HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-133 - Change Order - #1 - Northwest Cascade, Inc. - 76th Ave S Improvements - 11/17/2020KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract cover sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHINGTON Department; PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 3'b,121 Date of Council APProval N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Grant? EYes E No Trrna N/A ' ,/ l.-. Budget Account Number: R20082.641 10.120 Budget? ElYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Northwest Cascade, lnc 5ub-Category: Change Order #1 Vendor Number: project Name: 76th Ave. S. lmprovements - S. 220th St. to S. 214th St' n-^:^^+ -^*-,r..when the existing storm system was exposed during construction, the deteriation rrojec[ "to"t'n".".ritated clea--ning/filling in preparation for placement of the cDF' The system Creek, which required the Aqua Dam and Fish Exclusion' of the existing PiPe was surcharged from Mill Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Terminarion Date: 128 Working DaYS Agreement Amount: $49,659.53 Start Date: May 5,2020 Local Business? E Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2020-133 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by City AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office id(W2ll7l,l-)0 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rl/t KENTWa€HrtgtoN CHANGE ORDER NO. # ! NAME OF CONTMCTOR: NorthWest Cascade (..Contractor.,) CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: 76th Ave. S Improllements / 19-3006 ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: Uay Sth. 2020 rnlt Change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of thecontract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shalt remain in effect. For valuableconsideration and by mutual consent of the partieJ, the project ioniru.t ls modified as follows: I' Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work,', is hereby modified toadd addltional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and anyprior Amendments, Contractor shall providi all lab-or, materials, andequipment necessary to: when the existing storm. system was exposed during construction, thedeteriation of the existing pipe necessltated tleaningTfilling inpreparatiqn for placement of the cDF. -The syst"m *is lurchi eafrom Mill Creek, which required the Aqua Dam and Fish Exclusion, 2' The contract amount and time for performance provisions of section II ..Time ofcompletionr" and section III, "compensationr', are hereby modlfied as follows: Original Co (including ntract Sum, applicable alternates andwssT) $4,472,667,25 ChaNet iousPrev chbynge a o rdersnge(incl applicable wssr)$o (incl. Previous Change Current Contract Amount Orderc)$4,472,667.25 Cu rrent Change Order $49,659.53 Applicabte WSST T Order ax on this Change $o Revised Contract Sum $4,522,326.78 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 120 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 worldng days Days Required (*) for this Change Order I calendar days Revised Time for Completion (inseft date) 128 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Sectlon VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or naturearising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order,including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, *onsite orhome office overhead, _or lost profits. This Change Order, uniess otherwise provided, does notrelieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of theoriginai contra@ pafticularly those pertalning to substairtial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any),and this Change Order, prior to the efFective date of this Change Order, are Sereby ratified andaffirmed, and the terps of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (ii any), and this ChangeOrder shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they areauthorized to enter into this contract modification, which d binding oh ttre parties of thiscontract. 3' The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for thispr{ect to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section z, above. IN WTTNESST the parties below have executed this Agreement, which willbecome effective on the last date written below. DATE; CONTRACTOR.: Print Name By: OF KENT: Print Name:Chad Bieren. f F t-7 (slgnature) DATE: (tNe) CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appllcable lf Mayor's slgnanrrc required) Kent law Depaftment gn thl6 fid4 til may atcr thc clc('od€ nl.plth wim t'la onFact hls bff evcdl CHANGE ORDER . 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 1 Construction E nqlneerln q Division - Public Works Project: 76th Av S ImProvements Project Engineer: Mark Madfai Capital Projects Phil McConnell Project No': 19-3006 Fed-Aid No.: N/A Contractor; NorthWest Cascade Mana Date: Various [. PROPOSED CHANGE Aqua Dam installation; Fish Ex clusion: Cleaning the existing sto rm system in PreParation and lacement of CDF REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGEII. Th exi sti st syste m W AS CX posed d u n n g co nstru cti o n a n d th e o bvi ous d eteri a ti on of t he e n I o rm rch ed fro Mssltatedceanns/fi n I of th e ext sti n I p I p e Th e sytst e m W AS a lso SU a rg mppenece Cre e k W h ch u re d rth e ua d a m a n d Fi S h E X c u s o n rII. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONT.Y ChanSe Order No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitQty this PE Total Est. Qty Item DescriPtionSch. No. $49,659.53$49,659.531FA1Cleaning of the existing storm m 4 PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEtombedeentPaym rknudateat Independent Estimate Attac hed NoNew Sub Reqrd? DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM 1{)9.5 Not FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONI.Y Chan4e Order No.Cost of ltemnit PriceUnitItem DescriB.l. NoNo. Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED FORACCOUNI'NG USE oNr.v B.l. No.Sch. No. t TO EXISTING PAY Not REV. DATE: 3/27 h8 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED TOTAL ESTI MATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER X THIS PAY ESTIMATE ,rTotal of the Cost of Item Columns 49 .53 IV. WORKING DAYS 9 659.53 Original Contract L20 Due This Change Orderx 8 Previous Total L20 DATE *Work lm the critical TOTAL WORKING DAYS*128 *This Change Order +Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Capital Projects Manager:Date:D Phil McCo Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Manager: Date: Date to/zE/zz ul Kuehne Connor 2 REV. DATE: 3/27/t8 Background on the execution of this change order' During the design of the project it was not possible to know the condition of the pipe. The existing system was submerged year-round. The system was back charged by Mill Creek. The system hadn't been inspected or cleaned for years' The existing storm system was origina y designed to be abandoned in place. After encountering the existing system seve ral times during the project construction' was under covered,there was several leaks in the body of theEach time the PiPe pipe. The pipe was and fill it with CDF d n g so badly it was determined to clean the system Piping Cleaning Extra Work #6 7/24 thru 7128 Extra Work #7 7/27 thru 7/3O CDF Extra Work #8 7l3O thru 8/3 w/o WSST 16,601 2 87 ,101.36 563.06 Kent t734t.7L 23748.9 9532.23 50622.84 &n,, I FA Sheet No ENGINEERS ESTIMATE ./^\../ KENT Project Name:76th Av S lmprovements Project No: t9-3006 Item No.:Date: 7124 thru7l28 Description of Work:Phase f - install UA fish exclusio initial cleani Prime Contractor:NorthWest Cascade lnc Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate foreman 16 90.01 $1,440.16 oDerator 20 81.67 $1,633.40 laborer 12 64.1 I $770.28 $ $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $3 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL $1 114.71 958.55 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPEMTED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate JD 35D mini excavator a 17.55 $52.65 F450 flatbed 12 37.59 $451.08 lnter Water Truck 2 41.34 $82.68 Wacker PT3A trash pump 8 6.10 $48.80 Honda 21 1GP trash PumP 4 8.55 $34.20 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 669.41 $140.58 809.99 ERVICES/RENT MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT 24 inch plug (528+10%WSST=580.80)I LS $ 580.80 $580.80 Line Pluq (1 17 -7 5+ 1jo/oEssT= 1 29.53)1 LS $ 129.53 $129.53 Aqua Dam (31 83+10%wSST=3,501.30)1 LS s 3.501.30 $3,501.30 Watershed 1 LS $ 5,353.00 $5,353.00 $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $9,564.63 $ 2,008.57 $ 11,573.20 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL:17 1.74 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) (for $ SHEET TOTAL:17 'l .74 Contractor's Representative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments Bill tor COKNORTHWEST CASCADE, INC. NWC PROJECT #4255 DESCRIPTION: Pricing for Stornr Cleaning Phoe #l LOCATION: 76th Ave South Improvemonts Laborer Croup 3 - General Laborer Foreman For€man OperatorCroup3 -Light EW#6 DA REG REG 4 o.T REG o.T $l t2 20 0 080.08 $0.00 $t633 10.69 LABOR SUBTOTAL:$3843.84 3Vo 29Vn SMALLTOOLS: $115.32 MARKLjP: $l I14.71 LABORTOTAL: D2O8 2OI2 JOHNDEERE 35D c666 20t5 FORD F45O FOREMANTRUCK CIg3 I9g'I INTERNATIONAI4954 WATERTRUCK Mlt? 2000 uDoR KAPPAI PIJMP Ml8? 2004 wAcKER PT3A TRASH M296 2014 HONDA 2I IGP c632 2015 FORD F45O FOREMANTRUCK c666 2015 FORD F45O FOREMANTRUCK Dam Tax STNBY REG 4 STNBY REG 2 STNBY STNBY REG 3 0 0 3 $5073,86 $899.82 $5096.07 $451.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 zly" MARKUP: $156.17 EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 21% MARKUP: $88444 MATERIAL TOTAL: 36 58 8 0 0 0 .36 t2 $9.28 $2 43 $6. l08 0 $7.36 0 AL: $53 12Y. MARKIIP: $642.36 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL:$599s.36 TOTAL $l706s.ll LATEST REVISION 09 13 I /20 1 I S**i€€srnc. Rental Quote Quote Date 71912020 Quote valid for 60 days Company Name Northwest Cascade lnc Attn lsaac Lewis ProJect Name 76th Ave Kent Emall iqaaclewjgl&lwgAgg,ade,co_m Project Location Kent, WA Phone 253/344-0899 Project ld 12168 Paymentterms 100% attimeof order *Payments made by credil card may be subject to a 3% Service Gharge, all quoted prices include cash or check payment discounts.** Estimated ship date afier receivlng order: 10 working days FOB Warehouse, Waller, TX 30 Day Rental Linear Ft 25.00 Each 1 Aqua-Barriers@ with patenied anti-roll internal baffle system. $1,875,00 8.00ft tallx 18,00ft wide x 25.00ft long unit(s) capable of controlling 6,00 fi of water and sediment depth With a combined water and sediment depth over 5ft, extra care should be taken to confirm the accuracy of the depths and soil as provided on the Work Site Assessment Sheet. lnconect information could lead to lnstallation problems of which HSI Services, lnc, will not be liable. Estimated freight to and from Jobsite Est.Frelght Total $1,87s.00 $1,308.00 Note: Due to fuel surcharges, freight quotes are estimales ONLY and subject to change Total $3,183.00 Each addltonal week that the Aqua-Baniers@ are retained beyond the above stated lnstallation period, an addltlonal weekly charge of $468.75 wlll be assessed. Equipment needed for the installation: 5 men 1 track hoe or crane {2) 8HP 4inch pumps Estimated installation time is t hour Quoted by: Dena McMillian HSI Services,Inc. 20581 F'M 362 Waller, TX77484 Ph 800-245-0199 Date lssued: 03/19/20 SAL-F03 (2) u THT WATERSHED Cotrlpnruy SCIENCE & DESIGN luly 14,2A20 Isaac Lewis Northwest Cascade, Inc, P.O. Box 73399 Puyallup WA98373 Phone: 253-3M-A899 Via Email: Isaaclewis@nwcascade.com Re: Proposal for environmental consulting services - Fish Exclusion for Mill Creek Side Channel Stormwater Outfall TWC Project#:200713 Dear Isaac: Thank you for requesting a proposal for fish exclusion on the 76s Ave. S. Improvements Project for the Cify of Kent. This proposal is for fish exclusion/removal services along the affected section of a side (backwater) charurel of Mill Creek which has a stormwater outfall near its upstream-most, eastem end. We understand that a bladder dam will be placed across the side channel downstream of the stormwater outfall, and the upstream isolated dead end channel section will be de-watered to allow sediment removal maintenance in the stormwater system. Prior to full de-watering, fish will be captured and placed downstream of the bladder dam. We will have staff available to assist you with fish exclusion for this project during the allowable construction period. hr-water construction typically occurs during a July 15 to September L5 work window, or as specified on the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) from the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) or other required perunits. We anticipate using a combination of seining, dipnetting, and electrofishing to remove fish from the isolated in- stream construction area, We can coordinate such that we are on hand during dewatering of the in-stream construction area to capture fish as the water level is lowered. As we discussed by phone, ideally fish removal would begrn as water is pumped down to about 18-24 inches in depth and continue as de-watering is completed. A field crew of two staff members will be used and water quality data as well as fish species and count information will be collected and 750 Sixth Street South I Klrkland, WA 98033 P 425.822.5242 | f 425.827.8136 | watershedco,com Environmental Consulting Services Proposal Northwest Cascade, lnc, July 14, 2020 Page 2 reported to you for distribution to the City and other agencies as needed. Our specific Scope of Services for this effort is detailed below. Scope of Services: Task 1. Project Management. Prevailing wage administration, equipment mobilization and preparation, supplies, scheduling, and other project logistics, coordination with the City of Kent and contractor. Senior review of project. Task 2. Site and Proiect Plan Review and Requirements. Review fish exclusion requirements as supplied and as may be included in relevant portions of the project design design specifications, and/or project permitting documents. Task 3. Data Logging Preparation. Prepare a daily data logging form and associated record- keeping materials and protocols. Task 4. Fish Removal along up to 60 feet of the Mill Creek side channel. Anticipate removal of fish from the area isolated by the contractor with a bladder dam using seine nets, dip-nets and/or electrofishing equipment. One lO-hour day is allowed for a crew of two for primary fish removal activities and travel to and from the site. On-site work would be completed by trained and experienced personnel including a Certified Fisheries Professional and one assistant biological tedrnician. Task 5. Provide Fish Removal and Water Quality Results. Provide an email summarizing fish capfure methods, results, and other pertinent data. This information is provided for submittal as needed to WDFW, the City of Kent, and/or other agencies. This summary will include approximate numbers of fish relocated by species. Respond to contractor/ owrler or regulator inquiries. Up to three hours for this task are included in the cost estimate. The above Scope of Services is based upon the below Prof ect Assumptions. In the event that any facts or events differ from such assumptions, the Scope of $ervices and fees shall be adjusted accordingly. Proiect Assumntions: 1. The basic, primary electrofishing andlor seining fieldutork for fish remoual and relocation from the isolated channel section of the MilI Creek side channel is expected to take up to 1.0 hours oaer the course of one day to complete for a crew af two (20 person-hours), including traael to and from the site. Additional time for fish remoual arising from contractor-responsible or other proiect delays (including public health work suspensions) or other factors that require fishing crews to stop work is not included in the cost estimate. Additional time beyond the estimate, as requested Environmental Consulting 5ervices Proposal Northwest Cascade, lnc. July 14,2020 Page 3 and authorized in writingby the client (Northwest Cascade, lnc,), willbe chargedbased on hourly rates, 2. Staff from The Watershed Company will prouide fish removal and relocation within the defined area of the MiIl Creek side channel isolated by Northwest Cascade, Inc, with a bladder dam. Temporary block netting may also be used. Fish exclusian screening is not expected to be needed and so will not be placed by staff from The Waterched Company, lf the bladder dam fails to adequately isolate the work area for the entire period required such that fish haue or may haue re- entered the arca, fish may need to be removed again once the area is re-isolated. Work area isolating features such as, and including, a bladder dam can be damaged by aandalism, contractor actiaities, weather, highflows, etc. Additional time for re-fishing is not included in the cost estimate. Additional time beyond the estimate will be charged based on hourly rates, if requested and authorized in writingby the client (Northwest Cascade, lnc.). 3, Northwest Cascade, Inc. ueuts willbe on hand and responsible for inuementally dewatering the isolated work area of the MiIl Creek side channel as successiae fishing passes are made on the same day as, and in coordination with, fish remoaal and relocation actiuities, as needed, Pump intakes will be proaided with proper intake screens per the HPA or other permitting or plan requirements. 4. The channel sections of the Mill Creek side channel where fsh remooal is required will be reasonably accessible and fishable, with limited amounts of overhanging aegetation andlor in- water debris. Northwest Cascade, Inc, crews will clear any to-be-fished stream sections obscured by dense aegetation, such as blackberries, nightshade, or reed canarygrass, seaeral days prior to fish removal. 5. Fish capture and relocation from the isolated in-water work area will begin when water depths are between 24 and LB inches and continue as the area is fully de-watered at a rate directed by staff from The Watershed Company. The isolated in-tpater work area will be wadable and the side channel bottom will physically support staff conducting fish capture and relocation actiaities. 6. Use of minnow traps is not included in this proposal, If required, additional time and equipment costs beyond the estimate will be charged based on hourly rntes and materials costs, if requested and authorized in writingby the client (Nafihwest Cascade, lnc). 7. A creta of two will be fielded for one full day for fish capture and relocation at the Mill Creek side channel project site, If additional Trainect Fish Moving Personnel are required, additional time beyond the estimate will be charged based on hourly rates, if requested and authorized in witing by the client (Northwest Cascade,lnc.). 8. General coordination with The Watershed Company ancl Northwest Cascade, lnc. aia email and phone is anticipated prior to fish relocation suaices. Environmental Consulting Services Proposal Northwest Cascade, lnc. July I4,2O20 Page 4 9. Results data summary deliaerable d.escibed in Task 5 will be proaided aia email. Requested rcsponses to contractor, ou)ner or agency inquiries exeeeding the 3-hour time allottedfor this task willbe charged ofl fl titne and materials basis. 10. No additional work outside this scope and included assutnptions will be undertalcen without written authorization by Northwest Cqscade, Inc,. 1.L, Pricing is bssed on use of the Scope of Services Agreement (belaw). Use of cantracts that increase rtsk or liability to The Watershed Company will necessitate a higher fee. The cost to complete the Scope of Services described above is outlined on the attached agreement. Please sign the agreement below and refum to authorize this work to proceed. Call if you have any questions or if we can provide you with any additional information or services. Sincerely, S*f." f. pfu- Greglohnston, MSc, CFP Senior Fisheries Biologist Approved by: {jg{€ Kenny Booth, AICP Principal Enclosures: Scope of Services Agreement Date:7-14-24 Project/Client Name: NW Cascade, lnc, Project Location: Mill Creek - 76th Ave, S TWC #: 200713 The Watershed Company - 750 6th Street South, l(irkland WA 98033 Scope of Services Agreement . This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between The Watershed Company and the Client and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. r The Watershed Company will be entitled to rely on the adequacy and accuracy of information provided by Cllent or Client's consultants and representatives. The Watershed Company shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Client, Owner, Contractors, other consultants and their respective agents or employees, or any other persons or entities performing work on the Project who are not under the direct control or authority of The Watershed Company. r The Watershed Company's services shall be limited to those expressly set forth in the attached Scope of Services and Proposal Assumptions (above), and the Watershed Company shall have no other obllgations or responsibilities for the Project or to the Client except as agreed to in writing or as provided in this Agreement. All of The Watershed Company's services in any way related to the Project or Client shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. r This Agreement does not guarantee successful securement of permits that may be needed/required for project construction or occupancy. Nor does this Agreement guarantee that deliverables described in the Scope of Services will be approved and/or agreed-upon by one or more regulatory agencies. Specific regulatory requirements vary greatly amongst agencies and revlewers, such that code and regulation interpretation can be somewhat unpredictable, This Agreement is a good-faith effort to provide the services described ln the Scope of Services; however, additional studies, revisions to prepare documents, responses to comments, meetings and other scope items not covered under this Agreement may be required. r Additional Services will be subject to review and preauthorization by both Parties. Where The Watershed Company believes additional services are appropriate, it shall notifo Client. Upon Client's written authorization, The Watershed Company may proceed with such services on a time-and-material basis to be paid by Client. Alternatively, additional services can be covered under a separate Agreement based on a new scope of services. r The Watershed Company's services shall be provided consistent with and limited to the standard of care applicable to such services, which is that The Watershed Company shall provide its services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by consultants practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. r The Watershed Company's services and deliverables are not a warranty or guarantee and The Watershed Company shall have no such obligation. Client shall provide approprlate contlngencies for schedule and costs. The Watershed Company's services are intended for the Client's sole use and benefit and solely for the Client's use on the Project and shall not create any third-party rights. Except as agreed to in wrtting, The Watershed Company's services and work product shall not be used or relied on by any other person or entity, or for any purpose following substantial completion of the Project. r This Agreement and any rights or deliverables hereunder may not be assigned or transferred without the written coRsent of both Parties, r This unsigned Agreement is valid for a period of six months. r lf work conducted on the Project extends for a period of rnore than 18 months, hourly rates rnay be adjusted to reflect current rates. . Any costs incurred by the Consultant for third-party subscription or fee-based servlces required by Client to receive, store, manage and maintain various records will be involced to the Client for reimbursement. r The Watershed Company files liens as accounts approach 90 days'delinquency. r The undersigned is personally and indlvidually responsible for payment of all charges accrued pursuant to this Agreement. o The approval information supplied below is complete and accurate, By signing below, the Client acknowledges and agrees to the attached Scope of Services and ProJect Assumptions (dated 7-14-20), as well as the above Agreement. Excluding incurred expenses, travel time, and fieldwork, our Services will be billed on a lump sum basis at 51,995. Additional time for fieldwork and associated travel plus incurred expenses will be billed on a time and materials basis at our standard billing rates, estimated at $3,358 for a total estimated figure of 55353. We invoice on a monthly basis and accept payment by check, credit card or Automated Clearing House (ACH). By signing below, the Client agrees to provide payment for Services rendered upon receipt of invoice. lnformation lete all Title: Date:Client Name (print):Client Signature: Company: Northwest Cascade, lnc., L[C. Email: Mobile:Billing Address:Phone: iS-qtffifln Job Site: NORTHWEST CASCADE INC 21441 76TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032 C# : 253-848-237 1 J#: 253-405-689 1 Customer: 241234 NORTHWEST CASCADE INC PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Page 1 of 1 SUNBELT RENTALS, INC. Salesman: 130201 GRIMM, MIKE (13O2) Typed By: JPENA3 RENTAL OUT ilI IilIilrltIilIilIll]Iilililtiltlilililt il Contract #.. 103879214 Contract dt. 7l27l2O Date out.... . 7 127 l2O 1 1 :30 AM Est return.. AA3|2O 11:3O AM Job 1oc..... 21441 76TH AVE S, KENT Job No...,.. 46- NORTHWEST CASCAD P.O. #...... 4255 Ordered By.. WORTHINGTON, PADDY NET DUE UPON RECEIPT t: PC#:1302 799 VALENTINE AVE SE PACTFIC, WA, 98047 2124 253-987-7555 ].,00 1"5N.30ff PIPE PIJUG FRNT-C AUP0740035 Make: CHERNE ModeL PIPE PIJUG, CHERNE, PO74- OO351.oo 25, PrJUG rNF rJrIvE w/ caucu P074-0035 88.00ser # 88.00 175. 00 528 .00 PPMscr.53 op-t/ta 176.00 29 -O0 *** EQP MSG *** CUSTOMER }lAS RECEIVED TAB DATA SHEET SIGNATURE X RENTAIJ PROTECTION PI'AN 1_1.60 1r_.50 29.00 87.00 Rental Sub-total Sub-Eotal: Tax:Total: 205.00 30.75 235.75 23.33 259.08 ALl amounts are in USD Rato r€ntal L Tio tqt6l !h!.g!r a]€ .n g8timrtS bcr6d on lh.oslimt6i tonttl p.riod rnd 0lhor i[lormalion piovidod hy Curi0mor. 2. Curtomlr q$unoi all drlr !rsociolrd with thr Equipmort durir! thr REntrl Porlod, inEluding lnj0ry.rd dlm.gr to p.rsons, proporty rnd tfte Equllm6nl.3, CultohBr is rosponsibl! lor rnd sholl only p0rmit proporly tr.i[od. Authorlzed hdivldurklo us lhq lqtipmont. 3holl i0nlrrl Surb.lt imm.dl6l6ly. i d.nrg.i .! o tgult 0t nlsuro 0r [$ ol dtntlod 0r il.lfuaclioninl Equipmolt. 0. Curtonrl miu6 itr right to a jury tritl in tny dirluto .s sEt rodh in Setlon I g. g' A t the olortion ol Sunbslt 0 r Crst0mrr, Cuil0m0j r0roor t! submil ryorv dlEput0 t0 orbilr.tio n r d wrivrr r ny rlghl to i ring r cl€$ actio I ar srt lo rtt in Sortio D 2 0, Cultont. lsdeolini[o R€nttl Prot€cllon Phtr (r!. rovrrrssidr lor dotaitr]_- {Curlon.r lnitittEl Min AmountVileek 4 WeekQTY EQU]PMENT # PROPERLY, NOTIFV THE OFFICE AT ONCE guslomat Sagnttuas ull!lldno Prlnlod N WE CASCADE INC. POSI OFFTCE SOX 73399, PUVAILUP. WASHTNGTON 96373 / IOU FF€E DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIALA,/EN DOR DESCRIPTION -BZa*r**e- EW#: (fwenrnen, Suxfto7'tty*PAGE:I ISTART TIME: - -iveCawr,'l;a'xJl{ S I /,'OO-7 6l-h#:. LAEOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REtiTIME DOUBTE TIME fl)*** *-*l#{r*wl.r W{wM,rJ fr #r. C#d-* *zr&*r.,**l1nr,r** Sam*d-- --ry t'7*Ws**t trmrs..r*t Y z,oue -t r u{ FOI.-IIPMENT EGUIPMEN I NUMEEIT E6UIPMFNT DESCRIPTION HOURS STANDRY 4 -tq6 C*r&{ , €,lve{a4sr LF, Q- 2W l3S fum'a6*aA-3c- /,13 t lJ-^ 'rth#k-2- SrHFlvr: I I I REPRESENTATIVE TITLE: '1)Northwest Cascade ConstructlonJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprov)Daily Report).lob Gode4255from sevices ( Note: Jeflrey Hiesler still isnt in the library or employee list he wofted 8.5 thurs and friday- )1769010430I-I]NEYWELI-DAVID OPER-FOREHEISLER,JEFFREY FLAGGER8/.58/.58/0.58/0.5010405010334, CHRISTAHRENS,ANDREW PIPELAYER4t.5u5Hours: 34 Brcken Out: $A4Ol448i0.58/0.5Totals for Laborc666D215c193ONETON FOREMANCMWLER MOUNTEDWATERTRUCK8.58.582424D199tril310AR'TICULATEDWHEEL3-WHEELSWEEPERT41'c'- jfdi€€tes a@np{eted'(R)' - indrciles a rework guantity.Dale:Pintedon: 0U17/W4 13:17:44Page 1 )Nolthwest CascaAe GonstnrctionJob llame Ctty of Kmt 7fift Ave S lmprovJob Code4255Daily ReportTotals tor Equipment Hourc: 23.5 Broken Out (23-510/0)Code17690104t!001040501@34l{dne Begln ErdHONEYWELI- DAVIDHEISLER.JEFFREYSTROMBERG, CHRISAHRENS,ANDREWStart07l)007$007:0O07{nBreak (1)Lunch Break(z) Heal (2)12:00-12:3012:0G12:3012:0&12:3012$0-12:30End Diem Suhislence Notes16m16:00163016:001000.12dlnspector Note50151dkrspector NoteEU\r-0064 bladderlnspector NotePCILABOR{OO1 3 digging wtr meters and tie ins ahead of donneylnspector Noteb' - indbates a anpletd item-'(R)'- indicats a reworkquantil.Date:Printed on: A8/17202A 13:17:44Page 2 NORTH WEST CASCADE INC. POSI OFFTCE 80X 73399, PUYALLUP. WASHINGl0N 9t373 / TOtt FREE t00{62-4442 OAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET MATFRIALS OR SERVICES VENDOR & INVOICE # EW#: 6owr.rin, {entfpnae: ,L-or / -7( f4 klv Z'@ 7-27-;p* DATEi L Tbs TABOR WORKER'S NAME -_WoRKER'S OCCUPATION REG TIME -d-L"r&-^&"r&* "&tL E"*-**g.,{g a/^F-Xrt**+.**f #4'*&nsttP'dms*I Lee*au :rllIIPMtrNT FOUIPMENT NUMBEI.t EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION*- ts#ee- /vl ll ?ffiilo 647./2 a /h tft 2 t-'-c &t 4Lq{,- *%At &reg #"trvsi x't4 q v + NWC REPRESENTATIVE: Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Clty of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily Repofl)Job Gode4255nny,Extra work #6 Pumping creek and storm lines to set plug, and add wtr to bladder, Extra work #8 expose basins to clean lines. Hauled off 4 lds spoils , ln two lds GB for wtr lines.1769569431230104:10010405HONEYWELL, DAVID OPER-FORECORKREY,JOSHUA OPER-FORESOTELO, DONALD LABORERHEISLER,JEFFREY FLAGGERSTROMBERG, CHRIST APPR. OPERIII44I448/0.58/.5Totals for LaborIHours: 40.5 Broken Out: (40/0-5/0)c666D215c524c193ONETON FOREMANCRAWLER MOUNTEDONE TON FOREMANWATERTRUCK800080000Totals for Equipment Hours: IBroken Out: (8/0/0)YDate: _,c,- tnctrca'es a completeditem.(R)'- indicates a rework quantity.Printed on: 08/17/2020 13:24:20Page 1 Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Ciiy of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily Report\Job Code4255Code1 76956943123010430010405Name Begln EndHONEYWELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDHEISLER, JEFFREYSTROMBERG, CHRISStart07:0007:0007:0007:0007:00Break (1)Lunch Break(2)12:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:30End Diem Subsistence Notes15:3015:3015:3016:0015:30Meal(2)10765015EW-006EW-007'c'- indicates a completed item.(R)'- iNicates a rewo*quantity-2 lor backfill around meter tie inslnspector Note1dlnspector Note3 fill more wtr in bladder, pump lines to put in 24' plug.lnspector Nole4 expose cb's for cleaninglnspector NoteDate:Printedon: 08/17/2020 t32*20Page 2 INC; POST OFFICE 8OX 73399, PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 9E373 / IOLL FREE 800-562-t1442 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTED WORK SHEET FOTJIPMENT EOUIPMENT NUMBER EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOt.tRS MATERIALS OR SERVICES VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIAUVENL'OK DESCRIPTION PAGE: tor I lowHrn, di*? ,.td- k**L lweerHen,EW#: 6 *d*" frw S.&bs ]{ailaeocl 'llt e LAEOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUtsLE IIME ME bWtO W4*^q Cfl{ g+r$v\b*e Nl, opwtk,I NWC REPRESENTATIVE:OWNER REPRESENTATIVE:REPRESENTATIVE TITLE: il_p)Northwest Cascade ConstructlonJob Name: Gltyof Kent 76th Ave S tmprovJob Cde4255Daily Report;iffi3':H,f,.1tr$:ifi,:fliff3;ff?1il*t ftr t"#H:rdn rine sre two cb do not connect to the main tine thus tris is hording up the cdr appricarion due to the cb joins up1769569431?3010405HONEYWELL, DAVID OPER-FORECORKREY,JOSHUA OPER.FORESOTELO,DONALD LABORER 4STROMBERG, CHRISTAPPR. OPER 88t-56/.54t-5Totals for LaborHourc: 33.5 Brokenout ( 2t1-St0l8/0.58/0.58/0.58c666D215cs24ONE TON FORETI/IANCRAWLER fidOtJNTEDONETON FOREMAN88888TotalsiorEqulgnent Hours: 24 Broken Out e4nn)'(R)' - idiates a rewo* qlantity.Date:Prtnbdon: 08/05/202A fi59:55Page 1a )")Northwest Gascade GonstructionJob Name: Cityof Kent Z6th Ave S hnprovJob Coderl255Daily ReportCode176956943129010405l,lameHONEYWELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDSTROMBERG, CHRISBegin ErdStart073007:fi)07:0007:ff)Bre.ak(1)Lunch Break (2) Meat (2)12:0&.12:3012O0-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-1230Dlem Subsietence NotesEnd16:0016:0016:0016:00EW406t had b remove plug to drainlnspector Notelines that filled up pumped @ btadder2 vfiked from north to south to pump lines ttown @ MH'slnspector Noteitem.EW-007xE'- indicates a completed'(R) - indicatas a rework quantity-Dab:Prin6don: A8/052020 I0:S9SSPage 2 ? I ..-FA Sheet No ENGINEERS ESTIMATE OCCUPATIONNAME storm CODE Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Prime Contracto r: NorthWest Cascade lnc Hrs Hou Rate Project No: 19-3006 m or toDescriptionof Work: Phase 2 - Date: 7 127 thru 7 130 12020 OVERTIME Hrs OT Rate STRAIGHT TIME and abandoniof Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: DOLLAR AMOUNT Item No.: '122.96 $3,273.3190.01 135foreman 898.37$11 81.67ooerator 962.85$64.19'15laborer $ $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL 1 134.53 01$ EQUIPMENT STANDBYOPERATED Standby Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTHourlv Rate HrsHrs EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # 1 ,211.60$8 151.45JD 1,353.24$37.5936F450 flatbed $ $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ ALSERVI 2,564.84 538.62 103.46 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnitsUnit PriceQuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES 6,227.50$EA $ 265.0023.5Pro Vac Hyd ro Excavator OP & Labor 790.00$EA $ 395.002Provac disposal $ 0.48 336.00$700 GALPRS Gallons 1,897.35$TNS $ 195.009.73PRS Tons $ 305.00 305.00$1 LSProVac OP & Labor Overtime $ 195.00 1,852.50$HRSOAFlohawks 180.00$EA $ 1.00180Dump Fees SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 11.588.35$ $ 2,433.55 $ 14,021.90 Verification of Hours Worked Contractor's Representative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) sHEEr rorAl: $ 23'748.90 23.748.90 (for $ TOTAL: $ NORTHWEST CASCADE, INC. NWC PROJECT #4255 DESCRIPTION: Prioing for Stom Cleling Phasc #2 LOCATION: 76th Ave Soutl Improvements laborer Group 3 - General Laborer Foreman Forehil OperatorGroup3-Light D2I5 2OIJ JOHN DEERE 4540D WORK F45O FOREMAN TRUCK F45O FOREMANTRUCK EW# Bill tor COK 7 7 /30t2020 30/,SMALLTOOLS: MARKUP: LABORTOTAL: $t56.01 $1508.10 SUBTOTAL: MARKUP: c666 2015 FORD c632 20t5 FORD 290/. 2to/o $538.62 s6864.47 $310J,46EQUIPMENTTOTAL; Pro LATESTREVISION O9/3 I/2OI I 2IO/r MARKUP: MATERIAL TOTAL: 124/0 MARKUP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL: $0.00 1588.35 ti1390.60 $0.00 $12978.95 TOTAL s22946.87 uaR IH WESI *AAS C*ADE _t NQ,_" "poii oirrdi sox zacag. pUyALLUR wAsHlteroN 9837s / roLL FpEE 800-s6?-{d42 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTEO WORK SHEET HOURS STANDBY b ,418t{1 4"t WEATHER: trt t4 4/zf baw n LABOR REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUBLE TIME toJ h *f. f*-€fi4n q t1 Lqb*an td "'1INorthwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lrnprcv.)Daily Report)Job Gode4255E:dra work #6 pumping creek and storm lines to set plug, and add wtr to bladder, Ertra work #8 expose basins to clean lines. Hauled off 4 lds spo'ils , ln two lds GB for ult [nes'I1769HONEYWELI-DAVID OPER.FORE56943t23010490, JOSHUA OPER-FORELABORERII4444SOTELO, DONALDHEISLER, JEFFREYFLAGGER 8/.58ri0.58Hours: 40-5 Broken (trrt (40/0.5i0)8010405STROMBERG, CHRISTAPPR. OPERTotals f,or laborc666F215c524c193xONETON FOREMAi.ICRAWLER I\,OUNTEDONETON FOREMANWATERTRUCK.5010.500Totals for Equipment Hours: 9'5 Broken Out (9'5/0/0)Datq .,_"1b'-aTR)'- indicates a rewott< qtantity-Prinbdon: 08n5/2A20 1059:14Page I lJob Gode4255Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Cityof Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportCode1769569431230104{10010405Name Begin EndHONEYWELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDHEISLER, JEFFREYSTROMBERG, CHRISStart07:0007:0007:0007:0007:00Break (1)Lunch Break(2)12:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:0G12:30End Diem Subsistence Notes15:3015:3015:3016:001530Meal (2)10765015EW-006EW-007'c'- indicates a2 lor backfill around meter tie inslnspector Note1dlnspector Note3 fill more wtr in bladder, pump lines to trJt in 24" plug.lnspector Note4 expose cUs for cleaning.lnspector Notecompleted item.lH)'- indicates a rework quantitY-Date:Printed on: 08/05/2020 10:59:14Page 2 PAGE: I OT I OWNER:ci(? ryF fuwt-WEATHER:EW#: 7 JoBNervrE&#: rgo4 &a& , _t # qur-r START TIME:DATE: V lza{zmOWNERS REP;END TIME: WORK PERFORMED & LOCATION:lratwe,t6 /4 POSI DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTED WORK SHEET VENDOR & INVOICE # NWC REPRESEHTATIVE:oWnen REPRESENTATIVE:nEpnesgHrlrtvE TIrLE: REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUtsLE I IME hctrr* l4{wtrr*{t {+fr Wmqn # }t:.frr tgrkrw aP faraar"at s b an .kiefn l-o*r*er i-t .r :OTJIPMENT*-T60rPMEiw hruMBER HOURS c* c{s dc It b-"ls'g lJob Code4255Northwest Cascade ConstructlonJob Name: City of Kent 75th Ave S lmprovDaily Reportpump all day to support ET Note @ sta 15+21 we dug down to frnd drain line the two cb do not connect to the main line thus this is holding up the cdl application due to the cb joins upwith the east lot. Pro Vac filled up once and flohawks filled up twice-176956943123010405HONEYWELL,DAVID OPER-FORECORKREY,JOSHUA OPER.FORESOTELO, DONALD LABORER4STROMBERG,CHRISTAPPR-OPER 88/.58t.54t.58/0.58/0.58/0.58Totals for LaborHours: 33.5 Broken Out: (32/1-510)c666D215ONETON FOREMANCRAWLER MOUNTEDONE TON FOREMANI88888c524'c'- idicates acompleteditem.xTotals for Equipment Hours: 24 Broken Out: e4MA')TR)'- inclicates a rework quantity.Dale:Printedon: 08/05/2020 10:59:55Page 1 Northwest Cascade GonstructionJob Name: Gltyof Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportJob Code4255Code176956943123010405Name Begin EndHONEYWELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDSTROMBERG, CHRISStart07:0007:0007:0007:00Brcak (1)Lunch Break (2) Meal {2}12:00-'12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:30Diem Subsistence NotesEnd16:0016:0015:0016:fi)E\ /-006EW-007'c'- indicates a comqletedt had to remove plug to drain lines that tilled up pumped @ bladderlnspestor Note2 worked lrom north to south to pump lines down @ MH'slnspector Noteitem(R)'- indicates a rework quantitY.Date:Printedon: 08/05/2020 10:59:55Page 2 D rr rotL FREE 800-562-4442 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTED WORK SHEET HOURS STANOBY ts,'8 f G- WEAPAGE:t qL#:IwI TlzqSeoTuI s LABOR REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUBLE I IME la-Srrr &rP*v ap,fu*n *t bdrt'l blttO atk*,*5 b *W Daily Repofi6iary: 6aie- 67/ESfi0Zb ffiednesday|Warm - (75 - 90), SunnY, NormalGrbundpump wtr to support cleanig. put in two cutu inlets. pot holed for 6 and I' gas @15+00 rt. I re set 3 wtr meters put it on pc1 labor. Pro Vac dumped out two lds- / hauled in 265 ton csbc,89.17 cstc.Northnest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Cityof Kent 76th Ave S lmprov'fime eard: Date - 67Ei$86ffi iWednesdayiCostGdesJob Code4255Foreman - {IFOForcmin- ff6b ilevision -3 $trttt- i10gt FCILABOR-mo1Crushed Surfaci PC1 I-ABOR PAOTN 1LS2EW-015EXTRAWORK1LSNT6Trafllc Control S8HR8Crushed SurlaciOTN1088IlescrlptlonProd. Qty.Code17695694312301 0405010430eost eodestlescrlpUonProd. Qty.90{s1 769569431230104050104{t0NameClassHONEYWELL, DAVID OPER-FORE 2CORKREY,JOSHUA OPER.FORESOTELO, DONALD LABORERSTROMBERG, CHRIST APPR. OPERHEISLER,JEFFREY FLAGGERTota!gI88I8222EqtsTHourly Storm Li6LS!17F,Pipe Zone BeddOTNSeneHONEYIA/ELL DAVIDClasgOPER-FORE6Totals for Labor. Oale:TolalsCORKREY,JOSHUA OPER-FORE 4SOTELO,DONALD LABORER6STROMBERG, CHRIST APPR. OPER 6HEISLER,JEFFREY FLAGGER888IxHours: 40 Broken Out: (40/0/0) jJob Code4255Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City ol Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportCost CodesD,escriptionProd- Qty.Codet oooc524D221NameONETON FOREMANONETON FOREMANCMWLER MOUNTED1315EW{151086Crushed SurfaciOTN1080Crushed SurfaciOTNPCILABOR-0oo1PCl LABOR PA1LSPothole Utilities2EAEXTRAWORKlLSClassTotalsI2222c656c524D221ONE TON FOREMANONE TON FOREMANCRAWLER MOUNTED82262Totals for Equlpment Hours: 12 Broken Ouu FAOIO')x(R)'- indicates a rework quantitY.Date:Printed on: 08/18/2020 08:30:15Page 2'c'- IJob Gode4255Northwest Cascade GonstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportCode176956943123010405010430Name Begin EndHONEYI,VELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDSTROMBERG, CHRISHEISLER, JEFFREYStart07$007:0007:0007:0007:00Break (1)Lunch Break(2)12:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-'12:30Meal (2)End Diem Subsistence Notes15:3015:30't5:3015:3015:301 080108613'152310EW-007EW{15PCI LABOR-0001 5 re set 3 wtr meters linement and gradelnspector Note4 for pipe crewlnspector Note3 for pipe crewlnspecior Note1 potholelor6 and8" gasatpossiblestorm xingtocb#5@sta 15+00lnspector Note7 traffic controllnspector Note6 support pro vac Pumping wtrlnspector Note2 put in two curb inlets @ swale 23+50 and 24+50 RTlnspector NotelR)' - indicates a rewo* quanti$.Date:Printed on: 08/18/2020 0830:15Page 3tc'-a #lc,PAGE:OF ue J Wzt\ TItsW F,?.' , I a{* ldtn, NORTHWEST CASCADE lNC. \!lu u ii;sru?aildi ;di6. puiZiLGv*ai"rx"e*iolrea3?slloll F#e*il0:ili:aali DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTED WORK SHEET NWC REPRESENTATIVE:OWNER REPRESENTATIVE:REPRESENTATIVE TITLE: LABOR WORKtsI<'S OCCUPATION REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUBLE TIME betrt Hotu?r*t|{w $ -' 6 VAfdnrr Utt t$wwWl r EOUIPMENT EOIIIPMENT NUMBER HOURS STANIJBY c- 666 $orurv4 -\r,rr $- ' VeL )!)Northwest Gascade ConstructionJob Name: Cityof KentT6th Ave S lmprovJob Code4255Daily ReportExha 72*O2pumpwtrtosupportProVactheydumptrvice.ExlraSputinairvents@3MH's.Extral2placedcurbinlet+beehive@wfrsepsratorsta2l+42gradeswaleto approxstaRT. PC1 Labor ? no suwsy request suweyed cb#lC w/ gps176956943123HONEYWELL, DAVID OPER-FORE 3CORKREY,JOSHUA OPER-FORE 3SOTELO,DONALD LABORERI88233325010405010430STROMBERG, CHRIST APPF.HEISLER,JEFFREY FLAGGER8I835Tobls for LaborttOr*C +O Ero*en Our (40/0/0)c666ONETOfiI FOREMANI233c524ONETONI233Dr21ail:fniliatCs acoMeted33Totalsfior Equipment Hours: 19 Brdcen Out (19/0i0)TR)' - indicates a revo& qlanw-Date:Printdon: 0A05/2020 1l:02:19Page 1 \Job Code425liNorthwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Gity of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportCode176956943123010405010430Name Begin EndHONEYWELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDSTROMBERG, CHRISHEISLER, JEFFREYStart07:0007:0007:0007:0007:00Break (1)Meal (2)End'15:30153015:301s3015:30Lunch Break{2}12:00-12:3012:00-12:3012:00-123012:00-12:3012:00-12:30Diem Subsistence Notes23104 trafficcontollnspector NoteEW-0072 support pro vac PumPing wtrlnspectol NoteEW{083 set up 3 MH's to place cdllnspector NoteEW-0121 placed curb inlet 21+42 rtlnspector NotePCl LABOR-0001 5 survey for cb #1c and I +12" invlnspector Note'c'- indicates a umpleted item.'(R)'- indicates a rework quantitY.Date:Printedon: 08/05/2020 11:02:19Page 2 . Prc-Vac PO Box 24351 Seattle, WA 98124 253-435-4328 Project42670622 lnvoice Dato 7/30/2020 com pleted D ate 7 /30 /2020 Customer PO BillinE Address Northwest Cascade PO Box 73399 Puyallup, WA 98373 USA Job Address Northwest 21441 Kent WA #4255 e South Description of Work ET to 7/28- Clean new Storm Structures 7/30 Task # PWOL #400 PWOL PWOLOT PRSG PRST PWOL #400 PWOL PRSG PRST Description 7 /28 #80513 PW - Operator & Laborer 7/28#80513 Disposal 7 /29 #80546 PW - Operator 8t Laborer 1129 #80546 PW - Op/Lab - OT 7 /29 #80546 PRS - Gallons 7 lzg #80546 PRS - Tons 7t30 #80700 PW - Operator & Laborer 7/30 #80700 Disposal 7 130 #80768 PW - Operator & Laborer 7/30 #80768 PRS - Gallons 7 /30 #80768 PRS - Tons 9Upntlty G5p 1.00@ 1.00 500,00 3.23@ 1,00@ 200,00 6.50 Your Price $26S,00 939s.00 $265.00 $30s.00 $048 $ r 9s,00 $265,00 $39s.00 $265,00 $0.48 $ 1 9s.00 Your Total $927,s0 $39sO0 $2,120,00 $30s.00 $240,00 $629.8s $1,060,00 $39s.00 $2,120.00 $96.00 $1,26750 Sub-Total Tax Total Due $9,5ss.85 $o.oo $95s5Ss Balance Due $9,555.85 Thank you for choosing Pro'Vac I hereby confirm that the work performed by Pro-VaC was of quality and in a timely mann6r PLEASE APPROVE AUG 04 a$20 By Job #80546 Driver Ticket Customer Name Northwest Cascade Location Address 21441761h Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA Location Name Northwest Cascade #4255 Today's Date 7/29/2A20 Technician Name Olson, Austin Did you have a laborer? Yes Truck Number 565 ArivalOnsite Time 83_0am Dump Out Completed Time 330pm Return to time 4:00 Travel Start Time 630am Site Depafture Time ?00pm Dump Location Name Prs and NW cascade pit How many loads did you dump 2 Extra Equipment Used 5ummary Clean 1 type 1 cb, clean and jet 18" like and 1 type 2, he 3 potho les for oas line locates. B.O.L. # l_*2678 SHIPPING PAPER 6622 11zth Street East Puyallup, WA 98373 A { i",' 4 t ONE # : :,'.-' { # { :1, i.1. ::, , zlP Total Quantity UOM CHLOR pHcontain€rs No.rypeHMUS DOT Oescrlption (lncluding Proper Shrppitrg A/etne, Hazard Qlass' and lD Nu'rb€t) ".1i*: :?j -;1 " r-'1 :' c D Handling lnstructloil and Additional lnlormation: -l Placards Provided YES-- NO SHIPPER'S CERTIFICATION: I her€by d€claro that lho contents of this consi€Jnment aro marked, and labelad, and are in all r6spects in proper conditidn for ttansport by highway, lully and accuratsly described above by proper shlppillg tlams and are clossilied, pac*ed, vessel, and rail acconilng to applicable intorn8tional and national govarnm€nt regulalions MoN r8 OAY ER) PRINT .e.:iX tEeerLrTY) XX XX X PRINT OR TYPE 4 SI".IiPPER B.O.L. # 1*2S7L SHIPPING PAPER 6622112th Street East Puyallup, WA 98373 DELIVERY DATE .. i .. r : . JOB # i.' -j i! ,l CONTACT CIry STATE, ZIP ar . .. .'i1' EARRTER / TRANSPORiER : * L\, PHONE # c6trsGNeETFnelltw ,: i. i POINT OF CONTACT ADDRESS PHONE # ETTY, STATE. ZIP . .{, i.-', F+M US DOT DEscriptian (lnctuding Praper Shlppittg Nama, Hazard Class, and lD Number) Contiainsrs No.I rl,p" Total Quantity UOM CHLOR pH :...,1,' !.il ," c D Speoial f{andling lnsttuction and Additionel inlormation: 1 ',r ,'-l"" t ''" Placarda Provided YES- NO -',l PPER 'S CERTIFICATION:hereby deciars that the contonts ol this consignmont aro tully and accurately describ€d above by proFsr shipping namo and are classiti€d,pad<ed, and laboled,and are in all r6spects tn propor condition hlghway,rail scoording to applioable internatiollal and national governmant rogulations. R)SIGNATURE tB ,._ q-L.zt, -*t.X for lransport by and rTffi'-*'"#ilxx X MONTH DAY Y&AR (CONSIGNEE/FACILITY) PWNT OR TYPE NAME X SIGNATUFIE X M(]NNI OAY SI"IIFFEH Job #80513 Driver Ticket Customer Name Northwest Cascade Location Address 21441 76th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA Location Name Northwest Cascade #4255 TodaY:5 P61" 7/28/2020 Technician Name Blankenship, David Did you have a laborer? Truck Number 51s Travel Start Time 12 Site Departure TimeArrival Onsite Time 12:30pm -?pq*- Dump Out Completed Time m How many loads did you dumP 1 arrived back to Extra Equipment Used Dump Location Name Nw cascade Summary Clean cbs and jet lines 3 B.O.L. # ':r'',.'i' ..',X SHIPPING PAPER XX 6622112th Street East Puyallup, WA 98373 NAM OH li .4, j;:-.-. . " I # OF pHTolel Ouanlity UOM CHLOR Ccntainors No.TYps(lncluding Froqor Shipplng Narno, Hazard C/asn and lD Number)US DOT ! c D Speoiel l"lerndling lnoFuctlon and Additional lnlormatlon Placards Providod YES==.-- NO- thi$ @nsigntnont are transport by hi0hwey, andname ola$$ifiedareabovodo6ctibed pac*ed,proporby shippingaildtullyacourfltolyFICATICNCEFITIthatd€clare 0fthecontentsSHIPPER'S h6roby andlnternetional nationaland govgrnm€nt regulalions.torailv9s6dl,aprplicablea6cordingtnlntotandargallconditionsndmerkod,lsirelEd,rssp€cts proper PRIhIT XX X Sh.{tPFER Job #80768 Driver Ticket Customer Name Northwest Cascade Location Name Northwest Cascade #4255 Location Address 21M1 TithAvenue South, Kent WA 98032 USA Technician Name Smith, Jerome Truck Number 510 Did you have a laborcr? * H.k!.- Travel Start Time 10:00am Site Departure Time 2:30pm Today's Date 7 ArrivalOnsite Time 10:45am Dump Out Completed Time 5:30pm Dump Locatlon Narne PR5 Return to sho time 6:00 pm Howmany loads did you dumP 1 Summa ry Jetlines/CB's Extra Equipment Used Job #80700 Driver Ticket Customer Name Northwest Cascade Location Address 21441 76th Avenue South, Kent WA 98032 USA j Location Name ; Northwest Casca T i Todav's Datet- de#4255 I 7/30/2020 Technician Name Geist Jason Did you have a laboref UlYes Truck Number 486 Arrival Onsite Time 8am Dump Out Completed Time 1030am Travel Staft Time 630am Site Departure Tlme 850am Howmany loads did you dump 1 Dump Location Name P!ya1d Summary Clean and iet existinq storm Extra Equipment Used rl FloHavi<s Plurnling+J€Fic Billino AddresspRorlr cENTER 1 # 10412 John Bananola Way East Puyallup, WA 98374 USA P,O. Box 73399 Puyallup, WA 98373 P:253-4,46-8485 F:253-848-2399 FloHawks.com Description of Work lnvoice 66109013 lnvoice Date 7/28/2020 Completed Date 7 /28 /2020 Curtomer PO Job Address orofit center 1 21441 76th Avenue South Kent WA 98032 USA Disoatched to clean out old CB for demo. Cleaned 3 tvpe 1 and 3 Wpe 2 CB's. Had to wait a while for them to pump out all the water from the tvpe 2 CB's so that we wouldn't fillup to fast. Ldst 2tVpe 2's had about 3'-4' ol material in them and we iitieU up twice cleanjh'g out the everything. 1 type 2 CB was left with mat6iial still in there due to filling up again and time of day.'Per Paddy ok to dump at canyon pit. Task # L-ETPC1 3 Description PCl-1 ETTRUCK (Hourly Rate,2 hour minirnum) Quantlty 9.50 Your Price $19s.00 YourTotal $ 1,852.50 Sub-Total Tax Total Due $1,8s2.s0 $0.00 $1Bs25o Balancs Due $1,852.50 Please pay from this invoice. Terms; due 30 days from involce date, Delinquency Charge 1% per month, Northwest Cascade, lnc, DBA FloHawks is hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the requested worVservice a|21441 76th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA ina ies6iUea hirein. The estimated cost tb perform this work is $4,912.90 at the time of inspection and with the information available ai tfri time ottfri inspection. lf cost chanqes,'the customer will be made aware prior to invoiiing. lf you Have any questions about this job, please ask your iervice Expert GILBERT RANGEL, he or she will be happy to help! 7/28/2020 Acknowledoement of Work/Service to be performed. l. on behaf-of orofit center t herebv ackndwledqe that the work at21441 76th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA has been completed is agreed upoh. I have inspected tlie work and fi is complete to my satisfaction' t/1 0b n 7/28/?020 lsaac Lewis Sent: To: Cc: From: Attachments: lsaac Lewis Tuesday, )uly 14,202O 4:44 PM 'McConnell, Phillip' Paddy Worthington Phase 2 Storm Cleaning - 76th Ave S EW #7.pdf Subject: Phil, Attached is the hourly price for the ET truck and supervision crew for cleaning the structures. lf we cannot dump at the Clties facilities our dump fees are 50 Cents a gallon and $10 per ton of material at our pit in Puyallup. Let me know if you have any questions on this. After tomorrows work is done we will be ready to perform this work with 24 hours notice. Thanks, lsaac tewis Project Manager/ElT Northwest Cascade Office # (253) 848-2371ext4404 Fax # 253€48-2545 cell # (2s31 344-0899 k Fla Hau1.5 owtl ffi wlIMCI!* Northwest Cascadg lnc. I FloH,et&Lq I !-SneYSCcbe! ita- 5ffi Pleose consider the environment before printing thls emoll. ConfLdential and FrLvileged Informatlon: This meseage and any attachmenLs are intended for the addressee only and are privlleged and confidenLial, If you are not the addressee' then please DO NOT read, coPy, distribute or use Lhe message or the attsachments. If you have received this message in err.Qr 'please notify Ehe eender immediately and delete it. Thank you. 1 7ao 9*t/Truu*. t- ? 0? /v*y, 3 FA Sheet No ENGINEERS ESTIMATE ./^\-./ KENT Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Pro.lect No: 19-3006 Item No.Date: 7/30 lhru 81312020 Description of Work:Phase 3 - lnstalli nq prprnq for CDF iniection Prime Contractor: NorthWest Cascade lnc Work by Subcontractor?: NO Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate foreman 11 90.01 $990.11 ooerator liqht 9 81.67 $735.03 operator heavy 81.85 $81.85 oDeratror heavyiheavy 1 83.77 $83-77 laborer 10 64.19 $641.90 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $2 66 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL $734.47 13 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate F350 flatbed 11 33.84 $372.24 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 372.24 $78.17 450.41 ALS MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT CDF(3878.40+ 1 0% WSST=4266.24)1 LS 4266.24 $4,266.24 Venting pipe(1 50=1O%WSST=165.00)1 LS 165 $165.00 Pump, 3" wacker weekly Rental(23 1+10%WSST=234.30)1 LS 234.3 $234.30 Slcik-Pak ll Pump aid - 18 pack(l27.26*1o%WSST=13 1 LS $ 139.99 $139.99 $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $4,805.53 $1,009.16 $5,814.69 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL:o 532.23 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) (for sHEET TOTAL: $ 9,532.23Contractor's RePresentative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments Bill to: COK NORTIIWEST CASCADE, INC, NWC PROJECT #4255 DESCRtrTION: Pricing for Storm Cleaning Phoe #3 LOCATION: 76th Ave South Improvements Laborer Group 3 - General Laborer Foreman OperatorGroup3-Li8ht OperatorCroup2-Heavy Operator Croup I - Heavy/lIeavY F.W# WORKDA 713rk020 .89 o.T REG 3 o.T REG o.T 0 ll 0 $0.00 s990.07 $0.00 9 1.67 10.69 't't lS RATE A s33.84 $ $6.76c524 2008 FORD F35O FOREMAN LABOR SUB'I'O]AL: Sz)Jz 6) 3Yo SMALLTOOLS: $75.98 29o/o MARKUP: $734.47 LABORTOTAL: 0 0 $3343.10 $450.41 21o/o MARKI.IP: $78 17 EQUIPMENTTOTAL; CDF Pump, 3" Wacker - WeeklY Rental $23 L00 $23 L00 Aid - l8 Use Tax I 0% for .26 139 SUBTOT 21Y" MARKUP: $101599 MATERIALTOTAL:$5854.04 $0.00 $0.0012'A MARKUP: SUBCONTMCTOR TOTAL;$0.00 TOTAL $9647.55 LATEST REVISION O9/3II2OI I .. ] ::s{NORTH EST CASCADE INC. POSI OFFICE 9OX 7T!99. PUYALLUP'wAsHrNGl0N 98370 / loLL 60G562-4442 ACCOUNT SHEET :o #: OFPAGE: 7*b-ktt- iie TABOR DOUBLE TIMETIME & A HALFREG TIMEffi1'.fe:r Northwest Gascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily RepoflJob Gode4255_ESt? zfllp_wtr to support ProVac they dump twice- Extra 8 put in air vents @ 3 MH's. Ertra 12 placed curb inlet + beehive @ wtr seperator sta 2 1+42 gradbswale to approx sia22+02 RT. PCl Labor ? no survey request; surveyed cb#l C M gps1769HONEYI,VELL, DAVID OPER-FORE 3CORKREY,JOSHUA OPER-FORE 3SOTELO,DONALD LABORERSTROMBERG, CHRIST APPR. OPERHEISLER,JEFFREY FLAGGER88II82I33332556943123010405010/t305Totals for LaborHours: 40 Broken Out: {40/0/0)c666c524D221ONE TON FOREMANONE TON FOREMANCRAWLER MOUNTED8832a333itHours: 19Broken out: (19/0/0)2Totals for EquipmentDate:'c'- indicates a completeditem.lR)'- indiates a rework quantity.Printed on: 08105/202A 11:02:19Page 1 )INorthwest Gascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovJob Code4255Daily ReportCode17695e943123010405010itt!0Name' Begin EndHONEYWELL, DAVIDCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDSTROMBERG, CHRISHEISLER, JEFFREYStart07:0007:0007:0007:0007{)0Brcak(1)Lunch Brak(Q12:0G12:3012:0&12:3012:00-12:3012:00-123012:0&12:30End Diem Subsistence Notes15:3015:30153015:3015:3Oileal (2)23104 traffic controllnspector NoteEW-0072 support pro vac pumping wtrlnspector NoteEW-0083 set up 3 MH's to place cdflnspector NoteEW-0121 placed curb inlet 21+42 ttlnspector NotePCI LABOR-0001 5 survey tor cb #lc and 8 +12' invInspector Noteb' - idicgites a c:onpleteditem.'(R)' - iadicates a ranrork quantity.lhe:Prtntdon: 08/05/2020 11:02:19Fage 2 N RTHWEST CASCADE INC, posl oFFICE BOX 73399, PUYALLUP. WASHINcIoN 96373 rr IOLL FnEE 80!'562-ana2 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTED WORK SHEET EOUIPMENT FOIJIPMENT NUMBER EOI.JIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOURS C-61$$oe*.v\*.n4k-I MATERIALS OR SERVICES VENDOR & INVOICE # NWC REPRESENTATIVE: lowNER REPRESENTATIVE:REPRESENTATIVE TITLEI #{*L4;PAGE: I 6 uh /4t/{ t t4tl F&ve, 4{stlawFh.'I tl ,'l t ?, TABOR WORKFR'S OCCUPATION REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUBLE TIMEffiOP Wt^nn { W.'\l 0rr11y}rrQn \-^lott&-, HK\1 cfi5 $pntp4 .0( YV\*T hnrnl&0(t tJob Code4255Northwest Cascade ConstructlonJob Name: City ol Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportSunny;Normal GroundFi[ g MHs with CDF in prep for tine pumping. Set MH 1C. Existing 24" pipe was rotted and we were directed by Phil to rym9ve and replace with 1 2' Dl pipe, 22.5 lf of pipe center locenter of structure add 4'. irlot sure it tnii is torce account or bid item. Plug norttr end of 24" pipe and add stand pipe to lill line.56946597312374390104050104107642CORKREY,JOSHUA OPER-FORELORENZEN, ERIC OPER-FORESOTELO, DONALD LABORER 11.5WORTMAN,WILLIAM OPERATR HH 1/.5STROMBERG, CHRIST APPR. OPER 1/.5HEISLER,JEFFREY FI-AGGERHARRISON, JOHNNY OPERATOR H 11.58/.58/.58/0.58/0.58/0.58/0.58/0.58/0.58/0.544442222111569465973123743901 0405CORKREY, JOSHUA OPER-FORELORENZEN, ERIC OPER.FORESOTELO, DONALD LABORERWORTMAN,WILLIAM OPERATRHHSTROMBERG, CHRIST APPR. OPER810.58/0.58/0.58/0.5TR)'- indicates a rewo* quantitY.Date:Printedon: O8/05/20m 11:23:09Page 18/0.5a Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportjJob Code42550104f107642HEISLER, JEFFREY FLAGGER 8/.5HARRISON, JOHNNY OPERATOR H810.5810-5Totals for LaborHours: 59.5 Broken Out (56/3.5/0)b'- indicates a completed item-'(R)' - indicates a rework quantity.Totals lor Equipment Hours: 0Broken Out: (0/0/0)Date:Printedon: 0U05/2020 11:8:09Page 2 Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Gity of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily Report-lJob Code4255Code569465973',12374390104050104t107642Start07:0007:0007:0007:0007:0007:0007:00Name Begin EndCORKREY, JOSHUALORENZEN, ERICSOTELO, DONALDWORTMAN,WILLIAMSTROMBERG, CHRISHEISLER, JEFFREYHARRISON, JOHNNYBreak (1) Lunch Break {2} Meal {2}Dlem 9ubsistenee NotesEnd15:3015:3015:30'15:3015:3015:3015:301000.12310ln154085EW-008EW-016'c'- indicates a ampkited item-TR)' - indicates a rewo* quantity.5Qlnspector Note6Qlnspector l.lote1Qlnspector Note2Qlnspector Note3 Plug end of 24" and add 3' fillpipelnspector Note4 For removal of 24" Compromised storm pipe.lnspector NoteDate:PrtnEd on: 08/05/2020 11:23:09Page 3 NORTH WEST CASC rNc, POSI OfnCE 80X 73399, PUYALI-UP,98373 / TOtt FREE 800462-4442 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET/PROTESTED WORK SHEET IATERIALS OR SERVICES VENDOR & INVOICE #---MTERIAL^/ENDO R DESCRIPTION NWC REPRESENTATIVE: PAGE:C"l! sk Fo*e WEATHER:EW#: S roBNAMEuu' *6nn r&tn. S In{rawwet$ W t4z;$f START TIME:DATE: 8rt /,*rOWNERS REP:END TIME: WORK PERFORMED & LOCATION: LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATIONWgf fg€wzan -+ *nn {tfln {-s&{$Cr b trrtt ftdhh{rQ aP&rfu'drr EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT NUMBER EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION STANDBY {-*66d,Furegr4q 4rve lC C )INorthwest Cascade ConstructionJob l{anre: Clty ol Kent 76$ Ave S lmprcvDaily Report)Job Gode4255Sunny;llormal GroundPump CDF to fill 24" main. Flad isues ndth the 3' pvc b'reaking on several of the fill points prior to main being full.5694gn010405CORKREY,JOSHUA OPER.FORE 7SOTELO, DONALD I.ABORER 6STROMBERG,CHRISTAPPR.OPER 5Totals lor LaborHouts:18 BrokenOut {18/0/0)765'e'- indicates e completed iturz-'(Fl)'- idicetes a rework quant'ty-TotalsforEqulprnent fburc: 0Brcken Out: (0/0/0)Dale:Prlntedan: 08/18/2020 12:45:38Pqe 1 lNorthwest Cascade GonstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily Report)Job Gode4255Code56943123010405Name BeginCORKREY, JOSHUASOTELO, DONALDSTROMBERG, CHRISEndStalt06:0006:0007:00Break (1) Lunch Break (2) Meal (2)Diem Subsistence NotesEnd13:0012:0012:00EW-0081Qlnspector Note(R)'- indicates a rework quantity-Date:Printed on: 08/18/202A 12:45:38Page 2'c'- indicates a IfrI - MILES 400 Valley Ave NE Puyallup, W A 9837 2-251 6 253-833-3705 INVOICE CUSTOMER NO.DATE IrworcENo.PAGE 0062L0 07 /3L/2020 t80274s 1 SAND & GNAVEL NORTHWEST CASCADE, rNC PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP, t'tA 98373 NW CASCADE AU6 0 6 2020 OUAI{TITY UNTTncKErl'lo.EESenlpfloN PRICE TA)(EAYE 07 /3 07 /3 o7 /3 a7 /3 L2t2t2 T2 000850 76TH AVE S & S 214TH ST03;1'91723 l_0 . 00 -CY 11CDADUN O3-]-9L723 1..00 LD FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MI 03.L9I723 lO.OO CY ENVIRONMENTAI COMPIIANC O3-L9I723 1-O.OO CY A]R ENTRA]NMENT JOB TOTAL LINE PRODUCT RECAP 10:00 l-].CDADUN 1.00 5401 1-0.00 5300 10.00 4000 KENT 85.000 5. 000 6. 000 llCDADUN FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MIX ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE . RM AIR ENTRAINMENT TOTAL 850.00 s. 00 60.00 915.00 PLEASE APPROVE AUG 06 2g2g By Remit Payment to 400 Valley Avenue NE, Puyallup, WA 98372-2516 Miles Sand & Gravel Company www.MlLEs.FocKs AMOUNT DUE > 9r-5.00 7.+f:: | .rlllt I Itrl; l,llLE$ :tt'ID{lGnAvEt 4OOVALLEYAVE NE i PUYALLUR WA 98372.2516 (253) 833-s705 WWW.MILES.ROCKS DISPATCH KING/PIERCSKITSAF COUNTIES THURSTONIh'ASOFI/LEWI S' COUNTI ES ' "fjDEUVERY RECEIPT CIJSTOMEFI COPY (2s3) 833-3700 (360) 4S1-ZZ PI-ANTNO.ffi O€L|VERYTICI(ETNO. 1$rns CUSTOMEF P.O. OR JOB NO.OBDER NO. fiIFffi$f{t?tst;li{€* $os tNJO8 I$Ils Ga$ons ot Wltor Added By Grrstomer! Requ€sl OUT rttgtElt S;+$l uf;sll$tF€ r? t tn ri-{rErl I h{ft€'l.iT :!s'[F*lf;s*{l{?gl. ct}l'FLiei&€ " f* ,tEL F,tFltrllfiFGt- F{f;A$? t',tl)i ll}€ vd 19 $r? f,Y tr"4i r'&? c.Y I r.r{J L* SUBTOTAL SALESTAX *{t.s TOTALAMOUNT RELEASE - CUSTO*,IER BELEASES & AGREES TO IIOUO TdNUUSS TXE MILES CO. idilF/onruloe ro ttls REA[. os pEBSoNAL PRgpEgrY cAusED BY oELIvEHY oF MATERIALS LISTED AgOVE. GALLOHS OF UTATER AODED BY CUSTOSER'S REOIJESI SIGNATUfiE x AT Tr"rE M xTMUM ^'*iw*tr nore. AC@UNTS IF COLLESRON BEC,OMES NET 30 DAYS. CH^ROEDON TERM$:INTEREST PAST DUE WlLLFEES EEASSESSED,ATTOFINIEY'SREASONAALESANY. WILL BE NECE$ Fi ?rr:.:k f{}3S L*-c.J X:** 1,1. "3{ i:-i li r:-.re r- J6+* *!rx i'*.le t ti:ilnf'tjl{ lls* r iJs+ t *t r-u r rieS iis 191 r * *,J. "' r ...; Tl,:}re I !{r:tn 'i'3 +k* c .i S ?'i . '?f"IF'l ;,i r'i " ftt.s Sfl€ $e*1 b . -- L.- t'lrd* fi*q-ry ? .'1 9: l?. ?;3i,'iit fos,S i tt ?8.i 3l i.rt-E ltri.[]* "a*tsL-{illa!*i* net{ :HT,t&!ffl 1?t1*! * itt b 'Dts 'a rh It*+J.er, -,a.ECt{s 3d:.$ rlq*?rl|t** 11 rs & tb.lt sirit !$t E. ;1 a:l *rttc'** 'GltlnEi1{dYlr#!-g: lrg-s ;i*51 * s! ttlairbr:1!$!i. * d'*l !rfi rgn * :!is t 'SG*9f1, *r* * {t 4{tlct {f:T }il t*at* lg3 t ,Httu1*ctl€ll {**6:{rtaHa*e*l fi..{tFl r'**'ft$ I iir{t€ atail i*19 Bd.fF t'&'rk'9t'r r tn1 S GrtS { .i..it gitl*lr€ iit * L'rf*9r€* {lF llllg ia3*.Et* i?r tE$ li$t *a* rlEf,' s'r^-r*r* i i4trHcri.tr I stnFlir*q t:tt fffi ;rh'.lr'rag 'rgg uI I cl c$i4-it3:Jl r+t {"{n*1 * ti t HI 400 Valley Ave NE Puyallup. WA 98372-251 6 INVOICE CUSTOMER NO.DATE INVOICE NO.pnGE ' 006210 08/03/2020 1803210 1Mll-E$253-833-370s iAHD & GNAVEL NORTHWEST CASCADE' INC PO BOX 73399 PUYAILUP, WA 98373 NW CA$CADH AUG I 0 2020 DATE )B/03 )B/03 )8 /03 )8/03 )B /03 )8 /03 )B/03 )8 /03 )B /03 )B/0s )B /03 )8 /03 )B/03 76TH AVE r-0. 00 1,00 1"0.00 10"00 r.0.00 r.. 00 1"0.00 10. 00 L0. 00 1. 68 1.00 r.0.00 10.00 000850 202-240003 202-24 0 0 03 2A2-24 0 0 03 202-24CI 0 03 202-24001"3 202-24 0 0 13 2A2-24 0 0 L3 202-240013 203-L9t729 203-r9t729 2A3-L9L"129 203-19L729 203-1 9t729 S&S214THST cY llcDADUl{- ..-- LD FUEL SURCHARGE-READY M] CY ENVIRONMENTAT COMPLIANC CY AIR ENTRAINMENT CY 11CDADUN LD TUEL SURCHARGE*READY MI CY ENVIRONMHNTAL COMPLIANC CY AIR ENTRAINMENT CY ]-ICDADUN HR TRUCK TIME - MIXER LD FUEL SURCHARGE*READY MI CY ENVIRONMENTAL COMPI]ANC CY AIR ENTRAINMENT JOB TOTAL LINN KENT 85.000 5.000 6.000 85.000 5.000 6. 000 85.000 TOTAL 8s0.00 s. 00 60.00 850.00 5. 00 60.00 850.00 218.40 s.00 60.00 2963.40 130 5 6 .000 ,000 .000 PRODUCT RECAP 30.00 I1CDADUN 1.68 5000 3.00 5401" 30.00 s300 30.00 4000 llCDADUN TRUCK TIMH - M]XER FUEL SURCHARGE-RAADY MIX ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE - RM AIR ENTRAINMENT r f,U$ 1? l'ii0 [-',r Remit Payment to 400 Valley Avenue NE, Puyallup, WA 98372-2516 Miles Sand & GravelComPanY WWWMILES,ROCKS iobatou'aEDFEss TAXPRICE QUANTTY uNrt D€SCR|PNONTEXET}IO. AMOUNT DUE > 2963.40 _ - -,._.t- I lrllLES Slllo l6eAYg. -, Vu 4OO VALLEY AVE NE PUYALLUP, WA 98372€5't6 (253) 833-3705 WWW.MILES.HOCKS DISPATCH KINSFIEBCFJKTS*P COUNfl ES THU RSTON/1,IASON/LEWS COUNTI€S I ,(253)83$3700 (s6o) 4e1-?rr7 OEUVERYRECEIPT CUSTOMER COPY f,j E," r? -:.I':'r'"|i:'+ i i' : -.'L'. 1.4r.-' r- -.r. . 1 +...r 7r{!fiI t:. : rlil t, ri ,; t..'t ,.. :. , a-, I:-:, I :-:; i',. i ,.*,'. '!11 " {iii$.tr*.q -:l,S ,"e !i;9 _rai:1. = -i , ! -":l 1"-.i 1'f{.FlF =r:tru{ii ii; i..! ;r ,*:;i-f .{: $d€-i6 * "*,:tt+ :,,'..":ftr j t{ii irr{'i*a .."4:r'*-ig : i{&,:i€lt ra r'+t'*--::i-. :i:{ 'i a.::1 i. : : {ti.3 =:l.t*ar *-i$ f.i ^tF?+iit r i.l --' 9e.+: f;*qjd.:-€t *' Ehfi !:& -E*i15s :flF i:. & al itu C. t* lrr{y} }1?l;lFl r+rffii :& I yc##'r+3*t {iSF; triS F ?irrrlt*$' Ei:i 8F + iil rF=di;,f4 'r r?:* j il:ar i;: t i*itu ;i lf-+ffi .r'ti?.. *:F:i?{{ i:!l iil fi:r* i*.6i l8 ;ii fih }l€Eri$t; rli t A.:f:-* :,:.:r r -+ 1,. r +t f,r ', F: :: i.-lt j .:i1 a tie ilt?tg!'l!a.rr L$*dn!*;{. O.si* f; rnrl8 €r?!!5= r. LLS#] -410 lr | -l 'r*qtttl *]+'i.l* !t. E *i t!1 BgUIfigFYNCKSI NO, i;rg}fJti3 a.$lrNo. FrliCUSTOMEF P.O, OFt JO8 N{IORDERNO. +:*i1t,:'i'i CUdTOMER NO. {jii*{.i } i} Gallom d \rrlator Addod 8y q}slotn€I! R€gusst LOAD NO. t SLUMP f; --;a; CY DL\MD .tu CY O8DEBED 5{: NTME Fgli: f:; r ji: .!*'t*r A\fiF, F & S A!4lll *J? r.lY{t [j* :;y lsa Etft fl$Tlt*l!*Yg,F'{ Sli:J i Rrlb*4fi :rs I A*- {;{}}if1i' i fi}i{'jf- FIEL *t3f:lttlF{i$ rT$tli:v ruit' i;ist;llr{€ii? f*ffisp*" }t€: 4+];:* 3tr:r; 3rfjL 1 i; t i*.; : ;] ,';l: j t 5r.; SUBTO?\LTR1JCK NO, t't-€3ri DH'VEB NO. ,;_l! i I LOAI}NMEr*x@oE 8ALESTAX ..-:, ,., c !.! DRIV€R t- ! r-t:: f!;,, TOTALAMOUNT TEfl[!$:htET30DA\4S.INTERESTATTHEMAXIMUMALLOW&BLERA'iEwlLLBEi*AftED oti FAsf @rccouryf9,f-colLslJnN BuccildEs NEcEs' 6lnx peASoNAFLE Arrilnwcrs FEEs wfl-t BE AssessEo. HELEASE - CUSToMER RELEASSS & AGREE9 I9]1qLD^l-'4ryMLESS rHE MILES co' i;5friFfonfui6'e-io iisEell- os ptnsouL PRopeRrY cAussD sY oEUvERY oF irtiitERlALS LISTED ABOVE AILLOT{E OF WATEF AOOED BY CUS1]OTI|ER'9 REOT'E6T -- SIGMTLNE xrOTAL LOAD(S) I lll MIIES 4OO VALLEYAVE NE PUYALLUR WA 98372-2516 (253) S33-370s WWWMILES.ROCKS . DISPATCH KIN6/PI EFCE/KITSAP COUI{TIES TH uHsroN/MAsoN/LEwts douurtes DEUI'ERY RECEIPT cusroMFF coPY {253) 833-3700 (3W)491.rm I ARAVEL TICt(ET -rJ,ir!-"11il r-:i:' ORDEF NO. &*!3Jr 11 CUSTOMER P.O. OR JOE NO.CUSTOMEF NO. ili;$E J"t;{iE}"r*3JLr3i:.lr SATE Gafon3 of Added By F6quod Wats Ouslomss LOi4A NO.ALUMP & ?i"* :YORDERED t;=1 CYOLwlD *1J r.€':'rt :j{S {ttl.tL i:i t t-;iLlxl*all.i I Ht. J'{"T }t {'tV9: * f" ti li't rr: }f Sl SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS' FFOD':CO a LtCliA[-iJ{', t+r-'{ti: *-E'.Irirr+*1 t tt:F&i-::;Jti il I Sl f'1$'5'*t€ r f.,!F-$. i.; Y F.:tgtj t #riir.j:.:+1:Fi1f:i f:*,t{ i" 1 fiiitiLi: * 1*e-f i":r.ii?{ll3i,Grili! '- f iFi;\i: t l"j I }. f ..' t.J j.;* 5:i ;;;; 1 i,i {.:!, ] ,'i;*d SUB TOTALDRIVER NO. lf,rlrf: TRI,.EK NO. i lerli rA,\ cooE LOAD TIME , i."u SALES TAXDRVEN ;.rl!i' ii,:"):'';: L ri,ii'i a TOTALAMOUNT TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. INTER€ST AT THE h,IAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATE W[r BE CHAFAEO ON PAST DLI€ ACGOUNTS IF COI-IECTK'N BECOMES NECE$ SARY. REASO}IASLE ATTORNEYS FEES WLL 8E ASSESSEO' RELEASE - CUSTOMER RELEA$ES & AGREES TO HOI-D HARMLESS THE MILES CO. rON INV O*MAOE TO HIS REAL OR PERSONAL PROFEHTY CAUSEO BY DELIVEHY OF M^TEBIALS LISTED A8OVE. GALLONS OF WATGR AODED 8Y CUSIOlII8H'8 REOI'EST srcrunntRg xroTAt LoAr{s) I :'. :', ;: fi::i : ' 'r': r | : ii' :;. :,-i-.'i-ifn iiE* il: : f,=.,, l;-:'.,. i,:r!, ':i r ! _ i: !"i.: . r,:': -'i.J j- ,"i: ;:, 1 " *r*r-* ti' ..r, :1: f n1.:,. I ! +,. i: :i t., =: " t: iri; .€:t:t4 |.:-..i;1 i.;' ..-' " '-,. ,-,: = ,i"i ..,:-!:1 --a"t i. ' l!ri!;. i.:. ;J.i:; 'r :*'r*:j ti.i;!r;i i :'t '-' 1:.: if E;E '!r.rrt : :: .J: . :..4 !l ,* ": ri?' ".: r- t: :.. i':- '{'ri'ii€:'ri!l:r' : -r"ic:,tti !,. i;.il:l ; r:.'Ii::: i:F:. ;: ?"t . .a"i " i ,Jr s'*il, :i' :rt ;-; r ;!, EISPAT]CII KINGIPIERCSKITSFP COUNTIES THU RSTONIIvIASOWT-EWTS GOUNTIES . DELIVERY RECE8PT CUSTOMTR COPY (zss) 83&3700 (360) 491-7r/7 :ig:r$'!xs| NO. ffi.s{{$,J1{l{s.tf*i:f.r{i REqoostS-$3.er fif'{:b.F{rL,TLr c$lt{'t.ltl{l?.if{F-:.; _l-&?f!:ngAc'.*t$f{tiClilga{;* $r t-Ftl-l{Sr!}'if#}:? lUCf;tlifF{3 !,tFs*{ti'c l;gr){-: *3r/ri 3rlt=|1, F* EY CY !- Lr t{,4U, t. {s.! 'tG {'r.t t$ iJ{i- SUBTOTTL {:.}*l 6AI.ES TAX rERMs:8fi H33f [',i$Fff'"J$"Hi^%i$"#'itff H"-ff*E'HbtS: EiiiV neadi'r.4sur-nrronruevs FEeS WILL BE ASSESSED' FIELEASE-cUsTof\'EFRELEASES&AGREESTo}lol.Dl.lARMtEssTHEM|L_E_.S.q)j F5'nT'r.rVonir-r6'e-ib rirs nEri6ilp?nEiir,nr" iaopEnrv GAUSED sY D&rvERY oF MATERIALS LISTE D ABOVE. GALLON8 OF WATER AOOEO BY CUETOIfiEf,'S R8'AUEST SIGNATURE x 1.;. ...r*."*-, f .:kf\iI frf j'.'e il :lf r', I. &.""r-'r t ;.x i-;'J* I l':'L,[i:Lti* i.i:i* f ${et.rr{tiq"* li; *3r 'i' . {}te t f i,,ltl: '{ i, ':.1+.; i j :J i iii'j;* ':!*':'*.] Ur? ! lil { }-r{tt! 3t'.*tb EvgA!**{[rt r'q:rf t It '*-1** ' :-tttA trd tl 'ir.ri ?*:i-. { : r.tr"i f; i .a i &;tr L+acl tr* :'$4 3'? r{},3-{ L**J 1fl. 'irr 3E '1i i-t*r io St-t lF ;,.l 1"' *#t* *atHl&, e:e*&''.#q.{*tlFrirttff ;:**ttr!s',tt"s *idl f-r*a;i$nrBit€ &* a€ : agt4&+t*'tt :'!i ? .,i-{fa]q#4 tf-.-tiF l{&f,.ft$t'ci f-F ! .i.Cti !{4 T&€;!rtfF: trr{lirt 3>q, ': ttr-d !.€ i{o e s *!i {" {f, i!. {: * F&ir$*Jt*cF{*il{srMl:'.r* t' s fJ ! {l ii] -:3 !t tar n:' #r*{!|citri& 'S:{'}r.t.{ ]tis.$ 4 arr f;: ':t ci*!h .rt t];:{*un* 'rl7j I*r ** I "-j:.,i ;l 114**ni*E ti€d iil*j S*jr*ili ! *t{d.*h rr..f, '.'*] f{*€]**tt*'! t '!F*$rti!a# "t3* 1b * i.! Bft $i* -5i icrg i-=*i s t4,r*H sJ # t.- l:tl-t.t. \ l -1.) I s q * , *'3 -r\ IVIASQNS -.- ryrll c.*LL r** m*l$ff"!Kov'ReoYEAR' Pick Ticket/Packing List Oregoi-' R E P B I N r'*Washington Portland Woodinville 800-537-3407 8W-537-62r6 503-234-4321 425487-6161 HILLSBORO.OR MEDFORD.OR RIDGEFIEI,D.WA 503.511-0107 541-771-6161 360-E81-4"17'l lnstructions Qrder Date '__ egg!# | f_-9! ,r-) o7t28t20 5165499-00 DJM , - i;o #- -*T Pase # -,1 42SS I ]LACKAMAS.OR WEST EUCENE.OR s03-?22-r.528 541-683-1408 8fl ro TNORTHWEST CASCADE'P0 Box ?3399 Cust # PUYALL{IP, WA 98373 163845 Ship To Sign Name I-IEALTH a dry FR6HLY ** D0 NoT PAY 'r'*** DO NOT PAY **** DO NOT PAY ** icorri,ip ii,iiiiJ io 1 tvtasons-supply Company PO BOX 1027 RIDGEFIELD, WA 98642 SALEM.OR 503-.18.t-550.1 SEATTLE.WA 2M,167.4$5 TACOMA.WA !_51.58r-616t NO REFU-N-D-W-IiL BEi5streDpon nonvet-t-v -__lsTocKED MATERTAL RgTURNED 45 DAYS AFTER i ORICINAI, PURCHASE, I No nr-filrb wnHow-pnesgmi-noir or rHts snr-d. SLIP, I516 RESTO('K ON ALL APPROVED RETURNS. : Staging Area i : neqr""t I Wiqp"a , Hiced By **/*i!/***/*07t28120t-----I I efms EUGENE.OR 541-'14+6696 MISC WAJOBS 10412 JOHN BANANOLA WAY EAST PUYALLUP, wA 98374 NC: hhalatlon of Point Masons Cash Disc Amt 1.27 If Paid Within Terms Print Name cars concrele OR I{AV CAUSE I NJURY AVOID ACT WITH S(IN TEDLY WITH WATER AND (;bT PROMPI MEDICAL ATTENTION. WATER, OF CHILDREN. All nrrducl SDs !rc nv(il{hl. ufiln Eq!c{. Sgllrradriics Buycrt' rYie*'tll sDs ltf"rc llB 1 vil-) WILL CALL Time Out----.-- nor-rcversible l7o l0th F/M Total INVOICE TOTAL: Sa!e1 Reo ?20 Time In s - €.\posure lo Do nol ds #Qtv UM BAC n Received Cartons Amount (Net)Ouantity Shipped 0.00 {T Quantity EackorderedLinet I FZ97t36 SLICK-PAK II 8OZ 6O/CASE 6O/CASE PUMP AID DOT - NOT REGULATED IMDG - NOT REGULATED wws5/s4 / Auantity Ordered - Bin LocatianProduct And Desctiption si nature: rme: all 1 Customer Gopy fr*ASONS fTDUPLICATE*.. OVER 90 YEARS MISC WAJOBS 10412 JOTIN BANANOLA WAY EAST PUYALLUP, WA 98374 NORTIIWEST CASCA'DE PO BOX 73399 PIITALLUP,WA 98373 lNvolcE Wasbin4on Woodinville 800-537-6216 425487-6161 Maeons SupplY ComPanY PO BOX 1027 RIDGEFIELD, WA 98642 WILLCALL 5165499-00 I 07128120 r% 10th F/Tll Oregon Poi.tland 800-537-3407 s$a344321 Cusl# 163E4s Mssons Tacomo l2m6rl8 SLICK-PAK II 8OZ 6O/CASE 6O/CASEPUMP AID DOT - NOT RBGULATED IMDG.NOT REGULATED I LinasTotal Qty Shipped Total 18 t27.26 127.26 t..,.tt, Totsl P!.EA.TE, APPROVE AIJS ls 20?$ \1y Cash Discount 1.2? IfPaidByAug lOth b OROW 3m wERl WATB8, AND ldSDICAL bdo uc OFREACH e rvrlhbb l+d Equ.n otr conqEE or mqlarE lugtobet f .'-*\\*/ \ si ature gmn nEtmls , -Preferred Supplier to the West'$ Best Contractors Status: Cloeed www. sta rrentals.c,om lnvoice #: lnvoice Date: Date Out: Billed Thru: 492861-33 Mon B/ 3/2020 Mon712712020 12:55PM Mon 8/ 3/2020 Rented from 21216 64TH AVE S KENT WA98032 Customer #:142366 N W CASCADE INC P O BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA98373 253-854-3922 Phone 253-854-6582 Fax Ordered By: Terms: Operator: JOSH Net 1Oth Kris Ebe 253-848-2371 Phone Key Items Rented Ser# 270-0030#R19S4 PUMP,TRASH3'WACKER 24441422 PTSA PUMP SHOULD NEVER BE OPERATED DRY OR DAMAGE MAY RESULT DO NOT ALLOW PUMP TO FREEZE OR DAMAGE MAY RESULT. USE FOR NON-FLAMMABLE LIOUID ONLY. lnvoice to Follow RentalContract ADDITIONAL TERMSAND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACTARE SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM' Star RentaIS ANd SAIES diSCIAiMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ALL WARMNTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ALL WARMNTIES AGAINST INTERFERENCE OR INFRINGEMENTANDALL OTHER wnnnnNirrs, expREss oR tMpLtED, appticabte to the equipment rented or sold. No further walg!!y,9!?ll-b9l_nuli9g_bJ.lgy This contracr contains additional Wnnnnruii OtSCLAIMERS, LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYAND LIMITATIONS OF REMEDIES See paragraph 11 on the reverse side ofthis form. N W CASCADE INC Open Monday through Fridiy 7:00 am to 5:00 PM, Closed Saturday + Sunday prinled On Mon 8/ 3/2020 12:13;53PM Software by Point-of-Rental Software w.point'ot{ental.com Qty 1 Status n"iuin"o PO#: 4255 Returned Date fvron AlfIZOZO 12'13iM Price $210.00 $21.00 $231,00, $0.00 ; $231.00 Modification #3 Rental: Subtotal KENT RTA: Paid: Amount Due: I $210.00 $210.00 Total: t 1 Conlract-Psrams.SQL rut (1 )