HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 07/24/2019KENT Wag*¡NOrO{ Item 1, 2. 3. 4. Description Call to order Roll Call Changes to the Agenda Approval of the Minutes from the May 22, 20Lg regularly scheduled meeting, Civil Service Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Jeff Piecewicz, Pauline Thomas, Callius Zaratkiewicz Res u ra rrY t"n'1T,Trilïi lg 5:3O p.m. Council Chambers West Action Speaker Chair Piecewicz Chair Piecewicz Chair Piecewicz Time 1 1 1 1YES Chair Piecewicz 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Memo dated May 22, 2OLg from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission that Probationary Records Specialist Bonnie Coleman was discharged on May 16, 20L9. B, Letter dated May 24, 20L9 from Corrections Officer Andrew Cox tendering his resignation effective August 31,20L9.C. Memo dated May 29,20L9 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Andrew Cox effective August 31, 2019. D. Memo dated June 1, 2OL9 from Chief Padilla accepting the retirement announcement of Sheila Knapp, noting her last day is June 30, ZOL9.E. Letter dated June 1, 2OL9 from Chief Padilla to Ofr. Eric Rodenberg notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective June 1, 20L9.F. Memo dated June 20, 20t9 from Chief Examiner Winecka summarizing eligibility list removals through June 20,20L9. G. Letter dated June 24, 2OLg from Chief Padilla congratulating Beau Mattheis on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective July 3, 20t9. H. Memo dated July 19, 20L9 from Chief Examiner Winecka summarizing eligibility list removals through July L7,2OL9. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856'5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-t-L KENT W^5H¡¡OTON I Memo dated April 23, 2OL9 (received July L7, 2019) from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the outcome of IA 19-001 for Sgt. Dan Koehler. 6. Items to Approve YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Corrections Officer that was established on May L9,2OL9. B. Eligibility list for the position of Support Services Manager that was established on May 22,2OL9. C. Eligibility list for the position of Parking Enforcement Assistant that was established on May 24,2OL9. D, Eligibility list for Transitional Police Officer that was established on June 3, 20t9. E, Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on June 6,20L9.F. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on June 7, 2Ot9. G. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Corrections Officer that was established on June L5,2OL9. 7. Action Items YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Memo dated June 10, 2OLg from'Chief Padilla requesting permission to test for the position of Records Supervisor and that the following process and weights be applied: Written Exam: 30o/o (7oo/o passing score required) Computer Skills: Pass/Fail Oral Board: 70o/o (7Oo/o passing score required) Background/Polygraph: Pass/Fail If there isn't a sufficient applicant pool, the position will open to the public and it is requested that the top 20 from the written exam and computer skills assessment move on to the oral board. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. KENT WaSatNôfo¡ B. Memo dated June 1L,2OLg from Chief Padilla requesting a six- month extension of the Commander eligíbility list. This would be the first extension of this list. 8. For the Good of the Order Chair Piecewicz 1 9. Adjournment YES Chair Piecewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p,m, the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032, For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Civil Service Commission Minutes May 22, 2OL9 Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date¡ May 22,20L9Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Council Chambers West Attending: Jeff Piecewicz- Chair; Pauline Thomas- Commissioner; Callius Zaratkiewicz, commissioner; Natalie winecka, secretary/chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Piecewicz called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM 2. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. 3. Changes to the Aoenda There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Aporoval of the Minutes / Commissioner Zaratkiewicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 24t zOLg Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomas; motion passed 3-O. 5. Consent Items to Acceot A. MemodatedJanuary L5,20Lg fromSheila KnappnotifyingtheChief of herintent to retire effective July 1, 2Ot9 from the Support Services Manager position.B. Email dated April 22, 2Ot9 from Shaun Brooks tendering his resignation effective April 22, 2OL9 and a memo from Chief Padilla dated April 22, 2OLg accepting the resig nation. C. Letter dated April 24, 2OL9 from Chief Padilla to Jace Sloan congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective May 1, 2OL9.D. Email dated May 1, 20tg from Joshua Arnett tendering his resignation effective May 1, zÙtg and a memo from Chief Padilla dated May 1, 20L9 accepting the resig nation. E. Memo dated May 15, 2OL9 from Chief Examiner Winecka summarizing eligibility list removals through May 15, 2019.F. Letter dated May 16, 2OI9 from Chief Padilla notifying Corrections Officer Alex Ault that he successfully completed his probationary period effective May 15, 20t9. Page 1 of 2 Civil Service Commission Minutes May 22, 2OLg Kent, Washington Approval Pending There being no questions, Chair Piecewicz made a motion to accept consent items A-F. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3-O. 6. Items to Aporove A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on April 30, 2019.B, Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on May L0,2019. C. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on May 13,2OL9. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz made a motion to approve into record items A- C. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3-O. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated May 10, 20t9 from Chief Padilla requesting the final extension (five month) of the Police Sergeant eligibility list. Chief Examiner Winecka noted that the rules allow for one last five month extension, not six months as indicated in the request. There being no questions, Chair Piecewicz made the following motion: "I make a motion to authorize the final extension of the Police Sergeant eligibility list." Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3-O. 8. For the Good of the Order Nothing further. 9. Adjournment Chair Piecewicz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:38 PM. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner May 22, 2OL9 Page 2 of 2 KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5BBBWA S H I N G T Ô N DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum May 22, 2Ot9 Civil Service Commission Rafael Padilla, chief of Police ¡c*+- Discharge/Failed Probation, 15.01 Probationary Police Records Specialist Bonnie Coleman was discharged on May 16, 20L9. Andrew Cox . May 24,2019 Commander McCuistion 1230 Central Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Commander McCuistion, I am writing to formally notify you of my resignation from my position as a corrections officer with the City of Kent. This past week I was formally given a job offer with puget Sound Regional Fire Authority. I have accepted that job offer and will begin with them on September 3'd, 2019. lam very appreciative of the opportunities lhave had while working at CKCF and I hold this facility in high regard. My last day of employment with the City of Kent will be August 31't, 201,9. I have worked for the city for nearly 10 years and I have spent 8 of those years working at the jail' ln my nearly decade worth of time working here I know that I have worked with the best in the corrections and police fiefds. I have developed lasting friendships that will continue beyond my time here. With my new opportunity of working as a firefighter I will continue to serve the City of Kent. I am honored to continue to serve this same community and to be an active member in making it a safer place to live and work. I am very gratefulfor all of the opportunities and experiences you have provided me with during my time with the city. lappreciate yoursupport and understanding, and lwish you allthe very best, please let me know if I can be of any assistance during my last few months here, Sincerely, áy Andrew Cox ,-)KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 2s3-856-5888WaSHTNGToN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum May 29, 2OL9 Civil Service Commission Rafael Padilla, chief of Police F- Notice of Resignation, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Corrections Officer Andrew Cox's letter of resignation from the City of Kent Corrections Facility, dated O5/24/20L9. Andrew's last day with the department is August 31, 20L9. We wish him well in his future endeavors KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5BBBWASHINGTÔN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum June 1,2019 Civil Service Commission Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Notice of Retirement, Rule 13,02 I have accepted Support Services Manager Sheila Knapp's memorandum dated January L5,20L9, announcing her retirement from the Kent Police Department. Sheila's last day of work is June 30, 2019. Sheila's 34 years with the City of Kent began June 3, 1985. She's leaving the department in good standing and we wish her well in her future endeavors. KENT POLICE ADMINISTRATION Rafael R. Padilla Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Faxr 253-856-6802WaSHTNGToN PHONE: 253-856-5800 June 1, 20tg Officer Eric Rodenberg Kent Police Department 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Officer Rodenberg, I am pleased to notify you that on June L,2OL9, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the position of Police Officer as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appo¡nted to regular employment status as a Police Officer for the Kent Police Department. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success Sincerely, rcø"ø** Rafael Padilla Chief of Police cc Civil Service Commission Human Resources o C'l < =Ðc Dana Ralph City of Kent Police Department - Accredited police Agency KENT CITY OF KENT HUMAN RESOURCES 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 PHONE: 253-856-5270 WÂsHrNôTôN )Memo To: From: CC: Date: Re: Civil Service Commissioners Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police June 2I,2OI9 Eligibility Removals through June zOt 2Ol9 Please find below a detailed list of those candidates that have been removed from various eligibility lists through the date of June 20, 2019: Continuous Testinq ElioibiliW List for Entry Level Police Officer dated June 7, 2O19: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Aaron Larson Failed Background June 11, 2019 ) Hai Ngo Failed Background June 11, 2019 Dylan Jess Failed Background June 1 L,IOII Jacob Coffman Failed Background June 11, 2019 Aaron Beisel Failed Background June 11, 2019 Jordan Penney Failed Background June 11, 2019 Matthew Dellinger Failed Background June 11, 2019 Jacob Johnson Failed Background June 11, 2Ot9 Brian Thomson Failed Background June 1I, 2OLg William Skelley Failed Background June 11, 2019 Trevor Pourchot Failed Background June 11, 2019 Timothy Johnson Failed Background June 11, 2019 Charles Miller Failed Background June 11, 2019 Derek Smith Andrew Barber-Phil lips 'Julio Garcia ) Keith McCune Dominic Fuda Lauren Cox Logan Crane Ian Hicks Tanner Locke James Wildish Failed Background Failed Background Failed Background Failed Background Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere Withdrew Withdrew Withdrew June June June June June June June June June June 11, II, LT, 11, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20t9 2019 20L9 2019 2Q19 2019 20t9 20t9 2019 20L9 Continuous Testinq Elioibilitv List for Lateral Police Officer dated Mav 13, 2O19: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Francisco Robles Failed Background June 6, 2019 Cesar Robles Failed Background June 6, 2019 ) Continuous Testino Eliqibility List for Entru Level Police Officer dated Mav 1O, 2O19: Name: Reâson: Effective Date: Sarah Knudsen Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere June 6, 2019 Colton Van Vleet Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere June 6, 2019 Kyle Bosshart Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere June 6, 2019 Macallum Burnett Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere June 6, 2019 Jeremy Voeller Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere June 7, 2}tg David Gadd Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere June 7, 2OI9 Scott Chrysler Failed to Respond June 6, 2019 Nicholas Van Wie Failed to Respond June 6, 2019 Wesley Marks Failed to Respond June 6, 2019 Wilfredo Alicea Failed to Respond June 6, 2019 \2 Jacob Colbert Mario Pagulayan - -rlouis Herbeft,) Jayde Brewer Wiltanen Daniel Bender Joshua Connolly Michael Chodykin Erin Koecke Frank Welle Christopher Hamerly Chief's Interview Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Background Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed June June June June June June June June June June 2019 20t9 20L9 2019 20t9 2019 20t9 2019 2019 2079 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, Continuous Testino ElioibiliW List for Entrv Level Corrections Officer dated March 17. 2019: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Corte Garland Failed to Respond June 6, 2019 .,\u,,n", Holman Faatili Patrick Froome Kristian Davis Megan Manning Norberto Levya Jesse McCathern Shawn Meyer Adam Moutaftsis Remeet Singh Bryan Stringfellow Reason: Failed Background Failed Background Failed to Respond Failed to Respond Failed to Respond Expired Score Expired Score Expired Score Expired Score Expired Score Effective Date: June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 6, 2019 3 KENT POLfCE ADMINISTRATION Ratael R. padilla Chief of Police 224 4h Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Faxi 253-856-6802 PHONE: 253-856-58OO WasH,ñdtôN June 24, 2019 Mr. Eeau Mattheis Eric Hemmen Asslstant Chlef of Police cc: Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accreditation Re: Employment Offer Dear [vlr. Ma[theis; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Laterðl Pollce Officer for the Kent police Department. weare looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal lo offer the Depðrtmentand the City of Kent. Thls letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effectiveMonday, luly 1, 2019, Upon rece¡pt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Mike Sihanbacher at (253) 856-5841 ror details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving ãn email from NeoGov w¡th a link toactivate your Clty of Kent onboardlng account. Pleðse notity HR Reãruitment (253)856-s270 if you don,treceive the link within lhree buslness days of the dðte of this letter, It is critical Ürat you set up your account to review new employee lnformation and complete all checklist tasks as assigned prior to your start date. we anticlpate this process will take approximately l5 minutes, You have been scheduled fora new employee orientat¡on on Monday, :ulylÞat 10:00 AM with the Benefitsstaff ¡n Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Hiring unit at 8:00 AM. officer Graff will facilitateyour first day including o 9r00 AM appointment wlth Multimedia to have your City access card pholo laken,Please.bring document(s) requ¡red by government regulatlons for all new hlres providing proof oF your eligibility to work in the United States, wh¡ch you will need to complete your I*9 form. Ã iist ol acceptabledocuments can be found on the Onboarding portal. Your starting base salary as a probat¡onary lateral police officer will be at Step E g6,973 per month. you will be provided with a leave bank of 40 hours of annual leave and 40 hours of sick leave. you will beplaced on probãtlonary status for one yeðr from your date of hire. All other beneflts w¡ll follow your un¡oncontract. Additionally, you quallfy forour g10,000 L¿Èerai Hiring Incentive which is payable in twopayments ($5,000 on your flrst paycheck and g5,000 upon your successful completion of probation; lessapplicable taxes), Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eiigible for a training opportunltyof.your choosing wlthin the prescribed parameters (up to g1,000, up to one week, ¡n-state, uñ¿ joU related) to further your professional developrnent. Il the terms of this offer of employment ðre ¿cceptable to you, please so indicate.by s¡gning on lh€ ðcceplance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Offlcer Wayne Graff a1 thã address listedabove. Again, I look forwarcl to having an individual of your quôliRcâtions as a member of the Kent police Department, Sincerely,ed*Accepted, ogl <lPcúY I Mayor Dana Ralph ClÈy of Kent Pollce Depârtmênt - Accrodlted pollc€ Agoncy KENT WÂSHINGfON KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT LATERAL OFFICER HIRING INCENTIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE In an effort to assist in the recruitment and hiring of currently employed and experienced law enforcement officers (i,e, laterals), the City of Kent and its Police Department (the "City") have created a hiring incentive program. Included within the available hiring incentives is a monetary incentive that may be paid to any lateral law enforcement officer who meets the following qualifications: (1) at the time of the City's job offer, the lateral recruit was employed as a law enforcement officer for another municipal agency; (2) the lateral recruit met the minimum requirements for admission to the Equivalency Academy as provided for by the Washington State CriminalJustice Training Commission; and (3) at the time of the City's job offer, the lateral recruit had completed any probationary period and Field Training Officer / Police Training Officer program required by the recruit's current municipal agency, Having met the required qualifications, the City has offered _Beau Mattheis a monetary hiring incentive in the amount of $10,000, less applicable taxes and deductions, which will be payable in two equal installments as follows: The first installment of $5,000 will be paid with the paycheck the recruit receives for the first pay period following the recruit's hiring. The first installment is paid to the lateral recruit on the condition of repayment to the City in the event the lateral recruit voluntarily separates employment with the City during any probationary period. If the lateral recruit is terminated, repayment will not be required. The second installment of $5,000 will be included with the paycheck the recruit receives for the pay period following the recruit's successful completion of any applicable probationary period, This second installment will not be issued to any lateral recruit who does not successfully complete the probationary period. Once earned, the second installment is payable to the lateral recruit with no repayment condition attached. By signing below, the lateral recruit acknowledges and understands that the first installment of the hiring incentive is paid by the City on the condition that the lateral recruit repay the City the gross amount received ($5,000) if the recruit voluntarily separates employment with the City during any probationary period, and by signing below, the lateral recruit further agrees to such repayment. Lateral Recruit Date 1 Agency Representative Wayne Graff Date 19 1 2 Revised O4/2OLB KENT CITY OF KENT HUMAN RESOURCES 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 PHONE: 253-856-5270 WasHtNcroN Memo To: From: CC: Date: Re: Civil Service Commissioners Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police July 19, 2OI9 Eligibility Removals through July L7, 2Ol9 Please find below a detailed list of those candidates that have been removed from various eligibility lists through the date of July 17, 2QL9: Continuous Testino Elioibilitv List for Entry Level Police Officer dated June 7, 2019: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Andrew Talon Failed Background June 21, 2019 Langston Whitehurst Failed Background June 21, 2019 Jaeden Bond Failed Background July 5, 2019 Samuel Chapman Failed Background July 5, 2019 Steven Fajarillo Failed Background July 5, 2019 Anthony Isernio Failed Background July 5, 2019 Ian Njama Failed Background July 5, 2019 John Peters Failed Background July 5, 2019 Hamilton Ash Failed Background July I7,2Ol9 Michele Fredlake Failed Background July t7,2OI9 Jordan Laurencio Failed Background July 17, 2OL9 Gavin McNabb Failed Background July I7,2O19 Garret Rayl Failed Background July I7,2OL9 Jacob Traufler Gerardo Zamora-Fernandez Jace Gilbreath Jordan James Jerry Otieno Jacob Biddle Ki Lee Jonathan Shoop Eduardo Macias Daniel Radocia Ivan Frerichs Cody Hankins Matthew Mayovski Joshua Monagle Julian Muro Anthony Natsiopoulos Gregory Stephens Bradley Wallace Reilly McNulty Kameron Fleming Sean Pollom Allison Pring Failed Background Failed Background Withdrew Withdrew Withdrew Withrew- Hired Elsewhere Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere Withdrew- Hired Elsewhere Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed Chief's Interview Failed to Respond Failed to Respond Failed to Respond Failed to Respond July 17, 2OI9 July 17, 2Ol9 June 21, 2019 June 21, 2019 July L7, 2Ql9 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 June 21, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 July 5, 2019 June 21, 2019 July L7,2OL9 July 17,2OL9 July 17, 20L9 Continuous Testino Eliqibility List for Entry Level Corrections Officer dated June 15, 2019: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Michele Fredlake Failed Background July I7,2OL9 2 Human ResourceE City of Kent Memorandum April 23, 20L9 Civil Service Commission Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police ,*/-- Notice of Discipline 15.04 POLTCE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Foufth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 RECEIVED iul 1? Z0l9KENT WÀsHrñ61ôN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Internal Affairs investigation No. 19-001 involving Police Sergeant Dan Koehler was conducted. The final determination of the allegation of violation of Kent Police Department Policy follows : Kent Police Department (Policy 13.10) Code of Conduct, Insubordination and Duty Responsibilities - Sustained. a A written reprimand was given. KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGroN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:May 19, 2OL9 TOI THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: Michele Fredlake Ryan Armstrong (os/Le/201e) (0s/re/20Ls) 1 2 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appear¡ng thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner oq) < = I 'lwayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUII\Civ¡l Seru¡ce\El¡g¡bilityLists\Police\2019\Entry Corrections Officer- May 19, ZO19.docx CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICET 253-856-5282 KENT WAsHtNgroN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List Established: Expiry Date of List: Extended to: May 22,zOLg May 22,2O2O November 22t 2O2O April 22, 2O2l Pauline Thomas Commissioner Yes_ Yes_No- No TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the eligibility list for the position of Support Services Manager in the Kent Police department. Christy Warren Sara Wood I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie Winecka Secreta ry/Chief Exa miner I 2 Jeff Piecewicz Chair Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner o Ol < = ayor Dana Ralph KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 WAsHrNcroN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: Expiry date of Iist: Extended to: Jeff Piecew¡cz Chair May 24, 2OL9 November 24, 2OL9 May 24,2O2O: November 24, 2O2O= May 24,2O2L= Pauline Thomas Commissioner Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner _Yes _Yes Yes -No-No -No TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of Parking Enforcement Assistant in the Kent Police Department: Sandra Pedersen Stephanie Quillen Patricia Merry Spencer Cason Nyskauly Barcala I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon, Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner 1 2 3 4 5 o Ol < = O lVayOf Dana Ralph - CifmlKant-Èhlmâ¡r=Resar,'¡ac lìanr.tranl Natalie Winecka, Interim Director KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DMSION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner WÁsH¡NGloN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:June 3t 2OLg TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of Transitional Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Derek Lind Matthew Crawford (06/03/20Ls) (06/03/2ots) 1 2 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner o Ol < È i ı Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUIT\Civil Seruice\EligibilityLists\Police\201g\Trans¡tional Officer-June 3, 2O19.docx KENT cIvIL SERVICE/RECRUTTMENT DMSTON Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WASHTNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:June 6,2Ot9 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the posit¡on of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Jacob Zanetti Maxwell Neumann Beau Mattheis Angela Nichols (06/06/20Le) (06/06/20Le) (04/30l2OLs) (0s/13/zols) 1 2 3 4 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appear¡ng thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner o Ol = I Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUIT\C¡v¡l Serv¡ce\Elig¡bilityL¡sts\Police\201g\Lateral police Off¡cer- June 6, 2O19.docx KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHrNcroN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:June 7, zOLg TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: o Ol < = Brian Thomson Daniel Radoccia Jordin Buttenob Derek Smith Schuyler Sampson Jackson Trevor Pourchot Timothy Johnson Asa Howard Jonathan Jarman Lane Tittle Gerardo Zamora Tony Inthavong Eduardo Perez Macias Aaron Larson Charles Miller William Skelley Keith McCune Julio Garcia James Wildish Jacob Biddle Andrew Barber-Phillips Jerry Otieno Tanner Locke Doug Hicks Cody Hankins Lauren Cox Logan Crane Garrett Rayl Dylan Jess Matthew Dellinger Jace Gilbreath Jordan Penney Gregory Stephens Jordan James Joshua Monagle (06/07 /zore) (os/to/2ote) (os/ro/2ors) (os/ro/20re) (06/07/2ote) (0s/Lo/2ote) (06/07 /zote) (06/07/207s) (os/r0/2o7s) (06/07/2ore) (os/Lo/zols) (06/07/2ole) (o2/LL/20Ls) (02/1L/zore) (04/07/zore) (06/07/2oLe) (02/Lt/20Le) (06/07 /2ote) (02/17/z9re) (0s/70/zore) (04/07/20re) (06/07 /2OLe) (04/07/2ote) (02/rr/201e) (02/ru2ore) (02/Lr/20re) (02/rL/20Ls) (04/07/2ore) (06/07/zote) (02/rr/2ore) (os/70/zole) (02/r7/20Le) (02/rL/20re) (0s/70/2ore) (os/ro/2ote) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (tie) 34 (tie) ó Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUIT\Civil Serv¡ce\Eligib¡l¡tyLists\Pol¡ce\2019\Entry PD Officer- June 7,2Ot9.docx Michele Fredlake Jacob Johnson Hai Ngo Matthew Mayovsky Ian Hicks Joshua Nelson Jacob Coffman Anthony Natsiopoulos Aaron Beisel Reilly McNulty Jordyn Peters Ryan Palmer Wade Brough Bradley Wallace Shane Ezell Gavin McNabb Jordan Laurencio Parker Ickert Jonathan Shoop Kameron Fleming Dwayne Mathis Jacob Traufler Allison Pring Julian Muro Steven Schenck Ryan Bartlett Ki Lee Langston Whitehurst Andrew Talen Ivan Frerichs Sean Pollom Beth Passarelli Steven Fajarillo Jaeden Bond John Peters Anthony Isernio Ian Njama Samuel Chapman Hamilton Ash Miles Kendrick Santy Sanchez Jozsef Bocz David Self Jeffrey Blum Jordan Chatman Phi Pham Tanner Wing Breanna Straus Jeremy Parent Arianna Webster Tanner Savage (os/Lo/zore) (o4/07/2ots) (06/07/2ote) (os/to/2oLe) (02/Lt/zots) (02/LL/207s) (04/07/20Le) (os/to/20te) (06/07/zoLe) (03/08/20Ls) (0s/Lo/zore) (o2/Lt/20re) (o2/LL/20te) (04/07/20Le) (02/LU20re) (06/07/20Le) (06/07/201e) (06/07/207e) (03/08/2ote) (06/07/zots) (os/Lo/2oLe) (02/tu2ole) (o2/LL/zOLe) (06/07/20Le) (o2/tr/20te) (04/07/zote) (02/LL/20te) (06/07/20re) (0s/Lo/zole) (06/07lzoLe) (oL/L4/2oLe) (02/tL/2ots) (oL/L4/2ore) (06/07/2ors) (os/L0/20re) (03/08/201e) (06/07/2OLe) (02/Lr/207e) (06/07/20re) (03/08/201s) (06/07/2ols) (06/07/2OLs) (oL/L4/zore) (oL/L4/zOLe) (oL/L4/2ote) (04/07/z9re) (02/LL/20te) (06/07/20re) (o4/07/20Le) (oL/L4/20re) (os/to/201e) 55 36 37 38 39 40 4T 42 (tie) 42 (tie) 44 4s (tie) 4s (tie) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 (tie) 58 (tie) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7T 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Kellan Hoff Sarah Cox Cody Stoneking Thomas Boghosian Jarrod Swanson Jeriel Pena Jonathan Wall Neco Settimo Jhanzaib Rana Donald Hall Ian Campbell Jacob Bonsen Macie Chapa Chase Wiger Maris Mastrorocco Andrew Keaton Dean Tracy Russell Giske Joseph Browne Thomas Strother Jaylan Wilson Matthew Blackmore, Jr. Jequez Smith Elijah Clure Joshua Bronn Devin Bryant Andrew Nava Bradley Wilber Seth Worthen Johnny Pegee, Jr. Kevin Stewart Emelito Bravo Dylan Bowles Daniel Schettler Blake Watts Darien Phuong Joe Carman Justin Branco Avalyne Peters Marcus Mineard Ryan Armstrong Lucas Hite Szymon Zimonski Alex Steiner Daniel Moerman Colin Fenn Faith Van Dyke Michael Rangel Timothy Chafins Justin Whitlock Arthur Hyatt (or/L4/zoLe) (04/07/2oLs) (06/07lzots) (03/08/20rs) (06/07/20Le) (o2/rt/zoLe) (os/ro/zoLe) (ot/L4/zOLe) (or/L4/zote) (oL/L4/zore) (03/08/zole) (os/Lo/zoLe) (02/LL/2OLe) (07/L4/29re) (o2/LL/20te) (o3/08/20ts) (os/to/2ote) (06/07/2ole) (02/Lr/zole) (02/LL/2ote) (03/08/zoLe) (06/07/zOLe) (or/t4/20Le) (06/07/2OLe) (02/Lr/2OLe) (0s/Lo/zoLe) (03/08/zOLe) (o2/LL/20te) (04/07lzore) (04/07lzore) (os/Lo/20re) (06/07/zole) (03/08/zoLe) (02/Lr/2OLe) (02/LL/2ote) (03/08/z0te) (o4/07lz0Ls) (02/Lr/zote) (0s/L0/zoLs) (0L/14/zOLe) (os/Lo/zoLe) (02/Lr/zOLe) (oL/L4/2ote) (04/07lz9te) (02/Lr/zOLe) (06/07lz0Ls) (06/07/20Le) (os/ro/2oLe) (o3/08/zOLs) (0L/L4/2OLe) (03/08/z0re) 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 (tie) 99 (tie) 101 102 (tie) 102 (tie) to4 105 106 t07 108 109 110 111 (tie) 111 (tie) 113 TT4 115 116 tL7 118 119 I20 t2L r22 I23 124 t25 L26 L27 128 r29 130 131 t32 133 L34 135 136 L37 87 Tesfaye Uka Jerron Smith Ivan Santiago Jonathan Woodfell Igor Sokolan Gregory Likhachev Mason Sevy Carlos Belloso Matthew Litke Cole Lake Colin Mansfield luan Calvillo Nicholas Patricelli Brian Krantz Roarke Stone Dakota Meldrum Michael Wells Daniel Magana Davine McGriff Dave Walton Nelson Lau Andrew McKenney Martin Alcala Th iyagaraja Ganesharaja Dominic Fuda Breyton DeFrance Nikolas Wolf Bryce Walden Marquise Moses Joshua Guerrero Mardo Liwanag Anthony Rhodes Alexander Murcia Tomas Nguyen Alexander Black Quinn Rawson Darryl Torgerson Shawn Furfey Pedro Martos Travis Kretschman Babatunde Agbaje Brian Ferrer Rishi Maharaj Riley McCarron Jerel Blanding Wes Marshall Ricardo Tucker Zachary Langford Jose Rodriguez Gilberto Tamayo Maxwell Edwards (06/07/20re) (02/Lt/20Le) (04/07/zOLe) (06/07/zoLe) (os/L0/zote) (02/LL/z9te) (04/07/zOLe) (0s/ro/2oLe) (06/07/zote) (oL/14/z0re) (0L/t4/z9re) (03/08/20Ls) (o2/LL/20re) (06/07/zore) (03/08/zOLe) (02/rr/zore) (0s/L0/2oLe) (os/Lo/2ole) (03108/2ors) (04/07/zOLe) (06/07/2oLe) (0s/Lo/zoLe) (04/07/2OLe) (06/07/2OLs) (os/Lo/2ole) (os/Lo/zote) (os/Lo/zoLe) (0s/ro/2oLe) (04/07lzols) (oL/L4/zoLe) (02/LL/20te) (0s/to/zole) (03/08/2oLe) (oL/L4/z0te) (ot/L4/zole) (06/07/2oLe) (0L/t4/zOLs) (02/LL/2ote) (os/Lo/zoLs) (02/rt/2oLs) (0L/t4l2oLs) (02/Lt/2OLs) (06/07/zOLe) (03/08/20Le) (02/rL/zore) (02/11./29re) (oL/t4/zoLe) (04/07/2OLe) (04/07/20Le) (os/Lo/zoLe) (oL/t4/2OLe) 138 139 L40 14L L42 L43 L44 L45 146 t47 L48 L49 150 151 L52 153 754 155 156 L57 158 159 160 161 t62 163 164 165 166 L67 168 169 L70 T7L L72 173 L74 L75 t76 L77 L78 179 180 181 182 (tie) 182 (tie) 184 185 186 L87 1BB I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax'. 253-856-6270WasHtNoroN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:June 15, 2019 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: Schuyler Sampson Jackson Christopher LaPlant William Skelley Michele Fredlake Jordan Laurencio Wade Brough Marcus Ebey Ryan Armstrong Darien Phuong Spencer Powell (06/Ls/zore) (06/Ls/201e) (06/Ls/2ote) (0s/Le/2oLe) (06/ts/2oLe) (06/Ls/2ole) (06/Ls/201e) (os/Le/20Le) (06/Ls/2oLs) (06/Ls/zols) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Callius Zaratkiewicz Commissioner o Ol < = \ Õ Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUIT\Civ¡l Seruice\El¡gibilityL¡sts\Police\2019\Entry Corrections Off¡cer- June 15, 2019.docx Memo DATE: TO: FROM: RE: KENT POLICE ADMINISTRATION Rafael Padilla Chief of Police W¡EH¡f,örFH 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 Phone: 253-856-5888 June 10, 20L9 Civil Service Commission Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police eL- Civil Service Rule 9.01, Request for Promotional Records Supervisor Test The Kent Police Department requests authorization to test for the promotional position of Records Supervisor. The testing process may consist of, but not limited to, an oral board, written exam, computer skills test, background, and polygraph. The following weights would be applied: Written: Computer Skills Test: Oral Board: Background: Polygraph: 30o/o (Score of 70o/o to pass) Pass/Fail 70olo (Score of 71o/o to pass) Pass/Fail Pass/Fail If there is not a sufficient in-house applicant pool, the position will be open to the public and the department requests that up to the top 20 candidates from the written assessment and computer skills test move on to the oral board process. KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5885 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Foufth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WAsH¡NGToN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum June 1L,2OL9 Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Examiner Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police ,øk- Request for Extension of Eligibility List, Civil Service Rule 10,06 (c) I am requesting a six-month extension of the Civil Service Eligibility List for the rank of Police Commander for the Kent Police Department. The current eligibility list expires on September L7,20L9.