HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD07-300 - Other - Temporary Modification - Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC - License Agreement - 02/24/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet (Print on p:nk or cherry colored paper) FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Dir Asst: Dir/Dep: forms.(Optional) WasHr{cToN E oL CLIL Originator: Tim Higgins via the Law DePt Department: Law Date Sent: 03/02/202t Date Required ASAP Authorized to Sign: [-'lDirector or Designee Mayor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budqet Account Number: eudset?[-lYes!-*lNo Grant?[-''lYes Type: N/A co a, IE El-orF E {.,co Eo(uL ctt Vendor Name: Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC Category: License Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Other Project Name: s6ggSSO ShOWare Center pr^iort.atrir<. Temporary Modification of the License Agreement Between the City of I rvrLLL Kent and Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC to Address a Limited Reopening of the a ccesso ShoWare Center Durino the COVID-19 Pandemic Agreement Amount: N/A srarr Dare: 2124121 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Othef * Memo to Mayar must be attached Terminarion Dare: 519121 Local Busi meets requircments per KCC 3.70.1 00, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Business License es [ln-Process l-lExempt (KCC s.01.04s) Notice required prior to disclosure? flvesflNo Contract Number AD07-300 El =Pf\.o =E=\-uf ut-t g,o=Ei G =.9In Comments Date Received by City Attorney: 3 /2/ 2L Date Routed to the Mayor's Office:7 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W223i3,1_D Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.200821 TEMPORARY MODIFICATION OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND THUNDERBIRD HOCKEY ENTERPRISES, LLC TO ADDRESS A LIMITED REOPENING OF THE ACCESSO SHOWARE CENTER DURING THE COVID.19 PANDEMIC This Temporary Modification of the License Agreement Between the City of Kent and Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC To Address a Limited Reopening of the accesso ShoWare Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic (hereinafter "Temporary Modification") is entered on the date signed below for the term set forth below. This Temporary Modification is entered by and between the city of Kent (hereinafter ..City,,), a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Washington, and Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC (hereinafter "Team"), a for-profit company incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington. Together, the City and Team are referred to as the "Parties." RECITALS On August 7, 2007, the City and Team executed the "License Agreement by and Between City of Kent and Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC" which set forth the terms and conditions of the Team's use of the building that would be constructed and become known as the accesso ShoWare Center (hereinafter "Center")' On March 28, 2OLZ the Team, and on April 3, 2OL2 the City, executed the "First Amendment to the License Agreement by and Between City of Kent and Thunderbird Hockey Enterprises, LLC." Collectively, these documents are referred to herein as the "License Agreement." The Team played its first hockey game in the Center on January 3, 2009. During winter of 202A, the COVID-l9 pandemic arrived in Washington State. In response, Washington's Governor issued emergency proclamations closing various public and private operations and requiring the self-quarantine or lockdown of citizens - all aimed at stopping the spread of the virus. On March 8,2020, the Team played its final game of the season at the Center, as the Center was closed and the Western Hockey League schedule was cancelled. Now, approximately one year later, and with permission of the State of Washington, the Western Hockey League is prepared to restart play with a limited season wherein games will not be open for public attendance. As a result, while play will resume at the center, tickets will not be sold, and vendor services will not be utilized or offered. Under the License Agreement, revenue from the use of the Center is contingent on ticket sales and other publicly offered services. As a result of not having ticket sales or other publicly offered services, the Center has no potential for the generation of revenue. Temporary Modification to Allow WHL Hockey at accesso ShoWare Page 1 of 6 This Agreement sets forth the terms of the Team's use of the Center for the purposes of facilitating play at the Center for a limited season without ticket sales or vendor services. The intent of this Agreement is to ensure the Team can utilize the Center at no cost to the Center or the CitY. TEM PORARY MODIFICATION 1. Term. This Temporary Modification shall be in effect from February 24,TAZL to May g, Z02L, and modifies some provisions of the License Agreement. Upon the expiration of this term, and except to the extent payment is due and owing by the Team pursuant to this Temporary Modification, this Temporary Modification will expire and the relationship between the Parties will again be controlled solely by the License Agreement. 2. License AEree-ment.and Amendments Temporarily' Modified - Reimbursement. The License Agreement was based around revenue generated from ticket sales, suite sales, advertising, Center naming rights and concessions. During the term of this Temporary Modification, the Parties agree that the intent of this Temporary Modification is to permit the Team to practice and play a limited schedule as established by the Western Hockey League in a manner that is cost neutral to the City. In accordance with that intent, the following Cost Schedule is established to ensure the City is reimbursed for all costs associated with permitting the Team to resume play for a shortened season without the ability to generate revenue due the to the inability of the public to attend games. Cost Schedule Temporary Modification to Allow WHL Hockey at accesso ShoWare Service Cost Notes Ice Installation $4,000 Estimated $4,000 is the estimated total.The final cost will be based on the actual labor and material cost, Utilities (gas, electric, water, sewer) Per Formula Utilities billed based on following formula: I [ebruary-. d-a"ys .slsdirg-on the -day- that ice installetion bsgius-plil.g all davs dgring" rnonth of March: Actual Monthly Utility Bill Amount for March minus $1L,675, minus $350 Per Day, Minus $500 for each Portland Winterhawks Home Game Played at the Center - Reduced to daily rate. Page 2 of 6 a day* ln May that ige r*mains: Actual Monthly Utility Bill Amount for April minus $11,675, minus $350 Per Day, Minus $500 for each Portland Winterhawks Home Game PlaYed at the Center - Reduced to dailY rate, lce Maintenance $23.00/hour Number of hours to be based on actua time s nt basis Ice Maintenance Crew $23,00/hour Number of hours to be based on actual time s ent basis House keepi n g/Ja n itoria I $25.00/hour Number of hours to be bas ed on actual time ent basis Propane/Fuel Zamboni for Actual Cost N/A Zamboni Sharpeninq Blade Actual Cost N/A Ice Removal Actual Cost A Building labor hours or staffing levels necessary for hockey practice and hockey games will be agreed upon in writing between the Team and ASM Global/SMG. 3. payment. The Center shall deliver to the Team an invoice for reimbursement of costs in accordance with the Cost Schedule above on or about the dates noted below: . April tA,2021 Invoice: Will cover all costs accrued for February 2021 - March 2O2L; * May tQ, 2O2L lnvoice: will cover costs accrued for April 202L; . June LO, 2O2L Invoice: Will cover costs accrued for May 202L. The above schedule may be adjusted in the event the Center has not received bills to establish costs to be passed on. A delay in sending an invoice shall not be grounds for non-payment. The Team shall provide payment to the Center within 20 days of receipt of an invoice' To the extent this section alters Section 11.18 of the License Agreement dated August 7, ZOO7, this section shall prevail. Otherwise, Section 11.18 of the License Agreement shall aPPly. The Team shall pay to the City all costs set forth in the Cost Schedule and in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in this section. The Parties agree that within 60 days following the Term of this Temporary Modification, the Parties shall meet to ensure all payments have been made consistent with this Temporary Modification. Temporary Modification to Allow WHL Hockey at accesso ShoWare Page 3 of 6 4. Se.ptions of Ljgenqe.Ag.r:eement qnd A,'"nendmSnts No[ Modifi-ed' The Parties agree that except to the extent in conflict with this Temporary Modification, the terms of the License Agreement shall be in full force and effect. To that end, Articles 1,2, 4.g,7,L,7,3, and 8-15 shall remain in effect except to the extent they conflict with this Temporary Modification. In the event of a direct conflict between this Temporary Modification and the License Agreement, this Temporary Modification shall control. 5. Changes to this Tempclrary Modifiea-Ltgrt. a. In Geruerql: No change to this Temporary Modification shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both Pafties' b. public_p.grunitted: In the event COVID-19 restrictions are changed and the public is permitted to attend games at 100o/o of Centercapacity, the License Agreement shall become fully re-effective on the first day of public admittance to a game, and this Temporary Modification shall be null and void; provided, any outstanding payment for services provided up to the date of reopening shall be paid by the Team. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith the effects of a partial reopening that occurs during the term of this Temporary Modification' c. Use of_{enter-pr.ohi_bited: In the event the use of the Center becomes prohibited by order of the Washington governor or by other lawful order, the use of the facility shall cease. Upon cessation of use, the Team shall be responsible for the cost or removal of the ice and shut down of the ice plant, and shall also be responsible for all costs incurred up to the date of ice removal; provided, the Center will work with the Team to reduce costs. This subsection shall supersede Section 12.6 Force Majeure found in the License Agreement signed on August 7,2A07. This provision (c) shall also apply in the event the Team must terminate its season by order of the western Hockey League, league play is terminated by the Western Hockey League, or the Team must terminate the season due to a coVID-19 0utbreak within the Team. 6.As a condition of the use of the Center by the Team, the Team shall comply with all lawfully issued COVID-19 regulations, including but not limited to, the "sporting Activities COVID-19 Requirements" issued by the state of Washington and attached hereto by reference as Exhibit A as now enacted or later amended, the "Western Hockey League Return to Play Protocol Washington State 2O2Q-2021 Season" attached hereto by reference as Exhibit B as now enacted or later amended, and the "WHL Player ProtocolTimelines - US Division" attached hereto by reference as Exhibit C as now enacted or later amended. In the event there is a conflict between any of these documents, the Sporting Activities COVID-19 Requirements shall control. The Team shall bear all costs of the Team's Temporary Modification to Allow WHL Hockey at accesso ShoWare Page 4 of 6 compliance with all lawfully issued COVID-19 regulations, and shall fully cooperate with any state or county agency having enforcement authority of COVID-19 regulations. 7, COVID*I lndemhity and Defense. The Team hereby agrees to indemnify and defend the Center and any of its employees, agents, appointed officials or volunteers, as well as the City of Kent and the Public Facilities District and any of their employees, agents, elected or appointed officials or volunteers, from and against any and all claims related to any death, injury, illness, damage, or liability to any person who is employed by, volunteers for, plays for, or is associated with or an agent for, the Team or league play, such as but not limited to players, coaches, medical or support personnel, referees, time keepers, scorers, observers, etc., when such death, injury, illness, damage, or liability is related in any way to COVID-19 or any of its variants. This indemnity and the associated duty to defend shall supplement and be in addition to any other agreed upon indemnity and defense provision set forth in the Licensing Agreement. The City hereby agrees to indemnify and defend the Team and any of its employees, agents, appointed officials or volunteers, from and against any and all claims related to any death, injury, illness, damage, or liability to any person who is employed by, volunteers for, or is otherwise associated with or an agent of, the City, when such death, injury, illness, damage, or liability is related in any way to COVID-19 or any of its variants. This indemnity and the associated duty to defend shall supplement and be in addition to any other agreed upon indemnity and defense provision set forth in the Licensing Agreement. The obligations provided for in this Section 7 shall survive any termination or expiration of this Temporary Modification' The parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective upon final signature. THUNDERBIRD HOCKEY ENTERPRTSES, LLC By (signature) CamobellPrint Name : Colin DATE CITY OF KENT By ) Print Name:Dana Ralnh DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Temporary Modification to Allow WHL Hockey at accesso ShoWare Page 5 of 6 t Law ent Temporary Modification to Allow WHL Hockey at accesso ShoWare Page 6 of 6