HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 1/21/2020
Kent City Council
City Council Regular Meeting
January 21, 2020
Date: January 21, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Mayor Ralph called the meeting to order.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Dana Ralph Mayor Present
Toni Troutner Council President Present
Bill Boyce Councilmember Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present
A. Approve the agenda as submitted
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Council President
SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Lari mer, Thomas, Michaud
A. Public Recognition
Councilmember Fincher thanked the YMCA and Kent Black Action Commission
for hosting a Martin Luther King Day event that showed the movie "13th."
Councilmember Kaur expressed appreciation for the Living Well Kent
Youth Policy Board for hosting a Night of Healing at the Kent City Hall on
January 20th. Kaur encouraged youth to participate in the Youth Policy
i. Recognition of the Adopt-a-Street and Adopt-a-Spot Groups
Conservation Coordinator, Tony Donati recognized the Adopt-a-Street and
Adopt-a-Spot partners. The dedicated individuals donate their time to clean
up garbage and litter as a hobby throughout the City. There are individuals,
Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting
January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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businesses, families, couples, neighborhood groups and organizations.
The Adopt-a-Street program started in 2012. There are currently 27 active
groups. The Adopt-a-Spot program started in June of 2018. There are
currently 21 active groups
In 2019 the adopters collected 750 bags of trash with a total of 1,249
volunteer hours. These volunteers help reduce litter in the community and
protect wildlife.
Donati recognized all the volunteers.
ii. Recognition of the Kara on the Bluff Neighborhood Council (#50)
Mayor Ralph recognized the Kara on the Bluff Neighborhood Council as the
50th neighborhood council. Mayor Ralph recognized former Mayor Suzette
Cooke as the Mayor that started this program.
iii. Proclamation for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for Human Trafficking Awareness
Day to Mike Heinish, Executive Director of Kent Youth and Family Services.
Heinish expressed his appreciation of the Proclamation and for the
partnership with the Kent Police Department.
Alison Forsyth, Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Case Advocate
expressed appreciation of the City's support of their program and
partnership. Visit Kent Youth and Family Services Facebook page and website
for information.
Mayor Ralph expressed her appreciation of the partnership between Kent
Youth and Family Services and the Kent Police Department.
B. Community Events
Troutner provided details on the upcoming accesso ShoWare Center events,
including Thunderbird games.
Fincher advised of upcoming Spotlight Series events.
C. Public Safety Report
Chief Padilla presented Benjamin Aburto-Izazaga with the Citizen
Commendation. Benjamin is being commended for his quick actions of infant
CPR which directly saved the life of the child.
Chief Padilla presented Christy Warren with the Civilian Staff Member of
the Year award, Officer Sheena Chupa as the Corrections Officer of the
Year award and Officer Daniel Yagi as the Officer of the Year award.
Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting
January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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Chief Padilla provided backgrounds of Officer Jace Sloan, Corrections
Officer Ryan Armstrong, and Corrections Officer Natalie Zieber. Mayor
Ralph performed the swearing-ins.
Chief Padilla presented Officer Andrew Reed with a Lifesaving Award. Officer
Reed’s efforts exemplify the Kent Police Department’s core values of Service
Professionalism and Integrity. In recognition of his ability to execute
technical lifesaving skills that led to saving a life, Officer Reed is being
awarded the Kent Police Department’s Lifesaving Medal.
Chief Padilla provided a follow-up from last council meeting regarding the
problem house located on South 259th Court. Chief indicated there is
currently no active activity regarding this home and that the police
department has increased resources in the area.
Chief advised there is a meeting scheduled on January30th. Mailers have
already gone out notifying neighbors of the date, time and location of the
Chief Padilla provided details on the Ring Neighbors program and advised
the Police Department has partnered with ring to launch the program to
promote community engagement with regards to fighting crime. Chief
Padilla indicated the social platform will not be activated.
Chief Padilla advised that the Police Department and Corrections have
been accredited by the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs.
Kent is one of three jurisdictions in the state to receive accreditation for
both law enforcement and corrections.
Chief Padilla expressed his appreciation of the work of Assistant Chief
Kasner, Research and Development Analyst, Sara Wood, Commander
Todd Durham, and Support Services Manager, Christy Warren for their
work to get Kent accredited.
A. Mayor's Report
Mayor Ralph has been elected as the President of the Sound Cities
Mayor Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board that recently heard
presentations on federal safety targets, the passenger ferry system and the
upcoming grant process. Kent has been competitive and successful in
applying for and receiving grants from the Board.
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January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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Mayor Ralph serves on the South County Area Transportation Board that met
today and discussed the 518 corridor plan and issues managing the peak
commute and airport traffic. The Board also received an update on I-976.
As a result of I-976 passing, The Governor put all state projects on hold. The
impact to Kent is the 509 project. Mayor Ralph advised she testified in front
of the Senate Transportation Committee to express Kent's concerns
regarding the 509 project being put on hold.
Mayor Ralph testified in front of the Safety Committee in front of the House
of Representatives regarding an initiative Representative Orwall is heavily
involved in relating to the prevention of human trafficking.
Mayor Ralph advised that she was honored to speak, along with Chief Padilla
and Representative Orwall, during the Living Well Kent Martin Luther King
celebration. Participants discussed and presented information on bullying.
B. Chief Administrative Officer's Report
Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson advised the 2020 City Council
retreat will be held February 7 - 8, 2020.
Matheson advised there is an Executive Session to discuss collective
bargaining and is expected to last five minutes with action to follow.
C. Councilmember's Reports
Council President Troutner provided a brief review of the two workshop topics
today on the Utility Lifeline Program and Rental Housing Inspection Program.
Trouter serves on the Regional Transit Committee and provided details on
upcoming changes to King County Metro. The committee discussed the
strategic plan that the they will be working on now through end of
Councilmember Michaud serves on the Regional Water Quality Board that will
meet on February 5th.
Councilmember Larimer serves on the King County Aging and Disability
Advisory Council. The Council set the 2020 advocacy priorities for the year.
Affordable Housing, transit access for seniors, and an increase in funding for
social safety net programs that benefit seniors. A focus will also be on the
lowering of prescription costs. A report was received on the Veteran's,
Seniors, and Human Services levy funding. There will be funding
opportunities for kinship care support.
Councilmember Larimer serves on the Affordable Housing Committee that is
working to provide recommendations for the county-wide planning process.
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January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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Councilmember Boyce serves as the co-chair of the Public Issues Committee
and a newly-elected officials training will be held on January 30th.
Councilmember Thomas serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority
that will meet on January 22nd at station 78 in Covington at 5:30 p.m.
Councilmember Fincher serves on the Arts Commission that is reviewing the
final draft of the 2020-2024 City Art Plan.
Linda Wedlake, a Kent resident, expressed her concerns and frustrations
with graffiti throughout the City.
Mayor Ralph requested the public call 253-856-GRAF to report graffiti.
Troutner indicated Wedlake is doing all of the right things and has sent
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Council President
SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud
A. Approval of Minutes
i. Council Workshop - Workshop Regular Meeting - Jan 7, 2020 5:00 PM
ii. City Council Meeting - City Council Regular Meeting - Jan 7, 2020 7:00 PM
iii. Committee of the Whole - Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting -
Jan 14, 2020 4:00 PM
B. Payment of Bills - Authorize
MOTION: Approve the Payment of Bills received through
12/15/19 and paid on 12/15/19 and received through
12/31/19 and paid on 12/31/19 and approve the checks
issued for payroll 12/1/19 - 12/15/19 and paid on 12/20/19
and checks issued for payroll 12/16/19-12/31/19 and paid on
1/3/2020 and audited by the Committee of the Whole on
Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting
January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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C. Accept the Union Pacific Storm Water Pump Station Pump
Replacement Project as Complete - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to accept the Union Pacific Storm
Water Pump Station - Pump Replacement Project as complete
and release retainage to Pease & Sons, Inc. upon receipt of
standard releases from the State and the release of any liens.
D. Accept the Cambridge Reservoir Recoating and Fall Protection
Improvements Project as Complete - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to accept the Cambridge
Reservoir Recoating and Fall Protection Improvements Project
as complete and release retainage to Pease & Sons, Inc. upon
receipt of standard releases from the State and the release of
any liens.
E. Resolution Recognizing the Kara on the Bluff Neighborhood
Council (#50) - Adopt
MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2005, recognizing the Kara on
the Bluff Neighborhood Council, supporting its community
building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered
by the City’s neighborhood program.
F. 2020-2022 King County I-Net Contract for Network Services -
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the 2020-2022 King
County I-Net Contract for Network Services - Customer
Services Contract Number 07COK19, for Internet connectivity,
access to the Inter-Governmental Network agencies, Valley
Communications access, and point-to-point services for remote
locations for all related services and associated costs for three
years at an annual cost of $91,464.00, for a total amount not to
exceed $274,392.00, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Information Technology Director and City
G. Ordinance Amending Chapters 9.04 and 5.01 of the Kent City
Code Related to Massage and Reflexology Services - Adopt
MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 2006, amending Chapters 9.04
and 5.01 of the Kent City Code related to massage and
reflexology services.
H. Resolution Approving the Admittance of the City of Des Moines
as a Member of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team -
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January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2006, approving the admittance
of the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley Special
Weapons and Tactics Team and authorizing the Mayor to sign
Addendum 1 to the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between
Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of
Seattle for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and
Tactics Team.
I. King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy
Agreement - Authorize
MOTION: Approve the King County Veterans, Seniors and
Human Services Levy Agreement, and ratify the Mayor’s
signing of that Agreement, to accept $510,218 in levy funds for
the term 10/1/2019 through 12/31/2020; amend the 2020
budget; and authorize the expenditure of funds.
J. Budget Adjustment Authorizing Four Full-Time Employees -
MOTION: Approve the increase in authorized budgeted FTE’s by
four positions to include one supervisor position in the Finance
Department, two King County levy-funded term-limited
positions in the Parks Department and one term-limited
position for Economic and Community Development.
K. Traffic Signal Emergency Vehicle Detection System Hardware
Purchase - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the purchase of traffic signal emergency
vehicle detection hardware from the Washington State
Department of Enterprise Services’ Master Contract for
Illumination, Traffic Signal and Intelligent Transportation
Systems Equipment in an amount not to exceed $125,153.62,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public
Works Director and City Attorney.
10. BIDS
At 8:10 p.m. went into executive session.
At 8:16 reconvened into open session.
A. Collective Bargaining, RCW 42.30.140(4)(a)
Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting
January 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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i. Action Following Executive Session: Collective Bargaining
Agreement with AFSCME, Local 2617 - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the 2020-2022 Collective
Bargaining Agreement approved and accepted by AFSCME,
Local 2617 and ratify all acts consistent with the authority of
the Agreement and prior to its execution.
MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud
Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting.
Meeting ended at 8:16 p.m.
Kimberley A. Komoto
City Clerk
Public Comment - Sign Up Sheet
For the Kent city Council Meeting of: January 21, 2o2o
Please PRINT your contact information below and when called upon, come to the podium and state your Name
and Address for the record
You will be given THREE minutes to speak
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Email Address
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C<'=\r ?1'1s3:
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Print Leqiblv
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\\Cityvmplv\sdata\PUBLIC\City Clerk's Office\City Council\City Council Meetings\TEMPLATES\Sign In Sheet pubtic Comments.doc
Kent City Council
I'm a neighbor, Adopt a street leader and property owner at720 and722 Bridges
Ave S Kent 98032. Please help us! Vehicles parked along Bridges Ave S and E
Morton St and surrounding area are a huge problem. Cars have been abandoned
there for months. This corner is a local school bus stop for K-6th graders and I
fear for their safety. I have spoken with Sgt. Dan Butenschoen and he has been
a big help with the homeless problem. Parking Enfacement Nicholas Lontz is
helping with the 24hr parking enforcement issue. The neighbors living and
working in this area are asking the City Council to enforce the Kent City code and
help us clean this neighborhood up. ln this 3 block radius we need...
- Extra police patrols to deter the drug dealing and using.
-Continue d 24hr parking enforcement.
-We would also ask the City to maintain the right of way in this area. Repairing
the potholes and spreading new gravel to eliminate mud tracking throughout the
-More street lights.
Directty from the City of Kent web site.
Our Mission
The City of Kent is committed to building a safe, thriving, sustainable and
inclusive community.
lntegrity: Do the right thing.
Garing: Care for those we serve
Communication: Connect to understand
Teamwork: Work together.
lnnovation: Find a way.
Achievement: Be the difference
I'm asking as a City of Kent Business owner and property owner PLEASE do the
right thing. The neighbors will work together to better this area. So please be the
difference and find a way to enforce the transient traffic in this area for the safety
of all.
Kris Maudslien 206-200- 1425
720 and 722 Bridges Ave S
Kent 98032