HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-141 - Change Order - #1 - Tucci & Sons, Inc. - 2020 Asphalt Overlays - 01/08/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNGIoN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 3lltl21 Date of Council Approval: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee [1 Mayor Grant? D Yes EI No Type: N/A Budoet Account Number: r r r$sao.o+r ro.z,g[ Budget? EYes E No Vendor Name: Tucci& Sons, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 1 587663 Sub-Category: Change Order #f Project Name: 2020 Asphalt Overlays project Detaits: City of Kent revision No. 3 - Speed Cushions and Raised Crosswalk on 98th Avenue and "BUMP" legends to existing speed cushions on 42nd Avenue South Agreement Amount: $86,1 39.25 Start Date; MayOr'S SignatUre Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Date: 100 Working DaYs Local Business? E Yes E No* nlf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Notice required prior to disclosure? trYes El No Contract Number: cA2020-141 Comments:Date Received by City AttorneY: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ;d(V/27171 l-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements -yf KENT CHANGE ORDER NO' # T NAME OF CONTRAGToR: Iueqt"e_5gn'E-Jns* ("Contractor") CCNTRACT NAI'IE & PROIECT NUMBER: eg20 AsphaltQ:vedave ORIGINAL CONTRAfi DATE: T4AT-19-2420 This Change Order arnends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are noi in.onristent wittr *ris change order shall remain in effect' For valulable consideration and uy-rnutuat consent of the parties-, the project contract is modified as follows: l.sectionloftheAgreement,entitled.DescriptlonofWork,',isherebymodifiedtoadd additional work or revise existing work as follows: ln addition to work requircd under the original Agreement and-any prior Amenomuntr, contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: city of Kent revision No. 3 - Speed cushions and Raised crosswalk on 98th Avenue and uBUMPn legends to existing speed cushlons on 42nd Avenue South' z. The contract amount and time for performance ProYlsions. of Section II 'Time of completion,o and seciion III, .compensation,'are hereby modlfled as follows: $1,8E2,03?.50 $o.oo mSuContractOrigina applicable(including (tncl. rsrdeoChausngePrevioetNChabynge wssr)appliable wssT) alternates and $1,t82,037.50 (incl. untAmontractntCourrec Arders)ChangePrevious $t6,139"25Current Change Order Applicable WSST Tax on Order this Change $1,96E,176.?5 $o.oo Revised Contract Sum CHANGE ORDER. 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 100 working deys Revised Time for ComPletion under prlor Change Orders (lnsert date) 0 Days Requlred (*) for this Change Order o calendar days Revised Time for ComPleUon (insert date) 100 working days ln accordance with Sections 1-O4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement the Cantractor accepts all requlremenls of this Ci-range Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agreel to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknoi,rledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all clairns of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work elther covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularlY those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreernent, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names app€ar below swear under penalty of perJury that they are authorized io enter into this contract modlfication, whlch ls binding on the parties of thls contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this proJect to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITI{ESS, tho partlcs bclow have executed thlc Agrcernentf whlch wlll beome effective on thc last date wrlttcn bsbw. CITY OF KEI{T: Print Name: DATE: (titte) DATE: Tucci ftue) ?, Its President Print Name By CHANGE ORDER .2OF 3 ATTE$T: APPROVE DAS (aWtkable lf MaYor's TO FORII: slgnature lqulrtd) (Yl-- Kent Law DePartment Kent CitY Clerk ilr d18 ned, yd doy sB 'lra rlE@? tlbt*h *Bd "]ta offiel Dd ts4€n qledl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 1 Construction Management Division - Public Works Project: 2O2O Asphalt OverlaY Project Engineer: Derek Hawkes Owners Rep: Eric Connor Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 20-3022 Tucci & Sons, Inc Date: 12/18/2020 I. PROPOSED CHANGE City of Kent Revision No. 3 - Speed Cushions and Ra legends to existing speed cushions on 42nd Ave S. ised Crosswalk on 98th Ave and "BUMP" II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE ITI. METHOD OF PAVMENT Through a plan revision the City of Kent is requ 98th Ave. and lettering at existing traffic calmin Memo dated LL/25/2O, applicable plan sheets, attached. esting construction of traffic calming features on g features on 42d Ave S. See the Revision 3 and applicable City of Kent Standard Plans NEW PAY lVot:M(5 Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNTTA'G USE ONI.Y Sch. No.Item Description Total Est. Qtv QW this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Gost of Itom 1 - Mobilization 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 2-HMAS Bum 3 - Raised Crosswalk 4 - Thermoplastic Letters - *BUMP" 4 EA $4,000,00 $16,000.00 1 64 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 EA $1s6.00 $ 1,150.00 $9,984.00 5 - Speed Bump Markinqs B EA $9,200.00 6 - Plastic Crosswalk Markinqs 100 40 SF $14.00 $1,400.00 7 - Sawcut Existing Asphalt Conc. Pavement LF $6.00 $240.00 8 - Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement 10 SY $19.00 $190.00 9 - Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk 15 SY $32.s0 $s.oo $487.s0 10 - Remove Cement Concrete Curb & Gutter 15 LF $7s.00 7 4/07/t0 REV. DATE FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT 11 - Planing Bituminious Pavement Butt Joint 70 15 15 SY $s0.00 $3,500.00 1 24 6 $s17.s0SY$s1.7s EA $3,220.00 $3,220.00 $L43.7s $2,156.25LF 12 - Cement Concrete Sidewalk 13 - Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Parallel 14 - Cement Concrete Curb & Gutter $3,000.00SF$12s.0015 - Detectable Warning Surface 2'x4'Sheets $600.00$100.00LF16 - Extruded Curb (Cement) $s0o.o0 $s0o,o0EA17 - Adjust Existing Catch Basin $776.0O $194.00HUN D 18 - RPM Type 2YY LF19 - Paint Line $11,645.00 $460.00$2.30 $68.s0HR 0.25 1 200 t7020 - Traffic Control Labor $B,4oo.0oHR$ 10s.00802L - Traffic Control Supervisor $1,500.00LS$1,500.00122 - Temp. Traffic Control Devices $800.00$80.00DAY1023 - Portable Changeable Messaqe Siqn $4s0.00DAY$4s.0024 - Arrow Board $1,620.00$90.00EA 10 1B25 - Inlet Protection PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEXCREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date upon completion of workXIndependent Estimate Attached . REOUIRED NoNew Sub Reqrd? DELETE EXISTING PAY 1-09.5 Not FOR ACCOUNT'TVG USE ONI-YChange Order No. Cost of ltemUnitUnit PriceotvSch. No.B.l. No.Item Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNI'fVG USE ONLY Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description otv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Independent Estimate Attached' REQUIRED IN EASE TO EXISTING PAY Not 2 4/otlrc REV. DATE FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT W^SHINGTON TOTAL ESTIMATED C OST OF CHANGE ORDER X of the Cost of Item €olumns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $o.oo IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL WORKING DAYS*100 *This Change Order + Previous Tota All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared By:Date:t</ts/ze Eric Connor Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Manager: Date: Date: .-, .rtfPaul Kuehne E Con 3 139.25 100Previous TotalDue This Change Order'*100Original Contract DATE:DATE: * 4/oLl70 REV. DATE PROJECT City of Kent Tucci &Sons lnc 4224Waller Road . Tacoma, WA 98443 P (253) 922-6676 F (2s3) 922-2676 Public Works Proiect 2020 Asphalt Overlay TO Attn: Paul Khuene Chonqe Ord er Proposol #003 DATE 1211512020 ESTIMATOR TylerWisht DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTALITEM 1 Mobilization 2 HMA Speed BumP 3 Raised Crosswalk 4 Thermoplastic Letters - "BUMP" 5 Speed Bump Markings 6 Plastic Crosswalk Markings 7 Sawcut Existing Asphalt Conc. Pavement 8 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement 9 Remove Cement Conc.Sidewalk 10 Remove Cement Conc.Curb & Gutter 11 Planing Bituminious Pavement (Butt Joint) 12 CementConcreteSldewalk 13 Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Parallel 14 Cement Concrete Curb & Gutter 15 Detectable Warning Surface 2' x 4' Sheets 16 Extruded Curb (Cement) 17 Adjust Existing Catch Basin 18 RPMType2W 19 Paint Line 20 Traffic Control Labor 21 Traffic Control Supervisor 22 Temp. Traffic Control Devices 23 Portable Changeable Message Sign 24 Arrow Board 25 lnlet Protection 1 4 1 64 I 100 40 10 15 15 70 10 1 15 24 6 1 25 200 170 80 1 10 10 18 LS EA EA EA EA SF LF SY SY LF SY SY EA LF SF LF EA HUND Ea HR HR LS Day Day EA 5,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 156.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 14.00 $ 6.00 $ 19.00 $ 32.50 $ 5.00 $ 50.00 $ 51.75 $ 3,220.00 $ 143.75 $ 125.00 $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 776.00 $ 2.30 $ 68.50 $ 105.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 80.00 $ 45.00 $ 90.00 $ 5,000.00 16,000.00 5,000.00 9,984.00 9,200.00 1,400.00 240.00 190.00 487.50 75.00 3,500.00 517.50 3,220.00 2,156.25 3,000.00 600.00 500.00 194.00 460.00 11,645.00 8,400.00 1,500.00 800.00 450.00 1,620.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Added Workins Days GRAND TOTAL $ 86,'139.25 Chqnqe Order Lq Condilions Exclusions o Permits, fees, or testingr Sales Tax Bid Quote Page 1 of 2 KENT PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEERING Carla MaloneY, P'E. Design Engineering Manager 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax:253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-5500WasBrNGloN cc Date: To From: Through: Regarding November 25,2O2O Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor Mazin Ghanim, Construction Inspector Rob Brown, Transportation Manager William Thomas, Street and Vegetation Manager Abdulnaser Almaroof, Project Engineer an Mark Nagamatsu, Engineering Designer I Derek Hawkes, P.E., Design Engineering SupervriS'DNH Carla Maloney, P,E., Design Engineering ManagKt^/1125-2020 2020 Asphalt Overlay - Speed Cushions and Raised Crosswalk on g$th Ave,*BUMP,,iegendstoexistingspeedcushionson42ndAveS,@ ffireet+ Project No. 20-3001.1 Revision No. 3 ADD Work g8th Ave S: New four (4) Speed Cushions (3.5') as shown on the attached plan sheets # (1, & 2) for "98th Ave S j Speed Cushions" and in conformance with standard plans 6-29 (a, & b)' New One (1) iaised Crosswalk (3") as shown on the attached plan sheet (#3) for "98th Ave S - Raised Crosswalk" and the detailed sheet "Raised Crosswalk- g8th Ave S" and in conformance with standard plans 6-29 (c, d, & e). Antici ted uantities Bid Item Description Units Quantity New 3.5' speed cushion, Including All Markinqs and "BUMP" legends. Pavement EA 4 New 3' raised crosswalk, Including All Markinqs and "BUMP" legends. Pavement EA 1 1005 Sawcut Exitinq Asphalt Concrete PaVg!!en!_LF 40 1020 Remove Existing Aspha It Concrete Pavement SY 10 LO25 Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk SY 15 1030 Remove Cement Concrete Curb and Cutter LF 15 1050 Planinq Bituminous Pave n 2 Inch Thick SY 70 1065 Cement Concrete Sidewalk SY 10 ro75 Cement Concrete Sidewalk RamP Type Parallel B EA 1 New Detectable Warninq Surface SF 20 1090 Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter LF 15 LLzO Adiust Existinq Catch Basin Frame and Grate EA 1 1500 Traffic Control Labor HR L70 1505 Traffic Control SuPervisor HR BO 15 10 Temoorarv Traffic Control Devices LS 1 City of Kent Public Works Department Chad J. Bieren, Interim Public Works Director l€€ati€ns)= Quantities ADD Work: "BUMP" legends for existing speed cushions on 42nd Ave S: New six (6) *BUMP" legends paint marks to be installed for the existing three speed cushions on42nd Ave SlGreen Valley Heights Neighborhood), as shown on the attached revisions for sheets (39,4O, and 41) of the 2020 overlay Project design plans' Anticipated Quantities Bid ltem Description Units Ouantitv New 'BUMP" Paint Mark EA 6 Additional SupPoft Information Construction Note: Street signs to be installed by Public Works Operations and they need about 2 weeks advanced notice on the speed cushions installation so the signs can be installed at the same time or before the asphalt work is done g100,000 is in the traffic calming budget for the speed cushions and raised crosswalk. This work should be charged to 11145530.64110.7500 budget for the construction of construction should do a man allowed Charged to Attachments Sheet 39 of 43 Sheet 40 of 43 Sheet 4L of 43 98th Ave S- Speed Cushions/ Raised Crosswalk (3 sheets) Raised Crosswalk - 98th Ave S (1 Page) Kent Standard Plan 6-29a Kent Standard Plan 6-29b Kent Standard Plan 6-29c Kent Standard Plan 6-29d Kent Standard Plan 6-29e -Or*afftittUnitsOeF61fpr$nuBid Item {35See Attached) ,-<Traffic2B00 130HRTraffic Control Labor1500 HR 60Co1505TN1ffirt ic control Devices1510 NL 1/4, SEC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, w.M.ffiI*,-t;#d,i:-tifi"t*rr*$F!i6*,.ltl.S.{fk'tIi)II,lr{tE*:-:.ik-*&IIa.i@ut>l<lrlFJoliIILIII1o,52O2O ASPHALT OVERLAYCit) olKcntgETH AVE SSPEED CUSI{IONSRnginecring DirisionrIlI$lIilSl HII €LEMENTARYSP€EO BUMPj)ltII,.1''IIIII,tIs 24tsT sTilf,.ul\iIt!r^;a1{"I"l ,,rl,{tcat-m*&ot,6IIl<rfiItt,'Sfi.1aI1Ij1lI$IlouEF@ollIIlIII)lEXISTNG MCE€o=-- aF----a -- --'!s 242ND ST,*l :fr:Nt 1/4, SEC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M**"." @-.:5W* c-8c{3lr,r [,)-.2, NE 1/4, SrC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, w.Mffia.0'2+.17'I 8.0'IlIlds 247TH CT,tt.4't'IlS 246TH PL,.',""' i1h TNSTALL SPEEDh_:;*ffir-. lm'I'l^T.*ln*.dff.: i.t....--:!4f-.r"**tI,r'ann" ao"a /rt*{4..'(:k!/!-..8.r...*.i#lr*' .'5IFilrl')!ta-lt..l'I*l'h(t, 'UE,E:F'€i6lIs,IIIIir*€lr*'r>i*l',,'2O2O ASPHALT OVERIIY20.!KentgETH AVE SSPEED CUSHIONSl:nginccring€x9r R/r "S 245TH PLINSTAI SPffDIfll)ou!Fo;,h..t.are-l;li'IEXST R/W, f.i.rl l?.rig*tt*ljtai -/'lIIa)ll'j " IINE 1/4, StC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M toF!FLE2O2O ASPHALT OVERLAY98TH AVE SRATSED CROSS-V' t.KPublic worksEngineeringNE 1/4, SEC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M. NE 1/4, SEC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.MIIIl"'IIItEIl.lorobINt'IIIcII$IIIIIIIIiIIIi3t;rfI$Ifi{IlII*c-iit:iI-slIIII'ildIIIblXrIFU'FIJ'ICURE RAMP$EE 8UMP,SHEET €S DflAL AO:TAIL S SHEET 42FOR€nFUU-QUUaUz,=-oFA120.O'sErflS RA43oFUU-U1UUauz=-(JF+F-e-F-Fp_Fpil$ R/WBUMPAHEAD50.0ursT R/wINSTI9EDBUSPAHES$GN, SEd SHEf,30f41 fNOIE:lHE EXSNNG DOUBLE YELLOW CENTERLINE AND EDGE LINES SHALL BE REMOVEDWIHIN IHE OVERLAY LIMITS ON 42ND AVE S. NO NEW CHANNELIZATION W]LL BEINSTALLED ON ]HE NEW OVERLAY WININ INE OVERLAY UMITS ON 42ND AVE S.LEGEND:1777/-VZ1 LoNqruot\aL TAPERED PWINGv!_iz/!)PR DflarL F. SH6r 4ruLL SDB MNINGPA DETNL A, CONDMON C.@SHF4W77--72 nANSWRSE rAP€ffio MN|NGV// ,/,/,/A PR DET{L E. SH6T 4ru[ SDG OWUYPER DflAIL A. CilDINON A, B AND CSHffi 4ffi* 42ND AVE s* -$or€F,L. No. l%fl.o* iS"2O2O ASPHALT OVERLAYGREEN VAIIEY HEIGHTSPIANING AND PAYING PI.ANworksEngineding Division{az,l!4n*- 6W' cn ^c'ws MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 39NE 1/4, SEC.22, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M.SIGN SCHEDULEfira-lMONTPOSTLOCAION4il0 AW SD€SCRPNONSPEED BUMP AHEAO15 M.P.H,9ZE50'x50"18-x18'srdu6-7wFlNOIES:7.O',1. gflS AND MffiKING2. SE STANDARD PUNSNSTAUNON.MICAI BOft DIRECIONS.6-a2dM & 6-425M FOR SldcuRB & @mR (m)frrs1' WOE PLASNC MARKINGAt1.0IfB1.0'IBs scnoN B-BASECTION A-ARilOW EXISING SPEEDBUMP AND PUNE 1,/2" OFEXISNNG PAWMENTSE SECNd A-A FSTAPER DETAIL (M)C*PACION DPfrS TO MATCH BOftzolI -T-srDEs oF PEEo EUMP (m)ASPEIT PA\OIENT HMA CLASS 1/2'tIIt-t\lFi-A-.,,.+.I12-0'.TACK COAT EXStrNG PAWMENTNOTES:€'7.0'2.A1'SECTION B-ARilO\€ EXSNNG SPE€DBUilP ANO PUNE 1/'OF EXISNNG PAWENTPLAN VEW1- dPACIO DFBS FOR 3. SPEED zuMP.2. @NSNUCNN F NE NEW $EED SUVP TOSTART AMR BE f,NAL UN OWRUY/n9ED BWP AHMsrd, $E ss sDUuNE ffi FOR DSAI6SPEED BUMP DETAIL FmANOT TO SCAE\,dRB R VPDETAII 59 SHET 45EXrsT R/wPSTOIl'mlINSTU SProGASsB,frrsRAMPSET 45RIST R/1tLEGEND:--l.----rs.d7.O'lTTiVVl LNGrruDrNr rFBD PW|NGV/ i / // ') PER DETAL F. SHT +ffi FUU wDft PSING1oo000000i pER DETATL A. CNornoN c,@Su5.raW77--V) naNswRsE r^PER€D PsrNG(/,/ //,/A PER DETAIL E, SEfl 4IffiNO]E:IHE EXISI1NG DOUBLE YELLOW CENTERLINE AND EDGE UNES SHALL BE REMOVEDW]}iIN ]HE OVERLAY UMITS ON 42ND AVE S. NO NEW CHANNELIZAI1ON WLL BEINSTALLED ON ]HE NEW OVERLAY W.I}IIN T!]E OVERLAY LIMJTS ON 42ND AVE S.ru[ VDB OWRUYPM DETAIL A, CflDMON A. 8 ND CSHEfl 41.0'! ---'S 2!2NDU'UJ-_I-..>-T-'l-1.0MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 416or€are ro. ";Y*llllff"2O2O ASPHALT OVERI.AYGREEN VAI I FY HEIGHTSPI.ANING AND PAVING PIANPublic WorksEngineering Divisionr:?s_t- 4l or 432O2O ASPHALT OVERI.AYGREEN VAI.IEY HEIGHTSPI.ANING AND PAVING PIINEngineeringWorkst:4lMATCHLINE SEE SHEET 40 NE 1/4, SEC. 22, T 22 N, R 4 E, W.M.:lIl-lir*ILEGEND:l;-7:t7-= LoNGTTDN{ r+ERD PuNrNcV/'. / '/ ') PER DEINL F, SEET 4ffi FUU fiDff tuNlNclQi'{Q{+Q{ PER DETATL a, coNDtnoN c,l.@ SHEET 4f/V-7) naNstrsE TAPERED PWINGzZ_J:ZZ PER DEraL E. sEfl 48UMP, * DflAIL40 FOR DETALSFUI WDff OffiUYPER DETAIL A. CONDINON A, B ND CSHES 4AAFlx1IIdRa$Efl €+1*rsT\-l-€iGiF ."..--.IBYoEIoztguup uw fiil6lwtutF -SIGN.frrs$Efl FM DETAILSSSNNG CATCS@)-.=-|]OIEIlHE EXISTING DOUELEYETIOW CENTERLINE AND EDGELIMITS ON 42ND AVE S. NO NEWLINES SHALL BE REMOVED IoW]HIN IHE OVERLAYCHANNEL]ZATION \TILL BEINSTALLED ON THE NEW O\€RLAY WI]HIN THE OVERLAY LIMITS ON 42ND AVE S. ]\-q NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON BUT CITY OF ICENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTTIENT KENT TRAFFIC CALMING SPEED CUSHION SHEET I OF 2 DESIGNED-------!!X-nDAwN cOK STANDARD PLAN SCALE CHECKED COK DATE 6-29o aPPRovED ElclNER 25' 6',8' DISTANCE TO SIGN TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER USE SINGULAR ("BUMP") ON SIGNS WHERE ONLY ONE SPEED CUSHION IS INSTALLED, 3O',x30.' BI.ACK ON YELLOW, 4" LETTERING W13-1, 18"x18" 1' WIDE THERMOPLASNC STRIPE SEAL COAT ENTIRE AREA SEE SPEED CUSHION SIDE TAPER DETAIL (TYP), SHEET 2 8',6' THERMOPLASTIC LETTERING (TYP.) SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-76. NOTES: 1. SIGNS AND MARKINGS TYPICAL BOTH DIRECTIONS. 2. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-82 & 6-83 FOR SIGN INSTALLATION. 3, ATEMPLATE MUST BE USED IN SHAPING THE SPEED CUSHION. 4. SPEED CUSHION MUST BE MADE IN TWO LIFTS. 5. 2', OVERI-AY NOT REQUIRED FoR NEW PAVEMENT 0R EXISTING PAVEMENT DETERMINED TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION BY THE ENGINEER. EXISNNG CURB AND GUTTER A B rD YELLOW CENTERUNE (SEE STANDARD P|-AN 6-73), EXTEND CENTERLINE OVER AND 30' IN ADVANCE OF CUSH rz. S g, z. d.o 6'A MARKING DETAIL SPEED CUSHION NTS 90' 2' OVERI.AY THIS AREA t2' 22 25'. :::l uz.J z.o d.UFz.U(J 38296 z vFRO SPEED BUIlPS AHEAD It.P.H. 15 CL 10' BUTT ]OINT 10' BUTT JOINT EE --t NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOTA LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPUCATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT TRAFF]C CALMING SPEED CUSHION SHEET 2 OF 2 KE T nFSIGNFD COK STANDARD PLANSCALE DRAWN coK cHFcl{FD coX-OATE 6-29bENGINER APPROVFD q I I I'VARIES"1 2'1 4 1 2'1 VARIES''1 1' SEE DETAIL BELOW fiP CURBTYP CURB PLANE 1/2" OFF EXISTING PAVEMENT SPEED SECTION A.A NO SCALE TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT 5EE ASPHALT PAVEMENT HMA C|-ASS 1/2" PtrNE 1/2" OFF EXISTING PAVEMENT SPEED CUSHION SECTION B.B NO SCALE 0 0 0 0.64 0.56 0.48 1.22 r.07 0.92 1.75 2.22 1.94 1.67 2.64 2.31 1,98 3.00 2.63 2.25 3.31 2.89 2.48 3.56 3.11 2.67 3,75 3,28 2,81 3.89 3,40 2.92 3.97 3.48 2.96 4.00" - 4" SPEED CUSHION 3,50" .- 3'5" SPEED CUSHION 3.00" - 3" SPEED CUSHION 1.53 1.31 TYP 6' TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT SPEED CUSHIoN EpcE (TYP) COMPACIED DEPTHS NOTE: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCfl ON CLEAMNCE TOLEMNCE MEASURED AT THE PEAK HEIGHT OF THE SPEED CUSHION SHALL BE BETWEEN 0.25 INCH BELOW AND O.5O INCH ABOVE THE DESIRED HEIGHT 5u 38296 '4 Y\FRE NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE. THE OR]GINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEERAND APPROVED FOR PUBUCANON IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON BUT CITY OF I(ENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTYENT KENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED CROSSWALK SHEET I OF I DFSTGNED clK scAr F NONE-STANDARD PLAN NRAWN COK CHECKED COK a/2020DATF 6-29c APPR.VED ENGINER SEE SECIION A-A oN 6-29d 10' 2'WIDE BY 1/2" DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND SIGNS SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-29eWP, BOTH SIDES \t EFo =Fztfj =t! o WHITE PITSTIC MARKINGS PER WSDOT STD PI.AN M-24.60 "SPEED BUMP SYMBOL" RPM WPE III, YELLOW ON STREETS WITH MARKED CENTERLINE, TYP, B SIGNS SEE STANDARD SEE SECTION B.B oN 6-29d 22', PI-AN 6-29e MARKING DETAIL MISED CROSSWALK NTS A 10' LONG, 24" SOLID WHNE PI-ASNC MARKINGS PER STD DFTAIL 6-75 I.ANE SEAL COAT ENNRE AREA J8296 z vFRO NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON BUT EST CITY OF ICENT ENOINEERINO DEPARTHENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED CROSSWALK SHEET 2 OF 5 KENT 0ES|GNED soK NONESCALE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN qoK a/2020DATECHECKED COK 6-29dorr*ouao tn"not -2', STANDARD CLASS D OR CLASS C MIX, TYP.MIN s4'MAX.bfru=crq aR MAX 8.3o/o MAX.SLOPE 8.30/o MM SLOPECURB RAMP CURB FACE GUTTER i)a,a) loj".lo SECTION A-A (CURB AND GUTTER'I NO SCALE 2'WrDE BY 1/2" DEffH ASPHALT TOE GRIND. BOTH SIDES 2'WrDE BY 1/2" DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND. BOTH SIDES MrsED CRoSSWALK EpGE (TYP) COMPACTED DEPTHS SEE NOTE 2 SECTION A-A (SHOULDER) NO SCALE TYP. DETAIL TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT 2'WIDE BY 1/2" DEPTH ASPHALT TOE GRIND. BOTH SIDES TOLEMNCE, MISED CROSSWALK TACK COAT EXISTING PAVEMENT TACK COAT (TYP) ASPHALT PAVEMENT HMA C|-ASS 1/2' 1 MAX. CROSS SLOPE MISED CROSSWALK SECTION B-B NO SCALE 0 0.48 0.92 1.31 7.67 1.98 2.25 2.48 2'67 2'8L 2'92 2'96 3.00" ._ 3" MIN.' 3'5' MAX q NOTE: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCNON CLEARANCE TOLEMNCE MEASURED AT THE PEAK HEIGHT OF THE MISED CROSSWALK SHALL BE BETWEEN 0.25 INCH BELOW AND O.5O INCH ABOVE THE DESIRED HEIGHT 2. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TAPERS ON BOTH ENDS OFTHE CROSSWALK. INSTALI.ATION WILL BE DIRECTED BYTHE ENGINEER. IF REQUIRED, THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL EXIEND THE WIDTH OF THE CROSSWALK MARKINGS TO WITHIN 5 INCHES OF EITHER EDGE. TYP 58296 \FRE v NOTE: THIS PI.AN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE C1TY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CITY OF I(EhTT EIIOINEERINC DEPARTI{EXI TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED CROSSWALK SHEET T OF IG D€SICNED O9K STANDARO PUN DRi{wN coK a/2020DA1ECHTCKED gOK 6-29edrolrEIMPOWD l0' ]OINT SIGNS w11-2 w16-7P € --t 10' JOINT 90' 2" OVERLAY THIS THERMOPLASTIC LETTERING (WP,) sEE STANDARD PLAN 6.76. 22'25'8'6', SIGNS w17-1A w13-1P(20)6',B'25'SIGNS w11-2 w16-7P NOTES: 1, SIGNS AND MARKINGS TYPICAL BOTH DIREC-TIONS. 2. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-82 & 6-83 FOR SIGN INSTALUTION.DISTANCE TO ADVANCED SIGNING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER 3. A TEMPI.ATE MUST BE USED IN SHAPING THE MISED CROSSWALK. 4. RAISED CROSS'IIALK MUST BE MADE IN TWO UFTS' 5. 2" OVERLAY NOT REQUIREO FOR NEW PAVEMENT OR EXISNNG PAVEMENT DETERMINED TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION BY THE ENGINEER. USE 2'xU2" TOE GRIND. 6, PRIOR TO SPEED HUMP CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE ASPHALT GRINDING IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH TRANSITION. SIGN DESIGNATION / SIZE wll-2 MAN WALKING 30" x 30" w17-14 SPEED EUMP AHEAD 30" x 30" w13-1P(20)20 MPH ADVISORY PLAQUE 18" x 18" w16-7P ARROW DOWN 24" x 12" NOTES: 1) ADVANCE SIGNS USED ONLY FOR FIRST IN SERIES 2) WHEN 2 OR MORE BUMPs, REPI.ACE W17-1A WITH W17-1A(S) SPEED BUMPS AHEAD. 3) SIGN COLOR SHALL BE YELLOW EXCESI FOR SCHoOL CROSSINGS WHICH SHALL BE FLUORESCENT YELLOW.GREEN. 4) USE sl-1 INSTEAD OF W11-2 FOR SCHOOL CROSSINGS 38296 1"Rg\ z