HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief Pension Board - 10/15/2019 (2)Firemen's Relief and Pension Board Minutes October L5,20t9 Kent, Washington Approved t/2L/2O BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Thomas, Chair of the Operations Committee, Sam Grubbs and Kim Komoto, Secretary. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Paula Painter, Finance Director and Joe Bartlemay, Senior Financial Analyst. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to orderat 3:31 p.ffi., with Kim Komoto presiding. 2. Roll Call Mayor Dana Ralph - Absent Councilmember Les Thomas - Present Kim Komoto - Present Al Bond - Absent Sam Grubbs - Present 3. Changes to the Aqenda Sam Grubbs moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Les Thomas The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 3-0. 4. Aooroval of Minutes, dated July 16, 2O19 Sam Grubbs moved to approve the minutes dated July 16, 2OL9, and Les Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 3-0. 5. Amendment to Ooerating Policv Kim Komoto advised that the City Council recently changed the committee structure and the Operations Committee no longer exists. The Operating Policy specifies that the Chairof the Operations Committee is a memberof the board. The policy is being amended removing that reference and providing that the member will be a council member appointed by the Council President. Sam Grubbs moved to approve the amendment and Les Thomas Seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 3-0. 6. 3'd Quarter 2O19, Financial Report Joe Bartleffidy, Senior Financial Analyst, provided details regarding the Executive Summary for Cash and Investments as of September 30, 2OL9, and the Statement of Revenues and Expenses as of September 30, 2019. Bartlemay reviewed the Firemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund Cash and Investments ending September 30, 2019, that also included a five-year comparison. 7. Adiournment At 3:38 p.m., Kim Komoto declared the meeting adjourned, Page l1 Firemen's Relief and Pension Board Minutes Kimbe Kom ief and Pension Board SecretarY 1 019 October 15, 2019 Kent, Washington Approved tl2L/20 Firemen October Page l2 KENT WAsHtNcroN CITY OF KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION TRUST FUND FINANCIAL REPORT September,2019 MANAGEMENT REPORTS Cash and lnvestments as of September 30, 2019 5 year comparison and breakdown of current investments Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 1 2 Date Presenred: LO/ t5l2OL9 City of Kent Firemen's Relief & Pension Trust Fund Executive Summary September,z0tg Cash & lnvestments - September 30. 2019 Total Cash and lnvestments have increased about 533,000 since the same period in 20L8, due to the increased Fire lnsurance Premium Tax and increased investment interest. The Fire Relief & Pension Fund owns a percentage of all the City investments. The LGIP is currently earning over 2o/o, and the other investments are earning between L.3% and 3.5%. Our Federal Home Loan Mortgage investment will mature in November of this year. Statement of Revenues and ses - Seotember 30. 2019 lnterest income for 2OL9 has increased over the prior year, as expected with rising rates Year to date interest ¡s $24,196, as compared to S19,525 for the same period in 2018. Pension costs year to date are about 55,000 higher than the prior year to date. These payments represent the difference between what firefighters would have received under the city pension vs. their current LEOFF pension benefits. o a o a Date Presented: IO/ 15/2Ot9 City of Kent Firemen's Relief & Pension Trust Fund #620 Cash & lnvestments September 30, 2019 Five Year Comparison 9/30/16 CASH & INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking & LGIP lnvestments, at Cost TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Accrued Expenses Held in trust for Pension Benefits TOTAL LIABILITIES & RETAINED EARNINGS 9/30/1 5 $ 776,372 31.68% 1,674,018 68.32% $ 2,450,390 100.00% $ 6.471 0.260/o 2,443,919 99.74% s 2,450,390 100.00% $ 814,261 1,538,531 $ 2.352.792 34.610/" 65.39% 9t30t17 $ 1,498,788 786,845 9/30/1 I $ 1,369,767 852,807 9/30/1 I $ 1,328,787 926,901 65.57o/" 34.43o/o 61.63% 38.37o/" 58.91% 41.09% 100.00% $ 2,285,633 100.00% $ 2,222,574 100.00% $ 2.255.6EE lO0.O0% $ 6,596 0.28% $ 0,020 0.29%$ I,lZl O.32Yo $ 7,244 0.32o/o2346j96 99.72% i 2,352,792 100.00% 2,278,958 99.71%2,215,446 99.68%2,248,444 99.68% $ 2,2E5,633 100.00% $ 2,222,574 100.00% $ 2.255.6S8 100.00% r Cash in Checking I Locai Gov't lnvestment Pool "r: Other lnvestmenis rr FHLM from L987 CITY OF KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FT]ND INVESTMENTS September 30, 2019 InvestmentPurchase SecurÍty Description Yield Maturitv TotalDate 09/301t9 09/301t9 09130/19 04lt0l87 CashinChecking Local Godt Invesfnent Pool Other Investrrpnts Federal Horne Loan Mortgage 0.000% 2.t95% 1.34-3.59o/o 8.508% Ovemigþt 6 rno.-5 ys. tU29/19 ls3,720 743,740 431,327 926,901 $ $ $ $ $ 2,255,688 Date Presented: LO/ l5/2OL9 City of Kent Firemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund #620 Statement of Revenues and Expenses For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 Five Year Comparison 9/30/16 9130t17 OPERATING REVENUES lnterest lncome Fire lnsurance Premium Tax TOTAL REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Pens¡on Palments to Ret¡rees Health lnsurance Actuarial Study TOTAL EXPENSES NET TNCOME (LOSS) i 220,731 100.00% t 232.166 100.00% $ 232,930 100.00% 9130118 $ 19,525 7 .800/o 230,881 92.2oo/o $ 250,406 100.00%t 329,663 100.00% $ 9130115 1,699 219,032 1 18,295 169,s00 3,000 0.77o/o 99.23o/o 40.680/o 58.29o/o 1.03o/o 4,500 227,666 1.94o/o 98.06% 10,147 222,783 436% 95.640/o 9/30/1 9 24,196 305,467 7.34o/o 92.660/o $$$ 119,369 169,500 11,825 39.70o/o 56.37o/o 3.93% 122,389 150,591 3,000 44.35o/o 54.57o/o 1.09o/o 131,541 150,000 11,825 44.U% 51.13o/o 4.03% 136,423 150,000 3,300 47.09o/o 51.77o/o 1.140/o$ 290,795 100.00% $ 300,694 100.00% $ ø0.064)3 t68.528) $ 275,9E0 100.00% $ 293,366 l00.OO% g 2E9,723 1o0.OO% $ (43.050)$ (42,e60)S 39.9,10 2Date Presented: 1011512019