HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-141 - Change Order - #2 - Tucci & Sons, Inc. - 2020 Asphalt Overlays - 01/08/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form combines & rep-laces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHtNoroN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Requlred: N/A Date Sent: 317121 Date of Council APProval N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Grant? El Yes E No Trrne N/A'l Y-. Budget Account Number: 11115530.64110.7499 Budget? EYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Tucci & Sons, lnc. Sub-Category: Change Order #2 Vendor Number: 1 587663 Project Name: 2020 Asphalt Overlays project oetaits:City of Kent Revision No. 3 - Addition of traffic loops on miscellaneous streets. Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Dare: 100 Working DaYs Agreement Amount: $63,400.00 Start Date: MayOr's SignatUre Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Contract Number: cA2020-141 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes EI No Comments:Date Received by City Attorney: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office id(V/r2l7l-1_?0 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT w^sHrnol$i CHANGE ORDER NO. #2 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: Tuqcl & sons,lne, ("contractor") CONTRACT NAME tl PROJECT NUMBER: 2020 Aspiall S:tedavs ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: MAV]9*LO:Q This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other_ provisions of the contract that are not inconslstent with this change order shall remain in effect. Far valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the partles, the proJect contract Is modlfled as follows: l. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," ls hereby modifted to add addltional work or revise exlsting work as follows: In addittOn to work requtred under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equioment necessary to: Clty of Kent Revision No. 3 - Addltlon of trafflc loops on mlscellaneous streets. 2. The contract arnount and tlme for performance provisions of Sectlon II "Time of Cornpletion ," and Section IlI, "Compensation,n are hereby modified as follows: Orlgl nal Contract Sum,$1"t82,037.5{l (including applicable alternates and wssT) Net Change bY Previous Change Orders $85,139-25 (incl. apPlicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $l,x8,176.7s (incl.Prcvlous Change Oders) Current Change Order $63,400.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0,00 Order Revlsed Contract Sum $2,031,576.75 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Orlginal Time for Com (lnseft date) pletion llX) worklng drYr 0Revlsedllme for ComP prlor Change Orders letion under (insert date) +ch a Orderthifor5n9e()RequlredDays o calendar days 100 w"orttng drysRevised Time for ComP (insert date) letlon InaccordancewithSectionsl.04.4andl.o4'5oftheKentandwsDoTStandard specifications, and s".lion VII of the Agieem-t, ttre.contracEor accepts alr requirements of this Change Order by signing below. nfso, pursuanl to the above-referenced contract' Contractor agrees to waive ani protest.lt may .li;;ilJing this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that thts Qiufige-oiaer constitutls R-nat se-ttlement of all clalms of any kind or nature arlstng from or.onn"liJJ*nn inv wort unner Cou"tua or afrected by thls change order, includlng, without rimrtation, .rii., rerated to contract Hme, contract acceliration, onsrte or home offlce overhead, or tost p.ont". This Chang" iitai., Jniess otheruise provlded, does not rclieve the Contractor from strict compliance wlth the guarantee and warranty provlslons of the origlnal iJ"li"*,- parttcun*y tnos- |ertainlng to substantlal completion date' ,All acG consistent with the authorlty of the Agreement, prevlous change orders (if any), and this Change Order, pdor to ttre efeJiv" a"t" of tnts Chah6e Order, are hereby ratlfled and affirmed, and the terms or tne ngreement,-pt"uiorr change orders (lf any), and thls change order shall be deemed to have aPPlled' The parties whose nafiles appear below swear under penalry of perlury that they are autiorized to enter into tnis contract rourn..ion, wrtictr rs brnding on the partles of thls contract' S.TheContractorwilladJusttheamountofltsperformancebond(lfany)forthlsproJect to Ue conststent with ine revfseO c6ntract sum shown in sectlon 2' above' IN WITNESS, the partlcs belorY havc executcd thlt Agrccment' whlch wlll trocomi allGctlvc 6n tne tart date wrlttcn bclow' CITY OF KENT; 8y:(slgnafurc) Prlnt Na me : Mlshael t,llJcqi* DATE: Prlnt Name:. (dtta) DATEI t/#2.1 CHANGE ORDER - zOF 3 APPROVCD AS TO FORllr FOpfldlb/E,l rflde slgnabtra qdrcd) ["aw DePartmant K€nt CltY Glerk tn $b ltd, Fr rw ilil fi *(t'* il'9tt 1116 dr Enkd hr !t'l tddl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 2 Construction Management Division - Public Works Project: 2020 Asphalt OverlaY Project Engineer: Derek Hawkes Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: 20-3022 Owners Reo Eric Connor Co ntractor: Tucci & S ons. Inc Date: 12/18/2020 I. PROPOSED CHANGE City of Kent Revision No. 3 - Traffic Loops on Misce llaneous Streets II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Through a plan revision the City of Kent is miscellaneous streets throughout the City. and the "Traffic Signal Loop Replacement List". requesting the addition of traffic loops on See attached the Revision 3 Memo dated tL/25/20 III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY DELETE EXISTING PAY 1-O9.5 IVot Not L FOR ACCOUNITNG USE ONI-YChan$e Order No. UnitOty this PE LS EA EST HR HR LS - --q?r!9qo'qo-- $34,195.00 Unit Prico $1,500.00$1,500.00 I 905.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 977.OO $10,000.00 $6,300.00$10s,00 68.50 Total Estimated Cost of Item 4 - Traffic Control Labor 6 - Temp. Traffic Control Item DescriptionSch. No. 1 - Mobilization 130 60 I s Su ervtsor 1 1 3526 - fraffic s 5 - Traffic Control Total Est. otv 27 - FA-Loop UtilitY Conflicts X nt Estimate Attached a later New Sub Reqrd?No PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE- Payment to be made of tl FOR ACCOUNflVG USEOrvlvChan*e Order No. Sch. No.Cost of ltornUnit PriceUnitQWB,l. No.Item Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED 4/01./rO REV. DATE ttl!t' rt Chan*e Order No.FOR ACCOUNNNG USEONLY Sch. No.B.l- No,ltem Dcscription Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Independent Estimate Attach€d - REQUIRED KE T FILE NO:2OO.2 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER X of the Cost of ltem Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $0.00 IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL WORKING DAYS*100 *This Change Order * Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. TO Prepared By; Gonstruction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering lrlanager: Date: Date: Date: /z tz,/t e/zo p/re/u tu Gonnor Kuehne Gonnor 2 $63,40O.OO 100 TotalOriginal Contract Due This Ghange Order*100 DATE: ,4. 4/oulO REV. DATE: PROJECT Citv of Kent Tucci&Sonslnc 4224Waller Road . Tacoma, WA 98443 P (253) 922-6676 F (253) e22-2876 Public Works Proiect 2020 Asohalt OverlaY TO Attn: Paul Khuene DESCRPTloN 1 Mobilization 26 Traffic LooPs 27 FA- LooP UtilitY Conflicts 4 Traflic ControlLabor 5 Traffic Control SuPervisor 6 TemP. Traffic Control Devices Cho Order Pro ol #004 DATE 1211512420 ESTIMATOR TYler Wiqht QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ITEM lLS 35 EA 1 EST 130 HR 60 HR 1LS $ 2,500.00 $ 977.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 68.50 105.00 $ 1,s00.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 34,195.00 $ 10,000,00 $_ 8,905.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 1,500.00 Added GRA TOTAL 63,400.00 Chonge Order LanEuoEe o Permits, fees, or testingr Sales Tax Condltions Excluslons Terms o This proposal must be made a part of lhe contract . -o This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted in 15 days Bid Quote Page I of I Date:November 25,2O2O To Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor Mazin Ghanim, Construction Inspector Rob Brown, TransPortation Manager William Thomas, Street and Vegetation Manager PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEERING Carla MaloneY, P'E' Design Engineering Manager 400 west Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-5500 & b). k- 98th Ave S" and in KENT WAstsrNGloN cc From: Through: Abdulnaser Almaroof, Project Engineer nA Mark Nagamatsu, Engineering Designer I Derek Hawkes, P.E., Design Engineering Su Carla Maloney, P'E,, Design Engineering Ma oervJsor DNH nu@"''u''n'o 2020 Asphalt OverlaY Traffic LooPs on Misc; Streets Project No. 20-3001'1 Revision No. 3 Regarding: *EE Work 98th tve S: "98thAveS-S New One (1)Raised Crosswalk detailed sheet with standard Plans 6-29 (c, d, & e). ies Cushions (3,5") as shown on the attached P lan sheets # tn con formance with ed plan sheet (#3) for *98th AveS-Ra 3.5" sPeed cushion,Including All Pavement arki s *BUMP"ds Units Ouantiblr' EAruew \ New crosswalk, Including Al I Pavement *BUMP" It Co EA 1 LF 401005SY101020 Ceme c SY 151025 LF 151030 1050 Plan m Thick SY 70 1065 S k SY 10 EA 11075kIB New rface SF 20 \E 151090CurbGutter 1120 LaborTraffic Control EA\*1 HR -1701500 -1 HRTrafficrvi T Tra Su Co vices 1 City of Kent Public Works Department Chad J, Bieren, Interim Public Works Director ADD Work Traffic Loops Misc. Streets: (See attached "Traffic Signal Loop Replacement List" for locations) Anticipated Quantities Units 800 Tratfic M Streets EA ffic Labor HR 1 HR150Trffic Co 1510 T c Control s 35 130 60 1 !d Ite nt marks to be installed for cushions on 42nd Ave S shown on the attached ,ofl d 41) of the 2020 overlaY Project d Additional SuPPort Information to be installed bY Public Works OPe rati about 2 weeks advanced so the signs can be or the asphalt work is done rarorle .sheuld be eharged te 1&$1"553O'51110'7500 D n $50,000 is available within the budget for the construction of the Traffic Loops and construction should Oo a-many of theie 35 loops within the budget allowed' Charged to 11115530.6;4tIQ-7499 AttachmentsS'ffiffi3 €h€€t{O'of-1i} €h€€t4tr€f4t Traffic Signal Loop Replacement List ggih *ve s Speea Gushton# ftatsed €rosswalk (3 5l€ett) )@@ Knnt StandarC Flan 6 39c Kent StrndarC Plan 6 29d @ uaDescriItem toIce1eaReplace 2ea 6'roundce 4earoundacenReplace 2ea 6'saceroundearound loaceeaReplace lea 6'roundund loeaReplace 2ea 6'Replace 2ea 6'ndReplace 2 ea 6'Replace 2ea 6'round lo21622212212WBNBrAdvlooNB AdvbarEBSB AdvEBEBStoWBEB-LTrBNB-LT Stos&s196thst& sE 240th sr256th StSEKent-S & lames StAveS&AveS&JamesStStlia Rd104th Ave SE & SEAve SE & SE 240th15th Ave SE & SE 1Ave132nd Ave SE & SEAveS&S212thSt190thTRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP REPLACEMENT LISTRevised 1Total Loops