HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-220 - Change Order - #21 - Scarsella Bros, Inc - 228th St UPRR Grade Separation Bridge & Roadway - 03/01/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & repla.""i-u ntq"t'for Mayor! Signature and Contract Cover Sheet torms' (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHINGToN Comments:Date Received bY CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the Cit)i Clerk's Office glc*. =oe tttoL =€ IEcg|.-UI =o 6tE Department: PW Engineering Originator: C. Frame Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 311612021 Date of Council APProval N/A Authorized to Slgn: Etr Director or Designee [1 Mayor Grant? EYes E No type: Federal Budget Account Number: R90067.641 1 0.1 20 Budget? EYes tr No CategorY: Contract Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Sub-CategorY: Change Order #21 Vendor Number: 34547 Project Name: S. 2281h St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Seperation Bridge and RoadwaY Phase 5 owerPcificPantheresnaluLMIexldstiocaterelthengforDetaComls:roP pensationject lot.rouG gpparkin Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: N/A Agreement Amount: $23, 1 76'81 start Date: \/ff Local Business? E Yes Etr No" "lf meets requirements per KCC 3'70'100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cttyspace' Contract Number: cA2019-220 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes El No rd(U,r72l7t-l-)0 visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements _.~/4 ~KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. #21 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Scarsella~Bros. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Bridge and Roadway Phase 5 (19-3022) ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: April 19. 2JU9 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provIsIons of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Compensation for the relocated existing luminaires in the Pacific Power Group parking lot. The relocation was not shown on the origional bid plans. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $13,802,146.40 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $372,234.33 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $14,174,380.73 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $23,176.81 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $14,197,557 .54 Original Time for Completion 240 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 240 working days CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working days In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this C'hange Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor ugr""l to waive unri protest it may have regarding this Change order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from sirict compliance wittr the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. Its laterF+ Public Works Director CITY OF KENT: v://.-/ DATE:3/t/at Ch d Bieren. P. (tirle) (signature) Print Name: CONTRACTOR: DATE: (title) By:l*"/L I Print Name | .//4,//Jca ts 2/a.B'a4 (signature) frr,,{ CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicabte if Mayorb signature required) Kent Law Department P.E,Un thls field, you may enter the electronic fllepath where the contract has been savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. Ozt ntD ivision - Public WorksConstruction Manageme Project s, 22gth St Union Pacific Rai lroad Project No.l 07-3022 Project Engineer:Cameron Bloome Grade SeParation Phase 5 r, PE Fed-Aid No.:HLP-FMSIB-t2L6 (00s) Scarsella Bros. Inc, Ow ners Rep:KBA, Inc Contractorl Date: 2/L5l202t I. PROPOSED CHANGE This Change compensatio the following revisio e added work: ns to the Contract Docume nts and Providesmakes n for th provide compensation for rerocating 2 existing privatery owned. right standards at the Pacific power Group property. REVISE prui ,r.'Luts 54 una ss with revision 1 sheets as provided with FWD 001, and as modified in FWD 008' II.REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE P ifi Pow G rou p re q u red the rel ocat io n of e X st n I Re storati on p a n S for th e pa rki n I ot at a c c e r dlocati,t show n o n th e o r rg n a Y b id p a n s a n WA S u m n a res on th et r p ro p e rty The re o n WA sn ki008DtotheunknoWNSassocatedWithWOr n g o n a a te r ca pt u red n FW D 0 0 1 a nd FW D ue ntthrkaStrackedonforceaccountforrermburseme flv a te hti ste m e W o W III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY ITEM(S)Not YUSE No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitQty this PE Total Est. Otv Item DescriPtionSch. No. 23 776.8723176.BTLS1atPacific PowerLihtiVI PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEemadtobementPay ofulaterIndependent Estimate Attached NoNew Sub Req rd? oNt Chan$e Cost of ltemUnit PriceUnitQtvItem DescriPtionB.l. No.Sch. No.$$ edAttachmateEsti REQUIREDnIdependent DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) Per 1-O9.5 Not Apqlicable 1 REV. DATE: 3/75/L9 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT oNtv l\lo.Cost of ltemUnit PriceltemB.l. No.Sch. No.Unit hedAttac REQUIREDmateEstiIndependent TNcREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY Not Appllcable TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHAN GE ORDER X THIS PAY ESTIMATE IV. UI,ORKING DAYS *Total of the Cost of Item Columns L76.at" o Original Gontract 240 Due This Change Order*Previous Total 240 TE This ch Ord er d oes not m pact the critical path a nd no change to the working days*nge TOTAL WORKTNG DAYS*240 *This Change Orde r + Previous Total A1 work, materiars and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and contract special Provisions for the type of work described' Prepared BY:me Date: Construction SuPervisor:Date: 2tt5l202t ;l=zAr* Date:z/z:./z IConstruction Manager: 2 REV. DATE: 3lIs/19 FORCEOF ACCOUNTYOA!L REPORT -^8t412024DATEScarsella Bros. lnc PAYTotem ElectricSUBCOIITRACTOR 074A22Project No.ITEM HLP-1216(006)Foderal Ald No. 31FA Pacific Power Lighting - De-energize luminaire poles on tho Paclflc Power and remove exlsting Group propertY. Cut condult on city pote and remove wiring. OESCRIPTION OF OTNAME 1.158.00Elaka .62 Rob 1Service 3135G Deere Truok EQU and/or #$30elbow#.00 $e.41ANDINSURANCEBONDING,PROFITAND1alo2OVERHEAD $36.StTOTAL WORK $0.00 $0.00 i0.00 AMOUNT & Materlal workPRIME Subtottl of Labor SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of & Subconlraclor lnvoic€d 12%= 7o/o on work Subconfactor:10%than6reatea00,000$25.000-$112o/o,$25,000=to $390.06Subcontractor .52TOTAL COST rre sgr.€lng to the llmelf cheoftod, thls Yrork ls in disputo. 8y rigning lhis brm, Parliee lhe task.Entltlsment to bo detonnir€d at a later dato.needed lo Form Dale 7/2020 TOTEM ELECTNICof TACOMA, Inc.P. O. 80x 1093facoma, wath. 98401FA d9{DLll llo. B 3s43sDATT:FORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORKDAILY LABOR AND MATERIAL VOUCHEHOFFICE NO.JOB NOWORK ONDEF NONAME OFNAM€ OFcll:>i oMFl(rl1=)t'7}I6lrUftITFRlCEut{tTr0Til-THIS SHETTI.UHiAMOUI{TBILLING ADNCE::.iQuAlillIYMATtRTAL & tqUrPMttrI RttilAtDI \t.tilP r r0r\ 0t rYoRl(SUPTRII{TTI{DET{If,las silicelicnti GtNtRlLIF0Rtt'lAtlJOURITEYMAI{ffi#{}sOTHfRTRUCf, ORIYEffCLIRKTID1t l';rRIOTilirRTDTI rtrNTtlzlRIrrirRIOItytl*IDII'rID1tkrRTDTHoursqKsE-6ULiT IIIFlns. &truar --- th ol $--bbor*ol0lha T*csOvrrherd30t0lhtrlobr0r& ouBf,tGross TrrProfitSub iotdRalruLoilITOETkbrid I [quitntotITBOR TOITTS TIIIS DITT:$tLri0 &trcuunortsuHHlRf 0t tr80R lills oAItWHITE -Customer Copy PINK -Accounting Copy GREEN -Job Copy REMIT TO: P.O. 8ox 418759 Boston, MA 02241"8759platt,com SOLD TO Tobe$ gleclrlc 8ox 1O93 T{rcomg, ItA 98{01 INVOICE # INVOICE DATE il9 K6nL ( ?5t) 8??' 55t5 0P89058 8/03/za r|grlltaplaCl.com PAGE 1 7 l0 BVC ? psT,A6t 40 @IIDUXT DETECTOR, 90 I 0069 090 0 fLU IAC-AX.II ACV 06 38 791 7 daye/veek- tf$ MST Every rlngle daY & $tsLen€nbe 2d,/? sw9,.Platt.com sHrp To cuseasrer Pickup ORDERED BY: SLAXE EL'IIS ,7, 1t ,00 ll pry lne I d $UB TOTAL 51 .16 trr :.' E:ra.r-r.a..-{r.5 h4-*,.F.artaqFkrdt'l'::a,v-_r &oicsslnv r*rl {6569iekup6/04/zs I /04 /2a DATE SHIPPEDOATS OROERED 6H}PFEDVIA CU$TOMER PO#BILL OF TADIHG L{'tr SU TO?tAcoilA?3 520 {656 c EA tl Y 0 FA Y rf5'{ ,r.80 5ri. 5 ii $ $ 3.1u 3,'t6 18,00 t2q t 7--1, CUSt0frtER ACCT.f JOB NAME JOB# sArEs PLATT $AIE$PERSOI'I o,$!|,o sNtreED F^cKonD,EDP #/DESCRIPIION UNIT PRICE ONIT DISC 9'i TOTAL TAX TERM sAr.t s .TA1 li:VOICF TO;lrL lllAlL trc.t lfiAliLE ii. 00x{18759.B0$tclr l.'A (5031 64t'6i2 1 *r*, 41?r 1' 4r r ilf r 15. d r ., (1.! < n'q...a a #cr{i*'fr -nh { "! r!''.d's FEI OTH€R DAILY WORKEDNTFORCEACCOUOFREPORT --A 8t2012020Scarsella Bros. lnc. PAYTotem Electric Project ITEM HLP-1216(006)Fedsral Ald 33FA and 1 PPG. Cut back sxl$tlng conduits' extend conduits and wlre to new box bases,Clty2luminalreRemovalofPowerPacifcLlghtlng andwlremovering, PERFORMEO: DESCRIPTIOII OF OTOT Ellis 10780.26 Rob 8.00 60. TYPE 152.401S.05 231 - Totem 1l 271 -Servics .28 ind,lor # material $0.00INSURANCE AND21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT $0.00TOTAL MATERIALS $0.00 90.00 AMOUNT & MaterlalPRIMESubtotal ol Ltbor $3,27e.11tSubcontractor lnvoicedofSubtotalBCONTRACTORsu 12Yo to $25,000='l2olo,on work Subc,ontractor:00,000 = 10% Greaterlhan $393.4SSubcontEctor ffi the limo and effonthir $rorkil the task. Entitlomsot to be dotermlnsd at I lal€rdalo.needed to ar0thls form,gy Form Date 7/2020 of TACOMA, Inc.P. O. Box 1093Tacoma, Wash. 98401F* rl33Dltil llo. B 3s43eDATT:FORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTBICAORKDAILY LABOB AND MATERIAL VOUCHERClassificationGEI{IRAt FORE[IAI{S U PT, R II{Tt.I{DEI{ T6'HllSf oRtMAttJ0URHtYl,lAl{CLERI(OTHTRolr';rRTI ];T8Ioll lirRTRIDTry'IfttDIDII 7.7RTOII'rILt80R T0rrts fills 0llt:DItl/21RI0t! )'?rITHours(A,c,e?&leborIrtrid t fquilnrnlOhrr Teres%$Suh lotd0lhcr%olJobolSub totrlTOTil. $rmt6rnlr TnRalelLlt;s cttclLlTtgts f] dror I motrsuHHtRl 0F Ll80n lHls 0lllIIIIIDJbIi f)'I(poFFlcg NoJOB NOWOFK C)NDER NONAME OF JOBIt4c rJ'>AUT=F=ttt'.|tnlr Ey"EAvifrcb NO. h4L"rtujei{ No.l" Pvu ffiu\t ttlt.s6P{b 4fi u r-t-Rnu)IC>3/4 " pfiL f*]frurf3/4" Pru buPai@f3/4" Pffi 9o" Eitadr,tul{lTUHIIPRICTTOITLTillt s$EElAMOUTTTBILLING Af}TTtrF:;i()L!la,ilAlLlLLQUATI III YMAttnrAt & tQurPMtilT RtilTArDtsttitP I l0ll 0f ll0Rl(WHITE - Customer Copy PINK - Accounting Copy GREEN - Job Copv ACCOUNTFORCEOFREPORTYDAIL -^8t2112020Scarsella Bros. lnc. PAYTotem Electric Pro.iect 1 355ITEM H1P.1216(006)Fsdaral Ald 34FA Pacitic Power Lightlng' De'energize and remove second private luminaire from tho Paclflc Power Group propsrly'OESCRIPTION OF TEUPA 101 $Amold 145.00T. Sullivan 90.2160.1 RA 6Chev.Service $89.60.92Truck Chev.- Totem 31.1 13.1Flatbed t5 21Yo AND & Material $1.70ANDINSURANCEPROFITEONDING.ANDOVERHEADVo2l 79TOTAL MATERIALS il $0.00T 90.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor'& Matorial $2,447.1& Subcontractor lnvolcedSUBCONTRACTORSubtotal of Labor 1 on work Subcontractor:to $25,000-$1 00,000 = 10oA Greater than $ubcontlactor 740.cosT E parlles tre agreclng to the timG and effod theta$k. Entitl€mertto be determlned tl a lats, date, wort ls ln ditpute. BY rigninglf checksd, nssded to Fom Oate 7/20?0 of T.dCOMA, Inc.P. O. Box 1093Tacoma. Wash. 98401rT ( 3'l[Lill tlo. B 3s440DIIIFORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORKDAILY LABOF AND MATERIAL VOUCHERSUPTRI'tIT HDEI'TClassilimlion6'ALisFORE}ilIHG$.lERAL fORt.uAtiJOURIIETI'Af{t#N4.r>X-ptilti4?OTHIRDTRIOIl',1RIRIDIll'rlNID'R1OIl:/r fDTrY.lRT01l y?TRIOII,'rIRIHours{{-5trertg -lgolS-Ptftlur tlrEIns. &lrbortndlToals --% olotlra TarasFrinles/I.H,0ther6rosr fuProfitS$b lotdTqlrt EHffiGIRaltttLortilfitrEXrlairl & EquigncntrfB0* T0ttls lHl$ DlTt:8[Lr!rc cf,tcuLlTl0i$suHHlRl 0f tl80n THls 0llltOFFICE NOJOg NOWOFK ORO€ C NONAME OF JOB , -<L#o! bWr,oNAME OF/zutilTPRICEUI{ITIOTTLIHIS SHETTAMOI.}I{TSILLiNG ADT'l1F:i'JQUARIIIYlitAltRlAt & tQUlPMtill fitftllt0tSCRlPIt0rr 0r iryOf;1(WHITE - Customer Copy PINK - Accounting Copy GREEN - Job CopY platt.som 8/2a/2A SOLD I'(] Tohcn fil*cqt i.{i Box l0l) 3 'fatflmn, ttA ?8401 RFMIT IO; F.O. Box 418759 Boston, f$A02241"8758 Pickup l$;';::,i; L4b5{* ti\lvolcF # INVOICE DAI'E I 19 Kenr(2t3' 512- s551 $?,2) ]-t I 8/31120 mqrllgaplirtL. tour PAGE I z,ll1 4656 9HIP TO CUBEo$er Fickup ORDERED BY: BLA{I 1 t 1 r0 { a ,5 f ( q l1 ,5 t) PVC 1 - rrt 006r I 04 co$p et8r)1., FVC l-IN-!l5oeG coND ELEOt',l o069 r03 ?vc tl4-lt'1-45DEG eONo sLBow 006r? 8,1 Pve 3/4 SCHS!SLE'40 CONnUIT a069214 ?vc '/4-IFl CorrDttIT couFIJrNG 0069369 gVC l.-rN goNDurf c0uPiIN6 005 I 084 i daya/ueek lAil M${ Every ginqle daY s & Scatensn'lJ Zlt/? sw.platL.clom EA EA EA I I 10 il c c t: ll Pay irr*I :i''), i'.1{.\1. 1.1i t,,. t..t .t..r t! (..rr1 /,-\,,1.' r't n4ifi,t?t thlr.'" ti!")'ll':l{;tirtqrtdt::t>tt tllln r " llir{i;e iilrL Jr,tt.til rirl., !lilsrr fJ!it!at Bl2$/20 DA?E SHIPPEDDATEORDERED 6U8TO!]IER PO#BILLOF TADIIIG r,0?rACOI'1,\2281ll 8? CAADE7ts2, --, i::.! l.l:i 0il 0 0 N 0 $0 0 q \1.) at{, 1 .00 .5{ z.6a .7 tt L,Q2 cuSroftlERAcgr,il JOS HAME JOS' 8lt8€Pt ?TStt€6pER80!r onllk! sHtPPEo sAcKono EOP fl/DE$CRIPTION uNlTpRlcE llmr DlSc% TOT L T$(TSRM sAtl3 TJI\ riivOlCE Tol]1'- UAIt 00t {]vE8 1fl0 Bn,&NCltrS TriR*UGHOI',i1"rHE WE$T DAILY WORKEDNTACCOUOFFORCEREPORT -l 8t2812020Scarsella Bros. lnc. PAYTotem Electric 07,3022Pror€cl 1 355ITEM HLP-1216(oo6)Fedsral Aid 35FA Pacific Power Llghting'Oig in and install 2'diam x 4' lumianire base on Pacific Power Group propertyDESCRIPTION OF RATE $ 101Elecl.Blake 107s AND RA 4.30 a, Chev.Service 635G Deere 21Vo TAXAND # Rebar37 $37.62TAXANDINSURANCEBONDING,PROFITANDOVERHEAD21% 76TOTAL MATERIALE $0.00 $0.00 $o,oo AMOUNT & MaterialPRIME Subtotal of Labor, 115.49Material,& Subcontractor lnvoicedSUBCONTRACTORSubtotal of Labor 12To= t6olo Grsater than $100,000 =on work performed toSubcontractor:'100,000 $253.86gubcontrector E to the llmE and sfforlparties Nre agreelnglf checksd, this {ork ie in dispute.signlng this tho task, Entitlementto be d€tormined at I later drte'needed to Form Date 7/2020 TOTEMof TACOMA. Inc.ELECTRICrt**39DLil l{0. B 3s441DATE:P. O. Box 1093Taccma. Wash.98401MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORKIIIIZf,oFFrC€ NOJOB NOAJ,ofZ-WORK OED€R NONAME OF JOB ^ r r",Zfi# t#M-F=l't <r,,rr.o fu 0 t'd {lfinJ,/Ytt Tcq(.'z3t?'v 4' , {#t)il$ "fi}8tt5=oe+&in' 8v{" l;v.,Pt tn/OS*o/" <tulPfr M 4tC- 4C",{*w*{tUI{ITPRICEUIIITTOITTilrs srttrtlAMOUT{IAUT.w>ED FOp CtJSlr\MrriFY iI{AIUKELLING ADINE:'SNAMECUSTOMER:QUAN III YMAItRIAT & tQUtPMtnI RtltlAL0iscRlPilor 0f f{oRl(ClassilicationCEI{IRAL FORIiliilSUPE RINITI{OT ITIJ0uRxtYMlt{At{TRUfi( ofirvtRcLtRl(OTHTRRTRTOIr r/-IRIDTotI i{rDTI )/rIRTOTI'rIRTLr80R T0Ttts Tnlt DIT[:DII',/'1RIDIllr'rTRTOIHours|7-ndxid t [QrSpmcnlITGULII TITIlns. &fnx % olbborOicr TucsFringwrI.lt-?ttxrul rllElnr. tTrnr !l ol $ --Sub lotrl.l.obolGmslTu$b lotrlOvrrlcrdrortt $ttc[Ralrilturc ilLatur$IsfJ rrrr f! nrorrsur{Hml 0F tl80t IHls DlItWHITE - Customer Copv PINK . Accounting Copy GREEN -Job Copy platt.crn e /a2120 SOLD TO Tode& glecttlc Box 1093 Tacgma, l.rA 9G.10 t lt R*MIT li): P.O. Box 418I59 f]r:stc'n, M A A22,t 1 "87 5S e /a2120 ?i.cknp Itf' #ice5 .jl;rl'il$e 4t'Sb IFIVOICE # INVOICE OATE 1Lg KeRl {?53} 87?- 5s55 0s l4 r'1 1. I /t)i /20 iflgrlllgpIaal,co,6 PAGE T f" ilt:i ,1656 SHIP TO cu6Eon6r Pickup FVe 1'}N 0069 10{ COND SLBO}' ?vc I - rN CoitrrurT coustri{€ o069 0 84 ORDERED BY: SL^KE r.,t9 2',,1:1.c 2 4 a '! days/we*k - lAM t13T Every slngl€ day & s ra L4rnentd ?4 /? w. Pl a e r- . comPayI I rir'. PST, In,rol gA'T ORDERED OA?E8H}PPTO 8IIIPPEDU'A SUSTOMFB'OfSILLOF LADII.IO TACOIIAAO??28TH GRADS SEP7332A 0 0 t I criJ $ r{ H ?.99 1 ,02 .11 i.il* cu6T0*lEnAect,JOt l.lAlrE JOEf tAtE3 Pt-{Tt SAIESPERSOI{ offio sxrnffIl oAttofie.EDP #'DESCRIPIION UNITPRICE uNlt DISC 9" TOTA! TA,\TERM 3rtg3 tA.l INVOTCE lOTAL rrArl RtSrIAlrCElO. nor {16739. gogloll.n 0t th,gttt {$$8rt.atll itiG 11)fiJ- ,r . t0 () rhtq cri4ltci5 it'i!/"r1'rl"ri?' t-."t.ad.t t1.1 1:r:'l?,a!ri,:oi;1tl.;ji J. !1!rt!trr,., 1\l.if{llf-'r,,llr r{'r i {1.1(r, t i! i rtdlv ll r?.t :;tr'r I t! Av lrl,,al4 lll!1. V,ti{ttr},1.'l",. il lri.r:i,,,,i1 :i. rl,.r L a t:lt' 1.,:, r.i(",'rf itr:ri'r' l OV{:l? 10i} BfiAllCt-if $ TIiROUG}IOUT'fH H fIE$T lnvoice ArrtrltgoN BillTo: TOTEM ELECTRIC 253.272.5214 fax # P.O. BOX 10S3 TACOMA. WA 98402 Addison Construction SUPPIY P.O. 8ox 9066 Tacoma, WA 98490 (2s3) 474-0711 Customer No,: 4894 lnvoice No.; 371290 L{t5u TO: FIFE YARD 4310 .7OTH AVE E (253) 327-1500 x201 FIFE, WA 38424 &f LJ+ (reQ 9 65s , B,$r' uG€P EF" a.'rtr FA/co t^roak . .-,,...._ Pete o8t31tz} Purchsss Order Numbcr 4656 Norg c*er6 trt s]-ALtgb -$rus-Vb*--,- -. . Order Date 08t31120 Origin - --.*._,-$19!"!ss9'lDAN Terms Net 1Oth Onlet Numbcr 1 87594 QuanUty 66 66 R7 38 38 R4 79 79 R4 I I DescriPtion ....1 TIED CAGE.id;.,N REBAR #7 2.044LBS.lFT.#22MM EA CAGE W B@4-0 VERTS REEAR #4 60 GRADE ,668L8S./FT. #13MM 5@29',HOOPS WITH SUPPORT BAR n.ft r'f*.2 TIED CAGES".r."t REBAR #4 60 GRADE .66818S,/FT. #13MM EA CAGE W 6@3-6 VERTS wlTH 4@18'HOOPS & SUPPORT BAR SONOTUBE 24" PER LINEAL FOOT 2@4-0 SONOTUBE 36" PER LINEAL FOOT 1@5-0 Item Numbar SON24 soN36 tlnit Price Amount 1.1 500 cprol 1.1500 1 .1 500 8.5000 15.5000 c-o \() 75.S0 43.70 77,50 355.95 -sss.gs ltrl C$f'rtb'il 55 lnvoiee subtotal lnvoice tatal 20% RESTOCK FEE. SALES UNDER $50 & SP€CIAL ORDERS ARE FIh]AL. t 56.8 6- * lo'/" Tl\{ u r -1t"\ .1 \i 90.85 68.00 -fhank You C,lL'b REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNTDAILY ]l 9t3012020OAScarsella Bros. lnc PAYTotem Electric Proi€at 6035ITEM HLP-12'r6(006)Foderal Ald 41FA Pac Power Luminalre Fase, install cage, bolt klt, pour and finlsh OESCRIPTION OF HRSOCCUPATION 13a.72s.00Ellis I80.26 $ .00 ANDAND IPMENT RASIZE $.96203 - Totem Chev- 17.92Truck Chev. $37T21Vo 7 SERVICES MATERIAL& BoltsPortlend $s1.8621% OVERHEAD ANO PROFIT INSURANCE AND t2S8.81TOTAL MATERIALS tNvotcEo $0.00 t0.00 AMOUNT $0.00& M8terlalPRIME Subtotal of Labor, $1,685.97SUBCOHTRACToR subtotal ol & Subconraotor lnvoiced 12o/o= 10olo Greater than $100,000 =s25,000-$100on work toSubconlrector: Subcontractor $1TOTAL E and effortthis torm, partl€s aro agre€lng to tjrell checked, this work is in dispute. gy th6 tart. Entitlement lo be determlned at a |ttor dat6.needed to Form Dsts 7i2020 trA$t{ 'jTOTEn,Iof TACOMA. Inc'P. O, Bor 1093Tacoma, Wash. 98401ELECTNIC0llil tlo. B 3s4430tTtFORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORKEC} FOR CUllOMFR gYTrififDAILY LABOR AND MATERIAL VOUCHEBClasstlicalionSU PERIfiTEIiDEHT:fr ^EUi 2?6ntnrnGEI{tRAL F0Rt}'lAliiOURI{tYl,ltNLLTRI(OTIIERTRUCI( ORIYTRNIRTDTl/rlRIOI11.11R]OIl l'rIR1D1I'rTRIOIDII'hlRIDIllalLTBOR TOIILS IIIIT DTTE:OTlYrlRIHours5t-ff)LriorT.l?rirl & [gubncnttE$&rf, ilrflns. ITner * 6{%ol0ihcr TrrrsFrin$s/l-H.frn: -9$ ol S -?ntlrur Tntlns. I0vafierdtu! loirl6rosr TuPrcfilSub lotdTOTUONI3ERet?BtLLt;G gtt6t LtilOiS I rer-ot I nror:sutilir oF tlBon THIS 0lTtOFFICE NOOFJOB NOWOSK ONDER NO*3HAM€ OF)fl)ilb*M,6ta.tr611*/p3$UTTIIPRICIr0r&THIS SHIITtUTIITAMOUT{TBiL1;SQuAti 1l I YuAItRnL e tQulPMtilT RttrIAt0t\tRrPlr0rt 0i ll08l(WHITE " Customer Copy PINK ' Accounting Copv GREEN - Job Copv T plati.conl solg rQ Tocsm slectric Bo:r 1091{acoma. FaIl 98401 4 10 10 REfvliT TO: P.(}. Box '11ii759 8rr ston, M A {}22. 4 t -8V 5t} 9/L4/2r)I ickup PVg .IN 8CI{EDUT,E.BO ao69a9L PVC I.IN'9ODEG CQND €LBO9I 006910.1 PVC I.IT.' CO}'DUIT COOPIJING 0069 0s4 INVOICE # II-IVOICE DATE 119 Kenlt2r3t a',2- 5535 ,)T0 i9 t 4 e/L5i2A mg rl l9?p1r t::- , con lnv'rir"-'tl5 8'. {it,,tcttt*ttt ' ? dayslweek l,$1 ltsT Every singte day ds 56 SHIP TO cu6toner Pi4Lup o ttlEi1. L4 bTu ERED 8Y: &UTKS ELT,Ig c 1.6r gA '15,4 c PAGE T U a ll t: Pdy Ittrsr F6t, 1nv0l.!a5 & '!tatg{tre$La z4/"1 wFw.!]laEa.co.tl sU8 tor,ll i,t .3{} ".. ,1;i;:."-r"i :''l,'.L:', ,, -; ";; . \2441"\ t't-tj't'L f '-. '1.-j4 ''3>'6 -!: I *l,ri;i,ri! tt,tr.r",4 Chtsgn rr rrr.tlrl t{tlust !. i .t!t.r r..,r.-r. ,,..-/,. rl.rl,.'r!rl 3,l,rl! {! rl.! tilt':,;li l?.illittta {,:r1't riiltltlt i{n{trt rl *VER i00 Lln/\NCl'l 9l L4 /20 D{TE $}IIPPEDDA'EONDEREO 3}IIPPEDV'A BII.L OF LAD'I'IG cugrol'tEnPof fAcoHAAO??289H G&ADE 8EP13520 i.1 to 0 0 0N 11 r.,tqi $ 5.{.4 c$8r0ilEnAcgf.t JOOltAilE JOBf ssl[s PLAT' SATE6PEffi0N o,r$!uo sxFPeD sAcr(oRD.EDP #/OIECRIPTION UNITFFICE UMT OISC?i TOTAT TAXTERM BATES Trlr tNvoicE IOTNL HAL [3$lT}trlilldr *$ il{R.ll.16l'{fl r", I T'l"l{ wrsT ilns Porttcrnd Bolt & MAM'FACTT'RINC COMPANY eoO-Sqzezfg I *ow,portlandbolt.cotn cusT. Nt'). TTRMS 58888 Net 30 [.lvol[g flo INVOICi OAIE PA6E 134933 ele/2a2a 1of 1 P I rorEu ELEcrRtc F IOTEM ELECTRIC PO BOX 1093 TACOMA, WA,98401 l r asrot j t,tt, TOTH AVENUE EAST wA,98424 Jane Romito TRACXING NO^ ONDEBED ON els/2010 129456440366334043 ' '. f- sAresPEBsoN I 6ary wercrri 2 155. TOIAL 53s.oo $140.00 co \ot 52o,oo $160.00 1n6 LltAdhe CUsTOM€R PO 4656-11 FA SHIP UPS qUANTIY OIIDEREO QUA}TNTY PRODUCI' EACNOROERSP COOF L7729 1.8349 L6449 19301 due iccount!, We herebY certify that thesa goodr Sectlon 6, 7 and 12 of the Fafr Labor ltandards Act of Labor ltsued under Sectlon t4 there of. OIIDERED BY QUANTITY gHtpPf.D UNII PRI(TDtscfilPTtoltl 1 X 36 X 4 X 7 GALV F1554G55 ANCHOR BOLT 1 DOM 6ALV A563.DH HVY HEX NUT 1 DOM GATV F436.1 HARD WASHER 3/4X36X 4X7 DOM GALV F1s54Gs5 ANCHOR BOLT L8347 3/4 DOM GALV A563-DH HVY HEX NUT 16445 314 DOM GALV F436-1HARD WASHER No credit ',vlll be ilsued for goods returned wlthout our permlsslon. Speclal order merchandise wlll not be alcepted for credit. No claim for shortales allowed unless reported lmmediately upon receipt ofrhlpmen!. A tervicl charge of one and one'half pereent (l'1/2%) per month whlch ls an APR of elghteen perc€nt 11896)wlll be cherged on all Pasl were produced |n compllencc wlth all appllcable requlrements of as amended and of regulatione and orders of the US Department 4 I 8 I 4 8 8 15 16 15 INVOICE TOTAI AMOUN-T FAIO AMOUNI OU€ $Eoo.oo REMITTO: 3441 NW Guam St. Portland, OR, 97210 S3oo.oo 4tp5 t'- t ( WORKEDACCOUNTRCEOFFOYDAILREPORT F A 10t712020Scarsella Bros. lnc PAYTotem ElectricSU Proiect 6035ITEM HLP-r2l 6(006)Fedsral Aid 42FA Pacific Power.lnstall Luminarie Base, Condult, Junction Boxes. 10i6 and 10/7PERFORM DESCRIPTION OF TE 101.1 107.62 $ $ 79.1 AND294/a SIZE $1Sorvice 16.487.92- Totem Chev. 16MiniTotem29.65Case % MA $0.00ANDINSURANCEBONDING,PROFITANOOVERHEAD21Yo TOTAL MA s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AMOUNT & MaterialPRIME Subtottl of 18Materlal, &Subcontractot lnvoiced Work $UBCONTRACTOR Sublotal of 124/o to $25,000=12%, $25,000-$1 = 100/6 Grgater lhan $100,000 : 7olo Markups on work Subcontractor: Subcontractor 565.00TOTAL COST n to ths time and cffort lhelssh Entlllemcnt to be detemined at a tatot dato. thls form, parties areie in dlepule.checked, this needed to Foril Oate 7/2020 TOTEwIof TdCOMA, Inc.P. O. Box 1093Tacoma, wash. 98401ELECTRICOAFt*{?0lll llo. B 3s444FORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORKr ullhDAILY LABOR AND MATERIAL VOUCHERRatc; r'),^,'lloursDTRTlthlot01RIr )irOIRII y,II ir'rTDIRIl',,0tIItlilOIRIRTll,;TOIRI1l'tIIGross TuroT[ cHrn8t0vcrherdtub tstrlProlitl{ olltlobOthlr TursLrborslnt.riroEttalollLTBOR IOIATS THI$ OITT:frluirl & fquigmlnlE|LLrils cltffr[r1lolt!OTHTRTRUCI( DRIYIRCLTRX#'rffifiJOURI'IETMTN&tilf,fflt roRtMANClas siticalion5U PERlflTtil0$iTtunlllRt 0t LrBoR r$ts o^rtUITITAUOUiITTOITTIHIS SHETIUIIIIFRICIBIrT ING ADDNE: iJS':,iijl/ill-r8[ZEO FOF CUSI'JME NfWOFK ONDIR NOtl1lJOB NOili,ll{tt,ll3IIIOFNAME OF JOB'OFFICE NO0tstf{rPiloN 0f woRr(r,tAItRrAL 3 tQUlPlrtilr REnIAL0uAfiitTYWHTTE - Customer Copv PINK - Accounting CopyGREEN - Job CoPY .a DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED : CONTRACTOR Scarsella Bros. lnc DATC 10t1512A20 SUBCONTRACTOR Totem Electric PAY ESTfl Proiect No.:0T-3022 ITEM {6035 Fode16l Aid No.:wsDoT HLP-1216(006! OESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMEO: Paclfic Power - Pour Concrete and Finlsh Luminaire base FAI Conlraatot FAil 43 LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HR:REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE Blake Ellis Elect. Foremen 3.00 $ 101.15 $ 138.72 Rob Amold )peretot 3.00 s 80.26 $ 107.62 g24Q.7A S. Brenden Aoorentice 1000-2000 hr 3.00 $ 45.60 $ 61.66 $$ AND TYPE srzE 231 - Totem Service Truck Chev. 25(1 $ 19.05 $ 271 - Totem Service Truck Chev. C-i I $ 17.92 $ $0.00 r0.91 21Vo TOTAL MATERIAL $0.00 $0.00 TAX 21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX TOTAL MATERIALS # $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 30.00 AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal ol Labor,& Materlal $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor Materlal,& Subcontractor lnvoic€d $1,012.73 on work Subcontractor: up to $25,000-$100,000 = 10% Grsater than $12To Subcontractor $1 2r AL COST 134.26 tf r{ork is in dispute, By thii form, psrtios ars to the Ume and eflort ngeded lo lhe task, Enlitlement to be daterminsd at a l|ter date.n Form Dale 7i2020 DAILY LABOR AND MATERIAL VOUCHERe* *{3TOTEM ELECTRICof TACOMA. [nc.P, O. gox 1093Tacoma. wash.9840l0lill tlo. B 3s4450tTt:FORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WOBKau 1rzE O FOR CUSTi)MC"i#2#srlicGET{ERAL FORII.IAIISUPERIIiTTIiDENIO.&zr jFO REI'.ATI3'ffi&l{,T'+UWCLERKrHUCI( DRIYTROTHINnI0rr t!TR1DII Y?TRTOTt"lirRI! ?lRIDTI )4rRIDII lirRIOTOTrhrf,lDI,{tHourE-{-EEGETIiT'TTlfis, Ifnx * olLrbors%Othcr Trrcst{t toltl0vrtttcrdScb lolrlT0T$ $rnctOtrrfrl0rr TilRateaerotstofrfrtsid 3 fquigat:ntuB0R T0rlts TlllS 0lr[:$tLrts cllcuuTlottsruiltlRl 0f [rBoR IHIS DlItOFFICE NO6&woRK tlRoEq No5ut{lTPRICEUIIIIT0rt[Tilrs slrEtTAi{rtt eAMOUHTLLlNG AD'gF5'iQUATT I II YrilAItRrtL & tQulPMtilI RtillALDiSCtilPl l0lr 0i w0Rl{WHITE - Customer Copv PINK " Accounting Copv GREEN 'Job CopY DAILY WORKEDACCOUNTOFFORCEREPORT t .l 1111212024Scarsella Bros. lnc. PAYTotem Electric Prolscl 6035ITEM HLP-1216(006)Fsdsral Aid 58FA Pacific Power Llghtlng - Wlre pull, bonding and grounding' adjust heads, splice and test luminairesDESCRIPTION OF 138.1017.00Blake hr 1 Arnold ANDzgo/a $1 33.35 1Chev.Service 125 1Truck Chev.Totem s$ I No..00 ANDINSURANCEBONDING,AND4/o21 OVERHEAD i30.07TOTAL & $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AMOUNT $0.00& Matdrlsl WorkPRIME Subtotal of Labor $2.393.1 1WorklnvolcedSubcontractor&Materlal,SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor, on work 20togubconfaclor:= 10olo Greater than $100,000 - $287.1Subcontractor TOTAL COST to the tlme rnd olfortsigning this form, Psnias srelf chock€d, this wotk i8 in dlspute, SY thetask, Entitlement to bs detgtminod at a lstel date.needed to Form Oate 7/?020 of TACOMA, Inc.P. O. Box 1093Tacoma, wash" 98401I(k*e&DLil ils. B 3e450DAFOBMISCELLANEOUS ELECTBICAL WORKDAILY LABOR AND MATERIAL VOUCHEHIIOFFICE NOOFJOA NOWORK CIRDER NONAME OF.eeuillIPRICTUNIIIOTTTI}IIS SHEEIAMOUI{TLrrc ADnRt !,;rt-geo'-CltqlOMER BY !1,:rrl4llJnIFOFQuAr{1ll rli,lAltRlAL E tQulPt{tilI RttriALDtscRtPlr0N 0f n0RfiSUPT.RINTEHOIIITClassilicalion6ENERAL FORi.MAItCLERXOTHENTHUCK DRIVTR1\1BT0lR1RTDITTDIoiRIOIl t,trNIDTRIDII l4rf,IDTHours*J.3-lrbor* ol $ --.-Trr:rrf,t$ut ilttlns. 0ITGULIT TITElnr. ITrrx $ ol.qfr gl0ther TursSub taldOv:rheldSub tohlTOTIL fitmt0tbnGross fuFrofit16RalcEttoililrotlkhdd [ fqdpmrnlTTBOR IOITL$ THIS DITt:BI.UilG Cttculln0tssunHmY 0f tlBoR IHls otrtWHITE - Customer Copy PINK - Accounting Copy GREEN ' Job Copv platt.com SOLD TO toeem Elecrric Box 1091Tacone, r{A 98101 REMIT TO: F.O. Box 418759 Eosion, MA 02241-&75S Plckup f{HN-5TR.CU aaa25't3 THr$t' 10 -cRr{- 5"R-CU 50087 00625?5 FVC 1.IN BEI,L END 0069 081 su8 rorAr. ?05.05 '; nril;;'€l;;inrri;::li '.!rr!': *rr'.Jrl. .*lt iFd':' / TNVOTCE # INVOICE CIATE 119 l(art { 253) 8?2 - 5555 tx87l85 u/rt/20 ngr1 l93plaLt , coin slfiP ?o Cusloner Fickup L( Gsb 7 daya/week- IAM Mst Bvery aingla day tr staLenents 24/? www,DlaBL.com 8Y: SIJ&.KE ELLIS 1A8 210.36 l]tHErt !1. ,, rro ta!!! ,.uri{ 1r'1t! n,; A::ottal 11rb!'s PACE 1 5 0 500 500 I M Irl500 g Il Pay i tre rt 9ST, ftrtoi rzp' +6oc,r to.Zq o.?.q r d1q.r3 fzz.s'l f IAY L4Lg. tl \ -., r. ith /'+...-a lt(nlr.Y \-ri+ r,. l-.rry rrtr,. r1-J !r /r.r,'re.1), lJr'il',L rr'4r. ' ' 4^ *4 -'4t ' r,:,'!tr./.. r"r iir rn ri!.4*4 trl !!' lr'rt t til ':t rr lr 4ritrltt( tiY{, 41.!:,trr' (.1141 r .L$r.'v!r -':t:r-rar t ".- !t a4'. .ra d't F i(?rr ''r'&'Silr{t* ^virht)ln rroarr Wrifltd lla{I'd1t {655rL/ Ls /20 1,r/Lo /7A DATEOROEREO sHIFPEDVIADA|E SHIPFED BItt OF IADINB CU9TOMER POf A07 tAcottA73524{636 t05 09 00$ $ 0 0 0 1l H 9{ .13 15.Bl cu9r0NER ACCr,t .JOB NATlIIE JoB# sALEt PLATT SALESPERSON o$S'ro sntnreo FAcxoFD.EDP #/DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UNII DISC 96 TOTAL TM TERM SALES .IAX lNv0lCl: 'lCli/\l !,rArL nEilrnn\ii rc BCI 4 r87!9. E0510li 15031 6c1.['lil .i.t.+, :-'. 1d-r {r- " rr lt4l,rrlal 41|{ly tliti CJVER'IOO SRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE W€ST DAILY ACCOUNTFORCEOFREPORT -I rct2712020Scarsella Bros. lnc, PAYTotem Electric Proisct ITEM Fodoral Atd 62 Pacific Power Lightlng'Build and stand luminaire polesDESCRIPTION OF OT 1.15Elect.Ellis .66 .>..62s TAX RATEstzE 1Totom Servica Chev,$1Chev.Tolem 82 210/o AND MA&.06Wir€150'Platt TAL INSUMNCE TANOBONDING,PROFITANOYo2"1 OVERHEAD s37.58TOTAL rNvolcED &$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AMOUNT & MaterialPRIME $ubtotal of $1,725.46 SUBCONTRACTOR subtotal of & Subcontractor lnvolced 12Yo- 1ooi Greater lhanon work lo 2lo,Subcontractor: Subcontractor TOTAL COST E partles aro agr€oing to ths tlme end th8 task. Entitlomont to be detetmined at a later dats. thigll chsck€d, thi6 work ls ln disPute. need€d to Foftn o'ale 7l2O2O TOTE1}{of TACOMA, Inc.P. O. 8ox 1093Tacoma, Wash. 98tl0lELECTRICOAIt,F& *Lpz-0llil llo. B 3s446FORMISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORKDAILY LABOR AND MATERIAL VOUCHEBlrounlIIHoursItilDTRILurlOInrrliTDIRIthr0iRIofRI0tRTftIllzrDIRTl'tilOITOIil" $TRGE0rcdrcadS$b toldProlitGross TrrOhcttub tolrl0thrr farts%olI5*lns.lf,tffit3lrOl'LIB$R IOITLT IHl! DIT[:lful?rid I l{dpncntBrtLHG Ctlcuttil0llsLrbotOTHTNrf,ucfi ORllEtcL tRl(GE!1ERAL FORT,I.IANClassrlicalionSU P€ RII.ITENDEI{ Tsutntnl 0f Lt80R lHls 0lltAMOU}IT[Jt{lTIOTILTH|S SHttrunllPRICEtstLLING ADOHI:,JZED FON CUS]OMTR EIY .i]!,11ATUfiLAUTIUuDu/oni( crnoen No4{"#.JOA NOo=FoIT*NAME OF JOB:NAME OFoFFICE NODi scRtP r l0ti 0t w0Rl{MAItRTAL & tQUlPMtt{I Rtt{ItL0U Ar{l ll YWHITE -Customer CopY PINK - Accounting Copv GREEN - Job Copy platt.c{)rn soLo TO toeem Flectric8sx 1091 Tacolna, tlA 98,101 RElrllT To: P.O. Box 41875q Eoslon, fllA 02?4 l -8759 1L/Lo/2A [lvotcE # INVOICE DATE l19 Kent t ?irl 8?2 - 55s5 ,t:{r7I31 LLlll/20 nUr I l9 eP1. t r. , ccn PAGE I ,.,"8. [',lil;;;.''., SHIP TO cusLomar Piskup t4 u5b 500 500 I Pay 500 500 0 ta ine PST, fnv()l T|{HN- 10 ,ceY- srR -cu 006?5?3 THHi,t' l0 ' €.c.si - slR 'CU 0062575 PVC 1.I!I BEI.L ESfD 0059 08 r rf rV4 5OO ET ? daye/week lAli lrlsf, svery slngle day 8Y: BLAKS ELt rs 8.250 188.2 ?10.3.j 0 0 M M c rll € es & sta[ener.ea 24/7 Fr/w, plaet. co{d 15CI'i 5co : o'3 cl.3 r qq.t3 !za.z+ 4& S']A TOIAt, l] ItiErt {:tlA,}ciii T {656Pickugrt/La/20 DAl€ A07 tAcottA7152 0 {656 00 N 0 0 $ c r{J .t .1 9,1 . 1! 16 . S3 r$vor0€ 10T r ) ,'!r-;d,r,rarr:t 1.1-'1fi..!1:.lnxr.rr.r!,ilijr'P!'ril" Slrt'r: r rr.!ir,rr..Jil ,, a",r'"1'r'lni:,rtt. 1t{ir,1::':!llrtr'Yt1!rti:r" rr "r trrlt!,r', r1n.tr9!.1 a'l!:r'.;rt ;: " tn,:r1rrb-!;.,1...>-,,.'r"r-J !';!'n'r'f,r" r' ril!.,,!: rn 1,,'i t',';-' ..r..',r'.:r,rr5i-'-f.;ii,,,ll{',f.riLirir!!:rrl.,1rillilldlrpiilr*ri1lb'rfll1!li'5t lin"rnlir!!"-tr:9:rv!}1'li'!pl!rir'l:;Jn: OVTR 1OO tsRANCIIES TI'IROUG}ICIUT IHE WES OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKEDDAILY REPORT -l 12tgl202aScarsella Bros. lnc. PAYTotem Electric Proi6ct ITEM Federal Aid 71FA PPG Lighting . Weld Type 1 J Box Lids in PPG's parklng areaDESCRIPTION OF REG 2.00Blake 1201 LABOR AND TAXAND 10Truck Chev,231 $13.100Truck $U 21lo PROFIT .80 and/or 21OlO OVERHEAD AND PROFIT INSURANCE AND TAX $0.00TOTAL MATERIALS # s0.00 $0.00 INV $0.00T $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,& Material & subcontractor lnvoicedMaterial,SUSCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor 12%= t00/6 Greater thanon work to 2o/0,Subcontractor: Subcontractor $553.20TOTAL COST tf this work is in dlspute. By signing thls fotm, parti€s are agreelng to ths limo and effort needed to the lask. Entillement to b€ dotetmlned at a lat$ date. Form Dats 7/2020 DAILY LABUCHEROR ANDMATERIAL VOTOTEM Eof TACO\'IA- Inc.PO. Box 1093Tacorna, Wash.98401DATE:Q A ,"r,f')LL) lLI-tF ? lrGENERAL FDREtYIAt'lENCINEERolhel Taxe*srh l$lalProlltDLM No, B 4?7 01lrnotrnl,JM.N,MIFORELECTHICALWOHKoFFiCE I'lo.JOB NO,4ffi'("WORK OFDER NO.NAME OF"wNAME OFr'?IBY {SIGNATUFE)AUTHONIZED FONCUSTOMEN".-7uNllFRICEUNITTOTATTIIIS SHEETtfe -fiBILLING AOSRESSAMOUNTMATERIAL & EOUIPMENT REITTALOUANTITYOE$CRIPTION OF WOfiKClsssilicalionSUP€RIHTEt{OEilTJOURNEYMAITRT11.1TTRTn11%TOTlYzTBT1!',? TftTuT1 1,',? TRTCLTRI{DTRT1 VrTTRLICK DRI\IERDTH1lrl-TDTlrlTLABONTOTALS THIS OATI:IHouN7/*.LabofReGULAR n?r!Llns. &PRI}iIT,M TlHElfis. &fiatenlnl$Jobsob roia!0lher$mallToolstlli!er$literi8l &8tLill{6 CALSULATI0}Isfj rnvotcsBTLOWSUf,IIMARYOFLA808THISDA]EWHITE - Custom€r Copy FINK ' Accounting CopyGREEN - Job CoPYffm$s TlxTOTAL CHARGE KENT WA5HINGTON s. 228th St. union Pocific Roilrood Grade Separation - Ph 5 Scarsella Bros., lnc. Private ProPertY Restoration Modifications Field Work Directive PW Project Number: FederalAid Number: Date: Date Date: lt/,'/zet 7 Date:11t20t19 FWD OO1. 07-i022 HLP 121"6 (006) 11/1s/201s Project Name: Contractor: Subject: Scope:MakethefollowingchangestotheContractDocuments: o Revise contract Drawings 54,55,56 and 57 of 68 with the corresponding sheets attached . lnsert Phase 4 Contract Drawing 3L, install remaining parking lot revisions as shown' Measurement and PaYment: o Existing bid items to be used for measurement and payment D No'r€ - ReOueryr ?rR. ProPes*l trrILL BE €r$r\ roe frccJ 9uw'11sAttachment(s): 466octo.\ed slqr*ss 6ruu.n o.r ?h r'r1 Co.r*va.c+ Sar^rruo no'r'R,.';J";.JYJ-:'*"'^... -' ;:*** t-r-Arl.rnS o Revised Plan sheet FWD 001 trtt4rr 59c€a Yatonjs/ 6l6ps r'rr'rtru coct Contractor Acknowledgement: af\a 3\. l! ctJl.q.t.l b By: Matthew Scarsella, Project Manager Owner Approval: z. Cameron Bloomer, KBA lnc. --s" By By THIS FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR EITHER A TIME EXTENSION OR A CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE' LABOR' EQUIPMENT' AND/OR MATERIAL OUTLINED IN THIS FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE SHALL BE PAID BY BID ITEM(S) OR A CHANGE ORDER SHALL BE DEVELOPED FOR TIME EXTENSION OR CONTRACT PRICE INCREASES. ANY PROTEST TO THE FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE SHALL FOLLOW 1-04'5 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS' KENT FWD OO8 07-3022 HLP 1216 (006) 8/1e/2020 WASHtNGToN S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railrood Grade SeParation - Ph 5 Scarsella Bros., lnc. Lighting at Pacific Power Field Work Directive PW Proiect Number: FederalAid Number: Date: Date: Date 8t1912020 Date Project Name: Contractor: Subiect: Scope: Make the following changes to the Contract Documents: o FWD 001 revised contract Drawing 55, noting 3 existing luminaires are to be relocated with new foundations. Two of these are o*n.J t, pac*ic power and shat be fed from their system. For these two' instal|ajunctionboxwheretheirexistingbasesarelocatedandrunnewconduit/junctionboxesas neededtothenewlocations.Junctionboxeslocatedinparkingareasshallbetrafficrated.Sizeofnew foundationshallbedeterminedafterremovingtheexistingfoundations. oThethirdluminaire,beingrelocatedtosTA3+g0andlightingtheCity,sRoW,shallbeswappedoutto theCity,sstandardpole/foundationmatchingtheothersintheexistingcontract. Measurement and PaYment: TracktimeandmaterialeffortsforreimbursementviaMinorChangeusingstandardWSDoTa markuPs Attachment(s): o None Contractor Acknowledgement: Matthew Scarsella, Project Manager Owner APProval: 4,,,^^t Cameron Bloomer, KBA lnc' By By By THIS FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR EITHER A TIME EXTENSION OR A CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE' LABOR' EQUIPMENT' AND/OR MATERTAL ourLrNED rN THrs FrELD woRK DrREctvE 'HALL ,l'toir tt BrD trEM(s) o* o tto*ci o*orn sHotr tE DEVEL.PED FoR TIME EXTENSI.N oR CONTRACT PRICE INCREASES. ANY PROTESTTO "' ,,,,0 *Oi* OiN'CrrUE SHNiI TOIIOW r-04.5 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS' l- a N6 o a a :f I I I I l I I .11.l- ,T I sE 1/4 SEC. 15, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M. I pRoLocts DwY r+oo--r --iL- -r+i- __+- BEGIN NEIY CURB STAr4+,1,{.87, OFFr26.O'R 34.57 o R=20.0'DRI\EWAY EX. TO FENCE s'fAt4+24,82, 0FF:57.2'R EL:34.O4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT qEIIEUALSESIUhI. NTS IJ -I - 4 2+O0 STA: l+70.34, 0FF:J1,5'R El-:35,75 sTA:2+33.34, OFF:S1.d R 35,57 u o R=2.0' 2+59.54 OFF:51,5'R EL;55,67 STA:4+12,3.i, OFF:51.5'R El-:53'97 NEIV CURB SIGN MATCH EXISNNG END NEW CURB G+m--r--E- --T - R=5.0'(Rl-1) R=50.0', ROTIJNG GATE BY O'IHERS I il'r' |.:l tl Ef I I I { l: I !, ?lN-l tl ri FI6i IrlFI6l6rlNlo, I !i '! I I t I I NEW FENCE FOR ROI.IING GATE BY OIHERS R=5.O SEE NOTE 3 STA:2+55, OFF:50.0'R NEW PARKING SEE NOTE 3 STA:3+90, OFF:28.5'R R=5.0' SEE NO'IE 3 STA:,t*17, 0fF:54.0'R PACIFIC DETROIT 7215 S.228TH AVE. TAX lD 132204-9342 PW2015-028 i4 I STA:1+44.X0, OtF:77.{i R EL: J3'58 STA:5+2d73, 0FFr57.1'R EL:5J.54 4" HMA E" csTc 17 I'lP TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL N9IES; 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PERFORM ANY-WORK ON- rtris FnncEL PRIoR To APPRoVAL BY lHE ENGINEER. 2. CONTRACTOR SHAII CONSTRUCT NEW DRI\EWAY-- TMPiOGMTNTS SHOWN HERE PRIOR TO CLOSING EXISTINC DRI\IEWAY. 3. RELOCATE EXISTING UGHT STANDARD. REMOVE-- EXSTIHO FOI.JNDATION AND BACKRTI WTH CouiACno calwl aonnow oR clJr FouNDrTloN io-selow SUBGRADE ELEvAlloN' PRoUqE {E!^.. iouNbrtioN Atlo .r'rncnon Box Pm sl9' gF.T.llL b:bil gxnHo PovtER ro NElv ucllr LocATloN' J :J L .! t i '. I i-. l t' I .i I .l .t I r, i 4 R-2.0' fX. PATIKINC EXISTING END NEW CURB STA:1O+74.O6, OFF:103.8'R llHITE LINES [X. BUILI]INO FX SIDEWALK 'L- I i I l. !. t. t,. t; l.:. I i' t.. I l. I l.- .----t !ft I / li il il . il i ;i i 1' t 1 a ;1 1.. l- t, L.:.-- ' -.', *, -.:-'.;':--:..-:,.;"-'-1 .-t .l'.. -' -:":-;.; .* ;'. .:J :i a : I I f r t/a \ IX, PARKINC I MATCH EXIS1ING BEGIN NEIY CURB STA: l0+51.80, OFF:57.9'R R-5O.0'R-12.O'20 to o 20 4{'_ SCALE IN FEET SEE OETAIL EELOW r . r. rla t I s-l iilil 9'N l-l , o tHITE UNES o zoa c z P t R OFF: t2O,R STA: I El-: 50' nl 55 oF 6EHORIZT1'!29: tl{nLr Ho.,',1-ffiiff..iiEii" s. 226TH ST. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PHASE 5 OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS PAC-POWER SITE PI.AN City of Kent Public Works Depailme$ Engineering Divisiong- Bli rs oNE lNcH ox ORCINAI ORAVNNC AOJUS] SCALES ACCORDJNCLY gY CIry ENGIN€ER ,ii o 6: |... I I I I I I I I I I i I I I sE 1/4 SEC. 15, T 22 N, R 4 E' W- t- lf00 PROLOGIS DWY /t+00 1 M. IJ*-t-LEGEND,; REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRE'IE PA\EMENT REMOVE EXISNNC RRNFORCED CoNCREIE DRI\EWAY,/PAVEMENT CLEARING AND GRUBBING IN I -1 I I Eiisi-xc- PA\EMENT w,zd Fffi ET UGHTS TO BE RELOCA]ED SEE SHEET STA:4+59.51, OFF:5J.,1' R END HVIS FENCE STA:4+39,29, 0FF:52.9'R EX.REMOlED 4 EXlsNNC FENCE ASPHALT PAVINC AREA REMAIN 1 3+45.01, OFF:88.6'R EX. UGHT TO BE RELOCATED SEE SHEET 55! I I I :l I I I I + I I I J ir tt <*---J FENCE STAi 12+99.2O, QFF:42.7'R STA: I 0+66..l6, OFF:,i6.5' R I IJ EX, GATE EXISNNG AS,PHALT PA\EMENT NOIES '' :$v'naRloB-''l$it llLErSSl rij pFnovt BY THE ENGINEER' ? CONTRACTOR SHAIT CONS1RUCT- naw bruwuY lMPRolEMENrs Sniirul nine PRIoR ro cLoslNG EXISTING DRI\EWAY. TO REMO\E EXISIING FENCE TX, BUILDING FX SIDEWALK l It= I I t. I i i t. I I il. t. I t-' ,E+ PACIFIC DETROIT 7215 S.228TH AVE. TAX tD 132204-9342 PW2015-028 EX. PARKINGFo IFco$tNo I+ i. li! -l -* .--1 t.. t' L. .- ,-1, -- 1'--r' . . -..'-',"., '. . . .. r I ,' I I /; rX- PARKING J STA: t0+66.60, 0FF:67.8'R I HVIS fENCE 1o+5d.27, 701002010 - SCALE IN FEET A: OFF:66.1'R *r' STA: I 6 ozoa zo z ts o >a 11+92.78, 54 or 6E I - - ..- o7-SlZ Poc Poas i ILL NU. s,l6 WdGm€nr PronvlRt: i-.- NORIZ:!r,201 S. 228TH ST. UN GRADE ION PACIFIC RAILROAD SEPARATION PHASE 5 OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS PAC-POWER OEMOUTION PLAN City of Kent Engineering Division Public Works 8AR 's ONE tNCn ON ORIGNAT DRAV{NG Ao.rusT scaLfs ACCOROINCLY 0't" BY DA CITY ENGiNE:R NO.o I sE 1/4 SEC. 13, T 22 N, R 4 E' W.M. { f rl I l; lr tl l; ti It wvn WM WFrt I.EGEND; REMO\E EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE PA\GMENT REMO\€ EXISTING REINFORCED coNcRETE DRI\EIVAY/PA\EMENT CI.EARING AND GRUBBING I o+q =o Y 2tr E UJz I I I I I , i I I i J t r i.. I i,/ i 1/ NEMARNTK FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC (OWNER) PACIFIC COAST FRUIT CO (OCCUPANT) 7250 S.228TH ST. TAX lD 883480-0090 u,t,o.f /. /t:'-,: 2,,'I [){. IROPERTY LINI ''-' .i/ i i,' (' I l.- ... -. ---../: / -'1.',.:/t.:1- l ttiillt1*t flB 3 /i ,'1 .i /)a 1-/ - .,.,: .. .' z',.,'.t2' . ,.'-.,J /--1..: .a. : . BEGIN HVIS FENCE STA:2+O4.55, OFF: STA: l+61, OFF:26.2'R P d A -t +f,;L |\.it'l" I t i_l END HVIS FENCE STA:'17+6J.05, OFF:6O.7'L t3 201002010 1"IJH Hri +- li+ t,t+0odl-:"L EX. DRI\EWAY TO BE s 228TH ST. rr+oo ro+oo 17+oo e -4q r n a, r 16too;;f-'a---+-- -----* +- -+- -+- -+ _ -i:_A A @ l*19+00# I t-- I A zt i-; + ZTSi] :1 .2ti-'l/iIr I I I J- I I I I o l,o ou o- \.1i:' I I I L__/\ ll "" -r ll SCALE IN FEET r_: 58 oF !8TI EfiT: - HORIZ:l'.9" rrLr r'ro .,",1;"llli,*fi19i.,,Dkl*?t' S. 228TH ST. UNION PACIFI C RAILROAD GRADE SEPARAIION PI{ASE 5 OFFSITE IMPROVEUENTS NEMARNIK DEMOUTION PI.AN City of Kent Public Works DePafiment Engineering Divisiont'o' gia is oNr lNcH on onlciNAl DaASNC AOJJST SCAL€s ACCOSOINGLI TI CIry ENCINESR o. ,it 6{ th t ,i; sE 1/4 SEC. 15, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M. f { 6 I tl { lr ll ll I t; sTA 2+20 70 60 50 ,[() 30 20 10 'o 70 60 50 40 50 20 JU -30 -20 -1 o1020 30 40 50 60 EL 37 o 15' SETIER E+ =cl I i' I I NEMARNTK FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC (OWNER) PAGTFIC COAST FRUIT CO (OCCUPANT) 7250 S.228TH ST. TAX lD 883480-0090 SECTION NOI TO EX, PROPIRTY LI\I /,44,'t ,3 /-/-'TCH EXSTING t', 'l r.. 'il' .. ', t--,-;,1,.!* I 1llr li I I 1,, - *. --.- .^., t' / .' ./, . ..., '!z -.. a/,:'! : /i j I I I I i I I I L : ,l I STA: t5+79.63, OFF;69.6'L STA: l7+50.61, OFF:69.7'L El-:35.78 SEE 37'STA:17+60.62. OFT:69.7'L EL:35..tl o*=r'A sTA:17+66.61. OFF:51.0'L El-:55.59 PAlEMENT PAVEMENT MATCH EiIANNG. ENO NEW CURB STA:1E+l1.64, OFFI74.0'L El 34.34 , EI:. V',-z 36.29 I'.r il, 1. jYJ,, Lr." ..,-.a* ". a ..a. '--:..-. .'1 t. .:-' +-r l- I L- I ,It- -? t MATCH EXISTING --l- 'lil+oo -l- - o NEW Ct'R8 END NEW CURBsT*1++64.El,STA:1 4+73.E6, OFFI44.2'L OFF:64.4'L !i+00::--.tr_.::-:_-_--il + STA:16+STA:'17+ , OFF;51'0'L El-: J6.'tE oFF:51.0'L J5.97 s 228TH ST "-T ':.=l* L1: u -a t ' x , '" ', * . .r - OFF:5j.0' L STA:18+11.61, + A tnl t0+00-{--* I t- t.' I t + :ll r 1,'' .: ',:A l '',\ ll/'lt 'a n ,-t r;- --* -L- -j:- J| i- | ,,1 , l;, '. l,ilL__ilj lllt 2'loo2010 SCATE IN FEET BEGIN : STA: 6,1,I'L TCH EXISTING BEEN TRANSIIION R-J1' STA:16+71.26. ' oFF,6g.9' L El-:56.31 40 11 +2 {] L -+ 16 ul {5 J9 R-2' '' l-,"*l I LN 57 oF 66 wRI: :-- 40Rtz:l!2-0: Slt€ ifrPrti.frs{ Pl'.FILE NO. S. 22ETH ST. UNION PACIFIC GRADE SEPARATION RAILROAD PHASE 5 OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS NEMARNIK SITE PI-AN City of Kent Public _Works DePartment Engineering Division SAF IS OIIE ]NCH CN CRiCINAL ORA\IlNG ADSS' SCATIS ACCOSDINGTY !"0-gY tlA C'TY ENCINEER : z IL I I I MA END CURB A:ST 10, OFFr n 18+ EL: 0FF:57.J'R "$L: sf'sl sTA:16+7/.4o, OFF:88.1'R I Jrr ^L L I I I r sE 1/4 SEC. 15, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M. f,\\"\\<i'\\\\\ I I i: l. I IIATCH EXISTING t: I I lr \)'* -r* J EX. BUILDING EX. PROPERTY LINE \ .l \)\ A ,..t ,I A OFF:IJ ;1. : r':. El-:34.57 1 l' \ t., 35.05 I L-. -lr SPEEDFOR BUMP STA:tl 5+00.04, OFF:256.4'L1,.' MATCH EXISTII{G R=5.0' SEE 15+12. OFF:S7,d R MATCH \\\'S\.SSS.\\\,!\\\.'S\\ i. r. :: :r.: MATCH EXISNNG END NEW CURB STA:,1-f 45.28, OFF:J47.5'L AMERICAN WHOLESALE FLORTSTS (OWNER) DWF (OCCUPANT) 7327 S.228TH ST. TAX rD 132204-9339 MATCH EXISTING BEGIN NEW CURB STA;14+2E.E7, OFF:101.5'R57.6'R RELOCA1ED H\ORANT 1-8'x6'TAPPING SIEE\E'l-6' 0t GATE VAL\E (FLXMJ),I-'IHRUST BLOCKING STA:4+76.97, STAi5+OO.07, OFF:251.4'L SEE ATTACHED SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR SPEED BUMP DETAILS -.n\\\:S-\\\S,\\\-..,-j\:-..i\.-\\.\.\..,-^'-.-..$ L tx. aurLorNG BEGIN NEII' CURB STA;4+37.79, OFF:51.7'L OFF:314.6'a L.* SEE ATTACfIEO SHEET I OF 1 STA:1 OFF:57,4'R EK R-5.0' -t L I PROLOGTS DWY r.L 2+00 +- END NEW CURB STA:3+40, OFF:21.5'L NEW LOCAIION.OF EXIS]ING HYDRANT STA:.1+76.79. 0FF:J44,0'L 4" HMA E'CSBC R-5O.O' 1% TfP EX. HYDRANT ASSEMBLY J0- t3E- RELacdTf,D .Q.tosg lvnLvr, trusraLr Pruc, IREMOVE AND RELOCAIE lvnr vr ntstR AND LtD To INEW LINE TAP LOCATION lnruo nlcxFrl.L Jr,**.rr.' QFF: Jl 1.8' I ,tr* .u*J l STA:4+98.50, TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL frr;2ez.e' L i ll VAUL T ',\ r\\\ t - I l' II i' I I lr L l:.. i. t t I t t. I t NOIES: SEE 1. ACCTSS TO DT1F SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. DRI\EIYAY IMPRO\EMENTS AT DII'F SHALI. BE COMPLE1ED AND ACCESS TO DU'F VIA PROLOGIS DRIIEWAY SHAI.I BE MADE AVAILABLE PRIOR TO CLOSING EASIERLY DRIIEIVAY OFF OF 22ETH ST. F ) 2. CONTRACTOR SI.IALL COORDINATE CLOSELY WTH PROPERTY OII}IER PRIOR TO BEGINNING Y{ORK. lHE CON1RACTOR SHAI.I PROVIDE lHE ENGINEER IIRITIEN DOCUMENTANO.I OF OIINER APPROVAL TO BEGIN IYORK, sTA:5+01.71, oftl2QJ'L ,i EX. PROPfRTY LINE ''i@ l;\\\\\!S.\ BEGIN NEW CURB sTA:5+06.57, OFF:7'1..3'L R=2.7'\r' NEW PROPEBTY UNE NEW 60, CHAINLINK F2TI'I SUDE GA1E 6+00 7+OO_r_r_.__t_ _ I -- - I I J 25 lLs 0 25 50-r-# SCATT IN FEET Fa o(\l No I t t' I I I I I 8+F + J 8 J r{Pt- t+o l, 31. I l. ' l, I t l, ,?r i: il ,fi| II.'I ''Ij. _ _ ____.1 ii\\ ir S I :J \ ].J I,L 9. ).f .r\ n .) \ r.i T .t .l I I I --.\'.,r'i\\\\ -rl I I I I I i I I I r--lfDWYMARNIK-Tt I I l' I I I :l ! .l il\i\ REvtgo{ No. r (PHASE g)YNt KINI PXUIUI NO.nt-wDES|QEO: ll{cffiD: II 51 oF 50CONST MGMI REVEII tto$r,r. 'l't25' VERT:DRAW: Sl PROfCT ENCR: AA FILE NO.AID I 2NM.U LP-FMSH IB SEPARAST GROUND IMPROVEMENTS & EMBANKMENTS City of Kent Public Works Deparlment Engineering Division OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS DWF SITE PI.AN DAE 0'I' BAR IS OE INCH ON ORIGINAL ORAWNG AD&ST SCALES ACCOROINGLY BY IJA IE CIfr ENGINTERAPPROWD: REVISIONNO. c:3022 228lh 8 EMBANKMENT AND -3022 29-30 DWF SITE .d||g 11/1/2019 12:30 -\t sE 1/4 SEC. 15, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M AMERICAN WHOLESALE FLORISTS (OWNER) DWF (OCCUPANT) 7327 S.228TH ST. TAX tD 132204-9339 I I I 1 I i I i I I I i .t ,| L FI(' tr- ,,. ) it il I I il I ENLARGED SECTIOT.I B-B SPEED BUMP DETAIL w8-lA L. BUMPS AHEAD (W8-1A) STA: 4+58.24, OFF:277'7' L - Tl BTri:* - - SPEED BUMP SEE DETAIL ABOVE ST A: 4+67.12, OFF:124.4' L SPEED BUMP SEE DETAIL ABOVE STA:4+66.56, OFF:254.4' L EX, 12" CPEP gX, CB L EX. 18" CPEP EX, CB EX. 12" CPEP LDRAINAGE SLOTS D- DI WA8" SLOTS BUMP BUMPS AHEAD + I I I 1= uluo-lo 9loalr #F^in- / 4K. L__ ---l n BUMPS AHEAD UMP BUMPS AHEAD (W6-1A) STA: 5+01.41, OFn63.7' L CONCRETE BUMP (W8-1) AND SLOW SIGN STA: 5+00.66, QFF:248.7' tEXTRUDED CURB EXISJ]NG CURB _l w8-1A w8-1 a m '1050 1020 SCALE IN FEET SLOW KINT PROJLOI NO.o7-v)2,]ESIGNED: SHEET loFl CONsT. MGMT. REVEW '"ffi,, 1'=10' vtRT: _PROJTCT ENGR: _FILE NO. oVrF srEDERAL AID NUM. HLP.FMSIB-I21 005 SEPARATIONST. UPRRS GROUND IMPROVEMENTS & EMBANKMENTSOFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS DWF SITE REVISIONS-\(ENT City of Kent Public Works Department Engineering Division ADJUSI SCALES ACCORDINGLY o"t" BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAMNC DAICIIY ENGINEERBYDATENO.REVISION 228th UPRR\dwg\2o18 EMBAN KMENT AND UTtLTTIES\Sheet 29-J0 DWr S,-E IMPROVFMLN'S.dwg 11/1 I 11:00 AM G:\Design\o7-3022 228th UpRR\dwg\2o18 E[4BANKMENT AND UTILITIES\Sheet Files\07-3022 2g-3O DWF SrrE IMPROVEMENTS'dwg' 7r/73/2O79 11:00;09 AM