HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-081 - Original - CR22 Extent-of-Play AgreementKENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form -ombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signalure and Contract Cover Sheet (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Dir Asst: DirlDep: forms. WAsHrNoroN (Optionai) E oLo.a, Originator: Derek Matheson Department: Mayor's Office Date Sent: 02/24/202L Date Required Authorized to Sign: flDirector or Designee [*luayor. Date of Council APProval: N/A Budget Account Number: N/A Budset?n--lves[-lNo crant?f,vesU*o Type: N/A c .9Jhto ELota-g JHc(l, EooLol Vendor Name: Cascadia Rising Category: Other Vendor Number N/A Sub-Category: Other Project Name: 6p22 Extent-Of-Play Agreement Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Othef * Memo to Mdyor must be attached Termination Date: N/A LoCa l Bu s i neSsZ[Ves f-lt\ ox t f m e e ts t eq u i re m e n r s pe r KCC 3.T 0. l 00, p l e ase com p l ete Business License Verifica-.* av"t aln-Process fiExempt (KCC 5.01 .045) '\/endor P urch ase-Local Exception {' for m on Cityspoce. Notice required prior to disclosure? ffivesflNo Contract Number: '7n?-.i.* 0el'j oltr P \.o .A 'b o=Ei IEtr .9ttt Comments: OK to sign; approved as to form; 2/24/2O2I' Date Received by City AttorneY: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: ; /l.i f a t Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: -. , ''1 i-: I-l'j'+, ad(W223/1,1,20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.200821 Extent of Play Agreement (XPA)Cascadia Rising 2022 Z\ CASXADIA Washington State FEMA Region X Cascadia Rising 2022 Extent-of-P lay Ag reement (XPA)ltslxo purpose: This Extent of Play Agreement (XPA) identifies the conditions that will be used to design, conduct, control, and evaluate Cascadia Rising 2022 (CR22), as agreed to by the signatories, Washington State / FEMA RX Exercise Design Teams. Executive Summary: CR22 is a Functional Exercise (FE) intended to test local, state, tribal, and Federal government, select private sector and non-governmental organizations' ability to jointly respond to a Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunamiwith associated aftershocks along the West Coast of the United States. Washington State's Life Saving & Sustaining and Support Core Capabilities: . CriticalTransportation - Obiective: Provide transportation for response priority objectives, including evacuation and delivery of essential services.. Mass Gare Services - Obiective: Provide life-sustaining and human services to the affected population, evacuation support, reunification and emergency supplies. . Supporting Core Capabilities: Operational Coordination; Operational Communication; SituitionalAssessment; and Logistics and Supply Chain Management. FEMA Region X Baseline Objectives / Gore Capabilities: . OperationalCoordination - continuity of Government (coc) / continuity of operations (cooP). - Unified Coordination Group (UCG) / Geographic Branches / Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) i Emeryency Coordination Centers (ECC) coordination. - Logistics and Resource Management. ' lnfrastructureSystems - Critical Transportation (Transportation Feasibility / Transportation Corridors). - Energy Assessment and Restoration. . Mass-Gare - Evacuation. - Shelter & Feeding. - Housing (short- and long-term). Extent of Play Agreement (XPA)Cascadia Rising 2022 Exercise Play Parameters: Cascadia Rising 2Q22isa4-day FE scheduled forJune 13-16, 2022. Cascadia Rising 22 Exercise builds upon the 2016 exercise. Specifically, CR22 on June 13th will open play at hour 96. CR22 is designed to examine city, county, state, tribal, federal, non- governmental organization (NGOs), and private sector EOC-to-EOC operations and the ability for EOCs to coordinate all response core capability functions under the National Preparedness Goal response mission areas with an emphasis on the capabilities mentioned above. ln addition to participation in the FE, participants will organize and conduct several ramp-up activities to support the Objectives (e.g. trainings, seminars, workshops, tabletop exercises (TTX), etc.). Parameters of Plav - Emerqencv Operation Centers (EOCs): Under this XPA, cities, counties, tribes, state and Federal agencies, along with private sector entities and NGOs that intend to participate in Cascadia Rising 2022will identify their level and type of play: o Conduct EOC operations at the highest EOC staffing level (i.e., 8-hours of play per day). The number of days of play will be identified by each entity. Ptay for 8-hours the full four days of the FE is highly encouraged.r Jurisdictions must identify what type of play they will conduct (Drill, TTX, FE, Full Scale Exercise (FSE) Parameters of Plav - Supportino aoencies: Under this XPA, agencies, departments and other components supporting EOCs agree to provide appropriate staff to serve in the respective EOC per plans and procedures and the direction of the EOC Director or Manager. . Supporting agencies will identify what type of play (if any) outside of the EOC they will conduct (Drill, TTX, FE, Full-Scale Exercise (FSE). Exercise Design Parameters: lt is understood and agreed that each participating community and/or departmenVagency participating in CR22 will designate a Primary and Alternate Exercise Planner that will perform the following duties: o Attend all Cascadia Rising exercise planning meetings pertinent to the represented community or agency.o Adhere to the standards and concepts of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) in all phases of the exercise desi!n process.o Contribute organization information into the overall Cascadia Rising Exercise plan, Exercise Evaluation Guides, Scenario/Ground Truth document and other exercise design documents.o Develop exercise injects for your respective community or agency, collaborate with the State Exercise Program Manager and/or Officer anO input these injects into the exercise Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) template.. Develop any bridging materials if your respective community or agency will not be participating in the full 8 hours each day.o Provide a sufficient number of controllers and evaluators for the EOC during exercise play. r Develop an organization specific EOC exercise After Action Report (AAR), andprovide in input into the whole community AAR. DIAr r s l ll 0 lntent to Participate: All local, state, tribal, and Federal as well as private sector and non- governmental organizations interested in participating in Cascadia Rising 2022 exercise must acknowledge their desire to participate by signing this Extent of Play Agreement. Furthermore, each participating organization must identify an exercise planner to assist in exercise design. Primary Exercise Planner: Name of Primary Exercise Planner Behvmer Title: EM Coordinator Representing Community / AgencY Puqet Fire EM - C of Kent Phone #. 253 E-mailaddress:u oro sig naturg: rtal*lq 6nla*ut Alternate Exercise Planner: Name of Primary Exercise Planner Jeff D Title: EM Division Chief - City of Kent Emergency M Representing Community / Agency: Puget Sound Fire - City of Kent - Phone #:2s3 E-mailaddress: idid @ouoetsoundfire .oro Signature:loll O2omto City of Signature of Authorized Representative: Derek Matheson - Chief Administrative Officer Department head or Signature & Date me ICom Digital signatures are acceptabte during COVID restricted submlssions elected official DIAR r s I ilc Gurrent play projections: Please note that these may be adjusted between the lnitial Planning Meeting and the Midterm Planning Meeting. Plan(s) to be exercised: cities of Kent, seaTac & covington: cEMp, coop, coc Please attach the plan(s) to the e-mailsubmissrbn. Core Capabilities to be exercised (Select as many as apply):! Mass care - Evacuation tr operational Communication - ECCn Mass Care - Shelter & Feeding ! lnfrastructure System - Critical! Operational Coordination - COG Transportation ! Other: SituationalAssessment Ramp up exercise(s): Name: Cascadia Preo I Type:Seminar (Seminar, Workshop, TTX, Drill) Date Oct.20 Name: Cascadia P reo ll Type:TTX Position Soecific Exercise Play will begin on Day 5 What type of play will the organization be playing in? Please circle one or more.X lExercise day 5: June 13 Workshop, Seminar, TTX, Drill, FE, FSEX lExercise day 6: June 14 Workshop, Seminar, TTX, Drill, FE, FSE lExercise day 7. June 1S Workshop, Seminar, TTX, Drill, FE, FSE rcise day 8: June 16 Workshop, Seminar, TTX, Drill, FE, FSE X June 17 Date:March Trainino) (Seminar, Workshop, TTX, Drill) DIAn I s I llG lf additional space is needed, please attach a document. Requested Support: Adm inistrative Details Extent of Play (XPA's) agreements must be submitted by close of business Monday, March lst, 2021 via e-mail to emd.aande@mil.wa.qov Only those with submitted XPA's will receive the invitation to the Washington State CR22 lnitial Planning Meeting Scheduled for mid-March2Q21. lf there are any questions or need of support regarding this XPA please contact our State Exercise Manager, Laura Hann. Laura.Hann@mil.wa.qov Checkbox Please identify what gaps and needs r organization has Exercise Design / Development Needs Plan Meeti istics Master Scenario Event List SE ect S rt Exercise Documentation - Situation Man 5 - Exercise Plan - Ground Truth document - Master Scenario Event List E n - Controller & Evaluator Handbook - Exercise Evaluation Guid S Conduct of Seminars,Drills, FE's, etc. Exercise Control ite Cell Simulation Cell (SimCel , EOC Control, etc. Facilitators and / or Presenters Evaluation of Exercises Exercise Evaluation Exercise After Action AAR Develo ment AAR Plann and HSEEP P Toolkit Su rt Training Desired list of training courses List Course(s) below. lf additional space is needed, please use the back of this page. EOC position specific training