HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 10/15/2019 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes October 15, 2019 Date: October 15, 2019 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Dennis Higgins Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Bill Boyce Council President Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present II. PRESENTATION 1. Mid Biennium Budget Adjustment Council President Boyce provided a recap of budget adjustment meetings to date and credited Mayor Ralph with the collaborative budget process with the Council. Finance Director, Paula Painter presented on the Mayor's Proposed 2020 Mid- Biennium Budget Adjustment that included information on the Operating Budget Adjustments, General Fund changes to revenues and expenditures, Special Revenue Funds, Enterprise Funds and Internal Service funds. Proposed Capital Funding - Reviewed the proposed projects to be funded with the $5.96 million out of the Capital Resource Fund- SST and increased sales tax, interest income. Painter advised of the proposed projects to be funded out of the Criminal Justice Fund and the Capital Resources Fund. Painter provided responses to the Council’s questions as follows: Q. How much has been spent so far from the $30,000 allocated for diversity training? A. The City has spent $4,327 and anticipates spending an additional $4,000 for another speaker before the end of 2019. Q. Was the extension past 64th originally budgeted for the Meet Me on Meeker City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes October 15, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 project? A. Extension past 64th was not originally budget. The area is being expanded to keep the synergy and vision of Meet Me on Meeker moving forward. Q. Was there a study done in prior years regarding addition space for investigations/patrol workspace? A. Yes, in 2017 a consultant led space and efficiency study was completed. Facilities is working on a 20-year Facilities Plan which will be completed in the Fall of 2020. Q. How will this be done with the limited amount of space? A. Designs are in the works to address space needs, construction improvements to commence in 2020. Q. What is the current situation with space versus what is required? Where are the people currently doing work? A. Meeting/planning space in detective’s/NRT workspace has been converted into workstations. Chief Padilla discussed the concerns he has with separating his workforce using offsite work areas and concerns with losing the Panther Lake substation. Q. Are there additional crosswalks/improvements that have been added to the budget? A. No additional improvements have been added to the mid-biennium budget adjustment. Q. Are there improvements planned in this adjustment that are related to having safer walking routes for commuters? A. No major improvements are planned, however, the concrete crew is continuously making small sidewalk improvements throughout the City. Painter reviewed the timeline: October 15, 2019, City Council Meeting - Public hearings on the 2020 property tax, and 2nd public hearing on the 2020 budget and 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Plan. November 12, 2019, Committee of the Whole for budget review and recommendation. November 19, 2019, City Council Meeting - Adopt budget-related ordinances. Council expressed their appreciation of the open, transparent, and easy-to- City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes October 15, 2019 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 understand presentations on the budget. Meeting ended at 5:36 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk MAYOR’S PROPOSED 2020 MID-BIENNIUM ADJUSTMENT Council Workshop –October 15, 2019 Operating Budget Adjustments General Fund Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Proposed Capital Funding Additional Proposed Capital Funding Council Questions Timeline Questions AGENDA Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 2 OPERATING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS City-wide Operating Budget +$14.6 million General Fund +$2.27 million Special Revenue Fund +$9.56 million Enterprise Funds ($0.27) million Internal Service Funds +$2.92 million Debt Service Funds +$0.12 million Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 3 GENERAL FUND PROPOSED CHANGES Revenues Sales Tax Interest Income Telephone Utility Tax Transfers In (from Criminal Justice Fund) Salaries and Benefits Position Additions/Changes Allocations Transfers Out Public Defense PSRFA Investigation Costs Expenditures Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 4 - 20 40 60 80 100 $1 0 6 . 3 6 $1 0 6 . 3 6 $1.69 $2.27$ in Millions Adopted Proposed SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS PROPOSED CHANGES Revenues Sales Tax Interest Income Telephone Utility Tax Streamline Sales Tax Red Light Camera Revenue Salaries and Benefits Allocations Central Cost Engineering GIS Red Light & Body Worn Cameras Transfers Out to Capital Projects Expenditures Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 5 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 $4 4 . 9 9 $4 7 . 1 2 $5.43 $9.56 $ in Millions Adopted Proposed Street Operating, LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits, Lodging Tax, Youth/Teen, Capital Resources, Criminal Justice, Community Development Block Grants, City Arts Program, ShoWare Operating ENTERPRISE FUNDS PROPOSED CHANGES Revenues Interest Income Salaries and Benefits Position Changes/Reductions Allocations GIS Central Cost Engineering Utility Clearing Merchant Cards Expenditures Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 6 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $9 6 . 0 5 $8 8 . 0 5 $1.06 ($0.27) $ in Millions Adopted Proposed Water Utility, Sewer Utility, Drainage Utility, Solid Waste Utility, Golf Complex, Utility Clearing INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROPOSED CHANGES Revenues Interest Income IT Allocation modification GIS Fund Salaries and Benefits Central Cost Allocation GIS Fund Capital Projects IT Maintenance Budget IT Business Analyst (Contracted) Expenditures Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 7 - 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 $3 9 . 2 0 $4 1 . 0 5 $1.64 $2.92$ in Millions Adopted Proposed Fleet Services, Central Stores, GIS, Information Technology, Facilities, Insurances (Unemployment, Workers Compensation, Health & Wellness, Liability, Property) CAPITAL FUNDING PROPOSED CHANGES Capital Resources Fund -$5.96 million Kent Memorial Park Turf Conversion Riverview Park Development Meet Me on Meeker Promenade –64th to Kent Elementary Tiburon System Replacement Reserves Meet Me on Meeker -Riverbend 4th & Willis Greenway Design Mill Creek Canyon Clean Up City Gateways Design Investigation/Patrol Workspace Reconfiguration Evidence/Crime Scene Van Repair Network Resiliency Criminal Justice Fund -$545,000 Corrections Generator Corrections Cameras Corrections/Court Security Fencing Cubicle Conversion to Offices Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 8 ADDITIONAL CAPITAL CHANGES PROPOSED CHANGES Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 9 Parks Capital Projects Adopted Change Proposed Funding: Parks REET Springwood Park Renovation 163,000 (163,000) - Masterplan 40,000 (40,000) - Chestnut Ridge Park Renovation 166,000 (66,000) 100,000 Campus Park Improvements *- 200,000 200,000 Downtown Parks Master Plan - 350,000 350,000 Kherson Park Redevelopment - 500,000 500,000 KVLT - Old Fishing Hole Improvements - 50,000 50,000 Lake Fenwick Park Renovation - Phase 2 - 130,000 130,000 Mill Creek Earthworks Renovation - 100,000 100,000 Mill Creek Trail Renovation - 250,000 250,000 Parks Planning and Design - 50,000 50,000 Salt Air Vista Park Renovation - 250,000 250,000 Funding: King County Grant West Fenwick Park Phase 2 - 200,000 200,000 Total Parks Capital Projects 369,000 1,811,000 2,180,000 IT Capital Projects Funding: PEG Revenues PEG Projects - 56,670 56,670 Total Funded by PEG Revenues - 56,670 56,670 TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL CHANGES 369,000 1,867,670 2,236,670 * Campus Park Improvements (p.46) should be listed under Other Funding Sources (p.47) and KVLT-Riverview Parks Phase 2 should be listed under B&O Funded, not under Other Funding Sources Parks Funding Detail (in thousands)Adopted Change Proposed REET2 (CY Receipts)369 - 369 REET2 (2019 Fund Balance)- 1,611 1,611 Anticipated King County Grant - 200 200 Capital Resources Fund - 4,500 4,500 Golf Fund (Sale of PAR3 Phase II)1,294 - 1,294 Total 1,663 6,311 7,974 2020 How much has been spent so far? $4,327 $3,627 for the first speaker and related expenses $700 for licensing of video used in workshops Is there a plan in place for using those funds? Goal is to bring well-know, high quality, thought-provoking speakers to Kent QUESTION: Diversity Training Budget ($30K) Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 10 Was the extension past 64th originally budgeted? Or, is this to provide an extension beyond what was planned? Extension past 64th was not previously budgeted Is this additional funding needed because costs have gone up or because this area is being expanded? Area is being expanded to keep the synergy and vision of Meet Me on Meeker moving forward QUESTION: Meet Me on Meeker Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 11 Was there a study done in prior years in regards to additional space? Yes, in 2017 a consultant led space and efficiency study was completed Facilities Division is working on a 20-year Facilities Plan which will be completed in Fall of 2020 How will this be done with the limited amount of space? Designs are in the works to address space needs, construction improvements to commence in 2020 What is the current situation with space versus what is required (where are the people currently doing work)? Meeting/planning space in Detective’s and NRT workspace have been converted into workstations QUESTION: Investigation/Patrol Workspace Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 12 Are there additional crosswalks/improvements (other than on Meet Me on Meeker) that have been added to the budget? No additional improvements have been added to the mid-biennium adjustment Are there any improvements planned in this adjustment that are related to having safer walking routes for commuters? No major improvements are planned However,the Concrete Crew is continuously making smaller sidewalk improvements throughout the City QUESTION: Crosswalks/Pedestrian Improvements Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 13 October 15th Council Meeting Public Hearing –2020 Property Tax Levy 2nd Public Hearing –2020 Budget and 2020-2025 Capital improvement Plan November 12th Committee of the Whole –Budget Review and Recommendation November 19th Council Meeting Adopt 2020 Property Tax Levy and 2020 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment Amend Comp Plan for 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Plan TIMELINE Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 14 QUESTIONS For additional questions, please contact: Paula Painter, Finance Director Ppainter@KentWA.gov 253.856.5260 Council Workshop -October 15, 2019 15