HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #16 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 01/04/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management , This form iombine! & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WAsHINGToN E ol:co. Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 1.&t1s/b tlwlzl Date Required N/A Authorized to Sign: EX Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: R90101.641 10.120 Budget? EtrYes E No Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A co Ito ELorhg Iu E a, Eoq, Lgl Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order #16 ProjectName: LID 363: S 2241h St Project proje- Detaits: Compensation for completing work for revision #15 requesting Scarsella Bros., lnc to purchase and install lighted chevrons on the curve at 2181n and 88th Avenue. Agreement Amount: $55,998.24 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $igl Termination Date: 225Working DaYS Local Business? E Yes E No" "lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cA2019-084 Comments:Date Received by City AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Offrce: rd(1"'2llil--1_)0 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT w^s'1 rN€;oN CHANGE ORDER NO. #T6 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORiGINAL CONTRACT DATE: Scarsella Bros. Inc. ("Contractor") Lid 363: S 224th Street Proiect February-19, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: l. Section i of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Compensation for completing work for revision #15 requesting Scarsella Bros., inc to purchase and install lighted chevrons on the curve at 2l"8th and 88th Avenue, 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section 1I "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and WSST) $8,423,307.67 Net Change by Previous Change Orders ( incl, applicable WSST) $529,241.34 Current Contract Amount (inct. Previous Change Orders) $8,952,549.01 Current Change Order $55,998.24 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $9,008,547.25 CHANGE ORDER. 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) l30 rvorking days Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working days Days Required (*) for this Change Order o calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 225 working days In accordance with Sections I-A4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below, Also, pursuant to the above*referenced contract, Contractor ug."j, to waive uny protest it may have regarding this change order and acknowledges and aicepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectel with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, uniess otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from sirict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this change order, prior to the effective date oi $]is change order,. are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty . of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' B" The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS' the panties below have executed tlris Agreement, which will become effective on the last date wrilten below' CITY OF KENT: v ,UJ E;*^ c DATE: P,E.d Bieren (signature) Print Name CONTRACTOR: DATE: {?- By Pri j2 ('/rf - (signature) ^t -/+nt Name CHANGE ORDER _ 2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORMI (appticable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law DePaftment fln this nefi, yqu may sle. the €lcdrcnic fllcP*b where lhe @nttd hs leq snvedi CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 16 Construction Manage ment Division - Public Works Project: LID 363 224rh St Improvements Project Engineer: StePhen Lincoln Owners Reo:Jaso n Brvant Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 14-3010 Scarsella Date: 11/24/2020 f. PROPOSED CHANGE Compensation for completing the work related Revision #L5 II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE The City issued Revision # 15 requesting Scarsella curve @ 218tn and 88th ave purchase and install lighted chevrons on the III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not:M(5 ChanSe Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONLY Sch. No.Item Description Total Est. ow QW this PE Unit llnit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item Revision # 15 1 1 FA $55,998.24 $55.998.24 Independent Estimate Attached - REOUIRED CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date uoon completion of work X PAYTHIS PAY ESTIMATE tr New Sub Reqrd?No DELETE EXISTING PAY ITE 1-09.5 Not FOR ACCOUNT'TVG USE ONI.YChan4e Order No. Gost of ltemUnitljnit PriceotvItem DescriptionSch. No.B.l. No. Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED INCREAS REASE TO EXISTING PAY T Chan(e Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'ilG USE ONI.Y Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description otv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Not REV. DATE: 4/oU7O FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT n Independent Estimate Attached ' REQUIRED TOTAL ESTIMATE D COST OF CHANGE ORDER * *Total of the Cost of ltem Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $s 998.24 XV. WORKING DAYS 994.24$s Original Contract 130 Due This Change Order*o Previous Total 130 DATE:TE: *critical for m TOTAL WORKING DAYS*140 xThis Change Order + Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared By:Date /za fu Jason Bryant Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Managerr 4,,ul Kuehne c Gonnor Date: Date tz"/z-2fu /zAt 2 REV. DATE: 4/oI/1O 88TH WAY S3*55.4JzSEC.7,T22N,R5E,-EP_u{Lttt t*tsR-1 673JT*/J.J-/_/-,/-,1 /-1 J / J_ / _/_g"wE *F wJ- I z 1 _,/-.,.,a 1. -/ / / _ 1 _,/FLu)=oJUcoSEBNqIES:1. S'IREET LIGHT MOUNTING HEIGHTSHALL BE 4O', AND MAST ARMLENGIH SHALL BE 't3'2. STREET IREE SPACING SHOW{BASED ON CITY OF KENT S]DDETAIL 6-54M32+55.96UUtnoo+oo) aijf--TIlrL]F6uz=-oF7757800210BIRCH/ z ... ,- J.... /* z._1 1:,/. 1J,,/ -,/_SR 167VALLEY FWY1 ,1 1,,/_1_l 1JF()e.t!oot!rdU''NFUU-aUUtnoo+NFoUz=LJ-'1Jz:z-1-'/-'4:''z-oo+@r)FU''l!zJroF- r.r]_BIRCH---__ r-,O rICIlrItoA40+99.61ra,25Rt'*-ffiffiaL., r ()u.-". f6'q/ e6 6pp'rnenor ^o ii.lrnon9-fil ffi SNtuS PWS - 'l3i9JHJff#'..Fff *ilfi lno,""**r1.-r. F* sRw coNne No R|GH\ F waYgm9m*m$s9mC)5EsssOc)ADDENDUM NO.2EIIST23 or 34LID 363 - S 224TH STREET PROJECTEETH AVE S/S 218TH ST IMPROVEMENTSS 222ND ST TO 9,(TH PL SSIGNING ANDLIGHTING PLANSsTA 30+00 To sTA 42+00KentWorksEnginering Division1:129 ,*il. !1{_ tr(r)t-t t-T-6.@1tuU'5+d.iia21ot t4363 - S 224TH STREET PROJECTE6TH AVE S,/S 21ETH ST IMPROVEMENTSS 222ND ST TO 94TH PL SCHANNELIZATION, SIGNING ANDLIGHTING PLANSSTA /+2+00 TO STA 52+00Engirsi4'-f*'..1'*dtrr !.4-A@77s7EOO265CITY OF KENTs 218TH ST.7757EOO|8'.CIP^ OF KENT\\l\i\./\./i0722osgol7tFERdUSON IDA ELENDA-:!'_- -' ']I. o722os9082BESETT,'=DENNIS, R &ilBq{,7757EO0rE2ANH+MINH DUCXUANJANETAA()GIFUUItnUHuloo+Nr)F(nuooUUv,oo+@+FU'UzJroF7757800265CI|Y OF KENTUzJ-oF8802100005DAWN, NANCY At500t0LoenoH7, T 22 N,-RUE, W.M.,rdo-$*).\)..9s!(ANqIEF:1. S1REET UCFIT MOUN]ING HEIGHTSHAI.! BE ,+o', AND MAST ARMLENGIH SIIATJ. BE 15'2. STREET IREE SPACING SHOIINBASED ON CITY OF KENT SIDDETAIL 6-54MEgmg$ms9ms$mS SEEa.-6. ffi gE re&r6 ao Dililld9.-1r. F6 oNT m4 US12,-16. m mMYllmEmt4-m, ffi tAE sfft PW N0 mmEJ,-J{ M $iEY Oro AO RBT f WAY 250F Ss 2ffi$SIGN SCHEDULEgAffitilmKfG3u-12526,$',ta4s t1d sTUD 363 - S 22,[TH STREETffiMHTPOE2"X1z'.AND24'rx"xx"City of KatEngineing DivisimWqkss2ffisesR ss2ffiHn (wmuilD)s2lfts88TH AVE SrlS 218TH ST IMPROVEMENTSS 222ND ST TO g/ITH PL SUGHTING PI.ANSsTA 51+67 TO SIA 57+00o:---------il""i;.rrr€w*l trr x/^cdcdNqIES:1. S'IREET UGiIT MOUNIING HEIGHTSHATL BE ,+0" AND MAST ARMLENG1H SHALL BE 13,2. SIREET IREE SPACING SIIOVNBASED ON CITY OF KENT STDDETAIL 6-54I'7,T22N,R5E,W.M.0722059020I1IlJOHANN F0722059259MCCLUSKEY JOSHUA &SAIIANTHAJL0722059056FLUJoFFooUUvtoo+@()ForzJ-oFtNFuU-tnUU6LUz.=-oF2-f9Ns sm d-a m 9E re[Au {D Dilrund€ $ma-11. u mlffid PWsg $m 12-rd ffi rurarlrtuvffiBE$mr4-4.MIAESlsdUN0ffig $ffi 51.-*. ffi $REY dR M Rffi F MY8802100025CARRISON CREEK LLC,ICRAIGAF-(,t0722059069'. HEINO. RYAN S,Jo--F()oUUtnnFvlUIlIIIIII270810001oYINGLING, RICHARD AS 218TH ST tl<lFIEsEc. 7, T 22 N, R 5 E, W.M.IJJf++o)Tj5267000230PARTNEY ROBERTAAS21 451"l'liiAVE20700390IGAI GITOMES 21 5TH ST7SSOJ,9320700100FRELINGER JtnUIF€o52670000t oAPPELHANS THOUAS J5267000090ENSMINEER MIKELD+DIANE N CAIIERd0 s NtcOGUNEWSIOEI7+€S, 1502t\--___qr!A__CONCREENM@OW6E UilE75+S,G, aZ57LgwE1 0.5Iilsr$FS 216TH STtmu 9s'Tu #mrM1*(sffiqs)AEO{ D@ @OWdE UEECi SIE N7969.74, 6,*'LI -, -*-"-n-LLJl" - 'II].o".^.r.ijl. .'.-r - -.I7$57.47. $,1dLmgil uxENqIES:1. REMOVAL OF EXISTING CHANNEUZATIONMARKINGS BEqN AT STAIION 72+97.99AND ENDS AT STATION 74+,N,+45ffiqNEEg50000s0TARABOCHIA 'JAMT2150,[ 99TH AVE3t7at-rE WNEd g^ilc (m)EXI5IsursNc1 EE95000|E0I PHAN sfEvEN+HENct, cnlnnrltxrsr' OUIOLNG6E950001 70NON6 CINDY127Sr{6, $.tL4qrururc@NEUESIOET2+97,S, 23,04LffdMtuowAE UNE, S NOE I72+9?,S. X,rdLcoNcRErE LAt --'l0722050951NGUYEN GIAI VANNtFril*-] - t"'o,L*-,i*AE5AWtuwNrcu-16-F6orl.xLsr...- - _a89,ilO0200ROTAND CORDONRICHAdD+TRANOr1IIMtxfrruncpA].lilfftuIsII0722059015JACOBSON JOYCE M8,4?',!0722059055MCDONALD RICHARD C+SARAH B- s 22ltTH STREET PRoJECT254 oF 34E6TH AVE S/SS 222ND21ETH ST IMPROVEMENTSsT TO g/tTH PL SCHANNELIZATION RECONSTRUCTIONAT gETH AVE S AND S 216TH ST.1'-NEil.!L 258 oF JlzlPROJECTUD353-S22/+TH68TH AVE S/S 21ETH ST IIIPROVEMENTSS 222ND ST TO 94TH PL SAT gETH AVE S AND S 21ETH STCity ofKentEugineaing DivisimWorks1'-d'Eil llLsEc. 7, T 22 N, R 5 E, W.M.IlILII0722059222HAUCK DAVID+CHERIE L21 6,+5 9ETH AVE Sr1Iilll/IIl1AMY21S!lI'-tlaU-F@Ot88950001 30PERRINS GEORGE W21642 gETH AVE SlF ---Il.4"i>iEIIlNlLtl;l:1. REITOVAL OF EXISTING CHANNEIIZAIIONMARKINGS BEGIN AT STATION 72+97.99A+D ENDS AT STATTON 7++43+15IIIl-t.l,]1llj'Ill:Eit't.-1..IIIi:III-l_l0722059221ALVERSON JOSEPH DUFFYr*+551 9AIlt AVFS -L0722059223ADAMS DANA+DEANNA21 647 98TH AVEilrnvSIIarIl0722059064KECKLER MARGARET G+LEROY21658 98TH AVE SI-..lt-__ lIL ,.- .i4ffi @OlS 218TH STtsj.R---{SIGN SCHEDULEjlI1i't .)EE02400065KENT CITY OF9615 S 218TH STffiAES (XW&UflD'*9.t6, t1.85',R FA 16,DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Item No.: Revision # 15 Work by Subconlractor?; no Prime Contractor: Scarsella OCCUPATION for HrsNAMECODE Project Name: LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Description of Work: lnstallwire to PSE Project No: 14-3010 OVERTIME OT Rale STRAIGHT TIME Hrs Rate DOLLAR AMOUNT Date: 101912020 $107.7580.43ForemanSteve O C74.95 100.55OperatorSean H 100.55 $67.06Jonathan S Truck Driver Q70 2R75.6OperatorJoshua F 59.96 $45.09Laborer 100.55 $55.86LaborerTanya L LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29o/" $ LABORTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsStandby RateHrsHourly Rate EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description $27.07I12',1 F-450 $24.32F-2502-181 $62.581S-99 Cat Loader $27.70JD 310 Backhoe1 $67.13Mack Solo9-062 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ D $ Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES ea $ 2.325.87 $2,329.871West0oast Signal INV #3124 $ $ $ s SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $ $ t 2,329.87 279.58 2,609.45 Verification of Hours Worked: conrractor's Repre .unt"t(l). *7L* au,ur(/il2> Owner's Representative Date 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subconlracl work) 2.609.45 ,-) $ SHEETTOTAL: $ rorAl: $ 2,609.45 Pay Date: By: f*uDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORTCONTRACT |.,IAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTF.ACTOR:P"O^ Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209BidDESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#EXTENDEDAitouNTs$Q$$$$$$$$aLOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURSLABOR - Nam€, ClassificationREGo/TREGoirREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TSUBTOTAL LABOR$ 2.213.38*eea$$2,213.38SUBCONTRACTORSwest Coast Siqnal lnv #3124SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTALEXTENDEDAHOUNTS$$$$$$UNITcosrQTYMATERIALMATERIAL:SCARSELTA BROS,. INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATE7 bd?J,lS. 224th St ProjectCity of Kent10t812020Wesl Coast SiqnalEXTENDEDAMOUNTSe${b$a$e$$$tHOURLYRATE$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00HOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDAYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDEYOWNtrRENTAL?EQUIPMENTEOUIPilo.32.213.38221.U$$$$$$$2,434.12SUETOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:100hMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:29YoMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:21o/oMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:2'l'/oTOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE Fn lnvoice Wesl Coast Signal, Inc. 201 I l ?08th Avc S[ Rcnlon, \1'h 9805t1 {20{tl5'?9-36'75 BillTo Scarsella Brolhers, Inc. PO Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168-0697 Date lnvoice # t0t8t2020 3124 Remit To: 201 I I 208th Ave SE Renton. WA 98058 Balance Due $2,213'38 P.O. No.Terms Project 8000? Ew Net 45 80007 LrD 363 S. 224rh St Quantity Description Rate Amount I Lid 363: S 224rh Sl #18 - Extra Work - 9/16/2020 DW 9/16 - Chevron Signs & Wire install with exlra PSE Riser l.abor- t389.82 Eqml - 221.18 Materialsfu se 1x-71 8.87 SUI}TOTAL Amount of Retainagc 2.329.87 -5.00o/o 2,329.87 2,329.81 -l r6.49 Total $2.2 r 3.38 Thank you ftrr 1.'our brtsiness. Payments/Credits $o'oo ACCOITNTINC@WESTCOASTSICN 80007 Chevron Signs Wire instalUextra PSE Riser Name/ltem Description Hours/Qty Rate per Total Rate NotesDate Labor 9/ $/2A2O Dustin Anderson 9/ 1612020 Jack Houlihan [abor Mark-up Labor Total Equipment 9/t612020 l-20 Service Truck Equipment Mark-up Equipment Total Materials e/16/2020 s/L6/2020 s/16/2o2o 9/16/2020 9/L612020 e/1612020 29o/o m/u Electrician Apprentice 9.00 8.00 79.38 45.37 20.31 o.21 51.25 5.36 2.t0 L4.36 L.O7 714.42 No 0T 362.96 2LoA m/u 2t% mlu 9.0 r,a77.38 312.44 1,389.82 182,79 L82.79 38.39 22t.t8 #10 AWG wire mastic grinder wheels 3" Conduit 3" pvc 90s 4 ft 3" pvc couplers Matls Use Subtotal Material use tax 10% Materialmark-up Materialr/lnvoice Totals Grand Total 1,650 2 3 20 2 4 346.50 LOz.s2 16.08 42.00 28.72 4.28 540.10 54.01 594.11 L24.76 7t8.87 2,329,87 WTIGHIEO WAGI iAICS wEsr coAsTst6ilAl. rNc Ccn bbonr - ^odffi& ork Grap3 lgener.llabor) FICA - 56. s€c FICA - Medi:ate FUTA SUTA Tot.1 6.2c94 7.45% 0.wA 0.3'r% 0.4096 9.0?l4 nN6 COUi{rY bbor Clrs {lnilde rorrney lcvel} Erddds/roffitm'ttot ur {ln!lde rourn€y Lovel) dldddulrdmyiln-Ardrm llnride rournev levell f hctrlds/rsntttnil - Sfi o Rsn {lnridelourney leve}) tqrtlffi$ OFf.ls- Wllar 6ro0p3 {prye.equipmenl} tsllllilnt Otfrtor- ltdaM, O.h 6.oup 3 {power equlpreht} G@bbou-MmU Group3 lgeieEl labor) 137,70000 7,000.00 52,?@.OO '7'lts?.2? 57.23 st2t 57.21 s7.23 Sr2t s7.23 51.2t lr2? 57,23 57.23 $t.it S5.9s S5.95 9s.t5 5s.95 $s.95 ${rt 34.89 s4-89 95.0e S4.89 $1.89 ${.10 14.89 14.89 $t19 s4.89 54.89 $4r9 $4.89 54.89 9rr9 54.89 $4.89 r,&t 51.2?41 ?rddltng WrA. nnc 916.r0 ir:.t0 Itz,tv, ''L'o 9t9.lt 959.49 94a90 t50r6 14ro $.t.90 $.&e0 s.&ct tlse f,rta St!tc/f.d fu6 Apprende funds wttht!d torc AclMedlasl & Dleblltty Worl(.r'5 Comp td.l zlrx MU tol.l lLrt - lggrurhr - llordf|m 6roup 3 (apprentke' eld.i.al) 6an Lbord-rffi G.oup 3 {gen€.al labo.) 6!i llbort - lfl6r 6roup3 (g€her.l labor) 6n tdod- it|![ 6rcup3 lgene.al hbod Tlme I OT D' n ot OT t OT Dl I OT DT R ol 'TI OT DI I or 9T 3 OT DT t ol D' t OT DT f, ol D] R OT DT slut $102.86 s!3r.t4 95.,0. 996.06 9128.08 96a9t $97.46 s129.94 96261 993.96 $125.?8 952"t,. s78.05 Sr04.08 t52-.' s7a.74 5104.98 t4a5r $63.7? s8s.02 f49Jr 574.?2 $99.52 $al.$ 5s2.38 569.84 $42Jr 563.71 58s.02 taz9l 563.17 $8S.02 J,8.9r SGs.e7 S87-82 $,r0 59.28 5r2.37 95.tt 98.66 $1r.ss 9rr5 s8.79 tlt.7Z $.6r $8.{8 s11.30 $..69 5?.04 99-39 $a.7t 57.10 59.47ttrt $5.r5 s7.67 $4..t 96.14 $8.99 $r.15 54.12 56.!o s3r3 s5.75 s7.61 93r3 ss.75 t7.67 tt.96 1s.94 s?.e2 to,!ll 50.00 So.oo $o.9il s0.93 $0.93 $o.00 50.00 5c.00 90.et s0.93 50.93 90.00 90.00 90.0o 10,00 So.oo So.oo toll0 9o.oo So.oo ,o'm s0.00 So.oo ,o93 $0.00 t0.oo $oio 90.00 s0.00 $olr, so.o0 s0.0o tolxt $0.00 So.oo 90'ro s0.10 30.10 t0.r0 90.10 So.1o to.1o 50.r0 s0.r0 0ijo s1.s0 sr.50 $iJo Sr.5o 91.50 31.0s 9l-0s t1.05 slao 51.50 Sr.5o 9r.05 91.05 s1.os 9ro5 51.r0 91.s0 9r,10 $1.s0 S1.50 9r,to $!.90 S1.50 $0,r0 90.10 50.10 tr,l'a! $1.22,11 51.2241 sl,t2a1 tt.2241 5t.2241 trr2al 51.224r 5t.224rtr:trl tt.2241 sl.224r 9rJ:al 5t.224r. 51.2241 strltl 51.2241 Sr.221r $ril,lr 91:2241 91.224t $1r!41 s!.2241 sl.2241 trJr.r 5t.2241 $1.2241 9r.tllr 51.2241 $r.22{r $l:an 91.224! s1.2241 st224t st.224' 5t.224t ftctl 9r20.69 s158.06 tr9.30 S114.2t 5149.12 $?r,tt 9114.80 t150.2r lrtl, 5rt3.32 5lt7.46 $c5.r1 99t.78 9122.t4 965..s $94.05 5122.68 $11.96 577.13 $1o0.ro $6165 588.62 tlts.77 94r.tt $64.72 $83.75 953,t6 ,tt.t3 t100.30 95r,16 571.13 9r00.30 $5..0t 578.0? s101.96 $44 53s.oo 545.E4 ,23J0 $33.12 $43.24 3210r s33.29 s43.56 1r:2''6 #2.e6 t42.76 tu.9t s27.20 t35.42 lr!.$ s21.28 $35.58 $r!.a! 922.a7 J29.09 $r?.rr Szs.7o 533-S7 9r''13 578.77 524.29 tr!,6t s22.37 t79.09 9u,6J 52231 t29.09 9ll.6t 522.6t 529.s7 $tot.x $155.69 $r99.34 sr0r.xt 91,t?.33 9r99.34 t10ra1 51:18.09 $r99.34 t10r.rt 9146.r8 $199.34 fr4jl s120.97 $165.33 9L.43 $r21.34 sr55.33 9697t 999.50 St29.99 959.?5 5114.32 s14e.34 $i9,tl s83.49 $r08.04 $60.r5 599.s0 $r?9.39 96t ?s $99.50 S1?9.39 t69.t5 5100.65 9r31.5? 77'i 7t13t2020 West Coast Signal lnc-FordF-350 (15)Washington-071020.himl L-24 ffi EquipmentwaLch.W ' fs' Custom Rates 6190 Porvers Ferry Rd, NW-Suile 320 Atlanta, GA, 30339 TO: Becky Morgensen West Coast Signal, Inc FROM: Kenyadah Prirne Date:07110/2020 o As per your request, EquipmcntWatch has calculaled the Custom Blue Book Rates for the following equipment. The outlined Custont Blue Book rate is as follows: o o The above rates are based on standard Blue Book methodotogy and calcutations using an acquisition cost and survey data. No adjustnrent for age is neccssar), as,r/1e ltrovc,tu!?u19 inrJexed to the acquisition cost' A regional adjustment forlhe slate of Washington has been:apfiiei. '' i .; ' !': 'l i : I o If we can be of f'urther assistance please don$t hesitate to call us at 800-669-3282' o Sincerely. o Kenyadah Prime Specialist. Sales Support EquipnrentWatch Tel. No.: 770-618-0393 E-rnai l : Kenyadah.Prime@ inforrna.cot'tl (mai lto: Kenyadah,Prime@informa.corn) 2015 F-350 u Cost:.11 Owne rshio Rates Operating Rate FHWA Rate Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly llourly Hourly $ r,592.87 $446.00 $lll.50 $ I 6.73 $ I r.26 $20.31 tile:l//crlusers/accou/AppOala/Local/Microsoft/Wndows/lNetcache/Content.Outlook/UBXVOTRZMesI Coast Signal lnc*FordF-350 (1s)Washington-'1t1 WTST COAST SIGNALS ft- Job Name JOB # DATE STARTING TIME SHIFT FOREMAN kent Scarrcella 80@7 9/t6l2O2o 7:00AM BID ITEMS WEATHER EQUIPMENT sunny 8ID ITEMS total € ft std Ah tw equip { equipment EMPTOY€T t5IO lar, I rUel Tirle std EW hrs Dustin Anderson Electrician o ),0 Service Truck9(g a q Jamus Waters ODeralor o DaleAnderson 0perator BrandooLester Electrician R David Thesenvitz Laborer o MattJones Laborer Stan Adamski Laborer R Laborer Tonv Rosers Ooerator o Eddy Castillo Ruiz ilectrician R Jack H laborer R 8 tg lon Mogensen o DAILY QUANTITIFS job f Date WEST COAST SICNATS FORFMANS DIARY performed, injuties, equipment damage, equipment mainlenance repair needed, owner cov€rsations,.'. we arrived on site and started grinding open boxes and then started pulling when the wire was ready for pick up from gray bar t had jack dig the the pole to the servic€ location and th€n start runninS conduit' we then pulling wire and 8ol it completed. I had to $tay a littls late to weld the boxes closed an finish uP. ,{l aYlnA fi* L{lFa C*I>V *d f,Yf watch out for overhead with boom, make 80007 7-. r w,&6 fit1fi "jT g"#* ,{ 4\ll 5 t'l ir /- taf cl for traffic control, watch out for live traffic for digging and setting poles with augertruck, maintain 10ft clearance, watch out for pinch points strap is in Sood shape no cuts or abrasions Enln 6a trdttt- ft** rt/ ,17. ts using dump truck, avoid pinch points, use spotter when backing lo ,rnning ou", prrronnel or obstructions, be careful to avoid overloading tie down all loads. to9*io"l----. ftation dascription bid item 1650;ervice to cornil *10 AWG wire 1 spoolweldinc wire crimos blues I zftmr3tic 3glnder wheels 20ft31 conduitnew service loca 2f' pvs 9os 4 ft\ 43" pvc couplerc lNvotcE lrrvolcr Qrostlonr Plcast Call or Enell 253-7 7*35ffi or ARQueslions@graybar.con lnyoics llo: 9317E05882 lnvoice Date: 0U16l2?,2O Accouni Number 0000469213 Account Name: WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC Rsmit Fgvrncntr To: GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. FILE 57073 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-?073 Shipto: TA/EST COAST SIGNAL, INC 20r11 208TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058{208 523.08 1.84 o@ 1414 CE{IER STtAcoMA wA 98400afi1 ffi lZlm t A8 0.41 g EOt 75X n3l I 08813{n2623 S? P7680811 lil}01 :Offi I t,t,ilF,rltrllrr;rlrrr;ulllthttlh,t,rrttltliltfililllllttill WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC 20111 2O8TH AVE SE RENTON V{A 98058-0208 Tha rnd iloney by Paperlgss SUBJECT TO THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON 0{Xtl:$01 4 Graybar can help reduce your paperwork by $ending invoices sl€c'lronically. Paperless provides you whh lnstanl acce8o to your invoices, saves lime and is safer lor your ompoyeoB. R€ady to go pap€rlesB? Email your company name and re*nt Graybar invoice numbcr to BilleoirectRequcsi@gmybar.com lo gel ciarted. www.GRAYBAR.qo* * s0s7-24 $of; Del. Doc. #;DateFROf From F.O.B.Rt. To 8033740659 Will Call ogn6m2g NW CENTER S/P, F/A tl Prbe J Unll 1O-STR-WIT-25OOR GENERIC VENDOR WRE.WYRPA 600vcu ',Ahn ry 600vcu R'GID STEEL CONDUIT CLAMP 3 IN 1 19 HG UNISTRUT INTERNATIONAL ,1\i rv 209.23 / 1000 1S3.51 / 100 2500 r% 10& Prox., nBt 15th Prox. As a condlllon of th8 s6les agreement, a monlhly servioe chargp of the lesser ot 1-112\lo or lhe maximum permitted by law may be added lo all acsunb not paid by net due dat€. Msa, MacterCard, Amedcan Erpese, gnd Oisoover sedit cards ere accGpted at point of purchaee only. of Payment Tot.I DUB Cash Discount (il paid wlthin lerms) Freight & Handling Tax 0.00 0.00 1,048-00 -14,48 lolt :li:' i:*159 S2 P7S9l3$ 0m1#)2 'llllh,llllhrgllgg'11,191 INVOICE lnvolce Cluestions PleasE Call or Email 253-77$3600 or ARQuestions@graybar,com lnvoice No: 93{784tS17 lnvoiceDate: Ogl17AO20 Acdcunt Number: 0000469213 Accounl Narns: WE$TCCIAST SIGI{AL, INC Pavments To: GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPAI.IY, INC FILE 57073 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-7073 Ship to: WEST COAST SIGML, INC 2O1,It 2O8TH AVE SE RENTON WA 9805&02@ r;l';or$ til :;!t58-0208 , PRO# F Jrdeed JOHN/Jon SUBJECT TO THE $TANDARD TERI',IS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON 0001:01il!2 J SO#: 37W26233 Routing Data Shipped Shipped From F.O.B.Ftl. To \MllCall Order og17no20 NWSERVICE CENTER SIP.F/A *t Price J Unit Amount IUARKETS DIV. VINYLMASTIC4XlO dn^ry and lloney by4 asess and Terms ol Payment 1% 10th Pmx,, nel 15h Prox' As a condilion of the saleo €gr€ement, a rnonthly seMce GhBrge of the leseer of 'l-1l2% or tre maximum permltted by hw may be added to all accounta not pald by nd due date. Vlsa, Ma$ter0ard, Arnsdcan Expreeo, and Oiscover credil qard$ ere accepted at potrt of purchase oily. Sub Total Frcight & Handling Tax Taiel Due Cash Discount (if paid within tenns) 1$$'lq.fl 53. 0.00 153.78 -1 yltutw.GRAYBAR,CO& 1ol 1 14tU2020 DEWALT 4 in. x 1iB in. x 5/B in. General Purpose tu4etal Cutting Wheel-DW4418 - The Home Depot $::- I You're shopping Southcenter O OPEI{ until I pm Search -C f,c"* lo items Home / Tools I Power Tool Accessorjes / Abrasives I Grinder Accessories / Grinding Wlreels & Cut-Off Wheels 4 in" x 1/B in. x 5/8 in. General Purpose Metal Cutting Wheel by DEWALI ) dl:?*, -l- :', trl) ": yypi1" a Fleviev'r Questions & Answers {4} {p ess {$5.36 /uni0 $s"96 ,'-fi&''. ,44t f:":r rirrf oi i. -; Ll. ./.'-.@" @ t-) a ., fit27tTFtt EFrImlIEInrilPrnciurlFffi& tstUA. lililllS gr.l{sat lrra lrprd&arn |9t6{rff08r8 ! }dt. d mcm. ctoansr E'vlnmosrerx/Ispsmtr ql8 rs odor / gonlr y 'ftllohrLdDrdlandmanD rsilom? 3 h rr.r,t!alslsl gl 1 05ilt4/ Uro gr{tcrotri sropE 0i. tittrtifiEr{r,Fm a 0 609llg4{t0 0 ilffiil[[lru|ill IO 00rF ngfil UUfiror r8prE0r83. frltfr5fi"mrffi16,&0itttPt2$:et'l F$[f!?ilnH(10? nm r Snm r l6mml htipsi//www horned€pot.contp/DEWALT-4-in-x-1-8-in-x-5-8-in-General-Purpose-Metal-Culting-Whe e1DW44182Q2579892 1/6 o@ 14T4 CENTER ST TAC0MA WA 98409-821-r INVOICE lnvolce Cluestions Please Call or Email 253-77$3600 or ARQueslions@graybar. com lnvoice No: 93t74887.15 lnvoice Dale: O8nGnO20 Account Numben 0000469213 Accounl Name: WEST COAST SIGML, INC RemitPavmsnts Tor GMYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. FILE 57073 LOS ANGELES CA 9A07 4-7 07 3 Ship lo: YVEST COAST $IGNAL, INC W. MEEWKER ST. & &1TH AVE. S. KENT WA 98032 IC&ffi i'#lir ftthvt t 5 ffi 13655 I As 0.419 EOlS3 10322 06533126005 32 P76i,6923 0002:0004 lrlghLrlllllll,,l,ll,lullglgllhlsrl,lllllllrl,rgthlllltt,t WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC 20111 zOETHAVESE RENTON WA 98058-0208 PO#: 80005-26 SUBJECT TO THE $TANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED SO#: 372789979 Del. Doc. #:PRO#Rouling Dale Shipned Shipped From F-O,8.Rt To 8033409305 8033387844 GRAYBAR 08r25t2020 NWSERVICE CENTER S/P. F/A Shned/Ordered by: DROPPED OFF TO DUSTIN/Jon Mogensen Qusntity Cslaloq f I Description Unit Price / Unit Amounl 300 210.23 I 100 / P'{r'r 630.69 3 SCH80 lOFT Terms of Payment 10 10lh Prox., nel 15th Prox. As a condalion ot the ssles agreement, a monthly service charge of lhe lesser oi 1-1t2!o or lhe maximum permitted by law may be added io all accounls not paid by nel due date. Visa, MaslerCard. American Express, and Discover credil cards are accepted at point of purchase only. Sub Total Freight & Handling 7ax Total Due Cash Discounl (if paid wilhin terms\ \ qS;"'\"" 630.69 0.00 0.00 -6.31 0002:0004 ON www.GRAYBAR.COI[..e 1 ot'l pllLlnlllllllrl,ll,;rllslgllh,ll,f rlllllll'lnrlhllltg'r WE$TCOAST SIGNAL, INC 20fi12AATH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058{208 )O#: 80005.26 Del.*: OROPPED OFF TO DUSNN/J0n iorma of Payment 06'l0th Prox., net 15lh Prox, rs a condition ol the sales agreement, a monthly service drarye of lhe lasser of .1/2% or the maximum permllted by lsw may be added to all as@unls not paid ry nol due dale. Visa, Mastercard, Ar€rican Express, end Discover credit carde rre sccepted at potnl ofpurchase only. SUBJECT TO THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED O}.I ll]!:00tX INVOICE lnyolce (lusallons Plegs€ Call or Emall 253-77 9-il6o0 or ARGuecticn@oravbar.om lnv(tce trlor aa7&741 lnvoica Dalc: A8n8f2O2O Account Numbsr 0000469213 Account l{eme: WEST COAST SIG}.IAL, INC ShiP to: WEST @AST SIGNAL, INC W MEEW'(ER ST. &€41}|AVE. S. KENTWA98032 o 1414 CE|{TER ST TACOMA WA 9A409-8211 aIlcrI ;-lffi\{.,**ngl 13655 r A8B.{rS E0t83X t0321 065331zqnr 52p7&t6S230001{004 ffi 100 24 50 30 60 1 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPAI\IY, INC. FILE 57073 LOS ANGELES CA 9007+7073 37278S79 PRO#Roullns Date Shloped Shipped From F,O.B.Rt, TO Anrcunl GRAYBAR I i Unir S/P. F/A VENDOR-PVCPA 102.60 / t00 2 SCH80 COND 10FT GENERIC VENDOR-PVCPA 425.10 t100 142.92 SCHSO zIN gODEG ELBOW GENERIC VENDOR.PVCPA 38.79 1100 18.40 2 SCH4O COUPLING GENERIC \IENDOR-PVCPA 1435.86 / 100 4?0.76 SCHSO 3IN gODEG ELBOW t4,ttv iA GENERIC VENDOR.PVCPA 1A7.13 I 100 64.28 3 sct-l4ocouPLrNG I,c1l icl NT.MED BODY.CLR-I-VQT GENERIC VEITIDOR-PVCPA 680.83 / 100 27.23 )L/ Totrl Dlle Cash Discounl {if peid within terme) Freight & Handling Tax 745.29 -7.15 1ol 1 FA No 167GDAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED D ate : 1 1 12 I 202U1 1 I 41 2024Item No.: Revision # 15 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project No: 14-3010ProjectName: LID 363224th St Phase2 Description of Work: Complete the lnstallation of the liohted chevrons Work by Subcontractor?: no Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTCODEOCCUPATIONHrsHourly Rate HrsNAME 107.75 $Foreman 80.43Steve O 100.55 $Sean H Operator 74.95 67.06 100.55 $Jonathan S Truck Driver 79.35 $Joshua F Ooerator 75.6 45.09 59.96 $Yorbin M Laborer $Laborer 55.86 100.55Tanva L SUBTOTAL- LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 290lo $ LABOR TOTAL $ EQUIPMENT OPERATED STANDBY Standby Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description cF-450 27.473-121 24.32 c2-181 F-250 62.58 $15-S9 Cat Loader $16.098 JD 31 0 Backhoe 27.70 67.13 b9-062 Mack Solo SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EOUIPMENT TOTAL $ Quantity Units Unit Price DOLI.AR AMOUNTMATERIALS / SERVICES I ea $ 97,352.22 $ 37,352.22westcoest Siqnal INV # 3157 $ $ $ $ oVERHEAD&PROF|T@21Vo $ 4,482.27 TOTAL $ 11,831.19 37,352.22SUBTOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked:41.834.49 12% MARKUP SHEET TOTAL; $ c 41 834.49 subcontracl work) (for prime when TOTAL: $ Dale Daie Pay Date: By; ARSELLBB0lHfnS tilC .;:DAILY FORCF ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 9816&0697Office: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 39S1209BidFaid on PE#DESCRIPTION OFSUBTOTALWest Coast Signal lnv #3157SUBCONTRACTORSs35,484.61$$$$s$ 35,la4"61SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEWest Coast Signal11142020-11t42A20City of KentS. 224th St ProiectlaTSUBTOTALLABOR. Nam€, Classiffcationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGunt tocLOADEDHOURLY RATEs$Q$$$$$$$s$$EXTENDEOAMOUI.ITSEQUIPNOEAUIPMENTOWNtrRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURS$0.00$0.00s0.00$0.00s0.00s0.0cHOURLYRATE3$o$$$e$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSEQUIPMENT:UATERIALQTYUNITcosT$$$($EXTENDEDAlltouNTsTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERI,AL:21YoSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:2!/pIIITARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EOUIPTIENT:291h!.,IARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:"IOO/O MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$39,033.07$$$$$t$ 3,548.46335..184.61OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATEd ry( ()3Y vq lnvoice \Vest (loast Sigrtal, lnc. 20lll 20S"'Avt Sl: Rcnlon. \t'h 9tt05g {2{Jtr) i?9-3{rl5 BillTo Scarsella Brothers, lnc. PO Bor 6869? Seattls, WA 981 68-0697 Date lnvoice # nlt6t20?0 3l 57 Remit To: 20l l l 2081h AYe SE Renron, WA 98058 Balance Due $35,484'6r ProjeciTermsP.O. No, 80007 LID 363 S.2241h StNel 4580007 EW Chevron AmountRateDescriptionQuantity 37.352.22 37,352.22 -1.86',1 .61 37.352.22 -5.00o/o $3 5.484.61Total LID 363: S 2241h Bill #20 - Ew t I 1212020 thrv I I 14 12020 EW - Complete Chevron Sign lnstall Labor-5,110.50 Eqml - E91.54 Materials/Use * - 31.350.II SI]BTOTAL Amount of Retainage E-mail Payments/Gredits $o oo Thank you for your business. ACCOLINTING(1 WESrCOAS1'SIGN a 80007 Chevron Work tt / 2 / 2O2O thr u LL / 4 / 2A20 Name/ltem Description Hours/Qtv Rate per Total Rate NotesDate [abor 3.1/ 2/2020 Brandon Lester Ltl2/2020 Tony Rogers LL/2/2A20 Dale Anderson 1L/3/2020 Brandon Lester nF/2A20 Tony Rogers 7L/3 /2020 Dale Anderson tL/ 4 / 2O2A Brandon Lester tI/4/2020 Tony Rogers lL/ 4/2020 Dale Anderson Labor Mark-up Labor Total Equipment 1,I/2/2020 L-21 Service Truck LLl2/2020 [-27 Service Truck L1,/3/2020 L-21 Service Truck It/3/2070 L-27 Service Truck It/4/2020 L-21 Service Truck Equipment Mark-up Equipment Total Materials G raybar I nvoice lIB /2A20 #93 18591841 Platt lnvoice LLl3/2020 S0X35071 Platt lnvoice IU4/2A2A #0X23949 Platt lnvoice 1L/5 /2O2O fi0K47 460 Traffic Safety Supply lnvoice #1NV031975 29o/o m/u Electrician Apprentice Operator Electrician Apprentice Operator Electrician Apprentice Operator 21o/o m/u 2Lo/o m/u 83.7L 54.00 65.45 83.71 54.00 65.45 83,71 s4.00 55.45 20.93 28.s8 20.93 28.58 20.93 252.49 224.02 482.67 37.2L 22,557.46 292.99 189.00 229.O8 669.68 432.O4 s23.60 669.68 432.O4 523.60 3,961.53 t,3.48.87 5,110.50 73.26 100.03 t67.44 228.64 167.44 736.81 154.73 891.54 2s2.49 224.O2 482.67 37.2L 22,557.45 23,553.85 2,355.39 25,909.24 5,440.94 31,350.18 t7,t52.22 3.50 3,50 3.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 3.5 3.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 1 1 1 1 1 Matls Use subtotal Material use tax 10% Material mark-up Materials/lnvoice Totals Grand Total WEIGgIED WAGg RAl€s wESr coAST SIGNAL lt'lc flCA -9*. Sec FICA - M€dicrte tulA SUIA Total 6.?cP/. ,.45% 0.6&x o.37% oAffd 9.O1* 7,000.00 52,700.00 Strta/Fcd tua ApFrntle t!odr t edidl A Dl$bItty worlii'a Co6p W.Ihrcd 2gx MU 137,700.00 Rltkemnt t&t 51,2241r(NG aouilrY t.bor tla$ lbcfdds/romrytM-!6t r (lnridt ,ourney level) lLatddHrromqno - i,loitttBn {tnride }ournev Ltvel) {lnriidJdmey L€vel} lL(*d.lst DmyM-Calflo td! (lnrlda raurocy Laval) aquh6.dt O9$liff, t{ti.6 6roup 3 {powct equiPment} ErF|FEit Clff,*d- Att hffi, Dd. 6ro!p 3 lpower egulpmnt) 3e lrbor. r&t6ld Group 3 {renrEllebo.) Gff Lto$r- androo Dth Group 3 (generrllabd) e.n trbonr-Jmt 6r@p 31g..e61|tbor) 66t bon.-lmnt crolp3 (eeneEl labo.) thd Ateraotlcr - ltog$ul Grow 3 {.ppr€rtie -ele.trkal} thd lpFcdlil - iot6 6roup 3 {general laboi} Prc$llni Wrta nrle 9r6.E0 57r'l0 S7t,lo tras0 $r9..9 $59,.9 $4r,90 $e0,86 fitt,s 94r.90 *am sar.90 $6r.3' s1O2.86 5r37.r4 $6arra t96.06 9128.08 iil.Ct 597.45 s129.94 $6rrr 993.96 9125.28 9r?ll. t78-06 1104.08 $r2'.9 s78.74 s104.98 sa2,rr s63.77 $8s.02 949.il s74.72 599.62 9{2.3r s63.77 98s.0? 9.2,91 $63.77 585.02 $1492 $52.38 s69.84 ta2.9l $u.17 t85.96 t6.1t 99.28 tt2.37 $5.?r S8-65 911.55 t5t5 58.79 9rr.72 9tf,5 s8 48 511.30 9..6t $7.04 59.39 l1;rt 57.10 s9.47$rr ss.75 $7.67 $r.re S6.74 98.99 $at $s.75 57.67 s3Jr 55.75 57.67 it,15 54.72 $6.30 3t.rt s5.82 57.79 "5ts7.23 57.23 97.2t S',.23 9t"er s7.23 57.23lr:r s7.2t 57.23 t5,t5 $s.9s s5.95 31,$ s6.95 $5.95 ttts $4.89 5{.89 9r,09 54.89 $4.E9 $4t9 5{.89 94.89 ltse $,!.89 t4.89 ,..r0 $1.89 s4.89 94r9 94.89 sr.89 l0r0 90.00 t0.00 $o,9t 90.93 $0.93 30,00 50.00 50.00 30,91 $0.93 50.93 ton0 $0.00 $0.00 J0.00 50.00 $0.0o s0.00 So.oo 50.00 soro 50.@ $0.00 tono $o.oo So.oo to.rD 90.00 5o.oo 90.9t 50.00 $o.oo ,o.e3 50.e3 90.93 $o,rlt 90.10 50.10 to.10 90.10 t0.to s0.r0 $0.1o s0.10 91.30 S1.50 $1.50 $r.$ 91.50 s1.50 9ro5 51.0s 91.0s 9r.5o 31.50 91.50 tr,03 t1.05 51.05 $150 9l.so $1.50 $rso 9r.s0 51.50 91.05 91.50 St.5o to.ut so.10 $0.10 9rr2in 5t.2211 51.2241 tr,224r st.224t $1.2241 Srr:lr 57.224t 51,2241 9tfrat 91.2241 $t.224t 9t.22ar S1.22,11 5r.2241 Jl.z2ar sr.224r sl.22tr 91.22ar. 5t.2241 9t.224r 91:t l 51.2241 5t.?24t 91.2:41 5t.2241 5t.224, s1,22.1 51.224r 51.2241 51,l2tl1 sr.224r 5r.2241 It.r:{1 t1.2241 sl.2241 itl.tl St2o.69 $158.06 $rs.r0 s114.21 5119,12 5rt,3g $114.80 s150.21 itg.tt s1r3.32 $147.45 J6r.a1 593.?8 sr22.!4 561.4t 994.0€ 5122.68 s5t95 $77.t3 st00.30 35r.n6 583.62 51rs.77 35116 s77.13 5r00.30 9s3.9a s77.13 $100-30 3.5.r7 s64.72 583.7s $5.r,oo s71.13 9100.86 s24.2t 939-00 $4s.84 $2r30 533.12 $1t.24 92t,02 533.29 t43.56 t,2.ta st?.86 s42.16 tte9t 527.2o s35.{2 trt.ra 527.2a 935.t8 t15,65 s22.37 523.09 tt?r8 ,25.to S!3.5? $19.6r 522.31 929.09 115,5J s2L37 t29.09 $13.15 $r8.77 $24.29 9r3,66 922.45 929.25 Foru Ard lotrl tu,r,x 91s5.59 5199.34 9ro2,x s147.33 5r99.34 s10l.4r 9148.o9 $r99.34 tr02,r:l 5146.18 9199.34 s8..tt 5120.91 9165.33 3t'1,a3 9r2r.34 S165.33 *9.rs $99.50 9129.39 953.t5 sr14.32 s149.34 $fst5 999.s0 $129.39 389.t5 t99.so 9129-39 959.15 $83.49 5108.04 $5r.?5 s99.88 $130.11 Tohlllm€ Sate Rttt i OT DI R OT DT f, OT ot T OT 01 i 01 Dl i OT DT I OT DI F OT DT R OT DT t ot OI R 01 DT R OT D] FA Hourly Rates EquiPment L-1 Pole Trailer L-3 Manlift L-4 Arrow Eoard L-8 Dump Truck L-9 One Ton Flatbed L-10 utility Trailer L-72 JD 35D Mini Excav L14,3/4 Ton Supercab P/U Truck L-15 Utility Trailer L-16 Service Truck L-17 Air Compressor L-18 JD 35D Mini lxcav L-19 Arrow Board L-20 F-350 Service Truck L-21Service Truck L-22 Auger Truck L-24 Crafco Sealant Machine L-25 JD 27D Mini Excavator L-26 Chevy 2500 HD Service Truck l--27 Chevy 2500 HD Service Truck t-28 JD 30G Mini Excav Ll-29 JD 30G Mini Excav L-30 F-350 Service Truck L-31Manlift Generator Wacker Mini Excav 1'Bucket Mini Excav 2' Bucket Mini Excav 3' Bucket 2.09 42.57 4.28 32.65 24.76 2lo/o MU 0.44 8.94 0.90 6.86 5.20 Total 2.53 51.51 5.18 39.s1 29.96 77.52 L5.94 10.29 13.42 2.47 17.52 2.32 20.31 20.93 45.2L 17.36 15.43 28.58 28.58 18.1.1 18.11 75.22 71.64 1.59 5.5s 0.78 0.82 0.95 3.68 3.35 2.16 2.82 0.43 3.68 0.49 4.27 4,40 9.49 3.65 3.24 5.00 6,00 3,80 3.80 3.20 15.04 0.3s 1.38 0.15 a.u 0.20 21.20 19.29 12.45 t6.24 2.50 2t.20 2.81 24.58 25.?3 54.70 21.01 18.57 34.58 34.58 21.91 21.9t t8.42 86.68 2.O4 7.93 0.94 0.99 1.15 e\Al scannec wrtn uamscanner t $rEsr coAtt tlet{AtJ Job i.n}l J{tt I OAII 9Tlnnil6TIME $lfr c-{s chi$fts wtAlHti t$lPMilr dDmir$ L 0 A To^-y 3s3-< <,J Ruh Cheat 2€o"l*DC.L lld llm lecldorv lrtod tkrtltton 4.1 wfsl CgASTSl6llAg rot[llAttlt ongr podoniti f{ud.r, tqulpn.nt dllrllla.qulpl'ttt ritlntal.nct nad!4 orna, tora.$ilonl,-' { for relftr s6n(rol walah oul aor llv. tlllfc b for dlffir{ rrdathlot p.lll erhhruier trusl n!*rout tlr ovrrtard firhrrb l0{l derttnct, wtch on tot plnch tolitr slti loom, ruf! tr ph ln!.od rhrpo ]1o.uu o{ rh'rltlons rrtf, dlnp lr.al. wold dnab ptntr, rs.+oltrr uiGlr billhf la runnlnt lvrr plnoond ot olrtBsionr. ba 'lrrtll ro ryold lvatlot&ta th dovm rll lordr *lk!fft,rq,al / t, i/'t.g /n^u. 6h<r chormn l+cx$ 7o*ro.ur ad?, \totr'r SW, DNII OUAilTMIS .lor {oaalJ Dila scanneo wttn uamScanner qy- ss$H:'b wlsT cotgl SlcllAll wEttllti EAUI'MFilT lolniobllrm. ,oB. OA'tI $AffiTgNMT 5flIFT .fuy irDmMS grD rt$rt 6 o h frTpreauut sld rlr EW EM!IdYII tr! ilaF/lrtnt tznddrIdf, H{#.hh t".?t SrilkrTrrcl bnurwilcr! Offits elrbrd.L FlfrLffi Ddd'tt6odtl l.bom Mit ,.8 |rbrr lllnld.rldd trhrr. ldula[r hrtd lhd{n lntrgn glddd$ Ebaddtn Eddt C.r![o ft.dr b"^\- Arr.\*r*rt-(Ls,at 2toa scanneo wltn uamScanner 3. wesr coAsl slGfllts IsfitMAt{5 qAiv t dorftr4 InJ$dr', ndpmrnl drmrrr, rqdpitittl rmlnlrtltrc'DAITI ouAtfrmE5 Rrrcgltl 0ltr lobr nrrh radrd, o*nrr lwrlrldoil'- Ct&lF ^J 4 * "5 $* Cttr/r'.^d 4t^ tor Arlft corlrol wtdr oul lor llvc tr'frc lor dlth! rni tattf il polcl nlth aslrr rnxt, watdt out ls oladF d mahtlin loi derranre, *rtEh out hr plll(h pdrti wfth boorq n|lh nr3p b ln led rh$! no cuE or zbnEbE lslrn dump tru(L n old phch Flilr utr tpottx n'hrn t ddt[ to l{|Edlrl otlt plrlonnrl or obnrutdonr, br ttrful lo .yold orarbtdhl i. down ill lordr, ?ng sl,r{oU, Fa'lot*,\ {Tnnl-,t fu#{ |-hn,\U # orE " rou r#r{*/ Atntrv o il^.aL- c^{'th" sh"f dlL ct.4 eno 1 SCannecl wnn urife .at*ltL. /*t,{ S..t spalt A.d lul. -c-t *"U f,tfa /o*l"tr*t t.^* h /rlf cn *6"t.',-f*r* ztftlsfzva,) ".Js"unn er oadontf nritrn dlrrrt lo8 nd la[ 6- fror L,w Ku a; OAIIY Jc, o?uh_ wtltcoasrsEfl lJ tolrilArll DtlnY In rh, ar0lF !.n! drmllr, aql'lpn'nl m'lnl.'!'tx' t.pltr ru.d14 omll rovat*ltoar,- tor lratf,c aorl.td, slrh our ior llv€ ttln( tDr dlltn8 tnd ttlsal Poler wllh tullrlfft, wttch ow hr ctthcrd rnrlntrln 10fr cla.nnrg lt lcl out tor Fl^Eh gohE rltlt loo4 ,n!h b ln iood rfup. ns arB ot lbnllglr dunp tsuct,.wld plnch tolttl, ui"tporrt$hrn b.allq lo runrln! orrr pattortral or lbttrusionr, b! rel!fulro reld ovttloadlg rllbrdt, cHbvtc'll {t {lnii-{i r,."kl^g ,f ltt- uhln5 ir, ;1 "'iuicnl*{r.'- {ool7 r'}t"J 1 c,f tti, '! 1,td)'t 4J /vttJ i'i31 'J6{g fL <snrr\-r. j".j'i, f trl+ Fo- a\ 6+6 lZa {rv*kn- { u*l 1, br*f*ay^€ctr-ts €o- L 1A1,4 S:cftaj Gr +L l'41fs/A4' nner il'lalis firUotV irx6n btt lt6 <*' plr,* l*'".{r..r SUBJECT TO THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON tNvorcE lnyoice Quaetlons Plgase Call or Email 253-77 9 -3600 or ARQueslions@oravbar. com lnvoice No: 9317E05882 lnvoice Date: 05116/2020 Account Number: @00469213 Account Name: WEST COAST SIGNAL. INC Ship to; WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC 2O1112O8THAVESE RENTON WA 98058-0208 WWW.GR.AYBAR.COM. Page 1 ot 1 o 1414 CEt{TgR ST TACOMA WA 08400,S211 ffi l?!28 t AB 0.419 t0175X 10318 06613082623 S2 P768S871 0001;000'l I't,lrlhrhrlllrrSrlur;rrlllrrrrr[,!t,r,trlllilllltllrlrtill WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC 20111 2O8TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058-0?08 GMYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. FILE 57073 LOS ANGELES CA 9m74-7073 PO#: 80007-24 $O#: 373021619 Del. Doe. #:PRO fl Rou{ing Dale Shipped Shipped From F.O.8.Rt. To 8033740659 Will Call Ordor 09/16/2020 NWSERVICE CFNTER S/P - F/A Sisned/Ordeted by: DUSTIN/Jon Mogensen Quantitv Cataloq # / Description Unit Price / Unit Amounl I VENDOR 249.23 t 1 523.08 600v cu 2500 -2. 1 O.STR.I[/HT-25OOR GENERIC VENDOR WIRE-WYRPA 249.23 I IAOA 523.08 600v cu 1 119 HG UNISTRUT INTERNATIONAL 183.51 / 100 1.84 RIGID STEEL CONDUIT CLAMP 3IN \Ahn ry and Monoy by Going Paperless4Graybar can help reduce your papenr'iork by sending invoiceg electronically. Pap€rless ptovides you with instanl access to y6ur invoices, saves lime and is safer foi your eniployees Ready 10 9o paperless? Emait your company name and reaent Gtaybar invoice number lo BillerDirec{Request@graybar.com to get started. Terms of Payment 1% 1Oth Prox., nel 1Sth Prox. As a condilion of tho sales agreement, a monihly service charge of the lesser of 1:ll2% or the maximum permitted by law may be added to all accounts nol paid by net due dale. Wsa, MaslerCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards are aecepled a1 point of purchase only. Sub Total Frelght & Handling Tax Total Dus Cash Discount (it paid within terms) 1,048.00 0.00 0.00 1,048.00 -10,48 0001:0001 o rNvotcE lnvoice Ouettlons Plaasa Call or Emall 253-779-3600 or ARQueslions@graybar.com lnvolcc No: gst0t9t8{'l lnvoice Da!e: 11103f2020 Account Number: 000046921 3 Account Name: WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC Remlt Pavments To: GMYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. FILE 57073 LOS ANGELES CA gOO74-7073 Ship lo: WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC 20111 aOETHAVE SE RENTON WA 98058-0208 1{14 CENTER ST TACOMA WA 98409-821 1Ft --@EGry:ro ffi 22633 1 Ag 0.419 1038lI 10620 067S8246455 $2 P7813873 &101:tltF4 t,tll,l,lllt',lll,t,l;r'rlpf ;,1;lll,,rrrlll,llgll,t'tltll,l"ltl WEST COAST SIGNAL, INC 20111 zOSTHAVESE RENTON WA 98058-0208 PO EXTRA 373510415 Del, Doc. #:PRO #RoutinE Date Shipped Shipped From F.O.B.Rt. To 037351&r15 1110U2020 FACTORY Ordered by: Jon Moqensen Quantity Catalos # / Descrlption Unlt Price I Unit Amounl 7W YA12O21212 TRAY CABLE HOUSTON WIRE & CABLE CO 360.70 / 1000 Tlme and by Going4Graybar caa help reduce your paperwork by sending invoices al€clronicalty. Paperless provides you with inslant acc€ss lo y6ur invoices, saves lirne and is safer loi your employees, Ready to go paporloss? Email your company name and recenl Graybar invoice number to BillerDireclReque6i@graybar.com lo gel started, Terms of Payment 1n/a l}lh Prox., nei 1Sth Prox. As a condition of tbe sales agreement, a monlhly service charge of the lessar of 1-'llza6 ot lbe maximum permitted by law may be added lo all accounts not paid by net due dal€. Visa, Mast€€ard, American Express, and Discover credit cards are accepled at point of purchase only. Sub Total Freight & Handling Tax Totat Due Cash Discount {it psid within terms) 252.49 0.00 0.00 252.49 -2.52 SUBJECT TO THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON vl,ww.GRAYBAR.COtrie 0001:0004 't olI I L^'TTT REHITTO: P.O. Box 418759 Boston, UA 022,11-8759plattcom SOLDTO l{€st Coast SLtrna1 Inc 20111 208 Ave s3ienton, lra 98059 INVOICE # TNVOICE DATE 119 Kenr(2s31 8',12- 5555 0x35071 tt/05/20 ng1119ap1at.t. dotl SHIP TO Cuctoltrer Pickup ORDERED BY: E;RANDON A€rnd lblrn KENI' CHEVRON Saool!lckuptr/03 /2e 17/04/20 ctiSlOtxFR f'ofu[_t. of: l.ADlltGSi ITPPCD VIADATT ORDI-Ri't]tllrTF S,t.[PPFt) R.gN,roNA40206046 N ai N N !t 0 0 0 0 0 c EA EA 38"5C 16.39 15.66 5.?g 130.35 193.1' L.61 130.34 234.2 555, Pay 20 n 3 4 1 9S", Itrvol 0 0 0 0 091150{ PVC 3/4.IN BELL EIiID 015985? CAR Irl{3D-ISw l/2 8rr 0814555 PVC 2-rN BSL! ED'D 0069188 PVC 3/{-rN-90Drc coND ELBO}I o069285 ABB t$Vn427035Rr000 Pow suPP- 0865338 1 adya/vreek- lAtt UST Ev€ry aingl€ day & glatemetrtE 2{/7 rr r,platt.cot! 00$otl€F SUB TOTAL 22&.42 221.n2$ l,11ri {rl t,lt, I A'l( { lll rr In,!.r1. ..r. f;i':-1,.'r\ 1.1'.4: l r' r/ ;;(r' : u:l (,1 i 1 OVER tOO BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WEST PL^flTT REIIIT TO: P.O. Box 4t8759 Boeton, UA 02211-9759plstt.com 801D70 ll€st Coa.t 9itmal Ilc 20111 208 Ave gE tcotob, wA 98053 TNVOTCE # INVOICE DATE 119 {253 Xent) 8?2'55s5 px23949 L7/04/20 mgrl19Op1at L. com PAGE I SHIP TO Cusisntr PickuP ORDERED BY: B!.IIVDON *r 6 ooolKEI\r cnEyRoNPi.cxup11/s2/20 rt/03/20 BII I ()F LADING CUSTOI{f:R f'O#SH PPFD VIANATF SHIPPFT)DATt: ORDFHF-TJ 205016 all0 RTIiI!I$N I 1 450 11 30 2 6 40 2?A POI{N N N N N N N N I d50 11 30 2 {0 9582L51 FiT 0173-220.05 35U!'l DIN RAIIr 0020221wc a/t gcitEDutD-{o colfDurr 00692?4 PVC 3/{-!N-90DEC CODTD El,BOl'o 0069285 PVC 3/4-rN CO!\tDOr? CsUPrJrt{G o059?69 svc 2-IN-90DEG COND El,BOl.i 00692T1 oLD 0910101? 10" ROITND BtX W/ 051293d IDE 30.115? '52 I{TH&PROF 962284'l 6.655 Ei 6"65 269.L6 I8.rl1 6.91 11 "12 42-74 33-78 0 59.8 r.67 l rr 0 23 -044 0 5,85 EA E,A 0 2L.36 84.11 c DAh ? tlaya/week - 1Al1 UgT Esery giagle day f Statasent8 24/? 9w.PLabt.comPayLl.ne 00$OTHER SUB 1OIAL 482,67 482.6?$ ,-,J\iOtnlhlir-:(,i JOB NAIilIE JOB4 .j,.Ll 'PI.ATT SALESPERSON :.'rl l'.,!l.'i)i, ' i)i.. i_l:ri I 1\ rr lJl:!i I I :lf l:. : 0:'.':, - JI /'. i 't' i L.li t l,lirll lii llil ! I/!'ll I li) r; | | ,!iti.l i:,,,1, l-,(,\T..lr (1i it.,l,i r51,j) {,.:l ill' , OVER .tOO BRANCHES TTIROUG HOUT THE WEST INVOICE lnvoice tHv031975 Date 10-22-2A Page 1 Your Customer Servlce Contact Benjamin Speidel Bill To : $hiP To : Wesl Coast Signal lnc West Coast Signal lnc 2ll11 z}g]dr, Ave SE 20111 208th Ave SE Renton, WA 380580208 Renlon, WA 980580208 Contact Name: Jon Morgensen Contact Phone: (206) 595-6656 Traffic Safety Supply 2324 SE Umatilla Street Poriland, OR 97202 Phone: (503) 235-8531 Fax: {503) 235-5112 Cust Fo.Number Clstomer lD Freight Terms Paymert Terms 80007,23 c004051 Preoaid and Add Freioht to lnv Net 30 Days Proled TSSCO Sales Order No.Original Sales Order Oate SDCWS Cheveron - Kent, WA so00029601 a26no20 ll€8tStumber fl,es,eiroflon Otdsrcd ShtoDod uott UnnPdce Ext Price DPA3720 TAPCO CUSTOM PART Controller, External 12V 108045, Solid, Radio 544372 J-653926-1 001 -1 007 DP03768 CABINET BRACKET SET, FITS 2" SQ POSTS, STD HDW, BRKTS, 3.O" CARRIAGE BOLTS DP05298 REMOTE RADAR KIT, SS4OO, UNIVERSAL RRFB BRACKET, NO BATTERY, 1/2" CONDUIT DP03742 BLiNKERSIGN, W1-8, 24'' X 30", CHEVRON, DG3, FY. DIRECT FIRE, 1O AMBER LEDS DP03405 CAB3 BRACKET. CHEVRON ADJUSTASLE BRACKET. #cAB300, FITS 24"X30'& 30"X36" SIGNS DP00g32 LED Blinkersign CAB b€ckets 7 1 o 6 1 7 1 o 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA $1,225.00 $24.00 $ 1,666.00 $1,075.00 $892 50 $191 .00 $8,575.00 $168.00 $1,666 00 $6,450.00 95,355.00 $191.00 Page 'l ol2 Traffic Safety Supply 2324 SE Umatilla Streei Portland, OR972Az Phone: (503) 235-8531 Fax: (503) 235-5112 INVOICE lnvoice tNV03{975 Date 10-22-20 Page z Your Cuslomer Service Contact: Benjamin Speidel Bill To : ShiP To: west coast signal lnc west coast signal lnc 20111 208th Ave SE 20'111 208th Ave SE Renton, WA 980580208 Renton, WA 980580208 Contact Name: Jon Morgensen Contact Phone:595-6656 Temrs: Nel 30 days unless otheMise noted above. Payment after the due dale will be subject to a service charge al a rale ol 1'Soh per monlh. !\tll call ordets will be invoiced and qrstomer will be nolified upon completion. Claims on account of this invoic€ musl be made within 5 days after receipl of goods. No goods lo be returned wilhoul prior aulhorizalion. Returns may be subject to restocking {ee. Payment T6rmsCustomer lD Frsight TermsGustPO Nurnber Net 30 DaysPreoaid and Add Freioht io lnvc00405180007-23 Original Sales Order DateTSSOO Sal€8 Ordor No.ProtAct 8126t2020s000029601SDCWS Cheveron - Kent, WA ttefittumbar D&crtEfidi, Odered Snipoed UOltt Unit Pdce W.Prlce PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE, WNDOWS BASED, INCLUDES CABLES Total $22,405 00 Freight Chrg $1s2.46 Tax $0.00 ORDER TOTAL $22,557.4E Page 2 ol 2 FA Sheet No.:168 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED 6- Project Name: LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Project No: 14-3010 Item No.: Revision # 15 Date: 111212A20 Description of Work trench for chevrons Prime Contractor: Scarsella Work by Subcontractor?; nO Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAMECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRateHrsOT Rate Steve O Foreman 6 80.43 107.75 b 482.58 Sean H Cperalor o 74.95 100.55 $449.7Q Jonathan S Iruck Driver 67,06 100.55 e Joshua F Operator 75.6 79.35 $ Yorbin M Laborer 45.09 59.96 b Tanva L Laborer 55,86 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL- LABOR: $932.28 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29%270.36 LABOR TOTAL S ,64 EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OR AfiACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPEMTED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHTSHourly Rat€Hrs slandby Kate 3-121 F-450 6 27.07 $162.42 ?-181 F-250 24.32 $ 't7-271 JO 35 6 19.08 $114.48 16-096 JD 310 Backhoe 27.70 $ 9-062 Mack Solo 67.'t 3 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL c 276.90 $58.1 5 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ $ $ $ d SUBTOTAL oVERHEADSPROFIT@21% TOTAL $ s $ Verification of Hours Worked rorAL: $ 1,537.69 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEETToTAL: $ 1'537.69 ct Date, Representativa Date \bbDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACTNAME, NO.:OWNER/BidDESCRIPTIChI OFSUBTOTALWest Coast Signal (Separate FA sheet)SUBCONTRACTORS$0.00$$$$s$SUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEP.O. Box 68697Seat{e.wA 98168-0697Ofiice: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209DAPaid on PE#SUBTOTAL EOUSUBTOTAL MATERI.AL:11t?,2024City of KentS. 224th St ProjectDug ditch for lightsd chevrons.Sean HaldeneSteve OberLABOR - Name, ClasslflcationofiREGonRFGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGofiREGonREG6.06.0HOURS$74.95$80.43LOADEDHOURLY RATE3 932.28$$$e$$$as$$s 449.70$s 482.58EXTENDEDAMOUNTS17-27 13-121EQUIPNO.35 JD450 Toot TruckEOUIPMENTOWN*RENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER6.06.0HOURS$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0"00$19.08$27.07HOURLYRATE$276-90s$c$$$$$c$a$ 114.4fi$s 162.42EXTENDEDAMOUNTSMATERIALQWUNITcosT$$s$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:210kSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:2lnloMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29o/oMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:1O7O MARKUPSUBCONTMCTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMGTORS:$1.537.69$$$58.15$ 276.90$ 270.36$ 932.28$$0.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATMEDATE 880THtgS tItC.ARSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O. Box 68697Seatlle. WA 98168-0697Office: i2531 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS (,rP-,\+ ( r',^<t \ i.,,,^./$c$$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:>SCARSBROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATELaC)1 o,o,u., F+ o. PS{+* n F..^,".nLABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGO/TREGo/TREGo/TDEAo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGolTREGo/TREGotrREGIbHOURSLOADEOHOURLY RATE$$c$$b$$$b$$$$scqEXTENDEDAMOUNTSt? )7tt l"tlEQUIPNO.lr- f nLlt-o la-,i f'^ut--EQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERbd)HOURSHOURLYRATE$$cQaI$$$Q$$5s$bsq$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPI\4ENT:SUBTOTAL MATERiAL:MATERIALQTYUNITCOSTac$$sEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIALISUBTOTAL MATERIAL% MARKUP EOUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$$$bc$$c$OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE FA Sheet No.GDAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Item No.: Revision # 15 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project Name: LID 363224th St Phase 2 Description of Work: Dig trench for lighted chevrons Vactor truck for Project No: 14-3010 and lrench for liohted chevrons Work by Subconlraclor?: nO Sub-Contractor: Date: 11l3l2O2O LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTOCCUPATIONHrsNAMECODE 107.75 $643.44ForemanI80.43Steve O $599.60874.95 100.55Sean H Operalor 100.55 $67.06Jonathan S Truck Driver 75.6 70 t6 $Joshua F Ooerator $45.09 59.96Yorbin M Laborer 100.55 $Laborer 55.86Tanva L LABOR TOTAL $1,603.52 LABOR OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 29Yo $ SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 1,243.04 360.48 EQUIPMENT STANDBYOPEMTED Hourlv Rale Hrs stanooy Kare DOLLAR AMOUNTHrs EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Descriplion 27.07 C 216.56I3-'t21 F-450 24.32 $2-181 F-250 152.64$I 19.0817-271 JD 35 1 11.42 11.42$HD Suoolv 21',t.01c1211.01Hiqhwav Speciallies # 40159712 SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL D 591.63 715.87 124.24 Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuanlityunilsMATERIALS / SERVICES ea $ 2.216.50 2.216.50$1Pro Vac $ $ $ $ SUBToTAL $ 2,216.50 OVERHEAD&PROFIT@21o/o $ 265.98 2,182.18TOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked: 12% MARKUP (for prime when subconlract work)$ ct rorAl: $ 4,801.87 SHEETToTAL: $ 4,801.87 Date EPay By: \tD\DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTSUBTOTALsl$West CoastFA$Pro VacI $ 2,216.s0SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS". INC. REPRESENTATIV€DATELighted chevrons.9021'11t3!2020City of Kent224th St ProjectSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:q ,{$u \ @otP.O. Box 68697seatrle, wA 98168-0697Otfice: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO-:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#Bambi G/fu j )</j.1^Vickey Ande6on-Y U.'tSean HaldeneSteve OberLABOR - Name, ClassificationoftREGol'lREGO/TREGonREGoiTREGaffREGofiREG5.58.08.0HOURS$49.44$5s.86s74.9s$80.43LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 1,822..t Ic$$$$$c$ 271.92a$ 307.23$$ 599.60$$ 643.44EXTENDEDAI'OUNTS.4r*--17-271&121EOUIPNO.35 JD450 Tool TruckEQUIPMENTOWNdRE'{TAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERilUbYSTDBYOPERSTDSYOPER8.08.0HOURS$0.00$0.00s0.00$0.00$19.08$27.07HOURLYRATE3 478.rt3$$$$$c$$$$$ 152.64c$ 216.s6EXTEI{DEDAMOUNTSHighway Specialties #63047HD Supply lnv #40159712TIATERIALI1QTY$ 21 1.01$11.42UNITcosrs222.43$$$$211.O1$11.42EXTENDEDAI'OUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:21o/oSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21%MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:2gokMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR10% MARKUPSUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:$5,636.82$46.71I 222.43$ 100.47$ 478.43$ 528.44$ 1.822.19$ 221.65s2,2r6.50OWN€R / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE P.O Box686979ealtle. WA gB16e-0697officer {253) 872-7173Fax i?53) 395.1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:An*,-ll:r"- A',1 -)n<*USUBCONTRACTORS {^;"'-t }* ( r,c,r-('4"- t t.r^'J$5$ss$$SUBTOTAT SUBCONTRACTORSDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER I CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:it ts /tauzDATEIn/J/rtr{- |/.--+ i -J I O tO +SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELLA BROS.. INC, REPRESENTATIVE/h,.*t', uiFl*o,ou^tl iC.f1x..,, AuJ<r<otnt ICJI e,t*,r t-1 a.{}.LABOR - Name, ClassificationOITREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGOITREGo/TREGolrREGoiTREGorTREGs("Ht/,HOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$o$c$$ov$$$$$s$$$$$$qEXTENDEDAMOUNTS)-)JJt? )lt3-,slEQUIPNO.i {? t) i Lxedir- 3 rtLt{o lo, I k>*vLEQUIPMENTOWN orR€NTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPTR\5*?14HOURSHOURLYRATE$c$$$$s$$$c$$s$q$$$b$EXTENDED,AMOUNTSI Ar^.' i.-'ywt+.*-(re',at2o-tt4r^a) vs-^J \9ue ,MATERIALJ . f{'!I. I . ]J I - 17,QTYUNITCOSTs$c5EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT% N4ARKUP MATERIAL:SUETOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:Olt, MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS$$$i!$$$s$OWNER i CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE Billing Address Scarsella Bros., lnc. PO 8ox 68697 Seattle, WA 98168 USA Pro-Vac PO Box 24351 Seattle, WA 98124 2s3-435-4328ffiEfiEIVHB t,:rv I 0 7r,2B SCARSELL'IBROS. lNC. Project 45386932 lnvoice Data 11/3/2020 Completed Date 1 1 /3/2020 Custorner PO Job Address Scarsella #143010 2241 6 88th Avenue South Kent WA 9803'l USA Description of Work ET to Hydro Excavate a trench along a guardrail Iask # Travel To PWOP Travcl To PWOP #400 Description 1 'l /3-90806 Travel To 11/3-90806 PW - Operator OnlY 11/3-900871 Travel To 1'l/3-90871PW - OPerator OnlY 11/3-90871 Dlsposal Quantily 1.50 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 Your Price $180.00 $195.00 1180.00 119s.00 $39s.00 Your Total $270.00 $585.00 i180.00 $58sr0 $395.00 Sub-Total Tax Total Due $2,015.00 $201"50 $rl1650 Balance Due 12,216.50 Thank you lor choosiog Pro'Vac I hereby confirm that the work Performed by Pro-Vac was of quality and in a timely manner I have inspected all the work performed by pro-Vac and understand that I have been given the opportunity to address any concerns i.f,;;ift'til;;/i ilrfiil;A:i riiiri tou6o no such conlerns. or the-se concerns were ad-dressed by the Pro-Vac operator to mv satisfaction. My signature siqniti"s rv full icceptance oiitl-*'-<irt pertotmtd, I agree that Pro-vac is-not responsible for any damage done by its equipment, r6*iJi'i"NiL; il;;';6;;i;rop.iry,i"iiproperty,ot s-urrounding properties where Pro'Vac is performing work and/or operations. 9021.001 for Lighted Chevrons sign instalaltion DR 11t11124 H.TTISUPPU[ON ACCOLNT I il]il lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllllllll llll llll cotrsTRucrloH & lxDuSTRlAL r,llI{ITE GAP 030 - Kent 7820 S0r]1'll 2l0l'l.l s-l'REtil. sLJl'lE l0l Kcnt. WA.98032 (253) 518-0306 Sold l o:8623000 SCARSELLA I]ROTHERS PO BOX 68697 s EATI'LE, WA. 98 I 68-0697 253-872-7173 Printcd llY : Walter M Printcd Date : I l/03/2020 06:20 Alvl PACIFIC RECEIPT Lilt;,) C-ir.e"t's''s Ordered By: STEVE OVEI{ 40t597 t2 KENT YARD, I 0000838472 t9440 84'il1 AVE SOU]'lt KENT YARD KENT, WA.98032 .lob Site Contact: .lob Site l)honc: lr4ap #: Contact Phone: Ship'I'o l2 I lk ln ffitriilFlifthttion L,ce, C ff.G.t€t{FiirBY Walter M .fr ; '{hiount 5l0..llill t-ll0l0l 2-r t0104 227CM604K VPN: ll0l60 60 r-B 4000 Psl AVERACE COMPITESSIVE S'IRENC'II-I CONCREl'T MIX QLJIKRETE 2 2 0 60 r"BS $5 le Sl(iN DATE : 03-NOV-2020 09:20:29 PRIN'I : S]'tiVE O StilPP[t) wEICll'l : 120.00 l..BS PL'l-l-ED I]Y Shipped amount 0rdcr charges T'ax atttottnt Order lotal Deposit/fu nds tendered Balance due stcN <,*-#-- C]HECKEI) BY I-0AI)ED BY Dorvnload any neeclccl Saf-ety Dala Sheets (SDS) online today at sds hclsupply cont $ r0.-rtt s0.00 s l.tl4 s i 1.42 50.00 s I 1.42 ITEPORI' DISCREPANClES WITI{IN 24 IIRS. lF'you DtDN't' RECutvE TiiE si:nvtce YoU EXPECI ED ClAl.L Sl'EvE tlUFFI\4AN sl6-88e-s156 NO REFUNDS OR EXCI.IANGES ON NON S'I'OCK MERCI'IANDISE SEE REVERSE SIDE I;OR'TERMS AND CONDITIONS www wHlTEc3ry co}4 I)agc I of' I SALES ORDER Date R.O, No. 1v212020 63047SPcrATIES 7220 River Road E Puyallup, WA 98371 125312584257 BillTo Ship To Scamella Brothers PO Box 6E697 Seattle, WA. 98 168-0697 Will Call 7220 River Road E Puyallup WA 98371 L;r*4 lg'tfa P.O. No.Terms Rep Dale Required Contact Phone cor Contaci Name 218 Net 30 HS tt/212020 360-620-7196 0510t/20t7 llem Descriplion OrdE/d Ship'd Pdce Ea Total sPzXl2 sP2Xr4 sP2.5X36 2.5n Comer 8... slEEL pERFORATED POST, 2" X 12" l2CA STEEL PERFORATED POST, 2'X I4', I2GA STEEL ANCHOR, 2-ln'x 36",7 GAUGE 2.5" Comer Bolt & Hex Flangc Nut Senated I I I 4 66.00 77.00 45.00 l.l0 66.00 77.04 45.00 4.40 BY MY SIGNATURE I AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE BACK Subtotal $ 192.40 Received By: Salee Tax (9.9%)$18.61 This is for your records only. INVOICE pay from invoice. TO FOLLOW, please Total $21l.0l FA Sheet No.By:Date:PayOwner's RepresentativeDatsContractor'sDare/7-Verification of Hours Worked:12% MARKUP.L/$SHEETToTAL: S 5,215.34subconlract work)(for prime whenrorAt: $ 5,215.34SUBTOTALoVERHEAD&PROFIT@21%TOTAL4/7.60$c$47.96399.64Qe$WA Rock # 554663$ 307:65ea'l307.65$$ 91.99ea,|Rebar Ranch # 62380291.99$MATERIALS / SERVICESDOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsOuantitySUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENTEOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21%EQUIPMENT TOTAL$645.04$780.50135.46es2.2978F-15020.01160.08$1&10033.55IJD 310268.40$3-12127.07IF-4502 r 6.56DHourly RateFlrsSlandby HateHrsEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTSEquipment # Equipment DescriptionSTANDBYOPERATEDDOLLARAMOUNTEQUIPMENTLABOR TOTAL S 3,587.21896.36LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $3,090.88SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $LLaborer100.5555.86$Josh F8ODeralor599.60$59.9674.95Seth75.6IOperator604.80$79.35Casev N8Foremanr 00.5580.43643.44$Sean H74.958Operalor599.60$100.558Foreman643.44t107.7580.43Hourly RateHrsOT RateHrsCODENAMEOCCUPATIONOVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIMEDOLLARAMOUNTLABORPrime Contractor: ScarsellaDescription of Work:chevron trench. dress up shoulderBackfillliohtedName: LID 363 224th St Phase 2ProjectNo: 1&3010ProjectItem No.: Revision # 15Work by Subcontractor?: nOSub-Contractor:Date: 111412020DAILY REPORT OFFORCE ACCOUNT WORKED./>\/ KENT SB0IHfRS tltc.RSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTMCT NAME, NO,:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PEf224th SrCity of Kent1114!2420up shoulder wrth 1-1i4"Liqhted Chevrons finished backfillino & dressEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ 643.44$$ s99.60$$ 604.80$$ 5SS.60es 643.44sse$g 3,090.88LOlrDEOHOURLY RATE$80.43s74.95$75.60$74.95$80.43HOURS8.088.08.0LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TOberSean HaldeneSeth LucasJosh FordCasey NelsonEXTENDEDAMOUIITS$ 216"56$$$s 268.40t4 sos.ea$,rds< 1.u ,: '$$$$$$ ,.050.24HOURLYRATE$27.07$0.00s33.55$70.66$0,00$0.00$0.00HOURS8, orRENTAL?EOUIPMENT450 Tool Truck35 JDJD 310E,1 Rn Dl rEQUIPNO.1-1)117-27116-1002-297SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORSIlslsl$ls$0.00SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS.. INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$91.99c307.35$$$s 399.34UNITcosr$91.99$307.35QTYI,|MATERIALReber Ranch #623802WA Rock Crushed Rock ticket #5S663 (31.65 ron)SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:,tiLJJ\s0.00a$ 3,090.88$ 896.36$ 1,050.24$ 220.55$ 399.34$83.8635,741.23SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:1 096MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:290hMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:21o/oMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:21%TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER i CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE{t i!' }v') (-/'| P.O. 8ox 68697Seatrle, wA 98168-0697Oiiice: {?53i 872"7173Fax: i253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:b$$$$$aSUBCONTRACTORSSJUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSuBROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER i CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:J0 JcDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:<JIJOo,(.EXTFNDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$q$Q$$$$$s$o$$LOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURS4LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGoiTREGOITRHGo/Tr)trr:O/TREG0/TREGo/TREGoiTREGo/TOTT54,,* o f..,,^-r(...-.""^ t*l a,(,qp{t'r. L- oP'f o<h i:t)/{Ls"r ,4let:'nEXTENDEDAMOUNTSJqs$$o$JS$cs$$$$$$$$HOURLYRATEHOURSQExOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOFERSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENTL/ b'o T"o I {,r^.it't(* Tn ni'--^e-Sc ]ro{- /i,;EOUIPNO.i'/J It7-iltI L'/ o(J,/.-),17EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$UNITCOSTQTYMATERIAL ,l'ol^^- ^,4 *t.ut 5e<J| '/ct r'i/ ,/ 1-e,<", 'i roJn,iul$$$$e$csSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAT EQUIPMENT,91 MARKUP EQUIPMFNT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:o/' IvIARKUP MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER i CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE WAEII{INGiTtfNRTICKctL|AFIFlIEEirNc.96]r r{.tl' 217t1 103rd Avo Ct E 3to C-302 Gnh.m, WA 98338 Phone: KAPOWSIN QUARRY KING CREEK $AND & GMVEL tNvolcE 118595 Job. \Nfia.. Bill to: SCARSETLA BROTHERS P.O. BOX 68697 SEATTLE.WA 98168 gOTRgBLLA \\t)\ lnvoice #: Customer Code: 't 18595 412 Date; 111712020 Cuslomer P.O. #: Paymenl Tcms: 143010 Due By 15th Tick€t Date Order Produc,t aty FuelRate Amount Surchgs Tax Amount Total 554853 1,/4no20 109Pu csBc - CRUSHED SURFACINC 31.85 subtolal JOgPU 31.35 Ton s.00 284.85 0.00 22.50 307.35 $2S4 85 t0.00 q22.50 S30?.35 Irwobr Tol8l 31.65 2!4.85 0.o0 t22.5o $e07.35 Tolal lnvoice -.*- >$307.35 PASE 1 T,YASHIN6T0N RgUK Corporate Office 21711 103rdAve Ct E Suite C302 Graham, WA98338 (253,262-1661 King Creek Pit Kapowsin Quarry 25009 Brooks Rd E 29104 Camp #1 Rd E Orting, WA 98360 Orting, WA 98360 (360) 893-7701 (360) 893'5500 554663 Ticket E s rNc"1114/202A 8.04:47AM Location:1 Kapowsin Carrier Vehicle Customer Order 1 s8102 412 1OgPU 1 SCARSELLA BROTHERS #1 O2-T& SCARSETLA BROTHERS LtD 363 Product P.O. Deliver 599-1 CSBC. CRUSHED SURFACING BI 143010 Driver Qtv Rate Amount Product Freight Tax 31.65 Ton 4100 Total Pounds Tons Gross Tare Net 1 081 00 44800 63300 54.05 22.40 3'1.65 Today 0rder Loads Qtv 1 31.65 2 62.94 *ilffisHINEToN f O RCICKL QUARRIESTT'rc. \t*'rtr- rtt n'l Corporate Office 21711 103rdAve Ct E Suite C302 Graham, WA 98338 (253) 262-1661 King Creek Pit 25009 Brooks Rd E Orting, WA 98360 (360) 893-7701 Kapowsin Quarry 29104 Camp #'l Rd E Orting, WA 98360 (360) 893-5500 Ticket 554663 111412020 8:04:47AM Locaiion:1 Kapowsin Garrier Vehicle Gustomer Order Product 1 SB102 412 1OgPU 1 SCARSELLA BROTHERS #102.1 & SCARSELLA BROTHERS LtD 363 599-1 CSBC. CRUSHED SURFACING BI P.O. Deliver Driver 14301 0 Qtv Rate Amount Product Freight Tax 31.65 Ton 4100 Total Pounds Tons TJ ross 'I UO't UU 44800 63300 54.U5 22.40 31.65 Tare Net Today Order Loads Qtv 1 31.65 z 62.94 Prlnted: 11141202010;01 ;08 AM tegular RecelPt#623802 $tore 001 Charge Page 1 HECEIVED I ,/ 18 2020 scAHsEl.L"A BRos' lt{c' Bill TO: SCARSELLA BROTHERS SCARSELLA SCARSELLA BROTHERS' P.O BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA, 98168-0697 253-872-7173 (253)-395-1 209 TO: SCARSELLA SCARSELLA BRCITHERS' P.O BOX 686S7 SEATTLE WA, 98168-0697 253-872-7173 {253)-3S5'1209 WILL CALL Reber Ranch lnc. 28606 't32nd Ave SE Kent, WA S8042 253530-3330 253€30-3975 Fax wuaiv,Reberranch,com Associate: ALYSSA Cashier: ALYSSA so#: PO# po,143010 SIZE ATTR ATY I Unil(s) PRICE EXT PRI E llem#Desc2 GRASS SEED FULL SUN I Slgnature 50f {&t Lxls 91.99 Subtotal: RECEIPT TOTAL: 91.99 91.9S 91.99 Tondsnd: 91'99 Cfurpe: 0.00 Charge: $91.99 Atf# We Appreciate Your Businessl