HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 08/20/2019 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2019 Date: August 20, 2019 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Dennis Higgins Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Bill Boyce Council President Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present II. PUBLIC PORTION 1. Lunar Rover Terry Jungman, Parks Planning and Development Manager, presented information on the Kherson Park Renovation. Jungman reviewed the history of Kherson Park, including the naming of the park and past renovations. Project Goals include: Making sure the Park reflects the needs of the community Activate downtown Kent in a positive way Celebrate aero and outer space innovation that is home to Kent Good urban park design Early concepts of things that could have a good place inside the park: Community gathering space Lunar rover Replica and Astronaut Children's play area Day-time picnicking Pilot a lighting program in downtown parks - Night-time lighting Wall mural and potential for projection onto the wall Overall Timeline that is in line with the fundraising: Planning - Summer 2019- Fall 2019 Design, permitting, bidding - Winter 2020- Winter 2021 Construction - Spring 2021-Spring 2022 Public Meetings/Events August 24 - Kent Farmer's Market City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 6 September 5 - Public Meeting at the Centennial Center September 24 - Public Meeting at Green River Community College Kent Station Campus There is currently an online survey available for the public to complete at KentWA.gov/KhersonPark. Michelle Wilmot, Economic Development Project Manager, presented information on the Campaign to Land Kent Valley's Next Lunar rover. Wilmot advised that this is an unprecedented effort for the City and Kent Downtown Partnership, we have partnered on a capital campaign to raise $1.2 million to land Kent Valley’s Next Lunar Rover. Given the region’s historic role in the Apollo Program and interest generated this summer by the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the timing presents a unique opportunity to involve the region and community in fundraising for this park. The public relations activities associated with this project helps build awareness and build community pride much more so than simply funding and building this park on our own. We have an official agreement with the Kent Downtown Partnership as our fiscal sponsor, which provides donors the opportunity to receive tax deductions and allows the campaign access to critical corporate matching funds given the likely corporate support we anticipate. They are in turn thrilled about bringing a unique, historically significant amenity to downtown. This year has been dedicated to building the infrastructure for a capital campaign to provide confidence critically important for donors when fundraising at this level - while also building awareness with the help of media. That infrastructure includes the work of Betsey Curran, a capital campaign consultant. Born and raised in Kent, Betsey has a proven record of success. She helped raise over $100 million for McCaw Hall, and many millions more for the Seattle Parks Foundation. Given her local roots, experience and expertise, she’s the right person to help bring this project over the finish line. Besides developing the campaign logo and branding, we’ve also utilized a new on-line giving platform at ApolloLunarRover.com which brings the process into the 21st century, with automated database building, donor tracking, receipt generation, events management, etc. While we’re aiming to celebrate our region’s role in the Apollo program, and as all the media this summer attests to it, our region loves space, given the concentration of local people involved. Blue Origin is leading the resurgence City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 6 of the space sector in our state, and is on track to be Kent’s largest private employer. By celebrating Kent’s continuing legacy of innovation, we hope to inspire children - tomorrow’s workforce - to pursue out of this world opportunities - opportunities that are available to them today - right here. Kent’s Lunar Rovers are now Historic Landmarks. With regional stakeholders supporting the effort, we have a larger, influential network of individuals to help build out the campaign leadership committee. Support came from NASA, the Boeing Company, the national Apollo lunar landing sites preservation group, For All Moonkind out of WA DC, from our local legislative delegation, from the CEOs of the Museum of Flight and the Aerospace Futures Alliance, from Lunar Rover alumni, and from leadership within Blue Origin. Wilmot provided details on the fundraising: Seed funding phase components: · Build on/demonstrate support for project · Recruit campaign leadership, partners, endorsers · Identify/solicit seed funding gifts · Plan early conceptual design reveal event this fall Major Gifts Campaign: 80% of total funding comes during this phase · Assemble campaign leadership to secure major gifts · Submit written grant proposals to appropriate corporate and foundation funders · Unveil LR replica and initial conceptual designs a public event this fall · Designation a temporary space downtown to meet donors, site visits · Host Milestone events · Plan community gifts campaign Community Gifts campaign: · Plan event to announce completion of major gifts campaign · Ongoing grant proposal submission · Plan/select vendors to design/install donor recognition at park · Secure sponsorships to underwrite park opening celebrations · Plan/implement park opening celebrations This project matters. As jobs and opportunities in aerospace and stem fields explode in South King County and Washington State there is a startling educational disconnect for kids in the Kent Valley The Kent Lunar Rover Campaign aims to build an inspirational, hands-on experience for kids and their parents to learn more about the Kent Valley’s aerospace legacy. By placing this opportunity in a public park, accessible to City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 6 all, you can spark the imagination of many more kids and help them understand how this relates to them. The many partners and leaders joining this campaign are excited to do their part to address this challenge. Big dreams get big money…so take a moment to imagine what’s possible in a Kent Valley Interactive Space-Age Park. 2. TMP Multimodal Level of Service and Model Development April DelChamps, Senior Transportation Planner, provided an introduction on the update to the Transportation Master Plan. Consultants, Emily Alice Gerhart, Senior Transportation Planner at Fehr & Peers and project manager Kendra Breiland presented information as follows: Project Overview: · Vision, goals and objectives · Existing & future conditions · Needs Assessment · Development of Transportation Solutions · Project Prioritization · Implementation Plan Phase 2 Timeline: · Provide updates to elected officials and committees · Outreach events and targeted outreach · Provided details on timeline from Summer, 2019 through Winter 2019 - 2020 The overarching principle of public outreach is to develop a Transportation Master Plan that reflects the diverse perspectives and transportation needs of the community. Initial outreach objectives include sharing draft transportation goals and gather feedback. The initial outreach events were reviewed, and council provided additional events to consider. Outreach will continue through the end of September. Work to develop a Transportation Advisory Board that will meet five times during the project, has begun. Additional public outreach efforts include: · Developing an interactive web map · Pop-up events Phase 3: Draft Goals: 1. Stewardship 2. Strategy City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 5 of 6 3. Connectivity 4. Placemaking 5. Quality of Life DelChamps provided details on how input on the goals will be obtained, including looking and asking which goals are important Multi Modal Level of Service Policy Development: Brieland indicated the City’s TMP focuses on cars, not other multi modal levels of service and that the updated TMP will utilize layered networks: · Focuses on components of network · Downtown - park, walk · Industrial valley - focus · Accommodate all modes of transportation in Kent · Provide the safest and most comfortable levels of service Project List Development - improve meaningful travel through Kent: Source of Projects (projects in adopted city plans and programs, safety, community desires, MMLOS: vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle, transit) · Expanded/unprioritized project list · Prioritize base on transportation goals · Funding constraints · Prioritized project list Need to provide staff with guidance on how to move forward - start prioritization process. DelChamps advised staff will consider where are safest and best places for certain modes of transportation. Staff will use goals to review project idea - which help advance goals the most. Phase 3 will include: · Outreach & Updates for Elected Officials · Outreach Events & Targeted Outreach · Spring of 2020 - working to draft financial plan, work with TAB · Summer 2020 - Draft TMP, Transportation Impact Fees development, Concurrency workshop · Fall 2020 - Draft Transportation Master Plan document approval · Concurrency & Transportation Impact Fees Approval DelChamps indicated one of the elements of the TMO will include looking at truck routes, best practices, and how to implement changes. This TMP’s single list of projects will be multi model that ranks them together. City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes August 20, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 6 of 6 Meeting ended at 6:15 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department City Council Workshop August 20, 2019 Kherson Park Renovation History •1890 –land acquired •1989 –named Kherson Park •1990 –park improvements •2016 –Lunar Rover and Astronaut design •2017 –ping-pong table •2019 –project initiation Project Goals •Reflect the needs of the community •Activate downtown Kent •Celebrate aero and outer space innovation •Good urban park design Early Concepts •Community gathering space •Lunar Rover Replica and Astronaut •Children’s play area •Day-time picnicking •Night-time lighting •Wall mural and projection Overall Timeline •Planning Summer 2019 –Fall 2019 •Design,Permitting,Bidding Winter 2020 –Winter 2021 •Construction Spring 2021 –Spring 2022 Public Meetings/Events August 24 -Kent Farmers Market at Town Square Plaza 9:00am -2:00pm September 5 -Centennial Center Room 107, 400 West Gowe Street 6:00pm -7:30pm September 24 -Green River College Room 283, 417 Ramsay Way 6:00pm -7:30pm KentWA.gov/KhersonPark Online survey is live! (47 responses so far) Our Mission: •Create an out-of-this-world play space •Inspire kids to reach for the stars •Honor regional role in NASA’s Apollo Program •Build community pride •Revitalize a public space on par with achievements it celebrates Astronaut Lands Awareness Lunar Rovers now Historic Landmarks •Body Copy Three Phase Capital Campaign -Goal $1.2M •Seed Funding, $175,000 -Now –Sept. 2019 •Major Gifts Campaign, $825,000 -Oct. 19 –Dec. 2020 •Community Campaign, $150K -$250K -Jan 21 –Fall 21 Kent’s Moonshot! ApolloLunarRover.com Michelle Wilmot, Campaign Director mwilmot@KentWA.gov 253-856-5709 Public Outreach, Draft Goals, and Project Overview City of Kent April Delchamps, AICP Fehr & Peers Kendra Breiland, AICP Emily Alice August 20, 2019 Outline •Project Overview •Public Outreach •Principles and objectives •Initial outreach •Draft goals •Timeline •Assess Trends & Conditions •MMLOS Policy Development •Project Development •Process •Performance Metrics •Phase 3 Project Overview Project Overview Phase 2 Timeline Summer 2019 •Multimodal Level of Service •Equity Analysis •Base Transportation Model •Existing Conditions Winter 2019/2020 •Performance Metrics •Transportation Advisory Board Meeting #1 & 2 •Layered Transportation Network •Project Development •Project Development •Funding Workshop •Future Transportation Model •Transportation Advisory Board Meeting #3 Fall 2019 Outreach & Updates for Elected Officials Outreach Events & Targeted Outreach Public Outreach Public Outreach Overarching Principle Develop a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that reflects the diverse perspectives and transportation needs of the community. Initial Outreach Objectives What is the Transportation Master Plan? Draft Transportation Goals: •What do you like? •What do you not like? Initial Outreach Timeline & Beyon d Initial Outreach Outreach Events & Targeted Outreach o Kent Downtown Farmers Market o Library Events •Bilingual Spanish-English story time •English as a Second Language practice class •Citizenship Class •One-on-One Computer Help •Immigrant Law Help clinic •Housing Resource Fair •Job Readiness Class o Targeted outreach o Transportation Master Plan Website o Social Media o Other event ideas? Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) •Kent Boards/ Commission (4) •Business Stakeholders (4) •Residents (8) •Kent Staff (4) •Transit (1) •Schools (1) Total = 22 Additional Public Outreach Efforts Online interactive webmap (September -October 2019) Phase 3 -Open House & Additional Pop -Ups (Review the draft project list Summer 2020 and share the draft plan Fall 2020) Draft Goals Draft Goal Development Process Refine Preliminary Goals Draft Goals Initial Interdepartmental Workshop Staff Discussions Brainstorm Interdepartmental Workshop Develop Preliminary Goals Intergovernme ntal Workshop Comments Staff Worki ng Group Draft Goals Public Input on Goals Comment Cards Assess Trends & Conditions Existing Conditions •Finance •Multimodal Needs Assessment •Auto operations, conditions for walking, biking, and transit •Equity Analysis •Collision Analysis MMLOS Policy Development Multimodal Level of Service •Current LOS policy based on vehicular experience. •No LOS standards for transit or non- motorized modes. Layered Networks •Complete Streets =Accommodate all modes if possible •Layered Networks =Accommodate all modes across the network, but individual streets provide priority to individual modes to improve efficiency and safety Project List Development Project List Development Flowchart Performance Metrics Example from Sammamish TMP Performance Metrics Example from City of Ellensburg Phase 3 Phase 3 Spring 2020 •Draft Transportation Master Plan Chapters •Financial Plan •Transportation Advisory Board Meeting #4 & 5 Summer 2020 •Draft Transportation Master Plan Document •Concurrency Workshop •Transportation Impact Fees Development Fall 2020 •Draft Transportation Master Plan Document Approval •Concurrency & Transportation Impact Fees Approval Outreach & Updates for Elected Officials Outreach Events & Targeted Outreach