DEDU T INSTALLATION METER BOX DEDUCT METER SEE NOTE 5 ANGLE METER STOP CHECK ELL METER SETTER PIPE BRACE (OPTIONAL) SERVICE LINE FROM DOMESTIC WATER NOTES: 1. DMWINGS ARE ILLUSTMTIONS ONLY. SIZE OF METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE PER THE APPROVED PLANS 2. BOXES OR VAULTS SHALL BE PER SECTION 3.10.E. 3. BACKFLOW PREVENTION SHALL BE PER SECTION 3.16 AND 3.18' SPECIFIC MATERIAL AND SIZE REQUIREMENTS W]LL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS AND/OR CONTMCT SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 4, FOR IRRIGATION USE ONLY INSTALLATION THE DCVA AND IRR]GATION BOX SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE METER BEING SET. THE DCVA CAN BE CERTIFIED AFTER INSTALLANON OF THE METER, 5, THE DEDUCT METER SHALL BE A SENSUS OMNI WITH ATOUCH READ THAT READS IN HUNDRED CUBIC FEET 6. DEDUCI METER NOT REQUIRED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, TYPICAL IRRIGAT]ON ONLY INSTALLATIOII 5" VALVE BOX dlol Fl= frt=atLo'zdlud:5 -lu 3lH o oF o IRRIGATION BOX, SEE NOTE 2 INSPECNON UD (oPEN, TYP) 12" LAYER PEA GMVEL z. =$N METER BOX QUICK COUPLER SWING ]OINT s N uNroN (TYP.) CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY 6"DOUBLE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN ]S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' ENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DOMESTTC WATERLINE/FIRELINE FLOW THROUGH SYSTEM KENT DESIGNED COK NONESCALE STANDARD PLAN r]RAWN qOK I /2020OATFCHECKED COK 3-16 APPROVED 'N''N"A x E -o rll SERVICE LINE CITY METER SETTER DOMEST]C LINE NOTES: 1. 1" MINIMUM SIZE INCOMING LINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL 3.14a' 2, SEE RCW 70.119A.210 FOR WATER PURVEYOR SHUT-OFF AND LIABILITY CONCERNS. PROPERTY LINE DOMESNC WATER METER SEE STANDARD PLAN 3,10 (fiP.) HOUSE GAMGE HOT SHUT-OFF VALVE CITY WATER MAIN BEDROOM r TUB --< SIN KITCHEN { I DINING lr. l INTERNAL SPRINKLER CONFIGURATION MUST BE APPROVED PER THE CITY OF KENT BUILDING PERMIT, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTGMULTI_FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DOMESTTC WATERLINE/FIRELINE UP TO 2'' DEMAND SIZE STANDARD PLANSCALEDESIGNED COK *;M' COK DAIECHECKED ENCINEER 3-17 t DEDICATED FIRE LINE LEAK DETECTOR METER DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY ON CONSUMER'S PROPERTY WITHIN 5 FEET OF RIGHT OF WAY FIRE LINE ALL WORK IN STREET RIGHT.OF-WAY OR EASEMENT PER THESE STANDARDS 1-112" OR 2', METER/SETTER (DOMESTIC WATER METER, SEE STANDARD P|-AN 3-11 (TYP) NOTES: I, I-Uz" MINIMUM, OR SIZE INCOMING LINE AND DCVA IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS, ACCESS TO DOUBLE CHECK HAS TO BE APPROVED 2. REQU]RES APPROVAL OF UNDERGROUND FIRELINE PLAN, 3, ALL MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION, APPAMTUS, CONNECIIONS, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WNH KENT CITY CODES, STANDARDS AND DETAILS 4. FIRE LINE SYSTEMS EXCEEDING FLOW MTES OF 2" DOMESTIC WATER METER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO USE DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLIES PER STANDARD PLAN 3-18a (ABOVE GROUND). ALTERNATE LOCATION OF DEDICATED FIRELINE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM CITY OF KENT cRoss coNNEcnoN CONTROL PROGRAM. DOMESTIC LINE CITY WATER MAIN E B 1-1l2" MIN LINE EXHIBIT A 2t -}{ltt7 15 t2 44 37 BUI. FROM ') MAIN 4411 2 4" MrN, (TYP) z. = N 74 5 6 83 9',24 10 MIN 23 4f{z.z 38 44 16 z. E \fN 4T 5 38 38 " MIN. 40 6 43 24 B 30 30 I 8 10 44 39 MIN. PROVIDE 9" MIN. CLEARANCE (fiP.) SLOPE GRADE CONTINUE RESTMINT AS NEEDED FLOW NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' 44 39 AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY ABOVE GROUND (DEMAND GREATER THAN 2") SHEET 1 OF 5G STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN- 9/2020DATECHECKED - 3-18oENCINEER ALL PARTS OUTSIDE OF THE ENCLOSURE SHALL BE INSPECIED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. THE ENCLOSURE, ITS CONTENTS AND PIPING TO THE MAIN SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CTTY OF KENT 5" MIN. CONCRETE PAD R/W INSTALL AN ISOLATION VALVE AT THE MAIN oL)o FLoF FI(,uI dlIa oUd. foUd. 24" RESTMIN ALL ]OINTS FROM MAIN 5/8- MINUS CRUSHED ROCK 2" MINIMUM z. = UI RESTMINED BEND MJ (TYP) VARIES BY MANUFACIURER AND SIZE$I TO ASSEMBLY FLOW NOTES: 1. SEE STANDARD PLANS 3-18d SHT. 4 FOR PARTS USTAND 3-18e SHT. 5 FOR NOTES' 2. ABOVE GROUND INSTALI.ATIONS SHALL BE USED IN AREAS PRONE TO FLOODING OR WITH HIGH WATER TABLES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMNED TO THE KENT VALLEY FLOOR. 3. IF CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK OR FI.ANGE FITTINGS CANNOT BE USED, 2 FORMS OF THRUST RESTMINT ARE REQUIRED. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMgLY AND VAULT (DEMAND GREATER THAN 2'') SHEET 2 OF 5 DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 3-18bENCINEER APPROVFT) =Lo F-(9 d. F (J R/W -INSTALL AN ISOLATTON VALVE AT THE MAIN Fd.Ucod.c U k dc MAX.15 coNc, ALL PARTS OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. THE VAULT, ITS CONTENTS AND PIPING TO THE MAIN SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CITY OF KENT. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT TO BUILDING SEE NOTES 2 AND 3 ON THIS SHEET NOTES: 1. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3.18d SHEET 4 FOR PARTS LIST AND 3.18E SHEET 5 FOR NOTES. 2, TRENCH DMIN WITH GMTING COVER. SUMP PUMP GOES IN THE TRENCH AND DISCHARGES ABOVE GMDE' THE TRENCH IS AN INTEGML PART OF THE VAULT CONSTRUSTION, IT SHALL NOT BE ADDED IN THE FIELD. TRIM GMTING AS NECESSARY FOR SUMP PUMP INSTALLATION. THE SUMP PUMP CAN NOT DISCHARGE TO THE STORM SYSTEM. PUMP TO THE GROUND SURFACE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT IN A VEGETATED AREA OR TO THE SANNARY SEWER, PERMITS ARE REQUIRED TO PUMP TO THE SANITARY SEWER, 4, DISCHARGE OF PUMPED WATER MUST NOT CAUSE EROSION, PONDING, OR SAFETY CONCERNS' 5. WITH FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL FDC CAN BE MOUNTED ON THE BUILDING. 4" MIN, I nsoveI rrrursnroI cnnoe corf i.'m 3 6" MIN. COMPASTED FOUNDATION GMVEL UNDER VAULT uIOFEN] oo d.U o L h FIu',€ n UFoz. UU(t) z. =N 4" MIN 2 =Ni BUILDING 4" MIN 9" o MIN METER z z. +N EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY INSIDE BUILDING (DEMAND GREATER THAN 2") SHEET 5 OF 5KENT TJESIGNED COK NONESCAI E STANDARD PLAN ORAWN COK I /2020DATFCHECKED COK 3-18c APPR.'ED ENcll{EER HYDMNT z. =-o BUILDING WALL OUTSIDE DOOR TO BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED RIGHT-OF.WAY TO BUILDING SPRINKLER SYSTEM BUILDING WALL NOTES: 1. SEE STANDARD PLANS 3-18 SHT, 4 FOR PARTS LIST AND 3-18 SHT. 5 FOR NOTES, t = 2, INTERIOR DCDA SHATL ONIY BE AIIOWED IN ZOI{ING AREAS THAT HAVE ZERO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND THE PROPERTY I.INE. PROPERTY LINE INSIDE 18' MIN MFIER fle r6'D*f1N //// 2 E + WALL z. =h ^i OUTSIDE INSIDE EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY AND VAULT PARTS LIST SHEET 4 OF 5T DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN soK 12/2019DATEc0KCHECKED 3-18dENGINER APPROVEO- DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY LIST SEE KCC CHAPTER 13 AND STANDARD PI.AN 3-18 SHEET 5 FOR NOTES. SEE STANDARD PI-AN 3-18 SHEETS 1, 2 AND 3 FOR PI.AN, ELEVANON AND SECTION @ rccxllvc FoLLowER RING. @ +" r,ltn. REsTMINED tolNT D.L CLASS 52. @ rnrcnsr coNc. vAULT. sEE Kcc TITLE 13 FIRE PREVENnoN AND PRorEcnoN APPROVED DCVA IN BYPASS LINE (LATEST WASHINGTON STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVED LIST) SHALL BE ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF PUMPER LINE. (PART OF DCDA). 6 ocon IN MAIN UNE (LATEsr wASHINGToN srATE DEPARTMENT oF HEALTH - npPnoveo LIst). @ unal srANcHIoN srYLE srANDs UNDER cHEcK vALVEs. O t0", 8", 6" oR 4" FL CoUPLING ADAPTER. @ to", 8", 6" oR 4" PEXFL PIPE. @ e nOUr INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ALL AROUND PIPE TO MAKE WATER TIGHT SEAL. 6D) to", o', 6" oR 4" RESILIENT wEDGE GATE vALVE, FLXFL W Posr INDICAToR W - rnupERswITcH. @ to', 8", 6" oR 4" TEE, FLXFL @ to", 8", 6" oR 4" REDUcING 90o BEND, FLxFL AS REQUIRED. @ o' on +" LoNG MDIUs 9oo BEND, FLxFL @ e" on+" sPooL, FL*FL 6Et O" SWIt'lC TypE GRIVIW OpERATED CHECK VALVE, FL W BALL DRIP IN VAULT 0R - INSIDE BUILDING DEPENDING ON DCDA APPLICATION, @ o" on 4" 9oo BEND, FLxFL @ o" on 4" sPooL, FLxFL, @ ruor useo @ rxrn ADAPTER. @ o" On 4" GALVANIZED, PIPE, THREADED, LENGTH AS REQUIRED @* 4"x4"x6" BULL HEAD THREADED TEE. f)* UL LISTED FD CONNECIION AND UL LISTED LOCKING CAPS, LSCATE WITHIN 50' MAX. - OF A PUBLIC FIRE HYDMNT. WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL, FDC CAN BE MOUNTED ON THE BUILDING WITH 5" ANODIZED ALUMINUM STORZ NOZZLE (HIHS). 6s) nppnovro AssEMBLy WrTH TAMpER SWTTCHES, ADD WIRING IN ACCORDANCE wnH - r nruoI 6D cnrvnruIzED. CoNDUIT - MoNIToRING wtRES. SLEEVE, SEALED BOTH ENDS, FOR ELECIRONIC 10", 8", 6" OR 4" NON.RISING STEM RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE WNH 2" OPERATING NUT. THRUST RESTRAINT USED OTHER THAN FLANGE FTTTINGS OR CONCRETE BLOCKING REQUIRES TWO FORMS OF THRUST RESTMINT, EMMPLE: ONE MEGA.LUG AND ONE SHACKLE ROD. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. 10", 8", 6'" OR 4" RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE, FL WPOST INDICATOR WfiAMPER SWITCH, SIGN ON OUTSIDE OF BUIIDING,............ FIRELINE DCDA 10", 8", 6" OR 4- SPOOL, FL1FL. INSIDE BLDG' 1()u, 8u, 6u OR 4" 90o BEND' FLXFL. 10", 8", 6u oR 4" 90o BEND, MJ. WRAP PIPE WITH 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL. A,S.S,E. 1060 CERTIFIED CI-ASS II FIBERGLASS OR ALUMINUM ENCLOSURE 3/8' SS EXP BOLTS 24'0.C. REINFORCED CONCRFTE SLAB WITH #4 AT 15" O.C. EACH WAY. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ corucnrrr BLocKINGAS REQUIRED. 6Er orsmruce FRoM THE oPEMTING NUT To rHE INSIDE - wALL sHALL BE 18' MIN. oR PERTHE MANUFAcTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. @ Lloornns REQUIRED PERoSHA. 6d As REQUIRED BY THE KENT CITY - coDE 6) rrcon DMIN To BUILDING'" pLUMBING sroRM sYSTEM. 60 z" crnuNcE INTERIoR AND - EXTERIOR ALL AROUND PIPE. - @ u @ ARE GENEMLLY 6" WITH THE BULLHEAD,- ELBOW AS INDICATED. IN CASES WHERE A 4' DCVA IS APPROVED, THE BULL ELBOW IS ELIMINATED AND THE FD CONNECTION IS AfiACHED DIRECTLY TO THE GALVANIZED. PIPE. EXHIBIT A DOUBLE CH ECK DETECTOR AS SEMBLY MINIMUM CLEAMNCES ]N VAULT ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCATION OF PUMPER CONNECNON. GENERAL NOTES: 1. VAULT DIMENSIONS BASED ON SIZE OF APPAMTUS AND MEETING 13. GROUT INTERIOR AND EKTERIOR ALL AROUND PIPE MAKING A WATER- Mlll,lUll CLEAMNCES, TIGHT SEAL' 2. ALL VAULT UDS SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL AND HAVE DOUBLE DOORS 14. ALL PIPE TO BE DU TILE IRON CEMENT LINED CTASS 52 PIPE EXCEflI wrrH LID uNDER DMINs wHIcH DRArN To EXIERIoR oF vnuli. onmr'rs wHERa INDICATED' INSTALLATION MUsr ALLOW CLEARANCE FoR PRoPER snni- ee olnecreo ro n Vrcerareo AREA AND MUST NoT cAUsE oPEMTIoN oF ALL 0.s AND Y's' PONDING, EROSION' 0R sAFEfi coNcERNs' 15. cALvANIzED srEEL prpE SHALL BE wRAppED wrrH poLyErHyLENE 3, MINIMUM APPARATUS SIZE SHALL BE 4 INCHES. WMPPING 1OMM THICKNESS. 4. VAULT SHALL BE SEALED TO PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE. 16' COMPLETE ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE' CTTT AND MANUFACTURER STANDARDS. 5. LADDERS WITHIN VAULTS SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN DEPTH FROM TOP oF LrD To rop oF AppARATUS EX6EED5 30", AND/oR THE nipnmrui rs 17. SYSTEM SHALL Nor BE PUT INTo SERVICE UNTIL DCDA Is APPRoVED BY M.RE THAN 12' ABovE THE FLooR. rNsrALr-ATroN oF ALL'LAriDEii- - THE crry AND TESTED/cERTIFIED BY A wASHINgIoN srATE ucENsED SH_ALL Bi iN CON1PLIANCE TO OSHA. TESTER. 6, ALL BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE ON THE LATEST LIST APPROVED 18. DCDA IS PRIVATE AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER By rHE DEpARTMENT oF HiAaiti ANolrle crv oF KENT. wlTH ANNUAL CERTIFICATIoNS REQUIRED' 7. MAKE ALL ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE DCDA VAULT OR INSUI-ATED ENCLOSURE 19, ELE TRONIC SUPERVISION OF CONTROL VALVES IS REQUIRED' AND SWING CHECK VAULT IN PI.ANTING AREA AND NOT IN PAVING AREA, 20. THE INSTALLATION OFTHE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE 8. ALL BENDS AND ELBOWS TO BE CAST IRON, CLASS 250, CEI4ENT LINED. PER THE FIRE CODE oFFICIAL' (SEEAPWAANDAwwA)' 21. ANTsoHTIoNVALVESHALLBEpRovTDEDATTHEctTywATERMAIN. 9' BYPASS LINE To BE 0N oPPoslrE SIDE oF PUMPER LINE' zz. By-pAss AND FIRE DEpARTMENT coNNEcnoN As sHowN IN 3-18a, b and 10, INSTALL THREADED PLUGS IN ALL 8 TEST COCKS. C ARE REQUIRED. 11, INSTALLA MINIMUM OF 2 ADJUSTABLE STANCHION STYLE SUPPORTS. 23. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-18A' b ANd C FOR PLAN' ELEVATION' AND SECTION 12. FOR FIRE PIPING SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS ON PRIVATE SIDE OF VAULT, 24. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-18d FOR PARTS LIST' THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE SPECIAL FIRE CERTIFICATION. 3, IF PRIVATE HYDMNTS ARE REQUIRED FORTHE PROJECT, ENTIRE SYSTEM (HYDMNTS AND FIRELINE) SHALL BE ISOLATED FROM CITY SYSTEM BY A dcon locnrro AT THE pRoPERTY LINE PER STANDARD PLANS 3-18a, b AND c. INSIDE BUILDING NOTES: 1, ROOM IN WHICH DCDA IS PROPOSED TO BE LOCATED SHALL: A. HAVE FLOOR DMINS CONNECTED TO STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. B. HAVE A HEATING SYSTEM (4OO F MIN. TEMP') NO HEAT TAPE. C. NOT BE USED FOR STOMGE AROUND THE DCDA, D. HAVE CLEARLY DELINEATED ACCESS WAYS TO DCDA AND WALL MOUNTED PIVS. 4. INSTALLATION OF DCDA iS APPROVED BY HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ONLY. 5. A HEATED, R-19 INSUIATED WOOD FMMED ENCLOSURE IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO A ROOM IF DCDA IS TO BE LOCATED IN AN UNHEATED BUILDING. THE ENCLOSURE MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. 6, INTERIOR DCDA SHALL ONLY BE ALLOWED IN ZONING AREAS THAT HAVE ZERO SFTBACK REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND THE PROPERTY LINE. 7. FOR INS]DE BUILDING DCDA, THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY SHALL CEASE TEN FEET (10') OUT SIDE OF THE BUILDING, 2. GROUT ALL AROUND PIPE WHERE IT ENTERS THE BUILDING' ELESTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY AND VAULT NOTES SHEET 5 OF 5 t.6- nFqrcNFD cOK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN L:UK 12/2019DATECHECKED UUK 5-18eENCINEER APPROVED- ABOVE GROUND NOTES: 1. ENCLOSURE TO BE LOCATED OUTDOORS AND ACCESSIBLE TO THE CITY' ALTERNATE LOCATION REQUIRES THE CITY APPROVAL. 2. HEATERS AND WIRING SHALL BE MTED AT 2,OO() WATT FOR 8'' AND UNDER: 3,OOO WATI FOR 1O''. 3, CONCRETE TO BE 25OO PSI (MINIMUM) MIX WITH AIR ENTMINMENT' 4. DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT WITH BIRD SCREEN LOCATED AT SI-AB LEVEL (SIZED PER MANUFA TURERS RECOMMEN DATION). 5, NO BMNCH CONNECNONSALLOWED BETWEEN METERAND DCDA. EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.THE CITY OF KENT MENT BUTA LEGALNOTEI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENTT STANDARD 6'' BLOWOFF ASSEMBLYKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-196{GINE€RAPPROVED- F ) U2* =iia SEE NOTE 1 F- _lr _T BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 4 BMSS 1-2" MIP X 2 1/2" NST HoSE FITTING #D579. BMSS 1-2 1/2" NST CAP #D5194 RIGHT.OF-WAY OR EASEMENT SEE NOTE 4 5 CU. FT., PEA GRAVEL 20" DEPTH MINIMUM 6" TEE, FL SEE NOTE 2 BLIND FLANGE BEARING BLOCK, SOLID 2'X3'X1' SEE NOTE 2 \l \1 t,"l" SEE NOTE 1 F I- 6 MIL PI-ASTIC SHEETING 3. VALVE BOX SHALL BE OLYMPIC FOUNDRY VB94O WITH TWO (2) INCH "DEEP SKIRT, COVER, THE COVER SHALL BE MARKED "WATER'' THE EARS SHALL ALIGN IN THE DIRECTION OF FLOW, SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 3-7. 4, OLYMPIC FOUNDRY #SM3O METER BOX AND 3'x3'x4" CONCRETE PAD I _l I M] PLUG 3'x3'x4" 3000 PSI CONCREIE PAD AROUND VALVE COVER IN UNPAVEDSEE NOTE 2 AREAS. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-7 6 MIL PLASTIC SHEETING UNDISTURBED SOIL PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE 2" COMPANION FLANG EXISTING GMDE BLIND FLANGE VALVE BOX TOP AND COVER SEE NOTE 3 EXTENSION AS NEEDED SEE PI-AN 3-7 VALVE BOX BOTTOM SEE NOTE 3 q WATER MAIN SEE NOTE 6" D.l. SEE NOTE 2 PI NOTE 4 MIL PLASTIC SHEETING 6' RESIUENT SEAT WEDGE GATE VALVE FLANGED TEE CONNECTION SEE NOTE 1 KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS NOTES: 1, TEE, VALVE AND PIPING SHALL BE PER KDCS 3,19. 2. CONCRETE BLOCKING SHALL BE CLASS 3000 ISEE KCDS 3.20.C. AND WSDOT 7-09,3(21)] A-t' I 6" SEE NOTE 1 SEE PROFILE NOT TO SCALE v ! <J SEE NOTE 1 EXHIBIT A 2"x3" SCREEN-BMSS STMINER BEEHIVE BLOWOFF 1/8" SLOTTED HOLES. OR GALV. 1/16" THICK 2" INSTALL: FOR 2'' INSTALL: OLDCASTLE MODEL #444-LA OR APPROVED EQUAL W]TH 3'X3' HATCH 90o BEND (TYP) 2', 6', EXISTING GMDE 5" MIN, MAx. UNPAVED AREAS 18" MIN. OR MORE ABOVE GMDE TO ELIMINATE RISK OF SUBMERGENCE (H2O RATED) FOR PLANTER AREAS ONLY, SEE NOTE 1 FOR 4'' AND 6'' INSTALL: oLDCASTLE MODEL #505-l-A WITH 55-332P COVER, SEE NoTE 1 3'x3'x4" 3000 PSI CONCRETE PAD IN z. =sf 2" MIN. UNIONS PLUG TEE 6" q 6 0 NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT coMBTNATION AIR/VACUUM VALVE AND VAULT 4" AND 6"2"'.6t DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK o7 /2020DATEcoKCHECKED ENGINEER 3-20 OPEN FI.ANGE FOR 4" AND 6'' INSTALL: STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN BETWEEN FLANGES il VALVE BOX AND EKTENSION SEE KENT STANDARD PI.AN 3.7 NO SPUCES OR JOINTS ARE ALLOWED WHEN LESS THAN 18 FEET IN MAINTAIN POSITIVE 2" MIN FOR 2" INSTALL: SWING JOINT (2) STREFT ELBOW FOR 4" AND 6" INSTALL: CL' 52 DUCT]LE IRON 90" ELBOW AND CONNECT TO TEE NOTE 2 COMPANION FLANGE WITH BREAKAWAY BOLTS DISCHARGE RISER SEE NOTE 2 ANCHORS SEE NOTE 2 3" MINTMUM 3/4" WASHED ROCK GROUT PENETMTION (TYP) MIN. FOR 2" INSTALL: VALVE #145C OR APPROVED EQUAL 2" APCO HEAVY DUTY AIR RELEASE FOR 4" AND 6" INSTALL: VAL-MATIC COMBINANON AIR VALVE MODEL VM-206C INSULANON "PEANUTS" IN HEAVY NYLON MESH BAGS 3" MINIMUM 3/4" WASHED ROCK 2", 4',OR 6" RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE I SEE NOTE 5 T-\t LT MODEL #444.14 #506-LA 11 FOR 2'' INSTALL MIPT X MIPT CORPOMTION STOP FORD #FB 5OO' AY MCDONALD, MUELLER OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR 2" INSTALL: DOUBLE STMP SADDLE SMITH BLAIR #313-18888-14 0R APPROVED EQUAL FOR 4" AND 6'INSTALL: CL' 52 DUCTILE IRON TEE NOTES: 1. INSTALLATIONS IN AREAS REQUIRING TRAFFIC BEARING VAULTS REQUIRE APPROVAL BYTHE ENGINEER. INSTALLATIONS IN SIDEWALKS AND/OR PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION PATHS REQUIRE A SUP RESISTANT SURFACE. 2. DISCHARGE RISER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTER AREAS ONLY. ANCHOR RISER WITH 2''X1l4'' STAINLESS STEEL STMPS AND 3/8" HILTI EXPANSION BOLTS. PAINTTHE ABOVEGROUND PIPING WITH TWO (2) COATS OF FARWEST WONDERGLOW QUICKSET HI-PERFORMANCE ENAMEL, #1100 SERIES, WHITE. 3, FOR 2" INSTALLATION: PIPE AND FITTiNGS TO BE BMSS FOR INLET OPEN KNOCKOUT FOR DMINAGE (TYP) SIDE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE. FOR 4" AND 6" INSTALLATION: PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE CL, 52 DUCTILE IRON. 4. PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE GALVANIZED FOR OUTLET SIDE OF AIR RELEASE VALVE. 5, OPTIONAL INSTALLATION FOR SHALLOW WATER MAIN DEPTHS, 6, CENTER AIR VAC ASSEMBLY IN THE VAULT. EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST PI-AN IS CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE ASSEMBLIESG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK CHFCKFD COK DATE 12 3-21EfiCINEER APPROVFf) NOTES: 1. MECHANICAL JOINT LONG SLEEVES SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY CAST DUCTILE IRON, HAVE END AND SIDE GASKETS. 2. 'SST" STAINLESS STEELTAPPING SLEEVES BY ROMAC INDUSTRIES INC. ORAPPROVED EQUIVALENT. OUTLETS SHALL BE FLANGED. 3. LONG TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE ASSEMBLY TO BE PRE-APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER' PRESSURE TESTING SHALL BE APPROVED BY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR PRIOR TO TAPPING. FOLLOW AWWA REQUIREMENTS FOR DISINFECTION OFTAPPING SLEEVES (AWWA STD. C6s1) 4. WET TAPS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON SAME SIZE OR SMALLER MAINS' CONCRFTE CONCRETE BLOCKING SLEEVE EXISTING WATER MAIN PI.AN ELEVATION HEAVY DUTY CAST DUCTILE IRON TAPPING TEE CONCRETE CONCRETE PLAN DUCTILE IRON TAPPING TEE ELEVATION - a a a a d D d 4 EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPONTHE CITY BUTIS CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TYPICAL WATER MAIN TRENCH ./^\/KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRA$/N coK DATE qcoKCHECKED 3-22E}lGINE€R APPROVFD UNPAVED AREAS SURFACE RESTOMTION AS SPECIFIED ON APPROVED PLANS GRAVEL BORROW PER WSDOT 9.03.14 OR SUITABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL COMPACI TO 900/o MINIMUM OF MAXIMUM DENSITY IN UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS MIN. PAVEMENT RESTOMTION PER STANDARD PLANS 6.64 THRU 6-67 PAVEMENT (rYP.)SURFACE PIPE ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE 5/8" CSTC PER WSDOT 9.03.9. PIPE 48" MIN. 12" OR GREATER PIPE SIZE SEE NOTE 2 NOTE UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS 1. MAXIMUM WIDTH OF TRENCH AT TOP OF PIPE: 30" FOR PIPE UP TO AND INCLUDING 12" NOMINAL DIAMETER. O.D. PLUS 16" FOR PIPE LARGER THAN 12" NOMINAL DIAMETER. 2. WHEN POOR QUALITY FOUNDATION MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED BELOW THE BEDDING MATERIAL, THE CONTMCTOR SHALL OVER.EXCAVATE AND IMPORT BACKFILL MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPEC 9-03'9(2) OR WHEN DIRE TED BYTHE ENGINEER. THE USE OF GEOTEXTILE SEPAMTION FABRIC MAYALSO BE REQUIRED TO STABILIZE THE BASE' 3. BENCH AS NEEDED FOR SHORING ORTRENCH BOX (TYP,) WHEN DEPTH OFTRENCH IS 4 ff. AND GREATER. 36'MIN. 10'oR GREATER PIPE SIZE SEE STANDARD PLANS 6.64 THRU 6-67 FORTRENCH RESTOMTION UNDER PAVEMENTS 12, MIN, SEE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT XXXX XXXX DESIGNED-qQL-no^wf,r COK STANDARD PLAN SCALE DAlECHECKED 3-23ENGINER APPROVFT) EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE EER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON A LEGALNOTE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT WATER MAIN CROSSING OTHER UTILITIESKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 3-24EI{GINEER APPROVED FINISHED GMDE d.UJJ = frp3bLZ d. uJ PH 6z. o o <f EXISTING UTILTIES o MINIMUM DISTANCE WATER AND ()" MINIMUM EXISTING SEWER 6" MIN 1'.6" MINIMUM CLEAMNCE WATER ABOVE SEWER NOTES: WHERE VERNCAL SEPAMTION IS RESTRICTED OR LIMITED, THE USE OF A RIGID 2" THICK FOAM SHALL BE PI.ACED BETWEEN THE WATER MAIN AND EXISTING UTILITY UNE FOR ISOLATION AND SEPAMTION. 2. SEE KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD SECTION 3.6.8 AND CITY OF KENTSTANDARD PLAN 3-25 WHEN 18" CLEAMNCE BETWEEN SEWER AND WATER CANNOT BE MAINTAINED. 3. SEE KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD SECilONS 3.6.8, 4.4.E, 4.7.8 AND 6.17.A FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 4. SEE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-64 THRU 5.69 FOR BACKFILL AND RESTOMTION REQUIREMENTS. 5. DISTANCES "MAY" BE GREATERTHAN 3'.0" AND 4'.OU TO ACCOMMODATE MINIMUM COVERS AND VERTICAL CLEAMNCES. d. UJ(, d. S ^(.'l=Ua5 =NzdUg# sc d.oL d.U o(J =lE z. =o uFoz. UJ LU 1h ZONE BEDDING AND SEWER BETWEEN NO ]OINT WITHIN 10' OF A WATER AND SEWER CROSSING EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN EERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT WATER PIPE ENCASEMENT REQUIREMENTSKENT DESICNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 3-25ENGINEERAPPROVED- T T THE CASING BOOT SHALL BE CALPICO MODEL C END SEAL A SEAMLESS SLIP-ON STYLE OR MODEL W END SEAL A SPLIT WMP-AROUND STYLE RESTRAINED JOINT REQUIRED PIPE SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PRESSURE CLASS 350 CASING SPACER MINIMUM 3 PER PIPE FULL LENGTH PIPES ARE ,, REQUIRED BOOT CLAMPS BOOT CI.AMPS BOOT RESTMINED JOINT REQUIRED CASING PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 SIZES LARGER THAN THE PIPE BEING INSTALLED. CASING PIPE SHALL BE 1/4'' STEEL OR DUCTILE IRON 5" MIN. FOUNDATION MATERIAL CLASS A OR B PER WSDOT STD. SPEC, 9-03.17, AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. SEWER MAIN 10'MIN 10'MIN NOTES: 1. MANUFAqIUREDCASINGSPACERSAREREQUIREDANDSHALLBEUNI-FLANGEORCALPICOINC.PRODUCTSORASAPPROVEDBY THE CITY OF KENT. 2, THE PIPE LENGTHS SHALL BE 20'WITH A MINIMUM OF 3 CASING SPACERS PER P]PE. 3. THERE SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 1' OF CLEAMNCE BETWEEN THE TOP OF THE SPACER TO THE TOP OF THE CASING' 4. ALLJOINTS FORTHE PIPE BEING INSTALLED SHALL BE RESTMINED. EXHIBIT A AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON DOCUMENTA LEGALNOTE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT SAMPLING STATIONKENT DESIGNED COK S-TANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK ENGINEER 3-26 CUT PIPE AT 45O ANGLE 4" TH]CK (TYP) ll2" D[A. x 314" DIA. SHARKBITE METER BOX, SEE NOTE 1 3/4" DIA. TEE 3/4" DrA. ELL SAMPLING TUBE DMIN VALVE ATTACHED TO TEE 3/4" MIPT x Pl 3/4" COPPER TUBING TYPE K o o Uc G U &oo UJ foUI(J tn + CAP STAINLESS STEEL HINGE DIA. STAINLESS STEEL PIPE U2' DIA, STAINLESS STEEL BALL VALVE Llz- DIA. MIPT x SHARKBITE STAINLESS STEEL HASP PLASTIC WATER SEAL II2' DTA, STMIGHT COPPER TUBING TYPE K SWROFOAM INSULATION CONNECTTO EXISTING 314'D[A. COPPER 1" PJ x 3/4"MI BALL VALVE (cuRB sToP) LEGEND: MIPT = MALE IRON PIPE THREAD FIfi = FEMALE IRON PIPE THREAD sTL = STEEL Cl-S = COPPERTUBING SIZE PJ = PACK JOINT NOTES: 1. OLYMPIC FOUNDRY #SM29 METER BOX 2. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8" MIN 8" MIN 3000 Psr c0 4" rHrcK (TYP) 8" MIN 8" CONCRETE PAD "O MIN. TYPE "K" COPPER PIPE OR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE TO PROPERTY LINE TMCER WIRE (CONNECI TO BMSS FITTINGS AND VERIFY CONTINUITY) 1" PJ x 1" FIPT 1" CORP, DOUBLE STMP SADDLE CL.-52 DUCTILE IRON WATER MAIN 8u 314" DlA. cLosE NIPPLE (TYP) 8"-10" FRON4 TOP OF BOX 220 CONNECT TO PRE-BUILT SAMPLE STATION TUBE METER BOX SEE NOTE 1 T EXHIBIT A 8"x6"DI REDUCER 8"x6"DI REDUCER A A INSTALL GALVANIZED ACCESS LADDER WITH TOP VIEW SLOPE 2 LADDER-UPS SLOPE FINISHED GMDE - FINISHED GMDE - I qio)ii\t524 /t- 1 OLDCASTLE PRECAST UTILIW VAULT 612-LA WITH SOUD WALLS AND LOCKING ALUMINUM HATCH NO. 36"x72" LW, WITH ADA COMPUANT UD WHERE REQUIRED, CORE-DRILL --+ I = Louo 6 T(,todIF I l Lou6o-(' fodIF -o d OUTLET PROFILES 1 co HATCH ALU VAULT AS FOR PIPE INSTALLATIONS 4 7 2 I i-q d +:(9 ll coq N SLOPE TO DRAIN (1' U oa) ooOsa?o NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' MENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6 INCH WATER MAIN PRV TOP AND SIDE VIEWS SHEET 1 OF 3 G DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN coK OATECHECKED 3-27 oETCINEER APPROVFD 8"x5"DI REDUCER REDUCER 6" DEPTH s/8" MINUS CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COMPACTED TO 95o/o M.D,D. 4" PVC STORM DMIN TO @ SIDE VIEW PIPE SUPPORT ANCHOR BOLTS AND INSTALLATION PER PIPE SUPPORT MAN UFACTU RER SPECIFICATIONS. DI = DUCTILE IRON GALV = GALVANIZED MIN = MINIMUM EXHIBIT A TO FIT 3" DUCTILE NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT 6 INCH WATER MAIN PRV OUTLET PROFILES SHEET 2 OF 5 KENT DFSIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9 /2020I]ATECHECKED COK ENGINEER 3-27b 12" MIN, OR MORE ABOVE GMDE TO EL]MINATE RISK OF SUBMERGENCE BASIN 3' DIA. DUCI-ILE IRON SPOOL (FLxFL) PRV VAULT SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 DRAIN FROM FLANGE 4" PVC VAULT BASIN ll FLAP VALVE PLASTI-FAB CIRCULAR TTTESEAL OR EQUAL STORM DMIN o)..o ?o "-l\ DIA. GALVANIZED PIPE NIPPLES (NPT), LENGTH TO FIT O c ,oO o 1 PRV VAULT SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUME ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6 INCH WATER MAIN PRV NOTES SHEET 5 OF 5 KENT DESIGNED COK ^o^rt,f,r COk STANDARD PLAN SCALE DATE ICHECKED 3-27c APPR.VED ENGINEER NOTE: ALL ITEMS TO BE DUCfILE IRON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION 2 KOR-N-SEAL 1061 406 PIPE-TO-MANlloLE CONNECIOR FOR 6" DI WATER MAIN 2 MAS 2E BALL VALVE C/W LEVER 2 6"x6"x4" FL TEE WITH 4"x2" THREADED BLIND FLANGE 1 2" MUELLER 351 Y-STMINER - THREADED 1 6"x 1 FOOT SPOOL, FLxFL 1 2" CLA-VAL 9()-OlBCSY PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE C/W X1Ol POSITION INDICATOR, DIBT THREADED (CRD: 15-75Psi) 2 6'' MUELLER A-2360-6 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE C/W HANDWHEEL - FL 2 2" BMSS UNION 1 6" MUELLER 758 Y.STMINER - FL WITH 2" BALL-CORP IN DMIN 2 2" BRASS 9()O BEND THREADED 1 6" FL CLA-VAL 9()-()lBCSY PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE C/W X1O1 POSITION INDICATOR, THREADED (CRD: 15-75Psi)3 3" FLxFL 90o BEND 1 1" APCO I43C.I COMBINATION AIR RELEASE VALVE USE 1'' DOUBLE STMP SADDLE, (2) 4" LONG BRASS NIPPLES, 1' BALL VALVE 1 GALVANIZED STMP, 2"x1l4", ANCHORED WITH HILTI EXPANSION BOLTS, MOUNTAROUND PIPE 1 - 3" COMB. D] FLWITH BREAKAWAY BOLTS 1 - 1" COMB, GALV FL WITH BREAKAWAY BOLTS16"x6"x3" FL TEE 2 BMSS OR GALVANIZED SCREEN: 1/16" THICK, 1/8" SLoTTED HoLES1 3" MUELLER A-2360-6 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE C/W HANDWHEEL - FLGD 1 TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN (#3) WITH FMME AND GMTE AND CHANNELED BOTTOM, PER KENT STANDARD PLANS 5.1, 5-4 AND 5.51 3' CLA-VAL 5OA.O1B PRESSURE RELIEVE VALVE #150 FLGD C/W X101 POSITION INDICATOR ASSEMBLY (CRD: 20-200psi) I 3 1" FLxFL 90o GALVANIZED BEND 2 PIPE SEAL PS.325 ASSEMBLY. 1 FOR 3' DI PIPE AND 1 FOR 1" GALVANIZED PIPE 2 6" cL. 52 DI SP00LTO FIT (FLXPE) 5 GATVANIZED STEEL ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORTS 1 3'' MJxFL 9OO BEND WITH 3" MEGALUG FOLLOWER EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A 2071 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.1 4.O STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS These Standards contain the design criteria and improvement standards for the extensions or connections to the City of Kent Sanitary Sewer System.The conditions apply to all improvements made by both public agencies and private developers.These improvements may include the following: Sewer main extensiont modifications and replacements . Side sewer connections to City mains . Sewer Lift Stations EASEMENTS AND RIG HTS.OF.WAY Permanent on-site eaSements for acceSt maintenance, and construction are required for all sanitary sewer extensions located outside of public right-of-way.Whenever an easement or right-of-way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the easement and a City lock must be placed in'series"to facilitate access by the City. When easements are required, legal descriptions shall be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed bythe State ofWashington. A title report, dated within thirty (30) days, for all properties to be encumbered by the easements shall accompany the description. When off-site and/or on-site easements for the extension of approved comprehensive sanitary sewer plans are required, these easements shall be approved and recorded by the City before any civil construction permit is issued, unless the easements are being dedicated to the City as a part of the final recorded subdivision. private improvements such as buildingl fences, garages, carports, retaining walls, utilitiet siqns, light fixtures, planting of large tree species, etc., are not allowed in public easements and rights-of-way. Where an encroachment occurt the Contractor shall remove and relocate the conflicting private improvement immediately upon direction from the Engineer and restore the area to a condition compatible for the intended use of the Easement by the City. 4.1.A EasementRequirements Easements shall be accessible for construction equipment normally used for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Cross slopes exceeding 5 percent will require a variance approval of the Engineer.The minimum easement widths, centered on the utility system are as follows: 1. Sanitary Sewers 015'deeP: '15'wide 2. Sanitary Sewers 519'deeP: 25'wide 3. Sanitary Sewers over 9'deep -The formula for half of the width of the 4-1 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESI GN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4.2 Easement shall be the sum of:the total depth from the top of pipe to the surface plus the pipe diameter, plus 31The total will then be rounded to the nearest even foot to a maximum of 5O'total width' 4. Special conditions or installation requirements may require greater easement widths as determined by the Engineer. 5. ln easements with multiple utility systems, the easement width shall be increased by the minimum separation distance between the lines. 4.1.8 Right-of-Way Where possible, utilitysystem extensions shall be located within City rightof- way.Work inside adjacent Cities, County and State rightof-way requires special permits from the appropriate agencies. ciry county and state right-of-way permits must be obtained by the Developer or the City if required by franchise prior to Engineering Plans approval by the City. PLAN APPROVAL AND PERMITS The construction of sanitary sewer extensions within the City and approved franchise service areas requires the approval of the City, DOE, and K?DNRP-WTD' No construction shall be permitted untilthe Engineering Plans have been reviewed and approved by these agencies. Said construction is also subject to Ciry permit and plan review fees. Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 4.3.A General All sanitary sewer systems shall conform to the design requirements of the Criteria for sewageworls Design issued by DoE and thewsDoTStandard Specifications as shown in Section 1 .6 References. All work shall comply with the design requirements of K?DNRP-WTD when connections are made to their system. 4.3.8 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan The city has developed a comprehensive sanitary sewer plan to allow the orderly and cost effective development of sewerage facilities to serve existing and future users of the Kent sewer system. The Comprehensive sanitary Sewer Plan includes a map of proposed sewer extensions to service areas presently not served or under served by the City. The plan shows the general location of interceptor and trunk sewert intended to provide the framework of the collection system for the service area. All proposed sewer improvements and extensions shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan, 4.3 4-2 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS P U BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4.4 4.3.C Service Area Considerations All sewer extensions shall be designed for the ultimate development of the service area in accordance with current land use plans.The determination of the tributary area shall be based on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer plan and detailed studies of the areas affected.The Engineer shall assist in the determination of the tributary area and must approve the service area plan prior to detailed design of the sewer system. New sewer systems shall be designed on the basis of per capita flows or other methods as approved bythe City and DOE detailed design calculations and service area maps shall be required for the system design. Special considerations must be given to sanitary sewer extensions for industrial districts.The potentialfor pre-treatment requirements, excessive sewage flows, protection of new or existing manholes from corrosive discharge, special flow metering or sampling requirements must be considered in the industrial sewer collection system design. 4.3.D Extent of Sanitary Sewer lmprovements Ensure adjacent properties can be provided sewer service. Extend sewer main to extreme of property and design for the ultimate development of the tributary areas.The extension shall be of the size and profile grade necessary to be extended to other properties upstream in the future. DESIGN STANDARDS 4.4.A Diameter The minimum diameter sanitary sewer main shall be 81 Larger diameters may be required to accommodate capacity or to minimize grades' 4.4,8 Velocity and SloPe All sanitary sewers shall be designed and constructed to provide a minimum velocity of 2 fps flowing full.The maximum non-restrained pipe allowable velocity shall be 1O fps. For velocities exceeding 10 fps, pipe anchors shall be required with a detailed drawing submitted to the City for approval by the Engineer.Velocities over 30 fps are to be avoided and may require odor control facilities to be installed by the Developer at the direction of the Engineer. The following are the minimum, acceptable slopes for sanitary sewers as permitted by DOE and the City: 4-3 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4.4.C 4.4.D 4.4,E Table4.1 * Based on Mannings"n"value of 0.013. Alignment and Grade All sewers shall be designed and constructed with a straight alignment and continuous profile grade between manholes. Depth All sewer mains shall be buried deep enough to prevent freezing, breakage, and provide adequate depth to service the lowest fixtures on the properties served.The minimum cover for PVC sewer pipe (minimum SDR 35) is 3'or ma nufactu rer's recom mendation, wh ichever is g reater' Location All sanitary sewers shall be located at least 10'horizontally, on each side of the pipe, from the outside edge of an existing or proposed watermain Any deviation from this requirement shall meet DOE requirements and will be allowed only upon approval from the Engineer. Sanitary sewer crossings under watermains shall be laid at such an elevation that the outside top of the sewer pipe is at least 1 8'below the outside bottom of the watermain. Where sanitary sewer mains have less than 10'of horizontal and 18'of vertical separation, the sanitary sewer main shall be constructed with PVC C900 or Class 50 epoxy lined ductile iron pipe.The pipe shall be one continuous length of pipe '18'or longer, centered across the water line. Sewer Size (lnches)Minimum Slope * 4 2.000/o - Private Side Sewer o 1 .00o/o - Private Side Sewer 0.400/o 10'0.28o/o 12"0.220/o 15',0.15o/o 18'0.120/o 21',0.10o/o 4-4 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.4.F 4.4,G Access Roads Access roads to all manholes are required for maintenance. Access and/or maintenance roads (where required) shall be 15'wide and shall accommodate turning movements for a BUS40 design vehicle. Access and/or maintenance roads will require an approved allveather surface, and shall be designed to support an HS-20 vehicle load.The profile grade of an access road shall not exceed 15 percent. Access roads with grades exceeding 12 percent shall be paved. All access roads longer than 150'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street shall have a standard hammerhead turnaround per Standard Plan6-21,or shall be looped to connect back to a public street. Whenever an easement or right-of-way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the easement and a City lock must be placed in'series'1 Garbage Areas, Enclosures and CarWashes Garbage areas, enclosures, and community car wash areas shall be graded to only allow a maximum of 200 square feet to be discharged to the sanitary sewer system, not the storm drain. Areas exceeding 200 square feet shall be covered. Casings Where a sewer line passes under or through a retaining wall or is attached to a bridge structure, or other location determined by the engineer, the pipe shall be cised in steel pipe at least 4"larger than the largest outer diameter of the bell or joint of the sewer line. No pipe joints will be allowed within the casing, .*..pi on bridge structures or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.The casing shall extend on either side of the wall a distance equal to the highest heighl of the retaining wall at the wall penetration, plus 4iAll voids within the casing shall be filled with blown sand except on bridge structures. Casing tpu..rt shall be CascadeWaterwork Manufacturing Company stainless steel casing spacers or approved equal.The casing spacers shall be installed such that the watermain is centered and restrained within the casing and spaced such that a uniform Profile Grade will be maintained within the casing. 4.5 4.4.H SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES 4.5.A Locations Sanitary sewer manholes are required at the following locations: At the end of all sewer mains B"and larger in diameter.When the main is to be extended in the future, the end of the line shall be a bell, plugged and marked with a 2"x 4"stake. Cleanouts are not acceptable in main line installations, except at the end of a dry or inactive sewer line which will be connected or extended in the future. 2. Allchanges in slope. 4-5 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4.5.8 4.5.C 4.5.D 4.5.E 3. Changes in sewer main pipe diameter 4. All connections to the main line 8"and larger. 5. Changes in sewer alignment. 6. Manholes shall be located at no more than 400'intervals. Diameter The minimum diameter of sewer manholes shall be 48'for sewer pipes up to 18'in diameter. Larger diameter manholes will be required for special configurations and sewer pipe larger than '18'i Cones All standard City manholes shall have pre-cast eccentric cones except for special shallow manholes which may have concentric cones. All manholes shall be equipped with City approved drop rung type safety steps. Flat slabs shall not be used unless approved by the Engineer' See Standard Plan 4-'1. Drop Connections Drop connections shall be avoided whenever possible. When no other alternative is feasible, an outside drop connection will be required at all locations where the entering sewer is 24" or more above the outfall invert elevation. Line connections to manholes, or to stubs integral to a manhole, shall be made with approved flexible joints.See Standard Plan 4-6. Inside drop connections are not allowed without approval by the Engineer and PublicWorls Operations. lf approved, the diameter of the manhole shall be a minimum of 60"to compensate for the inclusion of the drop inside the manhole, see Standard Plan 4-'12. Outside drop connections to existing manholes shall be installed per Standard Plan 4-6.The existing channel shelf shall be broken out to allow for the new pipe penetration. Plumbing the pipe above the existing shelf is unacceptable. Channels The sanitary sewer manholes shall be fully channeled to conform to the inside diameter of the sewer line from invert to spring line, then the channel shall be vertical to the top of the pipe.The top edge of the channel shall have a radius of 1/z"to3/a".Theshelves shall slope at 2 percent to the top of the channel. All manhole section joints and pick holes shall be frlled with grout and smooth finished outside and inside after installation. see standard Plans 4-1 and 4-2. 4-6 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESI GN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4.5.F 4.s.G 4.5.H 4.5.1 4.s.t Downstream lnvert A minimum of a 0.1'drop from invert to invert across manholes is required. Where diameters change, the downstream invert shall be lowered so that the elevation of pipe crowns match.The maximum drop from invertto invert across manholes shall be 11 SoilPressure Care must be taken to ensure that pressures exerted on the soils beneath the manholes and the adjacent mains are approximately uniform. Unequal soil pressures may result in uneven settlement at manholes. A spread foundation or other measures may be required to reduce the unit load imposed by the manhole. All manholes shall be provided with KOR-IN-SEAL type flex joints or sand collars or other materials as approved by the Engineer to allow slight differentia I movement. Street Grade No less than 4"or greater than 16'shall be provided between the top of the cone and the underside of the manhole frame for adjustment to street profile grade or ground surface. Final elevation of the frame and cover shall conform to the restored street or ground surface. Alljoints in the brick or ring adjustment shall be filled with grout and the castings shall be seated in grout placed on the ring or brick. A 3/B"mortar lining shall be installed inside and outside of the adjustment section to form a smooth watertight finish. Locking Rings All manholes in public areas shall have locking rings and covers. SeewsDoT Standard Plan 8-30.70. Corrosion Protection Where the possibility of odors, gasses or conosive discharges could be present in the sewer line, or where required by the Engineer, corrosion protection of the inside of the manhole may be required. Based on the material to be discharged, the Fngineer will determine the particular rype of conosion protection in the manhole. Sealed manhole covers shall be required for this type of installation. Depending on the size of the sewer line, and in the event that odor is a concern, as determined by the Engineer, an odor control system may be required to be designed and constructed for the sewer system affected. 4-7 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CO NSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.6 PRIVATE SIDE SEWER SYSTEMS Sanitary sewer service lines that extend from the mainline are considered private side sewers. Side sewers are to be constructed and maintained by the property owner in accordance with the Kent City Code 7.04. 4.6.A Sewer Permit Prior to conStruction, replacement, repair, connections or additions to a side sewer, the Developer, Owner or authorized agent must obtain a Sewer permit from the City. A separate sewer permit is required for each lot. Accessory structures such as accessory dwelling units and portables may be served by the sewer service to the primary building as long as that service was approved and installed per the requirements for side sewer connections.The City shall review the application, require or make changes if needed, approve the side sewer plan, and assess the Developer for applicable latecomer charges, charge in lieu of assessmentt traffic mitigation fees, permit fees, tapping charges, performance guarantees and other charges as required. Contact the Permit Center for application forms and a current fee schedule. 4,6.8 Side Sewer Design Standards l. The minimum diameter of a side sewer shall be no less than 6'within the right-of-way, and then may be reduced to no less than 4"for services to a single-family residence, from the right-of-way or easement line to the building. All side sewers B'in diameter shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 4.3 through 4.5,4J and 4.8' 2. All side sewers shall be laid in a straight alignment and have cleanouts located on the straight run, after each total 9O-degree change of horizontal direction, after each vertical change in slope, and at the termination of the sewer within 5'outside of the building.The maximum length of 6' side sewer between manholes is 400'with cleanouts required every 100' minimum. 3. The maximum deflection for 4"and6"diameter pipe permissible at any one fitting shall not exceed 45 degrees (1/B bend), unless straight pipe of no less than 2.5'in length is installed between adjacent fittings, or unless one such fitting is a wye fitting with a cleanout provided on the Straight leg. 4. Side sewert where possible, shall not be less than 30"from any building, have 6'cover at the property line, and a minimum of 2'of cover on private properry 5. Joints shall be tight and waterproof All side sewers shall be tested the full length in compliance with the City standard air or hydrostatic test and in the presence ofthe InsPector. 4-8 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTI ON STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6. Sanitary sewer and domestic water lines shall not be laid in the same trench. Parallel water and sewer lines shall be laid at least 1O'apart horizontally. Wherever it is necessary for sewer and water lines to cross each other, the crossing should be at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, and the top of the sewer pipe shall be located at least 18'below the bottom of the water line, or be constructed of PVC C900 or Class 50 epoxylined ductile iron pipe with water tight joints'The PVC C900 or ductile iron pipe shall be one continuous length of pipe '1 B'or longer and centered across the water line. 7. Side sewers shall be minimum SDR 35. Side sewers installed in filled or unstable ground shall be constructed of PVC C900 or Class 50 epoxy- lined ductile iron pipe, except that PVC pipe may be accepted if laid on a suitable concrete bed or cradle as approved by the Engineer. B. Installation of sewer pipe shall be accomplished to line and profile grade only after the trench has been dewatered and the foundation and/or bedding have been prepared. Mud, silt, and gravel and other foreign materials shall be kept out of the pipe and offthe jointing surfaces. All pipe laid shall be retained in position so as to maintain alignment and joint closure until sufficient backfill has been completed. g. The sewer pipe shall be laid up grade from the point of connection on the existing sewer or from a designated starting point.The sewer pipe shall be installed with rhe bell upgrade unless otherwise approved by the Engineet 10, Cleanouts are required at the right-of-way or easement line and where required in accordance with Section 4.6.8. See Standard Plans 4-7 and 4-8. 1 1. All cleanouts within 5'of the right-oFway line shall be brought up to grade. Cleanouts within private property in grass or landscaped areas may be buried a maximum of one foot. 12. Cleanouts installed under concrete, asphalt or other permanent surfaces shall be extended to finish grade with the same size and type of pipe and fittings as required for the side sewer. A cast iron ring and cover shall be installed to provide access and protection from traffic. see standard Plan 4-7. 13. All side sewers shall function on a gravity basis, unless a specific variance is approved by the Engineer. i4. ln new projects where street improvements are to be made, each service shall be marked by a'S5"in the curb where it crosses perpendicular to the curb.The marking shall be done at the time the curb is installed and shall be as-built by stationing. Lettering shall be 3'high and a minimum 7+" 4-9 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.6.C 4.6.D deep. 15. Existing building side sewers may be used in connection with new side sewers only when they are found, on examination and test performed by the Developer and reviewed by Engineer, to meet all of the applicable requirements of these Standards. 16. The inside diameter for private force main/discharge pipelines from private grinder pump systems shall be one and one quarter inches (1-1l4'), or greater as necessary to conform to the design of the specific grinder pump system used.The inside diameter for pressure side sewers shall be one and one quarter inches (1-1/4'),or greater as necessary to conform to the design of the specific grinder pump system used.The pipeline size shall be that necessary to provide a fluid velocity between two and eight feet per second (2 - B fpd at the grinder pump's discharge rate.The minimum width of the trench shall be the inside pipe diameter; plus six inches (6') on each side of the pipeline. Connections Each legally defined property shall be serviced by a separate side sewer stub connected to the City sewer main unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.This can be done through a deviation request. A joint maintenance agreement recorded with King County shall be required. For multi-tenant sites such as multi-family or commercial uset each building shall have a separate minimum 6"side sewer.The maximum number of individuals permitted on a 6"diameter sewer shall be 30 persons. ln general, up to 10 units in a multi- family dwelling may be serviced by a single 6"diameter side sewer. Grinder Pump Systems, Pressure Side Sewers, and Private Force Main/Discharge Pipelines from Grinder Pumps Where gravity flow for side sewer is not possible, a privately owned and maintained grinder pump system to service individual structures requires specific variance by the Engineer.The pumping system shall be designed in accordance with Section C1-10.1 of DOE's'Criteria for Sewage Work Design" and these standards.These assemblies shall be located adjacent to the structure, and shall be equipped with both high level and pump failure alarms. The alarms shall be both audio and visual, and be on a separate circuit from the pump. Residential systems will be a package-type system HydromaticTL-Pro System using a HPGR 200 submersible sewage grinder pump, EoNE as manufactured by the Environment One Corporation, KPCG Series Grinder Pump as manufactured by Keen Pump, or approved equal. Each pressure system shall have an individual connection to the City sewer. Lift systems for commercial 4-10 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.6.D.1 and multi-family structures require special maintenance agreements and specific variance by the Engineer. Variance approval is required for each permit prior to approval. Solid handling waste pumps are not allowed. See Standard Plan 4-10. Definitions: Gravity Building sewer: A privately owned and maintained pipeline system located within private property that is designed to carry sewage or wastewater leading from a building drain/plumbing outlet of a structure to the gravity side sewer, or emptying into a private grinder pump wet well, if applicable. The graviry building sewer shall begin at the terminus of the"building drain"as defined by the applicable plumbing code and shall terminate at the property line/rightof-way margin or City easement boundary, or at a private grinder pump wet well, if applicable.The'STANDARDS FOR INSTALLATION OF GRAVIry BUILDING SEWERS / SIDE SEWERS'provide requirements for gravity building sewers conveying the flow from the structure or group of structures and emptying into the wet well. Private Grinder Pump System: A privately owned and maintained pumping system, including all mechanicaland electrical components and upprrtunun..s, which is designed to convey sewage or wastewater generated within a structure or group of structures to the public sanitary sewer system. A private grinder pump system is required where the property cannot be served by a gravity building/side sewer connection. Private Force Main/ Discharge Pipeline: A privately owned and maintained pipeline system that is designed to carry sewage or wastewater under pressure from a private grinder pump System to a gravity side sewer or pressure side sewer.The private force main/discharge pipeline shall begin at the outley discharge of a private grinder pump and shall typically terminate at the property line/right-of-way margin or the City easement boundary, and include a service box enclosing a checkvalve and two (2) isolation valves. lf discharging to a public gravity sewer system, a private force main/discharge pipeline shall connect to the upstream terminus of a gravity side sewer, and shall not connect directly into a gravity sewer main without express written permission of the City. Pressure Side sewer: A privately owned and maintained pipeline system located within a public right-of-way or City easement that is designed to carry sewage or wastewater under pressure leading from the terminus of a private force main/discharge pipeline from a private grinder pump system or other approved facilities, to the public pressure sanitary sewer system main. Gravity Side Sewer: A privately owned and maintained pipeline system located within a public right-of-way or City easement that is designed to carry sewage or wastewater leading from a gravity building sewer terminus, 4-11 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DTPARTMENT a private force main/discharge pipeline from a private grinder pump, or other approved facilities to the public gravity sanitary sewer system main' The'STANDARDS FOR INSTALLATION OF GRAVIry BUILDING SEWERS/SIDE SEWERS'provide requirements for gravity side sewers conveying the flow from the gravity building sewer terminus to the public gravity sanitary sewer system main. 4.6.D.2 Design and lnstallation: It is recommended that a design professional prepare plans and specifications for a private grinder pump system, including, but not limited to, the gravity building sewer emptying into the wet well and the private force main/ discharge pipeline discharging from the wet well, bewveen the building plumbing/ mechanical improvements on the property served and a point on the City's public gravity or pressure sewer system designated bythe Ciry. Many issues should be considered in the design and construction of private grinder pump systems including sewerflow management in case of a commercial power outage, commercial power for grinder pumps, surface improvement considerations, etc). lf discharging to a public pressure sewer system, the grinder pump system shall be installed in conformance with that which was specified by the designer of the community's public pressure sewer system, and the manufacturer and model number of the required grinder pump system shall be noted on the permit.The property owner may request the installation of a different grinder pump system;to do so, he/she shall submit for the City approval, at his/her expense, a report prepared and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State ofWashington analyzing the impact ofthe proposed differing grinder pump system on the community's public pressure sewer system, and certirying that the community's public pressure Sewer system will continue to operate efficiently and effectively to the City's satisfaction by use of the differing grinder pump system that has been deemed compatible' The private grinder pump system, including all mechanical and electrical components and appurtenances, shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. No visible leakage will be permitted in the grinder pump wetwell. 4.6.D.2.A PipelineSize/TrenchWidth! private sewer force main material shall be high-density polyethylene rated for the correct working system pressure, and minimum SDR rating 11 for 1-1/4",2", and 3'pipe. A 14-guage insulated copper toning wire shall be wrapped around the pipe. The inside diameter for private force main/discharge pipelines from private grinder pump systems shall be one and one quarter inches (1-1l4'), or greater as necessary to conform to the design of the specific grinder pump 4-12 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT system used.The inside diameter for pressure side sewers shall be one and one quarter inches (1 -1l4'), or greater as necessary to conform to the design of the specific grinder pump system used.The pipeline size shall be that necessary to provide a fluid velocity between wo and eight feet per second (2 - 8 fps) at the grinder pump's discharge rate.The minimum width of the trench shall be the inside pipe diameter, plus six inches (6') on each side of the pipeline' 4.6.D.2.8 PipelineAlignment/Bends: Pressure side sewers shall be laid at uniform slope and straight alignment from the pressure sewer main to their termini;changes in horizontal and/or verrical direction should be avoided and will only be allowed with prior written approval by the Ciry Private force main/discharge pipelines from private grinder pump systems shall be laid at uniform grade and alignmenq changes in horizontaland/orverticaldirection shall be made in'sweeps'of a radius no less than that recommended by the pipe manufacturer, or with proper pipe fittings. single bend fittings shall not exceed 45';a change in direction exceeding 45" may be made with multiple bends, provided a minimum of two feet (2) of pipe is placed between bends' 4.6.D.2.C Pipeline Cover: The minimum cover over a pressure side sewer and/or private force main/ discharge pipeline from a private grinder pump system, as measured from the final finished grade to the exterior top of the pipe, shall be two feet (2) in non-traffic or traffic areas, except the cover over the pipeline within twenty feet (20) of the grinder pump wet well shall be a minimum of one foot (1). Any acceptable pipe material shown in 4].8 may be used in non-traffic or traffic areas. Pipeline in public right-of-way shall have a minimum three feet (3) of cover over the pipeline. 4.6.D,2,D Service Box: A service box enclosing a private isolation valve, a private checkvalve and isolation valve (oriented from upstream to downstream), and meeting the requirements of Standard Plan 4-l0, shall be installed within private property on the downstream end of the private force main/discharge pipeline directly adjacent to the property line/right-of-way margin or the city easement boundary. 4.6.D.2.E Monitoring Manholes: A monitoring/sampling manhole (APWAType 1,48-inch diameter) is required for all new or modified multi-family residential and non-residential sewer service connections.The monitoring/sampling manhole shall be installed in the gravity building sewer component of the system upstream of the grinder pump wetwell. 4.6.D.2.F Pipe Zone Bedding: Crushed surfacing top course (a.k.a.5/8-inch minus crushed rock)shall be 4-13 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PI.J BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT placed and compacted four inches (4') below the bottom surface of pressure side sewer pipelinel and six inches (6') above the top surface of pressure side sewer pipelines. No other bedding material is acceptable. 4.6.D.2.G TracerWire/TracerTape: It is required that tracer wire be installed for private force main/discharge pipelines from private grinder pump systems, pressure side sewers.Tracer wire shall be continuousTHHN- insulated 12-gauge solid-core copper wire wrapped around the pipe, with the ends looped and exposed at both ends of the pipeline.The rracer tape shall be the detectable type, minimum two inches (2') in width, and marked with theword"SEWER'(LineguardType ll Detectable or approved equal).The tracer tape shall be placed in a continuous fashion approximately six inches (6') to twelve inches (12') above the top of the pipeline, extending along the full length of the pipeline' 4.6.D.2.H SewerTaP: lf a pressure side sewer stub or tee is not provided, the active pressure sewer main shall be saddled and tapped and a pressure side sewer stub installed. The actual tap to the main shall be accomplished by the City of Kent Utilities Section, after the Developer has prepared the trench and provided an access to the tapping area for a truck and crew. osHA and wlSHA trench safety requirements shall apply for shoring. Taps for pressure side sewer stubs onto active pressure sewer mains shall be made by use of Electrofusion High VolumeTappingTees, HDPE materialwith a PPI rating of PE340B, base to fit IPS pressure sewer main, and one and on quarter inches (1 -1l4') or two inches (2') butt fusion outlet, as manufactured by G.F. Central Plastics LLC of Shawnee, Oklahoma, or an approved equal; said fittings shall be installed in strict compliance with the manufacturer's requirements and recommendations.The connection effected by this method shall have perfectly round holes, with no sharp or jagged edges.The tap shall be oriented at the top of the cross-section of the pressure sewer main.The connection made shall be water-tight. No "size-on-size"Electrofusion High Volume Tapping Tees will be allowed;'size-on-size"connections shall be produced by cutting-in and thermally-welding an HDPE tee fitting into the pressure sewer main. 4,6.D.2.a Restrictions: No roof downspouts, building footing drains/ sump pump discharge pipes, groundwater/ spring drainS drains from uncovered outdoor impervious surfaces, etc., shall be connected to the private grinder pump system. Storm water, surface water, ground water, artesian well water, roof runoffl subsurface drainage, swimming pool drainage, condensate, deionized water, non-contact cooling water, and unpolluted wastewater shall be prohibited from entering the private grinder PUmP system. 4-14 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.6.D.2.J Joint Use Side Sewer and Grinder Pump Systems: No private force main/discharge pipeline from a private grinder pump system may be connected to another private force main/discharge pipeline from another private grinder pump system for an adjacent property, or to a pressure side sewer serving an adjacent property, without prior written approval bythe City and execution of a Joint Use Agreement and private easement(s). lfjoint use is allowed, no more than two (2) single family residences may jointly use a single private force main/discharge pipeline or pressure side sewer pipeline. The pipeline downstream of the point of connection of separate private force mains/discharge pipelines from separate private grinder pump systems, shall be a minimum one and one half inches(11/z') in size. Separate private service boxes shall be installed on each private force main/discharge pipeline as required elsewhere in these standards. No single grinder pump system shall provide service to premises and structures with plumbing systems that are under separate ownership. At the option of the owner, a single grinder pump system may serve more than one structure with plumbing systems that are situated on a single undivided property under a single ownership. lt is recommended that separate grinder pump systems be provided for separate structures with plumbing systems, if there is an opportunity for property subdivision and subsequent separate ownershiPs. 4.6.D.2.K LeakageTesting: Refer to Section 4.8.C for air testing force main systems. All pressure side sewers and private force main/discharge pipelines from the private grinder pump systems shall be hydrostatically pressure tested at one and one-half (1 7z times the working design pressure of the system, or 100 psi, whichever is greater, under the City observation' 4.6,D.2.L BackuPStorage/SYstem: There are three (3) acceptable methods to manage sewer flows in the event of a commercial power outage that render the pump station inoperable.The owner may select from these methods and shall designate its selection in the Request forVariance. 1. Use of Existing On-Site Sewage System/SepticTank a. Both existing septic tank and drainfield must remain a functional system b. The septic tank be pumped out and made safe in accordance with KCDPH Code 4-15 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS P I.J BLIC WORKS DFPARTM ENT c. The contents of the drainfield do not backflow into the septic tank d. lf the on-site system is in a high groundwater table area, the tank should not be completely drained and emptied, but only pumped sufficientlyto remove the sludge on the tank's floor to avoid floating the tank e. A locator is placed over the access/inspection cover for the septic tank, and its location noted/recorded, along with the drainfield location f lf the on-site sewage system in no longer functional, or if the owner desired to recover the land surface for other purposes, the on-site sewage system must be properly abandoned in accordance with the KCDPH regulations.ln this case, one of the other acceptable methods listed herein is used. 2. Holding Capacity in the SYstem a. Sufficient storage must be provided to temporarily store a volume representing approximately 48 hours of sewer flow (200 gallons for a typical single-family residence). b. The use of existing septic tank alone, without functioning drainfield and intended to provide holding capacity for emergency flow management purposes,will not be allowed. c. The temporary storage can be provided within the grinder pump's wet well chamber, or within a separate storage/holding tank or vault. The'normalworking volume"of the grinder pump's wetwell chamber is measured between the"PUMP ON'level and the'PUMP OFF'level. The qualifrTing temporary storage shall be that available in excess of the"normal working volume'beween the'PUMP OFF'level and the top of the wet well chamber. 3. Standby Engine-Driven Emergency Generator a. The standby engine-driven emergency generator can be equipped with a manual transfer switch that will isolate the grinder pump and its motor starter from the electrical system and the remainder of the structure served. b. The transfer from commercial to emergency power can also be performed bysimply using a'pig tail'plug on the grinder pump's electrical control panel, so that when commercial power is lost, the grinder pump can be plugged into the emergency generator to provide the power needed to operate the grinder pump. 4,16 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4,6.E 4.6.F Connection to City Sewer SYstem All lots adjacent to a new City sewer main or extended City sewer main shall be serviced with a 6'side sewer stubout extended to the property line.The location of sewerstubouts shall be marked wiIha2"x4"post.The Development shall be designed to utilize the stubout as installed' See Standard Plans 4-8 and 4-9. The City maintains records concerning the location and approximate depth of recent side sewer stubouts.These records are for informational purposes only and it shall be the Developer! responsibility to veri! the location and depth of existing services. ln cases where a stubout has not yet been installed, the Developer shall connect directly to the City main in accordance with Standard Plan 4-9.The Developer shall assume all cost for said connection, including, but not limited tq street repairs, tapping charget permits, all associated system charges as appropriate, including but not limited to systems development charge, King County capacity charges, etc. The actual tap to the main shall be accomplished by the City of Kent Utilities Section, after the Developer has prepared the trench and provided an access to the tapping area for a truck and crew. OSHA and WISHA trench safety requirements shall apply for shoring. Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule. Waste Discharge APProval Storm water, surface water, ground water, cooling water and industrial processes that have been polluted as determined by the Engineer and KC/ DNR-WTD are required to be discharged to the City sewer main through an approved pretreatment system and metering method. Pretreatment requirements of the discharge shall be determined and approved by K?DNR- WTD. Metering, billing and authorization to discharge shall be determined and approved bythe Engineer. A sewer permit shall be required from the City and can be obtained as outlined in section 4.6.4 Sewer Permit.The city will not issue a sewer permit without prior discharge approval from K?DNR-WTD' Metering methods shall be determined and approved by the Engineer on a case-by-case basis. See Section 3.14 Sewer Rate Meter. The type and size of grease interceptor(s)for industrial dischargers shall be approved by KCIDNRP]WPThe type and size of grease intercepto(s) for food service establishments shall be determined bythe Uniform Plumbing code and approved by the Engineer. Each business requiring a grease interceptor shall have its own grease interceptor, unless otherwise directed by K?DNRP- 4-17 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4,7 IWP or the Engineer as applicable. Annual maintenance reports shall be maintained and provided to the city or to KODNRP-IWP upon request' 4.6.G lnspection Before Trenches are Filled No trench shall be filled or any connecting sewer covered, until the Workfrom the point where the side sewer connects with the public sewer or other outlet to the point where it connects with the plumbing of the building or premises has been inspected and approved bythe lnspector. 4.6.H Excavation in Streets to be Protected All excavations made within the limits of any right-of-way or other public place shall be protected at all times by fencing, covering with steel plates, or other means approved bY the I nsPector. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM MATERIALS 4.7.A Standards All materials used for construction of City sewer mains, side sewert and appurtenances, shall be new and undamaged. All materials to be used shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer prior to use.The Developer shall provide the Engineer with shop drawings and certificate of material' as requested. All materials and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures and these Standards. 4.7.8 4.7.C 4.7.D Sanitary Sewer Pipe Unless otherwise approved, all sewer pipes shall be solid wall PVC SDR 35, conforming to ASTM D3034 or D3035 specifications, PVC C900 ASTM D]784, or ductile iron pipe Class 50 for force mains. The sewer pipe shall be clearly marked with the type, clast thickness, and manufacturer.The lettering shall be legible and printed at the factory. Class 50 epoxy-lined ductile iron pipe is required as a minimum on allforce mains. Fittings All sewer pipe fittings shall be of the same material as the pipe.The size of the cleanout shall be the same size as the sewer pipe. Allfittings shall have rubber gaskets with manufactured pipe stops, integrally formed. Where dissimilar pipe materials cannot be avoided, Romac couplings shall be utilized. Manholes and Covers sanitary sewer manholes shall be pre-cast concrete units constructed in accordance with the wsDoT standard specifications. see standard Plans 4-1 and4-2. Manhole frames and covers shall be cast gray or ductile iron. Locking type lids are required. See WSDOT Standard Plan 8-30.70. 4-18 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.7.8 4.7.F Frames and covers located within pedestrian access routes that are adjusted and/or installed shall have slip resistant surface per Section 6.5.8. Pipe Bedding pipe bedding shall be placed 6"under and all around the pipe and shall meet the requirements of gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding per Section 9-03'9(3) Crushed surfaci ng Top cou rse of the wsDoT standard specifr cationl latest edition. lt shall be compacted in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe to 95 percent compaction ASTM D-1557. See thewsDoTStandard Plans and Kent Standard Plan3-22. Where it is determined necessary by the Engineer, ballast material shall be used below the bedding to stabilize the trench.This ballast shall meet the requiremenrs of shoulder ballast per Section 9.03.9(2) of thewsDoTStandard Specifications. Backfill General trench backfill above the pipe zone bedding shall be either crushed Surfacing Top course (CSTC) or Controlled Density Fill (cDF) that meets the minimum requirements of Section 2-09.3(1)E Backfilling of thewsDoT Standard Specifications under all arterial classifications of roadways and those local streets adjacent to commercial or industrial land uses. Gravel borrow may be used for pipe trench backfill in all other locations i[ in the opinion of the Engineer, existing trench excavation soils are unsuitable. CSTC or gravel borrow shall be from a pit approved by the Engineer and shall meet the requirements of csTC per section 9.03.9(3) or gravel borrow per section 9.03.14(1) of the wsDoT standard specifications. Each layer shall be compacted to 95 percent in paved areas and 90 percent in unpaved areas in accordance with ASTM D 15,57,in lifts not to exceed 181The maximum particle size shall not exceed 6" or 2/3thedepth of the layer being placed, whichever is less. Compaction test reports from a certified testing company are required on all utility trenches within roadway sections. Acceptable compaction reports meeting the minimum compaction requirements are required to be delivered to the City Construction lnspector prior to completion of the project. pipe trench backfillfor lateral runs crossing existing or proposed improved city streers, shall be csTC meeting the requirements of Section 9.03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standa rd Specifi cations. ln paved areas, the trench patching shall be in accordance with Standard Plans 6'64through6-69. 4-19 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.8 SAN ITARY SEWER SYSTEM I NSTALLATION 4.8.A Connection to Existing Sewer System 4.8,8 4.8.C The connection between the new sanitary sewers and the existing sewer mains shall be plugged and tied offto the top manhole step, and left in place untilthe new piping and the plugged manhole has been cleaned, pressure tested,W camera inspected, and is ready for acceptance. Cleaning All sewer pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned by jet flushing and vacuum cleaned to remove any solids or construction debris that may have entered the pipe during construction, as approved by the lnspector' The Developer shall be responsible to ensure that material flushed from sewers are trapped, and do not enter the existing downstream system.The lnspector shall approve the Developer's method prior to cleaning sanitary sewer mains. ln the rare case, when the system being flushed and cleaned cannot be isolated entirely, the existing main shall be protected by means approved by the Engineer to prevent construction debris from entering the existing downstream system.The rate of flushing shall be such that the flow will not overload the downstream sewer system.The flushing of a sewer main tributary to a downstream lift station shall be coordinated with the City to ensure that the lift station is not overloaded, In the event that the City finds debris in the downstream sanitary sewer system, the Developer shall be responsible for the removal and subsequent cleaning upon direction of the Engineer. City water used for cleaning sewer lines is metered and shall pass through an approved hydrant meter and DCVA. Pressure and Leakage Tests All new sanitary sewer mains, extensions of existing maint appurtenances and sewer services shall be pressure tested for leakage in accordance with Sections 7-17 .3Q) of the wsDoT standard specifications. All testing shall be observed bythe lnspector. All Costs for re-testing, including the Inspector's time to come back due to'not being readyiwill be the responsibilhy of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer' Television lnspection All new sanitary sewer extensions will beTV camera inspected by the City prior to acceptance. 4.8.D 4-20 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4.8.E Prior to TV camera inspection: l. Sewer lines must be cleaned. 2. All construction must be completed and approved by the Inspector 3. All manholes shall be channeled, and grade rings set in place. 4. The casting and top grade rings do not have to be mudded in until after the finished grade is established. 5. The Developer shall bear all costs for correction of deficiencies found during TV inspection, including all costs for subsequentTV inspections to verifl7 the correction of deficiencies. 6. The Developer shall schedulew inspections no less than five (5) working days prior to being ready. lf the system is not ready, the Developer shall notiry the City no later than 24hours prior to the scheduled time. lf the Developer fails to noti! the City that they are not ready within 24hours of the scheduled time or, theTV inspection crew shows up at the site and the system is not ready for testing, the Developer will be responsible for all costs of additionalTV inspections to verifithe system. 7. All costs for re-inspections, including the lnspector's time to come back due to"not being readyiwill be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually bythe Engineer. 8. Sags in sanitary sewer lines identifred during theTV inspection greater than 0.5'shall be repaired bythe contractor by removal and re-laying of the pipe. Repaired sections of pipe shall beW inspected for verification prior to final inspection at the cost of the Developer as described above. Vacuum Testing Sanitary Sewer Manholes All new sanitary sewer manholes shall be vacuum tested by the City prior to acceptance to ensure that the manhole is air-tight and not susceptible to infiltration. on projects with more than one manhole, the Developer shall have all of the manholes ready for testing at finished grade and have access, by truck, to each manhole prior to scheduling the vacuum testing with the Inspector. Manholes shall not be considered ready for testing until all grouting has been performed and the frame and cover have been grouted into place. lt is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure all manholes are ready for testing prior to scheduling with the lnspector. Manholes not ready shall receive a 4-21 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT failing mark and a retest shall be required once the manhole is ready. The Developer shall schedule the vacuum testing no less than five (5) working days prior to being ready. lf the manholes are not ready, the Developer shall notili the City no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. lf the Developer fails to notifl7 the City that they are not ready within 24 hours of the scheduled time or the vacuum testing crew shows up at the site and the system is not readyfor testing, the Developer will be responsible for all costs of additional testing to verifl7 the system. All costs for re-testing, including the Inspector's time to come back due to 'not being readyiwill be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime ratet overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. The Developer shall bear all costs for correction of deficiencies found during the vacuum testing and for all costs for additional testing by the City to verif,/ correction of the deficiencies, 4.9 SEWAGE PUMP STATIONS 4.9,A General Sewage pump stations will be approved on an individual basis.The proposed pump station must be designed with adequate capacityto provide service for the ultimate development of the potential service area.The service area for any proposed pump station shall not be less than 75 acret or provide service to less than 250 potential single-family residences or its equivalent in revenue. A pre-design meeting will be required with PublicWork Operations to review current equipment and design requirements. 4.9.8 DesignRequirements 1. All sewage pump stations shall be designed in accordance with DOE's design requirements for sewage pump stations and force mains.The pUmpStationsshalIalsobedesignedtomeettheCiryofKent,sPump Station Standards. 2. Pump stations shall be manufactured by Smith and Loveless (or approved equal), and have separated wet well and dry well structures. 3. All stations shall have an on-site emergency power supply with automatic switching capacitY. 4. All stations shall be equipped with a telemetry system compatible with the 4-22 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT existing Ciry equipment. 5. No sewage from a new pump station shall be discharged to an existing City pump station. 6. The Developer shall provide a financial guarantee per section '1.12 to cover the estimated costs of operation and maintenance ofthe new pump station during the two years of service. 4-23 EXHIBIT A 2A21" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT This Page lntentionally Left Blank 4-24 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTI ON STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DIPARTMENT 4.1O SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM STANDARD PLANS 4-1 4-2 4-3 44 4-5 44 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Typ e 1 48" & 54' Special Shal low Manhole Not Used Not Used Manhole Grade Ring, Safety Steps & Ladder Ductile lron Drop Connection 6"Cleanout Side Sewer Stub Connection Residential Side Sewer Connection Low Pressure Grinder PumP 1,500 Gallon Grease lnterceptor lnside Drop Sanitary Sewer Manhole Adjustment of New and Existing Utility Structures to Finish Grade Deflected Water Main lnstallation for Gravity Sewer Only 4-25 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPAR fM ENT This Page lntentionally Left Blank 4-26 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TYPE 1 48'&54"KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCAI EDRAWN COK 9/2020DATFCHECKED qoK 4-1 aPPRovED EI{GINER -f*---t-t-l lr - N 48" 0R 54" 1'-0"A 12" MIN 18" MANHOLE FRAME AND LOCKING COVER, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN B-30,70 ADJUSTMENT GRADE RINGS, LEVELING BRICKS MAY BE USED ON TOP RING, SEE STANDARD PI-AN 4-5 3/8" GROUT, INSIDE, OUTSIDE AND IN BETWEEN GMDE RINGS HANDHOLD (fiP,) SEE STANDARD PI.AN 4-5 PRECAST CONE (ECCENTRIC UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECiFIED) DROP RUNG SAFETY STEPS, SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 PRECAST RISER SE TIONS. GROUT SECTION JOINTS AND PICKHOLES (TYP) LADDER EMBEDDED IN CHANNEL SHELF SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 CONSTRUCT IN FIELD: CHANNEL AND SHELF TO THE CROWN OF THE PIPE, SLOPE=2olo (TYP.) 1/4" PER FOOT REINFORCING STEEL (FOR PRECAST BASE WITH INTEGML RISER) 0.15 SQ. IN,/FT. IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 48" DIA 0,19 SQ. IN./FT. IN EACH DIRE TION FOR 54' DIA, PRECAST BASE WITH INTEGML RISER CSTC PIPE BEDDING, 12" MIN, COMPA TED DEPTH' DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS HEIGHT: STO 12', SOIL BEARING VALUE EQUALS 33OO #/FT. (MIN') HEIGHT: OVER 12'T0 25'; SOIL BEARING VALUE EQUALS 3800 #/Fr. (MIN.) t2', 1'-0" x E (o N =]I=l=+l's hN F-(,u ! x = X FOR SEPAMTE CAST IN PLACE ONLY 8" SEWER MAIN *MORTAR FILLET 6" FOR 48" DIA 8' FOR 54" DIA I I -u'! !Utt dt Ft (Jud.c SEPAMTE CAST IN PLACE OR SEPAMTE PRECAST BASE REINFORCING STEEL (FOR SEPAMTE BASE ONLY) 0,23 SQ, IN./FT, IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 48, DIA 0.19 SQ. IN./Fr. IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 54" DIA, "0" RING PRECAST BASE JOINT NOTES: 1. MANHOLE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTION TO MAIN IS 8" DIA. 0R GREATER' 2. MANHOLES TO BE CONSTRUSIED IN ACCORDANCE ry MSHTO M-199 AND (ASTM C 478) UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STD. SPECS. 3. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALLTHICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM. 4. KNOCKOUT OR CUTOUT HOLE SIZE IS EQUAL TO PIPE OUTER D]AMETER PLUS MANHOLE WALLTHICKNESS, MAX. HOLE SIZE IS 35" FOR 48" MANHOLE ' 42" FOR 54" MANHOLE. MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN HOLES IS 8". 5. MANHOLE RINGS & COVERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS & MEEI THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS OF FEDEML SPECIFICATION RR.F.62 1 D. MATING SURFACES SHALL BE FINISHED TO ASSURE NON.ROCKING FIT WITH ANY COVER POSITION. 6, ALL BASE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MIN, YIELD STRENGTH OF 60,000 PSI AND BE PLACED IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE BASE WITH 1" MIN. CLEAMNCE. EX, SHELF HEIGHT UNACCEPTABLE SECTION A-A 7. ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE VACUUM TESTED. IN LOCATIONS WITH HIGH WATER TABLES, EXTERIOR COATING AND JOINT SEALANT TAPE WILL BE REQUIRED TO PREVENT HYDRO STATIC WATER INFILTMTION OF MANHOLE, 8. MORTAR 3/8'LINING OUTSIDE, INSIDE, AND IN BETWEEN THE ADJUSTMENT SECTION TO FORM A SMOOTH WATERTIGHT FINISH' 9. GROUT ALL MANHOLE SECTION JOINTS AND PICKHOLES OUTSIDE AND INSIDE TO A SMOOTH FINISH. 10,400 Fl MAXIMUM SPACING OF MANHoLES (TYP)' I.ATERAL CONNECTIONS TO MATCH MAINLINE CROWN. CONNECTION AT KOR.N-SEAL BOOT coNNECIION (TYP.) 5" MIN SLOPE FLOW 4'' MIN: EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING BUT AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CNY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SHALLOW MANHOLEKENT STANDARD PLANNONESCAI EDRAWN COK cHEd(ED cQK DArE 12/20\9 4-2ENGINEA APPROVED \a" 12" MIN MAX. t\ 4gu oR 54" 3/8" GROUT, INSIDE, OUTSIDE AND IN BETWEEN GMDE RING, SEE STANDARD PLAN 4.5 SEPAMTE CAST IN PLACE OR SEPAMTE PRECAST BASE "O" RING PRECAST BASE JOINT NOTES: 1. FLAT TOPS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. GROUT ALL MANHOLE SECTION JOINTS AND PICKHOLES OUTSIDE AND INSIDE TO A SMOOTH FINISH' 3, GROUT FILL RING OR BRICKADJUSTMENTS ON ALL SIDES, THE CASTING IS TO BE SEATED IN GROUT PLACED ON THE RING OR BRICK. CASTING, SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-4 ADJUSTMENT SECI-ION MIN. 4" - MAX. 16" HANDHOLD (TYP.), SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 18" SHORT CONE DROP RUNG SAFETY STEPS (TYP,), SEE STANDARD PLAN 4.5 SLOPE=20lo (TYP.) CONSTRUCT IN FIELD: CHANNELAND SHELFTOTHE CROWN OF THE PIPE, SEE DETAIL 4-1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BASE WITH INTEGRAL RISER GMVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE BEDDING, 6' MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH. FOR PRECAST BASES ONLY !- r'-0" REINFORCING STEEL (FOR PRECAST BASE WITH INTEGML RrsER) 0,15 SQ. IN./F[. IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 48" DIA 0'19 SQ. IN,/FT, IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 54" DIA' RETNFORCING STEEL (FOR SEPARATE BASE ONLY) 0.23 SQ. IN./FT. IN EACH DIRECTIoN FOR48" DIA 0.19 SQ, IN./FT. IN EACH DIRECnoN FOR s4" DIA. x =h * MORTAR FILLET 6" FOR 48" 8" FOR 54"- ,"--l DIA * FOR SEPAMTE CAST IN PI.ACE ONLY 4. MORTAR A 3/8" LINING OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF THE ADJUSTMENT SECI-ION TO FORM A SMOOTH WATERTIGHT FINISH. 5. ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE VACUUM TESTED. IN AREAS OR LOCATIONS WHERE HIGH GROUND WATER TABLE TABLE EXIST, THE EXTERIOR OF THE MANHOLE SHALL BE COATED AND JOINT SEALANT TAPE USED TO PREVENT HYDROSTAT]C WATER INFILTMTION, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING BUTAN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON I5 KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT XXXX xxxxKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 4-3EilCINEA APPROVED EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERI BUTAN ELESTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NG DOCUMENT CITY OF I(ENT ENO]NEERING DEPARTIIENT xxxx xxxxG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DA'IEcoKCHECKED 4-4T}IGINEB APPROVFN EXHIBIT A 1 12" MIN.12' MIN 3"6 Uz', MIN. 3 Ll2 SEE NOTE HANDHOLD DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP 11 3/4'MrN CENTER TO x =+CENTER 12" MIN. SEE NOTE 4 6"I Ll2', MIN. SEE NOTE or MANHOLE STEP SEE NOTE 5 GALVANIZED DROP RUNG STEP GALVANIZED PREFABRICATED LADDER L2' 1l T- 12" IL SEE NOTE 4 11 3/4" MIN CENTER TO CENTER 9 1/8" FOR STEP 6 1/8" FOR HANDHOLD E NOTE 5 POLYPROPYLENE DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP POLYPROPYLEN E PREFABRICATED LADDER NOTES: 1, MANHOLE STEPS CONFORMING TO SECTION R, ASTM C-478. MSHTO M-199 REqUIREMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM D.4101 FOR POLYPROPYLENE AND ASfM A-61s FOR 1/2" 6p4DE 60 DEFORMED REINF6RCING BAR FoR POLYPROPYLENE STEPS, AND ALL WISHA AND OSHA SPECIFICATIONS, ARE ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED THEY ARE PRE-APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2, PREFABRICATED LADDERS ARE TO BE #7 GALVANIZED SMOOTH STEEL. f,24',5 .-T.rl BAR 3. MANHOLE PREFABRICATED LADDER STEPS SHALL BE PAMLLEL ORAPPROXIMATELY MDIAL AT THE OPTION OF THE MANUFACTURER, EXCEPT THAT ALL STEPS IN ANY MANHOLE SHALL BE THE SAME. 1" CLEAMNCE GMDE RING 4. PENETMTION OF OUTER WALL BY A STEP HDDER OR I.ADDER LEG IS PROHIBTTED. USE FI.ANGED END FOR BOLTING TO WALL. NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.5, EMBED FOOT OF GALVANIZED PREFABRICATED LADDER IN CONCRETE IN POURED OR CHANNELED FLOOR.CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT 5, MANHOLE STEPS OR LADDERS ARE NOT REQUIRED WHEN THE COVER TO BOTTOM OF MANHOLE IS LESS THAN 4" MANHOLE GRADE RING, SAFETY STEPS & I-ADDER STANDARD PLAN lzn 6' 6' FOR STEP DHOLD KENT ENCINEM 4-5 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL E BUTAN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NGINEERING DOCUMENT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT DUCTILE IRON DROP CONNECTIONt.6t DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/201eDATEcoKCHECKED 4-6ENGINEB APPROVED- 4'x4' MIN. CONCRETE PAD IN UNPAVED AREAS L FYP.) _t j FINISHED SURFACE VARIES WATER TIGHT SEAL 6,, WELL COMPACTED CSTC BEDDING CLASS 50 DI CROSS (MJxMJxMJxMJ) ONE LENGTH OF CLASS 50 DIP TO SOUD BEARING EARTH FLEXIBLE JOINT BACKFILL WITH CDF AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CHSS 50 DIP CLASS 50 DIP 90o ELBOW (MJxMJ) BACKFILL WITH CDF AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CSTC BEDDING MATERIAL CLASS 50 DIP CONSTRUCT CHANNEL SHELF AREA 6" MIN, 6" MIN CHANNEL PLAN VIEW T2' ELEVATION SECTION A-A t--T'lt AI A NOTES; OUTSIDE DROPS MUST BE CONSTRU TED WITH DUCIILE IRON AS SHOWN; CONCRETE ENCASED PVC IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, 2. USE RESTMINED FffTINGS AT ALL DROP CONNECIION POINTS. 3. SNUG RETAINER GLAND AS CLOSE TO MANHOLE FACE AS PMCTICAL. 4. IF DROP HEIGHT IS LESS THAN 2', A DROP CONNECTION IS NOT ALLOWED, DIP C-111 (MJ) RETAINER DIP C-110 CAP-FI.AT, WITH TOP HALF CUT OFF, LEAVING BOTTOM HALF AS A DAM 2olo x =bN z =-N MATCH CROWN TO EX, SEWER PIPE SHELF U4" PER FOOT SLOPE CHANNEL GLAND OR APPROVED EQUAL; TOP OF DROP SHALL NOT ENTER MAN MORE THAN 6" 4" MIN 50" DIA, MIN, JUz.z. =U =oJL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT 5'' CLEANOUTG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATE 1)oCHECKED 4-7ENCINER APPROVFN 15" 2'-0" 10" CEMENT CONC. CLASS 3000 9"3/4" SQUARES SPACED 3/4" AS N I INDICATED-HT SEE NOTE 1 o N o 1/8" MrSE - 1/2" WIDE PVC THREADED PLUG ENT CONC. 7 314"7 314"CLASS 3000 SEE NOTE PVC PIPE (FOR SLEEVE) FIBER JOINT PACKING (oPTr0NAL) 2'-0" z.o FU<dF E r/r -Fioa z. UJu \f I co n o N N + SEE NOTE 3 6"-450 ELBOW 15" (BELL x CAST IRON RING &COVER CLEANOUT RING & COVER 6" WYE 6" SIDE SEWER SEE STANDARD PI-AN 4.8 WATER NGHT PLUG NOTESI sLoPE L__F =oz. UJ(J Lo 1. CAST IRON TO CONFORM TO A,S.T.M A48-56 C|-ASS 30. (9z.zz.(,U co2. COVER SHALL BE OLYMPIC FOUNDRY M1007 OR EQUIVALENT MARKED 'SEWER-CO" OR "C0", 3. TMCER WIRE = 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER WIRE, GREEN PLASTIC COATED. BARE END OF WIRE PERMANENTLY CONNECTED TO TEE AT MAIN WITH A SS HOSE CLAMP. WRAP SIDE SEWER AND INSTALL WIRE WITHIN CLEANOUT COVER, COIL ENOUGH LENGTH TO BRING ABOVE GMDE 18 INCHES FOR LOCATE PURPOSES. 10" 1l A --t\fiM 1 .l 1:. 1: .:l EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUTAN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ICENT SIDE SEWER STUB CONNECTIONt.6t DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEcoKDRAWN 12/201sDATECHECKED 4-8ENGINER APPROVFD MATCH PAVEMENT FINISHED GMDE OR SLOPE TO NATIVE MATERIAL ON ALL SIDES uz:l FdUcodc CLEANOUT RING AND LOCKING COVER, SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 4-7 18 INCHES MIN. OF TMCER WIRE COILED iNSIDE OF COVER ABOVE CLEANOUT CAP dIUt!z.('z.UuIF co 6UF z.(9 U'uo d.o atz.5d U !F z.o FloouJJ (J a APPROVED WATER NGHT PLUG 1'MAX 4'MAX. ALSO SEE NOTE 5 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER TMCER WIRE, GREEN PLASTIC COATED, PERMANENTLY CONNECT WIRE TO THE INSIDE OF CLEANOUT BOX WITH STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMP 6" WYE ADAPTER WHERE PREAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER FOR COUPLING DIFFERENT PIPE MATERIALS, AS CALLED OUT ON THE PTANS OR DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER 6" WYE PLAN 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOUD COPPER LOCATING WIRE, PLASTIC COATED, PERMANENTLY CONNECI- WIRE TO TEE WITH STA]NLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMP 6" TEE SANITARY SEWER MAIN z.o Eula dUUo b NOTES: 1. JOINT DEFLECTION SHALL NOT BE GREATERTHAN RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE MANUFACTURER AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. MINIMUM SLOPE SHALL BE 1ol0. MAX. PERMISSIBLE SLOPE SHALL BE 2 HORIZ. TO 1 VERT. UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE' 3. PIPE SHALL BE PVC, CAST IRON, OR DUCIILE IRON CLASS 50, MIN, SIZE 6", SIZE AND MATERIAL SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS OR APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. 5'MINIMUM SEPAMTION BETWEEN SEWER MAIN TAPS, 5, STUBS SHALL EXTEND 2' BEYOND ANY DRY UTILITY EASEMENTS. 6" TEE \51ayp 3 rNcHEs HIGH, 1/4 INCH DEEP "SS" eof { SEWER MAIN v z f'Rg\ EXHIBIT A THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL SIDE SEWER CONNECTIONKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK CHECKED COK 12/2019DATE 4-9ENGINEB APPROVED Uz. J =d (J A" FRONT OF HOUSE TO R/W OR PROPERTY LINE SIDE OF HOUSE J coFUa=tr8-- LoUoa Uut =o =Lo d. U& "D" PROPERW LINE NOTES:SIDE SEWER PIPE 450-900 BEND CONNECTION TO BUILDING SEWER 1, 4" (MIN. SIZE) SEWER PIPE REQUIRED ON PROPERTY' 2, 2olo MIN. GMDE (1/4" FALL PER Fl) FOR 4" PIPE 1000/o MAX. GMDE (12" PER Fr). @ nuaaen coupLING REQUIRED To ptpE AT HousE 3. JOINTS MUST BE MADE WITH RUBBERTYPE GASKET APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 3' MIN., 5'MAX. DISTANCE FROM HOUSE @ ,0" MIN. covER 4, CONSTRUCTION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY MAY BE DONE BY OWNER BUT REQUIRES A PERMIT' 4" D]A. SIDE SEWERTO HOUSE 5" X 4" REDUCER CLEANOUT (SEE STANDARD PLANS 4-7 AND 4-8) 5" DIA, SIDE SEWER STUB TO PROPERTY LINE (sEE STANDARD PLAN 4-8) @ arruo, wYE AND cLEANour U anfo I Lo Fzod.L CLEANOUT BELOW GMDE. 1'MAX. EXHIBIT A q m A MODEL #INSERT-73 OR APPROVED EQUAL BRASS AS REQU]RED FORD PACK JOINT COUPLER, INSERT STIFFENERS AS REQUIRED "R0MAC" ECs01-630 MJ CAP WITH 2'' THREADED PORT, OR APPROVAL EQUAL GMVITY TO FORCE LINE CONNECNON DETAIL "C" ALL POLY PIPE SPLICES SHALL BE MADE wnH 1-114" FORD PACK JOINT COUPLER MODEL #C66-55 WITH INSERT STIFFENERS 2xMIPTXFIPT THREADED REDUCER BUSHING WATER WORKS SIDE VIEW --l t' SQUARE PUMP TANK (RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY) BUILDING FOUNDATION 4- MIN. CONC. WALL (3 SrDES TYP,) 1', MIN 2, MIN 1' MAX. \l \-7 AUDIO VISUAL ALARM REMOVABLE, WEATHER RESISTANT COVER 6" MIN. CLEAN OUT EX. GMDE SAND FILL SEE DETAIL *C" FOR CONNECTION GMV]TY SEWER, SEE NOTE 7 BUILDING SEWER SEWER MAIN TRACER WIRE REQUIRED FORCE LINE (SEE sEc 4.8,c FoR PRESSURE TESNNG) 1MIN TYPE 1 MANHOLE GRINDER PUMP FOUNDATION NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT KENT LOW PRESSURE GRINDER PUMP oFstcNED coK-STANDARD PLANSCALENRAWN COK cHFckED COK DATE c 4-10 APPR.VED ENGINER NOTES: 1, ALL ELECTRICAL SHALL MEET WASHINGTON STATE ELECTRIC CODES' 2. GRINDER PUMP AND TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMM ENDATIONS. 3. TYPE 1 MANHOLES SHALL BE FOR COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. SEE STANDARD PIANS 4.1 AND 4-2. THE BASE OFTHE MANHOLE SHALL BE SLOPED AS SHOWN IN THE 'SIDE VIEW'' ABOVE, 5, SEE SECTION 4.8,C OF THE CITY OF KENT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR PRESSURE TEST REQUIREMENTS, 4. CLEAN OUT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER STANDARD PLANS 4-7 AND 4.8, 5. FOUNDATION AND WALLS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR SITE CONDIT]ONS. BSBL, RECOMMEND NOT USED IN 1OO YR FLOOD PI-AIN. 7. STRUCTURE MAY NOT BE ALLOWED EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT 1,500 GALLON GREASE INTERCEPTORt.6- DESTGNED COK STANDARO PLAN SCALE DRAIYN DATE 1 oCHECKED 4-11ENGINER APPROVFN 24" DIA, LOCKING FMME AND COVER AIR AND GAS TIGHT-3 PLACES' (LOCATE AS SHOWN, ON CENTERLINE) SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-4 11'-2" PLAN 1'-gu CONTMCTORTO ADJUSTTO GMDE INLET an GROUT BOTH SIDES 8'-2u SECTION A-A INSTALL SURFACE CLEAN-OUT PER STANDARD PLAN 4-7 2'-10"1',-8u 3'MM, FLEXIBLE COUPLING 3'-0u 7, GMY WATER ONLY. BLACK WATER SHALL BE CARRIED BY SEPAMTE SIDE SEWER. 8. ANY CHANGES REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER A A4 N r NOTES: 1. LOCATE STRUCTURE ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND FOR ACCESS BY MAINTENANCE VEHICLE. 2. FILL WITH CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO START UP OF SYSTEM. 3. INTERCEPTOR TO BE MAINTAINED BY OWNER AND ANNUAL MAINTENANCE REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED. 4. UTILITY VAULT CO.,rNc. MoDEL NO. s106 GA OR EQUAL. 5. CONNECTIONS TO CONCRETE WALLS WITH PVC PIPE REQUIRES KOR-N-SEAL CONNECTOR OR A,C. X PVC BAND ADATTER oR APPROVED EQUAL. SEAL ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT. 6, 5'' PVC SHALL BE USED THROUGHOUT PIPE MATERIAL SHALL BE PER STAN TOP OF "TEES" TO BE KEPT OPEN. --fl ) I I COVER SHALL READ "SEWER'' ( I I I I ) I I (ll__ _ J = 15" MIN. 4 6'' TYP ALL RISERS nF\ dr o GAL. PRE-CAST BAFFLE, 4" THICK EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT INSIDE DROP SANITARY SEWER MANHOLEKENT DESIGNED COK NONESCALE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 4-12ENGI\ER APPROVED tr l {IF # M N 3'MIN, 6" (rYP)---- MANHOLE RING AND COVER FINISHED GMDE 18" MAX. PRECAST ECCENTRIC CONE PRECAST RISER sEcnoN MANHOLE RUNGS, SEE KENT STD. PLAN 4-5 PRECAST BASE WITH INTEGML RISER CONCRETE CHANNEL UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED 5UB-GRADE NOTE: SEE KDCS 4.5.D 1" MAX 9" CONCRETE COLLAR ADJUSTING RINGS 4' MIN, TO 15, MAX, PLASTER INSIDE FACING WITH 1/2,' MORTAR INV PER PI-AN JOINTS SHALL BE RUBBER GASKETED MEETING ASTM C-443 SEE PIPE SUPPORT DETAIL THIS SHEET ADJACENT TO WALL MORTAR TO SUPPORT RISER TWO 450'5 oR oNE 900 900 scH. 40 ELBOW WITH BELL AND SPIGOT END CUT WITH SAW GMVEL BEDDING KOR.N.SEAL BOOT coNNECnON (TYP) SHADED AREA IS SAW CUT FABRICATE FROM GASKETED PVC SEWER TEE DIATO MATCH INLET P]PE SEE PIPE SUPPORT DETAIL THIS SHEET CLEANOUT TRIM CLAMP SO CI.AMP LEG HAS 1 U2" MIN. MORTAR COVER GRINNEL EXTENDED PIPE (OR SIMILAR) OR SHOP/FIELD FABRICATED FROM I/4"X2" BAR STOCK - A35 STEEL OR APPROVED EQUAL, PAINT WITH APPROVED RUST-RESISTANT PAINT, DOUBLE STMP SADDLE @ 4'0.C, MIN,2 STRAPS EACH MANHOLE PIPE RISER MANHOLE PIPE SUPPORT DETAIL 2" MIN. SECTION A-A A A MIN, DROP CONNECTION 600 MAX. MANHOLE INSIDE DIA. PER PLAN, 60" MIN. PLAN L2^ (rYP.) x =oNoF 2 =6 r-t'"_T t1I EXHIBIT A THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST ENCINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT ADJUSTMENT OF NEW AND EXISTING UTILITY STRUCTURES TO FINISH GRADE G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 4-13ENGINEA APPROVFD MANHOLE MAY INCLUDE OTHER UTILITY MANHOLE 8" MIN. HMA PER KDCS 6.16, OR 8" MIN. DEPTH CONC. SEE NOTE 5 6'DIAMETER SECTION A-A 5' MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN IN UNIMPROVE D AREA SEE NOTE 3 EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT EXISTING GRADE Al A TYPICAL PLAN VIEW OF MANHOLE (OR CB) IN AS PHALT AREA SAWCUT LINE, 6'DIAMETER VALVE BOX AND LID ARE FLUSH WITH EXISTING GRADE 8.' MIN, HMA PER KDCS 6.16, OR 8" MIN. DEPTH CONC SEE NOTE 5 8" MIN, HMA PER KDCS 5.16, OR 8" MIN. SEE NOTE 3 8" MIN, HMA PER KDCS 6.16, OR 8" MIN, DEPTH CONC, OR THICKNESS OF ROADWAY, WHICHEVER IS GREATER SEE NOTE 5 FOG TITE VALVE POST MARKER, 60# NOTE 4 .f 42', VALVE BOX, LID AND CONC. COLLAR SHALL BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING GMDE DEPTH CONC. NOTES: 1. ADJUSTMENT OF UTILIfi STRUCTURES SHALL BE PER KENT OR WSDOT SPECIAL PROVISION SECrloN 7-05.3(1), AS DIRECTED BY CITY OF KENT. 2. ALL ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE COMPLETED AFTER FINISHED PAVING. 3. SURFACE SEALAT N4ATCHUNE SHALL BE AR-4OOO, 4. VALVE IN UNIMPROVED AREAS SHALL HAVE A MARKER. 5. FILL ANY VOIDS OR DISTURBED AREAS BELOW CASTING WITH QUICK SETTING CEMENT CONCRETE, NO CALCIUM ACCELEMNT PERM|NED, CONCRETE SHALL EXTEND A MIN, OF 2" ABOVE CASTING FLANGE, rL2"I L2' SEE NOTE 5 VALVE BOX IN U MPROVED AREA 3', VALVE BOX IN ASPHALT AREA I JIt F A EXHIBIT A JOINT RESTMINTS(rYP,) ALL PIPING SHALL BE DUCNLE rRoN PRESSURE CLASS 3s0 (TYP.) FULL STICK OF PIPE 18" 10'MIN.10' MIN CONFLICT LINESWATER MAIN GMVITY SEWER MAIN NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTNENT DEFLECTED WATER MAIN INSTALI.ATION FOR GRAVITY SEWER ONLY KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK 9/2020DATE6s56499 COK 4-14EIIGINER APPROVED JOINT RESTMINTS REQUIRED FULL STICK OF PIPE JOINT RESTMINTS REQUIRED (TYP,) 20' MIN. NOTES: 1. THE ENTIRE RUN SHALL BE DUCNLE IRON AND RESTMINED. 2. FOR CASING REQUIREMENTS SEE DETAIL 3-25. 3, A FULL LENGTH OF PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT BOTH BEGINNING AND END OF THE DEFLECTED RUNS. SEE ABOVE DETAIL' 4, THE FIRST BELL END JOINT AFTER THE DEFLECTED RUNS SHALL BE RESTMINED, 5. WHEN THE WATER MAIN IS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED OVER THE SEWER MAIN (DEFLECTED) AND DOES NOT MEET THE 18" SEPAMTION A CASING SHALL BE INSTALLED USING THIS EXAMPLE SHOWN ABOVE. 5, THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF THE WATER MAIN SHALL BE 3.5' BUT WHEN DEFLECTING THE WATER MAIN OVER THE SEWER MAIN USING A CASING' THE SEPAR/qNON BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF THE CASING AND TOP OF THE SEWER MAIN MAY BE 5". FILL SEPAMTION WITH FOUNDATION MATERIAL CLASS A OR B PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.17, 0R AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. 7. WHEN DEFLECTING THE WATER MAIN OVER THE SEWER MAIN WITHOUT A CASING THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF THE DEFLECIED WATER MAIN MAY BE 3', THE MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OFTHE WATER MAIN AND TOP OFTHE SEWER MAIN SHALL BE 18''' 8. AT NO TIME SHALLA PRESSURE SEWER MAIN BE INSTALLED OVERTHE WATER MAIN OR SERVICE' EXHIBIT A I EXHIBIT A 2071 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 STANDARDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS GENERAL 5.1.A Design Standards Drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance with the current City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual (KSWDM). 5.1.8 Specifications Materials, construction, and testing are specified in section 7-04 of thewsDol Standard SPecifi cations. 5.1.C Conflicts Where technical conflicts may occur between this document and the KSWDM, these Standards shall govern. EXTENT OF STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The storm sewers shall be extended to the limits of the respective property being served in accordance with the Drainage Master Plan.The extension shall be of the size and profile grade necessary to be extended to other properties upstream in the future. ln cases where the plan does not require future extension, the drainage system shall be extended as necessary to serve the affected property. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS.OF-WAY Permanent on-site eaSements for access, maintenance, and construction are required in accordance with KSWDM Section 4.1 for all storm drain extensions located outside of public right-of-way. private improvements such as buildings, fencet garage' carports, retaining wallt utilities, signs, light standards, etc., are not allowed in public easements and rights-of-way.Where an encroachment occurt the Developer shall remove and relocate the conflicting private improvement immediately upon direction from the Engineer. Easements shall be accessible for construction equipment normally used for the operation and maintenance of the facility. STORMWATER SYSTEM AND CULVERTS 5.4.A Pipe Bedding Pipe bedding shall be placed under and allaround the pipe meeting the requirements of gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding per section 9-03.9(3) crushed surfacing Top Course of the wsDoT standard specifi cations, latest edition. lt shall be compacted in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient 5.4 5-1 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PI] BLIC WORKS DIPARTM ENT 5.5 s.4.8 height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe to 95 percent comPaction ASTM D-1557. Access Roads Access roads to each catch basin and manhole are required for maintenance. Access and/or maintenance roads (where required) shall be 15'wide and have a minimum inside turning radius of 45lAccess and/or maintenance roads will require an approved all-weather surface, and shall be designed to support an H5-20 vehicle load to support construction equipment and loads.The profile of an access road shall not exceed 15 percent. Access roads with running grades exceeding 5 percent will require a variance approval from the Engineer. Access roads with grades exceeding 12 percent shall be paved.Whenever an easement or right-of-way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the easement and a City lock must be placed in'series'l All access roads longer than I5o'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street shall have an approved hammerhead turnaround per Standard Plan6-21or shall be looped to connect back to a public street. 5.4.C Casings where a storm water line passes under or through a retaining wall or is attached to a bridge structure, the pipe shall be cased in steel pipe at least 4' larger than the largest outer diameter of the bell or joint of the storm water line. No pipe joints will be allowed within the casing, except on bridge structures or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.The casing shall extend on either side of the wall a distance equal to the highest height of the retaining wall at the wall penetration, plus 4iAll voids within the casing shall be filled with blown sand except on bridge structures. Casing spacers shall be Cascade Waterwork Manufacturin g Com pa ny sta i n less steel casi ng spacers or approved equal.The casing spacers shall be installed such that the storm water line is centered and restrained within the casing and spaced such that a uniform profile grade will be maintained within the casing. 5.4.D Storm Sewer PiPe Material Unless otherwise approved bythe cityof Kent sewer/storm Drainage Department, all storm sewer pipes shall be solid wall PVC SDR 35, conforming ro ASTM 3034 or 3035 specifications, PVC C900 ASTM D17B4,or Class 50 epoxy-lined ductile iron PiPe. CATCH BASIN LOCATIONS AND JUNCTIONS 5.5.A Catch Basins Catch basins, rather than inlet5 shall be used to collect storm water from street surfaces, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. See Standard Plans 5-1 5-2 EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 5.6 and 5-2. s.5.8 Connections to PiPe SYstems No connections to pipe systems may be made without placing a catch basin or manhole on the mainline. All connections shall be made at catch basins or manholes. s.s.c Manholes in Lieu of Catch Basins Manholes may be used in lieu of catch basins if they do not collect surface water. Manholes must be used if invert elevations are different by more than 181 See Standard Plan 4-1. 5.5.D ControlStructurePlacement A control structure shall be placed in a manhole downstream of detention systems utilizing PUmPS. A control structure shall be placed at the last point before a privately maintained system flows into the public system. 5.5.E Roof and Yard Drains Roof and yard drains, or other concentrated flow from adjacent properry shall not discharge over the surface of streets, sidewalk, pathways, or shoulders. FRAMES, GRATES, AND COVERS 5.6.A MetalCastings for Drainage Structures Metal castings for drainage structures shall not be dipped, painted, welded, plugged or repaired. Castings and covers located within pedestrian access routes that are adjusted and/or installed shall have slip resistant surface per Section 6.5.8. 5.6.8 Porosity in Metal Castings for Drainage Structures Porosity in metal castings for drainage structures shall be considered a workmanship defect subject to rejection by the lnspector. 5.6.C Casting for Manhole Rings Castings for manhole rings shall be gray-iron conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 105, Grade 308. Covers shall be ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536, Grade 80-55-06. Manhole rings and covers shall meet the strength requirements of FederalSpecification RR-F-621 E. All mating surfaces shall be machine finished to ensure a non+ocking fit' 5.6.D Manhole Rings and Covers ldentification All manhole rings and covers shall be identified as specified in Section 9-05.15 of theWSDOTStandard Specifications and Standard Plan 8-30.70' 5-3 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5.6.E s.6.F s.6.G 5.6.H s.6.1 5,6.J Metal Frame Castings for Catch Basins and Inlets 1. Castings for metal frames for catch basins and inlets shall be cast steel, gray iron, or ductile iron as specified in Sections 9 06.8,9-069,or 9-06.14 of the WSDOT Standard SPecifi cations. 2. Castings for metal frames for catch basins, inlett grates and solid metal covers shall meet the strength requirements of Federal Specification RR-F- 621 E. Metal Grates and Covers for Catch Basins and lnlets Castings for grates and solid metal covers for catch basins and inlets shall be cast steel or ductile iron as specified in Sections 9-06.8 or 9-06.14 of theWSDOT Standard Specifications.The foundry name and material designation shall be embossed on the top of the grate.The material shall be identified as/cS' for cast steel, and "DUC"or"Dl'for ductile iron and shall be located near the manufacturer! name. See Standard Plans 5-4 through 5-9. Grate and Cover Seating Grates and covers shall be seated properly to prevent rocking, including the replacement of existing covers with solid metal covers. Vaned Grates Unless otherwise specified, vaned grates shall be used with standard frame in the traveled way, gutter, or shoulder.Vaned grates shall not be located within crosswalks. See Standard Plans 5-4 through 5-6. Rolled Curbs Use rolled curb frame and grates along rolled curbs. See Standard Plan 5-12. Runoff Collection in Catch Basins New catch basins that do not collect runoffshall use round solid locking covers. Existing catch basint which no longer collect runoffl shall have their frame and grates replaced with new frames and solid covers. See Standard Plan 5-9. 5.6.K Locking Drain Covers and Grates All storm drain covers and grates shall be locking. AII control structures storm drain covers shall be locking regardless of their location, 5.6.L Fencing for Stormwater Facilities See the KSWDM for fencing requirements and Standard Plans 5-22 and 5-23. 5.6.M Storm Drain Marker 5-4 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5.7 The pavement or curb, adjacent to all catch basins and inlets within the project limits shall be marked with a standard pollution prevention storm drain marker. The wording and layout shall be per Standard Plan 5-37 and be placed so that it can be read from the sidewalk or shoulder of the road. TELEVISION INSPECTION All new storm drain extensions will beTV camera inspected by the City prior to acceptance. Prior to W camera inspection: 1. Storm drain lines and catch basins must be cleaned. 2. All construction must be completed and approved by the lnspector, 3. The casting and top grade rings do not have to be mudded in until after the finished grade is established. 4. The Developer shall bear all costs for correction of deficiencies found during w inspection, including all costs for subsequentw inspections to verif,7 the correction of defi ciencies. 5. The Developer shall scheduleTV inspections no less than five (5) working days prior to being ready. lf the system is not ready, the Developer shall notifl/ the City no later than 24hours prior to the scheduled time. lf the Developer fails to noriry the city that they are not ready within 24 hours of the scheduled time or thery inspection crew shows up at the site and the system is not ready for testing, the Developer will be responsible for all costs of additionalTV inspections to veri! the system. 6, All costs for re-inspections including the lnspector's time to come back due to"not being ready"will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer' Sags in storm drain lines identified during theTV inspection greater than 0.5"shall be repaired by the contractor by removal and re-laying of the pipe. Repaired sections of pipe shall beTV inspected for verification prior to final inspection at the cost of the Developer as described above. EROSION CONTROL All projects shall provide erosion control in accordance with the KSWDM. TheWashington State Department of Ecology requires coverage under the NPDES 7 5.8 5-5 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 5.9 Construction Stormwater General Permit when the disturbed area for the project exceeds one (1) acre.The NPDES permit requires that a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) be developed for all projects covered. A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead shall be required to be onsite during construction. See the Department of Ecology website at: https// permits See the KSWDM for allowable erosion control best management practices. LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT TECH NOLOG IES The City requires the use of Low lmpact Development (LlD) technologies per the current KSWDM. LID is a stormwater management and land development strategy applied at the parcel and subdivision scale that emphasizes conservation and use of existing natural site features integrated with engineered small scale hydrologic controls to more closely mimic pre-developmentfunctions.The goalof LID is to prevent measurable harm to streams, lakes, wetlands, and other natural aquatic systems from residential, commercial, and industrial development sites. LID technologies include Stormwater best management practices designed to reduce runoff from development using infi ltration, evapotranspiration, or stormwater reuse. Examples of LID technologies include treet preservation of native vegetation, porous pavement, bio+etention swales, infiltration systems, dry wells, cisterns, and rain gardens. LID technologies proposed within the public right of way shall be approved by Public Work Operations during the permit process before any civil construction permit is issued. 5-6 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5.10 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM STANDARD PLANS 5-1 5-2 5-3 54 5-5 54 5-7a s-7b 5-8 5-9 5-1 0 5-] 1 5-12 s-1 3 s-|4 5-1 5 5-16 5-17 5-1 B 5-19 s-20 5-21a Catch BasinType I Catch Basin Type ll Misc. Details for Drainage Structures 20" x 24" Calch Basi n Fra m e 20"x24"Yaned Grate 20" x 24" BrDirection a l Va n ed G rate Through-Curb I nlet Frame Through-Curb lnlet I nstallation Not used 20" x 24" Solid Catch Basi n Cover Not used Not used 15"x 22"Rolled Curb Frame and Grate Beehive Grate 20"x24"Reclangle Beehive Grate and Catch Basin Frame Debris Cage Extended Debris Cage Catch Basin with OilAVater Separator Not used Beveled End Pipe Section Trash Screen ShearGateSheet 1 of2 5-7 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DTPARTMENT s-21b 5-22 E 1fJ-LJ 5-24 5-25 s-26 5-27 5-28 s-29 s-30 5-31 s-32 5-33 5-34 5-3s 5-36 5-37 5-38 5-39a s-39b 540 s-41 Shear Gate Sheet 2 of2 Chain Link Fence,Type 1 for Ponds Only Driveway and WalkGate for Ponds Only Tree Planting Shrub Planting Trench lnfi ltration System Flow Spreader Option Catch Basin with Beehive Grate CriticalArea Sign Split Rail Fence SampleTESC Site Plan 1 Acre and Smaller Filter Fabric Fence TESC SedimentTrap Earth Berm TESC lnterceptor Ditch with RockCheck Dams TESC Pipe Slope Drain Temporary Stockpiling Pond lllustration Storm Drain Markers Sidewalk Drain for Building Downspout -Type 1 Sidewalk Drain for Building Downspout -Type 2 Sheet 1 of 2 Sidewalk Drain for Building Downspout -Type 2 Sheet 2 of 2 Stormwater Pond Sign Combination Air Valve and Enclosure q-R EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINC DEPARTMENT KENT CATCH BASIN TYPE I DFSTGNED cQK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN AAK s /2020DATFCHECKED COK 5-1 APPR.VED ENGINER FMME AND GMTE SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-4 THRU 5-9 AND 5-12 NOTES: CATCH BASIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MSHTO M 199, (AsTM C 478, & ASTM C 890) UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE TO REBAR, WELDED WIRE FABRIC HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0,12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL coMPLY TO MSHTO M 221 (ASTM A 1064), WIRE FABRIC SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN THE KNOCKOUTS, 3. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURN]SHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS, THE KNOCKOUT DIAMETER SHALL NOT EXCEED 20". KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM. PROVIDE A I.5" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WAIL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE' 4, ALL JOINTS IN THE BRICKS, GRADE RINGS, RISERS AND CASTINGS SHALL BE SEATED IN MORTAR. PICK HOLES, CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS SHALL BE FINISH GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE' 5. THE MAXIMUM DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GMDE TO THE LOWEST PIPE INVERT SHALL BE 5 FEET. DEPTHS GREATER THAN 5 FEET REQUIRE UPSIZING TO A TYPE II STRUCTURE. 6. NON-CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS ARE NOTALLOWED IN SETTING OF FRAMES TO FINAL FINISH GMDE. PIPE SHALL NOT PROTRUDE MORE THAN 2" INTO STRUCTURE MORTAR (TYP.) 5'-0" MAX. MORTAR (TYP.) TYPICAL SECT]ON 1. 4B:u ro 9" DING ON FRAME AND GMTE REQUIRED oR 12- 2 ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" HEIG RECTANGULAR ADJUSTM ENT SECTION STATION AND OFFSFT POINT WHEN DESIGN AND LAYOUT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF KENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS 0i #3 BAR EACH CORNER #3 BAR EACH SIDE #3 BAR EACH WAY 4 PRECAST BASE SE TION (wErGHS 2170 LBS,) 6" WEIGHS 2OO LBS. 12" WEIGHS 580 LBS. 3 44 2t INSTALL MANHOLE ADAPTER, "SAND COLLAR" FOR PVC AND HDPE PIPES OR AS REQUIRED BY OTHER PIPE TYPES lg" (TYP.) PIPE ALLOWANCES PIPE MATERIAL MAX. INSIDE DIAMETER REINFORCED OR PLAIN CONCRETE L2' ALL METAL PIPE 15,' SOLID WALL PVC (wsDoT sTD. SPEC. e-0s.12(1)) 15u EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT CATCH BASIN TYPE IIG DES|GNED CoK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEcoKDRAWN 9/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 5-2ENGINERAPPROVED- NOTES: 1. CATCH BASINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE W MSHTo M 199, (ASTM C 478, AND ASTM C 890) UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PI.ANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STD. SPECS 2. HANDHOLDS IN RISER OR AD]USTMENT SECTION SHALL HAVE 3" MIN, CLEAMNCE. STEPS IN CATCH BASIN SHALL HAVE 6" MIN, CLEAMNCE. NO STEPS ARE REQ'D WHEN ,B' IS 4' OR LESS. 3. THE BOTTOM OF THE PRECAST CATCH BASIN MAY BE SLOPED TO FACILITATE CLEANING. 4. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM TO 2.5" MAXIMUM. PROVIDE A 1,5' MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE, AFTER THE PIPE IS INSTALLED, FILLTHE GAP WITH JOINT MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9.04.3. 5. ALL BASE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MIN. YIELD STRENGTH OF 60,000 PSI & BE PLACED IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE BASE WITH 1'' MIN, CLEAMNCE. 6. PICK HOLES, CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS SHALL BE FINISHED GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE. u() z. z.uFz. =d.oL x E o N nl CATCH BASIN FMME AND GMTE. (SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-5, 5-6, 5-7a AND s-7b AND 5-9) FoR SoLID LOCKING CIRCULAR FMME AND COVER SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN 8-30.70 HANDHOLD RECTANGULAR AD]USTM ENT SECTION OR CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION FLAT SLAB TOP PIPE SHALL NOT PROTRUDE MORE THAN 2" INTO STRUCTURE MORTAR (TYP.) INSTALL MANHOLE ADAPTER, "SAND COLLAR" FOR PVC AND HDPE PIPES OR AS REQUIRED BY OTHER PIPE TYPES REINFORCING STEEL (TYP.) CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE PIPE ,ZONE BEDDING €) CoRRUGATED PoLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE (WSDoT STD. SPEC. 9-05.20) @ (wsDor sTD. sPEc. 9-0s.12(1)) €) (wsDor sTD. sPEc. 9-0s.12(2)) =iN< d==,oI 72"84" OR 96" 48u, 54",60", (SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-s) =E_ STEPS OR LADDER GASKET BETWEEN RISERS (TYP x = @N CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS CATCH BASIN DIA. WALL THICKNESS BASE THICKNESS MAXIMUM KNOCKOUT STZE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN KNOCKOUTS BASE REINFORCING ,rgg1_ 1nzlft. IN EACH DIRECTION SEPAMTE BASE INTEGML BASE 48"4',6"36'8 0.23 0.15 54"4.5"8"42',8 0,19 0.19 60 5"8'48"I 0.25 0.25 72 6"8"60'Lzu 0.3s 0.24 84 8'T2'7z',t2"0.39 0.29 96"8u 12',84 t2 0.39 0.29 PIPE ALLOWANCES CATCH BASIN DIAMETER PIPE MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMEIER CONCRETE ALL METAL CPSSP O SOLID WALL PVC @ PROFILE WALL PVC O 48 24',30u 24',27',30u 54u 30"36"30u 27',36" 50"36"42 36-36u 42" 72 42u 54 42',36u 48" 84 54"60u 54"36u 48u 96"60"72u 60"36"48u NAL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERINO DEPART}IENT CITY OF I(ENT MISC. DETAILS FOR DRAINAGE STRUCTURESKENT DESIGNED COK STANOARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-5BICINEER APPROVED 't !: t' 1. I *' 20" x 24", OR 24" DIAM. #6 BARS @ 7" CENTERS BOTTOM FACE WITH 1" MIN, COVER N 20"2"TYP.- - 2" CLR TYP 2- CLR WP 6" OR 12" ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 96" TOP SLAB .'MIN, 2l/2- Mpy.. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REBAR, WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED FOR ADJUSTMENT SECTIONS. RECTANGU LAR ADJ USTM ENI€ECTISN -T 20" x 24", OR 24" DIAM. 2" CLR. 2" TYP 72" TOP SIAB '' MIN. z Llz',MAX #4 BARS @ 6" CENTERS BOTTOM FACE WITH 1'' MIN. COVER ONE #3 BAR HOOP #5 BARS @ 6'' CENTERS BOTTOM FACE WITH 1" MIN. COVER 34 CONVERSION RISER TYPICAL ORIENTATION FOR ACCESS AND STEPS I' o -T WP x 24", OR 24" DIAM. 2" TYP II @ NOTES: 1. SLAB OPENING SHALL BE 24'X 20" FOR RECTANGULAR AND 24' DIAMETER FOR ROUND, 2. SEE STANDARD PI.AN 4-5 FOR STEP, LADDER AND GMDE RING. 3, ONLY ONE STYLE OF CATCH BASIN STEPS MAY BE USED IN A CATCH BASIN. DO NOT MIX STYLES. .f" CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION I t T 4', 20"H 48" & 54" TOP SLAB 'l \. \\ I 2' MIN. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF ICENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT 20"x 21" CATCH BASIN FRAMEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCAI ENRAWN COK- DATE 12/2019CHECKED coK - 5-4 APpRovED ENcIN€fi 5/8'-11 NC BOLT-DOWN HOLE (2 PLACES TYP,) -\.-\-\6 A t_i" 22 Llz" 24 Ll4" A 29 TOP VIEW 1 s/8"20 7lg',rvP t 714', s/8" TYP. MIN. 3 314',4 Uz', r8 Llz',314' 2 Llz', 22" 2s tl4' SECTION A.A NOTES: 1. MATERIAL USED FORTHE FMME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY. (PERASTM A48 CL3O H-20 LOADING) 2. TOP OF FMME SHALL BE ADJUSTED EVEN WITH ROADWAY SECI-ION. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, S]GNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT 20" x 24" VANED GRATEKENT nFsrcNFD COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/201sDATEcoKCHECKED 5-5ENGINEB APPROVEO- 1 s/8" TYP 5u 3" 1 3/8'TYP 20' TOP VIEW END VIEW 24 1 s/8" 2 Ll4'1/2" INSET HEX SOCKET l-_ 1sl16" 3 1/2- R. 5/16" R.PARTING UNE FRONT VIEW VANE DETAIL 2', NOTES: 1, PROVIDE FMME SHOWN IN STANDARD PI-AN 5-4' 2. PROVIDE 2-518" DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. 3. GMTE SHALL BE STAMPED -DUMP NO POLLUTANTS"' "OUTFALL TO STREAM", 4. ALL LETTERING SHOWN SHALL BE 1/2" AND SHALL BE RECESSED UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 5. DUCNLE IRON ASTM A-536 GMDE 80-55-06 H.2O MTED. 5. GMTE SHALL BE LOCKING. 7, BI.DIRECTIONAL VANED GMTES ARE REQUIRED WHEN LOCATED IN A LOW-SPOT. r rl4' 5/8"-11 NC-24 STAINLESS STEEL SECURING BOLT -*l l--vr"s/8" SLOT DETAIL SLOT FORMED AND RECESSED FOR 5/8" - 11 NC x 2" S.S. SOCKET HEAD (ALLEN HEAD) CAP SCREW. 3" 5" DIRECTION OF FLOW u4 U8' 1 s/8" EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' CITY OF KENT ENGINEER]NG DEPARTMENT 20"x24" BI-DIRECTIONAL VANED GRATE DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLAN DRAWN coK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 5-6ENGINEM APPROVFD o{JIFAr I0 SIRflllIXJIIP NO rcIIl,INIS A B -1 f-1/2" L Ll4'. -314I SLOT DETAIL SLOT FORMED AND RECESSED FOR s/8" - 11 NC x 2" S.S. SoCKFT HEAD (ALLEN HEAD) CAP SCREW. 20' 1 s/8 SECTION A-A 24 DIRECTION OF FLOW DIRE TION OF FLOW 3 U2" R, SE TION B.B LOW POINT NOTES: 1. PROVIDE FMME SHOWN ON STANDARD PLAN 5-4. s/16" R. 2. FORTHRU CURB INLETS AT LOW POINTS, USE BI-DIRESTIONALVANED GMTE 3, GMTE SHALL BE STAMPED "DUMP NO POLLUTANTS", "OUTFALLTO STREAM" 4. ALL LETTERING SHOWN SHALL BE 1/2'' AND SHALL BE RECESSED. 5, DUCTILE IRON ASTM A.536 GRADE 80-55.06 H-20 RATED. 6, GMTE SHALL BE LOCKING, 7. PROVIDE 2-518" DIAMFTER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. ;fr\ u u 0 u q0-u____r u2' HEX INSET SOCKET tsl76'r- 1 s/8" 2 r/4" 5/8"-11 NC-2A STAINLESS STEEL SECURING BOLT 2^ B EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINC OEPARTMENT THROUGH-CURB INLET FRAME DES|GNED cOK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 5-7 aENGINEA APPROVFD 28',-t * o o 50 TYP Nc{ r vo _f N nN A o6 $N a{ +J f* r rts DRILL & TAP TWO 5/8"-11 NC HOLES THRU FMME PLAN VIEW ATTACHES AS SHOWN 18" (O co 1"R, TYP. SECTION B-B r 3/4', MIN. DMFT ON THIS SIDE t I 3 rl2 N SEE NOTE 4 ctr 2-1' DIA, HOLES FOR 314'SOLT, WASHER & NUT, SEE NOTE 5. r cN l'.N (ONc 6N Nsl -J N t_ 20' 28" N 100 314', SECTION A-A 6" NoTES: HOOD DETAIL 1, FMME AND HOOD CAST IRON ASTM A48 CL3O H-20 LOADING' 2. USE 18'X24,'VANED GRATE. 3. AT LOW POINTS, USE 18''X24'' 2-WAY VANED GMTE. 4, HOOD SHALL BE NON-SLIP, 5. BOLT, WASHER AND NUT SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR CORROSION RESISTANT' 5, THRU-CURB FMME LOCATIONS SHALL BE TWENTY-FIVE (2s) FEEr AWAY FROM ANY P,C. OR P.T. OF CURB RADII, -1"J- -r lG" SECTION C.C A L 2 Ll8',F ttt+ L 1 sf m mN I I Ir=-r' lIIl_ I I ,-a-=-+ 4il- L 9116', EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEffRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENGINEERINC DEPARTUENT CITY OF I(ENT THROUGH-CURB INLET INSTALI-ATIONT DESTGNED COK STANDARO PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 5-7bENCINEMAPPROVED- SIDEWALKORSTRJPPLANTING 5'MIN. TO EXPANSION JOINT ROADWAY SURFACE EXPANSION JOINT 5' MIN, TO 1/8" X 2', DUMMY JOINTS B dtd.fu Liz.o(J d.u F =(, d SECTION A.A Llg',X2', DUMMY JOINTS 5' MIN. TO EXPANSION ]OINT 5' MIN. TO EXPANSION ]OINT SECI'ION B.B NOTES: FOR INSTALLATIONS AT LOW POINTS USE 2-WAY VANED GRATE. OTHERWISE, USE STANDARD VANED GMTE. 2. CURB AND GUTTER 5' ENHER SIDE OF CATCH BASIN SHALL BE POURED AT THE TIME OF FRAME AND GMTE INSTALLATION. 3. THRU-CURB FMME LOCATIONS SHALL BE TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET AWAY FROM ANY P.C, OR P.T, OF CURB MDII. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTIIENT xxxx XXXXt.6t DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2020DATECHECKED 5-8ENGINER APPROVFN EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEfiRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT 2O"x 24" SOLID CATCH BASIN COVERT DES|GNED COK SCAI F NONE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK CHECKEO COK DAIE I 5-9ENGINEA APPROVFD /\ D c Ill c DLE SEE NOTE 3 8 LEVELING PADS 3/4"x3l4"x1l8" THICK 7 24', B oN sf SE TION B-B I tl4' HANDLE SECTION C-C 1/2" rNSFr HEX SOCKET f_ 1sl16" s/8"-11 NC-2A STAINLESS STEEL SECURING BOLT 314 HOLE D 2u A A N rl4' 4 3/4' B PROVIDE 5/8" DIA. BOLTS &TAP FMME FOR LOCK DOWN LID 5 PI.AN 3/4', 4" 3" 1 SECTION A-A NOTES 1. WHEN SPECIFIED ON THE APPROVED PI-ANS, THE SOLID METAL COVER FOR CATCH BASIN SHALL BE FURNISHED IN PLACE OF A 20"X24" GMTE. 2, RAISED DESIGNS OTHERTHAN THE DIAMOND DESIGN SHOWN HEREON MAY BE USED IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. COVERS IN WALKWAYS SHALL BE NON-SLIP. 3. CAST IN THE LETTERS "DMIN' IN 2'' MISED LETTERS, 1/8" HIGH. 4, TO BE USED WNH FRAME SHOWN IN STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 5, PROVIDE 2.5/8" DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. (SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-4 FOR BOLT-DOWN CATCH BASIN FRAME). 6, FMME: CAST IRON ASTM A48 C130, COVER: DUCilLE IRON ASTM A 536 GR 80-55-06 H-20 MTED, L/4 1-3116" DIA, SLOT @ co SECTION D 1 N 3 r tlz' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEfiRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KETT ON FILE AT CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE ENOINEERINO DEPARTIIENT CITY OF I(ENT xxxx xxxxG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PIANNONESCALEDRAWN coK 2/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 5- 10EilOINEAAPPROVED- EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENOINEERINO DEPARTT'ENT CITY OF I(ENT xxxx xxxxt.6- DESTGNED COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATEcoKCHECKED ENGINER 5-11 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY ENCINEERINO OEPARTMENT CITY OF ICENT 15,,X 22,, ROLLED CURB FRAME AND GRATEKENT DES|GNED cOK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 5-12ENGINEAAPPROVED- LEVELING PAD 314"X2 Ll4"xU16" (8 PLACES) A N oo sf,N 1/2" LETTERS RECESSED TO BE FLUSH G F I s/8" (rYP,) PLAN 4 tl2',R TOP OF FMME SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINISHED GRADE OF SIDEWALK 314' 9'R o n + OPENING 30"x33 1/2" SECI-ION A-A NOTES: 1. MATERIAL USED FOR THE FMME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY (PER ASTM A48 CL30 H-20 LoADING). 2. GRATE SHALL BE STAMPED "DUMP NO POLLUTANTS-OUTLET TO STREAM". A _f =cH>F SeF z 5Iod 1" L7 rl4' 75"x22" EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CTIY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT BEEHIVE GRATEKENT 6951611199 coK NONESCAI F STANDARD PLAN ORAWN COK 12/2019DATF611Eg14gp coK 5-15 APPROVED ENGINER A DRILL &TAP: 5/8"-11 UNC -18 (3 @ 12oo ON 22-1l8" BOLT CIRCLE 2', Llz', A 1" HANDLING HOLE (3 PLACES) PLAN 24 314" 9" o s/8"I t SECTION B.B MANHOLE RING AND LOCKING BEE GRATE NOTES: 1. MATERIAL: CAST IRON ASTM A48, CL 30 2. PROVIDE 2-518" LONG STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. 23 314', a EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM AN ELESIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' ENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT 2O"X 24,' RECTANGLE BEEHIVE GRATE AND CATCH BASIN FRAME KENT DESIGNED ClK STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHEcKED qAK s-14ENGINEB APPROVED B A L jj $N ('rN PLAN 20" x24" TOP VIEW o 7/8" (rYP)20 tl4'1 s/8" TYP, MIN.I L rl2' 4 Llz', 1 s/8"20'SECTION B-B LOCKING BEEHIVE GMTE2s Ll4' SECTION A.A NOTES: 1. MATERIALUSEDFORTHEFMMESHALLBECASTIRONONLY.(PERASTMA4SCL3OH-2OLOADING)' 2. TOP OF FMME SHALL BE ADJUSTED EVEN WITH ROADWAY SECTION. 3. MATERIAL: DUqflLE IRON ASTM A535, CL 80-55-06. 4. pRovtDE 2-518" LONG STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH CoVER. 3/8" (rYP) (2 PLACES TYP.) s/8"-11 NC BOLT-DOWN HOLE L N NN A 1 t8 rl2', x 12" 1u t8" x22" 5/8" ),FRE\ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY ENGINEERINO DEPARTMEHT CITY OF I(ENT DEBRIS CAGEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-15ENGINEN APPROVED- 4" 0.c. 3/4" DIAM, SMOOTH ROUND BARS EQUALLY SPACED. BARS SHALL BE WELDED TO UPPER & LOWER BANDS UPPER BAND 3/4" D]AM. SMOOTH ROUND BARS EQUALLY SPACED (4" O.C, MAX.) 3/4" DIAM. BAR m (9 z. (J dut 1/2" PLATE -x-N<t L/2" *NOTE: BARS OMITTED ON DRAWING 3/4" BAR DRILL HOLES FOR LOCK <. PLAN UPPER BAND 24 h LOWER BAND +t o ENTRY GATE DFIAIL N n LOWER BAND 4-9l16" HOLES EQUALLY SPACED INNER DIAMETER SEE TABLE BELOW ELEVATION NOTES: 1. ALL STEEL IN PLATES, BARS AND BANDS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36. CB INNER DIAM. 48" 54" 60u 72" 96" 58" 65" 72', 86" TL4' 2. DEBRIS CAGE SHALL BE HOT-DIP GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MSHTO M111 (ASTM A123). 3, ENTRY GATE SHALL BE LOCKABLE WITH A CITY OF KENT PADLOCK. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTilENT EXTENDED DEBRIS CAGEKENT oFsrcNED cQK NONESCAI E STANDARD PLAN DRAWN ClK 12/2019DATEcHFct(ED COK 5-16 APPR.VED ENGINER PROVIDE OUTSIDE BAND ON GMTING EDGE OF HATCH 2-4" HINGES c STAGGERED PERIPHERY GMTE BARS A I Il2"xL Ll4" INSIDE & OUTSIDE STEEL BANDS 2"x4" GMTING 100#/sF LoADING At J 35''x36'' GRATED HATCH LOCKING HASP t2" LOWER RING BAND PI.AN LOWER GMTING PLAN ELL BAR HATCH SUPPORT T I 4'' xT L I 4,' PERIMETER DEBRIS BARS. BARS EQUALLY SPACED. SEE TABLE FOR NUMBER OF BARS (A) 1 Llz"xll4" LID OUTSIDE STEEL BANDS GMTED LID OUTSIDE RING BAND HORIZONTAL DEBRIS BAR INSIDE RING BAND 2', GMTED UD 1/2" ROUND BAR 36"x36" HATCH o6 HINGE LOCKING HASP N DISCONTINUE ALTERNATE THROUGH DEBRIS SLOT IF OUTLET PIPE IS 4''XU2'' ATTACHMENT GREATERTHAN 24- PLATE, EXTEND PI.ATE FROM INSIDE WALLTO OUTSIDE RING BAND. SEE TABLE FOR NUMBER 0F P|-ATES (C) LOWER RING BAND z.z N SECTION A-A L I/2"xI14" 4" HINGE STEEL BANDS SECTION C.C MAN HOLE ATTACHM ENT DETAIL TABLE OF VARIABLES ELL BAR HATCH SECNON B-B SUPPORT HATCH DETAIL NOTES: 1. ALL PARTS OF THE CAGE SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL AND JOINTS WELDED. (PER WSDOT STD. SPECS. 9-0s.16). 2. UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE, ALL BANDS AND BARS SHALL BE L LI2" X r/4'. 3, GMTED LID SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND A 1OO PSF LOADING. (C) ATTACHMENT PI.ATES EQUALLY I 4', SPACED D $ ].t I B \ ll IIL u I I I L I N SLOT(O DEBRI! .lt LOWER GRATE CB DIA. INSIDE NO, OF BARS (A)(B)NO, OF ATTACH. MENT Pr-ATEs (C)(D) 48" 54u 50" 72', 96u 26 29 32 39 50 8u 8u 10" L2u L2' 4 6 6 8 8 60' 67', 74" 88', 116' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENCINEERING DEPARTMENT CATCH BASIN WITH OIL,/WATER SEPARATOR'.6t DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK e/2020OATEcoKCHECKED 5-17ENCINERAPPROVED- FRAME AND GMTE OR RING AND COVER SHALL BE PLACED OVER STRUCTURE TO ENSURE ACCESS INTO THE STRUCTURE AND SHALL ALSO PROVIDE VISIBILITY AND ACCESS TO THE TOP OF THE OIL WATER SEPAMTOR 2-12" RTSERS (AS NEEDED) STMP TO WALL 2 STMPS MIN. REQUIRED MAX. DESIGN WATER SURFACE ELEVATION PIPE SHALL NOT PROTRUDE MORE THAN 2" INTO STRUCTURE INSTALL MANHOLE ADAPTER, "SAND COLLAR" FOR PVC AND HDPE PIPES OR AS REQUIRED BY OTHER PIPE TYPES TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN PER TABLE CONFORMS TO WSDOT/APWA REQUIREMENTS. NOTESI 1. MIN. OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER IS 12- OUTLET PIPE DIA.STRUCTURE TYPE < L2"TYPE 2 CB-48" < 18"TYPE 2 CB-54" 2, ALL METAL PARTS AND SURFACES MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR GALVANIZED. 3. DIMENSION "D" IS NOMINAL DIAMETER OF OUTLET PIPE. oOUTLET PIPEINLET PIPE T SECTION 48'' MIN z =D <f DrO z = -2.z EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PIAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT XXXX xxxxKENT DFS|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2o2oDATECHECKED COK 5-18ilG!NEM EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPONTHE CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT BEVELED END PIPE SECTIONG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDMWN coK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED ENGINEA 5-19 1' MIN, 3 f,1 (rYP.) PIPE ]OINT END SECTION x \t MFIAL PIPE NOTES: 1. SIDE SLOPE SHALL BE WARPED TO MATCH THE BEVELED PIPE END. WHEN CULVERT IS ON SKEW, BEVELED END SHALL BE ROTATED TO CONFORM TO SLOPE. IF SLOPE DIFFERS FROM 3:1, PIPE SHALL BE BEVELED TO MATCH SLOPE. 2. BEVELED END PIPE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE OR DUCNLE IRON ONLY. THE PIPE TYPE SHALL BE CONSISTENT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF ANY REQUIRED CULVERT OR TO THE NEAREST STRUCTURE PRIOR TO THE BEVELED OUTFALL. TONGUE END ON INLET END GROOVE END ON OUTLET END ENDS TO FIT ADJACENT PIPE SECIIONS ROUND EDGES rl2'-1' PLAN END SECTION x E st ELEVATION CONCRETE PIPE 1'MIN (TYP 3:1 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENTt.6t TRASH SCREEN DESIGNED cOK SIANDARD PLANSCALEcokDRAWN coKCHECKED DATE q 5-20tj,lctNEA APPROVFD + 3/4' DIAMFTER GALVANIZED STEEL BAR (4) 1/4"x2"X8" GALVANIZED STEEL STRIPS. BEND AND WELD TO FRAME, SPACE UNIFORMLY (2) U4"x3" GALVANIZED STEEL STRIPS VERIFY ANGLE OF BEVEL WITH RACK SUPPLIER. 1:1 OR GREATER REQUIRED VARIES 5'MAX, SPACING DRILL THROUGH PIPE MATERIAL & STEEL STRIPS. BOLT WITH 1/2" S. STEL. HEX BOLTS 3/4" DIAMETER GALVAN]ZED STEEL BARS, WELD ENDS TO FRAME NOTES: 1. WELDATALLJOINTS. 2, SHOP DMWINGS REQUIRED. 3. ALL STEEL IN PIATES, BARS AND BANDS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36, 4. DEBRIS CAGE SHALL BE HOT.DIP GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MSHTO M111 (ASTM Al23). 5, GALVANIZING SHALL BE PER WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION 9-05'16' 5" G_-' STORM DMIN PIPE (12"0 0R LARGER) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAI. SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. EERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTTIENT CITY OF I(ENT SHEAR GATE SHEET 1 OF 2KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 5-21 oENGINER APPROVED- E -Til z. = INLET*l +N 54'' DIA. N4IN $N(o \ INLETOUTLET \/ \ r\ { ..2 REMOVABLE WATERTIGHT COUPLING OR FI.ANGE ELBOW DETAIL =2.N= -= 1" DIA ROD OR TUBING LIFT HANDLE AfiACHMENT A SET OVERFLOW ELEVATION TO PROVIDE DETENTION AS SHOWN IN THE CONTMCT PIPE SUPPORT 3"x0.075" ALUMINUM ALUMINUM PIPE IN CONTA T WITH CEMENTINOUS MATERIAL SHALL BE COATED WITH AN ASPHALTIC COATING TO PREVENT DECAY OF PIPE REMOVABLE COLUR ON BOfiOM SECTION RESTRICTOR PI.ATE WITH ORIFICE, SEE NOTE 6 ON SHEET 2 A PI.AN SECTION A-A MANHOLE RING AND COVER WITH LOCKING BOLTS SHALI BE PLACED OVER STRUfiUR; TO ENSURE ACCESS INTO THE STRUCTURE AND SHALL ALSO PROVIDE VISIBILITY AND ACCESS TO THE TOP OF THE OIL WATER SEPAMTOR HANDHOLD WTTHIN 1'MIN OF HANDLE LIFT HANDLE PIPE SHALL NOT PROTRUDE MORE THAN 2" INTO STRUCTURE INSTALL MANHOLE ADAPTER, "SAND COLUR" FOR PVC AND HDPE PIPES OR AS REQUIRED BY OTHER PIPE TYPES ADJUSTABLE LOCK HOOK WITH LOCK SCREW t2' MIN, SHEAR GATE 8" DIA, MAXIMUM OPENING 1/2" HoLES ON 10 3/8', BOLT CIRCLE CLOSED FRONT LEVEL LINE, SEE NOTE 7 ON SHEET 2 ffi SIDE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTIIENT CITY OF I(ENT SHEAR GATE SHEET 2 OF 2KENT nF<r^NFD COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDMWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 5-21bENGINEfi APPROVED- NOTEST 1, THE PIPE SUPPORTS AND THE FLOW RESTRISTOR SHALL BE CONSTRUCI-ED OF THE SAME MATERIAL AND BE ANCHORED AT A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36". AfiACH THE PIPE SUPPORTS TO THE MANHOLE WITH 5/8' STAINLESS STEEL EXPANSION BOLTS OR EMBED THE SUPPORTS INTO THE MANHOLE WALL 2". 2, THE VERTICAL RISER STEM OF THE FLOW RESTRICTOR SHALL BE THE SAME DIAMETER AS THE HORIZONTAL OUTLET PIPE WITH A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 8", 3, THE FLOW RESTRICTOR SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM ONE OFTHE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: 0.060" CORRUGATED ALUMINUM ALLOY DMIN PIPE 0.060" ALUMINUM ALLOY FI-AT SHEET, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM B 209, 5052-H32 OR EPS 4. FMME AND uDDER oR STEPS ARE TO BE OFFSEI SO THAT: THE SHEAR GATE IS VISIBLE FROM THE TOP; THE CLIMB-DOWN SPACE IS CLEAR OF THE RISER AND GATE' 5, THE ORIF]CE ELBOWS MAY BE LOCATED AS SHOWN,, OR ALL PI-ACED ON ONE SIDE OF THE RISER TO ASSURE LADDER CLEAMNCE. THE SIZE OF THE ELBOWS AND THEIR PLACEMENT SHALL BE SPECIFIED. 6, RESTRICIOR PI-ATE WITH ORIFICE AS SPECIFIED.THE OPENING IS TO BE CUT ROUND AND SMOOTH. 7, MATERIAL NOTES: A, THE SHEAR GATE SHALL BE MADE OF ALUM]NUM ALLOY IN ACCORDANCE WTTH ASTM B 26 AND ASTM B 275' DESIGNATION ZG32A; OR CAST IRON IN ACCORDANCE WIIH ASTM A 48, CLASS 308. B. THE LIFT HANDLE SHALL BE MADE OF A SIMILAR METAL TO THE GATE (TO PREVENT GALVANIC CORROSION), TT MAY BE OF SOLID ROD OR HOLLOW TUBING, WTTH ADJUSTABLE HOOK AS REQUIRED, WITHIN 1 FOOT OF COVER. C, A NEOPRENE RUBBER GASKEI IS RE.QUIRED BETWEEN THE RISER MOUNTING FLANGE AND THE GATE FLANGE' D, INSTALL THE GATE SO THAT THE LEVEL-LINE MARK IS LEVEL WHEN THE GATE IS CLOSED. E. THE MATING SURFACES OF THE LID AND THE BODY SHALL BE IVIACHINED FOR PROPER FN. F. ALL SHEAR GATE BOLTS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL, WITH NYLON WASHERS. 8, THE SHEAR GATE MAXIMUM OPENING SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY LIMITED HINGE MOVEMENT, A STOP TAB' OR SOME OTHER DEVICE. 9. ALTERNATIVE SHEAR GATE DESIGNS ARE ACCEPTABLE IF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ARE ME"T AND FLANGE BOLT PATTERN MATCHES. MEMBERALLPOSTSLENGTF8'-8"NOTES1. INSTALLATION SHALL BE PER SECTION 8-12 AND9-16 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS,EXCEPT WHERE MODIRED HERE.2. ALL CONCRETE POST BASES SHALL BE 12"MINIMUM DIAMETER.3. ALL POSTS SHALL BE SPACED AT 10'MAXIMUMINTERVALS AND SET IN CONCRETE UNLESSOTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.4. BOTTOM TENSION WIRE SHALL BE PLACED WITHJNTHE LIMITS OF THE FIRST FULL FABRIC WEAVE.5. DETAILS ARE ILLUSTMTIVE AND SHALL NOT UMITHARDWARE DESIGN OR POST SELECTION OF ANYPARTTCUI.AR FENCE TYPE.5. COANNG FOR POSTS, TOP PSIL, FITTINGS ANDFABRIC SHALL BE VINYL OR POWDER COATED FROMTHE FACTORY, COLOR SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITHTHE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT; GREEN FORVEGETATED, OPEN OR GRASSY AREAS; BLACK FORWOODED OR SHADED AREAS.7, SEE STANDARD PI-AN 5-23 FORGATE DETAIL.8, CHAiN LINK FABRIC SHALL BE g-GAGE TYPICAL.GATE POSTROUNDWEIGHTPER FOOT(P0uNDSl9.1SIZEJNCHES3U2END, CORNER & PULL POSTROLL FORMEDWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)5.14SIZETNcHES)3 LlzX3112ROUNDWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)5.791.0PIPE:rNcHESl2U2LINE & BRACE POSTROLL FORMEDWEIGHTPER FOOT(P0uNDS)2.34SIZE(rNcHES)1sl8X7 718HI-COLUMNWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)4.0SIZE:rNcHES)2 714ROUNDWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)3.65FABRIC BAND1.0PIPE(INCHES]2TOP RAILROLL FORMEDWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)1.35SIZE(rNcHES)1s/8X1Ll4HI-COLUMNWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)1.3s--tImr)IoTml>6=z^frm(lF4>oz2Ya4oTCFaor.<Ag=Tffio'.F=!mEAo6)z=5Fz.'6H7Zmm-qodE2:TIFmm-lzo--tft--trutEFztnz.o-l-m6)-mz6)z.mmF2.6)xmzi(')o!=(pmoEE--{2mc,c!oz.FmocmItt--tIoa)=mz-l@c-{SIZE(rNcHES)l Ll4X1 5/8ROUNDWEIGHTPER FOOT(POUNDS)2.27ix: llliz:r{o99H1-11Ft4ZAC} tr/oElFI!iXiH2z'd{Trn C)I.Enz.o_Fr-z.TXoz-ln |tl66oJqz=1.0PIPE'TtrI'HtrCIr rl4Jaiz)omzozzoaoIFz?o(rlINNWPE1?trlrlo5rNoasmxrl6-{D EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO OEPARTMENT DRIVEWAY AND WALK GATE FOR PONDS ONLYKENT DESIGNED coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN CQK cHEct(ED COK 12/2019DATE 5-23ENGINEffi APPROVED TOP HINGE (180o swlNG) 14' OR 20' STRFTCHER BAR CHAIN UNK FENCE NOTES: 1. ALL MATERIALAND INSTALLATION SHALL BE PER SECIION 8-12 AND 9-16 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DETAILS ARE ILLUSTMTIVE AND SHALL NOT LIMIT HARDWARE DESIGN OR POST SELECTION OF ANY PARTICULAR FENCE TYPE. 3. COATING FOR POSTS, TOP MIL, FITTINGS AND FABRIC SHALL BE VINYL OR POWDER COATED FROM THE FACTORY. COLOR SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WNH THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT; GREEN FOR VEGETATED, OPEN OR GMSSY AREAS; BI-ACK FOR WOODED OR SHADED AREAS. 4, SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-22 FOR FENCE DEIAIL. TIE WIRES (TYP) SPACED AT 14'' MAX. FABRIC BAND CHAIN LINK FENCE BOTTOM HINGE (180o swrNG) 12' ROUND CONCRETE EMBEDMENT FABRIC BAND m LATCH MECHANISM STRETCHER BAR TRUSS RODS 12" ROUND CONCRFTE EMBEDMENT TOP HINGE (90o swlNG) ro TRUSS RODS BOTTOM HINGE (90o swrNG)nE WIRES (TYP.) SPACED AT 14" MAX. 12" ROUND CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 5 t" I Ut. U il lI EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELESIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIry OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTI'ENT TREE PI.ANTING DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE NONEDMWN coK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 5-24ENGiNES APPRNVFD TREE TIE SHALL NOT CONSTRICI TREE DEVELOPMENT PLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE THE LEVEL OF NATIVE SOIL. BEFORE MULCH,STAKE ONLY IF NECESSARY (TYPICALLY IF TREE IS GREATER THAN 4'TALL)POTTING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE 3" DEPTH MULCH NOTTOUCHING STEM CUT CIRCUNG ROOTS AND SPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY" ROOTBALL STAKE TREE AT 1/3 HEIGHT OF TREE, USE "TREE TIES" OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT, REMOVE STAKE AND TIE AFTER 1 YEAR NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL ONLY, COMPACT MODEMTELY BY HAND 1,5 TI OF THE ROOTBALL (DONUT) AROUND THE PLANTING HOLE NOT TO SCALE REST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED NANVE SOIL HOLE SHALL BE ATWIDTH OF EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF ICENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTYENT SHRUB PLANTING DES|GNED CoK STANDARD PLAN SCALE 5-25DATE "d"s4 o nh db "5nsr PLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE THE LEVEL OF NANVE SOIL, BEFORE MULCH, POTTING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE3- DEPTH MULCH NOTTOUCHING STEM 'Ja BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL ONLY, COMPACT MODEMTELY BY HAND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS AND SPREAD OR "BUTIERFLY" ROOTBALL NATIVE SOIL (DONUT) AROUND THE PLANTING HOLE NOT TO SCALE REST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL WIDTH OF PLANTING HOLE SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5 A3'R ROOTBALL WIDTH OF THE v z FRE\ EXHIBIT A trPUBL]C CATCH BASIN IFJ. MIN N z.z 9OO BEND\o LEVEL a---I--T =t;iEPUBLIC CATCH BASIN 10' MIN Nd z E NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTIIENT TRENCH INFILTRATION SYSTEMK.F}IT DESTGNED coX-STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK-5-26ENGINEA APPROVED YARD DMIN WITH SOLID LID 6' PVC SDR-35 PERFORATED PIPE ROOF DMIN J_I INFILTMTION TRENCH \ YARD DMIN WITH LID 5" PVC SDR-35 0R APPROVED EQUAL \ PLAN VIEW ROOF DMIN 6' PVC SDR-35 PERFOMTED PIPE =Lo F !(, d. uz. J Fducod.a A YARD DMIN WITH SOLID LID OVERFLOW YARD DMIN WITH SOLID UD SIDEWALK SPLASH BLOCK T.- =Nl=-l=A 5'MIN FINE MESH STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINUM SCREEN6" PVC SDR-35 OR APPROVED EQUAL V WATER TABLE VARIES PROFILE VIEW 24" MIN, COMPASIED BACKFILL z. =6 INSTALL FILTER FABRIC (MIMFI 14ON OR APPROVED EQUAL) ON TOP OF GMVEL TRENCH AND EXTEND FABRIC ONE-HALF OF TRENCH DEPTH 6" PERFOMTED PIPE LAID FLAT WITH HOLES DOWN t rl2'-314'WASHED RoCK NOTE: DESIGN PER THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE KENT SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL I.2'3'2, AND THE KING COUNW SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL C,2.2.3, SECTION A-A STRUqTURE /' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PITN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT FLOW SPREADER OPTION CATCH BASIN WITH BEEHIVE GRATE t.6- DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRA\TN COK 12/2019DAIEcoKCHECKED 5-27ENCINES APPROVED- CATCH BASIN WITH BEEHIVE GMTE PLAN VIEW !i i-.'.17 ;l R=4' BEEHIVE GMTE, SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-13 AND 5-14 CB TYPE 1 2o/o 1 CLEAN (<5olo FINES) 314" IO L r/2' WASHED RocK FROM STRUcrURE NATIVE COMPACTED SOIL UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL CATCH BASIN WITH BEEHIVE GRATE SECIION VIEW 2o/o ?.).) i I -l EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUTAN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT CRITICAL AREA SIGNKENT DESIGNED COK STANOARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED CUK 5-28ENCINER APPROVED- lrash or dettls and RcAorl riolaliors lo 856-5454 IcG 11.06.020 ilGt. ol regetrlion is PRE-PRINTED METAL SIGN 12"x18" 0.080 ALUMINUM WHITE LETTERING ON STANDARD INTERSTATE GREEN BACKG ROUN D ATTACH SIGN TO POST OR SPLIT-MIL CEDAR FENCE WITH TWO 5/16 GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS, 4"x4ux8' NON-PRESSURE TREATED CEDAR POST' SET 2' INTO POST HOLE 2 E i{ COMPACIED NATIVE BACKFILL IN POST HOLE NOTES: 1, THE CRITICAL AREA SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND THE CRINCAL AREA BUFFER' 2. ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED FOR EVERY RESIDENNAL LOT AND ONE PER EVERY lOO FEET FOR ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY' TMILS, PARKING AREAS, PI-AYGROUNDS AND ALL OTHER USES LOCATED ADJACENT TO CRITICAL AREAS AND ASSOCIATED BUFFERS AND SHALL BE ITATIONED PER LOCATION, ON THE APPROVED PI-ANS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 3, PRE-PRINTED METAL SIGN, AVAII.ABLE THROUGHI ZUMAR INDUSTRIES PHONE: 1-800-426'7967 WEBSITE: WWW'ZUMAR.C0M EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENO]NEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT SPLIT RAIL FENCEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 5-29ENGINER APPROVED- 12" TO 16" 4"x4" ROUGH CEDAR POST g' POSTS ARE PRE.DRILLED FOR FENCE MIL INSERTS 8"4" TO 6" ROUGH CEDAR MIL 4 BACKFILL WITH 2' MIN NATIVE SOILS 6" MIN. GMVEL 12" DIAMETER NOTES: 1, POSTS AND MIUNGS ARE PRECUT FOR ASSEMBLY' 2. FENCE AND POSTS ARE TO BE UNTREATED CEDAR MATERIALS, 3. FENCES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE APPROVED BUFFER EDGE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY PLANNER OR THE CITY ENGINEER. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT SAMPLE TESC SITE PI.AN 1 ACRE AND SMALLER DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE NONEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-50ilGINE8 APPROVFN CLEARING LIMITS: PRIOR TO ANY SITE CLEARING OR GRADING, THOSE AREAS THAT ARE TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED DURING PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DELINEATED. MEASURES TO USEr IN MOST CIRCUMSTANCES, MARK CLEARING LIMNS BY DELINEATING THE SITE WITH A CONTINUOUS LENGTH OF OMNGE BARRIER FENCE. CATCH BASIN IN CRITICAL AREAS, INSTALL A SILT FENCE IN THE SEDIMENT BASIN.SEDIMENT BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE AND DAM - SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-32 NOTES: CONSTRUCTION - SEE WSDOT STAN PLAN r-80,10-02 EXISTING EOP EXISTING DITCH g$ 1. THIS IS A SAMPLE PLAN ONLY, INTENDING TO SHOW HOW TESC FEATURES MAY BE SHOWN ON A SITE PLAN. INDIVIDUAL PRO]ECT TESC PLANS SHOULD BE LAID OUT TO MEET PROJECI SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. 2. TESC FEATURES ARE SHOWN IN THESE STD PLANS (5-32' 5-34) AND THE KSWDM, 6 od. (9 z. F U'I XU INTERCEPTOR DITCH WROCK CHECK DAMS SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-33 LEGEND: I.ABEL TESC FEATURE lt I 6a)6 @ @ (s (oP) @ INTERCEPTOR SWALE OR DITCH SEDIMENT TRAP CHECK DAM STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTMNCE SILT FENCE OUTLET PROTECilON OMNGE BARRIER FENCE clb olb ry q$ $! qbb a'' I .// $b ,'*' ," '/ -- '=* -' sroruE'(r rnnp t'(st\, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' MENT BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTTIENT FILTER FABRIC FENCEG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDMWN coK DATE qcoKCHECKED s-516lcrNEm APPROVFD z. E (o N 3" FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 1112', WASHED ROCK TRENCH NEWLY GMDED OR DISTURBED SIDE SLOPE z', WIRE FABRIC 2 A A rf NATIVE BACKFILL MATERIAL OR 3/4',-1.5" WASHED GMVEL z E r.o JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPUCED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES, WIRE RINGS, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL MIRAFI 1OOX OR QUIVALENT SECTION A-A 2"x2"xL4 GAUGE WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR EQUAL (IF 180# EKI-M STRENGTH FABRIC IF USED MAY EUMINATE WIRE FABRIC)WIRE RINGS (wP.) -a ll ll ll llSTEEL 0R 2x4 WOOD POSTS 6'0.C. INSTALI-ATION NOTES: ELEVATION 1. FILTER FABRIC FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL PURPOSE AFTER THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABIL]ZED. THE NEWLY DISTURBED AREAS RESULTING FROM FILTER FABRIC REMOVAL SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MULCHED OR STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH MINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED MIN ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY, 3. REMOVE SED]MENT WHEN IT REACHES 1/3 FENCE HEIGHT. 4. INSTALLTHE SILT FENCE FIRST, AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN INSTALLED' CONSTRUCT BERM AND TRENCH. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING OEPARTMENT TESC SEDIMENT TRAP EARTH BERM'.6t 9g91611g9 COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 5-32 APPROVED _-ENGINER --*---- =>---> RISER PIPE ---.L- -/ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY RIP-MP OVER FILTER FABRIC ENTIRE LENGTH, (sEE KSWDM TABLE 4.4.1.A) SEDIMENT TRAP SEE KSWDM SEE RISER PIPE KSWDM COMPASTED EARTH DAMN (BERM) PI.AN ORIGINAL GRADE WATER LEVEL DURING STORM 2',--J roP oF IBERM I 2" DEPRESSION FOR EMERGENCY BOTTOM N PROFILE GENEML NOTES: 1. SHAPE OF SEDIMENTATION POND MAY VARY TO FIT DMINAGE AREA AND TERMIN. MODIFY AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE SATISFACTORY TMPPING OF SEDIMENT' 2, USE THE KENT SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUALTO DETERMINE THE Tfu\P GEOMETRY. 3, TO AID IN DETERMINING SEDIMENT DEPTH, ALLTMPS SHALL HAVE A STAFF GAUGE WITH A PROMINENT MARK 1 FOOT ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE TfuqP. CONTMCTOR SHALL RESTORE THE TMP BACK TO ORIGINAL DEPTH AND SIZE WHEN THE SEDIMENT REACHES THIS LEVEL. 4, FOR USE ON SITES LESS THAN 1 ACRE IN SIZE. SPILLWAY MAX 1 z. z CB CONNECT TO CITY STORM DRAIN SYSTEM 2 5. TRAP MAY BE BERM OR BY PARTIAL OR COMPLETE EXCAVATION. MAX EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY OF CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT TESC INTERCEPTOR DITCH WITH ROCK CHECK DAMSKENT DFSIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED CQK 5-53A{GINEA APPROVED EXISTING GRADE LEVEL LINE N SEE TABLE A SEE TABLE A 6" MIN 1 DITCH FLOW 3 I ROCK CHECK DAM - (TYP) @ DITCH PROFILE DETAIL NOTES: C DAM sPAcING @ SEDIMENT TMP LENGTH fo LINE THE BorroM oFTHE swALE wITH 4" cRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE.A DITCH PLAN A TOP OF CHECK DAM TABLE AEX. GMDE 1 SLOPE FTIFT a,o 1: 100 1 :50 1:25 1:20 1: 15 1: 10 1:5 100 50 25 20 15 10 5 10 10 5 4 3 2 0 o LINE SEDIMENT TMP UP STREAM 12' GENEML NOTES: SECTION A-A 1, SUMP BEHIND ROCK CHECK DAM SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY, AND CLEANED WHEN COLLECTED DEBRIS EXCEEDS 1/2 OF ITS DEPTH. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELEq-RONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON BUT THE CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERING OEPARTMENT TESC PIPE SLOPE DRAINT DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN gOK 12/201sDATEcoKCHECKED 5-34EIIGINEAAPPROVED- A PLAN INTERCEPTOR SWALE/DIKE EXISTING OR GMDED SLOPE NOTE: 1. FOR ALL OTHER OUTLETS, THE OUTLET PROTECTION SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OFTHE "oUTFALLS" SECIIoN oF coRE REQUIREMENTS #4 AND SECTION 4.2.2, OF THE KSWDM. INTERCEPTOR SWALE/DIKE EXISTING GROUND FLEXIBLE HDPE DMIN PIPE (OR APPROVED EQUAL) SLOPE ANCHORS REQUIRED FOR SLOPE GREATER THAN 200/o, SEE KSWDM HOLDING STRAPS ANCHOR PINS AS REQUIRED A SECTION A.A STANDARD METAL OR HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE END SECTION WITH HOLDING STMPS AND ANCHOR PINS (TYP. TOP AND BOTTOM) FORTHE STANDARD PIPE SLOPE DMIN IN KSWDM, SECTION D.3.6'2 AND OTHER SMALLER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS, THE STANDARD ROCK PAD (6'x8') MADE OF 1-F0OT THICK QUARRY SPALL IS ADEQUATE ISOMETRIC EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO OEPARTI'ENT TEMPORARY STOCKPILINGKENT DESTGNED cPK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK cHEckED COK 12/2019DATE 5-55ENCINEA APPROVED FOR FURTHER INFORMANON ON STOCKPILING MATERIAL SEE CITY OF KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS SECTION 2.3'E BURY SHEETING INTO EXISTING SOIL MINIMUM 4.'X4" TRENCH xt-<-=(,+!JNr SANDBAGS, OR EQUIVALENT MAY BE USED TO WEIGHT PLASTIC MAX SPACING SHALL BE 10' CLEAR PI.ASTIC SHEETING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 MIL. BURY SHEETING INTO EXISTING SOIL MINIMUM 4"x4" TRENCH NOTES: 1. PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL MEETASTM D 4397 REQUIREMENTS. 2. MAXIMUM PERMITTED SLOPE SHALL BE 2H:lV. 3. SEAMS BETWEEN SHEETS MUST OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12" AND BE WEIGHTED OR TAPED. 4. TEMPOMRY STOCKPILES SHALL NOT BLOCK THE SIGHT DISTANCES OF ANY INTERSECTION OR DRIVEWAY, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT POND ILLUSTRATIONKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED s-56ENGINER APPROVFI) LqNDSCAPE BUFFER, SEE NOTE 1 FENCE AND CITY OF KENT POND OWNERSHIP LIMITS LOT PROPERTY CORNERS (TYP,) SEE STD, 6-49 1' MEASURED FROM EDGE OF FENCE TO TOP 0F PoND SLOPE (TYP.) 10'LANDSCAPE BUFFER, SEE NOTE 1 R/W LINE INLETourlEr --4 tY(\\.- >v PLAN VIEW ACCESS EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT DOUBLE GATE PER 5.23 NOTES: 1, I.ANDSCAPE BUFFER TYPE III PER KENT CITY CODE 15'07. HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBLE FOR LANDSCAPE BUFFER EASEMENT MAINTENANCE AND CARE, UNRESTRISIED POND ACCESS MUST REMAIN AT ALL TIMES, 2, THE PERIMETER OF ALL STORMWATER DETENTION PONDS SHALL BE LANDSCAPED TO A MINIMUM DEfiH OF 10' OF TYPE II I-ANDSCAPING. IF PERIMETER FENCING IS REQUIRED BASED ON PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS, IT SHALL BE CONSTRU TED OF VINYL-COATED CHAINUNK OR SOLID SCREEN FENCING. THE FENCING SHALL BE LOCATED BETWEEN THE POND AND THE LANDSCAPE AREA. 3. INSTALL STORMWATER SIGN PER KENT STANDARD PIAN 5-40. 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE 1' MEASURED FROM EDGE OF FENCE TO TOP oF POND SLOPE (TYP.) 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER, SEE NOTE 1rdD.r_ BOTTOM 3:1 MIN. SLOPE v z FRO\ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELESTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTI'ENT STORM DRAIN MARKERSKENT DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-37EI{GITEA APPROVED D PUBLIC CATCH BASIN MARKER PRIVATE CATCH BASIN MARKER NOTE: CATCH BASIN MARKER SHALL BE AFFIXED WITH MANUFACTURER'S EPOXY IN DRY WEATHER, 40 DEGREES AND WARMER' IF CURB EXISTS' MARKER IS PLACED ON TOP OF CURB. IF MISED EDGE PAVEMENT, MARKER PLACEMENT IS ON THE WEDGE' IF NEITHER EXIST' MARKER WILL BE PLACED ON SIDE LEAST EXPOSED TO TMFFIC. EXHIBIT A a: NOTEI FORMS TO BE REMOVED' FORMING DETAIL rO 6 4 rl8' 3/8" STEEL, SLIP RESISTANT SURFACE NOTCH FOR 318"xL Ll2" STEEL BARS 2 Ll2"2 Llz', @ n m 1-! 4 z. E 4 U8"4'' MIN, 5" SE TION A-A CEMENT CONCRETE PER BRASS NUT TO BAR 3/8"x1 I/2"X12" MILD STEEL BAR WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8-14 3/8- BMSS FLATHEAD MACHINE SCREW BMZE NOTE: FOR WALKS 6'AND LESS USE ONLY 2 BARS' FOR WALKS 6'TO 10' USE 3 BARS' FOR WALKS OVER 10' USE 4 BARS. BAR SPACING 48" MM.48" MAX 88 NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECI-RONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT SIDEWALK DRAIN FOR BUILDING DOWNSPOUT . TYPE 1KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-38 APPROVEO - ENCINEM NOTES: ROOF DOWNSPOUT VARIES 1. MATERIAL SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED ON THIS PLAN AND AS FURTHER DESCRIBED IN THESE STANDARDS BUILDING FACE SAW CUT 2. PROVIDE SPACE BETWEEN BUILDING AND PLATE FOR DOWNSPOUT 3, WHEN DMIN IS PLACED IN EXISTING SIDEWALK, THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE SAW CUT A EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT SIDEWALK DRAIN FOR BUILDING DOWNSPOUT - IYPE 2 SHEET 1 OF 2 KENT DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 5-59oENGINEB APPROVED - A ROOF DOWNSPOUT VARIES BUILDING FACE SAW CUT GUTTER 1/2" CHAMFER ALL AROUND 7" MIN.5"J 7" MIN.NOTES: 1, MATERIAL SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS AS OUTUNED ON THIS PLAN AND AS FURTHER DESCRIBED IN THESE SPECIFICATIONS. SEE NOTE 4 2. PROVIDE SPACE BETWEEN BUILDING AND PLATE FOR DOWNSPOUT 3, WHEN DMIN IS PI.ACED IN EXISTING SIDEWALK, THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE SAW CUT cEMENT coNcRETE PER ?.r SECTION A-A 4. SEE KENT STANDARD PI.AN 5-39b FOR STEEL PLATE DETAILS,WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8.14 + oo EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FIIE AT THE CIW OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTHENT SIDEWALK DRAIN FOR BUILDING DOWNSPOUT - TYPE 2 SHEET 2 OF 2'.6t DESTGNED COK STANDARD PIAN SCALEDMWN COK DArE 12/2019cokCHECKED 5-59bENCINEA SIDEWALK WIDTH 3116', h N h BEND 9OO TOP VIEW 3 1/4',1/2"x3" BOLT OR 1/2" 0 BAR END VIEW 3/8" STEEL SLIP RESISTANT SURFACE 1 4 4 SURFACE OF CONC, SIDEWALK WELD ALL AROUND N 1/2" R CURB FACE (O m m o " SETBACK FROM CURB FACE WELD WELD 1/2"x3" BOLT EACH SIDE @ 18" C/C (MAY BE 1/2" O REINFORCED BAR, 3" LONG SIDE VIEW 2 Ll4', FILLET WELD, 2" LoNG, 5" C/C 16 GA. SHEET IRON MILD STEEL,10-,25 CARBON WELD BEND 9OO EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO OEPARTMENT STORMWATER POND SIGNKENT DES|CNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDMWN coK DArE 12,/2919CHECKED COK 5-40ENGINEA APPROVED 48" N +N 4 E (^c) 6 SPECIFICATIONS: SIZE: MATERIALi FACE: c0L0Rs POST: INCLUDE FACIUTY NAME HERE 48 INCHES BY 24 INCHES 0.125-GAUGE ALUMINUM REFLECTIVE WHITE 3M ENGINEERING GMDE WITH 3M ANTI-GMFFITI SHEETING OVER SIGN MULTI ON WHITE 14 GAGE METAL SQUARE, 2"x2" MOUNTED WITH CORNER BOLTS AND GALVAN]ZED 3/8'' WASHERS WITH A NEOPRENE WASHER TO THE FACE OF THE SIGN INSTALLATION:SECURE TO CHAIN UNK FENCE IF AVAILABLE' OTHERWISE INSTALL ON TWO METAL POSTS, PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6'82A WITH THE TOP OF SiGN HIGHER THAN 42 INCHES FROM GROUND SURFACE, PLACEMENT:FACESIGNINDIRECTIONOFPRIMARYVISUALORPHYSICAL ACCESS. DO NOT BLOCK ANY ACCESS ROAD. DO NOT PLACE WITHIN 6 FEET OF STRUCTUML FACILITIES (E.G' MANHOLES, SPILLWAYS, PIPE INLETS). NOTE: IF THE FACIUTY HAS A LINERTO RESTRICT INFILTMNON OF STORMWATER, THE FOLLOWING NOTE MIJST BE ADDED TO THE FACE OF THE SIGN: "THIS FACIUW IS UNED TO PROTECT GROIJNDWATER QUALM., IN ADDITION, SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE LINER MUST BE ADDED TO THE BACK OF THE SIGN AS SPECIFIED IN THE CURRENT SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL SECNON 6'2'4. EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT COMBINATION AIR VALVE AND ENCLOSUREt.6- 0ES|GNED coK STANDARD PLANe.^r F NONEDRAWN COK oAlE 12/2019aHEcKE ,... otr-5-41ENCINER APPROVED- 12" SQUARE 30 GA, STAINLESS STEEL PLATE 8-#6 1" LONG PAN HEAD STAINLESS STEEL SHEET METAL SCREWS 6" HOLE CENTER IN PLATE ESCUTCHEON DETAIL MATERIALS LEGEND: L. 24"x24"x24" HDPE TEE 24" BRANCH SHALL BE A FLANGED CONNECTION. 2. LF24'HDPE (FLANGE CONNECT]ON ON ONE END) 3. 24"x24"x5" HDPE BMNCH SADDLE TEE. 6" BMNCH SHALL BE A FLANGED CONNECTION 4, 24" HDPE CAP 5. CONCRETE BLOCKING 6. 6"x4" REDUCER (FL) 7. 4" D.I. (FLxPE) LENGTH T0 FIT 8, 4, GATE VALVE (FLXMJ) WITH HANDWHEEL 9, APCO MODEL 149C 4" COMBINATION AIRVALVE' CENTER IN ENCLOSURE. 10.4" ADAPTER (NPTXFL) LENGTH TO FIT 11.4' TEE (FL) AND 4' BUND FLANGE 12.4" D.L (FLxPE) LENGTH T0 FIT 13,4" 90o BEND (FLXMJ) 14,1.4" OPEN FI.ANGE. INSTALL STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN BETWEEN FLANGES. 15.1.4- PIPE STAND. SECURE TO PIPE AND ANCHOR TO CONCRETE BASE/PAD 16. SAFE-T-COVER ENCLOSURE : HYDROCOWL MODEL 8OOLU88O-AL 17,58" SQUARE x 5" DEPTH CONCRETE BASE/PAD 18. 58"x36"x4" DEPTH CONCRFrE SPLASH PAD, SLOPE TO DMIN TO STORM SYSTEM. NOTES: 1. ALL 4" PIPE AND FTTINGS SHALL BE CL' 52 DUCTILE IRON. 2. ENCLOSURE AND CONCRETE BASE TO BE INSTALLED/ ASSEMBLED/CONSTRUCTED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS' DRILL HOLE FOR PIPE AND INSTALL ESCUTCHEON PLAN VIEW EQUAL DISTANCE EQUAL DISTANCE CENTER VALVE IN ENCLOSURE TEXISTING ,/ enouruo DISTANCE 6" 8 7 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PI] BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.O 6.1 6.2 STANDARDS FOR STREETS RIGHTS.OF-WAY AN D EASEMENTS Public streets are owned and maintained by the City, and the Developer is required to dedicate or deed right-of-way, or otherwise convey public right-of-way and/ or easements, as required to construct and maintain these public streets and appurtenances. All portions of the traveled way, curbl gutters, sidewalk, medians, drainage facilities, street lighting, traffic signals, roundabouts, tralfc circlet traffic signage and other required improvements shall be located within said righrofway. Easements for the purpose of construction, acces5 maintenance, sight distance preservation, street slopes, street lighting, or for utility and storm drain system installations may be required in conjunction with new street and street improvements. A non-exclusive 10'utility and street lighting easement shall be provided by all private development projects adjacent to all public streets except in the Downtown Overlay District. permanent on-site easements for accest maintenance, and construction are required for all public and private street systems serving more than one property located outside of public rightof-way.When easements are required,legal descriptions shall be submitted pr.pur.d and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor. A title report, dated within the iast thirty (30) days, covering the properties to be encumbered by the easements, shall accompany said descriPtion. When off-site and/or on-site easements for the extension of public or private street, water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage or other utility systems are required, these shall be approved and recorded prior to approval of the Engineering Plans.The same conditions shallalso apply regarding legal descriptions and title reports. STREET TYPES AND GEOMETRICS General design objectives and purpose by functional classification for City streets are listed in the KentTransportation Master Plan (TMP). Based upon these classifications, the criteria for right-of-way, street width and other Geometrics are established by the City. TheTMP defines the following streets: . Principal Arterial 7 - Lanes (See Standard Plan 6-2) . Principal Arterial 5 - Lanes and Minor Arterial (See Standard Plan 6-3) . collector Arterials - lndustrial Collector Arterial (See standard Plan 6-4) 6-1 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CO NSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . collector Arterials - Residential collector Arterial (See standard Plan 6-5) . Collector - Residential Collector (See Standard Plan 6-6) . Local Access Streets - Industrial/Commercial (See Standard Plan6-7) Local Access Streets - Residential (See Standard Plans 6-1 1 through 13) Local streets can be comprised of industrial/commercial streets and residential streets. These streets are based on the land use zoning adjacent to the street. There are also alleys and private streets. Where appropriate and feasible, rights-of-way should be increased to accommodate the use of low impact development and materials to handle storm water, including landscaped medians facilitating natural storm water function and bio-filtration areas (rain gardenl swales, etc). 6.2.A ArterialStreets Arterials generally support higher traffic volumet much of which is generated outside of the immediate area or what is termed "through trafficl'Arterials support the travel of cars and trucks and other modes, including public transit, cycling and walking. Removal of existing driveways may be required if adequate access can be provided by streets of a lower classification. ln some cases the combination or consolidation of driveways from adjoining properties will be required with shared aCceSS easements or tracts to meet access management standards' Driveway access to minor arterial and collector arterial streets will be managed to retain the traffic volume capacity of the roadway while allowing access to parcels not served by streets of a lower classification. Existing driveways may be required to be eliminated if adequate access can be provided by streets of a lower classification. 6.2.8 Collector Streets Collectors serve a critical role in the roadway network by gathering traffic from local roads and funneling them to the arterial network. Collectors serve both land access and traffic circulation in lower density residential and commercial/ industrial areas. They extend into residential neighborhoods. Collectors also distribute and channeltrips between arterials and local streets and arterials. 6.2.C LocalStreets These streets are designed for local traffic usage. They are typically the streets 6-2 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENI 2. in front of residential property and some commercial and retail uses.Two subcategories of local street classifications exist based upon the type of adjacent land-use.The sub-categories, and their functions, are: 1. lndustrial/commercial Street -These streets are designed to provide direct access from the abutting industrial or commercial land uses to the collector arterial classified streets. Access to these streets is typically not restricted for reasons of safety except at or near intersections' Residential Street -These streets are designed to provide direct access to abuttinq land uses, from collector streets in a safe and efficient manner. The design parameters ofthese streett (i.e., intersection spacing, horizontal curves criteria, and right-of-way assignment at intersections) will be used to minimize vehicle operating speeds and nonlocally generated'tut- through'traffic. On-street parking will generally not be resiricted, except at those locations necessary for public safety. A high emphasis will be placed on safely accommodating non-motorized and pedestrian traffic in the design of these streets. Private streets fall within the residential street classifrcation. However, the geometric requirements for private streets are different and can be found within Section 6.2.E Private Streets. Alleys See Standard Plan 6-14.The horizontal and vertical geometric design criteria for residential streets shall be used to design alleys. Alleys must be designed within the following parameters: 1. An alley may serve a maximum of 30 dwelling unitt have a maximum length of400l and have no dead ends or cul-de-sacs. 2. The right-oiway or tract width shall be sufficient to construct the alley and related grading.The minimum tract width shall be 20'with a pavement surface width of 20'based on a 5'structure setback. For diflering structure setback requirements, the alley surfacing width may be reduced to 1B' minimum if designed to provide for safe turning access to properties. 3. Alleys shall be paved surface and have an inverted crown to control surface runoff 4. Alleys shall connect to the public street system using a private street approach. See Standard Plan 6-46. 5. Alleys shall not intersect other alleys or half streets. 6. Alleys shall provide secondary access only to a property' 6.2.D 6-3 EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.2.E Private Streets see Standard Plan 6-15. Any streets serving, or proposed to serve nine (9) or fewer single-family dwelling unitt or as otherwise determined by the Engineer, and certain streets within a planned unit development (PUD) or those of limited public benefit may be considered private streets.When streets directly adjoin other lots, those lots are counted when determining the number of lots served, including any potential new lots created through redevelopment consistent with the zoning designation. Private streets may be approved onlywhen they are: 'l . Permanently established by tract providing legal access to each affected lot, dwelling unit, or business; and sufficient to accommodate required improvements, to include provision for future use by adjacent property owners when aPPlicable; and 2. Built to the standards, as set forth herein;and 3. Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use;and Not part of or obstructing, the present or future public neighborhood circulation plan developed in processes such as the city's comprehensive Plan,TMB or Capital lmprovement Program;and Not going to result in land locking present or future parcels; and 6. Not needed as public streets to meet the street spacing requirement or to provide access to surrounding parcels forfuture development;and 7. Designed to serve a potential maximum of nine (9) single-family dwelling units, or as otherwise determined bythe engineer, for the entire length of the private street system to the nearest publicly maintained street, when physical barriers, zoning or other legal constraints are considered;and 8. Maintained by a capable and legally responsible homeowners'association, or other legal entity made up of all benefrted property owners;and g. clearly described on the face of the plat, short plat, binding site plan, site development permit or other development authorization and clearly signed as a private street, for the maintenance of which the city is not responsible;and 10. Connected to the public street system using a private street approach. See Standard Plan6-46. 4. 5. 6-4 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.2,F Parking on private streets is allowed on one side only. Parking is also prohibited on both sides within 60'of the intersection with the connecting street'This requirement may be reduced by the Engineer based on vehicle maneuvering diagrams provided by the Developer that shows a parking configuration that allows a Bus-40 vehicle to access the private street, if required. The City will not accept existing private streets as public streets until they are constructed or reconstructed in conformance with current Kent City Code and these Standards. Best management practices (BMP',S) shall be used when maintaining private streets. Whenever a private street extends more than 150'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street, an approved cul-de-sac or hammerhead turnaround per Standard Plans 6-18 or 6-21 shall be constructed. Publi< Half Streets see standard Plan 6-'13. Half streets may be permitted as an interim facility when: 1. Such street shall not serve as primary access to more than 30 dwelling units;and 2. Such alignment is consistent with or will establish a reasonable circulation pattern;and 3. There is reasonable assurance of obtaining the prescribed additional rightof-way through future development from the adjacent property with topography suitable for completion of a full-section street. 4. A half street shall meet the following requirements: 5. Right-of-way width of the half street shall be a minimum width of 32'and sufficient to construct the street and related grading; and 6. The half street shall have a crown section consistent with locating the centerline of the ultimate street section, as close as possible to the property line;and 7. Traveled way shall be surfaced the same as the designated street type to a width no less than 201 combined curb and gutter, sidewalk and planter strip shall be constructed per Standard Plan 6-13;and B. Property line edge of street shall be finished with temporary curbing, shoulders, ditches, and/or side slopes in order to assure proper drainage, 6-5 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 6.2.G bank stability, and traffrc safety;and g. Half streets shall not intersect other half streets or exceed these requirements unless otherwise approved by the Engineer' 10. Whenever a half street extends more than 15o'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street, a temporary cul- de-sac or turnaround per Standard Plans 6-'18,6-21 and6-22 shall be constructed. 1 1 . When a half street is eventually turned to a whole street, the completing builder shall reconstruct the original half street as necessary to produce a proper full-width crowned street of a designated section per these Standards. 12. Obtaining any right-of-way or easements to accomplish the above shall be the responsibility of the Developer. Cut-de-Sacs, lslands, and Hammerheads The following design parameters shall apply to cul-de-sac1 islands, and hammerheads: 1. Cul-de-Sacs: Whenever a dead end street extends more than 150'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street, a widened'bu I b"sha | | be constructed as fol lows: The minimum right-of-way radius across bulb section is 52.50'in a permanent or temporary cul-de-sac. Right-of-way may be reduced, provided utilities and necessary drainage are accommodated on permanent easements within the development, upon approval by the Engineer. b. The minimum radius of surfacing across bulb is 45'to the face of curb. See Standard Plan 6-18. Sidewalk shall be constructed around the cul-de-sac. Planter strips are not required. d. Rolled curbs are allowed in cul-de-sacs. A permanent cul-de-sac shall not be longer than 6001 measured from center of the intersecting street, along the centerline of the roadway to the center of the cul-de-sac bulb.The Engineer will consider variances to this requirement on the basis of pertinent traffic planning factors such as topography, sensitive areas and existing development' a. c. e. 6-6 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BtIC WORKS DEPARTMENT f lf a public street temporarily terminates at a property boundary, serves or will serve more than nine (9) lots, or is longer than 150'from the nearest face ofcurb or edge ofpavement ofthe connecting street, a temporary cul-de-sac bulb shall be constructed near the development boundary.The paved bulb shall be 90'in diameter with sidewalkterminated as shown on Standard Plan6-22.1n lieu of the temporarycul-de-sac, a temporary hammerhead turnaround may be provided as approved by the Fire Marshal. Removal of the temporary cul-de-sac or hammerhead turnaround, and construction of the extension of the street infrastructure and driveways, shall be the responsibility of the Developer who extends the street. See Standard Plan6-22. h. The maximum cross slope in a bulb shall not exceed 6 percent in any direction. i. Partial bulbs or eyebrows shall have a minimum paved radius and an island configuration, and the island shall be offset 4'from the edge of the street. See Standard Plan 6-1 9. j. When a commercial access changes from a public to private designation, a public cul-de-sac shall be required, regardless of whether another fire access turnaround is provided elsewhere. k. Parking shall not be allowed within a cul-de-sac. 2. Cul-de-Sac lsland: A cul-de-sac island is an optional feature for any cul- de-sac when the bulb paved diameter is 90'or less; but it is mandatory when the bulb paved diameter exceeds 90i lf provided, the island shall have cement concrete vertical curb and gutter. Maximum island diameter shall be 15'and there shall be at least a 30'wide paved traveled way around the circumference, and no parking will be allowed' An island shall be landscaped per section 6.13 Landscape Requirements on Public Right-of-way.The landscaping must be maintained bythe homeowners' association or other responsible entity or parties, including all benefited property owners. See Standard Plan 6-'19' 3. Hammerheads: A hammerhead may be used to satisry the turnaround requirements where a private street serves or will serve nine (9) or 9. 6-7 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTM ENT 6.3 fewer lots.The maximum profile grade of any leg of the hammerhead turnaround shall be 6 percent. Parking and driveways shall not be allowed within the hammerhead. See Standard Plan6-21. STREET IMPROVEMENTS The City has developed aTransportation Master Plan indicating existing and proposed streets and their functional classifications. lt shall be the responsibility of the Engineer to identiry specific conditions for street improvements and/or rightof-way reservation required as a condition of development. AII street improvements shall be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, City of Kent Subdivision Code and other applicable Kent City Codes. ln accordance with Kent City Code 6.02,"Required lnfrastructure lmprovementsl the Engineer is authorized to require the construction of off-site street and drainage improvements as a condition of issuing a permitwith an"improvements valuation"above the annually adjusted threshold. Developer should contact the City permit Center for current threshold amount. An appraisal may be used at the discretion and cost of the DeveloPer. As required by these Standards, or as a part of the SEPA review process, the required imprwements and potential impacts of a proposed project shall be identified'The Developer shall be required to construct the improvements. In lieu of construction, and at the discretion of the Engineer, the mitigation of these impacts may be satisfied through the execution of an environmental mitigation agreement in which the Developer and his/her successors, agree to participate in the cost of construction of future off-site street and utility system improvements. lf the future improvements are proposed to be funded by a Local lmprovement District formed by the City in connection with a pCIect identified'in the City's Capital lmprovement Plan, the Developer may be required to pay a fee in lieu of construction based on the Engineer's cost estimate form or execute a No- Protest Local lmprovement District Covenant with the City. 6.3.A Minimum Public Street lmprovements Requirements for street improvements are mandated by Kent City code 6.02' When public street improvements are required as a condition of development, and an abutting public street is not to current standards or is otherwise not adequate, the Developer is responsible for constructing the following minimum improvements on all public streets along their entire property frontage: t. A half streer improvement shall be provided that is equal to one-half of the final design pavementwidth or a minimum of 20"as measured from the centerline of right-of-way,or fromthe approved centerline as determined by the Engineer, to the face of the new cement concrete curb' 2. The street improvement for the frontage along the development shall include combined curbs and gutters, planting strips, street trees and landscaping, and cement concrete sidewalk depending on the street classification and the bike route classification. See Section 6.5 Driveways, Sidewalk and Non-Motorized Lanes orTrails, for additional information on 6-8 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 5. sidewalk and bike lane requirements. 3. The total combined pavement width shall be shown to have a design/ remaining service life of at least twenty (20)years, in accordance with the AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures, Part I and Part ll. 4. The public street improvements shall also include street channelization and pavement markings; traffic signs; a stormwater drainage conveyance, detention, and treatment system;traffic signals when specified; an approved street lighting plan and an installed street lighting system meeting the requirements of these standards. see section 6.14 Street lllumination System, for additional information on street lighting design; utilities and other street-related appurtenances' Depending upon the condition of the adjacent pedestrian system and the nature of the development, the Developer may also be required to install specific on-site and off-site pedestrian sidewalks, pathways, or shared pedestrian and bicycle facilities. All subdivisions are required to provide for neighborhood connectivity via street connections, pedestrian connections, bicycle facility connections, or some combination of these connecting facilities. At a minimum, the Developer is required to provide full improvements on the frontage of their property, and tapers, merges or connections to existing improvements beyond the project property boundaries. 6. All street improvements shall include provisions for street trees.The species of these street trees shall be selected from the list of approved sireet trees as shown in Appendix A, and placed as shown in standard Plans 6-54 and 6-55. 7. Monument Installation: Per RCW 58.1 7.24O,permanent control monuments are required to be installed at each and every controlling corner on the boundaries of the parcel of land being subdivided.The placement of street centerline and intersection monuments will be required to be installed at every change in direction of the centerline alignment and at every intersection including where new public streets intersect existing public streets, See Standard Plan 6-72a and6-72lsfor street centerline and intersection monuments. B. Prior to the recording of any short plat or subdivision, all surveying and the setting of all lot corners and monuments shall be complete. g. where utility system construction for the proposed development extends beyond the half street improvements, a full width overlay of the street may be required by the Engineer. 6-9 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.4 STREET DESIGN STANDARDS 6.4.A Street Design SummarY Tables 6.7 through 6.9 at the end of this chapter summarize the minimum design standards for the various functional classifications of streets in the City. 6.4.8 Downtown overlay District, The Meeker Street corridor, and Relocation of Naden Avenue South The Downtown Overlay District revises and adds additional criteria for the streets within the downtown area of Kent shown on Standard Plan 6-8a. See Kent City Code 15.09.046, Downtown Design Review. Additionally, the Meet Me on Meeker street standards impose further design guidelines to the streetscape features, medians, and crosswalls for the Meeker itreet Corridor. For that portion of the Meeker Street Corridor that also falls within the Downtown Overlay, the Downtown Overlay District Standards are superseded by the Meet Me on Meeker Street Standards with respect to the streetscape5 mediant and crosswalks within that corridor. Street cross-sections within the Downtown Overlayvaryfrom the typical street cross sections. See Standard Plans 6-8 through 6-10 and the following discussion for further information on sidewalk, Channelization, street lighting, and street furniture within the overlay. 6.4.C Downtown Overlay Design Standards 1. Pedestrian Zones: This is the area from the street-side edge of the sidewalk to the property line or building face. Street furniture is allowed within this zone. A minimum clearwidth for pedestrians of 8'shall be maintained throughout the pedestrian zone.This minimum clear width for pedestrians is reduced to 6.5'for Naden Avenue and shall be maintained throughout the pedestrian zone. 2. PlanterAtreetscape Zones: This is the area from the back of curb to the Street-side edge of sidewalk. Street furniture, street trees, landscape plantert street lights, traffic signs and pedestrian bollards are allowed within this zone.The minimum width of 5'shall be provided. 3. Sidewalks: sidewalla shall be finished with 2'by 2'squares.The squares shall have an alternating brush finish (vertical, horizontal, and vertical, horizontal) and shall have a 2"smooth border tooled from the joint' See Standard Plan 6-36. 6-1 0 EXHIBIT A 2A21 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIO N STANDARDS PLJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 4. Crosswalk: Crosswall<s within the Downtown Overlay District shall be 12'wide and comprised of Portland Cement concrete (PCC).The finish pattern shall be the same as for sidewalk,The crosswalk shall have a 1'smooth border. This border shall also extend from the mid-point of the corner to the inner intersection crosswalk border. No color shall be added to the material prior to placement. See Standard Plan6 37. 5. Street Furniture: All street furniture shall be manufactured by Fairweather Bench Company in Port Orchard, Washington, or as determined by Economic and Com m un ity Development Director. Benches shall be made from 2"schedule 40 pipe with steel straps. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. End frames shall be ductile cast iron. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Benches with bacla shall be model sitescape wPl-l 001 -PF surface mount, color Black, Benches without back shall be B'in length with center frame model #PL- 1.5,PlazaSeries, and color Black. Picnic tables shall be made from 2"schedule 40 pipe with steel straps.Steel shall conform to ASTM 436 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Picnic table shall be model #F-7 or#F-SPlaza Seriet surface mount, color Black. Trash receptacles shall be flared top trash receptacle with hinged dome top and 3O-gallon galvanized liner, and shall be made from steel, and powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Model #TR-12, surface mount, color BIack. Planters shall be 29'wide at the top and 25'wide at the bottom, of various heights (24" or 1}')and fabricated with steel straps, with galvanized and powder coated liner. Steel shall conform to ASTM 436 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Planters shall be model #PTR12, Plaza Series, color Black' Bike racks shall be made from 2'schedule 40 pipe 36"high and 38'long. Steel shall conform to ASTM 436 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Bike rack shall be model #BR-l, 3 loops, color Black. 6-11 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM FNT 6,4.D 6. Pedestrian Bollardswith PowerOutlets: Pedestrian bollards with power outlets shall be provided at each street tree location, The bollard shall be placed on the concrete sidewalk adjacent to the tree pit. The bollard shall not be placed further than 4'from the face of curb and is preferred to be placed centered laterally on the tree pit and within one foot of the edge of the tree pit, outside of the required Clear Zone. See Standard Plans 6-50 and 6-56. Pedestrian bollards shall be surface mount, Fairweather, model #B-1-4'x 36"w-outlet modified, color Black. All bollards shall contain a grounded outdoor use outlet for street decorations. See Standard Plan 6-56. 7. Street Lights: Street lights shall consist of Gardco Gullwing and Lumec Zenith Series luminaire fixtures for the street and pedestrian lighting respectively, except on SR 51 6 (Willis Street) between SR 1 67 and Central Avenue where cobra head fixtures are required. Cobra head or 1 18 Lumec DSX luminaires will not be allowed anywhere else within the Downtown overlay District unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. See Section 6.14 for street lighting requirements. Access Management Standard The City manages access through the use of medians, auxiliary lanel driveway location and design, driveway separation, corner clearance, joint and cross access agreementt and alternative access from lowest classification Street. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, each vehicle shall be deemed to have a length of 25'for the purpose of calculating minimum storage lengths. 1. General Access Provisions: ln general, all properties abutting public streets are permitted reasonable access to the public street system. Driveways directly giving access onto arterials and collectors may be denied if alternate access to another arterial street is available. On properties with multiple public street frontages, the Ciry will restrict vehicular access solely to the public street having the lower street classification, and/or to the safest access location. Retail, commercial or industrial driveways shall be prohibited from access to residentialstreets. Coordinated access (via cross access, joint or reciprocal access agreements recorded with the CountyAuditor's office)with adjacent properties may be required of the Developer, where driveways are located on arterials and collectors or driveway separation and corner clearances cannot be achieved. 6-12 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The design of driveways onto arterials and collectors may be required to restrict turning movements from or onto the arterial and collector streets, and may be required to be designed on a case-by-case basis. Factors to be considered in the design of turn-restrictive driveway geometrics will include, but are not limited to the following: Design vehicle Vehicular sight lines (See Standard Plan 6-52) Pedestrian sight lines (See Standard Plan 6-53) Pedestrian oriented develoPment Driveway traffic volumes Public street traffic volumes and speeds Public street widths and channelization Driveway proximity to intersectiont and to other driveways. The Engineer may require any combination of these factors to be considered in the design of the driveway. 2. AccessType and Minimum Distance Allowed.Table 6.1 below shows the minimum Driveway separation and lntersection corner clearance based on street functional classifi cation. Table6.l Access Separation Requ irements Roadway Classification lndust/ Colflm. RegF dentlal Collector Arterial Residen- tlal Collector Princi- pal Arterlal lllllnor ArterialAccess type 10'r.r50'1 00'200'300'200' Minimum Driveway to DrivewaY Separation, measured closed edge to closest edge of drivewaY 20'1 00'50'200'1 00'300' '? Minimum Cotner Clearance Standards, measured from the nearest edge ofthe drivewaY to the point ofcurvature on the curb return of the intersecting street 6,13 EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 5 1 Residential driveways shall be a minimum of 5'from the nearest edge to the property line. 2 For parcels adjacent to a traffic signal, 300'shall be used unless a traffic study successfully demonstrates that the lntersection area of influence is less than 300: 3 On a case-by-case basis in cul-de-sact driveways may be allowed less than a 10'separation. 4.See Standard Plan 6-1 3. Commercial development proponents wanting more than one (1) driveway access to a public street will be required to justi! the second driveway on the basis of development generated trips. 4. Where the driveway location does not meet minimum separation criteria, or where a safe driveway location cannot be obtained, the city will require appropriate mitigation measures to provide for a driveway as safe as feasible. Acceptable mitigation may take the form of turning movement restrictions or a joint-use driveway with the adjoining property owner' The minimum protected driveway throat without any turning movements or parking allowed must be provided for the number of vehicles indicated below to prevent any potential turning conflicts within their lengths.These are the minimum lengths that will be permitted, unless an approved traffic study includes a site and project specific queuing study showing that either more or less throat length is required to serve the subject development. a. For drive-thru bank:for a single window there must be storage to accommodate a minimum entering queue of four (4)vehicles; bank having two (2) lanes need to accommodate a minimum entering queue of at least three (3) vehicles per window or eight (B)vehicles total;and bank having three (3)or more lanes shall have storage to accommodate a minimum of three (3) vehicles for each service lane or totalvehicles equal to four (4) times the number of service lanes. b. For vehicle wash facilities:facilities having a single service bay shall provide entering storage to accommodate a minimum of four (4) vehicles;facilities having multi-bay designs shall have a minimum entering storage space of at least three (3) vehicles for each service bay. c. For fast-food restaurants with drive-thru window service:entering storage to accommodate a minimum of eight (B)vehicles per service 6-14 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 7 lane shall be provided. Storage lengths for fast food restaurants are measured from the order board to the first service window. 6. Service stations shall have a minimum entering and exiting storage length to accommodate a minimum oftwo (2)vehicles shall be provided between the pump islands and the public right-of-way. lf an espresso stand is located on-site with drive-thru windows, the minimum espresso stand storage requirements will prevail. Shopping centers having 50,000 square feet or more of gross leasing area shall have an entering and exiting throat length to accommodate a minimum of four (4)vehicles and shall be provided before any crossing or turning conflicts can be permitted between the parking lot and the public right-of-way. Shopping centers having 100,000 square feet or more of gross leasing area shall provide a site and project specific queuing analysis to determine their appropriate entering and exiting storage lengths. 8. All commercial developments having less than 50,000 square feet of gross leasing area shall have a minimum entering and exiting storage length to accommodate at least two (2)vehicles provided between the parking lot and the public right-of-way before any crossing or turning conflicts can be permitted.The city may require a site and project specific queuing analysis to determine the appropriate storage lengths when the commercial development includes one or more drive-thru facilities. a. For all espresso stands with drive-thru windows, entering and exiting storage lengths shallaccommodate a minimum of four (4)vehicles perwindow. b. For pharmacies with drive-thru service:entering and exiting storage lengths shall accommodate a minimum of three (3)vehicles per service point. c. For all other facilities, a minimum entering and exiting storage length of two (2) vehicles shall be provided before any crossing, or turning conflicts can be permitted between the parking lot and the public right-of-way line. Traffic Calming All new residential streets shall include traffic calming measures. Minimum traffic calming measures shall include intersection neckdowns per Standard Plan 6-27 at connections to arterial and collector streets. Additional traffic calming measures may include, but are not limited to:curb bulb-outs, alternating parking on Streets less than 32 feet wide, chokers, speed cushions, traffic circles or compact roundabouts, and raised lntersections. 6.4.E 6-15 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.5 Minimum traffic calming measures shall be determined bythe Engineer in collaboration with the Developer based on the site's constraints such as topography, size, and location. All internal intersections within subdivisions with more than nine (9) lots shall include street bulb-outs. Streets longer than 500'shall incorporate at least one measure such as chokers, or speed cushions unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. see standard Plans 6-24 through 6-30. All landscaping shall be maintained bythe adjacent homeowners, a homeowners'association or other responsible entity or parties including all benefited property owners. A maintenance agreement shall be included as part of the plat aPPlication. DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS AND NON-MOTORIZED LANES OR TRAILS The following standards outline the appropriate parameters for driveways, sidewalk and non-motorized lanes or trails. 6.5.4 Driveways Driveway design standards are shown in the Standard Plans 642 through 6-48.The required radius and minimum protected driveway throat width shall be determined by a vehicle maneuvering diagram provided by the Developer for the appropriate design vehicle. Pedestrian and vehicular sight line requirements shall be met and shown on Engineering Plans per Standard Plans 6-52 and 6-53. All driveways shall be designed with profile grade break, or transitions, constructed as vertical curves to ensure adequate clearance for all vehicles. The maximum change in longitudinal profile grade for a driveway shall be '12 percent in a sag condition, and B percent in a crest condition. The maximum longitudinal profile grade for driveways shall be '12 percent, unless otherwise required byexisting conditions as approved bythe Engineer.The minimum length of vertical curve shall be 5'per 1 percent change in profile grade. See Standard Plan 6-48. The minimum separation between street light standards and single-family residentialdriveways shall be 5lThe minimum separation from all other driveways shall be at least 101 The minimum width for all driveways to commercial, multi-family residential or industrial land uses shall be 30'unless otherwise approved by the Engineer in order to accommodate higher volumes of pedestrians in a safe and convenient manner.The width of driveways to industrial and commercial properties shall be determined by a vehicle maneuvering diagram provided by the Developer using the appropriate design vehicle. 6-16 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.5.8 The use of one-way driveways as a part of the on-site circulation pattern is discouraged. one-way driveways are reviewed on a case-by-case basis for impacts to the City roadway system. If the use of one-way driveways is allowed, the minimum width of each one-way driveway shall be 20i In addition, signs shall be posted at the Driveways indicating the permitted movement (i.e., "Entrance Only'or"Exit Only - Do Not Enter').The Engineer may also require similar signs to be posted within the on-site parking areas or drive aisles. 1. Private Residential DrivewaYs: Driveways serving a single-family residential lot shall be considered Private Residential Driveways. Private Residential Driveways shall be constructed of hot mix asphalt or cement concrete pavement at least 12'in width at the curb line unless otherwise directed by the Fire Marshal. At a minimum, the pavement for the driveway shall extend 40'from the edge of pavement or back of sidewalk on the public or private street serving that driveway, or to the front face of the carport or garage, whichever is less. See Standard Plan 6-42. 2. Private Joint Use Residential Driveways: Driveways serving two (2)single-family residential lots shall be considered private joint use residential driveways. Private joint use residential driveways must be constructed with hot mix asphalt or cement concrete pavement at least 1 6'in width, unless otherwise directed by the Fire Marshal. Private use joint driveways shall be centered within a private tract for ingress/egress and utilities that is at least4'wider than the pavement width. At a minimum, the pavement for the driveway shall extend 40' from the edge of pavement or back of sidewalk on the public or private street serving that driveway, or to the front face of the carport or garage, whichever is less. See Standard Plan 647 . Residential driveways shall be a minimum of 5'from the nearest edge to the property line. Sidewalks An important element of the City'sTransportation Master Plan is the provisions of facilities for pedestrian use. sidewalk shall be provided on all new and improved public streets. Sidewalk shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete Class 3000, unless otherwise specified and required. The minimum width for sidewalks varies depending on the functional classification of the street. See the Standard Plans for detailed information for the sidewalkwidths based on roadway classification. ln instances where building doors open directly to a public sidewalk, the minimum sidewalk width shall be 101 No street trees \\/ill be allowed within 4'of a door opening to 6-17 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.s.c a public sidewalk.These widths shall be exclusive of the width of any adjacent curbs, and shall be free of obstructions such as utility poles, street furniture and mailboxes. Sidewalk will be required to be constructed on both sides of a street, and shall be placed as shown in the Standard Plans for the various street classifications. Where sidewalk are not adjacent to the curb, a landscaped planter strip or amenity zone between the street curb and the street-side edge of the sidewalk shall be provided. The minimum thickness for Portland Cement Concrete sidewalks shall be 41 except at driveway approaches and cul-de-sacs where the minimum thickness required shall be 6"for residential driveways and 8'for commercial/industrial d riveways. See Sta n d a rd Plans 6-42 th rou g h 6-46' All streets constructed with curbs, guttert and sidewalk, shall have ADA compliant curb ramps provided at street intersections and other pedestrian crossings.These curb ramps shall be located and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the ADA Guidelines. All curb ramp widths shall be a minimum of 5lThe City and WSDOTcurrently recognizes the guidance from the Revised Draft Guidelines for Accessible Public Right-of-Way published by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board on November 23,2005.The City requires detectable warning as truncated domes. Material shall be FederalYellow pre-formed composite cast-in-place panels. On a project by project basis, use of wet applied product to form truncated dome may be allowed.Wet-embossed (stamped) concrete and painted dome patterns will not be allowed. Nor shall glue down or mechanically fastened systems be allowed. Castings, boxes, vaults, and structures located within non-motorized travel area that are adjusted and/or installed shall have slip resistant surface.The following slip resistant coatings are approved for application on metal frame and lid: . SlipNot Grade 3-course as manufactured byW.S. Molnar Company . SafeTraxTH604 byThermion lnc. . Mebacl (their most aggressive surface)as manufactured by IKG lndustries Non-Motorized Lanes or Trails 1. Bike Lanes Bike lanes are a portion of the street that has been designated for preferential or exclusive use by bicyclists.These lanes shall be 5'wide, located next to the curb, and designated with pavement markings according to the MUTCD. See Standard Plan 6-31. 6-1 B EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2. Facilities Containing Bicycle Components: I NTERSECTION DESIGN POLICIES lntersection design policies are outlined in the tables below: 6.6.A lntersectionsDesign Table 6.2 All bicycle facilities shall be designed and constructed according to the latest version of the Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, published by AASHTO and these Standards. 3. Shared UseTrails (Pedestrian and Bicyclist): The minimum surface width of asphalt pavement is 10'for a two-way trail. Each trail shall include provisions for 2'wide gravel shoulders having cross- slopes no steeper than 2 percent on both sides of the trail.The minimum horizontal clearance shall be at least 3'from the edge of the asphalt paved trail to any trail-side obstruction. Where trails are adjacent to ditches, creek, or slopes equal to or steeper than 2H:1V the gravel shoulder must be 5'wide with a minimum 4'high vinyl covered chain link fence, or 3.5'tall pedestrian rail system per Kent Standard Plan 6-41 where appropriate, as the means to ensure that bicyclists remain safely away from such trail-side hazards. 6.6 Design Criteria Standard Angle of intersection measured at 10'beyond street right-of-way line with 90o being perpendicular Minimum 85" Maximum 95" 2.Minimum centerline radius (2-lane) for residential streets 55 Feet 3.Minimum curb radius Streets classified as arterial and collector streets. 35 Feet b. Residential or industrial/commercial street inter- sections where the highest classification involved is a residential collector 25 Feet c. Private street intersections where the highest classifi- cation involved is a residential street 20 Feet 4. Minimum right-of-waY line radius 25 Feet 6,19 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.6.8 6.6.C 6.6.D 6.6.E 6.6.F 6.6.G At the intersection of two differently classified streets, the larger of the curb return radiispecified in the street design table herein shall be used for establishing the right-of-way radius. lntersections Spac:ng Minimum intersection spacing between adjacent intersecting streets, whether crossing orlconnecting, shall be as shown in Table 6.7 On Sloping Approaches At an intersection, landings shall be provided with a profile grade not to exceed 1'difference in elevation for a distance of 50'approaching an arterial, residential or commercial street, measured from future right-of-way line (intersected by the 2 percent profile grade extended from crowned street to right-of-way line)of intersecting street. See Standard Plan 6-23. Rou ndabout Intersections When used in place of standard intersectiont roundabout intersections shall be designed in accordance with current USDOT/FHWA guidelines and the WSDOTDesign Manual. Low Speed Curves Low speed curves are applicable to residential streets only as shown in Table 6.3 below. Table 6.3 Offset and Skew lntersections The use of offset and skew intersections shall be avoided wherever possible, and when proposed, must conform to the requirements of these Standards. New intersections shall be designed to avoid intersection angles at Street centerline of less than 85 degrees, or more than 95 degrees. Offsets between intersections shall not measure less than what is shown in theTable 6.7. I ntersections Within a Horizontal Curve Alignment The use of intersections in or near a horizontal curve shall be avoided wherever possible, especially on the inside of a horizontal curve, lntersection/driveway sight triangle standards shall be met as required in these Standards. Radius (Ft)Deflection Up to 75' Deflection 75o & Over Minimum centerline radius (two-lane):1 00'55' 2.Minimum curb radius:80'25' 3.Minimum right-of-way line radius:7A 25', 6-20 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PLJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.6.H 6.6.1 6.6.t. 6.6.K I ntersection Pedestrian and ADA-Compliant Access ADA-compliant curb ramps shall be provided on each corner of an intersection from which pedestrian movement is permitted. Curb ramps shall be designed in accordance with these Standards and the ADA. SeeWSDOT Standard Plans for ADA-compliant curb ramp designs. All curb ramp widths shall be a minimum of 51 At those |ocations where sidewalks are not required and are not proposed to be installed, a concrete pedestrian refuge area may be required behind, and to either side of the curb ramp.This refuge area shall extend a minimum of 4' clear behind the ramp, and 8'on both sides of the edges of the ramp. Crosswalks are marked typically under the following conditions: 1. At signalized intersections;or 2. At designated school crossings;or 3. At locations approved by the Engineer. Curb Bulb-Outs Curb bulb-outs are required at all intersections where the street cross section at the intersection includes shoulders, on-street parking, or curb lanes wider than 12 feet.The Engineer will determine where curb bulb-outs are installed. Curb bulb-outs will generally be installed to minimize pedestrian crossing distances, define on-streets parking lanes, and provide traffic calming and reduced vehicle turning speeds. Intersection Turn Lane Vehicular Storage lntersection turn lane storage shall be a minimum of 501When a traffic study is required by the City, the turn lane storage shall be designed on the basis of the 95th percentile queue length during the PM peak hour for 20-year forecast volumesThe analysis shall use computer analysis software such asTrafficware's Synchro or PTV's Vissim, or approved equal as approved by the engineer. All roundabouts will be analyzed using Sidra Solutions Sidra software. lntersection Drainage lntersections should be designed to avoid the sheet flow of water across the intersection of all streets classified as arterial and collector streets. Where practical, runoffwater should be carried under the intersection via catch basins and storm drains. Storm water shall be collected prior to a curb ramp and shall not be allowed to pool or puddle in front of or within a curb ramp'Where appropriate the use of low impact development design and materials to handle storm water is encouraged. 6-21 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 6.6.1 6.6.M 6.6.N 6.6.O 6.6.P I ntersection Rig ht-of-Way Requ irement The right-of-way requirements for intersection approaches may be increased for special intersection elements such as raised median channelization, multiple left-turn lanes, exclusive and/or right turn lanes, turn lanes to accommodate large wheel base vehicles, bus pullouts, etc. I ntersection/Driveway Sight Triangle Requi rements lntersection/driveway sight triangle will be evaluated based upon the current edition of the AASHTO A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. See Standard Plan 6-52.Sight distance requirements for each approach will be those indicated in the appropriate table in the latest edition.The City may allow mixed-use developments to use wider sidewalks to accommodate sight lines at intersections on a case-by-case basis. I ntersection Channelization lntersection turn islands (right-turn islands) shall be constructed with raised curbs onlywhen the resulting island encompasses an area of at least 100 square feet (exclusive ofthe area removed for pedestrian curb ramps), or if at least two of the sides of the island are a minimum of 15'long.The curbing shall be offset at least 2'from the right edge ofthe through travel lanes, and at least 4'from the left edge of the rightturn lane.The curb shall be combined curb and gutter in all new installations and pre-cast concrete mountable curb sections in all retrofit installations. A minimum radius of 2'shall be used for the island noses, Landscaping should not be installed in right-turn islands. The preferred surfacing materials shall be 4"thick section of broom-finished concrete or a 3'thick surface of asphalt concrete. Stamped colored concrete may be approved by the Engineer on a case-by-case basis, provided it is not used in a pedestrian pathway portion of the island. Divisionalcenter medians (used between left-turn lanes and opposing traffic lanes) shall be a minimum of4'wide with a total length equaling the length of the left turn storage, opening length and turn pocket transition length. Curbing for the median shall be combined vertical curb and gutter. Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic signal controller cabinets, when installed as a part of a signal installation, shall be installed so that the door to the cabinet opens towards the intersection whenever possible. A clearance of 7'shall be provided from the face of curb to the controller cabinet. Poles shall be located no more than 5; as measured to the pole centeriine, from the edge of the nearest curb ramps on that quadrant of the intersection with accommodations for ADA accessibility to all pedestrian crossing buttons. See Standard Plan 6-38. Railroad Crossings for New Construction Adjacent driveways shall be located at least 1O0'from any railroad crossings 6-22 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.6.Q 6.6.R measured from the centerline of the track to the nearest edge of the driveway. lntersections shall not be located within 200'of a railroad crossing, measured from the centerline of track to the nearest intersection curb return' At those locations where this separation cannot be provided, special traffic control measures may be required to be installed in the individual approaches to the intersection. Such measures may include, but not be limited tg the installation of the applicable railroad crossing warning signs, median barriers, and the installation of traffic signals interconnected to automatic crossing protection devices. Where the crossing is immediately adjacent to the intersection, the Engineer may require special intersection design and crossing protection to enhance the safety of vehicles traveling through or turning at the Intersection. Sight distance requirements for the railroad crossing will be those indicated in the appropriate table in the latest edition of the AASHTO Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. All removable obstructions shall be removed or relocated from the defined sight triangle, except for warning signs, luminaire poles, or other officially established traffic control devices.Where these sight distance requirements cannot be met because of pre-existing, or non{emovable obstructions (buildings, for example) automatic crossing protection shall be installed. lntersection Geometric Design Every intersection shall be designed to accommodate the design vehicle appropriate for the lesser classified street forming the intersection. All elements of the intersection, including turning lanes medians, and island' shall be designed so that the design vehicle will not encroach onto curbs, sidewalk, traffii control devices, islands, center mediant or encroach into the travel lanes of opposing flow traffic. Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams TheVehicle Maneuvering Diagrams (VMD) shall clearly show the outermost and innermost wheel paths and vehicle overhangs of the specified design vehicle using the intersection for entering or leaving a project site, traversing the site, backing into a dock, or otherwise maneuvering for delivery.TheVMD shall show the design vehicle using the curb lane in multiple lane roadways or driveways to enter and leave the site. TheVMD shall show that the appropriate design vehicle wheel paths/vehicle overhangs are without encroachment into: 1. An opposing lane of traffic in a public street.The outside wheel paths shall be at least f inside the curb or edge of outside traffic lane when entering and exiting the site on a2- or 3-lane street. 2. An opposing lane of a two-way driveway. Adjacent wheel paths of entering and exiting design vehicles should show at least 3'of minimum separation within drivewaYs. 6-23 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.7 3. Any parking stalls. No design vehicle wheel path shall be within 3'of any required Parking stalls. 4. Areas outside of the reinforced concrete driveway approach apron and protected driveway throat.The inside wheel paths for entering and exiting design vehicles should be at least 3'inside the reinforced concrete driveway aPProach aPron. TheVMD shall show required minimum protected driveway throat lengths prior to exiting the development, and shall show that no portion of the minimum throat length will be within the driveway aisle abutting required parking stalls. All commercial and industrial project sites shall provide a throat tengtl-r adequate to accommodate the volume and type of vehicle utilizing the site, so as to prevent the backup of anyvehicles into the adjacent street, Sites which will experience more than 1,000 vehicles per peak-hour, and sites with a heavy percentage of truck traffic will require a tralfic study documenting the minimum protected throat length to accommodate the expected queue. TheVMD shall clearly identiry the applicable design vehicle(s) used to prepare theVMD.The applicable design vehicle shall be based on the typical delivery vehicle serving the site as approved by the Engineer' See the Standard Plans 6-l0l through 6-105 for turning movements radii associated with the various design vehicles. When no specific design vehicle is specified for a development, the appropriate design vehicle shall be the BUS-40 design vehicle.The BU5-40 design vehicle is used for service vehicles such as garbage truck, and fire truck. BRIDGE CROSS SECTION Bridges shall be structurally designed to WSDOTStandards.The street section across a bridge or major culvert shall remain as shown in the Standard Plans with the exception thatlurn lanes, planter strips and utility strips may not be required' Turn lanes shall be reduced using the MUTCD taper formulas and a 15'taper will be required for pedestrian sidewalks or multi-use trails to bring the sidewalk adjacent to the curb and eliminate the planter strip. All tapers shall occur offof the bridge or culvert structure. All utility systems shall be in steel casings and placed between the structural beams using approved hangers so that piping is hidden from view. No carrier lines, casings, or conJuitswill be allowed on the outside of the structural beams. All known utilities and future upgrades shall be accounted for in the design. ln addition, two (2)4'and two (2) 2"diameter conduits and one (1) B'diameter steel casing shall be installed for future use. Design of the utility system hangers shall be for a full pipe condition for all utilities crossing a bridge. 6-24 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.8 6.9 STREET MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION Median channelization may be required to be installed as a part of any project.ln general, median channelization will not be required or approved for local residential streets or for arterial streets where the resulting median would be less than 600'long, inclusive of any turn lane storage area. Exceptions may include the gateway entrance into development or installation of median channellzation at intersections to prevent left-turn access into oroutof properties in the immediatevicinityof an intersection. Median channelization must be at least 4'wide in order to accommodate any necessary traffic control devices and/or street lights. Approval of the installation of medians will be made bythe Engineer. Design plans which inciude median installation must be accompanied by an access plan for the impacted properties.This access plan shall denote the ownerships, uses of the directly impacted propertiet and the resulting changes to the access to and from these properties. lf median channelization is required and approved with landscaping on residential collector and residential street5 the landscaping must be maintained by the homeowners association or other responsible entity or parties including all benefited property owners and a landscape maintenance agreement with the City will be required. All costs of maintenance including irrigation shall be the responsibility of the homeowners.The maintenance agreement will include the responsibility to maintain adequate sight distance for vehicular traffic, and shall be recorded with the County Auditor's Office.Type lV landscaping shall be provided including an irrigation system with separate meter per Standard Plan 3-15, All plantings shall not restrict sight distance of the vehicles using the street at plant maturity. The landscaping shall not include large rock, boulders, or other fixed obstructions. Street trees shall be selected from the approved street tree list shown in Appendix A. Placement of landscaping shall be such that adequate sight distance, per these Standards and AASHTO requirements, will be mainrained. All landscaped medians shall be provided with fully automatic, underground irrigation systems. No left-turn access break in a'tontinuous"center median island will be permitted within the intersection spacing limits as shown in Section 6.6.8. CUL.DE-SAC/HAMMERH EAD STAN DARDS Provisions for vehicle turnarounds must be made for either temporary or permanent non-through street conditions.The minimum radius for a cul-de-sac shall be 451as measured from the center of the cul-de-sac to the face of curb.The maximum cross section profile grade for a cul-de-sac is 6 percent. Cross grades greater than 2 percent may only be used when the existing topography exceeds I0 percent in profile grade. See Standard Plan 6-18. A hammerhead turnaround may be permitted if: . The street is a private street and is more than 1 5o'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street to its most distant point 6-25 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CO NSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT . The street is a public street that will be extended in the future parking and driveways are not allowed within a turnaround. See Standard Plan6-21. The maximum length of a non-through street, either permanent or temporary, shall be 600'measured from the centerline of the connecting street to its most distant point. 6.10 FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS Fire apparatus access roads are required to serve all buildings that have exterior walls located more than 15o'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street.The distance is measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building that a firefighter would take, and does not allow topographical or property separation conditions that would make it impossible to advance hose lines to the proposed building along that route. Fire apparatus access roads may also be required to serve properties such as wrecking yards, lumber yardl parking lots and similar uses on lots where structures or buildings may not exist. Allfire apparatus access roads shall be a minimum of 20'in width and shall have an unobsrructed height of no less than 'l3L61The width of the road will be increased to support aerial fire apparatus and hydrant operations' The minimum inside turning radius forfire apparatus access roads is 30'and a minimum outside turning radius of 501 Any fire apparatus access road in excess of 15O'from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting street may be provided with a turnaround at the end meeting the requirements of section 6.9 Cul-de-sadHammerhead standards. Fire apparatus access roads must be designed for 30-ton loading, capable of supporting emergencyvehicles on an all-weather basis.This means that it must have a firm gravel base with hot mix asphalt concrete pavement or cement concrete pavement above the gravel base, and it must be designed so that it will not deteriorate under adverse weather conditions and frre vehicle tralfic. Installation of underground structures under or within '10'of fire apparatus access roads shall be designed using the fire department's load criteria that shall accommodate the loading of fire department aerial apparatus' The maximum profile grade for paved surface fire apparatus access roads is 12 percent, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Marshal. Structures that have access at 12 percent profile grade or greater are required to have sprinkler systems per NFPA standards. Paved fire apparatus access roads for structures may be accepted up to a maximum profile grade of 15 percent when all structures have sprinklers' 6-26 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The fire apparatus access roads must be constructed prior to the construction of combustible portions of the building, or the storage of combustibles on non-building lots. Variances to these fire apparatus access roads standards may be made at the sole discretion of the Fire Marshal and the Engineer according to Section 1'17 Design Variances. 6.11 ROADSIDEAPPURTENANCES 6.11.A Mailboxes Mailboxes shall be located as approved by the US Postal Service and the Engineer in accordance with Standard Plan 6-70 and WSDOT Standard Plans H-70.10-01 and H-70.20-01. Both the Postmaster and the city require that the location of community mailboxes and the number of units be shown on the Project Plans. Mailboxes along the edge of all arterial streets shall be a'break-away"design meeting the crash test criteria of NCHRP 350. Single units shall be mounted per WSDOT Standard Plan H-70.'10-01. Multiple mailbox units shall be mounted on a commercially available tubular support system designed to function in either a break-away or bend-away basis. See Standard Plan 6-70.When mailboxes or mailbox clusters are installed in a sidewalk the sidewalk shall be constructed Per Standard Plan 6-40. prior to the final placement of any mailbox support, the postmaster for the local area shall be contacted and given the opportuniry to field veri! the final location for accessibility. Additional mailbox reference tools are available at, and WSDOT Standard Specifi cation 9-32. The use of concrete filled metal pipe for mailbox support, or the use of horizontallyframed wooded members to support multiple mailboxes is prohibited. 6.11.8 Fencing or Pedestrian Rail permanent chain linktype fencing or pedestrian rail shall be required for pedestrian protection, as well as protection against unauthorized entry for, but not limited tg the following: 1. All City owned and operated facilitiet including but not limited to: pump stations, wells and sewage lift stations. Security fence shall be 6'high vinyl coated (black). See Kent Standard Plans 5-22 and 5-23' 2. Adjacent to a slope 2:1 and steeper ditch, bridge, retaining wall, or other permanent facility where the lowest elevation of the facility is greater than 6-27 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.11.C 6.11.D 6.11.E 30"below the finished elevation of the pedestrian facility. Fencing or railing as required shall be a minimum of 3-5'high where protection of pedestrian is required. 3. All fencing shall conform to Kent Standard Plan 5-22 and 5-23 unless otherwise required.The location of required fencing and access gates shall be shown on the plans. 4. ln no case shall two (2) chain link or wood fences be placed parallel and less than 5,from each other. For example, fences for a rock wall cannot be placed within 5'of a fence for a subdivision boundary, yard or storm detention facility. Approved safety railing may be used in lieu of fencing, as approved by the Engineer. 5. Pedestrian Railstandard Plan6-41is required atthe backof allsidewalk with a vertical drop greater lhan2'4". Structurat Retaining Walls and Rock Facings Structural walls over 2'in height shall contain an aesthetic surface treatment approved by Planning Services. Examples would be a natural stone finish, keystone type walls, or ecology blockwith aesthetic natural stone finishes. No outward facing perimeter walls over 3'in height will be allowed within perimeter building setback. No structural wall shall be allowed over 8'in height, except adjacent to public right-of-way. ln no case shall a mechanically stabilized retaining wall utilizing straps or webbing extending under a public street or within rightof-way be allowed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Rock facings may be used for the protection of cut or frll embankments up to a maximum height of 4'above the keyway in stable soil conditions, where no significant foundation settlement or outward thrust upon the walls. Rockfacings and rockwalls shall be constructed in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications. See Standard Plans 660 through 6-63' Guardrail All guardrail installations shall be designed peTWSDOT Design Manual and the associated traffic banier details within Section C of the WSDOT Standard Plans. For Pedestrian Rail see Section 6.1 '1.8, Bus Stops Bus stops and bus turnout lanes must be provided at those locations designated by the Engineer and King County Metro Transit. The pavement section for bus pullouts and bus turnout lanes shall be 6-28 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT constructed to the requirements ofWSDOT Standard Plans for Bridge Approach Slabs.The bus pullouts shall be at least 12'in width. Bus pullout designs shall be consistent with transit agency plan requirements' Bus turnout lanes shall be provided where bus queuing or staging is required by the transit agencies operations. 6.11.F ConduitforFutureCitYUse Conduit shall be provided behind the sidewalk for future fiber optic communication. One (1) 4'diameter Schedule 80 PVC conduit shall be provided at the back of sidewalk and at least one (1) handhole per property and/or building. Conduit shall be provided the length of the property and shall have a handhole provided at the property line for future connections.Tracer wire and pull rope shall be placed inside all conduit installations. 6.12 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES The following standards shall apply to all traffic control devices: 6.12.A Traffic Signs The Developer shall provide alltraffic control signs including, but not limited to, street name signS regulatory signs (including'stop1 speed limit signs,'no parking"signs), warning signs, and barricades, as required by the Engineer, based on the approved Engineering Plans. All traffic control signs shall conform to the standards of the latest edition of the MUTCD as modified byWSDOT. Alltraffic control sign installations shall conform to the location and placement standards noted in MUTCD and shall include the appropriate pavement markings. 6.12,8 Pavement Markings The location of the required pavement markings shall be shown on the Engineering PIans, and must be approved by the Engineer. All pavement markingg including, but not limited tq pavement striping, raised pavement markers, and delineators shall be installed as a part of all projects. The location and quantity of the required pavement markings shall be shown on the plans for all street classifications. See Standard Plans 6-73 through 6-81. pavement markings shall be in accordance with the most current edition of the WSDOT Standa rd Specifi cations. Paint shall only be used when applying the following applications: Long duration temporary pavement markings 6-29 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Painted curbs Type A (Liquid Hot AppliedThermoplastic) plastic material shall be used when applying the following pavement markings. . Plastic Crosswalk Lines . Plastic Stop Lines Type B (Pre-Formed Fused Thermoplastic) plastic material shall be used when applying the following pavement markings. . Plastic Bike Lane Symbols . Plastic Speed BumP Markings Type D (Liquid cold Applied MethylMethacrylate) plastic materialshall be used when applying the following pavement markings' . Profiled Plastic Lane Lines . Plastic Flat Long Lines . PlasticWide Lane Lines . Plastic Bike Lane Lines . ProfiledPlasticDoubleYellowCenterlines . Profiled PlasticTwo-Way LeftTurn Lane Lines . PlasticTraffrc Arrows . PlasticTrafficLetters . Plastic Railroad Crossing Markings Painted striping and curbing paint shall be installed using LowVoc solvent Based Paint meeting the requirements ofWSDOTStandard Specifications Section 9-34. Type A plastic material shall be 8C2000 series or approved equal meeting the requirements of section 9-34 andthe following requirements.Type A plastic materials shall be capable of being applied at a temperature between 375'F to 450"F (190"C to 230"C) and to the required thickness without excessive 6-30 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESI GN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT overspray, running or deformation of the edges.Type A plastic materials shall be capable of bearing traffic within 5 minutes after application, 1 0 minutes when pavement surface temperature is at or above 130'F (54'C), and show no deformation or flaking at temperatures between -10"F to 140"F (-23 'C to 60K)' The marking compound shall contain glass beads and shall have top dressing of glass beads applied. Type B plastic material shall have glass beads homogeneously blended throughout the material with a securely bonded protruding exposed layer of beads that provide immediate and required retroreflectivity. No additional glass beads shall be needed to be dropped on the material during application to obtain the required retroreflectivity. Type D plastic material shall meet the requirements ofWSDOT Standard Specification Section 9-34. Glass beads shall be as recommended by the material manufacturer. MMAX AREA MARKINGSWITH CORUNDUM (Type D - Liquid Cold Applied Methyl Methacrylate with Corundum) plastic material shall be used when applying the following pavement markings. Plastic Bike Lane Lines applied in sidewalk Plastic Bike Lane Symbols Plastic Green Bike Lane Green bike crossing All other pavement markings installed in sidewalla and pedestrian pathways for the purpose of directing cyclists. MMAX AREA MARKINGS WTH CORUNDUM shall meet the requirements of Section 8-22.3(4). No glass beads are required. MMAX AREA MARKINGS WITH CORUNDUM is designed to meet the non-slip requirements needed for cyclist and shall be mixed and installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's specifrcations conforming to the following requirements: Materials used to create MMAX AREA MARKINGSWITH CORUNDUM ShAII consist of MMAX AREA MARKING Pre-pigmented Methyl Methacrylate Resin, MMAX AREA MARKING hardwearing aggregate and catalyst. MMAX AREA MARKINGS are available through Ennis-Flint, or an authorized distributor of Ennis-Flint. MMAX AREA MARKING's will have the following performance properties: 6-31 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Density 18.5 +/- 0.5 Lbs. / Gallon Solids >99o/o ASTM D2205 Build Thickness 90 +/- 10 Mils VOC <100 Grams/Liter Pot Life -15min AASHTOT23T SKid >60 ASTM E3O3 Hardness 50-60 ASTM D2240 Water Absorption <0.2570 ASTM D570 Keep materials in dry, protected area' between 4o"F to 80"F. Keep out of direct sunlight and protected from open flame. Finished Color: E-F Bike Lake Green orWhite as specified in the contract plans. Resin: Resin shall have the following properties: Density 12.8+/-0.35 Lbs/Gal Tensile >2000 Psi ASTM D63B Elongation >70o/o ASTM D63B Flash Point >50"F / 10'C ASTM Dl 310 Resin must be supplied in compliant metal pails that have uN1A2Y1 .9/100 rating. Aggregate: Hardwearing Aggregate shall be provided by the manufacturer and will have a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale. Aggregate shall be a neutral, light color that will not affect the color of the finished product, and will have a mesh sizing of 24Grit. Aggregate must be supplied in25.5 +/- lbs. (1 1.7 +/- 0.23k9) pre-packaged bags or pails. 6-32 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT Catalyst: catalyst shall come in a powder form and be supplied in bulk at the maximum usage rate of 0.51 +/-0.2lbs (0.23 +/ 0.09 kg) per mixed pail of resin and aggregate. Application: Ambient and surface temperature for installation shall be between 40-100'F, and should be 5'F above the dew point temperature with less than 75%o relative humidity. clean the intended application area thoroughly. All loose particles, dirt, sand dust, etc. must be removed. Broom and use a power blower or compressed air.The surface must be clean, dry and free of all dust, oil, debris and any other materialthat might interfere with the bond between marking and the surface to be treated. All concrete curing compounds shall be completely removed from concrete surfaces prior to installation by shot blasting or grinding. Existing concrete surfaces shall be wire brushed, but may require shot blasting or grinding dependent on conditioni Clean areas containing chemical contaminants such as vehicle fluids, using a degreasing solution, and ensure removal of contaminants and degreasing solution well in advance of the application. Existing pavement markings that are to be left in place, utilities, drainage structures, curbs and any other structure within or adjacent to the treatment location shall be masked to protect from application. Existing pavement markings conflicting with the surface treatment must be removed by grinding or water blasting. Extra care must be taken to thoroughly remove the dust and debris caused from grinding. lnstalled pavement marking must be 100% cured, which will be a hardened solid state, before opening the marked area to traffic. Typically, MMAX AREA MARKINGSWITH CORUNDUM material applied to new HMA pavement requires a pavement cure period of 15 days and MMAX AREA MARKINGS WITH CORUNDUM material applied to new Portland cement concrete pavement requires a pavement cure period of 30 days. Raised Pavement Markers shall meet the requirements ofWSDOT Standard Specifi cation Section 8-09.2. All materials shall be selected from material listed in the Washington State Department ofTransportation qualifi ed product list (QPL). The Engineer may require different material from those listed above to coincide with Kent maintenance practices. 6-33 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT 6.12.C Construction Area Traffic Control The Developer shall be responsible for providing and maintaining all traffic control devices and flag persons required for maintaining public safety and traffic control in construction areas. No work may begin until a traffic control plan has been submitted and approved by the Engineer.Traffic control plans must be prepared by a licensed Professional Engineer or a certifiedTraffic Control supervisor in accordance with wsDoT and MUTCD Standards.Traffic control shall be maintained at all times when construction is in progress on all streets and alleys in the construction area. Prolect signs shall be installed bythe Contractor when required on City projects. Construction activities on arterial streets are only permitted between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:30 PM., unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 6.12.D Traffic Signal Systems Installation of traffic signal systems shall be required based on the warrants established in the latest edition of the MUTCD. Approval of any particular project will be conditional upon assurance of financial participation in, or actual installation o[ the signal system where prolected traffic volumes indicate that the traffic volume warrants will be met;or, where the prolected operation of an interseclion in an unsignalized configuration will be at or below a level- of-service'Ej'Financial participation or construction of the traffic signal shall be based on the percentage of traffic from the development versus the total traffic volume from the street of connection to the development. ln any event, the Engineer shall approve the participation level based on this criterion. One (1)4'and two (2) 2"diameter PVC Schedule 80 conduits with pull ropes terminating in Type 2 junction boxes shall be installed under each leg of the intersection for future tralfic signal installation, as required by the Engineer. Any damage to traffic signal systeml detection loops, and/or interconnect cables shall be repaired and restored to operation within five (5)working days. lf not completed within the stated time frame, the City may choose to complete the repairs at the Developer's cost. Costs shall include all labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, materials, and any other associated charges.The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. 5.13 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS ON PUBLIC RI6HT'OF'WAY Landscaping within the right-of-way in planter strips or behind sidewalk shall be provided by all new subdivisions and short subdivisiont commercial/industrial projects or any other development which impact new public streets or abut existing public streets. 6-34 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.13.A Landscaping Standards The Developer shall design and construct the required landscaping as follows; Street trees shall be required on all streets.The approved street tree list is provided in Appendix A.This list is subject to periodic updating bythe City. see standard Plan 6-55 for planting details. All landscaping in the planter strips or behind the sidewalk shall be in accordance with Kent City Code 15.07. 2. Required landscape areas shall be provided with adequate drainage. All new landscape areas shall incorporate soil amendments as follows:the uppermost twelve (1 2) inches of soil shall be tilled and two (2) inches of composted material shall be fully incorporated into the tilled soil;or to specifications as otherwise provided in the Stormwater Management Manual ofWestern Washington, Department of Ecoloqy, dated August 2012, or assubsequently amended. Compaction of landscaping areas from vehicles and heavy equipment shall be avoided after tilling. 3. Maintenance of landscaped areas, including irrigation systemt ornamental plantings and other landscape elementt on right-of-way shall be the responsibiliry of the abuning property owner or homeowners association unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 4. Permission by the Engineer shall be required before any plant may be planted or removed from right-of-way. 5. Plant location and spacing must meet all sight obstruction requirements. Plantings shall not obstruct the visibility of any fire hydrant or traffic control device.The street trees may be spaced at irregular intervals in order to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways, intersections or traffic controldevices. 6. Street trees shall have a minimum clearance of B'over pedestrian ways and 14'over streets at maturity. Street trees shall be centered a minimum of 3' from the back of curbs and 2'from sidewalk unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. See Standard Plan 6-52 and 6-54. 7. Tree grates shall be required for all street tree plantings in the Downtown Overlay District. 6-35 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8. Temporary irrigation systems may be required forthe minimum 2-year establishment period. g. The street trees shall have a minimum 1 .5"to 2.5"caliper measured 6-12 above the root crown at the time of planting. All trees shall be container- grown, balled and burlap or tree bag unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. No bare root trees will be allowed. 10. The minimum tree pit size in a tree well shall be 4x 4'minimum. 1 1 . All plant materials shall be inspected and approved by the City prior to installation. 12. All new landscape areas shall incorporate soil amendments as established in Kent ciry Code 15.07.040 and the KSWDM., 6.13.8 Landscaping Maintenance Requirements 1. A maintenance agreement shall be signed prior to engineering plan approval, as described in Section 1.15.1, stipulating the minimum maintenance and quality standards. Landscaping shall be maintained in a safe, healthy, and attractive manner during the 2-year plant establishment period. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and litter, and material maintained in good growing condition. 2. Regular monthly maintenance procedures for April 1 through october 1 shall be as follows: . Litter pickup . Mowing turf . Edging turf . Weeding planting beds . Sweeping of sidewalk . lnigation of all plant materials . Fertilization as needed per manufacturer's specifications . Pruning to required heights and widths . Pest and disease control 3. During the 2-year maintenance period, if any portion ofthe landscaping dies, the Developer shall replace the plant material within thirty (30) 6-36 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.14 days of notification. lf the landscape material is not replaced within the specified time period, the city may use whatever portion of the required assignment of funds pursuant to section 1 .12.C needed to replace the dead landscaping. lf the remaining assignment of funds is not enough to cover the costt the City will initiate collection against the financial guarantee.The city may use either city employees or private contractors to complete the work. STREET ILLUMI NATION SYSTEM A street lighting system meeting these Standards shall be provided by all new subdivisions and short subdivisions, commercial/industrial projects or any other development which constructs new public streets or abut existing public streets. The illumination system shall include energy efficient luminaires and shall conform in all respects with the technical requirements of these Standards, the WSDOT Standard Specifications, IESNA, National Electrical Safety Code, and the National Electrical Code. Street light system installations which do not meet the requirements of the National Electric code will not be accepted. See standard Plans 6-86 through 6-92. These street lighting criteria and guidelines apply to all public street lighting systems. All costs for prr.hatu of materials and installation of the street lighting system shall be borne entirely by the DeveloPer. Should property owners with private streets decide that they want street lights, the City shall review their lighting design for concurrency with these Standards. Street light designs not meeting these Standards will not be accepted bythe City' All public street classifications shall have street light systems owned and operated by the City except for systems on residential streets if they are owned by Puget Sound Energy' The Developer shall design and construct the system to these Standards. See Section '1.7.84 Street Light Plans for design submittal requirements. 6.14.A Street Lighting Criteria and Guidelines The calculated street light spacing shall be decreased by 107o.This is to account for future relocations of street lights for revisions to existing or new driveways and similar improvements after the street lighting system is installed. The face of curb overhang by a street light luminaire with a mast arm shall not be less than 2i Street trees can significantly interfere with the efficient lighting of streett and shall not be permitted within 30'of any street light on arterial streets or within 6-37 EXHIBIT A 2A21, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.14.8 20'on residential streets. See Standard Plan 6-54. Where street trees and street lights have a conflict the street tree shall be placed at the back of the sidewalk and not deleted. Street light criteria based on street widths and roadway classifrcations are provided in Table 6.4 below. Table 6.4 Private street intersections and gathering areas shall be lit to public residential street lighting standards. Light levels between these areas can be less than resideniial street light requirements, but in no case can the light level exceed residential requirements. see Table 6.6 for typical spacing requirements. Street Light Luminaires Only Ael Autobahn Gardcq Phillips, Lumec, and King 1 1BR street light luminaire fixtures shall be used in all City-owned street light systems, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer The Gardco Gullwing 6'l B and Lumec luminaires are to be used exclusively within the Downtown Overlay District. Only Lumec luminaires may be used on all residential streets. The only pre-approved street lighting luminaires are as follows: For LED Equivalent of the 400Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBM H MVOLT R3 Nt P7 For LED Equivalent of the 250 Watt HPS Luminaire: Roadway Classifi cations Typical Min lMounting Heights (ft) Typical Lamp Wattage Required Max. Unifor mity Ratio (avqlmin lux) Desired Max Uniformity Ratio(max/ min lux) Required Average Maint'd Footcandles Principal Arterials 40 400 6:1 1.5 Minor Arterials 40 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 lndustrial collector Arterials 40 250 3:1 6:1 1.0 Residential Collector Arterials 40 200 3:1 6:1 1.0 Commercial/lndustrial Streets 40 200 3:l 6:1 03 Residential Collector Streets l4 /0 4.1 NA o.7 Residential Streets 14 70 6:1 NA OA 6-38 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT Other street lighting luminaires may be submitted for approval, PROVIDED that they possess the same serviceability characteristics as the pre-approved models, and the submittal is accompanied by photometric calculations showing that they are photometrically equivalent to the approved products. ATBM DMVOLTR3 NL P7 For LED Equivalent of the 200Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBM C MVOLT R3 NL P7 For LED Equivalent of the t 00Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBS E MVOLT R3 NL P7 For LED Equivalent of the 100Watt HPS Lumec DSX Luminaire: S56C 1 _55W32 LED4K-R_ACDR.LE3_240_5FX-FN 1 -GN8TX For LED Equivalent of the 100Watt HPS King Luminaire: K1 1 BR-82PR_III_60_55L.1 042-1 20.K1 B.PEBC.SST-GN-#1 1. All luminaires shall have: a.LED equivalent to high pressure sodium lamps; b. 120/240volrs; c. Luminaire efficacY rating (LER); d. Type lll IES light distribution; e. Cobra head or Gullwing fixtures shall be provided with a flat glass lens and cutoffoptics;and f Post top fixtures shall be provided with no less than semi-cutoffoptics. These fixtures shall have the capability of being retro-fit to no uplight, zero light above the 90 degrees vertical plane in the future.The retro- fit shall be in the form of a decorative feature that can be added on top of the fixture. lt is encouraged that only post tops with cutoff or full cutoffoptics be used.ln addition, posttops shall minimize light glare for drivers (vertical light between 72 degrees and 90 degrees vertical) 6-39 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.All lamps for street light systems shall be LED equivalent to high pressure sodium lamps (HPS) with a rated service life at 10 hours per start equal to 24,000 hours and shall have a clear frnish.These LED lamps shall also meet one o[the lollowing criteria: Table 6.5 Lamps (Watts) HPS Equivalent Min. Initial Lumens 70 6,400 100 9,500 150 16,000 200 22,000 250 28,000 310 37,000 400 s0,000 The maximum calculated voltage drop shall not exceed 5 percent per circuit. All privately owned street lighting systems shall provide a contact service cabinet or separate load center. New public street light systems, with no load center within 1,0001 shall provide a 1O0A to '150A load center sized to meet the circuit requirements. Cabinets shall have a photoelectric control mounted on top. Residential street systems owned by Puget Sound Energy are not required to have service cabinets installed. Conduits and wiring shall be provided from the load center to the property edges for future connection into the street light system. Street Light Standards All street light standards (poles) used in City owned street light systems are shown below. AII others must be approved bythe Engineer on a case-by-case basis. 1. Hapco Series 21 and Series 22 aluminum street light standards and mast arms 6.14.C 6,40 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BtIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2, Valmont Series 21 and Series 22 aluminum street light standards and mast arms 3. ltems 1 and 2 above are pre-approved products. All others require written approval of the Engineer prior to ordering.When completing gaps or extending existing streei light systemt the poles shall be the same as the existing poles. 4.Pedestrian poles in the Downtown overlay District shall be made from one piece of seamless 4"round tube of extruded aluminum with a wall thickness of 0.125" decorative base cover and polyester powder coat finish, Lumec model APR4F-12-GY-LBC3-GN8, color Dark Forest Green, 5. Breakaway couplers for street light standards shall conform to PrecisionForm, lnc. Model PFI 200-1A Coupler or approved equal' 5.14.D Street Light Calculations When street lighting systems are designed according to these Standards and the criteria provided herein, no additional documentation or calculations will be required. Should an alternate system which does not follow these criteria be proposed, calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval.The supporting documentation and calculations will include, and consider, the following elements: 1. Existing street light characteristics, and/or the location of street intersections along the streets being improved. 2. The mounting height and the bracket or arm length. 3. The street lighting system configuration 4. The luminaire, IESNA light distribution pattern (IESNA electronic file shall be called out), and lamp used, including initial lumens. 5. The light loss factor (LLF) used in calculations. (LLF = 0,76 unless otherwise approved by the City) 6. The maximum illumination, the minimum illumination, and the average illumination. 6-41 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.15 7. The uniformiry ratiosfor: avg lux/ min lux;and for max lux/ min lux. B. The curb overhang for luminaires located on the outside of streets in feet, and/or the curb overhang for luminaires located within medians in feet. 9. The width of the median(s) in feet. 10. Street tree information, including, but not limited to, spacing/ location within medians and along the outside of streets. 1 1 , Voltage drop calculations for each circuit. Street Light Criteria Table 6.6 Principal Arterial Streets Str€et Layout Mounting Height (ft) , Spacing !''! (ft) LED Lamp (Watts) Maximum Uniformity Ratio(Avg/ Min) Maximum Uniformi- ty Ratio (Max/Min) lllum Level End-oflife (ft-candles) Min CenterlinePole setbackfrom face of curb (ft) Fixture Type Standard 7-Lanet 80' width 40 272(2R_SrGl 400/164 3:l 6:1 1.5 3.5 Cobra- head With Bike Lanes,90' width 40 240 (2R STG)400/164 3:l 6:l 1.5 Cobra- head Standard 7-Lanes,80' width 40 276 (2R_OPP)400/164 3:'l 6:1 1.5 Cobra- head With Bike Lanes, 90' width 40 240 (2R_OPP)400/164 3:l 6:1 1.5 Cobra- head 6-42 EXHIBIT A 2A21, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Minor Arterial Streets I ndustrial Collector Arterial Streets Residential Collector and Arterial Streets - 2 or 3 Lanes Street Layout Mounting Height (ft1 ' Spacing 1i'3 (ft) LED Lamp (Watts) Max Aver: Minimum Uniform Ratio Max: Minimum Uniform Ratio lllum Level End-of-life (ft-<andles) Min Centerline Pole setbackfrom face of curb (ft) Fixture Type Standard s-Lanes,58' width 40 340 (2R_STG)400/164 3:l 6:1 1.5 3.5 Cobra- head With Bike Lanes, 68' width 40 308 (2R STG)400/164 3:l 6:1 1.5 Cobra head Standard s-Lanes,58' width 40 223 (2R_OPP)250/95 3:l 6:l 1.5 Cobra- head Wth Bike Lanes, 68' width 40 200 (2R oPP)250/95 3:l 6:1 1.5 Cobra- head Street Layout Mounting Height (ft1 ' Spacing'i (ft) LED Lamp (Watts) Max Aver: Minimum Uniform Ratio Max: Minimum Uniform Ratio lllum Level End-of-life (ft-candlesl Min Centerline Pole setback from face of <urb (ftl Fixture Type Standard 44' width 40 240 (2R_5TG)250/95 3:1 6:'l 1_0 3.5 Cobra- head Standard 44' wldth 40 1 88 (2R,STG)200/81 3:l 6:1 1.0 Cobra' head Street Layout Mounting Height (ft)' Spacing 1''? (ft) LED Lamp (Watts) Max Aver: Minimum Uniform Ratio Max: Minimum Uniform Ratio lllum Level End-of- life (ft-candles) Min Centet- linePole set- back from face of curb (ft) Fixture Type Standard 3d width 40 280 (2R sTG)250/95 6:.1 1.0 3.5 Cobra- head With Bike Lanes 46' width 40 240 (2R_STG)250/9s 3:l 6:l 1.0 Cobra' head 6-43 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Layout Mounting Height (ft) Spacing t2i (fr) LED Lamp (Watts) Max Aver: Minimum Uniform Ratio Max: Minimum Uniform Ratio lllum Level End-of-life (ft-(andles) Min Centerline Pole setback from face of curb (ft) Fixture Type Standard 58'Minor Arterial 35/14 175/14 (2R_51- o2R_OPP) 250/70 3:1 6:1 3.5 Gullwing/ I umec DSX Standa rd 40'Res. Col. Art. 3s/1 4 238/14 (2R SrG/2R OPP) 2s0//0 3:1 6:1 1.0 Gullwing/ Lumec DSX Bike Lane 50'Res. Col. Art. 35/14 200/14 (2R_sTG/2R_ OPP) 250/70 3:l 6:l 1.0 Gullwingr' Lumec DSX Standard 40'Local Comm. 3s/1 4 238/14 (2R_STG/2R OPP) 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.0 Gullwing/ I umec DSX Bike Lanes 50'Local Comm. 35/14 200/14 (2R_STG/2R- OPP) 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.0 Gullwing/ Lumec DSX Downtown Overlay Streets 4 lndustrial / Commercial Street - 2 or 3 Lanes Residential Streets 6 Footnotes: "spacing"is the spacing between street lights on the same side of the road' Street Layout Mounting Height (ft)' Spacing t''? (ft) LED Lamp (Watts) Max Aver: Minimum Uniform Ratio Max: Minimum Uniform Ratio lllum Level End-of-life (ft-candles) Min Centerline Pole 3etback from face of curb (ft) Fixture Type Standard 32' width 2s4 (2R-STG)200 3:1 6:'l 0.8 3.5 Cobra- head With Bike Lanes 42' width 35 228 (2R SrG)200 3:l 6:1 0.8 Cobra- head Street Layout Mounting Height (fr) Spacing (ft) LED Lamp (watts) Max Aver: Mini- mum Uniform Ratio Max: Mini- mum Uniform Ratio lllum Level End-of-life (ft-candles) Min Centerline Pole setback from face of curb (ft) Fixture Type Standard 28'width (r 4.0)1 05 (32)(70)6:1 NA OA 3 (Lumec DSX) Standard 32'width (14.0)eo (31 )0a)6.1 NA 0.4 3 (Lumec D5X) 6,44 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESI GN & GONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2. 2R-STG - Street lights on both sides of the street with a staggered configuration. 3. 2R-OPP - Street lights on both sides of the street with an opposing configuration. 4. Downtown Overlay District street lighting is a combination of both Gullwing and Lumec DSX street lights. As determined by Kent Economic and Community Development Department the first number refers to the Gullwing street light Kent Standard Plan 6-88 and the second number refers to the Lumec DSX street light Kent Standard Plan 6-87. 5. Mounting height increases by 6"when breakaway couplings are used or required on Hafco style Poles. 6. post top fixture light standards are detailed on Standard Plan 6-87. PRIVATE STREETS private street intersections and gathering areas shall be lit to residential street light standards. 6.16 PAVEMENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION When existing public streets are required to be improved or widened by the City, the Developer may use the existing asphalt pavement surface as part of the required minimum pavement depth and width.The improved street shall have a remaining service life of twenty (20) years.The Developer shall cold mill (grind) and overlay, at a minimum depth of 21 one half of the street fronting the development unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.The improved pavement section may consist of all new pavement or a portion of existing pavement and new pavement overlay to achieve the required remaining service life of twenty (20)years. pavement analysis and design shall be consistent with Part ll and Part lll of the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, latest edition, and the pavement analysis report shall provide all of the necessary information required by the design guide. In addition to the pavement analysis and design discussed above, the completed street improvement shall provide a 2 percent transverse side slope from the existing centerline crown point. When the existinq crown location does not coincide with the required street centerline, or the 2 percent transverse side slopes of existing pavement are not available, the Developer is required to grind and provide an asphalt overlay at a minimum depth of 2' to achieve the 2 percent transverse side slope' prior to construction of the asphalt overlays, any failed pavement sections within the 6-45 EXHIBIT A 2O2I DESIGN & CO NSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT improvement limits will also be removed and permanently patched by the Developer according to the requirements of these Standards. See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. When an existing asphalt pavement is used, the Developer shall remove by saw cut at least the outer 1'of the existing asphalt pavement to provide a strong and straight edge for the new asphalt to match.The actual outside line for this asphalt pavement removal will be determined on-site by the Engineer to ensure that all inadequate and failing pavement is removed. When an asphalt overlay occurs adjacent to an existing concrete curb and gutter, the Developer is required to install the new asphalt pavementflush with the existing curb and gutter. The Developer will do this by cold milling (grinding) a minimum 4'wide strip of pavement immediately abutting the concrete curb and gutter.The minimum depth of this grinding shall be 2'and shall leave a minimum 2'of existing pavement in place. Should there be less than 2"of remaining asphalt pavement, the Developer shall remove and replace the outer 4of asphalt pavement. When the surface of the existing street pavement is determined, by the Engineer, to be too rough or irregular, the Developer shall provide an asphalt overlay, cold milling, or a combinition of the twg to provide an acceptable riding surface for the improved public street. 6.16.4 6.16.8 Pavement Design See the Standard Plans for detailed pavement design information and minimum pavement sections. Portland cement concrete streets may be considered as an acceptable alternative to asphalt concrete streets for most street classifications. Specific approval by the Engineer is required prior to design of concrete streets. Porous pavements may also be considered for low traffic volume private residential streets and driveways. Porous pavement is a permeable paving material which allows stormwater to percolate through the pavement to the gravel base.The pavement consists of a uniform, open-graded coarse aggregate, cemented together with either concrete or asphalt. Water reaching the gravel base either infiltrates into the soil or is routed to the conveyance systems via underdrains.The Developer must sign a maintenance agreement with the City confirming that the development will be required to bi-annually vacuum sweep the pavement surface followed by a high pressure wash' Pavement Construction All pavement construction shall be in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications except as modified herein. When asphalt concrete is placed in lifts, tack coat in accordance with the wsDoT standard specifications shall be used unless the lifts are placed on the same day, and approved by the Engineer. 6-46 EXHIBIT A 2A21. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BIIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ln areas where soft subgrades require stabilization, approved geotextile fabric and/or soil stabilizing may be used. lmported ballast material may also be necessary. No paving shall begin prior to the approval of the mix design by the Ciry Submit mix design verification certifications to the City for approval.The following are acceptable certification forms. WSDOT Mix Design Evaluation Report from the currentWSDOT QPL; Proposed HMA mix design on WSDOT Form 350-042 with the seal and certification (stamp & signature) of a valid licensed Washington State Professional Engineer; or Mix Design Report for the proposed HMA mix design developed by a qualified City or County laboratory that is within one year of the approval date. Use of additives that reduce the optimum mixing temperature or serve as a compaction for producing HMA are not allowed without prior authorization by the City, Use of materialtransfer device orvehicle (MTD/V)will be required for the final lift when the length of paving is at least 1000 feet long' '1. Arterials HMA Class y2'PG 58V-22 meeting the wsDoT standard specifications shall be used.The minimum number of ESAB for the design and acceptance of the HMA shall be 1 1 million. 2. Non-Arterials H MA Class Vz' PG 58H 22 or 58V -22 meeti n g th e WS DOT Sta nda rd Specifications shall be used.The minimum number of EsAllsforthe design and acceptance of the HMA shall be 5 million. 6.16.C Materials Certifications and Compaction Tests All construction activities shall meet the materials certifrcations and compaction testing requirements on theWSDOTStandard Specifications and the WSDOT Construction Manual. Compaction tests shall be performed by an approved geotechnical or testing firm under the direction of a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Washington under contract with the Developer. Copies of the reports shall be furnished to the lnspector. 6-47 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6.17 ALL UTILITIESWITHIN CITY RIGHT.OF.WAY Utility systems to be located within existing and proposed right-of-way shall be constructed in accordance with cunent franchise and/or permit requirements, and in compliance with these Standards.ln their use of the right-of-way, utilities will be given consideration in accordance with the traffic-carrying requirements of the street which are, namely, to provide safe, efficient and convenient passage for motor vehicles, pedestrians, birycles, and other transportation uses. Aesthetics shall be a consideration. Underground installation of electric and telecommunication utilities will be strongly encouraged, particularly in urban development. Utilities are subject to City codes and policies relating to drainage, erosion/sedimentation control and sensitive areas as set forth in the Chapter 5 of these Standards and the City's current Surface Water Design Manual' placement of permanent structures or objects for franchised utilities that block ready access to City utilities and the connected appurtenances shall not be allowed, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer' It is the responsibility of the Developer to verifl7 the location of all existing and proposed underground and aerial utilities prior to design.The Developer shall coordinate the design with the respective utility.Those existing utilities in conflict with any of the project street improvements shall be relocated at the DeveloPer's expense. All properties adjacent to a new street shall be provided with water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and private utility service in such a manner as to avoid future street improvements and the associated disruptions to traffic. The number and location of service"stub outs"to be installed shall be based upon the lot configuration of the properties adjacent to the proposed street improvements. All overhead electrical and/or communication utilities shall be placed underground if the criteria for undergrounding are met per the requirements of the Kent City Code 7,1 0. All permits for new placement and replacement of existing utility poles, and other utility system structures above grade, shall be accompanied by written certification from the utility's Professional Engineer or from an agent authorized by the utility.They must certiry that the installations conform to these Standards, and that the proposed work is in conformity with sound engineering principles relating to highway safety. Standard Utility Locations Within the Right-of-Way Utilities within the right-of-way on new streets, or on streets where existing topography, utilities or storm drains are not in conflict, shall be located as indicated below.Where existing utilities or storm drains are in place, new utilities shall conform to these Standards as closely as practicable and still 6,17.4 6-48 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARD S PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT be compatible with the existing installations. Above-ground utilities located within intersections shall be placed so as to avoid conflict with placement of curb ramps and signal poles. Mains and service connections to all lots shall be completed priorto placing of surface materials. ln any case, underground utilities shall be located such that its excavation does not impact retaining wall and bridge support structures. 1 . Gas and Water Lines: a. Curb and gutter section: Preferable: 'l .5'back of curb, or at distance which will clear root masses of street trees if these are present or anticipated. Otherwise: ln the street as close to the curb as practical without encroachment into the storm drainage system. b. Designated side of centerline: GAS: Preferable south and west. WATER: Preferable north and east. c. Depth:36"minimum coverfrom finished grade, ditch bottom or naturalground. 2. lndividual water service lines and side sewers shall: a. Be placed with minimum 24" cover per Standard Plan 3-10 from finished grade, ditch bottom or natural ground. b. Use right-of-way only as necessary to make side connections. c. For any one connection, do not extend more than 60'along or through the righrof-way, or the minimum width of the existing right- of-way. d. Water meter boxet when placed or replaced, shall be located per the requirements of Section 3 of these Standards. 3. Sanitary sewers: a. In general,5'south and west of centerline;depth 36"minimum cover from finished grade ditch bottom or natural ground' b. Side sewers shall be provided to all adjacent lots or parcels. 6-49 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT c. Side sewers shall be placed perpendicular to street centerline. d. Existing parcels with potential for future development based on the existing zoning shall be provided with a minimum S"diameter pipe from the manhole to the cleanout at the riqht-of-way line at the lowest point adjacent to the main along the parcel frontage. 4. Force main sanitarY sewers: ln the case of individual sanitary sewer service lines which are force mains, the pipe shall: a. Be a minimum 2"inside diameter; or as required by the utility to maintain internal scouring velocity. b. lf nonmetallic, contain wire or other acceptable proximity detection features;or be placed in a cast iron or other acceptable metal casing. c. Be placed with minimum 36'cover from finished grade ditch bottom or natural ground, within 10 degrees of perpendicular to street centerline, and extend to right-of-way line. d. Bored under street, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Sanitary sewer and water lines shall be separated 10'horizontally and 1.S'vertically in accordance with the latest edition of DOEs Criteria for SewageWork Design. See Kent Development Sections 3'6.8,4.4.E,and 41.8 for additional explanation. f Gravity systems, whether sanitary or storm drainage, shall have precedence over other systems in planning and installaiion, except where a non-gravity system has already been installed under previous approved permit and subject to applicable provisions of such permits or franchises. 5. Utilities: Electric utilitie5 power, telephone, cable W, fiber optic conduit: Shall be underground with 36"minimum cover, either side of street, under or behind the sidewalk at plan location and depth compatible with other utilities and storm drains. Otherwise, every new placement and every replacement of existing utility poles and other utility system structures above grade shall conform to the following: e 6-s0 EXHIBIT A 2A21 DESIGN & CO N STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT Utiliry poleg traffic signal poles or other approved essential roadside obstacles may be placed within the right-of-way, and shall be as far back from the traveled way or auxiliary lane as practicable.When allowed, they shall be located as follows: a. On shoulder-type or mountable curb streett installation of new or relocated poles or obstacles shall be located behind existing ditches and in accordance with the criteria in this section and standard Plan 6-50. Placement of a guard rail or traffic barrier between the traveled way and the pole or obstacle shall not satisflT this requirement, unless the guard rail or barrier already exists for other purposes and the pole provides a minimum of 3.5',separation from the barrier.Variances will be considered only when other reasonable alternatives do not exist. b. On vertical curb-type streets with a speed limit less than 40 mph, poles or above grade or vertical obstacles shall be placed clear of sidewalk and at least 10'from face of curb to face of obstacle in commercial/business areas and in the planter strip at 3'from face of curb to face of obstacle in residential areas. On urban streets with speed limits of 40 mph or greater, hazardous objects shall be placed as close to the right-of-way line as practicable, and a minimum of 10' from the edge of the traveled way, face of curb or edge line to the face of obstacle and in accordance with Standard Plan 6-50. c. Notwithstanding other provisions regarding pole locations described in these Standards, no pole shall be located so that it poses ahazard to the general public. Utilities shall place and replace poles with primary consideration given to public safery Existing utility poles in locations that do not comply with these Standards that are damaged through vehicle collision, shall be considered ahazard by the City and be relocated bythe utility, at their expense, in accordance with these Standards. Additionally, existing utiliry poles that do complywith these Standards and are damaged through vehicle collision more than three (3) times in any 10-year period shall be relocated bythe responsible utiliry as approved by the Engineer, at their expense. d. Every effort shall be made to meet these Standards during emergency replacement of existing utility poles and other structures. After a pole has been replaced, all utilities sharing that pole shall have a maximum of 30 days to relocate their facilities to the new pole and remove the old pole. 6-51 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT e. The above constraints on pole and obstacle location will not apply to locations not accessible by moving vehicles,'Breakaway Structures" whose break-off resistance does not exceed that of a single 4"x 4' wood post or a 1.5'standard (hollow) iron pipe, or to"breakaway"fire hydrants insta I led according to man ufactu rer's specifi cations. f For franchised utility permits, the utility must request any variance from pole and obstacle clearance criteria in accordance with section 1.17 Design Variances. Up to three (3) contiguous damaged or weakened poles may be replaced at existing locations in accordance with emergency procedures. However, sequential permits resulting in continuous replacement of a pole line shall not be allowed. A pole or other obstacle, which incurs repeated damage from errant vehicles, shall be relocated outside the clear zone. See Standard Plan 6-51 . g. Locations of poles shall also be compatible with driveways, intersections, street trees, underground utilities, and other street features (i.e., they shall not interfere with sight distances, street signing, traffic signals, culvertl etc.). To the extent possible, utilities shall share facilities so that a minimum number of poles are needed' h. Where street uses leave insufficient overhang, anchor, and tree- trimming space for overhead utilities, additional easements and/or right-of-way may be required to accommodate the utilities.The costs associated with additional easements and/or rightof-way for this purpose shall be borne by the Developer, utility, builder, or other party initiating the improvement.The associated cost of relocating the utility system shall not be borne bythe City. i. Notwithstanding other provisions, underground systems shall be located at least 5'away from the street centerline. Additionally, the underground systems shall not disturb existing survey monumentt unless there is no reasonable alternative. See WAC 332-120for additional requirements. 6,17,8 Utility Underground lnstallations All hard surface street crossings shall be jacked or bored. Exceptions will be on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Engineer.The currentWSDOT standard specifications, sections 7-08 and 7-08.3(3) will generally apply, unless otherwise stated. 1 . New Street Construction, Reconstruction and Widening: a. Cuts on traveled waY: 6-s2 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT When approved, the open cut shall be a neat-line cut made by saw cutting a continuous line.Trench sides shall be kept as neadyvertical as possible. Compaction and restoration must be done as detailed below and immediately after the trench is backfilled, so as to cause least disruption to traffic.The asphalt or cement pavement shall be cut a minimum of 1'beyond all edges of the trench. See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. On crossings required to be opened to traffic, and prior to finaltrench restoration, steel plates shall be installed by the contractol as directed by the Engineer. b. Cuts parallel and traverse to street alignment: The entire trench backfill depth must meet 95 percent of the maximum density compaction as determined bythe compaction control tests described in Section 2-03.3(14)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Also reference Section 24 and 2.5 of these Standards. Regardless of trench depth, the backfill material shall meet the requirements for gravel borrow per Section 9-03.1 4(1 ) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. When the material remaining in the trench bottom is unsuitable, the excavation shall be continued to such additional depth and width as required by the lnspector' After backfill and compaction, an immediate hot mix patch shall be placed and maintained in good drivable condition acceptable to the Engineer. On asphalt pavement, a permanent hot mix patch the same thickness as the existing asphalt or a minimum of 3l whichever is greater, shall be placed and sealed with a paving grade asphalt within seven (7) calendar days on arterial streets and in the downtown area overlay, and within thirty (30) calendar days on all other streets. Cement concrete pavement shall be restored in accordance with Section 5-05.3(22) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications within the same time parameters stated above. Backfill material outside the street prism may be the excavated material as long as it is free of wood waste, debris, clods and/or any rock exceeding 6" in any dimension and meets the compaction requirements of Section 2-03.3(14)C of theWSDOTStandard Specifications. 2. Existing Streets: a. Cuts on traveled way: 6-53 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT All hard surface street crossings shall be jacked or bored. No cuts in concrete roadway allowed without approval of Engineer Exceptions will be on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Engineer, if it can be shown that boring is not feasible due to conflicts or soil conditiont or unless the utility system, including drainage structuret can be installed just prior to reconstruction or overlay of the street by a City Capital lmprovement Project. When approved, the open cut shall be a neat-line cut made by saw- cutting a continuous line.Trench sides shall be kept as nearlyvertical as possible. compaction and restoration must be done as detailed below and immediately after the trench is backfilled, so as to cause least disruption to traffic.The asphalt or cement pavement shall be cut a minimum of 1 'beyond all edges of the trench. See Standard Plans 614 through 669. b. Cuts parallel to street alignment: In cuts parallel to the street alignment, the entire trench excavation and restoration shall meet the requirements of Section 6.17.8:b of these standards.The restoration shall include, but is not limited tg repairing all failures and cracking of the paved surface, repairing failures caused by the construction activity, rebuilding the cross slope to uniformiry and overlaying the area where the pavement was removed. c. Cuts transverse to street alignment: 1)Without exception, the entire trench shall be backfilled with CSTC meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.9(3) or controlled density fill (CDF) meeting the requirements of Section 2-09'3(1 )E of theWSDOTStandard Specifications. Backfillshall be placed and compacted mechanically in 6'lifts to 95 percent of the maximum density as determined bythe compaction control tests described in Section 2-03.3(1 4)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. lf the capability can be demonstrated, based on compaction equipment or quality of backfillto achieve 95 percent density in thicker lifts, the depth of backfill lifts may be increased up to 1:2) After backfrll and compaction, an immediate hot mix patch shall be placed and maintained in a drivable condition acceptable to the Engineer. On asphalt pavement, a permanent hot mix patch the same thickness as the existing asphalt or a minimum of 2'lwhichever is the greater, shall be placed and sealed with a paving grade asphalt within seven (7) calendar days on arterial streets and within the downtown area overlay, and within thirty (30)calendar days on all other streets. 6-54 EXHIBIT A 2O2T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Cement concrete pavement shall be restored in accordance with Section 5-05.3(22) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications within the same time parameters stated above. d. Pavementrestoration For pavement restoration see 6.16.A and Standard Plans 664 through 6{,9. 6J7.C Final Adjustment of Utility Facilities All utility system covers which are located on proposed asphalt streets, shall be temporarily placed at subgrade elevation prior to placing crushed surfacing material. Final adjustment of all covers and access entries shall be made within thirty (30) days of final paving, following final paving as follows: 1. Saw-cutting of the pavement around lids and covers. Opening should not be smaller than I 2"and larger than 1 B'beyond the radius of the cover. 2. Removing base material, surfacing course, and frame;adding raising brick and grout; replacing frame and cover matching the finished profile grade of the surrounding pavement. Final adjustment of all covers and access entries shall be completed within thirty (30) days of final paving, and prior to final inspection outlined in Section 2.2.AJ1of these Standards. 3. Fill and mechanically compact material around the structure and frame with crushed surfacing material or ATB to within 8"of the top. 4. Fill around the structure and frame with B"minimum thickness of reinforced cement concrete Class 4000. 6-55 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMFNT 6.18 6.18.4 6.18.8 6.18.C 6.18.D 6.18.E Final Cleanup ln addition to restoration of the of the street as described above, the responsible Developer shall perform cleanup of adjacent areas in compliance with Sections 1-O4.11and 8-01 in theWSDOTStandard Specifications' ln particular: Streets Streets shall be cleaned and swept, both during and after the installation work' The contractor shall remove any track-out material by the end of the work day, when the material causes a safety issue, or when required by the Engineer. Disturbed Soils Disturbed soils shall be finished graded, seeded and mulched after installation of utilities. In limited areas, seeding and mulching by hand, using approved methods, will be acceptable. Ditch Lines Ditch lineswith soil susceptibleto erosion and subjectto rapid flows will require seeding, matting, netting, check dams, or rock lining to control erosion. Downstream Drainage Any silting of downstream drainage facilities, whether ditches or pipe and catch basins, which results from the construction activity shall be cleaned out and the site restored to a stable condition as part of site cleanup. Temporary Control Materials and Fencing Remove all temporary erosion and sediment control materials and fencing and dispose of properly, when authorized by the Engineer. 6-s6 EXHIBIT A 2A21 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.19 Roadway Design Standards Table 6.7 D€slgn Param- eter Arterial Roadways Collector Roadways Local Roadways Prlncipal Minor Arterial Residentlal lndustrlal/ Commetcial Street Resldentlal Street Prlvate Streetslndu3trialResldential Standard Plan I 6 2,6-3 63 64 65 66 67 6 11,6 12 6-15 Desiqn Capacity (ADT) 30,000- s0,000 20,000- 30,000 < I 5,000 <5,000 <3,500 5,000- t 0,000 <1,000 <90 Design Speed (mph)'35 60 35-45 30 35 30-35 30-35 30 35 )5 25 lntersection Spacing b 26N'I 300'600'600'300'300'200'200' lntersection Tan- gent r 1 50','r 50'1 00'r 00'I 00'1 00'50't0' Gradient Maximum 9o/o 12o/o 12Vo 12%12%120,6 120/0g 15Vo 1 Gradient Minimum 0.30o/o 0.300/o 0.300/o 0.300/o 0.3070 0.30o/o 0.300/o 0 300/o De3lgn Paramet€r Arterlal Roadways Collector Roadways tocal Roadways Principal Mlnor Arterial Resldentlal lndustrlall Commerclal Str€et Resldential Street Prlvate Streett lndustrlal Residential Curb Return Radius 6 35 35',35',35',25'35',25')o'8e Geometric Design Vehicle WB-40 WB-40 w8-62 BUS-40 BUS-40 W8-62 BUS-40 BUS-40 Driveway Corner Clearance /300')o0'1 00'1 00'I 00'50'20'20'8.e Dwy to Dwy Sepa' rationro 300'200'200'200'50't00'l0't0' 6-57 EXHIBIT A 202']. DESIGN & CON STRUCTI O N STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT Deslgn Speed (mPhl'l 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 I\4in. horizontal cu tvarwe fo( 60/0 Stopping Sight Distance, radius (f0 (max allowable on arterials) " 275 380 510 650 835 1,065 1,340 Stopping sighl distance (ft)200 250 305 360 425 495 570 I ntersection/DrivewaY sight distance (ft) Right turn movement Ir 290 335 385 430 480 530 575 Left turn movement (to cross l lanel tln 33s 390 445 500 555 610 665 Passing sight distance (ft) for 2 lane streel 1 090 1 280 1474 1625 r 835 1 985 2135 Vertical Curve Length (Open Road Conditionsl* 'K'sag (min) r5.16 37 49 64 79 96 It5 136 Table 3-36 AASHTO 'Green 8mk' 'K'crest (min)rr 19 29 44 61 84 lt4 151 Table 3'34 AASHTO "Green Book" Table6.8 Arterial and Collector Streets Design Values Length ofVert Curve (L) Ft Where'K= Rate ofVertical Curvature = Algebraic Difference (A) 7o * Only road conditions consider vehicle headlights only. See note I6 where street illumination is Provided. 6-s8 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS P tJ BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT Deslgn Speed (mph) I 25 30 Min. horizontal curvature for normal crown section, radius (ft)rar8 180 330 Stopping sight distance (ft)155 200 lntersection/Driveway siqht distance Right turn movement (ft) e )40 290 Left-turn movement (to cross I lane) 'o I 280 335 Table6.9 Local Streets Design Values FOOTNOTES FOR TABLES 6.7,6.8 AND 6.9 1 . The horizontal widths may be increased to accommodate bio-swales, special mid-block or intersection geometric configurationt and bus turn-outs. 2. The design speed is equivalent to the posted speed plus 5 mph. 3. Distance is measured from the Point of Curb Return (PCR) to the centerline Point of Curvature (PC) or Point ofTangent (PT). 4. The design maximum of 9 percent for streets classified as principal arterials is based upon criteria from theWSDOT.This design maximum may be exceeded for routes not anticipated to be reclassified as State Highways, or for which no practical/economic alternative exists. 5. Street gradients that exceed 12 percent, up to the design maximum of 15 percent, must be approved by the Fire Marshal. Approval may include the requirement that fire suppression tpiinkl.r tyit.rt be installed in all residential structures that have their sole access from that street. 6. At the intersection of two dissimilarly classified streets, the larger curb return radius shall be used.Two-centered or three-centered curves should be used on oblique angle intersections, or in order to accommodate a WB-62 vehicle. Distance is measured from the near side of the driveway to the ultimate location of the PC.R. of the adjacent intersecting street. City approval of driveways within this buffer zone may be contingent upon driveway geometrics that restrict turns to either right-in or right-out only. Reciprocal access agreements with the adjoining property owners may also be required as a condition of location apProval. Residential driveways shall be a minimum of 5'from the nearest edge to the property line. 7 8. 6-s9 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT g. On a case-by-case basis in cul-de-sacs, driveways will be allowed with less than a 10' separation. ,l0. For parcels adjacent to a traffic signal, 300'shall be used unless a traffic study demonstrates that the intersection area of influence is less than 3001 'l 1. The superelevation rate may be increased with the approval of the Engineer. superelevation rates of 0.06 should not be exceeded on routes that are anticipated to have significant truck traffic in the travel stream, or on streets that are anticipated to have on-street parking permitted. Superelevation should not be used on local residential streets. '12. Intersection/driveway sight distance shown is for a stopped passenger vehicle to turn right onto a wvo-lane roadwaywith grades of 3 percent or less.The time gap used in calculation of the right turn sight distance is 6.5 seconds. For other conditions the time 9ap must be adjusted and required sight distance re-calculated. (See AASHTO'A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets'). 'l 3. lntersection/driveway sight distance shown is for a stopped passenger vehicle to turn left onto a two-lane roadway with no median and grades of 3 percent or less.The time gap used in calculation of the left-turn sight distance is 7.5 seconds. For other conditions the time gap must be adjusted and required sight distance re-calculated. (See AASHTOA Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets'). ,14. On multi-lane roadways: For left-turns onto a two-way roadways with more than two (2) lanes, add 0.5 seconds for passenger cars and 0.7 seconds for trucks to the time gap for each additional lane from the left, in excess of one, to be crossed by the turning vehicle' ,l5. The rate of vertical curvature'Kvalue derived from the length of vertical curve per percent change in the algebraic diflerence of the adjacent grades are based on design values listed in AASHTO'5? Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streetsj'AKA"The Green Bookj' latest edition. '16. The AASHTO'passenger comfort curve'for sag curve design, where the length of the sag curve is determined by the equation below is an acceptable alternative if adequate supplemental street illumination is provided. ('A"= the algebraic difference in roadway longitudinal gradientt'V'= Design Speed) A xV2 L- 46.5 17, For residential streets with lower design speedS this value may be reduced upon approval by the Engineer. Superelevation and upgraded street drainage may be used to reduce this minimum. 18. For'll'or 90 deqree turnt the centerline radius can be reduced to 551 6-60 EXHIBIT A 2A21 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Pt] BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 19. See Standard Plan 6-1 lntersection Geometry Reference for more information' 20. Distance is measured from center of intersection to center of intersection. 6-61 EXHIBIT A 2021" DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DIPARTMENT This Page lntentionally Left Blank 6-62 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CON STRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6.20 STREET SYSTEM STANDARD PLANS I ntersection GeometrY Reference Principal ArterialStreet 7 Lane Section Principal Arterial 5 Lane Section and Minor Arterial Street lndustrial Collector Arterial Street Residential Collector Arterial Street" Residential Collector I ndustrial / Commercial Local Streets Downtown Overlay Minor Arterial Street Downtown Overlay District Boundary Map Downtown Overlay Residential Collector Arterial Street Downtown Overlay I ndustria l/Commercia I Local Street Preliminary - Naden Ave from Meeker St toWillis 5t Residential - Parking One Side Local Street Residential- Parking Both Sides Local Street Public Residential Half-Street Alley Private Street Porous Pavement Cross-Section Street Median Standard Cul-de-Sac Bulb on Residential Street Urban Eyebrow on Residential Street Typical Elbow on Residential Street Standard Hammerhead Private Street Only Temporary Cul-de-Sac Intersection Landing Traffic Calming Traffic Circle Sheet 1 of 2 Traffic Calming Traffic Circle Sheet 2 of 2 Traffi c Calminq GatewaYs Traffic Calming Residential lntersection Neckdowns Traffi c Ca I m i ng Arterial/Residentia I I ntersection Neckdowns Traffic Calming Chokers Traffic Calming Speed Cushion Sheet 1 of 2 6-1 6-2 6-3 64 6-5 64 6-7 6-B 6-8a 6-9 6-1 0a 6-1 0b 6'11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-1 5 6-16 6-17 6-1 B 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24a 6-246 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29a 6-63 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMFNT 6-29b 6-29c 6-29d 6-29e 6-30 6-3',] 6-32 6-33 6-34 6-35 6-36 6-37 6-38 6-39 6-40 6-41a 6-41b 6-41c 6-42 6-43 6-44 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 6-51 6-s2 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-56 6-s7 6-sB Traffic Calming Speed Cushion Sheet 2 of 2 Traffic Calming Raised Crosswalk Sheet 1 of 3 Traffic Calming Raised Crosswalk Sheet 2 of 3 Traffic Calming Raised Crosswalk Sheet 3 of 3 Traffi c Calming Raised I ntersection Bike Route Trail Cement Concrete Curbs Curb and SidewalkJoint ExamPle Expansion and Contraction/Control Joints Downtown Sidewalk Downtown Overlay District Crosswal k Curb Ramp Locations Cement Concrete Sidewalk End Transitions SidewalkThickened Edge and Raised Back of Sidewalk Pedestrian Railing Sheet 1 of 3 Pedestrian Railing Notes Sheet 2 of 3 Pedestrian Railing Base Plate Details Sheet 3 of 3 Residential Cement Concrete Driveway Approach Commercial Cement Concrete Driveway Approach Industrial Cement Concrete Driveway Approach Depressed Sidewalk Alternate Drivewayor Private Road Approach Private Street Approach Serving 9 Lots or Less Joint Use Driveway Tract Driveway Slope Example Site Plan Clear Zones Clearance of Roadside Obstacles for Utilities on Existing ShoulderType Road I ntersection/Driveway Sight Tria n g le Pedestrian Sight Lines StreetTree Locations Tree in Planter Sidewalk Bollard with RecePtacle Not used Minor Fills Around Trees 6-64 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6-s9 640 641 642 6-63 6-64 6{5 6-66 6-67 6-68 6-69 6-70a 6-70b 6-70c 6-71a 6-71b 6-72a 6-72b 6-73 6-74 6-75 6-76 6-77 6-78 6-79 6-80 6-81 6-B2a 6-B2b 6-B2c 6-82d 6-83 6-84 6-85 6-86 Cuts or Fills Around Trees Walls in Cut Section Public ROW Walls in Fillsection Public ROW Walls Under Sidewalk Public ROW Outward Facing Perimeter Walls Flexible Pavement Patching Transverse Cut Portland Cement Pavement Patching Transverse Cut Flexible Pavement Patching Longitudinal Cut Portland Cement Pavement Patching Longitudinal Cut Not used Pavement Restoration forWindow Cuts or Pot Holing Mailbox lnstallationType 1 Sheet 1 of 3 Mailbox Installation Type 2 Sheet 2 of 3 Mailbox lnstallationType'1 and 2 Sheet 3 of 3 Roadway Barricades Sheet 1 of 2 Pedestrian Banicades Sheet 2 of 2 Standard Monument, Monument Case, Cover and Riser Alternate Diameter Monument Case Riser Typical RPM Lane Markings Typical Lane Markings Thermoplastic Crosswalk Markings Thermoplastic Arrowl Stop Bars &Only Legend Private Street Fire Lane Markings Railroad Warning Pavement Markings Typical Pavement Markings Symmetrical LeftTurn Pocket Layout LeftTurn Pocket at End ofTwoWay LeftTurn Lane Layout Sign Post lnstallationTyPe A Sign Post Base Plate lnstallation Type B Sign Post Installation For Signs GreaterThan 36'Sheet 1 of 2 Sign Post lnstallation For Signs GreaterThan 36'Sheet 2 of 2 Street Name Sign Post lnstallation Ground-Mounted Street Name Signs Mast Arm Mounted Street Name Sign City Light Standard 6-65 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT 6-86a 6-87 6-88 6-89a 6-89b 6-90 6-91 6-92 6-93 6-94 6-95 6-96 6-97 6-98 o-99 6-1 00 6-101 6-102 6-',r03 6-104 Strain Relief Detail City PostTop Fixture Light Standard Downtown Overlay District Gullwing Fixture Light Standard Light Standard Foundation and Junction Box Eccentric Light Standard Foundation and Junction Box Junction Box and Street LightWire Runs Street LightTrench for Conduit Runs Example Street Light Schedule Junction Boxes Not used Not used Service Cabinet, Concrete Base and One Line Diagram Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Base lnduction Loop Details lnduction Loop Installation Notes lnduction Loop Placement Turning Template AASHTO Type P Vehicle Turning Template AASHTO Type SU Vehicle Turning Template AASHTO Type Bus-40 Vehicle Turning Template AASHTO Type WB-62 Vehicle 6-66 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF ICENT SNOINEERINC DEPARTMENT INTERSECTION GEOMETRY REFERENCEG DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 6-1ENGINER APPROVFD DISTANCE PER "DRIVEWAY CORNER q. I I I CLEAMNCE.' SEE NOTE 1 -l/OF CURB RETURN (P.C.R.) -l - DISTANCE PER "DWY. TO DWY. SEPAMTION' SEE NOTE 1 I \ -1 DISTANCE PER ,INTERSECIION TANGENT" SEE NOTE 1 E.C, PER KDCS 6.6 DISTANCE PER "RECOVERY TANGENT' SEE NOTE 1 \ E.C. = END OF CURVE B.C. = BEGINNING OF CURVE \ \ t I KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS NOTE: 1. PERTABLES 6,1, 6.7 AND 6.8 IN THE KDCS' \ \ T B.C. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUME ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CNY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL STREET7 I.ANE SECTIONKET DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED ENGINER 6-2 2o/o 7',Uz. J =d 2. 15' l.5o/o 5'0,5' 5'WIDE PLANTER STRIP WITH LANDSCAPING PER KENT CITY coDE 1s.07.050 REQUIRED. 2Vo 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0,25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0.67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD, SPEC, 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN 15' 0.5'10'Uz, J 1,50/o 10'WIDE P.C.C. SID SEE KENT sTD. PI-AN 6-35 CURB & GUTTER SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-33 EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGRADE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4'C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF wsDor srD, sPEc, 9-33,2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECTED, 7', P,C.C. OPIIONAL FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-35 4- DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TMCER W]RE AND PULL ROPE. KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 4 II'-WIDE TMVEL LANES, 2 l2'-WIDE CURB I.ANES, AND 1 12'.WIDE TURN LANE. 2, THE 1'GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB LANE WIDTH; AND THE 0'5' CURB IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PI-ANTER STRIP WIDTH 3. ADD 14'TO STANDARD CROSS SECTION WHEN DUAL LEFTTURN LANES ARE REQUIRED ATAN INTERSECTION. STOMGE LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BY A TMFFIC STUDY. 4, A I.ANDSCAPED MEDIAN SHOULD BE USED WHERE THE CITY DETERMINES A TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN I-ANE IS NOT REQUIRED. 5. A I' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 1olo MIN' AND 20lo MAX' SHALL BE PROV]DED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE I' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0,33'OF COMPACIED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED ]N THE 1'AREA. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/o' CONSTRUCIION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN, AND 20lo MAX. 7. NEW DEVELOPMENTADJACENTTO AN ARTERIAL SHALL PROVIDE A 10' UTIUTY AND STREET LIGHT EASEMENT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 8, STREET TREES WILL BE REQUIRED BEHIND THE SIDEWALK. 9. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PI-ACE DIMENSIONS. 10, SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PI.ACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW' WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCIOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WNH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP, 11. ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250' FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 185O, 12. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT UFT SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC' 5-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 13. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTiNG ASPHALT UFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT' CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL, THE MEFT LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED, WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED ATACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTA]NED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR' LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERUP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES' TYPICAL. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELECI'RONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT KENT PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 5 LANE SECTION AND MINOR ARTERIAL STREET DFsrcNEo coll STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK- cHEct<ED COK DATE 5-5ENGIIER 1,5' I 7', 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TRACER WIRE AND PULL ROPE P.C.C. SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6.35 5'0.5' 86' 0,25' HMA PER KDCS 6,16 WEARING COURSE (MIN,) TACK COAT 0,25' HMA PER KDCS 5.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0.67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN I 3.5', L,5o/o 1O'WIDE SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-35 CURB & GUTTER SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-33 EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISNNG SUBGRADE CONDITIONS REQUIRE, SEE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTDfiILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NoN-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. 0.5'10' 2o/o 1,5o/o 5'WIDE LANDSCAPING PER KENT ctTY coDE 15.07.050 REQUIRED, KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. NOTES: 1. THE PAVEMENTWIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 l1'-WIDETMVEL I.ANES' 2 12'.WIDE CURB LANES AND 1 l2'-WIDE TURN LANE, 2. THE 1' GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB LANE WIDTH; AND THE 0.5' CURB IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP WIDTH, 3. ADD 14'TO STANDARD CROSS SECI-ION WHEN DUAL LEFTTURN LANES ARE REQUIRED. 4. ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILITIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED BICYCLE ROUTE' SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD' PLAN 6-31. 5. A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 1olo MIN' AND 20lo MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND 1' LEVELAREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33'OF COMPACI-ED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5%. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 2o/o MAJ.. 7, NEW DEVELOPMENTADJACENTTO AN ARTERIAL SHALL PROVIDE A 10' UTILITY AND STREET LIGHT EASEMENT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE RIGHT OF WAY. 8. STREETTREES WILL BE REQUIRED BEHIND THE SIDEWALK. 9. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACIED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. lO,SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BYTHE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTENILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP. ll.ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACI-ION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 1850' 12.THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REqUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. s-04'3(9), wrTH WEATHER UMITAnONS oUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 13. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECE]VE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT, ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL. THE MEEI LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR, LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MIN]MUM OF 2 INCHES, ryPICAL. EXHIBIT A ELECI-RONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOTNEERINO DEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR ARTERIAL STREETKENT oFsrcNED AaK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9 /2020DATECHECKED COK 6-4ENCINER APPROVED 66', 44 Uz J =d I I l1' l.5o/o 11' 0.5'0.5'5'5 2o/o 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0,25'HMA PER KDCS 6,16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0.67' SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN L.50/o P.C,C. SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD. PI.AN 6-35 5'WIDE PLANTER WITH 0.5' TOPSOIL OR TREE WELL' LANDSCAPE PER KENT CITY CODE 15.07.050 REQUIRED IF PLANTER STRIP. EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SO]L WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT sTD. SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2,4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECIED' 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WNH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE cuRB & GUTTER (TYP.) SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-33 KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. NOTES: 1. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 l5'-WIDE TRAVEL I.ANES AND 1 14'- WIDE TURN LANE. 2, THE 1'GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB LANE. 3. ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILITIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNED BICYCLE ROUTE, SEE THE TRANSPORTAT]ON MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD. PI-AN 6-31. 4. THIS WPICAL STREET CROSS SECTION DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR ON-STREET PARKING. 5. A 1' LEVELAREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 1% MIN. AND 2% MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3;1, 0'33' OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/0. CONSTRUCIION TOIIEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 20lo MAX. 7, ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 8. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTRACIOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP. 9. ASPHALT TEMPERATURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 225'. FINAL COMPACI-ION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 185O. 10. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT sTD. SPEC. 5.04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITANONS OUTLINED IN 5.04.3(1) CONSIDERED' 11. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUMNG ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM RruO VENTTCRL, THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED, WHEN SUCCESSFUL UFTS ARE PI.ACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORIVILY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANiCAL DISTRIBUTOR, LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES' TYPICAL. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIfi OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTIIENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ARTERIAL STREET*KENT DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANscALE NONEDRAWN COK CHFCKFD COK DATE 6-5EI{GINER 62' 35'Uz J =d ]Uz.I =d 2.s', 13'I 10'1310' SEE NOTENOTE 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) SEE KENT STD, PLAN 5-33 0.5' 2o/o 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6,16 WEARING COURSE (MIN,) TACK COAT 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN, THICKNESS OF 0.67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD, SPEC, 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORRoW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DEIERMINED BY DESIGN P.C.C, SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6.35 5'WIDE STREET D PLANTER WITH 0.5'TOPSOIL OR TREE WELL, LANDSCAPING PER KENT CITY CODE 15.07,050 REQUIRED IF PLANTER STRIP' EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISNNG SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33,2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. 5' 5' 1 1.50/o 1.. KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCfION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 |2'.WIDE CURB LANES AND 1 l2'-WIDE TURN I-ANE OR TWO.WAY LEFT TURN I.ANE' 2. THE 1'GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB I.ANE 3. ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILITIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED BICYCLE ROUTE. SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD' PI.AN 5-3I. 4. THIS TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTION DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR ON-STREET PARKING. 5. A I' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 1% MIN' AND 20lo MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED, WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1'LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33'OF COMPACIED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5%. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 20lo MAX' 7. NEW DEVELOPMENTS SHALL PROVIDE A 10' UTILITY AND STREET LIGHT EASEMENT ON BOTH SIDES OFTHE RIGHT-OF-WAY, 8. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. )f vnruv oF THEsE RoADs INcLUDE BUS ROUTES. WHERE BUS ROUTES EXIST THE DESIGN AND OR REVIEW ENGINEER SHALL CONSIDER THESE CONDITIONS AND ALLOW FORTHE LARGER BUS TURNING IVOVEMENTS AND INCREASED ROADWAY SECTIONS OR FOUNDATTONS FOR THE FREQUENT HEAVY LOAD TRAFFIC, 9. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIORTO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCTOR SHALL PLACE A NON.WOVEN GEOTENILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP 10. ASPHALT TEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPASTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACT1ON DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 1850' 11.THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 5-04.3(9)' wrrH WEATHER UMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED' 12. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUfiER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT' CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM NruO VTNNCNI THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGTTUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, fiPICAL. EXHIBIT A ELECI'RONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERING DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECTORKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-6ENCINER APPROVED 60' 36' 5' 5' Uz. =10' UTILIW & STREET UGHTING I EASEMENT ISEE NOTE 12 10' I UTILITY & STREET LIGHTING EASEMENT SEE NOTE 12 uz5 => t2' 1.50/o 0.5' 12' 5o/o rr- 2o/o 2o/o 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE cuRB & GUTTER (TYP.) SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-33 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN,) COAT 0.25'HMA PER KDCS 6.15 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN, THICKNESS OF 0,67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD. PI-AN 6.35 5'WIDE STREET STRIP WITH 0.5'TOPSOIL OR TREE WELL, LANDSCAPING PER KENT CITY CODE 15.07.050 REQUIRED IF PLANTER STRIP. EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDIT]ONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT srD. SPEC. 2-03,3(14) E OR KENT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTENILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NoN-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS. NOTES: 1, THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 l2'-WIDE CURB LANES AND 1 12'-WIDE TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE OR PARKING (NOT BOTH). 2. THE 1'GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB LANE 3. ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILITIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED BICYCLE ROUTE' SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD. PLAN 6.31 4. PARKING ALLOWED WHERE CENTERTURN LANES ARE NOT REQUIRED, NO ADDITIONAL WIDTH REQUIRED FOR PARKING' 5. A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN' AND 20lo MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED, WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33'0F COMPACIED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA' 5. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/o' CONSTRUCIION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 2% MAX. 7, ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 8. SOIL STABIUZAT]ON FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BYTHE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PI.ACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW' WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCIOR SHALL PI.ACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXI-ILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP 9, ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACNVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPERATURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 1850, 10. THE MAXIMUM COMPACIED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC' 5-04.3(9), WnH WEATHER LIMITATIoNS oUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 11, THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFIS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL, THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED, WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES' TYPICAL, 12. NEW DEVELOPMENTS SHALL PROVIDE A 10' WIDE UTILITY AND STREET EASEMENT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT TNDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL LOCAL STREETSKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN GOK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-7ENGINER APPROVED uz5 50' 32',uz. J =d L5o/o 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE WEARING COURSE (MIN.) COAT 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 5,16 LEVEUNG COURSE (MIN,) CAN BE COMBINANON OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0.67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD, SPEC, 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN. g' 2,5'l 1.50/o WIDE p,c.c, SIDEWALK, SEE KENT STD. PLAN 5-35 FOR DRIVEWAYS, SEE KENT STD. PI.AN 6.44 KENT EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISNNG SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT sTD, SPEC, 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2,4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTENILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. 9' 6'0.5' 7o/o 2o/o 5' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 !. KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. NOTES: 1. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 16'-WIDE CURB LANES. 2. THE 1' GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB I.ANE. 3, ADDITIONAL W]DTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILITIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED B]CYCLE ROUTE. SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD. PLAN 6-31 4. ADD 16'TO STANDARD CROSS SECTION WHEN ON STREET PARKING IS PERMITTED, 5. A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 1olo MIN' AND 20lo MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1,0.33'OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1'5010. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 1% MIN AND 2% MAX. 7, ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 8. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCTOR PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP. 9. ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PI.ANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLUNG AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250, FINAL COMPACNON DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MATTEMPEMTURE BEING 1950. 10.THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 5-04.3(9), WnH WEATHER UMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 11. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT' CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL. THE MEET UNES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFIS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERI.AP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, TYPICAL' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CTTY OF KENT ENOINEERINC OEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERI-AY MINOR ARTERIAL STREET DESiGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 6-8EN6INER I X\ 1.50/oL.5o/o SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-35 PLANTER STREET TREES WNH PLANTER STRIP WITH 0.5' TOPSOIL. LANDSCAPE PER KENT CITY c0DE 15.07.050 REQUIRED. 85'MIN. 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0,25'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0'67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERIVINED BY DESIGN. 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUN WNH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE UUdF P.C.C. SIDEWALK TREE WELLS SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-36 STD. EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E 0R KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECIED. (, z.oJ f ccl (9 z.oJ =dl KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRU TION STANDARDS. NOTEST 1. THIS DETAIL SHALL BE USED FOR CENTRALAVE; WILUS ST' WEST 0F CENTML AVE; SMITH ST. AND JAMES ST., SR-167 TO CENTML AVE AND 4TH AVE NORTH OF WILUS. ALSO SEE DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP 6-8A. 2. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 l1'-WIDE TMVEL I.ANES, 2 12'.WIDE CURB I.ANES, AND 1 l2'-WIDE TURN LANE' 3. THE 1'GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB LANE; AND THE O'5'CURB ]S NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP WIDTH' 4. AN 8'CLEAR WIDTH FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL IS REQUIRED ON THE SIDEWALK. 5. THE 13'SIDEWALK WIDTH CAN BE REVISED TO A 5'PLANTER STRIP AND 8' SIDEWALK, 6. ADD 14'TO STANDARD CROSS SECTION WHEN DUAL LEFTTURN LANES ARE REQUIRED AT AN INTERSECIION. STOMGE LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BY A TMFFIC STUDY. 7, ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILITIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED BICYCLE ROUTE. SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD' PIAN 6.31. 8. WHEN A ZERO FOOT SETBACK IS NOT UTILIZED' A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN AND 20lo MAX, SHALL BE PROVIDED, WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0,33'OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE I'AREA, 9. A LANDSCAPED MEDIAN SHOULD BE USED WHERE THE ENGINEER DETERMINES A TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE IS NOT REQUIRED, 10. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5olo' CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 20lo MAX. 11.ALL DEfiHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 12. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP' 13. ASPHALT TEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 1850' 14, THE MMIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC' 5-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 15. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT, ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL. THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR, LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, TYPICAL' EXHIBIT A "\DCL I ,ir i z tII Ft ME S M p RI tt,lraz isT Lrl TITlJS zoF 4Ia =\-ST NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINC DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAPKENT JFD COK - DESIC STANDARD PLANsoAl E NaNE DM DATE 6-8oENGINEN APPROVFfJ EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERI.AY RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ARTERIAL STREET KENT sEs16p69 COK STANDARD PLANscALE NoNEonlWtt CoK 6517 9/2O2OcHEatED--- ot<.- ENGINER 6-9 (,zoJ fco (,zoJ fdt 67'MIN 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0,25'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN,) BASE CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN, THICKNESS OF 0'67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN. SIDEWALK TREE WELLS, SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-36 KE 6-33 EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. u UJdF Uud.F4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE SI P.C.C.SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-35 WIDE STREET TREES WITH PLANTER STRIP WNH 0.5'TOPSOIL, LANDSCAPE PER KENT CITY coDE 15.07,050 REQUIRED. KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. FOR GOWE ST, WEST OF CENTRAL AVE' ALSO SEE DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP 6-8A' 2, THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 l2'-WIDE CURB LANES AND 2 8'.WIDE PARKING LANES. 3. THE I' GUTTER IS INCLUDED IN THE CURB LANE; AND THE 0'5' CURB IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP WIDTH' 4, AN 8'CLEAR WIDTH FOR PEDESTRIAN TMVEL IS REQUIRED ON THE SIDEWALK. 5. ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILNIES IF THE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED BICYCLE ROUTE. SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AND KENT STD. PLAN 6-31. 6. WHEN A ZERO FOOT SETBACK IS NOT UTILIZED, A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN AND 20lo MAX' SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33'OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 7. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5olo' CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN TO 20lo MAX' 8. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS' 9. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PUCEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCI-OR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTETNLE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP' lO.ASPHALT TEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT, INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250, FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 185O. 11.THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS 0F WSDOT STD. SPEC' 5-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMTTATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 12,THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT' CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM RruO VENNCRI THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED' WHEN SUCCESSFUL UFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT ]OINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES' TYPICAL' 13.5' MI 8' MI L.5o/ol.5o/o .K !- EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CNY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERI.AY r NDUSTRTAL/COMM ERCIAL LOCAL STREET t.6- DESIGNED coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED coK 6-10oENGI}IER APPPOVFD P SEE KENT STD. PI.AN 6-35 5'WIDE PI.ANTER STRIP STREET PI.ANTER STRIP WITH 0.5' TOPSOIL. LANDSCAPE PER KENT CIW coDE 15,07,050 REQUIRED, 67' MIN 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEAR]NG COURSE (MIN,) COAT 0.25'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN,) CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACiNG TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0.67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GRAVEL BoRROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN UJl!d F SIDEWALK TREE WELLS SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6.36 PLAN EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGRADE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 2-03,3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEKTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS 0F WSDOT STD, SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NoN-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. (9z.]J-d) (9 z. oJ fco o 4" DTAMETER t SCHEDULE 80 \ CONDUIT WITH \ TRACER WIRE \ AND PULL noprl uuld.F KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS. NOTES: 1, SEE DOWNTOWN OVERI.AY DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP 6-8A 2. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 I2'-WIDE LANES AND 2 8'-WIDE PAMLLEL PARKING AREAS, 3, THE 1'GUTTERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PARKING AREA; AND THE O'5' CURB IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP WIDTH. 4, AN 8' CLEAR WIDTH FOR PEDESTRIAN TMVEL IS REQUIRED ON THE SIDEWALK, 5. ADDITIONAL WIDTH WILL BE REQUIRED FOR NONMOTORIZED FACILNIES IFTHE STREET IS ON A DESIGNATED BICYCLE ROUTE. SEE THE TMNSPORTATION MASTER PI.AN AND KENT STD. PLAN 6-31, 6, WHEN A ZERO FOOT SETBACK IS NOT UNLIZED, A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 1olo MIN AND 2% MAX' SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0,33'OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 7. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE l'50/0. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 20lo MM. 8. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS, 9. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BYTHE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW, WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERI.AP lO,ASPHALT TEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACIION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MATTEMPEMTURE BEING 1850. 11.THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LiFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC' s-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTUNED IN 5-04'3(1) CONSIDERED. 12.THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTT]NG ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT' CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL, THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED' WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, TYPICAL, MIN.,l {-1 l.5o/o {N8'MIN. Itt\LKWtr_tr- -lI.5o/o EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECI-RONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCI.jMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO OEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY - NADEN AVE FROM MEEKER ST TO WILLIS ST DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN<n^r F NONEDRAWN COK DArE 9/2O2OCHECKED 6-10bENGINER APPROVFI) PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING, SEE MEEKER STREET STANDARD PLANS 1.50/o BOTH SIDES P.C.C. SI KENT STD. PLAN 6-35 LED STREET LIGHTING ON WEST SIDE, SEE MEEKER STREET STANDARD PHNS 48' 20lo 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.15 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0.25' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (I4IN.) CAN BE COMBINATION OF CRUSHED SURFACING TOP AND OR BASE COURSE MIN. THICKNESS OF 0.67' SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW WITH THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TRACER WIRE AND PULL ROPE SIDEWALK P.C,C, SIDEWALK KENT STD. PI-AN 6-35 KENT STD. EXCAVATE UNSUNABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD, SPEC' 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2'4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECTED, SEE NOTE 6 BELOW. 0.5'r- L.uo,1 LOOKING NORTH KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. THE PAVEMENT WIDTH IS MADE UP OF 2 10.5'-WIDE LANES AND 2 8'.WIDE PAMLLEL PARKING AREAS' 2, THE 1'GUTTERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PARKING AREA; AND THE O'5' CURB IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP WIDTH. 3, AN 8' CLEAR WIDTH FOR PEDESTR]AN TMVEL IS REQUIRED ON THE SIDEWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF NADEN AVE' 4. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/o' CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE l0lo MIN AND 20lo MAX. 5, ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 6. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BYTHE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW' WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTM TOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABR]C OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERIAP' 7, ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PLANT. IN]TIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPERATURE REACHING 2250, FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MATTEMPEMTURE BEING 1850. 8. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC. 5-04.3(9)' WITH WEATHER UMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 9. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM RNO VTNTICRI-, THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PI-ACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERI.AP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, TYPICAL. lO.UPON DEVELOPMENT OFTHE AREA BOUNDED BY EXISTING NADEN AVENUE ON THE WEST, AND THE PSE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE EAST; NADEN AVENUE MUST BE RECONSTRUCTED ALONG THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF THE PSE RIGHT-OF.WAY, CONNEqNNG WILLIS STREET WITH MEEKER STREET, UTILIZING A ROUNDABOUT, AND PROVIDING RIGHT-IN/RIGHT-OUT ACCESS AT WILUS STREET. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUME ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL - PARKING ONE SIDE LOCAL STREET G DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDMWN COK DATE ICHECKED 6-11 APPROVED ENGINER WiDE P,C.C. SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-35 5' AND PI.ANTER WTI-H 0.5'TOPSOIL OR TREE WELL. I-ANDSCAPE PER KENT CITY CODE 15.07.050 REQUIRED IF PI-ANTER STRIP. 0.17' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0,17'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) 0.5'CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BoRROW AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE PAVEMENT Uz. J 10' UTILITY & STREET LIGHNNG I EASEMENT| 1,s'r- 4" DIAMEIER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TRACER WIRE AND PULL ROPE CURB & GUTTER AND NOTE 2 EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE, SEE WSDOT sTD. SPEC, 2-03,3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTETTILE FABR]C MEETING THE REQUTREMENTS OF WSDoT SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRESIED. 10' I 52'. 28', Uz5 =d.UTILITY & STREET UGHTING EASEMENT 12' L.5o/o L2' 0.5's' 5'|_-rr-l | l.sqo I2o/o2o/o KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS NOTES: 1. THE 1'GUTTERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE STREET WIDTH 2. INSTALLATION OF ROLLED CURB (KENT STD. PLAN 5.33) IS RESTRICTED TO CUL-DE-SAC SE TIONS ONLY (KENT STD. PI.AN 6-18). 3. NO PARKING SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED TO RESTRICT PARKING TO ONE SIDE OF THE STREET. 4. PARKING SHALL BE RESTRICTED 15' BEFORE AND AFTER ANY FIRE HYDMNTS. 5. A 1'LEVELAREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN' AND 2% MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33' 0F COMPACIED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/o' CONSTRUCIION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 2% MAX' 7. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN.PLACE DIMENSIONS. 8. SOIL STABIUZANON FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEtrTILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP' 9, ASPHALT TEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT, INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLUNG AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250, FINAL COMPACIION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 185O. 10. THE MAXIMUM COMPA TED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT UFT SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 5-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTUNED IN 5-04'3(1) CONSIDERED. 11, THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN UFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL. THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, WPICAL, PARKING ONE SIDE ONLY INSTALL "NO PARKING SIGN" AS REQUIRED 74 l4' EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CTTY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOIN€ERING 9EPARTMENTGRESIDENTIAL - PARKING BOTH SIDES LOCAL STREET DFSIGNED COK STANOARD PLAN SCALENRAWN COK cltFct{ED coK DATE 6-12ENGINER APPROVED PARKING BOTH SIDES 18'18' 10' UTILITY & STREET LIGHTING EASEMENT SEE NOTE 7 L.5o/o P,C.C. SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-35 5'WIDE STREET R STRiP WITH 0.5'TOPSOL OR TREE WELL. LANDSCAPE PER KENT CITY CODE 15.07.050 REQUIRED IF PLANTER STRIP, 0.17, HMA PER KDCS 6.15 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0.17' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN,) 0.5'CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03,14 (1) GMVEL BORRoW AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE PAVEMENT 10' t2' UTILITY & STREET LIGHTING EASEMENT SEE NOTE 7 0.5 5'5'1.5' 7.5o/o 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT WITH TMCER WIRE AND PULL ROPE CURB & GUTTER AND NOTE 2 EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E oR KDCS 2'4.C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD, SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DIRECTED. Uz J 60' 35' Uz. J L2' 2o/o KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS. NOTES: 1, THE 1' GUTTERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE STREETWIDTH, 2. INSTALLATION OF ROLLED CURB (KENT STD, PLAN 6-33) IS RESTRICTED TO CUL-DE-SAC SECTIONS ONLY, 3, PARKING SHALL BE RESTRICTED 15' BEFORE AND AFTERANY FIRE HYDMNTS. 4. A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN. AND 2% MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33'OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 5. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1'50/0. CONSTRUCIION TOLERANCES SHALL BE 1% MIN AND 20lo MAX. 6. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 7. NEW DEVELOPMENTS SHALL PROVIDE A 10' WIDE UTIUTY AND STREET EASEMENT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. 8. SOIL STABIUZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BYTHE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW' WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTENILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP. 9, ASPHALT TEMPERATURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 AT THE DISCHARGE PLANT. INIT]AL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACIIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 225O. FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPERATURE BEING 185q, 10. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC' 5-04'3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 11. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPUED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL' THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED' WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFIS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGNUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES, TYPICAL, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT PUBLIC RESIDENTIAL HALF-STREETKENT DES|GNED coK STANDARD PIAN SCALEDRAWN COK cHFckFD COK DATE I 5-15ENCINER APPROVEO VARIABLE VARIES 20' MIN. 4'SEE NOTE 5 16' PARKING TWO SIDES re ld 0.13'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0.13'HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN,) 0,5'CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT SPEC 9-03,14 (1) GMVEL BORROW AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE PAVEMENT KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. EDGE OF PAVEMENTTO BE CONSTRUSTED AS SHOWN FOR CUT OR FILL SECTION AS APPROPRIATE. 2, STREET SHALL BE WITHIN EXISTING OR DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 2' MORE THAN THE IMPROVEMENTS. 3. A 1'AREA BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN. AND 2% MAX' SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE SIDEWALK AND 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3:1, 0.33' OF COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA' 4. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5%. CONSTRUCI-ION TOLERANCE SHALL BE 1% MIN AND 20lo MAX' 5. THIS SECTION OF PAVEMENT MAY BE ELEVATED TO DMIN TO THE NEW CURB AND GUTTER WHEN THE FAR-SIDE OF THE HALF STREET DOES NOT HAVE EXISTING DMINAGE FACILITIES' THE ELEVATED PAVEMENT WILL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WHEN THE SECOND HALF OF THE STREET IS CONSTRUCTED. 6, ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PI.ACE DIMENSIONS. P.C.C. SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-35 STREET TREES AND PLANTER STRIP WITH 0.5' TOPSOIL ORTREE WELL. LANDSCAPE PER KENT CITY CODE 15.07.050 REQUIRED IF PI.ANTER STRIP EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISNNG SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 2-03,3(14) E OR KDCS 2'4.C (LxWxD VARTES) PROVIDE GEOTETTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC, 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WoVEN AS DIRECTED. 7. SOIL STABIUZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTMCIOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTE}ITILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGRADE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP. 8. ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTTVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 1850. 9. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC' 5-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04.3(1) CONSIDERED. 10. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPUED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL. THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR, LONGNUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A M]NIMUM OF 2 INCHES, TYPICAL, 0.5'5'5, MIN l--1,5, I uz.) 1.50/o 2o/o2o/o2' OR 14' PARKING ONE SIDE6'SEE NOTE 5 P z FRO\ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY ENGINEERINO DEPARTI{ENT CITY OF KENT ALLEYKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHEcKED COK 6-14ENCIN€ffi APPROVED 20' 10' uz. J =d INVERTED 2o/o 0.13' HMA PER KDCS 6.15 WEARING COURSE (MIN.) TACK COAT 0.13' HMA PER KDCS 6,16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) O, 17, CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD, SPEC. 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORROW AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE PAVEMENT INSTALL DMINAGE WHERE NEEDED KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. REDUCED PAVEMENT WIDTH ALLOWED PER SECTION 6.2,C'2' 2, ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS. 3. soIL STABILIZATIoN FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PI.ACEMENT OF GRAVEL BORROW' WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVERTHE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP, 4, ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PI-ANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PR]ORTO THE INTERNAL MATTEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MATTEMPEMTURE BEING 1850' 5, THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REqUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC' 5-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER LIMITATIONS OUTLINED IN 5-04'3(1) CONSIDERED. 6. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT' CSS OR EQUIVALENT, ALL MEET LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERNCAL. THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED, WHEN SUCCESSFUL LIFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL D]STRIBUTOR, LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALT OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES' TYPICAL' 10' Uz.5 = 2olo EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT STD. SPEC. 2-03.3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4'C (LxWxD VARIES) PROVIDE GEOTETNLE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WOVEN AS DiRECTED. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT PRIVATE STREETrs"F"lfT DFS|GNED CoK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-15ENGINER APPROVED * SEE TABLE 1.5'* SEE TABLE 0.13' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 WEARING COURSE (MIN,) TACK 0,13' HMA PER KDCS 6.16 LEVELING COURSE (MIN.) 0.5' CRUSHED SURFACING TOP SUBBASE SHALL BE WSDOT STD, SPEC, 9-03.14 (1) GMVEL BORRoW AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE PAVEMENT PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-33.2(1) TABLE 3, NON-WoVEN AS DIRESTED, KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS NOTES: 5' WIDE SIDEWALIVPAVED WALKWAY REQUIRED THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF A PRIVATE STREET SERVING 5 OR MORE LOTS' 2. FIRE LANE MARKING PURSUANTTO 6-77 3. NO PARKING ON ETTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 15' BEFORE AND AFTER ANY FIRE HYDMNTS, 4. A 1' LEVEL AREA BEHIND THE CURB OR SIDEWALK WITH A 10/o MIN' AND 2olo MAX. SHALL BE PROVIDED. WHEN THE SLOPE BEHIND THE 1' LEVEL AREA EXCEEDS 3: 1, 0.33' OF COMPACIED CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE 1'AREA. 5. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1'50/o, CONSTRUC'IION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 10lo MIN AND 20lo lvlAX. 6. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACIED IN-PLACE DIMENSIONS 7. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER; PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF GMVEL BORROW. WHEN REQUIRED THE CONTRACIOR SHALL PLACE A NON-WOVEN GEOTEtrIILE FABRIC OVER THE PREPARED SUBGMDE WITH A MINIMUM 2 FOOT OVERLAP, X SEE TABLE 1.5o/o 5'WIDE P.C.C. SIDEWALK SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-35 ROLLED CURB SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-33 EXCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL WHEN EXISTING SUBGMDE CONDITIONS REQUIRE. SEE WSDOT sTD, SPEC. 2-03,3(14) E OR KDCS 2.4.C (LxWxD VARIES) TRACT WIDTH TABLE PARKING TYPICAL LANE WIDTHS STANDARD TRA T WIDTH ONE SIDE ONLY 2 TMVEL I-ANES AT 10' = 20' 1.6' PARKING AREA 34 BOTH SIDES 2 TMVEL LANES AT 10' = 20' 2-6' PARKING AREAS 40' 8. ASPHALTTEMPEMTURE SHALL NOT EXCEED 3250 ATTHE DISCHARGE PLANT. INITIAL BREAKDOWN ROLLING AND COMPACTIVE REPORT SHALL OCCUR PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE REACHING 2250. FINAL COMPACTION DENSITY SHALL BE REACHED PRIORTO THE INTERNAL MAT TEMPEMTURE BEING 1850. 9. THE MAXIMUM COMPACTED THICKNESS OF ANY SINGLE ASPHALT LIFT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STD' SPEC' s-04.3(9), WITH WEATHER UMITATIONS OUTIINED IN 5-04'3(1) CONSIDERED, 10. THE FACE OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING ASPHALT LIFTS SHALL RECEIVE A UNIFORM BRUSH APPLIED TACK COAT, CSS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL MEff LINES BETWEEN LIFTS SHALL BE UNIFORM AND VERTICAL. THE MEET LINES SHALL BE CLEAN AND TACK COATED. WHEN SUCCESSFUL UFTS ARE PLACED A TACK COAT SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPUED BY A PROPERLY HEATED AND MAINTAINED MECHANICAL DISTRIBUTOR. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES' TYPICAL. 5' 5' 2o/o 1 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT POROUS PAVEMENT CROSS-SECTIONG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-16ENGINEA APPROVFD PER WSDOT 9-03.i2(5) RESERVOIR LAYER EXTRUDED CURB, SEE STD. PLAN 6.33 BERM TO PREVENT POROUS PAVEMENT DEPTH TO BE DETERMINED BY PAVEMENT DESIGN GMVEL FILTER LAYER PER WSDOT sTD. SPECIFICATION 9-03.12(4) OFF-SITE RUN.ON 2 9" MIN. DECOMTIVE STONE OR RIP MP REVERSE PERFOMTED PIPE TO DMIN > 2YR. 1 DEPTHS DETERMINED BY ENGINEERING STUDY STOMGE VOLUME 1 PERMEABLE SOIL STRATA GMVEL FILTER LAYER PER WSDOT STD, SPECTFICATION 9-03. l2(4) FILTER FABRIC - MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EQUAL SIDE VIEW NOT TO SCALE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEFT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTI'ENT STREET MEDIANKENT DESTGNED QoK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN C9K CHECKED ClK DArE 12/2019 6-17ENGIXEA APPROVED STREET UGHT VARIES 8' REVEAL TO ACCOMMODATE A FUTURE OVERI.AY (TYP,) 2olo MlN. FLOW REMOVE EXISNNG PAVEMENT AND BASE COURSE. THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE TILLED, LOOSENED AND BLENDED WITH THE NEW IMPORTED TOPSOIL PLANTER STRIP: 6" TOPSOIL. |-ANDSCAPE PER KCC 15.07.050 REQUIRED I TYPICAL MEDIAN -l- - - I NEW PAVEMENT, MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT (TYP.) FLow_ SAWCUT CEMENT CONCRETE TMFFIC CURB PER WSDOT PLAN F10.12 (TYP.) 1 2o/o 1 l- r TOP OF LIGHT STANDARD CONCRETE FOUNDATION _1 2" REVEAL 2u 8" REVEAL ACCOMMODATE A FUTURE OVERLAY (TYP,) LONGNUDINAL ELECTRICAL CON DUIT AT BACK OF CURB, MAINTAINING MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM PLANNED OR FUTURE LARGE ROOT VEGETATION, z. z. slN JL MEDIAN ilillt ,lutjlt I JJ Itll il EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN I5 NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENCINEERINC DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT STANDARD CUL-DE-SAC BULB ON RESIDENTIAL STREET DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN L.OK 12/2019DATEc0KCHECKED 6-18ENGINEN APPROVFN 5,5' CURB AND SIDEWALK RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE SEE NOTE 2 \ \l I R=30'(RoW) R=5' (BACK oF s/W) NOTES:PLANTER STRIP 1. "NO PARKING" SIGNS TO BE POSTED WITHIN CUL-DE-SAC. 2, CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB MAY BE USED ON THE CUL-DE.SAC WNH TMNSITION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-33. WHEN ROLLED CURB IS USED THE SIDEWALK DEPTH SHALL INCREASE FROM 4u ro 6u 3. THE MMIMUM CROSS SECTION GRADE FOR A CUL-DE-SAC IS 60lo. CROSS GRADES GREATERTHAN 2o/oMAY ONLY BE USED WHEN THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY EXCEEDS 100/o IN GMDE' 4. NO DRIVEWAYS ALLOWED WITHIN 5' OF CURB TRANSITION. 2' MIN (cuRB) MIN. TRANSITION FROM I R=30' COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB AT THE CURB RETURN PC EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT URBAN EYEBROW ON RESIDENTIAL STREETG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK \2/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-19ENGINEA APPROVFD 4 ISLAND EXTENDED EDGE OF TMVELED WAY 4 5' PI-ANTER STRIP .4 2'aU SITION FROM BINED CURB AND a TO ROLLED AT PC 5.5' CURB AND SIDEWALK RIGHT.OF-WAY LINE I ROUND CORN (R = 2' MrN.) ERS sEE K.C.C. 15,07 AND SECTION 5,13 FOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS HOA DEDICATED EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF ISLAND LANDSCAPING (WP.) FROM COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED NOTES CURB AT PC \\ 1. ISI.AND REQUIRED ON EYEBROWS WTTH AN OUTER RADIUS GREATER THAN 40" 2. MINIMUM ISLAND D]AMETER SHALL BE 10" 2 3. ISLAND SHALL HAVE VERTICAL CURB, 5' PLANTER STRIP 5',STDEWALK (fiP) 4. CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB MAY BE USED ON THE EYEBROW WITH TMNSINON PER STD. PLAN 5-33. WHEN ROLLED CURB IS USED THE SIDEWALK DEPTH SHALL INCREASE FROM 4" TO 6'. 5. NO PARKING WITHIN 20'OFTHE URBAN EYEBROW. x 6, NO DRIVEWAYS ALLOWED WITHIN 5' OF CURB TRANSITION, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEqTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT TYPICAL ELBOW ON RESIDENTIAL STREETKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-20ENGINEB APPROVED - FACE OF CURB 2' MIN. 4s0'MAX, STEM TRANSITION FROM COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB AT PC s' STDEWALK (TYP) TMNSITTON FROM COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB AT PC NO PARKING AROUND THE BULB AND ONE SIDE OF STEM 4 -R/W- NOTES: 1, ALLOWED ON RESIDENTIALAND PRIVATE STREETS ONLY, 2, NO PARKING AROUND THE BULB AND ONE SIDE OF THE STEM, 3, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-11 AND 6-12 FOR STREET SE TION. x E bnsf 5' PI.ANTER STRIP (TYP) 5' SIDEWALK (TYP) q EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTIIENT STANDARD HAMMERHEAD PRIVATE STREET ONLYt.6- DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-21ENCINES APPROVFD d)d. =(J CURB RAMP z. =brO 70' (TYP) 5'WIDE SIDEWALK SEE STANDARD PLAN 6.15 PRIVATE STREET NOTES: 1. "NO PARKING" SIGNS TO BE POSTED PRIOR TO, ALONG AND AFTER TURNAROUND FORA DIST. OF 60' FROM THE PC' ADD FIRE LANE MARKINGS PER STANDARD PLAN 6.77. 2. TURNAROUNDS CANNOT USE A DRIVEWAY. oN 5.5'MIN.)26', VERTICAL CURB & GUTTER (TYP) SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-33 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELEC'TRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTI{ENT TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SACKENT DFSTGNED cQK NONESCAI F STANDARD PLAN NRAWN COK I /2020DATFCHFCKED COK 6-22 APPR.VED ENGINER TEMPORARY EASEMENT REQUIRED PI.AT BOUNDARY CEMENT CONCRETE RAMP RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SIDEWALK TYPE III BARRICADE PER STANDARD PLAN 5-71 tJ)U d.5'MAXIMUM SIDEWALK RIGHT.OF-WAY LINE CEMENT CONCRETE RAMP ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOR TEMPORARY CUL-DE.SAC TEMPOMRY EASEMENT REQUIREDTO MATCH ROADWAY PAVEMENT SECTION NOTESi 1. BARRICADE REQUIRED AT END OF BULB. BARRICADES SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF SECTION 6F.63 IN THE CURRENT MUTCD' 2, THE SIDEWALK SHALL NOT BE EXTENDED THRU THE TEMPOMRY CUL-DE.SAC. ASPHALT MMPS MUST OCCUR PRIOR TO THE CUL-DE.SAC. 3. DEVELOPMENT ADJACENT TO A TEMPOMRY CUL-DE-SAC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REMOVE THE CUL-DE-SAC AND ETTEND THE ROADWAY, INCLUDING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ANY DRIVEWAYS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE ASPHALT REMOVAL' 4, NO PARKING WITHIN THE CUL.DE-SAC. 5'CURB TMNSITION TO PAVEMENT 45'MDIUS MIN. 7.5o/o EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT INTERSECTION LANDING DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN CoK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED ENCINES 6-23 q. ROAD CLASSIFICATION RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE VARIES 2O' RESIDENTIAL 30' ARTERIAL OR INDUSTRIAL MIN. O.02 FI ./FI x E OR SUPERELEVATION x 2 NOTE: 1. ON SLOPING APPROACHES AT THE INTERSESTIoN, LANDING SHALL BE PRoVIDED WITH GMDE NOT TO EXCEED ONE FOOT DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION FOR A DISTANCE OF 30 FEET APPROACHiNG AN ARTER]AL OR 20 FEET APPROACHING A RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL STREET, MEASURED FROM FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE (INTERSECTED BY AN IMAGINARY 2 PERCENT GMDE EXTENDED FROM CROWNED ROAD TO RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE) OF INTERSECTING STREET. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINC DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING TRAFFIC CIRCLE SHEET I OF 2 KENT DESIGNED COK NONESCAI F STANOARD PLAN DRAWN COK - CHECKED COK DATE q 6-24aENCINEffi APPROVED DIMENSIONS GEOMETRY c OPTIMUM CRITERIA NOTES:OFFSET DISTANCE (c) OPENING WIDTH (E)USE DIMENSION SCHEDULE AS A DESIGN GUIDE. FINAL DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED BYTHE ENGINEER. 2. FOR PLANTER ISI.AND SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 2 5.5' MAX. 5.0' 4.5' 4.0' 3,5' OR LESS 16'MIN 17' + 18'T le'T 20'-1. A STREET WIDTH B CURB RETURN MDIUS c OFFSET DISTANCE D CIRCLE DIAMETER E OPENING WIDTH 20' <15' 15' 18' 20' 25', RECONSTRUCI CURBS 5.5' 5.0' 4.5' 4.0' 9' 10' 11' t2' 16'+ I7',+ 18',- 19'+ 2B' 10' L2' 15' 18', 20' 25' 5.5' 5.0' 5.0' 4.5' 4.0' 3.5' 15' 15' 18' 18' 18' 20' 16'+ l7'+ t7'+ 18',+ 19'+ 20'+ 36 10' T2' 15' 18', 20' 25', 5.0' 5.0' 4.s', 4.0' 3.5' 1.5' 26', 25' 27' 28' 29', 33' L7',- 77'+ 18'+ 19'+ 20'- 20' 40' 10' 12' 15', 18' 20' 25' 5.0' 4.s', 4.0' 3.5' 3.0' 1.0' 30' 31' 32' 33' 34' 38' t7',+ 18'+ 19'- 20'- 20' 20' EXHIBIT A x E NOTE: THIS PITN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEM ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT TRAFFIC CALMING TRAFFIC CIRCLE SHEET 2 OF 2 KENT NFqICNFD COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-24bENGINEAAPPROVED- \ RPM TYPE 2 YELLOW, SNMSONNE 953 USE 12 FOR < 15'DIA. USE 16 FOR < 20' DIA. USE 20 FOR > 20' DIA. BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL AND BARK OMI-3, 18'' X 18" YELLOW HIGH INTENSITYTYPE 1 OBJECT MARKER, PLACED IN TMFFIC CIRCLE FOR EACH APPROACH, ALL SIGNS TO BE MOUNTED ON SINGLE POST. LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY ENGINEER. SIGN HEIGHT: 5'FROM BOfiOM OF LOWER SIGN TO BARK MULCH, 2' BARK MULCH OR HARDSCAPE (AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER) ADJUST MANHOLES, VALVE BOXES, AND MONUMENT CASES TO NEW GMDE, w2-6, 30" X 30" BLACK 0N YELLoW, PI.ACED 75'TO lOO' BACK FROM TRAFFIC CIRCLE ON EACH APPROACH, SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-82A ANd b FOR POST TYPE AND INSTALI.ATION. TYPICAL TMFFIC CIRCLE SIGNING 1u N CAST-IN-PLACE CEMENT CONCRETE MOUNTABLE CURB wsDoT F-10.18-01, CURB 2 TYPICAL A.A CAST-IN-PLACE CEMENT CONCRETE MOUNTABLE CURB THROUGH JOINTS: 4 ]OINTS FOR < 20' DIA. 8 JOINTS FOR > 20' DIA. IJSE2.#4 REBAR DOWEL, 12" LENGTH, AT EACH JOINT (TYP,) 1"R 2o/o 6.' HMA 4" MrN. CSTC (WSDoT srD, sPEc. 9-03.9(3)) LANDSCAPING TO BE PER KCC 15.07.050, MONUMENT PROTECTION/PRESERVATION NOTIFY KENT SURVEYING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO MONUMENT ADJUSTMENT. RAISE MONUMENT TO GMDE IN APPROPRIATE CASING. MONUMENT ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE PER RCW 58.09,130 "MONUMENTS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTTON ACTIV]TIES -- PROCEDURE-- REQUIREMENTS." \ \ l.- SAWCUT nND REMOVE ASPHALT I I / A q_ 3'2', SAW CUT NOTES 4', 1 2. TOPSOIL TYPE A, 24" MIN. 3. NAL EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING GATEWAYSKET DESIGNED COK STANOARD PLANSCALE NONEDRAWN COK DArE 12/2019CHECKED COK 6-25ENCINtrRAPPROVED- 5' MIN 2 =io MEDIAN ISLAND SEE NOTE TREES (TYP,) sEE 11'STANDARD PLANS 6.54 AND 5-55 5'SIDEWALK (TYP.) 5' PLANTER STRIP (TYP.) 10'CROSSWALK. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6- PI.AN VIEW SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1, FOR CURB RETURN MDIUS SEE TABLE 6,7 SECTION 6.19 OF KENT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DURING DESIGN 2, CURB RAMPS PER STANDARD PLAN 6-38, WSDOT STANDARD PLANS AND ADA CODES. 3. MEDIAN ISLAND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING CEMENT CONCRETE CURB, SEE STANDARD PI.AN 6-17 4. LANDSCAPING PER KCC 15.07.050 WITH STREET TREES REQ'D' EXHIBIT A PLANTER STRIP SEE NOTE 3 NOTE: THIS PI.AN I5 NOTA LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING RESIDENTIAL INTERSECTION NECKDOWNS KENT nFcrcNFD COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-26ENGINEA APPROVED- NOTES: 1 CURB MMP LOCATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-38, WSDOT STANDARDS AND ADA c0DEs. 2, CROSSWALKS SHALL ONLY BE STRIPED ON CONTROLLED LEG OF INTERSECTION. 3. LANDSCAPING PER KCC 15.07,050 WITH STREET TREES REQ'D. 4. 75' MDIUS SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 45' MDIUS WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES, 5, 3'SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 5'WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES. 5'SIDEWALK 75' 0R 45' R (TYP SEE NOTE 4 NN SEE NOTE 5 30' (TYP.)25' (TYP,) [[[il[ RESIDENTIAL STREET INTERSECfl NG RESIDENT]AL STREEI EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECI-RONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING ARTERIAL/RESIDENTIAL INTERSECTION NECKDOWNSK.F,}IT oEstcNED coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-27ENGINEA APPROVED- NOTES: 1. CURB RAMP LOCATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-38, 2 LANDSCAPING PER KCC 15,07.050 WITH STREETTREES REQ'D. 3. 75' MDIUS SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 45' MDIUS WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES. 4, 3' SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREFTS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 5'WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES, 5'SIDEWALK PI-ANTER STRIP (WP.) 75'OR 4s', R (TYP.)Ft! UJd.Fan J d.UFd SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE 4 RESIDENTIAL STREET NN 30'2s'(TYP.) ARTERIAL STREET INTERSEfiING RESIDENTIAL STREET EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CIry OF CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINC DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING CHOKERSKENT DFSTGNED clK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK ENGINEM 6-28 NOTES: 1. CHOKERS SHALL BE USED ONLY ON RESIDENNAL STREETS. 2. CHOKERS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 4()O' CENTERTO CENTER. 3. 3'SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 5'WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET 4. 75' MDIUS SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WfiH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 45' MDIUS WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES. 75' oR 45' R (rYP.) SEE NOTE 4 STREET TREES WITH LANDSCAPE (PER KCC STREET TREES WITH I.ANDSCAPE (PER KCC 1s.07.0s0) 1s,07.0s0) :z) =Uo tt't !zJ =uo t, 22', SEE NOTE 3 3'OR 11'11' SEE NOTE 3 3'OR 5'5' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING SPEED CUSHION SHEEf 1 OF 2 G DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN cOK DATECHECKED 6-29oENCINER APPROVFD EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER A 6'A MARKING DETAIL SPEED CUSHION NTS 90' 2' OVERLAY THIS AREA 12' 1' WIDE THERMOPLASTIC STRIPE SEE SPEED CUSHION SIDE TAPER DETAIL (TYP), SHEET 2 -1 BB (rt YELLOW CENTERLINE (SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-73), EXTEND CENTERLINE OVERAND 30'IN ADVANCE OF CUSHION Uz. 3(,z d,6 SEAL COAT ENTIRE AREA IUzIzo dUFzU(J 22 25',25 8 6' THERMOPLASTIC LETTERING (TYP.) SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-76. 6'8' DISTANCE TO SIGN TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER USE SINGULAR ('BUMP") ON SIGNS WHERE ONLY ONE SPEED CUSHION IS INSTALLED. 30.'x30.' BLACK ON YELLOW, 4" LETTERING W13-1, 18"x18" NOTES: 1. SIGNS AND MARKINGS TYPICAL BOTH DIRECTIONS' 2. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-82 & 5-83 FOR SIGN INSTALLATION. 3, A TEMPLATE MUST BE USED IN SHAPING THE SPEED CUSHION. 4. SPEED CUSHION MUST BE MADE IN TWO LIFTS. 5. 2" OVERLAY NOT REQUIRED FOR NEW PAVEMENT OR EXISTING PAVEMENT DETERMINED TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION BY THE ENGINEER. R -q' SPEED BUMPS AHEAD M.P.H. 15 -_) a- 10' BUTT JOINT 10' @ =- -t BUTT ]OINT EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIfi OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF KENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING SPEED CUSHION SHEET 2 OF 2 G DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 6-29bENGINER APPROVFT) q I 1 I VARIES"1 z',1 4'1 2'I VARIES''1 1' SEE DETAIL BELOW TYP CURBTYP CURB PLANE 1/2" OFF EXISTING PAVEMENT SPEED CUSHION SECTION A-A NO SCALE TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT 5'ASPHALT PAVEMENT HMA CLASS 1/2"SEE DETAIL P|-ANE 1/2" OFF EXISTING PAVEMENT SPEED CUSHION SECTION B-B NO SCALE 0 0 0 0.64 0.56 0.48 t.22 L.07 0.92 1.75 1,53 1,31 2.22 r,94 t.67 2.64 2,31 1,98 3.00 2.63 2.2s 3.31 3.s62.89 3.112.48 2.67 3.75 3.28 2.81 3,89 3.40 2.92 3.97 3.48 2.96 4.00" - 4" SPEED CUSHION 3.50" .- 3'5" SPEED CUSHION 3.99,' .- 3" SPEED CUSHION TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT sPEEp CUSHToN EpcE (TYP) COMPACTED DEPTHS NOTE: I4AXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION CLEAMNCE TOLEMNCE IVEASURED AT THE PEAK HEIGHT OF THE SPEED CUSHION SHALL BE BETWEEN 0.25 INCH BELOW AND O.5O INCH ABOVE THE DESIRED HEIGHT 6tr EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT KENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED CROSSWALK SHEET I OF 5 DFsrcNEo cQK-STANDARD PLANSCALEORAWN COK- cHFct<ED CoK DATE 6-29cENGINER SEE SE TION A-A oN 6-29d 10' 2' WIDE BY 1/2" DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND SIGNS SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-29eTYP. BOTH SIDES =Fo =Fz.u =U o WHITE PUSTIC MARKINGS PER WSDOT STD PI.AN M-24.60 'SPEED BUMP SYMBOL" B RPM TYPE III, YELLOW ON STREETS WITH MARKED CENTERLINE, TYP. SIGNS SEE STANDARD SEE SECTION B-B oN 6-29d 22', PI-AN 6-29e MARKING DETAIL MISED CROSSWALK NTS A A F c F10' LONG, 24" SOUD WHITE PLASNC MARKINGS PER STD DETAIL 6-75 E SEAL COAT ENTIRE AREA EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE OUGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIW OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED CROSSWALK SHEET 2 OF 5 KENT DESIGNED COK NONESCAI E STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK a/2020I]ATECHECKED COK 6-29dENCINER APPROVED- STANDARD CLASS D OR CLASS C MIX, TYP, CURB RAMP I',-2' MAX CURB FACE ". GUTTER TAPER 8.30/o MM.SLOPE MAX. SHOULDER 8.3% MM SLOPE bfru=(ltu n3 "!!i/.': SECTION A-A (CURB AND GUTTER) NO SCALE BELOW 2' WrDE BY 1/2" DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND. BOTH SIDES 2' WrDE BY 1/2' DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND. BOTH SIDES SEE NOTE 2 SECTION A-A (SHOULDER) NO SCALE AIL BELOW WIDE ASPHALT PAVEMENT HMA CLASS 1/2" 1.50/o MAX. CROSS SLOPE MISED CROSSWALK EDGE (TYP) COMPACTED DETTHS TACK COAT (TYP) TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT 2'WIDE BY 1/2" DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND, BOTH SIDES RAISED SECTION B.B NO SCALE 0 0.48 0.92 1.31 r.67 1.98 2.25 2,48 2.67 2.81 2.92 2'95 3.00D + 3u MIN', 3'5" MAX TOLERANCE. MISED CROSSWALK q. TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT NOTE: 1. MMIMUM ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCIION CTEAMNCE TOLEMNCE MEASURED ATTHE PEAK HEIGHT OFTHE MISED CROSSWALK SHALL BE BETWEEN 0.25 INCH BELOW AND O.5O INCH ABOVE THE DESIRED HEiGHT. 2. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TAPERS ON BOTH ENDS OFTHE CROSSWALK. INSTALLAT]ON WILL BE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. IF REQUIRED, THE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL EKTEND OF THE CROSSWALK MARKINGS TO THE WIDTH W]THIN 6 INCHES OF EITHER EDGE. 3. ATEMPLATE MUST BE USED IN SHAPING THE MISED CROSSWALK, 4. MISED CROSSWALK MUST BE MADE IN TWO LIFTS' 5. 2'' OVERI-AY NOT REQUIRED FOR NEW PAVEMENT OR EX]STING PAVEMENT DETERMINED TO BE IN GOOD CONDITiON BYTHE ENGINEER. USE 2'xll2" TOE GRIND. 6u EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED CROSSWALK SHEET 5 OF 5G DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE 6-29eDATE 90' 2' OVERLAY THIS AREA THERMOPLASTIC LETTERING (TYP.) SEE STANDARD P|-AN 6-76, 22',25'8'6' SIGNS w17-1A w13-1P(20)6',8'25',SIGNS w11-2 w16-7P NOTESi 1. SIGNS AND MARKINGS TYPICAL BOTH DIRE TIONS. 2. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-82 & 6-83 FOR SIGN INSTALLATION' DISTANCE TO ADVANCED SIGNING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER 3, PRIOR TO SPEED HUMP CONSTRUCTION, THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE ASPHALT GRINDING IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH TMNSITION. a 10' SIGNS w11-2 w16-7P BUTT ]OINT EE - 10' JOINT =- -t SIGN DESIGNATION / SIZE w11-2 MAN WALKING 30" x 30" w17-1A SPEED BUMP AHEAD 30" x 30" w13-1P(20)20 MPH ADVISORY PLAQUE 18" x 18" w16-7P ARROW DOWN 24" x 12" NOTES: 1) ADVANCE SIGNS USED ONLY FOR FIRST IN SERIES z) wnrru 2 oR MoRE BUMPS, REPLACE w17-1A WITH w17-lA(s) SPEED BUMPS AHEAD ri srCru COLOR 5HALL BE yELLOW EXCEPT FOR SCHOSL CROSSINGS WHICH SHALL BE FLUORESCENT YELLOW.GREEN. 4) USE S1-1 INSTEAD 0F Wl1-2 FOR SCHOOL CROSSINGS EXHIBIT A SEE NOTE 3 2'MIN, DETECIABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.) B (TYP.) SEE NOTE 3 10' t1- -l sEE -T NOTE 3 --JPAVEMENT SLOPED TO DRAIN c A (TYP,) CROSSWALK PER STANDARD PLAN 6- SEE NOTE 3 NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED INTERSECTIONG DESTGNED CoK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN cOK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-50ENGINERAPPROVED- NOTES: DO NOT USE ON STREETS WITH GMDES ABOVE 7olo' 2, YELLOW DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE WSDOT F-45.10-02 AND IN COMPUANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 8-14,2. WET EMBOSSED CONCREIE AND PAINTING IS NOT ALLOWED. 3, 5% MAXIMUM SLOPE AT APPROACH TO INTERSECTION. s' (rYP.) 4. PLANTER STRIP WITH 0,5' TOPSOIL. LANDSCAPE PER KCC 15.07.050 REQUIRED. A (TYP 3' PI-ANTER STRIP (TYP.) SEE NOTE 6'CURB AND INTERSEgTION GUTTER RESIDENTIAL STREET INTERSECIING RESIDENTIAL STREET (rYP,) SECTION A-A (TYP.) MAINTAIN FLOW LINE WITHOUT VERTICAL LIP BETWEEN GUTTER AND CURB PEDESTRIAN INTERSEgTION 3'7'SIDEWALK WARNING SURFACE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE FOR CURB AT ADA MMP SEE DETAIL 6-33 SECTION B-B (TYP,)ECI-ION C-C L.*oI prnxffi ,.2, E EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT BIKE ROUTEG DES|GNED coK STANOARD PLANNONESCAI FDMWN COK 9/2020NATFCHECKED 6-51ENGINER APPROVFI) c= 5'MIN Ur d.FIJ'u(9ouuF ! =@ Itt I 11' TRAVEL LANE BIKE ljNE BIKE LANE 15' SHARED LANE SIGNED SHARED TMFFIC LANE NOTE 1.SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-73 FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS. E EXHIBIT A a a,).) NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINE ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ERING DOCUMENT BUTAN ENCINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT TRAILKENT DFSIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-32ENGINER APPROVED 2'SOFT 8'-12' MULTI-PURPOSE TMIL 2'SOFr 6' MrN, (TYP,) TRAIL TRAIL 8'PREFERRED m UFoz.uUa TMIL SURFACE SEE NOTE 4 4" CSTC HMA PER KDCS 6,16, SEE NOTE 7 CRUSHED ROCK BASE COURSE SEE NOTE 8 SUBGMDE SEE NOTE 2 KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCflON STANDARDS NOTES: 1. TRAIL CENTERUNE TO BE STAKED IN THE FIELD BY CONTMCTOR AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, 6. MAXIMUM CROSS-SLOPE FOR TMIL SURFACE IS 20lo' 7. ASPHALT PAVEMENT SHALL BE HMA PER KDCS 6.16. THICKNESS TO BE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. MINIMUM THICKNESS IS 3".2. SUBGRADE SHALL CONSIST OF UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% DENSITY. SUBGMDE TO BE TREATED WITH AN APPROVED HERBICIDE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ASPHALT. FILTER FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BETWEEN SUBGMDE AND BASE COURSE. 3. ROOT BARRIER MAY BE REQUIRED ATTHE DISCRETION OFTHE ENGINEER. 8. BASE COURSE SHALL BE %" UIIIUS CRUSHED ROCK_COMPACTED TO-. S57" DENSr|-Y, THICKNESS TO BE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER' MINIMUM THICKNESS IS 4", 9. TMIL WIDTH TO BE DETERIVINED BY THE ENGINEER. 10. PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW THE MUTCD AND MSHTO "GUIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BICYCLE FACILITIES.- 4, MAXIMUM TMIL SIDE SLOPE IS 3:1. GMDE WITH COMPACTED TOPSOIL BACKFILL AS REQUIRED. BOTTOM 0F SIDE SLoPE SHALL BE GMDED TO PREVENT ACCUMULATION OF RUN-OFF. 5. MINIMUM BMNCH CLEAMNCE ABOVE TMIL SURFACE IS 8'O FEET' FOR EQUESTRIAN TRIALS MINIMUM BMNCH CLEAMNCE FROM TMIL SURFACE IS 10 FEET, EXHIBIT A ulzIu LL d F LoU(,aU 5"rl2 o 10"9' EKTRUDED CURB EPOXY ADHESIVE FOR FRESH CONCRETE 5 T2 lc' COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER CURB AND GUfiER18" CURB 4 CURB TRANSITION MAINTAIN EDGE OF CONCRETE 5'-0" HAND TROWELED TAPER SECIION SEE NOTE 4 N @ $ SIDEWALK L2 ROLLED CURB Q OF CURB OR APPROVED EQUAL 1olo MIN. - 2o/o MAX. FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC DRIVEWAY 1/2" FOR POSITIVE SLOPE 1" FOR NEGATIVE SLOPEMAINTAIN FLOW LINE WITHOUT VERTICAL ADA RAMP 2o/n MAX. L]P BETWEEN GUTTER AND CURB GUTTER SHALL BE 8" THICK AND REINFORCED = WHEN INSTALLED NEAR .O COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS 6 -l NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTIIENT CEMENT CONCRETE CURBSKENT DESTONED coK STANDARD PIANNONESCALEDRAWN COK I /2020DATECHECKED coK 6-35ENGINER APPROVED 3 VARIES EXTRUDED CURB UNDER GUARDRAIL PAVEMENT NOTE: FACE OF CURB SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE FACE OF GUARDMILTOWARD THE TMFFIC ljNE NOTES: 1. CONCRFTE CLASS 3OOO. TYPICAL, UNLESS WITHIN DRIVEWAY SECTION, SEE DRIVEWAY STANDARD PLANS. 2. ROLLED CURB MAY ONLY BE USED WITHIN A CUL-DE-SAC OR ON A PRIVATE STREET (KENT STD. PIAN 6-18). IN ROADWAY SECIIONS WITH SUPER ELEVATION, THE GUTTER PAN WILL MATCH THE ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE 4, DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5olo. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 2olo MAX' 5. FORMS SHALL BE STEEL UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED. FORMS SHALL BE SET TRUE TO LINE AND GMDE AND SECURELY STAKED PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CURB AND SIDEWALK JOINT EXAMPLEKENT DES|GNED COK NONESCALE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK - 12/2019DATECHECKED coK - 6-34INGINEN APPROVED ,t' I t,. 3/8" EXPANSION IOINT (TYP.) SEE NOrE 2 1/4" WIDE x 250/o SljB DEPTH (1" MIN.) CONTMCIION/CONTROL JOINT (TYP.) SEE NOTE 4 FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PI-ASTIC oRAPPRoVED EQUAL. SEE NOTE 6 CB FULL WIDTH ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP,) FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 5 MIL Pl-ASnc ORAPPROVED EQUAL, SEE NOTE 6 CB SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN SECTION 5 FOR ADDITIONAL CB GMTE REQUIREMENTS FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC ORAPPROVED EQUAL 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SEE NOTE 2 BLDG 1/4" WIDE x 250/o SI-AB DEPTH (1" MrN.) CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT (TYP.) SEE NOTE 4 3/8- EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SEE NOTE 1 H BOND BREAK JOINT EXPANSION JOINT c0NTMCilON/CONTROL JoINT NOTES: 1, AN EXPANSION JOINT CONSISTING OF 3/8" x FULL DEPIH OF PREMOLDED JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE PI.ACED AROUND FIRE HYDMNTS; POLES' POSTS, AND UTILITY CASTINGS AND ALONG WALIS OR STRUCTURES IN PAVED AREAS. JOINT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF MSHTO M33 (ASTM D994), 2. AN EXPANSION JOINT CONSISTING OF 3/8" x FULL DEPTH OF PREMOLDED JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN CURBS AND SIDEWALKS AT 150 FOOT MAX. INTERVALS, AT SIDES OF DMINAGE INLETS AND AT P'C. AND P'T. OF CURB RETURNS, WHEN CURBS AND/OR SIDEWALKS ARE PI.ACED BY SLIP-FORMING, A PREMOLDED STRIP UP TO U2'THICK AND UP TO FULL DEPTH MAY BE USED, 3. EXPANSION JOINTS IN SIDEWALK SHALL BE LOCATED SO AS TO MATCH THE ]OINTS IN THE CURB WHETHER SIDEWALK IS ADJACENT TO CURB OR SEPAMTED BY PI.ANTING STRIP. 4, CONTMCTIoN/CONTROL JoINTS CONSISTING 0F 1/4'WIDE x 25olo SLAB DEPTH SHALL BE TOOLED INTO CONCRETE FINISH AND SHALL BE MADE IN SIDEWALK AT FIVE FOOT INTERVALS, INTERMEDIATE TO THE EXPANSION JOINTS. 5. AS ALTERNATIVE TO EXPANSION JOINTS AROUND STRUCTURES, REINFORCING BARS MAY BE EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE ON FOUR S]DES OF STRUCTURES, SECTION A.A 6. INTERFACE BETWEEN CURB AND ADJACENT S]DEWALK ON INTEGML POUR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FORMED WITH 1/4" MDIUS EDGING TOOL, ON SEPAMTE POUR INSTALL BOND BREAK JOINT MATERIAL FULL DEPTH BETWEEN THE CURB OR THICKENED EDGE, ADA RAMP AND THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. 7, ACCESS COVERS, ]UNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SUP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OFTHE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK' SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA MMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS' A 4" THICK SIDEWALK A EXHIBIT A 5' TYP 5' FINISH 4" SHINE ss 150'MAX. CURB AND GUTTER 1s0'MAX, WIDTH (WHEN t, uBu BROOMED FINISH PERPENDICULAR TO PEDESTRIAN TMVEL (TYP.) EXPANSION JorNr (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" EXPANSION JOrNT (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" FOR NEW SEWER CONSTRUCIION; STAMP FACE OF CURB WHERE SIDE SEWER CROSSES PERPENDICULAR TO CURB. 3" HIGH LETIERS 1/4" DEPTH. EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP,) SEE DETAIL "A 2" SHINE DETAIL "8" coNTMCnON/CONTROL JOINT coNTRACnON/CoNTROL JOINT, 5'O.C. SEE NOTE 2 4" SHINE DETAIL -A" EXPANSION JOINT 3/8"x FULL DEPIH EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL, 150' MM. O.C, SEE NOTES _ PEDESTR]AN TMVEL DIRECTION * AND GUTTER FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWA 8" REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE APRON AND GUTTER FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS. FINISH SHIN DRIVEWAY 4" z', 6" 4" 4" MIN, 3/8"x FULL DEPTHDRIVEWAY APRON YS. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL, SEE NOTE 1 DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTION l,5o/o MAX SIDEWALK CURB, GUTTER AND cRoss sEciloN SEE NOTE 6 1.5olo 2'CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MiL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL 4" CONCRETE PER WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION 8-14 NOTE: THIS PLAN iS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT EXPANSION AND CoNTRACTION/CONTRoL JOINTSG STANDARD PI.ANSCALE DATECHECKED 6-55ENGINER 1. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIALTO BE 3/8" x FULL DEPTH AND SHALL BE PLACED AT 150' O.C. SPACING, ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE rN CoNFoRMANCE WITH WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-04.1 (4) 2. CONTMCIION/CONTROLJOINT SHALL BE 1/4" WIDE BY 250/o S|AB DEPTH; 1" DEEP FOR 4'SLAB, 1,5" DEEP FOR 5' SLAB, 2' DEEP FOR 8" SI.AB, AT 5' SPACING. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CURB NOTES 4, FORM AND SUB-GMDE INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE POURING 7. WHERE SIDEWALK CROSSES HYDMNT LATERAL; CENTER 3' WIDE PANEL ACROSS LATEML, USE EXPANSION JOINT, SEE KENT STANDARD DETAIL 3-1, 8. ACCESS COVERS, JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GMDE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA MMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. 5. EXPANSION ]OINTS IN SIDEWALKS AND CURBS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH EACH OTHER AND NOT OFFSET, 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5olo. CONSTRUCIION TOLEMNCE SHALL BE 1% MIN AND 2o/o MAX' &GUTTERAND SIDEWALKAT P.C. & P.T. AT ALL CURB RETURNS AND ALL ANGLE POINTS. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEqIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT DOWNTOWN SIDEWALK .-ai DES|GNED COK S]ANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/201sDATEcoKCHECKED b-JoENGINEB APPROVFD :n']-rill till I -------:-=+-r!t-:. ffi=:lll ;lilEi ;j 3/16"FINTSH li I PROVIDE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH WITH ALTERNATING DIRE TION OF BROOM STROKE TO CREATE A -PARQUET" PATTERN. PARQUET PATTERN TO BE CREATED IN THE FIELD WITH REGARD TO EQUAL SPACING OF ALTERNATING PATTERN BETWEEN 6" SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH NOTE: EXCLUDE SCORE PATTERN ACROSS DRIVEWAYS AND WHEELCHAIR MMPS SIDEWALK 5' 3'-6" PLAN VIEW 4'-0" x 4'-0" DUCTILE iRON TREE GMTE L 314 X t 3/4 X 1/4 ANGLE WITH REBAR #3 WELDED AT 45o, 10 Pl-AcEs (MIN.) FABRICATED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR PAINTED WITH RIJST PROOF PAINT (TYP. ALL 4 SIDES) CURB AND FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB, ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL AROUND TREE WELL. SEE SECIION 1 ON THIS PI-AN AND KENT STANDARD PI.AN 6-55 A STREET TREE, SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-56 BREAK JOINT EXPANSION JOINT CONTMCIION/CONTROL JOINT SEE STANDARD PljN 6-89 FOR STREET LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATIONS. o h 6'WIDE SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH 2" WIDE TROWEL JOINT (TYP) CoNTMCilON/CONTROL JOINT 1/4" WIDE AT 5' O.C. SEE DETAIL A 3/8" X FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT AT 150' MAX. O,C. AND AROUND POLES AND, POSTS AND HYDMNTS (TYP) OR AS DIRE TED BY ENGINEER, SEE DETAIL C CONTMCTION/CONTROL JOINT 1/4" WIDE x 1" DEEP, 5' O.C. 5" FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PI-ASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL CURB AND GUTTER PER STANDARD PLAN 6-33 OF DEEP ROOT BARRIER 24" DEEP ROOT BARRIER BELOW BOND BREAK MATERIAL AS MANUFACTURED BY .'DEEP ROOT", " BIO-BARRIER'' OR EQUIVALENT 10' LONG, CENTERED ON TREE CONCRETE 'csTc DETAIL A CONTMCTION/CONTROL JOINT DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT' 6 MIL PLASTIC ORAPPROVED EQUAL MINIMUM 2" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SECTION A " CONCRETE SIDEWALK 2" CSTC DETAIL B BOND BREAK 3/8" X FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT AT 150' MAX. O.C. (WP) OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER " CONCRETE SIDEWALK csTc DETAIL C EXPANSION JOINT - ra '.'.,_Jc;.r.::..o,.:?.,o :;,t.o EXHIBIT A NOTE; THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT CROSSWALKG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALE 6-37DATE {,J i ,l I 2')t FACE OF CURB A 12" WiDE TROWELED MARGIN 12" WIDE WHITE PI.ASTIC MARKING (TYP.) DOWELED JOINT (WHEN CONCRETE INTERSECTION) VARIES EXPANSION JOINT SEE KENT STANDARD PI-AN 6.35 TOOLED JOINT WNH 2' WIDE MARGIN ALTERNANNG BROOM FINISH )A I FULL WIDTH ADA 30 LB. ROOFING FELT OR POLY FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL WHERE CONCRETE CROSSWALK MEETS CONCRETE CURB AND GUfiER AND AT BACK oF cuRB (TYP.) DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 2' WIDE (TYP,) SEE 1 CURB AND GUTTER SEE KENT S-TANDARD PLAN 6.33 NOTEI 1. YELLOW DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE WSDOT F'45.10-02 AND IN COMPUANCE WffH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 8-14.2. WET EMBOSSED CONCRETE AND PAINNNG IS NOT ALLOWED. FINISH SURFACE AC OVERLAY AC OVERLAY EXISTING AC NOSING DETAIL REINFORCED CONCRETE CROSSWALK PLAN VIEW 1/4" NOSING RADIUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE UNIFORM TACK COAT POINT OF TANGENT (TYP) DoWELED ]OINT (WHEN CONCRFTE TNTERSECnoN) 0R NOSING DETAIL VARIES CAST-IN PLACE CONC 1/4" DEEP TOOLED JOINT REBAR REINFORCING BAR @ 12" EA WAY CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SECTION A REINFORCED CONCRETE CROSSWALK AND INTERSECTION DETAIL 12" TROWELED €s + BROOM FINISH MARGIN (BOTH SI EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CURB RAMP LOCATIONSG DESTGNED coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED 6-38ENGINER APPROVFN PEDESTRIAN CURB PROVIDE TRANSNION SIDEWALK, 5' MIN. WHEN TRANSNIONING TO EXISTING SIDEWALK MAINTAIN FLOW LINE WITHOUT VERTICAL LIP BETWEEN GUTTERAND CURB INTERSECTION FULL WIDTH ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 2'WIDE (TYP.)MMPS, SEE NOTE 3 (TYP.) SIGNAL CONTROLLER CABINFT = 7' MIN, FROM FACE OF CURB E$fl[I ENENDED PAMLLEL CURB MMP CENTER OF DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE BETWEEN CROSSWALKS SHALL BE BLACK TO PROVIDE DIRE TIONALITY PEDESTRIAN APPROACH PROVIDE TRANSITION SIDEWALK, 5'MIN, WHEN TMNSITIONING TO EXISTING SIDEWALK s' MrN. FROM C/L OF PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE TO NEAREST EDGE OF cuRB RAMP (TYP.) I I I I I -I - au d. CROSSWALKS EIEEI ARTERIAL RAMP LOCANONS FOR NEW CONSTRUCIION OR STANDARD RECONSTRUCTION SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-33 SECTION A-A (TYP,) NOTE: 1. CATCH BASIN INLETS, JUNCTION BOX AND VAULT UDS SHALL BE OUTSIDE CURB MMPS WITH 32" MIN. CLEAMNCE FROM MMP, 2, CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO KEEP THE RAMP FROM CONFLICTING WITH HYDMNTS, POLES, INLETS AND OTHER UTIUTIES. 3. RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STD, PLANS F-40. 12-03 THRU F-45.10-02. 4. CROSSWALKS ARE NOTALWAYS MARKED. 5, WHEN RAMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE SIDE OF STREET THEY SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH THE COMPANION CROSSING ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF STREET. 6. CURRENTADA I.AWS FOR LANDING SIZE, DETECTABLE WARNING PATTERNS' SKID RESISTANCE AND RAMP DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH AT ALL TIMES, 7. YELLOW DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE WSDOT F-45'10-02 AND IN COMPUANCE WITH WSDOT STD. SPEC. 8-14.2. WET EMBOSSED CONCRETE AND PAINTING IS NOT ALLOWED. 8. ACCESS COVERS, JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA MMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS, MMPS, SEE NOTE 3 (TYP.) (rYP.) NON ARTERIAL MMP LOCANONS MMPS, SEE NoTE 3 (TYP.) VARIES ACCEPTABLE MMP LOCATIONS FOR RETROFIT OR ALTERATION A A WARNING SURFACE EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENOINEERING OEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK END TRANSITIONSt.6- DESTGNED coK STANOARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 10/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 6-59EN6INERAPPROVED- 1:l TAPER WIDTHS VARY WIDTHS VARY NOTES: 1. SEE ROADWAY CROSS SECTION DETAILS FOR SIDEWALK WIDTHS. 2. SHOULDER SHALL BE SURFACED TO MATCH ADJACENT ROADWAY; PAVED SHOULDER SLOPE SHALL MATCH CROWN sLoPE OR 0.02 Fr./Fr. 3. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-34 FOR CURB AND SIDEWALK JOINTS, 4. 10' MIN. ASPHALT TAPER IF NO PAVED SHOULDER. 5. ACCESS COVERS, ]UNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SUP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GMDE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PLACED W]THIN THE SLOPES OF ADA MMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. 6' MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE TMNSITION RAMP 4' MIN ASPHALT SHOULDER VARIES 4'-10" TAPER TO MATCH EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH, SEE NOTE 4 6' MIN., 15'MAX. CEMENT CONCRETE TRANSITION MMP FIXED PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6.71b 6'MIN 4'MIN. 15' MAX. MATCH EXISTING OR PROPOSED SURFACE 7,50/o MAX, ASPHALT CONCRETE SHOULDER SECTION A-A 4'MIN. CEIVENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND MMP TYPE I TYPE N CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT SIDEWALK THICKENED EDGE AND RAISED BACK OF SIDEWALKKENT STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK - CHECKED cqK - 12/2019DATE 5-40ENGINEB APPROVED 4' DEPTH CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK #4 .) z: rO -lil JZaodt23#d d1^ozLH a 2" MIN. DEPTH %" cnusnro +q@L2 oSURFACING TOP COURSE a 'MIN o_ FN PROVIDE 2" MIN. COVER ON ALL REBAR SIDEWALK WITH THICKENED EDGE r-l 4" DEPTH CEMENT t =o il 4 @ 12" CONCRETE 2" MIN. f-i:,! 2" MIN. DEPTH fu" CnUSneO PROVIDE 2" MIN. COVER ON ALL REBAR SIDEWALK WITH RAISED BACK SURFACING TOP COURSE EXHIBIT A 3', z. =(o in NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT PEDESTRIAN RAILING SHEEI 1 OF 5KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-41 oENGINEM APPROVED clL cod. =(J POST SIDEWALK WIDTH 5'-O'' MIN. IF 5'-0" MIN. IF PLANTER EXISTS BEHIND CURB ) d. Lo BALUSTER SPACING TO PREVENT 4" DIAMFTER SPH ERE FROM PASSING THROUGH clL POST DIAMETER WEEP HOLE (TYP ) SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR BASE PLATE DETAILS AND REQUIREMENTS, NOTES: 1, SEE MILING NOTES ON SHEEI 2 OF 3, 2. SEE BASE PLATE DETAiLS AND NOTES ON SHEET 3 OF 3 3. NOT FOR USE ALONG BIKE PATHS, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT PEDESTRIAN RAILING NOTES SHEET 2 OF 5 t.6t DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-41 bETGINEN APPROVFD PEDESTRIAN MILING NOTES: 1. MILING REQUIRED FOR DROP OFF 2'-6" OR GREATER, OR FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 2:1 WITH MORE THAN A 2'-6" DROP OFF AT BACK OF SIDEWALK. 2. TH]CKENED EDGE REQUIRED FOR DROP OFF BETWEEN 8" AND 2'.6" MAX' 3. WALL DESIGN REQUIRED FOR DROP OFF GREATERTHAN 2'-5"' 4. TOP/BOTTOM MIL AND POST SHALL BE MINIMUM 2" STD./ANSI SCHEDULE 40 PIPE SIZE; BALUSTER SHALL BE MINIMUM 1/2" STD./ANSI SCHEDULE 40 PIPE SIZE. 5. MILING SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 GALVANIZED STEEL' STANDARD PIPE SIZE. 5, MILING AND CONCRETE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE DESIGNEDTO MEETTHE CURRENT IBC SECTIONS 1015-GUARDS AND 1607-LIVE-LOAD REQUIREMENTS. 7, WELDTNG SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 5-03.3(25). 8, MILS, POSTS, BALUSTERS AND FORMED ELBOWS SHALL BE PERASTM A53, BMCKETS, END CAPS AND OTHER FITTINGS SHALL BE ASTM A865, SPL]CES AND REPAIRS SHALL BE GALVANIZED PER ASTM A78O' 9. ANCHOR BOLT SIZE (MINIMUM 5/8" DIAMETER), SPACING AND EMBEDMENT SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MILING MANUFACTURER. DRILLED IN PI.ACE ANCHORS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY HILTI ORAPPROVED EQUIVALENT, SS TYPE 304, ANCHORS SHALL BE DRILLED AND ATTACHED PER THE ANCHOR BOLT SUPPLIERS RECOMMENDATIONS, INCLUDING MEEIING ANY MINIMUM MEASURED TORQUE REQUIREMENTS. ANCHOR DESIGN INCLUDING THE MIL BASE PIATE, SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE DISTANCE BETWEEN BOLTS IN THE BASE PI-ATE, THEIR EMBEDMENT DEPTH IN rHE CUNCO CONCRETE AND EDGE DISTANCE TO ATTAIN THE MINII4UM BOLT LOAD, IBC 1704 CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECfiON REQUTREMENTS ARE TO BE MET, SUBMn INSPESIION PERSONNEL CERTIFICAflONS AND A SIGNED REPORT UPON COMPLETION. 10. MILING DESIGN SHALL ALLOW FOR EXPANSION AT EVERY 4TH POST. 11, ENGINEERED SHOP DMWINGS FOR MILING SYSTEM AND CONNEfiION DETAILS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL' DMWINGS SHALL BE COMPLETE WITH DIMENSIONS, DETAILS, MATER]AL SPECIFICATIONS AND FIELD ERECTION DIAGMMS OR NOTES, 12. PIPE MILING AND RAIL SPLICES MAY BE HEATED TO NOT MORE THAN 4O()O F FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 30 MINUTES TO FACILITATE FORMING OR BENDING, 13.MATERIAL CUTS SHALL BE DONE BY SAWING OR MILLING AND ALL CUTS SHALL BE FINISHED TRUE AND SMOOTH. FLAME CUTNNG IS NOT PERMITTED, 14, MiLING, BALUSTERS AND RAIL SPLICES SHALL BE PROTECTED AND ADEQUATELY WMPPED DURING HANDUNG AND DELIVERY TO THE SITE. DAMAGED OR DENTED RAIL MEMBERS WILL BE REJECTED AND SHALL BE REPITCED BY THE CONTMCTOR PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINE AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ERING DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY EST CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT PEDESTRIAN RAILING BASE PLATE DETAILS SHEET 5 OF 5 KENT nFcrcNFD COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN CoX- 12/2019DATEcHEckED COK 6-41c APPROVED ENGINES STRUCTUML BASE P4TE NOTES: 1, ALL MATERIALAND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LATEST WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION AND AMENDMENTS. 2. STRUSTUML STEEL BASE PLATES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A35 W]TH A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 36,000 PSI. 3. ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE I-ATEST AWS STANDARDS. 4. USE LOW HYDROGEN ETOXX ELECTRODES FORALL WEtDING. 5. MINIIVIUM DESIGN BOLT LOAD PER ANCHOR BOLT = 3250 LBS. TENSION, 5. HOR]ZONTAL SHEAR IS LESS THAN 250 LBS PER BOLT AND MAY BE NEGLECTED. 7, SPECIAL INSPECIION IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC SCCNOru 1701 IS REQUIRED FORTHE SUPPLY, THE CORE DRILLING AND THE INSTALI.ATION INSPECTION FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS. 8, ALL DRILLED IN PI.ACE ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY HILTI OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT' 9, SUBSTTTUTIONS SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DISTANCE BETWEEN BOLTS IN THE BASE PI.ATE, THEIR EMBEDMENT IN THE CONCRETE DECK AND EDGE DISTANCE TO ATTAIN THIS MINIMUM BOLT LOAD' 10, ALL HILTI HOLES SHALL BE CORE DRILLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH HILTI REQUIREMENTS' 11,GROUT FOR SETTING THE ANCHOR PLATES ON SHALL BE: NON METALLIC, NON STAINING NON SHRINK GROUT (OR DRYPACK) WITH A MINIMUM 28 DAY STRENGTH OF 4OO() PSI. MATCH EXISTING CONCRETE coLoR. 12, GALVANIZED STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS SIZE' SPACING AND EMBEDMENT PER HANDMILING MANUFACTURER' 13, THE CONTMCIOR SHALL SUBMIT AN INSTALLATION PLAN TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. STEEL SHIM 5/8"+ DIA. BASE PLATE ELEVATION 1.25'1.25" JJ = z.o(,z. JJ Fat',z. zu ! = nN z E o 4 EACH s/8" DIA. HILTI BOLT, 4 PER BASE PLATE WITH WASHERS. DRILL HOLES IN BASE PLATE FOR ANCHOR BOLTS. N BASE PLAN 1.9" DIA STD STEEL PIPE to BASE PLATE NON METALUC NON SHRINKING NON STAINING GROUT ' 6" -r + + +- + 6 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN iS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT AN BYTHE ENGINEER CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHKENT DES|GNED coK STANDARD PLANNONESCAI FDRAWN coK 9/2020DATFCHFCKFD COK 6-42ENGINER 5' MIN.A EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SEE NOTES 1 AND 3 SIDEWALK NOT LOWERED s'(TYP.) 1'-6"5' NEW OR EXISTING PRIVATE DRIVEWAY WIDTH AS SPECIFIED ON PI-ANS; 12'MIN. T0 20' MM.A LIMITS FOR 6'' THICK DRIVEWAY SEE NOTE 2 NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX WITH A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3OOO PSI IN 3 DAYS, FINISH SHALL BE BRUSHED TMNSVERSELY WITH A FIBER OR W]RE BRUSH, -BROOM FINISH", 2, ALL UTILITY APPURTENANCES WHICH ALTER THE TMVEL SURFACE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. DESIGN OF STORM DMIN CATCH BASINS SHALL CONSIDER DRIVEWAY LAYOUT AND BE AVOIDED. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 15'MAXIMUM SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC ]OINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE TO MSHTO M22O 4. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-48 FOR DRIVEWAY SLOPES BEHIND SIDEWALK, 5, ENTERING SIGHT DISTANCE SHALL MEET AASHTO STANDARDS AND DETAILS 6.50 THRU 6-54. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/o' CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCES SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 2olo MAX. 4" SCH 40 PVC SLEEVE CAPPED AT BOTH ENDS AND MARKED WITH REBAR DOWEL CAPPED PVC SLEEVE SEE NOTE 6 1,50/o CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" MIN. DEPTH Uz. J =d 5'VARIES r/2" rvP. 1" FOR REVERSE SLOPE DRIVEWAY FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PI.ASTIC OR 4' SCH 40 PVC SLEEVEAPPROVED EQUAL SECTION A-A 7. AccEss coVERs, JUNSTIoN BoXEs, CABLE VAULTS AND oTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMNS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP.RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PI-ACED W]THIN THE SLOPES OF ADA MMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. S,PROVIDETMNSITIONSIDEWALK,5'MIN.WHENTMNSINONINGTOEXISTING SIDEWALK. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. EERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHKENT nFcrcNFD coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALE NPAWN c0K ilD-laK -6- 43DATE ENGIN€A SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP OR SID A LIMITS FOR 8" THICK REINFORCED DRIVEWAY SEE NOTE 2 NOTES: 1. CONCRETE WITHIN S" THICK LIMITS SHALL BE PORTI-AND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX WITH A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3OOO PSI IN 3 DAYS, FINISH SHALL BE BRUSHED TRANSVERSELY WITH A FIBER OR WIRE BRUSH, "BROOM FINISH'" 2, ALL UTILITY APPURTENANCES WHICH ALTER THE TMVEL SURFACE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. DESIGN OF STORM DRAIN CATCH BASINS SHALL CONSIDER DRIVEWAY LAYOUT AND BE AVOIDED. 3, EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 15' MAXIMUM SPACING. E$STOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE TO MSHTO M220. 4, SEE STANDARD PI.AN 6-48 FOR DRIVEWAY SLOPES BEHIND SIDEWALK, 5. ENTERING SIGHT DISTANCE SHALL MEET MSHTO STANDARDS AND DETAILS 6-50 THRU 6-54, 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5%, CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCES SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 2olo MAX' APPROVED EQUAL SECTION A-A xotptErvsroNs pER RoADwAY CLASSIFIcATIoNS 7. ACCESS COVERS, JUNCNON BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMTIS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GMDE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK, SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PI-ACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA MMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. 8. PRoVIDE TMNSITIoN SIDEWALK, 5' MIN. WHEN TMNS]TIoNING To EXISTING SIDEWALK. A DRIVEWAY WIDTH AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS: 30'MAX. FIRE HYDMNTS, STREET LIGHTS, UTILITY POLES, GUY WIRES AND OTHER OBSTACLES MUST BE RELOCATED 5' MINIMUM FROM THE DESIGN VEHICLES TURNING RADIUS 1'-6"*VARIES MIN CRUSH TOP COURSE 4" MIN. DEPTH 2" CLEAR FROM SUBGMDE #4 BARS AT 12" EACH WAY; WIRE TIED AT EACH INTERSECTING POINT; SUPPORTED BY 2" SQUARE MORTAR CUBE OR INDUSTRY STANDARD UCHAIRU AND 3' MMIMUM SPACING OF SUPPORTS. BAR SHALL EXTEND BEYOND CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 15" AT SPLiCE POINTS' 6' EXPANSION (TYP.) SEE NOTE 3 rl2'rYP. 1- FOR REVERSE SLOPE DRIVEWAY 2- #4 BARS FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC OR 1.5o/o 6" EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO OEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH DEPRESSED SIDEWALK KENT DFSTGNED clK NONESCAI F STANDARD PLAN I'JRAWN COK 9/2020DATFcHFckED COK 6- 44 APPR.VED ENGINER A (rYP.) EXPANSION JOINT ) sEE NOTE 3A 6' MIN,, 15' 1:12 SLOPE OR PER PUNS 7.5olo MAX LIMITS FOR 8" THICK REINFORCED DRIVEWAY SEE NOTE 2 NOTESi 1. CONCRETE WITHIN 8'' THICK UMITS SHALL BE PORTHND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX WITH A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3OOO PSI IN 3 DAYS, FINISH SHALL BE BRUSHED TMNSVERSELY WITH A FIBER OR WIRE BRUSH, "BROOM FINISH", 2, ALL UTILITY APPURTENANCES WHICH ALTER THE TRAVEL SURFACE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. DESIGN OF STORM DMIN CATCH BASINS SHALL CONSIDER DRIVEWAY I.AYOUT AND BE AVOIDED. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 15' MAXIMUM SPACING ELASTOM FTRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE ]N CONFORMANCE TO MSHTO M220, SEE STANDARD PI.AN 6.48 FOR DRIVEWAY SLOPES BEHIND SIDEWALK, 5. ENTERING SIGHT DISTANCE SHALL MEET MSHTO STANDARDS AND DETAILS 6-50 THRU 6-54, 6, DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1,5ol0. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCES SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 2olo MAX. PAVED DRIVEWAYTAPER MATERIAL SHALL MATCH DRIVEWAYTYPE AND DEPTH, WIDTH SHALL MATCH SIDEWALK RAMP LENGTH. 1'-6" Llz. fiP. 1" FOR REVERSE SLOPE DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH SPECIFIED ON PLANS DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE SYMMETRICAL. FIRE HYDMNTS, STREET LIGHTS, UTILITY POLES, GUY WIRES AND OTHER OBSTACLES MUST BE RELOCATED 5' M]NIMUM FROM THE DESIGN VEHICLES TURNING MDIUS MIN CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" MIN, DEPTH 2" CLEAR FROM SUBGRADE BARS AT 12" EACH WAY; WIRE TIED AT EACH INTERSECTING POINT; SUPPORTED BY 2,,SQUARE MORTAR CUBE OR INDUSTRY STANDARD ''CHAIR" AND 3'MAXiMUM SPACING OF SUPPORTS. BAR SHALL EXTEND BEYOND CONSTRUCIION JOINTS AND LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 15" AT SPLICE POINTS. 2- #4 BARS FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL SE TION A-A 7, ACCESS COVERS, JUNCIION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES W]THIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GMDE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK, SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALLNoTBEPLACEDWITHINTHESLoPESoFADAMMPSoRDRIVEWAYWINGS' 8. PROVIDE TMNSITION SIDEWALK, 5' MIN, WHEN TRANS]TIONING TO EXISTING SIDEWALK. MAX.5o/o1 6" EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECI-RONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY OR PRIVATE ROAD APPROACHKENT DESjGNED coK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRA'ilN COK DATECHECKED 5-45ENGINER APPROVFI) LIMITS FOR 6- THICK DRIVEWAY 2.5'A ANDARD %' FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) DRIVEWAY PLAN 5' 5' CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4" THICK MIN, CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUfiER (SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-33) SLOPE DRIVEWAY APPROACH AS NEEDED TO MATCH GMDES FLOW LINE SEE SECTION A-A SEE STD. PLAN 6-48 FOR DRIVEWAY SLOPES 1'-6" o 1/2" TYP., I' FOR REVERSE SLOPE DRIVEWAY HMA CLASS %:" PG 64-22 FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" MIN. DEPTH OVER COMPACTED SUBGMDE OR APPROVED EQUAL NOTES: 1. MMIMUM DRIVEWAY GMDE BEHIND DRIVEWAY APPROACH IS 12olo' SLOPE ROUNDING IS REQUIRED AT DRIVEWAY GRADE TMNSITIONS AS SHOWN IN SECTION A-4, 2, CONCRETE SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX WITH A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3t)O() PSI IN 3 DAYS. FINISH SHALL BE BRUSHED TMNSVERSELY WITH A FIBER OR WIRE BRUSH, "BROOM FINISH''. 3, ALL UTILITY APPURTENANCES WHICH ALTER THE TMVEL SURFACE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. DESIGN OF STORM DMIN CATCH BASINS SHALL CONSIDER DRIVEWAY LAYOUT AND BE AVOIDED, EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 15' MMIMUM SPACING. EI.ASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE TO AASHTO M220. SECTION A-A 5, ACCESS COVERS, JUNCIION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND oTHERAPPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST ]NCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK, SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALLNoTBEPT.ACEDWITHINTHESLoPES0FADAMMPS0RDRIVEWAYWINGS' 6, PROVIDE TRANSITION SIDEWALK, 5' MIN. WHEN TMNSITIONTNG TO EXISTING SIDEWALK. 4 5s' 2.5'WIDTH 2 AND NOTE 5 A SIDEWALK \l-- -1 \ \ 1.50/o EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CTTY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTT{ENT PRIVATE STREET APPROACH SERVING 9 LOTS OR LESSKENT DESIGNED COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKEO COK 6-46ENGINER APPROVED 6' MIN.A EXPANSION JOINT (WP.) SEE NOTES 1 AND SIDEWALK NOT LOWERED s'(TYP.) 1'-6" A PRIVATE STREET WIDTH AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS, 20' MAX. 4" SCH 40 PVC SLEEVE CAPPED AT BOTH ENDS AND MARKED WITH REBAR DOWEL CAPPED PVC SLEEVE SEE STD, PIAN 6-48 FOR DRIVEWAY SLOPES SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" MIN. DEPTH " CLEAR FROM SUBGRADE BARS AT 12" EACH WAY; WIRE T]ED AT EACH INTERSECTING POINT; SUPPORTED BY 2" SQUARE MORTAR CUBE OR INDUSTRY STANDARD ''CHAIR" AND 3' MMIMUM SPACING OF SUPPORTS. BAR SHALL ETTEND BEYOND CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND LAPPED A MINIMUM OF 15" AT SPLICE POINTS, 1 LIMITS FOR 8'' THICK REINFORCED DRIVEWAY SEE NOTE 2 NOTES: CONCRETE SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX WITH A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3OOO PSI IN 3 DAYS. FINISH SHALL BE BRUSHED TRANSVERSELY WITH A FIBER OR WIRE BRUSH, "BROOM FINISH", 2, ALL UTILITY APPURTENANCES WHICH ALTER THE TMVEL SURFACE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. DESIGN OF STORM DMIN CATCH BASINS SHALL CONSIDER DRIVEWAY LAYOUT AND BE AVOIDED. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 15' MAXIMUM SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE TO MSHTO M220. 4, SEE STANDARD PI.AN 6-23 FOR INTERSEffION LANDING INFORMATION, 5, THE DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH AND THE DRIVEWAY WIDTH ARE DETERMINED BY APPROVED VEHICUI-AR MANEUVERING DTAGMMS, SEE SECTION 6.6.Q. WHEN DESIGNING OTHERWISE, SEE PLAN VIEW FOR DIMENSIONING. 6. ENTERING SIGHT DISTANCE SHALL MEET MSHTO STANDARDS AND DETAILS 5-50 THRU 6-54, DES]GN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/o. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCES SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 2olo MAX, rl2'TfP. 1' FOR REVERSE SLOPE DRIVEWAY 2- #4 BARS FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL 4" SCH 40 PVC SLEEVE SECTION A-A xorueruslot'ts pER RoADWAY cLAssIFIcAnoNs 8. AccEss coVERs, JUNSTIoN BoXES, CABLE VAULTS AND oTHERAPPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMNS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GMDE OFTHE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALLNoTBEPLACEDWITHINTHEsLoPESoFADAMMPSoRDRIVEWAYWINGS. g,PROVIDETMNSITIONSIDEWALK,5'MIN.WHENTMNSITIONINGTOEXISTING SIDEWALK, 7 1.50/o 6" EXHIBIT A AN ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT JO]NT USE DRIVEWAY TRACTKENT rJEsrcNED qoK STANDARD PIANNONESCALEDRAWN ElK 12/2019DATEcHEckED COK 6-47ENGINEA APPROVED 20' MIN, t 2 16'2'MIN. 20'MIN. sEE NOTE A(1) SIDEWALK ]OINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PLANTER STRIP ROADWAY Q EDGE OF PAVEMENT JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TMST NOTES: NO PORTION OF DRIVEWAY WIDTH SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 5' OF SIDE LOT LINES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS OR 9' IN COMMERCIAL AREAS EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: A. A JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TMCT MAY BE USED TO SERVE TWO PARCELS: MINIMUM TMCT WIDTH IN URBAN AREAS SHALL BE 20'WITH A 16' PAVED SURFACE, CROSS SLOPE IN ONE DIRECTION AND CURB OR THICKENED EDGE ON ONE SIDE. MINIMUM TMCI LENGTH SHALL BE 20' FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE' MINIMUM TMCT WIDTH SHALL BE 20'; 30' IF A DITCH IS REQUIRED. MINIMUM TMCI- LENGTH SHALL BE 20' FROM RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE. MDIUS RETURNS ON PAVED APRON SHALL HAVE 10' MDII OR AS DETERMINED BY THE APPROVED VEHICLE MANEUVERING DIAGMM. SEE SECTION 5'6'Q WHEN DESIGNING. THE CITY MAY ALLOW USE OF AN OFF.SITE ACCESS EASEMENT TO THE STREET IF THE ONLY STREET ACCESS IS THROUGH AN ADJACENT PARCEL NOT OWNED BY THE APPLICANT. B.DRIVEWAYS MAY UTIUZE FULL WIDTH OF NARROW "PIPE-STEM" PARCELS OR EASEMENTS IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. MAY BE USED ON CUL.DE-SAC BULBS AS NECESSARY FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTiAL ACCESS. (1) (2) (3) c. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT DRIVEWAY SLOPEKENT nFstcNED qoK STANDARD PLANSCALENRAWN ClK 12/2019DATFCHFCKED COK 6-48ENGINEER APPROVED BACK OF SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY GAMGE STREET BEGIN VERNCAL CURVE 12olo MAX, SLOPE' SEE NOTE 1 10' MIN GAMGE FLOOR END VERTICAL CURVE CREST VERTICAL CURVE BACK OF SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY GARAGE STREET 15' MIN GARAGE FLOOR DRIVEWAY END VERTICAL CURVE L2olol4AX. SLOPE, SEE NOTE 1 BEGIN VERTICAL CURVE SIDEWALK SAG VERTICAL CURVE NOTES: 1. FOR BACK.IN ACCESS ONLY, MAX. SLOPE IS 1OO/O 2. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.5ol0. CONSTRUCIION TOLEMNCES SHALL BE 1olo MIN AND 20lo MAX' EXHIBIT A Sensit,ve Arec NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELE TRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINC DEPARTXENT EXAMPLE SITE PI.ANG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE 6-49DATE Bu ilding En vel ope Downspou t( typ Tiqh tl in e(typ Roof Overhon Conc. Stoop 5 5 =N .NN t O6 El:l #l Property Corners, ti^ All Anole Poinod s sBB'40'28"t 50.00' Om = € N .NN- O6 o 4,sF \., Io 10' Reor Yord i tory 5'-10 1/2" \ cq Split Roil Fence Flow Wooden Deck NOTESI 1. ALL APPUCABLE PROFESSIONAL SURVEY PRINCIPLES, GUIDELINES, CODES AND LAWS APPLY INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1,1. KENT CITY CODE 12,04: "SUBDIVISIONS, BINDING SITE PI-ANS, AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS" 1.2. RCW 58,09: "SURVEYS - RECORDING" 1.3. WAC 332-130: "MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR LAND BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND GEODETIC CONTROL SURVEYS AND GUIDEUNES FOR THE PREPAMTION OF LAND DESCRIPTIONS". 2. FAILURE OF THE LAND DEVELOPER TO COMPLY WITH THESE REGUI.ATIONS AND STANDARDS WILL NOT RELIEVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNER TO CORRECT POTENTIALLY COSTLY ERRORS. COSTLY CORRECIIONS MAY INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO: DEMOLITION OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LAND OWNER RENEGOTIATIONS AS WELL AS, ADDITIONAL LEGAL AND SURVEY COSTS RESULTING FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AND ACCESS AGREEMENTS. 3. ENGINEERING SCALE SHALL BE 1:20 OR 1:40 4. NORTH ARROW REQUIRED, 5. VICINITY MAP OPTIONAL ON SITE PLAN. 6. PROPERTY LINES OR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF.WAY LINES SHALL BE SHOWN WITH LENGTH AND BEARING, 7. ALL EXISTING TOPOGMPHY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES AND ALL PROPOSED INFMSTRUSTURE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE SHOWN. 8. DEVELOPMENT NAMES AND LAND USE FOR SURROUNDING PROPERTIES TO BE SHOWN 9. SHOW SETBACKS AND SENSITIVE AREAS. 10. BUILDING SETBACKS VARY BY ZONING 20' Front Yord I LO 15' e 1/2 Control BMP 41'-5 1 /2" : @pSEB of SE 217th .Street Sidewolk torm (,@ Or Monumen t _--cc! 0 10 40 ter *-Stor m D- lbn Il\{PERVIOUS AREAS House ----SFDrivewoy - --SFPotios - --SFWclkwoy --- St Rood (ll on eosement) -- .-Sl- TOTAL II\/1PERVIOUS AREA -___SF lmpervious % ol Lol Coveroge ---% SITE PLAN SCALE "=XX'SEE NOTE 3 EXHIBIT A TREE (TYP) 10' I UTILITY POLE (TYP,) uz. = =d MIN LUMINAIRE FIRE HYDMNT SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP FACE OF CURB CLEAR ZONE 40 MPH AND ABOVE WITH OR WITHOUT CURB CLEAR ZONE oF 10' (FRoM FOG LINE TO FACE OF 0BSTACLE) TREE (TYP) Y I I I FIRE HYDMNT UTILITY POLE (TYP.) LUMINAIRE 2', uz J =d. SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP FACE OF CURB CLEAR ZONE oF 3' (FROM FOG LINE TO FACE OF oBSTACLE) CLEAR ZONE BELOW 40 MPH WITH CURB tl TREE (TYP) Lul _f \ ---:- 2' MIN FIRE HYDMNT uTrLrTY POLE (TYP.) uz:l =d SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP FOG LINE CLEAR ZONE BELOW 40 MPH WITHOUT CURB EDGE OF PAVEMENT CLEAR ZONE oF 10' (FROM FOG UNE TO FACE OF oBSTACLE) NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTI'ENT CLEAR ZONESG STANDARD PLANSCALE DATE 6-50ENGINEM NOTES: 1. THE MSHTO "ROADSIDE DESIGN GUIDE'' AND'A POUCY ON GEOMETRY DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS" SHALL GU]DE ACCEPTABLE CLEAR ZONE DISTANCES. 2. ALL OBSTACLES (SUCH AS FIRE HYDMNTS OR STREFT UGHTS) WITHIN THE CLEAR ZONE FRoM THE FACE 0F CURB SHALL HAVE BREAKAWAY FEATURES. 3. ALL CLEAR ZONE DISTANCES ARE TO THE SURFACE OF THE OBSTACLE CLOSEST TO THE DRIVING SURFACE. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTIIENT CITY OF I(ENT CLEARANCE OF ROADSIDE OBSTACLES FOR UTILITIES ON EXISTING SHOULDER TYPE ROADK.F.IIT DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/201sDATEcoKCHECKED 6-51ENGINEM APPROVEO- RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE NOT ALLOWED I RIGHT.OF-WAY APPLIES: TO ROADWAY WITH SHOULDER OR MOUNTABLE CURB ON: 1. TANGENT, OR 2. INSIDE OF CURVE, OR 3. OUTSIDE OF CURVE, EITHER WITH - POSTED SPEED LESS THAN 40 MPH OR - MDIUS GREATER THAN 35OO' ON ROADWAY MEET]NG ALL CURRENT DESIGN STANDARDS. DGE OF TMVELED WAY 04'A OUTSIDE OF CURVE POSTED 40 MPH AND OVER APPLIES TO ROADWAY WITH SHOULDER OR MOUNTABLE CURB ON OUTSIDE OF CURVE. WITH: - MDIUS LESS THAN 2500" 4!g - POSTED SPEED GREATERTHAN OR EQUALTO 40 M'P.H LEGEND: LOC LENGTH OF CURVE (FEET) AT EDGE OFTMVELED WAY FROM P,C, TO P,T. SOR SAFETY OVERRUN (FEET) BEYOND P.T, PPL PROHIBITED POLE LOCATION (FEET) (LOC + SOR) WHERE POLES OR OBSTACLES MUST BE REMOVED OR BARRICADED. EDGE OF TMVELED WAY ALLOWED 6( GENERAL CASE P/OC: POLE/OBSTACLE CLEAMNCE TO NEAREST FACE OF POLE/OBSTACLE. NOTES: 1. THE STANDARDS SHALLAPPLYTO EVERY NEW PLACEMENT AND EVERY PLANNED, NON-EMERGENCY REPI.ACEMENT OF EXISTING POLES AND OTHER UTILITY STRUCTURES WITHIN KENT RIGHT-OF.WAY. 2. NO POLES MAY BE REPLACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF A CURVE WITH A POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF 40 MPH OR OVER UNLESS APPROVED THROUGH A DEVIATION. 3. SEE SECTION 6,17, "ALL UTILITIES WITHIN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY, DIRE TION OF TMVEL PPL (FEET) ON OUTSIDE OF CURVES WITH POSTED SPEED LIMN OF 40 MPH AND OVER MPH SOR AT 40 PPL = LOC + 220 AT 45 PPL = LOC + 255 AT 50 PPL = LOC + 290 AT 55 PPL = LOC + 325 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TNTERSECTION/DRIVEWAY SIGHT TRIANGLEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK CHECKED COK DArE 12/2019_6-52ENCIX€A APPROVED DECISION POINT A CENTER OF APPROACH LANE POINT A CENTER OF APPROACH I.ANE EDGE OF VEHICULAR TRAVELWAY CURB LINE, OR OUTSIDE EDGE OF TMVEL OR BIKE I.ANE (TYP,) MAJOR STREET 2€ (: (:€ sPOINT B CENTER OF APPROACH I.ANE LEFT SIGHT TRIANGLE UNE RIGHT SIGHT TRIANGLE LINE HATCH AREA NOTES: CENTER OF MINOR STREET OR DRIVEWAY VEGETATION, BERMS, AND PROJECT FEATURES WITHIN THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. FOLIAGE AT MATI,JRIry, BERM, AND PROJECT FEATURES IF ANY SHALL NOT EXCEED 30" IN HE]GHT. 2. ALL EXISNNG TREES AND OTHER OBSTRUCTION'S WITHIN THE SITE TRIANGLE SHALL BE MIN. 8'TO THE LOWEST BMNCH 8' MIN. 30' MAX. UNLESS OTHERWISE PLANTER SIDEWALK NOTES: ADJUSTMENTS TO SIGHT DISTANCE SHALL BE PER MSHTO'S "A POUCY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS & STREETS'- 1. SIGHT DISTANCE FOR VEHICLES MAY BE REDUCED FOR NARROWER ROADWAYS. 2, SIGHT DISTANCE FoRTRUCKS SHALL BE INCREASED WHEN THE HEAVYVEHICLE PERCENTAGE IS OVER 1OO/0. 3. SIGHT DISTANCE FOR AppROACH GMDES LARGER THAN +30/o OR -30lo SHALL BE ADJUSTED PER AASHTO. STOP CONTROL MINOR LEG ONLY PASSENGER CAR ON A 4 LANE ROADWAY WITH CENTER TURN LANE POSTED SPEED LIMIT DISTANCE (LEFT TURN) A DISTANCE (RIGHT TURN AND CROSSING) B 50 MPH 690 FEET 530 FEEI 45 MPH 625 FEET 480 FEET 40 MPH 565 FEET 430 FEET 35 MPH 5OO FEET 385 FEET 30 MPH 440 FEET 335 FEET 25 MPH 375 FEET 290 FEET 20 MPH 315 FEET 24O FEET EXISTING TREES ONLY NEW FOUAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED 30" L4' FOR LIMBS OVERHANGING TMVELED ROADWAY, LOT, ETC '<J4 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT PEDESTRIAN SIGHT LINESKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKED gOK 6-53ENGINER APPROVED 15'FACE OF CURB I) POINT B BACK OF SIDEWALK BACK OF SIDEWALK SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-52 FOR HATCHED AREA REQUIREMENTS DECISION POINT A I IclL APPROACH I.ANE clL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN I5 NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT STREET TREE LOCATIONS DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN qOK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-54ENGIIIENAPPROVED- o'I o =fEz =bn 1 50' MINIMUM =fE z E -o h 50' MIN. SIGHT DISTANCE SETBACK AREA. SEE STANDARD PI.AN 6-52 FOR ADDITIONAL SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS, 2'MIN. FROM BACK OF SIDEWALK TO CENTER OF TREE 2.5' MIN. FROM BACK OF CURB TO CENTER OF VISIBIUTY DISTANCE REQUIRED FOR A STOP SIGN MINIMUM DISTANCE IN FEET SPEED LIMIT 200 25 250 30 325 35 DRIVEWAY LUMINAIRE CENTER OF 30'MIN. ARTERIALS SHRUB (TYP) LANE BUS D=VISIBILITY TO STOP SIGN SEE TABLE ON THIS SHEET LINE- HYDMNT I F Uz =cod. :f(J J U Fd.U u FzodL NOTES: 1. TREES SHALL GENERALLY BE PLANTED WITHIN PLANTING STRIPS OR AT THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK IF THERE ARE NO PLANTING STRIPS 2, WITHIN PLANTING STRIPS: A, MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE FACE OF TREE OR OTHER ROADSIDE OBSTACLE TO THE FACE OF CURB SHALL BE 3'. B. MINIMUM CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL BE 5 FT. IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FT. IN BUSINESS DISTRICTS' C, IN NO CASE SHALL TREES BE PLACED IN SUCH A WAY THAT THEY IMPEDE THE SAFE FLOW OF TMFFIC BY BLOCKING THE VIEW OF TRAFFIC SIGNS, AND OR OR IMPEDE PEDESTRIANS AND VEHICLES. 3. PLANS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH KING COUNTY METRO SERVICE PLANNING ON BUS ROUTES' 4. AN APPROVED TREE LIST IS INCLUDED IN APPENDIX A. 5. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-50 FOR CLEAR ZONE REQUIREMENTS. LANDSCAPE PER KCC 15.07.050 REqUIRED IN PLANTER AREAS. MIN STOP SIGN VERTICAL CURB 2'MIN. FROM BACK OF SIDEWALK TO CENTER OF TREE EXHIBIT A 4'' DIAMETER WATERING TUBE 5' MIN, D,I. TREE GMTE TOP OF BACKFILL IS 900/o OF ROOT BALL HEIGHT ROOTBALL LAG BOLT, WASHER AND TREE TIE OR METAL BAND EACH SIDE UNDER CONC. FRAME z =n SIDEWALK TREE STAKE AND GUY WIRE PARALLEL TO WALK AND CURB z. =-n "2 PLANTER STRIP FACE OF CURB ROOT GUARD; "DEEP ROOT", "BIO-BARRIER" OR EQUIVALENT MIN. 10'L x 2'D CENTER LENGTH ON TREE, BOTH SIDES OF PLANTER STRIP 1.5U TO 2,5" CALIPER STREET TREE 2-2"x2"xL2' STAKES ATTACHED TO TREE WITH LOOSELY TENSIONED APPROVED TREE TIES, INSTALL PAMLLEL TO WALK AND cuRB (NOT AS SHOWN) PLANT ROOT BALL SO THE BOTTOM OFTHE TREE TRUNK IS SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE TYPICAL 4" IRRIGATION R]SER PLACEMENT OR WATERING TUBES. TWO PER TREE REQUIRED, 24', DEEP (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE CURB AND " DEEP ROOT BARRIER BELOW BOND BREAK MATERIAL AS MANUFACTURED BY "DEEP ROOT", EQUIVALENT, 10' LONG, CENTERED ON TREE \zJ =Uo a CONCRETE FRAME TREE WELL 5'TREE WELL CONCRETE FMME AROUND ALL STREET TREES WITH TREE GMTES ROOTBALL TYPICAL 4" IRRIGATION RISER PLACEMENT OR WATERING TUBES, TWO PER TREE REQUIRED, 24" DEEP (TYP,) 2.APPROVED COMMERCIAL TREE T]ES ATTACHED LOOSELY TO ALLOW FOR MINOR SWAYING d.u F =(9 oz. d)d. DU 52J =Uc] ln 3" LAYER OF BARK MULCH q. 9.5" 9 18" DIA. INSTALL UNDER CONCRETE FRAM 24" DEEP ROOT BOND MATERIAL AS MANUFACTURED BY "DEEP ROOT'' "BIO-BARRIER" OR EQUIVALENT, 1O' LONG, CENTERED ON TREE, SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6.36M WELL NOTES 1, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-35 FOR DOWNTOWN SIDEWALKS. 2. IF TREE IS LOCATED BEHIND THE SIDEWALK, A ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED ATTHE EDGE OFTHE SIDEWALK' 3. ALL CONSTRUCNON DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM TREE PITS, INSTALL 12 INCHES OF PLANTING SOILAROUND ROOT BALL CONSISTING OF 750lo SANDY LOAM AND 25% ORGANICS' FILL REMAINDER OF TREE PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL' 4, IN TREE WELLS, THE ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE PLACED ALL AROUND THE TREE PN AND STAPLED TOGETHER, 5, FOR BURLAP GROWN TREES THE BURI.AP SHALL BE REMOVED AT PLANTING TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST THE ROOT BALL, DO NOT BURY BURLAP IN PIT. 6. FOR CONTAINER GROWN TREES ALL ROOT BOUND ROOTS SHALL BE CUT AND SEPAMTED. 7. NO PRUNING OF THE TREES AT PLANNNG, BARRIER E SERVICES, ETC. SHALL BE PI.ACED OUTSIDE THE TREE ROOT BARRIER PI.ANTER STRIP SECTION A.A i = rO \t :zJ =ua at) NOTE 3 .'BIO-BARRIER'' NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERiNG DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT TREE IN PLANTERt.6- SCALE STANDARD PLAN ENGINER 6-55DATE 2'-6 TRUNK ROOT FLARE MIGHT BE VISIBLE ON CERTAIN TREES ROOT BALL SIDE COVERED WITH MULCH, NOT ROOT BALL 3'' LAYER OF BARK MULCH EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF' I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SIDEWALK BOLI-ARD WITH RECEPTACLEG DES|CNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE 6-56DATE STREET TREE D.I. TREE GMTE AND BOLLARD SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH OUTLET COVER FACING TOWARD THE STREET TREE, AT THE CENTER BOLLARD: rrunwEnrnrn 4"x35" B-1 BOLLARD, 36" SURFACE MOUNT, WTTH OUTLET, COLOR: BLACK, CONTMCTOR SHALL SUBMIT COLOR CHIPS. OUTLET BOX: ALUMINUM, SINGLE GANG CASE DEVISE BOX (OR EQUIVALENT) GFCI RECEPTACLE: LEVITON 8898-T, 20A, 125V, NEMA 5-20R, 2P, 3W (OR EQUIVALENT) OUTLET COVER AND GASKET PROVIDED BY BOLLARD MANUFACTURER CARLON WEATHER PROOF COVER (PART #EgUVHMC) ORAPPROVED EQUAL. LEVEL BOLI.ARD BASE AS NECESSARY TO COMPENSATE FOR SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE. OF THE TREE GMTE SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-55 FOR STREET TREE INSTALI.ATION INFORMATION ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX CONDUIT TO NEXT JUNCTION BOX OR SERVICE CABINET (1) 1" MIN. DIAMETER STEEL CONDUN WITH %, DIAMETER NYLON PULL ROPE INSTALL 2-#10 WIRES WITH GROUND EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELEqIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTIIENT XXXX xxxxt.6t DES|GNED CoK STANDARD PLANSCALE 6-57DATE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELESI-RONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT MINOR FILLS AROUND TREES DES|GNED COK SCAI F NONE STANDARO PLAN DRAWN COK DATE 12/2019coKCHECKED 6-58ENC!NEM APPROVFD SEE 6-52 FOR PRUNING CONSIDERATIONS AND SIGHT DISTANCES. 1" STMW LAYER DRIP LINE NATIVE SOIL FILL FINISHED GMDE ORIGINAL GRADE ORIGINAL GMDE NOTES: 1, EXTEND STRAW OUTTO DRIPLINE OFTREE' 2. COMPACT SO]L BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. 3. FOR ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS SEE DETAILS 6-52,6-53, AND 6-54. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT CUTS OR FILLS AROUND TREESKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-59ENGINEfi APPROVED EX. TREE VENTS (3"0 MIN.) WITH CAPS DRY WELL, MIN. 3' OR THREE TIMES THE MATIJRE TRUNK DIAMETER LOOSE STONE FILL SOIL DRY WELL NEW SOIL LINE STONE 3" O VENT WITH CAP DMIN TILE (3" 0 MrN.) OLD SOIL LIN SLOPE TO DMIN AWAY FROM TREE DMIN TILE TO DRIP LINE @ 1olo MINIMUM MISING THE GMDE DRIP LINE SECTION PLAN EX. TREE INSTALL ENGINEERED WALL FOR CUTS GREATER THAN FOUR FEET AND SLOPES GREATER THAN 2: 1 HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL (TYP). OLD SOIL LINE DRIP LINE DRIP UNE FILL LOWERING THE GMDE 2'4 2'ROCKERY OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL ROCKERY OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL EX. TREE 6 CUT NEW SOIL LINE NOTES: 1. ALL DRAIN TILE SHALL BE PERFOMTED PVC AND WMPPED IN PERMEABLE DMIN FABRIC OR CLOTH SOCKS DESIGNED FOR PERFORATED PIPE. LOWERING AND MISING THE GMDE 2. MINIMUM BATTER ON DRY WELLS WALLS SHALL BE 1:6 HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL. 3, ALL FILL SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY, 4. FINAL INSTALI.ATION SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY A LICENSED ARBORIST. r- ---I EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELE TRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY CITY OF I(ENT ENO]NEERING DEPARTMENT WALLS IN CUT SECTION PUBLIC ROWKENT DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcHEcKED COK 6-60ENGINEM APPROVED RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE 1'-6" CEMENT CONCRETE BACKFILL PER WSDOT STD. D.4 GUTTER ASPHALT SEAL PERFOMTED PIPE 6" MIN 3" DIA WEEP HOLE PER WSDOT STD, SPEC, 9-05.2(7), SEE NOTE I GEOTEXNLE FOR UNDERGROUND DMINAGE PER WSDOT SEE NOTE 9 sTD. SPEC. 9-33 KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1. SEE RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK FACINGS ]N THE KDCS 6.1l'C 2. FACE OF WALL MUST BE OUTSIDE THE CLEAR ZONE AS SHOWN ON KENT STD. PLAN 6-50, 4, 8'-0" MAX. HEIGHTADJACENTTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3'-0" TO 6'.0" MAX, HEIGHTAD]ACENTTO OTHER PROPERTIES OR BETWEEN INTERIOR LOTS PER KENT STD, PI.AN 6.57 . 5. CAST-IN.PLACE CONCRETE WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING 3'-O'IN HEIGHTARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENTTO PUBLIC ROW. WALLS USED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY NOT ABUTTING PUBLIC ROW OVER 6'-0" IN HEIGHTARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED. 3, WSDOT TYPE 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE OR PEDESTRIAN MILING REQUIRED WHEN WALL HEIGHT ABOVE FINISHED GMDE IS 30 IN. OR GREATER, SEE KENT STD. PLAN 6-41 OR WSDOT STD. PI.AN L-20.10' CHAIN UNK FENCE (sEE NoTE 3) VARIES PI.ANTER STRIP SIDEWALK RE]NFORCED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MSHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, SEE WSDOT STD. PLANS 6, DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GMDE SHALL BE 1.50/0. CONSTRUCTION TOLEMNCES SHALL BE 10/o MIN AND 20lo MAX' 7. SIGHT D]STANCE, ROAD GRADES AND ALIGNMENTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN DESIGN. 8. PIPE TO DMIN TO CITY STORM SYSTEM OR NATUML DMINAGE COURSE. 9. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT PER KENT STD. PLAN 6.34. 2 =F{ ro FACE OF WALL TO SIDEWALK (O F !(t U-JJ = 6oz. st EXHIBIT A NOTE; THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELESIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF ICENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT WALLS IN FILL SECTION PUBLIC ROWKENT DESTGNED clK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN ClK 12/2019DATECHEcKED ClK 6-6 1ENGINEA APPROVED PEDESTRIAN HANDMIL IS GREATER THAN 5 FT, A 4 FT TALL CHAIN LINK FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE TOP OF WALL 1'-6"6 z E \AF.*'1z CENTERLINE AND 3" DIA WEEP HOLE CEMENT GUTTER o N WHEN E FROM CHAIN LINK FENCE (sEE NOTE 3) ASPHALT SEAL R0w PEDESTRIAN HANDM]L PER KENT STD. PLAN 6-41 SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP LINE u JJ = (O oz + U)uFo2.uu an (O BACKFILL PER WSDOT STD. D.4 PERFOMTED PIPE 6" MIN, PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-05.2 (7), SEE NOTE 8 GEOTETTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE PER WSDOT sTD. SPEC. 9-33 EX]STING GROUND 1'-6u REINFORCED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQU]REMENTS OF THE MSHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, SEE WSDOT STD. PLANS KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. NOTES: SEE STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK FACINGS IN THE KDCS 6,11.C. 2, FLATTER SLOPE MAY BE REQUIRED BASED ON GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, 4, WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING 3'-0" IN HEIGHTARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENTTO A STREET. WALLS OVER 6'.0" IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENG]NEERED, 3. WSDOT TYPE 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE OR PEDESTRIAN MIUNG REQUIRED WHEN WALL HEIGHT ABOVE FINISHED GMDE IS 30 IN. OR GREATER, SEE KENT STD. PIAN 6.41 OR WSDOT STD' PLAN L-20.10. 5. TMFFIC BARRIERS MAY BE REQUIRED ON ROADS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 40 MPH OR GREATER, WHERE WALL HEIGHTS EXCEED 6'.0" SEE CHAPTER 7 OF THE WSDOT DESIGN MANUAL. 5, 8'-O' MAX. HEIGHT ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3'-O'' TO 5'-0" MAX. HEIGHT ADJACENT TO OTHER PROPERTIES OR BETWEEN INTERIOR LOTS PER KENT STD' PI.AN 6-63' SIGHT DISTANCE, ROAD GMDES AND ALIGNMENTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN DESIGN, 8. PIPE TO DMIN TO CIW STORM SYSTEM OR NATUML DMINAGE COURSE, 7 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' ENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT WALLS UNDER SIDEWALK PUBLIC ROWG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATE 12 qcoKCHECKED 6-62ENGINEB APPROVFD VARIES SEE NOTE VARIES MIN. NO 5'-0" MIN, W/PIANTER SIDEWALK BACKFILL PER WSDOT STD, D-4 PERFOMTED PIPE 6' MIN. PER WSDOT STD, SPEC. 9-0s.2 (7), SEE NOTE 7 GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE PER WSDOT srD, sPEc. 9-33 KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS' NOTES: 1, SEE STRUCTUML RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK FACINGS IN KDCS 6.11.C, 3, WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING 3'-0" IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENTTO A STREET. WALLS OVER 6'-0'' IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED, 2. WSDOTTYPE 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE OR PEDESTRIAN RA]LING REQUIRED WHEN WALL HEIGHT ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IS 30 IN, OR GREATER. SEE KENT STD, PLAN 6-41 OR WSDOT STD. PLAN L-20.10. 3'.6' PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL PER KENT STD. PLAN 6-41 2" CSTC PER WSDOT sTD, SPEC, 9-03,9(3) ROW 8', MIN., 2' MAX. REINFORCED THICKENED EDGE WALK rr) EXISTING GROUND REINFORCED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, SEE WSDOT STD. PLANS 4. TRAFFIC BARRIERS MAY BE REQUIRED ON ROADS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 40 MPH OR GREATER, WHERE WALL HEIGHTS EXCEED 6'.0" SEE CHAPTER 7 OFTHE WSDOT DESIGN MANUAL. 5. 8'.0'MAx. HEIGHTADJACENTTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 3'-0" TO 6'-0" MAX, HEIGHTADJACENT TO OTHER PROPERTIES OR BETWEEN INTERIOR LOTS PER KENT STD. PLAN 6-63. 6. SIGHT DISTANCE, ROAD GMDES AND ALIGNMENTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN DESIGN. 7. PIPE TO DMIN TO CITY STORM SYSTEM OR NATUML DMINAGE COURSE. EUN FI(9uI3" DIA WEEP HOLE o N EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATTON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OUTWARD FACING PERIMETER WALLSG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE 1 1CHECKED 5-65ENGINEER t 5' MIN, OR STRUSTU I l,rev BE uP To 8'STRUCTURE OF WHICHEVER IS NING WALL FINISHED GRADE r'rrru.-l BETWEEN I sEGMENTS I 3',MIN. x E Eo I I 12" MIN. a^ UIu) d.o FINISHED GMDE v,U'uJ d.o NOTES: 1. THIS DETAILAPPUES TO OUTWARD FACING PERIMETER WALLS ONLY, NOTTO INWARD FACING WALLS OR WALLS SEPARATING INTERNAL LOTS IN A SUBDIVISION' 2 THE HEIGHT OF OUTWARD FACING PERIMETER WALLS WITHIN A STRUSTURE SETBACK IS LIMITED TO 3'.0" IN TOTAL HEIGHT MEASURED FROM FINISHED GMDE AT THE BASE OF THE WALL TO THE TOP OF THE WALL. 3 TERMCED WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING 3'-O'' UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 8'-0" IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENT TO A STREET, ROCKERIES OVER 6'-0" IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. EERING DOCUMENT BUTAN ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT PATCHING TRANSVERSE CUTKENT nFcrcNFn COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-54ENGINEA APPROVED- A FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEN4ENT z',-6', MIN PLAN SECTION NOTES: 1. ASPHALT CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE HMA PER KDCS 6,16' 2. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CSTC' WSDOT STD. SPEC. e-03.9(3), 3. ALL SAW CUTS SHALL BE VERTICAL AND IN STMIGHT LINES AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. s-04.3(s). 4. UNIFORMLY TACK ALL ASPHALT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL FACES AND SEAL ALL SURFACE SAW CUT JOTNTS PER WSDOT STD, SPEC, s-04.3(5) AND 5.04.3(5)A, MECHANICAL APPLICATION OF TACK WHERE POSSIBLE, IF NOT, BROOM APPLY BY HAND TO ACHIEVE UNIFORMITY, 5. HOT MIX ASPHALT SHALL BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES THICK ON LOCAL STREETS; I TO 10 INCHES THICK ON ARTERIALS. 6. PAVING FABRIC (IF FOUND) WILL NOT REQUIRE REPLACEMENT. 7, TEMPOMRY TMFFIC MARKINGS SHALL BE PLACED IN KIND IMMEDIATELY AFTER PAVING AND PERMANENT STRIPING SHALL BE REPLACED WITHIN 21 DAYS OFTHE PAVING OPEMTION. 8. COMPACTION REPORTS ARE REQUIRED AS OUTLINED IN sEcrroNs 2,4 AND 2.s oF THE KDCS AND 2-03.3(14)D AND E OFTHE WSDOT STD. SPEC, ADEqUATE NOTICE FOR SCHEDULING THESE SERVICES SHALL BE GIVEN CONSIDEMTION IN PERFORMING THE WORK, 2" HMA PER KDCS 5,16 EXISTiNG ASPHALT CONCRFTE SURFACE (TYP) EXiSTING ASPHALT GRIND EDGE OR SAWCUT TO PROVIDE A VERTICAL FACE (TYP) SEE NOTES 3 AND 4 ROADWAY RESTORATION CLASSIFICATIONS SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 50 FEET EACH WAY 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-7 AND 5-8 35 FEET EACH WAY 6-5, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12, 6-13,6-14 AND 6-15 FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2" GRIND AND OVERI-AY 25 FEET EACH WAY OF ARTERIAL CENTER OF CROSSING SEE NOTE 6 NATIVE SOIL z. E \o SEAL SURFACE JOINTS WITH AR 4()OO (TYP) 50' 6'-10" OF HMA PER KDCS 6.16 SEE NOTES 1 AND 5 COMPACTED CSTC SEE NOTE 2 KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUgTION STANDARDS, PIPE ZONE BEDDING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY M T-CUT I TRENCH SAW CUT 4'-6" MIN. 2" GRIND AND OVERLAY ARTERIAL ROADS OVERI.AY ALL OTHER ROADS EACH WAY AND JS\S -T- NNK.;K / 2'-6- MrN EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTt.6-PORTLAND CEMENT PAVEMENT PATCHING TRANSVERSE CUT DES|GNED COK STANDARD PTANSCALE 6-65DATE I l' I EDGE OF CURB AND GUTTER DOWELING NOT REQUIRED PREPAMTION AND REPI.ACEMENT OF PCC PANEL SHALL COMPLY WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPEC. s-01.3(4) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS CENTERLINE OR LANE LINE A TMNSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINT DoWEL BARS 1-1l2',0 x 18" LONG @ 12" O,c. SMOOTH DOWELS, EPOXY COATED WITH BEARING COMPOUND SUCH AS GREASE COMPACIED CSTC SEE NOTE 2 PIPE ZONE BEDDING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS. EXISTING VARIES PLAN FULL PANEL WIDTH SECTION A-A TRENCH WIDTH AS REQUIRED FULL DEPTH POLYETHYLENE ROOFING PAPER ALONG ALL EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES REQUIRED PER s.01.3(4) OF WSDOT STD. SPEC. FOR STREET WITH AN ASPHALT OVERI.AY MATCH EXISTING THICKNESS (2- MrN.) LONGITUDAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT TIE BARS #5 REBAR x 30" LONG @ 36',O.C, NOTES: 1. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 4OOO. 2. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CSTC, WSDOT STD. sPEC., 9-03,9(3). 3. ALL SAW CUTS SHALL BE VERTICAL AND PERPENDICULAR OR PAMLLEL TO THE ROAD CENTERLINE AS DIRECI-ED BY ENGINEER, 4. FOR ASPHALT OVERLAYS TACK ASPHALT FACES OF SAW CUTS AND SEAL SAW CUTS PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. 5-04.3(s) AND s-04.3(s)A. ALSO THOROUGHLY TACK CONCRETE SURFACE TO RECEIVE HMA. 5, FOR RIGID PAVEMENT OVERLAID WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT, PANEL REPLACEMENT SHALL BE PERFORMED FIRST AND THEN GRIND AND OVERLAY ASPHALT PER KENT STANDARD PLAN, 6.66. AN ASPHALT IMPREGNATED WOVEN FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED BETWEEN THE CONCRETE AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT TO REDUCE REFLECTIVE CMCKING THROUGH THE ASPHALT' 6. FULL CONCRETE PANEL(S) REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED. 7. A MINIMUM 4-DAY CURING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO OPENING TO TMFFIC. ON ARTERIALS OR WHERE OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER' ADDITIVES MAY BE REQUIRED TO REDUCE THE CURING TIME TO 3 DAYS OR LESS. A 8. COMPACTION REPORTS ARE REQUIRED AS OUTLINED IN sEcrroN 2.4 AND 2.s OFTHE KDCS AND 2-03.3(14)D AND E OF THE WSDOT STD. SPEC. ADEQUATE NOTICE FOR SCHEDULING THESE SERVICES SHALL BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION IN PERFORMING THE WORK. 18" 9" DOWEL-TIE BAR TO EXISTING PANELS. SEE WSDOT STD PI.AN A-60.10 AND A-40.10 (TYP) CONCRETE PATCH SHALL MATCH EXISTING THICKNESS (MrN. THTCKNESS IS 6") FINISH REQUIREMENTS PER WSDOT s-05.3(11) MECHANICALLY CUT AND SEALED CONSTRUCTION JOINT PER wsDor srD. sPEc. 5-0s.3(8) MIN SIZE 3/16" WIDE x 1" DEEP MAx SIZE 5/16" WIDE x 1/4 DEPTH OF PANEL. HAND HELD AND PI,JSH SAWS ALLOWED, EPOXY COATED DOWEL OR TIE BARS AS REQUIRED OF \corusrnucnoN JotNT SAWCUT, SEE NOTES4AND5(TYP) FOR REMOVAL EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK FILM. 1'MIN.1'MIN 2'-6" MIN. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT PATCHING LONGITUDINAL CUTKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKE0 coK 6-66ENGINEA APPROVED - LANE MARKING'S WHERE THEY OCCUR SEAL WITH SURFACE JOINT AR 4000 EXISNNG ASPHALT 0,17' MIN, HMA PER KDCS 6.16 GRIND AND OVERLAY PIPE ZONE BEDDING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS' NOTES: 7'-8" STANDARD VEHiCLE WHEEL PATH 4'-6" MIN. FULL LANE WIDTH GRIND AND OVERLAY STARTAND END 10 FT BEYOND TRENCH LIMTTS OYP) 3' MIN. SEE NOTE 5 6"-10- [4IN, OF HMA PER KDCS 6.15 OR COMMERCIAL HMA 1" PER KDCS 6.16 SEE NOTE 4 INITIAL TEMPOMRY TRENCH PATCH 0.25'MIN. HMA PER KDCS 6,16 CRUSHED ROCK 95olo COMPACTION REQUIRED 0N csrc. 1 3' MIN. $ UFoz. UUa 1 ALL TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CSTC PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.9(3), OR CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL. ALL SAW CUTS SHALL BE VERTICAL AND ]N STMIGHT LINES AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER PER WSDOT STD. SPEC, SECTION s-04.3(s). UNIFORIVLY TACK ALL ASPHALT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL FACES AND SEAL ALL SURFACE SAW CUT JOINTS PER WSDOT sTD. SPEC, 5-04,3(5) AND 5,04,3(s)A. MECHANICAL APPLICATION OF TACK WHERE POSSIBLE, IF NOT, BROOM APPLY BY HAND TO ACHIEVE UNIFORMITY, HOT N4IX ASPHALT SHALL BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES THICK ON LOCAL STREETS; 8 TO 10 INCHES THICK ON ARTER]ALS' 5. PAVING FABRIC (IF FOUND) WILL REQUIRE 4" MIN, OVERLAY. 6. COMPASIION REPORTS ARE REQUIRED AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 2.4 AND 2.s OF THE KDCS AND 2-03.3(14)D AND E 0F THE wsDoT sTD. SPEC. ADEQUATE NOTICE FOR SCHEDULING THESE SERVICES SHALL BE GIVEN CONSIDEMTION IN PERFORMING THE WORK. 7. ALL DEPTHS ARE MINIMUM COMPACTED DEPTHS, 2. 3. 4 1'MIN1'MIN T-CUT TRENCH SAWCUT : i. I (TYP)(TYP) 2'-6" MIN EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT PORTLAND CEMENT PAVEMENT PATCHING LONGITUDINAL CUTKENT DESTGNED cql<STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN CgK 12/2019DATEcHEoKED COK-6-67ENGINEB APPROVED a a 1'MIN FULL LANE WIDTH 2" MIN. ASPHALT CONCRETE PATCH, HMA PER KDCS 6.16 10 FT BEYOND LIMITS OF TRENCHING BOTH ENDS SAWCUT (TYP) SEE NOTES 3 AND 4 FOR REMOVAL LANE MARKING'S WHERE THEY OCCUR CEMENT CONCRETE WITH ASPHALT OVERLAY FULL PANEL TACK CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT WIDTH VARIES WITH FULL PANEL 1'MIN PREPAMTION AND REPLACEMENT OF PCC PANEL(S) SHALL COMPLY wrTH wsDoT sTD. SPEC. s-01.3(4) MINIMUM REQU]REMENTS. PORTI.AND CEMENT CONCRETE: MATCH ORIGINAL TH]CKNESS (MrN. 8" THICK) FINISH PER wsDor srD. sPEc, 5-05.3 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT DOWEL TIE BAR TO EXISTING PANELS, SEE WSDOT STD PLANS A-60.10 AND 40.I() TIE BARS NOT REQUIRED IF MATCHING EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO NOT DAMAGE ASPHALT TO REMAIN DURING REMOVAL AND PREP EX]STING PCC BASE PIPE ZONE BEDDING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCI-ION STANDARDS' NOTES: 2" MIN, ASPHALT CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE HMA PER KDCS 5'16 PORTI-AND CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 4O()O. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CSTC, WSDOT STD. SPEC. e-03.e(3), ALL SAW CUTS SHALL BE VERTICAL AND PERPENDICULqR OR PAMLLELTO THE ROADWAY CENTERLINE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER, 4. TACK ASPHALT FACES OF SAW CUTS AND SEAL SAW CUTS PER wsDor srD. SPEC. 5-04.3(5) AND 5-04.3(s)A. FOR RIGID PAVEMENT OVERLAID WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT, PANEL REPLACEMENT SHALL BE PERFORMED FIRST AND THEN GRIND AND OVERI.AY ASPHALT PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-66 6. FULL PANEL REPI-ACEMENT IS REQUIRED, COMPACIED CSTC SEE NOTES 2 AND 8 2'-6" MrN. SECTION 2 3 7 . A MINIMUM 4-DAY CURING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO OPENING TO TMFFIC, ON ARTERIALS; ADDITIVES WILL BE REQUIRED TO REDUCE THE CURING TIME TO 3 DAYS MIN. 8. COMPACTION REPORTS ARE REQUIRED AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 2.4 AND 2.5 OF THE KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUfiION STANDARDS AND 2-03.3(14)D AND E OFTHE WSDOT STD. SPEC. ADEQUATE NONCE FOR SCHEDULING THESE SERVICES SHALL BE GIVEN CONSIDEMNON IN PERFORMING THE WORK. 5 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CITY CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTI'ENT xxxx xxxxKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-68ENGiNEM APPROVED- EXHIBIT A EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT 6" MIN, (TYP) EXISNNG UTILITY OPTION 2 . SAWCUT z', CRUSHED ROCK PATCH . TACK COAT EXISTING SURFACES SEAL JOINT WITH AR-4OOO OR EQUIVALENT CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL OR COMPACTED EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT 8" MAX, OPTION 1 - DRILL EXISTING UTILITY CORE DRILL TACK SIDES WITH CSS.I, FILL HOLE WITH TO 12" THICK. MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT DEPTH CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL OR COMPASIED CRUSHED ROCK EXISTlNG PAVEMENT SAWCUT, SEE NOTE 1 N - UTILnY 8" CORE, SEE NOTE 2 2 NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION iS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOR WINDOW CUTS OR POT HOLINGKET DESTGNED COK SIANDARO PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 6-69ENGINER APPROVFD NOTES: 1. TO BE USED FOR NO-CUT AND GRIND AND OVERLAY STREET RESTOMTION CLASSIFICATIONS. FULL WIDTH RESTOMTION WILL BE REQUIRED IF PATCHES FAIL. 2. THE EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL BE CUT FULL DEPTH WITH AN EIGHT INCH DIAMETER CORE DRILL. THE SUBBASE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED USING A VACUUM EXCAVATOR, KEEPING THE EXCAVATION AS MINIMAL AS POSSIBLE. 3. BACKFILL THE EXCAVATION W]TH A SIX INCH CUSHION OF CSTC OVER THE UTILITY THEN FILL THE REMAINING VOID WITH CDF OR COMPACTED CSTC TO THE BOTTOM OF THE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. 4. REPAIR THE CORED PAVEMENT SEC]-ION WITH HMA CLASS }{- PG 64-22 AND SEAL THE IOINT. 5, IFTHE OPENING IS LARGERTHAN THE 8 INCH CORE, THE PAVEMENT RESTOMTION WILL INCLUDE A 2.BY 2'PATCH CENTERED ON THE EXCAVATION, 6. IFTHE EXCAVATION IS LARGERTHAN 2' BY 2" THE STANDARD GRIND AND OVERLAY RESTOMTION SHALL BE USED. PAVEMENT CORES SHALL BE STAGGERED BETWEEN LANES WITH A 50' MIN, DISTANCE BETWEEN CORES AND OUTSIDE WHEEL TRACKING PATHS, L CORE=POTHOLE=WINDOW EXHIBIT A FFACE OF CURB TYPE 1 INSTALLED BEHIND CURB insf <- =1E5 CURB PLAN H.7O.10 VARIES 6" TO 12" WOOD OR STEEL POST (STEEL POST sHowN) ANTI-TWIST PLATE, SEE WSDOT STANDARD F o WPE 1 (STEEL POST OPTION) PLAN H-70,10 VARIES 6" TO 12" EDGE OF TURNOUT 0.17'MAX. STEEL TUBE ?x=<E= dn\t {- ANT].TWIST PLATE, SEE WSDOT STANDARD F TYPE 1 INSTALLED BEHIND SIDEWALK PLAN H-70.10 VARIES 6" TO 12" BACK OF SIDEWALK WOOD OR STEEL POST (STEEL POST sHowN) =4=5dhsf rf ANTI-TWIST PLATE, SEE WSDOT STANDARD F 6 TYPE 1 (WOOD POST OPTION) VARIES 6" TO 12" EDGE OF TURNOUT 4"x4" MM. WOOD POST =4E= ih 9S NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT MAILBOX INSTALI-ATION TYPE 1 SHEET I OF 5 KENT STANDARD PLANSCALE DATECHECKED 6-70oENGINER NOTE: 2, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS H-70,10 AND H-70.20 FOR DETAILS. 3. SEE KENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 6.11,A, 4. ALL MAILBOX INSTALI.ATIONS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA STANDARDS. ALL LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH AND APPROVED BY THE US POSTAL SERVICE POSTMASTER, EXHIBIT A x E n$ DIREgTION OF TMFFIC SIDE VIEWFRONT VIEW TYPE 2 (MULTIPLE BOX INSTALI.ATION ) -r.o NPOST ANCHORING SYSTEM SEE WSDOT STANDARD PI-AN H-70.20,0 FOR TUBE CONNECTION TWO 5/16"x4 1/2" BOLTS WITH TWO FLAT WASHERS AND ONE LOCKOUT MAILBOX SUPPORT SEE SECTION 6,11,A 3. ALL MAILBOX INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA STANDARDS. NOTES: ANGLE LEG 1, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-40 FOR SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS. 2. SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-70.20-OO FOR DETAILS. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT MAILBOX INSTALLATION TYPE 2 SHEET 2 OF 5 DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE cCHECKED 6-70bENGINEER APPROVFD )l.o o )l.o ) )l")) )l")) 5'-0" MIN. CLEAR WI l'-4'MOUNT ON PEDESTAL PROVIDED WITH N.D.C,B.U. UNIT ANCHOR BOLT PATTERN PER N.D.C.B.U, PEDESTAL TEMPI.ATE EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOINT rO VERTICAL CURB '.o SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2 1'-6"1'-6u FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW WPE N.D,C,B.U, INSTALLATION (NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY AND COLLECTION BOX UNIT) NOTES: 1, THE POSTMASTER OR DESIGNATED SERVING POST OFFICE WiLL DESIGNATE THE LOCAT]ON AND MANNER OF GROUPING OF MAIL BOXES, 2. INSTALLATION OF N.D,C.B,U. (INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OF BASE) SHALL BE COORDINATED W]TH U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. 3. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-34 FOR CURB AND SIDEWALK JOINTS. i MAX, PLANTING6" WIDTH O' TO VARIABLE 4 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THiS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT MAILBOX INSTALLATION TYPE 1 AND 2 SHEET 5 OF 5'.6t DESiGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALE DRAWN DATECHECKED 6-70cEXGINER APPROVFI] A VARIES 5' MAX. VERNCAL CURB A PLAN POSTMASTER SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-70a AND WSDOT STD. PLANS H.7O.10 AND H-70.20 FOR INSTALLATION DETAILS NOTES:SECTION A-A 1, CURB AND GUTTER ]NSTALLATION PER KENT STANDARD PI-ANS 6.33 AND 6-34, 2. SIDEWALK SCORE MARKS PER KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-34 AND 6-35. 3. MAILBOX INSTALI.ATION PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-70a, 6-70b AND WSDOT STANDARD PI.ANS H-70.10 AND H-70.20. 4. ALL LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED BY AND COORDINATED WNH THE POSTMASTER, 5. ALL MAILBOX INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA STANDARDS, :zJ =rl6 UI l-n .4 srDewnx L 1i EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) A MAILBOX CLUSTER 4 SIDEWALK /: t., 1- 4, l:,.: A a EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF' ICENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTT'ENT KENT ROADWAY BARRICADES SHEET 1 OF 2 DFSIGNED COK NONESCAI F STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK cHFckED COK DATE 7 6-71o APPR.VED ENGINSR VARIES 450 TYPE OF SUPPORT VARIES N m o TYPE I BARRICADE TYPE II BARRICADE SANDBAGS FOR ADDED STABILTY MOVABLE (TEMPOMRY) TYPE III BARRICADE TWO SS BOLTS PER JOINT SEE SIGN FOUNDATION DETAIL 6-82A BOARDS: 8"x1" - HIP PRIZ SHEETING RED ON WHNE ELECTRIC CUT SHEETING MATERIALALL HOLES PRE.PUNCHED 2" TELESPAR 14 GAUGE POST oN 3-il2" STAINLESS STEEL 3/8" BOLT ASSEMBLY oN z. =o m 1' (TYP.)VARIES 2' MIN, NOTE: SEE TABLE FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN 7 GAUGE GALVANIZED 30" 2L/2"x2 1/2" BASE CORNER BOLTS BASE TO POSTS FIXED (PERMANENT) TYPE III BARRICADE STRIPE NOTES: . RED & WHITE - REFLECTORIZED - SI.ANT DOWNWARD, RIGHT OR LEFT, IN DIRECTION TMFFIC WILL PASS. SI-ANT BOTH DIRECTIONS FROM MIDDLE IF TMFFIC PASSES BOTH ENDS. WIDTH 6'' EXCEPT 4" IF MILS ARE LESS THAN 3' LONG. - SI.ANT DOWNWARD TO MIDDLE AT END OF CLOSED ROAD. ,t,{ BARRICADE NOTES: TYPE I II III WIDTH OF RAIL 8" MIN, 12" MAX 8" MIN, 12" MM. 8'' MIN. 12" MAX. LENGTH OF RAIL 2'MIN 2'M]N 4'MIN HEIGHT 3'MIN 3'M]N 5'MIN TYPE OF FMME DEMOUNTABLE OR HEAVY "A" LIGHT'A' FRAME POST OR SKIDS FLEXIBILiTY MOVABLE PORTABLE MOVABLE OR PERMANENT -SEE MUTCD SECTION 5F,63 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CNY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT PEDESTRIAN BARRICADES SHEET 2 OF 2KENT DFS|GNED coll STANDARD PLANSCALEnRAwN coK- cHFckED COK DATE 6-71b aPPRovED E.'clNER NOTES: 1. TO PREVENT ANY TRIPPING HAZARD TO PEDESTRIANS, BALLAST SHALL BE LOCATED BEHIND OR INTERNAL TO THE DEVICE' ANY SUPPORT ON THE FRONT OF THE DEVICE SHALL NOT EXTEND INTO THE 48" MINIMUM WALKWAY CLEAR SPACE AND SHALL HAVE A O'5'' MAXIMUM HEIGHT ABOVE THE WALKWAY SURFACE, 2, DETECTABLE EDGES FOR LONG CANES SHALL BE CONNNUOUS AND 6'' MINIMUM HIGH ABOVE THE WALKWAY SURFACE AND HAVE MARKINGS OR COLORS CONTRASTING TO THE WALKWAY SURFACE. 3. DEVICES SHALL NOT BLOCK WATER DMINAGE FROM THE WALKWAY. A GAP HEIGHT OR OPENING FROM THE WALKWAY SURFACE UP TO 2" MAXIMUM HEIGHT IS ALLOWED FOR DMINAGE PURPOSES. 4. MIUNGS OR OTHER OBJECTS MAY PROTRUDE A HEIGHT OF 4" INTO THE WALKWAY CLEAR SPACE WHEN LOCATED 27" MINIMUM ABOVE THE WALKWAY SURFACE. 5, ALL DEVICES SHALL BE FREE OF SHARP OR ROUGH EDGES AND FASTENERS (BOLTS) SHALL BE ROUNDED TO PREVENT HARM TO HANDS' ARMS, OR CLOTHING OF PEDESTR]ANS. SANDBAGS FOR ADDED STABILITY MOVABLE PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE TWO SS BOLTS PER.]OINT ALL HOLES PRE.PUNCHED 2" TELESPAR 14 GAUGE POST 3-1l2" STAINLESS STEEL 3/8' BOLT ASSEMBLY 6" BOARDS: 8"x1" - HIP PRIZ SHEETING RED ON WHITE ELECTRIC CUT SHEETING MATERIAL z'^ 1' (TYP.) 7 GAUGE GALVANIZED 30" 2 7/2"x2 1/2" BASE 6" VARIES 2' MIN \o CORNER BOLTS BASE TO POSTS BARRICADE WIDTHS NOT SHOWN TYPE PEDESTRIAN WIDTH OF MIL 8" MIN, 12" MAX LENGTH OF MIL 4' MIN. HEIGHT 5'MIN. TYPE OF FMME POST OR SKIDS FLEXIBILITY MOVABLE OR PERMANENT FIXED PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE STRIPE NOTES: - REFLECTORIZED - SLANT DOWNWARD, RIGHT OR LEFT, IN DIRECTION TMFFIC WILL PASS. SLANT BOTH DIRECTIONS FROM MIDDLE IF TRAFFIC PASSES BOTH ENDS. WIDTH 6" EXCEPT 4'' IF MILS ARE LESS THAN 3' LONG, - SI-ANT DOWNWARD TO MIDDLE AT END OF CLOSED ROAD, - SEE MUTCD SECI-ION 6F.63 .J.J.t =do>-NF z. E o -h r@ L EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD MONUMENT, MONUMENT CASE, COVER AND RISER KENT DFSIGNED COK-NONESCALE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK- CHECKED COl(-DATE 12/2019 6-72o APPR.'ED EN'NEa 314', 718' 8" RISER RING DIMENSIONS A (srzE)1 3/8"1718"2718" 11" DIA. DIA. 9 1/16" DIA. PLAN OF 8" DIA. RISER FII{ISHED GRADE CONCRETE PAVEMEl{T PLAN OF COVER 9 1/4' DIA. COVER F- 3/8" FINISHED GRADE ASPHATT PAVEMENT 4" MIN. ASPHALT PAVEMENT 3" BRASS DISC @ tl2' I od oz ,Ftul t< =(] od.ou L CJUc u',le_U le,,, z.o U'zu =o I l od. oz. Ftn =6 odoIU, Lou,Ltnd.'U_drn'zo tnz.uE 6 NOTES: 1. N4ONUMENT CASE AND COVER - EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS, PART NO. 369505 OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 2. MONUMENT CASE RISER - EAST JORDAN rRoN woRKS, PART NO. 1 1/2" - 3695902" - 3695923" - 639594 OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 3. MONUMENT POST - SHOPE CONCRETE PRODU TS, PART NO. 104 OR PRE-APPROVE ALTERNATIVE, 4, THE CASTINGS SHALL BE GRAY-IRON CASTINGS, ASTM DESIGNATION A-48, CLASS 358. THE COVER AND SEAT SHALL BE MACHINED SO AS TO HAVE PERFECT CONTACT AROUND THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE AND FULL WIDTH OF BEARING SURFACE. SECTION 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE A "COMMERCIAL CLASS" CONCRETE OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 6. PAVEMENT SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED. 7. FOR ALTERNATE DIAMETER RISERS SEE KSP 6-72b. ' srlz' ' PLAN OF MONUMENT 9 1/2" DIA, \t 4 ms/8' 1z', t, 10" - 8" DIA VOID OF MATERIAL +o\i CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED FOR ROADWAY Or 3" RISER :, MON ENT CONCRETE COLLAR 1" MrN./6" MAX. -jj ,5 3/4" R. I L rlz', . MIN -,4 Ni d. coUd. n dz EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF KENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT ALTERNATE DIAMETER MONUMENT CASE RISERt.6- DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE locoKCHECKED 6-72bENGIIIER APPROVFO 7'' CASE RISERS - EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS A (srzE)1" PART # 369068 I 1/2" PART #l 369090 I 2" PART # 369092 3' PART # 8" ALT, CASE RISERS - EASTJORDAN IRON WORKS A (srzE) 1 1/2" PART # 368090 2" PART # 368092 COVER PART # 3680A2 FOGTITE CASE RISERS - FOGTITE METER SEAL CO A (srzE) 1' PART # VB RISER 4# 2' PART # VB RISER 5# 2TI2'PARI # vB RISER 5 1/2# PART #PART VB RISER 6#0-1 vB 8# NEW FINISHED GRADE ASPHALT PAVEI,IEI{T DIA. VARIES NEW FINISHED GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT DIA, TACK coAT (TYP.) TACK coAr (TYP.) SECIION NOTES: MONUMENT CASE RISER - SEE APPROPRIATE TABLE ABOVE OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 6. IF MONUMENT CASE IS TO BE DISTURBED THEN A NEW MONUMENT, CASE AND COVER IS TO BE INSTALLED PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-72a. 2. MONUMENT CASE COVER - SEE APPROPRIATE TABLE ABOVE OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 3. THE CASTINGS SHALL BE GMY-IRON CASTINGS, ASTM DESIGNATION A-48, CLASS 30. THE COVER AND SEAT SHALL BE MACHINED SO AS TO HAVE PERFECT CONTACT AROUND THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE AND FULL WIDTH OF BEARING SURFACE. 4. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 4OOO. 4 GMDE ASPHALT PAVEMENT OLD FINoLD rlrutsit ' GMDE CONCRETE . PAVEMENT DIA. EXISTING UNDISTURBED CASE MENT .';>\a' 5, PAVEMENT SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED, EXHIBIT A 42' €-*TWO WAY LEFT TURN LANE TWO WAY TIIRN LINES VARIES TYPE 2YY RPM ooooooooooooooooo EOOOOoEooooooEoooo 4'GAP TMFFIC DIRESTION EOOOOo o o o o oE o o o o o o o o o o o o olzt'l o o o o o oo o o o o o o E o o o o o oooooo oooo s--Ll*ttoooooooooEoooooooooEOOOOooooo oo ooooJ \ooooo:oooooooT\- TYPE lY RPM +r8I I I8 8*-NOGAP € TRAFFIC DIRECTION ZT WIDE LINE 888888 I WPE 2W OR Y RPM TYPE lW ORY RPM 88889 € 3'-t t , ""ji"Joooooof L+" cRp TYPE 2YY RPM TMFF]C DIRECTION DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE TMFFIC DIRECTION 2t' oooottooooooEooooEooooooE\L- TYPE lY RPM oooo TYPE lW RPM TYPE 2W RPM TMFFIC DIRECI-ION SKIP CENTER LINE ooo 42' 3' oo DIRECTION t2'30' 42' LANE LINE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC 3",+-f-i+ \ooo \- TYPE lW RPM o'(o o o \_ WPE 2W RPM '-r 9' \ dr Es B8 Bs Es E8 \- wpr lw RPM 6' 3', DOTTED WIDE UNE TYPE 2W RPM TRAFFIC 2L' 1 3' TYPE 2Y RPM oooo TYPE 1Y RPM oooooooo oooooooEooooooEooooooEoooooo 18"-RPM'S EQUALLY SPACED BARRIER LINE o o o o oo o oo o o o Eo o oo o o o Eo o oo o o o Eo o o NOTEi THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CITY OF CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TYPICAL RPM I.ANE MARKINGSKENT DFS|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-7 3ENGINEs APPROVED 15'3'-_-F E8 L2' 42'. TRAFFIC DROP 8 oo"o\: E LINE NOTE: TYPE 2W RPM fiPE 1W RPM 1. THIS DETAILTO BE USED ONLY WHEN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ARE REQUIRED TO MATCH EXISTING RPM LANE MARKINGS. 2. MISED PAVEMENT MARKERS (RPM'S) SHALL BE INSTALLED PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 8-09, 9-02.1(8), 9-26.2 AND 9-21. 4H-_oooooo\oooo TYPE 2W RPM \- TYPE 1 EDGE LINE oo o o o o W RPM EXHIBIT A I'TMFFIC DIRECTION u - u - E_ €-+ o 4" GAP TWO WAY LEFTTURN LANE TMFflC DIRE TION TWO WAY LEFTTURN LINES o VARIES TMFFIC DIRECTION 4 -a7€ WIDE LINE TMFFIC DIRECTION 8" WHITE LINE TYPE 2W RPM 4" GAP 4" YELLOW UNE TMFFIC DIRECTION DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER UNE TMFFIC DIRECTION TMFFIC DIRECTION 11'30' T SKIP CENTER LINE TRAFFIC t:L rvpe zv npN '[yELLowuNE\t\ L TYPE 2W RPM \I- 4'WHITE UNE TRAFFIC DIRESTION LANE LINE TMFFIC DIRESTION 11'30' 1 8'6' o DOTTED eeTYPE 2W RPM UNE 4" GAP 8" WHITE LINE4' WHITE OR YELLOW LINE EDGE LINE NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' AN ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ICENT TYPICAL LANE MARKINGS 9s516t{Ep COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATEcoKCHECKED Cfr ENGINEER 6-7 4 TMFFIC DIRECTION 1" TYPE 2W RPM 9'3' LINE E 18" YELLOW BARRIER21'(TYP.) DROP LANE LINE BARRIER LINE NOTE: 1, SEE SECTION 6.12.8 FOR PLASTIC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. 2, MISED PAVEMENT MARKERS (RPM'S) SHALL BE INSTALLED PER WSDOT STAN DARD SPECIFICATIONS 8-09, 9-02,1(8), 9-26.2 AND 9-21. gt-l 8" WH]TE LINE 18"-TYPE 2Y RPM'S EQUALLY TMFFIC DIRECTION EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT THERMOPI.ASTIC CROSSWALK MARKINGSKENT DESIGNED COK NONESCAI E STANDARD PLAN ORAWN COK 9/2020DATFCHECKED COK 6-75 APPR.VED ENGINER =o od. (JI ulz.I (Jl UzI (Jl 24" WHITE THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE EQUALLY SPACED (TYP) 24', uz.g oUJU d. F Lo U(.'o UJ d.ouz.: &U FD(9 10' 1 MIN TIRE TMCKS (TYP.) * wplcnt + nrue RonowAv coNrleuMtlolt 12"-24" WHITE STOP LINE, WIDTH AS DIRESTED BY THE ENGINEER * NoTEs: 1, FOR ROADWAYS WITH MORE OR LESS LANES, THE SAME CONFIGURATION APPLIES, CENTER THERMOPLASNC BARS ON THE LANE LINES, AND IN THE CENTER OF THE TMVELED PORTION OF THE LANE TO MINIMIZE TIRE WEAR ON THE THERMOPLASTIC, 2. THE CENTERLINE OF THE CROSSWALK SHALL GO FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE CURB RAMP ON ONE SIDE OF THE STREET TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE CURB RAMP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS' 3. GLASS BEADS (PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECS. SECTION 9-34) SHALL BE ADDED TO ALL THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALKS AND STOP BARS. 4. SEE SECTION 6.12,8 FOR PLASTIC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. 5. THE CROSSWALK WIDTH IS 12'IN DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENOINEERINO OEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT THERMOPLASTIC ARROWS, STOP BARS & ONLY LEGENDt.6t DESIGNED COK STANOARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATECHECKED 6-76ENGINERAPPROVED- o @ 3'-7', 5'-9' 1'-8"3'-0" 0'-6' o oN o N o Ni o'-u-l_]*0'-6" NOTES: 1. THERMOPI-ASTIC WPE 'A' MATER]AL SHALL BE USED, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BYTHE ENGINEER. PI.ACEMENT PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8-22, MATERIALS PER WSDOT 9-34. 3. SEE SECIION 6.T2.8 FOR PI.ASTIC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 2. GLASS BEADS (PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECS. SECTION 9-34) SHALL BE ADDED TO ALL THERMOPLASNC CROSSWALKS AND STOP BARS. LENGTH VARIES 12'-24" WIDE WHITE STOP BAR, WIDTH AS DIREC|ED BYTHE ENGINEER STOP BAR DETAIL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELE TRON]C DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT PRIVATE STREET FIRE I-ANE MARKINGSKENT DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 6-77ENGINEMAPPROVED- RED STRIPE (TYP) 6" VERTICAL CURB WHITE LETTERING 8" MINIMUM NO PARKING - FIRE LANE NOP RKI NG FIRE LA 6" NO CURB ROLLED CURB 6" RED STRIPE 18" MI NO PARKING . FIRE LANE 6- RED STRIPE R8-31D NOTES: TYPE 1: 1. CURBS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A 6 INCH RED PAINT STRIPE ON THE TOP AND SIDE, 2. ROLLED CURBS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A 6 INCH RED PAINT STRIPE ON THE UPPER MOST PORTION OF THE CURB' 3. ROADS WITH NO CURBS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BYA 6 INCH RED STRIPE. 4. THE WORDS "NO PARKING - FIRE ITNE" SHALL BE 18 INCHES HIGH WH1TE LETTERING WITH 3 INCH STROKE AND PI-ACED 8 INCHES AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE RED STRIPE. IN MOST CASES, BOTH SIDES SHALL BE MARKED, WHERE LONG ROADS EXISTTHE MARKING MAY ALTERNATE SIDES. MARKINGS WILL NOT EXCEED 50'APART TYPE 2: 1, IN ADDITION TO TYPE 1, HIGHWAY GMDE METAL (ALUMINUM) SIGNS SHALL BE LOCATED AT INTERVALS OR LOCATIONS AS DETERMINED BYTHE FIRE CODE OFF]CIAL. SIGNS SHALL BE 12" X 18'3M WHITE HIP PRISMATIC WTTH RED 3M ELECIROCUT FILM LETTERS. POSTS SHALL BE PER 6.82 AND 6-83. THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 FEET ABOVE THE CURB, SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED NOMINALLY PAMLLEL TO THE ROAD, FACING THE DIRECTION OF TMVEL. SIGNS WILL NOT EXCEED 150'APART, 2. WHERE SIGNS ARE ADJACENTTO BUILDINGS, THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL MAY ALLOW THEM TO BE PLACED ON THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. 3. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-83 FOR SIGN MOUNTING TYPE 3: 1. DIAGONAL RED STRIPING ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RRE LANE SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL. IT SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A 6 INCH RED STRIPE SIMILAR TO TYPE 1. THE STRIPES SHALL RUN AT A 30 TO 60 DEGREE ANGLE AND SHALL BE PAMLLEL WITH EACH OTHER. THE STRIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM 6 INCHES IN WIDTH AND A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES APART. LETTERING TO OCCUR AS WITH TYPE 1 MARKING. 6" 6" lN\n tuH - 9NI)UVd ON 18" MINIMUM WHITE LETTERING R8-3 1 R8-311 GENEML NOTE: 1. SIGNS TO BE SPACED 50'APART OR LESS SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SIGN IS NO LESS THAN 4 FEET AND NO GREATER THAN 6 FEET ABOVE THE FINAL GMDE. R8-31R 30-60 DEGREES NO PARKING FIRE LANE NO PARKING FIRE LANE .@ NO PARKING FIRE LANE @ NO PARKING FIRE LANE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTUENT RAILROAD WARNING PAVEMENT MARKINGSG DESIGNED-IgK - SIANOARD PLANscALE NONE 6-78DATE 6',-7" EDGE UNE I.ANE UNE OR CENTERLINE 1'-4'TyP) EwO(Jd, <.Ld, 5FUFdan-Ui6dfifiziz o oN + o io ra, o \o IR NOTES: 1. RR CROSSING SYMBOL 2. 24" WIDE STOP UNE 3. WlO-l ADVANCE WARNING SIGN 4. SEETHE MUTCD PART 8, FOR LEfiER LAYOUT. 5. SEE SECTION 6.12.8 FOR PLASNC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. SEE NOTE 1 +t(t rc) @ Fd co(JF =luUa 3'-4" 1'-8" U cooJ =o-tn F =o 5 U'-FLo z.o EodU =ovl z.(9 a o =UIFoF Fz. UJ(J 6 o rcl SEE NOTE 4 LUFoz. U UJU' r'-2'L',-z', 1'-0" NARROW RR CROSSING SYMBOL DETAILS +t o +N SEE NOTE 2 MILROAD - HIGHWAY GMDE CROSSINGS 3'-3" oUFoz. U-luoul -,,o I I I tL- SEE NOTE 2 tt SEE NOTE 2 NARROW PAVEMENT MARKING PLACEMENT DETAIL EXHIBIT A SPEED H W 3OMPH OR LESS 4'-0"z',-7', 35MPH OR GREATER 6'-0"3'-2', PEDESTRIAN SYMBOL DETAIL FACE OF CURB UNE OR EDGE OF PARKING 5' EDGE OF 8'SOLID WHITE I.ANE LINE SEE NOTE 2 I 6'-0" z.o F CJUd. o U L d F SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 3 BIKE LANE LAYOUT 1'-0" i- 2'-8" 3',-0" i- 6'-0"6'-0u NOTES: 1. PER BIKE RIDER SYMBOL DETAIL. 2. PERARROW DETAIL ON THIS PLAN. 3. BIKE PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE PLACED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EVERY INTERSECTION AND AT PERIODiC INTERVALS WITH A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 600 FEET, CENTERED IN LANE, 3 4. SEE ROADWAY CROSS SECNON STANDARD PLANS 6-2 TO 6.13, BIKE RIDER SYMBOL DETAIL ARROW DETAIL NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN 5, ALL MARKINGS SHALL BE WHITE PLASTIC MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIRCATION 9-34, TYPE D (MMA). CORUNDUM SHALL ALSO BE ADDED, ELECI'RONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINC DEPARTMENT 5. SIGNING SHALL BE PERTHE MUTCD.TYPICAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS 7. SEE SECnON 6.12,8 FOR PLASnC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS. STANDARD PLAN KENT ENGINER 6-79 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELEqTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTTIENT SYMMETRICAL LEFT TURN POCKET LAYOUTt.6- DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDMWN coK DNE 2/2020CHECKED COK 6-80ENGINEA APPROVFD L.T.S.L.0.1,T.P.T.*L.O.T 1OO' MINIMUM MAY BE REDUCED WITH APPROVAL OF THE TMNSPORTATION ENGINEER 50'MINIMUM I.ANE LINE MARKING (TYP.) c WT STOP BAR OR CLOSEST CROSSWALK STRIPE WT L.T. S. L. o.L. T.P.T, 1,0.T. W.T. R s. L. W = LEFT TURN STOMGE LENGTH (FEET) = OPENING LENGTH (FEEr) = TURN POCKETTRANSITION LENGTH (FEET) = LENGTH OF rAPER (FEEr) = WIDTH OFTURNING LANE (FEET) = MDIUS OF TMNSITION CURVE (FEET) = POSTED SPEED LIMIT (M'P.H.) = WIDTH oF OFFSET NOTE: 1. REFER TO STANDARD PLAN 6-73 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON LANE MARKINGS' 2. LENGTH IS THE GREATER OF 95TH PERCENTILE QUEUE LENGTH IN THE DESIGN YEAR OR 1OO FEET MIN. t BASED ON W.T. = 12' ADDITIONAL LEFT TURN STOMGE FOR TRUCKS AT UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS L.T,S.L. REQ'D o/o TRUCKS IN LEFI- TURN MOVEMENT 10 20 30 40 50 100' 150' 200' 25' 25' 25', 25', 25' 50' 50' 50' 75' 50' 7s', 100' 50' 75' 1 00' STOMGE LENGTH TO BE ADDED TO LEFTTURN STOMGE LENGTHS L.T.S.L. LENGTH BASED UPON EXPECTED QUEUE LENGTH (SEE NOTE 2) o,L, OPENING TO BE 1OO' IN LIEU OF 102' UP TO 35 MPH, INCREASE 20' FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 5 MPH OF POSTED SPEED GREATERTHAN 35 MPH S. L.< 45 MPH > 45 MPH T.P.T +4XW,T 4XW.T R.150 FEET 3OO FEET L.O.T w x s.L.(2) 60 w x s,L. W.T 12Fr (MrN.)12Fr (MrN,) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KETT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT LEFT TURN POCKET AT END OF TWO WAY LEFT TURN I.ANE LAYOUT G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE 12/2019coKCHECKED 6-81ENGINEA APPROVFI) oh IUz. J Uo = UJz5uz. 3 z =-o o )q NOTE: uz. Juz. 3 SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-73 OR 5.74 FOR LANE MARKING LAYOUT. bo =go=JJdff>FuZJUco (J oo uz. 3 z.d. =F EUJ =o E EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIW OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' EERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SIGN POST INSTALLATION TYPE AKENT nF<rcNFn COK STANDARO PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 7 /2020DATECHECKED COK 6-82o APPROVED - ENGINEER o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o HEAVY DUTY BUCKLE TYPE 201 ATTACH SIGNS 30" AND UNDER WITH 2 DRIVE RIVETS AND BLACK INSULATED WASHERS, SEE NOTE 5 ATTACH SIGNS 36" AND OVER WNH CORNER BOLTS AND BI.ACK INSULATED WASHER, SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTES 9 AND 10 SIGN POST SQUARE 2"x 2", 14 GAGE. ALL HOLES PRE.PUNCHED CORNER BOLT, SEE NOTE 6 FINISHED GMDE SET FOUNDATION ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED MATERIAL FI.ARED LEG BMCKFTS S5 O.O3O BAND-IT BMCKET OR APPROVED EQUAL 3"V +5/16" X 1" ss BOLTS WITH BLACK INSULATED WASHERS SET ANCHOR PLUMB AND TRUE, SEE NOTE 3 CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE POURED IN PLACE AROUND ANCHOR WHILE PREVENTING CONCRETE FROM ENTERING THE ANCHOR NOTES: 1. METAL POSTS SHALL BE TELESPAR POST STEEL PIPE TYPE' OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 2, FOR IN-SIDEWALK INSTALI-ATIONS, CORE AN 8'' DIAMETER HOLE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, 3. ANCHOR LENGTH SHALL BE 30", LENGTH MAY BE REDUCED TO 24" OR SIGN POST BASE PLATE INSTALHTION TYPE B (SEE DETAIL 5-82b) MAY BE USED; ONLY IF APPROVED BY THE CITY OF KENT, ANCHOR SHALL HAVE 4 EACH 7/16" DIAMETER HOLES ONE EACH SIDE 2" FROM TOP. FINISH SHALL BE ZINC HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED MATERIAL TO MEET ASTM A5OO GMDE B, 7 GAUGE, 2 Ll2"x 21l2" TELESPAR ANCHOR OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 4. POST SHALL BE ROLLED CARBON SHEET STEEL, ASTM A1011 GRADE 50 AND BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED MSHTO M12() YIELD STRENGTH 60,000 PSI MIN. SQUARE POST SHALL HAVE 7/16" DIAMETER PRE-PUNCHED HOLES ON 1" CENTERS FULL LENGTH, FOUR SIDES. MOUNTING ON STREET LIGHT STANDARD OR SIGNAL POLE 5. DRIVE RIVETS TO BE TL38O6 3/8" DIAMETER 5. CORNER BOLTS TO BE TL070M. JAMNUTS T1062 AND 3/8" GALVANIZED WASHER WITH BLACK INSULATED WASHER. 7 . SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-83M AND 6.84IV FOR STREET NAME SIGN DETAILS. 8. PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGNS AND PRIVATE SIGN POSTS ARE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS, 9, ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKTHICKNESS; WARNING AND REGULATORY 30" AND UNDER. 0'080" WARNING AND REGULATORY 35" AND OVER - O'125'' 10. SHEETING MATERIALT WARNING AND REGULATORY - 3M HIGH INTENSITY PRISMATIC SCHOOL SIGNS - 3M DIAMOND GRADE DG3 LEGENDS, SYMBOLS AND BORDERS - 3M ELECTROCUT FILM EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELEqTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF ICENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT SIGN POST BASE PLATE INSTALI-ATION TYPE B DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN coK DArE 12/2019coKCHECKED 6-82bEI{GINEffi APPROVFD 2 Ll4', sf a{ 1 3/4" DIAMETER HOLES 7"x7"x1|4" STEEL BOTTOM PLATE (ASTM A240 SS GMDE 33) PRE-GALVANIZED LOW CARBON 12 GA (ASTM A653 GMDE 33) PERFOMTED SQUARE TUBING CENTERED ON BASE PLATE PLAN 7/16" ON 1" CENTER DIA. HOLES PRE-GALVANIZED LOW CARBON 12 GA (ASTM A653 GMDE 33) PERFOMTED SQUARE TUBING CENTERED ON BASE PLATE € WELD ALL AROUND 7"x7"x714" STEEL BOTTOM PLATE (ASTM 4240 SS GMDE 33) 112"x5 Il2" Ss WEDGE ANCHORS, SS WASHERS AND NUTS BASE PI.ATE ELEVATION NOTESI 1.CITY OF KENT APPROVAL REOUIRED PRIORTO USING BASE PI.ATE. 2 SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82A FOR SIGN POSTAND SIGN NOTES AND DFTAILS. o o o o o o EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOIA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT SIGN POST INSTALI..ATION FOR SIGNS GREATER THAN 56" SHEET I OF 2 KE T DES|GNED coK STANDARO PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 6-82cENGINER s N N N N N N a s 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 TMFFICffi 6 J z =oz. 2-U2',-L2GAGE SIGN POST SLIP PLATE DETAIL g R-q s' SIGN POST SUPPORT UPPER SLIP PLATE FLANGED SHOULDER BOLT, TYP. KEEPER PLATE @..-s-ISOMETRIC VIEW ASSEMBLY NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS FOR THE PARTS USED TO ASSEMBLE THE BASE CONNECIIONS ARE INTENT]ONALLY NOT SHOWN. BASE CON N ECTIONS ARE PATENTED, MAN UFACTU RED PRODUCTS THAT ARE IN COMPUANCE WITH NCHRP 350 CMSH TEST CRITERIA. THE BASE CONNEC-TION DETAILS ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ONLY TO ILLUSTRATE HOW THE PARTS ARE ASSEMBLED. DO NOT TIGHTEN ANY SINGLE SLIP PLATE BOLT TO THE RECOMMENDED TORQUE BEFORE PRETIGHTENING THE OTHER BOLTS. PROGRESSIVELY TIGHTEN THE THREE SLIP PLATE BOLTS IN 10 FT-LB INCREMENTS, ALTERNATELY, TO A FINAL TORQUE OF 40 FI.LBS ON EACH. SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECNONS 9-06 AND 9.28. @ LOWER SLIP PTATE LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB (LOWER SIGN POST SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) FLANGED SHOULDER BOLT, TYP. SLIP PI-ATE BOLTS (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIRE14ENTS) 2 EXPLODED VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY 3 s s N s\ s N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECI-RONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT SIGN POST INSTALI.ATION FOR SIGNS GREATER THAN 36'' SHEET 2 OF 2 KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 9/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 6-82dENGINER F =(, uI FU'oo A $m Nm ALUMINUM POST CLIP, TYP. ooF N WIND BEAM ALUMINUM ANGLE, TYP. MAX SIGN POST A SIGN PANEL SIGN PANEL 3/8'' DIAMETER X 4"-1l2" LONG HEX HEAD BOLT WITH WASHER & NUT, TYP BOTTOM OF SIGN SECTION A-A z =o -N srGN POST 2-112" SQUARE, l2-GAGE STEEL TUBE l2-GAGE 2-1l4" INSERTFINISHED GROUND LINE - EDGE OF SLIP PLATE ASSEMBLY TOP OF LOWER SLIP PLATE TRAVELED WAY x zTOP OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION SHALL BE SMOOTH, DENSE, AND UNIFORM TO FINISHED + GROUND LINE LOWER SIGN POST SUPPORT 3'SQUARE,18" DIA, 7 GAGE STEEL TUBE COMMERCIAL CONCRETE ELEVATION NOTES: FIELD DRILL POSTS TO ACCEPT ANGLE AND COLD GALVANIZED HOLES. 2. MATERIALS SHALL MEETTHE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-28, 3. SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY AND ALL OTHER MATER]ALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTIONS 9.06 AND 9-28. 4. SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.35 FOR INSTALLATIONS WITH ELECTRICAL DEVICES. WINDLOAD FOR SQUARE TUBE POSTS AT 90 MPH POSTS MAXIMUM XYZ 1-POST 2-POST 3-POST 2 1/2" PSST 12.GAGE 172 344 *516 * 2 1/2" PSST with 2 1/4" insert 12-GAGE 309 *618 *927 * WHEN A 2 1/4" INSERT IS USED,THE INSERT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 FEET. * SUP BASE REQUIRED (UNLESS BEHIND BARRIER) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CIry OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE ENOINEERING DEPAFTMENT CITY OF KENT STREET NAME SIGN POST INSTALI.ATIONKENT DES|GNED cOK STANDARD PIANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/201sDATECHECKED COK 6-83EiIGINES APPROVED- o o o o SEeVA011 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i =br o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ;!4\>dF NOTES: 1, SEE STANDARD PI-AN 6-84M FOR STREET NAME SIGN DETAILS. CORNER BOL DRIVE RIVET CORNER BO 1" (TYP.) SQUARE METAL POST, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82a 2, PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGNS AND PRIVATE SIGN POSTS ARE MAINTA]NED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS, 3, "NO OUTLET" SIGNS SHALL HAVE AN ARROW SHOWING WHICH D]RECTION DOES NOT OUTLET, 4. CORNER BOLTS TO BE PART # TLOTOM WITH PART # TLO52 JAN4 NUTS. DRIVE RIVETS TO BE PART # T13806, ANCHOR AND FOUNDATION, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82A CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE POURED IN PLACE AROUND ANCHOR WHILE PREVENTING CONCRETE FROM ENTERING THE ANCHOR CANTILEVER MOUNTING UJUd& a6z. fod.(, UIFoFSIDEWALK FINISHED GRADE 2'MIN. CLEAMNCE OF (10' MIN. CLEARANCE IF NO CURB) TO EDGE OF SIGN -o- -o- -o- l.@d6ir- 6 eh -aIUct6 4r-6 > EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINE ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICAT]ON IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT GROUND-MOUNTED STREET NAME SIGNS KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 7 /2o2oDATECHECKED COK 6-84EI{CINEER APPROVED - A B " MIN, SPACE FOR CANTILEVER MOUNT (TYP.) A B PUBLIC STREET NAME SIGNS (GREEN) 2" MIN. SPACE FOR CANTILEVER MOUNT (TYP,) A B PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGN (BLUE) MATERIALS: SPEED LIMIT MPH DIMENSIONS A B 35 AND BELOW 6 9" 40 AND ABOVE I L2 BLANK MATERIAL: 0.125' GAUGE ALUMINUIV SIGN BLANK. ABBREVIATIONS: AVENUE = Ave BOULEVARD = Blvd CIRCLE = Cir COURT = Ct DRIVE = Dr LANE = Ln PARKWAY = Pkwy PLACE = Pl PRIVATE = Pvt ROAD = Rd STREEI = St WAY = Wy BACKGROUND: WHITE, 3M HIGH INTENSITY PRISMATIC REFLECTIVE LEGEND: GREEN (PUBLIC STREET) OR BLUE (PRIVATE STREFI) 3M ELECTROCUT FILM; REVERSE CUTTO REVEAL WHITE LEGEND SERIES C - NUMBERS AND LETTERS; UPPER AND LOWER CASE; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PI.ANS. NOTE: I. ALL GROUND MOUNTED STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE THE SAIYE LEGEND ON BOTH SIDES OFTHE SIGN BI.ANK, 2. PRIVATE STREET SIGNS SHALL ONLY BE INSTALLED ON PRIVATELY OWNED POSTS. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MAST ARM MOUNTED STREET NAME SIGNKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PI.ANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 6/2020DATECHECKED COK ENGINER 6-85 SIGN MATERIALS: BLANK MATERIAL: 0.125' GAUGE ALUMINUM SIGN BI.ANK. BACKGROUND: WH]TE, REFLECTIVE ABBREVIATIONS: AVENUE = Ave BOULEVARD = Blvd CIRCLE = Cir COURT = Ct DRIVE = Dr LANE = Ln VARIES ALL SIGN CORNERS SHALL BE ROUNDED (TYP.) LEGEND SHALL HAVE ROUNDED EDGES (TYP.) USE STATE ROUTE SYMBOL INSTEAD OF CITY LOGO ON STATE ROUTES 18" 3M DIAN4OND GMDE PARKWAY = VIP DG3 PLACE = PRIVATE =LEGEND: ROAD = GREEN 3M ELECTROCUT STREET = FILM; REVERSE CUT WAY = TO REVEAL WHITE LEGEND SERIES C - NUMBERS AND LETTERS; UPPER AND LOWER CASE; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS Pkwy PI Pvt Rd st Wy --r u'lI CITY OF KENT AND STATE ROUTE LOGO: DIGITALLY PRINTED ON CLEAR AND APPLIED TO DG3. 3/4" (TYP.) NOTES:(A): (B): = 4' - 0" OR LESS; 2 WINDBEAM ATTACHMENTS = MORE THAN 4' - 0" BUT NOT MORE THAN 8'- 0"; 3 WINDBEAM ATTACHMENTS = MORE THAN 8'- 0"4 WINDBEAM ATTACHMENTS 1'-0' ALUMINUM WINDBEAM (rYP.) SIGNAL BACK OF SIGN PANEL MASTARM BASE MAST ARM NOTE 2 x X X 1 MOUNTING BMCKETS WITH STEEL STRAPS SHALL BE A STAINLESS STEEL BAND AND BUCKLE SYSTEM PRODUSI- OR AN APPROVED EQUAL. MOUNTTNG BMCKETS SHALL BE UNIVERSAL CHANNEL CI-AMPS; STEEL STMPS SHALL BE 3/4" (IN) WIDE AND 0.030" (IN) THICK. BACK OF SIGN PANEL HEAVY BUCKLE TYPE 20 3/16' (rN) ALUMINUM 2. ALL SIGNS INSTALLED ON MAST ARMS OR STANDARDS (POLES) REQUIRE WINDBEAMS. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH HORIZONTAL EDGES LEVEL. A SKEWED WINDBEAM IS REQUIRED ONLY WHEN THE SIGN I5 MOUNTED WITHIN 12" (IN) OFTHE MASTARM BASE (SEE DETAIL ''A''), UNIVERSAL CHANNEL CLAMP, SEE NOTE I 3.THE STREET NAME SIGN SHALL BE A MMIMUM OF 35 SQUARE FEET AND THE SIGN HEIGHT IS A MAXII4UM OF 3' (FT); SIGNS LARGERTHAN 36 SQUARE FEET REQUIRE A SPECIAL DESIGN MASTARM AND SIGNAL POLE. WINDBEAM BACK OF SIGN PANEL STANDARDL-kc RIVET (TYP.) - 4" (IN) .TEEL STM' MAX, SPACING TYPICAL MAST ARM INSTALLATION A (TYP.) FOR EACH CONNECilON t46 ffi 0" 0u (A):xl4(rYP.) 1 1 0" (A)xl4 SIGNAL HEAD BACK PLATE NAL EXHIBIT A SIDEWALK FROM DRIVEWAY PLAN VIEW FACE OF CURB 10' lvlN. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENTGCITY LIGHT STANDARD DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATEcokCHECKED 6-86TNGINEB APPROVFD BMCKET OR MAST ARM LENGTH SHOWN ON STREET LIGHTING PLANS 2" N.T,S. SLIP flTTER 20POLE CAP ALLOY 43 WITH S,S. SCREWS 4 tl2'o.D. GROUND LUG WITH 3/8" DIAMETER HOLE OPPOSITE HANDHOLE q NOTES: 1. SEE WSDOT STANDARD SPECTFTCATION SEC. 8-20.2 (1) 2. MOUNTING HEIGHT INCREASES BY 6'' WHEN BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS ARE USED. SEE DETAIL 6-86A FOR STRAIN REU o TAPERED BMCKET 0.125" WALL ALLOY 6063.T6 \lt EXTRUDED POLE PI-ATE ALLOY 6063-T6 WITH 1/2"-.13 NC ALUMINUM HARDWARE TAPERED ALUMINUM TUBE 0,250 WALL ALLOY 6053-T6 SATIN GROUND FINISH 3'-6' MIN. BREAKAWAY COUPLER SEE SE TION 6.14,C AND STANDARD PLAN 6-89 FOR FOUNDATION AND J-BOX. MOUNTING HEIGHT SHOWN ON STREET LIGHTING PLANS 2'-0- MIN. SEE CURB AND GUTTER DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL lNFORMATION I I I I WIRE HOLE WITH 1" I.D. RUBBER GROMMET NO. 151 HANDHOLE (4"x6" NOMINAL) ALLOY A356 T6 NON-FLUSH WITH COVER AND S.S. HEX. HEAD SCREWS (FRAME TAPPED 1/2" .13 NC FOR GROUNDING). MOUNT ON SIDEWALK SIDE BASE FLANGE ALLOY A356 T6 WTTH BOLT COVERS AND S.S. HEX. HEAD SCREW GROUT BETWEEN BASE FI-ANGE AND FOUNDATION IF A BREAKAWAY COUPLER IS NOT REQUIREDI EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINE ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ERING DOCUMENT BUTAN ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT STRAIN RELIEF DETAILKENT DESIGNED COK RCF v STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-86oENCINEER APPROVED SIDE VIEW 3/4" ROMEX CONNECTOR WITH LOCKNUT 2"x3l4" REDUCING WASHER FRONT VIEW SINGLE OR DOUBLEMAST ARM AS REQUIRED 2" N.P.S. SLIP FITTER POLE AND BRACKET CABLE PER WSDOT 9-29.3(2)D MAST ARM WIRING DETAIL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTI'ENT CITY POST TOP FIXTURE LIGHT STANDARD t.6- DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DATE 12coKCHECKED 6-87ENGINEfi APPPOVFD 14' UGHT PRODUCING ELEMENT HEIGHT LUMINAIRE HANDHOLD (TYP), CONCRETE CLASS 3O()O SCH, 80 PVC CONDUIT TO JUNCTION BOX 6 EACH #4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED 4 EACH #4 REBAR HOOPS EQUALLY SPACED 72' LIGHT POLE 5' CONCRETE OR UGHT STANDARD 16" DIAMETER DECOMTIVE BASE m NOTES: 1, 2 AMP INLINE FUSE REQUIRED 2, DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT COLOR: DARK FOREST GREEN (GN8) 3. COLOR REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENNAL AREAS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, I 2'DIAMETER Il"#l EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT GULLWING FIXTURE LIGHT STANDARD KENT DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALE z R8F v DRAWN COK 12/201sDATEcoKCHECKEDAII 6-88ENGINEAAPPROVED- RPA (ROUND POLE ADAPTER) SEE DFIAIL BELOW R1.47 -€ 2.t6 19 3 1 GARDCO GULLWING GI8 NOTES: GARDCO GULLWING GI8 LIGHT FIXTURE USED IN THE CITY OF KENT DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-8A FOR BOUNDARIES, ROUND POLE ADAPTER (TYP) 2, COBM HEAD TYPE FIXTURES ARE REQUIRED ON SR 516 (WILUS STREET) BETWEEN SR 167 AND CENTML AVENUE. X E hqo EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEM ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION AND JUNCTION BOX DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-89oENCINEN APPROVFD q CITY LIGHT STANDARD, SEE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-86, 6-87, 6-88, 6-90, 6-91, 6-92 A OFF-SET DISTANCE SHOWN ON THE LIGHNNG PLANS 3'-6" MIN SEE NOTE 2 q. RoADWAY BOLT PATTERN TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE LIGHT STANDARD MANUFACTURER A 4" THICK CONCRETE FACE OF CURB WSDOT JUNCTION BOX TYPE 1 FOR L]GHTING CONDUITS, TYPE 2 IF L]GHTING AND COMMUNICATION ENTER THE SAME JOX BOX, SEE NOTE 2 CONCRETE CLASS 4OOOP 4 EACH #4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED HOOPS DIN4ENSION SHALL MATCH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED BREAKAWAY COUPUNG 4 EACH #7 REBAR NOTES: ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF KENT AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DESIGN STANDARDS. 2, LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOX PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.10 SHEETS 1 AND 2. ALL LIDS SHALL BE TACK-WELDED AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURITY AFTER THE FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. z. =i4 PI-AN VIEW 1'-6u 1'-6" SEqNON A-A 4" THICK CONCRETE GROUND WIRE WITH COIL (GROUND LID TO BOX) 6" MrN. 5/8" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK PVC CONDUITTO NEN-JUNCTION BOX 2" MINIMUM DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT d E (o + 1 o (rYP.) (TYP,) 6' d Fo ;1 I -1- I,l' .c.l: lo6- o-l. PLANTER' 3'SOUARE 0R ROUND r =ro>F =Co>F A 4 I SIDEWALK 1) t1 z.z EXHIBIT A ffiHTS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEFI ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT ECCENTRIC LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION AND JUNCTION BOXKENT DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED OOK 6-89bENCINEER APPROVED- FACE OF CURB A 4" THICK CONCRETE WSDOT JUNCilON BOX TYPE 1 FOR LIGHTING CONDUTTS, ryPE 2 IF LIGHTING AND COMMUNICATION ENTER THE SAME JUNCTION BOX, SEE NOTE 2 6- MIN. 5/8" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK GROUND WIRE WITH COIL (GROUND UD TO BOX) PVC CONDUIT TO NiliT JUNCTION BOX 2" MINIMUM DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT NOTES: ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CIIY OF KENT AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DESIGN STANDARDS, 2. LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNfiION BOX PER WSDOT STANDARD PI.AN J.4O.10 SHEETS 1 AND 2, ALL LIDS SHALL BE TACK-WELDED AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURIW AFTER THE FINAL INSPECNON AND ACCEPTANCE. BOLT PATTERN TO BE SUPPUED BY THE LIGHT STANDARD MANUFACTURER SEE NOTE 2 3'-6" MIN. OR PLAN VIEW qBOLT PATTERN 5'SIDEWALK 6" 4-#7 REBAR CONCRETE CLASS 4OOOP d F (o A =6-@>.F 4" THICK CONCRFTE I z', -.-4 F \o + 4-#4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED HOOPS LT o .o .O ) (^o z =i. II Tll'l i, L{: lll lll + ll" il 'l tL- EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENGINEERING DEPARTXENT CITY OF KENT JUNCTION BOX AND STREET LIGHT WIRE RUNSts.E.,)tT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-90ENGIIIEE NOTES: (PREFERRED OPTI0N) SPLICES AND TAPS SHALL BE MADE WITH SOLDERLESS UNINSULATED CRIIVIP CONNECTORS TO SECURELY JOIN WIRES BOTH M ECHANICALLY AND ELECTRICALLY. THEY SHALL EMPLOY THE FOLLOWING MOISTURE BLOCKING INSUI-ATION : SCOTCH 2210 VINYL MASTIC, FOLLOWED BYAN OVER WRAP WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO HALF-I.APPED LAYERS OF SCOTCH VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE SUPER 88 AND A FINAL LAYER OF CONSISTENTLY APPUED SCOTCHKOTE 0s4007-14853 ELECTRICAL COAnNG. 2, JUNCTION BOXES PLACED WITHIN SIDEWALKS SHALL CONTAIN A SLIP RESISTANT SURFACE, REFERENCE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-89a AND 6-89b. THE BOX SHALL BE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED OR ENCASED IN A MINIMUM 6 INCHES OF 4 INCH THICK CONCRETE AND THE LID SHALL BE TACK WELDED AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURITY. JUNCTION BOX, SEE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-89 - 6-93, GROUND LID TO BOX WITH #6 GROUND WIRE 3M MOISTURE SEALANT TAPE (SEE NOTE 1) AND BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR PART YC4C6 2 #5 OR #8 BARE GROUND WIRE BURNDY CONNECTOR YC4C8 OR APPROVED EQUAL YC4C5, YC8C8 AS NEEDED INSTALL A THREE WIRE 240 VOLT SYSTEM. GROUND OR NEUTML WILL START AT THE PUGET SOUND ENERGY SERVICE PO]NT WATERPROOF IN-LINE FUSE QUICK DISCONNECTS WSDOT sTD. SPECS. 9-29.7(2) FNM s AMP FUSE OR APPROVED EQUAL STREET LIGHT STANDARD WILL BE LOCATED USING THE OFFSET DISTANCES SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHTING PI-ANS. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-87 AND 6-89 FOR STREET LIGHT FOUNDANON DETAIIS IN SIDEWALK JUNCTION BOX OPTION, SEE NOTE 2 CURB AND GUTTER POLE AND BRACKET CABLES, 2 #10 WIRES GROUND LUG/E6-38 RING TERMINAL 4" THICK CONCRETE PAD EXTENDING A MINIMUM OF 6" BEYOND THE ]UNCTION BOX AND FOUNDATION, ALL SIDES BEHIND SIDEWALK, IN PLANTER ]UNCTION BOX OPTION \ STREET LIGHT STANDARD 2" DIAN4ETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT UNLESS A LARGER DIAMETER IS SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHNNG PLANS SPARE 2" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT WITH #8 UNINSULATED TMCER WIRE AND 1/4" NYLON PULL ROPE \ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PITN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL' SiGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON EST CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTI'ENT STREET LIGHT TRENCH FOR CONDUIT RUNSt.6- DES|GNED cOK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-9 1ENCINEM APPROVFD q. R/W LINE VARIES STREET LIGHT POLE AND FOUNDATION, SEE STANDARD PLAN5-89 3'-6" SEE STANDARD 89 SIDEWALK OR ASPHALT WALKWAY PLANTER STRIP 12'2" MINIMUM DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUITFOUNDATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-89 MAX. 2" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT WITH UNINSUI-ATEO #8 AWG TMCER WIRE AND 1/4" NYLON PULL ROPE NATIVE BACKFILL ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THE STREET SECTION. CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE BACKFILL, PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-03.9(3) IS REQUIRED WITHIN THE STREET SE TION. TYPICAL HALF ROADWAY SECIION FOR STREFT LIGHT CONDUIT ONLY I 1 l'"" t EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECI-RONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT EXAMPLE STREET LIGHT SCHEDULE DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-92ENGINEM APPROVED .--- FROM P,S.E. VAULTS OR SERVICE POINTS (240 VOLT, SERVICE) CONTACT AND SERV]CE CABINET PER STANDARD PLAN 6-96 AND 6.97 STREET LIGHT SYSTEM BETWEEN STREET LIGHTS JUNCTION BOX 3.#6 COPPER 2" PVC SPLICE KITS, SEE NOTE 1 STANDARD PLAN 6-90 TO STREET LIGHT (TYP) NEUTMVGND (TYP) 2" PVC CONDUN JUNCTION BOX (TYP) SEE STANDARD PLAN 6.90 FOR ADDITiONAL INFORMATION JUNCTION BOX GND ROD NOTE: ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE NOTES: U.S,E. WIRE SHALL BE USED UNLESS WIRE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IS ACCEPTABLE FOR USE IN UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS. 2, IT SHALL BE THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SIZE THE BREAKER TO THE LOAD REQUIRED FOR ALL STREET LIGHTS. 3, MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SETBACK OF 10 FEET FROM DRIVEWAY APPROACH EDGES, 4, CONDUIT RUNS SHALL NOT EXCEED 195 FEET BETWEEN JUNCTION BOXES, INTC = INTERCONNECI CABLE ILL. = ILLUMINATION INT. = INTERSECIION ILLUMINATION LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE FOR CONTACIOR CABINET @ - STA. CABINET # -POLE TYPE COMMENTSPOLE HEIGHT IES DESIGN FILE TYPE.DISTRIBUTION -WATT CIRCUIT NO STATION (oFFSEr) LUM. NO. 35'DAVITCOBMHEAD MC III 250 HPS12+73 (38 LT)A PEDESTRIAN12.2MSHOEBOX MC II 250 HPSB14+0s (30 RT)2 3 ILLUMINATION WIRE SCHEDULE RUN NO.CONDUCTORS CONDUIT 1 2#8 (lLL.), l#U (lN I ), 1#8 GREEN (GROUND) (vARIES DEPENDING ON PROJECI) 0.L7' 2 3 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON F]LE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEENINO DEPARTT'ENT CITY OF ICENT JUNCTION BOXES DEstcNED CoK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 2/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 6-93T}IGINEB APPRNVFD 1. FORTYPE 1 JUNCTION BOX, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.10. 2. FOR TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.10' 3. FOR TYPE 4 JUNCTION BOX, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.20' 4. FOR TYPE 5 JUNCTION BOX, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40'20. 5. FOR TYPE 6 JUNCTION BOX, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40'20. 6. FOR TYPE 8 JUNCTION BOX, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J.40.30. NOTE: 1. FOR SECURITY NON-LOCKING JUNCIION BOX UDS SHALL BE TACK WELDED AT TWO POINTS AFTER FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIry OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, BUT CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENTGxxxx xxxx DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDMWN COK DATECHECKED 5-94IJ{GINEB APPROVED EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CIry ENCINEERINO OEPARTIIENT CITY OF I(ENT XXXX xxxxG DES|GNED COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDMWN coK 2/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 6-95ENGINEAAPPROVED- EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT THE CIry OF CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT SERVICE CABINET, CONCRETE BASE AND ONE LINE DIAGRAMKENT DFSTGNED clK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcHEckED COK 6-96ENGINES APPROVED COMPONENT SCHEDULE -1 METERBASE: 100 AMp ILLUSTMTED. PROVIDE 150 AMp WHEN AND IF DESIGN LOAD REQUIRES,4 JAW SAFETY SOCKET' AW #114TB' WITH 5TH ' JAW AT 9:00 POSITION (CONTMCTOR TO VERIFY WITH SERVING UilLITY)' 2 PANELBOARD: I20l240vAc, 100 AMp (150 AMp IF NEEDED), 1 PHASE, 3 WIRE, COPPER BUS, 12 CKr 100 AMP MAIN BREAKER' WESTINGHoUSE BAB2lOO, 2 POLE WESTINGHOUSE BAB BOLT-ON BMNCH BREAKERS: 4-2012 ILLUMINATION BMNCH; 1-40l1 SIGNAL BMNCH; 1.20/1 GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE & CONTROL BMNCH' 3 CONTACfOR: LIGHTING RATED, 30 AMP,4 POLE, 120 VAC COIL, (AS REQUIRED)' 4 PHOTO ELECIRIC CELL: 1800VA, 120 VAC, ALR #SST-IES (PER WSDOT SPEC) 5 PHOTO-CELL BYPASS SWITCH, SPDT, 15 AMP,277 UAC' 6 GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE, 120 VAC, DUPLEX, 2OA CABINET: NEMA 3R, PADMOUNT, 1/8'ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION, 2 SCREENED AND GASKETED VENTS o *o DOORS: HEAW DUTY CONCEALED HINGES (LIFI-OFFTYPE) STAINLESS STEEL VAULT HANDLES, PADLOCKABLE METER DOOR BEST BLUE CONSTRUCTION LOCK ON DISTRIBUTION DOOR POLISHED WIRE GLASS WINDOW IN METER DOOR CLOSED CELL NEOPRENE GASKET, CARD HOLDER FINISH: POLYESTER POWDER COAT, NONE OUTSIDE, WHITE INSIDE SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 4 o NOTE 6 r20l240vAc 10 3W METER BASE PHOTO ELEgTRIC CELL 5" t 2" (TYP) 0.1 16" MAIN CONTROL ONE-LINE DIAGMM folt _ET \l "bl SERVICE CABINET o @ L__l TEST SWITCH GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE CONDUITS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE CONCRETE PEDESTAL TO SERVE THE CABINETS (TYP) SKYLINE CABINET SERIES 47700-KM-1OO OR APPROVED EQUAL BY TESCOR' METERING SECTION CLEAMNCES & EQUIPMENT PER PSE AND EUSERC UL LISTED PER STANDARD #508 SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE ENTMNCE EQUIPMENT CABiNET FINISHED SURFACE CLASS 3000 CONCRETE BASE CONCRETE BASE lzo"l28 I =t6tto \ E E F +*.!- SIGNAL SIDE {\) FRONT EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER CABINET BASEKENT bFqrcNFn cOK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-97ENGINEBAPPROVED- 6'-6" CONDUITS (TYP)QUICK OR HILTI-ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY (TYP) " (sEE NOTE 4) 6 N o N 1/2" WEATHER PR00F CAULK. SEAL OUTER EDGES OF CABINET AND FOUNDATION TOP VIEW OF BASE BOTTOM VIEW OF CABINET CONTROLLER DOOR OPENS SIDEWALK, UPS DOOR TO RIGHT 1.' MIN,, TYP. ALL SIDES SEE NOTE 3 CONCRETE BASE (CLASS 3000) U Bo€s E+:= XH =UlNN (o NOTES: 1. PAINT TOP OF BASE SILVER. 2. DMIN HOLE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED. 3. THE TOP OF THE BASE SHALL BE FLAT AND LEVEL, 4. TOP OF BASE IS 1" WIDERTHAN CONTROLLER CABINET ON ALL FOUR SIDES. 1, .: SEE NOTES 1 AND 2 ,'J ooo L .i .l oo- 1. 1" SEPARATION UPS 2" PVC CONTROLLER I .:, ::! :: /. I /= ABOVE BASE CONDUITS PROTRUDE 1/2" 1. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT INDUCTION LOOP DETAILSKENT DESTGNED coK STANOARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATE ICHECKED 6-98EN6INER APPROVED *BF * WEARING COURSE (TYPICAL FoR SECTIONS A, B & C) CENTER OF LANE sf o LOOP SERIES 14 TWISTED PAIR WIRE TYPE NUMBER IMSA 51-3, 3 TWISTS PER FOOT TO CONTROLLER 0.25'' MiNIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT SECNON A-A TO ADDINONAL LOOPS WHERE LEAD-IN CABLE IMSA 5O-2 SPLICE m LOOP SERIES d.uaJ =o-(t) oU o Lou(9ou (TYPICAL) NUMBER CONDUIT STIJBOUT, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-99 I I dld. =c) d.o S=START F=FINISH * =LOOP NUMBER 0,50" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT SECTION B-B NOTE: NO BACKER RODS ALLOWED, STOP BAR LOOP WINDING DETAIL TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS ]UNCTION BOX 0.50" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT sEcrIoN c-c (ASSUMING TWO LANES OF LOOPS) WHERE APPLICABLE CENTER OF LANE SCOTCH 06147 ELECTRICAL MO]STURE SEAI.ANT TAPE 2C(S) LEAD-lN CABLE IMSA 5O-2 TO CONTROLLER A S=START F=FINISH x =LOOP NUMBER SIDE VIEW END VIEW #14 TWISTED PAIR WIRE TYPE IMSA 51-3, 3 TWISTS PER FOOT SOLDERLESS, CRIMPED, NON-INSULATED BUTT SPUCE NOTE: CUT DRAIN WIRE SINGLE LOOP W]NDING DFTAIL LOOP SPLICE DETAIL NOTES: SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 5-99 FOR CONDUIT STUBOUT DETAIL AND INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLANON NOTES. 2. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-100 FOR INDUCT]ON LOOP PLACEMENT DETAIL, EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEC'IRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CIry ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT INDUCTION LOOP INSTALI.ATION NOTESKENT nF<raNFn COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-99ENGINEM APPROVED- SPLICE DETECTOR LEAD 2C(S) CABLE GMVEL PAD 6" STUB.OUT SLEEVE (114',-to 1/2' BELOW TOP OF ASPHALT) LOOP LEAD SAWCUTEDGE OF PAVED SHOULDER (SHOWN) OR EDGE OF EXTRUDED CURB OR EDGE OF GUTTER PAN OR EDGE OF TMFFIC STANDARD ]UNCTION BOX LOOP LEAD WIRES -TWISTED PAIR <-CONDUIT TO CABINET INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLATION NOTES: 1, CONDUIT USED FOR STUB-OUTS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT, MINIMUM SIZE 2 INCHES, 2. ALL LOOPS SHALL BE WOUND WITH THREE TURNS OF NO. 14 AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE, CLASS B, WITH CHEMICALLY CROSS LINKED POLYETHYLENE TYPE USE INSULATION OF CODE THICKNESS. 3. BACKER ROD WILL NOT BE USED WITH CITY OF KENT LOOP INSTALLAT]ONS. 4. LEAD WIRES: FOUR PAIR MAXIMUM PER SAWCUT 5, EXTEND SAWCUT SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE FULL SAWCUT DEPTH AROUND CORNERS. 5. LOOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT IF NEW PAVEMENT IS INSTALLED. ALL LOOPS SHALL HAVE IDENTIFYING I-ABELS ON THEIR LEADS SHOWING LOOP NUMBER AND S (START) OR F (FINISH). MATCH EXISTING 2 s/8" MIN. - 3" MM. FULL DEPTH PAVING SAWCUT LEAD WIRES SAND - TWISTED PAIR EXISTiNG PAVEMENT SOFT POCKET 3/4" ABOVE BOTTOM OF PAVEMENT CONDUIT END BELL BUSHING, SEAL WITH DUSI- SEAL CONDUIT LEAD SCH 80 CONDUIT TO LOOP TO JUNCTION BOX csrc 0R CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL 50'MMIMUM DISTANCE SEE STUB.OUT CONDUIT PLACEMENT DETAILS 8, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-98 FOR INDUCTION LOOP DETAILS AND STANDARD PLAN 6-1OO FOR INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT. 9, WHEN SAWCUTTING LEAD SLOT IN THE ROADWAY, CONTINUE THE SAW CUT APPROXIMATELY ONE INCH BEYOND THE SEAM WITH THE CONCRETE GUTTER A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY ONE INCH TO PERMANENTLY MARK THE LOCATION OF THE STUBOUT. IF NO GUTTER IS PRESENT, CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF MARKING THE STUBOUT LOCATION' 10. ALL LOOP LEADS RETURNING TO JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET AWAY FROM ANY AND ALL METAL CASTINGS OR VALVE BOXES EXCEPT TERMINATING HANDHOLES OR JUNCTION BOXES. 11. SEE DETAIL 5-98 FOR SPLICE METHOD. EPOXY SPLICE KITS ARE NOT ALLOWED, o I d ro oU d Lo coF =od.L ===z. E o ht (o EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF ICENT INDUCTION LOOP PI.ACEMENTKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-100ENGINEA APPROVED LOOP PLACEMENT THROUGH LANE ADVANCE LOOP (SINGLE) THROUGH LANE MID LOOP (slNGLE) LEFT TURN LANE ADVANCE LOOP (SINGLE) STOP BAR LOOP POSTED SPEED LIMTT 144 Ff(NONE)4fi 104 FT25 MPH 164 Fr(N0NE)104 FT4FT30 MPH 274 FT209 FT104 FT35 MPH 4 Fr. 309 Ff104 FT 239 FT4Fr40 MPH 354 Fr274 Ft104 FT4FT45 MPH 394 FT304 FT4Ff104 FT50 MPH sD6 223o 222o sD5 2t3o 212o 2LLo o NOTES: N1o N2o 1 THE DISTANCES SHOWN IN THIS TABLE ARE MEASURED FROM THE NEAR EDGE OF THE STOP BAR TO THE CENTER OF THE INDUCTION LOOP. 5PC 512o 511o o 2. LOOP DISTANCES MAY BE ADJUSTED *2 FEETTO AVOID METAL CASTINGS. A 3. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN ,A" LOOPS AND "B' LOOPS SHATL BE 16 FEET CENTER-TO-CENTER. B w20 tr SR WR 42t 0422 O!zD3B w10 e e+rr Oqrz 0333? lffio srrO O o Oz"ollZ !f3rO arzO errO O Oer !2o3oO azz O 821 ER o NR tr Oez B A o o 111 o TL2 lPC o o 611 B o 612 621 o 622 o 623 sD2 o s2 o s1 o 613 sD1 LOOP IDENTIFICATION SCHEMATIC (WPICAL) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEfiRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL' SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIry OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT TURNING TEMPI.ATE AASHTO TYPE P VEHICLET nFqr^NFD cOK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/201eDATEcoKCHECKED 6-101ENGINEB APPROVED- E cf o 5FT 11 FT 3FT 19 FT 5 10 Ft SCALE PATH OF PATH OF WHEEL OVERHANG III I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \\ O 5FT 1OFT FrJ:-l SCALE TH OF RIGHT REAR 7Ft NOTES: 1, ASSUMED STEERiNG ANGLE IS 31.60 2. CTR = CENTERLINE TURNING MDIUS AT FRONT AXLE 3. SEE LATEST EDIT]ON OF MSHTO 'GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS' FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MINIMUM TU PATH FOR PASSENGER CAR (P)DESIGN VEHICLE H EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUESTTHE CIry ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ICENT TURNING TEMPI.ATE AASHTO TYPE SU VEHICLEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATECHECKED COK 6-102ENGINEAAPPROVED- O 5FT 1OFT SCALE 6FT 20 FT 4Ff 30 FT PATH OF FRONT PATH OF LEFT WHEE \ \ =41 8 Ff 0 5Fr 10Fr1-l-l SCALE PATH OF RIGHT REAR I 'r I NOTES: 1. ASSUMED STEERING ANGLE IS 31,80 2, CTR = CENTERLINE TURNING MDIUS AT FRONT AXLE 3. SEE I-ATEST EDNION OF MSHTO "GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AN D STREETS' FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MINIMUM TURNING PATH FOR (SU) TRUCK VEHICLE ----- / I EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT TURNING TEMPLATE AASHTO TYPE BUS-40 VEHICLEt.6- DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK 12/2019DATEcoKCHECKED 6-105ENGINES APPROVFD 4Fr 23,3 Fr 40.5 FT I 5FT lOFT SCALE 7FT 6.2 Fl 3,5 FT THE BUS IS EQUIPPED WITH A BICYCLE RACK PATH OF PA FRONT WHEEL OVERHANG \ \ =4I ,7 Ft O 5FT lOFT SCALE PATH OF RIGHT lr.u*l NOTES: I. ASSUMED STEERING ANGLE IS 41.9O 2. CTR = CENTERLINE TURNING MDIUS AT FRONTAXLE 3, SEE LATEST EDITION OF MSHTO "GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS'' FOR ADDITIONAL INFORIVIATION DESIGN VEHICLE TURNING PATH BUS / / EXHIBIT A (1/ I 8 NOTE: THIS PL{N IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO OEPARTMENT TURNING TEMPLATE AASHTO TYPE WB-62 VEHICLEKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANscAl F No!{EDRAWN COK- DATE 2/2O2O0HECKED coK-6-104ENGINEA APPROVED R FT 4l FRONT WHEEL OF OVERHANG \ \ \I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FT O 5FT lOFT SCALE REAR WHEEL DESIGN VEHICLE TURNING WB-62 NOTES:Ir.utl 1. ASSUMED STEERING ANGLE IS 28,40 2, ASSUMED TMCTOR/TMILER ANGLE IS 550 3. CTR = CENTERLINE TURNING MDIUS AT FRONT AXLE 4, SEE LATEST EDNION OF MSHTO ,GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS" FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I!n 2.5 Fr O 5FT 1OFT FrFl SCALE 4FT FT17.4 Ff 19,5 FT 62.5 FT WHEELBASE 69 FT OR GREATER EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PUBLIC WORKS DFPARTMFNT APPENDIX A: TREE LIST (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) CITY OF KENT. STREETTREES Chapter 6.,]0 of the Kent City Code, provides information about how and where street trees are to be planted. Following is the list of currently approved street trees as determined by the Director of the park Department.The Cityof Kent PublicWorks Department and the Park Department jointly approve required streettree plans associated with public street improvements. There are many site constraints that may limit the species of street trees that can be planted in a specific location.The following are typical site constraints and/or standards that are associated with an urban street tree planting environment, and that must be considered before the City gives approval to plant a specific street tree species for a particular prolect: 1. Sidewalkwidth 2. Rooting space (tree pit size, planting strip width) 3. Building setbaclc (distances from trees) 4. Canopy or Building overhang (distances from trees) 5. Signs,Windows or Entryways (placement, size, use, safe$ 6. Street Lightin g and/or Pedestrian Scale Lighting 7. Soils B. Pedestrian Clearance g. Presence of Underground and Overhead Utilities 10. StreetTree (root and crown groMh, maintenance, aesthetics, etc.) 1 1. Vehicle Parking 12. Horizontal and Vertical Sight Distance Clearance 13. City of Kent Construction Standards 14. Kent Downtown Design Standards Street trees planted along new residential streets will be planted in the 5'wide planter strip constructed between the back of vertical cement concrete curb and the front of the cement concrete sidewalk. Street trees planted along existing streets may be planted either in 5'wide planter strips or behind the sidewalk, as specified by the Engineer. The Standards contain standard details for streettrees. One of these standard details includes installation requirements. See Standard Detail 6-55. Minimum separation requirements between street trees and intersectiont street trees and driveways, and street trees and street lights is shown on Standard Detail 6-54. EXHIBIT AI(ENTCITY OF KENT APPROVEDSTREET TREE LISTWaSHTNGToNPARKS, RECREATION 6COMMUNITY SERVICESTREE CITY USffSmall Trees 30' or less for overhead utility useSvrinsa reticulata 'lvorv Silk'lvorv Silk JapaneseParrotia persica'Vanessa'Vanessa ParrotiaMalus 'Tschonoskii'Tschonosikii CrabappleFraxinus pennsvlvanica'Johnson'Leprechaun Ashlli 'inermis'Thornless Cockspur HawthornCarpinus iaponicusJapanese HornbeamAcer truncatum X Acer platanoides'Warenred'Pacific Sunset MapleAcer tataricum'JFS-KW2'Rugged Charm MapleAcer saccharum 'Barrett Cole'Apolls MaplcAcer Platanoides 'Crimson Sentry'Crimson Sentry MapleAcer ginnala 'Flame'Flame MapleScientific & Common Name20'28',28',182530'30'2825'2520'MatureHeight15'14'74'1625'25',25'151-0'L520'Maturewidth3'3'3'3'3'333'3',33'Min.Plant.StripWhiteredwhitepinkwhiteWhiteFlowerColorYelloworangeYellowredYellowRustyOrangeGoldYellowredYellowredOrangegoldMaroonBronzeRedFallColorYesyesVisionObstructionsCompact upright spreading becoming roundupright narrow vase shaped w/ showy re stamensColumnar form w/glossy green leavesgreat fall colorGlobed shaped lollipop with small fine leavesRounded vase shaped lacking the thornsGlossy green leaves w/red berriesVase shape low canopy w/ greenserrated leavesUpright spreading rounded formCompact upright oval w/attractive red samarasSemi dwarf columar w/narrow upright formPurple foliage dense, compact pyramidal formRound w/spreading lower branches great fall colorComments7Street Tree List Approved 201"5 EXHIBIT AKENTCITY OF KENT APPROVEDSTREET TREE LISTWaSHTNGToNPARKS, RECREATION 6COMMUNITY SERVICESMedium Street Trees 30'-50' No Overhead utility useTNEB CITY USfCarpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine'Frans Fontaine HornbeamCarpinus betulus'Fastigiata'European Columnar HornbeamAcer truncatum X Acer plantanoides 'Keithsfrom'Norwegian Sunset MapleAcer X fremani 'Feffersred'Autumn Blaze MapleAcer campestre'Evelvn'Quenn Elizabeth MapleAcer rubrum 'Frank Jr.'Redpointe ntbpleAcer rubrum'JFS-KW78'Armstons Gold MapleAcer ru bru m'Armstrong'Armstrong MapleAcer rubrum 'Karpick'Karpick Red MapleAcer rubrum 'Bowhall'BowhallRed MapleAcer rubrum 'Red Sunset'Red Sunset MapleScientific and Common Name5050'35'5035'454045'40'40'45'MatureHeight25',30'2540'30'30'L2'15'20'15'30'Maturewidth44'4',4'4'44',4'44',4Min.PlantingStripRedRedRedFlowerColorGoldyellowGoldYellowredRedorangeyellowRedGoldenorangeRedYelloworangeGoldorangeRedOrangeFall coloryesYesYesVisionObstructionsColumnar form w/dark green serrated leaves. Growsvery well in tough conditions.Broad oval shape with agew/ attractiveSerrated leavesNarrow upright to broad shapew/glossy green leavesDense rounded form w/ low canopyfast growingUpright viorous growertolerant of urban conditionsBroadly pyramidal w/ dark green foliageNarrow tightly fastigateVery columnar great street treeNarrow upright form becoming round with ageDense columnar becoming narrow pyramidal to oval withageColumnar to spreading w/ high canopyCommentsStreet Tree List Approved 20152 EXHIBIT AKENTCITY OF KENT APPROVEDSTREET TREE LISTWASHTNGToNPARKS, RECREATION &COMMUNITY SERVICESTRNE CITY USAMedium Street Trees 30'-50' No Overhead utility useNvssa svlvaticaBlack GumNvssa svlvatica'JFS-red'Firestarter TupeloEdith Bseue seqlhen l4lenaljaMagnolia 'Galaxv'Galaxv MagnoliaLiriodendron tulipifera'JFS-OZ'Emerald Citv TulipLiriodendron tulipifera'Fastigiatum'Columnar TulipGleditsia triacanthos'SSkvline HonevlocustGinkeo biloba'magvar'Maidenhair treeFraxinus pennsylvanica' Rugbv'Praure Jpue ishFraxinus pennsvlvanica'Patmore'Patmore AshFaAus svlvatica'dawvck Purple'Columunar european beeqhFagus svlvantica'fastigiata'Fa$lciate JeeehScientific and Common Name40'352540'50'50'45'50'50'45'4545'MatureHeight251g'25'25'25'15'3525'25351515'Maturewidth43'44'4'4',44'4'444Min.PlantingStripWhiteRedyellowBreenyelloworangeFlowerColorRedYellowredEvergreenyellowyellowGoldGoldYellowyellowFallcoloryesVisionObstructionsTough urban tree. Straight trunk w/stronghorizontal branches.Narrow ovalBroad spreading evergreen w/leathery green leaves.Very fragrant bloomsSweet fragrant blooms w/narrow upright form.Upright oval slightly compactTightly fastigiate w/ flowerUpright spreading canopyPyramidal form w/ uniquely fan shaped leavesUpright oval w/ glossy green leavesUpright oval w/ glossy green leavesColumunar compact. Very atractive street and speceimtreeColumnar fastigiateComments3Street Tree List Approved 2015 EXHIBIT AI<ENTCITY OF KENT APPROVEDSTREET TREE LISTWASHTNcToNPA,RKS, RECREATION &COMMUNITY SERVICESTREB CITY USfMedium Street Trees 30'-50' No Overhead utility useZelkova serrata'musashino'Musashino ZelkovaU lmus wilsoniana'Prospector'Prospeclqr EInUlmus'Fronteir'Fronteir elmTila cordata'Corzam'Corinthian LindenQuercus robur'fastigiata'Skyrocket OakOuercus alba X Ouercus ro'Crimschmidt'Crimson Spire OakScientific and Common Name45'40'40454545MatureHeight15',30'30'l_51515'Maturewidth444444'Min.PlantingStripFlowerColorYellowYellowBurgundyyellowYellowbrownRusty RedFallcolorVisionObstructionsNarrow upright vase shapegreat street treeBroadly upright form w/serratedcoarse leavesVase shaped w/ glossy green leavesgreat fall colorNarrow pyramidalDense columnar faster growingGreat street treeDense columnar faster growingCommentsBio-swale Plantings Min. 2" caliperNvssa svlvaticaBlack GumCrataegus crus-Ralli'inermis'fhornless CockspurAcer rubrum'Armstrong'ArmstronR Maplescientific and common Name40'2545',MatureHeight25'2515'Maturewidth4'3'4Min.PlantingStripwhiteFlowerColorRedYellowRustyOrangeRedFallColorVisionOstructionsTough urban tree. Straight trunk w/stronghorizontal branches.Rounded vase shaped lacking the thornsGlossy green leaves w/red berriesVery columnar. Great street treeComments4Street Tree List Approved 2015 EXHIBIT AKENTCITY OF KENT APPROVEDSTREET TREE LISTWaSHTNGToNPARK5, RECREATION dCOMMUNITY SERVICESTREE CITY USfCrataegus crus-galli' lnermis'Thornless Cockspu r Hawthorn25'25'3'WhiteOrangeRounded vased shaped. Attrctive glossy green leavesw/red berriesLarge Trees 45' and up for large planting strip or islandsThuja plicataWestern Red CedarPseudotsuga menzieliiDouglas FirZelkova serrata 'Green vase'Green Vase ZelkovaTila cordata'greenspire'Greensprire LindenQuercus frainetto'schmidt'Forest green oakFraxinus americana'Junginger'Autumn Purple@Acer mivabei 'JFS-KW3AMl' Rugged Ridge Mapleni 'Feffersred'Autumn Blaze Maplescientific and common Name7O'+70'+70'40'50'50'5550'MatureHeight20'20'50'30'3045',40'40'Maturewidth5',5',5'55'555',Min.PlantingStripFlowerColorYelloworangeyellowyellowOrangeyellowYellowRedoranEeFallColoryesYesVisionOstructionsPyramidal native coniferPyramidal native coniferBroad vased shaped fast grower. Good in urbanlandscape.Pyramidal symmetricalupright oval w/ deep green glossy foliageStrong fast grower oval to round shape.Upright oval w/attractive rugged barkDense rounded form w/ low canopyfast growingComments5Street Tree List Approved 2015 EXHIBIT A 2021. DESI GN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT APPENDIX B: SAMPLE FORMS (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) Assignment of Funds in Lieu of Construction Surety Bond Construction Surery Bond Billof Sale Private Grinder Pump Agreement 1. 2. 3. 4. EXHIBIT A 1. ASSIGNMENT PERFORMANCE BOND KENT MAIL TO: CITY OF KENT Attn: DeveloPment Engineering 220 - 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 PRO]ECT WASHINGION ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS rN LrEU OF CONSTRUCTTON SURETY BOND, INCLUDING SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE and MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS KIVA# Location: Tax Account#: Bond Account #: I. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE rights, title and interest in and to the sum of deposited in a [account type] Account No' in [branch name]of Iname of bank or other institutio nl said account being in the name of - as principal. The Principal hereby grants the City of Kent full power and authority to demand, collect and receive said deposit and to discharge or release it to Principal. The monies assigned to the City equal at least 125 percent of the approved engineer's estimate of the costs to complete the construction project that the Principal wishes to undertake, as described in approved plans on file with the City's Public Works Department, to be forfeited in full to the City upon the Principal's failure to perform. The Principal has agreed to obligate themselves to the City in the listed amount because undertaking this construction project ("the Improvements"), frdY cause damage and disruption to land and/or public rights-of-way within the City limits' EXHIBIT A II cENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS A. All construction and restoration shall be in accordance with the City of Kent Standards and WSDOT/APWA Standards in effect on the date this bond is fully executed. The Improvements and their appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans' The City's Construction Inspector shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice prior to the commencement of anv work' Traffic control during construction shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Construction shall be completed no later than 365 davs after construction begins unless the Public Works Department, for good cause shown, has granted an extension of time. Absent a showing of good cause for delay, iailure to complete construction within 365 days shall result in the requirement that additional bond monies be posted or immediate forfeiture of all bond monies, at the discretion of the City' III. TERM OF BOND. GENERALLY. A Monies earmarked as surety for specific performance shall remain in trust and subject to forfeiture until Final Acceptance of the Improvements by the City, provided, partial early release of funds may be allowed as described below. Maintenance monies shall be held for TWO YEARS after date of Final Acceotance by City to ensure maintenance is properly performed by Principal and any defects in construction are repaired. IV. ASSIGNED MONIES SHALL BE RELEASED UPON DEMAND OF THE CITY OF KENT, AND ONLY WrTH THE CrrY'S CONSENT It is understood and agreed that all monies being held under this Assignment will be released to the City of kent on demand with no other condition of release. It is further understood and agreed that the institution named above holds said monies in its possession and agrees to hold these monies until a release of this Assignment is received in writing from the CitY of Kent. V. PARTIAL RELEASE OF BOND MONIES AS WORK IS SATISFACTORILY PERFORMED The parties agree that !l0O olo of the penal sum listed in section I, above, shall constitute surety funds 1o guarantee specific performance by the Principal of the work required to B c D B EXHIBIT A construct and maintain the Improvements. However, portions of the penal sum may be released prior to Final Acceptance of the Improvements by the City if the Public Works Department has determined that all major stages of construction have been satisfactorily completed. VI. WHEN ADDITIONAL BOND MONIES REQUIRED The City may require additional surety monies be posted whenever a change in circumstances appears to make additional security necessary as a guaranty of performance by the PrinciPal. VII. VIII. MONIES HELD AS WORKMANSHIP ANd MAINTENANCE SURETY Principal agrees that 1oolo of the penal sum indicated in Section I or $1O,dOO, whicheuer is greater, shall be held in trust as a guaranty against potential costs to the City related to defective materials or workmanship or to ensure performance of other maintenance required by the Improvements, This sum shall be held in trust for a period of two vears from the date of Final Acceptance of the Improvements by the City. FORFEITURE DUE TO NON.PERFORMANCE A. Failure by Principal to fully and satisfactorily perform, or to post additional surety monies as required by the City, shall result in forfeiture to the City of any and all monies held under this Assignment' Failure by Principal to satisfactorily complete construction within 365 davs after construction was begun, absent any extensions granted for good cause, shall constitute non-performance per se. B A B To avoid forfeiture of monies, Principal agrees to promptly correct any deficiencies in construction and/or make any emergency repairs requested by the City during the two year period. Principal agrees to promptly reimburse the City for any emergency repairs performed by the City or its agents. c.To avoid forfeiture of monies, Principal agrees to properly maintain the Improvements pending Final Acceptance of the Improvements by the City' IX. FINAL RELEASE OF ALL REMAINING MONIES Any monies still held under this Assignment that have not been otherwise forfeited due to non-performance shall be released two vears after the date of Final Acceotance of the EXHIBIT A Improvements by the City, provided, any monies subject to dispute between the parties shall remain in trust pending resolution of the dispute' Signed and executed this daY of 2_ SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL Print Name and Title Address: Telephone: EXHIBIT A ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the foregoing Assignment of (AccountNo')inthesumof$withpaymentofsame to Oe riOe upon demand by the City of rent and with no other condition of release of said deposit Name of BANK or other Institution Address STATE OF WASHINGTION Telephone: COUTNY OF KING ) )ss ) By I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Signature of Authorized Personnel (Signature must be as notarized below) - is the person who aPPeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of fname of comPanY: ] as its [title:]and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such PartY for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at: My appointment expires: Print Name Title EXHIBIT A RELEASE The undersigned does hereby acknowledg e that conditions of the foregoing obligation have been satisfactorily met, and hereby authorizes the release of the sum of $--- from (Account No in (name or bank or other institution Dated this - daY of 2_ CITY OF KENT Authorized Signature: Print Namel Title: EXHIBIT A 2. Construction SuretY Bond (Atl appendix documents are samples only and subiect to change without notice) CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND INCLUDING SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE & MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS MAIL TO: CITY OF KENT Attn : DeveloPment Engineering 220 - 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Project: KIVA#: Location KENT Tax Account#: Bond Account # I. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE We, ,altypeofentitY:] ("Principal"), and State of Washington ("Surety"), hereby obligate ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to the City of Kent, Washington ("City"), the sum of which equals at least 125 percent of the approved engineer's estimate of the costs to complete'the construction project that the Principal wis_hes to undertake, as referenced above and more completely described in approved plans on file with'the City and in the Engineer's Cost Estimate. The'erincipal and Surety agree to obligate themselves to the City in the listed amount because undertaking this construction project f'the Impryvements"), may cause damage and disruption to land and/or public rights-of-way within the City limits' II A. B c D GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS All construction and restoration shall be in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, permits, and regulations. The Improvements and their appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans' principal shall give the City's construction inspector at least twenty-four Qa) hours' notice prior to the commencement of anv work. Traffic control during construction shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, principal shall fullv complete construction no later than 365 davs after construction begins, unless tfre Cityt puntrc Works Department has, in its sole discretion, granted an extension of time in writing' TERM OF BOND - GENERALLY The bond shall remain in force until released in writing by the City, provided, partial early release may be allowed as described in section IV below. III. CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT A IV. PARTIAL RELEASE OF BOND MONIES AS WORK IS SATISFACTORILY PERFORMED The parties agree that looo/o of the sum listed in section I above shall constitute surety funds to guarantee specific pe.formance by the Principal of the work required to construct and maintain the Improvements. However, in its sole discretion, the City may release, one time only, a portion of the sum secured by this bond. v. WHEN ADDTTIONAL BOND MONTES REQUTRED The City may require additional bond monies be posted whenever a change in circumstances appears to make additional security necessary as a guaranty of performance by the Principal' VI. WORKMANSHIP & MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE A. Principal agrees that shall be retained as a maintenance guarantee against potential costs to the City related to defective materials or workmanship or to Improvements for a aoproval by the CitY ensure perform ance of other maintenance required by the period of two (2) vears from the date of final construction B.principal agrees to promptly correct any deficiencies in construction and/or make any emergency repairs requested by the city during the two (2) year period. D Principal agrees to promptly reimburse the by the City or its agents. Principal agrees to properly maintain the approval of the Improvements by the City. City for any emergency repairs performed Improvements pending final construction VII. NON.PERFORMANCE If the principal defaults and does not perform the above conditions within the time specified, or any time extension that may be granted by the City in writing, then the Surety shall, within thirty (fO) Oays of demand of the City, make a written commitment to the City that, at the City's sole discretion, the Surety will either: A. Remedy the default itself with reasonable diligence pursuant to a time schedule acceptable to the City; or B. Tender to the City within an additional five (5) business days the amount reasonably necessary, as determined by the City, for the City to remedy the default, up to the total bond amount, Should the Surety elect this option, then upon completion of the requirements or work and acceptance of such requirements or work by the City, the City shall, after acceptance of any warranty, maintenance, monitoring' or other permit requirements, return any excess to the Surety. VIII. CITY SHALL DETERMINE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE The City shall determine whether Principal has satisfactorily performed as required. Upon City's determination that Principal has failed to satisfactorily perform, Principal shall be in default and the Surety's obligations under this bond shall immediately accrue; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prohibit Surety from subsequently bringing an action to seek repaymenf the City for wrongly determining Principal's unsatisfactory performance, CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT A IX. JURISDICTION AND VENUE If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference, or claim arising from the parties' performance under this bond, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference, or claim shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules, and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. X. ATTORNEY FEES In any claim or lawsuit arising from the parties' performance under this bond, each party shall pay its own legal costs and attorney fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or iawsuit, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law. Signed and executed this- daY of PRINCIPAL SURETY 2 Date Signature Print Name DateSignature Print Name Title: Address:AdrJress: Telenhnne:Teleohon'e: Note: To be considered complete, both the Princioal and Suretv must sion this bond and the Surety must notarize its signature and attach a copy of its power of attorney' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss, couNTY oF KING ) I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that@ ;'" " :' ;,.' J il:il"':ff # 3: il"S,. l"ffi , il"?, ni" I i,1'f". ?:'i?: execute the instrument on behalf of fname of entity:] as its [title:f , a voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington nd such execution to be the free and mentioned in the foregoing instrument. residing at:- CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND Page 3 of 3 My appointment exPires EXHIBIT A 3. Bill of Sale (Att appendix documents are samples only and subiect to change without notice) MAIL TO: CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTN KENT 22O - 4TH AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WASHTNGTON 98032 Project: Permit# Location: Parcel #: BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COU NTY, WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this daY of 20 , by and between hereinafter wa s H I N o T o f, call "Grantors", and City of Kent, a municipal corporation of Ki called "Grantee'1: WITNESSETH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration does hereby grant, bargain, sell to Grantee the following described improvements: A. WATERMAINS: Together with a total of gate valves at $ -each, - hydrants at each and/or any other appurtenances thereto$ ON (street, easement, etc.) FROM TO Including linear feet at $ (size & type)waterline per LF of EXHIBIT A B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of a ppurtenances thereto. manholes at $ 9N (street, easement, etc.) FROM Including linear feet at $per LF of (size & type)sewerline. C. NEW STREETS: Together with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and/or any other appurtenances ,'i': ]9!N (street, at$per LF 9N (street, easement, etc,) FROM Including linear feet at $per LF of (size & type)improvement) each and/or anY other TO :,:',,1, -:'. TO ./),r (size & type)(improvement) D. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS: Together with lights, trees, landscaping (except residential streets) andlor any other appurtenances TO EXHIBIT A manholes at $ E. STORM SEWERS: Together with a total of catch basins at $ ditch with a total cost of $ have each, each or total of LF of biofiltration swale or drainage cubic feet of detention Pond, storage with a total cost of $ , and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON (street, easement, etc,) FROM Including linear feet at $per LF of (size & type)sewerline TO to hold to na Gra ts rs er of p s forever, rty; and th isundersigned ll encu that paid; that to se hat mea nst the I claims and demand The leisg on co ration of the agreement the Grantee successors a nd assrgn s to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. The maintenance period. City accepts the items subject to sta ff approval and completion of a 2 year bo nt d d IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this daY of -, 20 -' EXHIBIT A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of , 20 -. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ned A Nota pe red described in led a and volu act d ,2,0 -, ffi€, nd sworn, signed therein ) )ss ) o a as f GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 20 -. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington' residing at My Commission ExPires: ingtonlna EXHIBIT A STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss )COUNTY OF KING On this day of , 20 -, before me, the undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me to be the and respectively of the that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written , ,i!1i,;..,iir.r,.. , ?../. / tt /.t/ t? ar'.,.) ''''L/ ','...).. :i.:,1'. ', .,:,::i.ii,.,, '| | .,: t/?)l .,,-, ,:.//."r/i;.tt; // 1.,.'Z, . -,,. t:. '.:,4? .l , .:,',/4"'/ i';;. . , .. ...'..!: f .. ?r.jf :....!. . t..i.!. ..,. ...!, ..J //:.'. ,.', ,, t.;,. 1 Public in d for the n, resid of My Commission ExPires: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made, seconded, and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, on the day of ,20 EXHIBIT A KENT WtsHtilGTot{ ENGIN E ER'S CERTIFICATION CITY OF KENT KrNG COUNTY, WASHTNGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for project dated , for the same said project the undersigned P'E' or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of , the firm responsible for the preparation of the Record Drawings' Signature ( E ng i nee r sta m p requ i red ) EXHIBIT A PRIVATE GRINDER PUMP AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made by and between CITY OF KENT, King County, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "the city," and , hereinafter referred to as .'Owner" for the purpose of permitting Owner to connect building plumbing/mechanical improvements on Owner's property to the City's sanitary sewer system on a permanent basis to serve owner's property: WITN ESSETH: WHEREAS, the City operates and maintaing a sanitary sewer system within its boundaries which can serve property of Owner, and Owner's cost, building plumbing/mechanical improvements on Ownerts property to the City's sanitary sewer system through the installation of a grinder pump and a building sewer on Owner's property, and a side sewer between the OWner'S property and the City's sanitary sewer system; which grinder PUffiP, building sewer' and side sewer are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "sewer service connection", and WHEREAS, the consent of the City is required to permit Owner to serve such property on a permanent basis, and WHEREAS, the City agrees to permit same under the terms and conditions set forth herein; EXHIBIT A NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained in the Agreement, it is hereby agreed by the parties as follows: 1. The land for which a sewer service connection is requested and to which this Agreement applies, is realty in King county, washington, legally described in finibit "A" and generally depicted in Exhibit "B", hereinafter referred to as "Owner's property", lttached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. By executing this Agreement, Owner represents and warrants that it is the owner of record of the above-described propefty' 2. On condition of fulfillment of Owner's obligations herein, the City consents to a sewer service connection as described herein. 3. Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that the construction of the sewer service connection, including- conformance with applicable . rules and iegulatio;s of the City, ' land-use - authority, other agencie.s of . jurisdiction, uniioii - applicable covenants, codes and/6r restrictions, shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner 4. Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees that all portions of the sewer service connection, including the portion of the sewer service connection located outside of the Owner's property, shall be owned, operated and maintained by Owner, subject to permitting and other requirements of the City' Operation and maintenance shall include, but is not limited to, replacement parts, labor and emergency repairs for grinder pump(s), electrical components, and/or facilities, pipe, check and isolation valves, and other appurtenances to the sewer service connection. O. Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees to reimburse the City for any and all charges incurred by the City for construction, operation, and/or maintenance of the sewer service connection, whether performed at the Owner request or otherwise. Any amounts remaining unpaid after demand for payment shall be subject to the City's lien rights and may be foreclosed pursuant to R.C'W' Chapter 57. 5. Owner acknowledges and agrees that the Owner is solely responsible for any damage(l) aftributab-le to thJ sewer service connection, and further ugr""s'to inde-mnify and hold harmless the C_ity for injury to person or property or foi any other damage(s) occasioned by use of the sewer service connection' EXHIBIT A 7. Owner agrees to make provisions to manage sewer flows from the building plumbing/melhanical improvements on Owner's property in the event of a power outage that renders the sewer service connection inoperable and/or unusable, Acceptable provisions include providing a minimum 24-hour storage capacity in the private grinder pump system, and/or making available a standby engine-driven emergency generator available to operate the private grinder pump. g. The Owner certifies that is has retained a grinder pump design professional to prepare plans and specifications for the sewer service connection' bucn design professional shall be licensed to perform work in the State of Washington. g. The City shall have the right at such time as it deems necessary, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law and without prior notice to Owner, to install, repair, reconstruct, operate and/or maintain the system shut-off valve located within the service valve box, and to enter upon said real property described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "8" for the purposes described herein, without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, pr:ovided that such shall be accomplished in such manner that existing private irprou"rents shall not be disturbed or destroyed, except as provided hereunder' Owner hereby agrees to not in any way block, restrict or impede access to or from, or full 'use of, the system shut-off valve; or convey to a third party any easement, or other interest or right of use of said real property subject to such easement, ttrat would impair or limit the rights granted to the City herein. 10. This Agreement shall constitute a covenant running with the land and servitude upon th6 property described herein and shall be binding upon all successors in interest to Owner. 11. Upon connection of the building plumbing/mechanical improvements on Owner's property as described herein to the City's sanitary sewer system, Owner agrees to comply with all rules, regulations and resolutions of the City. WITNESS our hands and seals' CITY OF KENT King County, Washington ()(date)Dated EXHIBIT A (date)Dated: STATE County I certify that I know is the person acknowledged that he/she signed his/her free and voluntary act for the uses )ss. or have satisfactory evidence that person who appeared before me, and said this instrument and acknowledged it to be and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ) ,D,AI.ED .. ., .. .4 , r.l ";': '' ''"":.1/ -'t)f.l' t,. :,, t.,:. )/!) ' 1'.'t;:i:2 /..t f ' ".it.,L ...:, '.', /1 /. /I t ) l l l l l l l l "::/. '. -:r / .t,.' :.:.:, '. '!',|././!/,., ''/..: ')' t t t t t t t t t t Pub Title My appointment expires () For recording in the State of Washington, the Notarial Seal must be fully legible and cannot intrude into document margins, Please affix seal in the space rovided EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT *A" Leqal Property DescriPtion EXHIBIT A Propertv Depiction EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PI.JBL IC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPENDIX C: SAMPLE REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS 1. RecordingCoverSheet 2. StatutoryWarranty Deed 3. Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenant For all other Real Estate Documentt please contact the City Right-of-WayTeam or the City AttorneY's Office. EXHIBIT A Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5896 WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover S heet RCW 65.04) your documents must be filled in. 1. 2. etoeretnareas a casnor transa ons contaDocume Reference Number(s) of Docume Additional reference #'s on Page nts assigned or released: of document 1. 2. 3. tr Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) Additional names on page - of document' Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. Kent, City of 2. 3,! Additional names on page - of document' Legal descriptions (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein EXHIBIT A WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Grantor: Citv of KentGrantee: Abbreviated Legal DescriPtion Additional Legal DescriPtion on : Fxh I \\A" Assessor's Tax Parcel ID No.: Project Name/Number WARRANTY DEED ("Grantor"), for Ten Dollars and No/100 ($10.00) an d/or otherconsideration of consideration rece C attached and incorPorated. and in valuable ipt of which is herebY acknowledged by Grantor, conveys and warrants to the City of Kent, a Washing ton municipal corporation, for any and all municip al purposes as Grantee ("Grantee"), (insert if applicable: "under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its rights of Eminent Domain) all its interest, including any after acquired title, in the real p roperty described and depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibits A and B,situated in King County, Washington, and subject to the conditions listed on insert title company name Order No. Schedule -, parag n Exhibit -l (Signature on following Page) EXHIBIT A GRANTOR: Name: Title: Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify tha t I know or have satisfactory evidence that - is the pe rson who appeared before ffi€, and said person acknowledged that (he/she) sig ned this instrument, on oath stated that (he/she) was authorized to execute the instru ment and acknowledged it as the of to be the free and voluntary act of such pafty for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated i ss ) ) ) -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature) NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment exPires EXHIBIT A WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Grantor: Citv of K pntGrantee: Abbreviated Legal DescriPtion: Additional Legal Description on page of Document' Assessor Parcel No.STR: Project Name:(Permit No. KIVA IN CONSID located at follows: ERATION OF THE City of Kent ("City") approval for: DECLARATION OF STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE COVENANT relating to real ProPertY legally described as See attached Exhibit "A" The undersigned Grantor(s) declares that the above-described property ("Property") is subject to a privately maintained stormwater drainage, detention, and/or stormwater trejtment system lthe "Stormwater Facilities"), and also covenants and agrees as follows: EXHIBIT A DUTTES OF GRANTOR(S): 1. Grantor(s) shall regularly inspect and maintain/repair the private Stormwater Facilities on the Property in accordance with the standards specified in the City of Kent Stormwater Design Manual (*KSWDM"), specifically including Appendix D ("Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities"), as now collectively enacted or hereafter amended, which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein. Z. Grantor(s) shall inspect the Stormwater Facilities as often as conditions require, but in any event at least once each year. Grantor(s) shall, within four weeks after each inspection, maintain /repair the Stormwater Facilities as required by the KSWDM. 3. Grantor(s) shall inspect each element of the Stormwater Facilities whenever the City's pubiic Works Director ("Director"), in his/her sole discretion, determines that unacceptable conditions exist within or adjoining to the Stormwater Facilities. Similarly, the Director, in his/her sole discretion, may require the Grantor(s) to complete the maintenance/repair of the Stormwater Facilities within a shorter time period than allowed in section 2, above. 4. Grantor(s), in effecting this maintenance/repair, shall restore the Stormwater Facilities to an acceptable condition to the extent listed and/or described in the KSWDM. 5. Grantor(s) is hereby required to obtain written approval from the Director prior to grading, filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine and minor landscape maintenance) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as biofiltration swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.) or performing any alterations or modifications to the Stormwater Facilities. Grantor(s) shall obtain all necessary permits and provide all required land surveys as required by the Kent City Code and state and federal laws' 6. Grantor(s) is hereby required to keep free all debris, including preventing materials stored outside from leaking, spilling, or being dumped in the stormwater system, or that may collect on top of, or in, roof downspout infiltration systems, yard drains with overflow, or any dry well, grated drain cover, catch basin or infiltration system, if any, located within privately owned lots that are part of the overall Stormwater Facilities located within the development. 7. Grantor(s) shall assume all responsibility for the implementation and cost of any maintenance and/or repairs to the stormwater Facilities. EXHIBIT A RIGHTS OF THE CITY: 1. The City shall have ingress and egress rights to the Property for inspection and monitoring of the Stormwater Facilities in order to determine that performance, operationjl flows, and/or absence of defects in the Stormwater Facilities, are in accordance with the KSWDM' Z. If the City determines that, pursuant to the KSWDM, the Stormwater Facilities require maintenance and/or repair work, the Director shall deliver written notice to the Grantor specifically describing the required maintenance and/or repair' The notice shall also set a reasonable time in which Grantor must complete the described work. The notice shall also state that the City or its authorized agent may perform the authorized maintenance and/or repair if the Grantor(s) fails to complete the maintenance and/or repair within the time allowed' 3. If the Grantor(s) does not complete the required maintenance and/or repair within the timl allowed as set forth in the Director's notice, the City or its authorized agent will not commence the maintenance and/or repair work described in the Director's notice until at least seven (7) calendar days after the expiration of the time allotted to Grantor to make the maintenance and/or repair, However, if the Director determines, at his or her sole discretion, that an imminent danger exists, the City's obligation to provide written notice shall be deemed waived, and the City or its authorized agent may immediately begin the required maintenance and/or repair work. 4. If the City or its authorized agent performs the required maintenance and/or repairs to the Stormwater Facilities, Grantor(s) shall reimburse the City all its costs incurred in completing the maintenance and/or repairs within thirty (30) calendar days of Grantois receipt of the City's invoice for that work, accompanieO ny supporting evidence of the costs being billed' Overdue payments shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (I2o/o) per annum' 5. If the Director determines, in his/her sole discretion, that the Stormwater Facilities, if originally constructed in accordance with the City's approved design, need further modifications, Grantor(s) authorize the City to enter the Stormwater Facilities property in order to make these modifications at the City's cost. This provision does not apply to modifications required by further development permit applications by Grantor(s)' Any notice or consent required to be given or otherwise provided for by the provisions of this agreement shall be effective either upon personal delivery or three (3) calendar days aftr mailing by Certi1ed Mail, return receipt requested. EXHIBIT A This Covenant is intended to protect the value and desirability of the property described above, including the larger parcel(s), if any, benefited by the Stormwater Facilities. Further, this Covenant shall be a covenant running with the land forever and be binding upon the Grantor, its heirs, successors and assigns. GRANTOR(S) (Sign) (Date) (Print Name) (Address) STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ) ss On this day of r and for the State of Washington, personally ap to me known to be the 2A-, before me a NotarY Public in peared that executed thea(n foregoing instrument, and acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act of said corporation, for the uses and purposes mentioned in th that they were authorized to execute said instrument' is instrument, and on oath stated -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Printed Name)- NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment exPires EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A: Legal DescriPtion Insert legal description here - stamped and signed by surveyor EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTM ENT APPENDIX D: SAMPLE ENGINEER COST ESTIMATE AND BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET EXHIBIT AKENTINSTRUCTIONS FOR ENGINEER COST ESTIMATE & BOND QUANTIW WORKSHEETW^sHrtrdroi1) Based on permit type requested (Grade & Fill, Civil Construction, etc.), complete the form as follows:- For Grade & Fill permits, complete the Erosion Control section- For Civil Construction permits, complete the Erosion Control and General sections2) Complete the 'Quantity' columns for the appropriate section(s). lf you are completing the 'General' section, you will be asked to identify thosequantities and costs that apply to Existing Right-of-Way, Future Public lmprovements and Private lmprovements.3) The'Quantity Remaining' column is only to be used when a project is under construction. The City allows one (1) bond reduction during thelife of the project with the exception of the maintenance period reduction.4) Excel will auto-calculate the relevant fields and subtotals throughout the document. Only the 'Quantity' columns should need completing.5) Complete the preparer's information and project information on the lnformation and Summary Sheet. The professional engineer preparingthe cost estimate must sign where indicated.6) Submit the lnformation and Summary Sheet, City Review and Approval Sheet and all engineers cost estimate sheets to the City for reviewand approval (11 total sheets).City of Kent - Engineer Cost Estimate and Bond Quantity Worksheet2t26t2020 EXHIBIT AGBond Quantity Worksheet - lnformation and Summary SheetDate:2 Total Project Cost - Use this amount for valuation on permit application form. (Calculated at A+B+C+D)*City allows for one bond reduction prior to being reduced to a maintenance bondx*Civil Construction Bond amount shall not be less than Maintenance Bond AmountNote: Minimum bond amount is $5,000.Name:PE Registration No:PE Signature:Firm Name:Firm Address:Phone No.Email Address:Prepared by:Project Name:Project No:Projecl Address:Project lnfo,rmationSite Restoration Bond (Grade & Fill permits only )"*Civil Construction BondPlat BondlMaintenance Bondrotet pnotect cost'Site Restoration/Erosion Sediment Control SubtotalExisting Right-of-Way lmprovements SubtotalFuture Public lmprovements SubtotalPrivate lm provements SubiotalBOND WORKSHEET(A) x 125o(A)+(B)x12s%(A)+(B)+(C)+(D)x1$50% $[(A)+(B)+(c)+(D)l-20%:$(A)(B)(c)(D)$ffiffiCONSTRUCTON BOND ATOUNT(prlor to permit lssuance)(A)(B)(c)(D)(E)$$$$$(A)$$$PI.AT BOIiIDAMC,UNT(prior to plat r€cording)(A)(B)(c)(D)(E)$$$$(A)(B)(c)(D)$$$$MAINTENANCE BOND(after final acceptance of construction)City of Kent - Engineer Cost Estimate and Bond Quantity WorksheetUpdded212612020 €4,Staff Use OnlvApproved by:EXHIBIT ABond Quantity Worksheet - City Reviewed ApprovalCITY OF KENT . ENGINEER WORKSHEETStaff Use OnlvDevelopment Engineer:Phone Number:Email:ReviewedProject Name:Project No:POect Address:Proiect lnformationApplicanfs Estimated Bond SubtotalAdjusonents:suDtota, - A djustments jRevised Bond Estimate:x 125o/o or 150o/oAPPLICANT'S BOND AMOUNTAmountEnginee/s NotesCity of Kent - Engineer Cost Estimate and Bond Quantity WorksheetDate ApprovedUpdated2J26|2O2O WRITE.IN.ITEMSWater truck, dust controlTESC SupervisorSoddinq. 1" deep, sloped qroundSoddinq, 1" deep, level qroundSeedinq. bv handSed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm sectionSediment trao. 5' hioh bermSediment pond riser assemblyRock Construction Entrance, 100'x1 5'x1 'Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x'1'Rip Rap, machine placed; slopesPlastic coverinq, 6mm thick, sandbaggedPipinq, temporarv, CPP, 12"Pioino. temoorarv, CPP. 8"Pioinq. temoorarv. CPP, 6"Mulch, bv machine, straw, 2" deepMulch, bv hand, straw, 3" deepLevel SpreaderJute Meshlnterceotor Swale / DikeHvdroseedinqHav Bale Silt TrapGeotextile FabricsiltExcavation-bulkDitchinqCrushed surfacinq 1 1/4" minusCatch Basin ProtectionCheck dams, 4" minus rockBackfi ll & compaction-embankmentEROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL(A)SWDM 5.4.7swDM 5.4.2 5swDM 9-13.1(2)swDM 5.4.2.'lswDM 5 4.2.4swDM 5.4.3 1wsDoT 9-03.9(3)swDM #$130.00$84 00$9.50$8.00$1 .00$79.00$21.00$3,050.00$3,600.00$1.800.00$50.00s3.00$24.00$19.00$12.50$1.00$3.00$1.75$2.00$1.00$1 00$0.50$2.50$2.00$2.00$3.00$8.00$98.00$35.50$78.00$6.50UnitPriceHRHRSYSYSYLFLFEachEachEachCYSYLFLFLFSYSYLFSYLFSYEachSYLFLFCYCYCYEachEachCYUnitQuantityGostEXHIBIT ACity of KentEngineer's Cost EstimateEROSION/SEDIMENT SUBTOTAL:30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION:SALES TAX @ 9%EROSION/SEDIMENT TOTAL:$$$-q_(A)City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity WorksheetPage 'l of 9Updated 212612020 Wall, rockeryWall, retaininq, concreteTrail, 4" top murseTrail. 4" crushed cinderTrail, 4" chipped woodTrafflc control crew ( 2 flagqers )Topsoil Type A (imported)Soddinq. 1" deep. sloped qroundSensitive Areas SiqnMonumentsGuard PostGradinq. fine. with qraderGradino. flne. bv handGabion, 36" deep, stone filled meshGabion, 18" deep, stone filled meshGabion. 12" deeo. stone filled meshFill & compact - screened topsoilFill & comoact - qravel baseFill & compact - common barrowFencino, solit rail. 3' hiqhFencinq, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 20'Fencinq, chain link, vinvl coated, 6'highFencino. chain link, 4Fencing, cedar, 6'highExcavation - TrenchExcavation - bulkCleari nq/Grubbinq/Tree RemovalBollards - removableBollards - fixedClear/Remove Brush, by hand (acre)Backfill & Compaction- trenchBackfill &on- embankment8.00CY$ 13.00$ 6600$o6n$ 10.00c onn$ 98.00$ 30.00$ 10.00$ 20.00s 104 00$ 90.00$1.25$ 200$ 152.00$ 86.00s 62.00$ 4500$ 30.00$ 27.00$ 14.00$ 1,563 00$ 18.00a ao En$ 25.00$ 5.00s 2.50$ 13.000 00$ 600.00s 325 00$ 2,363.00$ 1100Unit PriceSFSFSYSYSYHRCYSYEachEachEachSYSYSYSYSYCYCYCYLFEachLFLFLFCYCYAcreEachEachAcreCYUnitQuant.ExistingRight-of-Way{BtCostQuant.Future Publiclmprovements(ctCostQuant.Privatelmprovemenb(D)CostQuant.Quantity Remaining(Bond Reduction)(E)GostSUBTOTALEXHIBIT ACity of KentEngineer's Cost Estimate(E)City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity Worksheet(B)2 of 9(c)(D)Updated 212612020 Striping, 4" reflectorized lineStrioino. thermoolastic. ( for crosswalk )Traffic Siqnal Modifi cationTraffic SionalStrioino oer stallSiqn. HandicaoSiqnsSidewalk. 5" thick. demolition and disoosalSidewalk, 5" thickSidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposalSidewalk. 4" thick4" thick.tRailextruded concreteCurb, extruded asphaltSurb and Gutter, demolition and disposalCurb & Gutter, verticalCurb & Gutter, rolledConduit, 2"Barricade. Tvpe lll ( Permanent )ilAC Removal/Disposal/Repai rAC Grindinq, 4'wide machine > 2000syAC Grindinq. 4'wide machine 1000-2O00sy4'wide machine < 1$ 3500SY$ 0.40$ 350$7.50$ 100.00s 45.00$ 45.00$ 3600$ 40.00$ 11.00$2.00a3.00$ 3.50$ 30.00$ 4.50b5.00$ 2000$ 15 00$ 20.00$5.00s 5s.00$ 25.00$ 36.00$ 6000$ 2.50c850Unit PriceLFSFLSLSLSEachEachLSSYSYSYSYSYLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFSYSYSYUnitQuant.ExistingRight-of-way(B)CostQuant.Future Publiclmprovements(c)CostQuant.Privatelmprovements(D)CostQuant.Quantity Remaining(Bond Reduction)G)CostSUBTOTALEXHIBIT ACity of KentEngineer's Cost Estimate(E)City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity Worksheet(B)3of9(c)(D)Updated 212612020 fhickened EdqePCC Road. 6". no base, over 2500 SYPCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SYGravel Road. 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SYGravel Road. 4" rock. First 2500 SYAsphalt Treated Base, 4" thickAC Road. 6". Qtv. Over 2500 SYAC Road, 6', First 2500 SYAC Road. 5", Qtv. Over 2500 SYAC Road. 5". First2500 SYAC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SYAC Road. 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SYAC Road, 2". 4" rock, Qtv. over 2500SYAC Road. 2". 4" rock. First 2500 SYAC Overlay, 2" ACAC Ovedav, '1.5" ACFor KCRS'93, (additional 2.5" base) add:STREET SURFACINGIPAVEIIENT$ 1 1.00$ 3200$ 22.00$ 1 1.00$ 15.00$ 14.00$ 2400s 2s00$ 2200$ 22.00$ 2400$ 30.00$ 2000$ 2500$ 15.00$ 12.00b600Unit PriceLFSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYSYUnitOuant.ExistingRight-of-uay(B)CostQuanLFuture Publiclmprovements(c)CostQuantPrivatelmprovements(D)CostQuant.Ouantity Remaining(Bond Reduction)(E)CostSUBTOTALEXHIBIT ACity of KentEngineer's Gost Estimate(B)(c)(D)(E)City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity Worksheet4of9Updated 212612020 SUBTOTALEXHIBIT AGity of KentEngineer's Gost Estimate(E)36.00CMP72"400.00dCMP36"$150.00CMP48"194 00CMP60"310.00$47 00CMP69.00CMP30"$'100 00CMP12"35.00CMP15"42.00CMP18"o12'CMP8"4"6"Box ftx fto8"for additionalover 4'lnlet72" diameter60" diameterfor additionalover 4for additionalover 4'for additionalover 4'54" diameterII48" diameterILBeehivePriceQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostR/D$ 26.00SYinclude frame and Ib19 0030.00$23.00b12.00$17.OO$ 300.00$ 550.00$ 4,000.00$ 2,900 00$ 600.00$ 2,700.00$ 2,550.00$ 1,850.00$ 1.650.00$ 9000LFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLSEachEachFTEachEachFTEachEachFTFTEachEachEachEachEachExistlngRight-of.way(B)Future Publiclmprovements(c)PrivatelmprovementsQuantity Remaining(Bond Reduction)City of Kent - Engineer,s Cost Estimate Bond euantity Worksheet(B)5of9(c)(D)Updated 212612020 Trash Rack, 21"Trash Rack. 18"Trash Rack, 15"Trash Rack, 12"Ihru-lnlet at CBTank End Reducer (36" diameter)RioraD. olacedRestrictor/Oil Separator, 1 8"Restrictor/Oil Separator, 1 5"Restrictor/Oil Separator, 1 2"Pond Overflow SpillwayPioe. C900Pioe, Hiqh Densitv Water Pipe (HDWP)Vlid{ank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6'deeplnfiltration pond testinqGeotextile, laid in trench, polypropyleneFrench Drain (3'deoth)Flow DisDersal Trench (1,436 base+)DitchinqCulvert, CPP, 36"Culvert, CPP, 30"Sulvert. CPP. 24"Culvert. CPP. '18"Culvert, CPP, 15"Culvert, CPP, 12"Culvert, CPP, 8"Culvert, CPP, 6"48"42"Sulvert. Concrete. 36"Culvert, Concrete, 30"Concrete, 24"Culvert. Concrete. 18"Culvert, Concrete, 15"12"43.00LF$ 375.00$ 350 00$ 325 00$ 320 00$ 150.00$ 1,280.00$ 5200s 1 680.00$ 1,550.00$ 1,s00.00s 18 00$ 90.00$ 160.00$ 2,025 00$ 125 00$ 5.00$ 3900s 40.00$ 12.00$ 6900$ 62.00$ 49.00$ 39.00$ 3400s 2800$ 22.00$ 16.00$ 210 00$ 196.00$ 165.00$ 136.00s 8500$ 55.00s 52.00Unit PriceEachEachEachEachEachEachCYEachEachEachSYLFLFEachHRSYLFLFCYLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFLFUnitQuant.ExistingRight-of-way(B)CostQuant.Future Publiclmprovements(c)CostOuant.Privatelmprovements(D)CostQuant.Quantity Remaining(Bond Reduction)(E)CostSUBTOTALEXHIBIT ACity of KentEngineer's Cost Estimate(E)City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity Worksheet(B)6of9(c)(D)Updated 212612020 Valve Marker PostPressure Reducinq Valve Assembly, 12 ln. Diam.Pressure Reducinq Valve Assemblv, 10 ln. Diam.Pressure Reducinq Valve Assembly, 8 ln. Diam.Air-Vac. 12 lnch DiameterAir-Vac.10 lnch DiameterAir-Vac, 8 lnch DiameterFire Hvdrant Assemblv. without Guard PostsFire Hvdrant Assembly, with Guard PostsGate Valve. 12 lnch DiameterSate Valve, '10 lnch DiameterGate Valve. I lnch DiameterGate Valve. 6 inch DiameterDuctile lron Watermain, CL52, 12lnch DiameterDuctile lron Watermain, CL 52, 10 lnch DiameterDuctile lron Watermain, CL 52, 8 lnch DiameterDuctile lron Watermain, CL 52, 6 lnch DiameterSonnection to Concrete Cylinder MainBlowoffWATER SYSTEM$ 350.00$ 5.000.00s 4.200.00$ 3,800 00$ 12,000.00$ 7,500.00s 6.000.00$ 2,500.00$ 3,000.00$ s00.00$ 425.00$ 380 00s 250.00$ 125 00s 103 00$ 8500$ 65.00$ 2,000 00$ 1.800 00Unit PriceEachEachEachEachEachEachEachEachEachEachEachEachEachLFLFLFLFEachEachUnitQuant.ExistingRight-of-way(B)CostQuantFuture Publiclmprovements(c)CostOuant.Privatelmprovements(D)CostQuant.Quantity Remaining(Bond Reduction)(E)CostSUBTOTALEXHIBIT AGity of KentEngineer's Gost Estimate(B)(c)(D)(E)City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity Worksheet7 of 9Updated 212612020 Pipe, Hiqh Density Water Pipe (HDWP)Pipe, C-900lnside DrooOutside Dropfor additional depth over 4 feeVper foot\Ianhole, 96 lnch Diameterfor additional depth over 4 feeuper footManhole, 72 lnch Diameterfor additional depth over 4 feeuper footManhole. 60 lnch Diameterfor additional depth over 4 feeVper footMlanhole, 54 lnch Diameterfor additional depth over 4 feeVper footManhole. 48 lnch DiameterLift Station (Entire Svsiem)Sewer Pioe. PVC. lnch DiameterSewer Pipe. PVC, '12 lnch DiameterSewer Pioe. PVC. 8 inch DiameterSewerPVC. 6 lnch DiameterSide Sewer Pipe, PVC. 4 lnch DiameterGrease lnterceotor, 1500 qallonGrease lnterceptor, 1000 gallonGrease lnterceptor, 500 gallonClean OutsSANITARY SEWER$ 160.00$ 90.00$ 625 00$ 5,000.00$ 625 00$ 4.000.00$ 532.00$ 3,700.00$ 532 00$ 3,500.00s 532.00$ 3,000.00$ 4100s 33.00$ 12.00$800$ 15,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 6,000 00$ 500 00LJnit PriceLFLFLSLSFEETEachFEETEachFEETEachFEETEachFEETEachLSLFLFLFLFLFEachEachEachEachlJnitQuant.ExistingRight-of+ay{B)CostQuant.Future Publlclmprovements(c)CostQuant.Privatelmprovements(D)CostQuant.Quantity Remaining(Bond Reductlon)G}CostSUBTOTALEXHIBIT ACity of KentEn gineer's Cost Estimate(B)(c)(D)(E)City of Kent - Engineeis Cost Estimate Bond Quantity Worksheet8of9Updated 212612020 SUBTOTALSUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES)30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATIONSALES TAX @ 9%GRANDTOTAL:EXHIBIT ACity of KentEngineer's Gost Estimate2" AC,2" top course rock & 4" borrowStreet Trees'1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base course4" select borrow2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base coursePlav StructuresLand Scaoinq (Perimeter Tract)Riqht-of-Wav Landscapinqlvledian LandscaoinoiSuch as detention/water quality vaults.)OtherlrrioationPark Furniture & AppurtenancesUnit Price$ 2000700$$ 26.00$ 28.00$ 500.00SYSYSYUnitLSLSEachSYLSLSLSLSOuant.CostExistingRight.of{rray(B)Quant.CostFuture Publiclmprovements{c)Quant.CostPrivatolmprovements(D)Quant.CostQuantity Remaining(Bond Reduction){E)RecWRITE-INJTEMS-City of Kent - Engineer's Cost Estimate Bond Quantity WorksheetN/A9of9N/AUpdated 212612020 EXHIBIT A 2021 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PU BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPENDIX E: MEET ME ON MEEKER - STREETSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS EXHIBIT A l.l.ttttfSMEEITEN I I e. ,.ti' T City of IGWASHINbTON STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE 4262 EFFECTIVE JANUARY ]'ITH, 2018 EXHIBIT ATABLE OF CONTENTSStr€rscopeStreelscope TypesStretscope lype ASite Fumfiure StcndardsDecorolive EollordsatStondord EenchesModulorPoleStretscope lypetot2t4Slretscope lype Clntersection TypesMid-Block16AnenitStreelscope SlondordsHcrdsccpe lreotment SlondordsCemenl Concrelre Sidewqlk --........................3031Precost ConcrereADA Detectoble Worning SurloceFectures ond Signoge StondsrdsGorewoy ond Public Art f*turesWoyf)nding 5i9nsllluminotiu SlndtdsPedesfrion & Srret Lighting.... -------------.....,....34Accent Lighting (Colunns ond Eollords).........................................................35UtilityFormlinq Potlernsl,ondscope SlondordsSlrel lresAccent lrees454647PlonlersAppendix A: PlonlAppendix B: Meeker 5lreet Conslruction Stondqrds...............--------..,,.......57 EXHIBIT AMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS-IPURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENTINTRODUCTION .. WHAT IS A STREETSCAPE?This document provides guidqnce for City stoff,property owners/developers ond engineering onddesign consultonts for the design ond conslructionof the Meeker Street Slreetscope.The Stqndords included in this documenldemonstrotes rhe City's vision for the full build-out of Meeker Streel. lndividuol frontogeimprovements sholl be odiusted ot fie discretionof $e City to proportionotely reflect ihe level ofproposed developmenf or redevelopmenf by theopplicontAny improvement proiect olong Meeker Street willgo fhrough o review ond officiol opprovol processby City stoff prior to construclion instqllolion.The Stondqrds will qlso insure over time lhotthe Meeker Slreel streelscope design, includinglhe moterio15 ond furnishings used. will creoteon qtlroctive yet cohesive look qnd feel for rhecorridor. These highly visible infroslructure qndstreelscqpe improvements ore vitql to lhe success o{Meeker Street. providing spoces for the everydoyinterqcfion of people, community evenls, ond fordevelopment of odioining privqte propetty.The Stondords will help odvonce the revitolizotionprocess, creqte sofer public spoces, ond generqleo greoter sense of community pride ond economicvitolity.This document estoblishes q distinct set ofguidelines {or the Meeker Stret corridor urbondesign, superseding lhose portions of the City ofKent Downtown Design Guidelines reloted to thesidewolk ond strefscope lreolmenl, os well os qllother previous City of Kent visioning documenis,for this corridor from Ktrl-Des Moines Rood fo 4lhAvenue. The Downtown Overloy in fie Design ondConstrucfion Stondords opplies ro Meeker Slreetbetween 4th Avenue ond Centrol Avenue.Meeker Slreel hos been identified os o RopidRidecorridor in the KC Metro Tronsit long ronge plonfor 2025 (RT 1 056) ond 2040 (RTs I 056 & I 5 I 5).lnfegrolion of civil elements relqled io currentMetro bu5 slops ond future RopidRide siops intolhe urbqn design for sireeiscqpes will be required,ond subiect to review ond opprovol by CityStoff. For odditionql detqils refer to KC Melro'srequirements for londing pqd spqcing, povemenftype, shelter pod poving. os well os lhe KC MetroDroft Route Focilities RqpidRide design documentfor odditionol detqils on RopidRide requirements,Slreelsccpe: ffte oppeoronce or view of o streef.slreet.scope noun \'strel-,skap\ source: merriom-webster.comAlong $e Meeker Street corridor lhis oreo includes, bul is nollimited to, the sidewolk surfocg medions, crosswolks, street fqcilities, lighting and site furnishings. Site furnishings coninclude, but ore nol limited to, benches, plqniers, lree groies, lilierond recycling receptocles, bicycle rocks, trqnsit shelters, newsslqnds,bollords ond bqnners. The sidewolk surfoce generolly runs fromthe building face lo fie streel curb ond moy include public plozos.DESIGNThe slreetscqpe {or lhe Meeker Sireet designoffers o slimuloting urbon environment with mixof contemporory oesthetics, diverse ployfulness,interoctive pedestrion themes ond bike focilities,utilizing duroble, low-mointenqnce moleriolsqnd following low-impoct developmenlprinciples where possible. The Stretscope PloncontestimulatingDESIGN PRINCIPLES. Allrocl and support pedestrion octivity. Cr@ie chorocter ond o sense of ploce ond community. Humonize ffie slref corridor. Design for oesthefics qs well os funclion. Cr@ie o sofe environmenl for oll oge groupg oll usergpedestrions ond bicyclists. Ulilize susrdinoble oplionsclossiffes the ditferent slreet segments by design'types'thot reflect lhe chorqcterof the qreo in which they ore locoted, with overloys to oddress the t.eqlmeni ofsignificqnt inlersections. Wirh coreful implementolion, ihe Sfreelscope Plon will creqteo unique corridor for the City of Kent, providing on qttrqctive, sofe ond multi-modolenvironmenl, {or pedestrions ond bicyclisfs.There qre two efierging lhemes mixed logelher throughout the corridor; lnnovolionond /v\ulliculturol. The lnnovqfion theme builds upon the Cify of Kent's historicol qndemerging role qs o leoder in lhe high-rechnology industries. Streetscqpe elemenlsreloting to ihis theme would be contemporory inieroctive, informqtive ond ployful ondinclude modern lighling feqtures. inlerprelive disploys, qnd public qrl instollotions. TheMulticulturol theme celebrqtes lhe wide ronge of cultures ond people thot moke up theCity of Kent. Streetscope elements reloting lo this lheme would be diversely flexible,inviting,stimulqling, ond engoging ond include multicolored qs well os mixed-moleriqlpoving, colorful lighting. flexible seoting, culturql qrt pieces, qnd communily-orienfeddisploys.HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENTSTEP I Locote fie proiect on the Corridor Diogrom STEP 4. Use the lime green bubbles, ond rhehqge 9) to determine which Slreelscope Key, to locote the poge(s) specific toType(s) opplies. the relevqnl Slreetscope Elements. #,STEP 2 Use the Key lo locote lhe poge{s) speciffc S'rEP 5. The Meeker Street Slreetscope Stondqrdslo lhe relevont Streefscope Type(s). poge(s) for eoch Streetscqpe ElementSrEp3 Toke o took o*he pron- ond se.ion-view :r:t#:i rr|];t'":, :ff:*:13[ li::grophics; rhey illustroie which Sfreefscope custom items), os well os photos/grophicsElements ore required (or optiono/) for q ond specific informotion on locotion,given Streets€ope Type ond provide bosic quqntity ond spocing requirements.informqtion on localion, quontity ond/orspocing. STEP 6- Review the Appendices for references#to relevont Conslruciion Stondqrds qndphotos of lrees ond plqnts.STEP 7. DON'T FORGET! This document isfor guidonce only; oll roodwoy ondstreetscope designs mu:t be opproved bythe City of KentNOTE: Ihe following foclors sholl be reyiewed ond qccounled fori prior lo delum;nmg srrefscope elementlocofions. spocing o nd qwntily, os sel forfh in these Streetscqpe Desigt ord Construction Siondords:l. lmprwemenl project limits ond luglh of Aock inclvding drivewoys ond mid-block crossing ,ocotions.2. Lighting loyoul meling currenl Cily ol Kql illuminotion level ond spocing reguiremenls. EXHIBIT ASTREETSCAPE ELEMENTSMulti-lilodol PromenodeThe Buffer Zonq Amenify Zone, Pothwoy Zone qnd WolkZone combine to creqte o single Muhi-Modol PromenqdeThis concept provides on qttroctive, pedestrion-scoledfeoture thqt would be used by o mix of users includingbicyclisls, slrollers, dog wolkers qnd runners. ThePromenqde is o flexible spoce ond could qccommodolefestivols ond olher evdts.Amenily Zone (3L5' widlh)The proposed promenode incorporqtes omenity zoneswithin o 4'-5'continuous lineor omenily oreq. Thesewill include design elements such os: pedestrion-scoledlighring, qccent lighting, bicycle porking, benches, customseoting, lrqsh reeptocles. intetpretive signs, woyfindingsignoge, ond public ort Londscoping ond street trees oreincluded in these zones qnd nodes could be developed toollow for outdoor dining or olher octivities.Conneclor Zone (6' widlh)Sidewolk oreos thot provide cut-lhru conneclion fromon-street pqrking to the wolk zone oreos for pedestrioncirculotion ond qccess to businesserABBREVIATIONSApprox............. .ApproximotelyBuffer Zone (3.5'-4' width)Provides oreos thol seporote pedestrion pothwoys frommoving troffic. This zone could contoin slreet trees, lighting,siie furniture ond londscoped oreos.Wolk Zone (5L8'widlh)Sidewolk qreos thot provide for pedestrion circulqtiondnd dccess to businesses.Porhwoy Zone (10' widrh)Two-woy poth con be used os o wolkwoy, for bicycletrovel, ond for pqrenls with strollers-On-Slreel PorkingProvides convenient pqrking to businesses qnd q bufferbetween the multi-modol promenode qnd from thevehicle trofJic on Meeker Sireel.Plqnted Center MedionsProvides left lurn pockets for turning troffic or londscopedoreos where turn lones qre not needed. They con olsoprovide pedestrion refuges for mid-block crossing oreos,NNorihMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-II MEEKER STREET ] ] STREETSCAPE TYPESGREEN RIVERBRIDGECORRIDOR DIAGRAMKEYI Streetscope Type A----------.........,........---.p9. I 0z6Io]oz?215Izooz2Y !> ^ \ P t! a: r t O a< >; b > > >z m- d h n mzCz-oo:zz2tNI Streetscope Type Br StreetscopeTypeCI Current Downtown Overloy Stondords ,,............. N/Allllllll Mid-Block Crosswo1k..............................-....---.p9. I 6I mino, lntersection/ 18(') Sieniffcont 2Op9. 12p9. 14Fr........I bs................pounds STD.-.-..,.....,...,....... Sto nd o rdThe propced design for M€ker Street would creste new improvemqts qldg the north ond south sides o{ the streetIhe norrh side wold be improved with wide sidewolks, a londrcoped buffer/omenily zone ond on-street porking. The:outh side wold feqture q multi-modql prommode lhol extends {rm the Green River Troil to 6ih Avenue S, which willths tronsiiion into the core downtown street sectis, Gowe Street is envisioned os the bicycle-oriented corridor connectiqrhrough rhe downtown oreo. The proposed design would include the following elemsts: EXHIBIT ASTREETSCAPE TYPES I STREETSCAPE TYPE AMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ISTREETSCAPE TYPESSTREETSCAPE TYPE A(WITH MEDIAN WHERE APPLICABLE)(WITH MEDIAN WHERE APPLICABLE)Wolk Zone,see poge 28Aspholt RoodwoyAmenity Cluster,see poge 26lrEuffer Zone,see poge 27Eulfer Zone,see poge 27Pothwoy Zone,see poge 22see poge 24Wolk Zone,see poge 28IBuilding@ Street Tree,@ Accent Tree,@ Plonter, ryp.Roodwoy(on - slreel porking, cerler medions,lurn ond ltovel lones; see nofe)Building6" Curb6" Curt>Connector Zone,see poge 2312' Stdewo/kSECTION25' PromenodeKEY I STREETSCAPE TYPE A ELEMENTS@ Pedestrion Lighting, typ. t6O'-80' O.C., stoggeredl 34@ St.u.t Lighting, typ. [ZO'-90' O-C., stoggered].......... ........p9. 34@ Decorotive Utility Covers (os required within sidewqlk povitg) *.............. 43TAYOUT PLANNOTE: Ihis plon illuslroles a typicd 3-lane rodwoy sectionwfiich con imrece lo 5 lones cl poinls olong the 45p9. 46pg. 47ps. 49-.2ii i :r:nl t i--.r-I IIII23@ plont"d Roodwoy Medion................x Nol showniikLl1/@lndicoles SlreelscopeElement numberi see keyNOTE: lcyoufshownislorillvstrotivepurposesonly;seeSlreetrcopezores(poge22-28)luhtdrcqpereguitementsond oddit'rcnol rcquired streerscope ererents wilhin erch zue. Actvol t@dwoy ond streetscqpe designs to beopqwd by the Cily ol Kent; all cotrtruction detsirs sholl be per current Cily of Kenl slondord detoils ond opplicoble,/lleeker Slreel Consrruct'rcn Slffidilds, Appen&x B,t0Zone ZoneZone10'6'ZoneToneStreetscope Type A creotes o visible pedestrion-orienled slreet experience by creoting on eost/west connection ihrough to the heort of the corridor with slower moving froffic, on-street porking ondfeotures thot will encouroge sofer pedestrion ond bicycle usoge.LOCATION KEYtlI EXHTBIT ASTREETSCAPE TYPESSTREETSCAPE TYPE B(BETWEEN WASHINGTON AVENUE AND SR.167)Amenity ClusteLsee poge 26AspholtRoodwoyMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ISTREETSCAPE TYPES ISTREETSCAPE ryPE B(BETWEEN WASHINGTON AVENUE AND SR-167)IWolk Zone,see poge 28Bvffer Zone,see Psge 27Euffer Zone.see poge 27Pothwoy Zone,see poge 22Amenit'y Zone,see poge 24Wolk Zone,see poge 28u-?IL)aIAmenity CIusler,5ee poge 26Conneclor Zone,see poge 236'Cur6 6,'Curbxooowdy(frovei /ones, on-slreel porking; see note.)12'SidewalkSECTIONKEY I STREETSCAPE TYPE B ELEMENTS2O' Min.@ Pedestrion Lighting, typ. t6O'-80'O.C., stoggeredl@ Str..t Lighting, typ. [70'-90' O.C., stoggered] ..-.......@ Decorotive Utility Covers (os required wilhin sidewolk pqving) *..............TAYOUT PLANlndicofe5 StreetscopeElemenl number; see keyp9. 34ps. 34pg. 4345@@@ ptont.d Roodwoy Medion........-.-...-- .......pS. 49* Not slownNOTE: Alinimum required d;mendons shown, where feasible the lull buildovl srandsrd seclr'on sfioll be linplemenledot ol the &scretion ol ,he Gry. Layoul shownis lor illuslrslive purposes ony,'see Slreelscope Zones (poge 22-28)lor hardscqe rcquiremenls ond d&riond reguired streetscspe elements within eoch zne Acludl roddwdy ffidstreetscope designs to be opprored by the Crily of Kent oll conslruction detoils shsll be per currenl Cily ol Kenlstandord details ond opplicable l{leelar Street Construclion Slatdords' Appendix B.@ Street Tree, typ. ....-....p9.E5s *^!-.1 rlUttIarr.ll ll'f r -:-4ii;i: 9 E!j i 9;r i i.rt---l ,J ti'/@f)METKTR STi@8',ZoneBullerZone10'5'ZoneZone 2'ZoneStreetscope Type B provides o reduced promenode section between eost of the Woshington AvenueSouth intersection snd tfie SR-167 overposs, to qccomodote existing businesses ond limiled ROW.The multi-modol promenode is continued through this section on the south side with the Pothwoy ondWolk Zone.12ILOCATION KEY EXHIBIT ASTREETSCAPE TYPESSTREETSCAPE TYPE Csee poge 28Bufler Zone,see Page 27Bvffer Zone,see poge 27Wolk Zone,see poge 28(BETWEEN 6TH AVENUE AND 4TH AVENUE)Amenily Clust'er,see poge 26Aspho/tRoodwoyAmenify Clusfer,MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ISTREETSCAPE TYPES I STREETSCAPE TYPE C(BETWEEN 6TH AVENUE AND 4TH AVENUE)6"Curb6" Curbi2' SidewoikRoodwoy(trovel iones, on-sfreet porkingr see note)l2'Sidewoli<SECTIONKEY I STREETSCAPE TYPE C ELEMENTSPedestriqn Lighling, typ. [60'-80' O.C., stoggered] ....-..-p9. 34Sf reet Lighiing, typ. [70'-90' O.C., sroggered]. .................p9. 34Decoro+ive Utilily Covers {os required wilhin sidewolk poving) *............. .......pS. 43p9. 45pg. 46see poge 26TAYOUT PLAN@@@@@Sireet Tree, lyp.Accent Tree, typ.* Nol shownE3I+5:,ts't9z6rt_.1-aa:!*;-lrl'L!.. ) l-'\l'd r,sIIrlndicdtes SfreetscopeElemenl number; see keyNOTE: LolroutshownislotillusrrdlirepurposesonlyiseeSlreelscopeZones(poge22-28)lorhtrdsqpereguitementsclnd dditiondl reguired streel$cope eremenrs within eoch zone. Actud r@dwdl oDd streetscspe designs lo bec41prwed bl ,he Cily ol Ken ; dl construction delsils shsll be per cufteil qty of Kenl standord details ond qplicobleAleeker Slreel Construction Slildotds, Aryendix B.Ei@MEfKER SIZoneI'Zone8'Zone ZoneThe Streetscope Type C section illustroies the Downtown seclion wiih sidewolks on boih sides ondon-sireel porqllel porking.aLOCATION KEY EXHIBIT AMEEKER STREEI STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-Ii]\"T:RSECTICN TYPES I MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK RAISEDINTERSECTICN TYPES I MID_BLOCK CRCSSWALK _ RAISEDVlqlk Zone,see poge 28Bufler Zone,see poge 27Ropid FloshingEeocon, fYPRoodwoyBuffer Zone,see poge 27Ropid F/oshingBeocon, TYP.Ropid FloshingEeocon, fYPConreciorZone, seepoge 23Exomples of mid-b/ock crosswqrks ond roised crosswolksKEY I MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK ELEMENTS@@@@o@@@@@@@@@@@@1E:!.ii ;'ii:rPofh||oy Zone,see poge 222'x2' Scored Cement Concrete Sidewq1k.,.,..........Lineqr Accent Pover 8ond..........Lineor Stomped Concrete lwilhin Connector Zone],..,.......,..-...p9. 30pg. 31p9. 3',1p9. 31Amenily Zone,see poge 2iWo!k Zone,see poge 28TAYOUT PTANNOTE: Lolrout shown is fot illustrdtire purposes only ond shows only the streelscope erements regurlred dl ,he illid-Slock Crosswolks - Roised,' see Streetscspe Zones (poge 22-28) for oddilionol required slreelscope elemenls withineeh zone. Acluol roddwoy ond slrcetscope designs to be approved by lhe Cily of Kenl; oll construction delsils shsllbe per current Cily ol Kenl slqndord deloils and opplicable /lleeker Slreel Conslruclion Slondords, Appeodix B.Cemenl Concrele Crosswolk.....-...... ........pS. 32ADA Detectoble Worning Surfoce, 32Woyfinding Sign, typ. (design ord locotion fBD) *........................... ...-......,.-.p9. 33Pedestrion Lighting, typ. [60'-80' O.C., stoggered] ..........p9. 34Street Lighting, typ. [70'-90' O-C., stoggered]. .................p9. 34Accent Bollord Lighting [8'-t0'O.C.; four (4) ot Sourh qnd two (2) ot Norlh Mid-Block Crosswolks] .pg. 35Stondqrd Bench [rwo (2) min. olong plonters ol either side of Mid-Block Crosswolks] *..,,...,..,.... pg. 37Modulor Bench, typ. (optionol o/ternote to stondord)........ ...........................,.p9. 38Decorotive Utility Covers (os required within sidewolk poving) *.........,...., 43Slreel Tree. |yp....,...,....-.....-... ..'.......".....p9. 45Accent Tree, typPlonted Roodwoy Medion (where possible)-.-...-.-.-..- ..-...-...-pS.49zt-3(1I923ia s:zIiL,lndicoles StreetscopeElemenf number; see keyt-,r 117iF}(:RMid-Block Crossings creqte highly-visible crossing locotions thot fqcilitote pede$trion octivity. Crossingsshould be roised to provide lroffic colming.t6LOCATION KEY EXHIBIT AINTERSECTJON TYPESWolk Z5ee poge 28Buffer Zone,see poge 27MINOR INTERSECTiON/CROSSlNG R{iSED/CURBLESSf-Typ. Corner__+__l Loyaut' plon,I see Pose i9MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IiNTERSiCTiCN TYPES I H,ttxon TNTERSECTIMNOTE: Loyoul shown conbe mirrored lo oppropriolelyreflect the inlerseclion cornerloyovl lor edch streetscope,yPe.Cannecfor zone,see poge 23Poth\|oy Zane,see poge 22RoisedConcret'eBuffer Zone,see poge 27TYPICAT CORNER LAYOUT PIAN(STREETSCAPE TYPE A, B & C)KEY I MINOR INTERSECTION/CROSSING ELEMENTSExomple ol lreotmerfs including,r oodwoy lighting, seoting. sidewolktreotmerls ond londscoped plqntersZone, seepoge 24Freestqnding Plqnler, |yp,.,...... .'...'...'..... pS. 41Decorotive Utility Covers (os required within sidewolk poving) *..........'.. .-.-.-.p9. 43Uiility Boxes, typ. (os required) ..............p9. 43Accenl Tree, |yp.......,...,.......,... ................p9' 46Wolk Zone,see poge 28LAYOUT PLANNOTE: toyout shown ri for illuslrolire purpues only dnd shows only lhe slreelscopeelemenls required ol the Minor lnlerseclr'on/Crosing - RoisedlCurbles; see SlreelscopeZones (poge 22-28) Ior odditionol required slreelscope elements wilhin edch zone. Actuolroadway ond streelscope designs lo be opprored by the City of Kent; all consrructiondetoils sholl be per cunenl Oly ol Kenl stondord detsils ond opplicsble tlleeker Slreel8.;9 3 _A, i -' l",ar ii :lConstruclion Slondordg AppendixIa:,iE i i: i1.)- lr I@@@@@/ndicotes StreeticopeElemenl number; see keyMinor lntersections/Crossings ore locoted ot minor inierseciions olong Meeker Street where multiplelevels of cross troffic co-mingle. The roised intersection ond curbless corners befter focilitqte voriousmovemenls for both bicycles ond pedestrions.t8ILOCATION KEY EXHIBIT AINT E RS ECTI CN TYPES I SIGNIFICANT INTESqEITIONWoik Zone,see poge 28Eulfer Zone,see poge 27Asphoi tRoodwoyAspholtMEEKERsTREETSTREETScAPEDESlGN&coNSTRUcTloNSTANDARDSnIINTERSECTION TYPES I SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONNOfE: loyouf slrown cdn be miftoredto oppropriolely rcflecl the interseclioncorner layout for eoch streetscdPe tyPe.TYPICAT SOUTH CORNER TAYOUT PIAN(STREETSCAPETYPEA&B)E xomple ol interseclion lreolmentsincluding, seoting, potted ondlondscoped plonlersBuffer Zone,see poge 27Polh\|oy Zone,see poge ?2Amenity Zone,see poge 24Wolk Zone,see poge 28TAYOUT PtANNOTE: toyout shown is for illuslrslive purposes onry snd shows onry the streetscope erements rcquied al theSignficont lntersecfions,'see Slreelscope Zones (poge 22-28) for odtt iondl requircd slrcetscope etements wirhineoch zone. Actuol roodwsy Md streelrope designs to be opproved by the Cily of Kent; dl consrruction detoirs shollbe pet cuften Cirl ol Kenl stonddrd delails and applicoble /l,leeker Slreet Conslruclion Slsndords, Appentrx B.KEY I SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTION ELEMENTSSquqre Accent PoversLineqr Accenl Pover Bond.......... ..............p9. 3lLineor Stomped Concrete lwithin Connector Zone]................... ..'.........."...".-..p9' 3'lHexogon Povers................. ....'......' 3lCement Concrete Crosswqlk..,.,.,..... Deleciqble Worning Surfoce, typ.........-.......... '.........p9. 32Woyfinding Sign, typ. (design ond locotion TBD) ...... -..-....pS. 33Pedestriqn Lighiing, Jyp. [60'-80' O.C., stoggered]..-...--.. .......-...........'......."pS.34Street Lighting, typ. 170'-90' O.C., stoggeredl. .....-...........p9. 34Accent Column Li9hrin9, ryp. (optionol; ) ......................... .......'....'.............-..p9. 35Accent Bollqrd Lighting [8]'10'O.C.; lwo (2) ot eoch South Side Significont lnlersection Corner] ....p9. 35Heovy Duly Bollord, typ. [6'O.C.;3'from roodwoy edge]................'.. ..'.'.'.p9.36Slondord Bench [two (2) min. olong plonter qt Buffer Zone] *.....'................-........'......."....................p9. 37r\Aodulor Bench, typ, (optiono, dllernole to stondord)........ ...-.-...-...-...........'.'pS. 38Freesfonding Plqnter, typ,..-...-. .........'..... pg. 4lDecorqtive Utility Covers {os required within sidewolk pov;ng) x.............. ......p9. 43Uiility Boxes, typ. (os required) '......'......pS. 43p9. 46pg. 47@@@@o@G)@@@@o@@@6;)@@@Typicoi SouihCornet Loyoulsee poge ? l/@;-;6.:i1;? : t 49. 7 a Xztl:iJOirO:rO'iY,Yjie!:ii-,*'. rrtr*.L?/ndicoles StreetscopeEiemenl number,. see keyPlonter, typ....,....,;lLOCATION KEYSignificont lntersections ore locoted olong Meeker Slreet ot Russell Rood, 64th Avenue, WoshinglonAvenue ond Lincoln Avenue. These:ignolized intersections occommodole lorger volumes of vehiculortrqffic os well os oliernqtive modes of ironsporiotion circuloting through ihe spoce.:r\ b EXHIBIT AMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STA.NDARDS-ISln:|"|Sa,r.Pr ZCi..iS I PATHWAY ZCNEi.... ) ." r.rIPATIIWAYZCNEPATHWAY ZONE TOCATIONThe Polhwoy runs o/ong the soulh side of theMeeker Slreet corridor, from lhe Green RiverEridge to 6lh Avenue.PATHWAY ZONE SPECIFICATIONS. Moteriol: Scored Cement Concrele, PrecostConcrete Povers ond Stomped Concreie.. Widlh: l0'-0"Exomple ol o muhi-modol polhwoy within on urbon settingConneclor Zane,see poge 23TAYOUT PtANKTY PATHWAY ZONE ELEMENTSNOTE: Actuol slreetscope desrrgns lo be opprored by lhe Cily ol Kent; oll construction deloils sholl be percurrent City of Kent slondord detoils and applicoble Meeker Streel Corclruclion Stondords, Appendix B.lndicoles SlreelscopeElement number; see keyExomple ol q nuhi-modol promenode polhwoyS.'L:l':Sa .'?: zr-'.,;',! | CCNNECTCR ZCNECONNECTOR ZONE tOCATIONSConneclor Zones ore required ocross fhe PothwoyCONNECTOR ZONE SPECIFICATIONS. Moleriol: Lineor Stomped Concrete. Widlh: 6'-0". Lenglh: Vories bosed on dislonce from curbline toedge of Wolk Zone. Spocing: One (l) Connector Zone sholl be locotedopproximolely every 60'-0" to 100"-0" O.C. olongihe length of eoch block; coordinote locotions withAmenity Clusters ond on-street porking stolls. Alignmenl:60-degree ongle to bock of curbPolh||oy Zane,see poge 22n{IIILAYOUTPIANWolk Zone,see poge 28Ki]Y ]CONNECTOR ZONE ELEMENTS@ Lin.o, Accent Pover Bond [within Pothwoy Zone].... -.....-....p9, 3l@ lin.o, Stomped Concrete [within Conneoor Zone]................... ...,..........,.......p9. 3lNOTE: Actuol srreetscope designs lo be opproved by the Cily ol Kent; all cotstruction detoils sholl be percunenl Cily ol Kenl slmdord delails nd opplicoble fleeker Slreel Construction Stondcrd$ Appendix B.A key element olong ihe Meeker Street corridor is lhe Pothwoy Zone whichis designed to occommodole o mix of users, including pedestrions, bicyclistsond strollers.Connector Zones provide o morked cut-through ocross the Pothwoy for pedestrions to cross fromon-street porking ro the wolk Zone EXHIBIT AMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ISTREETSCAPE ZONES IAMENITY ZONESTREETSCAPE ZONES IAMENITY ZONEAMENITY ZONE TOCATIONThe Amenily Zone runs olong ihe south side of iheMeeker Slreet corridor, from lhe Green River bridge to6lh AvenueAMENITY ZONE SPECIFICATIONS. Moleriol: Scored Cement Concrete, LineorStomped Concrete. Widlh: 5'-0" (2'-0" in Srreetscope B only)Amenity Clusleasee poge 26TAYOUT PtANExomple of omenily zone wilh freeslonding plonlers, lrees, fobles, chqirs, occent lighting ond receploclesKEY I AMENITY ZONE ELEMENTS2'x2' Scored Cement Con€rete Sidewo1k.........,.... 30Connealor Zone,see poge 23@@@o@@@@@@@@Lineor Stomped Concreie [wilhin Connector Zone]Pedestrion Lighiing, typ. [60'-80' O.C., stoggered]Accent Bollqrd Lighring [8'-10'O.C.] (required) .............-.pS. 35Decorqtive Bollord [6'O.C.] (optionol) ..'...'......'.................p9. 36Stqndord Bench [within Amenity Cluster].. ...........'."...............-.p9. 37Modulqr Bench [oplionol qlfernqle lo stondord, within Amenity Cluster] *............................-....p9. 38Receplqcle lwithin Amenily Cluster] .......,........ ..................'-.p9. 39Bicycle Rock lwithin Amenity Clusrer].................. .'....................p9. 40Freestonding Plonter (optionol) ..........,...p9. llAccent Tree, typ.....-...-....-.,-, .-...,...-.-.p9. 46NOTE: Actuol streetscope designs to be opproraed by lhe Cily of Ken; oll construclion deroils sholl be percunent City ol Kent stmdtd deloils ond opplircable /Ueeker Street Construct,'on Srdndords, Appendix 8./@lndicotes StreetscopeElemenl numbery see keydlThe Amenity Zone seporotes the Pothwoy f rom the Wolk Zone, providing ospoce for pedeslrion-friendly omenities including seoting, lighting, bicycleporking, receptocles. plontings, occenl lrees, signoge ond public ort.2425 EXHIBIT AMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS -I:-' l. l i . SC,r-;)i. -71i.., r,S-43O'blockAMENITY CLUSTER5 .'':1, :,i]-S-,,!,r); i':l''.r :f )BUFFER ZCNEBUFFER ZONE TOCATIONSThe Buffer Zone runs olonglhe curbline on bolh sides ofthe Meeker Slreel corridorfrom lhe Green River bridgelo Cenfro/ AvenueWolk Zone,see poge 28AMENITY CLUSTER LOCATIONSAmenily Ciusters ore required with the AmenityZone (south side of Meeker Street) ond theBuffer Zone (north side of Meeker Street)AMENITY CLUSTER SPECIFICATIONS. Spocing: Fxomples ol omenity cluslets. One (1) A.menity Cluster sholl be locoted ot rodius refurn of eoch Minor lntersection/Crossingond Significont lntersection (including future/plonned intersections). Two (2) Amenity Clusters sholl be locoted ot eoch Mid-Block Crossing. One (1)Amenity Cluster sholl be locoted every 90'-0" to 120"-0" O.C. olong the length ofeoch block (see below). Length:20'-0" min.BUFFER ZONE SPECIFICATIONS NORTH S1DE LAYOUT PIAN. Mqleriol: Scored Cement Concrete, Precost Concrete Povers. Widrh: 3'-0" to 4'-6" (see plons)SOUTH SIDE TAYOUT PLANKEY L BUFFER ZONE ELEMENTSNOTE: Actuol streelscope designs lo bedryoredby theCily ol Kenl;oll comtructiondersils shsll be per cvrrenl Cily ol Kentstandard delails ond opplicable MeekerStreet Construcfion Stondords, Appendix B.aSidewolk jAmenilyClusler, typ.-180' blockto0'Sidewol&AmenityClusteL typ.120'-750'blockL\.IlryIIICanneclor Zone,see poge 23SidewqllcrossirgAmenityCluster lyp.AMENITY CLUSTER TYPICAL SPACINGA MENITY CLUSTER ELEMENTSStqndord Bench [one (l) eoch min. per Amenity Clusier]....,..........-.. ----------.--.--........p9- 37Modulor Bench [optionol oliernole to stqndord, wilhin Amenity Cluster]...-..-.....-.-..-.-....................-p9. 38Receptocle [one (l) eoch min. per three (3) Amenity Cluslers; ot leost one w/in 30'of inlersection] .......pS' 39Bicycle Rock liwo {2) min. per block; ol leqst one w/in 30' of intersection]...,..,.,.-............-.-.-....-......p9. 40NOTE: Actuol srreetscspe designs to be opprored by the City of Kenl; sll corclruction detoils sholl be percwrent City o( Kenl slondqd deloils ond opplicoble fieeker Street Consfruclion Slondords, Appendix B.@@@@@@@@@@@'I'xl' Scored Cement Concrete Sidewq1k,........,.,., ..,........' 30Lineor Stomped Concrete lwithin Connector 2one1................... ......................p9. 3lPedestrion Lighting, typ. [60'-80'O.C., stoggered] ..'.........p9. 34Streef Lighfing, typ. [70'-90' O.C., stoggered]. .................p9. 34Stondord Bench [wiihin Amenily Cluster on north side] -...... .,,,.,...."',.......-..........-'p9. 37Modulqr Bench [oplionol olternote lo stondord, within Amenity Clusler] 'r........................--...--..pS. 38Receplocle lwithin Amenity Cluster on north side] .,.,......'....pS. 39Bicycle Rock lwithin Amenity Cluster on north side] ...,..........p9. 40Freestqnding Plonter (optionol) .............-pg. 4lStreet Tree, typ. ........,............. -..-.....-.......p9. 45The Buffer Zone sepqrotespedestrions ond bicyclists fromthe roodwoy wilh plonters, streettrees, lighting ond site furnishings.Ameniry Clusters ore locoted ot frequent inlervols olong the corridor ond oiintersections qnd include pedestrion friendly site furnishings26irdicole5 SfreelscopeElemenl numbec see key27 EXHIBIT A- : . l'1.; . :aWALK ZONEMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS I-I{ }IBDKDR STRDDI } STREETSCAPE STANDARDSWALK ZONE LOCATIONThe Wolk Zone runs o/ong both norlh and south sides ofMeeker Slreef fron lhe Green River bridge to Cenlrol AvenueWALK ZONE SPECIFICATIONS. Moleriol: Scored CementConcrete. Width: 5'-0" to 6'-0" on lheSouth Side, 8'-0" includingCement Concrete Bond ondLineor Accent Pover Bond on lheNorth Side (see plons)Buffer Zone,see Poge 27NORTH SIDE LAYOUT PLANSOUTH SIDE IAYOUT PLANKEY I WALK ZONE ELEMENTS@@@NOTE: Actuol streetscope designs to be opprored by lhe City ol Kenl; all construction detoils sholl be percuffenl Cirl of Kent slmdard detoils snd opplicdble Meeker Stree, Conslruclion Sfondords, Appendix B,/ndicot'es St'reetscopeEiemenl number,_ see key.:tfriSTREETSCAPE STANDARDSHordscope Treqtmen1...................-...-....... pg- 30Feqtures & Signoge.-.......,...,.,..........-......p9. 33llluminotion-.-.-..... ...-.-..p9.34Street Furniture.... .....,.., p9- 36Utility.........-......... ......... p9. 43Refoining Wq11.......................................... p9. 44Londscope........... Approved equol producls sholl mol ch t hescme oeslhelic. look, leel, quolity, moteriolily,ond durability ol lhe slondords specified herein,rTr;.'ffiHitr.I*1 - +-." .''''**|l'5The Wolk Zone is o troditionol sidewqlk thot provides pedestrion circulotionolong the corridor ond occess 10 businesses.2829I EXHIBIT AFlAR.DSCAPE TREATMENTCEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKCEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWATK GENERAT SPECIFICATIONSMEEKER STREFT STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IF{ARDSC,{PE TREATMENT I PRECAST CONCRETE PAVERSPRECAST CONCRETE PAVER GENERAT SPECIFICATIONS20 SQUARE ACCENT PAVERSNOTE: Approved eguo, products shorlmotch lhe some oesthetic, look, feel'quolity, moteriality, ond durobility olthe stsndords specified herein, Reler,o derails in /Ueeker Street ComtructionStndards Plats' Appendix 8.2. Moleriol: 3,000 psi cemenl concrete. Joints: 1/8" width x 1/2" deep sowcuts. Finish: Medium Broom FinishIO 4' O.C. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK4' O.C. sidewolk scoring is lypicol ot the following locotions:Pothwoy Zone (oll Slreetscope Types). Pollern: 4'-0" O.C. sowcut scoring. Alignmenl: Perpendiculor to bock of curb. Concrele Color: Noturol groyIb 2'X ?'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWATK2'x 2'sidewolk scoring is iypico, ol the following locotionslWolk Zones, Ameniiy Zones ond Minor lntersections/Crossingsond Signif icont lnterseclions. Pollern: 2'-0" x 2'-0" grid sowcut scoring. Alignment: Perpendiculor ond porollel to bock of curb. Concrele Color: Noturol groy'lc I'x t'ScoRED cEMENT CONCRETE STDEWALKI' x I' sidewolk scoring is typicol ol the following locoiions:Buffer Zone (oll Streetscope Types) ond Mid-Block Crosswolks. Pollern: 1'-0" x l'-0" grid sowcuf scoring. Alignmenl: Perpendiculor ond porollel to bock of curb. Concrele Color; Noturol groyld coLoRED CEMENT coNcRETE BANDColored Cement Concrete Bond is typicol ot the following locolions:Between Pothwoy Zones ond Amenity Zones, belween Buffer Zonesond Pothwoys, belween Buffer Zones ond Wolk Zones, ond ol Minorlntersections/Crossings, ond Signif icont lnlersections. Width: l'-0". Alignmenl: Perpendiculor ond porollel lo both sides of Pothwoy. Concrele Color: "Son Juon Stone" by Codmon Colormix, oropproved equolNOTE: APProred equolproducts siollmotch the ssme oeslhelic, look, leel,quolity, moteriolily, ond durobility olthe slondords specified ierein. Referto instollslion mdlor loyout derails inAleeker Slreet Corclruclion StondordsPlom, Appen&x B.. Moleriol:5,000 PSI precost cemenl concrete, Type lll Cement. Joints: l/8" wide. Finish: SondblostffiIffit,,.Squqre Accent Povers ore required ot thefollowing locotions: Minor lntersections/Crossingsond Significont lnterseciions (see plons). Monufoclurel: Stepslone lnc.. Model: Povers. Size: 12" x 12" x 4" rhick. Color (Left to Righl): Almond #1406, ExpressoBrown #i808, Coromel #1810, lceberg Green#1805, Agove #1812, Gronodo White #1801. lnslollqtion Type: Mortor sel on concrete rot slob2c LII.IEAR STAMPED coNcRETELineor Stomped Concrete is required ol ihefollowing locotions: Connector Zones (see plons). Mqnufqclurer: Scofield. Stomp Pollern: Pine lnterlocking Plonk. Moteriql:3,000 psi cement concrete. Stomping Tool: Surfoce texture is thot oflightly sondblosted pineboords. Edges ore beveledolong the length of eochboord, Ends qre sow-cut.Corners ore squore.. lnstollotion Type: Stompedconcrefe. Size: 6" wide x 24" long; 6"wide x 48" long; l/8" "grout"ioints. Concrele Color: Noturol groy2b LINEAR AccENT PAVER BANDLineor Accent Pqvers ore required of thefollowing locotions: Centerline of Pothwoy Zone(Streetscope Type A & B) ond between WolkZone ond Buffer Zone (north side of roodwoy ondStreetscope Type C; see plons). Monufoclurer: Stepstone Inc.. Model: Norrow Modulor Povers. Size: 3" wide x 12" long x 4" thick (double row). Color (Left to Right): Almond #1406, ExpressoBrown #1808, Corqmel #18'10, lceberg Green#1805, Agove #1812. Gronodo White #1801. lnslollolion Type: Mortor set on concrete rot slob2d Hextcol'l PAVERSHexogon Povers ore required ol the followinglocotions: Plonlers ot Mid-Block Crosswolks,Minor lnlersections/Crossings, ond Signif icontlntersections (see plons). Mqnufoclurer: Tecturo Designs. Modeh Pl2. Size: 13-9/16" wide x 2" thick hexogon. Color: Shodes of worm gro, light groy. light beige. lnslollolion Type: Mortor set on concrete rot slob\tl{nN'fi;. Iii1It3lI EXHIBIT AF{,A RDSCAPE TREA'f M ENTCEMENT CONCRETE CROSSWALK3CEMENT CONCRETE CROSSWALK SPECIFICATIONSCement Concrete Crosswolks ore reguired ot the following! locotions: Mid-Block Crosswolks, Minor lntersections/" Crossings, Significont lnlerseclions. Moteriql: 5.000 psi cemeni concrele. Crosswolk Widrh; l2'-0' (Mid-Block Crosswolks); l2'-0" io l4'-0" (Minor lnterseciions/Crossings); 14'-0"(Signif icont lntersecfions). Polleln: 1'-0" x l'-0" grid scoring. Joints: l/8" widrh x 1/2" deep sowcuts. Finish: Heovy Broom Finish. Alignment: Perpendiculor ond porollel to bock of curb. Concrele Color: Noturol siondord groy. Crosswqlk Slripe: Thermoplostic, whileHARDSCAPE TREATMENT IADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACECEMENT CONCRETE CROSSWATK SPECIFICATIONSADA Detectoble Worning Surfoces ore required ot ollcrosswolk locqtions. monufoclurer: Detectqble Worning Surfoce (TruncotedDome) by Vonguord ADA Systems +. Color: Yellow (Federol Color #33538)NOTE: Approved eguol products sholl molch trre sdme oeslhelic, look' leel, quolily, moleriality, ond durobilityol theslandards specifiedierein. RelerloinslollotionandfulayouldeloilsinlVeekerStreetConstructionSlondsrdsPlans, Appendix B.MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IFEATURES & SICNACE STANDARDS I GATEWAYS, ART & WAYFINDING5GATEWAYS AND PUBTIC ART FEATURE TOCATIONSGdtewoys ond Public Arl is reguired ol lhe following /ocofions (per locotion key below):. Center medion eosl of Green River bridge. Flonking on either side iust eost of Green River bridge. Wilhin righi-of-woy corners ol Significont lntersection. Underposs oreo of SR-162 =:3e4-x 11619: Public or, ledrures on srore routes dre requircd follow the guidelinesin WSDOI's Design l{lonuol chapler 950. A public ort plon will be reqvired'WAYFINDING SIGNAGE TOCATIONSWoyfinding Signs ore required ot lhe following locolions (per /ocolion key below),. At oll decision-moking poinis (specific locotions where users con determine which poth lo choose inorder lo reoch their desired destinotion) olong the Meeker Street corridor (oll Srreetscope Types). At oll Mid-Block Crosswolks, Minor lntersections/Crossings, ond Significont lntersections. Actuql finol woyfinding signoge locotions sholl be delermined by City of KenlWAYFINDING SIGNAGE. Listed deslinotions for woyfinding signoge to be determined bythe City of Kent. Grophic loyout ond designs for woyfinding signs to bedetermined by fhe Ciiy Arts Commission ond Council to creote ocohesive signoge system for the enfire corridor. Woyfinding signoge sholl be combined wifh fhe inslollotion ofcolumn occent lightingwoyfinding sign photo exompleP,fKEYI golewoy feoture locotionI woyfinding signoge locqlioni!r'arlriE6q:pe\bJ;ItIJ"'.r I 't'>-t,Gotewoys ond Public Art ore welcomingelements thoi creofe q sense of orrivol qndpossqgewoy to o speciol ploce. They orelocoted ot key locotions olong Meeker SireetEi e EXHIBIT AILLUMINATION STANDARDSPEDESTRIAN & STREET LIGHTING#@PEDESTRIAN & STREET TIGHTING TOCATIONSStreet lighling is reguired ol lhe following locolionsr. Buffer Zones ot north ond south sides of Slreetscope Type A, Bond CSingle Pedestrion tighting is reguired ot the following locofions;. Buffer Zones ot north ond south sides of Slreelscope Type A, Bond CDuo/ Pedeslrion lighting is required ol lhe following locoiions:. Amenity Zones on south side ql Streetscope Type A ond BMEEKER STREEI STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ITLLUMTNATION STANDARDS I ACCENT COLUUI.{!qHI]Nq@COTUMN TIGHTING I.OCATIONSColumn Lighling is oplionol ot the following locolions:. Amenity Zones ol Streetscqpe Type A (West of SR-167), Streetscope Type B, Streetscope Type C, neorSignificont lnlersections ond neor Mid-Block Crosswolks. Corners of Minor lnlerseclions/CrossingsCOTUMN IIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Monufoclurer: Forms * Surfqces +. Model: Light Column, LPLCO-612. Column Spocing: 8'to l0' O.C.. Shield Pollerns: Huron. Willow, Verticol, Horizonlol. Cuslomizolion: Mounting orms for directionol signs. lnstollotion Type: Embed. Color/Finish: Dork groy metollic lexture, powdercootsystemILLUMINATION STANDARDSACCENT BOLLARD LIGHTINGBOttARD TIGHTING TOCATIONSBollord Lighling is reguired ot the following locotions:. Amenity Zones neqr Mid-Block Crosswolks olStreetscqpe Type A, Streetscope Type B, StreetscopeType C; Amenity Zones neor South Side Significontlnfersecfion CornersBOttARD TIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. Monufoclurer: Forms * Surfoces *. Model: Light Column Bollord, LBLCO-504. Bollord Spocing: 8'to l0' on center. Shield Pollerns: Kente, Perforoted, Scope, Argyle. lnslollolion Type: Embed. Color/Finish: Dork groy metollic texturer powdercootsystem+ NOTE! Approved equol products shall motch oestietic look, leel, qvalily, materiolity, and dvrability asslsndsrds specifed herein. Reler to irctdlotion mdlt loyout deloils in rl,leeker Street Conslruclion StotdqrdsPlorc, Ae4,end;x B,ffipEDESTRTAN UGHTTNG SpECTFTCAfl O*rffi. Monufoclurer: AEC llluminotion Corp.. Model: Delos 'l IED. Pole Spocing: 60' to 80' O.C.. lvlounting Height: l4'. 1.5' length single ormond duql orms. Lqyout Pollern: Stoggered with roodwoy scoleI uminoi res. Color/Finish: Federol color "dork groy"#2600A, polyester powdercoof system. lrrigolion: Automotic drip syslem for flowerbo sketsSTREET TIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS. tvlonufoclurer: AEC llluminotion Corp.. Model: Delos 2 LED. Pole Spocing: 70' lo 90' O.C.. Ivlounting Heighl: 3O', 4' lengrh single orm. Loyout Pollern: Stoggered. Color/Finish: Federol color "dork groy"#26008, polyester powdercoot systemNOTE: Reler to instdlaliq mdlu Isyoul detoilsin /Ueeker Street Consttuction Stondqds PlawAprendix B,ffiiF-ir\IILEFrrilT EXHIBIT ADECORATIVE BOttARD TOCATIONSDecorolive Eollords ore oplionol ot the following locofions:. Amenity Zones on south side ot Streetscope Type A ond Slreetscope Type B wherever there ore noslreelscope elements, plonters or illuminotion poles;6'-0" O.C. typ.;2'-0" min. from polhwoy edgeDECORATIVE BOTTARD SPECIFICATIONS. Concrele Monufoclurer: QCP QuickCrete Products *. Moleriol: Stondord groy precqst cement concrete. Model/Size: Sheor Q-SHR-B 36" rqll x 10" wide. 193 lbs.. Concrele Texlure: Exposed finish surfoce. Color/Seoler: Slote groy, cleor onti-groffiti cooling. lnstollolion Type: Grouted embedded breokowoy onchorbolts by Dent Breokowoy lndusiries *. Melol Monufcclurer: Foirweother Sile Furnishings +. Molerisl/Finish: Schedule 40, stoinless sleel type 316, #4brush finish. Model/Size: B-2, flor top. 6" dio. x 36" ht.; 60" overolllength,48" steel inner core. Seoler: Cleor onti-groffili cooting. lnstollolion Type: Surfoce mountSTREET FURNITURE STANDARDS I HEA\-Y DUTY BOLLARDSTREET FURNITURE STANDARDS I DECORATIVE BOLLARDS.:: :.:1grlj;HEAVY DUTY BOttARD TOCATIONSHeovy Duly Eollords ore reguired ol lhe following locofions,. Minor lntersections/Crossings; 6'-0" O.C. typ., 3'-0" from edge of roodwoy. Significont lntersection; 6'-0" O.C. typ.. 3'-0" from edge of roodwoyHEAVY DUTY BOII-ARD SPECIFICATIONS. Metol Monufoclurer: Foirweother Site Furnishings *. Moteriql/Finish: Schedule 40. stoinless steel lype 316, #4 brush finish. Model/5ize: B-2 custom semi dome top, 8" dio. x 36" toll; 60" overolllength,48" golvonized steel inner core. Seoler: Cleor onti-groffiti cooting. lnslollolion Type: Embed mountt NOTEr Approved eguol producls shall motch oesrhetic look, leel, qualily, maleriolity, and durobility ossfondcrds specffied herein, Refer to irclalloliq ndlor loyoul delails in /Ileeker Slreel Construclin StandordsPlm* Awendix B,MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ISTREET FURN]TURE STANDARDS I STANDARD BEI!!FI!qSTANDARD BENCH TOCATIONSfither option of Stondord Bench con be chosen ond ore reguired for use in the following locolions:Stondord Eench lype l;. Buffer ond Amenity Zones ot Streetscope Type A. Streetscope Type B, Streelscope Type C, Mid-Block Crosswolks, Significont lnlersections, ond Minor lntersections/CrossingsSlondord Bench Type 2:. Buffer ond Amenity Zones west ol Hwy 167 on Streetscope Type A, Streetscope Type B. MidBlock Crosswolks, Significont lnterseclions, ond Minor lnterseclions/Crosslngs'BENCH TYPE I SPECIFICATIONSBENCH TYPE 2 SPECIFICATIONS. mdnufocluler: Forms*Surfoces *. Model: Trio, bockless ond bockedr Size: 6' lengths. Moleriol: Cosl oluminum frome,oluminum slols. Colors: Silver groy ond titonium groy. lnslollotion Type: Surfoce mounl* NOTE: Approved equol products shsll motch oestfefic look, feel, quolity, materiolity, ond durobilily osslondsrds specified herein. Refer to instdlotion ndlt loyout details in /Ueeker Slreel Construction SlondordsPlsn* Aof,endix B.@. Monufoclurer: Forms*Surfoces *. Model: Bolonce, bockless ond bocked. Size: 6'lengths. Moleliol: Cost oluminum frome, stoinless steelseols. Colors: Silver groy ond litonium groy. lnslollotion Type: Surfoce mount3637I EXHIBIT ASTREET FURNITURE STANDARDS I MODULAR BENCHESMODUTAR BENCH TOCATIONSModulor Eenches ore reguired ol the following locolions:. Buffer Zones west of Hwy 167 on Streetscope Type A, SlreetscoPe Type B, Mid-BlockCrosswolks. Significonl lnterseclions, ond Minor lntersections/Crossings.MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ISTREET FURNITURE STANDARDSRECEPTACLESRECEPTACTE LOCATIONSfifher option for Receplocle con be chosen ond ore reguired for use of the following locolions:Recepfocle lype l:. Buffer ond Amenily Zones ol Streetscope Type A, Streelscope Type B. Streelscope Type C,Mid-Block Crosswolks, Significont lnfersections, ond Minor lntersections/CrossingsReceplocle lype 2:. Buffer ond ,Ameniiy Zones wesl of Hwy 167 on Streetscope Type A, Streetscope Type B, Mid-Block Crosswolks, Significqnt lntersections, qnd Minor lnterseclions/Crossings.RECEPTACTE TYPE I SPECIFICATIONSRECEPTACTE TYPE 2 SPECIFICATIONSMODUTAR SEATING SPECIFICATIONS. Mqnufoclurer: Londscope Forms, lnc. *. Model: Escofet Milenio. Size: Vorious configurotions. Moteriol! Reinforced cost stone Srdight A,ngledright Angledleft. Color: Stqndord groy with woierproof finish 18" x 99" x 18" 67" x 105" x 18" 67" x 105" x 13". Skole Deterrenl: FR0.5 by Borreti Robinson. SkoleDelerrent Moleriol & Size: 6061-T6 oluminum, 3.75" (top) x l'0" (foce) x 2.0" wide. SkoleDeterrent lnstollction Type: Anchored with wo Smort Pins, offixed with two-port epoxy* NOTE; Approred equal producls shall molch oeslfefic look, Ieel, qvotith materiolily, cnd durobility osslondords specified herein. Refer 1o irctsllot'rcn andlu loyoul details in,,Heeker Slreet Cilstruction SrondordsPlon* Awendix B,l3'*";,z.difltGI. Monufoclurer: Forms*Surfoces *. Model: Dispotch SLDIS-136. Moteriolr Solid cost oluminum construclion. Descriplion: Hinged side-occess doors, split-streom model. Polyethylene Liner: 36 gol. Color: Powdercool tilonium. lnslollolion Type: Surfoce mount. Monufoclurerr Londscope Forms *. Model: MuliipliClTY, single. Descriplion: Front-deposit. Block Liner: 18 gol. Color: Prefinished onodized oluminum. lnstollolion Type: Embed mounl* NOTE: Approved eguol products shall motch oesthelic look, leel, quality, moteriolily, ond durability asslandards specified herein. Refer to irctsllotion ondfor loyout detoils in rUeeker Slreel Construclion StondordsPlon* Awendix B, EXHIBIT ASTREET FURI,IiTURE ST,qNDARDS I BICYCLE RACK!BICYCTE RACK TOCATIONSfhe either oplion for Bicycie Rock con be chosen ond ore reguired for use ol lhe following locolions,STANDARD BICYCTE RACK. Buffer ond Amenity Zones ot Streetscope Type A, Streelscope Type B ond Slreelscape Type CBICYCLE RACK SPECIFICATIONS. Monufoclurer: Forms*Surfqces *. Model: Twist. Moleriol! Solid cost oluminum frome ondcover ploles'Copocity: 2 bikes. Color/Finish: Tilonium ond ony RALpowder coot color. lnslollolion Type: Surfoce mountCUSTOM BICYCLE RACK TOCATIONS. Amenity Clusters ot Streetscope Type A (only West of SR-167) ond Srreetscope Type BCUSTOM BICYCLE RACK SPECIFICATIONS. Monufocturer: SportWorks x. Model: No Scrotch in Circulor or Tofino. Maleriol: Stoinless sleel, sontoprene TPV soft pod. Finish: Beqd blosted. Copocily: 2 bikes. lnstollotion Type: Surfoce mounlMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCIION STANDARDS-ISTREET FURNITURE STANDARDS I FREESTANDING PLANTERl6FREESTANDING PLANTER LOCATIONSfreeslonding Plonlers ore optionol ot lhe following locolions:. Buffer ond Amenity Zones ot Streeiscope Type A - C (os noied), Significonl lnlersections ond Minorlntersections/Crossings - Roised/CurblessFREESTANDING PTANTER SPECIFICATIONSpr5xCustom Tofino* NOTE: Approved equol products shall match oesthelic look, leel, quolity, moteriality, ond durability asslandords specified herein. Refer Io instqllolion ondlt layout detsils in ,/Ueeker Streel Construcrion StondordsLow SowlRound I QR-GE2623 in LqtteOption is ovoiloble for use only forStreelscope Type A,if west of Hwy 162,ond Sireeiscope Type B. Concrele Plonler Monufocturer: QCP QuickCrete Producls *. Models: Low Bowl Round, Crest Round. Moteriol: Steel reinforced precosi concreie. Colors: Noturol, Lotte, French Groy, Bungolow (colors moy vory for eoch type). Concrele Texlure: Croftsmqns Etch. Concrele Seoler: Stondord gloss seoler per monufocturer. Metol Plonler Monufoclurer: TournelsolSiteworks *. Model: Wilshire Collection. Moteriol: Reinforced FRP fibergloss moteriol,recrqngulqr shopes, l/8" - 3/16" woll thickness. Finish: Metol-motched-poin (MMP) ocrylicenomel finishes or metol-infused gelcoot.. Surfoce Texlure: T-l texture. Sizes: Vories,4'-0" mox widlh,2'-6" mox ht* NOTE: Approved equol products sholl malch oeslhelic look, leel, quality, moleriolily, and dvrobility asslondords specified herein,Cresl Round I aR-CRE3630P in French GroyOption is qvoiloble for use for SreelscqpeType A-C. Wood Plonter Monufoclurer: TournelsolSiteworks *. Models: Boulevqrd Plonters. Moteriol: FSC certified wood clodding withFRP fibergloss liner. Sizes: Vories,4'-0" mox width x 2'-6" mox htKent*Plans, Appendix B,40 EXHIBIT ASTREET FURN]TURE STANDARDS I GRATESTREE GRATE SPECIFICATIONS. Monufqclurer: lron Age Designs +. Model: Divisodero, D\X72-72\99TGHP. ADA Complionl: Yes. Moleriol: Cost Grey lron (ASTM A48 CL 25), row finish' Spocing: 26' O.C. lnstollotion Type: Stondord or pover^diustoble withongle stock perimeier frqme. Nole: Use of free grotes sholl be reviewed ond opprovedby City of Kenl. lnsiqll per City of Kent detoils 6-36 ond6-55.TRENCH DRAIN GRATE SPECIFICATIONS. Monufoclurel: Urbon Accessories *. Model: Vories. ADA Complicnl: Yes. Size: 6"x18". Molerial! 1007o Recycled Grey lron (ASTM A48 clossTerroin35b), Recycloble Ductile lron (ASTM 4536, closs 65-45-12)STREET FURNITURE STANDARDS I POLE BANNERS AND ARMSSTANDARD POIE BANNER SPECIFICATIONS. Arm Mqnufoclutet: BonnerSover *. Arm Model: Spring-looded Roodwoy Pole Bonner #5388794. Arm Mqleriol: Cosl oluminun, fibergloss single bonner orms. Brockel ond Arm Color/Finish: Federql color "dork groy" #26008,polyester powdercoot syslemT:iMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDA,RDS-IUT1LITY STANDARDS I DECORATIVE UTILITY COVERSSTANDARD MANHOLE COVER SPECIFICATIONS. tvlonufoclurer: Urbqn Accessories *. Model: Vories. Size: 24" dia. lvloteriol: l0O7o recycled groy iron (ASTM A48 closs 35b), Silicon Bronze (ASTM 826). Finishes; Hot-dipped golvonized steel, row noturol bronze finish. Descriplion: Top of monhole covers sholl denole letter "S" for sewer ond letter "D" fordroinogeFlot RoinbowDondelionMonacoUTILITY STANDARDS I UTILITY BOXES20All new or relocoted utility boxes sholl be wropped os specified below.UTILITY BOX SPECIFICATIONS. Monufoclurer: TrofficWropz *. Model: TW 360hd. Description: TW 360C-OV fil provides groffiti-proofprotection for lorge grophics ond surfoces, UV protectonl,fode-resisfont with AdhesiveGuard protection. I mil thickwith permenont ocylic pressure ond heot sensilive qssistroll lominofors.. Note: Grophics for wrop shqll be reviewed ond opprovedby the City of Kenl.Voriotionsr8. Bonner Manufoclurer: Britten *Bonner Size: 30" wide x 60" toll. Bonner Moteriol: Heovy duly l8 oz. premium vinyl, double-sided, I"webbing with hems, grommets ond wind flops. Bonner Finish: Motteslondords specifed ierein. Refer to irctallstion ndlor layout detdils in Meeker Strcel Conslruclion Srondsrds stondords specified herein.Plons, APendix B.42 43II EXHIBIT ARETAINING WALL TREATMENT STANDARDSFORMLINER PATTERNS/- slreel lre in bufler F occen/ zone plonler, lyp- / bulb-oul, lyp.//O altOOa'tO' O O o' ITRADITIONAT FORMTINER PATTERNXX. Monufoclurer: AP Formliners *. Model: Ledgesione Drystock #933. Moleriql: High reuse eloslomeric. Pallern Descriplion: Rondomly stocked ledgeslonewith roughed broken surfoceCONTEMPORARY FORMTINER PATTERN*X. Monufocturer: AP Formliners *. Model: lpswich#7O7. Moteriol: High reuse eloslomeric. Pqllern Descriplion: Verticql lines with mergingioints with smoolh surfoce** NOTEr Formliner pollerns ore speciffed for use on cosf-in-ploce concrele reloining wolls, inslolled as part ol corridorimproremenls ond which ore visible to users olong lhe slreelcorridonANTI-GRAFFITI COATING SPECIFICATIONS. Monufoclurer: Evonik lndustries *. Pioduclr Prolectosil ANTIGRAFFITI. Cooling Description: A woterborne breothoble, cleor, non-socrificiol, zero VOC, UVresistont, olkoli resisiont, non-yellowing, eosy qpplicotion, onti-groffiti ireotment for useon concrete, brick, concrete mosonry unils ond noiurol stone. Cooting will not oller noluroloppeoronce of the substrote below.. Finish: Moffe. Monufoclurer: Sherwin willioms *. Producl: Anti-Groffiti Cooting. Cooting Descriplion: A cleor, one-componenl, non-sqcrificiol, reody-to-use siloxone cootingintended for use over bore concrele or previously pointed concrete or sleel surfoces. lt cureswith otmospheric moisture qnd offers excellent groffili resisiqnce ond cleonobilily with wqlerpower-woshing,. Finish: Semi-gloss* NOTE: Approved equol producls shall malch aeslhetic look, feel,qualily, mzteriality, ond durobility os slandords specited herein,MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-ILANDSCAPE STANDARDS I STREET TREESSTREET TREE TOCATIONSSlreel lrees ore reguired ot lhe following locofions;. ln oll Plonters within Buffer Zones ot Streetscope Type A, Streetscope Type B, Streetscope Type C, oswell os in Plonted Roodwoy Medions.STREET TREE SPECIFICATIONS. Species: Nysso sylvolico 'Wildfire'f Wildfire TupelolJImus propinquo'JFS-Bieberich'f Emerold Sunshine EIm. Loyoul: Cluster in groups of 6-lO min. of o single species, per loyout diogrom below.. Minimum Size: 2.5" coliper. l2''14' height. Slondord Spocing: Vories bosed on plonter spocingi 25' min.. Stondold Offsets: Per City of Kent Stondord Plons 6-50 ond 6-54. Plonting Requiremenls: Per Ciry of Kenl Stonddrd Plon 6-55. lrrigotion Requiremenls: Fully outomotic irrigotion system,dE"w@oo ooo oo/o ioooooaooo ooa/slreel tre in plonted J occent lre in plonledroodwoy medion, typ. roodwoy medion lyp.oootoao.l o.t.o o.t otlto\STREET AND ACCENT TREE LAYOUT DIAGRAMqccent lree in omenityzone plonlq, lyp.* NOTE: Street free locolions sholl be determined bosed onrequired ollsels Jrom exisling utililies and lo meel clet onds(ght dr'stonce reguiremenls per Cily ol Kenl Standard Plonsfor Clear Zone 6-5O ond lnlerseclionlDriveway Site friangle6-52 ;locslius must be opprored by the City of Kent pfiot loinstollotion. See Appendix A, poge 52, lor slree, ttee photos.Street Trees provide shode ond o sense of seporofionbetween sidewolk/pothwqy users ond lhe roodwoy.They olso help with troffic colming ond intercept roinfollto slow stormwoier runoff.44 EXHIBIT ALANDSCAPE STANDARDS I ACCENT TREESACCENT TREE TOCATIONSAccenl frees ore regu;red ol lhe following locofions:. ln oll+ Plonters within Amenity Zones ot Sireetscope Type A, Streetscope Type B, Streetscope TypeC, os well os in Plonters ot Mid-Block Crosswolks, Minor lniersections/Crossings ond SignificontI ntersections.ACCENT TREE SPECIFICATIONS. Species: Amelonchier loevis'JFS-Arb'/ Spring Flurry ServiceberryCornus kouso x nuttollii 'KN4-437 Storlight DogwoodMognolio ocuminoto'Butterflies'/ Bulterflies MognolioStewortio pseudocomellio/ Joponese Stewortio. Lqyoul: Moximum of (2) differenr species per block; cluster in groups of 3-5 min.of o single species, per loyout diogrom on poge 45.. Minimum Sizez 2" coliper, i0'-12' height. Slqndord Spocing: Vories bosed on plonter spocing;20'min.. Stqndqrd Offsels: Per City of Kent Stondord Plons 6-50 ond 6-54.. Plonting Requiremenls: Per City of Kent Stondord Plon 6-55.. lrrigolion Requirements: Fully outomotic irrigotion syslem* NOTEs Accenl free locolions shsll be delermined bosedon required ollsels lrom exisling utilities snd to meet sightdistonce reqvirements ol drivewdys ond inlerseclions,' locotionsmusl be opproved by the Cily of Kent prior lo instollotion. SeeAppendix A, poge 53, Ior accenl tree photos,MEEKERSTREETSTREETScAPEDESlGN&coNSTRUcTloNSTAND^.RDSnILANDSCAPE ST,{NDARDS I PLANTERSPLANTER LOCATIONSPlonlers ore reguired ot lhe following locofions:. Within Buffer Zones ond Amenity Zones ot Streefscope Type A, Streetscope Type B, StreetscopeType C, os well os in Plonted Roodwoy Medions ond wthin curb bulb-outs ot Mid-Block Crosswolks,Minor lnterseclions/Crossings, ond Signif icont lnlersections.PTANTER SPECIFICATIONS. Descriplion: Plonters sholl include on even mix of shrubs, grosses, groundcovers ond perenniols.Plonts selected from the list on poge 56 sholl be those oppropriote for light conditions in theplonter's locotion, ond sholl include o voriety of deciduous ond evergreen species.. Size: Min. 20'-0" X 4'-0" for Plonlers within Buffer Zones ond Amentify Zones; min. 120 SF forPlonters within curb bulb-outs ot Mid-Block Crossings ond interseclions..5londord Spocing: Plonters within Amenity Zone sholl be spoced between required omenily zoneelements (see poge 26); Plonters within Buffer Zone sholl be spoced bosed on roodwoy, on-sfreetporking ond luminoire loyoutt.. Soil Amendmenl Requirements: Min,24" depth topsoil ond 2" depth bork mulch.. Recommended Species: See plont schedule, poge 48.. lrrigolion Requiremenls: Fully qutomotic irrigotion system* NOTE: All Plqler locsrions sfioll be delermined bssed onroodwoy layoul and sight dislonce reguiremenlsr'plonting plonslo be approved by lhe Cily ol Kenl prior to instollotion.2347Accent lrees odd visuol voriety to the streetscopeond highlight speciol locotions. They provide seosonolinieresi with flowers in lhe spring or summer ond colorlulfolioge in the foll.Plonters soften the streetscope, provide o bufferbetween sidewolk/pothwoy users ond the roodwonond slow stormwqler runoff. They provide seosonolinterest with o mix of deciduous ond evergreen shrubs,grosses, groundcovers ond perenniols.46I EXI{IBIT AMEEKER SIREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS -I.Al''TDSCA P! ST.rr\l DAI )SPLANTERSi ,4 N ijrscA?: 3l',.!.i"rDl..R lSPLANTED ROADWAY MEDIAN2425SHRUBSBerberis thunbergii'Concorde'/ Concorde Jopon*e Borberry€ollunq vulgoris Aphrodire'/ AphJit" s.otln n.oitt"tHebe'Sutherlondii'Sutherlqnd HebeSorcococcq hookeriono vor.Dworf SweetboxSpiroeq ioponico'Golen'/ Double Ploy Artist SpireoVocciniumGnASSESAc9rgs elor'l!9!LQg91ll?9!!en villeg!!9i_Corex testoceo/ Ololgg !9y Zeolond SedgeSweeiGrossSeslerioAutumn Moor GrogsGROUNDCOVERSAsorum coudotum/ Western Wild Ginger'Frohnleiien'EpimediumGeum'Flqmes of Possion'/ Flqmes of Possion AvensHelionlhemum nummulqrium'FireFireSunroseVeronico 'Woterperry Blue'/ Wolerperry BlueAchilleo millefolium'Wolther Funcke'/ Wolther Funcke YqrrowArmerio mqSeo ThrifiHemerocollisd'Oro'Pud'OroPolyrf ichum polyblephorum/ Tossel Fernl_''Goruzom'PLANTED ROADWAY MEDIAN TOCATIONSP/onted Roodwoy Medions ore reguired wilhin roodwoy medions.PLANTED ROADWAY MEDIAN SPECIFICATIONS. Tree Loyout: Street Trees sholl be plonted in groups of 3-5 min' ond spoced per requirements onpoge 45; Accent Trees sholl be plonted in groups of 2-3 qt mediqn ends ond mid-block crosswolklocotions ond spoced per requirements on poge 46. All trees sholl be locoted olong the centerlineof the mediqn ond odiusted bosed on sight distonce requirements ond existing utilities, See loyoutdiogrom on poge 45*..Soil Amendment Requirements: Min.36" depth iopsoil ond 2" depth bork mulch.. Recommended Plonl Species: See plont schedule, poge 48.. lrrigolion Requiremenls: Fully oulomotic irrigotion systemROADWAY MEDIAN STAMPEDCONCRETE SPECIFICATIONSStomped Concrete is reguired ot lhe nose ends ofroodwoy medions. Monufoclurer: Scofield. Slomp Pqltern: Pine Interlocking :Plonk. Moteriol: Cement concrete. Slomping Tool: Surfoce textureis thot of lightly sondblosted pineboords. Edges ore beveled alongthe length of eoch boord. Endsare sqw-cut. Corners ore squore.. lnstollolion Type: Stompedconcrete. Size: 6" wide x 24" long; 6" wide x 48" long; l/8""grout" ioints. Conclele Color: Noturol groy* NOTE: Iree ,ocdtions and plonting prons ,o be opproved bylhe City of Kenl prior lo inslollolion. Refer to detoils in MeekerSlreel Conslruclion Srondstds Plons, Appendix 8.t2.5'3'D.'Corol Mockie''Compokto'3'2'3''Percy Wisemon''Twickle Purple''Goldmound'L5'1.5'1.5'I .5'2'2.5;l-i:L} SUN$ eenr suot{f, suorI onoucHr-rorrtur() rvrnonrrnE puNr seroHr (rr)*GEI ereNr senao irrl* NOTE: Plonts within the ROW sholl nol exceed 36" moture heighl; plontingplons lo be opprored by the Cily ol Kenl prior loirclollation.See AppendixA, poge 52, for plonl pholos,PER,ENNIATSSedum spurium'John Creech'/ John Creech Slonecropl1-,t '.|I .5',ao*aom.toE2',.5'11'mI.5'rf,1.5'2'2'2'E2'2'2'g1.5'.5'1.5'1.5'2'E13'4.3-]-2:_2',3'3'F'Ruby Srello''Rubrufolio'Appleblossom'Olher Vorielies'Georgio Blue''Droqon's Blood''Mongo Lossi'E. x'rubrum'Other Vorielies'Oborozuki'All Gold'Othei VoiieliesOther Voiietie5Plonted Roqdwoy Medions provide troffic cqlmingby visuolly norrowing lhe roodwoy ond enhonce thestreetscope oesthetic, They olso reduce ihe omount ofimpervious surfoce on the roodwoy.48A9I EXHIBIT ALANDSCAPE STANDARDSLOW-TMPACT DEVELOPMENT (LID)MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IT It[f,DK]R STRDf,T } } APPENDICES&IOW-IMPACT DEVETOPMENT TOCATIONSRoin Gordens ore opfionol* ol the following locolions:. At Plonters within Buffer Zones oi Streetscope Type A, Streetscope Type B, Streetscope Type C,Streetscope Type D, Streetscope Type E, ond Slreelscope Type F, os well os in Plqnters ot Mid-BlockCrossings, Minor lnterseclions/Crossings ond Significont lnlersections.LI SUNfr ernr sneoeI suoeO rvencneeNI sutrABt-E FoR RATNGARDEN poNDrNG AREA2 surtlgLe ron nlrl.lcARDEN srDE sLopEStrf, plrur nercnr (n\E puNr sppelo (rr.)*NOTE: Roin Garden lecibility and polentiol locslions shsll be determinedbcsed on analysis by d stormwoler engineer,'locolions mvst be opproved bylhe Cily of Kenl prior to instollotion. Plonts within rhe ROW shdl rcl exceed36" mlure heigfit; planting plons to be approved by the Cily ol Kent pior to'nstollot'on, See Appendix A, poge 52, lor plonl photxAPPENDICESAppendix A - Plonr Pholo5....Appendix B - Meeker Streef Construciion Stondords ..................pS. 5752lris douqlq:iono/ Douqlos lrisPER,ENNIAISJuncus lenuis'Blue Dorr'/ Blue Dort RushCorex eloto 'Bowles Golden'Bowles GoldenJuncus ensifolius/ Doqqer-Leof RushGRASSESSpiroeq betulifolio'Tor'/ Tor Birchlmf SpireqCornus stolmifero 'Kelseyf/ Drcrf Red-TwigRhododqdron 'Purple Gem'/ Purple Gem RhododendronSHRUBS1t1J{T*{}rlt*()ooII22212'1.5'E1.5''1.5'IE2'EI2'r.5'E1.5'11.5'E2',3'ERoin Gordens copiure stormwoter runoff from hord surfoces ondreleose it slowly info ihe ground or bock into the stormwoter system.They ore plonted with wellond species thot filter the runoff ond conlolerole periodic flooding. EXHIEIT AMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IAPPENDIX A: PLANT PHOTOS - ACCENT TREESAPPENDIXA: PLANT PHOTOS. STREET TREESNysso sy/votico' W ildt ire' /Wildfire fupelolJ I mu s propi ngu o' J F S - Bieberich' /Emerold Sunshine ElmAmelo nchier loev i s' I F S - Arb' fSpring Flurry ServiceberryMog nolid oc! hinolo' B ul f e rllie s' fBuflerflies MognolioCornus kouso x nuJtollii'KN4-43'/Sto/ight DogwoodSteworlio pseudocomellio/Joponese SleworliotJ52I EXHIBIT AAPPENDIX A: PLANT PHOTOS _ SHRUBS & GROI.INDCOVERSMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IAPPENDIX A: PLANT PHOTOS - SHRUBS & GROI.INDCOVERSHokonechloo mocro '8eni Koze'fEeni Koze Jopotese Foresl GrossSeslerio outumnolisfAulumn Moor GrossEerberis lhunbergii' Concorde' fConcorde Joporese SorberryEscol/onio' Newporl Dworf'/Newpor, Dworf Esco/ionioKolmio lolilolio' Elf' fEIf Dworf Mountoin LourelSorcococco hookeriono vor. humilisfDworf SweelboxAcorus gro nineu s' Ogon' /Golden Voriegoted Sweei FlogCollu no v ulgori s' Aph r odif e' fAphrodite Scotch HeotherFolhergillo gordenii' Blue Misl' fElue Misl Dwotf FolhergilloLovond ulo ongustif olio' Hid cole' /Hidcote English LoverderSpiroeo ioponico'Golen' fDouble Ploy Artisf SpireoCorex lesldceo/Oronge New Zeoiond SedgeDophne x tronsot/ontico' Blolro'fElernol Frogronce DophneHebe pi ng uif olio'S u lherlo nd ii' fSutherlond Het:eRhododendron' No ncy Evon s' fNoncy Fvons RhododendronVoccihium moupinensefHimoloyon BlueberryFesf uco omef hyslino'S uperbo' fPurple Tufted FescueSedum spurium' lohn Creech' fJohn Creech StonecropArmerio moritimo/Seo ThriftVeroni co' Wole r pe r r y 9lu e' fWolerperry Slue SpeedwellHe me roco I li s' P v r ple d' O ro' fPurple d'Oro DoylilyAsorum coudofumfWeitem Wiid GingerHelionlhemum nummuloriun'Fire Drogon'/Fire Drogon SurroseAchilleo nillefoliu n' Wollhet F uncke' fWolther Funcke YarrowP oly slich u m polyblephoru m fEpimedium x perrolchicum'Frohnleilen'f Geum'flomes of Possion'/Hybrid Epinedlun Flomes of Possion,Avens.t rt!tr -,L'r',frfr,..r'tqilr"t*(q.54I55 EXHIBIT AAPPENDIX A: PLANT PHOTOS _ RAINGARDEN PLANTSMEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS-IAPPENDIX B:MEEKER STREET CONSTRUCTION STANDARD DETAILSSlreel FurnilureEench lype IBench Type 2Cornu s stol onif ero' Kel seyi' fDworf Red-Iwig DogwoodCorex e/olo 'Bowles Golden'fEowies Golden Sedgelris douglosionofDouglos lrisSpiroeo hetulifolio'Tor'fIor Birch/eof Spireoluncus ensifolius/Dogger-leof RushPolyslichum munilumfSword FernRhododendron' Purple Gem' fPurple Gen Rhododendronluncus lenius' Blue Dorl'/Blue Dort RushSi sy ri nchi um colif ornicu m fYellow-Eyed GrassModulqr7-27-37-47-57-67-77-9Heovy Duly Melol Bollord7_loSidewqlkiMinor Roised lniersection Cornq Loyoul Deloil1tSignificont lnieroection Corner Loyoul Detqi1..,..............,....,..... ...........'.......7-12Stretscope lype A & B South Side lypicol Sidewolft loyout De1oi1.....................'..'..................2- I 3Stretscope fype C & Norilr Side Iypicol Sidewolk toyouf Deioi1..............................................7'l 4Sidewolk ond Roied Mid-8lock Crosswolt Detoil-t5Linsr Accen, Poter Eond & Squore ,Accenf Pover lnslallalion Detot.............'.........,................7-l 6Hexogon Pover ,nsiollot;on Der,oil.... --..,.....................7-17Colored Ceneni Concrele Eond Deloilr8Score Jointt9CrosswolkSignificont lniersection ond Crosswolk Loyout DeioilMinor Roised lnierseclion ond Crosswolk Loyoul DeloilRoised Mid-Bloc* Crosvolk Loyoul DeloilllluminolionSingle Pedestrion Luminoire ond PoleDwl Pedeslrion Lvminoirc ond Pole. ....,'.,..,,..,..,..,.......7-24Stret luminqire ond-25Accent Bolldrd Lighling28Bicycle Rock Type IEicycle Rock Iype 2l;t ,er Receptocle lypeMediqnCenler rlledion lre PlontingMelol Bollord .........Concreie Bollord-20-21-22lrrigolionflower Bosket lrrigolion Luminoire Pole Conneclion...,.. ..............................7-30Flower Sosket Volve Access Box-32x)- t,,. ' lr..,i\t.,',;\-- -"1 i56 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAI- SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF' I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTI'ENT MEEKER STREET BENCH TYPE 1G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK 8/2020DATECHECKED ENGINER 7-1 NOTES: 1. BENCH TYPE 1 SHALL BE BACKLESS AND BACKED "TRIO" BY FORMS+SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL, 2. BENCH TYPE 1 SHALL BE ''ALUMINUM TEXTURE" SEAT & FMME IN ML 9OO7 -GREY ALUMINUM" METALLIC POWDER COAT FiNISH' 3. BENCH TYPE 1 SHALL BE INSTALLED SURFACE MOUNT, LEVEL AND PLUMB. 4. BACKS OF BACKED BENCH TYPE 1 SHOULD BE INSTALLED TOWARDS ROADWAY CURB SIDE, 5. APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A AND B' 6, APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C' 7. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECIIONS' MINOR INTERSECTIONS/CROSSINGS,AND MID-BLOCKCROSSINGS. FACEOF PI-ANTER AREA, TYP BENCH TYPE 1, TYP SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRFTE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PI.AN 6-33 CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY BUILDING, PI-AZA OR OPEN SPACEqoF BACKLESS BENCH 8" FRONT ELEVATION q oF BACKED BENCH FRONT ELEVATION 20u COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 F F SIDE ELEVATION 22.7', SIDE ELEVATION COLORED CEMENT CONCRE'TE BAND, SEE STD PLAN LAYOUT PLAN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C] PI.ANTER AREA, TYP. zslo" r.o oo BENCH LEG, LEVEL AND PLUMB 4" MIN, CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLT 7-18 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK FACE OF BUILDING, PI.AZA OR OPEN SPACE BENCH TYPE 1, TYP LEVELING WASHER SURFACE MOUNT INSTALIATION I,CYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE or N f g- c c D Iq- r.0 N EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CMY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO OEPARTTIENT MEEKER STREET BENCH TYPE 2KENT nFstcNFD COK NONESCAI F STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK a/2020DATFcHFckED COK 7-2EI{GINER APPROVED NOTES: 1. BENCH TYPE 2 SHALL BE BACKED AND BACKLESS "BAI.ANCE'BY FORMS+SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL, 2. BENCH TYPE 2 SHALL BE ''ALUMINUM TE}|TURE' FMME & SEAT IN RAL 9007 -GREY ALUMINUM" METALUC POWDER COAT FINISH' 7-18 3. BENCH TYPE 2 SHALL BE INSTALLED SURFACE MOUNT' 4. BACKS OF BACKED BENCH TYPE 1 SHOULD BE INSTALLED TOWARDS ROADWAY CURB SIDE, 5. APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A AND B' 6. APPUES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C' 7. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECilONS, MINOR INTERSECIIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS. FACE OF COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI.AN PI-ANTER AREA, TYP, BENCH TYPE 2, TYP, SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PI.AN 6-33 CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY qoF BACKLESS BENCH FRONT ELEVATION q oF BACKED BENCH gu FRONT ELEVATION sf,N BENCH LEG, LEVEL AND PLUMB 4" MIN. CONCRFTE ANCHOR BOLT 19u SIDE ELEVATION BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI.AN TAYOUT PIIN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C'I PI.ANTER AREA, TYP. rsN 23" 18" 7-18 SIDE ELEVATION FACE OF BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE SCORED CEMENT CONCRFTE SIDEWALK BENCH TYPE 2, TYP LEVEUNG WASHER SURFACE MOUNT INSTALI.ATION LAYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & BI (f E q. E o o E,)l- I e I cD Nm EXHIBIT A -JT-I I t/- riruenh adcer-{ PLANTER AREA, TYPLANDSCAPE ROCKS, TYP NOTES: 1. MODUIAR BENCH SHALL BE "ESCOFET MILENIO" BY LANDSCAPE FORMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL' 2. MODULAR BENCH SHALL BE REINFORCED 'STANDARD GMY' CAST STONE WNH WATERPROOF FINISH. 3. MODUI.AR BENCH SHALL BE INSTALLED FREESTANDING, LEVEL AND PLUMB. 4. SKATE DETERRENT SHALL BE FRO.5 BY BARRETT ROBINSON IN 6051-T6 ALUMINUM, OR APPROVED EQUAL, 5. LANDSCAPE ROCKS SHALL BE 1 TO 2 INCH ROUND SMOOTH STONES IN MEDIUM GRAY TO DARK GREY COLOR, 6, TOP OF BENCH FOUNDATION TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF HEXAGON PAVERS. 7. APPUES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONS, IYINOR INTERSECTIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK TYP STMIGHT MODULAR COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR PATHWAY, TYP. ANGLE MODUUR BENCH HEXAGON PAVER, TYP. I.AYOUT PLAN SEE STD PLAN 7-17 SKATE DETERRENT SKATE DETERRENT EQUAL -f+ eQunt FRONT ELEVATION 74" EQUALEQUAL N@ qb. roo ,? 9" ANGLE MODU4R BENCH PI.ANSIDE ELEVATION FINISH GRADE FINISH GMDE o o 1/2" S.S. PIN FOUNDATTON SECI-ION MODULAR BENCH LANDSCAPE ROCKS CONCREIE FOOTING 4u CONCRETE MT SLAB 4" CSBC DETERRENT, ANCHOR (2) SMART PINS WITH EPOXY EXPANSION JOINT, SEE STD PLAN 5-35. HEXAGON PAVERS, TYP SEE STD PLAN 7-17 NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPANTMENT MEEKER STREET MODUI.AR BENCHKE SIANOARD PLAN 7-3ENOINER EQUALEQUAL SKATT DETERRENT SKATE DETERRENT v z FR8\ -r Nl:t 99" EQUALEQUAL FRONT ELEVATION o SECTION 7s', STMIGHT MODULAR BENCH PLAN PLANTER SIDE FINISH GMDE SKATE DETERRENT SIDEWALK SIDE SIDE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGI ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF ICENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTUENT MEEKER STREET BICYCLE RACK TYPE 1KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2020DATECHECKED OOK 7-4ENCINER APPROVED- NOTES: 1. BICYCLE MCK TYPE 1 SHALL BE "TWIST" MULTI-RACK FROM FORMS AND SURFACE, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. BICYCLE RACKS SHALL BE METALLIC POLYESTER POWDERCOAT ML 9()O7 "GREY ALUMINUM,. 3, INSTALL BICYCLE RACKTYPE 1 EMBED MOUNT, LEVELAND PLUMB ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED METHOD AND HARDWARE, 4. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C, 5. APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPES A AND B, 6. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONS, MINOR INTERSECIIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS, 5.6" BOTTOM VIEW OF EMBED MOUNT 19,5"3" FINISH GRADE FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION I.AYOUT PLAN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C) BICYCLE MCK TYPE 1, TYP FACE OF BUILDING, PI.AZA OR OPEN SPACE SCORE JOINT, TYP SEE STD PtAN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-t8 PLANTER AREA, TYP, EDGE OF BUILDING SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 BICYCLE RACK TYPE 1, TYP SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK o \l- PIINTER AREA, TYP SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PLAN 6-33 1 CA COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-18 CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY LAYOUT PljN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & B) (J (o o t'-6" \ o \f L., '-0u o ) EXHIBIT A ELESTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ICENT MEEKER STREET BICYCLE RACK TYPE 2KENT oEstGNED coK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 7-5ENGINER APPROVED- NOTES: 1. BICYCLE RACK TYPE 2 SHALL BE ,NO SCMTCH" IN CIRCULAR OR TOFINO MULTI.MCK FRO|\4 SPORT WORKS' OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. BICYCLE RACKS SHALL HAVE BEAD BLASTED FINISH. 3, INSTALL BICYCLE RACK SURFACE MOUNT' LEVELAND PLUMB ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED METHOD AND HARDWARE. 4, APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C. 5, APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPES A AND B, 5. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONS, MINOR INTERSECTIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS. 28.s" BICYCLE MCK IYPE2, TYP. FACE OF BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE SCORE JOINT, TYP SEE STD PLAN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN PLANTER AREA, TYP SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PLAN 6-33 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-18 7-18 CUSTOM GMPHIC CUTOUT ON METAL PLATE EDGE OF BUILDING SCORE JOINT, TYP SEE STD PLAN 7-19 BICYCLE MCK TYPE 2, TYP. (00,438") SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK I.AYOUT PLAN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C) PI-ANTER AREA, TYP FRONT ELEVATION 28.5" BOTTOM PLAN 6" SIDE ELEVATION o I.AYOUT PLqN (SOUTH SiDE AT STREETSCAPE WPE A & B) CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY q L'o o Y, ,'-6" + l It 26.5" hN st -l o {-\c t-.^., It Li U o b t: \ sl mo EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER ST LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDMWN COK DATE aCHECKED 7-6€I{GINEER APPROVFI) NOTES: 1. LTTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 SHALL BE "DISPATCH'" SINGLE STREAM' 36 GALLON MANUFACTURED BY FORMS + SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL' 2. LID COLOR SHALL BE METALUC POLYESTER POWDERCOAT ML 9OO7 ,GREY ALUMINUM', BODY COLOR SHALL BE MANUFACTURER POLYESTER POWDERCOAT "ALUMINUM TEXTURE- WITH ANTI-GMFFTil COATING. 3. LMER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 SHALL BE SURFACE MOUNT INSTALLATION' LEVEL AND PLUMB, INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUfiONS' 4. APPUES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C. 5. APPUES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPES A AND B, 5, APPUES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSE TIONS' MINOR INTERSECIIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS. e FACE OF BUILDING SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK PI.ANTER AREA, TYP LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE l WITH DMIN HOLES, BAG SLOTS AND RECESSED ACCESS (SCREWDRIVER OPERATED), LEVEL AND PLUMB scoRE JoINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND STD PI.AN 7.16 COLORED CEMENT CONCRFTE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-18 CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER PLAN 7-18 PI.ANTER AREA, TYP CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUfiER, PER STD PLAN 6-33 UD SECTION MONOMETRIC #4 S.S. SATIN GRAPHIC PI.ATES WITH BLACK VINYL GRAPHICS ,LITTER AND SYMBOL" BODY I.AYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & B) LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND PER STD PLAN 7-16 SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 FACE OF BUILDING LITTER RECEPTACLE SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK TYPE 1 LAYOUT PljN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C) ,{ ( 2'-0"c rl A L/L ilt o ro EXHIBIT A ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MEEKER ST LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 2KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2020DATECHECKED COK 7-7ENCINEER APPROVED- NOTES: 1. LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 2 SHALL BE "MULTIPLICITY'', (1) 18 GALLON LINER MANUFACTURED BY LANDSCAPE FORMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. COLOR SHALL BE MANUFACI-URER POLYESTER POWDERCOAT WITH "NTANIUM" COLOR. 3. UTTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 2 SHALL BE SURFACE MOUNT INSTALLATION, LEVEL AND PLUMB, INSTALLED PER MANUFACIURER INSTRUCTIONS, 4. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C' 5. APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPES A AND B. 6. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONS, MINOR INTERSECTIONS/CROSSINGS' AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS. PLANTER AREA, WP, LAYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & BI 5" HOLE OPENING THREADED BOLT, TYP. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 2 SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 FACE OF BUILDING COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-18 CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY PLANTER AREA, TYP CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PLAN 6-33 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK AXONOMETRIC ELEVATION L3-U4', PLAN r4- SECTION CONCRETE FILLED BASE SURFACE MOUNT, DETAIL COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7.18 LIfiER RECEPTACLE TYPE 2 FACE OF BUILDING scoRE JolNT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 KEYED LOCKS @ h (r)rf @ l'.o sf sf FINISH GRADE q LAYOUT PLAN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C] \ o 6 2'-0'' o lal' t'-6' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELEqTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET METAL BOLLARDG DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANscALE NoNEDRAWN COK DATE a/2o2ocoKCHECKED 7-8 APPROVED-ENGINtrR NOTES:PLANTER AREA, TYP CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAYMFTAL BOLLARD SHALL BE B-2 CUSTOM WNH FLATTOP, SCHEDULE 40, STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 316, BY FAIRWEATHER SITE FURNISHINGS, OR APPROVED EQUAL, SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK2. FINISH SHALL BE IN BRUSH SATIN WITH CLEAR ANTI.GMFFITN COATING. 3, MANUFACTURER EMBED MOUNT SHALL BE PLUMB AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS. SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD P|-AN 7-19 4, APPLIES TO AMENITY ZONES ON SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A AND B.FACE OF BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE 5. METAL BOLLARDS SHALL BE 5'MIN FROM CENTERLINE OF BOLI-ARD TO EDGE OF STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS, PI.ANTERS AND ILLUMINATION POLES, BOLLARD, TYP @ 6'0,C. SPACING COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 C/L OF BOLLARD c/L oF BOLLARD LAYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & B) BOLLARD 6'' DIA. o TOWARDS \ STREET SIDE 3'-0" FACE OF CURB FINISH GMDE SIDE ELEVATION SECTION 2 \ \\t o o 2'-0"6 7 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOIXEERINC DEPARTNENT MEEKER STREET CONCRETE BOLLARDG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN CoK DATE aCHECKED 7-9ENCINERAPPROVED- 2Ve" 1.5'sQ. BOTTOM VIEW C/L OF BOLLARD (4)y2',DtA. INSERTS (FX-5) FOR ANCHORING %" MDIUS, WP. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK FACE OF BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE SCORE JOiNT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 ds p LAYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & B) C/L OF BOLLARD PLANTER AREA, TYP CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY BOLLARD, fiP. @ 6' O,C. SPACING BOLLARD (3) #4 VERTICAL REBAR (4) PENCIL RoD TIES (qN, ilA. BREAKAWAY ANCHOR BOLTS BY DENT BREAKAWAY INDUSTRIES, OR APPROVED EQUAL SIKAFLEX OR APPROVED EQUAL EXPANSION JOINT, SEE STD PI.AN 6-35 2" DIA. X 4Y7'DEEP GROUT POCKETS CEMENT CONCRETE FOOTING 2Io Itt{sr TYP (oo BOLI-ARD TOWARDS \ CURB SIDE COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7.18 EXPANSION JOINT, SEE STD 3'-0" MINIMUM SIDE ELEVATION NOTES: CONCRETE BOLLARD SHALL BE 'SHEAR" PRECAST BOLLARD Q-SHR.B, BY QCP QUICKCRETE PRODUCTS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2, PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE SLATE GRAY WITH EXPOSED ETCHED FINISH AND ANTI-GMFFITI COATING, 3. EMBED MOUNT SHALL BE PLUMB AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER ]NSTRUCTIONS, 4. ALL EDGES SHALL BE EASED 5 MANUFA TURING TOLERANCES SHALL BE *%". 5. APPLIES TO AMENITY ZONES ON SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A AND B, CONCRETE BOLLARDS SHALL BE 5' MIN FROM CENTERLINE OF BOLLARD TO EDGE OF STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS, PI-ANTERS AND ILLUMINATION POLES. FINISH GMDE FI FACE OF CURB PLAN 6-35 NISH GMDE N 7 rl 12" SQ EMBED MOUNT SESIION I I L o o 2'-0"\t:I rlt t- "l \z(J \z UoFx NAL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PIXN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERIN ELECTRONIC DUPLiCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' G DOCUMENT BUT AN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MEEKER STREET HEAVY DUTY METAL BOLI-ARD KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARO PLANNONESCALEDRidwN coK a/2020DATECHECKED COK 7 -10ENGINER APPROVED- NOTES: 1, HEAVY DUTY METAL BOLLARD SHALL BE B-2 CUSTOM SEMI DOME TOP, SCHEDULE 40, STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 316, BY FAIRWEATHER SITE FURNISHINGS, OR APPROVED EQUAL, FACE OF CURB BOLLARD @ 6' O.C. SPACING 2, FINISH SHALL BE IN BRUSH SATIN WITH CLEAR ANTI-GRAFFITTI COATING. 3. MANUFACTURER EMBED MOUNT SHALL BE PLUMB AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCI-IONS. q CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 4. APPLIES TO MINOR INTESECTIONS AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A, B AND C. SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7.19 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 3'-0 PLAN q R=9" R=/a"48" LENGTH GALVANIZE STEEL INNER CORE$BOLLARD 8" DIA,FINISH GMDE PAVEMENT EXPANSION JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 5-36 o o TOWARDS \ STREFT SIDE 3'-0" FACE OF CURB 24'DEEP CEMENT CONCRETE FOONNG FINISH GMDE SIDE ELEVATION EMBED MOUNT SECTION i-- @ d.J() \o 9 9" EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGIN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST EERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET MINOR RAISED INTERSECTION CORNER LAYOUT DETAILKENT DESIGNED COK STANDARO PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2o2oDATECHECKED COK 7 -11E(CI}IER APPROVED 7' PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, AS REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-23 1'X1' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SiDEWALK TANGENT PT COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-18 TANGENT PT MODUI.AR BENCH, TYP SEE STD PLAN 7-3 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, SEE STD PLAN 7-16 HEXAGON PAVER, SEE sTD PLAN 7-I7 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 HEXAGON PAVER, SEE STD PLAN 7-17 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB, SEE STD PI.AN 6-33 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRFTE SIDEWALK, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7.19 HEAVY DUTY BOLLARDS FOR DETAILS AND SPACING sEE srD PI-AN 7-10, TYP. MDIUS = 35' 0R AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER ADA DETE TABLE WARNING SURFACE, TYP. R 15'NORTH SIDE LAYOUT PI.AN 10' SOUTH SIDE LAYOUT PLAN HEAVY DUTY BOLLARD, TYP SEE STD PI.AN 7-10 TANGENT PT MODUI.AR BENCH, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-3 R 15' PLANTER AREA STREET LUMINAIRE AND POLE, AS REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-25 TANGENT PT 1'x1' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK os LINEAR STAMPED CONCRETE, SEE STD DETAIL 7.19.3 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, SEE STD PI.AN 7-16 NOTES: 1. ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE "YELLOW" (FEDEML COLOR NO 33s38) BY VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, TYP ACCENT BOLI-ARD LIGHTING, TYP, ON SOUTH SIDE CORNERS ONLY SEE STD PLAN 7-28 MDIUS = 35' 0R AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER 2'X2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP SEE STD PI-AN 7-19 HEAVY DUTY BOLI.ARDS FOR DETAILS AND SPACING SEE STD PIAN 7-10, TYP. 6 i.- N EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENCINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT MEEKER STREET SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTION CORNER HYOUT DETAIL KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2020DATECHECKED COK ENGINER 7 -12 1'x1' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, AS REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-23 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB. SEE STD PI.AN 6-33 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, SEE STD PLAN 7-16 MODUI-AR BENCH, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-3 HEXAGON PAVER, SEE STD PI.AN 7-17 R 15' HEXAGON PAVER, SEE STD PLAN 7-17 MODULAR BENCH, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-3 R 15' TANGENT PT NORTH SIDE LAYOUT PLAN TANGENT PT 2' TANGENT PT ADA DETE TABLE WARNING SURFACE, TYP. PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON, AS REQ. SIGNAL POLE, AS REQ. R=35 'OR AS DIRECIED BY THE ENGINEER 2'X2' SCORED CEMENT coNcRETE SIDEWALK, TYP SEE STD PLAN 7-19 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 HEAVY DUTY BOLLARDS FOR DETAILS AND SPACING SEE STD PLAN 7-10, TYP. R=35' 0R AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER ADA DETECIABLE WARNING SURFACE, TYP. PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON, AS REQ SIGNAL POLE, AS REQ. HEAVY DUTY BOLLARDS FOR DETAILS AND SPACING SEE STD PLAN 7-10, TYP, 1'x1'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, ryP. SEE STD PLAN 7.19 STREET LUMINAIRE AND PoLE, AS REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7.25 LINEAR STAMPED CONCRETE, SEE STD DETAIL 7.19.3 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, SEE STD PLAN 7-16 ACCENT BOLLARD LIGHTING, SEE STD PLAN 7-28 NOTES: ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE "YELLOW' (FEDEML COLOR NO 33s38) BY VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. LOCATION, TYPE AND NUMBER OF PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTONS PER SIGNAL DESIGN, MUTCDC, AND ADA, COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-18 PT SOUTH SIDE LAYOUT PLAN -->PLANTER AREA EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ETECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINC DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET STREENiCAPEWPEA&B SOUTH SIDE WP. CEMENT CONCRETE SIDETYAI,J( IAYOUT DETA]L DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK DATECHECKED 7-13ENCINER APPROVED 1'X1' CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 4.O,C, SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 DUAL PEDESTRTAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ,, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-24 STREET OR ACCENT TREE, SEE STD PI.AN 6-55 MIN. 30' I.AYOUT PI-AN SCORE JOINT, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7.19 2'X2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE sTD PLAN 7-19 STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE & POLE, IF REQ., TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 7-23 &.7-25 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 T COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI-AN 7-18 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-16 LINEAR STAMPED CONCRETE, SEE STD DETAIL 7-19.3 1'X1' SCORED CEMENT coNcRFIE SIDEWALK (4" cr-Ass 3000) BOND BREAK, SEE STD PLAN 6-35 CEMENT CONCRFTE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PI.AN 6-33 24" DEEP "BIO-BARRIER, DEEP ROOT BARRIER (24' LENGTH), TYP. CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 I I T 1 T+ ITI =tkc T,a z. L =ood ao I LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-16 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4" CLASS 3000) 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4" THICK CLASS 3000), sEE SEE STD PLAN 7-18 CONTMCTION/CONTROL JOINT, TYP. SEE STD DETAIL 7-19,2 4'0,C, SCORED CEMENT coNcRErE PATHWAY (4" CLASS 3000), sEE sTD PI-AN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, ryP COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, fiP SEE STD PLAN 7-18 4'0.C. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY (4" CLASS 3000) L5o/o 4u csBcSECTION A-A' SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD DETAIL 7-19 L,5o/o SECIION B-B' LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-16 4" CSBC STD PI.AN 7-19 7.5o/o 4" CSBC PLANTER, TYP NOTES: 1. ALL PAVERS, COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, AND UNEAR STAMPED CEMENT CONCRFIE SHALL MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND/OR ADJACENT PAVER. 2. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 FOR SCORE JOINT DETAIL. 3. ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT. coNTRACII0N/CONTROL JOINT, 12' MAX O,C, TYP SEE STD DETAIL 7-19,2 PI.ANTER, TYP l l 24 I I I Il I ffif,f+tr fiI l I I I I I liii# +f, I I I I I It I I I I I I I I I l +l L I I I I I I LI fiu l,h il s llf-t l;l Irlr fai ,+fr |t H il il * r.] lrt +u rlr iili ]N iR trrlih fii{ 1fJlrlr +il ffi lil m 'l]i# It ffi ilrlrn# lil; f+ i'tlL+tt' til ffi lii! Lill lll Irit $i#li\fr iliq! s '4, ifi lri tj+'It rlrl ]r\ I''t rilfl \ NlrN. zo' EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE TYPE C & NORTH SIDE WPICAL SIDEWAIJ( ITYOUT DETAILKENT DFS|GNED COK SIANOARD PIANNONESCAI EDRAWN COK a/2020DATEcHFcKEo COK 7-14 APPR.VED ENGINER SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-16 PLANTER AREA MIN. 30' LAYOUT PLAN SECTION A-A' SECTION B-B' BOND BREAK, TYP, SEE STD DETAIL 7-19.2 (D COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 L,5o/o COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-18 PLANTER 2'X2' CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK PIANTER, TYP o COLORED CEMENT coNcRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7.18 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 STREET OR ACCENT TREE, SEE STD PI.AN 6.55 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 BOND BREAK, TYP. SEE STD DETAIL 6-36 h rl m 1'X1'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE & POLE, IF REQ,, TYP. SEE STD P|-AN 7-23 AND 7-25 2'X2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4" CLASS 3000) 4" CSBC 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4' CLASS LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-16 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE L.5o/o 1'X1'SCORED CEMENT coNcRETE SIDEWALK (4" CLASS 3000) 3000)STD PLAN 7-18 4" CSBC NOTES ALL PAVERS, COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, AND LINEAR STAMPED CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND/OR ADJACENT PAVER, 2, SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 FOR SCORE JOINT DETAIL. 3. ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT. 24" ''BIO-BARRIER" DEEP ROOT BARRIER (24' LENGTH), TYP, CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 t(h Eood co EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET SIDEWALK AND RAISED MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK DETAIL KENT DFSIGNED COK STANOARD PLANNONESCAI FDRAWN COK a/2020DATFcHFckED COK 7 -15EN6INER MID POINT OF CURVE STOP LINE PER STD, 6" CURB, TYP PLAN 6-75, TYP PLANTER, TYP COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-18 R 15' PT OF REVERSE CURVATURE 4,O.C. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY, SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 NOTESI 1. ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE ''YELLOW' (FEDEML COLOR NO 33538) BY VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. NORTH SIDE SIDEWALK I.AYOUT IS MIRRORED ON SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C. 3. SEE STD PLAN 7.22 FOR MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK LAYOUT, 4. ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK ADJACENT PAVER. 5, ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPUANT. STREET OR PEDESTR]AN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ,,TYP, SEE STD P|-AN 7-23 0R 7-25 2'x2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 NORTH SIDE \\ (2) ACCENT BOLLARD LIGHTING, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7.28 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ,, TYP. SEE STD PI-AN 7-23 0R7-25 1'x1'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7.19 MID POINT OF CURVE LINEAR STAMPED CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. SEE STD DETAIL 7-19.3 R 15' PI.ANTER AREA, TYP, STAMPED CONCRETE, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-33 6, CURB, TYP, STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ., TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 7-23 OR7-25 R 15' DUAL PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-24 SOUTH SIDE \HEXAGON PAVERS, TYP SEE STD PLAN 7-17 UNEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-16 -\ LAYOUT PI.AN (4) ACCENT BOLI-ARD LIGHTING, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-28 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-16 L F o R 15' 20'TYP Lzu WARNING SURFACE, fiP CONCRETE RAMP o CROSSWALK, SEE SDT PLAN 6-75 - c F ao I PT OF REVERSE CURVATURE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUM ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTYENT MEEKER STREET UNEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND INSTALI.ATION DETAILG DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDMWN COK DATECHECKED 7 -16ENCTI{EER APPROVFD z A4 +z GROUT/MORTAR ]OINT, SEE DETAILTHIS SHEET SCORED/STAMPED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4" CLASS 3000) oR c0LoRED cEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 +7" SIZED TO FIT PAVERS PLUS ]OINTS LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, fiP GROUT/MORTAR JOINT, SEE DETAILTHIS SHEEI SCORED/STAM PED CEMENT CONCRFIE STDEWALK (4" C|-A5S 3000) 0R CoLoRED CEMENT BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7 -18 1/2" MORTAR BED, TYP. 4" CSBC MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE RAT SLAB (4" CLASS 3000) COMPACTED SUBGMDE !. TYPICAL SECTION FLUSHz- %" MIN, Tt''MM @ --H- LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, TYP. GROUT GROUT/MORTAR JOINT, TYP. SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET PLANTER AREA GROUT/MORTAR JOINT, TYP, SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET EXPANSION JoINT, WP. SEE STD DETAIL 7-19.2 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4" cr-Ass 3000) LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, SEE TYP SECTION THIS SHEET COLORED CONCRETE BAND TYP, SEE STD P|-AN 7-18GROUT/MORTAR JOINT SECTION NOTES: 1, LINEAR ACCENT PAVER SHALL BE 3" WIDTH X 12' LENGTH X 4" THICK NARROW MODUHR PAVER BY STEPSTONE, INC. ORAPPROVED EQUAL. 2, ALL PAVERS TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND/OR ADJACENT PAVER, 3. ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT, SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP, (4" CLASS 3000) LINEAR ACCENT PAVER, SEE TYP SECTION THIS SHEET 4 1{ lt\ \ilJn/ h EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET HEXAGON PAVER INSTALLATION AND I.AYOUT DETAIL G DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE DATE 7 -17 r \r-\----( / ()" MIN TO 12" MAX A '-6" 4 a4a Aa 18" MIN - 24" MAX HEXAGON PAVER, TYP, U2" MORTAR BED 3/8" MAX. GROUT JOINT FLUSH 3/8" MAX, GROUT, TYPICAL. SEE STD DETAIL 7.19,2 SCORED/STAMPED CEMENT CoNCRETE SIDEWALK (4" CLASS 3000) 0R coLoRED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND SEE STD PI.AN 7-18 +\o CEMENT CONCRETE RAT S|-AB (4" CI-ASS 3000) EDGE OF COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND 7rt%i\P, TANDSCAPE 1 o/o SLOPE ROCKS DMIN TO PLANTER EDGE OF MODULAR BENCH PAVER LAYOUT q. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR PATHWAY, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PI.AN FLUSH SECTION A ':. i :. i L COMPA TED SUBGRADE 4" CSBC l2u VARIES 12" MIN. TO 31" MAX, AT PAVERS LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PI.AN 7-16 HEXAGON PAVER, TYP, sEE PAVER LAYOUT THIS SHEET MODULAR BENCH, SEE STD PLAN 7-3 EDGE OF CEMENT CONCRFTE MT SLAB (UNDERNEATH) PLANTER AREA, TYP. - ROADWAY--srDE= LAYOUT PLAN L F o h m N ---f l-- c F ;s6d PAVER %6" CHAMFER, TYP, 7-18 NOTES: 1. HEXAGON CONCRETE PAVER SHALL BE TECTUM DESIGNS, 2" THICK, 8 HEX X 2 PAVER MODEL P12, ORAPPROVED EQUAL. 2. ALL INSTALLED PAVERS SHALL BE CUT NO LESS THAN,{ OF OVEMLL PAVER SIZE. 3. ALL PAVERS SHALL MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL STOPE OF CONCREIE SIDEWALK AND/OR AD]ACENT PAVER. 4. LANDSCAPE ROCKS SHALL BE 1 TO 2 INCH ROUND SMOOTH STONES IN MIX MEDIUM GMY TO DARK GREY COLOR. 5. ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT, I f >Q..'/Y LANDSCAPE ROCKS, TYP. EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELECIRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CN'Y OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND DETAIL T DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE 7-18DATE NOTES PROVIDE EXPANSION AND CONTMCTION IOINTS PER STD PLAN 6-35, 7-19.2, OR WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS AND DETAILS. 2. COLORED CEMENTCONCRETE BAND TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGNUDINAL SLOPE OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND/OR ADJACENT PAVER. 3. ALL SIDEWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT. 4. COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND LAYOUTS ON SOUTH SIDE OF STREEISCAPE TYPE A & B PER STD PLAN 7.13. 5, COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BANDS LAYOUTS ON STREETSCAPE TYPE C AND NORTH SIDE LAYOUTS PER STD PI-AN 7-14. 6. DRY SHAKE COLOR HARDENER FOR COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND SHALL BE EMERCHROME ''SMOKE BEIGE" #4948 BY L,M. SCOFIELD COMPANY, ORAPPROVED EQUAL, APPLY PER MANUFACIURER'S GUIDELINES, 7. 10' LONG COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND' ALIGN WITH ADJACENT 2'x2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE AND PI.ANTER EDGE. COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND . SEE NOTE 6 scoRE JolNT, sEE STD PLAN 7.19 SCORED CEMENT CONCRFTE SIDEWALK, SEE STD PI.AN 7.19 SCORE JOINT, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND SCORING LAYOUT PLAN coNTMClloN/CONTROL JOINT IF ADJACENT PANEL IS CONCRETE, SEE STD PI-AN 7-19.2 FLUSH .HEXAGON PAVERS, SEE STD PI.AN 7-17, LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, SEE STD PI-AN 7-16), OR SCoRED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4" DEPTH CONCRETE MT SLAB REQ'D UNDER HEXAGON AND LINEAR ACCENT PAVERS 4" CSBC SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP (4" C|-ASS 3000) t2' SECTION EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MEEKER STREET coNTRACTION/CONTROL EXPANSION JOINT DET AND AIL KE T DESTGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDMWN COK a/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 7-19.2EN6INER NOTES: 1 PROVIDE EXPANSION AND CONTMCIION/CONTROLJOINTS PER STD PI.AN 6-35 OR WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS AND DETAILS. SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET. 2. CONTMCTION/CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE FORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD SPECIFICATION SECIION 5-05.3 (B) A, 3. FILL CONTMCTION/CONTROL ]OINTS WNH JOINT SEALER IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD SPECIFICATION SECIION s-0s.3(8)8. 4. ALL SIDEWALK AND CROSSWALK SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPUANT, yi' 250/o OF SI-AB DEPTH, SEE NOTE 2 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAY OR CROSSWALK Eur ^2.E<od €u di t^JOINT SEAI.ANT, SEE NOTE 3 CONTMCTION/CONTROL JOINT SECTION x = N 3/8" MAX. FLUSH CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAY OR CROSSWALK EXPANSION JOINT SECTION ELASTOMERIC JOINT MATERIAL TO BE%" X FULL DEPTH AND SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD SPECIFICATIoN SECrloN 9-04. 1(4) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PIAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENG]NEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERINC DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET LINEAR STAMPED CONCRETE DETAIL DES|GNED COK SIANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN COK DAlECHECKED 7-19.3ENGIl{ER APPROVFI) JOINTS, TYP. SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET JOINT PLANK WITH WOOD TEXTURE ro STAMPED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT ]- -ld--lE T- VARTES 23 rl2 - 7r" JOINT SE TION STAMP IMPRINT DETAIL 6 d coNTRACTIoN/c0NTROL JOINT, TYP. SEE NOTE 3 EXPANSION JOINT, TYP. SEE STD 7-19,2 CONDITIONS VARY, SEE PI.ANS LINEAR STAMPED CONCRETE WITH WOOD TEXTURE, TYP, 4" DEPTH (CLASS 3000) JOINTS, TYP. SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET NOTES: 1, "C|-ASSIC WOOD', FM-8700B CONCRETE STAMPING TOOL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY STONEWAY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY, OR APPROVED EQUAL. IAYOUT PLAN STAMPED CEMENT CONCRFTE PAVEMENT PATTERN AND COLOR SHALL BE APPROVED BY CITY PR]OR TO INSTALLAT]ON, 3. CONTMCilON/CONTROLiOINTS SHALL BE 6 FEET APART. SEE STD PLANS 6.35 AND 7-19,2, 4. INTEGML COLOR FOR UNEAR STAMPED CONCRETE SHALL BE BY SOLOMON, J 7 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET SCORE JOINT DETAIL'.6t DESIGNED COK STANDARO PLAN SCALEDMWN coK DATECHECKEO 7 -19ENGINtrR AppRovFt) NOTES: SCORE JOINT SHALL BE SAWCUT, NO MDIUS ON EDGES AND NO SMOOTH FI.ANGE TOOLING ON EITHER SIDE OF JOINT. 2. FOR EXPANSION AND CONTMCTION/CONTROL JOINT DETAILS REFER TO STD PLANS 6.35 AND 7-19,2. 3. MEDIUM BROOM FINISH SHALL BE PERPENDICULARTO BACK OF CURB, VARIES, SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT STD PLANS 7-13 OR 7-14 3 SCORE JOINT, TYP. SHALL BE PERPEDICULAR FROM EACH JOINT 4 LAYOUT PLAN 1/8"MEDIUM BROOM FINISH, TYP. 6 m -Tr CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SEffION SEE NOTE 1 A EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTION AND CROSSWALK LAYOUT DETAIL KENT I]FSIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALENRAWN COK a/2020DATECHECKED COK ENGINER 7 -20 t4'l4' SDT PLAN 6.75 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB. SEE STD PI.AN 6-33 1'x1'SCORED CEMENT CONCREIE THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK BAR, TYP, SEE I rf <- <r MEEKERsT t € +> +> (t n LAYOUT PLAN NOTEST 1. ADA DETECIABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE ,'YELLOW'' (FEDERAL COLOR NO 33s38) BY VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL, 2. CROSSWALK SURFACE SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW. EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPL]CATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET MINOR RAISED INTERSECTION AND CROSSWALK I.AYOUT DETAIL KENT nFqrcNFn COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEcoK a/2020DATECHECKED COK 7 -21ENCINER APPROVED- THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK STRIPiNG, TYP. SEE STD PI-AN 6-75 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 6'x6'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE RAMP, TYP, -#€ 6'X6' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE INTERSECTION, TYP. NOTES: ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE "YELLOW" (FEDERAL COLOR NO 33538) BY VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2, CROSSWALK SURFACE SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW, LAYOUT PLAN c0NTMCTI0N/CoNSTRUCTION JOINT AT 18' MAX. O.C. , CONTMCTOR SHALL SUBMIT A ]OINTING PLAN FOR APPROVAL THERMOPI.ASTIC CROSSWALK BAR, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 6-75 II ,.1 N ADA DETE TABLE WARNING SURFACE, TYP EXHIBIT A ELEC'IRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CffY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENCINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET RAISED MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK LAYOUT DETAIL t.6- DES|GNED COK STANDARD PLANscALE NONEDRAWN cOK DAIE a/2o2oCHECKED COK 7 -22ENGIIiERAPPROVED- BOTTOM OF RAMP THERMOPI.ASTIC CROSSWALK STRIPING, TYP, PER STD PI-AN 6-75 scoRED JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYP SEE STD PLAN 6-33 CSBC ADA DETE TABLE WARNING SURFACE 10' (TYP) 20'(rYP) CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4'x4'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE RAMP PAVEMENT ADA DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, TYP. THERMOPljSTIC cRosswALK BAR, TYP. STOP LINE PER MUTCD, TYP MEDIAN CURB SHALL MAINTAIN 6" HT FROM ROADWAY FINISHED GMDE/MMP AND CROSSWALK AXON4ETRIC BEGIN MMP AT TANGENT POINT CENTER MEDIAN coNTRACTION/CoNSTRUqTI0N JOiNT AT 15' MAX. O,C. , CONTMCTOR SHALL SUBMIT A ]OINTING PLAN FOR APPROVAL BOND BREAK BETWEEN CURB AND CONCRETE PLAN NOTES:PANEL, ryP, 1. THECENTERLINEOFTHECROSSWALKSHALLGOFROMTHECENTERLINEOFTHECUREMMPONONESIDEOFTHESTREETTOTHECENTERLINE OF THE CURB RAMP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2. cuss BEADS (pER WSDOT STANDARD SPECS, SEgrrON 9-34) SHALL BE ADDED TO ALL THERMOPI-ASTIC CROSSWALK AND SToP BARS' 3, ADA DETE TABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE "YELLOW" (FEDERAL COLOR NO 33s38) BY VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 4. SEE STD PI.AN 7-19 FOR SCORE JOINT DETAIL. 5, SEE STD PLAN 7-15 FOR CROSSWALK 6. AND MISED MID-BLOCK DETAIL. 7. CROSSWALK AND MMP SURFACE SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW. ) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET SINGLE ARM PEDESTR]AN LUMINAIRE AND POLE KENT DESTCNED coK NONESCAI F SIANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK a/2020DATFCHECKED COK 7 -23ENGINER APPROVED NOTES: LUMINAIRE: i5fuerurnrroN LocATroNs: t. LwtrlnlRE MANUFACI'URER: AEC ILLUMINAnoN coRP - DELos 1 LED * HANDHOLE ACCESS DOOR SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 18OO STU-M 3.5-2M * RECEPTACLE SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 9OO 2. ALUMINUM HOUSING WITH QUICK INSTALLATION SYSTEM (QIS) ,I CARFLEX CoNDUIT, AND IRRIGATION HOLE SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 3, LED, 3O()OK CCT, 525MA MAX DRIVE CURRENT, FI.AT LENS 9OO AND 27OO AND APPLY TO STREFTSCAPES EAST OF SR-167' 2, NEW AND EXISTING UTILITIES MUST BE SHOWN ON DEVELOPMENT PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING: pLANs wirH AppRopRrATE cLEAMNcEs. ANy FrELD ADJUSTMENTs 1. LUMiNIi[E ARM, BASE, AND POLE SHALL BE POLYESTER PowDER COAT MUST BE APPR9VED BY CITY. SYSTEM BY TIGER DRYLAC, WITH ANTI-GMFFITI PROPE,RTIES, RAL 3. JUNCIION BOX LAYOUT, FOUNDATION S]ZE AND REINFORCEMENT COLOR 7021 (SATIN FINISH), ORAPPROVED EQUAL' SHALL BE PER CITY OF KENT STANDARD PLAN 5-89. 2. POLES SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED' 4, IRRIGATION DETAILS AT POLE BASE SHALL BE PER CITY OF KENT 3. FLOWER BASKET ATTACHMENTS SYSTEM AND ARMS PER FBA2O'D-C PER STANDARD pt-AN 7-30 & 7-31, MANUFACTURER, SHALL APPLY TO STREETSCAPES EAST 0F SR-167, ROADWAY DIRECTION OF TMFFIC 0oDELOS 1 (L) LUMINAIRE FIXTURE FLOWER BASKET ARMS FLOWER BASKET ARMS @ N o 120 V RECEPTACLE (AWAY FROM TMFFIC) JUNCTION gox 6" MAX FROM FOUNDATION 6%', DECOMNVE BASE FINISH GMDE 120 V RECEPTACLE (AWAY FROM TMFFIC) IRRIGATION DECOMTIVE BASE HANDHOLE ACCESS DOOR 2'-s 1/8- (4) 3/4" DIA. GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS BASE COVER WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT TO FILL VOIDS CURB & GUTTER 2700 900 BASE PLATE GROUND LEVEL CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK FOUNDATION PEDESTRIAN ARM AND LUMINAIRE q. oF LUMINAIRE & POLE POLE BASE COVER AND FOUNDATION SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1800 ORIENTATION DIAGMM qoF JUNCIION BoX SCORED CEMENT CONCREIE SIDEWALK JUNCTION BOX FLOWER BASKET AND ARMS 3'-6'ROADWAY CURB & GUTTER IRRIGATION VALVE BOX SEE STD PI.AN 7-31 FI(.' Ux(, z. Fz fo =o -v 4 (, SIDE PATHWAY ELEVATION VIEW BASE PLATE & COVER DETAIL 12Jl8" SQ =le,Oli!HILbls Elrolo I l I2%" ABOLT CIRCLE WITH %" aaotes FOR ANCHOR BOLTS BASE PLATE & BOLT CIRCLE DETAIL q.oF IRRIGATION VALVE BOX ro z. =d. UJJ(J o o! PI.AN FINISH GRADE SIDEWALK TION VIEW E' _'E m EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET DUAL PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE KENT nFstcNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCAI ENRAWN COK a/2020DATECHFCKEo COK 7 -24ENGINER APPROVED NOTES: 1, ORIENTATION LOCATIONS: * HANDHOLE ACCESS DOOR SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 18OO * RECEPTACLE SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 9OO * CARFLEX CONDUTT, AND IRRIGATION HOLE SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 9OO AND 27OO AND APPLY TO STREETSCAPES EAST OF SR-167, 2. NEW AND EXISTING UTILITIES MUST BE SHOWN ON DEVELOPMENT PLANS WITH APPROPRIATE CLEAMNCES. ANY FIELD ADJUSTMENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY CIry, 3. JUNCTION BOX LAYOUT, FOUNDATION SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PER CITY OF KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-89' 4. IRRIGATION DETAILS AT POLE BASE SHALL BE PER CITY OF KENT STANDARD PLAN 7-30 & 7-31. 2'-5"2'-5" DELOS I (L) LUMINAIRE FIXTURE LUMINAIRE: lfu-lruntnr MANUFASIURER: AEC ILLUMINATIoN coRP - DELos 1 LED STU-M 3.5-2M 2. ALUMINUM HOUSING WITH QUICK INSTALLAT]ON SYSTEM (QIS) 3. LED, 3O()OK CCT, 525MA MAx DRIVE CURRENT, FLAT LENS PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING: 1, LIJMINAIRE ARM, BASE, AND POLE SHALL BE POLYESTER POWDER COAT SYSTEM BY TIGER DRYLAC, WITH ANTT.GMFFITI PROPERTIES, ML COLOR 7021 (SATIN FINISH), OR APPROVED EQUAL' 2. POLES SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED' 3. FLOWER BASKETATTACHMENT SYSTEM AND ARMS PER FBA2O-D-C PER MANUFA TURE, SHALL APPLY TO STREETSCAPES EAST OF SR-167. DiRECTION OF TMFFIC PATHWAY (4) 3/4" DIA, GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS BASE COVER WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT TO FILL VOIDS 2700 900 SCORED CEMENT GROUND LEVEL @ F m 120 V RECEPTACLE (AWAY FROM TRAFFIC) FLOWER BASKET ARI4S JUNCTION BOX 6" MAX FROM FOUNDATION DECOMTIVE BASE FINISH GMDE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK FOUNDATION PEDESTRIAN ARM AND LUMINAIRE q.oF LUMINAIRE & POLE POLE BASE COVER AND FOUNDATION SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SCORED CEMENT CONCRFTE CONCRETE SIDEWALK PLANTER WHERE APPLICABLE 1800 ORIENTATION DIAGMM qoF JUNCfIoN Box BASE PLATE 4',(,o FT(, UI(, z. Fz.:)o =o -$ IRRIGATION VALVE BOX JUNCTION BOX COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND FLOWER BASKEI AND ARMS =lgOlir blsulLclLolo I SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY IRRIGATION VALVE BOX SEE STD PLAN 7-31 SIDE PATHWAY ELEVATION VIEW 6y, 120 v RECEPTACLE (AWAY FROM TMFFIC) IRRIGATION DECOMTIVE BASE HANDHOLE ACCESS DOOR BASE PLATE & COVER DETAIL L2%" a80Lr CIRCLE WITH %" @aotts FOR ANCHOR BOLTS BASE PLATE & BOLT CIRCLE DETAIL FLOWER BASKET ARMS !2/s'SQ q 2 E d. rrJJL) o o \o PLAN FINISH GMDE FRONT STREET ELEVATION VIEW Ez_'= m 1 I ) EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' MENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET STREET LUMINAIRE AND POLE KE T DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLAN SCALEDRAWN coK DATECHECKED 7 -25ENGINER APPPOVFI] NOTES:Il-o ru e rurnno N LocATIo N s : * HANDHOLE ACCESS DOOR SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 18OO * RECEPTACLE SHALL BE MOUNTED AT 18OO * BANNER ARMS SHALL BE N{OUNTED AT OO 2, NEW AND EXISTING UTILITIES MUST BE SHOWN ON DEVELOPMENT PLANS WITH APPROPRIATE CLEAMNCES, ANY FIELD ADJUSTMENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY. 3. JUNCTTON BOX LAYOUT, FOUNDATION SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PER CITY OF KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-89. 4. IRRIGATION DETAIIS AT POLE BASE SHALL BE PER CIW OF KENT STANDARD PLAN 7.30 & 7.31, 4', DELOS 2(L) LUMINAIRE FIKTURE 4" POLE BANNER, TO BE DETER14INED BY CITY LUMINAIRE: ITu-truatnr MANUFAcTURER: AEC ILLUMINATIoN coRP' DELos 2 2. ALUMINUM HOUSING WITH QUICK INSTALLATION SYSTEM (QIS) 3. LED, 3000K CCT, 525mA M/X DRIVE CURRENT, FLAT LENS STREET LIGHTING: I-W-INAIRE ARM, BASE, AND POLE SHALL BE POLYESTER POWDER COAT SYSTEM BY TIGER DRYLAC, WNH ANTI.GRAFFITI PROPERTIES' ML COLOR 7021 (SATIN FINISH), OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. POLES SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. 3. BANNERARMS AfiACHMENT SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURE' 4', POLE BANNER, TO BE DFTERMINED BY CITY ]UNCTION BOX 6" MAX FROM FOUNDATION BASE PLATE q_oF JUNCNON BOX - 3'-6" (4) 3/4" DIA, GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS BASE COVER WITH NON-SHRINK GROUTTO FILL VOIDS GROUND LEVEL CEMENT CONCRETE EWALK FOUNDATION 14%" sQ BASE PLATE & BOLT CIRCLE DETAIL L4wt" aBOLT CIRCLE WITH 1%" 0 HoLES FOR ANCHOR BOLTS BASE PLATE & COVER DFTAIL JUNCNON BOX STREET ARM AND LUMINAIRE aF blrUILslLolo tN o + Q. OF LUMINAIRE & POLE POLE BASE COVER AND FOUNDATION CURB & GUTTER HANDHOLE ACCESS DOOR FINISH GMDE SIDE ELEVATION VIEW DECOMTIVE BASE PLAN FRONT ELEVATION VIEW SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK ROADWAY DIRECTION+ OF TMFFIC ROADWAY CURB & GUTTER 0o 2700 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1800 ORIENTATION DIAGMIY 900 @ m z. =in 120 V RECEPTACLE (TOWARDS SIDEWALK srDE) DECOMTIVE BASE F !L'u =('z Fz fo =o bm 5u 7yr' EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET BANNER AND ARMS ON ROADWAY POLES t.6t DESTONED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2020DAIECI]ECKED 7 -26ENGIIERAPPROVED- NOTESI 1. SPRING-LOADED ROADWAY POLE BANNER BMCKET SYSTEM SHALL BE BANNERSAVER PATENT #5388794 BSB-SMALL-364DARK BRONZE FOR TWIN MOUNT BANNER ARMS AND BANDS PAINTED PER NOTE 2, ORAPPROVED EQUAL.SECURE TOP BANNER BMCKFT WITH THROUGH BOLTS (FIELD DRILL) AND ROADWAY POLE 2. METALLIC POLYESTER POWDER COAT SYSTEM SHALL MATCH POLE COLOR, RAL COLOR 7021 (SATIN FINISH), DARK GREY SHIP TO LEVEL 34'WIDE X 88" TALL VINYL BANNER, TO BE DETERMINED BY CITY DECOMTIVE BANNER ARM WITH FINIAL 3. BANNERS SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE VISIBIUTY OF TMFFIC SIGNALS OR SIGNS OR IDENTIFIED HISTORIC OR ARTISTIC INSTALLATIONS. SECURE BOTTOM BANNER BMCKET WITH 3 ADJUSTABLE STAINLESS STEEL BANDS, SHIM TO 2-PIECE CAST ALUMINUM BASE FIBERGLASS ARM BMCKETS WITH PRESSURE RELEASE SPRINGS LEVEL :zJ =u6 ttt =odL o o ELEVATION / 0 EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MEEKER STREET ACCENT COLUMN LIGHTINGKENT DESIGNED COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a/2020DATECHECKED COK ENGINER 7 -27 NOTES: 1. ACCENT COLUMN LIGHTING SHALL BE ILLUMINATED'LIGHT COLUMN SERIES 600" MoDEL LPLC0-612 WITH 1800 0R 3600 PERFOMTED SHIELD, UL, C-UL, ETL AND C-ETL LISTED, BY FORMS+SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2, LED SHALL BE 32W CUSTOM LED LIGHT ENGINE iN 3OOOK. 3, FINISH SHALL BE RAL 9OO7 ''GREY ALUMINUM'' METALLIC POWDER COATING WITH ANN-GMFFITI PROPERTIES, 4, MANUFACTURER EMBED MOUNT SHALL BE PLUMB AND INSTALLED PER MANUFA TURER INSTRUCTIONS. q SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK c/L oF coLUMN - SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL (SEE STDCC-12) ACCENT COLUMN LIGHTING @ 6' O,C, SPACING COLORED CEMENT CONCRFTE BAND q 4'-0" AMENITY ZONE PLAN q CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY JUNCTION BOX COLUMN, SLIDE COVER DOWN TO COVER J.BOLT AND BASE PI-ATE %" WASHER WITH i{"-13 NUr STAINLESS STEEL BASE PI.ATE FINISH GMDE \t DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED BY CITY 1" SCH 40 PVC CONDUIT /o CEMENT CONCRETE FOOTING WITH REBAR o N TOWARDS \ CURB SIDE FINISH GMDE 18" DIA. EMBED MOUNT SEqTION SIDE ELEVAT]ON o EXPANSION JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 6-35 (4)y2'-73Xr8" GALVANIZED STEEL J-BOLT ANCHORS o ACCENT COLUMN LIGHTING a t__ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTIIENT KENT MEEKER STREET ACCENT BOLLARD LIGHTING DESIONED coK STANDARD PLANSCALEDRAWN COK cHFCkFt-l clK DATE 7 -28ENCINER APPROVED NOTES: 1 ACCENT BOLLARD UGHTING SHALL BE ILLUMINATED 'UGHT COLUMN SERIES 5OO" MODEL LBLCO-504 WITH 18()O OR 3600 PERFORATED SHIELD, UL, C-UL, ETL AND C-ETL LISTED, BY FORMS+SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL. SCORED CEMENT ACCENT BOLI.ARD LIGHTING @ 8' TO 10'O.c. SPACING CONCRETE SIDEWALK 2, LED SHALL BE 17W CUSTOM LED LIGHT ENGINE WITH PERFORMANCE CREE@ LEDS IN 3000K. COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PI-AN 7-183. FINISH SHALL BE ML 9()O7 ''GREY ALUMINUM" METALLIC POWDER COATING WITH ANTI-GMFFITI PROPERTIES. scoRE JoINT, TYPICAL SEE STD P|-AN 7-19 4, MANUFACTURER EMBED MOUNT SHALL BE PLUMB AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS. 4'-0" AMEN]TY ZONE CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAYJ.BOX PI.AN q BOLLARD, SLIDE COVER DOWN TO COVER ]-BOLT AND BASE PLATE q ,1" WASHER WITH t '-13 NUr $ STAINLESS STEEL BASE PI.ATE FINISH GMDE BOLLARD ro FINISH GMDE 1" SCH 40 PVC CEMENT CONCRFTE FOOTING PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS lllCONDUIT SIDE ELEVATION 12" DIA. EMBED MOUNT SESTION EXPANSION JOINT, TYPICAL. SEE STD PLAN 6.35 (4) 11"-13x18" GALVANIZED STEEL ]-BOLT ANCHORS $N EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CIfi OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT NOT USEDKENT OESIGNED COK STANDARO PLANNONESCAI FDMWN COK a/2020NATFCHECKED 7 -29ENGINER EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ENOINEERINC DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MEEKER STREET FLOWER BASKET IRRIGATION KENT DESIGNED COK SIANOARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN COK a,/2020DAIECHECKED COK 7 -30ENGINER APPROVED NOTES: 2. 1/4" MICROTUBING FOR FLOWER BASKETS IRRIGATION SHALL BE BLACK AND UV RESISTANT. WATER EMITTERS FOR FLOWER BASKETS SHALL BE A 1160 OEENEC MTT'II SPMY EMTTER, CAPABLE OF OPEMTING FROM 15 TO 45 PSI, MDIUS OF 18' @ 25PSI (EMITTING APPROX, 10,3 GPH), WITH FLOW ADJUSTMENTAND SHUT OFF OPTION. THE EMTTTER SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR 1/4' MICRO TUBING, INSTALLED ON SPIKE, ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE UV STABILIZED. PROVIDE TWO PER FLOWER BASKET. DRIP ACCESS VALVE BOXES INSTALLED IN PAVEMENT AND PI.qNTENS SHALL BE 12"X12"X18'COMPOSITE BODY HD POLYMER CONCRETE COMBINED WITH SHEET MOLDING COMPOUND, MTED FOR INCIDENTAL, NON-DEUBERATE VEHICLE TMFFIC. COVER AND RING SHALL BE MADE OF HIGH DENSITY UGHT WEIGHT POLYMER CONCRETE AND SLIP RESISTANT. COVER SHALL BE MARKED PERMANENTLY "IRRIGATION'OR "IRR'. LID COLOR SHALL BE GRAY, FLUSH WITH VANDAL PROOF BOLT. PROVIDE 3 KEYS FOR BOLT. INSULATED LUMINAIRE WIRES TO CONTINUE UP TO FIXTURE PEDESTRIAN LUIYINAIRE POLE DRIP ACCESS VALVE BOX IN PLANTER OR PAVEMENT, SEE STD PLAN 7-31 FINISH GRADE SIDEWALK 4, LOW FLOW VALVE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE COMBINATION OF %, LOW FLOW VALVE SPECIF]CALLY DESIGNED FOR DRIP IRRIGATION WITH FLOW OPEMTING MNGE OF 0.2 TO s.OGPM' INLFI PRESSURE 20-1sOPSI AND COMBINED %' PRESSURE-REGULATING F]LTER, LOW FLOW VALVE SHALL BE CAPABLE OF HANDLING PARTICLES AT LOW FLOW MTE' LOW FLOW VALVE AND PRESSURE-REGULAT]NG FILTER SHALL HAVE REGULATED PRESSURE OF 3OPSI AND 2OO (STAINLESS STEEL) MESH FILTMTIoN. 5. FURNISH AND INSTALL TUBING FROM PAVEMENT OR PI-ANTING AREA VALVE BOX CONNECflON TO LUMINAIRE POLE AND UP TO ACCESS HOLE PROVIDED FOR MICROTUBING AT FLOWER BASKET ARMS. SPLIT SUPPLY LINE OUTSIDE POLE WITH 1/4" BARBED TEE TO SUPPLY MICROTUBING TO EACH HANGING BASKEI. COIL 3' EXCESS (MIN.) MICROTUBING TO EACH BASKET LOCATION. TIE TUBING TO BASKET ARMS NEATLY WITH BLACK WIRE TIES OR OTHER APPROVED FASTENER' 6. FURNISH REQUIRED NUMBER OF DRIP EMITTERS AND SPIKES FOR FLOWER BASKETS 7. APPLIES TO STREETSCAPE EAST OF SR 167. %" FLEXIBLE CONDUIT, UP TO FLOWER BASKET LOCATION. IRRIGATION CONTMCTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL IRRIGATION CONDUIT, REDUCER AND MICROTUBING, POLE TO BE SUPPLIED WITH FLEXIBLE CONDUIT FITTINGS AND IRRIGATION HOLE SEE PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE STANDARD PLANS 7-23 AND 7-24 scH 80 REDUCER (S X T) MICROTUBING TO LUMINAIRE FLOWER BASKETS 1" DIA PVC CONDUIT SWEEP POLE FOUNDATION SEE CITY OF KENT STD PI.AN 6-89 2'SCH 40 PVC CONDUIT FOR LUMINAIRE WIRING 3 z. @ EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' AN CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET FLOWER BASKET VALVE ACCESS BOXG pEs1611g9 COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEc0KDRAWN B/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 7 -31ENGINER APPROVED- x 2 sl @ z =\iN - ,_| t_ I lt 1/4'MICROTUBING (MrN BEND DIA. 3" OR PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS). 1/2" FEMALE ADAPTER FOR 1/4" MICROTUBING 1/2" PVC NIPPLE 12" SQUARE DRIP ACCESS VALVE BOX 1/2" PVC RISER FINISH GMDE PLANTER FINISH GMDE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK BRICK SUPPORTS, TYP, EACH CORNER, WHERE LOCATED IN PLANTER PVC LATERAL SUPPLY LINE, SIZE AS NEEDED SCH 40 PVC SLEEVE IN PAVED AREAS 1/4" MICROTUBING TO PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE POLE SEE STD PLAN 6-128 AND 6-129 S X T ADAPTER, SIZE AS NEEDED (TEE WHERE APPLICABLE FOR SUPPLY TO NEKI LUMINAIRE) 1" SCH 40 PVC SLEEVE TO LUMINAIRE BASE, SEE STD PLAN 6.135 PVC TEE OR ELBOW 90 DEGREE SWEEP COMPACTED SUBGMDE EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICANON IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CIIY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET CENTER MED]AN TREE PI.ANTINGG 6E516119p COK STANDARD PLJNSCALE NONEDRAWN coK DATECHECKED 7 -32ENCINEER APPRNVFN TREE STAKE PREVAILING WIND . TRUNK ROOT BALL TREE STAKE JJ dtFood ?.,t =i= T.FoU(] 8'-0 PLAN WIDTH SECIION CEMENT CONCRETE CURB ROOT BARRIER; INSTALL TIGHT TO CURB CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 1 NOTES: TREE PIT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN (3) TIMES ROOT BALL DIA. 2. CUT ALLTIES AND FOLD BACK BURI.AP FROM UPPER 1/3 OF ROOTBALL, 3. REMOVE ALL PLASTIC AND TWINE. 4, WATER THOROUGHLY AFTER PI.ANTING TREE STAKES PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND. 5, PLANT TREES 1" HIGHER THAN DEPTH GROWN IN NURSERY, 6, REMOVE TREE STAKING AFTER ONE YEAR. 7. FOR RECOMMENDED TREE SPECIES REFERTO I-ANDSCAPE STANDARDS IN THE MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE DESIGN DOCUMENT. PLASTIC TREE TIES 2"0 WOOD STAKE, STAKES SHOULD BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL ROOT FI-ARE SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE GROUND LINE 2" BARK MULCH LAYER, KEEP AWAY FROM TREE TRUNK TOPSOIL TYPE A, MINIMUM DEPTH 6'' 24" DEEP ROOT BARIER (24' LENGTH), BIO.BARRIER,DEEP ROOT, OR APPROVED EQUAL CEMENT CONCRETE TMFFIC CURB, TYP. PER WSDOT PLAN F.10.12-03. ROADWAY z f =z. =N i +:t SCARIFY SIDE & BOTTOM OF PI-ANTING PIT TO ALLOW FOR ROOT PENETMTION EQUALEQUAL =f =z. =-(o 4:1 EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST' CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET CENTER MEDIAN STAMPED CONCRETE LAYOUT KENT DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANNONESCALEDMWN 00K a/2020DATECHECKED COK ENOINEER 7 -33 SEE PLANS NOTES: 1. CONCRETE STAMPING TOOL FOR LINEAR STAMPED CEMENT CONCRFTE PAVEMENT, FM-87OOB CLASSIC WOOD STAMP, SHALL BE PROVIDED BY STONEWAY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY, OR APPROVED EQUAL, u+d-UFI- =EP= P-@UL82zd,8s ^Uilag= (a vtfr 7= EF 2. LINEAR STAMPED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT PATTERN AND COLOR SHALL BE APPROVED BY CITY PRIOR TO INSTALLANON. LINEAR STAMPED CEIVENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4" DEPTH CLASS 3()OO, TYP. SEE DETAIL STD 7-19.3 3. CONTMCnoN/coNTRoLiolNTS SHALLBE IO FEET MAX, O.C. SEE DETAIL STD 7-19.2 CoNTMCTION/CoNTRoL JOINT, TYP. SEE NOTE 3 START STAMPED CONCRETE AT TANGENT POINT MEDIAN PLANTING AREA WHERE SHOWN ON PI-ANS, SEE STD PLAN 7.32 CEMENT CONCRETE TMFFIC CURB, TYP. PER WSDOT PI.AN F-10.12-03, BOND BREAK JOINT BETWEEN CURB AND CONCRFIE - SEE STD PI.AN 6-35M PLAN SEE PLANS EXHIBIT A NOTEI THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF I(ENT MEEKER STREET SOUTH SIDE TYPICAL COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY I.AYOUT DETAIL DES|GNED COK SIANDARD PLANNONESCALEDRAWN coK 8/2020DATEcoKCHECKED 7 -34ENCIhER APPROVED- PI-ANTER AREA, TYP. 6 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8" THICK CljSS 4000) *SLOPE ROUNDING 20'wP 6'TYP 20' MIN. TYP EITHER SIDE DRIVEWAY WIDTH VARIES, SEE PLANS SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7.19 ALIGN SCORE JOINT AND EXPANSION JOINT LAYOUT PI.AN 15' MIN. TYP EITHER SIDE 2'X2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, TYP, (8" THICK CLASS 4000), SEE STD. PLAN 7-19 CONTMfiION/CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 10' MAX SPACING, SEE STD. PLAN 6.35 1'x1' SCORED CEMENT CONCRFTE SIDEWALK, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7.19 STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-23 &.7-25 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRFTE PAVEMENT (8" THICK CLASS (O o o DUAL PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE , IF REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-24 DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE LENGTH, 8" DEPTH WITH REBAR 6'RAMP COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE 4000) WITH BARS AT 12" EACH WAY SEE NOSING DETAIL BELOW CEMENT CONCRETE GUTTER MATCH ROADWAY CROSS SLOPE %'MrN %" MAX LIP NOTES: 1. ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BANDS AND SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 2, ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT, WHERE CROSSING WALK ZONE AND PATHWAY 3. SLOPE ROUNDING IS REQUIRED AT DRIVEWAY GMDE TRANSITIONS AS SHOWN ON SECTION A-A'. 4, DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW. 5. GMDE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO EXISTING AND PROPOSED DMINAGE STRUCTURES. I.5o/o 4" CSBC coNTMCTION/CONTRoL, TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 6-35SECTION A-A' 6. SEE STREETSCAPE A & B SOUTH SIDE TYPICAL CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK LAYOUT DETAIL STD PLAN 7-13 FOR AD]ACENT SIDEWALK TREATM ENTS. 7, REBAR IN 8" TH]CK CONCRETE SHALL BE PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-43, STD PI-AN 7-18 coNTRACTION/CONTRoL, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 6-35 SEE NOTE 3 R=%" NOSING DETAIL /l COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 l< EXPANSION JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19,2 ffi NAL EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI.AN ]S NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, DOCUMENT BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET SOUTH SIDE MODIFIED COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY I.AYOUT DETAIL KENT DFS|GNED COK NONESCAI F STANDARD PLAN DRAWN COK a/2020DAIFCHECKED COK 7 -35ENCINER -l+u-il EXPANSION JOINT, WP SEE STD PLAN 7-19.2 PI.ANTER AREA, TYP, 6'MIN. 15'MAX. o DUAL PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-24 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8" CLASS 4000) XSLOPE ROUNDING, SEE NOTE 3 JOINT, TYP. SEE STD NOTES PLANS 5-35 ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BANDS AND SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 2. SURFACE RFTARDER SHALL BE OPTIMUS SURFACE RETARDER FROI4 ACC IN LIGHT(15) LIGHT SANDBLAST TEXTURE, 3. ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT WHERE CROSSING WALK ZONE AND PATHWAY 4. SLOPE ROUNDING IS REQUIRED AT DRIVEWAY GMDE TMNSITIONS AS SHOWN ON SECIION A-A" 5. DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW, 6, GMDE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT TO ENSURE POSITIVE DMINAGE TO EXISTING AND PROPOSED DMINAGE STRUCTURES. 7, SEE STREETSCAPE A & B SOUTH SIDE TYPICAL CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK LAYOUT DETAIL STD PLAN 7-13 FOR ADJACENT SIDEWALK TREATMENTS. 8, REBAR IN 8" THICK CONCRETE SHALL BE PER KENT STANDARD PLAN (5-43). LAYOUT PI.AN CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT, TYP. (8" CLASS 4000) w #4 BARS AT 12" EA WAY W SURFACE RETARDER TREATMENT DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE LENGTH - 8" DETTH WITH REBAR 4' 15' N4IN. TYP TYP. EITHER SIDE 2'X2'SCORED CEN4ENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT, TYP. (8" cr-Ass 4000) w #4 BARS AT 12" EA WAY EXPANSION JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-79.2 15't4Ax 6'I4IN COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7.18 SFF Pt 4/vs t5, 6't4IN AXON VIEW 2'X2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEIYENT, TYP. (8" CLASS 4000) ENTMNCE cuRB & GUTTER, SEE STD PI.AN 6-33 ROADWAY OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-23 &.7-25 ALIGN SCORE ]OINT AND CONCRETE CURB, AS REQ., TYP, CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PI-AN 7-19 SECIION A-A' 4', TYP no Fz.u =UUou.ld.o(Jtt ?{xN ItJ) z. I =ood.dl E oU = @ =U d.o 20' MIN. TYP. EITHER SIDE coLoRED cEMENT CONCRETE EXPANSION IOINT BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 %" MAX LrP CEMENT CONCRETE GUTTER MATCH ROADWAY CROSS SLOPE 4" CSBC coNTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PI-ANS 6-35 MIVIP, TYP. SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT (8" CLASS 4000) w #4 BARS AT 12" EA WAYSEE STD PLAN 7-18 1.51^ COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, TYP <_z-,?__- EXHIBIT A NOTE: THIS PI-AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ELE TRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE ATTHE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. AN CITY OF I(ENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET NORTH SIDE TYPICAL DRIVEWAY LAYOUT DETAIL ..6t DESIGNED COK STANDARD PLANSCALE NONEDRAWN COK a/2020DATECHECKEO ENGINER 7 -36 COLORED BAND. TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-18 EXPANSION JOINT, TYP. SEE sTD PI-AN 7-19,2 PLANTER AREA 2'x2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8" THICK CLASS 4000) coNTMCrroN/ CONTROL ]OINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 10' MAX SPACING, SEE STD. PI.AN 6-35 12" WIDE COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND (8" THICK CLASS 4000) LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND, TYP, SEE STD P|-AN 7-16. STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ., SEE STD PLAN 7-23 &7-25 1'x1'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. SEE STD, PLANS 7-19 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 h h STREET O PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ,, SEE STD PLAN 7-23 &7-25 2'X2'SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8" THICK CLASS 4000) *SLOPE 6'TYP DRIVEWAY WIDTH VARIES SEE PI-ANS LAYOUT PLAN DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE LENGTH, 8" DEPTH WITH REBAR 12" WIDE COLORED CEMENT coNcRETE BAND, TYP. (8" THrCK CLASS 4000) 7.5o/o CONTMqTION/CONTROL JOINT, TYP, SEE STD' PLAN 5-35 6' RAMP, 8" DEPTH WITH REBAR VARTES coNTMCTION/ CONTROL JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 6-35 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 4" CSBC BOND BREAK. SEE STD PI.AN 6-35 5. GMDE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT TO ENSURE POSITIVE DMINAGE TO EXISTING AND PROPOSED DMINAGE STRUqIURES. 6, 18" WIDE COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND SHALL BE soLoMoN "CANVAS" #306, 7. REBAR IN 8" THICK CONCRETE SHALL BE PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-43, l>L-:5' MIN, TYP, EITHER SIDE SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PI-AN 7.19 ROUN SEE NOTE 3 SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 SECTION A-A' coNTMCll0N/coNTRoL, NOTES: TYP' SEE STD PLAN 6-35 1. ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BANDS AND SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK, 2, ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT WHERE CROSSING WALK ZONE AND PATHWAY. 3, SLOPE ROUNDING IS REQUIRED AT DRIVEWAY GMDE TMNSITIONS AS SHOWN ON SECTION A-A'' 4, DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW. 20'TYP @ EXHIBIT A o Li o*,uu*o,*,'* uo*,r\ NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE, THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. BUT AN CITY OF I(ENT ENCINEERINC DEPARTMENT MEEKER STREET STREETSCAPE TYPE C & NORTH SIDE MODIFIED DRIYEWAY IIYOUT DETAILKET DES|GNED coK STANDARD PLANSCALE NONEoRAWN COK DATECHECKED 7-37ENGINER APPROVED- EXPANSION JOINT, TYP. SEE sTD P|-AN 7-19,2 RAMP VARIES, 6'MIN. 15'MAX. COLORED CMENT CONCRETE BAND. TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-18 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PLAN 6-33 EXPANSION ]OINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 12" WIDE COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND (6" CLASS 4000) coNTMCTION/ CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE PI.ACED AT 10' MAX SPACING, SEE STD. PLAN 6-35 LAYOUT PLAN 12" WIDE COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND (6" CLASS 4000) AXON VIEW coNTMCilON/CONTROL, TYP. SEE STD PI.AN 6-35 2'x2' SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8" CLASS 4000) MMP 6' MIN. 15'MAX, EITHER SIDE SCORE JOINT. TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 STREET OR PEDESTRIAN LUMINAIRE AND POLE, IF REQ, SEE STD PI.AN 7.23 & 10' MIN, TYP.PLANTER AREA b UNEAR PAVER BAND, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 7-16. 7-r9.2 I5' ME9.: 1. ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATM TO MATCH CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BANDS AND SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 2. ALL DRIVEWAY SURFACE TREATMENTS SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT WHERE CROSSING WALK ZONE AND PATHWAY 3. SLOPE ROUNDING ]S REQUIRED AT DRIVEWAY GMDE TMNSITIONS AS SHOWN ON SECTION A-A', 4, DR]VEWAY ENTMNCE SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE A MEDIUM BROOM FINISH TMNSVERSE TO VEHICLE FLOW. 5, GRADE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT TO ENSURE POSITIVE DMINAGE TO EXISTING AND PROPOSED DMINAGE STRUCTURES, 6. SEE NORTH SIDE AND STREETSCAPE TYPE C TYPICAL CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK LAYOUT DETAIL STD PI.AN 7-14 FOR ADJACENT SIDEWALK TREATMENTS. 7. REBAR IN 8" THICK CONCRFTE SHALL BE PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-43. I4AX I4IN6 CONCRETE cuRB, AS REQ., TYP, CURB & GUTTER, SEE STD PI.AN 6-33 l"lAXI5' 6', DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE MMP, TYP. DRIVEWAY ENTMNCE LENGTH, 8" DEPTH WITH REBAR2'X2' SCoRED CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (8" CLASS 4000) *SLOPE ROUNDING, SEE NOTE 3 12'' WIDE COLORED cEMENT CONCRETE BAND, TYP, (6" C|-ASS 4000) SCORE JOINT, TYP. SEE STD PLAN 7-19 BOND BREAK, TYP, SEE STD PLAN 6.35 L.5o/o 4" CSBC CEMENT CONCRFIE CURB & GUTTER, SEE SECTION A-A'STD PLAN 6-33 EXHIBIT A 2021, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PIJ BLIC WORKS DTPARTMENT APPENDIX F: DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES CITYOF KENT DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES tl It I * ,,r:'.!l .: r' :. i l il EXHIBIT A CITYOF KENT DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES The City would like to acknowledge and thank those who contributed to the Downtown Design Guidelines. ln addition to those listed below, numerous individuals provided insight, expertise, and other contributions that informed this project. Mayor Suzette Cooke Chief Administrative Offi cer Derek Matheson City Council Dana Ralph, President Jim Berrios Bill Boyce Brenda Fincher Dennis Higgins Deborah Ranniger Les Thomas Economic and Community Development Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstom, AICP Planning Director Gloria Gould-Wessen, AICP Planner Project Lead Kent Land Use and Planning Board Jack Ottini, Chair Frank Cornelius Katherine.Jones Navdeep Gill Alan Gray Barbara Phillips Randall Smith Additional Contributors Barbara Smith, Executive Director of KDP Suzanne Cameron, KDP Design Committee Chair Dea Drake, Multimedia Manager Tom Brubaker, lnterim Chief Administrative Officer oxz o €r m (] o 3 mz {a 1 4 6 EXHIBIT A INTRODUCTION Background.... .... Downtown Design Guideline Goals Application of Design Guidelines. . HOW TO USE THE DESIGN GUIDELINES Purpose of Design Guidelines............. ....... Design Review Process. .. DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS l. Site Design. . A. Street RelationshiP. .. ... B. Pedestrian Environment...... C. Siting and Screening of Service and Parki ng Facil ities...................... D. Site Design for SafetY E. Residential Open SPace. ... ll. Building Design A. Building ConcePt.... . .... B. Human Scale and Pedestrian Orientation C. Architectural Scale .. D. Building Details and Elements... ....... E. Materials and Colors ... F. BlankWalls.... lll. Definitions .2 .2 .3 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 '16 18 19 { TFr m o T1 o oz { m z {a cdplwl0l88_l 15 EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND ln I ggg, the city of Kent adopted The Downtown Plan that envisioned the small traditional downtown shopping district would transform into a vibrant pedestrian-friendly mixed- use center.The Downtown PIan was later updated in 2005 to become the Downtown Strategic Action Plan; it addressed the influences of high-capacity commuter rail serving the community. In 2013, the Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP)expanded the Downtown planning Aiea west of SR-l 67 and north of James Street up CentralAvenue, creating a need to update the 2003 Downtown Design Review Guidelines. The intent of the Downtown Design Guidelines is to establish a consensus of quality, unity and conformity. The design elements and guidelines reflect the DSAP's vision for Downtown Kent as a livable, vibrant, pedestrian-friendly mixed-use community that complements transit with olfice, commercial and residential uses clustered in the urban center. This vision for a vital downtown is consistent with regional growth strategies and the City's Comprehensive plan. The DSAP'5 Planning Principles influence the goals of the Downtown Design Guidelines to create a memorable, extraordinary place, where the pedestrian is first in this livable, economically vital, and gracious downtown that is the'Heart of Kent'i This document incorporates the original design criteria and is updated to be applicable to the expanded Downtown Area.When a new development or a remodelof an existing building is proposed, the City will apply the design guidelines to accomplish the following goals: DOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDETINES GOATS . Build a desirable place to live with a variety of housing choices, convenient services, and a diversity of entertainment opportunities; . Support a pedestrian-oriented environment that connects to surrounding neigh borhoods; . Create a memorable downtown experience that is attractive, safe, and inviting; . Construct a visually attractive and economically vibrant urban center; . Assure new development relates to the character of downtown and is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods; . Ensure public and private outdoor spaces are enjoyable and accessible; and . Encourage sustainable building and land management best practices z -{n og c o+ oz 2 EXHIBIT A APPTICATION OF DESIGN GUIDETINES The Downtown Design Guidelines apply to the Downtown Area (see Figure 1) bounded by 64th Avenue South to the west; north of James Street and up Central Avenue to approximately South 234th Street; Kennebeck, Clark, Jason, and Titus to the east; and Willis Street to the south. The guidelines are applicable to all of the Downtown Area, while other guidelines apply only to particular pedestrian designated streets found in the Pedestrian Plan Overly map. All development within the Downtown Commercial (DC), Downtown Commercial Enterprlse (DCE), and that portion of the General Commercial (GC), General Commercial Mixed Use (GC-MU), and Multifamily ResidentialTownhouse (MRT-16) zoning districts located within the Downtown Area (see Figure 1), is required to meet the requirements of downtown design review (KCC 15.09.046) Downtown d&ign review is conducted by an administrative committee, except for modifications of existing build- ingsind sites that cost less tl-ran 5100,000, which are reviewed by Planning Services stafL The scope of work associated with an individual project will determine the extent to which design guidelines will be applied. Proposals that will not modifu a building exterior or the site are exempt from design review ".1,: /HE#qtrtfil rlkf !l; r:!, (]HHtrffi/;::l Figure l: Downtown Area I ?.. ;l l l 'l i1 I -t.:i" ., ,11 .r, i,l":i ;] ..ll ffir:TTTT-Hr '.-1J t, 'il ffi ffiflffit qWt/l/ll 1 E E [ffiffim EH flEtrl,rlTLnn HHffi IHItrEEMEEE ISFWEfl]I'I I r r EBEHX ffiffiH 2 {n o u C o { oz 3 EXHIBIT A PURPOSE OF DESIGN GUIDETINES The purpose of the guidelines is to create site and building designs consistent with the DSAP's Planning principles, Goals anJ Policies. The document is organized by design guideline topics into the Site Design and Building Design sections. Each section contains guidelines dealing with specific topics.The Definitions section will help the applicant understand design and architectural terminology The Downtown Design Guidelines set parameters for design, but also allow design flexibility and creative design solutions. proposed development in the Downtown Area is expected to respond to the following desi!n guidelines and standards in a manner that promotes a lively and vibrant pedestrian-oriented urOan neigf'Oorhood, supports multiple modes of transportation including bicycling, and complements Kent's Historic District (DC zoning district). This manual is easy to use. Each guideline starts with an objective that explains the desired outcome of each guideline and often provides a description and illustration to help the user apply the concepts. Guidelines that use the word "should"or"may"can be satisfied from a variety of listed design options or by equal or better means if it can be demonstrated satisfactorily to the Planning Director that the applicant satisfies the intent of the guidelines. Standards that use the word "shall" must be met. The grid.lin., place a minimum burden on projects, and most importantly, the guidelines do not inhibit creative design. The City may permit a deviation from a specific standard if it is determined that public benefit may be achieved by an alternative proposal. The alternative proposal must be consistent with the intent of the guidelines and with the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies. The applicant must demonstrate that ihe proposed devlation will result in increased pedestrian activity and visual interest along the street DESIGN REUIEW PROCESS Before preparing development plans in the Downtown Area, applicants should review the guidelines and use the Downtown Design Guidelines Checklist to determine which guidelines apply to their proposed project. Planning Services staffwill discuss guidelines and standards with the applicant either during a pre-ipplication meeting or informal pre-development design meeting in order to assist the applicant with final design approval. For details on the application and review process, see Kent City Code 15.09.046; if you have questions, staff with Planning Services are available to assist you I o { { o ca m -{ J- m (] ma oz o =I mIz ma 4 EXHIBIT A I. SITE DESIGN Site design is the arrangement of buildings, landscaping, plazas, circulation elements, and other features in response to unique site features and surrounding context. A well-designed site should function with sensitivity to safety, aesthetics, and comfort for all users. A. STREET RETATIONSHIP INTENN To create a streetscape that is active, safe, convenient, comfortable and appealing for people on foot to connect to work places, parks, schools, shopping and transit facilities GUIDELINES: 1. Pedestrian Plan OverlaY: The pedestrian plan Overlay classifies certain streets downtown as Class A and Class B pedestrian streets The objective is that development located adjacent to these streets meets a high standard for achievlng a successful pedestrian-oriented environment. The Pedestrian Plan Overlay determines, on a block-by- block basis, the character of street frontage and level of pedestrian amenity. li in the future, new streets are developed on large parcels of downtown land, the new streets should be designated according to planned pedestrian usage before development permits are approved The street designations are defined and illustrated on the Pedestrian Plan Overlay map (see Figure 2), followed by the design guidelines for Class A and Class B streets 5 LGgend Pedostrian Plan Ov€rlaY - Cla$A Pededdan Slteet - Cla$ B Pedesfian Slreei A Sfl ITH 9T W COLESI w cLouDY 8l SMES ST a I 6 $!i sr . "-t t q :8sR 510 wrtrts .D a s4A i ? 5o zo s T o € {o ca rft { I m U m 2 oz o =U mr z ma a -{ m I m 2 6)z Figure 2: Pedestrian Plon OverloY EXHIBIT A a. Class A Street: Class A streets are intended to accommodate and foster the greatest pedestrian usage by providing a high degree of comfort and safety through streetscape design and minimization of vehicle-pedestrian conflict points. The following guidelines apply to a Class A street: (1) A continuous building wall should be maintained along the entire property frontage abutting a Class A street. (2) Curb cuts through a continuous building wall are restricted and should be permitted only when there is no alternative property frontage. (3) No surface parking areas should abut a Class A street unless there is no alternative property frontage. (4) pedestrian access into or through the site is allowed to break the continuous building wall. b. Class B Street: Class B streets are intended to reinforce an active pedestrian-oriented experience, but also accommodate vehicular access to the site. The following guidelines apply to a Class B street: (1)A continuous building wall should be maintained for a minimum of 50% of the property frontage abutting a Class B street. (2) Curb cuts within the remaining 500/o of the property are permltted from a Class B street. (3) Surface parking areas may front on a Class B street only within the remaining 50% of the property' (4) Surface parking areas shall not be allowed in front of the buildlng' 2. Setback exceptions on Class A & Class B streets: The objective is to ensure a pedestrian-oriented environment along Class A and Class B streets, except for the following: a. Private DeveloPment ExcePtion: An exception to allow i maximum 2O ioot setback is permitted if a pedestrian activity is planned for that space, such as an entry, pedestrian plaza, outdoor dining, or a garden space associated with residences (see section 1.A.5.a. for setback provisions for corner buildings). The applicant may propose a greater setback to provide greater pedestrian interest and activity subject to approval by the city. The block within the Historic District is not eligible for exceptions. ('t)The building setback is measured from the outside edge (closest to the building) of the required sidewalk. (2)The building setback can be applied to the entire building facade adjacent to the street corner or can be applied io only the first level of a multi-story buildlng with the upper levels cantilevered over the first level. Vertical height of the overhead clearance for the ceiling of a pedestrian area or pathway under a cantilevered second level of a building shall not be less than 12 feet. b. Public DeveloPment ExcePtion: An exception may be made for Public space adjacent to a public building if the intent and standards ofthe pedestrian- oriented street front section (see section l.B.) are met.The setback area may not be used for parking. 6 2 -{ m aIuoo€z_{ o ca m { - m U ma oz o g I mt- z ma EXHIBIT A 3. Sidewalks & Streetscape Features: The objective is to provide a pedestrian-hiendly streetscape that maintains a continuous, safe and lively place by considering the following: a. A minimum four (4) foot amenity zone should be provided adjacent to the street for understory plantings, street trees, lighting, benches, trash and recycling receptacles, bike racks or other appropriate amenities. Refer to the City of Kent Design & Construction Standards for construction details for streets not designated Class A or Class B streets. b.The sidewalk area should maintain a minimum elght (8) foot-wide clear pedestrian walkway, with a maximum of two (2) feet used by adjacent activities, such as dining or sales display. c. Limit gaps in the streetscape by restricting parking access to the minimum width required by code. lbnr 4. Prominent building entrances: The objective is to ensure building entrances are visually and physically accessible from the adjacent street by considering the fol lowing: a. Locate primary building entrances to have direct access to the public sidewalk. b.The primary building entrance shall offer some visual prominence such as a canopy, ornamental lighting, planters, or other appropriate features. c. Entrances may be on the side of a building, but they must be visible from the street and connected by a pedestrian pathwaY. d. Single residential entrances to multiple units should transltion between the publlc sidewalk and the private entry (1.e., recessed or courtyard entry, weather protection, glazing,lighting, paving, etc.). e. Residential entries to individual units should provide distinctive features (i.e., stoops, covered porch, paving, landscaping, etc.) 5. Street Corners: The objective is to improve the appearance of highly visible locations. New development on corner lots must enhance the visual qualities of the corner by one (1) or more of the following methods: a. Building Location: Locate and design the building, with a maximum 20 foot setback from the property cornEr nearest the street intersection, to serve a pedestrian-attractive use such as outdoor dining Gee section 1.A.2. for setback exceptions on Class A and Class B streets) and enhance the building corner with a building element such as a corner entry, tower, or other device.The applicant may propose a greater setback for greater pedestrian interest, subject to approval by the city 7 2 -l m UI aoo€z{ o ca m { I m g m @ oz oc g m =z rfla r,ii! r- I' s fa It q 'i {l,I EXHIBIT A (1 )The building setback is measured from the outside edge (closest to the building) of the required sidewalk. (2)The building setback can be applied to the entire building facade adjacent to the street corner or can be applied to only the first level of a multi-story building with the upper levels cantilevered over the first level. Vertical height of the overhead clearance for the ceiling of a pedestrian area or pathway under a cantilevered second level of a building shall not be less than 12 feet. b. Landscaping: lnstalla substantial and seasonally interesting landscape (at least 200 square feet of ground surface area) at or near the property corner, taking care not to create a visibility or security problem. Container gardens, public art, or other features attractive to pedestrians may be substituted, subject to approval by the City. C. AdjaCent tO GatewalSi When the corner is adjacent to a city-designated gateway intersection, coordinate with the city to piovide significant gateway elements such as landscaping, banners, special lighting, or other design features. 6. Pedestrian-friend ly uses: When located on Class A and B itreets, supermarkets and similar multi-department businesses that include bakeries, deli's, flower shops, fruit and vegetable, or other similar sections should locate these sections next to the sidewalk with display windows or doors to the sidewalk. B. PEDESTRIAN ENUIRONMENI INTENN To provide an attractive, safe, connected and convenient pedestrian environment that will encourage pedestrian activities throughout and into downtown. GUIDELINES: 1. Pedestrian weather Protection: The objective is to provide weatheaprotection for pedestrians along buildings located on Class A and Class B streets. Pedestrian weather protection should feature all of the following: a. Buildings located along designated Class A and Class B streets should provide pedestrian weather protection at least 6 feet wide along at least 800/o of the front of the building The weather protection may be in the form of awnings, marquees, canopies, or building overhangs. b.Canopies or awnings should not extend higher than'l 5 feet above ground level or lower than 81/zfeel at the lowest point' Vertical height of the overhead clearance for the bottom of an awning should not be more than I0 feet. c.The pedestrian covering should be constructed of high quality materials, and the color, configuration, and materials shall be as approved by the City. d. At each building entry, provide weather protection that creates a covered pedestrian space of at least 1 00 square feet. 2. Pedestrian-friendly bui ldi ng facades: The objective is to provide pedestrian-friendly building facades on the ground floor level of buildings facing designated Class A and Class B streets. Building facades should feature all of the following characteristics: a. Transparent window area or window displays along at least 500/o of the length of the ground floor fagade. b. Sculptural, mosaic or bas-relief artwork over 50% of the length of ground floor fagades without windows.8 ar m UI aoo€z{ o ca m -{ I m (] m 2 oz oc U m =z ma EXHIBIT A c. At least 500 square feet of retail-oriented pedestrian space must be provided for every 100 linear feet of faqade as measured along the property lines adjacent to the street d. Other alternative fagade or fenestration treatments as approved by the City. 3. Pedestrian areas at building entries: The objective is to enhance primary public entries for commercial and multifamily residential buildings. Provide three (3) or more of the following elements: At least 200 square feet of landscaping at or near the entry. a. Benches consistent with the color and style established by the CitY. b. Special paving. c. Bicycle rack. d. Building ornamentation such as mosaic tile, relief sculpture, ornamental wood or metal trim, etc. e. Artwork. f. Special pedestrian lighting. g. Containerized plants. h. Other similar amenities as approved by the City. 4. Access to the main building entry: The objective is to improve or provide clearly visible, convenient, safe pedestrian routes throughout a site and to surrounding areas and uses. Provide the following elements to primary public entries: a. provide pedestrian access onto the slte from the main street on which the use is located. Where a use fronts two streets, access shall be provided from the street closest to the main entrance or, preferably, from both streets. b. All buildings should have a paved pedestrian walkway at least eight (8) feet-wide from the street sidewalk to the maln entry.The minimum walkway width may be five (5) feet wide for a portion of the length if the applicant presents a design that varies the width of the path to allow for pedestrian amenities in wider sections. c. Any building with an entry that does not face the street should have an entry sidewalk that is easily seen from the street. The sldewalk should be separate from vehicular tralfic or raised above the pavement. The pathway should be at least four (4) feet wide if separate from parking stalls and at least six (6) feet wide if adjacent to parking. d. provide pedestrlan walkways connecting all business entries on the same development site. e. Provide pedestrian walkways through parking lots to the primary entry if the lot is greater than 150 feet long measured parallel to the storefront, or more than two (2) bays or 75 feet deep measured perpendicular to the storefront. Provide a pedestrian walkway at least every 'l 50 feet in large parking lots. f. lntegrate all walkways with the landscape plan. 5. Pedestrian activity areas: The objective is to provide attractive pedestrian-oriented open space at key locations. When a front building faqade is not directly adjacent to the public sidewalk, or when the front building fagade is set back to form a public area adjacent to the sidewalk, this space shall be developed as a landscaped area, courtyard, plaza, or other similar pedestrian oriented space. a. Where deemed appropriate, the following open space, plaza, courtyard, garden or other similar pedestrian-oriented space shall be provided in the development: (l )Visual and pedestrian access (including accessibility for the disabled) into the site from the public right-of-way.9 2 -l rrluxl,o o{z_{ o ca m { I m I mI oz o g g m 5z ma :,, fi 'r;{ I ,':ii'-.; . EXHIBIT A (2) Special-textured paved pedestrian surfaces of either concrete or approved unit paving. (3) On-site or building mounted site lighting that complements the building fagade (4) Seating consisting of at least six (6) linear feet of seating area or at least one (1) seat per 60 square feet of plaza area or open sPace. (5)Trees and seasonal planting that defines the space, but does not act as a visual barrier. (6) Site furniture, artwork, fountains, or kiosks that are complementary to each other and to the site elements. (7) Signs to interpret notable history or architecture, if any. b. The following materials or elements are prohibited in pedestrian activity areas: (1) Asphalt or gravel Pavement. (2) Adjacent unscreened parking lots. (3) Adjacent chain link fences. (4) Adjacent on-site blank walls. c. All public buildings shall have an open space, plaza, courtyard, garden or other similar pedestrian- oriented space. 6. Landscape components: The objective is to encourage landscape design that will enhance the pedestrian environment and complement building and site design lnclude where appropriate at least four (4) of the following landscape elements: a. Coordinate systems of pedestrian open spaces or planted areas to achieve continuity, variety and activity. b. lnstall plant materials that at maturity will be in scale with the building and will define and enhance the buildlng modulation and entries. c. Select plant materials that provide a succession of blooms, seasonal color and varied textures. d. Extend the architectural concept of the building onto the site where possible, with low sitting walls, planter walls, columns or fence supports that complements or coordinates with the building design. e. Extend the site landscaping vertically onto walls through the use of climbing plant materials, espaliered trees or shrubs on metal trellises; or wall and window planters; and roof gardens. f. Coordinate on-site landscaping with the city recommended trees and shrubs to provide visual continuity g. Onsite landscapes and adjacent plantings in or on the sidewalks must be consistently maintained by property owners as specified in Kent City Code. 7. General pedestrian amenities: ln addition to other required pedestrian amenities above, provide at least four (4) of the following for proposals on Class A streets. Provide at least three (3) on Class B streets. a. At least 150 square feet of pedestrian oriented sPace b. Pedestrian furniture such as seating, flowers in Planters or a drinking fountain. c. Artwork d. Space for transit stoP with seating that is consistent with or complements established streetscape fu rnitu re. e. Window displays over the majority of the front faqade. f. A decoratlve screen wall, trellis or other building or site feature. g. Special pedestrian lighting ln addition to required lighting. h. Bicycle rack. Other similar elements proposed by the applicant and approved by the City. :t d 2 -l m UI aoo{z{ o ca m { I m (] m 2 oz oI U mIz ma 10 EXHIBIT A C. SITING AND SCREENING OF SERUICE AND PARKING FACITITIES INTENN To diminish and soften the visual impact of asphalt and parked cars from the street and adjacent properties, reduce the visibility of unsightly but necessary activities (trash containers, for example), and to allow for infiltration of storm water run-off. GUIDELINES: 1 . lncompatible activities: The objectlve is to minimize the impact of incompatible activities on adjacent uses. lncompatible actlvities include: outdoor storage (where permitted), service areas adjacent to other uses, public and private utilities apparatus, and commercial development contiguous with a residential-zoned property Design standards for such incompatible activities are as follows: a. Locate incompatible activities, including allowed outdoor storage in the GC zone, away from neighboring properties to reduce visual impacts and physical conflicts. b. Where the City deems necessary, landscape buflers or another form of screening shall be provided along property lines adjacent to incompatible uses. When topography between the activities is sufficient to reduce impacts, then modification to the buffer options may be allowed. c. lntegrate outdoor storage areas, utilities and loading facilities into the site design in a manner that reduces visual impact and obstruction of pedestrian and vehicular movement. d. Whenever feasible, locate or screen public/private utility apparatus (i.e., electrical conduit and utilities equipment and apparatus) so as not to be visible from the street or adjacent properties. e. Locate or screen roof-mounted mechanical equipment so that it blends with the architecture of the building and is not visible from the street or adjacent properties' f. Buffers or fences of outdoor storage and service areas (i.e. large waste containers) must conform to the requirements of the City of Kent Zoning Code as a minimum standard. Additional buffer area or screening may be required. 2. Parking lot facilities: The objective ll to coordinate parking lot facilities to reduce visual lmpacts as follows: a. ln parking lots, the preferred location for markings and signs for individual stalls is the pavement. Limit the heiglit of free standing or wall mounted stall signs to two (2) feet above grade, except for handicap accessible parking signs, which shall be placed perADA standards b. Limit parking lot entrance signs to one (1 ) per parking area entrance. The sign sha ll be no more than six (6) feet in helght above grade, and shall have a surface area of no more than six (6) square feet per side. The sign may not be internally lit, but may incorporate neon lights' c. Screen all moveable parking lot equipment (i.e., barrels, saw horses, etc.) from the public right-of-way. d. The size and surface area of required parking lots should be mlnimized by the following: (l ) Share parking facilities whenever feasible under the joint use parking standards of KCC 15.05.0a0 (c); (2) Encourage the use of transit and ride share programs whenever possible and reduce the number of [arking stalls pursuant to transit and rideshare provisions of KCC 15.05.040 (G); (3) Encourage the use of municipal and other public and private parking structures and facilities; (4) Encourage the use of bikes by providing bike parking for residents, employees, or customers; and (5) Encourage the development of underground or rooftop parking facilities in multi- story buildings. I o € {o c v, m { I rfl U m 2 oz o : U m Tz m CN 2 -lm U m 2 oz 11 EXHIBIT A 3. Parking lot landscaPing: The objective i! to develop a posiiive d6wntown image, provide a buffer to adjacent residential uses, and mitigaie summer heat and greenhouse emissions.The applicant must provide one (1)or more of the following solutions: a. lntegrate interior surface parking and landscaping with required bio-filtration swales or surface water detention ponds. b. Preserve distant views. c. Provide a significant pedestrian oriented space such as a pocket park or plaza d. Create an extension or connection to a local park or a regional bicycle / pedestrian trail system. e. Provide outstanding public art within pedestrian view f. provide outstanding enhancement and support for the city-designated gateway intersections. g. Other elements that will result in a superior plan as proposed by the applicant and approved by the city. D. SITE DESIGN FOR SAFETY INTENT: To promote personal safety and property security through design of site features including lighting, landscaping and building design. GUIDELINES: 1. Pedestrian safety: The objective is to ensure pedestrian safety by minimizing conflicts between drivers and pedestrians through the siting of structures, location of circulation elements, landscape design, and placement of signs. lncorporate the following methods for protecting pedestrian safety, where appropriate: a. Limit the number of potential encounters between pedestrians and vehicles through site design. b. Where pedestrian and motorist paths must cross, ensure visibility of pedestrians and vehicles. c. Within parking lots, provide raised pedestrian walkways where possible. Where not possible, provide at-grade walkways protected by curbs or landscaped areas d. Distinctively mark pedestrian routes through parking lots. Use vertical design elements, or special paving suc-h as brick, concrete, oi cobblestone. lnclude pedesirian amenities such as benches, trash contalners, and planters whenever possible. e. Separate service vehicle access and loading zones from pedestrian areas. f. Use on,site directional signs to clearly mark pedestrian and vehicular routes. 2. Eyes on the street: The o-b.lective is to provlde surveillance opportunities from buildings and public streets to discourage anti-social activity. lncorporate the following methods to increase personal safety and security, where appropriate: a. Avoid site design features that create entrapment areas such as long, dark enclosed corridors and opaque fences in locations with pedestrian activitY. b. Ensure that site and building designs provide lines of sight that allow building occupants and passersby to observe on-site and street activities for the purpose of informal surveillance (i.e., windows, balconies, entries, etc.). u-) I mox U,o O<z{ o ca m -{ I m (, m 2 oz o g u m =z ma 12 EXHIBIT A 3. Lighting: The objective is to provide artificial lighting that promotes visual interest and a sense of security for people in all pedestrian areas, including building entries, along walkways, and other public areas. Light spillover onto adjacent properties should be minimized. The following shall be provided in lighting plans: a. Establish an overlapping pattern of light at a height of about 10-15 feet in pedestrian areas. b. Use pedestrian-oriented lighting with cut-off features in all parks, plazas, or pathways to provide safety. c. Confine site lighting to the project site; use cut-offfeatures or other methods to eliminate glare on adjacent properties. Ensure lighting fixtures complement distinctive features of building fagades and landscaping. d. Ensure accent lighting is appropriate to and complements the overall character of the public or semi-public setting. e. Utilize energy-saving lighting bulbs and fixtures wherever possible. f. lndicate specific vertical and horizontal lighting levels in each lighted area (photometric analysis). 4. Safe landscape design: The objective is to design the landscape so that long-term growth will not interfere with site lightlng and surveillance. a. Place landscape elements to allow for long-term growth without significantly interfering with site lighting. b. Consider long-term growth characteristics when selecting plant species. c. At maturity maintain shrubs at a maximum height of 3 feet. Choose tree species with a high branch habit or prune tree limbs at least eight (8) feet above ground level to allow an open space or at least five (5) feet between the shrubs and the lower branches of the trees. 5. Quality of site furnishings and features: The objective is to ensure quality site furnishings that are attractlve, easily maintained, and safe. Consider the following: a. High-quality materials that are durable and easily maintained (i.e., furniture, bike racks, walls and paving). b. Permanent site features and furnishings that will discourage vandalism. c. Non-slip walkway surfaces for pedestrian safety E. RESIDENTIAT OPEN SPACE INTENT: To provide an open space network that is accessible to all residential units and will accommodate a wide variety of activities, both semi-public and private. GUIDELINES: 1. Functional open space: The objective is to design an open space network that is landscaped, private, and secure, and where lighting does not glare into housing. ln each residential or mixed-use development one (1) or more of the following options shall be provided: a. An individual balcony or screened patio for each unit. b. Small, shared courtyard or furnished children's play area' c. Roof-top open space - roof garden or game court. 2 -lm UI aoo€z{ o ca m {r m g m 2 oz o : U mt- z ma$r !JLi ltlli ,!ilhti ilIi I ll ;)..I l, r iillllli llilllill. i 13 EXHIBIT A II. BUITDING DESIGN Building Design is the choice and arrangement of construction materials, and how the built form sits within the context of its surroundings to influence the sense of place. A well-designed building should be welcoming, add human interest, and allow opportunities for meaningful social interactions. A. BUIIDING CONCEPT INTENT: To encourage building design that is appropriate to the site, enhances the architectural character of downtown and provides for interiction between pedestrians and the activities inside the buildings at ground level. GUIDELINES: 1 . Architectural Elements: The objective is to organize architectural elements into a unified whole that coordinates with the local context and objectives. The following shall be addressed by the applicant in written format: a. lnclude a description of the design concept for the proposed building or complex b. lnclude a statement of how the various building elements, such as walls, roofline, entries, modulation, materials, decorations, signage, lighting, etc., are organized into a functional and attractive composition. c. Describe how the concept relates to site conditions such as visibility, access, pedestrlan circulation, and neighboring development. (Examples of design concepts are provided in the Definitions section of this document.) B. HUMAN SCATE AND PEDESTRIAN ORIENTATION INTENT: To encourage buildlngs and public spaces that are'tomfortable"and encourages human activity and that incorporates architectural features, elements, and details that achieve human scale. GUIDELINES: 1. Building elements: The ob;ective is to use architectural elements that provide a sensitive transition for pedestrians and neighboring less intensive built environments. All new buildings and major exterior remodels must employ at lJast tfrree (:) of the following elements or techniques to achieve'human scale'i However, if a proposed building is three (3) stories or more than 1OO feet wide as measured along any visible fagade facing a street, then the design shall use at least five (5) of the listed elements: a. Provide at least one (1) balcony (measuring at least 6 x 10 foot) or deck per upper floor on the facades facing streets b. Bay windows. c. Windows separated through ihe use of molding or door jams d. Windows with small multiple panes. e. Visible chimneys. I lndividual windows generally less than 32 square feet per pane and separated from other windows by at least a 6-inch molding' g. A gable or hipped roofl providing that the hipped or gable roof covers at least one half of the building's footprint and has a slope qreater or equal to 3 feet vertical in 12 feet horizontal h. Ground floor building materials distinct from the upper stories' w 5r9r 3{m{2o c)zco m {I m g m 2 oz o g U mt- z ma 14 EXHIBIT A i. Building elements that define a pedestrian sheltering space such as a trellis, overhang canopy or other j. One or more of the upper stories is set back at least 6 feet. k. Smaller symmetrical building elements near the entry or pedestrian oriented street \ fronts of large buildings. (see ?xial Symmetry" in the Definitions section). l. Other design methods proposed by the applicant and approved by the City' C. ARCHITECTURAT SCATE INTENT: To encouraqe new development in a manner that creates gradual transition in perceived height, bulk and scale from the immediate and surrounding built environment GUIDELINES: 1. Scale of large buildings: The objective is to redTuce the impacti of building height, bulk and scale. New buildings over three (3) stories, or over t6,OO0 square feet in gross building footprint, must provide design elements to reduce the appearance of bulk. Provide at least two (Z) of tfre following features on facades visible from public rights-of-way and pedestrian routes and entries: a. Upper Story Setback One or more upper stories must be set back from the ground floor at least 'l 0 feet. b. Horizontal Building Modulation -To lessen the apparent bulk of the exterior wall of the structure, step back or project forward portions of a building fagade withln specified intervals of a building width and depth. Buildings within 400 feet of a public right-of way or public open space or visible from that right-of-way or public open space shall meet the following design standards: (1)The maximum width (as measured horizontally along the building exterior) without building modulation shall be 100 feet. (2)The minimum depth of modulation shall be 6 feet, (3) Balconies may be considered bullding modulation if each individual balcony has a floor area of 100 square feet. c. Modulated Roof Line - To further reduce the scale of large buildings, the roof lines shall be modulated according to one (1) or more of the following standards: (1) For flat roofs or facades with a horizontal eave, fascia, or parapet, change the roof line so that no unmodulated segment of roof exceeds '1 00 feet, measured horizontally. (2) provide gable, hipped or shed roofs with a slope of at least three (3) feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal. (3) Other roof forms such as arched, vaulted, dormer or saw-toothed may satisflT this regulation if the individual segments of the roof without a change in slope or discontinuity are less than 'lO0 feet in width. d. Building Articulation Design -To provide visual interest and break up the perceived size and bulk of a building, the following should be incorporated, providing the interval does not exceed 100 feet: I tp sr9r7o ;{m{2O c)zca m { I m (7 m 2 oz o g (] m =z ma 15 EXHIBIT A (l) Repeat distinctive window patterns at intervals equal to the articulation interval. (2) Provide a porch, patio, deck, or covered entry for each interval. (3) Provide a balcony or bay window for each interval. (4) Change the roofline by alternating dormers, stepped roofs, gables, or other roof elements to reinforce the modulation or articulation interval (5) Change materials or colors with a change in building plane' (6) provide a lighting fixture, trellis, tree or other landscape feature wlthin each interval e. Cluster smaller uses and activities around entrances on street-facing facades. f. Amass substantial landscaping or pedestrian oriented open spaces along the building fagade. g. provide a pedestrian pass-through that would access the rear of the lot through buildings over 200 feet in length. h. orher design methods proposed by the applicant and approved by the City. D. BUILDING DETAITS AND ETEMENIS INTENT: To increase the attractiveness of buildings from the perspective of the pedestrian through the use of building design details, texture of building materials, quallty of finishes, and small decorative elements GUIDELINES: 1. Appropriate building details: The objective is for the building to enhance the pedestrian experience. All new buildings shall include at least three (3) of the following elements on the facades that face a public street or park: (Note: A decorative element may be quite simple if it is suitably scaled and related to the building concept.) a. Articulated or decorated rooflines such as an ornamental molding, entablature, frieze, or other roofline device visible from the ground level lf the roofline decoration is in the form of a linear molding or board, the band must be at least 8'wide. b. Decorative treatment of windows and doors such as a decorative molding decorative glazing, door design, or framing details around all ground floor windows and doors' c. Decoratlve railings, grillwork, landscape guards, or trellises. d. Decorative light fixtures with a non-glare light source or a decorative shade or mounting. e. Decorative building materlals, including the following: (1) Masonry, shingles, brick or stone. (2) Decorative moldings, brackets, wave trim or lattice work (3) Ceramic tile, stone, glass block, or glass. (4) Artwork, freestanding or attached to the building. Artwork may be in the form of a mosaic mural, bas-relief sculpture, light sculpture, water sculpture, fountain, or freestanding sculpture. (5) Other materials with decorative or textural qualities and other artwork as approved by the City. Drawings and material samples must accompany all proposals related to the above guidelines. w :rgr =o;{m{2O ozca m { T m U ma oz oc o mr z ma 16 EXHIBIT A 2. Historic District building details: The objective is to create a sense of place and synergy that respects the historic 'Mainstreet'character of the original commercial district by applying similar cornice lines, scale, and textural qualities found within the Historic District (see Figure 3). ln addition to the above building details and elements, projects proposed within the Historic District shall incorporate the following: a. Relate the size and proportion of new structures to the scale of adjacent buildings. b. Buildings may be larger than adjacent buildings, but must appear to be a row of related buildings with a similar scale as the neighboring buildings, and designed with a compatible pattern of architectural elements and reflect the prevailing cornice line. Facades may be similar but not identical. c. Design buildings in the Historic District with a'base'i a'middle'i and a "top" similar to the existing 1 900 commercial buildings. The base should contain the greatest amount of architectural detail, the middle should have relatively fewer details and forms, and the top should have a cornice or other distinctive form. d. All buildings constructed to face Class A designated streets must have a main entrance with direct access to the street. e. Design entrances on the same level as the sidewalk. f. lnclude vertical elements present on existing buildings such as decorative building edges, corner trims, and attached rectangular pilasters or vertical trim strips. g. lnclude horizontal elements present on exlsting buildings such as a trim at the floor level of each story, rows of windows, repeated trim elements, and recesses. h. Create a commercial height and appearance by using a minimum floor to floor height for ground floor retail of 14 to 1 5 feet. "n;ln;JI I ElEi il @Klr rog6f It t z 6 ? 3 I i. lnclude a kick plate wall section under the ground floor windows on the street fagade of the building that mimlcs adjacent buildings.Figure j: Historic District 3. Design elements for espresso stands and street vendors To provide-for a lively pedestrian envlronment, street vendors are encouraged. Espresso stands and other outdoor stands and carts for vending are subject to the following design standards: a. The stand or cart must be constructed of good quality, permanent materials. Tarps, plywood, cardboard, plastic sheeting, corrugated fiberglass, or similar materials are not Permitted. b.The design, materials, and colors must be compatible with existing features in the proposed location. c. Awning quality must be equal to that required for permanent buildings' d. The size of the stand or cart must be adequate for storage, trash receptacles, and other facllities. No outside storage is permitted. e. Wiring and plumbing must be hidden from view. f. One sign, maxlmum area six (6) square feet, two (2) sided, is permitted. Menus and price lists two (2) square feet and less, are not considered signs for the purpose of this guideline. TD : 9r =o:{m{2O ozca m {r m U m 9oz o g (7 m :z ma 17 EXHIBIT A E. MATERIATS AND (OIORS INTENT: To encourage the use of high-quality compatible materials to upgrade the visual qualities of Downtown Kent while maintaining the character of the Historic District. GUIDELINES: 1. Retain existing facades in the Historic District: The objective ls to preserve the character of existing historic buildings. a. Maintain and restore existing facades, trim, cornices or replace with similar replications. b. Prohibited: The use of metal siding, metal screening, plastic, wood, plywood, sheet wood products or fiberglass to cover over existing facades. 2. Use compatible building materials: The objective is to enhance the visual quality, ease maintenance, and ensure longevity of new construction in downtown.The following standards guide the use of buildlng materials: a. lf metal siding is used over more than 25o/o of the building faqade, then the metal siding must have a matted finish in a neutral, muted or earth tone such as buff, gray, beige, tan, cream, white, or a dulled color. b. lf metal siding is used over 250/oof the building faqade, then the building design must include the following elements: (i ) Visible window and door trim painted or finished in a complimentary color. (2) Corner and edge trim that cover exposed edges ofthe sheet metal panels. (3) Exception: lf the City determines that specially treated metal siding is used as an accent material to achieve special architectural character, the City may approve metal sidlng as a material even though it does not meet the above specifications. c. lf concrete blocks (concrete masonry units or'tinder blocks') for walls must be architecturally treated in one (1)or more of the following ways: ('l)Textured blocks with surfaces such as split face or grooved (2) Colored mortar. (3) Other masonrytypes such as brick, glass blockortile in conjunction with concrete blocks. d. Prohibited: The following materials are not allowed in visible locations. (1)Mirrored glass. (2) Corrugated fi berglass. (3) Chain-link fencing (except for a temporary purpose such as a construction site ) (4) Barbed wire, concertina or razor wie (5) The use of metal siding, metal screening, plastic, plywood, sheet wood products, or fiberglass to cover existing facades is not permitted. Wood should not be used to cover existing brick or cast stone masonry. 3. Appropriate materials to blend with the Historic District: The oblective is to ensure that materials used in new construction blend with the historic commercial character of the district. The following materials are recommended: a. Decorative masonrY b. Shingle brick c, Stone d The applicant may propose other materials with decorative or texture qualities compatible with the existing character of the district, subject to approval by the City. w g gr 7o ',r{ C]m{2O ozc @ m {T FI g mo oz og (7 rflr z ma 18 EXHIBIT A F. BIANK WAttS INTENT: To increase pedestrian interest and reduce opportunities for taggers or other graffiti on unavoidable blank walls. GUIDELINES: 1. Design treatment: The objective is to reduce the impact of an unavoidable blank wall from the public or private sidewalk of pedestiian pathways. Treat all blank walls (see Definitions section) within 50 feet of street rights-of-way, parks, or adjacent lots in one or more of the following ways: a. lnstall a vertical trellis in front of the wall with climbing vines on at least 5070 of the blank wall surface. b. provide a planting bed at least five (5) feet wide or raised planter at least two (2) feet high and three (3) feet wide in front of the wall. lnstall with plant materials that will provide a rich assortment of height, texture, and seasonal color. c. provide artwork (mosaic, mural, sculpture, relief or other) on at least 50% of the blank wall surface. d. Other methods as approved by the City. e. All proposed methods are subject to City approval. The applicant must submit architectural plans and elevations of the proposed treatments for approval. 't. tp =r9r7o ;{m{2o ozca m { J. m g m 2 oz o st m =z trla 19 EXHIBIT A III. DEFINITIONS Architectural Elements As used in these guidelines, the term architectural elements refers to the elements that make up an architectural composition or the building form, and can include such features as the roof form, entries, an arcade, porch, columns, windows, doors and other openings. ?rchitectural elements" is used interchangeably with architectural features in these guidelines. Architectural Character The architectural character of a building is that quality or qualities that make it distinctive and that are typically associated with its form and the arrangement of its architectural elements. For example, a prominent design feature may convey the architectural character of a structure. Examples are a distinctive roofline, a turret or portico, an arcade, an elaborate entry, or an unusual pattern of windows and doors' Architectural Scale The perceived height and bulk of a bulldlng relative to other forms in its context. Modulating facades and other treatments may reduce a building's apparent height and bulk' AxialSymmetry Axial symmetry is the similarity of form or arrangement on either side of a dividing line or plane through the center ofan object. Balcony A balcony is an outdoor space built as an above ground platform projecting from the wall of a building and enclosed by a paraPet or railing. BayWindow A bay window protrudes from an exterior wall.Typically, the bay contains a surface that lies parallel to the exterior wall, and two surfaces that extend perpendicular or diagonally from the exterior wall. BlankWalls Walls subject to "blank wall" requirements are any ground-level wall over six feet (6') in height measured from finiihed grade at the base of the wall, and longer than 50'measured horizontally. A wall subject to the requirement does not have any significant building feature, such as a window door, modulation or articulation, or other special wall treatment within that 50'section. Circulation As used in these guidelines, the term circulation refers to the movement or flow of traffic from one place to another through ivailable routes.Traffic includes a variety of modes of travel including pedestrian, motor vehicle and non-motorized methods such as bicycle. Courtyard A couityard is an open space usually landscaped, which is enclosed on at least three sides by a structure or siructu res. Curb Cut A curb cut is a depression in the curb for a driveway to provide vehicular access between private property and the street. Deck A deck is a roofless, outdoors aboveground platform projecting from the wall of a building and supported by piers or columns. Design Details Archiiectural or building design details refer to the minor building elements that contribute to the character or architectural style of the struc-ture. Design details may include moldings, mullions, rooftop features, the style of the windows and doors, hardware and other decorative features. g fn Tl =rjo g€ @{ o ca FT { I m g lrl 2oz o g g mt: z ma 20 EXHIBIT A Fagade A figade is any portion of an exterior elevation of a building extending from the ground level to the top of the parapet wall or eaves, for the entire width of the building elevation. A front faqade is typically the fagade facing the major public street(s), An entry fagade is typically the faqade with the primary public entry. Foot Candle Afootcandleisaunitusedformeasuringtheamountof illuminationonasurface. Theamountof usablelight from any given source is partially determined by the angle of incidence of the source and the distance to the illuminated surface. Frontage As used-in these guidelines, frontage refers to length of a property line along a public street or right of-way Front Yard As used in these guidelines, the front yard is the area between the street(s) and the nearest building fagade Gateways As used in these guidelines, the term gateways refers to key intersections within the city which are entranceways into the Kent downtown area, The gateways will be enhanced by special sidewalk/crosswalk treatments, landscaping, signage, lighting, banners and other improvements to signify their staius as entryways into the downtown core. Historic District The Historic District is the traditional and geographic heart of downtown Kent, containing the original business district.The boundaries of the Historic District are Second Avenue to the west, Meeker Street to the north, E Titus Street to the south, and the Railroad tracts to the east.The area is shown in Fig.3 on Page 17 Human Scale The size of a building element or space relative to the dimensions and proportions of a human being lncompatible Uses and Activities As used in these guidelines, incompatible uses are those uses, including, but not limited to, outdoor storage, utilities equipmenl and apparatus, and loading and service facilities, which are considered to be visually intrusive, unsightly and which require site design and screening to mitigate the negative impacts to downtown retail commercial, residential development, and surrounding residential zoning districts. Lumen A lumen is a unit used for measuring the amount of light energy given off by a light source' Modulation Modulation is a stepping back or projecting forward of portions of a building fagade within specified intervals of building width and depth as a means of breaking up the apparent bulk of a structure's continuous exterior walls, As used in these guidelines, the moduiated portions must be at least 6 feet deep in order to qualify as modulation. Pedestrian-Oriented Faqades 'pedestrian oriented'fagad.r ,ru those that contribute to the character of the street experience providing pedestrian interest, comfort, and safety. Pedestrian-oriented SPace A pedestrian oriented space is an area between a building and a public street that promotes visual and pedestrian access onto the site and that provides pedestrian oriented amenities and landscaping to enhance the public's use of the sPace. Pedestrian-oriented Use A pedestrian oriented use is a commercial use whose customers arrive on foot, or where signage, advertising, window display and entry ways are oriented toward pedestrian traffic on a public sidewalk. Pedestrian-oriented businesses may include restaurants, retail shops, personal service businesses, travel services, banks (except drive-through windows), and similar establishments. 21 EXHIBIT A Service Areas Service areas refer to areas, enclosed or open, that contain equipment and uses such as ground level mechanical equipment, utility vaults, loading zones, outdoor storage areas, and trash and recycling areas. Site Planning Site planning is the arrangement of buildings, driveways, sidewalks, landscaping, parking, public open spaces, and other faiilities on a sfiecific site. Good site planning will result in a cohesive site design concept and take into consideration natural features, topography, drainage requirements, access points, the design of neighboring sites, and other features in the immediate vicinity of the site. Streetscape The streetscape is the visualcharacter and qualityof a street as determined byvarious elements located between the edge of the street and the building face, such as trees and other landscaping, street furniture, artwork, transit stops, Jtility fixtures and equipment, ind paving. Where there are frequent and wide spaces between buildings, the streetscape will be defined by the pattern of building and open space and the character ofthat open space. Surface Parking Surface parking is single level vehicular parking on the surface of the ground, generally a parking lot that typically is uncovered. Structured Parking Structured parking is a multiple level vehicular parking facility, generally a parking garage or similar structure constructed for that PUrpose. Transit-oriented DeveloPment Transit-oriented development (TOD) is development that is centered around and coordinated in its use and design with a transit station or other transit facility.Transit-oriented development includes a variety of different"planning and development projects, but is typically compact, medium to high density, mixed-use development within walking distance of transit with a focus on pedestrian orientation and creating neighborhood centers, places and/ or gathering spots. (, mf =rlog€ o{ o ca FI {I m (t ln 2 oz o =(7 rnr z ma 22 trsEmKENT WAsHrNcroN J -l Util- Rudi Alcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 19tr day of March' 202L . STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing' which publishes the notice, a: Public Notice #KENe2221e was published on March L9'?OZL The full amount of fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of Kent RePorter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has beln for more ihan six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the Engiish language continuously as a weekJ'y newspaper in fing County Wa-shington' The Kent- covington Reporter has been .pptou."d as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County' The notice in the exact form annexed waJpublished in regular issues of the Kent- covington Reporter (and not in supplement folm) which was regularly distributed to its subscriters during the below stated period. The annexed for the State of Washington,Residing in Washington &euc "Classified Proof Client Address 23839S - City of Kent CttY Clerk- LECAL ADS 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA, 98032 Phqn6 E-Mafl Fat (253) 856-5728 Orde# W219 Classiflcation 3030 - Legal Notices $tart Date A3/1912021 End Date 03lnn02l Run Date$ 1 Publication(s) KentRePorter RequettedBy KIM KOMOTo PO# oRD 4397,98,00 Crsst$dBy 8280 CreationDate 0Y15n021, n:A4:08 Pm WerPrioe Tax 1 Tax 2 Total Net Paymont $142.04 $0,00 $0.00 $r42.04 $0.00 Sales ReP 9470 - Jennifer Tribbett Phone E-Mai1 Fax (160) 802-8212 jtribbett@courierherald' com Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 03 I 17 /202 I I I :08 :3 I am Page: I Classified Proof struction standards for infrastructure improve- ments, rePealing Ordi- nance No. 3927 and arr,endinq Chapter 6.02 of the (ent CitY CoCe entitled'Required Public imorovements-" Th'is ordinance shall take eftect and be in force 30 davs from and after its palsage, as Provided bY law. A coov of the cornPiete text df-any ordinane will be mailed upon request of the Citv Clerk. Kimberley A. Komcto, Citv Clerk Kkirnroto@ Kent!1/A. gov 253€56-5725 ffi22219 03119121 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 0311712021 I 1:08:31 am Page:3