HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-477 - Change Order - #3 - Tapani, Inc. - GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station - 03/11/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WaSHtNGToN -to oLo.ed. '; : ] Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 3129121 Date Required: NiA Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: D20047.641 10.330 Budget? EYes EI No Grant? E Yes EI No Type: N/A Category: Contract Vendor Name: Tapani, lnc. 5ub-Category: Change Order #3 Vendor Number: 35124 Pro.lect Name: GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station project Detaits:Additional work necessary to supply gas and power service to new garage' Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Dare: 240 Working Days Agreement Amount: $52,060.64 Start Date: November 22,2019 Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2019-477 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayort Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: iddV2llTl_l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WA5HINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. #3 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: This Change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1, Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to: Additional work necessary to supply gas and power service to new garage' Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of COmpletiOn," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates wssT) and $4,836,590.00 Net Change bY Previous Change Orders (incl. applica ble WSST) $52,204.r8 Current Contract Amount (inct. Previous Change Orders) $4,888,794.18 Current Change Order $47,284.87 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $4,775.77 Revised Contract Sum $4,940,854.82 TqPanin Inc. ("Contractor") GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station November ?2, 2019 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working daYs Revised Time for ComPletion u nder prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 D a ys Req u red (+)fo r th I s c ha n ge Order 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working daYs In accordance with sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and wsDor standard specifications, and section VII of tne ngreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this Change order by signing below. Asol pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may niuL re-garding. this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectid with any *ort either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This chang" oid.r, uni.s otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict compliance wiln the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contiact, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders.(if any), and this change order, prior to the e*ective date oithls change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ngree.ent,-frevious change ordels (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear ^below swear under penalty.of perjury -th.at they are authorized to enter into this contracl iloaiRcation, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the pafties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on the last date written below' Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E' Its Publlc Works Director CITY OF KENT: n -.^ DATE , S/tt ilt (tiile) (signaturQ CONTRACTOR: DATE: Print N By: CHANGE ORDER. 2 OF 3 fr,S (applicable lf NayorE slgnature required) Kent Law Depaftment APPROVED AS TO FO RM:ATTEST: Kent City Clerk \ [tn thb neld, ygu mly enbrthr el€ctpnic flllpath wigc thc @ntoct has bien savrdl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT GRNRA PumP Station Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: c HANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 3 Co nstruction Management Division - Public Works L7-30L2Proiect; Project Engineer:Stephen Lincoln Tapani U nderqround Ow ners Rep:Ja son Bryant Date: 2/2 5/2021 T. FROPOSED CHANGE d power service to new garage Additional work necessarY to supplY gas an II-REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE FA L#5 I nsta g a S se rvi ce p p e to th e M a n t e n a nc e Ga ra g e fro m rh eatifothesiteSpOWer A &8 B A si on to t h e p o n t o f co n n ecti o n o c o n r FA T 1+s I re Ite d i d d iti o n tre n ch I n Iof64rhAtthSouthSdeofJameSStresuna W est s d e VE o e d th d d iti of 2 a d d I ti o n p OW e r d t,d cti n a d n n g a cro S S J a m e S St a n e a o n a d d ti on a c o n u re o te d n a dd it o n a si n a o o re a ce m e nt W o r k a u ts T h s a SO re SU III, METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not oNt vUSEACCOUNI'NGFOR Chan$e Order No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PrioeUnitQty this PE Total Est. Qtv Item DescriPtionSch. No. 4 202.964202.96FA11FArcerkWOSeSrV5Ga1 $43,081.91$43,081.91FA1tFA #'s BA & BB - Power Service Point of Revised Connection 1 PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEeadtombentPayme ofudaa Independent Estim ate Attached NoNew Sub Req rd? DELETE EXISTING PAY 1-O9.5 Not IN'REASE/DEcREAsE To ExrsrNc pAy rrEM(s) ffi NotAppticabte t YONT.USEFOR ChanEe Order No.Cost of ltemUnit PrioeUnitItem DesB.l. No.Sch. No. ched REQUIREDmateAttaEstidnentIndepe 4/OL/to REV. DATE oNtvUSEFORACCOUNT'NG Chan4e Order No.Cost of ltemUnit PriceUnitQtvItem DescriPtionB.l. No.Sch. No. IREDedREQUAttachmateEstiInddentnepe FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT XV. WORKING DAVS TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE 47,284.87 *$4 7 .28'4.87 240Previous TotalDue This Change Orderx240Original Contract DA DA for A, work, materiars and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract speciai provisions for the type of work described' TOTAL WORKING DAYS*240 *This Change Order + Previous Total Date:a)tlL/ Prepared BY: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Manager: Jason nt Pau Kuehne c Connor -/* Date: Date: z/v/zt >,/zAt 2 4lor/to REV. DATE GRNRA S PumP Station - CO #3 Item Descri ion Total $47 t28,4.87 4 202.96Install gas serv ice pipe to the Maintenance GaraFA #5 10 959.76Power service Po int of connection location revision -Ta ni CostsFA #8A 32 t22.L5 Power service Po location revision - Subcontractor int of connection CostsFA #88 FA Sheet No.:5./>\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED iU Project Name GRN RA Pump Station Prime Contractor: Project No:17-3012 Work by Subcontractor?: nO Description of Work: lnstall service conduil. Item No.:Date: 711412020 d lnc Sub-Contractor: OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateRateHoHrsHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 597.92a10774.8neth 620.32100 5577IForemanDavid 446.00$100.5555ILaborerJason 459.52$79.3557dJ59.96 $100.55 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL 123.76 739.65 615.89 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTrsRateHou EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equrpment DescriPtionEquipment # 605.284151Cat Excavator1 1 30086 466.1 3$667Cat Loader1 530051 137.94$22.bCrew Truck5240067 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL e U 209.35 253.96 SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantitYMATERIALS / SERVICES sea $ea $ea Qea SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@12% TOTAL $ $ $ of Hours Worked: oa.2125121 Owner's Representalive Date 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 4,202.96 SHEETTOTAL: $ TOTAL Pay Date By: rder WorksheeteForce AccounU Chan Description: Gas service to Maintenance Garage Ran gas service to maintenance garage building - gas service was needed but not shown in the contract Date: StationName: # 17 12 GRNRA South Water TaPani Inc. PO Box {$QQ o 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.{ 1 48 OvetTime TotalUnil Class n HouF Rata $ 112.12 $ 112.12 $ 116.31 $ 83.63 llourgRaie 74 77 .132.49 Pi RatgUnltsRate# LaborOverhead & Profit 29% Labor Total Total $ 151 .32 $ 66591 1 30086 998.85HRS$ 22.0415 1 530051 HRS155$ 22.99 $ 270vdtYr Plrror wrerY' Lvqev, Crew Truck 411.742',l Total Equipment Overhead & Profit ipment $ $ $ Material Overhead & Profit Material $1s '1.059.00 $ Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 12% Subcontractor Total unit UntlQu.ntltY $ $ changesfoalldoesandnormalmarkupsmaterial,assuchsualUcostonbased theandIScosts;n mpactnd/oracceleratioovertime)overhead,(unless specifiedextendedling,rescheduofdisruptions,work,delays,the thsequenceconsiderPleasethisofcontract.fito completionnalrelatedtheseitemsallandofpnorforclaimany)(iftoreservedmakeanyexpressly malnand/or contract.subcontractnedinas"notice"defiofflcial $ Other Overhead & Profit 2 34.52$ 94 increases the time to the General Liability lnsurance Bond Total Accepted bY Date O.4o160/o 1.5% oT,!iER /"1 ''4 "ULt t/-! nl,,1 vlf t-4 a\-. KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor; HrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME .54 Project Name:GRNRA Pumo Station d lnc Sub-Contractor: 107.75 $ Project No: 17-3012 Date:10t1912024 Description of Work: Bore PSE Tie in PSE vaults Item No Work by Subcontractor?: nO OVERTIME OT Rate STRAIGHT TIME RateHrs 74.721 lnstall DOLLAR AMOUNT 2,248.66$77.54 26. 1 00.55 100.55Laborer J Jason $ $ 79.35 59.96 57.44PioeLaver 1,535.72 STANDBY $ H SUBTOTAL LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $ EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHME NTS OPERATED $ LABOR TOTAL 744.52 317.64 742 11 Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # Deere Excavator1 105078 Crew Truck5220049 Deere 50 Excavator1203119 Rate 26.59 25.59 az DOLLAR AMOUNT EOUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 2,261.95 475.01 2,736.96 U $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT Units 959.76 Veriflcation of Hours Worked SHEET TOTAL Quantity 1 ea I 76 Date Representative $ 10 b $ $ o $ $ $ 2o/14./a 1 150.00 1 1 50.00 1 .50 I 150 00 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit Price MATERIALS / SERVICES Old castle 241.50 TOTAL: 12olo MARKUp (for prime when subcontract work) SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD &PROFfi @21o/o TOTAL Pay Date: By: FA Sheet No 8B->\/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED lnstall iU al Project Name RNRA PumP Station Pri me Contractor: Ta Work by Subcontractor?: nO lnc Su b-Contractor: Project No:17-3012 Date: 1 9,2024 Description of Work: Bore PSE conduit in PSE Item No. OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateRateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 10774.74 $100.5577.54Foreman U100.5555.7Laborer 70 ?457 $59.96 $100.55 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $ LABOR TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTRatersEOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # 52.94Deere Excavator1 1 05078 $25.59Crew Truck5220049 $Deere 50 Excavator1203119 54.Komatsu Loader1530047 @64ForkliftS4410007$IJCrew Truck5220042 $ $ $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD &PROFIT @21% DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantity MATERIALS / SERVICES 2,612.50$612.50cea1Provac '15 602.271ea1NE Electric 964.93$o?ea1NE 500.79o$ 500.791Streak $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PRoFlT@12% TOTAL U $ 28,680.49 32,122.15 1.66 Verification of Hours Worked: o"t"2125121l-/Att/e Date 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 122.15SHEET TOTAL: $ 122.15TOTAL: $ 32 Pay Date: By: Order Works heetForce AccounU C han Water PumRNRAName: 1217 04002ob# TaPani lnc. PO Box {$QQ o 1904 SE 6rh Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 # installed that were not included on the contract plans sand LoopsVauPSEBore,It,ignalDescription:howeverstreet,64thsidewestoftheontooutintotieThecalledpowerSrectionalDibore.planSUndworkbforaFlagging,Excavation boreirectionalItsvaudandtwoofonaladditiinstallationISThiredtheofsideJames.requonbesouththetntietoSEthepointPchanged it.toreturned Signal loopsthebutreparruitcondofway,outstalledincuticationsnewlytheNorthmuncomstreet.skvtheunderneath UnttHouG 841$$ 11 112.17421 77526 Labor Overhead & Profit Labor Total Total 29% TotelUDits*15.00 85D 11 52$59$Deere2031 62.42I54.71 530 116. 10k 'l1 21 Total Equipment overhead & Profit 133 11'le 101 ',U4.4 D $ Material Overhead & Profit Material tiBlt ToltlRab 1 1 1 500.79sand 5Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 12% S Unit Other Other Overhead & Profit 21 itionalfoallcosts changesnotandmarkupsaslaborusuelemenlscosttheontsandthecosts;proposal and/or impactacceleration,overtimeoverhead,specified)(unlessreschedulextendeding,ofuence work,disruptions,the delays,thisseqconsiderPleaseofetioncontract.thisfinaltoitemsatedcompltheseofrelpflorforanmaketoclaimany(if any)reservedisexpressly contract.matnbcontractSUandlordefinedastn"notice"official .4 199$ 95$ General Liability Insurance 0 4016% Bond 1 5o/o Total Amount This theincreasesthe time to Sub Accepted bY: Date: NORTHEAST =l-€E-I-FIlE,." CHANGE ORD E R PROPOSAL NE COPf PROJECT: OWNER: PRIME: 2 nrv* 2O4OO2GRNRA PUMP STATION PROJECT CITY of KENT TAPANI, INC. DATET LOlLgl2oZO WORK DESCRIPTION:ADDITIONAL ROADWAY WORK CONSISTI NG OF: REMOVAL OF 1J-BOX, INTERCEPT EXISTING CONDUIT 1.5 , FROM OLD LOCATION, SUPPLY AND INSTALL 1 TYPE 1J-BOX, INSTALL 2 LOOPS AND ONE NEW LOOP STUB OUT, INSTALL 135' NEW WIRE FROM NEW J-BOX TO CABINET. R EPLACE 23O,WIRING TO EXISTING ADVANCE LOOPS IF DAMAGED WHEN INTERCEPTIN G THE EXISTING CONDUIT EQUIPMENTTOTALSHEET 2 MATERIALTOTALSHEET 2 RATEHOURSIABOR Labor SubtotalOVERTIMEREGULAROVERTIMEULARDESCRIPTION5 4,289.t7L28.67$85.78s0.0050.00ELECTRICIAN s7L2.to574.73s0.000.00ELECTRICIAN ATTP - 6 5113.93s75.9550.000.00BORE OPERATOR 5113.06s75.37s0.000.00BORE LOCATOR s 1s0.011.12.50s75.00s0.002.00PROJECT MANAGEMENT $ 4439.11 RATEHOURSEQUIPMENT Equipment SubtotalREGULARSTANDBYREGULARDESCRIPTINs 929.s037.18s0.0025.00#58 2009 F450 GAS 4X2 3521'lP s0.000.00 s S gzg.so MATERIAT& RENTATS Material SubtotalUNITUOMs 2,soo.oos 2,soo.ooLS1.00MISC MATERIALS )5LS0.00 )LF0.00 s s 2,5oo.oo SUBCONTRACTORs Subcontractor SubtotalUNIT COSTUOMDESCRIPTION 5sLS0.00 s $ s,81s.24 5 1,124.70 s 3,o2s.oo LABOR MIUP 3LYO EQUIPMENT MIUP 2Lo/o MATERIAL MIUP 2T% SUBCONTRACTOR MIUP L2o/o s 5 s 5 L,376.L3 19s.20 s25.00 IABORTOTAL EQUIPMENTTOTAT MATERIAL TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL S gBs+.ge6RANDTOTAL NORTHEASTFt-=ETFllE* 1 REV# 2O4OO2GRNRA PUMP STATION PROJECT CITY Of KENT CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL DATE: 9191202O NE COPf PROJECT: OWNER: PRIME: NEW TRANSFORMER DOES TAPANI,INC. WORK DESCRIPT|ON : INSTALLATION OF (21 4 ,, RED POLY CONDUIT BY DIRECTIONAL BORING FROM LOCATION ACROSS W JAMES STTO JBOX LOCATION PER NOT INCLUDE EXCAVATION FOR VAULTS AND WORK PITS, NOR TRAFFIC CONTROL. EQUIPMENTTOTALSHEET 2 MATERIALTOTALSHEET 2 PSE PLAN LABOR HOURS RATE Labor Subtotal DESCRIPTION REGULAR OVERTIME REGULAR OVERTIME ELECTRICIAN 0.00 0,00 s 85.78 s 128.67 s ELECTRICIAN ATTP.6 0.00 0.00 5 74.73 s 7r2.L0 BORE OPERATOR 45.00 0.00 5 75.95 s 113.93 5 3,477.90 BORE LOCATOR 45.00 0.00 5 75.37 s 113.06 s 3,391.8s PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 s 75.00 S 112.s0 5 s 6,809.75 EQUIPMENT HOURS RATE Equipment Subtotal DESCRIPTION REGUTAR STANDBY REGULAR #E192 VERMEER BORE 25.00 0.00 s to7.46 s 2,686.s0 2OA7 PSVAC TRUCK WDWFX 60 20.00 0.00 s 66.37 5 t,327.40 s $ 4,013.90 MATERIAL& RENTATS Material Subtotal DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UOM UNIT COST 4'' RED POLY, MISC MATERIALS 1.00 LS s 1,s08.00 s 1,so8.oo 0.00 LS s ) 0.00 LF s 5 s 1,508.00 SUBCONTRA TORS Suhcontractor Subtotal DESCRIPTION qUANTITY UOM UNIT COST 0.00 LS 5 s s 5 8,920.77 s 4,8s6.82 s 1,824.68 5 LABOR MIUP 3LYO EQUIPMENT MIUP 2L% MATERIAL MIUP 2L% SUBCONTRACTORMIUP L2% s s s s 2,LLL.O2 842.92 315.68 LABOR TOTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL MATERIALTOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL 5 L5,6O2.27GRANDTOTAT NOTES WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE of RECEIPT by OWNER THIS COP PRICE iS GOOD fOT ACCEPTANCE MATERIALSLY oMlssloNsandERRORScoPforthistoandCORRECTEXTENSIONTIMECONTRAfiESTtoouREQURIGHTRESERVEWE INSTRUCflONSOWNERScoPthisperWITHINandENTALLALLEQUIPMandNSTLABOR,WIWE SUPPLL E2Eoop!SITEPtlGETceEEr nvEn neruuL Rsouus em sn tuMp srar oNSOUND NEwrn NEWiRFaePRrwENER5roFOR€MN (CHES AOX MEN COMPL€TEO)^{rLr.@Eq@dE riEorr!Rec1"Edo!!co rdrR'@Ytullrdo&M- h@d"*-dffi*&Nil.lryFp4o EddnhwftuldnfrpsErI41&3Srya3@SEE1i^"ol Jitil{ \.S/IE SPEC'F/C NOTESAf fr1: s1@lUA1O-ffinre Jaox ND vauLl fo wAtNCUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT NOTES:POWER GENERAL NOTES. COMIVlERCIAL PROJECT@.eshPuFrtundEndlys(PSE)$nC&d8 kycdrd'dikmrh6srkshici hui FruTHoREEobyP*3P'oFd Ma4er and NOTEOoniE Forhad&Py2 ar6sEiLnga'r.igemsbaM,d4earia@ehenEaeb4hadewthrheProlectMaM9ddreads'e (3)wkqdaF ndvil€3 tuBd he udr6 u^cercr.ud L@iM Gde, 0.3@42455) a! reasr 43 ho!6 p'6r ro 6mme^c nsworkrooer rbeundso,ou^c rlcil!610€rd{ STAKTNG liecusoddwnpr@dea!catrio(ua6,ormer iatrdide,tend.lrade rd,Fesdwarkcrc) k5ManddebisL.lcatoB EquDfrenlrod,oshu6rbe.srovedbyrhePror€dMaiaoe5 9Ie PR@AtuILON lne dRarea w{r h al or ned fin'rhd gade. cEr d u€d.tsis d sicrud oucr on and/or equLpmenr &@s. eb'e @r[ cad b{'i6 REdsehdrEFvdorMra{JV'iclRculT FEETAOOEOT 270APG @NSIRUCTId ME€IIM ISREOUIEOWlts YOUR.trerALL t3) 1*v ELBOW ki PER SfD 6011 1a@ @D t6259AA).rfls/A[ 0) sEre oF @E r Gs aaa@m. &aaaa1 coaooeAf Jo2:31&1&84.lBlM 0 ffi 4 a" x I X5 W WG&!N6PERSrO60455@p&Xrq@STOMER S RSrcNSELE FOR AL TRAGNq SELECI S#LLL COMPACT ON A RESIO&TId PER PIGET$UND ENEROY 5TNM T bd! TUNO'ALIN.A@lIt6)12w E80W Kl ER SIDVAULTSTWOd PrC.R€OUIREDTOPRd]OE4 X4'W(PTAA MINISCUACYARO'&CRUSHEOR6AT JOI.REfuIEOIO FRd DE 11X9rcR( Ptr &6'MINUSdBlCYAROAA GUSIEOTdA' JUReouREotopRdroE1rx 1rrcR(P[ &6MrNlscuBcYARotS cRUsNeoRcKaTv01------!4i6fi* To @R€ c) { REo pdy3 1sJ@.JOBSTENEESIOBE 1OOX R@Y FOR INSPECTON5 BUS NESOAYSPROR TONTRUCAONSTC,AL!rcRK N RIGHTOFMY MUSI BE @ROIMIEOWtrts PRd€CI MNAGERANOLGLTT' NSPECTONS MUST BE@MPLEIEOSSUSLNBS SYS PR]OR IO$H€OULEOSSIRUdION UTEREOUIREO TO OPEUTE ANO PRWIO€ EOU PMST IO PUMP OUI WAIS FOR @K PITS VAULTS ATre@ AIALL IIMESREqUIR€OIO HAVE €XCAVAI ON EAU]PMEM ANOE€ ON SIT! 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PO Box 1900 Battle Ground, WA 98604 USA ET to Hydro Excavate Pro-Vac PO Box 24351 Seattle, WA 98124 253-435-4328 Description of Work lnvoice 94363 lnvoice Date 12/9/2020 Completed Date 12/9/2020 Customer PO Job Address Taoani #204002 6248 South 242ndPlace Kent, WA 98032 USA Task # DescriPtion PWOP '12/9 #94363 PW - OPerator OnlY #4OO 12/9 #94363 DisPosal QuantitY 7.50 2.00 Your Price $23s.00 $425.00 Your Total $1,76250 $850.00 Sub-Total Tax Total Due $2,612.50 $o.oo $L61?:sO Balance Due $2,612.50 Thank you for choosing Pro-Vac confirm that the work performed by Pro-Vac was of quality and in a timely mannerI hereby 12/9/2020 INVOICE Tax exemPt number: A15 5675 19 Site: Auburn Page 1 of 1 ts Oldcastle I nf rastructu re- PO Box 588 Auburn, WA 98071 A CRH COMPANY TelePhone: Fax..........: 253-839-3500 253-735-4201 SHIP TO: SOLD TO: Tapani Plumbing, lnc. PO BOX 1900 BATTLE GROUND, WA 98604 19OO GRNRA West James & 64th Street Kent, WA 98064 Remit to: Oldcastle lnfrastructure P.O.gox742387 Los Angeles, CA 9007 4-2387 lnvoice No. 010243926 Date 121312020 Customer No. 01 0002334 Order No. s1 77856 Customer PO 204002 Delivery Terms FOB Job Site - |'tode or oetivery Oldcastle/UV Truck Packing sliP(s)sP212730 Group: 8X10 PAD QtY Unit Description Mark Unit Price Amount 1,150.00 Item 1,150.00 1.00 Ea 0090600 77-2460 8' x 1 0' Pad TOTAL AMOUNT DUE BY: O1lO2t21 US 1'150'00 The Customer Agrees- -i"+s{id"RRilE.'Brxhb'Japi Bv."ll{?l&ii?,.u!l#uiffialiiSfi{lfiJis-'iil$38ryr- -^.^-- 3. TO pAy COLLECION COSTS, |NCLUDTNG REASONneie niiSh'r'r:Ei FEe's Arrrn orrnuLT BY THE CUSTOMER KAIIGLFV trI{lGa l9i3';f ll;?f, i?. : [ffi ,l'f;fi 3i, ffi SILVE R STREAK, INC. 2fi994 DBEAilBE # D2F721 8670 &scs9t6 5 98038 4 f *r l.a . i.t''' ,1 Pol \ ("')':t.r:1.:<.,'; rjName: t,, r \il (Standb$ ( {._ \ .:\ Reason for DelaY \. )' l 1i.,, I (.i ( urr\'l r' Start Time: Stop Time: Total Hours: Job Site: Eill By Lunch Time: Down Time: Ton:3" Yard: J Job # DriverTotal Hours: Begin Mileage: Total Miles: DVIR f : \t ?, End: - ',, j\Driver Name: Fuel: Date; TRAVELTIME Begin Mileage: "\,.'- Truck #: Total Travel: LunchlDown Pre-Trip 3 Post-Trip U State ofTravel:out-of-5tate Mileage: Total Miles:# Trips: ln: TICIGT#LEAVE TIME ARRIVE fIMELEAVE TIME ARRIVE rlMEHAULEDFROMT&T/solo MATERIAL 12 -"'f;:t:t't' ( |dut]-r*,*"e*alqo73oll,( L-i,:',.,...\ , \ ,.)i\t) < r\+ Loads Signaturb: 't \ Driver'sinjury? ruo& Any on the job Yes U Scanned with CamScanner [tBRTHr"""r*o O AcCOUNTING: 91 25 TENTH AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE, WA 98108 t (2061 762-2566 Krngley Rock ll Recycling Locations KANGLEY PIT (Ptant t 21'l 325@ SE K€d-Ksngloy Rd.. Raven8dalo, WA 98051 BL CK RIVER {Planl,?2) - (206) 85&0912 510 irorcler Rd. R8nlon, W 98055 LAKE FRANcls lPlanl # 23) ' (206) 858'0872 Zldi b-e Liki rr"n",s Rd Maprs vallev wA e8o3a I RY TI A DIVISION OF GARY MERLINO CONSTHUCTION COMPANY INC'Cedar 17877 Cedat Mountain Reclamation Grovs Rd. SE, Maple Valtey,wA 98038 Plant tQO 658.09r3 l, t;.. , i ,t.! ili; *;:; " D'IIVER 'ISPATCHER ]USTOMER SIGNATURE HOLD HARMLESS KANGL€Y ROCK & RECYCUHC. A DIVISION FOF ANY DAMAGE TO HIS REAL OH PERSONAL PROPERW 9ETAILS ON FEVEFSE. DATE 'RINT NAME NG -2566.*sB{306! {206) 762 SALES & FAX ARRIVE PLANT LEAVE JOB ARRIVE JO8LEAVE PLANTMAP LOCATE PLANT T PROJECTOFOER NO.DATE CUSTOMER NO. JOB NO. .,,:"'::i "CUSTOMER NAME JOB ADDRESS '/r\rr:1 .-F*r.h_+.!1.J u :;.L1_+.:, tr MASTERCAROtrVISA CAHO COLLECT ON D ELTVERY (c.o'o') No.TICKET E DISCOVEB N CHARGE gvp. --J-ncASH trcHEcK# SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS {.: ;t.ll lJfrl:.1-/ ;.'^rr.:ii a:lrl 'l ljr" '..,'.i l+ i, t ' '- "; -'i ;i-"1 ; i i.r\,r;-'i'li'l-:; l,i I ,"i ',.:i l. i :.'iri : I rrfi "- I t ":i-j ' / c 7i a I 11; lii: il, "':r(i ir{j rii 'i lJ BVTFUCK NO, T|ME OUE i '1 ,:ilTAX CODE TOTAL UNIT PRICE AMOUNT PFODUCT DESCRIPTION TONS QUANTITY U.M. BEMIT PAYMENT TO 9125 101h AVE. S SEATTLE, WA 98108 'EBMS ON REVERSE SUB-TOTAL SALES TAX BALANCE FORWABD TOTAL AMOUNT v 04-2009 ilU,r;"(]''Jf F 'JOPY Scanned with Carn$canner Change Order #3 FA #5 FA #8A FA #88 DescriPtion Gas Service Power Service Power Service Total 4202.96 ro959.76 32,L22.L5 47284.9 105094728 i: -'lll -'" ts*'a ii" lloI ! "t 'll_ t" rl6 ry .i (t L It,; i rl : ! 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I "- bRENd IA. acr"*^**uru&"*u*A*$Jpffi 'T;*)?ix-lri.fl.*CUS'OMER SUP4'Otu c@cYAM 66'CNSffi RM@SY S'BOTTOM SKIRT ON iOP OF MTIVE $tr,SOR€WHPSGSTEGA@!o^ . 1$1n dE FdsIECNIdESFG€NNNSIMST 6]&SILT FENCE DETAILG;GE----------ctmVAULT & EXCAVATION DETAIL @ VO1VAULT & EXCAVATION DETAIL @ JO1ffi.10!NEWCONDUIT DIAGRAMWll midin 5 Mh deDb dile dte&.al di[inqCROSSINGS CONDUIT TABLEr-**,1;fifiifrffi@@R.mrb eF 6r c6ds)Ituary,&s.s@.$=4SL&6*YPrc@$CUSTOMER APPROVALOdom?s SigEtuGTYPICAL BORE COVERTYPICAL BORE NOTE6hs shilH d.r s6 wi $ rhd.n ol$c dh d hy rn 60 em. dldon.J. BOX CABLE ENTRY DETAILNEW CABLE DIAGRAMTABLEE@RD PHNE TPPED & ACIW fuTAGE INMDos6N(s)*NS*SGN@{N)CLEAR WORKING SPACE FOR J-BOX]610tMMddltW)APPROVEOTRNSFORMERAR410'EPRESNTNE IIUST BE ONSM IOR DUUTON O! BOE16"TIfIRNGMntrNIM!'M !!OOT VERtrCdSUCruECOVEUGE IN PUBUCANV UCAVANON TO ?EVAV& AIOIDSDILY NSRI.PROVIDE ITTOM! PSEDOE@COMIIENCING NI UORf,BT NSTMD ilR 'SE STAND.ADSMINI!III SEPARAION.l-_-ltLh--;;l-rsdN_r iTRANSFORMERFROM COMBUSTIBLE SURFACESI\4INIIVIUM CLEARANCES FOR PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER AND VAULT EnveloPe lD: 648056.c5'A 227 -4EE8-9F 45-5AC09D655D52 i$frfio coMMERCIALELEcTRICFACILITIEScoNTRAcT ENTR6Y o"'u BllTlzo Conkact is subjed to revision afler 90 daYs "lf the above Permitting Fees are associated with service work only'those costs will be billed with the applicable service By signing this contract you are authorizing psE to continue with all the needed elements to complete your project' Upon receipt of a signed contiaci FsE *itt biil y6u fo,tn" r*ount indicated on the "rofal Amountto Be Billed underThis contract,line. The bill will sent to the billing aodress listed on this contract. PSE requires payment of these line extension chargespriortoschedulingconstruction.eaymentscanbemadeviap""."o'(feesmayapp|y),bymail,orataPSEPay station. Deraying payment may resurt in a construction deray for your project. iustomer requested changes in the scope oiir," Jroiu"t'mJy'reiult in add-itionat charges, and/or delays to your project. Customer lnitials: DR COOWNER NAME (lF APPLICABLE) cusroMER (owNER) NAME clry oF kENT (ATTN: STEPHEN LINCOLN) ''o g8o32STATE WA"'tt KENTsERVrceADDRESS 6316 S 24OTH ST t't 98032SIATE WA"'tt KENTBTLLING ADDRESS 4oo w GowE sr PsE woRKoRoER No .t OS09+228EMAILslincoln@kentwa.govtno*t 253.8s0.5552 Brief DescriPtion of Work: Primary line extension from J01 to J02, install (2) 4" red poly conduit supplied by PSE for road crossing, install new J-box (575) install (1) 4" conduit from J-box to new transformer vaulVlid, install new 1000kva transformer 1201208, connect customer wire (3) runs of 300mcm' Road crossing by city of Kent with Potelco inspector' All trenching along property can be open trench, all pits for vaults provided bY CitY of Kent, Brief DescriPtion of Other Costs: Permit fees, flagging cost, traffic police, transformer difference due to high LRC. '**Please note below charges will be applied after service connection is comPleted"*'" Construction Costs: Transformation Charges: Less Applicable Margin Allowance: SuFrJo$aJ frotenliqlReJU ndablq Cosls) : . Permitting Fees*: Relocation/Removal of Existing Facilities: otherNon-Refundableconstructioncharges: $-1s'zll-o!- $.ub-Total(Non-Refundphle.cost$: $-L9s3e'47- Tgt?l.Aqrount to be Billed Under ThiS'O-onLra-qt:* $Sg@1!gg- Customer lnitials DR Summary of Charges: s 50.278.5S $ 37.570.34 $_:g,Zgs2g-- S o.oo s 1.918.19 $ooo @rLeffegl* 1 $140.60 1 $182.67 '----.--..--additio rate lor run 1 itional or to le wire Each $1,039,47ch Signature:Name: Dana Title:Mayor, -Datei 0910412020 Docusign Envelope lD: 648056A5-A227 -4EE8-9F 45-5AC09D655D52 TERMS AND CONDITIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. The psE drawing shows the proposed scope of your project including the location of permanent, above ground electrical facilities required to provide electrical service to your project. Fault current information for transformers associated with your project is noted on the work sketch drawing, Fl""t" review this drawing as soon as possible to ensure there are no unforeseen conflicts between PSE's design and your project' lf you determine there are conflicts or if you identify a discrepancy while reviewing the drawing for your project, please contact me at the number below. This is attached as Exhibit A' 2. Additional construction-related information and information on metering and service entrance requirements areprovided in PSE',s Electric service handbook for commercial projects' lf you would like a copy of the handbook please contact me at the number below. lt is your responsibility to provide your project manager' site superintendent, and/or subcontractors with any relevant information from this correspondence that apply to their work in suPPort of Your Project' 3 The Excavation Requirements & Final Grade certification must be signed oy tle q1o-r.e$ owner or designee and returned to me atong witn " "ign"o copy of this contract' This is attached as Exhibit B' 4. Transformers have been sized for diversified commercial loads only, and shall not be used for high load factor (continuous) temporary power uses, such as electric heaters for dry-out Fault currents for non- residential transformers in your project are noted on the attached PSE design drawing' Please notify the PSE representative listed on this contract immediately if you believe there are conflicts between this design and your project' lt is your responsibility to provide your project manager, site superintendent, and subcontractors with any information iiom this correspondence and it's attachments that apply io their work' 5. The requirements for trenching by customers on public right-of-ways and/or on Puget sound Energy easements must be signed by the project owner or designee and returned along with a signed copy of this contract' This is attached as Exhibit G. POTENTIAL REFUNDS Margin Allowance: lf psE has not provided a Margin Allowance or if your Margin Allowance exceeds $75,000' PSE agrees to calculate and refund the Margin Allowance, suolect to schedule 85, up to two (2) years afier the line extension is energized. Customers are responsible for making the refund request' DIM Refund: other refunds associated with the line extension charge may be available if additional permanent service hook-ups are made to your line extension. These service hook-ups must be made within five (5) years of the date on which your project is initially energized Customers are responsible for making all refund requests' A refund may be requested one (1) time withln six (6) years of the date on which your line extension is initially energized' lt is the custome/s responsibility to make the refund request. Your refund request should be directed to PSE',s customer Accounting Coordinators at ScheduleS5refundrequests@pse'com' RATE SCHEDULE 85 All terms and conditions, costs, and refunds are in accordance with PSE',s Rate schedule 85' and any discrepancies between this contract and the Rate schedule will be resolved in favor of the Rate schedule' Rate schedule 85 contains more detailed information covering costs, refunds, rights' and obligations than is reflected in this contract. The entirety of Rate Schedule 85 can be viewed at PSE's website www'pse'com' This cost information is valid for g0 days from the date of this contract. should we receive your contract after this period, the costs will be subject to changes' The amount noted on this contract is an estimated cost; however PSE's Schedule 85 line extension tariff requires customers to pay the actual cost of construction. psE will determine the actual cost of the job once construction is complete. lf the actual cost of the job is more than 10% above or below the estimated cost, an additional billing or refund will result to account for the difference " * "ry"' r#ff;*7 - 4EE I - eF 4s'sAc 0 e D6s s D s 2 The following oulines most local governmental guidelines and company standards for trenching on a public right-of-way or puget Sound Energy, lnc. (PSE) easement, iny trenching performed by the customer, or their contractor' under a PSE permit or easement must comply with these requirements' 1. All trench construction must be performed by a washington state licensed and bonded contractor' 2. Trench excavation, backfill, restoration, and facility placement must be coordinated with a PsE designated representative, and receive on-site approval by that representative, and local jurisdiction' 3. Right-of-way easement trenching and backfill must be performed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. same day excavation and backfill is required for all trenching. Job start notification to the localjurisdiction is the responsibility of potelco, lnc. customer shall notify Potelco Project Manager three working days prior to trenching. Penalties for failure to comply with this requirement will be borne by the customer' 4. lf the job scope requires excavation beyond a single day, fencing and barricading must be installed around utility facilities exposed above the trench, if allowed, must be in accordance with local regulatory requirements' 5. PSE, all participating utilities, and one-call Locate, must be notified a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the date and time for right-of-way trenching and facility placement. The one-call Locate number is 1'800-424-5555' State law requires locating service notification' 6. Excavated material must remain clear of the roadway whenever possible. Excavation material, spoils, and debris shall be removed off-site each day, in accordance with local regulatory requirements, All erosion control requirements in accordance with local regulatory requirements are the responsibility of the customer' 7, Material excavated from the shoulder of the right-of-way shall be properly disposed, and replaced with select backfillmaterialinaccordancewithlocalregulatoryrequirements.g. proper compaction is required to comply witn locat regulatory specifications. lf the permit requires compaction testing,thecostofsaidtestingistheresponsibilityofthecustomer' 9. All permit requirements, traffic control plans, traffic control and flagging shall meet local regulatory specifications and satisfaction. 10. ln the event of failure to abide by the above requirements, PSE reserves the right, at its sole discretion' to assume trenching. ln the event of delays due to equtpment failure, PSE may assume trenching to meet regulatory and joint construction requirements. The customer is responsible for all trenching costs, and will reimburse the company for costs should PSE perform the trenching' REQUIREMENTS FOR TRENCHING BY CUSTOMERS ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND/OR ON PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. EASEMENTS .11. The customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless PSE from all liability (including reasonable attorneys,fees) arising out of, or in connection with, the above mentioned trenching activities' customer lnitials: DR Customer ln DR I AGREE TO ADHERE TO THE ABOVE CONDITIONS Service Address: 6316 Work Order Number: PqP-9J72q .. Signature: S 24OTH Name Dana h Title: Mayor Date: 0910412020 NNooi;{r.-.!l^€o$dlnlw!ffijodlNlrrMdtflNN'xosrNN oNnosrcuv$ &d ff os w s!Mo# mruw EM Nff l3tld@s{mr' o{GFdtrOC BM X@F:H5)ooIoooo---Gddt lsd somm:m!!dNOUViUOIN 11nF$sennr dBruomffiffiffi.frnv-il"tw'SfrEvL@*6!B3@3w hr- tu^@€tsFr:dD@€MNcd@-----Eedgz-ffist*t{frtE-TotaNODntSN ttnao$ruffi3 3sftStr=-!ffiN\fld 3-USMt v,- fi 1 frvc M en at aE NMt frlgf]_,1r_lr ilrllol3]svr gNtovor tlncul3Tilcv,- M. uw I 0n e 6 Ntu (t) frlw:a't ot rt!1 q €u.4q@4FlF^qte$ tr NIUB s'dnhluqsru Fdliesqp&@sRpBnFiqizrwpeu4&d@I@E&Nrunbe"SFr.^6."']ldul@Y wM 3*drelmryd qE@9@Wdu6 sllo@a.F$It& 6uFqF.rdqqr'@frq :rc[v vcE !!-sNr9ls NoMtrsNl lo No$AbE lNv 3to* [nYJDNiN :u BrA 9Nlr]lw ! nn@Fsoilv/n-sr@ffi $:w*rno*tNrHlNlu[Nno 9Nn!ou]luNNU Nll4'ornd& l0 ma stl, lvNornod Salnoll I NoDd$r otD:s v i -'gNlisDvsrsd^o) 01 NoDnrsNs to lo ,il ils rc 3s oilv N3rurml No[v^€x] $vR or olanD3$'sswrv HaEur$rnv sfE)ssloJlrvMmSxndol$:ndnoSsr@dowa€doorcuno*'ilvo 6fcnu$@ onno:Hs olsks Yo strsI@dtroc3SEnft S8r*SNr'XO 1n.W S3rwgbNnr mru:Emor N slllfrwilav,-,q. lnM & teo -tz mlsN'w o!g1vilav - &. tmNoo atteo -ta nvlwstrbtatSldsNVdsffi M rc SNi# @WINM t @r9r'oilo wrsm G@sEwrerso@nilsM' -n- --------i*.sFryqm6u' *.pd6@.sDForsailr'fuFq'0I'@-.@6 udu@u6re@aqdqsutpnFNp'quqs''sfl"qry€'s@sd&ffi El,q@reF$' .sddqq@BJcrdF^ryr.'@€ 5a@.-@qbw6u@t@@qso @ls€u@E4u!ry{qErsF €ffit# @tus'ffiBw s9vt 9.ffi io ss o Dlsr@t*2an w!rce iltunil Ql fr!iltlwtgtuOm)Stfi &!ffiAjand M o!zrlrlEf*tut@ Ntffi qs nd u @ ^Et le)fris#@c&g :M) N BMa @uuz vMt (t) wls{t'ffiJiiiii@E q@uilB IrrEre'&ap@.{qw@Fd'aeqlwBger{q@s@F.$@@ft 1e@sasddFb4['.#F6Fl@lopEqqqFalFUiuuurM ryMils*.l& @Sliq6wEo! !4$to@Jsqprgpenuweffi eeurf i$a@ 1r@roNs5!tMFrcrd ilfrGlnnI1m*iiIsL + IU O*,' (a 3M Or Src$n}G$fi'ffiLO 1V )$U O:HSft J -S OUv C€m $Mn J M)UOM rI X L! :O60e Or GUnO3vzdrvrco!orH$ssowla€ncsnM^3t!asoff 6x !Iaohoe01@no#lslv)sfrsnss9 w J€ostrfr J,!cM tx t srrclaor@rN$''sdM?srrffhrdt&) @!tr @s uga oa ttw^ sfffr-rz)@& r M ffi*wraftE:MlvIIIl"IIII'ddqqF'.ls l)d(E.s$@sres@ 9uh uald4 s*BllMrDdUo!@Fqemff €Fq@d@i@,.@w4FFF!.J@!*:qiqFd.4r@q4rufu4n€ srhrs,t!a*D?H4*s h.'x.q @! .po6 Fq dF@4 rulJw)q6F4l^dsr.4Fq :9NlFls tbeu6ord!q &qFsrzffit4qlffi w@d4DnsF.@ €'6@ff!'d@6ur(d€$EqFi*il4l4qe4ilFqs.9llstus@lwqu.!fu.6ll'F@N zq.e.usr { i@oN r.tudq sssd^o @rcu5il.ffis (*l r/@ Fn6 Ftu@ffJOSS afrisdt:sNHOlti eil !d nsstro& s EHof$c-mravs s]B No ffiEo HtNil fr ilorol d sosd llffiL@&gt owl a64w ds w D @ & t lqt tutg|@zstotil wMh ffi , ML w M |tl fiv!*thrrcd ffiw qs led s@@de/il * s]!!2!tJ!!!E!!cMLffita zt lvffia6ffiE3ffi688ffiffi$dNdlwors ?rcDv&fitow lctsrtss $rHd3ufruojftr$64 s a3trorm)Mils rw $lfws 01 &r!c !:w fJlao& !m Hs @!n€a I gNrsr MsusNoa * vNNn*UlmV @YXO{MSIEffiLWLt:Lt lV80t:s3roN LN3SdO13A30 U3nOrSn3s3to ,,3/Jlc3ds 31,S!2,8{qz4I3 2t5ePWE| e*n9UNDENEffifmRMru&Goffi}gffi?w s^ndwJu, N&tra9PRr4-iI..t-T@$dm9P4t@ft&ac vd6@ 6'8@€D RA.44SY S SfrOM SKRI ON TOP OF MTM 9[.sEcuE wB a Gsr s6.Ecnr@€s Fm EROSId NO SSIMff CONmOLSILT FENCE DETAILubs. o1$J&VAULT & EXCAVATION DETAIL @ JO1VAULT & EXCAVATION DETAIL (VOl)NEW CONOUIT DIAGRAMCROSSINGS CONDUIT TABLEI-3d Min,*"","'#ilffi@Eit96rrcm!9-rNtu@ETres r.{(@E@' -fiJ-Go€l@)(s2) II NsNErss| /@Er@)€ G@@11*j r#row)III^ -_-_)31!e'M ({DljU 20TYPICAL BORE COVERTOP Ufr6. €bdqi.tu.letu6.J- BOX CABLE ENTRY DETAILTYPICAL BORE NOTENEW CABLE DIAGRAM&@rc ffi Tf PEOa ACru{ a@T6E INTUDSE(s)0il1CU$ OR EME OF PAWMEM.ffi irc de6M bdd lNo E s).i izus a*.ir-*..ons@ E @dd6o.Ya'd€r@@CLEAR WORKING SPACE FOR J.BOXrc@e.d1.{'4F$r4@-10'3610'.'' ,/fPROVEDTMNSFORMER(MMw10'h@10'CM M ffi6 OF PAEMEMJOINT TRENCH DETAILffit.rlEPGEffiVS MUST BA ONSIG FOR OUMNON OF rcREPSrurc Wil OP&ING tN PUALIC UGTITBEOIMNGPREE SND@S ND ADHEMNEWCONDUITS&LL 8EP@UCCONDUIT SWLsmEAND5.&TGQUTR€MNMWMINIUMSTRUOUE,SEWERUSE COMUtr AND MATERIABEt-ltL-_t_l't- ---L"t*RANSFORMERFROM COMBUSTIBLE SURFACESMINIMUM CLEARANCES FOR PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER AND VAULT Envelope lD: 648056A5-A227 -4EE8-9F 45-sAC09D655D52 YUQE I SOUND ENERGY PSE ELECTRICAL FACILITIES EXCAVATI O N REOi, I RETtAE-rurS A r.rO r I ruA L G RADE c E RTI F I GATI ON PURPOSE This document is an agreement between Puget sound Energy (PSE) and the oylglfpeveloper (Developer) who is providing excavation.f&"iF!"i'.ii!r[iffi; idE:.: rE.iiii".linii'od"rmi,nt d'oes not provide an-easement for operating riohts. tf psE determrnes that a recordabte ""lJr"'it-on tne.oJueiopeil piJ;trgi oltiel property is necessary' it shall be th! Developer,s responsibility to obtain sucn eJs-em$ti in a form acieptabte io PSE prior to construction' EXCAVATION REQUIREMENTS The requirements and conditions outlined below apply wh.en you provide the excavation for PSE's electrical facilities as a condition of receiving electricat service ro, yJu, iI5i6"i. ri v6u nbeo 'IJoliionii-inioimation' please call the PSE contact person listed below. 1. Developer is responsible for acquiring-utility locates by calhng--one-call, 1-800-424'5555 at least 48 hours (two full workins week days) prior to digging. The'rixcavation must .b"i'ti"-r",iuirJments of the Washington Administrative 6Jo"' ;"i s;i;iv-bii'io a'0" 2. Developer shall cail the psE contact person noled below for trench and route approval prior to starting excavation' 3. The electrical primary trench shall be excavated to provide. a minimum of 36 inches of facility coverage, to a maximum trench depth of +g'i'rf.ilJr."ir.',iEbliriJ ifric*i trenin-strarr oe e;;av-aiJ io ptoyioe a minimum of 24 inches of facility coveraqe, to a maximum trench depth of 56'r-"6"9:A i) incn n#L".lirrr"pJt"tion-i"required between PSE electrical t"cititiel and other utilities within a joint trench' 4, All back fill must be free of sharp objects and construction debris, Developer shallprovide and install sand bedding and shadino for etectricat facitity protection asiilit#u psE; .oni""t dJiiSn. oeuetbper is responsible for any damages caused'by improper backfill or compaction' 5. Developer agrees to maintain a minimum of 2 feet of horizontal clearance between PSE conduit, pipe or conductors and any fodndati6n on Developer's property' 6. The vault excavation shall be dug to the dimensions noted on the attached work sketch' Vault holes shall have a solid revet-uottom witn a o incn deep la-yer of crushed rock bedding. T. Developer shail provide the excavation for psE electricat facilities within the deslglred.location' Developer shall identify and provide finat grade, property tines, and ;tiiily;;;il;rii piior to insiallation of?sE's electrical facilities' g, Developer will be financially liable for the relocation of PSE's facilities which are inadequatelv covered, located outside tt jiii-*n"ie pse nai itequate "0"','t';;E'i,i:i le*m:l"if*?*:fl'lti"'flgru*2;.flSiT.frf,ldamasesresulting from dig-ins due to changes or vt FINAL GRADE CERTIFICATION By my signing below, I certify that the electrical facilities work area shall be at final grade prior to excavation' I assume full responsibility for my excavation work and tne resurting iocation of.these facilities. I also agree to indemnify' defend' and hold harmless puget sound Energy from ail riauiritv arisin! out of, o, in connection with my wort<, including but not limited to all craims, rosses, damages, and expenser, in.irJing ieasonabre attorney's fees, which resurt from my failure to excavate w1hin easement areas oi'rights-of-wa', o,. iro,.',.' Jig[ing without adequate rights on adjoining properties' Service Address:6316 S 240TH ST . - - rENT 98032 work order Number: Signature: 2806 08/15 ame:09 2020 Title:Oale: 991941 2020 Brya nt, Jason From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Lincoln, StePhen Thursday, SePtember 10,2020 1:39 PM Honeysett, Dave Bryant, Jason FW: PSE - Signed Contract PSE-GRNRASPS.Pdf Hi Dave, The Mayor of Kent has signed the service agreement for the GRNRA south Pump station Electrical Service connection' A copy of the signed agreement is attached to this message for your use' lf you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them' Best Regards, Steve Stephen Lincoln, PE, Engineer III Environmental Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5500 | Direct 253-856-5552 slincoln@KentWA'oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.qov Faqebook l"-ytiri,lll Yo-uTube PLgASf; CON$Tg}trR Y*iS NHVIRSNMENY E[:iFON'f PIIXNTTNffi TI'ICS *'MAT!' From : Yoshita ke, Na ncy < NYoshitake @ ke ntwa'gov> Sent: Thursday, September I0,2O2O 1:26 PM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'gov> Subject: PSE - Signed Contract Hi Steve - attached is the PSE agreement that has been signed by the Mayor' Nancy From: Lincoln, StePhen Sent: Wednesday, September 02,2020 B:10 AM To: Yoshitake, NancY Subject: RE: Attached Image Hi Nancy, Here,s Exhibit A. Dave Honeysett from PSE sent it as a Separate attachment for some reason -Steve From: Yoshitake, Nancy <NYoshitake@kentwa'gov> Sent: Wednesday, September 02,2020 8:07 AM 1 From: Lincoln, StePhen Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2020 1:31 PM To: Yoshitake, NancY Subject: RE: Attached Image Hi Nancy, rt needs to be circurated for signature, my name is present throughout because r'm the person that submitted the service application, and psE apparently auto generates the service contract based on the application from' Throughout the agreement, my name shouid be struck and replaced by the Mayor's Name' To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'gov> Subject: RE: Attached lmage Hi Steve, I don,t see Exhibit A, Exhibit B looks like the last page but isn't referenced as such, is that correct? I nanKS, Nancy Thank you for checking in on this' Best Regards, Steve Stephen Lincoln, PE, Engineer III Environmental Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5500 | Direct 253-855-5552 slincoln@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA,oov Eacebosk,..'lirjqii'iJl YoqTube fILEA$E ssr,!$108R T*{xa sNvt*onlMf NT 8gF{}Ku PSrN {rf{€ t'tlrs E*MAIL From : Yoshita ke, Na ncy <NYoshitake@kentwa'gov> Sent: Tuesday, Septem b er OI, 2020 1:12 PM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: Attached lmage Hi Steve, I received the attached request. Am I to circurate it for signature? I was a little confused because it has your name throughout the contract' Nancy From: CanonCoPie Sent: Tuesday, September 0L,2020 B:05 AM 2 To: Yoshitake, NancY Subject: Attached Image 3