HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 06/25/20141 CITY OF KENT- CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES The City of Kent Civil Service Commission met on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. in Chambers West for the regular meeting. The following information was discussed: Members Present: Callius Zaratkiewicz- absent Pauline Thomas Jeff Piecewicz Others Present: A/C Rafael Padilla, Ofr. Wayne Graff, others present Acting Chair Pauline Thomas asked those present to review the ‘Accept Into Record’ items 1-16 under New Business. She then called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. after giving the audience time to review said items. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: II. HEARING: III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Accept Into Record 1. Approval of the Minutes from the May 28, 2014 Civil Service Commission meeting. Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to accept into record the minutes from the May 28, 2014 Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was moved and seconded; motion passed. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accept into Record 1. Letter dated May 1, 2014 from Chief Thomas congratulating Gilbert Bolof on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective July 1, 2014. 2. Letter dated May 6, 2014 from Chief Thomas congratulating Jennifer Lindstrom on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective July 1, 2014. 3. E-mail dated May 30, 2014 from Cmdr. Steve Ohlde announcing his retirement effective June 30, 2014. 4. Memo dated June 4, 2014 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Jarod Kasner will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief from July 31- August 2, 2014. 5. Memo dated June 4, 2014 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Asst. Chief Derek Kammerzell will be on military leave and that Cmdr. Rob Scholl will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief from June 6-20 and that Cmdr. Todd Durham will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief from June 21- 27, 2014. Civil Service Commission Minutes June 25, 2014 2 6. Memo dated June 4, 2014 from Chief Thomas accepting the retirement of Cmdr. Steve Ohlde effective June 30, 2014. 7. Letter dated June 9, 2014 from Chief Thomas to John Pagel congratulating him on being hired as the Probationary Community Education Coordinator effective June 16, 2014. 8. Letters dated June 10, 2014 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Jordan Kellington, Arturo Sykes, Joseph Wisniewski, Eric Hisey, Derek Teeters, Christopher Brunner, and Trista DeLong notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the rank of Entry Level Police officer effective June 10, 2014. 9. Letter dated June 10, 2014 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Carl Harp notifying him that his name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the rank of Experienced/ Lateral Police Officer effective June 10, 2014. 10. Letter dated June 16, 2014 Chief Examiner Winecka to Jeremy Snook notifying him that his name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the rank of Experienced/ Lateral Police Officer effective June 16, 2014. 11. Letter dated June 16, 2014 Chief Examiner Winecka to Matthew Ferguson notifying him that his name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the rank of Entry Level Police Officer effective June 16, 2014. 12. Letter dated June 16, 2014 from Chief Thomas to Andrea Schluttenhofer notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period for the Records Supervisor position and is appointed to regular employment status for that position effective June 17, 2014. 13. Memo dated June 16, 2014 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Sgt. Michael Armstrong will be assigned as Acting Commander from June 22- 30, 2014. 14. Letter dated June 16, 2014 from Chief Thomas to Amber Brunelle notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period for the position of Corrections Officer and is appointed to regular employment status for that position effective June 16, 2014. 15. Letters dated June 18, 2014 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Wiza Nyasulu, Anders Wiggum, and Beau Mattheis notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the rank of Entry Level Police officer effective June 18, 2014. 16. Memo dated June 19, 2014 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Sgt. Mike O’Reilly will be assigned as Acting Commander from June 20- July 6, 2014. Acting Chair Thomas asked if there were any questions on items 1-16. There being no questions, Acting Chair Thomas made a motion to accept into record items one through sixteen. Motion was moved and seconded; motion passed. B. Approve into Record: 1. Eligibility list for the position of Community Education Coordinator that was established on May 27, 2014. 2. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on June 18, 2014. Civil Service Commission Minutes June 25, 2014 3 3. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer that was established on June 19, 2014. Chief Examiner Winecka noted that the Entry Level Police Officer list had an error and that it was revised but rankings did not change as one person was placed back on the list, but another was removed so it turned out that the list rankings were not affected. Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to approve into record items one through three. Motion was moved and seconded; motion passed. C. Action Items for Discussion: 1. Memo dated June 17, 2014 from Chief Thomas requesting permission to test for the rank of Police Commander and that the exam consist of up to four exercises that will evaluate candidates in the following areas: interpersonal insight, problem analysis, judgment, decisiveness, and delegation & control. Each area will be weighted equally and the assessment center will count for 100% of each candidate’s score. Assistant Chief Rafael Padilla provided the Commission with some background as to why this request was coming before them and noted that a Commander is retiring and therefore, a vacancy established. He went on to explain that the testing process will assess leadership and management skills, consistent with how we have tested for this position in the past. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Piecewicz made the following motion: “I make a motion to grant permission to test for the rank as outlined”. Motion was moved and seconded; motion passed. Acting Chair Thomas then asked if there was any further business to come before the Commission. There being no further business, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Motion was moved and seconded and the meeting adjourned at 5:46 PM. The next meeting of the Civil Service Commission will take place on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner Approved: __________________________ Acting Chair Pauline Thomas