HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-220 - Change Order - #20 - Scarsella Bros, Inc - 228th St UPRR Grade Separation Bridge & Roadway - 02/22/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - Thisformcombines&rep-lacestheRequestforMayor,sSignatureandContractCoverSheetforms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNGToN Comments:Date Received bY CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: Department: PW Engineering Originator: C. Frame Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 3t1612021 Date of Council APProval: N/A Authorized to Sign: E! Director or Designee E Mayor Grant? EYes ENo Type: Federal Budget Account Number R90067.641 1 0.1 20 Budget? EtrYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Sub-Category: Change Order #20 Vendor Number: 34547 projecr Name: S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Seperation Bridge Phase 5 and Roadway toitemsbidnewthreecreate&52 and53rawltractcond5:ace ngsDetaectReplProj rovt eddtheworkfoationrcoNSpedmpeprovl Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: NiA Agreement Amount: $1 3,363.75 Start Date: N/A Local Business? E Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number: cA2019-220 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No id(Vl2)l7l-l-)0 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements -·~,a~ ~KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. #20 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Scarsella Bros, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Bridge and Roadway Phase 5 (19-3022) ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: April 19, 2Q19 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other prov1s1ons of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Replace contract drawings 52 & 53 and create three new bid items to provide compensation for the work required 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section Ill, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $13,802,146.40 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $358,870.58 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $14,161,016.98 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $13,363.75 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $14,174,380.73 Original Time for Completion 240 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 240 working days prior Change Orders CHANGE ORDER -1 OF 3 (insert date) Days Req u red (a )fo r th I s Ch a n9 e o rd e r 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working days In accordance with Sections I-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard specifications, and section VII of the Agreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this c'hange ordei by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may hive regarding this change order and acknowledges and alcepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectdd with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change order, uni"ss otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from sirict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any)' and this Change Order, prior to the effective date oittris Change Order, are hereby.ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contraci modification, which is binding on the pafties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' N CONTRACTOR: By:*zfuD -F.Z (signature) Print Name' //14177624/ fe^ftEt).* Its lLurtar ,*r466L -(title) DATE: CITY OF KENT: Eiu^ (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren. P.E. Its Interim Public Works Director (title) DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2AF 3 I t ATTEST: t Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appltcable if Mayar's signature requlred) Kent Law DePartment , P,E.IIn thls field, yoo may enter the electroni( fllepath where the cont'act hd been savedl CHANGE ORDER.3 OF 3 / KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. O2O Division - Public WorksConstruction Management Project S. 228th St Union Paci fic Railroad Proj ect No.: 07-3022 Grade Separation Phase 5 PE Fed-Aid No': HLP-FMSIB-LZL6 (005)Project En g ineer:Cameron Bloomer, Scarsel la Bros. Inc.Owners Re Date: Ll L4l202L T. PROPOSED CHANGE Inc Contractor: This com Change makes the following pensation for the added work detailed in section III below. revisions to the Contract Documents and Provides o Replace contract Drawings 52 and 53 of 68 with the attached revised drawings, and add .offsite Improvements Kravano Sound Hordings site Revisions'sheets 1 through 3 into the contract. These *ur" previously sent to the contractor as Field work Directive 009' . create three new bid items to provide compensation for work required in the revisions, as II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE d two m a n co n ce rn s reg a rd n I th e p a n n ed re V S o n of t h e r Th e 744 0 p ro p e rty OW n e r EX p res S e be ut red to 1 )Th ste ess of the f n e W e ntra n ce W h I c h sem I tru cks WO u d reqparkingoteepnt d ut itirhrty's oa di n g doc ks a n d 2 )th e ocati on of a bove I rou n ES ba c k a c ross to a cce SS e prope t b of tru ck d the S W of th e p ro p e rty wh ch W o u d m it the ma neu V e ra ty a n Ynannearcornerdd to a ch osed t he d recti on Th e ci ty rev iew e d th e own er's co n ce rns a n a I re e w h n n W ro ng revise the lan for the lot. III. METHOD OF PAYMENT YoNtUSEACCOU'T'NGFOROrder No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitQty this PE Total Est. ory Item DescriptionSch. No. 621.057621.05LS017440 Revis ions Force AccountI $53,586.70$es.3sSY05627440 Revisions DrivewaY Concrete 1 $2,856.00$27.20SF01057440 Revisions GravitY B lock Wall 1 0 PAY THIS PAY ESTI MATE a later to be madePaymentIndependent Estimate Attached NoNew Sub Reqrd? NEW PAY DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 ffi wot Applicable lVot 1 REV. DATE:3ltlhg FILE NO: 2OO.2 ENT Order No.FOR ACCOUNTING USEONIY Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description otv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $$ Ind epend ent Esti mate Attach ed REQUIRED IN ECREASE TO EXISTING PAY Not TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF C HANGE ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE IV. WORKING DAYS I *Total of the Cost of Item Columns L FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONLYOrder No. Gost of ltemUnit PriceItem DescriptionB.l. No.Sch. No. $9-Cement Conc. Pavement 1 130I -t20 422.50 Unit CY Attached REQUIREDEstimateInndentdepe o 240240Original Contract Previous Total bei ma change to the working daYsthe critical path, and nois Change Order does not impactTh* TOTAL WORKING DAYSX 240 t(This Change Order +Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Coniract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared By:Ca meron Bloomer Date: IlLSl2O2L Date:t /za/zrt -_ Construction Su Pervisor: 2 Construction Manager:Date REV. DATE: 3hs/19 KENT WASHINGTON Field Work Directive FWD OO9 07-3022 HLP 1216 (006) 8/26/2020 Project Name: Contractor: Subject: S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railrood Grade Separation - Ph 5 Scarsella Bros., lnc. 7 440 Property Revisions PW Project Number: FederalAid Number: Date: Scope: Make the following changes to the Contract Documents: o REPLACE contract drawings 52 and 53 of 68 with the attached drawings. Add 3 new detail sheets, also attached. Measurement and Payment: o Payment for revised work will be via over and/or under run of existing bid where applicable o The following items of work shall be tracked and paid via Force Account: o Relocating RPBA and Air/Vac standpipe o HandrailModifications o Ductile lron storm sewer Pipe, 8 lnch Diameter (Qty - 80 LF)' and connections o Wheelstops Attachment(s!: o Revision 3 - Contract Drawings 52 and 53 of 68, Offsite lmprovements Klavano Sound Holdings Demolition Plan, Site Plan, and added detailsheetsL,2, and 3 of 3. Contractor Acknowledgement: By:y'/1', lllu,,. Soo t ^, u /i1,Date: 8/31/2020 Matthew Scarsella, Project Manager Owner Approval: Crrrt'*t t sfu"u4 8t26t2020 DateBy: By ,z/ Cameron B 4-" loomer, KB)lnc. n-/e/zal->Date: THIS FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR EITHER A TIME EXTENSION OR A CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE. LABOR, EQUIPMENT, AND/OR MATERIAL OUTLINED IN THIS FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE SHALL BE PAID BY BID ITEM(S) OR A CHANGE ORDER SHALL BE DEVELOPED FOR TIME EXTENSION OR CONTRACT PRICE INCREASES. ANY PROTEST TO THE FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE SHALL FOLLOW 1.04,5 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS' vot oEs. 22STH ST. UNTON PACtnC RAil..RO 0GRADE SEPARATIONPHASE 5OFFSITE IMPROVETIENTS KI-AVANOSOUND HOLDINGS DEMOLITION PI.ANlirginerring l)ivisionCill ol!'-?9'sE 1/4sEc. 15, 1 22 N, R 4 E. W.M.I1IiIilIIIIII|rII'| ..JALAU KLAVANO PROPERTIES LLC (OWNER)ALEXANDER EXHtBtTS (OCCUPANT)7440 S. 228TH ST-TAX tD 383090-0050SOUND HOLDINGS LLC AIRcaRco (occuPAI{T)22645 Z6TH AVE. S.TAX tO 38:t090-0040LEGENDWV.*) oruo* EXS'NG ^eHrrIg coNcRft PAEMENTREIOE EXISNNG RONFMGOcscagE ffitWAY/PAW€NTffiTfil cre^nnc aNo cRUBBTNGlNo Hus FENbESTA:26+89.13,6F.77.2'lSTA:26+74.77,OFF:73.1'L____7_r___ |li inrr.0rNG-.\i.y:.- ....- \.23+72.48,f:129.0' Lffir130.6 1S 22ETH ST..i[x. moPE8frEX, ROW25+dLr 8\!t tlNt;Offr5l.0 LSTA: 26+ €. 54,trF:107.6' LotuF€ts2a+6 -Izlul>t<l-lbr24m+--IIIttiIt-fEid\ ,./\-______zrutN [ff d=€€g!E!F9€Ed{,3 tr 66S. 22ETH ST, UNION PAGITIC RAILROADGRADE SEPARATIONPHASE 5OFFSITE IYPROVEYENTS KLAVANOSOUND HOLOINGS STTE PI.ANFngintrring l)ivisionol KentPublic Worksl:!2a:NOlEs:sE 1/1sEc. 13, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M.2.3.ISOUt'lD HOLDII'IGS LLC AtRGARGO {OCCUPANT)22645 76TH AVE- S-TAX tD 3830904040TYPICALPAWUENTSCION D€TAILSTAr 25+J9.13,125.1'LELLOW PANED6'HMATYPICAL PAVEMENTSECTION DETAILsTto ruTYPICAL PAVEMENTSECTION DETAILNTMsrui/T\I,i:x Blr ,illlt:SEI TYPICALPAWUENTSECTION DET^ILMATCHAISING.lIRft&ATgD RffiAsry. PROPERIY UNEsT:EESMCsTA:23+69.27,STArOff;107.6' !STA:77.56,OFF| 54.5' L- + __*-:**_u !l I lt:ri!$$rz\\:-/oUEFoFr--*@st 62.5 1 ,-,.-,,-s--!_. -_r**EXSTINGL\\-STA:SHAREDMV€UAYSTA:26+$.m. ryffi:54.4 1 3'&ENO NEW CURESlA:25+74.t7,SFr73.4 L-_---;-_r---+0ff:6o7'LS22ETH STSTA:2#61.23,OFF:49.7' L.-"..'s+.___,./':-- --t'l!IFc:-----;:l=;==::===-=i: !tt;:/'/'J1///------.aIIIIIII41008{+$U IN Ef,tr;l ?1:dEdEtE€El0rlI--+I_t--lS. 228TH ST, UNION PACIFIC RAILROADGRADE SEPARATIONPHASE 5: r i, .ti ,t:lIII-CRAOEOFFSITE IMPROVEYENTSKTAVANO SOUND HOLDINGSSITE REVISIONSCity ol Kcntlrnginccring i)ivisionWorks17' Lf 8'.r:----lQ:NOE 2r.F s'o.r.@JsTsNEW PARKING-T-sE 1/4 SEC. 13, T 22 N, R {r t, W.M.i fi)C (lr.,t Ll,:iL r,:i:, i: .r.r:{r''.1NOIES:1. FPROXIUAE L@AION S RIOCAED RPAA. EXACTL@ANON TO BE DEEMIN€O N BE NELD.2. APPROXIMAE LdANON OF UISINC WAER LINE,POfrAI TO VERIFY LtrATION,3, CONN€CT NEW STORil PIPE 10 EXSNNC STMM PIPEWB NECESSffiY COUPLINGS. POfrOLE TO CONFIRMLOCANON. IFE AND DEPfr OF EXISING P]PE.IPREERfr LINEOF(row)CURANCMATCh EXISINC3s0c8, ilPE I___.l8l}l:3s.$E@IE UNKTOP OF WALL (TOW)EUV-f5 91wheel stopsIE UNK3' f 8" 0,t.IIIII30FANDJFMLOCANONUNE ^SES1ERLY'exsrHcr RPBA TO BERELMAMrrr:jt:.!ROVi[-cCRELOCAIEEXISNNGMOIRED CURSINGAND PMKNG STALLSST: 2o, !S. 228TH ST. UNION PACIFIC RAILROADGRADE SEPARATIONPHASE 5OFFSITE IYPROVEIIENTSKI.AVANO SOUND HOLDINGSSITE SECTIONSCity ol KcnlPublic Works Dcpartmentlirginewing Divisiont!tp6050,to30'o2oc6050.to30ro20805010JO,o2o-43.00. EL BO1-*.€2, EL 3q.82ffi -St00, ELEXISNNGNEW Oru UYilT€l0slNcE[ 36.0E-107.55. EL 36.14EXsruCi107.56, & 35.84srA 25+00STEPS20sr^ 25+50srA 28+0060moPos29.rro60504030a050403020.-,504050a0501430,o2Q6050,to30&2060504030,u2os-20-43.00. A- 37.E8-€.70, EL B*N€w C!6€ UYOUI-do80, Er s.E2EXSMAEf, CURBEXSNNGNEf SRE*6NNGPmwo2.**-16.A9, €L 55.79PRMS-128.9& EL 35.7520-129.03, EL J5.90PR0POS€0SI 24+@20,*STA 2,++5OsT 24+752o-,ao -t2o8050405060504030605040 dsE:E6?i!aE&9ed3d !S. 228TH ST. UNION PACIFIC RAILROADGRADE SEPARATIONPHASE 5OFFSITE IMPROVEYENTsKLAVANO SOUND HOLDINGSWALL PI.AN ^NO PROFILEEngincering DivisionWortsNEW qAVTYELMKRflAININC WIL(ftAT F^cEo)mool11.o\JALAU KLAVANO PROPERTIES LLC (OWNER}ALEIANDER EXHIBITS (OCCUPANT)7il40 S, 228TH ST.TAX tD 383090.0050IIlIIlIJBOn trTe oF w&L (rcw)Uv-35.91 -OF(row)l,_,*S.o-d i\ ,:.]ili'''. 1/L ,.'" l'I OFFI@.L-sIA.?5+39.13NOIES:1. UVAIil rc BE EMMN€OamR c*mcTffi Pon&sEXISING STffi UNES.2. $rcUT 6T m COCmsEs ND osiltNc offi/*[.RryWNG *SNNG HNMLJ. RflOE &SNNG NSffiNL ^TEOM 2 SEPS, M@FYHANMAL FOR ruANNG SEPS.17 8 e'O.t.S=W NOE I0-1.GF:125.0' LErc YELLOWPANE WOTEMENTCNQ€ENSE CURB,MAICH EXISNNGffF:110.PLANo+500+&/-€xrsTNc cRADET@ OF WAU (Tow)sTA.0+59.00ELEV.37.33aEv. $.35NO]E 280ru s $ALLffiADEisow)PROFILEOFELry,TOPaoTl OF RAMP=TOP 0f RMP-ToP S WAI (TOW)sT. s27.?8Te f wru rTow)sTA O+41 ?3 ' 'E[V. 3&64&mo+20ots INDEPEN DENT COST ESTIMATE Proiect:S. 228th St UPRR Grade Separation Ph. 5 of Kent Date:8126/2020 7 /7/3022Owner:Proiect No: Prime Contractor:Scarsella Bros., lnc Fed Aid No:wsDor HLP-1216 (006)Subcontractor: FWD 009 - 7440 Revisions Description of Work: OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME \MA/R DOLLAR AMOUNTHOURSHOURS\A/v\'ROCCUPATIONPRODUCTION RATE 966.72S so.ssOperator Foreman t2Relocate RPBA, and Air Vac s 1.824.0024s 75.00Operator Foreman s 1,488.0024s 62.00Labroer $ 320.00s4s 8o.ooWelderHandrail Mods s 322.24sS so.so4Operator ForemanStorm FA Portions 608.00s8s 76.00Operator 496.00s8s 62.00Laborer $ s 7,65L.7OTOTAL:S 6.024.96 27o/o OHP 4LABOR SUBTOTALS: DOLLAR AMOUNT ADJUSTED RATE STANDBY RATE HOURS \,ORKING HOURS STANDBYEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION s 900.007512Excavtor 780.00s6s12Loader 360.00s3072Crew Truck s s s TOTAL: S 2,386.8017o/ooHP.5 346.80s 2,040.00EQUIPMENT SUBTOTALS: DOLLAR AMOUNTUNITPRICE REFERENCE INVO|CE #QUANTITYDESCRIPTION s00.00sLSs00.007RPBA and Air Bac 75.00sLS75.007Handrail 500.00 500.00sLS7Storm FA Portions s L,257.75TOTAL:17o/o OHP: S 182.75s 1,07s.00MATERIAL SUBTOTALS: DOLLAR AMOUNTUNIT ESIIMATED COST EST. DATE OF SERVICE QUANIIIYDESCRIPTION s s s TOTAL:s 17o/o OHP:SERVICE SUBTOTALS: Resident Engineer (RE) Cameron Bloomer Date ICE SUBTOTAL: $ ICE TOTAL: $ 17,296.25 LL,296.25 ADJUSTMENT (see comment):5 Comments / Notes: LABOR EQUIPMENT MATERIALS SERVICES 1of 1 P-60 (Rev. 2019 Mar) DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNTWORKED CONTRACTOR Scarsella Bros. lnc.DATE 10t1912020 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY ESTT Projoct No.:07-3022 ITEM *1355 Fsderal Aid No.:n sDoT HLP-1216(006) DESCRIPTION OF WORX PERFORMED: 7440 - Chasod broksn 10" Conc. Pipe back and roplaced with l2" Dl and romac conenction FAT Contractor FN 44 LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION <EG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Casev Nelson (6/2020)Superintendent 2.00 $ 80.s6 $ 107.94 $161.12 Ooerator Foreman 2.OO $ E0.56 $ 107.94 $161.12 Sean Haldune (6/2020)lperator Loader under 6 CY 2.OO s 74.95 $ 99.s6 $149.90 Jason Walch (6/202c Pipelayer 2.OO $ 59,18 $ 80.93 $1 18.36 )perator Loader under 6 CY 2.OO $ 74.9s $ 99.s8 $149.90 LABOR SUBTOTAL $740.40 290lo OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $214.72 I EOUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS ;TDBY RATI 0&121 Ford F450 Tool Ttuck (7no2t c 2 $ 27.07 $$s4.14 02-297 Fotd F15O PIU (7l2o2o)0 $ 20.01 $$40.02 17-271 John Deere 35 Mini Ex 0 2 $ 19.08 $$38.16 1&.100 0 2 $ 33.ss $$67.1 0 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $199.42 Z1-/o OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $41.E8 VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIAL SUB TO IAI.IAX Core & Main lnv. N396455 Romac Ridoed Coupler $375.00 $37.1 3 $412.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $412.13 21% OVERHEAO AND PROFIT, BONDING, I NSURANCE AND TAX $86.s5 TOTAL MA $498.68 VENDOR & INVOICE #WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TAX $0.00 PRIME Subtotal of Labor, Equipment, & Material Work $1,695.10 SUBGONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor, Equipment, Materlal, &Subcontractor lnvoiced work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor: up to $25,ooo=1 2ol0, $25,ooG$1 00,000 = 1 09o Greater than $1 00,000 = 70lo Oo/o Subcontractor illark-up $0.00 TOTAL COST $1,695.{0 tr I cnecxeo, nrE wo]il rs in dispute. By signing this form, parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accompll8h the ta3k. Entiuement to bo dstermlned at a later date. FomOale712020 8FSmEftSffiC.RSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Fft rb {L+SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIALP.O. Box 68697seafte, wA 98168-0697Otficet (253)A72-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:$$${$aSUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATElo7'l-hEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$c$$a$Q$$$Db$$$$$$$$LOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURSz?L7LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TCa,Se,- il 1,>aJbla-,e- Dfqre-r"or"t€rtxt \t aP .S^<o." !,J otpr" \a^o^/Sosh F o.pEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$c$$c$$a$$$$$$$$$$$$$HOURLYRATEHQURS2r4-7OPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN o.RENTAL?EQUIPMENTul,Eo IDD/ lroc-yLI 5o pt c-\r-o-rpI 3g (.t)> 3/a s.DEQUIPNO.3-iz t2-xttJ-7-,tb -toEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$cUNITcosTOTYMATERIAL$$$$$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR;% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER /REPRESENTATIVEDATE1P 1830 Crrig Pa.k Cour! sl" Louie, xo 63145 rNvotcE fnvoica # InvoLca Dale Account # Sales Rep Phone # Branch *302 total Amorrnt Due 1.r396{55 \t/ 24 / 20 113 B 13 THOMAS WALDMAN 253 - 840 -s50s Puyallup, wA $412 .13 R€n{t lor CORE & MAIN L? PO BOX 28330 gT , IJOUIS, MO Shipped To: CUSTOMER P]CK-UP 631{6 SCARSELLA BROS INC ACCOU TS P.A.YABLE PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168.069? Oal)/'000C oooo0 Thank you for the opportunity co Berve youl l'le appreciate you. prorspE paymenL DaLe Ordered Date Shtpped Customer Po # "7ob Nalte tL/23/20 7r/23/20 KENT 22BTl{ I(8NT 22ETil Product Code Deecr ip bion ?4XR5011441 B XRc)01 -) 4. 41,X74. 4lX8 12 iiPLr-'i 12.50-14.41 OD 2A'.7 - i.44r'L44L840 NEIT ORDER ADD TAX PBR CUSTOMEF. P.EQUES:I itob S 8111 of Ladlng Shlpped via WILL CALL antlty d 8/o Price Ultl sxtended Priee Involco# N195455 1"r5.00000 sA /\ r, ,.: l/_vI' Fralght t.Ao130as,oo f l3ss cay Dellvery l{and1lng Reetock uLee Subtotal: ot.her: TaK: 375.00 .00 ?'7 11 $412 . 1_l Termer ME? f0 Ordsrad By: CORRtrCT SILLING - AtD TLx IDvol"ca TolaI-: Thls tr.^sa4tloc io 4o.,rrnsri b,1 and a'rblsch, i-o rlore & Main s 6Lard{rd Lenre dIO cDd.ii.ti.ns, thicl, ar'f:ncorpo.ated by reter:nc4 an.l arlcBpeeri afi i.vr4v thesc temR and ccnditl.n€, pla€Be'tiril: ntbp;//t.a:idc,ecroandral..com/' 5QnPUYALLUP WABranch - 302602 Valley Ave NEPuyallupPHONE # 253wA 98372840 8558PROIlIISEDFILLED BYCHECKED BY:REVIEWED BY:ENTERED BY:1o/1STHOMAS WALDM,AN . 3021O/1 9i 2020 1 2:1 6 PM PAGELo€at KwlcdgoLo<-I €xtxrlanc-Local s€ryier l{ttlonwfdccPICK TICKETN2092021i38'r3'G(TFTEnflAtr\t3iN LOCANONPROMT COOFOATi SAIFP€OPURCSSE CRDER rcTAX A'YtCUrfrKENT SO 228THxF501-14"41X 14.41X8 12 CPLG12.50-14.41 0D 207-1441 1441840WILL CALL MONDAY 1O/19WEIGHT: 106.O0OO lbWITH THE I-OCKDOWN OF THEBRANCHES DUE TO COVID.l9VIRUS, WE AFE NOT HAVING THECUSTOMFR SIGN THE TICKETNO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED ATTHIS TIME. THANK YOU FOR YOURUI,lDEBSTANDING.PICKED UP BY CASEYTOTAL WEIGHT:1 06.OO)RDERING AND PO# ON EACH SALEDESCR]FNONJOA XAMEKENT SO 22ATVFR EIGI{TsHILUsiUlvrtii fiLF\urSCARSELLA BROS INCBranch - 3O2602 Valley A.ve NEPuyallup WAs83722z^To]OB MJMAFFDELWRYHANDLIre1Ofi OROER€OOLIRDELWRYffiOXc!5TOi{ERPlcv- upltL--'/OTY 9.IIPPEDDIftECTRES|"OCKriicAJCX ORDERESshtpPEDail-l. os tAi N(i rc.UNIl PRICEIrOTAt_ vlfMISELAEOUSsoL0I0SCARSELLA BROS INCSEATTLE BRANCHACCOUNTS PAYABLEPO BOX 68697SEATTLE WA 981 68-0637Cus Ph# 253 872 t173OAT€ ORO€REDw23 BO1 101CTJSTOMER PO# .74XR501 14418MUST HNAlvlE OF PERSONMEPCHANDISE gJBTOTALThls transaction is gsverned by and subiect to Core & Main's standard termsand conditlons, which afe lncorporated by reference and accepted. To review'these terms and condilions, pleas€ vislt http://tandc.coreandmaln.conl.aiiAfr:r iNOOF Or.iDSRililililtil1ililililtililtiltilililililililililililIililtililililililililRECEIVED 8YSI€NATURE:PRIFIT NAA6Fr-lgRE:WARNJiNG.iI EAVY ITEM-L|FT ASSISTANCE FEO' t)yrFpE0 v AFEFEAl.j \DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED L{ =7A\ CONTRAGTOR Scarsella Bros. lnc.OATE 10t20t2020 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY ESTil Prcject No.:07-3022 ITEM 'Fsdoral Aid No.:wsDoT HLP-r2r6{006} DESCRPNON OF WORK PERFORMEO:7440 Relocate Air/Vac nose FA' Contlactor FAi 45 ffi WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION tEG HRT REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Operator Foreman 1.00 $ 80.56 $ 107.94 $80.s6 lperator Loader under 6 cY 1.00 $ 74.9s $ 99.s6 $74.95 $$$0.00 $$$0.00 $$$0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $1 55.51 AND IT T $45.1 0 ITOTALffi EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE F(EG t-il-(t REG RATE STDBY HRI ;TDBY RAI 03-121 Fotd F450 Tool Truck (7/202 0 1 $ 27.07 $$27.O7 $$$0.00 $$$0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $27.07 21% OVERHEAD AND PROI.II, tsONUING i, INSURANCE AND TAX $5.68 I VENDOR & INVOIGE #MATERIAL JUB TOTAI tA Core & Main lnv. N396501 Galv flttinos and items for RBPA Relocate $728.15 $72.08 $800,23 $0.o0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING IAX $800.23 21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $168.0s TOTAL $968.28 VENDOR & INVOICE #WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TAX $0.00 PRIME Subtotal of Labor, Equipmsnt, & Material Wor*s1,201.64 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor, Equipment,Material, & Subcontractor lnYoiced Work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor: up to $25,oOO=127o, $25,000-$100,000 = 10"/rqlgatg4!q1q99499:Z o% Subcontractor Mark-up $0.00 TOTAL COST $1,201.64 n lf checked, lhi! work i! in dispute. By.igning thi!furm, parfer are rgroeing to the time and efoil needed to accompli.h tre taak. Entitlemsnt to be deternined Nt a ldor dah. Fom Dale712020 8FoTltEfiS tltc.RSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTMCT NAME, NO.;OWNER I CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST C6DE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:; I ./ "; ::: j ,l' ,,l -trft fiq5SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:P.O. Box 68697Seattle. WA 98168-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 39$1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:b$$$$$oSUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:,'',,'")SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEt0EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b$$s$$$LOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURSLABOR - Name, ClassificafioriREGoffREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoirREGo/TREGo/TEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$sc$$$c$s$s$$$HOURLYRATEHOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENTEQUIPNO.EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$UNITcosTQTYMATERIAL$b$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL LABOR% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:O/O MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER iRENTATIVEDATEL<> . ': !1.::. il,. "]l 1830 Cralg Parh Court Brj . !€ulo r XO 63146 INVOICE Invotca # Invoice nate Accounb # Sales Rep Phone # Branch #302 Total Amount Du€ R6Ei.t Tol CORE & MATN LP PO BOX 28330s?, Lourg, tto N396501 L]-124/2A LL3813 THOMAS WAI,DMAN 253-840-5505 Puya11up. WA $800.23 63146 Shipped To: CUSTOMER PICK.UPSCARSELLA BROS lNC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 68697 SEATTLD WA 9gL6B-4697 00c/0000 0000c Thank you far Ehe oppo.tunily to serve You! We appteciate your prompl paymene Date orriered Dat.e Shlpped tLl23/2A 11/23/2c cugtomer PO # Job Na'l€ KENT 224?H KENT 228TH 'Job f BtlI bf Lading Shlpped v1a I{]LL CALL fnvoicell I.ll96 3 0l L"y lpped B/A Price UM Extended Price t 0lr r00 Product code c915E250r1 l9t5C{i56'5Ni, 30r_5N030I 3915Cr6{;6NL 39r5T7 4 1915C8466(;NT, 5s0?520?0386 65QUART76O17 29Apt,Q -, 1.2rjNli8C I1:2DS Descript ion r-1/2xroa, SIDRT TUBE c66-66IIi,- IDR7 ( PE) NO I,EAD .PS PE 250PST BLACIi COIL PE471O I,rl2 aPLG pJ 1 ]. 15C00 Ff 111. r0000 EA 8 _ 9600C ti1\, 72.05000 EA I .9900{r EA 5"r.18000 [A 6 . CC00C EA 35.00000 gA 15 .0000ri IIA l..]5. r)il t'1.. . l:l 8.i, 21{; t..,} ':11.t)r t- ],t'i 1,, :i.tr) i\ )c ':2 . 'ti) 4,-r . ,. l L - L/ 2X3 BRASS r\irPpLE NL (r ) NO L,EAD cr6,66NL 1-1l2'r N0 LEAD CpLC FIPXPJ PE TNSERT_?4 SS iNSERT L.1/?. IPS c84-65GN: 1-1i2 CPLG l4TpXGalCTS (NO LEAD) 3i4X1429 'I BLUE MOI'ISTtrR PTFE; TAPE 7C}BB5 QUART PTFIJ BL,UE MONST'ER 'IHREAI) SEALAI\T *1 5AI7 LUBE I QT F',/I{ATER/SWR PTPE 2XN 8 i.;A.,V 'J1'I, NJI PPi-,E .] GA-|,V iiI CFi,G liFii;^J iIRDER - l\Dii 'i'1.,i: PLli{. ilJSI'OPIeF P F;t'iJEST 1 '),2. 22 2 +t.t ..,Ol.Oi ::i\ !.254!'j{.i aL CONTINUED, , . ?.iq1 l.l'!fh[trU a830 Cralg Park Court Ee, Louir, XO 531{5 INVOICE o0 0 /00o o 00000 InvoLce # Invoice Date Account # Sales Rep Phone S Branch #302 Total Anount Due ReDlt Toi EORE & ITAIN I,? PO BOX 28330 sT, LOtrrS, UO Shlpped To: CUSTOMER PICK-UP N396501 Lt/ 24 /20 113 813 THOMAS WAI,D}IAN 253 -840-5s05 Puyallup, WA $800 .23 63146 SCARSELI,A BROS INC ACCOTJNTS PAYABTE PO BOX 68697 SEATTITE WA 98168-0597 Date Ordered Dab€ shlpped rL/23120 rL/23/20 Thank you tor the gpportunlby Lo 6€rve youl we appreciale your prompb pa)dent CusEom€r FO # Job Na.ne I(ENT 22BTH KENT 228TH Job # Bill of Ladlng Shlpped Vla WTLL CALL Quantlby DeecripEion ordered Shipped B/O Price lll'1 Extended Price Involce# Nl 96501 Product gode ,'l ,.'' E 'l?{,tl 6\r:at::r:5 {) t ?(J tna# s ! DA 1.j0 c) s- CI o l-q-i5 oo//t' /'I F r:*lglrt Dellvery Eandllag ReeEock Torosr NBT 30 Otder8d gyr llEW oR"DAR - ADD IAx DIisc 725.L5 .00 72.08 6ubtotal: Ot,her: Tax: hvoLc€ Tobal: ,fhis Lransaction ls goyorne.l by and Fdjeci to Cor6 & Maln,6 standrrd tams and condiLlond, vhich 4ro lucorporabad by re€orence anal acc6Pled To revl6w ttrase torns acd cordi.Eiona, p1sa66 viEi!1 http://tandc,coreandsain.4om,/ $800.23 5Lr)PUYALLUP WAtsranch - 302602 Valley .Ave NEPuyalh:p WA 98372PHONE # 253 84O 855810/16/2020 O3:48 PM PA,GEPROMISEDFILLED BY.CHECKED BY:REVIEWED BY:ENTERED BY:lAtU nOTHOMAS WALDMAI{ - 3O2Lo€-l l<nowladg-Loc!l Ertccrl-n€aL<al Serv;G, t-l&tionwldeo1'l 3fJ13PICK TICKETN203558GOREnfl^AthtMERCHANDSE SBTOTAIOAT€ SIJ]POEDPROMT CODECUSTC}hNER PO#091 5E250t1391 5C6666N1391 5C1 666N1391 5CB465GNJL650752070886VE NAME OF PERSON (301 5NO30t33 1 5|74SEE BEI OWPtJRCffiE ORDER rcTAX AMOUNTKFNT 2?NTHJOB MMEFRE!C+17DELWRYDESCRIPTION't-1lzx100'tPS PE 250PSt BLACKSIDRT TUBE COIL PE471O* REFWEIGHT: .5660 lbC66.66NL.IDA7 1.112 CPLG PJ(PE) NO LEADWEIGHTT 4.3OOO lb1-1/2X3 BBASS NTPPLE NL fl)NO tEADC16.66N1 1-1l2'' NO LEAD CPLGFIPXPJ PEINSERT.74 SS IN$ERT 1.1/2 IPSC84.66GNL 1.1/2 CPLG MIPXGJCTS(NO LEADiWEIGHT: 1.8592 lb3I4X142S' BLUE MONSTER PTFETAPE 7O886}BDERING A,ND PO# ON EACH SAI.E1.OOtbRLKENT 228TH EXTRA WORKWEIGHT1222JOB l{JMSERd.InOTY ORDEREDr002z'l3x1Xq-|srcil€RHIfoLUs tUtVtEt-t rtu(urSCARSELLA BROS INCBranch - 302602 Valley Ave NEPuyallup WA98372."/. -7 /_,>\ilNDLIT{G10071ATYS.iPPODIR€CY*,IPPEDOELIVERY MFII1oDRACK OtrIDSREDftEsrAKlreSILI OF IAING rcU}{ T PRJCEs- !is0t-t)oSCARSELLA BFOS INCSEATTLE BRANCHACCOUNTS PAYABLEPO 80X 68697SEATTLE WA 98168.0697Cus Ph# 253 872 71738F^trCtsM]NATE ORO€R€DBIN LOCATIONY07 000 000w31 000 000w29 802 '103w31 00c 000w3g 000 00ow32 000 000c01 coo 000MUSTThis transactlon ls govetned by and sublect to Core & Maln's standard termsand condltlons, whlch are incorporated by reterenc€ and accepted. To revlew-these terms and eondftlons, pleas€ vlsit http:r.tandc,coreandmain.corn/-l ililIril lil iltll tilil ilil ilffi illil ltil iltil ililt ffiil ililililt ffi iltilI z]ItFTEArAEAEAEAEAi{TII'JUEDMS€LNeOUSRECAVED BYSIGNATURE:PRINT NAiIEHERE:$i-;$r{rAL411IJtrTC/r& S^L! cPUYA[.LUP WASranch - 302602 Valley Ave NEPuyallup WA 98372PHONE # 2s3 840 85581Oll612A2A O3:48 PM PAGELo<Fl Knowladg-Locnl Extrarlan€cLo<al Scryi{c, I{ationwided10/01/2ATHOMAS WALDMAN - 302PROMiSEDFILLED BYCHECKED tsY:REVIEV/ED BY:ENTERED BY:2PICK TICKETN2035581138'1 3crcrFrEn,lATI\IsHtTo5oL0T1)5ATE ORDEREOPO#col coo 000650U4RT7601 7000 000APLOw24 000 000120ri480w28 000 0003120SANUST HNAME OF PFRSONThls lranssctlon ls govemed by and subiect to Core & Main's standatd termsand condltlons, \ryhlch are lncorporated by reference and accepted. To review- these terms and conditlons, please vlsit http:i/trndc.coreandmaln.coml,SCARSELLI\ BROS INCBranch - 3O2502 Valtey Ave NFPuyallup WA94372Ilililllfi ilrilililflltiltililtilitfr iltilililttililililililililltilSCARSELLA BROS INCSEATTLE BRAhICHACCOUNTS PAYAELEPO BOX 68697SEATTLE WA 98168.0697Cus Ph# 253 a72 7173BRA\{ts\!]3ltpFtD ViAsqr, E$it nlUEDYO5rATA:'51t"1RECETVED BYSIGilATURE:FRIIIT NAf,'E$ERE;8IN L€ATIONM€RCHANDISE SATOTAiTAJPROluT6OEDATE SIPPEOqJRC:{AS€ OROER NO,rAx A}iouNTKENT 228THJOA lWEFREiGI{TDELIVERYoEscRlStouQUART PTFE BLUE MONSTER THREADSEALANT #75017LUBE 1 OT FMATERiSWR PIPEWEIGHT; 2.OO0O lb2X4B GALV STL NIPPLEWE|GHT: 13.0000 lb2 GALV M] CPLGWITH THE LOCKDOWN OF THEBRANCHES DUE TO COVID.19VIRUS, WE ARE NOT HAV|NG THECUSTOMER SIGN THE TICKETNO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED ATTHIS TIME, TI{A.NK YOU FOR YOUBUNDERSTANDING.)RDERING AND PO# ON EACH SAIEKENT 228TH EXTRA WORKtbWILL CALL MONDAYWEIGHT: 1.5000JOB I\UMBERmmxATY ORDEREDYC1JSIOT'ERFlc{ rFHANDLNlG11OTY *{PPEDOIRECT$]IFPEDOEL'VEFT M€TT+OOSACK ORD€REDRESIOCKI 16BILL OF UOM rcUNIT RICEkrsc€1ffi€c6TOTAL S{LE PUYALLUP WABranch - 3O26O2 Valley Ave NEPuyallupPHONE # 253wA 98372840 8558PFIOMISEDFILLED BY:CHECKED BY:RFVIEWED BY:ENTERED BY:10/o1tzaTF{C]MAS WALDTfAN , 3O2LocaI Kngwla{tgrLaG!l Exlrarl-nceLocal Scrvi<€, Nstionwid-d1O116/2O2O 03:48 PM PAGEPICK TICKETN20355831 14O.1G(OFIEnflarI\lBIN LffATOHDAT( ORDEREOfsaP-(!CllIIII302 : 1A/16t2oDATE *IPPEOTr'.XPROCICT 6DESFF AFI O\ruPUACHAS€ ONOER IJoiAX AMOUWKFNT 228THJOB IAMEFREIffiD€LIVERYDescRtFnct!|'RDERING AND PO# ON EACH SAI-EKENT 228TH EXTRA WORK83&*TOTAL WEIGHTPICKED UP BYJOS I.UMBERooRRtekOTY ORDEREOxCIJSTOI'ERPEK tJFsHIoSCABSELLA BBOS INCBranch - 302602 Valley Ave NEPuyallup WA98372UUb IUMts,h TILKUTHAXOLhEATY SIIIPPEDDIR6TST]IPPEDDELIVERY METFIODBACK O*OEREDRESffitreRITMEEMISC€LLN'OUSPERsoL.oTcSCARSELLA BROS INCSEATTLE BRANCHACCOUNTS PAYAELEPO BOX 68697SEATTL[ WA 981 68-05S7Cus Ph# 253 872 7173STOMER PO# -I*1MUSTVE NAME OF PERSONMERCTTANOIS€ SUSTOTALThis transactlon ls governed by and subject to Core & Maln,s standard termsand condhlons, whhh are lncorporated by reference and accepted" To review'these terms and conditions, pleas€ ylsh hftp:lltandc,coreandmaln.corn/.ilililrilrililrfiililillililtiltililtililtililfiililffiilililHilffitililBILL OF LADhlG TIO-*tcPEn 14A!a{. rlnnAfrEi{1,1 (i': ORi-tiR lRECBVED BYSIGiIATURE:PRINT NAI'IEHERE:TOTAL S.A,].{ DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED l.F CONTRACTOR Scarsella Bros. lnc.DATE 10t21t2020 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY ESTI Projoct No.:c7-3022 ITEM '1355 Fodoral Aid No.wsoor HLP-1216(006) DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED:7t140 - Relocate RPBA FAfl Contnctol FA# 46 LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG I.IRT REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT casey Nelson (6/202(Superintendent 5.00 $ 80.s6 $ 107.94 $402.60 Steve Ober (6/2020)Operator Foreman 5.00 $ 80.56 $ 107.94 $402.E0 Operator Loader under 6 CY 5.00 $ 74.95 $ 99.58 $374.75 Operator Loader under 6 CY 5.00 $ 74.95 $ 99.58 $374.75 Jason Walch (6/202(Pioelaver 5.00 $ 59.18 $ E0.93 s295.90 AL $1,E51.00 29% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $536.79 ffi EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE tEG HRS REG RATE JTDBY HRI ;TDBY RATI 02-297 Fotd F150 P/U 0 5 $ 20.01 $ 03-121 Ford F450 Tool Truck 0 5 $ 27.07 $$1 35.35 17-271 John Deere 35 Mini Ex 0 5 $ 19.08 $$95.40 EOUIPMENT SUATOTAL $330.80 21 % OVERHEAD AND PROFIT BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $69.47 MATERIAL SU8 TOTAI IA/\ on $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INGLUDING IAX $0.00 21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS WORK 10.00 VENDOR & INVOICE #WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 SU $0.00 Tru($0.00 PRIME Subtotal of Labor, Equipment, & Matsrial work SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor, Equlpment, Matorial, & Subcontractor lnvoiced Worl $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor: up to $25,Ooo=1 20, $25,000-$1 00,000 = 1 o% Greater than $1 00,000 = 7ol 0o/o Subcontractor Mark-up $0.00 TOTAL COST $2,788.06 I checked, thir work i: in dirpute.et .,u[,,5 partie! an tgreeing to the time rnd effort needed to accompliah hB tNlk Entitlement to be determined d a lder drts. Forll' Dale 712020 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTMCT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:, DATE.COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:.) t .-;€ft*ql.,SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Omce: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:$$$$$$$SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEtol* fuoEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$$$b$$s$$$$$$$LOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURS::LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoirREGo/TREGu/tREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TEXTENDEDAMOUNTSbaoo$b$5$$$$$s$$$$$$$$HOURLYRATEHOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENTEQUIP.NO.EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$oUNITCOSTOTYMATERIAL$$$$$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL;% MARKUP MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNECONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE L.DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ,lr CONTRACTOF Scarsella Bros. lnc DATE 10t2212020 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# Project No.l 07-3022 ITEM {1355 Fsderal Aid No.:wsDoT HLP-1216(006) DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMEO:744O - Pour concrete pad at PRBA FA# Contrsctor FA# 47 WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION lEG HRT REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Operator Foreman 1.50 $ 80.56 $ 107.94 $120.W Jason Walch (6i2020)Pioelaver 1.50 $ 59.18 $ E0.93 $88.77 Josh Ford (6/2020)Operator Loader under 6 CY 1.50 $ 74.95 $ 99.58 $112.43 $$$0.00 $$$0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $322.04 29% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING,INSURANSE ANIJ IAT $93.39 ITOTAL I EOl.,lPtitEl,lT EOUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE .(EG Hftt REG RATE STDBY HR{iTDAY RATI AMOUNT 121 Fotd F450 Tool Truck 0 1.5 $ 27.07 $$40.61 16-100 Deere Backhoe 310 0 'l $ 33.ss $$33.55 $$$0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $74.1 6 21% OVERHEADAND PROFIT, BONDING,$15.s7 VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIAL SUB TOTAT tA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $0.00 21 % OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $0.00 TOTAL i0.00 VENDOR & INVOICE #WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TAX $0.00 PRIME Subtotal of Labor, Equipment, & Material Work $505.1 6 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor, Equipment,Material, & Subcontractor lnvoiced Work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor: up to $25,000=12%, $25,000-$100,000 = 10% Greater than $100,000 = 7%o% Subcontractor Mark-up $0.00 TOTAL COST $505.16 n lf checked, thir wo* ir in dispute. By ligning this form, parter rrc rgrEeing to the time tnd effort needed to rccompllah ore tark. Entitlement to be determined at r later dab. FonJr. Oale712020 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTfA -lF \t -1SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:':P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0637Olfice: (2531872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER/ CONTMCTOR:, DATE:.COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:,. : ';1. :,t ,.. , ; , ,.:.,. - -j ,..,r { rJ 'r. ./ $-{}'EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$LOADEDHOURLY R.ATEHOURSLABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoffi' l.rr'.,.. IEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$5$$$$c$b$$$$$)$ba$oHOURLYRATEHOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENT\ i' . r ....j r ,-..i )\./EQUIPNO,j,I.-I1,SUBTOTAL LABOR:$a$c$$$SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$a$$UNITCOSTQTYMATERIAL$$$da$su$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP MATERIALTOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED 1{=tAl CONTRACTOR Scarsella Bros. lnc DATE 10t28t2020 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# Project No.:07-3022 ITEM #1 355 Fsderal Aid No.:wsDoT HLP-12r6(006) DESCRPNON OF WORh PERFORMED:7440 - Raise PSE vault near driveway per Hong's direction FA{ Contractot FAil 49 ffi WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION lEG HR{REG RATE OI HF(S OT RATE AMOUNT Steve Ober (6/2020)Operator Foreman 3.00 $ 60.56 $ 107.94 $241.66 Sean Haldune (6/202(operator Loader under 6 cY 3.00 $ 74.95 $ 99.58 $224.45 Operator Loader under 6 CY 3.00 $ 74.95 $ 99.5E $224.85 Jason Walch (6/2020 PiDelaver 3.00 $ 59.18 $ 80.93 $177.54 $$$0.0c LABOR SUBTOTAT $E6E.92 OVERHEAD AND P $251.99 lToTffi EQUIPMENT TYPE EOUIPMENT SIZE itEG Hr{t REG RATE STDBY HRT ;TDBY RAT AMOUNT 1 0 a $ 27.07 $$81.21 1 0 e $ 26.81 $$80.43 $$$0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $161 .64 21 % OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $33.94 VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIAL SUB TOTAI lAx AMOUNT Shope lnv. 10006002 1 EA 2' section and 1 EA 4" section $86.1 0 $8.61 $94. /1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.o0 $0.00 MIATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $s4.71 21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TAX $19.89 TOTAL INVOICED WORK $fi4.60 VENDOR & INVOICE #WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUN I $0.00 $0.00 INV $0.00 TAX $0,00 PRIME Subtotal of Labor, Equipment, & Material work $1,431.09 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor, Equipment,Material, & Subcontractor lnvoiced Worl $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontraclor: up to $25,000=12%, $25,000-$100,000 = 10% Greater than $100,000 = 7%Oo/o Subcontractor Mark-up $0.00 TOTAL COST $1,431.09 tr lf checked, thir work is in dlrpute. By rigning thi! form, prrtet are egreeing to tho Ume and effod needad to .ccomplish fire tark. Entitlement to be detennined at a lrter dde' Fom Date 712020 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:+i-,ilP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA S8168-0697OfflG: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:s$$$$$SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$UNITCOSTQTYMATERIAL .'SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$aovcI$$$$$$$$$G$$$LOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURSLABOR - Name, GlassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGotTREGo/TEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$HOURLYRATEHOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENTEQUIPNO.$$c$$$$a$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPORTOWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE 9fr,-cP.9 RECE1VEDshopeGoncreteLLG- 0t1 1g ?0?slNVolcE 10006002 Puyallup, WA 98372 lnvnicrrDate: 1QtZ3t2O2o 'i:::;ffilll.iJffi xnsELLA BRot''*'',,, " o, Sold to: $IIIP-DATE 1At%t2020 cusiomeii po* Aty ltem Structure: 3 C81R6 3 CBlR4 2 CB1R2 1 595 SCARSELLA BROTHERS, INC P O BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98108-0697 Job Number: Shlp to: 0 JOB = 73025 WILL CALL. BB SH'P VIA 'lgAD -.-..1...: SALES REP DerekR Description TYPE 1 6" RISER TYPE 1 4" RISER TYPE 1 2" RISER F.O.B,.t,--, t , i ,t '.J.- 1% 10, N/30- .sxrilFrT PAGE a I; nerEnelicp 10006002 Unlt Price TX Extenslon $51,45 I' $u'to I -. $42 00 Structure Total $1 54.35 $132.30 $84.00 9370,65 $370.65 $0.00 $370.65 s3656* "%ffi $0.00 ,"r'vdia foy g ug Taxablg Non-Taxable Sub Total Tsx lnvoice Total Less Deposit lnvoice Balance Lcss So/es fi eS* tlt{ p<{rn; + f*a, l4 t*ri+p'r c-{L _+ .'_ i:.,i., ,.1 i Page 'l