HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD16-380 - Amendment - #1 - Summit Food Services LLC - Kent Corrections Facility Food Services - 03/18/2021ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: Director or Designee Mayor Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received by City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? Yes No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 200821 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY FIRST AMENDMENT TO GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FOOD SERVICES AT THE KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY - 1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FOOD SERVICES AT THE KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT for food services at the Kent Corrections Facility is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and SUMMIT FOOD SERVICES LLC, doing business as SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT, LLC, organized under the state of New Mexico, and doing business at 500 East 52nd Street North, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104 hereinafter referred to as “Summit Food Services” or “Vendor”. RECITALS A. On or about November 25, 2016, the City and Consolidated Food Management (“CFM”) entered into an Agreement for CFM to provide food and food preparation services at the City of Kent Corrections Facility (“CKCF”). That Agreement’s term ended on December 31, 2020, however the Agreement allows for the continuation of services after the end of the term. B. During the term of the Agreement, Summit Food Services merged with CFM and assumed responsibilities for CFM’s performance of the Agreement. C. By this First Amendment, the parties agree to extend the term of the original Agreement for three years, through December 31, 2023, clarify certain obligations, and alter the scope of service as provided for in the Agreement. AMENDMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual intent, desire and promises of the parties and other good and valuable consideration, City and Vendor agree as follows: 1. Amend Preamble: The first paragraph of the Agreement is amended as follows: THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and Consolidated Food Management, Inc. Summit Food Service, LLC, doing business as Summit Food Service Management, LLC, organized under the laws of the State of New Mexico Washington, located and doing business at 7429 SE 27th Street, Mercer Island, Washington 98040, 206-678-3429 500 East 52nd Street North, Sious Falls, SD 57104and Ted Hanby (hereinafter the "Vendor"). 2. Amend Section I. Description of Work: Section I, Description of Work, is stricken and replaced as follows: I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Vendor shall provide the following goods and materials and/or perform the following services for the City: Vendor shall provide food and food preparation services to the City of Kent Corrections Facility (“CKCF”) in order to feed inmates and corrections staff, each day of the week for the term of this Agreement. Inmates shall be served no less than three meals per day, which shall FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 contain no less than a total of 2,600 calories per day. The following shall apply to Vendor’s services: Locations and Hours: Vendor shall provide food service to inmates, staff and others as designated by City on the premises, on such days and such times as City shall prescribe. Vendor shall not use the CKCF for preparation of food that is to be served at any location other than CKCF, unless CKCF gives written permission to do so. Menu: The menu and menu cycle to be provided by Vendor is attached as Exhibit A, and is incorporated herein by this reference. The menu may be changed, but such changes must be approved by Vendor’s nutritionist and by agreement of all the parties. Vendor shall serve to inmates a cold breakfast. The cold breakfast shall be trayed the night before by Vendor staff and shall be served by City staff the following morning. Staff Meals: Vendor shall provide staff meals as requested at the same rate as inmate meals. Staff meals will be prepared by Vendor employees, not inmate labor. A staff menu will be posted for each meal daily. City will note staff meal requests on meal count sheets. Vendor will only charge City for staff meals if the staff member(s) eating initial the meal count sheet for the day/meal they chose to eat. If no verification is present, City will not be charged for staff meals. Vendor will provide snack foods and coffee supplies for staff. Vendor acknowledges that a failure to make meals available to staff as requested is a breach of this Agreement, which the parties agree will result in the imposition of liquidated damages equal to a deduction by Vendor from each monthly invoice of $5 for each staff meal that was requested, but not provided. Vendor Labor: Vendor shall have the exclusive right to hire employees to provide the services called for in this Agreement, subject to the terms of a background check performed by employees who must enter the CKCF. Upon City’s request, Vendor shall remove any work site employee who has engaged in inappropriate conduct or has violated one of the rules and regulations established by City to maintain the good order and operations of the CKCF. Inmate Labor: Vendor shall utilize inmate workers provided by City. City shall provide a minimum of two (2) inmates and a maximum of six (6) inmates for labor each meal period. Bagged Meals: Vendor shall provide bagged meals as requested by the City. Medical Meals and Religious Meals: Vendor shall provide meals to accommodate medical and religious needs as provided for by Exhibit B and as requested by City. Products: Vendor shall purchase food, products and supplies necessary to comply with Vendor’s obligations as set forth in this Agreement. Vendor shall purchase all food products from USDA FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 inspected plants that are currently certified as strictly complying with all applicable food safety standards. Compliance with Food Safety Laws: Vendor shall comply with all federal, state and local regulations governing the preparation, handling and serving of food, and Vendor shall post all permits or licenses as required by law. Vendor shall immediately notify City in the event it determines that it is not in compliance with any state or federal law or regulation. If at any time Vendor is notified by an authorized government agency that CKCF premises or equipment are not in compliance with any law, ordinance, rule, or regulation, Vendor shall immediately inform City of such notification. City shall cooperate with Vendor to accomplish the foregoing. Cleaning: Vendor shall perform routine cleaning and housekeeping in the food preparation and service areas to include: cleaning walls, floors, freezer, fridge and fixtures. City shall perform major cleaning including, without limitation, stripping and waxing floors, ceilings, electric light fixtures, grease traps, hoods and vents, duct work, plenum chambers and roof fans throughout the CKCF as deemed necessary by the City. Right to Review: It is understood that City reserves the right to review and inspect the food service program performed by Vendor with respect to the quality and quantity of food served, and the sanitation of equipment and facilities, at any time. Emergency Plan and Supply: In the event of an emergency, City shall assist Vendor by permitting reasonable variations in Vendor’s menu cycle and service methods. However, Vendor shall not be relieved of its responsibility to provide meal service under the terms of this Agreement. The term “emergency,” as used in this section, means dire circumstances not within the control of the party whose performance is interfered with, and which by reasonable diligence such party is unable to prevent or mitigate, such as: pandemic, war, riot or other disaster, strike or other work stoppage, act of terrorism, fire, flood or volcanic eruption. By March 1, 2021, Vendor shall submit a contingency emergency plan to provide for meal service in the event of an emergency. Vendor shall be responsible for maintaining at the CKCF a minimum of seven (7) days non-perishable food stocks, to be used in case of an emergency. These stocks must meet the requirements of food services and emergency menu substitutions. Additional Services: Food, beverage and other services required or desired by the CKCF outside the scope of this Agreement shall be provided by Vendor upon written authorization by City administration through a mutually agreed upon process for such services. 3. Amend Section III. Effective Date and Time of Completion: Section III, Time for Completion, is amended as follows: III. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME OF COMPLETION. This Agreement shall be effective January 1, 2016, and any work performed FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 between January 1, 2016, and the date of final signature of this Agreement shall be deemed ratified by the parties’ approval of this Agreement and subject to the terms of this Agreement. The initial Term of this Agreement will be was for five years, commencing on January 1, 2016 and shall was set to expire on December 31, 2020, subject to terms and conditions agreed-upon by both Parties. The Parties have agreed to extend the term of this Agreement for an additional three (3) years, such that it shall now expire on December 31, 2023. Vendor may continue to provide the goods and services called for in this Agreement after the term of this Agreement, and if Vendor does, such goods and services shall be provided subject to the terms and conditions then properly in effect on the last day before the end of the term of this Agreement. 4.Amend Section IV. Compensation: Section III, Compensation, of the Agreement is amended as follows: IV. COMPENSATION. City shall pay Vendor at a per-meal amount as set forth in Exhibit C2 which amount is inclusive of sales tax. The cost of each meal is dependent on the number of inmates served, as reflected in Exhibit C. The annual compensation for 2016 is estimated to be $239,148.00. This is only an estimate, as the actual amount shall be dependent on the number of meals served at the rates set forth in Exhibit A C2. Vendor is responsible to bill the Kent Correctional Facility for compensation that is retroactive from January 1st 2016 until this Agreement is signed. Vendor may bill the Kent Correctional Facility for compensation for work performed after December 31, 2020, but before the First Amendment is signed that retroactively reflects the 2021 rates adopted by the First Amendment. After 2016, compensation due to Vendor for the per-meal costs shall be increased effective January 1 of each year as follows: 2016 – 1.5% increase from 2015 term 2017 – 1.5% increase from 2016 term 2018 – 1% increase from 2017 term 2019 and 2020 – No increase 2021 –increase reflected by Exhibit C2 2022 – 3.0% increase from 2021 term 2023 – 1.0% increase from 2022 term Vendor shall submit a weekly invoice to City for payment. City shall provide payment within thirty days of receipt of an invoice. If City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify Vendor and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. 5.Amend Exhibit C. Price List: Exhibit C to the Agreement is amended and replaced with Exhibit C2, attached to this First Amendment. The prices provided for in this new Exhibit C2 shall be effective January 1, 2021. FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 6. Affirmation of Assumption by Summit Food Services: By signing this First Amendment, Summit Food Services reaffirms that it has assumed all obligations of, responsibilities for, and is bound by the terms of the original Goods and Services Agreement between the City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management, Inc. Any reference to CFM or CFM’s obligations in the original Agreement shall be read to refer and apply to Summit Food Services. Vendor accepts all requirements of this First Amendment by signing below, and by its signature, waives any protest or claim it may have regarding the Agreement or this First Amendment. This First Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve Vendor from strict compliance with the indemnification and insurance provisions of the Agreement. 7. Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of this First Amendment and prior to its effective date are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of this First Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. 8. Remaining Provisions. Except as specifically amended by this First Amendment, all remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. In addition, upon the effective date of this First Amendment, the written provisions and terms of this First Amendment shall supersede any verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner the Agreement or this First Amendment. IN WITNESS, the parties have executed this First Amendment to the Corrections Facility Medical Services Agreement. CITY OF KENT SUMMIT FOOD SERVICES, LLC, D/B/A SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT, LLC By: By: Print Name: Dana Ralph Print Name: Title: Mayor Title: Date: Date: Approved as to Form: Kent City Attorney P:\Civil\Files\Open Files\Corrections Facility - Jail\Contracts\Inmate Food Services\FirstAmendment JailFoodAgreement 2021through2023.docx Marlin C. Sejnoha, Jr. President and CEO 2/19/202103/18/2021 MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU CFM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 1 each Swedish Meatballs w/ sauce 1 ea. (4 oz.) Corn flakes 1 cup Green Salad 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Dressing 1 Tbls.Mixed Vegetable 6 oz ladle Scone 1 each Vegetable Soup 1/2 cup veg 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 1/60 1 ea.Margarine 1 tsp Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Monday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Meat Casserole 4 oz Meat Sauce 6 oz. Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 6 oz. ladle Peas 6 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Pudding 3 oz ladle Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Salad 4 oz ladle Chicken Stew 8 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Sandwich 1 each Pasta 3/4 cup Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta Salad 3/4 cup Green Beans 3/4 cup coffee cake 1 each Navy Bean Soup 1 cup Biscuit 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Wednesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chile / meat 6 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Garden Salad w/Dressing 1 cup/2 Tbs Carrots 6 oz ladle Bread 1 each Home Style Potato 6 oz ladle Cornbread 54/1 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Diced Turkey in Gravy 6oz. Ladle Chicken Tetrazzini 6 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Corn 6 oz ladle Peas 6 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc.Pudding 3 oz ladle Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hot Dog 5/1 Meat (2 oz.) Balls with 4 oz. Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hot Dog Bun 1 each Tomato Sauce 3 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Baked Beans 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Potato salad c 6 oz ladle Sliced Carrots 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Cornbread (1/54)1 pc 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 2 tsp Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Macaroni Meat Au Gratin 10 oz ladle Turkey Curry Stew 8 oz. ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Carrots 6 oz ladle Rotini Noodles 6 oz. ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Green Beans 6 oz. ladle Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C.4/12/13 2600 WEEK #1 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, FAND 10/30/2015GENERAL MENU EXHIBIT A MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU CFM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Bologna Sandwich 2 oz.Baked Chicken Patty 3.2 oz Corn flakes 1 cup w/Cheese 1 slice BBQ Sauce 2 oz. Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta Salad 3/4 cup Oven Brown Potatoes 3/4 cup Scone 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Corn 6 oz. ladle Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Dinner Roll 1 each Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Monday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Meat (2 oz) Sauce 4 oz Home Baked Meat (2 oz) Loaf 4 oz. Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 4 oz ladle Steamed Rice 1 cup Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 6 oz. ladle Peas 6 oz. ladle coffee cake 1 each Garlic Bread 1 slice Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Sandwich 3 oz. Meat Chicken Ala King 6 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad w/Dressing 1 cup Pasta 3/4 cup Boiled Egg 1 each Vege Pasta Soup 1 cup Green beans 3/4 cup coffee cake 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc.Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Wednesday 6 oz. ladle 1/2 cup Corn Dog - Stickless 5/1 Braised Chicken & Mushroom 8 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Baked Beans 6 oz. ladle W/Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Coleslaw 6 oz. ladle Peas 6 oz. ladle Bread 2 each Cookie 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 2 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Comida Mexicana 8 oz. ladle Country Stew (2 oz. meat)6 oz. ladle Corn flakes 1 cup corn 3/4 cup Rotini Noodles 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 54/1 1 pc.Garden Salad w/ Dressing 8 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Pudding 3 oz ladle Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Sloppy Joe (2 oz. Meat)4 oz ladle Fried Rice / Meat 10 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Cabbage 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Home Fries 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each Coffeecake 1 each pasta salad 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup T.Bologna (2 oz) Sandwich 1 each Beef & Bean Burrito 1 each Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Salsa 2 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Shredded Cheese 1 oz, Coffeecake 1 each Cake 1/60 1 each Rice Pilaf 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Corn 6 oz ladle 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C.4/12/13 GENERAL MENU 2600 WEEK #2 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, FAND 10/28/15 EXHIBIT A MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU CFM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 3 oz. Meat Home Baked Meatloaf 4 oz Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Pasta 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Beef Gravy 3 oz ladle Scone 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc.Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Dinner Roll 1 each Jelly 1 pkt Margarine 2 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Monday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Curry Stew 4 oz Chicken (2 oz) Patty 1 each Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 54/1 1 pc.Chicken Gravy 3 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp corn 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Coleslaw 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 each 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chili Mac 6 oz ladle Chicken Casserole 6 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Corn 3/4 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Garden Salad w/Dressing 6 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Wednesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chili Con Carne (1.5 oz meat)8 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Shred Lettuce/ mayo 1 oz/ 1 tsp Carrots 8 oz ladle Bread 2 each Baked Beans 1/2 cup veg 6 oz ladle Cornbread 54/1 1 pc Margarine 2 tsp Home Fries 6 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup T. Bologna (2 oz) Sandwich 1 each Meatball 6 oz. Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad W/ Dressing 8 oz ladle Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Country Gravy 3 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc.Peas 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Dinner Roll 1 each 1% milk 8 oz Margarine 2 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hot Dog 5/1 Chicken Casserole 6 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hot Dog Bun 1 each Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Home Fries 8 oz ladle Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Pasta salad 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hungarian Goulash ( 2 oz. meat)6 oz ladle Spanish Rice with Meat (2 oz)12 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Steamed rice 6 oz ladle Carrots 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Peas 8 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 2 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C.4/12/13 GENERAL MENU 2600 WEEK #3 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, FAND 10/28/15 EXHIBIT A MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU CFM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Salami Sandwich 2 oz.Chicken Veggie Casserole 4 oz Corn flakes 1 cup w/Cheese 1 oz.Pasta 6 oz. ladle Boiled Egg 2 each Potato Salad 6 oz ladle Green beans 6 oz. ladle Scone 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Margarine 1 tsp Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Monday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Stroganoff 4 oz Beef & Bean Burrito 5.25 oz. Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 8 oz ladle Salsa 2 oz ladle Boiled Egg 2 each Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Shredded Cheese 1 oz. coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Rice Pilaf 8 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Corn 8 oz ladle 1% milk 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chicken Ala King 8 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Pasta 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Lettuce/ 1000 Dressing 3/4 cup/ 2tbs Peas 8 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Corn Chips 1 oz Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Wednesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Salad Sandwich 3 oz. Oriental Fried Rice (2 oz. meat)12 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Potato Salad 6 oz ladle Cabbage 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Southwestern Cole Slaw 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each Bread 2 each Cake 60/1 1 pc.Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 2 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken / Mushroom 6 oz ladle Savory Meat Loaf 4 oz. Corn flakes 1 cup Rotini Noodles 6 oz ladle Whipped Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 8 oz ladle Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each peas 8 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Corn Dog - Stickless 5/1 Fish Patty 3 oz. Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Baked Beans 6 oz. Ladle Tarter Sauce 2 oz. Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta salad 6 oz. Ladle Home Fries 8 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Pudding 4 oz ladle Corn 8 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Dinner Roll 1 each 1% milk 8 oz Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Teriyaki Chicken Patty 3.2 oz Turkey Rice/Broccoli 10 oz. Corn flakes 1 cup Steamed Rice 6 oz. ladle Southern Coleslaw 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Garden Salad w/Dressing 1 cup/1Tsp Biscuit 1 each Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C.4/12/13 GENERAL MENU 2600 WEEK #4 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, FAND 10/28/15 EXHIBIT A MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 1 each Macaroni w/Cheese &10 oz. ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Turkey Ham Casserole Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Green Beans 6 oz. ladle Scone 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc.Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 1 tsp Jelly 1 pkt Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Monday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Meat Sauce 4 oz Turkey Chop Suey 8 oz. Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Steamed Rice 4 oz. ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Green Salad w/Dressing 1 cup Peas 8 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hamburger Patty 1 each Chicken & Noodle Casserole 6 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Green Salad 3/4 cup Corn 6 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each 1000 Island Dressing 1 Tbls.Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Baked Beans 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 ea.Pudding 3 oz ladle Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Wednesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hungarian Goulash 6 oz ladle Tamale Pie 6 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Pasta Noodle 8 oz ladle Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Diced Carrots 6 oz. ladle Green Salad 1 cup Bread 2 each Dinner Roll 1 each.Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Comida Mexicana 10 oz ladle BBQ Meatloaf 4 oz. Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad w/Dressing 6 oz ladle Whipped Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 54/1 1 pc Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Mixed vegetables 6 oz. ladle Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc.Dinner Roll 1 each 1% milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Stew 8 oz.Turkey Rice Casserole 12 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Boiled Potato 8 oz.Peas 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Corn 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1% milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Bologna (2 oz) Sandwich 1 each Lasagna with Meat Sauce 12 oz. Corn flakes 1 cup Pasta salad 6 oz ladle Carrots 1 cup Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Garlic Bread 1 slice Coffeecake 1 each Pudding 4 oz ladle Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt.Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 1% milk 8 oz 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C.4/12/13 GENERAL MENU 2600 WEEK #5 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage. Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, FAND 10/28/15 EXHIBIT A An Apple a Day, LLC Cycle No. 1 thru Cycle No. 35 Base Menu Spreadsheet CFM - 2600 w cold breakfast Weighted Values - Summary Page 1 Generated on: 10/30/2015 9:46:56 PM Cals Cholst Sodm Fiber Iron Calcm Vit-A Vit-C Protn Carb T-Fat T. Fat S-Fat S. Fat (kcal)(mg)(mg)(g)(mg)(mg)(IU)(mg)(g)(g)(g)% Cals (g)% Cals Week 1 - Sunday 2735 482 5468 23.19 26.98 1649.3 17372 191.69 106.65 347.66 102.42 33.71%26.07 8.58% Week 1 - Monday 2574 369 4383 26.47 27.80 1303.2 18550 150.10 102.75 373.99 74.39 26.01%20.01 7.00% Week 1 - Tuesday 2630 412 3794 25.36 25.25 688.6 12192 94.69 94.18 363.20 91.25 31.23%22.35 7.65% Week 1 - Wednesday 2445 366 3430 24.74 22.63 795.5 21117 131.22 70.57 322.85 99.01 36.44%21.62 7.96% Week 1 - Thursday 2267 171 3326 20.05 22.09 1117.2 4989 109.13 95.84 327.43 65.48 26.00%17.30 6.87% Week 1 - Friday 2620 215 4816 37.53 24.35 796.4 16929 105.30 85.86 381.09 87.03 29.89%26.31 9.04% Week 1 - Saturday 2709 626 3667 24.63 28.19 939.7 20176 79.77 111.46 367.05 87.34 29.02%23.88 7.93% Week 2 - Sunday 2793 434 5338 26.90 26.21 991.9 14596 105.79 94.37 375.64 104.12 33.55%28.29 9.11% Week 2 - Monday 2331 356 3802 23.59 24.56 892.6 22361 83.82 90.06 330.04 71.14 27.47%18.98 7.33% Week 2 - Tuesday 2702 450 4959 23.16 25.50 976.4 14926 87.01 99.93 327.47 108.49 36.13%25.03 8.34% Week 2 - Wednesday 2549 503 4261 35.48 24.38 840.1 6105 174.37 106.12 340.43 88.32 31.18%19.51 6.89% Week 2 - Thursday 2580 382 3719 21.40 23.96 1105.6 9721 99.41 83.80 343.72 98.31 34.29%25.84 9.01% Week 2 - Friday 2525 360 4118 21.82 24.90 823.6 10919 134.12 82.87 374.18 77.98 27.80%18.15 6.47% Week 2 - Saturday 2518 450 5278 29.04 24.72 1204.3 12155 84.59 89.60 346.46 87.93 31.42%27.98 10.00% Week 3 - Sunday 2615 467 4881 27.56 25.91 888.9 14234 78.57 104.99 350.04 88.19 30.35%22.24 7.65% Week 3 - Monday 2740 388 3795 26.83 24.20 954.9 6723 166.52 94.36 370.95 101.45 33.33%23.69 7.78% Week 3 - Tuesday 2723 409 2814 21.03 25.50 806.8 7054 90.71 90.27 371.38 98.61 32.59%23.96 7.92% Week 3 - Wednesday 2590 321 4024 40.20 26.79 886.4 22603 121.94 83.34 386.00 83.10 28.88%17.66 6.14% Week 3 - Thursday 2888 469 6317 31.04 28.41 982.9 14647 106.78 105.15 347.51 119.53 37.25%28.98 9.03% Week 3 - Friday 2542 340 3370 25.58 23.45 886.6 11551 135.79 75.26 371.35 85.18 30.16%26.17 9.27% Week 3 - Saturday 2549 325 4059 29.06 30.79 894.5 39197 115.24 75.26 387.36 79.95 28.23%19.89 7.02% Week 4 - Sunday 2630 501 5127 23.92 25.47 1102.1 9842 84.98 104.69 354.79 85.51 29.26%26.13 8.94% Week 4 - Monday 2436 351 3364 20.44 24.30 1057.6 12122 66.56 85.46 348.37 79.39 29.34%23.33 8.62% Week 4 - Tuesday 2570 339 3515 22.38 23.52 912.3 4348 68.12 93.05 327.58 99.14 34.72%21.21 7.43% Week 4 - Wednesday 2588 440 4910 25.19 24.81 913.2 6727 155.63 90.18 354.75 90.81 31.59%20.71 7.20% Week 4 - Thursday 2571 386 3688 28.52 26.94 832.7 21743 80.95 99.12 349.97 86.32 30.22%22.08 7.73% Week 4 - Friday 2737 330 4482 25.85 22.49 879.6 7354 102.45 100.03 401.92 83.69 27.52%17.78 5.85% Week 4 - Saturday 2805 393 4490 20.61 26.12 774.9 11438 194.93 90.01 325.69 129.08 41.42%30.36 9.74% Week 5 - Sunday 2657 477 4439 24.89 26.36 836.8 9738 87.16 102.42 366.55 84.52 28.63%21.42 7.26% Week 5 - Monday 2814 393 4812 29.33 28.42 881.3 13084 133.26 102.14 374.73 101.01 32.31%22.86 7.31% Week 5 - Tuesday 2485 353 3061 26.02 22.81 988.0 9320 77.40 92.61 327.94 93.87 34.00%23.79 8.62% Week 5 - Wednesday 2505 448 3080 24.01 25.62 760.7 22038 113.66 84.51 341.73 88.28 31.72%21.98 7.90% Week 5 - Thursday 2890 449 5051 20.11 26.11 1083.8 11282 97.15 94.27 351.64 123.95 38.60%33.80 10.53% Week 5 - Friday 2521 330 3512 30.07 26.11 810.9 6565 113.81 85.63 407.57 62.93 22.47%16.74 5.98% Week 5 - Saturday 2677 413 6114 34.53 28.58 1494.6 35643 118.35 113.33 358.73 88.22 29.66%28.38 9.54% Weighted Average 2615 397 4265 26.30 25.55 964.4 14267 112.60 93.72 357.08 91.31 31.43%23.27 8.01% *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. EXHIBIT A An Apple a Day, LLC Cycle No. 1 thru Cycle No. 35 Base Menu Spreadsheet CFM - 2600 w cold breakfast Weighted Values - Summary Page 2 Generated on: 10/30/2015 9:46:57 PM Cals Cholst Sodm Fiber Iron Calcm Vit-A Vit-C Protn Carb T-Fat T. Fat S-Fat S. Fat (kcal)(mg)(mg)(g)(mg)(mg)(IU)(mg)(g)(g)(g)% Cals (g)% Cals Nutrient Menu AVG % of Cals Weekly Target % of Target Miss Data Shortfall Overage Error Messages (if any) Calories Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcium (mg) Vitamin A (IU) Vitamin C (mg) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) 2615 397 4265 26.30 25.55 964.4 14267 112.60 93.72 357.08 91.31 23.27 14.34% 54.63% 31.43% 8.01% 2600 6000 <=35.00% <10.00% 101% *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B-2 Week:2 Day:SATURDAY BREAKFAST Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake Mayonnaise 1 pkt.no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No sugar. Tea, water or milk Tea Breakfast Day: Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Week:2 Day:THURSDAY BREAKFAST Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 Cup Peanut Butter 2 oz Jelly 1pkt Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:FRIDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Week:2 Day:TUESDAY BREAKFAST Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:WEDNESDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted ple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Banana Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Week:2 Day:Sunday BREAKFAST Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1 pkt.Jelly 1 pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:MONDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted ange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Week:2 Day:Saturday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Sliced Turkey Sandwich 1 ea 3 oz Wheat Bread Turkey Sandwich no mayo White Bread peanut butter 3 oz sandwich 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- Processed Meat 3 oz baked chicken w 1/2 cup rice Mayonnaise 2 oz ladle no mayo 2 mustard pkt Cole 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups of Green Salad 3/4 cup well cooked carrots 2 tsp Dressing Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake 1/2 cup applesauce Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta Low Fat/Low Salt Tomato Soup ,no onion No meat & base no beans or celery Tomato Soup Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Saturday Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Beef & Bean Burrito 1 ea 1 cup 2 ea or 2 Cups Salsa 1/4 cup Shredded Cheese 1 oz Rice Pilaf 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt white rice 1 cup Corn 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups Corn 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:2 Day:Sunday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Wheat bread No Mayo sub with mustard White bread Peanut butter-3 oz sandwich 2 SLICES OF WHEAT BREAD 2 oz non- processed meat 3.2 oz chicken Cheese 1 slice 1 slice no cheese Pasta Salad 3/4 cup No sugar 3/4 cup carrot sticks 2 Cup Garden Salad 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 3/4 cup 2TBS Dressing Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1c garden salad w/vinaigrette No meat & base frozen green beans no onions 1 cup rice Cake 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce Or Oatmeal Cookie Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Sunday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea / 3.2 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup seasoned beans 3. 2 Thigh 2 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No pepper No No 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No skin fresh, soaked & boiled are OK Corn 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups Peas 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread No margarine White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No Cake 1 pc.1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit Or Rice Cake Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Baked Chicken Patty Oven Brown Potatoes Menu Item BBQ Sauce Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Deli Meat Sandwich Week:2 Day:Monday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & green pepper 1 cup chili beans 3 oz non-processed protein w/ 1c noodles 1 cup chili beans, no gravy Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1/2 cup carrot 2 Cups Mixed Vegetables no tomato sauce Well cooked carrots 3/4 cup Garlic Bread 2 sl 1 slice wheat bread No margarine 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice Pudding 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat & base Dinner Day:Monday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 4 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion 12 oz bean ala king, no meat & base 1 1/2 cup of Beans 3 oz baked chicken 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Pasta 10 Oz Brown Rice white rice only 1-1/2 cup 1/2 cup Garden salad w/vinaigrette Low Fat/ Low Salt Garden salad w/vinaigrette 2 Cups Corn Green beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No No 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No 1 pc.1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 banana 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Beef Base PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Meat Sauce 2 oz meat Meat Loaf Dinner Roll Carrots Brown Gravy Menu Item Peas Cake Steamed Rice Week:2 Day:Tuesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea 3oz Wheat bread No mayo White bread 8 oz seasoned beans 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- processed meat 3 oz baked chicken 3/4 cup LF dressing LF dressing 1 cup 2 Cups Garden Salad 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 1 cup 1 cup rice 2 TBS Dressing 1 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/ low salt Chicken broth No meat or base no potatoes or beans in soup no celery or other type veggies Chicken broth Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Tuesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 6 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion, corn & green pepper 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 Cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 2 Cups Green Beans 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 Cup Applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat base PM snack PM snack PM snack Chicken Ala King Cabbage Dinner Roll Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Deli Meat Sandwich Cake Menu Item Garden Salad w/Dressing Soup Du Jour Week:2 Day:Wednesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each No No meat & base 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- processed meat 2 oz deli meat 3 oz baked chicken 3/4 cup 1 cup No 1 cup 1 Cup Of Baked Beans Frozen Green Beans 3/4 cup 1 pkt No mustard pkt no Catsup no 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups of Corn 3/4 cup well cooked carrots Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Wednesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion 1.5 cup ranch bean no meat & base 1.5 cup ranch beans 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 10 Oz Brown Rice white rice 1 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 Cup Of Beans or Peas Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread No 1 pc.1/2 cup fruit 1 orange 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Menu Item Braised Chicken & Mushroom Steamed Rice Peas Dinner Roll Cake Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Corn Dog - Stickless 5/1 Baked Beans Catsup & Mustard Coleslaw Week:2 Day:Thursday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 10 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt No bean, onion & green pepper 1 cup seasoned beans 2 oz non- processed meat 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 10 oz ladle 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No meat & base 2 Cups Mixed Vegetables 3/4 cup well cooked carrots 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 pc.1 slice wheat bread. 2 slices white breads 2 Pc Cornbread No 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Thursday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 6 oz country stew 8oz Low Fat/ Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 1.5 cup bean stew 2 oz non- processed meat no celery 1 cup rice 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No meat & base 10 Oz Brown Rice increase to 1 1/2 cups 1 cup rice 3/4 cup LF dressing LF dressing 2 Cups of Garden Salad increase to 1 cup 1/2 cup green beans 1 cup 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread No margarine White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No Pudding 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup pudding 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Country Stew Rotini Noodles Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Comida Mexicana Garden Salad w/Dressing Dinner Roll Menu Item Cabbage Cornbread Cake Week:2 Day:Friday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Sloppy Joe (2 oz Meat 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt No onion & green pepper 1 .5 cup beans w/tomato sauce 12 oz ladle 6 oz ladle meat sauce Hamburger Buns 1 each 1 slice wheat bread Whit bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread no 3/4 cup soaked potato & boiled boiled potatoes boiled potatoes 1/2 cup no salt, oils or margarine No meat & base 2 Cups Carrots frozen corn, peas or gr. beans Well cooked 3/4 cup 1 cup Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Friday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 12 oz 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion celery cabbage g. pepper 1.5 cup seasoned bean 10 Oz Brown Rice no egg & increase protein 1/2oz No onion, celery, green pepper 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups Green Beans 3/4 cup well cooked carrots 1 ea Wheat bread 1 slice 2 slice bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea 3/4 cup rice PM snack PM snack PM snack Fried Rice Menu Item Cabbage Dinner Roll Cake Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Home Fries Carrots ++Week:4 Day:SATURDAY Breakfast Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake Mayonnaise 1 pkt.no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day: Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:4 Day:THURSDAY Breakfast Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 Cup Peanut Butter 2 oz Jelly 1pkt Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:FRIDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:4 Day:TUESDAY Breakfast Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:WEDNESDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Banana Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:4 Day:Sunday Breakfast Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1 pkt.Jelly 1 pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:MONDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:4 Day:Sunday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Wheat breads No mayo White bread, no onion 3 oz Peanut butter sandwich 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- proccessed meat 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 3 oz baked chicken Cheese 1 oz Mustard 2 oz ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt Potato Salad 3/4 cup Garden salad/LF dressing 3/4 cup Garden salad/LF dressing 3/4 cup Garden salad/LF dressing 3/4 cup Garden Salad 2 Cups 1 cup lettuce salad 3/4 cup 1 cup rice Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion, celery & green pepper No meat & base no tomatoes No gravy Cake 1 pc.1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Sunday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken w/1 cup rice 11/2 cup seasoned beans Entrée Ok W/O procssed meat 12 oz ladle 3 oz baked chicken Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 Cups Green Beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice white bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No 1 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 Cup Freh Fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or Rice Cake Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No meat & base PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Turkey salami sandwich w Cabbage Menu Item Chicken Veggie Casserole Week:4 Day:Monday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 4 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & celery 8 oz seasoned beans Entrée Ok W/O procssed meat 3 oz baked Chicken 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup rice 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No corn & onion 2 Cups Well cooked carrots 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Or Rice Cake Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Monday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Beef & Bean Burrito 1 ea 1 cup 2 Slices of Wheat Bread Salsa 1/4 cup Shredded Cheese 1 oz Rice Pilaf 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 Cup Brown Rice white rice 1 cup Corn 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No meat & base PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Chicken Stroganoff Mixed Vegetables Pudding Pasta Dinner Roll Menu Item Week:4 Day:Tuesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Chicken Patty 1 each Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup seasoned beans 1 cup seasoned beans 3.2 oz chix thigh Hamburger Buns 1 each 1 slice wheat Whit bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup Potatoes Catsup 2 oz ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 1000 isl dressing 1 Tbs Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette No Shredded lettuce 1cup 2 Cups of Lettuce 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 1 cup Vinaigrette Corn Chips 1 oz No 1 cup m. potatoes Cake 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Tuesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 6 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 11/2 cup ranch beans No Celery 1 cup 3 oz baked chicken 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 3/4 Brown Rice 1 cup 1 cup rice 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 Cups 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat & base PM snack PM Snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Cookie Menu Item Chicken Ala King Pasta Peas Dinner Roll Week:4 Day:Wednesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 EA 3 OZ Turkey Sandwich w/mustard Turkey Sandwich w/mustard White breads, no onion & cerely Peanut butter 3 oz sandwich 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- proccessed meat 1 cup seasoned beans 3 oz baked chicken 1/2 cup 3/4 cup garden salad w/D dressing 3/4 cup garden salad w/D dressing 3/4 cup garden salad w/D dressing 2 Cup Garden Salad w lowfat Dressing soaked & boiled potatoes 3/4 cup 1 cup Cole Slaw 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 3/4 cup well cooked carrots 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Wednesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten RestrictedOriental Fried Rice 2 oz Meat 10 oz laddle Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion, corn & green pepper 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans Cabbage 3/4 cup 2 Cups Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No meat & base PM snack PM snack Potato Salad Cake Menu Item Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Turkey Salad Sandwich Week:4 Day:Thursday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 4 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & green pepper 8 oz beans w/tomato sauce Entrée Ok W/O procssed meat 6 oz ladle 8 oz beans w/tomato sauce 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 3/ 4 Cup Brown Rice 3/4 cup 1 cup rice 3/4 cup 3/4 cup garden salad w/D dressing 3/4 cup garden salad w/D dressing 3/4 cup garden salad w/D dressing 2 Cup Green Beans frozen corn, peas,or gr. Beans 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat & base Dinner Day:Thursday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 4 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion 11/2 cup seasoned beans 2 oz non- proccessed meat 11/2 cup seasoned beans 11/2 cup seasoned beans 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion soaked & boiled only 1 cup 1 cup 2 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion No No 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 Cup of Carrots frozen corn, peas,or gr. Beans well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 pc.1/2 cup fruit Cake or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No meat & base PM Snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Chicken with Mushroom Menu Item Rotini Noodles Green Beans Dinner Roll Cookie Dinner Roll Cake Savory Meat Loaf Whipped Potatoes Brown Gravy Carrots Week:4 Day:Friday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Corn Dog - Stickless 5/1 1 each No No meat & base 2 oz non- processed meat 2 oz deli meat 3 oz baked chicken Baked Beans 3/4 cup 1 cup No 1 cup 1 Cup Baked Beans Frozen Green Beans 3/4 cup Catsup & Mustard 1 pkt No mustard pkt no Catsup no Coleslaw 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups 3/4 cup well cooked carrots Pudding 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple sauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat & base Dinner Day:Friday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea 3 oz 2 oz non- proccessed meat 2 oz no mayo 2 pkt catsup no mayo 2 pkt catsup Home Fries 3/4 cup 3/4 Cup Brown Rice soaked potato & boiled boiled potatoes boiled potatoes Corn 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cup Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices Or Wheat Bread No No Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No meat & base PM Snack PM snack Dinner Roll Fish Portion Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Tartar Sauce Menu Item Week:4 Day:Saturday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Low fat/low salt 1 cup chili beans 2 oz non- proccessed meat 1 cup chili beans 3/4 cup Diet dressing Diet dressing 2 Cups of Salad 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt white rice 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Or Rice Cake Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat or base Dinner Day:Saturday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 10 oz ladle 8 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 1 1/2 cup ranch beans 2 oz non- proccessed meat 12 oz ladle No gravy Cole Slaw 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 3/4 cup well cooked carrots 1 pc 1 slice wheat bread White breads, 2 slices 2 Slices Wheat Bread No 1 cup rice 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit Cake or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit 1/2 Cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No meat & base PM Snack PM snack PM snack PM snack Turkey Rice/Broccoli Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Teriyaki Chicken Patty Biscuit Cake Menu Item Garden Salad w/dressing Steamed Rice Dinner Roll Cookie ++Week:5 Day:SATURDAY Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake Mayonnaise 1 pkt.no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:5 Day:THURSDAY Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 Cup Peanut Butter 2 oz Jelly 1pkt Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Friday Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:5 Day:TUESDAY Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:WEDNESDAY Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Banana Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item ++Week:5 Day:Sunday Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1 pkt.Jelly 1 pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast MONDAY Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:5 Day:Tuesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Potato & Meat Augratin 1 1/4 cup 8 oz Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans Entrée ok w/ non- processed meat 1 1/2 cup No gravy 1 1/2 cup Peas & Carrots 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 Slice Wheat 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1 pc 1/2 CUP FRUIT OR FRESH FRUIT 1/2 Cup Applesauce 1 Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Tuesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Chicken Casserole 3/4 cup 8 oz Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans Entrée ok w/ non- processed meat 1 1/2 cup No gravy 1 1/2 cup Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 Cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Corn 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 Slice Wheat 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup 1/2 CUP FRUIT OR FRESH FRUIT 1/2 CUP FRUIT Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Dinner Roll Cake Pudding Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Dinner Roll ++Week:5 Day:Sunday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Wheat breads No mayo White bread, no onion 3 oz Peanut butter sandwich 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- proccessed meat 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 3 oz baked chicken Mayonnaise 2 oz ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt Cole 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 3/4 cup well cooked carrots Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion, celery & green pepper No meat & base 2 Cups Garden Salad no tomatoes No gravy Cake 1 pc.1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Sunday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 1/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken w/1 cup rice 11/2 cup seasoned beans Entrée Ok W/O procssed meat 12 oz ladle 3 oz baked chicken Green Beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 Cup Green Beans 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice white bread White bread 2 Slices Of Wheat Bread No 1 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Turkey sandwich Menu Item Macaroni w/ Cheese Ham Week:5 Day:Monday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Meat Sauce 6 oz 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt No onion & green pepper 1 .5 cup beans w/tomato sauce 12 oz ladle 6 oz ladle meat sauce Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Garden Salad w/Dressing 3/4 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 CUPS Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 well cooked Carrots 1 cup Diet Dressing Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 Slice Wheat Low salt/margarine White bread only 2 slices Wheat Bread No 3/4 cup rice Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Monday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Turkey Chop Suey 1 cup 34 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & green pepper 1 cup chili beans 1 cup chili beans Steamed Rice 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 Cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup Cabbage 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 Cups 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White 2 Slices Of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Week:5 Day:Tuesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Milk- Intolerant Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Chicken Patty 1 each Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup seasoned beans 1 cup seasoned beans 3.2 oz chix thigh Hamburger Buns 1 each 1 slice wheat Whit bread 1/2 cup Potatoes Catsup 2 oz ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 1000 isl dressing 1 Tbs Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette No Shredded lettuce 1cup 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 1 cup Vinaigrette Corn Chips 1 oz No 1 cup m. potatoes Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt.No sugar. Tea, water or milk Extra milk Dinner Day:Tuesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Milk- Intolerant Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 6 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 11/2 cup ranch beans No dairy No Celery 1 cup 3 oz baked chicken 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup 1 cup rice 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads No No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt.No sugar. Tea, water or milk Extra milk No meat & base PM snack PM snack Chicken Ala King Pasta Peas Dinner Roll Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Cookie Menu Item Week:5 Day:Wednesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Hungarian Goulash 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat / Low Salt No Onion & Green Pepper 1 cup Ranch Beans 2 oz non- Processed Meat Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Carrots 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 cup of veg Frozen corn,pea, or Green Beans well cooked 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Wednesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Tamale Pie 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz Baked Chicken 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- Processed Meat No Flour Thickner Steamed Rice 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 1-1/2 cup Green Salad 1 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 Cups Salad w/ Diet Dressing Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 well cooked Carrots 1 cup Diet Dressing Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Menu Item Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:5 Day:Thursday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Comida Mexicana 1 1/4 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt No onion & green pepper 1 .5 cup beans w/tomato sauce 12 oz ladle 6 oz ladle meat sauce Garden Salad w/Dressing 3/4 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 Cups Garden Salad Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 well cooked Carrots 1 cup Diet Dressing Cornbread 1 pc.1 slice Wheat Bread 2 Pc Cornbread rice cake Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat & base Dinner Day:Thursday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 4 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion 11/2 cup seasoned beans 2 oz non- proccessed meat 11/2 cup seasoned beans 11/2 cup seasoned beans 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion soaked & boiled only 1 cup 1 cup 2 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion No No 3/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 2 cups Veg frozen corn, peas,or gr. Beans well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Dinner Roll BBQ Meatloaf Whipped Potatoes Brown Gravy Mixed Vegetables Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Week:5 Day:Friday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Hot Dog 5/1 1 each Low Fat / Low Salt 2 oz non- Processed Meat 1 cup baked beans Hot Dog Bun 1 each 1 Slice Wheat 2 Slices Of Wheat Bread rice cake Catsup & Mustard 1 pkt 2 Mustard pkt 1 each 2 Mustard pkt Baked Beans 3/4 cup 1 cup No 1 cup 2 Cups Frozen Green Beans 3/4 cup Coleslaw 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 3/4 cup well cooked carrots Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Friday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Turkey Rice Casserole 11/4 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion, corn & green pepper 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices Of Wheat Bread No No Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No meat & base PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Peas Menu Item Week:5 Day:Saturday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Bologna Sandwich 1 ea 2 oz Wheat Bread Turkey Sandwich no mayo White Bread peanut butter 3 oz sandwich 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 2 oz non- Processed Meat 3 oz baked chicken w 1/2 cup rice Mayonnaise 2 oz ladle no mayo 2 mustard pkt Pasta 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta Low Fat/Low Salt Tomato Soup ,no onion No meat & base no beans or celery Tomato Soup Pudding 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Saturday Portion Size Diabetic 2000K Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Lasagna 1 1/2cu p Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & green pepper 1 cup chili beans 3 oz non-processed protein w/ 1c noodles 1 cup chili beans, no gravy Carrots 4 oz Low Fat/ Low Salt 1/2 cup carrot 2 Cups Mixed Vegetables no tomato sauce Well cooked carrots 3/4 cup Garlic Bread 2 sl 1 slice No margarine 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Menu Item Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:1 Day:Saturday Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non- processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake Mayonnaise 1 pkt.no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Apple Fresh 160 ct Bologna Slice 1 % Milk Week:1 Day:Thursday Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 Cup Peanut Butter 2 oz Jelly 1pkt Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Friday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non- processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Banana, pettie Menu Item 1 % Milk T. Ham Slice Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Orange fresh 113 ct Cold Cereal 1 % Milk Week:1 Day:Tuesday Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non- processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Day:WEDNESDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1pkt 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Banana, pettie Bologna Slice 1 % Milk Menu Item 1 % Milk Apple Fresh 160 ct Boiled Egg Banana Muffin Week:1 Day:Sunday Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices 1 pkt.Jelly 1 pkt 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast MONDAY Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non- processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Apple Fresh 160 ct Boiled Egg Jelly 1 % Milk 1 % Milk Menu Item Orange fresh 113 ct Week:1 Day:Sunday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea 4 oz Wheat bread No mayo Whit bread Peanut butter- 3 oz sandwich 2 oz non- processed meat 2 Slices Wheat Breaad 1 cup seasoned beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Mayonnaise 2 oz ladle no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 3/4 cup Garden salad/LF dressing 3/4 cup Garden salad/LF dressing 3/4 cup Garden salad/LF dressing 3/4 cup 2 Cups Green Salad 1/2 well cooked carots 1 cup 1 cup Garden salad/vinegar 2 tsp dressing Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt Chicken rice soup, no pepper No meat no potatoes or bean in soup 2 tsp dressing No pasta, breaded meat & cold cut Cake 1 pc.1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup apple sauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner 1/2 cup 4 oz No gravy No onion & green pepper 1.5 cup ranch beans Turkey 1.5 cup ranch beans 1.5 cup ranch beans 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low salt Carrots no beans 2 CUPS 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup banana 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Menu Item Modified Meal Specification Sheet Turkey Sandwich Pasta Salad Cake Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Pasta Swedish Meatballs Mixed Vegetables Week:1 Day:Monday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & green pepper 1 cup chili beans 2 oz non- processed meat 1 cup chili beans 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White 2 slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Pudding 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt No onion & green pepper 1 .5 cup beans w/tomato sauce 12 oz ladle 6 oz ladle meat sauce 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice Low salt/margarine White bread only 2 slices of Wheat Bread No 3/4 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Meat Sauce Pasta Carrots Peas Pasta Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Turkey Meat Casserole Week:1 Day:Tuesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea 4 oz Wheat bread Turkey sandwich no mayo Wheat bread 1 cup seasoned beans 2 slices of Wheat Bread 1 cup seasoned beans 3.2 oz chix thigh 3/4 cup No sugar, 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt 1/2 cup carrot 2 Cups 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 3/4 cup Soup du jour 1 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt Tomato soup No meat & base No dairy No pasta Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner 3/4 cup 8 oz ladle Low fat/salt 3.2 oz chix thigh w/rice 1.5 cup Ranch beans 1.5 cup Ranch beans No gravy 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Green Beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 Cups 3/4 cup Biscuit 1 each Wheat 1 slice 2 Biscuits 3/4 cup rice 3/4 cup rice Cake 1 pc.1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Chicken Stew Mexican Cole Slaw Pasta Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Turkey Salad Sandwich Week:1 Day:Wednesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian RENAL HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup seasoned beans 2 oz non- processed meat 1 cup seasoned beans 3.2 oz chix thigh 1 each 1 slice wheat Whit bread 2 slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup Potatoes Catsup 2 oz ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 1 Tbs Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette 2TBS Dressing No Shredded lettuce 1cup 2 CUP SALAD 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 1 cup Vinaigrette Corn Chips 1 oz No 1 cup m. potatoes Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Or Oatmeal Cookie Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 3.2 oz chix thigh 1.5 cup chili beams 1.5 cup chili beams 3/4 cup No 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 CUPS Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 pc 1 slice wheat bread 2 slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Steamed Rice Chili Con Carne Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Chicken Patty Hamburger Buns 1000 isl dressing Carrots Cornbread Cake Week:1 Day:Thursday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal High Fiber Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup 4oz ladle 3.2 oz chix thigh Chili beans 1 cup 2 oz non- processed meat Chili beans 1 cup Chili beans 1 cup Turkey Gravy 2 oz ladle 2 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No No 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/ Low Salt No skin 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup Mixed Vegetables 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots 2 cup Vegetable Carrots 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White Breads 2 slices of Wheat Bread No Cake 1 pc 1/2 Applesauce 1/2 Applesauce 1/2 Applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner 3/4 cup 8 oz ladle Low fat/low salt No onion & green pepper 1.5 cup Lima beans w/seasoning 1.5 cup Lima beans w/seasoning 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 cup Vegetable 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice Pudding 1/2 cup 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Diced Turkey in Gravy Mashed Potatoes Turkey Tetazzini Corn Pasta Week:1 Day:Friday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Hot Dog 5/1 1 each No 2 each No 2 oz non- processed meat No 2 each No 1 each 1 slices wheat bread 2 slices wheat breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Mustard 2 oz ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 3/4 cup 4 oz ladle 8 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No 1 cup, no meat & base 2 cups beans 1 cup chili beans 1 cup, no gravy Creamy Coleslaw 3/4 cup Carrots 1/2 cup well cooked carrots Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner 1/2 cup 8 oz ladle Low fat/low salt No onion & green pepper 1 .5 cup beans w/tomato sauce 1 .5 cup beans w/tomato sauce 3 oz 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 2 Cups Carrots Well cooked 3/4 cup 1 pc Wheat 1 slice No margarine 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Pasta Sliced Carrots Cornbread 1/54 Cookie Tomato Sauce Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item MeatBalls Hot Dog Bun Baked Beans Week:1 Day:Saturday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted 10 oz ladle 8 oz ladle Low Fat/ Low Salt No onion & green pepper 1 cup range beans 2 oz non- processed meat 1 cup range beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 cups carrots Well done 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread Whit bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread 1/2 cup boiled potatoes 1/2 cup boiled potatoes 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Turkey Curry Stew 1 cup 8 oz ladle Low Fat/Low salt No bean, onion & green pepper 1.5 cup seasoned beans 1.5 cup 1.5 cup Rotini Noodles 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Green Beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 cups carrots 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread white bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No No 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup banana 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Mac & Meat Au Gratin Cake Sliced Carrots Cookie Dinner Roll HIGH FIBER Meat & Meat Cooked dried beans or dried peas, nuts, soybeans,and other legumes Subtitues Fruits Fruits, especially raw: apples, apricots,bananas, berries, melons, cherries, figs, grapefruit, oranges,peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, prunes, or rhubarb. Skins should be eaten whenever possible. Vegetables (including potatoes)Vegetables, especially raw: aspargus,broccoli, Brussel sprouts, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, green beans, greens, lima beans, okra, onions, parsnips, peas, pepper, potatoes ( white or sweet ,including skin), radishes, rhubarb, sauerkraut, spinach, squash, tomatoes, yams Breads, Cereal,Bran muffin 100 percent whole grain- breads and crackers listing whole and Grains grain flour as the frist ingredient; bran type and whole grain cereals; unprocessed bran; use whole - grain flours in cooking whenever possible; brown rice, whole-grain noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, and other pasta EXHIBIT B-3 Week:3 Day:SATURDAY Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake Mayonnaise 1 pkt.no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:3 Day:THURSDAY Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 Cup Peanut Butter 2 oz Jelly 1pkt Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Rice Cake 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast FRIDAY Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:3 Day:TUESDAY Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted Banana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast WEDNESDAY Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Banana Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:3 Day:Sunday Breakfast Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted Apple Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup Boiled Egg 2 each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Jelly 1 pkt.Jelly 1 pkt 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea Breakfast MONDAY Menu Item Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Cardiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy / H. Protein Gluten Restricted Orange fresh 113 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Cocktail T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz sandwich 1 oz non-processed meat 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight 3.2 oz Bread 2 slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Mayonnaise 1 pkt.1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1 % Milk 1 pkt.No Sugar Tea, Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Week:3 Day:Sunday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea 3 oz Wheat Bread Turkey Sandwich no mayo White Bread peanut butter 3 oz sandwich 2 Slices Wheat Bread 2 oz non- Processed Meat 3 oz baked chicken w 1/2 cup rice 2 oz ladle no mayo 2 mustard pkt 1 tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard Cole 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cup Salad 2tbp dressing 3/4 cup well cooked carrots Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta Low Fat/Low Salt Tomato Soup ,no onion No meat & base no beans or celery Tomato Soup Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Dinner Day:Sunday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No Onions 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 2 oz non- Processed Meat 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No Skin soaked & boiled Potatoes only 1 1/2 cup potatoes 2 oz ladle Low Fat/Low Salt No No Gravy 3/4 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 3/4 cup garden salad w/Vinaigrette 2 Cup Vegetables 1/2 cup Green Beans 3/4 cup 1 each 1 slice wheat bread white bread 2 Slices Wheat Bread NO 1 pc.1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 fruit or applesauce 1/2 fruit or applesauce 1/2 fruit or applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Mayonnaise Menu Item Cake Meatloaf Gravy Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Sliced Turkey Sandwich Dinner Roll Pasta Mixed Vegetables Week:3 Day:Monday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted Turkey Curry Stew 1/2 cup 4 oz ladle Low Fat/Low salt No bean, onion & green pepper 1.5 cup seasoned beans 1.5 cup 1.5 cup 1.5 cup 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No Skin soaked & boiled Potatoes only 1 1/2 cup potatoes Cornbread 1 pc.1 slice wheat bread White Bread 2 Slices Corn Bread Rice Cake Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or cake 1/2 fruit or applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Monday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Low Fat / Low Salt Peanut Butter sandwich 2 oz non- Processed Meat 1 1/2 cup beans w/ tomato sauce 1 1/2 cup beans w/ tomato sauce 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt No skin 3/4 Brown Rice soaked & boiled potatoes only increase to 3/4 cup 2 oz ladle Low Fat / Low Salt No meat & base No gravy 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 3/4 cup Carrots 2 Cup Carrots 3/4 cup welll cooked Carrots Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice CAKE 1 PC 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM snack PM snack Chicken Gravy Chicken Patty Mashed Potatoes Mixed Vegetable Menu Item Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Pasta Week:3 Day:Tuesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 10 0z ladle Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz Baked Chicken 10 0z Chili, No Meat & Base 2 oz non- Processed Meat 1- 1/2 cup no gravy 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 3/4 cup salad 2 Cups 3/4 cup well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat Bread White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice 1 pc.1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Tuesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup 8 oz Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz Baked Chicken 1 1/2 cup Seasoned Beans 2 oz non- Processed Meat 3 oz Baked Chicken 3/4 cup No Marg. Or Oils 3/4 Cup 3/4 cup LF Dressing LF Dressing LF Dressing 2 Cup Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 cup Green Beans 1 cup Diet Dressing Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat Bread White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup Fruit or Applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat & Base PM snack PM snack PM snack Pasta Garden Salad w/Dressing Cake Menu Item Chicken Casserole Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Chili Mac Corn Week:3 Day:Wednesday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Low Fat / Low Salt Turkey Sandwich 1 cup Chili Beans 100% beef or 2 oz Non Processed Meat 1 cup Chili Beans 1 each 2 slices wheat bread No Macaroni Salad 3/4 cup No sugar 3/4 cup carrot sticks 2 Cup Salad 1/2 cup well cooked carrots 3/4 cup 2 oz ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt No Skin soaked & Boiled Potatoes Only 1 cup boiled Potatoes Extra Milk 1 cup 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat or Base Dinner Day:Wednesday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz Baked Chicken 2 oz non- Processed Meat No Flour Thickner 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 3/4 cup brown rice 1-1/2 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 cups Fzn Corn, Peas, or Green Beans Well Cooked 3/4 cup 1 pc.1 slice Wheat Bread 2 slices whear bread rice cake 1 pc.1/2 cup Fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 Cup Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Chicken Patty Cookie Hamburger Bun Catsup Home Fries Cornbread Cake Menu Item Chili Con Carne Steamed Rice Sliced Carrots Week:3 Day:Thursday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 ea 2 oz Wheat Bread No Mayo White Bread Peanut Butter 3 oz Sandwich 2 Slices Wheat bread 2 oz non- Processed Meat 3 oz Baked Chicken 2 oz ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 3/4 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 cups salad Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 well cooked Carrots 1 cup Diet Dressing Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat / Low Salt Tomato Soup No Onions No Beans Or Celery No Pasta Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat & Base Dinner Day:Thursday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt No Onions 1 1/2 cup Seasoned Beans 2 oz non- Processed Meat 1 1/2 Cup Seasoned Beans 1 1/2 Cup Seasoned Beans 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt No Potato Skin & On ions Soaked & Boiled Potatoes only 1-1/2 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 Cups Well Cooked 3/4 cup 2 oz ladle Low Fat / Low Salt No No Gravy Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat Bread White 2 slices wheat bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat & Base PM snack PM snack PM snack Whipped Potatoes Carrots Brown Gravy Cake Menu Item Meatball Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Deli Meat Sandwich Mustard Garden Salad w/Dressing Week:3 Day:Friday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 1 each Low Fat / Low Salt 2 oz non- Processed Meat 1 cup baked beans 1 each 2 Slices Wheat Bread rice cake 2 oz ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt No skin 2 CUPS soaked & boiled potatoes 1/2 cup boiled potatoes 1 cup Coleslaw 3/4 cup Any vegetable except corn Low Fat/ Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup Any vegetable except corn 3/4 cup well cooked carrots Pudding 1/2 cuo 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple sauce 1/2 cup applesauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat & Base Dinner Day:Friday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 3/4 cup 8 oz Low Fat / Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 1 1/2 cup seasoned beans Entrée ok w/ non- processed meat 1 1/2 cup No gravy 1 1/2 cup Rice 3/4 cup No Brown Rice 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 CUPS 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat Bread White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea No Meat & Base PM snack PM snack PM snack Home Fries Cabbage Menu Item Chicken Casserole Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Hot Dog 5/1 Hot Dog Bun Mustard Week:3 Day:Saturday Lunch Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted Hungarian Goulash 3/4 cup 8 oz Low Fat / Low Salt No Onion & Green Pepper 1 cup Ranch Beans 2 oz non- Processed Meat Steamed Rice 3/4 cup 1/2 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 1 1/2 cup Peas 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 Cups Frozen corn,pea, or Green Beans well cooked 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat Bread White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce or cake 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Dinner Day:Saturday Portion Size Diabetic 2000 Caradiac Diet or Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Protein Gluten Restricted 10 oz ladle 8 oz Low Fat / Low Salt No Onion & Green Pepper 1 cup Ranch Beans 2 oz non- Processed Meat 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Low Fat / Low Salt 2 Cups Frozen corn,pea, or Green Beans well cooked 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat Bread White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea, Water or Milk Extra milk Tea PM snack PM Snack PM snack Modified Meal Specification Sheet Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Menu Item Menu Item Spanish Rice w/ Meat 2 oz Sliced Carrots Exhibit C-2 2021  MEAL PRICE MATRIX  Inmate Population  Price per  Meal    < 25 TBN  25 ‐ 29 $5.008 30 ‐ 34 $4.311 35 ‐ 39 $3.813 40 ‐ 44 $3.440 45 ‐ 49 $3.149 50 ‐ 54 $2.917 55 ‐ 59 $2.727 60 ‐ 64 $2.568 65 ‐ 69 $2.434 70 ‐ 74 $2.320 75 ‐ 79 $2.220 80 ‐ 84 $2.132 85 ‐ 89 $2.054 90 ‐ 94 $1.988 95 ‐ 99 $1.927 100 ‐ 104 $1.872 105 ‐ 109 $1.822 110 ‐ 114 $1.777 115 ‐ 119 $1.736 120 ‐ 124 $1.698 125 ‐ 129 $1.663 130 ‐ 134 $1.631 135 ‐ 139 $1.603 140 ‐ 144 $1.574 145 ‐ 149 $1.548 150 ‐ 154 $1.524 155 ‐ 159 $1.501 160 +   $1.480   Religious $2.220 Staff $2.220 Juvenile $0.000 EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. EXHIBIT D (Continued ) C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor’s insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor’s Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer’s liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor.