HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-079 - Change Order - #2 - HCI Industrial & Marine Coatings, Inc. - 125K Reservoir Recoating and Fall Protection Improvements - 01/12/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms' (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WaSHtNGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required N/A Date Sent: 3W|21 Date of Council APProval N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: w20050.641 10.330 Budget? EYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: HCI lndustrial & Marine Coatings Sub-Category: Change Order #2 Vendor Number: 1787669 project Name: 125K Reservoir Recoating and Fall Protection lmprovements Replace failing @nductoF that run trom lhe main pump building to the oxisting.@nkol valve vault. This work includes all lrenching, ex€valion and back flll necessary Io #;;i; i;,; ;1,k, ;;;i into rne e"isting oi,itJing,Lpp'rcximareiy oso LF sche; Bo mnduit, three (3) EA J 1 | tvpe 2 hand holes, and all relatod @nduit @nneclore' The @nductoF shall teminate in a tox tocateJon th;easi side ofth; aftitude valve vault and pen"tr"tLin" ouitdi'i! in u simllar fashion as the @ntract @nduit penelrationsProject Details: Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Terminarion Date: 135 Working DaYS Agreement Amount: $1 6, 1 53.28 start Date: 31312020 Local Business? E Yes EI No" *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete 'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2020-079 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by City AttorneY Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Daie Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office: id(W22171_l_i0 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHINGToN CHANGE ORDER NO ' #2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: HCI Industrial & Marine Coatings ("Contractor") CoNTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER;125K Reservoir Recoating & Fall Protection Improvements ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: March 3' 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: Replace failing conductors that run from the main pump building to the existing control valve vault. This work includes all trenching, excavation, and back fill necessary to compete the work, coring into the existing building, approximately 650 LF sched 80 conduit, three (3) EA J11 type Z handhoies, and all related conduit connectors. The conductors shall terminate in a box located on the east side of the altitude valve vault and penetrate the building in a similar fashion as the contract conduit penetrations. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates WSST) and $1,35E,412.00 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (i ncl. applica ble WSST) $35,792.10 Cu rrent Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $1,394,204.10 Current Change Order $14,684.E0 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $1,468.48 Revised Contract Sum $1,410,357.38 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 125 working days Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 135 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 135 working days In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this cirange ordei by signing below. nlso, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agree! to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Cnange Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectJd with any work either covered or affected by this Change order, including' without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from sirict compliance wiih the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change order, prior to the effective date of tnis Change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and t-lre terms of the Agreement, previous Change orders (if any), and this Change order shall be deemed to have applied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on the last date written below. Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. Its Interim Public Works Director CITY OF KENT: (%t DATE: (title) (signature) E Cbrrlzz)lz CONTRACTOR: r4By (titte) DAfli 0111212021 Print Name I Joseph I Vice President (signature) R Comelius CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: \ Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appticable if Mayorb signature required) Kent Law Depadment [In thls 6eld, you may enter the electonlc fllepath wheE the contrad has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 2 Construction Eng Division - Public Works Project: I25K Reservoir Recoating Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 18-3008 nla HCI Project Engineer: Capital Projects Manager: Gray & Osborne, Inc Brian Shields Date: 01-08-2021 I PROPOSED CHANGE Re p ace fa I n9 co n d u cto rs th at ru n fro m th e ma n pu m p b u d ng to th e e X sti ng co ntro VA V e VA u It Th rs W o rk n cl u d es a t re nc h I ng exc AV a ti on a nd b ac k fi n ecessa ry to com pete t he WO rk I,I co fl n I n to th e exr sti n I b u d n I a p p rox m atel Y 6 5 0 LF sch e d 80 c o n d u it,th re e (3 )EA J 1 1 type 2t bo catedhand holes, and all related con on the east side of the altitude contract conduit penetrations. d u it con n e cto rS Th e co n d u cto rS sha term I nate n a X o VA lve VA u t a n d p e n etrate th e b u d n I n a S m a r fa s h o n a S t h e Total CO2 cost:L4 684.80 lus a licable taxes II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Th I s WO r k S n ecessa rY to re p ace fa ng c o n d u lt/c o n d u cto rs fo r rh e a t it u d e V a VC con t ro u n t n d i m p rove the ove ra fu n cti o n a ity of t h e re S e rvo r mo n itori n s/co n tro syste m Tech n ca o V e rs ht d ed co K W ater D e em Kev n S W I nfo rd III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY ITEM(S)Not Applicable Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'TVG USE ONT.Y Sch. No.Item Description Total Est. Qty Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item I CO2 Electrical 1 1 LS $14.684,80 $14,684.80 Independent Estimate Attached - REOUIRED !CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date uPon completion of work PAYTHIS PAY ESTIMATE New Sub Reqrd?No FOR ACCOUNI'NG UsE oNLvChan$e Order No. GostUnit PriceQtvUnitB.l. No.onItemSch. No Independent Estimate Attached ' REQUIRED DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 Not Applicable f NCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ! lVot Applicable T REV. DATE: 3/27/18 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT Chan$e Order No.mrrNcusEoNLY Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Unit Unit Price Gost of ltem I nd epen d ent E sti mate Attached REQUIRED TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE xTotal of the Cost of ltem Columns L4 684.80 IV. WORKING DAYS 80 Original Contract L25 Due This Change Order*o Previous Total 135 DATE:* TOTAL WORKING DAYS*135 *This Change Order + P revious Total All worlg materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard specifications and Coniract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Capital Projects Manager:Date: dt- dg_u Construction Engineering Supervisor: Date:1i 2 Construction Manager:Date:t/a/zr REV. DATE:3/27/L8 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT 3 REV. DATE: 3/27/L8 Shields, Brian From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Connor, Eric Friday, January 08,202L 9:23 AM Shields, Brian FW:W20050 Added Conduit Pricing Request - 125K Reservoir HCI COp Ogl.pdf; L25k Reservoir Recoating and Fall Protection Improvement - REVISED SHEET....pdf Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797'0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov> Sent: Wednesday, July 22,2O2O 4:39 PM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@ kentwa.gov> Cc: Bauer, Sean <SBauer@kentwa.gov>; Swinford, Kevin <KSwinford@kentwa.gov>; Reed, Jim <JReed@kentwa'gov> subject: FW: w20050 Added conduit Pricing Request - L25K Reservoir Hello Eric, Shall the City accept the Contractor's $16,153 added electrical work proposal? In addition to the electrical work already included in the project the City seeks to replace electrical conductors discovered to be failing after the project bid. The proposal includes placement of 650 LF of Schedule gO 2, pVC colnduit, 3 handholds, associated material, equipment and work as outlined below and attached. The request was made by the Water Department. The Contractor's proposal was vetted by the Water Department and t. fne Contractor's cost for trenching I find to be high but their sub- contractor markup and prime markup are low. Overall I find the proposal to be representative of industry standard. Paul Kuehne, Construction Engineering Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5543 | Cell 253-74O-5O15 PKuehne@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON From: Swinford, Kevin i Sent: Wednesday, July 22,2020 6:43 AM To: Kuehne, Paul<PKuehne@kentwa.gov, .- Cc: Reed, Jim <JReed@kentwa.gov>; Bauer, Sean <SBauer@kentwa.gov> subject: RE: w20050 Added conduit Pricing Request - L25K Reservoir 1 Hello Paul The proposal looks comPlete. To answer your question. They will be adding additional trenching, additional conduits, additional handholds and core drilling the main pump OuitAing to install these additional conduits in the building. They will not be core drilling the altitude valve vault. Kevin R Swinford, sceonrechnician Water Section I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5613 | Cell 253-740-6590 kswinford@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.oov Facebook j i,,Ji ,, 1:r. youTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E'MAIL From: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday, July 20,2O2O 1-1:35 AM To: Swinford, Kevin <KSwinford @kentwa.gov> Cc: Reed, Jim <JReed@kentwa.gov> subject: RE: w20050 Added conduit Pricing Request - L25K Reservoir Hello Kevin, please review the attached proposal for any unneeded items and your overall impression of value Are they pretty much just dropping two conduits in a trench they are already digging and adding a couple of boxes? I know we are not core drilling the altitude valve vault but does the work involve other core drilling? Paul Kuehnet Construction Engineering Superuisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5543 | Cell 253-74O-5O15 PKuehne@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON From: Ra ndy Cornelius [mailto: ra ndv@hci-coatings.com] Sent: Monday, July 20,2O2O 10:28 AM To: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov> Cc: accounting@hci-coatings.com subject: RE: w20050 Added conduit Pricing Request - t25K Reservoir Good Morning Paul, Please find attached COP-1 for the additional electrical work as requested 2 EXTERNAL EMAIL Thank you Randy t HAIts e{ Il ..r!':"3L\r {:c*tr r "*qlJ,r Randy Cornelius - Vice PresidenUPM PH-360-260-9250 FX-360-260-0096 P.O. Box 1573 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 www.hci-coatings.com ra ndv@hci-coati ngs.com From: Kuehne, Paul fmailto:PKuehne@kentwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 6:49 PM To: Randy Cornelius - HCI Coatings (randv@hci-coatings'com) Cc: Connor, Eric; Bauer, Sean; Swinfbrd, Kevin; Reed, Jim; Araucto, Joseph; Ghanim, Mazin; marym@hci-coatinos.com; Russ Pofter - Gray & Osborne, Inc. (roorter@g-o.com); Ryan Hale (rhale@o-o'com) Subject: Added Conduit Pricing Request - 125K Reservoir Hello Randy, Please provide pricing to add the following work: In addition to the electrical work already included in the project the City seeks to replace failing electrical conductors that run from the main pump building to the existing control valve vault. The control valve vault is located in the open area approximately half way between the main pump building and the LZ:sK tank. This work will include handholds and two each 2" schedule 80 conduits as shown on the modified plan sheet attached. The handholds should match what is already called out for the project. No wire or pull tape needed. The City will pull the required wire at a later date. The conduits shall terminate in a pull box on the east side of the altitude valve vault and penetrate the building in a similar fashion as the contract conduit. There is no need to core driil the altitude valve vault. The (2) added conduits shall be stubbed up into a handhole along the east side of the control vault and then run south to intersect the new electrical trench. The added conduits run alongside the new contract conduits in the same trench and terminate at the SE corner of the control building in the same location and manner as the others. Thank you for your helP. please feel free to call Kevin Swinford (253 856-5613 KSwinford@kentwa.gov) with technical questions. 3 Pau I Kueh lte,, Construction Eng ineering Su pervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5543 | Cell 253-740-5015 PKuehne@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 4 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 www.hci-coatings.com randv@hci nos.com From: Kuehne, Paul [mailto:PKuehne@kentwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2O20 6:49 PM To: Randy Cornelius - HCI Coatings (randy@hci-coatings.com) Cc: Connor, Eric; Bauer, Sean; Swinford, Kevin; Reed, Jim; Araucto, Joseph; Ghanim, Mazin; marym@hci-coatings'com; Russ Porter - Gray & Osborne, Inc. (rpofter@g-o.com); Ryan Hale (rhale@g-o.com) Subject: Added Conduit Pricing Request - 125K Reservoir Hello Randy, Please provide pricing to add the following work: In addition to the electrical work already included in the project the City seeks to replace failing electrical conductors that run from the main pump building to the existing control valve vault. The control valve vault is located in the open area approximately half way between the main pump building and the L2sKtank. This work will include handholds and two each 2" schedule 80 conduits as shown on the modified plan sheet attached. The handholds should match what is already called out for the project. No wire or pull tape needed. The City will pull the required wire at a later date. The conduits shall terminate in a pull box on the east side of the altitude valve vault and penetrate the building in a similar fashion as the contract conduit. There is no need to core drill the altitude valve vault. The (2) added conduits shall be stubbed up into a handhole along the east side of the control vault and then run south to intersect the new electrical trench. The added conduits run alongside the new contract conduits in the same trench and terminate at the SE corner of the control building in the same location and manner as the others. Thank you for your help. Please feel free to call Kevin Swinford (253 856-5613 KSwinford@kentwa.oov) with technical questions. Pauf Kuehne, Construction Engineering Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5543 | Cell 253-740-501s PKuehne@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2 6 hu\BINC f,ilrcI PO Box 1573, Brush Prairie, WA 98506 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT: W20050-125 K Reservoir Recoating and Falllmps, CO NO: COP-1 CONTRACTOR:HCilNC. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER WORK:Replace Fai line Electrical Conductors from Pump Blde. to control Valve vault, 2 ea. 2" conduit, Hand Holes and coring as requested. The Contractor agrees that this change order represents full and final compensation to add the work described herein. \ This Change Order adds 0 day, modifying the contract time to 125 W days' The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this Change Order shall include any claim by the Contractor for any extra compensatlon or extension of time with respect to the work have resulted prior to executing this Change Order. Except as herein modified, the terms of the basic contract shall remain in Receipt acknowledged and terms and condltions agreed to by; described herein, lncluding any time full force and effect. ,920.00s 8,464,82$souRcE EtEcTRlc PRoPoSAL DATED 7/1712020 2,500.00sTRENCHING, EXCAVATION BACKFITL APROX 50 FEET 1,500.00$BUILDING CORING s s $ 623.24$Overhead, @ 5% 1,308.81)Proflt @ 10% 287.94slnsurance/Bonds @ 2% L4,684.8O$subtotal L,468.48$WA State Sales Tax 10% $ 1,251,073.28 $ Original Contract Amount:Amount of Previous Change Orders: CHANGE ORDER PRlCE:increase/decrease Subtotal $L6,753.28 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER PRICE 16,153,2B REVISED CONTRACT 7l2O/2020 R Cornelius Vice President (Dote)(rkte) Approved for CM/GClOwner: (OvnerJ (Dote)(cM/Gc)tDote) (Prciect Englneer)w comments: City Requested CO to Replace Failing Elecrical Conductors that run from the Main Pump Building to th includes hand holes and Two 2" conduits schedule 80. no wire or pull tape needed. City to pull at a lal change order request date 6/10 /2A2A by e-mail-Paul Kuehne Iounfiffi Title: O\,vner Ref fl: Prime Contractor Ref #: Sub Contractor Ref #: Proiect Submittal #: Associated BFI il: Added Work Days: Condult & Handhole Additlon CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Dat€ submltted PRO'ECT NAMEI 7l17l2o2a Kent 125k Reservoir con 01 2 Work: lncludes furnlshlng lnsta 2" sched 80 PVC Booster to lust East of shorvn on revised sheet G-1. Excludes approx.45'of trenching and building coring to bring nev/ conduits in. Lobor Breakdown (3) new handholes as subTotal Markuo Total 29o,6 Total S 371.90 e77.8s s $349.75 2t% Total 560.00 L7 677.60 Total 2in/; 596.59 .47 7s% Ghange0rderTolal 5 S e,464'82 st Matefiols Source Elert.ic signatu/e 711712020 OTY Unlt Rate Total costDoscrlDtlon 35 HR s 96.34 5 3,371.90Foreman lnside Wireman s 83.82 s0HRlournevman lnslde Wireman 0 HS I 41.53 sAporentice lnslde Wireman (period 3) QW Unlt Unlt Cost Total CostDescrlotion HR 5 16.00 S s5o.oo351/2 ton pickup r,rith tool canopy s 4.00 s0HRU2-2" olpe threader s0HR$ 4.001/2-2'conduit bender s Total costATYUnltUnlt CostDescrlptlon 650 EA S1.38 S 893.88Condult Sched 80 s 625.00 1,875.003EAlll Tvpe 2 Hand Hole ?2.O114EaS 5.14PVC Bell Fnds t EA s .87 59.87PVc Glue QTY Unit Unlt Cost Total CostDescrlptlon IJ flil8#flff880 t5 s s0 s0LSs il NEC,A llanuat o, Labor Unlls 2015-2016 Edlllon Section 11 - Outdoor Overhead and Undorground Systems rul ffi o 0.?5 r.75 u.s060 hl, u.rrJ..-Lfr t.30 I 0.8 t.0 t.,t:1,72 r.o:t E*E' I-45 z,t?-t 5 z 2.60 3, 3.2:z.2. o.@o.40 o.6{ o-75 o Eo.at E u.l-'- i.2t_tr 1.W LZ\ 1,A{l. 2-17 . ..t,!q 2.&a 2-6{6.U'-'1.1!3.9{ €J{ 3,1! 1.24 6.28 E --E .' 64 c 6.m4.1 L 5.4{c5t',lr 5.,1(c8.7{ 6,4(-' 7.5,7( s.0(''''''-B:!!E.et6.O .l 7. cT--e---a.gt 9.2t 6.S'-14 _e., o- _-.9,/!. o,24""-'Tts'.-ns tso-{8 tI.1 0.9 o.58 o,7a o.as U.UU" - i.ifru.0 OT"'"'L2 t. i. t.fi 2.24 E E1T?, 2.2,&1 o210.t6 --'o,lo ov.?2- -oZ 0.2 a.zt o Eu.{r},1(q, o.u,t {).65o,45 o,6 E bE'o_o,60 o- ._._,..11o 1, 1.1i t. 't -40 E'l,t!- -.,.91'q1.2! o.q,3{,0. o o.3-- b".r !:1t-l 0.6!a--*'.ltti 0.9t o.60 t. Olo-6t u,i t: E1- 1- ( t 1.0t 1.20- -i6d I 11. El.sl 1.90 1-g! . .,?:21 2,61 11.24 @ 20 t 6 N alhnol Eleclfu€l @,nl'adots Associdrbn u16t2020 Shopplng Cart ' Plall El€cttc supdy Search Producls q 0' 3t, H'Wo'ro here lo h€lpl v G40436S It€m #: 0051575 I'lfr: I'tultiple cost Codei Asslgn Clear PVc Cement, l,ledium Eodled 404, ,,tlth Brush Top, Iflcludes: l'Quart 2PBE ttem s: 0069188 a'lfr: I'lultiPle Cost Code: Assign 2n PVC Aell End, 2PSA Jtenr #: 0069199 t'lfr: I'lultlPle Cost code: Assign 2 Inch oiameter, Rigid Non-htetalllc Condult, Belled End, llaterlal: Pvc, Schedule 80, Length: 10 feet, Color: G.'. l;lorc r I,.., i,'rrl,. ffi I Bremertonr 1 2 Comments Ssve For Lat€r i gr€nrsrtont 20 Comrnents save For Later i Bromsrtoni 260 comments Save For Later slrip Location - AvallabllityTotal Tax O Remove 14 solrce Electdc LLc {Account tr 263054) cart# ??zlLlgs qty uoPl Prlce En $9.86s8 $e.87 u EA $5.14338 $72,ot FT $ 1.37s2 $893,88 Subtotal ie75.76 ffi / n D Removo 650 Renloye Topr Sav€d Garts O sorted nevest to otdest 1 112htlps;r/p!atLcom/s hopplngpad. a sPx ) RESERVOIR DIMENSIONS O{PACfi: 125,000 GALLONS D|AMETER (TAI{K BowL) - 32'-0' DIAGOf.IAL BETTYEEN FOONNGS = 59,-7. DTAMETER (RTSER) = 3'-0' HEIGHT (TANK BowL) = 23'-2" HEIGHI (I0 ovERFL0w) = 9E'-2' FULL TANK HEIGHT - 103'-2' 32'-O' EXAMPLE OF SECTION NUMBERING SYSTEM AND PLAN/DRAWING TITLES FOR DETAILS SUBS]ITUTE DETAIL NUMBER FOR SECIION LEIIER SECNON CUT ON SHT. M-1 L SEC'IION I..ETIER OR DETAIL NUMBER ELEVATIO.I MEW ON SHT. M-1 N Ino oN sHT. M-2 IH|S SECION IS IDENIIRED AS: SECTION SCALE: sHT. ON WHtC+r SEC'IION OR DETAIL APPEARS SECTION IITIER OR OETAIL NUMBER DETAILS ARE REFERENCEDIN A SIMILAR MANNER EXCEPT NUMBERS ARE USED INSIEAD OF LET'IERS SHT. FROM III{ICH SECTION OR DETAIL WAS TAKEN SECTION LETIER OR DETAIL NUMBER SECTION LET1ER OR DETAIL NUMBER SECNON IS TYPICAL TO MANY PLACES SECTION APPEARS ON SAME DWG AS CUT ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL NOTES ,t 0 c.,P CLR DWG EA EQUIV rsw MAX MDR MIN NO NTS PL AND DIAMETER COMPLEIE JOINT PENEIRATION CLEARANCE DRAWNG EACH EQUIVAI-ENT INTRUSION SWfTCH MAXIMUM MOTION DETECTOR MINIMUM NUMBER NOT TO SCALE PLATE PROGMMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER POLWI.ffL CHLORIOE RIGID G'cLVANIZED STEEL SOUTH SHEET STAINTESS S'IEEL STANDARD TYPICAL IN GENEMI- EXISNNG STRUCTURES ANO FACILMES ARE NOIED AS 'D(ISTING, AND ARE SHOWN lN UGHT LINE WAGHIS 0R AS SCREENED BTqCKGROUND' NEW C0NSTRUCTION' S]RUCTURES, FACILITIES, AND FE{ruRES ARE SHOWN IN HEAV/ UNE WEIGHTS. 2. IHE CONTRACTOR SH,A[ VERIFY ALL D(IS'TING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK AND SHALL NOTTFY T}IE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, 3. AII DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON ITIE CONTRACT DMWNGS AND DESCRIBED IN lHE SPECIROCNONS REFER TO llIE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL PROJECTED PLANES' UNI.'ESS OIHERWISE INDICATED. 4. WASTEMUL TO INCLUDE DISPOSAL 5. INSTALUTION OF PAIMENS PLUGS SHALL BE AT THE OPNON AND EXPENSE OF l}IE CONIRACTOR AND SIIAI-I. BE INCLUDED IN IHE CONIRACT BID AHOUNT, 6. CIW WLL TAP AND INSIALL WENED UNE. LIST OF TASKS . REMOVE BATTERI POWERED INTRUSION A.ARMS AND WRELESS RADIOS AND REIURN TO Cll/. . INSTALL A PLATFORM TANDING AT THE TOP OF THE ACCESS LAI}DER. . INSTALL ROOF PIATFORM. . REMOVE AND REPI.ACE CATWALK GUARDMIL AND INSTALL s,If,EIY C'ABT-E SfSIEM. . REMOTE AND REPLACE ACCESS LADDER FROM GROUND TO CATWALK INCLUDING SAFETT CAGE AND ANTI-CLIMB MESH AND INTERMEDIqTE LADDER PLATFORM MIDWAY UP THE ACCESS LADDER. REMOVE AND REPTACE T}IE D(ISNNG LEVEL GAUCE AND BOARD ASSEMBLY. REI'OVE EXIRA ATTACHMENT POINTS INCLUDING TRIPODS ON RESERr'OIR ROOF REMOVE AND REPTACE D(ISflNG ROOF VENT AND RISER. INSTALL SAMPLE TAP AT BASE OF RISER PIPE. . REMoVE ONE ROoF ACCESS HATGH AND REPLACE ANOTHER RoOF ACCESS HATCH AND ASSOCIATED INIERIOR I.ADDER. . PREPARE TANK INTERIOR FOR RECOATING. PREPARE RISER INTERIOR FOR RECOA'IING INCLUDING PLUGGING INLET AND OVERFLOW PIPING. . RECOAT TANK lNfERlOR, RISER |NTER|OR, OVERFL0W PIPE DCERIOR. . PREPARE TANK D(IERIOR, RISER, SIRUCTURE AND APPURTB{ANCES FOR RECOATING' INCLUDING CONTAINMENT . RECOAT TANK EXIERIOR, RISER, SIRUCTURE Al'10 APPURTEMNCES. . INSIALL INIRUSION AI-ARMS 0N ROOF VENT AND ROOF ACCESS HATCH. INSTALL MOTION DEIECTORS AT I.ADDER PLA'IFORM AND INSTALL REQUIRED WRING AND CONDUFS. INSTAU COTWENIENCE RECEPTACLE AND SPARE CONOUIT. CITY WLL MAKE FINAL CONNECNONS AT PLC. . lNSTAtl- CONDUfT FROM ALflTUOE VALVE VAULT T0 CONIROL BUILDING AND RELOCATE PRESSURE IRANSMfiER. . CFY WILL TAP AND INSIALL WEITED LINE. . CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL #16 SHIEI..DED PAIR FROM NEW PRESSURE TRANSMTNER BOX TO PUMP BUILDING PLC. CIIY'TO MAKE Ri{AL CONNECTION AT PLC. . DISINFECTION AND TESflNG. . INSTALL CONDUTI FROM ALTITUDE VALVE VAULT TO CONTROL BUILDING AND RELOCAIE PRESSURE IMNSMITTER. CONSULTING PLC FVC RGS s SHT SS SID WP & N I i.)N t/HANDHOLE NO.4 SPAREBOOSTER STATION 2"SPAREHANDHOTE NO.4 HANDHOLE NO.5 SPAREHANDHOTE NO. S HANDHOIE ilO.6 HANDHOTE NO.6 ALTITUDE VATVE VAUTT 2"SPARE BOOSTER STATION HANDHOTE NO.4 SPARE HANDHOTE NO.5 SPAREHANDHOLE NO.4 HANDHOTE NO.6 2"SPAREHANDHOLE NO.5 2"SPAREHANDHOLE NO.6 ATTITUDE VALVE VAUTT SOURCE DESTINATION NOTESSIZECONDUCTORSNUMBER c0107c" co106- co107B- c0106A" co107A- co106B" c0107" co106c* 1:! UTILITIES: CONDUIT 18' D.r. (wAlER) 58'TOP OF PIPE 7.T, BOTTOM OF PIPE UTILITIES: CONDUTT (coMMs) PIPETOP OF c.t. TOP UTIUTIES: (wArER) OF PIPE WRE. WEITED llAVETO WEflED UNE IN 2, CONDUII FROM ALTTruOE VALVE VAULT TO NORTHWEST CORNER OF TOP CONDUIT UTLITIES: coNc. lR (sroRM) TOP OF PIPE BOTTOM OF PIPE l\ rffiE:ErAirfi{l lj GUEIIGIIIIII GTreEEIGUrrel.;"(!h A!ry EE@TGUUr}CIITED @ITEEDGUOD @(rITED re[IreEGUrInl GIreIT,. CutrlreD reUEED' €IIEEEDff ffiil@ l:riwn'ftnil..n j EgE EqE - rdilIF'Ir.r:ilmn{rf, EIIEEE! I @ E:[@ sr@ l gtnEE i (wAlER) OF PIPE c.t. TOP RESERVOIR SITE PLAN NOT TO SCILE II3) RANIER AVEXUE SOIJIH SUIIE 3OO ft ...