HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-133 - Change Order - #2 - Northwest Cascade, Inc. - 76th Ave S Improvements - 01/13/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvats, Signatures and Records Management - i6rifo1,i-, lomoines i repTaces the Request for Mayor! Slgnature and Contract cover Sheet torms' (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WASHINGToN Date Received bY CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office: Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required N/A Date Sent: 3N21 Date of Council APProval: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee EI Mayor Grant? EYes EINo Type: N/A Budget Account Number: R20082.641',!0.120 Budget? EIYes tr No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Northwest Cascade, lnc. 5ub-CategorY: Change Order #2 Vendor Number: project Name: 76th Ave. s. lmprovements - s. 22}th st. to s. 214th St' newthetodpriorprojectulinfireforeevelopmentannstallapcomingDetaic.Project newthe roadwaythrocuttifutureavoidughtongcreteconroadway Basis for Selection of Contractor: Sld Termination Date: 130 Working DaYs Agreement Amount: $1 4,07 8.25 Start Date: May 5,2A20 Local Business? EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.i00, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Afyspace' Contract Number: cAG2020-133 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No adrW22lTLl-)0 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements $tJP I(ENT WatHtNotoN CHAHGE ORDER NO. # 2 Northwest Cascade, Inc. ("Contractor")NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTR,ACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:TAth arro C T Fralra,mahlc-C ?tnthqt la C lr,Cth C* ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :Mav 5. 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revlse existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiprnent necessary to : Install a fireline for an upcoming development project prior to the new concrete roadway to avoid future cutting through the new roadway. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $4,472,667.25 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $49,659.53 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $4,522,326.78 Current Change Order $12,798.41 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $1,279.84 Revised Contract Sum $4,536,405.03 CHANGE ORDER. 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (inseft date) 120 rvorking days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (inseft date) I working days Days Required (*) for this Change Order 2 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 130 working days In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of thls Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including' without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CITY OF KENT: (title) u"/ &n^ Interim Public Wnrks l)irpctor Print Name:Chad Bieren Its p.F_ DATE: (signature) CONTRACTOR: (titte) By I DATE: Print Name: CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 ATTEST: ! Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable lf Mayor's slgnature reguired) Kent Law Department llo thls fl.|d, you may enterthe electenk.fiteglth where the ontBct hs bsa savedl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 FILE NO:2OO.2KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO' 2 Construction En qtneenncl Division - Public Works Project: 76th Av S ImProvements Project Engineer: Capital Projects Mark Madfai Phil McConnell Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 19-3006 N/A NorthWest Cascade Man r: Date: Various I. PROPOSED CHANGE In stall a fireline for an u devel entmrn ro ect II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Installing the fireline prior to the new concrete roa dway to avo id the cutting through of the new roadwa III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not DELETE DflSTING PAY 1.09.5 Not TO EXISTING PAY Not L FOR ACCOUNT'TVG USE ONI.YChange Order No. Sch. No.Item ption Total Est. Qty Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Install fire line - ST 25+83 1 1 FA $r2,798.412 for future Pozzi Brother Dev, Independent Estimate Atta ched - Payment to be made A! q latg-!: qS-!,e- -up,o-ll qgmplClign ol wqrk FOR ACCOUNI'NG USE ONI.YChanSe Order No, Qtv Unit CostPrice.ltem D_e_sc1iP!io1t_B.No. Independent Estimate Attached -REQUIRED FORACCOUNT'NG USEONTYChange Order No.Cost of ltemUnit PriceUnitItgp DescriPtionSch. No.B.l. No. Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED REV. DATE: 3127/18 FILE NO: 2OO.2KET TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * 'rTotal of the Cost of ftem Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE 1 79 .4L IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL WORKING DAYS* {.This Order + Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Capital Projects Manager:Date:- LD.L() u lo /e/p/zo 3J LI Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Manager: Paul Kuehne Eric nor Date Date: 2 798.411 Previous Total olrg: i- Original Contract Due This Change Order*2082002 DATE: 210 REV. DATE: 3/27/1.8 Bill to: COKNORTHWEST CASCADE, TNC. NWC PROJECT #4255 DESCRIPTION: Pozzi Fire Seryice LOCATION: 76th Ave South Improvements Laborer Group 2A - Flaggers Laborer Group 4 - Pipe Layer Foreman OperatorGroup3 -Light OperatorGroup2-Healy OperatorGroup I - Heavy/HeavY D225 2OI5 CATERPILLAR 323 D226 2016 DEERE 85G c630 2012 FORD F450 D2O8 2OI2 JOHN DEERE 35D DZII 2OI3 JOHNDEERE 3IOSK EW#l0 T REG o.T REG REG o.T. o.T. REG 0.5 3Vo SMALL TOOLS: $81.81 29Vo MARKUP: $790.82 LABOR TOTAL: 8.5 0 LABOR MATERIAL $65.36 $765.06 $122.96 $0.00 1.85 $l I 1.69 $712.09 t2 82 $0.00 43 $106?.43 $51.08 $683.43 $83.54 $0.00 29 1.55 55.56 $9.41 EQUIPMENT 2lYo MARKUP: $143.57 EQUIPMENT TOTAL: $27 $3599.5E sE27.26 $8371.57 MOUNTED 6'. 8" Gate Valve 6" MJ Kit 6' $6918.65 $t452.922IVO MARKUP: MATERIAL TOTAL: 8.505 8 0 $0.00 $0.00I2VO MARKUP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL:$0.00 TOTAL S12798.41LATEST REVISION 09 13 I I2O I I NORTHWEST CASCADE, tNC. NWC PROJECT #4255 DESCRIPTION: Pozi Fire Servico LOCATION: ?6& Ave Sourh tnprovmeots Laborn Croup 2A - Flagge6 Labortr Group 4 - Pipe kyer Foftmm OperatorGmup3-Light q.r. REG 0,1 I qJ. REG 0.5 8 o,.l REG o.T. Bill for COK EW#l0 DA 7t6t2020 4 ,0.! I $73.41 $65.16 !!9J! $90-.of- $tt2j6 $8 1.67 $-1!0.5e $81.85 sl r 1.69 0 8.5 ! 8.5 s 8.5 q 0 0 30.00 s33s^6o $0.00 l1!5.06 $0.00 s69+n $0jgq, $0.00 $0.00 OperaiorCroup2-Heavy ":1":**,,:l'"'*'"r ff qt- 'l iii'if, itlll' LABOR SI.IBTOTAI: $2971.81 3"/,SMALLTOOLS: $89.15 MARKUP: 5861.82 LABOR TOTAL: 29t/" $3922.?9 D225 2015 CA'TERPILLAR 323 D226 2016 DEERE 85G c630 2012 FORD MOUNTED MOL'NTED F45O FOREMANTRUCK STNBY REOD2O8 2OI2 'OHNDEERE 35D D2II 2OI] JOHNDT'ERE 3IOSK $l?.85 .63 LOADI'R STNBY l2"xE" T€e 8" Gate-Valvc s" rB !!q Fir 8'lvlJ Kit 210/6 MARKUP: $143.57 FQUIPMENT TOTAL: 7'l $50r.70 q106J.43 s3731 $683.43 $16-l J5 sa2,.26 $0.00 I 1 73 I t I I $69.43 i}oe $69.43 6"MJ Kit {141CVllve 12h6" Tee $51.08 s683.43 _ 0 $0.00 s0.00 _ MATERIAL SUBTO T l&; $763Ll2 llYo MARKUP: $1602.53. MATERIALTOTAL: $9233.65 $361.35 l2oA MARKUP: $0.00 SUECONTRACTOR TOTAL: r/TTEST RFVISION A9B I nA t I TOTAL $13981?0 6 inch pipe 73 LF $29.77 per LF 2173.07 returned pipe 50 LF $29.77 per LF 1488.50 Difference in requested amount and returned 684'57 deduction Flagging can't be a subtanially different body of work will be removed. @-NQgIH WES T CASCADE INC. post oFFtcE 80x 73399. puvALLUP. wAsHrNeloN 98373 ,' IOIL FRSE 600462-4142 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT iRVIt]FS ,4 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE:REPRESENTATIVE TITLE: 7-6'za tl #: f4 TIME:€ PAGE: NAME& U- thnAbu- LABOR . WOFIKFR'S NAMF wopKFR's oecilpaTtoN RFG TIME TIMF&AHAI F DOUBI E TIME /J, {.,k le/Fa /wta'q r1 lr a,1"h,r" r oA)'1 r'jpFFro /.* J--'..,)op (n iL *r, #F/e. *a / /q ./ cnt ,FNT )IJIPMFNT NIIMBFR FOI JItrMFNT DFSCRIPTION HOURS STANDBY -.2. -t {tat' fnr h /. r,s - 7,lz / t* /-a^ nl ,.: -r I-kfllryr^,n' {rulrt G-N RTHWEST CASCADE INC. FosT oFFlcE Box 73399' PUYALLUP, wAsHlNGloN 98373 / loLL Fp€E 800-562-4442 DAILY FORCE SHEET MATFRIAI S OR SERVICES VENDOR & INVOICE #ffiRIPTIoN -//'1- lt Q I e CtPAGE: taort',7-6'o // LAEOR ^WORKtrR'S NAMtr WOEIKER'S OCCUPATION REG TIME TIMtr & A HALF DOUBLE TIME / ), K.'o lt/Vo/tvan-9 It L/o,l-'- .*hD q l^ilan-.o,/ {J t1\ € ,4 oo-B l4d E/aa-a -,2 q/y' EOUIPMENT trOI IIPMFNT NUMBFR EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOIJRS STANDBY I)- Aon ftl ,'rt t' Y an- 7t 1 /a*/ru,/P ^r Ll / -L2n p REPRESENTATIVE TITLE:OWNER REPRESENTATIVE: "d H.D. FOWLER Customer: Estimator: Job Name: Locatlon: COMPAT{V NORTHWEST CASCADE Ben Pimentel 76TH AVE, REV#3, 8., FIRE KENT,WA Estimate: Bid Date: Bid No: E419876 Page 1 of 1 E4L9876 7/612020 Line Qty UoM ltem Description 12" X 8" MJ X FL TEE Dr, AWWA C1s3, C/L LESS ACCESSORIES (126 tBS) 8" AVK 6ATE VALVE, MJ X FLG, RESILIENT SEATED. AWWA C5O9 FULL BODY DI. LESS M] ACC 8" CL 52 Dt PIPE TR FLEX 18.25' LENGTH ASPHAITIC COATED ANSI/AWWA c151/A21..51AND CEMENT l-INED ANS|/AWWA C1041A21.4 WITH SBR GASKET INCLUDES 1 LEFT AND RIGHT SEGMENT AND 1 RUSSER RETAINTR 8" WEDGE ACTION MJ KIT FOR DI PIPE WIBOLTS, WEDGE ACTION GLAND & GASKET {8OXED WITH EIACK LETTTRING) Approxlmate Total Unit Price 501.70 r,067.43 37.31 Extended Price 501.70 L,067,43 2,723,63 1 2 3 1 1 73 EA EA FT IFTs53MMFL AAVK4520OMFN tp523GTR 4 1 EA rFzwAR63K 59.43 69.43 4,362,19 d H.D. FOWLER COMPANY REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seattle, WA 98124 Corporate Office 3633 136th Pl SE, Ste 100, Bellevue, WA 98006 PO Box 160, Bellevue, WA 98009-01 60 Phone 425-654-8800 - Fax 425-641 -8885 Bellevue Branch 13440 SE 30th st Bellevue, WA 98005 (42s) 746-8400 Fax(4251 641-888s Page 1 of 1 Packing Slip 155 11654 ro: NoRTHWESTcAScADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373.0399 (253) 848-2371 hip to:21441 76TH AVE SOUTH KENT WA 98032 Date:Writer 0671 5661 t02120 Pimentel Terms: NET 1OTH PROX FoB: H. D, FOWLER COMPANY Ship Via: FREIGHT NW 76TH AVE SOUTH Qty Qty Ship'd BO'd Part # UoM Description Unit Price Extended T xLinePrice 1 2 109.5 FT IP522GTR 6" CL 52 DI PIPE TR FLEX 18.25' LENGTH ASPHALTIC COATED ANSI/AWWA C1 51 I 421 .51 AND CEMENT LINED ANSI/AWWA c1A#421.4 WITH SBR GASKET INCLUDES 1 LEFT AND RIGHT SEGMENTAND 1 RUBBER RETAINER EA MSOUTBOUND OUTBOUND FREIGHT CHARGE FREIGHT FROM BELLEVUE TO JOBSITE IN KENT 26.80 1 32s.00 Sub total Freight Tax Grand Total Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 www.hdfowler. com isaac 2,934.60 325,00 3,259.60 3,259.60 @ H.D. FOWLER COMPAtiIY REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seattle, WA 98124 Corporate Offlce 3633 136th Pl SE, Ste 100, Bellevue, WA 98006 PO Box 160, Bellevue, WA 98009-0160 Phone 425654€800 . Fax 425-641-8885 Pacific Branch 1417 Thomton Ave SW Pacific, WA 98047 (253) 863-8600 Fax (253) 863€681 Page I of 1 lnvoice Number r551 1509 PAWH # 143940 I 2 3 4 5 o 10 11 lo NORTHWEST CASCADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373.0399 Ship to:HD Fowler Company - Pacific 1417 Thornton Ave SW Pacific WA 98047 Ordel# Q6715474 lnv Date: oTlauza Order Writer: Ben Pimentel Terms: NET 1OTH PROX FoB: H. D. FOWLER Due: 08110120 Shlp Via: WILL CALL Po/JoB: 6" FIRE CHANGE #255 76TH AVE SOUTH Line Qty Aty Ship'd BO'd Part # UoM Description Unit Price Extended T Price X 1 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA IFTS52MMFL 12" X 6' MJ X FL TEE DI, AWWA Cl53, CIL LESS ACCESSORTES (133 LBS) MVK451sOMFN 6'AVK GATE VALVE, MJ X FLG, RESILIENT SEATED, AWWA C5O9 FULL BODY DI, LESS MJ ACC VBB24 24" VALVE BOX BASE VBT94OB 18" VALVE BOX TOP 94OB SLIP TYPE VBL94O LID FOR g4O VALVE BOX DEEP SKIRT MARKED 'WATER" IFZWARG2K 6'WEDGE ACTION MJ KIT FOR DI PIPE WBOLTS, WEDGE ACTTON GLAND & GASKET (BOXED WlrH BLACK LETTERING) FGNEFF2 6" 1/8" FULL FACE GASKET, NEOPRENE, 150# BNBKIT2 6" BLACK BOLT & NUT KIT 8 PER 314" X3-114" A 3O7,GRADE A,IMPORT 361.35 1 683.43 1 28.59 1 45.99 1 11.81 1 51.08 1 4.56 1 12.08 Sub total Freight Tax Grand Total '* New Remittance Address ** PO Box 84368, Seaftle, WA 98124-5668 EFT Routing:121000248 EFT Bank No: 418 545 3362 i i TOM HOLM CURBSIDE Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 www.hdfowler.com 361.3s 683.43 28.59 45.99 11.81 51.08 4.56 p.a8 1,198.89 1,198.89 Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Clty ot Kent 76th Ave S lmprovitfrit:4:21PartlyRe did 12x 6 t sta 25+80Fowler 0671 9582. 06693223Daily ReportJob Gode4255;lf -, :; _1761489001 040681294410791 601 031 4SIGLER, DONALD LAB-FOREGRAEBER,JR, KEN OPERATR HHGAETHLE, MICHAEL OPERATOR HCOFFEY, SEANPIPE LAYERFITZPATRICK, SEANI FLAG TCSWYATT, MATTHEW APPR. LABRHANSON, JOHN APPR. LABRITotals for LaborI8888II8II8I8Hours: 56 Broken Out: (56/0/0)7D208D211CRAWLER MOUNTEDffiACTOIR LOADER BA373x'c' - indicates a completed item.'(R)'- indicates a rework quantity.Date;Printed on: 08/05/2A20 10:47:31Page 1 Northwest Gascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportJob Code4255Totals for Equipment Hours: 10 Broken Out: (10/0/0)Code1 7614890010406812944107916010314Start07:0007:0007:0007:0007:0007:0007:00Break (1)Meal(2)End15:3015:3015:3015:3015:3015:3015:30Name Begin EndSIGLER, DONALDGRAEBER,JR, KENGAETHLE, MICHAELCOFFEY, SEANFITZPATRICK, SEANIWYATT, MATTHEWHANSON, JOHNLunch Break(2)12:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:30Diem Subsistence Notes1000.12305231 0EW-010'c'- indicates ax1 Fow1er.06693223. 06718582lnspector Note4 J Hanson m Wyaft 16 hrslnspector Note3 Seani 8 hrslnspector Note2 Dug up I at sta 25+80 pulled. 12 xG t out installed 12x 8 t pulled 6in pipe out laid 65.5 lf 8in across rd. See memolnspector NotelR)'- indicates a rework quantity.Dale:Printed on: 08/05/2020 10:47:31Page 2 Northwest Cascade Co nstructionJob Name: Cityof Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily Report.tJob Gode4255binrrn5l:.A7Core and mainm620216176148908129441001 031 47916SIGLER, DONALD LAB.FORE 5GRAEBER,JR, KEN OPEMTR HHCOFFEY, SEANPIPE IAYERFITZPATRICK, SEANI FLAG TCSHANSON,JOHN APPR. LABRWYATT,MATTHEW APPR.LABRGAETHLE, MICHAEL OPERATOII H5553/1.53t1.53/1-5.00.03/1.588/1.58n.58/1.5II8/1.58/1.5010406'' "'.,:.176',1489081294/1001 031 4791 6010406Y'c'- indicates aSIGLER, DONALD LAB-FOREGRAEBER,JR, KEN OPERATR HHCOFFEY, SEANPIPE LAYERFITZPATRICK, SEANI FLAG TCSHANSON,JOHN APPR, LABR 8WYATT, MATTHEW APPR. LABR 8/1.5GAETHLE, MICHAEL OPERATOR H8/1.58t1.58/1.5I8/1.5TR)'- indicates a rework quantity.Date:Printed on: 08/05/2020 10:46:A8Page 18/1.5 Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportJob Code4255Totals for LaborHours: 63.5 Broken Out: (56/7.510)D211D208D221TRACTOR LOADER BACRAWLER MOUNTEDCRAWLER MOUNTED336I03050D211D208TRACTOR LOADER BACRAWLER MOUNTEDCRAWLER MOUNTED680D221'c'- indicates aitem.Totals for EquipmentDate:Hours: 14 Broken Out: ll4l0l0)lR)'- indicates a rewokquantily.Printed on: 08/05/2020 10:46:08Page 2 ,lJob Gode4255Nofihwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Clty of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportCode17614890812944100103'14791 6010406Start07:0007:0007:0007:0007:0007:0007:00Break (1)NameSIGLER, DONALDGRAEBER,JR, KFNCOFFEY, SEANFITZPATRICK, SEANIHANSON, JOHNWYATT, MATTHEWGAETHLE, MICHAELBegin EndLunch12:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012;00-12:3012:00-12:30Break (2) Meal(2)End Diem Subsistence Notes17:0017:0017:0015:3015:0017:0017:00GodeD211Name BeglnTRACTOR LOADER BEndStarl07:00Break (1) Lunch Break (2) Meal (2)Diem Subslstence NotesEnd1 6301000.11 D siglerlnspector Note3 Dug across 76th for zin water service sta 26+20.lnspector Note2 Back lilled from sta 24+50 to sta 26+38 12in mainline 65.5 lf. Crossing 76th. 6in.[Newell 23052 91.56 TN 5/8]lnspector Note6 Matt Wyatt- 9.5. Jon Hanson. 8lnspector Note521252275u3052310c'- indicates aTR)'- indicates a rework quantity.Seani Fitzpatrick I hrsDate:Printed on: 08/05/202A 10:46:08Page 3 No fi hwest Cascade ConstructlonJob llame: City of Kent 76th Ave $ tmprov)Job Gode4255Daily ReportEW-010x6i- indicates a completed item-lnspector Note4 Dug and laid 65.5 of 5in across 76th lor newwater line lor pozzi bro sta 25+95lnspector Note'(R)'- indicates a rewo* guantity.Dde;Printed on: 08/05/2020 10.46:A8Page 4