HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-477 - Change Order - #4 - Tapani, Inc. - GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station - 03/11/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 3t29t21 Date of Council Approval N/A Authorized to Sign: @ Director or Designee D Mayor Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: D20047.641 10.330 Budget? EYes ENo Category: Contract Vendor Name: Tapani, lnc. Sub-Category: Change Order #4 Vendor Number 35124 Project Name: GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station project Details:Modifications made to the Diversion Structure gate, the Maintenance Building roofing system, the Generator exhaust fan, video cameras, and added intrusion switches' Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Terminarion Date: 240 Working Days Agreement Amount: $24,625.84 Start Date: November 22,2019 Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace- Contract Number: cAG2019-477 Notice required prior to disclosure? trYes E No Comments:Date Received by City Attorney: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: rd(Y'l))171_1 _)0 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements $\,# KENT w^5HrNGfoil CHANGE ORDER NO. #4 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : TAPanl- Inc. ("Contractor") GRNM South Stormwater Pump Station November 22. 2019 This Change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change order shall remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties-, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to: Modifications made to the Diversion Structure gate, the Maintenance Building roofing system, the Generator exhaust fan, video cameras, and added intrusion switches. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of COmpletiOn," and SeCtion III, "Compensation," are hereby modified aS follows: Original Contract Sum, (including aPPlicable wssT) alternates and $4,836,590.00 Net Change by Previous C hange Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $104,264.82 Current Contract Amount (incl.Previous Change Orders) $4,940,854.82 Current Change Order $22,366.79 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $2,259.05 Revised Contract Sum $4,965,480.66 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Com pletion (insert date) 240 working daYs Revised Time for ComPletion un der prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 Da ys Req u red (*)for t h s ch a n 9e o rd er 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working daYs In accordance with Sections L-04,4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard specifications, and section VII of the Agreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes flrnal seltlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connecteld with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost proiitt. This change order, uniers otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contiact, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders.(if any), and this change order, prior to the effective date of this Change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The pafties whose names appear below Swear under penalty of perjury -th.at they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its'performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E' -Its Public Works Director CITY OF KENT: tu 4; DATE , 3/rt tt (title) (signature) CONTRACTORT DATE: Print By: CHANGE ORDER - 2OF 3 (appllcable lf Mayor's signaturc requlrcd) Kent Law DePartment APPROVED AS TO FORMrATTEST: Kent City Clerk (; [In ttlls field, vou mry €nter th! dectrcnk nlspath wheE the ontract has been 5aved] CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO,2 I<ENTWasHrNoroN GRNRA PumP Station CHANGE ORDER WORK #4 Construction Mana gement Division - Public Works Project: Project Engineer:Stephen Lincoln Jason BrYant Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: t7-3012 Tapani U nderq round Own ers Rep: Date: 2/2 s/2021 tr. PROPOSED CHANGE d to t h D rsi o n St ru ct u re t h e M a n te na nce B U d n g ro ofi ng system, the M o d fi cati ons m a e e e tchfahustvideocamerasandaddedntrUsIonSW ES G e n e rato r n CX a I II.REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE rati staff re q u e sted th a t t h e p ro j e ct nco rp o rate a S n OW FA L.1f 7 Fo r S a fety m e a s u res o p e o n S off the of of th e d t n o W fro m fa I ng ro v ste m o n rh e M a n t e na nce B U n g to p re e n sraS Pl"f irn, rn response to RFr #3e, rhe contractor *u?_r:1y":l:.j"^:filJ:::""fnT?:.'"' wrap at the gable ends beneath thi metal wall panelr uno add metal capping to the roofing system on the uaintenance Building to complete areas not detailed in the plans' FA #15: Fierd 'ooiiiluiions in ordSrto ailow the Diversion structure gate to operate Fl"3?i1 The security cameras specified (a ea) were determined to be obsolete and unavailable, New specifications tuqui*O an ufgraOe to the selected product' FA #L6: The contractor was ,.uqrJriuJ io exteia .'re tenerator fan exhaust system in order topreventexhaustbuild-upbeneaththegeneratorshelter. FA #18: In response to RFI 46 the contractor was asked to add 5 intrusion switches at the Generator Enclosure in addition to a limit switch unJin intrinsically safe barrier for the class 1 Division 2 Fl OW Meter Vault' III- METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY IVot 1 VoNtUSEFOR Order No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitQty this PE Total Est. Qty Item DescriptionSch. No. 6 734.24734.24FA1Snow RailFA #71 $1,893,75$1,893,75FA1FA #11: Maintenance Building Roof SYstem Additions 1 @2,078.65$2,O78.65FA1FA #15: Divers ion Structure Gate Mod ifications 1 4/01/10 REV. DATE: FILE NO: 2OO.2 I<ENT $7,168.00$7,168.00FA1 U rades FA #I7: Video Camera1 $ 1,610.12$1,610.12FA1FA #t6: Generator Exhaust Fan Extension 1 $2,882.03$2,882.03FA1FA #18: Intrusion Swit Limit Switch, and IntrinsicallY ches, S afe Barrier 1 PAY THIS PAY E STIMATEamdenbetoPaym worketioncomdatea Independent Estima te Attached NoNew Sub Req rd? DELETE DflSTI NG PAY ITEM 1{9.5 Not YoNLUSEACCOUNT'NGFOR Chan$e Order No.Cost of ltemUnit PriceUnitQtvItemB.l. No.Sch. No. edAttachmate REQUIREDtnstiEndIepende YoNr,USEACCOUNI'NGFOR Chan$e Order No.Cost of ItemUnit PrioeUnitItem DescriPtionB.l. No.Sch. No. Attached REQUIREDatemEstientIndepend TO EXISTING PAY ITEM Not TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE 22p66.79 IV. WORKING DAYS 22F66.7e 240Previous TotalDue This Change Orderx240OriginalContract *.On cri for A, work, materiars and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and contract Speciai piovisions for the type of work described' TOTAL WORKING DAYS*240 xThis Chan ge Order +Previous Total 2 4/o1.1rc REV. DATE: FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT WasHrNGroN Date:.2 /L Prepared BY: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Manager: Jason Eri hne nor Date: t ,/v,4/2/ .4" Date:>l: 3 4/or/rc REV. DATE: Change Order #4 FA #7 FA #11 FA #15 FA #16 FA #18 FA #L7 DescriPtion Snow Rail SYstem Roof Changes Diversion Structure Generator exhaust Intrusion Switches Generator Video Cameras Total 6734.24 L893.75 2,A78.65 L6tO.l2 2882.03 7,168.00 22366,4 FA Sheet No.7 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\--- KENT Project Name:G RNRA Pump Station Project No:17-3012 Item No.:Date: 7114/2424 Description of Work:install rail Work by Subcontractor?: nO Prime Contractor: T iU rou nd lnc Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate NAME Kenneth 74.74 107.75 o David Foreman borer 77.54 55.75 1 00.55 100.55 $ Jason 57.44 79.35 $ EO OA 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29% $ LABOR TOTAL EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equipment #Equipment DescriPtion Rate 1 1 30086 Cat Excavator 151.32 $ 1 530051 Cat Loader 66 59 $ 5240067 Crew Truck 22.99 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Ballard Sheet Metal I ea $ 6,012.71 $6,012.71 ea $ EA $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD &PROFll @ 12o/o TOTAL $b 012.71 $721.53 $734.24 of Hours Worked Date Date TOTAL: $6,734.24 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEET TOTAL 6.734.24 heetrder WocounUForcehan RA South Water StationGName #1217 ob# TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 o 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 lardBalRailSnowSystemription someonedownandidislharmingntenamatngnceofroofthebuildingfromsnowthetoSNOWpreventrailsystemrequestedcity Tlme Unll Tota,RatellouF Labor Overhead & Profit Labor Rate* Equipment Overhead & Profit 21% Total Unil Material Overhead & Profit Material 21 Unlt 1 Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 12% Subcontractor Total UnltUnit Other Other Overhead & Profit 2'l costsallnotdoesandmarkupsassuchlaborcostusualonthebased thetsandand/o costs;mpactacceleration,overtimeoverhead specified),(unlessextendedrescheduliofngthework,disruptions,delays,sequence thisconsiderPleasecontract.thof iStonalitemsrelatedcompletionallofthesepriorforclaimandany)toreserved make (ifanytsexpressly contract.mainsuinand/orbcontractas"notice"definedofficia .24 04 6,862. General Liability lnsurance Total Amount increases the time to Bond the Sub Accepted by: Date: 0.40160/0 1.5% ,6TtlER Ballard Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 4763 Ballard Avenue N.W. Seattle, washington 98107 (206)784 0545 Fax: (206)78L- OtlB Change Order ProPosal Date 7 B SM# 3 Proi Name:GRNRA Detair / Spec. / section: Maintenance Buirding, pump Shelter & Electrical/Generator Buildings * Add Snow Rail System Description: Per on-site discussion, providing pricing to add snow rail system along eave' Pricing each Maintenance Building (steep pitch) separatel-y from Generator & Pump Shelters' See attached calculations based on"z) pri snow ioad. Cfipt u, every other standing seam rib, one row of assembly' s5 colorGard rail system with Forest Green. 55 clamps onto standing seam rib - does not penetrate metal roof system. Maintenance Building 6hrsx$l .69 $16 r.04 Field labor 6 s3.867.89 x 12Yo *4.332 TOTAL Buildins Onlv S Generator & PumP Shelters X c 58 .55 $1 62 5.60 x 12 :$l .67 All Su s5.493.49 - st25 sht $s ?68.49 X 12Vo s6"0 12.71 FA Sheet No.11./>\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: rooffor Project Name:GRNRA PumP Station Project No: 17-3012 d lnc Sub-Contractor: Description of Work:Su and Item No Work by Subcontractor?: [lO Date: 7n2024 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHourly RateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 10774. o100.5577Foreman $1 00.5543.Welder $79.3543.05Welder s59.9643.05Welder $100 5543.05WelderNeal LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $ LABOR TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ STANDBYOPEMTED DOLLAR AMOUNTRatersEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # 52.94Deere Excavator1 105078 $Crew Truck5220049 $26.5Deere 50 Excavator1203119 $54Komatsu Loader1530047 $850 1 stock $?qCrew Truck5040076 $ $ $EQUIPMENT TOTAL SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% DOLLAR AMOUNTLJnit PriceUnitsQuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES 913.41$$ 913.411Ballard Sh Metal 777.44$ea $ 777.44MetalBallard $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@12% TOTAL 1,893.75 $ $ 1.690.85 202.90 Verification of Hours Worked 1 DateRepresentative 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 75TOTAL: SHEET TOTAL: 1 2-; 1 893.75 PaY Date By rksheete OrderForce Accoun U Chan Description: Ballard Sheet Metal changes Ballard sheet metal added Tyvek (RFl 39) and caps at rakes at the request of the city that were not specified on the plans South WaterName: 2#I 11.o. # TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 o 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1',|48 tlmESthlnl tlnit Total Class FlateHDurs*lourf Rate s $Labor Overhead & Profit r Labor w5t TotrlUnlt EaulDment #Units RataRateUnils $ $ Equ pment Sub 21Profit&OverheaduipmentEq Totalment q $ Unit Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total 1 ra 777.44$1 - $ 777.44 Subcontractor Overhead & Profit Subcontractor 1 Other Overhead & Profit 21% costsall changesnotmarkupsandASlaborelementstheonthetsandand/or costs;proposal acceleration,impactmeovertispecified),overhead,extended (unlessrescheduling,ofuence delays,work,disruptions,tn the sidercon thisseqPleasethisofcontract.to flnalitems completiontheseofrelatedpriorallandmaketoforclaimanyany)(ifreservedtsrightexpressly mai contract.nand/ordefinedassubcontractIN"notice"otficialuagelang 75 Other 7.61$ ,929.76 4$ $ Day(s) Accepted by: Date: Total Am theincreases the time to General Liability lnsurance Bond IAEOR OTl.lER Ballard Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 476g Ballard Avenue N.W. Seattle, Washington 98107 (206)784 0545 Fax: (206)781- Ol18 Change Order ProPosal Date:7t7120 BSM# 2 Proi Name RNRA Attn:Mike Detail / Spec. / Section: Maintnenace Buildine Description: No info on drawings regarding eave to rake and peak to rake' See attached photo and suggested detail discussed betwi"n gSlul ;"nd City' City wouid like an added cap atthe corner to close off/flash those areas not shown on drawings' 2hrsx r 00.69 s2 01.38 Shoo labor 4 100 7 2 S 5694.14 x 12 o/": 5777 .44 Ballard Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 4T6gBallard Avenue N.W. Seattle, Washington 98107 (206)784 0545 Fax: (206)78L- OLLS Change Order ProPosal Dxe: 6124120 BSM# Inc. nroiectProiNameGPumn M metal oanels at sable ofDescriptionInstall Tvvek wraD Maintenance bldg. Time / Materials Record:4hrsxSl 00.69 76 Fie ld labor ro .00: $100.00 subtotal$702.76 x 30%: $913.41 TOTAL FA Sheet No 15 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED G Project Name GRNRA Pumo Station Project No: Date: '17-3012 Item No.1 Descripti on of Work: Diversio re Work by Subcontractor?: flO Prime Contractor:iU d lnc Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIIVIE DOLLAR AMOUNT CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate NAME Kenneth 74.74 107.75 Foreman o 77.54 100.55 $465.24 ctiff Welder 10 43.05 100.55 430.50$ Ben Operator 74.74 79.34 $ Dave Foreman 77.54 59.96 $ 387.45 Neal 43.05 1 SUBTOTAL - LABOR:1 ao LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFTT @29% g 372.13 LABOR TOTAL $1 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equipment #Equipment Hourly Rate Gen 1 3000 watt generator 82.80 $ Pump 2 w100'hose2" pump 62.20 $ Pump 3 3" pump w 100' hose 91.61 $ Shor 1 Speed Shoring _19.12 $ 1120144 Cat 320 Excavator 99.59 $ 1 530051 Cat 938 Loader 66.59 $ 5040076 Crew Truck 6 25.46 $152.76 Crew Truck 1 14.197.10 5440059 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT 349.86 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 73.47 423.33 IVIATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ o $ s $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PRoFlT@21% TOTAL s rification of Hours Worked: 1Daie Representative Date By Pay Oate TOTAL: $2 078.65 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL: $.65 2-4 heetOrderForce Accoun uch diversion gate was unable to open fully as designed Cut and welded StationName b# # GRNRA South Water additional component to make it open properly 17-3012 Diversion Gate Modification 204002 15 TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 r 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 mOvar TotalUnit H llourcClass 43 RN!9 Raie $ '1 16.31 $ 64.58 Houll 6------ 19 1,283.24 3.7213 5 LJnlts rew rew Sub Labor Overhead & Profit 29% Labor Total 21Profit&OverheadEqupment U s $ $ $ $ Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total $ $ $ U s ,|Subcontractor Overhead & Profit Subcontractor escostsalldandnotoesnormalalmateriapsassuchtheonusuacosttsandthecosts;posalpro and/oracceleration,impactoverhead(unlessovertime specified),uresched extendedling,of disruptions,work,delays,the thissequenceconsiderthPleasecontract.com offinalpletiontotheseofitemsrelatedallandpriormaketoforclaimany)(ifreservedanylsexpressly maland/or contract.nneddeflsubcontracttnnotice"official asguage 078.$ Other Overhead & Profit 21oA Other Total 8.35$ Jt tds $ 2,118.23 DaY(s) General Liabi increases the time to Accepted by: Chan Date: Total Am the lity lnsurance Bond OT}'ER FA Sheet No.17 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\./ KENT Project Name:GRNRA PumP Station Project No: Date: 17-3012 Item No. Description of Wo rk: Video Camera rades Work by Subcontractor?: nO Prime Contractor: Ta Unde rou nd lnc Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate NAME Kenneth Operator 74.74 107.75 $ Brad Foreman Welder 77.54 43.05 100.55 100.55 $ $ Ben Operator 74.74 79.35 c Dave Foreman 77.54 59.96 $ 1 00.Welder 43. SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $ LABOR TOTAL $ EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equipment #Description Rate rs Gen 1 3000 watt 82_80 $ Pump 2 2" pump w100'hose _62.20 $ Pump 3 3" oump w 100' hose 9't.61 $ Shor 1 Speed Shoring 19.12 $ 1120144 Cat 320 Excavator 99.59 $ 1 s30051 Cat 938 Loader 66.59 $ 5040076 Crew Truck 25.46 $ Crew Truck 14.60 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPIVIENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL D $ $ MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT NE Eleclnc-1 EA $ 6,400.00 6,400.00U $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD &PROFll @ 12% TOTAL 6,400.00 U 768.00 $7 168.00 rification of Hours Worked our"2l25l21 Entered: Date: By: Pay TOTAL: $7 168.00 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEET TOTAL: $7 168.00 ,/ teeWorrksoeerdnachnUoFAccourGe Date: StationWaterRNRAName 17-3012# TaPani lnc' PO Box 1900 o 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1',|48 # manufacturer U radesCameraVideopsDescription:obsoletebeneddetermito bySwereCamerasperpecmerascafosecuthethethetoritywithspecsassociateditionachangecosts Overtltne TotalLJnit Class Labor Overhead & Profit 29% Labor Total UnltRate* Sub Equipment Overhead & Profit 2 UnltRatg 4Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total UnitRaio Subcontractor Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 12 Unit TotalRrto Other Other Overhead & Profit 21 labor,costsall fornotmarkupsalndascostUSUAelementsonthe theandproposaland/or costs;acceleration,impactovertimespecified)overhead (unlessextendedrescheduling,the work,of disruptions,delays,sequence thisconsiderPleasecontract.thisoffinaltoitemsrelatedcompletionoflhesepriorforandmaketoclaimany(if any)ht reservedexpressly contract.matnsubcontracttnandlordefiasnedofficia"nolice"language 1$ 304.31$ Date: nis C Accepted by: Total Amount lete theincreases the time to Sub General Liability lnsurance Bond 0.40 r 1 NORTHEAST =l-GCTFllE.*CHANGE ORD ER PROPOSAL NE COP# PROJECT: OWNER: PRIME: SECURITY CA 4 REV# 2O4OO2 GRNRA PUMP STATION PROJECT CITY Of KENT TAPANI, INC, DAIE: 2l2l2o2L WORK DESCRIPTION: ADDITIONAL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHANGE TO THE SPECS FOR THE MERAS. ORIGINAL CAMERAS PER SPEC WERE DETERMINED TO BE OBSOLETE BY MANU FACTURER. TABOR HOURS RATE Labor subtotal DESCRIPTION REGULAR OVERTIME REGULAR OVERTIME ELECTRICIAN 0.00 0.00 5 85.78 5 128.67 5 ELECTRICIAN ATTP - 6 0.00 0.00 s 74.73 s 1-12.r0 s BORE OPERATOR 0.00 0.00 5 75.95 s 113.e3 s BORE LOCATOR 0.00 0.00 s 75.37 s 113.06 $ PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 s 7s.00 s rr2.50 5 s EQUIPMENT HOURS RATE Equipment Subtotal DESCRIPTION REGULAR STANDBY REGULAR 0.00 0.00 s 0.00 0.00 s s MATERIAT& RENTAIS Material Subtotal DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UOM UNIT COST ORIGINAL QUOTE PER CAMERA -4.00 EA s 550.00 $ (2,200.00) REVISED QUOTE PER CAMERA 4.00 EA s 2,1s0.00 s 8,600.00 0.00 LF s ) s 5,400.00 SUBCONTRACTORS Subcontractor Subtotal DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UOM UNIT COST 0.00 LS s s s EQUIPMENTTOTALSHEET 2 MATERIALTOTALSHEET 2 5 s s 6,400.00 s LABOR MIUP 3to/o EqUIPMENT MIUP ZLo/o MATERIAL MIUP O% SUBCoNTRACTORMIUP 12% s s s s LABOR TOTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAT $ 6400.00GRANDTOTAL NOTES: WE RESERVE our RIGHT to REQUEST CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION and to wE wtLL supply and INSTALL ALL IABO& EQUtpMENT and MATERIALS WlrHlN this coP per owNERS INSTRUCT]ONS PTANCE WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE of RECEIPT bv OWNER THIS COP PRICE is GOOD for ACCE CORRECT this COP for ERRORS and OMISSIONS Sean Hallstrom <seanh@nellc'net> - a- - Gity of Kent PM contact Stewart, lan <istewart@adt.com> To: Sean Hallstrom <seanh@nellc'net> Cc: Jess Koistinen <jess.koistinen@nellc'net> Thu, MaY 21,2020 at 2:59 PM Hey Sean, Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. you can reach me via emair or on my cell at (206) 853-7092' Armurn Ercmry6rouF, lnt., r dhd{io* df AtrT e6sinGttirl Ian Stewatt I client Manager Pt 425-970-4346 | F:206-284-77L6 600 Oakesdale Ave SE, Ste100 | Renton I WA | 98057 For Seruice' call 888.284.3553 t\t Attached is the proposal for the work at GRNRA. our original proposal was in the $16k range, but the change to the specs had a major cost imPact: The original cameras proposed had a -s{e price of roughly $550, the new ones on the spec have a sale price of roughly g2150. tne piice'of the new NVR was rougrrty tne same and the removal of the motion detectors helped a small amount, but theyl* "OO"O on a 15" iorcn icre"n monitor which has been included as well' one thing to note: Their spec gives a moder number for the NVR and states no substitutions, but that model (PE08- 06T-LC) is a 6T8 unit wnir! tn; description oii""try o"r,r* it calls out for 12TB minimum storage' I went with the 6T8 asthatisthemodelthattheystated,butitmightbeanissuelateron. Cornmerciol IIIil fiREAT Ot {VERSAT'lON "i' t 5e*i-r-:t i i', februcry 2g " 21. 2S20 Cs*t*t f*r Inletfig*nt Suilditrgs Flsinr fis#ch {]*reJ*nl, FL June 25 -?,t,2029 Uniueriity *f W*lhingt*n Se*i?le, WA 0clober lS"l*,2020 Y*nti Srcnel-c f*rrt*r r:f Res tcuriln i Fxceli*crr.;* fll*nry. TX FA Sheet No.16 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ni UndPrime Contractor: G RNRA PumP Station round lnc Su b-Contractor: 17-30',t2 Work by Subcontractor?: no exte Project Name: liem No.: Description of Work: Project No Date OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateRateHrsHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME b107.7574.74Ke 290.781 00.77.543.ForemanBrad 548.891 00.43.051 $79.74.74 n $77.54Foreman $143.05Welder LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL $839.67 243.50 17 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AIVIOUNTrsRate EQU IPMENT OR ATTACHIMENTS DescriptionEquEquipment # $82.3000 watiGen 1 $62.w100'hosez',I91.61w'100' hoseJa b19.12Shor 1 oo qo Cat 320 Excavator'11 44 66.59Cat 938 Loader1 $25.46Crew Truck5040076 54.75$3.75 14.60Crew Truck5440059 $ $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL 54.75 66.25 1 1.50EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% SUBTOTAL - EQUIPI\iIENT DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES 3AO.74$EA $ 380.74I $ $ $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $ $ $ 380.74 460.70 79.96 cation of Hours Worked Datel./uz.e Date 12% IVARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 1.610.12 0.12SHEET TOTAL: b 1 TOTAL: Entered: Date: By: Pay E orce AccounU Chan e Order Worksheet ription ion was StationName: #2II # # of the building Consructed of stainless steel materialGeneratorExhaust Fan Extension to get generator to exhaust GRNRA South Water 16 TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 o 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 rfifioStraisf tolatUnltRatq Brad Class HouFHout! 12 75 Rate $ 43.05 $ 77.54 $ 839.69 $243.51 Unit* Labor Total Labor Overhead & Profit Labor HRS$ 3.72$ 14.60'- Crew Truck5440059 T------aET_--n1T6" -reI Tolat Sub 21 Rats Equipment Overhead & Profit Equ $ 380.74 $79.S6 UnllRats Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total a $ $I fotal Subcontractor Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 1 costs for changesnotmaandrkupslaboraselementscosttheonandtheand/or costs;proposal acceleration impactovertimespecified),extended overhead,(unlessreschedduling,work,of delays isruptions,the isthsequenceconsiderPleasethofcontract.to finalitemsrelated completionthesepriorofforallandmaketoclaimanyany)(ifisreservedexpressly contract.mainand/orsubcontractdasefinednofficia"notice" Other Overhead & Profit 2'l% Other Total 6.47$ Day(t Accepted by: increases the time toDate:the 0.401General LiabilitY lnsurance Bond Total OTITER FA Sheet No 18 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\-/ KENT Project Name GRNRA PumP Station Project No:17-3012 liem No.:Date: 1112412020 Description of Work: lntrusion RFI Work by Subcontractor?: nO Prime Contractor:i Unde round lnc Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hou Rate Hrs OT Rate NAME 107.75 $74. Brad Foreman 77.54 100.55 100.55 b Ben Operator 74.74 79.35 $ Dave Foreman 77.54 59.96 $ '100.U43.05 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL $ EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHIVIENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AIVOUNT Equipment #Descri rs Rate Gen 1 3000 watt generator 82.80 Pump 2 2" pump w1 00' hose 62.20 s Pump 3 3" pump w 1 00' hose 91.61 19.12 $ $ 1120144 Cat 320 Excavator 99.59 $ I 530051 Cat 938 Loader 66.59 5040076 Crew Truck 25.46 $ $Crew Truck SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD &PROFfi @21%$ EQUIPMENT TOTAL MATERIALS / SERVICES Electric Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AIVIOUNT 1 EA $ 2,573.24 $ 2,573.24 o $ b SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@12% TOTAL $ $308.79 $2,882.03 Verification of Hours Worked:TOTAL:$2.882.03 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEETToTAL: $ 2'882.03 A, L./uz/e Date Owne/s Date orksheetOrderForce Accou nUC Description: lntrusionSwitchesadded per response to RFI 46, 5 additional intrusion switches were required to be intalled ai the gerantor enclosure Also included in System lnterface's proposal is a limlt switch and lntrinsically safe barrier for the class 1 Div 2 Flow Meter Vault # Name: #1B GRNRA South Water 17-3012 TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 r 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 ImaStralqht TotalUnlt Class HoutgRate R€toHouts $ unltRate Labor Overhead & Profit 29% Labor Total Total $2 Total Equ ipment Overhead & Profit uipment u $ $ $ $ $ Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total ffi $ $ s $ 2,573.24 308.79$1Subcontractor Overhead & Profit Subcontractor $ addadoesandmanormalandpsassuchtheonts and thecosts;proposal n and/oracceleratio impactovertimeoverhead,(unless specified),reschedul extendeddedisrutng,tn ofuence work,ptions,the lays,thisseqconsiderPleasethisofcontract.finalitems completiontotheseofrelatedpflorforallandmatoclaimanyany)(ifkereservedishtrigexpressly contract.mainand/ordefinedassubcontracttn"notice"officiallanguage 882.$ Other Overhead & Profit 21Yo Total 11.57b Aa tab $ 2,936.83 Day(sl Accepted by: increases the time toDate:the Bond Total General Liability lnsurance 0.401 orl,t'ER NORTHEAST =l-€GTFtlG* NE COP# 3 REV# PROJECT: ?:OAOO2GRNRAPUMPSTATION PROJECT OWNER: CITY of KENT CHANG E ORDER PROPOSAL DATE: Ltl24l2o2o PRIME REQUIRED TO TAPANI, INC. MORK DESCRIPTTON: PER RESPONSE TO RFI 046, 5 ADDITIONAL INTRUSION SWITCHES WILL BE BE INSTALLED ATTHE GENERATOR ENCLOSURE ALSO INCLUDED IN SYSTEM INTE RFACE.S COST RRIER FOR THE CLASS I DIV 2 FLOW METER VAULT PROPOSAL IS ALIMIT SWITCH AND I.S. BA EQUIPMENTTOTALSHEET 2 MATERIALTOTALSHEET 2 I-ABOR.HOURS RATE !abor Subtotal DESCRIPTION REGULAR OVERTIME REGULAR OVERTIME ELECTRICIAN 8.00 0.00 s 85.78 s 728.67 5 686.26 ELECTRICIAN ATTP - 6 0.00 0.00 s 74.73 s 112.10 $ BORE OPERATOR 0.00 0.00 5 75,95 s 113.93 5 BORE LOCATOR 0.00 0.00 s 75.37 5 113.06 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.00 0.00 s 75.00 5 112.50 $75.00 s 76L.26 EQUIPMENT HOURS RATE Equipment subtotal DESCRIPTION REGULAR STANDBY REGUTAR #7420t6 F450 DIESEL4X2 362HP CREW 4.00 0.00 s 32.44 5 129.76 0.00 0.00 s s s r29.76 MATERIAL& RENTALS Material Subtotat DESCRIPTION qUANTITY UOM UNIT COST MISC CONDUIT, FITTINGS, WIRE 1.00 LS 5 100.00 S 1oo.oo INSTRUSION SWITCHES 1.00 LS 5 1,072.7L 5 1,072.71' 0.00 LF $ s 5 L,r72.7L SUBCONTRACTORS Subcontractor subtotal DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UOM UNIT COST 0.00 LS 5 s s 997.25) s 1s7.01 s 1,418.98 5 LABOR MIUP 3L% EQUIPMENT MIUP 2L% MATERIAL MIVP 2L% SUBCoNTRACIORMIUP L2% $ s s $ 235.99 27.25 246.27 LABOR TOTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL SUBCONTMCTOR TOTAL 5 2,573.24GRANDTOTAT NOTES: WE RESERVE our R|GHTto REQUESTCONTRACTTIME EXTENSION and to CORRECTthis COP for ERRORS and OMISSIONS wE wtLL suppLy and TNSTALL ALL tABoR, EeUIpMENT and MATERIALs wlrHlN this coP per owNERS lNsrRucrloNs WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE of RECEIPT bv OWNER THIS COP PRICE is GOOD for ACCEPTANCE Systems lnterface lnc- (425) 481-1225 T (425) 481-2115 F www.systems'interface.con 10802 47th Ave W Mukilteo, WA 98275 USA CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Purchase Order No: 395 Customer: NorthEast Electric Project Name: City of Kent GRNRA Pump Station Change Order No: 2 Datelssued: 1111812020 SllProject No: S19K050 Reason for Change: Per email requ est on 11 /18/20 relating to RFI #046 lncludes5(five)additionallimitswitchesforgeneratorintrusionandl(one)additionallimitswitchforfloWmeter vault intrustion. Also includes 1 (one) required intrinsic barrierforflow metervault limit switch' Summary Material and ExPenses Project Manager Project Engineer 2.0 hrs CAD Admin Shop / Field Wre Tech Electrical Sub-Material Electrical Sub-Labor Total $748.26 $324.45 $1,072.71 Cost of This Change: Plus(Minus) Total of Previous Changes: Original Purchase Order Value: Current Purchase Order Value: $1 ,072.71 Inter Inc. 1111912020Matt Davis resentativePurchaser Authorized Re Revision:G 6/13/02CNGREQXLS 12t1512020 Tapani, lnc. Mail - lntrusion Switch Change Order tu il"'1nrd Mike Gould <mikeg@tapani.com> lntrusion Switch Change Order 2 messages Mike Gould <mikeg@taPani.com> To : "j brya nt@ kentwa. gov" <jb rya nt@ ke ntwa' gov> Jason, location. Thanks, Seeru HnlrsrRou I seanh@nellc.net Best regards, Mike Gould Project Manager Tapani, lnc. Office (360) 687-1148 Cell (360) 703-7672 wurw.ta nt.com Sun, Dec 6,2020 at 8'17 PM Attached is a change proposar from NorthEast Erectrical for your review and approval which is associated with the RFI # 046 Generator lntrusion switch response. nooitionar oelow is a brief explanation from our sub explaining the need for the co. My apologies in getting this out so late. lt must have slipped through the cracks during all the recent caos' some explanation is needed on this change order. systems tnlerf.acg atso included an additionat switch and intrinsically safe barrier in their costs that is not retated n tie gi;rerator,,t ius.t added it to this change order since they had it on their cost proposat, but the city might want that separaied out. wh-at nappened r's fhls: The iwitch that was designated for the ftow meter vautt shoutd have been the same tipi-ii n, one tocatbb in ii" w"t*ett, and there was not an intrinsically safe barrier in the panet design for this location. rniitr ii required due to the flow meter vault being a c/ass / Div ll hazardous E COP3 - INTRUSION SWITCHES.Pdf 308K Wed, Dec 9,2020 at 8:29 AM Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gov> To: Mike Gould <mikeg@taPani.com> Cc: "Brad Barnish (bradb@tapani.com)" <bradb@tapani com> Mike, The change is aPProved, https://mait.googte.com/mait/b/ALGkd0zVSL36wGMTpanD2zEW3bzGZmEQqRswkG2BOrTAM4zdxFkh/u/0?ik=3ab9270a9a$vis\ '=pt&search=all&per 1t3 Tapani, lnc. Mail - lntrusion Switch Change Order 12t15t2020 Thank You, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourlh Avenue South, Kent' WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube pLEASg CONSIDER THE El'IVIRONMEzuT BEFORE PRIi\tTING THIS E-MAIL Hi Jason, I agree Mike's assessment. I have no problem approving this CO ls there anything you need from me? Thanks! Steve From : Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa' gov> Sent: TuesdaY, December 8,2020 4:26PM To: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.go-v>. Subjeit: RE: lntrusion Switch Change Order From: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday, December 07 ,2020 8:23 AM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: lntrusion Switch Change Order Stephen, Please see the email below Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager https://mait.googte.com/mair/b/ALGkdozVSL36wGMTpanD2zEW3bzGZmEQqRswkG2BOrTAM4zdxFkhtut0?ik=3ab9270a9a&view=pt&search=all&per 2t3 1211512020 Tapani, lnc' Mail - lntrusion Switch Change Order Construction Management I Public Works Department 220Fourlh Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT/ WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube PLEASF CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT AEFORF PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From : Mike Gould <mikeg@tapani.com> Sent: Sunday, December 6,2020 8:18 PM To: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gov> Subject: lntrusion Switch Change Order IQuoted text hidden] EXTERNAL EMAIL https://mail.googte.com/mait/b/ALGkd0zVSL36wGMTpanD2zEW3bzczmEQqRswkG2SOrTAM4zdxFkh/u/o?ik=3ab9270a9a&view=pt&search=all&per 3t3 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TAPANI INC Date 1117120?! RFI#008 Mike Gould Tapani lnc. 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 FROM: Jason Bryant City of Kent, Public Works 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 TO AS05#: Gen set exhaustSubject: 1t3012020Date Required: Plansdonotdescribelocationforexhausttoexittheshelter.Doesthecity exterior of the structur" oi oo"" the open floor plan allow for no additional pi require the generator exhaust piping to be routed to the ping. Please provide detail for additional exhaust plumbing from the gen set Please clarifYlocation to the exterior of the shelter if any Route the exhaust towards 64th avenue and to provide us shop drawings showing structure for Jacobs' aPProval. Please see attached emails with additional information from Jacobs how they will mount the exhaust pipe to shelter GRNRA S Pump Station - Change Order #4 Item Descr on Total i22F66.7e 6 734.24Snow Rail SYstem a dded to the Maintenace BuildinFA #7 3.751 ndncataraWap gmercpmTpCokdAddeyve cen tdBatennatnehMotemroeSofthtoFA #11 2 078.65nsoificatiodeFidMGareteStructunDirsleoFA #15 7 168.00radesVideo Camera UFA #L7 1 6LO,L2snoInsuExtethaExnFaentorarGeFA #16 2 882,03Added Intrusion Sw itches, Limit Swi tches, and Intrinsica ll Safe BarrierFA #18 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TAPANI INC.Date 11t10120 RFI#046 Mike Gould Tapani lnc. 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 FROM: Jason Bryant City of Kent, Public Works 220 Fourlh Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 TO: f:Generator lntrusion SwitchSubject: Date Required: PleaseaddressthequestionsfromNortheastElectrictheElectricalSub (Attached) iillr{i,};{:ll r)i RFl046:Forthegeneratorintrusionalarming,theconsensuswasthataswitch with a single intrusion signal routed to the PLC' should be installed on each of the six doors in series' PROJECT K PUMP STATION 6 NORTHEAST ELECTRIC r-r'c OFFlCtt 360'225.7004 FAX: 360'225'7001 1780 DOWN RIVER DRIVE WOODLAND' WA 986Z+ D,A.Yq: ro: TAPANI NEE RFI#: 1o/3oi 2oMIKELD GENERATO R INTRUSION SWITCH _DrAWrN t\lUMBEl: Eo3' 43:91*-__ 5PEC BY: sCHEDULE IMPACT; .eS5IMIAEL lvrs [ruo @rao lvrs fluo flroo Ar4o.V$r: , SHEET EO3 AND A4301 INDICATES AN INTRUSI iiriciosunr HAS 6 AccESs DooRS. PLEASE ON SWITCH TO BE LOCATED AT THE GENERATOR THE GENERATOR dLni'irv irle ioCnrroru oF rHIS lNrRUsloN swlrcH' RFI 046: For the generator intrusion alarming' the consensus was thal a switch should be with a single intrusion signal routed to the PLC' installed on each of the six doors in series, DATE: 14a75533J127212321LASTru\MIONigKasg- A+391ORA$'INC NUMBER:NORIHEAST ELECIRIC, LLCVIOOOLAND. WASHINGTONffi OF ff RilRA PUMP STATISIIELEME]RY CON]ROL PANELDISCREIE INPUTS<tnT,GflRATORDROI-UP 000R 27D--lII26ru25ruf------olIII Ro[-uPl------qoooRlo--ATSDOOR 4III nou-ueL------otGENERAToR/ATS CON]ROL PANELF[RF Drc11JSystems lnterface lnc.6lunr-ro, wr. u.sl 9s275. (+25) {81-125 . aU (45) 181-2115tt,.3Ft.h€-lnt d.4-comREF DK A4191CR-PF-I2APUMP NO.l ENSIOSURE REF Orc 84291REF DWG A42'1REF D\{G A4291.6-n.JDcR-t-1cF-ts1cR-on-2-d2REF orc A42t1cR-1-4GENERArcR MNIROL PANELYn?If-d3f' puilp No.2 ENcLosljRE REF Dv{c c4201DDWG A4262DR-2-1G€NERATORRUNNNG18ruPUIJP NO.2 AUTO'52AcR-3-tCilffiATORPUMP NO.2 RUNNINGIIIl_D_:IGilRAffi F[PUMP NO.2 FAULTGENERATOR CONIROL PANELG€NERATOR FAILIILo__NOT N AUTOaal61 -Is.3-I2.JGENERATOR CONIROLNOT ilFUMP 2 O\ER]EMPAUTOa1g1-16.1PUMP NO,2 CHEq( VAL\Ecv2 oPE{ (clos€D)A4391 -0C2JAUTOMAIICN2A2AREF oSG A42t1cR-J-31ELEXEIRYPNELPUMP NO"l PUMP NO.2PANEL PANELA43gl -V- 5TET WELL HIGHAffiM FLOATY€I IIEL! LOWALARM RELAYIilNUgON PANEL SWITCHESREF DV|G A+201w E[ NIRUSIoNtIG PUMP CALLRELAYINTRUSION G€NERATOR SIVNCHT.EAO PUMP CALLRELAYALL PUMPS Of I.EVELRUYROI-UP DOOR 1R4L-UP OOOR 2PUMP NO.1 AIJTOROTI_UP DMR JPUMP NO.l RUNNNGROI-UP DOOR 4PUXP NO.l FAULTSPAREPUMP I O\ERIE}IPSPAREPUMP NO.1 GflEA< VALIEcvr oPEN (cLoSD)ATSmUE =CONIROL POIGR FAILURERACK 6SLOT 2NO]ES:D ru-o vlRE NUMBERS ro MATcH TERMINAL slocK NUMBERD tonuauv cLosED, aLARM oll oPEN.RACK 6SLOT 2D paoenu rHE pLc ro DELAY PUMP HoA INPUTS' To ELIMINATE IsslEs oAUSED BY Po[€R Los' LU553 ot BBGRNRA SOUTH STORYWATER PUIIP SIATIOT{ELECTRICAL ONE-UNE DIAGRAMJNGOBSofKentWorksEngineering-l rcuryl *-FFOE €frl274. f,PH, 4W_ _€w PgtE!__t4\+ _cl-])_SOOA 40V, 5PH, 35nC& Nt 1/4 SEC. 23, T 22 N, R 4 E1m/350/2lP1lP1[P1 13-qEPUMP 2 VFDr-SE14 SEC. 14MCB(SERVCE ENIRANCE BRKER)4a}\/2n, 3PA, 4w35HCt-_llriTI[P1o1]{i prc voumeov mNsFoRMER8w/2m, 3PH, 4A1elI_.iMCP (HN MNTROLPNEL) / TEIEMETR/BlI*--]-'ImwlPRIWJPROr'DE AMINIMUM OF 21O'fr/4'GROUND RODS--1t--16rJ\9-----___ltooSHEET KEYNOTES1-r\ pnmm @oRDtMTroN wtn sNNG murY FoRu parw DRoP oF oF PowER Potr NDUNDNGROUNO TO XFUR PM. VERIry Wffi UTILfrPROR rc AN/ IN$AIIAIION OR CONffiUCTION.{l pnrytot METERTNG EaUIPMEM (DEmNNEcr," fr ffitNfr, Mffi, Erc.) N REoUIRED ry nESEruING IJflUTY. VERIF/ M REAUIRilENTSPRIOR TO INSTALLA]ION.Q seano ry rNffiuMEMAnoN ENGINEm@ ro mnree. sEE R & c scHEDUE oN Dwc Eo6.@ su erla scH&ul€ oN Dre Eoa.@ ro ae szro il c€NEMToR MNUFMURER.Cil pnmoe 3/4'c, 2/14, 1#1€ aflEEN lm6PN strcH.- ND vcP.1l\ pnovor ffiNoMril nME cLrcK ND ourslDE MoUNTED" pnorc ru tNmMAnc m84scP+*415s' oR EowRED L&]E ON ELEflRIru EQUIPMEM SUPPORT.PRGW ONE CHINNEL FOR POE UGHE ND ONE CMNNELFOR SHIIER OIJTSIDE UGM.[P1mD]o2WDWffRffiOR12W&mF/CtrGER3/4'C,3+12ru/l(9leoBlrcw-lc210l__/'---+--I rnrcxI srcH3PH,INTRUSIONsrcH,moF2--EF-JB-3tmu90NffTCH[$or][owMM1llP1 1 ollJB_1JB-2LFVELxmwsre[-cLs 1,DV2ARSA ruvp[W METR VAULT -CLASS 1, DN 2 AREANOTES:1. SIZE WRE, MNDUNS, STARTER EQUIPMENI. flC.,PR MNUFMRffi.S RECOilMENDANONS ND NEC.2. SEE DEIAL DilWtNCS rcR EQUIPMENI ANOINffiUMEM INSTMNONS- INSU EOUIPMNPR BE REOUIREMEM OF ftE FPUffiEDFAL ND PER IHE EQUIPMffi NUFMRR'SRE@MMENMNONS-3. PRNDE WATER Sil ON INSIDE OF RACilAYSPER SPECFSTIONS FOR [L RrcilAY PENMNONS.PRilDE WATER NGil SEAL ffiOUND OMIDE OFU 6NDUT PSEIMNONS.4. PUMP SANON INSIIUDES HIZARDOUS NEAS -PRNDE INSTAJ.IATOre AND CONDUT Sru NrcCORDNCE Wffi IHE NEC.5. U ilCilAE IN PUMP SANOil ND IUNDMGROUND rcilAE IffiO PUMP $ATIONSMII BE PVC CIATE GRC"__lloo3lCHECK V&VETJB-2PUMP 12v[vEOPERATORINNOUBEr-__lHArcHswrcHUGrutIA! SARIMPLO ffiUTrsR{PJ pLc puup comosI eno wwJ-LmltL_(PMD)[Pi1r]II(c-Ars)3/4'C,6+143#14SPDINRUSIONswtrcH\1,T'P$ 5A23I-ff1 eorsgtqeOUTL I l'lI,GtNSET(LtvtL ztGPGAOFA- DFC,4.!(--!m r*, + r.rl $rl. lr32TANI( T'I IGHTDnY {G 0 8S)I 410TANI(CAPAC I TITANI(/LIIT EASIITAIURT CODTc208iloTts:OPTIONAL FEATUREF2A2,F205r. 0il{ilrsror{s sHowil IH t I ARt lNcHts.2. foullDATlotl RtFIRENCt P0lllT F*).STE TOUilDATION DRAf,I}IG IOR DETAItS.3. FoR ttATURt C0Dt Ll l6 IrLonlDA Tlll(s)ADD 105.6 I,1. l6'1 r0 DIl'!S D-.J4. Stt sHttT 2 FoR TAI{K vtlll LoCATlolls.5. txctsstvt TlllsTlNG 0F lHl Futl TANK, []lEllt^sTil{ilrc rT T0 A fouilDATl0ll, t{AY RESULTIN STRIJCTURAL TAILURT OT THT TAI{I(- TO IIISURErHt r[srA[tATro]t DoE5 l{0T trcEsslvEtY TrlsTTHt TUIL TAIII(. THT FOLTOWING PNOCTDURE [lUSTBT OBSERVEO:5. r itttR T0 oNAll APPLlCATl0ll ll^lluAL T030 FoRGIIttRAT GEI{STI /TANI( IIOUtIT I HG 6U I DTL I tIES.5.2 AFrER PrACn6 StT 0l{ t0Ut{DATlotl, vtnlrY ^LLI4OUI{T II{G PADS COIIIACT TOUI{DATION.5.3 tXSIRT THt tlAIlllur lltlGHI STACfi 0t SHllls TIIATTILL SL IDt IIITO THT GAP.5.1 IrGllTIlr TAr{fi lrotD Dowll l{oulllll{G tAsTtlltRs.6t n9 l0t35.ElDOOR SI{I NG1212t 501XUFFTTI AIRR VTI{TSDISCHARGT0uTttT5636t222tAI(TRA I R OUITTTRADIATOR IIIDAREAX0DOORHATDL I? 14.9I81AIRCNAT(BRIATHTR OUTLET( ATL0PT l0ll)tcALArn rlLtTGTIIERA]OR E}ID-->OUTI-TT(fi02 oPTtoil)6r O50.8L IFT IITGtrt3246Ir?81138t 5.4lD ll'l-Cr 136r73t -89t{l?t -{r39I5l100i r5.151rs crtAlioul5??t2rl5T935511.5tzil51I2. rl20E2I62 l2r90t 6510P E lil lict6,1t6.51139t5lI3llD r[4-A?r 326I i2.EI5'|rPT 2r00 GAI-Dill_Br 5E0I6?llLtDOOR{EIGHT IBCElrctosuRt fl Tflr-r6l-2 FtATURtc0Dti(6 {LBS)6r99 ( r3639)6299 il 3939 )5000 ( t3200)6r00 ( 13500){T IGHTKG (L8S)65r {?5 6lCG-D I l,l'c'611 I25 5lcG_0tx"B't04t (1t )r86? I13.31CG-D I lt300ffDODAC!..{tlGflT I CG'5 ARt SllollN IITH AN HIGHES] GALLot{ FUtL IANl(,TNCLOSURE. AND STAI{DARD GENSTT. ADOITIO}I OF OTHENTIATURIS I{AY CIIANGT THE frTIGHT,foR t205 tlrctosuRt tAtulllt{ul{} RtDUct rtlGl{l 8Y 190 (1090)t100t LDODAADODABt{3II;I?633I r0,{l REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TAPANI INC.Date 6t19120 RFI#039 Mike Gould Tapani lnc. 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 FROM: Jason Bryant City of Kent, Public Works 220 Fourlh Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 TO: AS19rawing #:Underlayment on gable wallsSubject: 07.41.13on:Date Required: Spec Section 07411g,Addenda 3, which added the Metal Siding' s;instatt underlayment on roof sheathing"' There is no mention of The underlayment installation, on Page 8, Paragraph 3'03'B'1 installing underlayment on the walls' Does the City wish to install an underlayment on these plywood sheeted gable walls? Please advise to whether or not the city wish Tapani to perform this work' Tapani suggests the use of Tyvek commer wrap prior to sheeting the gables of the Maintenance garage Please advise to The City agrees and request Tapani to place Tyvek Commer Wrap prior to sheeting *iii.onip"it"te Tapani for the additional material and labor' the gables of the Maintenance garage' The City Jason From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Halverson, Ron Monday, March 9, 2020 9:06 AM Lincoln, StePhen; Bond, BrYan Bryant, Jason RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Steve & Jason, I'm working on this with Neda at systems a.nd shourd have something for you sometime this week. The equipment changes should be minor in terms of replacing one supplier/brand of camera/DVR/etc. with anot-her. The camera location changes may bL another question but we',ll wait and see what Neda comes up with and go from there' Ron From: Lincol n, Stephen <SLincoln @ ke ntwa'gov> Sent: ThursdaY, March 5,202010:04 AM To: Halverson, Ron <RHalverson@kentwa'gov>; Bond, Bryan <BBond@kentwa.gov> Cc: Bryant, Jason <J Bryant@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Good Morning BrYan, Ron, can you provide us with an itemized list of changes we would like included in any revised plans and specifications? Thank You, Steve Stephen Lincoln' PE, Engineer III Environmental Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5500 | Direct 253-856-5552 slincoln@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON Ken tWA.o ov Fa ee-bqo& . i'i:; i i,llr: r'. YoqTgbg sl.ilA.liHc$Fr$x$ER'f*l*ilNvrashiMf}tYsHFoft$grFtxf'{}'Ir*0{!.{Is#-MAIL From: Bryant, Jason Sent: ThursdaY, March 05, 2020 9:58 AM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Stephen, I believe this is something that Ron and Bryan should provide 1 Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-251-5663 J Bryant@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook'1'\'r;Lt1i' YouTube p!-*,{$fi c$l*$YncR irhi# E$iVXR$NMENT S*pf',nfi pRxl{TIr*G Y}INS fl-MANL From: Lincoln, StePhen Sent: ThursdaY, March 05,2020 9:53 AM To: Bryant, Jason Subject: RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Hi Jason, can you provide me with an itemized rist of revisions we need to make to the prans and specifications so that we can haveJacobs provide us with the revision sheets? ' Thank You, Steve StePhen Lincoln, PE, Engineer III Environmental Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5500 I Direct 253-856-5552 slincoln@KentWA.qov crTY OF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA.oov FaceboOk 1-iri:ir:ili:i YouTube PLSASf; {$N$1I}*R T*T Si*VTR$f''ffi*f*T 8EF$RS FNT$T}F€S TFTIS $-MATL From: BrYant, Jason Sent: ThursdaY, March 05,2020 9:48 AM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'eov> Subject: FW: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Stephen, I berieve we shourd issue an officiar revision for these changes. That way it's easier to track' What do You think? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5653 JBryant@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2 My apologies to all, I was gone for a week and forgot to pick this back up when I returned' Attached, prease find emair to and from Jay Emerson of Evergreen Technorogies' These are the cameras we use at the Shops and would like to use at GRNRA S Pump Station' In addition' prease note that the camera rocations have been artered by Brian to much better cover the site' Evergreen does not carry DVR,s but may make recommendations. I would go with whatever they or their vendor recommends. we ian arso ask our IT forks as he suggests but since we aren't attaching these cameras to the ciiy network they may not have much input on individual remote KentwA'gov Facebook i'r"' i" YouTube filinAsf;${}l}{$Il}fr'tTi{:ilgs*vI*.$1.{Mfis'!Tiirri:'"$ldnr,RI},TING.f'ril${i-M.qxl' From: Halverson, Ron Sent: ThursdaY, March 05,2020 B:17 AM To: Bryant, Jason; 'Oskouie, Neda B.' Cc: Swinford, Kevin; w'tatt davis'; Lincoln, Stephen; Lovell, Rob; Bond, Bryan; Jay Emerson Subject: RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products DVR's. prease arter the equipment requested and proposed rocations as described. For further spec's and pricing etc., please contact Jay at Evergreen' Letmeknowifyouneedmorethanthistomoveforward' Ron From: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@l<entwa'gov> Sent: TuesdaY, March 3,2020 8:29 AM To: Halverson, Ron <RHalverson@kentwa'gov>; 'Oskouie, Neda B'' <Noskouie@svstems-interface'com> Cc: Swinford, Kevin <KSwinford@kentwa'e;-v>; 'Matt Davis'<MVD@svstems-lnterface'com>; Lincoln' Stephen <SLincol n @ kentwa.gov>; Lovel l, Rob <RLovell @ kentwa'gov> Subject: RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products All, I'm just following up to see where we ended up on this one? Thank You, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 lBryant@ KentWA'gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook \f i: :":' YouTube pL*A$*({:}!sf'I$ti6tT'#**NvxI{$f{l|,!*Ft.Y.sHFs$gpR}}E'}.Ir.*s;'}.t{5$fr.MAnL From: Bryant, Jason Sent: FridaY, January 24,2020 8:06 AM To: Halverson, Ron; Oskouie, Neda B' Cc: Swinford, Kevin; Matt Davis; Lincoln, Stephen; Lovell' Rob iubject: REr GRNM - Discontinued Products 3 All, I would like to close the loop on this with our contractor' can resPond? Has a final decision been made so we Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA'gov Facebook ilr;i';1'"' YouTube pi.'t!A$4()$fr|$I$H$aT.i.0ffr}gvgRd}Fl$.isl*T$nFs'tllFRIzuT,sl{{iTllIliiI-MAxli From: Halverson, Ron Sent: TuesdaY, January 2L,2020 2:46 Pl/r To: Oskouie, Neda B' Cc:Swinford,Kevin;Bryant,Jason;MattDavis;Lincoln'stephen;Lovell'Rob Subject: RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Hello Neda, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you' NVR If it meets the spec's we are fine with this unit. Milestone Husky M30 - Discontinue d 7l3t/2}1'8 Recommended replacement: Milestone Husky M20 This one meets the requirements raid out in the spec document with regards to camera channels, storage, and memory i have tarked to our Utirities pump station supervisor, Rob Loveil and think we are in agreement on the folowing. The newry recom;ended NVR and iamera enclosure are fine if they meetthe spec but we have questions on the cameras/motion sensors' Please see the comments below: Camera iha*n't seen the drawings but the spec's (Motion Sensors (No Substitutions) A. Model shall be eosch ISC-PDL1_W18G. Provide, install, wire and test the number of sensors shown on the contraci drawings to each of the specified PLC inputs for motion sensing to the control sYstem.) seem to indicate that the motion sensors wiil input to the pLC. At that point, they would then have to be output again to the cameras or NVR to contror recording based on the motion' From what little I know about security .ur*ru, and NVR's, I thought it was the camera/recorder combo that picked up the motion ,*nrol. duties and made th'e decision to record/store the video what we have done in the past and think we want now is for tle caTeras to record onlv there is mertion _sensgd. we do not want the camerrr to r*.*d constantry nor do we want to use the motion sensors to cail us out as an ararm. tf recording based on detected motion can be accomprished with the ress expensr-ve cameras (sNc-EB66Zn) then, unress anyone disagrees' that should be suitable, and may make the motion sensors unnecessary' 4 If not, then we wiil need to go with the motion detectors and the more expensive cameras (sNc- vB-642D) but if possible, and I understand it correctly, plug the motion detectors straight into the camera inputs ratherthan goinjttrrougtr the pLC. i oon't know if that answers all the questions Out woutd gladly taki anfonu't jull who wants to try and straighten it up' If this is ail ..ord-schoor,, based on the cost and avairabirity of memory (2 TB is going to be a lot of video) prease ret us know what the ratest best practices are and we can discuss this further' we wourd need no ress than a week,s video stored in case something happened over a long f..,oliOu' weekend and wasn't noticed for a couple days after' Sony SNC-CHLIO - Discontinued (no date) Recommended repracement w/o motions:sonysNC-EB602R we prefer to record on motion only' If these will do that, theY are ok' This camera is the same box style of camera. lt meets most of the requirements, although the horizontal range is slightly lower, but the zoom is higher. The only issue with this is that it does not have an alarm input' Given how the spec reads' it seems like the motion detectors would be attaching to the cameras, but that isn't completely clear and there are no motion detectors shown on the prints. lf the motion detectors are not required, this is a much more cost effective solution than the camera below. Recommended.repracementw/motions:SonysNC-VB-642Dwe prefer to record on motion only' If it takes these cameras to do that then these are our preference' This camera is the same box style and well exceeds the requirements listed in the spec document' lt also has an alarm input for a motion detector if those are to be required. These are, however, about twice the cost of the camera listed above. Ca ra Encl If it meets the spec's we are fine with this unit Pelco EH3512-2HD & SS3512 - Discontin ued (no date) Recommended replacement: Pelco EH2O-2-H This enclosure comes with the sunshade built in as well as the heater and fan called for in the specs' lt is the correct size for the Sony camera recommended above' r need confirmation that we can use the recommended repracements as weil as some guidance on how you would like us to approach the motions that are listed in the spec, but not shown on the drawings' Let me know if there is any additional info you require and I am happy to help in any way I can' I'll steal this quote *Let me know if there is any additional info you require and I am happy to help in any way I can," and leave my contact info here if anybody needs it' Ron Ron Halverson, SCADA Technician Water Section I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5622 | Cell 253-266-6589 rha lverso n @ KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.qov Facghook ". :' :.1, :.:';',' t" YouTu be pl.*Asil c$9*5Xf)fiR. Tr[fr E$lJ]l($NMflltY r]fiP$nfi pRKNT{t*{t rlsils #-MJqXL 5 From : osko u ie, Ned a B. < NQsko q ie @;ystems-i nte rface'eorn> Sent: Tuesday, January 21',202010:29 AM To: Halverso n, Ron <fl HaJV€rson @ kentwa'gov> Cc: Swinford, Kevin <KSwinford @lentwa'gov> Subject: RE: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Good Morning Ron, I just wanted to follow up to see if you had the chance to review the discontinued parts below and whether you approve of the rePlacements Parts or not Please let me know, Thank you !t Sgsfems lnterfacs lnel l?,t?r:i*{ fsftltlal stf $ti t4lldr'rror Neda Oskouie Project Enrgineer Sy$tems Interface Inc 10802 47th Ave W' Mul(ilteo' WA 98275 Main; 425-481-1225 | direct: 425-622--95A8 Noskou ie@svstems-i nterface' com www.sYstems:i nterface. com From: Swinford, Kevin <KSwinfqrd@keftwe'gov> Sent: Thursday, January L6,2020 8:09 AM To: Halverson, Ron <RHalversQn@kentwa'gov> Cc: Osko u ie, N ed a B. < Noskouie @syste mstnte rfaqe'com> Subject: FW: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Hello Ron Could you please respond to Neda regarding this issue? Thanks Kevin R Swinford, ScaaATechnician Water Section I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5613 | Cell 253-740-6590 kswinford@ KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT/ WASHINGTON Ke ntWA. o ov faegbssk i"'''v I.j -;:.' i l - YouTu be pt"tTASn e$N$XOp:R Tll€ gNV3*{)$'MS:NT mE!:0flf Pt{r${'{YNG TI{f$ lr-t4A}l 6 EXTERNAL EMAIL EXTERNAL EMAIL From: Oskouie, Neda B. <NOskouie@svstems-interface'com> Sent: Thursday, January t6,2O2O 7:25 AM To: Swinford, Kevin <KSwinford @ kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Hi Kevin, I was talking to Matt Davis about the replacement parts below for the discontinued products, and he said it would be the best to contact You please let us know if you see any issues with parts listed below Thank you, Syslnns lnterface lnc! Jfrtrtrtil {$P.llot Strla# hrrir;fot Neda Oskouie Project Engineer Systems Interfase Inc 10802 47tlr Ave W' Mukilteo' WA 98275 Main; 425-481-1225 | direct: 425-622-9508 N oskou ie@svstems-a nterface. co m www.svstems-i nterface. com From: Broda h l, E rik < Erik.BrqdahI @iacobs,carn> Sent: Wednesday, January 1"5,2020 2:33 PM To : Osko u ie, Ned a B. <NQskouiel@ svstems-intedace'co m> Subject: FW: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Hi Neda, Any generalthoughts on the question below? I believe the city is supposed to have a separate contract with you for construction services, not exactly sure how that works or what the status is' Thank you' Erik Brodahl, PE, PMP I Jacobs I Project Manager O,* I .qZS.ZZd.Sl OZ I M : + 1 . 206. B9B' 5399 | erik' bro-d-ai! @Lacpbs'com itoo t 12th Avenue NE, Suite 500 | Bellevue, WA 98004 I USA From: Linco ln, Stephen <SLincoln @ kentwa'gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 1'5,2020 2:30 PM To : B ro d a h l, E ri k < E ri k.g rqda hl@ig!o.[s--qqn> Cc: Brya nt, Jason <J Brva nt@ kentura.gqv> Subject: [EXTERNAL] FW: GRNRA - Discontinued Products 7 Good Afternoon Erik, Tapani,s supprier for surveitance equipment has noted that severarof the items we specified have been discontinued and have proposed several equal,s for our consideration. I am inclined to the approve the substitutions unless either Jacobs or Sl have anY objections' What do you think? Thank You, Steve Stephen Lincoln' PE, Engineer II Environmental Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5500 I Direct 253-856-5552 slincoln@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENTI WASHINGTON KentWA.q ov Facebook'i' :1; ji'': ;11,; YouTu be pt-Hfrsf; soNllrsEt{ Y}i* rNvrld$NMENT S*F&R* pnSsITrNS Tflxs g'F4ASl- From: BrYant, Jason Sent: Wednesday, January t5,2O2O 1:08 PM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'eov> Subject: Fwd: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Stephen, Please read the email below. Thank you, Get Outlook for iOS From: Stewart, lan <istewart@adt'com> Sent: Wednesday, January t5,202012:15:25 PM To: Bryant, Jason <J gruant@kentua'80V> Subject: GRNRA - Discontinued Products Good Morning Jason, sorry that I am just getting this out now, but I had to do a bit of research to get everything together Here is what the sPec calls for: NVR tutil"rton" Husky M3O - Discontinued 7 /3I/201'8 Recommended replacement: Milestone Husky M20 This one meets the requirements raid out in the spec document with regards to camera channels, storage, and memory 8 EXTERNAL EMAIL Camera Sony SNC-CHtlO - Discontinued (no date) m*:f:ffitln"ffiIJI:i::il:;:Itt[:,';::i:r,^e requirements, arthough the horizontar range is srightrv rower, but the zoom is higher. The onry issue with this is that it does not have an alarm input' Given howthe spec reads' it seems rike the motion detectors wourd be attaching to the .rr"rur, but that isn't compretery clear and there are no motion detectors shown on the prints. lf the motion detectors rr. no, required, this is a much more cost effective solution than the camera below' Recommended replacement w/ motions: Sony SNC-VB-642D This camera is the same box styre and weil exceeds the requirements risted in the spec document' lt also has an alarm input for a motion detector if those are to be required. These are, however, about twice the cost of the camera listed above. Camera Enclosure teko Et€51t2HD & s53512 - Discontinued (no date) ff|,T::li,.'J.:T|jjffi1ii:lffI':01,1,. as weil as the heater and ran cailed ror in the specs' rt is the correct size for the Sony camera recommended above' r need confirmation that we can use the recommended replacements as weil as some guidance on how you would like us to approach the motions that are tisteo in the spec, but not shown on the drawings. Let me know if there is any additional info you require and I am happy to help in any way I can' Ian Stewatt I client Manager P: 206-853-7092 | F:206-284-7716 ;6"oaiJJo;b A"; sE, steloo I Renton I wA I egosT For Service, call 888'284'3553 The information contained in this emair message may.be privireged, confidentiar and protected from disclosure'.If you are notthe intended recipient' any use' distribution or copying or tnis lmait message . unv uttu.il.u#;""it i, ;;;iit pr"rrioii."o ii v"u'iuu" i*uiuuo tniJ Itulituttase in error' please notifv the sender via emait or tetepnone it eOO-S+z-9SeB, do not ,;#;; ;;;i";G, tn'd d"l"tu i"n; tiiStii message from vour electronic files' This emair, incruding attachments, may contain information that is private orconfidential' rf you received this communication in error, prease delete it from your system witnout'copying it and notify sender by reply communication' 9 ADT Security services and its affiriates reserve the right to monitor communications handled by its data communications systems to help ensure compliance with ADT',s policies, confidentiality obligations' and applicable laws' NorlcE _ This communicatioil may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the viewinc, copyins or oistriouiion'Jrl oi |."iiun." "" ih;';;;;il;'uv i'nint"no"Jiutipi"ntu is strictlv prohibited' If message in error, pr*uru lliiii,]i'ini**Jiit*rv ov iupiving t6 the **usagu ina o"iuting it from vour computer' intended reciPient' AnY you have received this 10