HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW17-369 - Change Order - #12 - SB Structures, LLC - LID 363: S 224th St Improvements - 02/10/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNGToN 3 g Lcc Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 316121 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: EI Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: R901 01 .641 10.120 Budget? EIYes E No Grant? EYes ENo Trrnp N/A covo El-ob5iv Eo Eoor- tD Vendor Name: SB Structures, LLC Category: Contract Vendor Number: 1374695 Sub-Category: Change Order #12 Prolecr Name: LID 363: S 224th St. lmprovements - 84th Ave. S. to 88th Ave. S Project Details:Compensation for work added after substantial completion. This additional work includes replacing daylighted PVC ends with ductile iron, pouring concrete collars around 'J" boxes, removing graffiti, and repainting AgreementAmount: $31 ,141 ,27 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: 424 Working Days Local Business? E Yes E No" "lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspace Notice required prior to disclosure? ElYes E No Contract Number: PW17-369 gl .giP:t-.. OIE=\.-g vt-5 g,o=8,froc .9 UT Date Received by City Attorney:Comments Date Routed to the Mayor's Office Date Routed to the City Clerk s Office: .'d(W))lil l_10 Visit Documents,KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT W^a,rriloron CHANGE ORDER NO. #T2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : SB Structures, LLC. ("Contractor") LID:363 S. 224th St lmprovements B4tr' to BSth lune 23. 2AL7 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contracU all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : Compensation for work added after substantial completion. This additional work includes replacing daylighted PVC ends with ductile iron, pouring concrete collars around 'J" boxes, removing graffiti, and repainting 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $15,330,729.25 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (inc!. applicable WSST) $143,6r4.59 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $15,474,343.84 Current Change Order $31,141.27 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o,oo Revised Contract Sum $15,505,485.11 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 400 working dnys Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 24 working days Days Required Order (t) for this Change o calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 424 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VIi of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Cirange Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agr"el to waive unf prol"st it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and alcepts that this Change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or .onneit"d with any work either covered or affected by this Change order, includ-ing, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home oiRce overhead, or lost profits, This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does_ not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties betow have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. Print Name: Chad Bieren, P'E. CITY OF KENTI (title) Ul fl,,; t/n InIts rectorrim Public Works (signature)(signature) Print Name: /r4///7r/fr-/ EAil.€lJA CONTRACTOR: 6ZDBy (titte)z 2 Its ,Ok)r6a DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 7OF 3 fid "ht % APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature requlred) Kent Law Depaftment ltn tlE ield, you m.y ster the electpfll. lllepath wh.rc tle .entttt has b€el savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2 T<ENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. L2 Construction Management Division - Public Works Project: LID 363 224th St Improvements Project Engineer: Carla MaloneY Owners Rep: Jason Bryant Project No.: 99-3003 Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: SB Structures Date: L/81202L I. PROPOSED CHANGE Compensation for work added after Substantial Completion. This addition work incl udes replacing daylighted PVC ends with Ductile Iron , pouring concrete collars around J boxes, removing graffiti and repainting. II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Upon completion of the contract and issuance of Substantial Completion the performed by the contractor at the City's request: Changing the PVC oultlet iron; pouring concrete collors around the exposed Jboxes on the lower sidew and re int the brid e following work was pipes to ductile alk; remove graffiti III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not:M(5 Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'fVG USE ONLY Sch. No.ltom Description Total Est. otv Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item Reolace PVC with DI 1 1 FA $r4,739.42 $r4,739.42 Pour concrete collars 1 1 FA $7,743.rr $7,743.t! Remove qraffiti and Repaint 1 1 FA $8.658.74 $8,658.74 X Independent Estimate Attached - REOUIRED U CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date uoon completion of work PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE New Sub Reqrd?No DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM 1-09.5 Not INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ffi Not Applicable t FORACCOUNI'NG USE ONLYChange Order No. Gost of ltemUnitUnit PriceItem Description otvB.l. No.Sch. No. Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED 4/oLlLO REV. DATE FILE NO: 2OO.2 Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNITNG USE ONLY Sch. No.B.l. No.Itom Description otv Unit ljnit Price Gost of ltem X Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED KENT IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * 'rTotal of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $3L,14L.27 31 14L,27 Original Contract 400 Due This Change Order* DATE: Previous Total 424 DATE:ttal202L *Exolanation/Justification Reouiredi On critical path for project completion TOTAL WORKING DAYS*424 xThis Change Order + Previous Total All work, materiats and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared By: Construction Su pervisor: Construction Manager: Paul ne Date: Date: Date: t/zq/u /zq/acCo 2 4/0r/ro REV. DATE KENT WASHINGTON PUBLIC WORKS LtD 363: S. 224th St. lmprovements 84th Ave. S. to 88th Ave. S - PROJECT NUMBER: 99-3003 FINAL WALK.THRU PUNCH LIST To: From: Date Due: Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor I iason Bryant, Capital Project Manager PW Ops, Design, Environmental, Survey, Transportation Feb 25,2020 Gursimran Singh & Brent Collinslnspected By:2124/2A &2124/20Date lnspected:PAVEMENT MGMT/STREET Defects: Pavement management: No comments Street Dept: No issues LOCATION Mike Kraillnspected By:2/2412ADate lnspected:SIGNS Defects: 1. 4" edge line needs to connect to sidewalk (Photo) Proceed 2. Chevron signs on 88th Ave s need to be properly placed thru corner and size 3. 4. 5. 24x30Proceed SNS at s 224th St and 88th Ave88th Way SProceed Yield sign at S 224th St and 84th Ave SProceed tocATloN Chrls Couvillionlnspected By:2/24120Date lnspectedt,STORM DRAINAGE bels*-+ame- Defects:LOCATION r MH #P 5 Frame and lid net greuted dewn; rnnst grout eutside and inside ef frame, extensien fer tranaleru gate hanelle extensien and flag gate handle must be within 12" ef lid, Flat teF ef sFuett*e net r M*I #P 6 Strueture has-ne ladderr install a ladder, r eB #l I Use mere greut te smeeth eut greuted areas, r Culve*s flewing in te and eut ef eBs #88 1; #88 2r#88 3; #88 I and MHs #P 3; #P 4; #P 5; fP 6 areatt PVe, GtfY o @r Gulverts flewing in te and eut ef MHs #P I and #P 5 have ne reek reinfereing area areund euhi€*-€tl+ r pipe between GBs #88 I and #88 2 has a 4" PVe pipe sitting in it, Must remove 4" FiFe' r eB #88 3 Server lid en sterm MH, must ehange eut te a Sterm er Drainage lid' Frarnenet r 'adder was damage r MHs #2T and #28 There is ne greut belew frame; and frames were set with rveed' Woed is +ame-rfi*st+egroubA r Storm filter Vault is not draining properly, must assess the vault and figure out why it is not draining.r MH # I - Lid was not raised to grade, must raise frame and lid to grade' . Att sterm sEu€tures haye debris in th€m; €lean Att sterm struetures: r Bolts were missing in many structures, must install locking bolts in ALL structures Heather Mclntosh & RYan Carroll& Date lnspectedVEGETATION Defects: Storm Veg: No concerns Street Veg: No comments LOCATION lnspected By:2124120Date lnspected:WASTEWATER Defects: No concerns LOCATION E. English / N, Estradalnspected By:Date lnspected: Defects: See Below: LOCATION 4 OK All fire hydrants need painted white with 2 coats white #1100 Farwest Wonderglow7 OK OK WATER MAINLINE VALVES BLOW OFFS FIRE HYDRANTS WATER SERVICES/METERS AIR VACS , :i. : .: i.i ' :i :, ., 'r,il l; ,,r..t ,rl r{.i l r; ,1, t,Jr .';:i1'.1 i,i iiil ,iriJ,i,ril;.i !ir, i.jllt.i .i,rlr ',rl' rii,.-i1l i.r li),'t :l'l:il ,1,,,-, :., ,,., iI 11 111r)1r rril,. ilIIi/:{r1 ,,.irj,; .it r'ill.j i,, i.t ,/!l I :j'ti,l l.i ir , ,,;ii',,.i' ;f 1, l;ll.l . i, j.i jr.'..,rit.jii ;:rir ..ll ri'r 'r.1;]1;i.r1I ri,;: '.,:i" 'r,. I : i ;.lr,1r:r ,'r liiI lnspected By:2/talzazaDate lnspectedCROSS CONNECTION Defects: No Concerns LOCATION K. Langholz, C. MaloneY & C. Morrislnspected By:u2sl2a2aDate lnspected:DESIGN Defects: See attached write uP LOCATION M. Coylnspected By2lt3l2o2oDate lnspectedNPDES Defects: No Comments LOCATION M. McCulloughtnspected By:2l2sl2AzADate lnspected:PRIVATE STORM Defects: No Comments rocATloN lnspected By:2l!a/2a2aDate lnspected:SURVEY Defects: The centerline Right of Way monuments need to be set LOCATION T. Chaulnspected By:212sl2A20Date lnspectedTRANSPORTATION - ADA Defects: See attached comments LOCATION M. Sorensen & D. CarPmaillnspected By:212sl2o2oDate lnspected:TRANSPORTATION - Signals Defects: . grr. plates for the pS pole and PPB post have been covered with asphalt on the NE corner island' r Atg4th& 224thtrafficsignal,pedestrianpolesinislandshaveasphaltoverthepole bases/mounting bolts. Base bolts/nuts must not be covered' e ped lighting system along lower sidewalk section of Z24th,junction boxes are all set in loose crushed rock and are highly susceptible to jbox removaUwire theft' Jboxes should be incorporated into sidewilk pour or be separately surrounded by sufficient amount of concrete to prevent jboxes being removed' Proceed rocATloN E. Prestonlnspected By:2/26/2A20Date lnspected:TRANSPORTATION . TTAffIC Defects: o Add !arge Arrow signs {Wi.-G) in both directions to the 88th Ave corner underneath the bridge, Proceed . ON the SB approach to the 88 Ave S curve under the bridge, add a W1-11with 15mph plaque underneath. Proceed r Correct the size and orientation of the chevrons in the 88th Ave S corner near the approach to 88th Way S. (may have been mentioned elsewhere)' Proceed o Add a bollard just west of streetlight, against the south side of the sidewalk (#4923t'to prevent vehicles driving down the sidewalk to steal streetlight wire' r The junetien bex in f4914 shesld be surreunded blAeenerete' r Sidewalk gaps on the bridge expansion joints should be spanned with steel plates per my a discussions with Alan Chau. LOCATION INSPECTOR COMMENTS February 25,2O2O To:Jason Bryant Paul Kuehne Eric Connor From: Ken Langholz Craig Morris Carla MaloneY s, 224rh St. Phase 1 Punch List As requested, we walked the project and found the following items that need attention. Stationing is approximate: Intersection of 84th Ave' to West Re fai{cre' Z24t^/g3rd Ave, west of B4th - Seal pavement joints along several trench patches and joints between new and old asphalt where the roadway was widened' @ B4th Ave. at 224th - NW island - Detectable warning surface is in travel lane and needs to be moved to be within island area. Proceed B4th Ave. at224th - NW island - Curb around island is painted yellow and should be white. Proceed B4thAve. at224th - Sw island - Curb around island is painted yellow and should be white. Proceed Intersection of 84th Ave. to East B4th Ave. at224t^ - NE island - Need to add Detectable Warning Surface in all 3 directions. Plans did not include warning strips. Please provide a Price to complete work g4th Ave. atZ24t^ - NE corner - Foot prints in sidewalk. Need to replace sidewalk. 84th Ave. at 224th - NE corner - Add pedestrian curb at back of ramp. B4th Ave at 224tn - SE corner - Junction box is sticking up in sidewalk, Add yellow paint along edge of box. S. 224th St. East of 84th Ave. er+veway). ffi Sta. 13+00 RT - Hole in middle of sidewalk Sta.13+50 LT - Guardrail face is offset from face of curb. Check guardrail submittal. Please provide a price to install double blocks Sta. 17+80 RT and 22+30 RT - Gap in sidewalk at seals doesn't meet ADA standards. Need to fill gaps. Consult David Shearer Sta. 18+10 RT - Remove blackberries underwest end of bridge and southerly along SR 167 to end of Planting area. Sta. 23+40 RT to 25+50 RT - Hydroseed slopes along lower sidewalk. sta. 25+25 LT - Curb face should line up with barrier face. First post (closest to concrete barrier) soil eroded around barrier endlaround post. Same segment of barrier - add flexible guideposts with reflective tape facing southbound traffic. Same segment of barrier as it wraps around the corner - curb face should line up with barrier face. Sta. 25+83 RT - Surface treatment for area where lower and roadway sidewalk match. Place concrete in area eateFbasin-' Sta. 30+00 to 30+75 - Asphalt is too high to match Phase 2. Asphalt is crowned, and instead should have been sloped 2olo down to west per plan. Remove high area and replace per plan so that Phases 1 and 2 match each other' 88th Ave. west and south of 88th WaY eu++teiren--plpe; Sta. 2+00 RT - Add no Parking sign Sta. 2+00 LT - Double check guard rail design. Grade falls away from road and the guardrail height does not seem correct for condition' Sta. 2+42 RT - Remove crushed rock, or alternatively add an asphalt apron to keep crushed rock from falling into the catch basin. Proceed Sta. 2+50 RT to 4+60 RT - Add split rail fence along wetland and add wetland signs. This was not included in the plans. sta. 2+50 LT - Ditch directs vehicles toward end of guardrail. Is the end condition appropriate for this condition, is a flare needed? Sta. 2+50 LT to -5+00 LT - consider placing guardrail on this segment for ditch (design). Sta. 4+86 LT - Chevrons are mounted incorrectly. Need to be mounted to face traffic in both directions. Proceed Sta. 4+92 RT curbing and guardrail - consider extending curbing further south. Review guardrail end treatment (design). sta. 5+50 LT - Install SBth Ave. s/88th way s'/s.224th street signs' Detention Ponds Sta. 16+25 LT to 16+45 LT - Stripe area in front of gate and delineate "NO PARKING". Sta. 16+45 LT - Gate is open' Needs a lock' sta. 18+20 LT - sE corner of pond area, fence is pried open and needs to be secu red. Sta. 16+45 LT to 18+20 LT - Weeds, trees and blackberries around ponds need to be removed, Ponds need general maintenance. Proceed General For drainage structures (with grates) in shoulder, consider placing an asphalt apron around the structure to prevent rock from getting into the structure. Proceed ' Lower Sidewalk - Add bollard(s) at ends of sidewalk to prevent vehicle traffic ( desi g nltra ns portati on ) . Lower Sidewalk - junction boxes next to ped tighting - consider concrete apron around j-boxes to inhibit theft. Proceed Bryant, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Bryant, Jason Friday, May 8, 202010:15 AM Connor, Eric RE: LID 363 24lh St Bridge- Punch List extras Thank youl! We also still need a repair procedure for the ponding water on SR 167, WSDOT wants to see our idea before we perform the repair' Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.oov crTY oF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA.gov Facebook ir''rii?.::;;" YouTube PLTASE CSNSTOFR, TilE fNVIR$NM€NT AEF{'RA PRI}ITINS THIS *-MATL From: Connor, Eric Sent: Friday, MaY 08, 2020 10:11 AM To: Bieren, Chad; Maloney/ Carla Cc: Bryant, Jason Subject: FW: LID 363 24th St Bridge- Punch List extras Good Morning, I just scheduled a meeting on Teams to discuss the punch list items that are deemed extra work. we need to clarify for Jason what items we want to spend extra money on and what items need to be removed from the punch list' A copy of the punch list is attached for reference. Thank youl Eric Eric Connor' Construction Engineering Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON PL;A$E COIVSIDER THE SNVI'TONMENT BEFO*TE PRTilTING THIS E'MAIL Fromr Bryant, Jason Sent: Tuesday, MaY 05, 2020 10:35 AM To: Connor, Eric Cc: Kuehne, Paul Subject: LiD 363 24th St Bridge- Punch List extras 1 Eric, I was wondering if we nave maoe a oeclslon orl LIle punch list? I knew we discussed each item but I haven't heard back on what we are and aren't doing, I have attached the list for your review. I spoke with David Shearer about the couple of items Ken had on the list: sta 17+g0 RT and 22+30 RT- Gap in sidewalk does not meet ADA- I',m still waiting on a responSe sta, 1g+15 LT and 22+40 LT -Seals are missing in barriers- seals are no necessary Sta.22+40 RT to 25+60 RT -Sidewalk placed with expansion joint- The sidewalk is actually a moment slab, expansion joints are not placed in moment slabs We may need to meet with Carla and Ken to make a final decision? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@ KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook TwiH.tc' YouTube PLf;ASE CONSIFER THE ENVIROT{MTNT $EFORfr PRINTING THIS E'MAIL 2 FA Sheet No.44{x\J t(E,N'r DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: SB Structures HrsOCCUPATIONNAMECODE Project Name: LID 363 224th ST lmProvements Project No: 99-3003 Hrs Hourly Rate Descriptio n of Work: R Item No. STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME OT Rate PVC inlets and outlets with Dl Work by Subconlractor?: Yes Sub-Contractor: Scarsella DOLLAR AMOUNT Date: 51512020 739.89$82.21ForemanIKent H 689.76$I 78.64OperatorEclclle D I 60.77PipelayerJon G $ $ 546.93 546.93I60.77PlpelayerIvW $ SU BTOTAL. LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ 2,523.51 LABOR TOTAL $ 731.82 3,255.33 IPMENT STANDBYOPERATED Hrs standby Kate DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Descriptlon 272.07$I 30.23Tool Truck2.280 276.84$30.76f,Tool Truck3.1 31 626.40$0 69.60950 Loader1 5,79 449.91$o 49.99Hitahci 75 excavator17-238 u SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD &PROFIT @21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 1) $ *_- 1,62ti ?? $ 341.30 DOLLAR AMOUNTQuantityUnilsUnit PriceMATERIALS / SERVICES $ ! $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ $ Verification of Hours Worked: , nn I r aflor l: t lrrn* s Representative Dats Pay Est E By' __* " ._., Date: _- 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontracl work) TOTAL:1.85 626.62 SHEETTOTAL: $848.47 DAILY FORGE ACGOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697seattle, wA 98168-0697Olfrcet (2531a72-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:r/t/apSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVE$'fY t,llh"-n" g/t*.l'-r,,,LABOR -Classificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGonREGoffREGo/TREGo/TIIIqHOURS/,'D. 2 -Vb$(e, -?LOADEDHOURLY RATE$35t3,5 Is$$$$$$D$$$$$$ 6'1b,73$$q'qL,1 5$$ hYY,7U$$717. f'lEXTENDEDAMOUNTSl7-z.s9L^zwEQUIPNO.7g Hltr"&l^) E;r,.u&*i4EQUIPMENTa)r4J-rr\,-'la,n ttOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERI79qHOURS11 "qglllg.b030,7(2a20., i3HOURLYRATEs lt^z f. J;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$qL{e|,7/$$ l-)tp'\ C$$ 27l-'trV$'.cEXTENDEDAMOUNT$SUBCONTRACTORS$$$$a$$*u o"t l 7t)MATERIAL>hsql-hQTYUNITcosT$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:FFu" nannxuP t-ABoR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:'lr7v" vnRxu P sUBcoNTRACToRS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:3l y" unnruP MATERTAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:J ly" rr,rnnruP EeUTPMENT:$731.tr^$ bab,b:$J5.)3, s 1$$$ ?r/1,30$ l b2q. E;$OWNER /ATIVEDATE'?-/TOTAL THIS REPORT ARSTL8S0THm8 KC.DAILY FORCE AGCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO,:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:$lsl$l$SUBCONTRACTORS$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:MATERIALQTYUNITcosT$$oaEXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL MATERIAL7t:, .i ,.."ri'...r L--t" t' .t ,, 'SCARSEILA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVE DATEDATE..a:.,' .:i ri. .,.: .LABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGoffREGonREGoffREGo/TREGo/TREGoffREGofiREGo/TREGHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSEOUIPNO,/:: i::.',.,,1,: ,.-il i:i ,.';y,, -,,'i',,.rl..EQUIPMENT,/1.. i 1OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURSHOURLYRATE$$$$$$$$s$$$$$$$$b$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR$$$$$$-OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRES"ENTATIVETOTAL THIS$ {ADAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: SB Structures Project Name: LID 363 224th ST lmProvements Project No; 99-3003 Description of Work:Re lace PVC inlets and outlets with Dl Item No R Dale: 412912020 Work by Subconlractor?: Yes Sub-Contractor: Scarsella OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate Hrs OT RateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 657,68$82.21BForemanKent H 613.12$I 76.64OperatorEddie D 486.1 6${}64.77PipelayerJon G 486.16$80.77oPipelayerTYW $ 2.243.12 TABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29Yo $ LABOR TOTAL $ 650.50 2,893.62 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTHTEStandby RateHrsHourly Rate EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMEN'TS Equipment # Equipment Descriptlon 241.84$o 30.23Tool Truck2-28A 246.08!30.76ITool Truck3-'131 $556.8069.60950 Loader15-79 399.92$49.99IHitahci 75 oxcavator17-238 D SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL TALS $ s $ 1,444.64 1,7/t8.01 303,37 Unit Price DOLLAR AN4OUNTQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES 389.26$1 ea $ 3B9.26HD Suoolv lnvoice # 10011947510 $ 2.335.30 2,335.30$1 eaCore and Matn lnvoice # M248390 $ b $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PRoFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ $ 2,724.58 3,298.72 572,18 on of Hours Worked Represeniative 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) FA Sheet No 43 TorAL: $ 7,938.35 $ 952.60 SHEETToTAL: $ 8,890'95 Date: By: Pay DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP,O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Otfice. (253\A72-7173Fax; (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Lf3#-trtLABOR -Classificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TgIg6lHOURS5'7. v "bo."t"7-i lo.,(o Lxe^>LOADEDHOURLY RATE$30$$$$$$$$Z'z6PEXTENDEDAMOUNTSEQUIPNOtl*"L V5 .{*r^..d-r%v t4 /-**/.l-Te* P' u,To'\ Td"kji6u\ ,t"l'KEQUIPMENTOr., i\o&d.\Clrz.r*.SLdr\6-ioNOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPEROPERSTDBY8f<aftHOURSLll- .17b?. batr.994n,',7 t-0?HOURLYRATE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 53G,YL,$$ lD3.q^$$ ?Lf ta, (tY$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSl$lsSUBCONTRACTORSlslslsuSCARSELLA BROS., IREPRESENTATIVEfisSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:zpDATEc1rAMATERIALQTYUNITGOST$19q. >bEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$738s,3(iR v" tunnruP SUBCoNTRACToRS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:ily" tr4cnruP EeUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:{lz" runnrUP LABoR:SUBTOTAL LABORal IMARKUPMATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL$Ca$,$$I^7J, tal.ot$I'3$ZtbY .laLl0$,p$ \r5' JCOWNER /ATIVEf''2 _a/, c4t^n#TOTAL THIS RFPORT: .,1;i :$ffPPUf ,dNSTRUCTION & IilIDUSTRIAL WHITE CAP HD Supply Construction Supply, Ltd 501 W. Church Street, Orlando, FL32805-2247 SOLD TO: 8623000 SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168-0697 $fi At-]sFi I."4. 3.5i1,..t. i i'lij. BRANCH ADDRESS O3O. KENT (253) 518-0306 iazti sourH 21orH srREET, sulrE 1 KENT WA 98032 KING TERRITORY: SHIP TO: 10000838472 KENT YARD 19440 B4TH AVE SOUTH KENT YARD KENT WA 98032 rNvol9E T' eTFF|entriP,a,YMENrr.o:;" Hg SU{'PLY goXSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL.WHITE CAP P.O. BOX 6040 cYPRESS, CA 90530-0040 d "$E't :?a"a 'ir !'.- '.. L tlt.\-,4 \ 'i' i4. i' t 0 5 :; ,'', ;'. ::tNvoicrHuMeeR: : '; ' 1 001 1 947510 ;.t, i;..;111 .' . ,, ,,.1.NV.9QE1841E , ; .. . 0210412020@ are+ristreef PTF ti:.::;17::::9ryiFnrp,Yj:i:1: : : -;i r,,M4l-l 49^EBr :,;:;.: 1r KeN6v'.:,:.',.,? 02t0412020 36449236 HARRY GREER CRAIG J MONTGOMERY, WALTER F '10000838472 NET 30 DAYS 5. WALK IN KENT YARD 030 OB BAG JETSET COMPLETE REPAIR 12 29.49 0 12 353.88 1 ', iilD /l;' ^1:,rUl ir,_U Acs oo l3s oc) THESE ITEMS ARE CONTROLLED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORIZED FOR EXPORT ONLY TO THE COUNTRY OF uLIMATE DESTINATIoN FoR usE By rHE uLIMAT?'CoNdrcr.rEE on rr'rq-us-r111S-15-eBE-Lryp-E^ryMlED' THEY MAY Nor BE RESoLD, TRANSFERREo oH o-*rEnwise orsposrd dF io Ar.iVbiuery c_oururdY oR ANY PERSON orHER THAN THE AUTH.RT7ED uLlMATE coNSrcNEE oR END-usERisj,'ejfui3 rrl rHeilpnre tNAL FoRM oR AFTER BEING INCORPoRATED lNro orHER trEMS, wrrHour FrRST oBTAtNtNG nppnovXl'rndr,l THE u.s. eovEntlMENT oR AS orHERWlsE AUTHORIZED BY u's' LAWAND REGULATIONS. For questions regarding this invoice please call 1-866-857-0295 GROSS MERCHAND ISE AL TAX NO REFU N DS o o EX C STOCK SHIPPINGtovtew 0Visithttps://www.whitecaP HAN GES ON NON HANDLING SIGNATURE COPY ON FILECEIVED BY: at the ihvolc.e,Page 1 of 1 8., ;;'-t ';il\;.: 1830 cratg Park CourE gt. Louls. XO 63146 INVOICE VED APt? 2I :i:t SCAR.$ELLA Bffi$. iiqt]. Inwolce * Invoice Date Account # Sales Rep Phone # Braneh #302 Totsal Anount Due Remit to: CORE & MAIN LP PO AOX 28330sr. rouls, !'ro 63L46 Shipped To: South 224Lh Street 84th Ave So to BBLh Ave So Kent, WA ' ' u248390 4/21/20 113I l-3 THOMAS WAI,DMAN 2s3-840-sb05 Puyallup, WA 92,335..30 SCARSELLA BROS INC ACCOTJ!flTS PAYABLE PO BOX 68697 SEATTT,E WA 98168-0697 000/0000 00000 Thaak you for lhe oPPortuniEy bo selve youl we appreciate your prompb palaeng Date Ordered 4/22/2a Date gh:lpped 4/27/2o CuEtoner PO # ,fob Name 99-3003 LrD 363 S 244Lh ,fob # Bl-11 of Lading' ShiPPed Via CORE & MAIN LP Involee# M248390 Products Code 0 1125 0T 281051181-8sR 2810511212SR Descripti.on L2 TJ CL5O D] PIPE 1051-181BSR LB ACIDrXCr/PVC CPI,G SHEAR RING L}'L-L2L2SR 12 AC/DIXCI/PVC CPLG SHEAR RING MONDAY 4/27 DEJ'IVERY EAST SIDE OF BRIDGE 'fOBSITE CONTACT - KENT HOWARD AT 253 -26L-820]- Quantlby Ordered Shipped B/O Price IrM Extended Price 1, 998.00 I 72 11 27.7s000 FT 365.00000 EA 125.00000 EA 1 I1 00 125.00 2,L23.00 .00 2a2.30 cyl'k l.d1 13oo3.o" I t.oat f (n Frelght Dellvery Handll'ng R€stock uiec Ternrs: NET 30 Ordered By: K&NII EOWARD - DI STOnM Invoice Total: $2'335'30 ThL6 transacelon Ls gowensd by a4d aubject co cor6 & ttaLn'E gtafldafd tsems and coaditions, whieh are incorPorated by reference and acceptod' To revieq thoge tedE and coadlElon6, please vtste: httP://tsandq.coroaadmain.coo/ 00000 Page: 1 Subtotal: Ottrer: Tax: DAILY FORCE ACGOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Otfice: (253\872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:QTYUNITCOST$$$b$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPORT:lso//oMARKUPMATERIAL:bSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:cSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:$% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:ls% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:$SUBTOTALSUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEi tl'li:,: :. : .;o/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREG,:l|: ":l.iHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$$$$$a$$$$$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS..,ji,r-l:. ,; : i,r "". ; ''EQUIPNO... l:. .,iEQUIPMENT.:J 'r:1 lj'\j.'r,.1: il.1. ,,1i.:;i .1.-' i: ; .., ]!.OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERri'HOURSHOURLYRATE$$$$ov$o$b$$$$$$$$$$$bEXTENDEDAMOUNTSBCONTR,ACTORS$$$$$OWNER / CONTRACTORATIVEDATE FA Sheet No.45lx\./ K,tiNT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: SB Structures Description of Work Poured concrete Pads around J boxes and p oles on the lower sidewalk Proje ect No: 99-3003ct Name: LID 363 224th ST lmprovements Proj Item No. Work by Subconkactor?: YeS Sub-Contractor: Scarsella Date: 611112020 LAE OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate HrsHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 822.10$82.2110ForemanKent H $766.4076.6410OperatorEddie D 607,70$t0 60.77PipelayerJon G 82.2110ForemanJoe H D $ 822.10 822.101082.21ForemanDave J LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ LABORTOTAL $ I 113.72 4,954,12 SUBTOTAL - LABOR; $ STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsstandby RateHrsHourly Rate EOUIPMENT OR AfiACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Descrlption 10 30.23Tool Truck?-21i0 $ $ 302.30 307,6030.76'10Tool Truck3-t3l 309.50$10 30.95Tool Truck3-122 60,50$1 60.50Cement mixer SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL cEs $ $ $97S.90 't,185.68 205.78 Unit Prlce DOLLAR AMOUNTQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES $ 639.41 639.41$1 eaHD Supply invoice #'10012543958 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ $ o 639.41 773.69 134.28 Verification of Hours Worked: Contraclofs DateR€prcsentatlve 12% MARKUP (for Prlme when subcontracl work) ToTAL: $ 6 13.49 $ 829.62 SHEET TOTAL: $ 7,743'11 a PaY Date: By: 8S0fiESSlilG.ARSTLDAILY FORCE ACGOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Ofice: (253].872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:}TOTAL LABOR:,?zdvg s&ta roOV;UI A/7/,'4'/ry€zrY ats ffi/f ,-/44'4rfrV IlV\SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:rn/sf uoDATEb$,Jup tter|e^baaL F"-,*'--il^.r- '{fo, }t ., h*^*r-l*^L $,u,rtt$* '1."-^^ ^11.^ t nsl* 9rw\^rrrtl),lt DA*n oocr"L.so/TREGo/TREGLABOR - Name, GlassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGREGo/Tlot{?HOURS0al01lt, L'rul92,>q)""?LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ g>>..1L$ 7 bL'ul5EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$f",?-lc$$ ,722" lAI U, CI'7 .7L,$$$$$$$$ ?9Ut?"tl$$$$$$3 -llt71L7.},-'UsvEQUIPNOfu '^.-!L ryr}!..fTo"\ rr\t-r",^\ 'TALf.'at TnV-EQUIPMENTft.TJ.C2ar AogrNSlrr\OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERtolol0HOURS?'}.'7Lzn".g{Vp">3HOURLYRATE$q'7q.1(i$$$$$$$$o$$$$$ IrD,< f)$$ Z0'7, bO$$ Btr? ,5O$g ]cu.BCEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$b'J b- rr. L- oL d).,.rrv, ,rl- f z-rr, "rr- \MATERIALQTYUNITcosT$ b3q, L{ I$$$$ i^3 7. ,-{ IEXTENDEDA[4OUNTS1SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:,? "I y" naanxUP LABoR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:7SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT$ 3g\Ll , L1$ b37 " ,/t$ 8r1,bA$iv. zi$Fos.?tr$q7?, ?CI$nt1.7dOWNER / CONTIJaRDATEf,ao77'.13, I I SUPPLY fi # I'lgTRUCTt $ {'{ & lF{ D{"!$T'R IAL WHITE CAP HD Supply Constructjon SuPP|Y, Ltd' 501 W. ihurch Street, Odando, F132805-2247 SOLD TO: 8623000 SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168-0697 NEGHIVHf} Jun12???fr $CF"fr SEL!"iA SffiS " { f'tO" BR.ANCH ADDRESS O3O. KENT (253) 518-0306 iezo sourFt 21orH srREET, sulrE 1 KENT WA 98032 KING TERRITORY: SHIPTO: 10001812217 224TH OVERPASS #933003 224TH AAVENUE SE KENT WA 98042 llI V rrrl\rI; --- tNvotcFNurfueen 10012543958 INVoICE DI\TE 06t1112Q20 993003 llraSe ner'llT PAYMENT TO: no zuppuY COIT|STRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL -WHITE CAP P.O. BOX 604{l cYPRESS, CA 90630-0040 PTF TLQ SZS a 0l TAKEN BYACCOUNT MANAGER:ORDEREDIBYNO,TE MONTGOMERY, WALTER FLEE, CRAIG JDAVID JACOBS3823293206t1112020 GUSTOMER JOB NO. TERMS,.JOB.NO;,acciBEANCH 224TH OVERPASS SHIP:VIA:/'ROUTING 5. WALK INNET 30 DAYS10001812217030 LINE PART NUMBER:OeSCntPlOtl QryORD UNIT PRICE QTY'BKO QTYSHP LB 4OOO PSI AVERAGE MPRESSIVE 112 5.19 112 s81 58.1 STRENGTH CONCRETE MIX QUIKRETE v Mlt t' 1 @ I ( THESE ITEMS ARE CONTROLLED BY THE U.SGOVERNMENTAND AUTHORIZED FOR E]!P-ORT-9I'{LY-TO THE COUNTRY OF 'LTIMATE DEslNAroN FoR usE By rHE uLTtM4rt'CoNS-rbr'ieE on er.rq.us-FCl5l HECeiulqeNrtFlED. THEY MAY Nor BE RES.LD, TRANSFERREp'oEb-r'irEnwis-orSeo_q'eo-5FidXi,,iV orirqlc^o-ururriVoR ANY PERSoN orHER rHAN rHE AUTHoRtzED uLrlMArE coNslGNEE oR END:USE-R]s}, eifHery 1ry r.r1Ei1^biTcii'iAL ForyU o5 aqlER BEING lNcoRPoRArED lNro orHER rrEMS, wtrHour FIRST oBTAtNtNG nppnovXl'r?onrr THe u.s. covEnrliilENf on As oruenwtsE AUTHORIZED BY u's' LAW AND RECULATIONS. For questions regarcling this invoice please call 1-866-857-0295 GROSS 581.28 TAX 58.1 NO ISE 639.41 C/ rn Visit REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON NON STOCK MERCHAND to VIEW ,INVOICESIGNATURE COPY ON FILERECEIVED BY: the top of this invoice.to the eddrossPlease verify that Page 1 of 1 l'fiiDgurrpuf ON ACCOI]NT I illlll lllil llil lllll llllllllll lllll lllll ltlillll c{}rtil!$TEUC"IOH & IilDUA?RIAL ut}IITE CAP 030 - Kent 7820 SOUTH 2IOTH STREET, SIIITE IOI Kent, WA,98032 (2s3) 5r8-0306 Sold To 8623000 SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA, 98168.0697 251-872-7173 Printed By : WalterM RECEIPT Ordered By: David Jacobs 38232932 224TH OVERPASS #933003, I 0001 81221 7 224TFI AAVENUE SE KENT, WA,98042 Job Site Contact: Job Site Phone: Map #: Contact Phone Ship To N3OD 60 LBS 60 LB AVERACE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CONCRETE MIX QUIKRETE VPN: I10160 I -H0l0l 2-H0104 : ial ri,, r;a r I '' i : i i:,';r:,r:.::1 : Printed Date : 06/1 112020 06:14 AM PACIFIC M }b # Tso.>3 rt4- $581 .28 $58 1.28 $0.00 $58. I 3 $639.4r $0.00 s639.41 REPORT DISCREPANCIES WITHIN 24 HRS' IF You DIDN'T RECEIVE iili iunvrde vou EXPECTED QALL srEvE HqIITAN el6-88e-5156 NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANCES ON NON STOCK MERCHANDISE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS www.w4,rIFcAr qav Shipped amount Order charges Tax amount Order total Deposit/funds tendered Balance due SIGN dfr^*,-r+F LOADED BY: SICN DATE: I l-JUN-2020 09;14:.37 PRINT : DAVID JACOBS SHIPPED WEIGHT: 6,720.00 LBS PULLED CHECKEDBY: Download any needed Safety Data Sheeh (SDS) online today at sds'hdsupply'com C Page I of 1 STAR RENTALS INC PO BOX 3875 SEATTLE WA98124-3875 www.starrentals.com tr !E@41&\Srffi4a ?a$;Tffiilffi$Vffiil) lnvoice Closed lnvoice# Thu 611112020 483215-33Jt..{i'j n 6 ij',:Hil SCA,qSELLA SRC$, iIiC. Bill to: SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA98168 0697 Customer #: '147642 I i PO #: 224th Job No: 224th Date Out fhu611112020 Terms Net 1Oth Thu611112020 Aging Date Ordered By: Jon Jon 206471-2895 otv Key Items Rented Ser#Disc%Returned Date fhu6111l2O20 11:4BAM Pric $55.01 080-0080#G1 3345 MIXER,3-4.5 CU FT ELEC MULTIQUIP MC3PEA 5.00 lweek $150.00 4weeks $260.00 291228794 Current Net 1Oth Please from this invoice. flQ'ift .od I 0E= Rental and Sales $55.00 KENT $5.50 TotalAmount: $60.50 1 l {i Total Paid $0.00 Total Due 253-854-3922 www. stanentals.com 253-854-6582 Fax Open Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 PM, Closed Saturday + Sunday Printsd On F(i611212020 6:19:48AM Software by Poini-of-Rentalsoftwars M.point-of-rental.com Modification #; Contract-Params.SQL.rpt ( 1 C 57AR RETAIg Preferred Supplier to the West's Best Contractors Status: Glosed www.starrentals.com lnvoice #: lnvoice Date: Date Out: Billed Thru: 48321 5-33 Thu 611112020 Thu 611112020 8:1'1AM thu611112020 Rented from 21216 64rH AVE S KENT WA98032 253-854-3922 Phone 253-854-6582 Fax Job No: Ordered By: Terms: Operator: 224th Jon Net 1Oth Kris Ebe Customer #:147642 SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 '-: 1 I I PO #: 224th SEATTLE WA98168 0697 253-234-0615 Phone Jon 206-471-2895 9tv 1 Key Items Rented Ser# 291228794 Status Returned Returned Date 6i1112020 11 :4BAMi Thu Price $55.00 1 080-0080#G1 3345 MIXER,3-4.5 CU FT ELEC MULTIQUIP MC3PEA >b# ?f3ooJ F,l. lnvoice to Follow RentalContract ADDITIONAL TERMSAND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACTARE SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM. Star Rentats and Sales disclaims ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ALL WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ALL WARRANTIES AGAINST INTERFERENCE OR INFRINGEMENTAND ALL OTHER WARRANTTES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, applicable to the equipment rented or sold. No further warranty shallte impliediy law This contract contains additionat WnnnnruiV DtSCLAIMERS, LttumnftOruS OF LIABILITY AND LIMITATIONS oF REMEDIES' See paragraph 11 on the reverse side of this form. ature _-SEAH5E.LLA-BRO-TI{ER-S** Rental:$55.00 L t Subtotal: ;$55.00 i I i KENT RTA:. ^ 15:50 $60.50 $0.00 , $60.s0 Total: I . -"? Paid: Ii PM, Closed Saturday + Sunday by Point{f-Rental Software M.point-of-rental.com Modification #3 Contrac!Paranrs SQL rPt (1)Open Monday through Friday 7:OO am tof00 Pflnted On Thu6t11t2O2O 11.48:15AM 4 Amount Due: DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Ofticet (253) 872-7173Fax; (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$$b$$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEOWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE,j :,,'.t' . ... '1,,..,"r.:t'- . '',.'i'I' l , i tli ,'i ..,:r4,,' ,l ;,,,:r.,-r.r-i - ;t ,, , r',.;.ilr.i''rl:.'4,r,r jr..LABOR - Name, ClassificationolTREGoffREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGO/TREGa,.-rHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSI ii.:, i .j ;'.1.- 1 /" .r:,EQUIPNO.'i1'| ', I \lEQUIPMENTt.l ...,, t,r. ,,., !' \OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURSHOURLYRATE$$$$$b$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL::iMATERIALQTYUNITcosr$$$D$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$ou$$$$$DATE FA Sheet No.46.{x\_r' KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: SB Structures nts Description of Work: Remove qraffitti, repaint walls Project No: 99-3003ProjectName: LID 363 224th ST Item No Work by Subcontractor?: no Sub-Contractor: Date: 511212020 LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 368.28bI61.38LaborerJoe S 669.62$47.83Laborer14Rick S 619.28UI77.41LaborerRichard D 341.44$4 8s.36ForemanJared R $ 579.60 LABOR TOTAL $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT@ 29% $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: ENT STANDBYOPERATED Standby Rale DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description 302.08$I 37.76Tool Truck3-307 94.48$4 23.622-253 F150 $ D 0 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL MAT 0 $ $ 396.s6 479.84 83.28 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnilsUnil PriceQuantityMATERIALS i SERVICES 594.60$ee $ 594.601Rodda lnvoive # 18160122 20.30$1 ea $ 20.30Tecoma Screw lnvoice # 1 553051 1 s 87.16 67,16$I eaTacoma Screw lnvoice # 15530154 $ e $ 147.43 702 06 849.49 SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked Conlraclor's Ownefs Representative Dele o L 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) TOTAL: $ 3 907.55 $ SHEETTOTAL: $.55 c Pay d Date By, 8R0IH;8S rSC.ARSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTaCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:981 68-0697Offrce: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209iJ,ckLABOR.Classificationo/TREGo/TREGoffREGonREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGt/HOURSiJ 1,3LOADEDHOURLY RATE4-t"Y.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l$$r$q?EXTENDEDAMOUNTS'l l -vfL'o l''">l{uLt"z-rc3-30)EQUIPNO.F-tgoZsazt^ NPREQUIPMENTgnr'LOt^OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERvHOURS?e^ ba4)'7lAHOURLYRATE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ qq.q8$$ 3crf.UFEXTFNDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$$$$$t;$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:z-zBROS.,INCATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:D,OaldaPa,hd rr tY-llaa-7 375QTYUNITCOST$ B7.lr$ Jo, t'.}$bEXTENDEDAMOUNTSttTOTALTHIS REFORT:8l "t" MARKUP MATERTAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:J I y" vnnruP EQUTPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:&9-Y, MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$i'|o 7. Ct$$ ?B/, 12 t,t$$ 79L,9G$ llq f.{n}$$ul7.tlvlOWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA..WORK REPORT.-i t (.I I.-. -..*r,c-.-..l'i .t'tt J -.., '.?.o. BoxCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:. DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:98168-0697(253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209-- ;{'Dl/11,'l"r# 5;'d.A**fo nd tp.*LABOR.co/TREGo/TREGoiTREGoffo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/T"sf6HOURS-)7, iuf{" I ;i*LOADEDHOURLY RATEn$$$$$$$$$$s$$$$d$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS;f"f.;x{*K"}EQUIP.NO..{tsvJsc.r* #fEQUIPMENT I.l{ Hr."'v'ISr-?ttOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERT'DBYOPERSTDBYOPERt$HOURSc'",- !i r^.:q"T *"i,*HOURLYRATE$$bs$$$$D$$$$$s$$$$$ A*3"'[rHEXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBCONTRACTORS\4$$$$$$$SUBTOTAL LABOR:AL SUBCONTRACTORS:'";).1"",j, r1BROS., INC,TIVE'.. DATESUBTOTAL EQUISUBTOTALi:jMATERIALrl I,-QTYUNITCOST$ -Jyr ) S;;b ": .'- ,' .-$?r, Tt)$$ {{i- t.,l ji, {.EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$*.nsrJBrorRl sUBCoNTRACToRS:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:,Aq, Yo MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:70 MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:TOTAL THIS REPORT:,;i bMARKUPMATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL,\", -iI f Z" UANXUP EQUIPMENT:g {; ':t', l:.,,i"g 19t,t.1.1" .5,:'$$$.::..:.,,'-1.,.1,.$ ?r. ;r ;.:.g Ar -'i .r: ::$ i?l.., i:'i,,-1 1 -.'{-.--1r - '-'-"' I i.o. ro"DAILY FORCE,ACGOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORT' CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER i CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:wA 98168-0697office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209DESCRIPTION OF WORK:-. ;rr.eii;d***t i'), h*, s #s-" ts.', .r lr'fl, *.u"'Ir'tda"ii ,1.io/TREGoirl) tr':o/TR,EGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TonREGo/TREGtfK?f'8,3I t.ulLOADEDHOURLY RATE.tpLb$$$$$$$$u$$$$$ia$$r$$iEXTENDEDAMOUNTS1rkl<7 '.h t74roI 5"? -') caL d:^a\43:?a)EQUIPNO.{ rsr:J.sd.r fr,^ #PeEQUIPMENT{}r}4s*.,"f1OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDFYSTDBY)PERHOURS/t fu o't57. .7{{rHOURLYRATE$ -5 Y*rf *tr$$$$$$)$I$$$$$$$$$FXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$$$$$ld$$SUBTOTAL SU, i ;; ,. .? 61,,''t *,.'-r,JBROS.,INC.ATIVE, DATE*4aaUNITco$TEXTENDEDNTSAL MATERIAL:,8"1 u MARKUP LABoR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SU-BTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS::I%MARKUPMATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL.i I "zo trlnRxuP EeUTPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:u$bU *r,.$ r'-' -; - 'r'$ l.p ,''l' :. :-E llQ:, ..')OWNER i CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE # fqripmentWatch- www. equipmentwatch-com All prices shown in US dollars ($) Adi ustments for 103-307 in AllSaved Models May 15,2020 Miscellaneous 4X2 20KGVW GAS On-Highway Flatbed Trucks Size Class: 19,501 - 26,000 GVW Weight: 7031 lbs Conliguration lor 4X2 20KGVW GAS Axle Configuration 4X2 Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight 20000.0 lbs Blue Book Rates * FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by Ownersh Monthly Weekly Published Rates Adiustments Region ( Washington: e8.3%) Model Year (1999:81.9%) Adjusted Hourly Ownership Cost (100%) Hourly Operating Cost (100%) Total: usD $1,350.00 usD $380.00 (usD $22.e5)(uso $6.46) (usD $240.20)(usD $67.61) usD $1,086.85 Non-Active Use Rates Standby Rate ldling Rate Rate Element Elemenl Depreciation (ownership) Overhaul (ownership) CFC (ownership) lndirect (ownership) Fuel (operating) @ USD 2.51 Horsepower (usD $0.24) 6.90) (usD $2.4s) usD $76.48 usD $11.27 Percenlage 47"/" 32V" 9% 12V" 770/" usD $31.58 Value USD $634.50/mo USD $432.00/mo USD $121.50/mo USD $1 62.00/mo USD $24.39/hr FHWA RAIE'* a Hourly usD $39.25 usD $37.76 Hourly uou o+.4u usD $30.57a Revised Date: 1st halt 2O2O These are the most accurate rates {orthe selected Revision Date(s). However, due to more frequent online updates, these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Book Print. Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more information. The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for NICK SCARSELLA (Nick@scarsellabros.co m ) All material herein @ 2003-2020 lnforma All rights reserved #' fqripmentWatch- www. equipm entwatch-com All prices shown in US dollars ($) Adj ustments lor O2-263 in All Saved Models May 16,2O2O GMC\CHEVY 15OO On-Highway Light Duty Trucks Size Class: 200 - 299 HP Weight: N/A Conliguration lor 1500 Axle Configuration 4.O x 2.O Horsepower 280.0 hP Ton Rating 1.0 l2.O Blue Book Rates ". FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost Monthly Published Rates USD $1,035.00 Adiustments Region ( Washington: (USD $17.59) s8.3%) Model Year (USD $54.94) (2010:94.6%\ Adjusted Hourly Ownership Cost (100%) Hourly Operating Cost (100%) Tolal: USD $962.47 divided by 176 plus the hourlY Ownership Costs Weekly Dai usD $290.00 (usD $4.e3) Cab Type Power Mode $asoli nlional nes cost, Estimated Operating Costs Hourly usD $18.15 FHWA Bale'" Hourly usD $1 1.00 (usD $0.1e) $3.87) (usD $0.58) Hourly usD $24.03 usD $23.62 (usD $1 I Non-Active Use Rates Standby Flate ldling Rate Rate Element Element Depreciation (ownership) Overhaul (ownership) CFC (ownership) lndirect (ownership) Fuel (operating) @ USD 2.51 o usD $67.88 usD $10.23 Percentage 54"/" 27"/" 1?V. 770/" usD $18.1s Value USD $558.90/mo USD $279.45/mo USD $72.45/mo USD $124.20/mo USD $14.04/hr Hourly usD $3.99 usD $1 9.51 Revised Date: 1st hall 2O2Q These are the most accurale rates torthe selected Revision Date(s). However, due lo more trequent online updates' these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Book Print. Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more in{ormation' The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for NIGK SCARSELLA ( Nick@scarsellabros.com) All material herein @ 2003-2020 lnforma All rights reserved REMIT TO: PO Box 2M25' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 911854425 503.521.4300 ' Fax 503.521 .441 1 DENTIAL PAGE 1 1 SALES #STORE |NVOtCE # 1045 1 800 18760722 CUSTOMER JOB/P.O. NUMBER ORDEREO SHIPPED BILLED TERMS 3 ggeoos 05t04120 05to7120 o5to7t20 NET 30 DAYS 594.60231.49 cD ,,Llo )?0 148.65 25.730 5G 4 PO: 993003 CON SEAL WASHINGTON STATE GRAY PRICE PER GALLON BATCH# P20B3427 Sell Date:2020-05-04 3.777o s Lao/ /4 te/4 Aa**r .r?Z/ REGE\N \J\A\ lt I SB $nrstur 7332655 TOTAL 594.60 .00rAX 0.100 TOTAL INVOICE 594.60 0EscRlPTlottITEfuI #PACKAGE OTY,SHP'D LIST PRISE IJET PRICT AIVJOT}I'JT A Finance Charge of 1.5% per month (18% per annum) will be charged on all past due accounts. PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WTH YOUR PAYMENT REMITTO: PO Box 24425 'PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91 185-4425 503.521.4300 ' Fax 503.521 .4411 CoMMERCIAL . INDUSTRIAL . RESIDENTIAL SB STRUCTURES LLC OPEN PAINTACCOUNT PO BOX 68847 SEATTLE WA 98168 a t I I I I I I PAINT AccouNT#560793 TAX .00 594.60TOTAL INVOICE AMT ENCLD $ TT lacoma screw rroducts, lnc. te(omes cfeht-com Tacoma Screw Products, lnc. Attn: Accounts Receivable P.O.8ox 35165 seattle, wA 98124-5165 U.S.A.. BILL TOt-r llzszg SB STRUCTURES LLC ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 68847 SEATTLE , WA 98168 tt tv(rtt E ilI Itstr tf t9cJUc I r LOCATION KENT DATE o5to7 t20 PAGE 10F1 frio(r I t).16 REMIT TO lllllillffillillllillllllllllillllillLn llllllillllllilllllllllllillllillllillllllllll -..,^\€\\l \EHr ro R\Av*l .*nf" srRUcruRES LLc --l - .,., { i lur-" ATTN RECEtvtNG \Ah\ t' 8404 sourH 196TH sTREET sB $$ctures $&rvr, wA e8o31 Fasteners . Tools . Maintenance & Shop Supplies ORDER NUMBER KEO21257 ORDER DATE 05to7t20 ORIGINAL OUOTE CUSTOMER P/O NUMBER 224TH ST PAYMENT TERMS 1% 1OTH, NET 30 DAYS WRITTEN BY RAB SALES HEP H CUST RELEASE#JOB NUMBER SHIP VIA WILL CALL KENT 658-101 cRowN 5062 ANTI-VANDAL SPRAY 1 0 7.5975 EA 7.64 659-011 GOOF OFF PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH CLEANER AND REMOVER 16 OZ 0 10.8532 EA 10.85 ,ForP6 ,Qca*nrt 3, ??To0 3 V//. aor 6 "G\"w /3-'-^r's /\ AVf r'$ \J Thank you for your order. Please note that all sales are subject to Tacoma Screw Products, lnc.'s Terms of Sale and Conditions of Sale. lf there should be questions. or if we can be of further service, please call 253l' 572-3444 or (BOOI 562-8192. We MERCHANDISE TOTAL HANDLING MISC CHARGE TI\X FREIGHT DEPOSIT AMOUNT DEPOSIT APPLIED INVOICE TOTAL 18.45 0.00 0.00 1.85 o.00 o.oo o_oo Customer Signature: and value your continued business. Tacoma Screw Products, lnc.tI tvutue Sincc I 9-l(r REMIT TO laconflscrew.com Tacoma Screw Products, lnc. Attn: Accounts Receivable P.O. Box 35165 seattle, wA 98124-5165 U.S.A. r llffilr ilfl llil llill rill lllil lllll lllll lil llll SHIP TOrI SB STRUCTURES LLC ATTN RECEIVING . 8404 SOUTH 196TH STREET KENT, WA 98031^,#ffiff ^q$l')drites"->\r' BILL TOr| 112533 SB STRUCTURES LLC ATTN ACCOUNTS PAY PO BOX 6884-I SEATTLE , WA 98168 lNvuluEf lccJL,, lc+ LOCATION KENT DATE 05t04l20 PAGE 10F1 Fasteners . Tools . Maintenanee & Shop Supplies ORDER NUMBER KEO20775 ORDER DATE 05toLt20 ORIGINAL OUOTE CUSTOMER P/O NUMBER GRAFITTI REMOVAL PAYMENT TERMS 1o/o 1OTH, NET 30 DAYS WRITTEN BY CM SALES REP H CUST RELEASE#JOB NUMBER SHIP VIA WILL CALL KENT 1 o 12.2238 EA 12.22586-402 TSP BAG-OF-RAGS COLORED 1OO% COTTON RAGS 5 LB 62022 2 2 o 26.8646 EA 53.73374-OO3 JAZ 64050 4" X 5/8'-1 1 .O20" STEEL WIRE CUP BRUSH CRIMPED z 2 o 1 .2186 EA 2.44376-301 SONA 7692W8 PLASTIC HANDLE MINI SCRATCH BRUSH - STAINLESS 659-011 GOOF OFF PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH CLEANER AND REMOVER 1 6 OZ Thank you for your order. Please note that all sales be any questions, or if we can be of further service, ,4/La"U ,ACauntT 7' ? f TooT Zt/.oo I 6 f"/*L" 0 10.8532 EA w Products, lnc.'s Terms of Sale and or (800) 562-8192. \Ne appreciate 10.85 Conditions of Sale. lf there should and value your continued business. are subject to Tacoma Scre please call (2531 572-3444 MERCHANDISE TOTAL HANDLING MISC CHARGE TAX FREIGHT DEPOSIT AMOUNT DEPOSIT APPLIED INVOICE TOTAL 79.24 o.oo 0.oo 7.52 0.oo o.oo o.oo PICK.UP SIGNATURE: KURT HALL FA Sheet No 47 KE T DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: SB Structures Description of Work: Remove qraffitti.repaint walls Project N ame: LID 363 224th ST lmprovements Item No. 99-3003 Work by Subcontractor?: no Sub-Contractor: Project No: Date: LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate Hrs OT RateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME $61.38LaborerJoe S $47.83LaborerRick S 309 64$77.414LaborerRichard D $85.36ForemanJared R 304.60$4 76.1 5LaborerDon V UIPME STANDBY LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ 614.24 752.37 178.13 LABORTOTAL i OPERATED Hourly Rate DOLLAR AMOUNT EQ UIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description SUBTOTAL- LABOR: $ $Tool Ttuck3-307 $F1 502-253 153.68$4 38.42F3501 03306 $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceMATERIALS / SERVICES Unlts $ $ $ 153.68 1 85.95 32.27 Quantity N'r $ 621.30 621.30$1 oaRodda lnvoive #'18762840 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 751.77$ t s 821.30 130.47 cation of Hours Worked t? (Date 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontracl work) TOTAL: $ 1 730.09 $ SHEETTOTAL: $ 1'730.09 red Date By Pay BROS., INC.DAILY FORGE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORT56 S{/u/cfa65CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:(- zc-DATEi;?IP.O. Box 68697seatrle, wA 98168-0697Ofiice: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$b$$$c$BTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:()o-- ?-(1 2<)Ao^ l;'o^^lr,.NClassificationoffREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoffqqHOURS2LOADEDHOURLY RATE..t{$ktv,)Ll$$$$$$$$$o$$$$$$$$zt1"l. hL$$ 1aLI,bCEXTENDEDAMOUNTSlaSieEQUIP.NO.', F- g5oEQUIPMENTOl^x^,a r. lAOVVN OTRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERt4HOURS1*_ v^HOURLYRATE$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS1q. (oy<JZ.fi ac+MATERIALQTYUNITCOST$ 1o> l. 3O$$$$ hlt .1DEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:?*t y" tunnrUP MATERTAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIALt I y" trlnnruP EeUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:21x trlnnxuP LABoR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$$?$).)$ 153.b$lxr./3)$$?OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATEOlaa), DAILY FORGE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTtll <17'4uC fr:il(f'S'"-!,J - ', jP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Ofrcg (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395{209 :.,CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:..DATE:COST EODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:BCONTRACTORSi(, " !"r..*i'r'{i)r,, Ao,,LABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoffREGo/TREGo/TREGLlryHOURS?". {c-?l-. , {-LOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$$$$ 1"t4. )Li--J$$s$$$$$$$$$$b$$$$$ ?n?, d:L$$ ?nu{.frt1EXTENDEDAMOUNTSEQUIPNO.EQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?oi*tOPEROPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURS{4HOURLYRATE?Q trl:$c a f^t?$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$bs$$s$$$$$$$$SUBTOTAL LABOR:BTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:ELLA BROS,, INC.DATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:{-I f cnnt,c.F,v. n"cnf -t*clls{-MATERIALQTY.UNITCOST$$$$ dr)EXTENDEDAMOUNTS.4il% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSTOTAL THIS REPORT:.) I y" nannrcuP MATERTAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:}}%MARKUPEQUIPMENT:?CI% MARKUP LABOR:SUdToTAL EQUIPMENT:SUAL LABOR:^ t a, a-^b !/i/,-l f . 1l .r$$$f;f-i*ffrrit,i?$ ?: :5*'$ {r i Y')u{$-lls-l}$ l(t . i,' k'$ i?"..r l,J t"OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATEd SIUISI' ASS(,,LIAIII STEVE SIMON/STEV!; SIMON STORE 3838 4th Avenue South Seatt,1e, Wa. 98L34 SB STRUCTURES LLC OPEN PATNT ACCOUNT PO BOX 58847 WA l_58 o Fr Fr tll0 253 872-6750 PAGE ORDER INVOICE # Qoe ) e sz-0445 SB STRUCTURES LLC OPEN PATNT ACCOUNT PO BOX 68847 SEATTLE WA r-58 I J-OO / JUI'i J-C) IQZa=v & FEI!rao E-rg (.) SLSM ro45 ORDER TYPE OPEN ACCOUNT 7332655 Batch# P20F 55L513 XCON SEAI-., WASHTNGTON STATE GRAY A UN1253 PATNT, 3 PG IT , 212.00 Pounds 336 Sell Date:2020-06-25 5G IN\/ DATE 2020 - 06-25 IN\T TIME 7 z12z 48 4 148.65 594.60 24.25 4 TITAI{ TIP SC6 513 EA 1 24.25 MSDS available online at www.roddapaint.com or aL 1-800-242-371'3 ACCOUNT #TAIT EXEMPT #SHIP DATEcusToMER P.o. #ORDER DATE s607935026]-5s832020-o6-25 2020-o6-26993 0 03 AUTHORIZED SIGNERYOUR ACCOI'NT REPRESEMTATIVE IS: (206) 396-341,7 BRYAI{ MARQUES RECEIVED BY I HAI/S i?SA' LIMT'T '!' WA!?RAi'I'J'Y, L]AtsI;I'I'Y iU{iD ADDI 'i'ro!'IAi 'SllRil'ls Cri niAcl{ Atll-r A0FiU[: 'l'Q ":'!Ir-)gg I'E:?Mli IIANDLING PRIOR PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID SDS aval1ab1e EMERGENCY PHONE (8OO) 424.9300 CIIE!flTREC TENDOR TYPE / NUMBER 621,.30 a! www.roddapaia!.com or 8oo-242-37 L3 REMIT TO : RODDA PAINT CO suB-ToTAL 5t_g.85 INVOITOTAL 62l..30 BAI,ANCE DIJE PO Box 24425 Pasadena, CA911854425 This 1s !o certify Ehat tshe materials named herein are properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled, and are in proper cond.j-tion for transporEaEion according Eo Ehe aPplicable regulations of the DeparEment of rransporEaEion. cusToMER COpy TERMSNET 30 DAYS45 TAX 2 TRANSPORTATION LABOR fi1*d$6.; FINISH RIGH' PO Box 24425. PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91185-4425 503.521 .4300 - Fil< 503.521 .4411 DENTIAL SALES #STORE tNVOtCE # 1 045 1 800 18762840 CUSTOMER JOB/P.O. NUMBER ORDERED SHIPPED BILLED TERMS 993003 06125/20 06/26/20 06/26/20 NET 30 DAYS 594.60 24.25 231 .49 5 25.00 148.65 29.730 4 24.25 PO: 993003 CON SEAL WASHINGTON STATE GRAY PRICE PER GALLON Batch# P20F4336 Sell Date:2020-06-2 TITAN TIP SC6 513 ,aIEGENEDu" JtJ'-1?o?o r'ard Awt'vt' 7, 7r soos/a"'o"'4. ,d Lto $B Structures' EA- 5G 4 1661513 7332655 618.85TOTAL 2.45TAX 0.100 621.30TOTAL INVOICE ITEM 8 PACKAGE OTY,SHP'D DESCRIPTION LIST PFICE NET PFIICE AMOUNT A Finance Charge of 1.5Y" per month (18% per annum) will be charged on all past due accounts. PLEASE DETACH AND RETTTRN THIS PORTION WTH YOUR PAYMENT REMIT TO: PO Box 24425 .PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91 185-4425 503.521.4300- Fax 503521 .4411 CoMMERCIAL . INDUSTRIAL . RESIDENTIAL SB STRUCTUFIES LLC OPEN PAINT ACCOUNT PO BOX 68847 SEATTLE WA 98168 Rodds PAINT ACCOUNT #560793 7 r :-.:l:i,,::rorlt 2.45 621.30 TAx r' TOTAL INVOICE AMT ENCLD $ FA Sheet No.:48 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED G Project Name LrD 363 224th ST lmorovements Project No: 99-3003 Item No.:Date: 911012020 Description of Work Remove graffitti , repaint walls Prime Contractor: SB Structures Work by Subcontractor?: no Sub-Contractor: I.ABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Joe S Laborer 61.38 $ Rick S Laborer 47 83 $ Richard D Mason Foreman 6 79.64 $477.84 Wavne D Mason App 6 73.48 $440.88 Foreman 6 79.64 $477.84 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $1 .56 LABOR OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 29% $405.00 LABOR TOTAL t,801.56 NT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate 03-314 Box Van ,|26.79 $26.75 2-253 F1 50 $ 103306 F350 $ $ SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT $28.79 EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 210lo EQUIPMENT TOTAL $5 32.42 NT MATERIALS / SERVICES Ouaniity Units Unlt Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Rodda lnvoive # I 8762840 1 ea $ 981.09 $981,09 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAI OVERHEAD&PROFIT@21; TOTAL $981 09 206.03 1,181.12 Verification of Hours Worked ContrsctofB Date: By: Pay Dst6 rorAL:_$_*3tQlLl[ 12% MARKUP (for Prime wh€n submntracl work)$ SHEETTOTAL: $3,021.10 RECORD OF WORKCONTRACT NAME' NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTORSUBOONTRACTORSTARTWORKEND WORK DATP-O. Bo)( 68417S€Ee, WA 9E16&O847Ofice: (253)E726750Fax: (2531a72-7171STJBCONTRACTOR ONSTTE REPRESENTATIVEOWI.I€R / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVESUBTOTALSUBTOTAL VERIFICATION SUBCONTRACTORS:HOURSAND EQUIPMENTBID ITEM OR CIIANGE ORDERBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERDESCRIPTION OF WORKDATEDATE9nonozadl(entGrafritti RemovalSECOilD TIER SUBCOI{TRACTORwayne Dubois - CM APPR 95%Richard Dr$ds - Mmn ForemanDod Valghn - Mason ForemanllEOR - N.rne. Chsalfrcatono/TorronorTREGon{EGo/Tofi{E1j1EG6-m6.OO6.006 73.48$ 79.e1I 79.64HOT'RLY RATT3ssss$$$5 1,395.56$i$$st$s3$E$ 440.88ss 177.US$ 177-e4ETTENDEDAM'NTSSalea T.xRodda lnwri;o*187860{2IATERIALSUBTOTAL EQUIPIIENT:03314EQUIP.xo.8ox VanEOT-IIPIEXTOm orRErlA?iTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTOBY)PERgiOBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDAY)PEROPERSTDBYCPER30QTY.1.mltot Rs3 29.73uMrcoSTs 26.79H(ruRLYRATE$gEl-09$$s$89.193891.90EXTE}IDEDArcUNTS3?579$t$s33$$$$$3s$$3fr19EXTEIIDEDAf,OUilTSlRril .TOTAL T}TS REPORT:12% PRIME MARKUPSUETOTAT:2'196 MARKUP MATERI,ALSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21% MARKI.P EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:29% TTIARKUP LABOR:STJBTOTAL LABOR% IIIARKUP FOR SUBCONTRACTOS:SUBTOTAL SUSCOITITMCTORS:$3.021 10$3.021.10$206.G?t981.0935-63t6.79E/t05.00$1,395.56t DAILY FORCE AGCOUNT ' EXTRA WORK REPORT44 ^ soozCONTRACT NAME, NO-:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COSTCODE:DESCRIPTION OFWORK.- .:a.. .-r':.-'t'-./."- Sc.4RsELLABRos., tNc. REpR€SENTATI\E DATE8d68697s6at$e, WA 90168{697Ofrl€: {253) 872-7173Fax (253)39$1aFSUBTOTAL TAAOR$lsl$lsl$lsSUBCONTRACTORSlsSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:/r..j,\, i .'. .--'i.ji,..:'..,.i. i;1'',,., rr li j;i-; ..rr r'"; ,i - --4i-,n 1.,.:..;'rn*..iocno/TREGLABOR - Name, ClassificalionoE/:o/TREGoffREGREGotTREG017REGo/To/TREGolTu^l lDcLOADED}IOURLY RATEP$ENDEDAIIOIJHTSEQUIP.NO.$3"-ttb$,:.i{,ra ,,/"', '"'EQUIPTENTOllfi{ dn€rrAL?I.j(s lJtOPERSTDBYOPEROPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERATDBYSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTOBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYHOURSHOURLYRATE$EXTENDEDAT'OUNTS$$!$b$$a$$b$b""i,ii-i\d.{a"X-;l'(.*,,eQTY, 2?.7 1UNITco$TEXTENDENAI'OUNTS$$ *? tq$ 8.tt.gcSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:TOTALTHIS REPoRT:l$o/o MARKUP MATERIALTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:l$% MARKUP EQUIPMENI.SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:l$% MARKUP SUBCoNTRACTORS: l$SUBToTAL SUBCoNTRACTORS: I $OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE #,' HquipmentWafich," www.aquipmentwalch.eom All prices shown in US dollars ($) Adiustn'lents lor 103-314 in AllSaved Models October 19,2020 Miscsllaneous 4X2 lsKGVW GAS On-Highway Flatbed Trucks Size Class: 14,001 - 16,000 Gvw Weight: 5278 lbs Conllgurallon lar 4X2'lSKGVW GAS Axle Confjguration 4X2 Maxlmum Gross Vohicl€ Weight 15000.0 lbs Published Rates Ad,luslmenls R€glon ( Washlngton: 98.3%) Mod6l Year (2010: 93.457d Adiusted Hourly Ownorshlp Cost (!@o/d Hourly Operating Cost (100%) Totsl: Monlhly usD $I,090.00 uso $1,001.29 usD f80.01 uso tl0.10 Hors€power Power irlode 210.0 Gasollno Bluo Book Rates ,. FHWA Rate is squal to the monthly ownarship cost divided by 176 plus the houdy ostlmated operallng OwnerehlP Costs c0st, (uso $18.53) {us0 $70.18} Weekly usD $305.00 {usD $5.18) (uso $19.64) usD 1280.18 DallY usD $76,00 (uso $1.29) {uso $4.8e) Hourly usD $11.00 {uBD $0.19} (uso $0.71) Esllm!lod Oporntlng Costg Hourly usD $21.10 usD 821.r0 FHWA Fols" Hourly usD $27.29 uso $28.79 Non-Actlve Use Rates Standby Rato ldllng Rals Hourly uso $3.81 usD $21.00 Rate Elemsnt Allocatlon Elsmsnl Depreciation (ownorshlp) Overhaul {ownetshipl CFC (ownershiP) lndlrecl (ownsrship) Fuel (operating) @ USD 2.17 Porcgnlrg€ 4go/" 33'/" 6'h t20L Vrluo USO $534.1o/mo USD $359.70/mo USO $65.40/mo USD $130.80/mo USD $15.31/hr Revised Date; znd half 2020 These are the mosl accufate rates for the se{ecled Revision Date(s). However, due io more frequenf online updates, lhese rates may not match Renlal Rats Bhra Book print. visit the cost Becovery Product Guide on our Holp pags for more inforrnation. The equiprnent represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for NICK SCARSELLA ( Nick@scarse llabros.com ) All mal€rial herein @ 2003-2020 lnlorma Ail rights reservod i.:, r' , i ., -; 1' ,ii-- r- ' ],r ' r'\'- : - A Finance Charge o11.5% will be charged on all past 3-i-but?o'r: 3-\- Lorltl1t'(J per month (18% per annum) due accounts, REMIT TO: Po Box 24425 . PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91 185-4425 503.521.4300 . Fax 503.52 1 .441 1 PAGE -I rNvorcE #$7'86}ti2. ACCOUNT #560793 TOTAL 1ee4.35 TAX (t-t\5 ) ll(-r.;):) 11135 FLEASS DETACil ANO RETUHN THIS PQfr1'ION IYITH YAUN PAYMENT REMI"T TO: PCJ Box 24425 ' PASADENA, CAL{FORNIA 9 l 1 BS-4425 503.521.4300 ' Fax 503.s21 .4411 C0MMERCIAL . tNOUSTRIAL r RESIDENTIAL SB STRIJCTU|IES LLC OPEN PAINI- ACCOUNT PO BOX 68847 SHATTLE WA 98168 SALES f STORE tNVOICE s 1045 1 800 1 8766092 CUSTOMEF JOB/P,O, NUMBEH OROERED SHIPPED BILLED TFHMS YARD 2OO7 09/01/20 0s103/20 09/03/20 NET 30 DAYS 148.65 29.730 o 1102.45 rd"t: f: r'- I h Uuf'li-'li li\rl 6 srt? 5G EA' { 891 .S0 '1 102.45 tr '!"ll U.-. I 1 1297.00 i qa 231 .49 PO: YARD 2007 CON SEAL WASHINGTON STATE GRAY PRICE PER GALLON Batch# P20F4544 Sell Date:2020-09-0 440 IMPACT TITAN PUMP COMPLETE -.r\\\fl90^(aff \*t '' * \An\-(av7 "- -a.\u L\" -* , t t$Al EtJ r 3B $$tcturos'tl0' d\ J5 Y"..,t ?d'*, *o" L Fcc.r...r ?u"l'^i {*-:<- -& 8q , r 805015 7332655 1 S94.35TOTAL 1 1 1.35rAx 0.100 21A5.70TOTAL INVOICE I1EM ,OESCFIIPT'ON LISI PTICE NEI PITICE AMOUNI Roddu PAINT TOTAL INVOICE >tct)1optos.to Bryant, Jason Matt, I meet with our design team on Friday last week to get some direction on the extra work items on the punch list. Here is an updated list with what items we want to proceed on. The Design team is putting together a plan for all of the additional signage and channelization' I'm still waiting on a few items but take a look at the list and we can chat tomorrow. Thank you, From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 I Cell 253-261-5663 J Brvant@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook J'r;'r!ll::tr' YouTube PLEASE CON$IDEN THT GNVIRGSIIqENT EEFONE PRII{TING THT$ g'MAIL Bryant, Jason Tuesday, May 19, 20201:43 PM Matthew Scarsella RE: 99-3003 Punch List / Close-Out LID 363 -5.224th Phase 1 FinalWalkThru updated 5-18.doc; Design 224th Phase 1 Punch List. -1 Updated 5-lBdocx'docx From : Matthew sca rsel la I ma ilto : matthew. s@ scARSE LLABROS. com] Sent: Tuesday, MaY L9,2020 12:26PM To: Bryant, Jason Subject: 99-3003 Punch List / Close-Out Hi Jason, I sat down with Kent Howard and went over everything remaining on the punch list, Are you available tomorrow to meet onsite and discuss our path to the finish line for 224rh Phase 1? Thanks, Matt *ffi*Matthew Scarsella, P'E' Project Manager, SB Structures, LLC EXTERNAL EMAIL A PO Box 68847 Seattle, Washington 98168 O 253.872.6750 M 206.BL7 '2765 E matthew,s@scarsellabros'com 1