HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 10/01/2019 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Special Meeting Minutes October 1, 2019 Date: October 1, 2019 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Crystal Mountain Hall at Kent Commons I. CALL TO ORDER Council President Boyce called the meeting to order. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Dennis Higgins Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Bill Boyce Council President Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present PRESENTATION 2. 2020 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment Process The City of Kent Finance Director, Paula Painter presented an overview of the 2020 mid-biennium budget adjustment process. Painter detailed city-wide operating budget adjustments that total $14.6 million: - General Fund +$2.27 million (page 26) - Special Revenue Fund Operating +$9.56 million (pages 32, 34-35) - Enterprise Funds -$0.27 million (pages 36-38) - Internal Service Funds - +$2.92 million (pages 39-41) - Debt Service Funds - +$0.12 million (page 49) Painter detailed the previously approved expenditures and revenues, including: - Sound Transit Term-Limited Positions - Corrections Officer Term-Limited Positions - Body-worn and red-light camera programs Painter detailed the Capital Additions of $8.3 million. City-wide baseline adjustments were covered relating to: Revenue: City Council Workshop Workshop Special Meeting Minutes October 1, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 - Interest Income - Sales and Utility Tax Expenses: - Central Cost Allocation Plan - GIS Fund - Salaries and Benefits - Paid Family Medical Leave - IT Cost Allocation modification - Utility Clearing Allocation - Public Works Engineering allocation Painter provided information on the operating requests that included requests for: - Increase to public defense funding - IT Maintenance Budget - Business Analyst - Term-Limited Staffing Extension - Detectives Painter provided a broad overview of the general fund revenue and expenditures, in addition to the general fund gap of $577,620. Painter reviewed the proposed capital funding requests that include: - Kent Memorial Park Turf Conversion - $2 million - Riverview Park Development - $1 million - Meet Me on Meeker Promenade - 64th to Kent Elementary - $600k - Tiburon System Replacement Reserves - $550,000 - Meet Me on Meeker - Riverbend - $500,000 - 4th & Willis Greenway Design - $400,000 - Mill Creek Canyon Clean Up - $400,000 - City Gateways Design - $200,000 - Investigation/Patrol Workspace Reconfiguration - $150,000 - Evidence/Crime Scene Van Repair - $100,000 - Network Resiliency - $60,000 - Corrections Generator - $350,000 - Corrections Cameras - $75,000 - Corrections/Court Security Fencing - $70,000 - Cubicle Conversion to Offices - $50,000 (red light camera fund) Painter reviewed the budget process timeline. Councilmembers will send questions to Painter so that responses can be provided to the Council during the October 15, 2019, workshop. Councilmember Higgins advised he will continue to lobby the state for the City Council Workshop Workshop Special Meeting Minutes October 1, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 continuation of streamline sales tax mitigation funds. 3. Adjournment Council President Boyce adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 6:24 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk MAYOR’S PROPOSED 2020 MID-BIENNIUM ADJUSTMENT Council Workshop –October 1, 2019 City-wide Operating Budget Adjustments Previously Approved Additions Capital Additions City-wide Baseline Adjustments Operating Requests General Fund Proposed Capital Funding Timeline Questions AGENDA Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 2 OPERATING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS City-wide Operating Budget +$14.6 million General Fund +$2.27 million Special Revenue Fund +$9.56 million Enterprise Funds ($0.27) million Internal Service Funds +$2.92 million Debt Service Funds +$0.12 million Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 3 PREVIOUSLY APPROVED General Fund Approved Changes Expenditure Revenue Sound Transit Term-Limited Positions (4)$620,430 Offset:Charge Out to Sound Transit Project ($609,010) Correction Officer Term-Limited Positions (2)$226,560 Offset: Federal Way Jail Contract $278,450 1% Specialty Pay & Public Defense (Body Worn Cameras), Overtime (Red-Light Camera Review) $443,830 Offset: Transfer In from Red Light Camera Fund in CJF $443,830 Total $681,810 $722,280 Other Funds Approved Changes Expenditure Revenue Body Worn Camera Positions (Judicial Specialist, Paralegal)$222,710 Body Worn Camera Expenses, Transfer Out to GF for 1% Specialty Pay, Overtime and Public Defense $774,470 Offset: Red Light Camera Revenue $1,096,130 Total $997,180 $1,096,130 4Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 CAPITAL ADDITIONS Water •($50,000) Transportation •$600,000 Parks •$6,311,000 Facilities •$620,000 Information Technology •$742,000 Public Safety •$100,000 $8.3 million Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 5 Revenues •Interest Income •Sales Tax •Utility Tax Expenses •Central Cost Allocation Plan •GIS Fund •Salaries and Benefits •Paid Family Medical Leave •IT Allocation modification •Utility Clearing Allocation •Public Works Engineering Allocation CITY-WIDE BASELINE ADJUSTMENTS Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 6 Parks (General Fund) Increase Public Defense Funding IT (IT Fund) IT Maintenance Budget Business Analyst Public Works Term -Limited Staffing Extension Most positions funded out of projects Other (General Fund) Detectives (2) Partially offset by reduced PSRFA Investigative Costs OPERATING REQUESTS Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 7 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Adopted Revenues, $106,361,540 Taxes $659,280 Interest Income, $144,470 Transfers In, $443,830 Rental Housing Insp, $150,000 Federal Way Jail Services, $278,450 Other,$15,570 New Revenues, $1,691,600 Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 8 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Adopted Expenditures, $106,361,540 Salaries and Benefits -Baseline, $1,005,520 Previously Approved Expenditures, $681,810 New Positions/Position Changes, $655,000 Supplies, ($106,480) Services & Allocations, $355,000 Transfers Out, ($321,630) New Expenditures, $2,269,220 Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 9 GENERAL FUND GAP $577,620 Gap will be covered through the use of fund balance Salaries and Benefits 57% Supplies 3% Services and Allocations 23% Transfers and Capital 17% Taxes, 79% Licenses and Permits, 7% Intergovernmental, 3% Charges for Services, 6% Fines and Forfeitures, 1% Micsellaneous, 2% Transfers In, 1% Gap, 1% Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 10 PROPOSED CAPITAL FUNDING Capital Resources Fund -$5.96 million Kent Memorial Park Turf Conversion Riverview Park Development Meet Me on Meeker Promenade –64th to Kent Elementary Tiburon System Replacement Reserves Meet Me on Meeker -Riverbend 4th & Willis Greenway Design Mill Creek Canyon Clean Up City Gateways Design Investigation/Patrol Workspace Reconfiguration Evidence/Crime Scene Van Repair Network Resiliency Criminal Justice Fund -$545,000 Corrections Generator Corrections Cameras Corrections/Court Security Fencing Cubicle Conversion to Offices Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 11 October 1st Present Mayor’s Proposed Mid-Biennium Adjustment Gather Questions October 2nd –14th Finance researches answers to questions October 15th Council Workshop –Proposed Final Council Meeting Public Hearing –2020 Property Tax Levy 2nd Public Hearing –2020 Budget and 2020-2025 Capital improvement Plan November 12th Committee of the Whole –Budget Review and Recommendation November 19th Council Meeting Adopt 2020 Property Tax Levy and 2020 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment Amend Comp Plan for 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Plan TIMELINE Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 12 QUESTIONS For additional questions, please contact: Paula Painter, Finance Director Ppainter@KentWA.gov 253.856.5260 Council Workshop -October 1, 2019 13