HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Agenda - 02/02/2019KENT CITY COUNCIL 2019 ANNUAL STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING Friday, 1 February, Noon – 4:45 p.m. / Saturday, 2 February, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lake Wilderness Lodge / 22500 SE 248th Street, Maple Valley AGENDA T HE MEETING’S PRIMARY GOAL: Discuss the issues of greatest interest and importance to the Council and Mayor and what should be done to advance our vision for the City’s long-term future. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRIDAY’S SESSIONS 12:00 Lunch will be provided. Please come early to enjoy the food and beverages and be ready to convene the meeting promptly at 1 o’clock. 1:00 Welcome! Review Meeting’s Purpose COUNCIL PRESIDENT BILL BOYCE 1:05 Review Agenda, Ground Rules, and Facilitation Techniques JIM REID, FACILITATOR 1:10 Celebrate the Major Accomplishments of 2018 COUNCIL / MAYOR DANA RALPH § What are 2-3 accomplishments of 2018 that are you proudest of? § What lessons did we learn from them? § What, if anything, did we expect to make more progress on than we did? 1:50 Identify Major Accomplishments; Anticipate Upcoming Challenges MAYOR RALPH / ELT / COUNCIL § What were the 2-3 major accomplishments of each department during 2018? § What could be the 1-3 biggest challenges facing each department in 2019 and ’20? § Which challenges will require the joint efforts of multiple departments? § What are the Council’s reactions and thoughts about the challenges ahead? 2 3:15 Mayor’s Reflections on Her First Year in Office MAYOR RALPH § Having completed her first year as Mayor, Mayor Ralph will offer some reflections about City government, the community, and her experiences in 2018. § Are there any questions or comments? 3:30 Break 3:40 Review Community Survey Findings COUNCIL / MAYOR RALPH / DANA NEUTS / ELT § What are the major findings from the recent survey of Kent residents about City services and the future direction of the City? § What are the Council’s reactions to the findings? § What might be the next steps to address them? 4:40 Preview Tomorrow’s Agenda COUNCIL PRESIDENT BOYCE / JIM REID 4:45 Adjourn the Business Meeting Until Tomorrow Morning 5:30 Dinner with Council Members, the Mayor, and ELT 3 KENT CITY COUNCIL 2019 ANNUAL STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING Friday, 1 February, Noon – 4:45 p.m. / Saturday, 2 February, 8 - 4 p.m. Lake Wilderness Lodge / 22500 SE 248th Street, Maple Valley AGENDA THE MEETING’S PRIMARY GOAL: Discuss the issues of greatest interest and importance to the Council and Mayor and what should be done to advance our vision for the City’s long-term future. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SATURDAY’S SESSIONS 8:00 Breakfast refreshments will be available. Please come early to enjoy them and be prepared to convene the meeting promptly at 8:30 a.m. Thank you! 8:30 Welcome! Review Yesterday’s Discussions and Meeting’s Purpose COUNCIL PRESIDENT BILL BOYCE 8:35 Review Agenda, Ground Rules, and Yesterday’s Discussions JIM REID, FACILITATOR 8:40 Advancing the City’s Vision for Technology COUNCIL/ MAYOR RALPH / MIKE CARRINGTON / ELT § What is our long-term vision for technology in supporting City operations and the provision of services? § What progress have we made in achieving that vision? What approaches have we used to make progress? § What are the next steps in advancing our vision? § What resources will be needed? 9:50 Break 4 10:00 How Should the City Address Homelessness? COUNCIL / MAYOR RALPH / RAF PADILLA / JULIE PARASCONDOLA / MERINA HANSON / TIM LAPORTE / ELT § What is the City currently doing to provide leadership in addressing homelessness? What services are we providing? How much time are we devoting to this issue? How many resources? § What services are our partners providing to address homelessness, including not- for-profits, the private sector, other South County cities, and King County? § What are the impacts of homelessness on City facilities, public health and safety, and the environment? § In light of this inventory, are there any gaps in the delivery of services? § What do we know of the expectations and interests of Kent’s residents and businesses? Does the community survey shed any light on them? § Is there anything more that the Council is interested in exploring to address homelessness and related issues? 12:15 Lunch 1:00 Discuss How the City is Advancing the Vision for Parks and Recreation COUNCIL / MAYOR RALPH / JULIE PARASCONDOLA / ELT § What are the department’s current planning efforts and how do they influence overall departmental vision and connect throughout the City and County? § How will the new capital revenue stream help achieve our vision for parks and recreation? § How will we develop pliable yet practical methods to achieve strategic business goals, sustainable workflow, and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction? 1:45 Discuss Quality of Life Issues COUNCIL / MAYOR / KURT HANSON / RAF PADILLA / ELT In preparing for the retreat agenda, Council members expressed interest in a variety of issues affecting the quality of life in Kent. § What has the Administration done this past year to strengthen Code enforcement in the interests of improving community aesthetics and public health and safety? § Are there any other quality of life issues that the Council is interested in briefly discussing or putting on a list for future discussion? 2:30 Break 5 2:40 Review Development Standards Issues COUNCIL / MAYOR RALPH / KURT HANSON / ELT § What is the City doing to encourage manufacturing in industrial areas rather than warehousing? Is there more the City could do? § What are the Council’s other interests in the City’s development standards? 3:20 Other Issues on the Horizon COUNCIL / MAYOR / ELT § What are other issues of interest for possible future Council discussions? 3:50 Impressions of This Year’s Retreat COUNCIL / MAYOR RALPH / ELT § What are we taking away from the 2019 strategic planning retreat? 4:00 Adjourn