HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-477 - Change Order - #2 - Tapani, Inc. - GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station - 03/11/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WaSHINGToN Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 3t29121 Date Required N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: D20047.64110.330 Budget? ElYes E No Grant? E Yes EI No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Tapani, lnc. category: Contract Vendor Number:. 35124 Sub-Category: Change Order #2 Project Name: GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station project Detaits:ldentification, removal, and disposal of an unknown buried tank encountered at the Hogan Park Pump Station Bypass during the 30" storm pipe installation. Agreement Amount: $1 4,455.89 Start Date: NOvember 22,2019 Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Terminarion Date: 240 Working Days Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by City Attorneyi Date Routed to the Mayort Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office id(V//21I,1_10 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements T(ENT W^SH'NGTOd CHANGE ORDER NO. #2 This Change Order arnends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties-, the project contract is modified as follows: t. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to : Identification, removal, and disposal of an unknown buried tank encountered at the Hogan Park Pump station Bypass during the 30" storm PiPe installation' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of completion," and section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : Taoani. Inc. ("Contractor") GRNM South Stormwater Pump Station November 22. 2019 Current Change Order $13,129.78 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $1,326.11 Revised Contract Sum $4,888,794.18 $4,836,590.00Original Contract Sum, (including aPPlicable wssr) alternates and $31,748.29Net Change bY Previous Change (incl. applicable WSST) Orders $4,874,338.29Current Contract Amount incl. Previous Change Orders)( CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working days Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 Da ys Req u red (+)fo f t his ch an I e Ord er 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working days In accordance with sections t-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and wsDor Standard specifications, and section VII of thl Rgreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order uy-signing below. Alsol pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may niub regarding this change order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes fi-nal settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connecte]d with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost pioi'tr. This changl o.aer, ,ni"ss otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict compliance *i-tn the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change orders.(if any), and this change order, prior to the effective date oitnis change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Rgreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty. of perjurY -tna.t they are authorized to enter into this contracl modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjustthe amount of its performance bond (if any) forthis project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on the last date written below' Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. Its Publi.c Works Director CITY OF KENTr L DATE (u (signature) (title) CONTRACTOR: I DATE: A I Print Name: By: CHANGE ORDER .2OF 3 ATTEST:kb,Jlllw Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appticable ff MayorS slgnaturc required) Kent Law DePartment ltn thls fisld, you mly enter the Elcctmnlc llleprth whec thE @ntrrct has been s'vedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO.2WAsHINOTON Construction Manage ment Division - Public Works Project: GRNRA PumP Station Project No.l Fed-Aid No,: Contractorl L7-30L2 Project Engineer: Owners Rep; Stephen Lincoln Jason Bryant Tapani Unde round Date: 2/25/2021 X. PROPOSED CHANGE Identification, removal, an d disposal of an unknown buried tank e ncountered at the Hogan Park Pump Station BYPass trI. RFASON AND EACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Du n rh 3 0 sto rm pr pe i n st a at o n fo r th e H o I a n P a rk P u m p Sta By p ass a n u n k n OW n bu rl ednge d ifv rh fl dtakSencounteredTapancontractedWithCowtzceanSweep(c S S )to e n t e u snWa d of th t k CSS odethetankremove&d S pose of th e ft u I d s a n d re m ove &s p o S e e n a S n S ,I rd it h W AtestedrheadjacentmateriaforcontamnatonanddsposedofitnaccoanceW De artment of Ecol re ulations. III. METT*OD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not FORACCOUNI'IVG USE oNt vOrder No. Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitTotal Est. Qtv Qty this PE Item DesoriptionSch. No. 13 r29.78t29.7813FA11Unknown Tank Removal1 PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATT ata u on of CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - PAYMENT to be madeIndependent Estimate Attached NoNew Sub Reqrd? DELETE DflSTING PAY 1{)9.5 Not |NCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) x NotAppltcabte 1 FORACCOUNT'NG USE oNl,vChan$e Order No.Cost of ltemUnitUnit PriceQtvItem DescriptionB.l, No.Sch. No. edmateAttachentnd REQUIREDEstiIndepe 4/or/to REV. DATE FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONI.YOrder No. Cost of ltemlJnitUnit PriceQtvItemB.l. No.Sch. No. chedAttatn REQUIREDEstimatenIdepende TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER X *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $L3tt29.78 IV- WORKING DAVS L3'129.78 240Previous Total240Due This Change OrderxOriginal Contract DATE: n critical* TOTAL WORKING DAYSX 240 *This Change Order +Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described' Date:/u/Prepared BY: Jason B Construction Engineering Supervisor: Date: /,,"- Construction Engineering Manager: Date: E Connor 2 4/ot/rc REV. DATE FA Sheet No 6 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED 4t, Project Name:GRNRA PumP Station Proj ect No: 17-3012 Item No.:Date: 41112020 Description of Work: Prime Contractor: Remove and install unknown buried tank of contaminated material Work by Subcontractor?: nO lnc Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAMECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRateHrsOT Rate Kenneth Ooerator 5.5 74.74 107.75 G 411.O7 David Foreman 5.5 77.54 100.55 $426.47 Ben Operator 5.5 74.74 100.55 411.07$ Jav PiDeLaver 5.5 57.44 79.35 $315.92 Brad Foreman 6.5 77.54 59.96 504.01 100 55 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $54 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29o/o $599.88 LABOR TOTAL PMENT EQUIPMENT OR AfiACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTrsRate 1120144 Cat Excavator 9.5 oo Eo $946.1 1 1 530051 Cat Loader 5.5 66.59 $366.25 5220042 Crew Truck 5.5 25.53 $140.42 'I 1 10070 Cat Excavator 5.5 67.91 Q 373.51 5220049 Crew Truck 6.5 25.59 s 1 66.34 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 1 992.63 $418.45 $1.08 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Cowlitz Clean SweeP 1 ea $ 5,171 .25 s 5,171 .25 Cowlitz Clean SweeP ea $ 2,016.50 $2,016.50 ea $ ea $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFIT@12% TOTAL $7.187.75 $862.53 $8,050.28 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL:13 129.78 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEETTOTAL: $13,',|29.78o"e2125121 Representative eav zstifulhtrded Date: By: '/ Force AccounU Order Worksheethan Date: GRNRA South Water PumP StationProiect Name: Contract #17-3012 204002Job # TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 r 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 c.o. #b UnitHouB installatiThe ofon therestructundastationADS30"thebetween iversion mppudburiednktainstallwhileencountereding The wasThetank.WAS notified.someWAS ofsort city ptpetheofWAtankSpetroleumtohaltedWAStheandexposedverifytoptheconstructionfence0T1andofalongBradbackfilled.installed orangendtrenchpoststheremoved,off shoring andremovednextTheThewas disposedtankenteriathedaytofromngbyss.theof excavation keep nadvertentlyanyoneperimeter re-l nstalledre-excavatedcrewsoil.contaminated returned,Thethemonitoredsorhauledandoff pipeiuCowlcleansweepproperly. ofinstallation thetheremovedandnued pipe.conticap,shoring, Buried Tank Removal HRS 504.00s$ 116.BradForeman $ 116.31 HRS 426.46$5.5 77.54Dave Boesofluq 411 .09HRSKennv - Excavalor $ 74.74 s 74.74 31 5.94HRS57.44Jason $2.068.58 599.89 LJnitUnlte Labor Overhead & Profit Labor Totrl HRS 946.1 1s$ 99.59Cateroillar 320E LRR Excavator1't20144 s 170 HRS 1 66.3425.596.55220049Crew Truck 5.5s220042 HRS HRS $ 25.53 $ 6659 373.5 1s18.HRS67.91 uatglullldl JJolvl LUau9r Caterpillar 312D L Excavalor1 1 10070 1.992.61$ 418.45$Equipment Overhead & Profit Unit Rrto Total 210/" Total s $ s $ s $ $Material Overhead & Profit unlt 21% Total 5,17't.25$ s 2.01 6.50$ 2.016.50 s $ 7,1$ $862.53Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 1 Unlt Total $ 8,050.28I Tot l $ $ $ 1 additionalfornol changesdoesandandmaterialasIScoslusualelementsonproposalandand/oracceleration costs;overhead meoverti impactreschedulispecified),(unlessextendedtheofng,work,disruptions,delays,sequence contract.this conPlease siderfi nal ofallandtheseofitemsrelatedcompletiontoreservedclaimmakeany)priorforhtany(ifrigexpressly language official "notice" as defined in subcontract and/or main conlract. Other Other Overhead & Profit 52.73$ $96.95 Dav(s) $ 13,379.47 Accepted by: Date: General Liability lnsurance Total Amou theincreases the time to Bond I OTHER EQUIPMENT MATERIAL SUBCONTRACTORS LABOR REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TAPANI INC Date 3t17t20 RFI#024 TO:Jason Bryant City of Kent, Public Works 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 FROM:Mike Gould Tapani lnc. 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 Subject:Hogan Park buried Tank lorawi ng #:c11 Date Required:4t1t20 lSection 17 This RFI will serve as official notice of Changed Conditions WSDOT 1-04,7. Tapani lnc. will seek additional compensation for work completed outside the contract along with aJ'ditional work days as as a result to how this additional work and delay of work has effected the overall projected schedule. On Tuesday March i Oth at approx. 1 1:50am Tapani lnc. had encountered an unforeseen object within the work area within Hogan Park looking to be a buried fuel tank. please advise the desired process to which The city of Kent will remove and or have the tank removed enabling Tapani to resume work in this area. please advise to the amount of involvement the City will require of Tapani during the tank extraction. please advise to how the City of Kent will want the additional work to be billed upon, and or will Tapani be subcontracting NRC for the tank removal process with appropriate WSDOT markups E The City of Kent requests that Tapani lnc. contract with NRC for the removal of the unknown tank. The NRC proposal shall include cleaning, removal and disposal. The City will pay the appropriate mark-up The City anticipates minimal involvement from Tapani lnc. lf Tapani lnc. is needed in anyway the City will track that work as force accouni and pay accordingly. lf the removal of the tank impacts the critical path work at Hogan Park additional days will be awarded to the contract. Toavoid potJniiat delays the City request Tapani lnc. provide the anticipated delivery date for the diversion structure for Hogan Park. 17 OF 58F|LE NO. rt{rz r7j$.d4GRNRA SOUTH STORXWATER PUMP STATIONHOGAN PARK PUMP STATION BYPASSPLAN AND PROFILEJACOBS'EngineeringCity of KentPublic Worksw:A.N@30*[toEX JO,' CPPWITH 29 LF OF 30,' DI. z.--.- - - -.+ u.,1. SATION AND OMflS SHOWN FOR MHS ARETO CENTER OF $RUCTURE, IF NO OFFSFT ISGIWN, THE RSPECTIW OBJECE ARECENTERED ON THE ALIGNMENT. STORM DM1NPIPE LENGTHS AND SLOPES ARE CALCUUTEDFROM CENTER OF STRUCruRE TO CEffiER OFSTRUCTURE.2, CONTMCTOR SHU POTHOLE TO VERIWEWATION OF EXISTING SO.INCH CCP TODflERMiNE NECESSRY CONNECNON TOBUILDING AND ELEVATION OF PIPE AT CLT-INMT -OGTION (PRIOR TO ORDERING MH).3. CONTUCTOR SULL COORDINAE WITH Cft OFKENT FOR SHUDOWN OF HOGAN PARK PUMPSAION DURING Oil SSON, A MINIMUM OF 7DAYS IN rcVANCE OF INSALLING CUT-IN MHAND PIPING CONNECT]ON TO PUMP STATION.NOTES4. RE$ORE SURFACES TO UTCH EXISNGRESORE CMVEL ARAS W]B CSTC COilPACTEDTO 952 MDD PER ASTM 01557, TO 6'' THICK.sE 1/+ SEC. 14 & Nl 1/+ SEC. 23, T 22 N, R 4 E-- ''. \.1tlirMH,J=,, ,, i,.3'4+04-55, 7.57 17wErR (14'xE')30".,0t30" ccPEXL$INGN 14301E 1287255.85EX 30" CCP CONNECTT0 96'4+13.88, 7.66 17F 12a7679.747A4+15.AA.7.67'RT4+04.55, 7.67 RT(\PRECST CONCRSEW1NG WALL (ryP OF 2)cRsT EL 31.40INSALL 6_FOOT H]GH BBCK VINI_COAEDCHAIN LINK ENCE, WSDOT ftPE J UTH3_SRAND BARBED WRE TOP AND 24_INCNWDE il 5_INCH DEEP CEMENT CONCRflEMOW $RIP WTH MEDIUM EROOM NNISH, SEEwTIDEFLEXVALVE COMPANY)1 +00PADAT CROSSINGWIDEGATEPERSONELlCONTRACTOR SH{LPOTHOLE CROSSINC- -6aiib'i-FR-roR To{D n*r- 6-Foor hrGH BucK vrNt-coATED- S|NGLE 3-Fo0T ctAN L|NK PERSoN\EL HTE,WSDOT ryPE 1 WITH 5-SruNO ilRBEO WRETOP, SEE SHEfl C1O.A CON$RUfr TEMPORNY COffiROAM OR\j1/ OfrERWISE DilERI WATER AWAY FRO! ilCAVA-ONDURINC IN$MTION OF DIVERS1ON SRUCTURE,6 NECESWY.6\ HIG" VS'BILIW FENCE PER MDOT STD. PUNu t-1oto-n1A INLN PROTECTION PER WSDOT Sro. PU\Y/ r-40.20-oo.z4\ FrfER FSR|C FENCE PER C'ry OF KENrV $ANDARD PUN 5_31./:\ 72'' DNMflER frOE 2 ATCF BAS'\ PER\J KENT STD. PdN 5_2.-. /G\ 96" DIAMflER ryPE 2 qTC- BASIN OERwElR v KENT $0. PUN 5-2.TRENCHSHEfl C1O.5+00NDCOVERv r'- 5EXISNNG CRADEo-a30" Dr@0.59%o+o02+OO3+OO4+00ISSUED FOR BID+N 143025.41E 12A7326.27 A Division of Pacific Northern Environmental LLC 1121 Columbia Blvd. Longview, Wa 98632 Main 360-423-2245 / Fax 360-423-2272 / Toll Free 800-533-2867 www.pneco.com lnvoice 1345027 Bill to Tapani Underground lnc *ap@tapani.com PO Box 1900 Battleground, WA 98604 Job: 8920020 TAP-Remove HOT Hogan Park 24400 Russell Rd Kent, WA lnvoice #: 1345027 Date: 05113120 Contract Number: 2040002 Payment Terms: Net 30 Salesperson: Remarks:TIME & MATERIAL BILLING NUMBER: 001 Quantity Description U/M Unit Price Extension Labor Subcontract Equipment Owned Other 419t2020 PO #2040002 "Green River Natural Resource Area" Remove HOT Kent, WA Progress Bill - Disposal to Follow 2,227.25 667.00 829.50 1,447 .50 Subtotal: Total: Less Retention: Current Due: 5,',17'1.25 5,171.25 -258.56 4,912.69 Print Date: OSl13120 epay-ccs@pneco.com Page: 1 Cowlitz Clean Srveep1121 Columbia BlvdLongview, WA 98632Bill to:Tapani Underground lnc*ap@tapani.comPO Box'1900Battleground, WA 98604G/L date Tran De$riptionPhase: 00 Job Cost / Cost Type; I LaborlC Project Manager - STlC Project Manager - OTlC Operator - STlC Operator - OTPhase: 00 Job Gost / Cost Type: 3 SubcontractAP L&DTrucking,LLCPhase: 00 Job Cost / Cost Type: 4 Equipment OwnedEQ 80 BBL Liquid Vac TruckEQ Pickup TruckPhase: 00 Job Cost / Cost Type: 6 OtherAP Apex LabslC Power Hand ToolslC Latex Exam GloveslC VisqueenlC Sawzall BladelC Disposal OilM/aterlC Disposal OiUsolids, SludgelC Truck WashoutlC XRF Analysis TestinglC Proflle FeeNotes for billing # 00141912020PO #2040002"Green River Natural Resource Area"Remove HOTKent, WAProgress Bill - Disposal to FollowTime + llllaterials BillingJob:TAP-Remove HOTHogan Park24400 Russell RdKent, WAP.O-#Subtotal for Cost Type: I LaborSubtotal for Cost Type: 3 SubcontractSubtotal for Cost Type: 4 Equipment OmedSubtotal for Cost Type: 6 OtherSubtotal for Phase: 00 Job Cost14.,498.001 60.50520.0048.75Contnctlr:Our Job Number:Hours/Qty20400028920020ExtensionBi[#:Page:lnvoice date:Thru date:Martup0.,498.00160.50520.0048.752,227.25567.00667.00569.50260.00829.s0546.0055.002.0067.5025.00330.00222.O066.0024.OO1 10.001,447.505,171.251.20055.0001.000135.00025.0000.5502.22066.00024.OOO1 10.000455.,227.25667.00667.00569.50260.00829.50546.0055.002.0067.5025.00330.00222.0066.0024.OO110 001,447.505,'t71.255,171.258.502.OO10.501,162.50{,776.50Subtotal:Pnwed by TLL as of 05/1 A20 at 8:1 $AMTotal:Page I5,171.25 Cowlitz Clean Sw€ep1121 Columbia BlvdLongview, WA 98632Billto:Time + Materials BillingTapani Underground lnc*ap@tapani.comPO Box 1900Battleground, WA 98604Job: TAP-Remove HOTHogan Park24400 Russell RdKent, WAContmct#:Our Job Number:20400028920020Bill#:Page:lnvoice date:Thru date:Markup0015t8t205t8t202G/L date Tran DescriptionP.O.#RateHoursrQtySales Tax:lnvoice Total:Retention @Current due:Extension10.0000% on 0.005.00%Total0.005,171.25258.564,912.69Pnnted by TLL as of O5/1 A20 at 8: 1 8AMPage 2 A Division of Pacific Northern Environmental LLC 1121 Columbia Blvd. Longview, Wa 98632 Main 360-423-2245 / Fax360-423-2272 / Toll Free 800-533-2867 www.pneco.com lnvoice 1345380 lnvoice #: 1345380 Date: 06116120 c: !'l?:l N Tl er : 10:o0l? Salesperson:Payment Terms: Net 30 Remarks:TIME & MATERIAL BILLING NUMBER: 002 Bill to: Tapani Underground lnc *ap@tapani.com PO Box 1900 Battleground, WA 98604 Job; 8920020 TAP-Remove HOT Hogan Park 24400 RussellRd Kent, WA Quantity Description U/M Unit Price Extension 2,016.50Other PO #2040002 Green River Natural Resource Area Subtotal: Total: Less Retention Current Due: 2,016.50 2,016.50 -100.83 1,915.67 Print Date: 06116120 epay-ccs@pneco.com Page: 1 Cowlitz Clean Sreep1121 Columbia BlvdLongview, WA 98632Billto:Tapani Underground lnc'ap@tapani.comPO Box 1900Battleground, WA 98604G/L date Tnn DescriptionPhase: 00 Job Cost / Cost Type: 6 OtherAP Waste Management of SeattleNotes for billing # 002PO#2040002Green River Natural Resource AreaTime + Materials BillingJob:TAP-Remove HOTHogan Park24400 Russell RdKent, WAP.O.#Subtotal for Cost Type: 6 OtherSubtotal for Phase: 00 Job CostContncUt:Our Job Number:RateHoursrQtylnvoice Total:Retention @Current due:Ertension2,016.502,016.502,016.50Subtotal:10.0000% on 0.00s.00%20400028920020Bi[#:Page:lnvoice date:Thru date:Markup0.000.000026t16t206t16t20Total1.2001.640.421,680.421,680.422,016.502,016.502,016.502,015.502,016.500.002,016.50100.831,91s.67Total:Sales Til:etned by TLL as o/ 0il1 6/20 qt 3:36PMPage I Brya nt, Jason From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bieren, Chad Wednesday, April B, 2020 5:53 PM Connor, Eric Kuehne, Paul; Lincoln, Stephen; Bryant, Jason RE:GRNRA Pump Station- Buried Tank removal Hi Eric, Please proceed, and nice work team! Thanks, Chad From: Connor, Eric Sent: WednesdaY, APril 08, 2020 9:14 AM To: Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa.gov> Cc: Kuehne, paul <pKuehne@kentwa.gov>; Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa.gov>; Bryant, Jason <J Brya nt@ kentwa.gov> Subject: RE: GRNRA Pump Station- Buried Tank removal Good Morning Chad, Jason met with a different company this morning to address the fuel tank encountered at Hogan Park. You may recall the previous company we were talking to quoted us in excess of 555,000. Based on the meeting this morning, CCS lndustrial services indicated they could work with us and take care of the issue for less than s5,oo0. There is some risk of additional costs resulting from contaminated disposal fees and other unknowns, but I feel we are at an acceptable starting point now. I have asked Jason to proceed with the process as he is describing below' please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you, Eric Eric Connor t construction Engineering Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON tlt.f;astr c(}lss}$trR YSIS f;hivrl{oNM$iNT ffiSFoftfr pRfNTING Tl{r$ lii'MArl' From: Bryant, Jason Sent: WednesdaY, April 08, 2020 9:01 AM To: Connor, Eric Cc: Kuehne, Paul; Lincoln, StePhen Subject: GRNRA Pump Station- Buried Tank removal 1 Eric, I meet with Scott from CCS Industrial Services this morning to discuss the buried tank removal' Scott informed me that the tank was an old oil heating tank. He could tell because it had an inlet and outlet. The tank appears to be a little less than half full. Scott explained that he c,ould have a vactor truck on site tomorrow to clean the tank. Once the tank is cleaned Tapani will lift it out of the hole and CCS will cut it in half. CCS will have to sample below the tank and send it out. We should receive the results early next week. The estimate for the cleaning ,cutting and sampling is g4000.00. This does not include Tapani's portion of lifting the tank out and disposal. I will track Tapani's work as force account. If the samples come back contaminated we will need to do additional excavation and disposal. Please let me know if would like to proceed? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA,gov Facebook Ti^dHi:f$r YouTube PLUA.$E EOf.d*JTDER YI.{* E$6VIRONMTNT BEFOITS PTTINTING T'{X$ T-MAIL 2 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TAPANI INC. Date 3t17120 RFI#024 TO Jason Bryant City of Kent, Public Works 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 FROM:Mike Gould Tapani lnc. 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 Subject:Hogan Park buried Tank #:c1't Date Required:4t1t20 lSection 17 This RFI will serve as official notice of Changed Conditions WSDOT 1'04'7 ' Tapani lnc' completed outside the contract along with additional work days as as a result to how this on Tuesday March 1oth at approx. 1 1:50am Tapani lnc. had encountered an unforeseen object within the work area within Hogan Park looking to be a buried fuel tank will seek additional compensation for work additional work and delay of work has effected the overall projected schedule. please advise the desired process to which The city of Kent will remove and or have the tank removed enabling Tapani to resume work in this area. Please advise to the amount of involvement the city will require of Tapani during the tank extraction' please advise to how the city of Kent will want the additional work to be billed upon, and or will rapani be subcontracting NRC for the tanK removal process with appropriate WSDOT markups The city of Kent requests that rapani lnc. contract with NRC for the removal of the unknown tank. The NRC proposal shall include cleaning, removal and disposal. The city will pay the appropriate mark-up. The City anticipates minimal involvement from Tapani lnc. lf Tapani lnc. is needed in anyway the City will track that work as force account and pay accordingly. lf the removal or tne tanr< impacts'the critical path work at hogbn Park,additional days will be awarded to the contract. To avoid potential delays the city requesi iapani tnc. provide the anticipated delivery date for the diversion structure for Hogan Park. i 9$s cl]17 0F Stu m. r'J1r75t6\/__N\-gtqlc cmnELGRNRA SOUTH STORMWATER PUMP STATIONHOGAN PARK PUMP STATION BYPASSPLAN AND PROFILE0IPRoVE IAT CRGINGJGMDEJAG('BS'-------/row PpAT CROSSINCEngiowringWorks11r rF s' nr oo5ozw:@ffi-{qiHE6=EE*!El=9E_P6Eu)t'r*'30" Dlo0.592Dhil S" 6P MNNEfrTo 96',rlta-iosE 1/4 SEC. 14 & NE I4 SEC. 23, T22N,R4ENOTESSANON NO OffiS SHOWN FOR ilHS METO CEffiR OF STRUCruRE. IF NO ffiET ISGMN. ffE REffiCTM O&ECB MECE}IERS ON frE ilCNMENI. SrcRM DRANPIPE €NffiS ND SLOPES RE ruCUUIEOROM CEffi OF SRUMRE TO CENM OFffiUMRE.COffiTffi Sru PONOE TO WRIfr€LflATON OF illsNNG SO.INCH CCP TODftRMINE NECSSil CONNEfrION rcBUIDING ND EIEVANON OF PIPE AT Cfr.INMH LMNON (PRIOR TO OROERING MH)-2.4+'LTwsR (14'x8')4+13.s, 7.661T J.CO|mCTOR Sru OORDIM]E Wfr ffi OFKST FOR SHMWN OF HON PARK PUMP$ATION DURING Dtr SE6ON, A MINITUM OF 7MYS N MVNCE OF INSIAIJNG Cfr-IN MHND PIPING @NNECION rc PUMP SANON.RESORE SURFrcES TO MrcH EX!$NG.ESOffi GMEL ARffi WTft ffC COMPASEDTO 952 MDD PR Nru 01557, TO 6" nlCK..494+13.&.7.67'ffi4+04.55,7.67'RrPffiCASI MNCREIEwrNG wa[ (m oF 2)INSIA!! 6_FOOT HJCH SLACK VTfiI-COAIEDCilN UNK ENCE MMT ME 3 WTH3-ffiD BAREED WIRE TOP NO 24.INCHwlDE w 3-rNffi offi cil€NT CONCRmUOW STRIP WtrH MMIUM BROOM FNISH, SEEsHEn c10.N 14301il 30' cPPGoFs'DtWDESEE 1287255.85Wffi 29fi\ nsru 6-Foor HrcH BmK um-coarD" srNGG J-mr cffiN LINK PEmoNN[ BTE"WOT WPE 1 Wfr 3-MD BNBD WIRET@, SEE SHffi C1O.$- SUP_IN INUNECHECK VIVE WSREAM OFMH, CHECKUE ULTRfLfl trNDEFlIX (RED VIVE COMPAMA CdSUfr BrcIw @ffiN OR\r./ oBffisE Dlw waE awAY RoM qsvAnoN- DUfurc INSMNON OF tmd SUMRE,6 Nffissffi.1;\ HrcH vrsrBruw RcE PER smT sD. PWv t-r0.10-01.CO|RCTOR SruINL.FI PROECTIONt-40.20-m.PER WSMT SID. PLAA FLER FBRIC FENCE PER Cfr OF KEM\i-l $NDmD PW s-31.A 72" DhMEER TYPE 2 CATCH ilSIN PER\, Ks sD. PN 5-2.WEIR31.€95- ONffi ME 2 UrcH BNIN PffiKEM M. PLA 5-2.oc(]WPERFffio2+O04+005+000+00'l +oo3+00ISSUED FOR BID JasonB From: Sent: lo: Subject: Bryant, Jason Wednesday, April B, 202012:58 PM Mike Gould (mikeg@tapaniunderground'com) GRNRA Pump Station- Buried Tank removal Mike, please proceed with the tank removal with ccs Industrial services. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook -flwitt*lr YouTube PLEASE CON$IOER T}Tg GNvIf(ONMUNT' AEFORH PRIN'I'IITG HIS f;"MAIL 1 nt, JasonBrya From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Lincoln, Stephen Wednesday, March 25,202011:51 AM Bryant, Jason Connor, Eric RE: RFI #024Hogan Park Buried Tank 024 - Hogan Park Buried Tank' response SPL'pdf Hi Jason, ljust had a few modifications to the wording of the response, otherwise it is as we agreed was the appropriate course of action, and I aPProve the response Best Regards, Steve Stephen Lincolnr PE, Engineer III Environmental Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5500 I Direct 253-856-5552 slincoln@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.qov Facebsok }rS$"q$:$: YouTu be pr.fra$f;ii esNsx$HR T'9lS ll$lvlRoNMfrNT *lfrFs${.H p&!NTSNG T',l!X$ {i'MAr[" From: Bryant, Jason Sent: Wednesday, March 25,202011:43 AM To: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa'gov> Cc: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: RFI#024 Hogan Park Buried Tank Stephen, Attached is the response for RFI # 24 for your review' Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 I Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@KentWA.oov crTY OF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA.gov Facebook "n"we'i*tqr YouTube PLFASE COS{I$ISHR TI"If; ENVIRSSIM€NT EEFORf P${TNYTNC THIS E"MATL I From : Mike Gould [mAilto: mikeg@taoaniunderqround.com] Sent: Thursday, March 19,2020 1:35 PM To: Bryant, Jason Cc: Daniel Hayward; Patrick Herz; Jarren Thoma Subjectr RFI #024 Hogan Park Buried Tank Jason, Please find the attached #024 RFI For the buried tank at Hogan Park. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mike Gould Tapani,Inc. Office (360) 687-1148 Cell (360) 703-7672 EXTERNAL EMAIL 2 Bryant, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Gould < mikeg@tapaniunderground.com > Wednesday, April B, 20201:03 PM Bryant, Jason Re: GRNRA Pump Station- Buried Tank removal Jason, Thank you willget it set uP. Mike Gould Project Manager Tapani, lnc. Office (360) 687-1L48 Cell (360)703-7672 on wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 12:58 PM Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gOv> wrote: Mike, Please proceed with the tank removal with CCS Industrial Services. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@ KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON Kentl rA.gov Facebook Ywil$s*" YouTube pLHf4SH C$NSISfrR TF{E FNVIRSNf'!ENT BETORH PRINYING YHIS E-MAIL 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL