HomeMy WebLinkAboutES10-142 - Original - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. - Liabiltiy Insurance Program - 07/22/2010ecords M em KENT D ocumentWASHIN6ToN CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Alliant Insurance Services Inc Vendor l\umber: JD Edwards Number contract Numben ESl0*14R This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Proj ect Name: Liability insurance Proqram Description: [J Interlocal Agreement tr Change Order [] Amendment n Contract X Other: Professional Services Agreement Contract Effective Date: tl7/20LL Termination Date: 6/30/20L3 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manage r: Chris Hills Department:Employee Services Detailr (i,e. address, location, parcel nurnber, tax id, etc,): cM7 /20/2010 S : Pu b I ic\RecordsMa nage m ent\Forms\Contra ctcover\\cz 832 | 11/oB KENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEM ENT between the City of Kent andWaSHtNGToN Alliant fnsurance Services, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and Alliant Insurance Services, Inc,, a Delaware corporation authorized to do business within the State of Washington, located and doing business at 72O Olive Way, Seattle, WA 98101, 206-962-2000 (hereinafter the "Broker"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Broker shall perform for the City the services provided for in its May 24,20t0, response to the City's Request for Proposals, a copy of which is attached and incorporated as Exhibit A, including the following : A.Brokerage Services - Brokerage services encompass marketing, insurance placement, completion of new and renewal applications, and negotiation for the procurement or renewal of liability insurance policies. Further, the Broker shall assemble a highly skilled Service Team, as that term is defined in Section III(H), to review for accuracy, completeness, and differences in terms and conditions for all policies in preparation for delivery, presentation, and selection. The Broker shall be responsible for the invoicing of all applicable insurance policies and for the presentation of the Annual Stewardship Report for all existing and potential risk transfer/insurance placements. Specific brokerage service responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1, Marketinq and Placement of Coveraoe The Broker will take the lead in drafting policy language, developing underwriting data and specifications for new and renewal policy negotiations. The Broker is required to deliver to the City, at least 12O-days prior to each policy's expiration or anniversary date, information requests, including the underwriter's applications, for review and data collection. Data on self-insured loss exposures will be supplied by the City from internal records for applications to be completed by the Broker'sstaff. The Broker shall act as a resource in developing this information, particularly as it affects marketing strategy. In conjunction with City staff, organize, develop and present to underwriters, all necessary data for marketing the City's risk management/ liability insurance program, The Broker will review the marketing plan documents with the City for approval prior to going to market. Negotiate and present to the City the best risk finance/insurance policy terms, conditions and premium rates. The Broker will also monitor and evaluate current and prospective underwriters and report to the City regarding the underwriters'financial stability and service commitments to their policyholders, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 For each initial placement policy, the Broker will meet with the City for a presentation of marketing results no later than thirty (30) days prior to the inception of coverage. The marketing report for each placement will include a description of the loss exposures, terms, conditions, premium rates, markets quoting and/or denying to quote (with reasons for the denial), underwriters ratings, and the Broker's recommendations. The Broker will be responsible to bind coverage on behalf of the City when requested by the City, The Broker will not place any coverage without specific, written, prior approval of the City. The Broker will be responsible to review all policies and endorsements for accuracy prior to delivery and acceptance by the City, The Broker will be responsible for verification of policy terms, conditions, language, form, compliance with specifications and compliance with any regulatory requirements, plus ensure consistency with the terms and conditions of coverage marketed and purchased. The City requires, through its Broker, delivery of policies and endorsements within ninety (90) days of binding, renewal, anniversary, or effective dates. Policies shall be delivered with a cover memo outlining basic policy information and indicating the policy has been checked for accuracy and completeness, 2. Service and Administration For each renewal placement policy, the Broker will meet with the City for a presentation of marketing results no later than thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of coverage. The marketing report for each renewal will include summaries of, current program versus renewal options, specifically highlighting changes in coverage, terms, conditions, premium rates, markets quoting and/or denying to quote (with reasons for the denial), underwriters ratings, and the Broker's recommendations, The Broker is responsible for invoicing premiums, which will be net of Broker commissions, except for those placements where it is more advantageous to the City for the commissions to be included in the premiums. iii.For ongoing policy administration, the Broker will review coverage issues on a continuing basis, issue certificates of insurance, and process policy changes/endorsements as required on a timely and accurate basis, Broker will maintain a diary follow-up system and generate an open items report on a monthly basis. IV VI tv. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 The Broker will place and administer various notary bonding requests. The Broker will prepare an annual marketing strategy that identifies current industry trends and best practices methods in which the City can market its insurance needs. The report shall cover anticipated market conditions and the Broker's recommended marketing strategy for the City's liability insurance program, VI The City will require, through its Broker, delivery of policies and endorsements within ninety (90) days of binding, renewal, anniversary, or effective dates. Policies shall be delivered with a cover memo outlining basic policy information and confirming the policy is accurate and complete. B, Risk Control Services When requested, review recommendations made by insurance carriers and comment. 4 As requested, assist the City in analyzing loss patterns to determine causes of accidents and effectiveness of safety programs, Provide the necessary resources, as requested, to assist the City in the development and maintenance of a comprehensive risk control program that will keep pace with the City's dynamic risk profile. Assist the City with insurance requirements for the various contracts (design, construction, and service) the City annually lets. 1 2 3 Claims Administration Services - As required, assist the City with the administration of insured claims. Assistance will include, but not be limited to, notification of insurers, loss investigations, tendering of losses, settlement negotiation, claim evaluation and work with the City's Third-Party Claims Administrator (TPA), including selection of TPA. D. Information Services 1 Keep the City informed of current risk management and insurance topics, issues and trends, particularly as they affect the risk management profession, the insurance marketplace, and the municipal risk/public entity commu nity. Provide the City with periodic information concerning particular losses/loss trends experienced throughout the industry. E. Advocacy Services When requested, represent the City and be an advocate for the City's interest on risk management and insurance issues affecting the City individually and/or as a member of the municipal risk/public entity community, c 2 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 2 Provide immediate written notification to the City's Risk Manager of potential or perceived conflicts of interest involving other Broker's clients. F Preparation of Annual Stewardship Report - The Broker will prepare an annual stewardship report within forty-five (45) days after the calendar year- end for the City. The report shall include, in distinct sections: a schedule of the policies in force, a summary of the coverage provisions, the respective policy premiums, un-earned premium statements as of December 31't, claims experience, an accounting of compensation received from all sources, a narrative description of the year's overall activities, including major issues encountered including p!'ogress or resolr-ltion), foreseeable development and trends in the marketplace by line of coverage, and recommendations for change or enhancement of the City's risk finance program for the coming year, G Maintain Written Records Customary of an Insurance Broker - Maintain records of applications, policies, premiums, audits, loss data, and other pertinent correspondence. Insurance policies should be maintained permanently. All other information should be maintained for a period of at least seven (7) years, Broker, must also provide these records to the City, upon the City's request, as soon as possible, but within no more than five (5) business days from the date of the City's request. Should a conflict arise between the Broker's response to the City's Request for Proposals, included as Exhibit A, and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall control. Broker further represents that the services (furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound roninn in affacf at fhc time thnqe qerrrireq are nerformed" II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. The initial term granted by this Agreement shall be through June 30, 2073. Thereafter, this Agreement will automatically renew on an annual basis until terminated in accordance with Section V of this Agreement. III. COMPENSATION. The City shall pay Broker an annual amount not to exceed g35,OOO for the services described in this Agreement. If the cost of Broker's services will exceed $35,000 in any given year, the parties shall negotiate and execute an amendment to this Agreement before any additional compensation will be due to the Broker and owed by the City. This annual "not to exceed" amount shall be allocated as follows: In return for the services rendered, the Broker shall be compensated on the basis of an annual fee, The annual fee covers all remuneration to Broker with regard to the Policies/Coverages/ Services covered by this Agreement, unless otherwise stated, Broker will prepare a schedule identifying the total remuneration from the entire portfolio of policies placed for the contract period. This will be provided to the City Risk Manager as part of the Stewardship Report. A B c PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 D All insurance placements shall be net of commission, It is the City's intent that no commissions will be taken unless it is established by the Risk Manager that it is clearly in the City's advantage to do so. Any such commissions received shall be immediately credited against the annual fee due under Section III(a) above. Broker shall instruct insurers to quote premiums with full commission and net of commission payable, Any subsequent premium invoicing will have the commissions subtracted. The City of Kent will pay net premium(s) to Broker (for transmittal to insurers). In the procurement of insurance products for the City, Broker shall not receive compensation from any party other than the City of Kent unless the City gives written approval to Broker to receive the compensation. Upon the City's request, Broker will furnish written documentation of all contingency, profit sharing, or other revenues received by Broker (or any proprietary, affiliated or subsidiary entity of Broker) from insurers or other sources, including brokers or intermediaries of any kind, as respects the City of Kent's account. Broker is permitted to place insurance and/or reinsurance through intermediaries including any proprietary, affiliated, or subsidiary entity of Broker, provided that no other comparably efficient and cost-effective source of coverage is available, In such instances where coverage is placed through an intermediary, Broker may accept commission income. Broker shall, in good faith, negotiate the allocation of commissions between itself and the intermediary so that Broker receives the maximum portion obtainable. Any income earned by Broker from intermediaries or any other source shall be included in the remuneration schedule by Broker. The term "intermediary" shall include any foreign or U.S. insurance agent, broker, reinsurance broker, or any other firm, entity or individual involved in the placing of the City of Kent's insurance program. Broker will take reasonable steps to obtain commission information from the intermediaries and include information on the annual remuneration report to the City of Kent Risk Management. In all cases, Broker will request remuneration to be disclosed prior to utilization of an intermediary on the City's programs. Special projects not contained within Section I, Description of Work, shall be separately negotiated and entered into under a subsequent amendment to this Agreement using a rate of $150 per hour. For any Special Projects considered, the City and the Broker shall enter into a separate agreement. The City shall specifically approve any special projects prior to the Broker commencing work on those projects. Broker agrees not to change the City's designated Account Executives ("Service Team"), specifically Deborah Bovee and Thomas Long, without prior written approval of the City. If the parties are unable to agree to a change in the Service Team, the City can terminate this Agreement in accordance with Section V of this Agreement. In the event there is a significant change in the City's operations which affects the nature and scope of its risk management and insurance program, Broker and the City both agree to renegotiate Broker's compensation in good faith as appropriate. E F G H I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: A. The Broker has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. The Broker maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Broker's services under this Agreement will be performed. The Broker has an established an independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Broker's services, or the Broker is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. The Broker is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue, The Broker has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Broker's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. The Broker maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business, V. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement/ with or without cause, upon providing the other party seven (7) calendar days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. VI. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Broker, its subcontractor, or any person acting on behalf of the Broker or its subcontractor shall not discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates as provided for by the City of Kent's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. Broker shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with Administrative Policy L.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. VII. INDEMNIFICATION. Broker shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Broker's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence, The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Broker's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. In the event Broker refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Broker's part, then Broker shall pay all the City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness B. c= D E F PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 6 fees and reasonable attorney's fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Broker's part. VIII. INSURANCE. The Broker shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit #1 attached and incorporated by this reference. XII. BROKER'S WORK AND RISK. The Broker agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Broker's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those services. All work shall be done at Broker's own risk, and Broker shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recvclable Materials: Pursuant to Chapter 3,80 of the City of Kent Code, theCity requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable, A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. C' Resolution of Disputes and Governinq Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement,the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each part shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VII of this Agreement D. Written Notice, All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent tothe parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to thecontrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given ii sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing, E. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. F. Modification No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Broker. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 7 G. Entire Aqreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. Should any language in any of the exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. BROKER:CITY: CITY OF KENTALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC, ByByr Print I DATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: Deborah Bovee Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 720 Olive Way, Suite 1700 Seattle. WA 98101 206 -9 62-2040 (tel e p hone) 619-699-0960 (facsimile) Su Cooke DATE 7/>a,/ru-T / NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: Chris Hills, Risk Manager City of Kent Employee Services Department 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (253) 856-5270 (telephone) (253) 856-6280 (facsimile) (signature) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Law De ent pr\Civll\Files\Open Files\1465-Ltability Insurance - New Broker and Provider\AllianUnsurancesvcs-ProfessionalsvcsAgrFINAL.docx PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - B DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPTOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers whoperform the work with relation to this Agreement shall apply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor, or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kdnt administrative policy number 1,2 2 During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed By me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above Dated *is f & day of ..d -)t)n(20(o. 3 4 5 For: Title Date EEO Compliance Documents PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 9 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: L.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in hreach of contract and subiect to susoension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments, 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractor, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity PolicY. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. EEO Compliance Documents PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1O MINORITY AND WOMEN CONTRACTORS SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented ag ent of Alliant Insurance Services Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as Liabilitv Insurance Brokeraoe Services that was entered into on 'lrrlvl ?O1 O fdafe)between the firm I represent and the City of Kent, I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Ag reement, Dated thit 'Z? 7a-day of ,/,/_a-- zo/o 200_. By: For Alliant Tnqr rrance Servicec nc. Title Date Firqt \/ice Prcside nf A.-L?-/-o EEO Compliance Documents PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 11 l EXHIBIT A- KEHT-fl+!HrH+TOH City of Kent Request for Proposal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services Alliant Insurance Services' Inc. 720 Olive Way, Suite 1700 Seattle WA 98101 206-962-2040 eAIIiant May 28, 2O7O Table of Contents #F"r.**r"'KENT ') City of Kent Request for Proposal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services tr .,......6 ''''.',.7 ,......,8 ,.,....,9 ........10 15 Table of Contents I Executive Summaff........,..,rEr!rrrr!rrrrrr!r'ri.r!rrrtr!.!r!rrr!rr.'r "".,2 Statement of Qualifications ,!r!,!,.!r,,'r.,r,r,!,.!,,,r! '.,".....'."..".5II, A, Minimum Experience (Attachment A)"'.. B. Licenses (Attachment A).............. c Errors and Omissions Insurance (Attachment A) ."""".'"'. D. Minimum Premium Volume E, Public Entity Experience F. List of Public Entity Accounts (Attachment B) ' ' ' G. References(AttachmentC),.,.....'." H Summary of Local Office Public Entity Volume (Attachment D)".'.....'...'..'16 I. Resumes of Service Team... J, Organizational Chafts K. Account Executives L. Service Team Description M. Additional In-House Services and Specialists trI. Broker's Froposal Palts A-F ".".'.',r,r!,rrr.rrrrrr,!rrr!r',,!r """,.,",.38 Areas of Service .. . .. . General Assessment Abilities Innovation Special Qualities...... Fee Structure.............63 III. Appendix',.rir,!!rrr!,rr,.r,'!r,',E,!.r"rrr.,r,!rr!!rrr.rrr!!r!r.,,.!r'r','r,,,!r,,r,!'.i.."" 64 Open Items List Sample Loss Control Report: Review of Risk Management and Loss Control Practices 17 31 34 35 37 A, B. C. D, E. F. A. 3B 50 54 59 60 B 1 AIAflfamf Executive Summary ) eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services g HxeeutErEe Seennmary Alliant is a full service insurance brokerage firm with the ability, resources and expetise to paftner with the CiW of Kent to meet the objectives set forth in the Statement of Qualifications by the City. The Seattle Alliant office will lead the seruicing team for the City of Kent. This office is dedicated to public entities. Throughout our proposal we have addressed the proposed services and qualifications and believe that we meet and exceed the requirements. Alliant Insurance Services has grown to become the leading broker for public entities throughout the United States due to a firm culture that emphasizes customer service and public entity expertise. Our staff includes over 300 professionals who are dedicated solely'to serving our public entity clientele. Our success has come from taking a focused, consultative approach, which we would utilize in our relationship with the City. Our thorough understanding of the public entity insurance business-combined with our focus on developing innovative programs which meet the special needs of public agencies-ensure that your organization will benefit from the most comprehensive service in the industry. We understand how public entities are perceived within the insurance marketplace and how the operating environment of the public sector shapes the risk transfer approach and requirements of these organizations. From joint purchase programs and risk- sharing pools to risk purchasing groups and non-insurance approaches, we have long been at the forefront of program design for public entities. With over $1.1 billion in premiums and premium equivalents placed, the public entity practice of Alliant is an industry leader in providing specialty brokerage services to the public sector. Areas of expertise include all of the services outlined in the RFP. With Alliant Insurance Services'wealth of professional expertise, and our strong relationships with public entity insurers, we can tackle the brokerage challenges presented in a changing market. Following are five compelling reasons for the selection of Alliant as your brokerage paftner: 3", R.eEevamt Expertemce wEth WorEdwide Fnlarkeft Access The proposed service team includes substantial experience with public entity exposures. We provide brokerage services to hundreds of counties, cities, 70+ Joint powers Authorities and thousands of other public entities throughout the nation, Collectively Alliant provides services to over 7,000 Public Entity clients in over 43 states. Our team has many years of extensive direct experience with programs very similar to the City of Kent both in scope and coverage, We will leverage the global insurance marketplace on your behalf. We work with both domestic and international insurance carriers on behalf of our public entity clients on a daily basis. 2 Mfgearaf d.--_%. ..."" KENT eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services 2" Fnofessioma$ eoamcmEttffielnt affid StabEEEey Alliant has established an organizational culture that supports high energy/ talented and driven individuals. Our colleagues have access to substantial brokerage resources without the red tape associated with larger brokerage firms. The Seattle office of Alliant works closely with our San Francisco and Newport Beach offices' The professionals included in the proposed service team all work within the same f-inanciai unit. Hs a resuit, the Ciiy wiii ti-uiy have access to all of Alliant's i'elevant resources without internal barriers. The Seattle, San Francisco, Newport Beach service team is committed to working with the City of Kent. This group regards working with the City as an exciting opportunity for our team members who are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and continual professional growth 3, Am SmcTovative, amd FEBghEy FEexsbleu MarketErtg ABpnoacBl Alliant coordinates its insurance marketing efforts more effectively than our competitors to deliver the greatest impact in the delivery of insurance product value for our clients. Through the use of programs, suppott and assistance to public entities, the judicious use of our market clout and program design creativity, we will deliver *below market" cost solutions to our clients, Alliant has not, and will not support the concept of broker global marketing offices where your account is assigned to other central offices for marketing purposes. It has been and remains ^..- L^r:^6 +L^* rrar ,^$ ic l.racf ranracanfad in tho merkptnlar-e rruhen theuul utrllEl LllclL yvul qllvqrr! rJ vvrr rvHreeer "-"---r'-'-- individuals most familiar with the account are the ones who also represent it directly to, the market. We also strongly encourage customers to be actively involved in this process, and to use the marketing process as an oppoftunity to develop direct relationships with your underwriters' 4. Fatr eor"npensatEon We believe in transparency and full disclosure. We are proposing a fee on your account and will report any commissions earned and credit all commissions. We will also repoft who is working on brokerage activities, and what types of activities they are performing. in this way, we are able to document our effott to ensure that our compensation is fair from both pafties'perspective. 5" SrrtegrEty amd Frofe$ssoffiaEtsEtt We are prepared to be held to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, We recognize the importance of our role in representing the City to the insurance underwriting community, We understand that public entities have long memories, and we know that our reputation is our most valuable corporate and personal asset. 3 Mflfsaffif .\\ ) eiry of Ken? Request for Proposal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services Although we work with many public entities, we regard each client relationship as unique, and we would approach our relationship without any preconceived notions as to how best to serve your needs. We encourage you to investigate our references which we believe are our strongest means of advertisement, Throughout this response we will focus on our expedise and proprietary products which we believe will offer City of Kent a wide array of funding options while improving the coverages and terms currently available to you. We strongly believe that we are the best option for the City of Kent and welcome the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities to you. 4 e4fdrfanf statement oIQualificatio nt; )) eEry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services IE" Statermemt of QualcffEeatEoms A. Minimunn Experience (Affiachment A) Have a minimum of five years experience as ar7 Insurance Broker (Attachment A). Attachment A INSURANCE BROKERAGE FIRM QUALIFY!NG QUESTIONNAIRE Date May 28,2O1O NAME OF FIRM Alliant rance Services, Inc. ADDRESS 72O Olive ev, Suite 17OO WA ztP 98101 DATE ESTABLISHED 1925 (Corporate) 2 PHON E 206-962-2473 STATE OF WASHINGTON LICENSE: O BROKER LICENSE NUMBER SCC AttAChCd EXPIRATION DATE 201CI BROKER ERRORS AND OMISSIONS COVERAGE: o COMPANY See LtMtrs $15,000,000 ANNUAL PREMIUM VOLUME (EXCLUDING PERSONAL LINES, BONDS, LIFE AND HEALTH) OF THIS OFFICE: o ALL BUSINESS: $ 25,000'OOO (seattle Office Onlv) o PUBLIC ENTITY: $L00o/o NAMES OF DESIGNATED ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (S), SUMMARY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN COMMERCIAL LINES AND PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (A.R.M., C.P.C.U., etc.) 1. Deborah Fl. Bovee, CPCU' AR.M/ 30 Years (+) 2. Thomas P. Long, CPCU' ARM, RPLU' 3O Years (+) 3. Brian White, L0 Years (+) 5 Md*rsaffif elry oS Kent Request for ProPosal l-iability lnsurance Erolcerage Services B Licenses (Attachment A) possess the necessary licenses for an insurance broker in the State of Washington Deborah H' Bovee, CPCU' ARM State of Washington: Agent / Broker License Ntlmber: 80598 Expiration Date: 11-30-2010 Thomas P, Long, CPCU' AR.M, RPLU State of Washington: Agent / Broker License Number: 243337 Expiration Date: 04-25-70L2 Reinsurance Broker License Number: 3206 Expiration Date: 04-25-2011 Surplus Lines Agent / Broker License Number: 24337 Expiration Date: 04-25-20L2 Brian wnlte State of California: Agent/Broker License Number: OD59571 Expiration Date: 04-30-LZ 6 Mflfpas?* Visit oui website at http://www. insura nce.wa' gov You will find news releases, advisories, administrative actions and inforrnation regarding consumers, insurers and licensees. The fotlowing is available under the For Agent#Brokers button: ' Licensing informatlon contalning instructions, forms and fees for all types of licensees. Frequently Asked Questions , and information for CE providers " AgenUBrokerE-newsletter " AgenUBroker lookup program that allows you to check the status of a license, appointment, or affiliation. " Print Llcense/Profile Update progr'am that allows you to print duplicate copies of your license(s) at no cost and to update.your addresses, e-mail and phone number. Renewal notices are mailed approximately 45 days prior to the month of expiration. lf you have not received your renewal 30 days prior to your expiration date , please call us at (360) 725-7144 or e-mail us at Li"tnfopoic.wa.gov conflrmlng your address and requesting the mailing of a duplicate renewal. The completed renewal notice is'required to'renew your licerise ', .:....,:, i, THE .F: Visit our website at http :/1www. inq ura nce.wa. gov you will find news releases, advisories, administrative actions and informaiion regarding consurners, insurers and licensees. The following is available under the For Agents/Brokers button: . Licensing information containin! instructions, forms and fees for all types of licensees. Frequently Asked Questions , and inforrnation for CE providers ' Agent/BroKer E-newsletter ' Agent/Broker lookup program that allows you to check the status of a license, appointment, or afilliation. " print License/protile Update program that allows you to print duplicate copies of your license(s) at no cost and tn rrnr{ato vnrrr addrresses e-mail and ohone numbgf. Renewal notices are malled approximately 45 days prior to the month of expiration. lf you have not received your rene\,val 30 days prior to your expiration date , please call us at (360) 72*7144 or e-mail us at Lictntogoi".wa.gov confirming your address and requesting.the mailing of a dupllcate renewal. The cornpleted :fefl ewal-notice -is req ui red'to' rtsnew you r license r'.. .;.';;,j1, 1:. . :.;, i '' ": t ': ':'t:"i J" 'i': i,ii .'.. ' :, ,i.'',' :. :,..,,t.,:..,r.t, a:.,.t - !"d!'!::i,'i': i'.'.-' 'r:r1i'13"Yr.,:: r: . i 1" .: t.i, i,; :t\; i1-., .' ..-i'.i.i ; 1'.'.t i ili.l'.':.'jt':.':i'.' , ',, :,,i,::i 't i:i. :!','i,;'""t l '-;'l "'i'; '1 : '' 'i' ,r, ''i. 'l ,l, :' Vis it ou r webs ite at http ://www. lnsuran ce.wa, gov you will find news releases, advisories, administratlve actions and information regarding consumers, insurers and licensees. The following is available underthe ForAgents/Brokers button: . Licensing Information containing instructions, forms and fees for all types of licensees- Frequently Asked Ouestions , and information for CE providers " AgenVBrokerE-newsletter ' AgenyBroker lookup prograrn that altows you to check the status of a license, appointment, or affiliation' " print License/profile Updaie program that allows you to print duplicate coples of your license(s] at no cost and to update your addresses, e-mail and phone number- Renewal notices are mailed approximately 45 days prior to the month of expiration. lf you have not raceived your renewal 30 days prior to your expiration date , please call us at (360) 725'7144 or e-mall us at Licin1ogoic.*".gov confirming your address and requesting the mailing of a duplicate renewal. The cornpleted renewa I notice'is"req uire'd to renew your'lice.nse 11- ri! t '- .. r-. :r','i-: .\_r'i -:r" i -' ' ',: l-:-.!...-. ' .j : . i,' :. j. i-'::, j.:':ii:.':":: -:'.'.:i3 : l:. - . ::i:::-':-1':i' ':: 'ii '::.,'.'';'i1'r'l i ;r:r '::r:t ':! ":' i' ::::'r' t ". . KENT eiry of Kent R,equest for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services Errors and Omissions lnsurance (Attachment A) Have Broker's Errors & Omissions coverage with limits not less than $5,000,000. Provide evidence confirming coverage, forms, limits and retentions' A copy of the evidencing Certificate of Insurance is on the following two pages' f 7 edtflfsanf DATE (MM/DDffYTT) 4t3012010ACORp,. GffiRTEFICA E oF TEABELETY EN$u" hnqe s) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. NAIC #INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE PRODUCER Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc New York - Executive Risk 9. rrk Ave, Suite 1910 F., . York, NY 10016 24315tNsuRERA: Darwin Select lnsurance Company INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: Alliant Holdings l, LLC 1301 Dove Street, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 INSURED COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDI t\b ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTMCT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECTTO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSIT LTR \DTJ'I TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE NATF IMM/DD/YYI POLICY EXPIRATIONNATF TMMINDffiI LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER POLICY LOC EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTEDDDtr[rlCFC rFa ^^^,'r.66.a\$ MED EXP (Any one person)$ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident)$ BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ BODILY INJURY (Per accidenl)$ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident)$ GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY . EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EA ACC AGG $ $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY OCCUR CLAIMS MADE DEDUCTIBTE R EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ $ $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERYEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? ll yes, describe under sPEclAL PROVISIONS below I WC STAIU- II rnov t rrrrte I OTH. FR E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE. EA EMPIOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT $ A orHER prqfs5sional Liability 03042663 12115109 1211s110 $15,000,000 Each Claim $15,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 retention DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENOORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS This is a Claims Made Policy. See Attached Named lnsured List. (See Attached Descriptions) c HOLDER City of Kent Attn: Chris Hills 220 4lh Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREoF, THE tssutNG tNsuRER wlLL ENDEAVoR To MAIL 3o DAYS wRlrrEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVElr"-tu T. %4ot*€ ACORD 2s (2001108) 1 of 3 #s11931/M10815 TION RXK O ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed' A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s)' lf SUBROGATION ls wAlvED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of lnsurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized represeniative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon AcoRD 25-s (2001/08) 2 of 3 #s11931/M10815 THE NAMED INSURED INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL El'lTlTlES: I. ,rt Holdings l, LLC Alliant Holdings ll, LLC Alliant Holdings l, lnc. Alliant Holdings ll, lnc. ARG Holdings, lnc. Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. Alliant Specialty lnsurance Services, lnc' FHI Benefit Plans, lnc. dba: FHI lnsurance Services Affinity lnsurance Services, LLC dba Tribal First Partners, G.A. Chapin lnsurance Services Austin, Gooper & Price lnsurance Agency, lnc. Kelter-Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. dba Proquest lnsurance AgencY Colonial Healthcare, lnc' Franey Muha Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. Strategic HR Services, lnc' Gaddy-Ward & Gompany lnsurance Brokers Benefit Management, lnc. Benefit Partners, LLC Benefit Partners-Alliant, lnc. Alliant Services Houston, lnc. Alliant lnsurance Services Houston, LLC Clarity Benefit Consulting, LLC ClearPoint LP Alliant ClearPoint GP, lnc. Moore McNeil LLG rlE RIPTIONS (CIontinued frann e 1) AMS 2s.3 (2001/08) 3 of 3 #s11931/M10815 o.ot:Y,"?l5r.J"i Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services Minimunn Premium Volume Have annual propefty/casualty premium volume over $1 million, excluding persanal lines, bonds, life and health. Alliant is the 1lth largest broker in the United States with annual premiums in excess of $3 billion on an annual basis. Of that premium, about 38% or $1'1 r^:rr:^.^ :^ -^^-^^^al^j l^', D' 'tali^ Enl-i{.iacullllul I 15 I cPl €5tr1 lLtru uy r ulJrlL Lr rLlLruJr The Seattle office of Alliant has over $25,000,000 in premium and is 100% Public Entities, D B qdldfiarpf .\ I eiry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liabitity Insurance Brol<erage Services Public Entity ExPerience Experience with public entity accounts that generate a premium in excess of $500,000 individually, The three account executives that will form the nucleus of the city of Kent Service Team all have extensive experience with individual accounts that generate in excess of $500,000 of premium annually. Some of those accounts are: o King County o City of Kent o Pacific Northwest Port Association e Renton School District n City and Borough of Juneau o Kitsap County + Pott of Tacoma o Bellevue School District o Golden Gate Bridge AuthoritY * City & Borough of Ketchikan e Alaska public Entity Insurance (45 School Districts and 33 Cities) e Poft of Seattle o North County Transit e Bay Cities Joint Powers Insurance Authority + City of Pleasanton, CA l E 9 aWflf,raraf eEry of Kent Request for ProPosal l-iability !nsurance Brol<erage Services tist of Public Entity Accounts (Attachment B) A list of current major public entity accounts your firm handles, the inclusive dates of seruice, the name bf tne principal account executive and client names and telephone numbers, Include a description of any insurance placements ar support service that you have accomplished that shows your ability to seruice the City of Kent account needs including access to markets. Kimg County Account Executive: Deborah Bovee / Tom Long Dates of Service: MaY 2004 - Present Contact Person: Jennifer Hills, Risk Manager (206) 20s-1649 Comments: The King County account is complicated, diverse and requires a breadth of knowledge that matches their diverse exposures' In the six (plus) years that we have handled the County's account, we achieved the following accomplishments: e Excess tiability: The King County Excess Liability placement is a manuscript policy that encompasses most of the county's liability placement. it is a reinsurance placement that requires an understanding ^.r h.^.+h tho raincr !r:'rn.^ m.arkot and the direct insuranCe marketS. ThiSLJI L,ULI I Ll lC I Ell lJUl ql ILU I I lqr r\uL ur ru Lr piacemeni utiiizes ihe wurid irtafkeipiace. in a iime'uvhen excess liabilib; premiums were increasing, the King county Team has been able to: - Decrease Premiums each Year - Bring new underwriters to the placement Preserve the broad, manuscript coverage o Excess Workers'Cornpensation: When the King County Service Team assumed responsibility for the county's Excess Workers' compensation placement, the self-Insured Retention was $5,000,000. One of the major goals of the Risk Manager was to lower this retention and lower the premium. These were ambitious goals since the insurance marketplace for statutory workers'compensation on a major public entity with large concentrations of employees is extremely narrow. There were really only two markets that could provide this type of coverage and one of them was the incumbent. After a complete review of the losses and a comprehenslve marketing effoft, the County's Team was able to lower the Self-Insured Retention to $2,500,000 and met the premium goals of Risk Management, Over the past five years, we have continued to bring competition to this segment of the County's program' F 10 Mddsapeff A.db ... . KENT ) eiff of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services o e tsrightwater sewaEe Treatment Plant Fnoiect ($L.9 Brllion): The Builders Risk for the Brightwater project continues to be challenging. Alliant works directly with underwriters to assist in the resolution of complex issues. Alliant also assists the County on the Project Professional Liability for this project. These placements require the worldwide marketplace and specialty expetise' oReA $maft Card: This project is a good example of an innovative special project that has required broad market access and specialized knowledge. Alliant Insurance Services in paftnership with King County has provided quotations for first and third party cyber coverages for the ORCA Smart Card. These quotes included potential coverage for eight public agencies. Faclfic Nofthwest Port AssociatEon (PNWPA) Account Executive: Deborah Bovee / Tom Long Dates of Service: January 1, 1996 to Present Contact Person: Margaret Smith, Director of Finance and Administration (360) eez-rrrz Comments: The Pacific Northwest Port Association is part of an Alliant Insurance Services Risk Purchasing Group. This Group meets quarterly to discuss Risk Management issues. The Group has a broad, manuscript property form tailored , speciflcally to port exposures. Each member purchases a separate tower of Earthquake and Flood coverage that totals over $450 million in Earthquake limit. The liability form for the ports is a hybrid, manuscripted marine and non-marine form. This form includes coverage for shoreside liability as well as Whartinger's Liability, Protection & Indemnity, Chaderers Liability and other key marine coverages, The Ports each purchased $50,000,000 Excess Limits of Liability. This placement requires Alliant to access the world market both domestic and European capacity Alaska Psablic Emtity Imsurae?ee Fsol Account Executive: Tom Long Dates of Service: July 1998 to Present Contact Person: Jeff Bush, Executive Director (907) s86-363s Comments: This is a pool of 45 school districts and 33 cities. The Alliant Team places all lines of insurance for the pool including: Excess Liability' Marine, Aviation, Workers'Compensation and Property. This account has many, diverse exposures including the challenges of rural Alaska. The rates and premiums for 11 MFfFamf eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services this program are stable and competitive. This pool has become one of the premiere insurance vehicles in the State of Alaska' Alliant utilizes a Risk Purchasing Group approach for the liability placement' This mechanism allows us to add the purchasing power of other major cities in Alaska (Juneau and Ketchikan) and Alliant delivers major liability premium reductions to all of the entities involved' Port of Tacoma Account Executive: Deborah Bovee, Tom Long Dates of Seruice: December 1995 to Present Contact Person: Lou Paulsen, Risk Manager (2s3) 383-9449 Comments: The Alliant Team places all lines of insurance for the Poft of Tacoma. Some of the noteworthy placements: o Excess Liability: $150,000,000 excess of retentions that includes coverage for: General Liability including Products and Completed Operations - Marine Liability including: Terminal operators Liability, Wharfingers Liabilig, Protection and IndemniW, USL&H Liability, rL^, .^)^-^t^ I i^Lilif-,JLCVtrtl\JI E J LIgUIIILY Pollution Liability; Sudden and Accidental Automobile LiabilitY Foreign LiabilitY o propefty Insurance: Covering all operations including Builders Risk for all projects up to $25,000,000. For the July renewal, we are adding coverage for cYber risks. AEry anrd Eonough of Juneau Account Executive: Tom Long, Deborah Bovee Dates of Service: 1978 to Present Contact Person: Tim Allen, Risk Manager (907) sB6-0323 Comments: The City and Borough of Juneau is the third largest city in Alaska' It has significant, diverse exposures that include: o A major hosPital e Poft and Marina with Cruise Ship Docks 12 Mdfleaeetr )) eiry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services e Major Airport e Ski Resofts c Fire and Police Depaftments Their Excess Workers'Compensation placement is a major issue due to these exposures as well as a large police and fireman population. This placement includes all of the Federal coverages as well as State Act. elff of Kent * tsa.rilders Risk Flacerneslt for ShoWane Ewent eenter Account Executive: Tom Long, Deborah Bovee Dates of Service: 2007 Contact Person: Chris Hills, Risk Manager (2s3) 856-s28s Comments: In 2A07, the City needed separate Builders Risk coverage for the construction of ShoWare Event Center. Such coverage would cover materials and supplies on-premises, in transit and in temporary storage. The coverage would need to include the interests of all contractors involved in the project. This coverage needed to be placed separately from the City's standard propefi insurance piogram because of these coverage needs. Fufther, coverage needed to include the-Flood peril, because even in 2007 there was a significant flooding concern due to the condition of levies in the Kent area. Alliant approached 7 major Builders Risk markets and obtained quotes ranging from $214,940 to $273,995 for this coverage. By negotiating with the markets, and fine-tuning the actual values of the project, Alliant was able to place coverage for Jfinal premium at inception of $206,338' This coverage included couerage for the entire project, along with sublimits of $25 million each for Earthquake and Flood perils. Coverage also included a sublimit of $i2 million for Soft Costs, which includes, for example, l-oss of Rents should the project be delayed due to a ProPefi loss' By monitoring the completion date of ShoWare Event Center, Alliant was able to generate a return premium of $14,536 upon completion of the project because it iras completed earlier than had been anticipated. This brought the final cost for this coverage down to $191,802. 13 a*dfsaraf &-- . KENT City of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services Noffih eountv Transit Elstrict (NCT'D) Account Executive: Brian White Dates of Service: June 2007 to Present Contact Person: Susan Lockwood, ARM (760) 967-2847 ^r^,+L ,.-^,,^r, -rprnail. F\icrrirf iq a mainr Califnrnia tranSit SVStem thatLommgllLS: l\ul Ll luuullLy llollDlL L/rJLr rLL rJ u rrruJvr vvrrrv includes both heavy and light rail and buses. Alliant handles all lines of coverage for NCTD. Alliant's Service Team have been successful in making continual enhancements to their risk management and insurance program. These include major improvements to the Excess Liability program: e Negotiation of an end of year premium audit waiver, savinq NCTD approximatelY $64,000 o Incorporation of a new liability market to NCTD's excess program resulting in a g20M increase for limits of liability related to bus losses, at no additional cost o Negotiation of an aggregate limit reinstatement at no additional cost for rail losses in the $40M x $60M laYer o Negotiation of Terrorism cover in the $40M x $60M layer for a negligible :. ,,-- -.-- -, ,'.&prel.Illulll dllluullL Most recently, and in light of budgetary pressures on the public transit sector, Alliant has heiped NCTD stabilize and reduce costs associated with its insurance program. First, performing an analysis of "first dollar" workers'compensation inrrtun.u options which may be a practical solution since NCTD will be contracgng out several ul'its operations to third party opcrators later in the year, Secondly, we secured a2year rate guarantee on NCTD's propefty insurance placement at the most recent renewal. As'the market was soft at the time, this strategic placement is proving its value. Lastly, Brian and his team are involved in a pioject to assist NCTD in the evaluation of alternative risk transfer options, includipg captive, self-insured pool, and risk retention group feasibility of their liability placement' 14 e-wffsas?f ,-.=.," KEF{T ) elry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services G FIR.M: Alliant Insurance Services, Inc ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Deborah Bovee, Tom Long, Brian White References (Attachrnent C) provide references that include a tist of all accounts currently being handled by the account executives to be assigned ta the City account, with contact names and telephone numbers for each account' Kinq CounW Jennifer Hills (206)205-1649 Bellevue School District Trina Thompson (425)456-4025 Kitsap CounW Mark Abernathy (360) 337-4408 Alaska Public Entity Insurance Pool Jeff Bush (907) s23 9400 Renton School District Rich Moore ezs\ 204-2387 City & Bo h ofJuneau Tim Allen (e07)sB6-0323 CiW of Ketchikan Robert Newell (eo7)225-3IlL x3I3 Ketchikan Gateway Borough Mike Houts (907) 228-6649 CiW of St. Paul Sherry Lestenkof (907) 546-3L26 Port of Tacoma Lou Paulsen (2s3) 383-9449 Pacific Northwest Pott Association Maggie Smith Port of Vancouver (360) eez-1112 Gold en Gate Bridqe District Bill Stafford (415) 2s7-4ss3 North Countv Transit*Susan Lockwood (760) 967-2847 Bay Cities Powers Insurance AuthoriWx Brian Loventhal (408) 354-7634 City of Pleasanton, CA*Michael Roush (e2s) 931-s01s *Brian White accounts i5 Mfdearsf City of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services Summary of Local Office Publlc Entity Volunre (Attachment D) A summary of the brokerage firm's local office premium wlume for the past year by the following 'types of coverages: general ltability, liability, property, and professniit E&O liability. Also indicate, by each of these categories, the premrum volume and the number of policies in force' The Seattle office of Alliant is 100% public entity focused. All of the premiums shown are public entity based. Alliant, nationally, has over 38% of its revenue in public Entity accounts, We specialize in your business! Because of this focus, we bring tools that are not available at the largest brokers in the world: programs designed specifically for major public entities' $3 000,000 so / 100% H General LiabiliW 50 Excess /Umbrella LiabilitY 2,25 $11,000,000 2,25 I L00o/o DI 't)o $10.000.000 L20 I I00o/o Professional Errors & Omissions 20*$2,000,000 2O I LOOo/o *public officials Liability, Employment Practices Liability and Police Professional Liability are usually included in the Excess Piacement for public entities, Most of the premium for these lines are included in the Excess Liability number' 16 aSd/fltat?f 't eEry of Kemt Request for Froposal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services I Resumes of Serviee Team The resumes of Account Executives and Seruice Team members (incfuding any subcontractors) assigned to work on the City of Kent account' The following pages contain the resumes for the City of Kent Service Team: Deborah H. Bovee, CPCU, ARM Thomas P. Long, Jr., CPCU, ARM, RPLU.. Brian White....., Vicki Holaday. Ralph S. Hurst Daniel J. Howell Gordon B, DesCombes.......,.. Robert Frey, RPA ' Jim Castle.. Renee Judge, AAI, AIS Conni E. Scott Brent Escoubas, CSP, REM. James Litke, CFPS .19 1B 20 2L 22 ,,.23 ...24 25 26 .27 78 29 30 17 edHdf,sarEf eibf of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services Port of Tacoma Pacific Northwest Port Association City and Borough of Juneau Ketchikan GatewaY Borough /:.- -1. .ll.- - r-,-.- . rl^^+\tlllLluull19 rul ly rlcsL/ Dehoralr H, Bovee' ePeU' AR.M First Wce President Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. - Seattle, WA License Number: WAOIC# 80598 Accomplishments and Areas of Expeftise: o Deborah's area of expertise is hanrliirrg iai-ge, complex accounts that require the full scope of insurance services, including alternative risk financing and risk management services. " Deborah has extensive public Entity experience. This includes major Owner Controlled Insurance programs (OCIP) for SeaTac Airpoft and King County's Brightwater Project. o Deborah also has Environmental Liabiliby experience and was active in the design and implementation of a 3Q-year policy for the clean-up of Bellingham Bay. s Assisted in the establishment of a nationwide Ports Program' Public Entity and Marine accounts currently handled King County (including Ferry Fleet) - Tacoma Housing AuthoritY Alaska Public EntitY Insurance Golden Gate Bridge AuthoritY (Ferry Fieet) Experience: o Thifty-plus years experience with large risk management accounts with complex lines of coverage including Environmental and Professional Liability. o Strong expertise with major construction projects' " Specialty expertise in Public Entities. Frofessio n a I Associa tio n s : o Charti:red Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) o Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Licenses: e Agent and Broker, State of Washington o 1B M,Fffrant &. .KENT ) City of Kemt Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services City & Borough of Juneau Bellevue School District Renton School District Tacoma Housing AuthoritY T'homas F" tongu 3r"n CFCU' ARM' R.PLU Representative Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. - Seattle, WA Accomplishments and Areas of Expeftise: " Estabiished two Risk Purchasing Groups for Public Entities and Potts. These groups facilitated the creation of competitive pricing and tailored coverage forms for their members. o Expertise in the areas of commercial property and casualty insurance, and also Professional Liability and Public Officials Liability. e Experience with large local Owner Controlled Insurance Programs, including the placement of Builders Risk Insurance on a recent downtown Seattle office tower and a larger sewage treatment Plant. Public Entity accounts currently handled: King CountY Alaska Public EntitY Insurance City of Ketchikan Ketchikan GatewaY Borough o Experience: o Thifty plus years experience as an underwriter and broker in the Pacific Northwest. o Managed the Marketing Department of a large national broker for 2L years, coordinating the placements of property and casualty lines of insurance for some of the largest Public Entities, Ports and businesses in the country' o Member of the Insurance Commissioner's Agents'Advisory Council for 13 years. + participated in the.re-write of the surplus lines laws for the State of Alaska. o past president of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Insurance Brokers Association. o Past Director of the surplus Lines Association of washington, Frofess ion a I Asso cia tio n s t o Chartered Property Casualty Association (CPCU) designation. 1979 o Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation, 1995 o Registered Professional Liability Underwriters (RPLU) designation, 2000 Education: e B.S. degree in Mathematics from Portland State University' 1971 19 MFFsamf Eadb eEry of Kent R,equest for ProPosal l-iability lnsurance Brol<erage Services...." KENT Briam White Assistant Vice President Alliant Insurance Services, Inc' - San Francisco, CA Accomp[ish'rnents and Areas of Expertise: o Intimately involved with all aspects of insurance placements for several large properlry- related exposures including Bay eities Joint Powers Insurance Authority, Caihoiic Healthcare West, and Pod of Seattle' o Lead insurance broker and consultant for the California Transit Insurance Pool (CalTIP), a 35 member organization providing liability and propefi covers for transit agencies in the state, transit experience extends beyond liability and propefty, and covers workers' compensation, employment practices, and crime and pollution placements, for many of the larger members Experiencet provides prope6ry and casualty broker and risk management consulting services to Notth County Transit District (NCTD), a diverse transit system in San Diego, California with light and heavy rail, and bus operations. Experience with market negotiations, marketing specifications consultation, carrier -^l-+i^^a -^el lrran nrniarf rn>nanampntItrlclLltJl lJ/ cll lu rqr 9u Hr Leads medical malpractice placement for a group of hospitals in Nevada and the properiy placement for a group of cities in the Bay Area, california. Actively involved in Public Risk and Insurance Management Association and Public Agency Risk Management Association' Education: o University of Arizona - Major in Finance o Completed three courses toward the CPCU designation o Completed one course towards the ARM designation s a e e 20 Mdrsaraf VickE HoEaday Account Manager, Marine Specia list Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., Seattle, WA Experience: Frafessi on a ! Associa tion s : o Ceftified Insurance Counselor (CIC) c CPCU Candidate o Marine Insurance Association of Seattle Licenses: e Agent and Broker, State of Washington o Non-Resident Licenses: Alaska, Oregon and California ,.] eiry of Kemt Request for Proposal l-iability lnsurance Brol<erage Services-:1. F.F,"ryr o o + Vicki has more than 25 years of experience in the insurance industry, encompassing commercial undenvriting, commercial rating, risk analysis, and marketing. Her experience includes day-to-day account seruice responsibilities in commercial multi- line rating, underwriting, risk analysis, and marketing of commercial propefi, casualty and marine, handling renewals and endorsements. Vicki provides the day-to-day service on a number of public entity and marine accounts. These accounts include: - , City & Borough of Juneau Alaska Public Entity Insurance (APEI) City of Ketchikan and Ketchikan Gateway Borough Golden Gate Bridge Authority (Ferry Fleet) King CountY Marine Renton School District Bellevue School District 21 s*fdfaref eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability !nsurance Brol<erage Services RaEph S" Hurst Vice Chairman Senior Vice President Alliant Insurance Seruices, Inc,, Newport Beach, CA Arcomplisttments and Areas of Expertise: . A..!L^- ^^r ..nnrn^, nf rho Dr rhlir trntitv Proncrlv Tnsurance Pfogfam, the lafqeSte AuLl lul ol lu I llol l(fvEl vr Lr ru I usrrv Lr rLr!t ' ' "F -' property joint purchase program for public entities in california e Author and manager of the Western Hospital Property Insurance Group, the largest joint purchase propefty program for hospitals in California * Insurance ocIP Project Manager for 68 MGD and 80 MGD expansion of Fresno Wastewater FacilitY o Responsible for property and boiler and machinery insurance for the cities of Long Beach, SERRF, Pasadena, Glendale and Burbank o Experience with owner controlled Insurance Programs (ocIP) for wastewater, highway and medical center construction T o Educationt o Experience: Twelve years as an insurance broker with Robert F. Driver Associates, Newport Beach, e California Five years as Account Executive with Allendale Insurance Company, Los Angeles, California Two years as Large Loss Claims Adjuster and two years as Loss Prevention Engineer with Factory Mutual Engineering Association, Orange, California Bachelor of science, Industrial Technology, california state university, Los Angeles, California, 1978 o Associate of Science, Fire Science, Ventura College, Ventura, California, 1976 o Associate in Risk Management classes, 1980-82, Coastline Community College 22 Mffeas?tr ) eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability !nsurance Brokerage Services Damiel J" Howell Managing Diredor, Public EntitY Alliant Insurance Services, Inc' - San Francisco, CA Accompfishments and Areas of Expertise: o Development and management of property and casualty insurance and self-insurance programs, o For entities with complex operations, bring experience with special events, fine afts, housing and Public safetY. e Adept at communicating and working in a collegial manner to build consensus for board and committee action. Experience: e Senior Vice President for the Public Entity Group for Alliant Insurance Services' " Account Manager for State of California, Balance of Business and Business Enterprises program for B Yrs' o Account Manager for Capitol Area Development Authority (CADA) for 8 yrs. o program Administrator for California State University Risk Management Authority (csuRMA). e Broker for Propefi placements for Port of Oakland, Pott of Seattle & University of California. e TwenV years of Multi Line Policy Working Experience' Educatio n a nd Certifica tion : + Juris Doctor from UC Hastings College of Law o Stanford University with A'B' in History o Chaftered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) e Associate in Risk Management (ARM-P) o Licensed Propefi & casualty Broker - state of california &=. KENT 23 Mflrsas?6 8H -..,,,' KENT R"fr:y'"?l,"Tff$ Liability I nsr.lrance Brokerage Services Gordon B. Deseognhes Senior Vice President Accomplisltfirents and Areas of Expertise: . Eighteen years'experience designing, implementing and servicing public entity insurance programs e Created and continues to manage the first joint purchase excess liability program for California Public entities + Created and continues to manage the largest county medical malpractice program in California " Created and continues to manage the first national joint purchase reinsurance program for excess public agency liability coverage for risk sharing pools' o prior experience working in the London insurance market placing excess liability and malPractice coverages + Additional background as a branch manager for a proper$y'casualty undenruriting agency Experience: o Eighteen years as an insurance broker with Alliant Insurance Services, Inc' formerly noilert F. Driver Associates, iiewpoit Beach, California e Two years as a North American Casualty Broker at Bowring Non-Marine Insurance Brokers, Ltd. in London, England e Two years as a broker/underwriter for Averbeck Insurance Brokers in Pomona, California e Three years as a Branch Manager for Brittain & McCrea Insurance Agency, Concord, California Education: o Bachelor of Arts, urriversity of california, Berkeley, california + Licensed by the California Depaftment of Insurance as a Fire and Casualty Broker-Agent and Life Agent + 100+ hours of continuing education courses endorsed by the State of California, Department of Insurance 24 Mfiflgas?fr A.€F_= KENT ') eiry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Broi<erage Services R.obert Freyu RFA Vice President Claims Seruices Responsibilities: Robert is the Claims Manager for the Alliant Public Entity Division, covering their San Francisco, Sacramento and Newport Beach Public Entity operations. In addition to his depaftment management responsibilities, Robert acts as the advocate for the Alliant clients who are faced with significant and/or difficult claim issues. Frofessiona t ExPerience Robert is a Registered Professional Adjuster and a former faculty member of the International Counsel of Shopping Centers. He joined Alliant in January 2A02, after a 15- year association with Marsh Risk Services, including the predecessor companies of Fred S. jur.r and Sedgwick of California, Inc. Robert began his career in 1974 with Bayly, Matin & Fay through 19b5, then Morris & Associates until 1987. Duties included client advocacy, department management and corporate errors and omissions. Comm anity and Professiona I Activities He is a chafter member of the Registered Professional Adjuster Program, attends various industry seminars and has been a panel speaker for Building Owners Managers Association (BOMA) and the International Counsel of Shopping Centers. He has also been an instructor ior the College of Alameda on personal insurance coverage, claims handling and adjusting, and a guest instructor for BoMA covering commercial claims. 25 Mfdiaraf eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services JEsn easffe Senior Wce President Accomplishments and Areas of Expertise: o Eighteen years' experience in commercial insurance and risk management programs for large private-sector comPanies. o Over twelve years of providing risk management expetise to the Construction Industry. o Manager of the Construction Services Group for Alliant Insurance Services. o Responsible for placement and service of property and casualty insurance for numerous large public works construction clients. o Responsible for the development and daily operations of the Alliant Insurance Services Owner Controlled Insurance Program Team. e Insurance OCIP Manager for numerous successful construction projects. e public Speaker / instructor for various Construction Related Risk Management Topics' Experience: o Five years as the Managing Insurance Broker with Alliant Insurance Services Construction Services Group, San Diego, California' + Fouryears as an insurance broker speciaiizing in consirucliurr risks wiiir Tire'vVooditch Company, Irvine, California' e Three years as an insurance broker specializing in construction risks with Barney & Barney, San Diego, California' o Three years as insurance broker specializing in large primary workers'compensation and general placements. c Three years as a Commercial Account Executive with Federated Mutual Insurance ComPanY, Owatonna, Minnesota. Educatian + Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, California c Licensed by the California Department of Insurance as a Fire and Casualty Broker-Agent and Life Agent + Over 100 hours of continuing education courses endorsed by the State of California, Depa rtment of Insurance 26 Mdfiamf City of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability !nsurance Brokerage ServicesKEI{T R.enee Judge, AAgf AfS Seruicing Acco u nt Executive Assistant Vice President Alliant Insurance Seruices, Inc' - Seattle, WA License Number: WAOIC# 267240 Accomptishments and Areas of Expertise: o Servicing large, complex accounts that require extensive industry knowledge and attention to detail' Major Public Entity accounts: - King CountY - Tacoma Housing AuthoritY + Developing and maintaining large property schedules. Successfully negotiated a master propefi program to consolidate over 60 commercial policies into one comprehensive program. e Providing allocations to assist clients with internal recharges. Experience: e Twenw-plus years experience in the insurance industry providing service and solutions in Commercial Lines, Propefi & Casualty' o Management of client service teams. Emphasis on client retention through delivery of contracted services' c paftner with clients, brokers and insurers to provide comprehensive risk transfer strategies. F rofess ion a ! Associa tio n s : E Accredited Advisor in Insurance (MI) c Associate in Insurance Services (AIS) Lieenses: a Agent and Broker, State of Washington 27 Mfrfsas?ff eEry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services esnrni E" Scofrt Account Manager Alliant Insurance Services, Inc', Seattle, WA License Number: WAOIC# 129270 Accomplishffients and Areas of Expertise: o Conni,s experience includes the maintenance and service of a number of major public entlty accounts. These accounts include: Sound Transit, City of Spokane' State of wyoming, State of Montana and the P.u,D. #I of chelan county. o conni has a strong technical background that includes the analysis and maintenance of a number of loss sensitive accounls, large deductibles and self-insured retention programs, multi-line retro programs and other self-funded programs' q She has over 15 years of experience underwriting and servicing commercial liability including nuto*oUitu, Workers'Compensation, Excess Liability, Propety, Inland Marine and Crime Policies. Experience: Twenty-plus years experience with large risk management accounts with multiple lineso o Licenses: of coverage, Specialty experience with Pubiic Entity accoui-rts Agent and Broker, State of Washington 28 M4lsasat *&.g, * ".=." KEl{T ) eEry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services Ercmt Eseoubas, eSP' REM Senior Loss Contral Consultant Accomplishments and Areas of Expertise: o Thirteen years experience working with organization executives and managers on claims reduction strategies, safety culture development and bottom line cost reduction strategies for safetY. . provides a variety of property loss control, fire protection, safety consulting, and casualty loss control services for K12 schools, municipalities, universities, construction, healthcare and service industries' + Developed a monitoring and charting system for customer complaints, contributing to a 10o/o reduction in customer complaints, petformed Statistical Process Control on business processed. o Led and organized Property Damage Team, reducing damages by 22o/o in one year, generating approximately $200,000 in annual savings' e provided highly protected risk consultation services for national and international risks, including: Nissan Automotive, Sharp Electronics and Canon; pre-construction planning, including fire sprinkler design and plan review; property service to international clients throughout Mexico; client presentations on propefi and casualty exposures, risk control repofts and product liability, casualty, fleet, and propefty programs' Experience: e He has provided more than 100 diverse public and private customers with unbundled loss control and safety services to united states and Mexico. o provides risk management and safety consulting services to more than 100 different clients throughout Southern California including cities, K12 schools, universities, hotel, manufacturing, restaurant, assisted living and construction; independently audit clients safety programs including claims handling, ergonomics site security, operational procedures; NFPA, OSHA and other regulatory compliance; industrial hygiene investigations; developed customer safety programs and risk reduction strategies; reviews construction site safety; client seminars on safety related topics. Ed u ca tio n a n d Ce rtifica tion : o Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health - Illinois State University o Certified Safety Professional o OSHA Authorized, 10 and 30 hour Construction Industry Outreach Program Trainer E Graduate of 9 month Chubb Loss Cbntrol and Chubb Insurance School 29 MFlfsas?f &KENT eiry sf Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services Sames LEtkeu CFPS Senior Loss Control Consultant Accomplishments and Areas of Expertise: o Twenty four years experience working as a Loss Control Consultant and Property Specialist. o primary function is to act as a professional advisor, evaluating complex commercial and public entityitructures and related operations for properlry and liability risks' o Environmental and safety Manager and on-call loss control consultant for municipalities' Experiencet Conducted loss control insurance surveys and provided property loss control training workshops for dozens of public clients' surveyed more than 200 commercial risks (many that are Highly Protected Risks) to .uutuut. property, liability and safety expoiures' Conducted inspections and analyses of automatic sprinkiers, other fire suppression systems, as well as life safety, and process ."porur.r to determine adequacy of protection for special hazards and occupancy' worked as a senior Loss Property Specialist. surveyed different high-rise office ,--.:rrr--^ L^^^i&^t- a!=rti'me nnllan6q menlrfar-trrrers- retail malls, warehouse, airpotts,uullull 195/ I lu)PlLolJT JLaerur I rJl vvrre:re"t "'-' water treatment iaciiities an.i govei-nment buildings '"vith individua! site '''alues rrp to and over $100 million' Managed the City of Aberdeen's safety program for over 150 employees to include *or[urr from Depaftment of Public Woiks, Water and Waste Treatment Facilities, and Solid Waste Division. Ed ucation a n d Certifica tion : e Masters of Science, Environmental Studies, Johns Hopkins University o Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering Technology, The College of New Jersey + Completed more than 1,800 hours of continuing education in engineering materials, fire protection engineer, claims administration, life safety, water distribution systems, wastewater tr"eatment, machine guarding, training methods, construction safety, fleet safetY and forklift safetY o o 30 Mffsamt '-) eiry of Kent R.equest for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services Organizational ehafts An organizatt'on chaft of your firmk local office and an organimtion chart of the individuals invot'ved in the seruicing of the City's account. Please see the two charts on the following pages' The first organizational chart depicts the core service team for the City of Kent' AII of the dJy-to-day services will be handled out of Seattle and by this group of individuals. However, the Seattle office will have broad access to resources in the San Francisco and Newport Beach offices. The second chart shows the Alliant organization. The Seattle office repofts through Driver Specialty, which is our Public Entity arm. J 31 Mffiamf Service Team Organization ehaft eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services 32 affifllsamf AiUy of KemtRequest 1[or FroposalLiability lnsurance Brokerage Services-r- .*,--Altiant Insunance SenrEces ffiroker Sperations OrEamlzatEonn ChaffiAlliantUndetrritingSewicesAlliantBusinssServicesGreg zimmerPresidentAlliant RiskSeruicesSeruiceSalesSeanPresidentAlliant SpecialtyIns. ServicesSalessewiceAlliant HoustonBen Wilcox &Rob SchanenManaging DirectorsSeruicesalesMichael KellerPresidentKeller CommlIns GroupsalessewiceBill FraneyPresidentFraney Muhacomml InsGroupServicesaleslerry HallPresidentDriver CmmlIns GroupTom CorbettChairman, CEOAISSeruiceseattle.OfficeSalesRalph HurstPresidentDriver SpecialtyIns GroupMike simmonsIntegration OfficerCorporate SalesSupportJerry HallAIScooDiana KielManaging DirectorseruiceCorporate S€ruicesGreg ZimmerPresident, CFOAIS33e4ffiapef -&,4.b... KENT eiff of Kent R.equest for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services Account Executives A minimum of two (2) qualified account executives to be assigned perman-ently-to the. Ciiy of Kent accouni wio shall be responsible for responding to reauests for information' attend meetings, and be available on a normal daily basis to address the issues and activities assoZiated with this account, as well as other duties as requested' Each aiCount executive shag have a minimum of ten years experience in commercial lines'-iitn u preference that each account executive possesses the ARM and/or CPCU designation. Alliant will assign three account executives to the city of Kent account' Please see their compTete resumes in Part I of the Statement of Qualifications' They are: o Eeborah Bovee' CPCU/ ARM: Debbie has over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry. Twenty of those years she has focused on accounts in the public sector. Her specialties are Professional Errors & Omissions and ProPerlry. e Thsmas !-ong, cPcl,J, RPLU, ARM: Tom has over 35 years of experience in lfre insurance industry. He has ma.rketed all lines of coverage.HisspecialtiesareExcessLiabilityandPropefi. o Brian White: Brian has over 10 years of experience handling Public EntiW insurance and Risk Management issues' K. 34 Mflfiaspf d,*-b '--.-. F.F"ryr ') eiry of Kent Request for Proposal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services Service Tearn Descr!Ption A detailed description of the assembled "Service Team" including resumesl seruice assignments and responsibilities of members. Alliant has all of the resources that the City of Kent wants and needs to address your issues. Please see the Service Matrix on the next page. The Seattle Oflice will use the San Francisco and Irvine offices for Claims support and Loss Control services. Please see Section I for resumes of the service team and Section J for the organization chafts. t. 35 n4fdsas?f CItY of KentRequest for FroPosa!!-iability I nsurance Brol<erage ServicesAlliant Full Service and R.esource t4atnix for the City of KentEtri;ft$$nHuman Resources ConsultingSuFleetAthleticStudent AccidentSSEventssEnvironmental Risk MamentMaReinsuranceRisk ControlService and AdministrationClaims ManaConstruction Risk MaContract Administration andCertificate ReviewDecision Support, Data Management& RMISqAffias?f -l eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability !nsurance Brol<erage Services Additional In-House Serrrices and Specialists A list of additional in-house seruices and specialists, with their qualification, available to support the needs of a large, public sector account. Alliant has a full array of Public Entity specialists and programs to support a large public sector account. Please see the Service Matrix in Section L. The major difFerentiator between Alliant and our competitors is our focus, With over 38o/o of our revenue derived from Public Sector accounts, our programs and specialists are tailored to your issues, needs and concerns' In Section C, Abilities, we will detail the additional specialists in loss control, claims and other support services that Alliant will bring to the City of Kent account. M 37 aWflfdad?f HroKers HroposalParts A-F ) eEry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services EI Bnokes'"s FroPosaF Faffis A-F A.Areas of Service Areas of Service; A descrlption of yaur firm's experience in providing the seruice, as ouyined in the Areas of Services, for public entity clients and explain what distinguishes your firm from others in meetlng the seruice needs of the city of Kent. t, tsroker-aq-e Serviees Alliant will perform all of the services enumerated in the RFP. Approximately 38% of our corporate revenue and 100% of seattle's revenue comes from public sector accounts. The self-insured retentions that we work with in just the Seattle office range from $3.5 million each and every occurrence, down to several accounts with deductibles. So, we have experience with the full range of self-insurance. As a specialty broker in the public sector, we have developed a process to address the delivery of Brokerage Services on a consistent basis across our client base. Collectively, this forms our "Defined Service and Marketing Process" which we implement with all of our relationships. Our use of this process has proven to produce exceptional insurance placement outcomes, consistency in quality service and checkpoints for monitoring our jointly agreed service standards. The chart on the following page illustrates our stlndard Service and Marketing Plan. We will work with Kent Risk Management to determine key targets for completion of each item based on a 180 daY renewal Period' Transs'tion Flan Alliant is well positioned to provide a smooth transition and high quality services. We: o Understand the marketplace' o Work daily with the details of the various elements required for an effective Risk Management program (TPA costs, SIR levels, etc.). We understand the costs/premiums associated with each element. o Know the abilities of each market to provide a timely and comprehensive quote' 3B cffiflflsas?ff #-b-. KENT Befined elient Serviee and Marketing Frocess City of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability !nsurance Brol<erage Services Examination Meeting 9O Days Prior to Renewal (s) UnderwritimE Subnnisslon & Presentation 75 Days Frior to Renewa! (6) Inltial Market Reaction Fer ClEent's Xmstrurctiosrs (12) Desk Reference & @pen trtems List (13) StewardshiP Repott The transition phase is critical to the smooth implementation of the city's new relationship with Alliant Insurance Services' Tom Long, Deb Bovee and Brian White will create a Transition Work Plan that will 6uide our activities during the transition phase' We will work closely witlr the City to identify critical activities which would include the following: o Transition of work flows for all insurance policies from the Pool to us. 39 MflNiaref d--% ,-,,- KEI\trT ) eiry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liabil ity lnsurance Brokerage Services e Filing of the Broker of Record Letter with your insurers to obtain critical data such aS loss runs and pending endorsements, or work with the City to outline information needed from WCIA' o Creation of an Open Items List to include pending items and action items critical to the city. we have included a sample open Items List in the Appendix. We find this list coupled with quarterly team meetings is very helpful to keep everyone focused on critical goals and timelines. We will meet with you to begin collecting data and discuss those items critical to the transition Phase. Analytics and Diagtd@stics In conjunction with our Transition work, we will begin the process of acquainting ourselves with the City's exposure and loss information. We will look at your risk profile, the potential for loss frequency and severity, and how insurance plays a role in mitigating risk. We will prepare our analysis for discussions with the City in advance of or during our Renewal Strategy Meeting, The team will work to analyze and strategically plan for new emerging risks. The result of this strategic planning may be the decision to continue to retain the risk, commercially transfer a pottion of the risk or apply risk management practices to reduce the risk. eoverage Exarceination Tom Long, Deb Bovee and Brian White are skilled at examining coverage forms and comparing them with'others. They will perform this in order to fully appreciate where Alliant can improve coverage as well as identifying which markets to approach. Alliant manuscripts its own coverage forms for its proprietary public entity programs. An examination of the current coverage against these manuscript forms will quickly determine if it makes sense to consider an Alliant program as part of the marketing effott. Renewal Strategy Meetingt All marketing and renewal strategy plans will be peformed by the same professionals. Ideally, at least 120 days before your major renewal date(s), Tom and Deb will coordinate a Renewal Strategy Meeting with you. At this meeting, we will look to accomplish the following activities: c Review our Risk and Coverage Analysis, the resultant Risk Profile and the adequacy of your current insurance portfolio * Update the City on the current insurance and reinsurance market 40 Mddraeaf 4KENT City of Kent R.equest for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services o Discuss recent renewal results for similar public entity and large limit clients o Provide an analysis of viable underwriter alternatives, their capacity and deductible preferences o Obtain your thoughts on the desirabiliby of a pafticular market, i.e. your past history with that insurer, the insurer's financial rating, etc. e Estimate renewal pricing ranges e Conflrm a renewal timeline and renewal options We will provide you with a written report after this meeting outlining our mutually agreed game Plan. tlnderwriting Submission and Presentation The underwriting submissions we prepare for public entities are unmatched in our industry. Our responsibility is to portray, with integrity, your unique Risk Profile. Your underwriters will know that our submission will portray your unique risks and operations correctly, succinctly and in a clear and easily understandable format. We marT cletermlne an extensive marketing exercise is in order after the -^^^,.,-t alrrt-narr maa+ina \A/o firmhr halierra thai rrnr r ArA \/nt rr ntnln hestlEl lgvvgl JLlqLuyy rrrvuLtrr:rr advocate, that you present the best possible overview of your organization, That is why we wholeheaftedly encourage meetings between you and the marketplace' We will help you structure presentation material and provide input and guidance on the graphic representation of your unique operational results and risks if the City decides to attend underuvriting meetings. Our typical goal is to have the underwriting submission and the underwriter presentation complete and available to the market at least 90 days prior to your renewal date' In itia I Ma rftset Reaetion We will monitor market reaction and feedback to identifli whether a certain strategy needs to be modified' In a constantly changing marketplace, pricing, limits and coverage terms can change quickly. We will share the initial feedback immediately with the City of Kent to confirm that our agreed to strategy is correct. llnderwriter Meetings, Negotiation, Weekfy Updates We meet with underwriters beyond your presentations in an effort to improve negotiations. We will provide you with weekly renewal updates 41 affidfrarsf ) City of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability !nsurance Brokerage Services (or more frequently if preferred), either in writLen format or via conference call, based on your preference, to keep you informed and get your feedback and thoughts on the underwriters' responses. At the h.enewal Strategy Meeting, we will confirm your preferred method for staying abreast of negotiations and feedback' Renewa! Froposa! and AnalYsis We are keenly aware that while our clients want to have a bottom line comparison of all renewal alternatives, they typically want to know the intricate details of each quotation as well. Therefore, our renewal proposals feature both an Executive Summary and a detailed Coverage Analysis section. Our analysis will help you make a more educated renewal decision. we are also very time sensitive. Therefore, unless the city requires otherwise, our renewal timeline is aimed at having our renewal proposal to you well in advance of the policy expiration date. Binding fiocwnnents Once the City has reviewed its renewal options and have selected their program, we will immediately begin processing the following documents, all designed to be completed 10 days before your renewal date: + Binders e Ceftificates of Insurance e Premium Finance Agreements - if applicable o Claims reporting instructions c Program limits charts Desk Referenee affid OPen Etems Repoft Part of Alliant's service process is to provide our clients with a Desk Reference that includes insurance summaries of all in-force coverages, claims reporting instructions and contact information for your dedicated service team. You will have home phone numbers and cell numbers for each member of your seruice team so that you can contact us whenever it is necessary. We will continue to keep this valuable reference updated during the year, Our Open Items Reports are intended to guide our work on your behalf so that open items continuously move toward resolution. They also allow us to stay focused on unresolved items as well as discuss new risks or operational issues throughout the year. f 42 Mdfiasaf T eEry of Kent R.equest for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services Summary Repart and Meetilng The Summary Meeting is designed to evaluate our performance, review the results of your renewal, discuss any new operations or endeavors you are contemplating, update you on recent market conditions/trends, and plan our next renewal strategy meeting. Alliant's Defined Client Service and Marketing Process has served our clients, company and colleagues well. Although it is our standard process, we understand that each organization is unique and each renewal is unique. Therefore, we are flexible with how each situation dictates we provide our services. Risk eontrol ServEceg Alliant Loss Control Service (ALCS) can assist the City with activities including, but not limited to: + Hazard risk assessments o Review of existing Risk Control Procedures o Training, including webinars and a DVD library * Crisis Management and Contingency Plan Development ^ . r! - t - -- -.- I -^**. ,r^- -^-l^l l^^^^^€ rrovlulllg lu55 dllu LUlllPuLtrl llluuEl lL,sJsr s Designing and developing a program for building appraisals and valuation Alliant's services are in place to support the City wherever necessary. Our claims and loss control resources have specific knowledge in unique exposures such as correctional facilities, bridges and tunnels, law enforcement and fire department issues, stadiums and many other exposures that frequency appear with large public entities' Please see Appendix C for a Sample Report for Risk Management and Loss Control Practices. Safety and Loss eonffotr Services Alliant's safety and loss control services help clients identify and reduce loss exposures. Led by Brent Escoubas, the staff provides a broad spectrum of services and is capable of designing, implementing and managing a comprehensive loss control program. Below is a description of some of Alliant's loss control services available to the City' o On-site visits to determine loss preventive needs - The Alliant Loss Control service team is available to peform initial and follow-up consultative site visits. our staff of consultants and specialized subcontractors are available to assess risks and local z 43 M$deasa8" &KENT ) eiry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services management concerns as well as recommend loss prevention needs and action plans that help the site meet important business and risk management goals. o Assistance in fire prevention regulatory compliance - Alliant will review fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems design, including fire and building code(s), applicable consensus codes (NFPA) and generally accepted best practices for liability and property insurance/risk management' o eatastrophe modeling - Alliant utilizes the latest Catastrophe modeling software to assist clients in evaluation of their risks, including the exposures that directly affect the city - windstorm, Earthquake and Flood. We believe that it is critical for our clients to understand their Probable Maximum Loss (PML) exposure to help make informed risk management decisions and betLer serue stakeholders. We utilize both the AIR Cat station and RMS Risklink catastrophe modeling programs on our client's behalf to assist in better understanding and quantifying their windstorm and earthquake exposures. The models are used to: 1. Supply data to make decisions on how much to fund for a self-insured retention. 2. Identify the key drivers of loss and which locations are impacting Premiums' 3, Provide data regarding how to allocate CAT premiums and how to fairly allocate premiums to locations' 4. Provide key analytics to help clients in the market to betLer understand the issues faced by their underwriters' 5. Guide how much insurance should be purchased for windstorm, flood and earthquake' D isa ster Ma n agewd em t/ R ec@vcry Sewiees In the event of a natural disaster, Alliant's Service Team will work with the City to identify appropriate activities and resources aimed at mitigating loss and maximizing insurance recovers. Fre-Event Activities ALCS (Alliant Loss Control Services) has eKensive experience with the design, implementation and project management of business continuity/ disaster planning and recovery programs. We can work with the City Risk Management to identify key business continuity activities or assist in 44 Mdfleas?8 4 eEffy of Kcnt Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services designing a complete business continuity plan and oversee the implementation of the Plan' lnsuranee Reqealremeset in eonWacts Manwa{ A common need and request from our clients pertains to reviewing contracts and developing appropriate language and insurance requirements in order to properly manage risk' Our IRIC manual is available electronically for all of our clients and details recommended insurance requirements for vendors working with our clients. The manual will provide guidance to your staff involved in securing contracts with a variety of contractors and vendors. Alliant is pt.putJd to offer full or half-day training presentations to clients on the concepts contained in our iRIC Manual' We do these presentations often for most of our larger clients. Much of our time is spent with clients working through contract language issues, and for a few of our clients, we review every single contract prior and post execution in order to determine that correct language is used, and that every contractor is in compliance. For most others, we provide detailed training and then only handle exceptional requests' Deb, Tom and Brian are well versed in this process. e [a u nns Ad nrn i nr ! s'Era.tE oni Se rv-iees Alliant's public entity claims department is located ln San Francisco, CA and led by Bob Frey. His most valuable role will be to act solely as your claim consultant and advocate on difficult and severe claims. Bob's goal will be to complement and supplement your efforts in obtaining quick and equitable claims resolutions while acting as the City's claims resource. Bob's responsibilities include : o Reviewing claims notifications and abstracts to assure appropriate reporting to insurers; o Assisting in the procurement of documentation, as necessary; o Tracking the status of large or difficult, open claims; + Coordinating insurer claims meetings; c Facilitating a dialogue between the client, the assigned adjuster and insurers; E Responding to questions on coverage' In assisting our clients with coverage disputes and proving difficult claims, werecognize that each claim is different and has its own fact pattern. This information is reviewed to determine the best path in KENT 3 45 Mfdiamf ) eEry of Kent Request for Froposal Liability lnsurance Elrolcerage See'vices dealing with coverage disputes. The facts are examined as they relate to the Policy wording and the Policy wording is reviewed word by word; often it is only one word that can turn a coverage dispute in favor of the insured, Alliant will locate and utilize outside consultants where it is helpful in proving issues such as causation, valuation of damage, historical value, etc. We often assist our clients in gathering facts, information, knowledge that is used in the discussion and negotiation of disputed claims, In addition, our Public Entity Claims Practice Group has the ability to call upon both the Chairman and President of Alliant when intervention with Executive Management is necessary. While this step is not one often utilized, our Executive Management Team stands ready to assist as needed for both our clients and staff. The "devil is in the details" never rings truer than when there is a claim' Alliant will work with you to maximize recoveries. The following services will also be provided by the Alliant Service Team working in close collaboration with the City: o Overseeing the process for identifylng the Assigned Adjuster - Alliant will work with the city to evaluate and select an assigned adjuster for the properlry program, if necessary. If the City is happy with the current relationship, we will align our team with the adjuster to provide seamless service' e EstablishinE uniforrn claim repoffiing procedures - Alliant will oversee the implementation of a "Claims Procedure and Reporting Handbook" working closely with the City and the assigned adjuster(s). It is our intent to be actively involved with claims as it provides us with a complete understanding of loss activities and it improves our relationship with program insurers. While it is the adjuster's responsibilify to adjust claims, it is our responsibility to ensure the property program is responsive to the City exposures and that insurers are responsive to City needs' o Utilizing technology for claims repofting - Alliant will explore ways to utilize technology in an effort to improve the efficiency of claim reporting. Alliant's proprietary program OAYSYS-NeI provides a platform for reporting claims online' We will explore the compatibility of this program with current City procedures. E Coordinating Insurer/TPA claims seruices - Alliant will take an active role in monitoring the claims services provided by the Assigned Adjuster(s) and any additional pafties, including professional services such as forensic accountants. 46 Mdtfsareff d'---*ftF ',-.=.,, ' KENT eEry of Kemt Request for ProPosal Liability insurance Brokerage Services c Claims/Loss analyses - Alliant's Service Team will analyze loss characteristics as paft of its program design activities. Particular attention will be paid to identifying frequency issues and areas where severity has been demonstrated. Fost-Event Activities The City of Kent Alliant Service Team will assist in coordinating the professionals needed to swiftly prepare and negotiate complex claims' This includes utilization of a forensic accountant for complex business interruption claims, if necessary. Bob Frey will serve as a claims advocate for the City working closely with all interested paties to settle each claim as quickly as possible. Information Serviceg Alliant Insurance Services has a well-organized network within the "specialty" division that keeps all of our account executives abreast of changes within the public entity sector. As we have emphasized throughout our response to the City's RFP, Alliant recognizes that public entities are a specialized insurance niche. We closely track all Risk Management trends and insurance topics' We will provide the City of Kent with information as it occurs and be prepared to provlcie more in-ciepih cietaiis as a part of iire quaitei-ly Open Items meeting. Advocacv Services Alliant Insurance Services will be the City of Kent's advocate on issues affecting the City, Claims advocacy is a major part of our services in this arena and ttris suppott will be provided in other risk management and insurance arenas, as required StewardshiB Frocess The Stewardship Process ls an essential part of Alliant's risk management partnership with the City of Kent. This process provides an opportunity ior two-way feedback between the City and your service team. This process facilitates open dialogue with regard to accomplishments achieved in the past year, the status of on-going projects and prioritization of new issues relating to your risk management and insurance program, Because our environment is not static, your risk management strategies must be revisited frequently to ensure that your program meets with your operational needs. Through this process, you take an active role in 4" 5 6 47 affidfiaraf ) eify of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services defining the Service Plan for the year, thereby ensuring that the needs of your organization are recognized and addressed' The Stewardship Process has several key components' The components are as follows: e A Stewardship Meeting between the City and Alliant Service Team approximately six months into the policy year to discuss all elements of the program and to establish the content of the StewardshiP RePort. + Presentation of a formal Stewardship Report to the City within 45 days after the calendar year-end for the City. " Monthly Open Items List review. o Quafterly Open Item meetings that "roll-up" to the formal StewardshiP meeting' Tfce Stewardsftip Meeting: SaEgested Topfles + Discussion of your operational goals and philosophies' + Discussion of any changes in your operations, with a focus on how we can assist you in minimizing risk and maximizing growth opportunities. o Review and discussion of projects completed, along with a status report on oPen Projects. o Review of services provided to the City by any outside sources (who may be invited to participate in the meeting, if appropriate). 6 Open discussion of how well the City perceives the Alliant Service Team to have met the agreed-upon service requirements. o Discussion of trends in the insurance marketplace, including new products and services which may have interest and applicability. o Planning for new projects to be undertaken in the current or upcoming service Plan Year. e Discussion and establishment of strategies for the coming year and beYond. eore Elements of tke Stewardship Repoft o Executive Summary- Highlighting key items contained in the rePoft. 48 a#dlsaffiS eEry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liabitity lnsurance Brol<erage Services c Maior Accomplishffients- Achieved in the past year (i'e', by line of coverage, program structure, claims management, safety & loss control). o Ongoing Projects- Status report on the past year (i.e', by line of coverage, program structure, claims management, safety & loss control). a Goals and Opportunities - For the upcoming year as determined in the Stewardship Meeting regarding our level of service to you. The Stewardship Report is only one element of our ongoing communications; however, it is a very important process for both the City of Kent and Alliant. Matntais? Written Records Alliant will maintain all records and documents that pertain to the City of Kent's account for a minimum of seven years. We will make these records available to the City of Kent upon request' 7 49 Mffiamf "A4.b ,=.'.' KE!{T ) eiW of Kea'nt Request for ProPosal Liability insurance Brol<erage Services General Assessment Describe how your arganization shall perform a general assessment of the current insurance and self-insurance program on a Conceptual plan and schedule for restructuring (if recommended) and markeit the Cityb insurance needs for the upcoming 20l j/2012 term, Specifically discuss how yau would market these exposures and your expectation of I ikely prem iu m/coverage adi ustments' The Defined Client Service Plan that we discussed in the previous section provides a road map that will provide the foundation for Alliant's general assessment of the City of Kent's current insurance and self-insurance program. We have already started this process by reviewing the data that you provided as a part of the RFP process and have visited your webpage' in addition, we look forward to continuing this process by: o Filing Broker of Record LetLer with your insurers to obtain loss runs, pending endorsements, policy terms and conditions' o Meet with Risk Management to discuss current concerns/ ongoing projects and potential new emerging risks such as the city of Kent's annexation of new citizens' e Begin to acquaint ourselves with the City's Risk Profile. This includes a deiailed review of your loss data, It also includes discussions of your risk apPetite. This analysis will lead to our recommended program structure. Conceptually, we believe that a combination of self-insurance supplemented by reinsurance or excess insurance from private insurers is the best approach for the City of Kent. A City the size of Kent should retain the first $100,000 to $250,000 of liability exposures, depending on historical loss experience combined with Kent's appetite for risk and desire for claim control. Above this retention, either reinsurance or excess insurance could be purchased, The advantage of reinsurance is that a liability form specifically designed for Kent could be written, and reinsurance implies more control over how claims are addressed. Excess insurers would use their own public entity forms and may require additional control over claims handling, but since there are more excess insurers than reinsurers, competition may lead to more aggressive premium structures from excess insurers' B 50 affi$rfsag?f "''::::::.KENT eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services Cities purchasing liability insurance have many exposures that need to be covered: o General Liability e Automobile Liability o Public Officials Liability n Employment Practices LiabilitY c Police Professional LiabilitY Potentnal [g?suramce Mankets There are approximately 27 insurers that could provide coverage for all of these types of liabiiity, but we would recommend approaching the following four lead markets (A,M. Best's ratings shown in parentheses): e Munich Reinsurance (A+/XV) - This market can use the reinsurance approach with a manuscripted Memorandum of coverage (Moc), and could provide as much as $10 million in liability limits. e C.V. Starr - This market operates as a Managing General Agent (MGA) for two carriers: Everest National (A+/XV) and Starr Indemnity (A/X)' While Starr has not been as competitive as we would like, the recent closure of their Seattle office has led us to deal with underwriters in San Francisco who are much more aggressive and knowledgeable. o Allied World Assurance Company - AWAC (A/XV) - This market established their office in San Francisco about three years ago' They have proven to be a competent public entity underwriter and aggressively pursue public entitY clients. o lronshore (A-/XI) - This market recently established an office in San Francisco and hired a well-known public entity underwriter away from ACE Insurance Company, Within the past year, the two top officers of Lexington Insurance Company, well-known for insr.tring excess liabilities for public entities, left Lexington for Ironshore. We feel that this expertise will enable Ironshore to be an aggressive and knowledgeable market for Public entities' LEahi!ity Pnieing We do not have a detailed claim history for the City of Kent, so indications of p6cing leads us to be conservative and indicate a price for a $10 million liability iirit *itt"' a $250,000 retention to be approximately $425,000 to $450,000 when comparing Kent's size with similar public entities. We would propose to market yorr exc.is liability to Insurers and break the $10 million limit into two $5 million 51 afiffraraf ') eiry of Kent R,equest for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services layers. This approach could create more competition among the markets, and could reduce the premium range to $410,000. After reviewing your claim history, it could be that we will find the pricing for a lower retention is atLractive. We would highly recommend that Kent consider higher limits than $10 million in $5 million inJrements to as much as $30 million' Currently, Kent purchases $20,000,000 limits. The $10,000,000 excess $10,000,000 would likely be priced at approximately $80,000, The additional $10,000,000 xs $20,000,000 would likely cost $50,000 to $60,000. Rrsk Furehasimg GnouP you are very familiar with the benefits and the downsides of the rigid structure of an insurance pool. By its nature, there must be many rules in order to ensure that its members are committed and will provide the financing necessary to make the pool financially viable. Many times, for larger entities, the value of a pool as u iirf spreading mechanism becomes moot as that entity becomes larger and would like to assume different layers of risk that are more reflective of your risk appetite and provide more flexibility in your program design. We understand these issues, There is a potential mechanism that Alliant Seattle has successfully employed for two of our largest groups of accounts. It is a Risk Purchasing Group. This type of group is authorized by RCW 48-92. This type of group is characterized bY: o Group purchase of Liability Coverages: It allows the group to purchase a master program with individual policy limits for each member of the group. There is NO risk sharing and each member stands on its own loss record. o There is NO pooling of funds to finance the program' s There are NO restrictive covenants that tie the entity to the Purchasing GrouP. o Coverage is flexible to meet the individual member needs and stunning premium savings can be achieved' This is an idea that we would like to explore with the City of Kent. Currently, there are no public entity risk purchasing groups in Washington State (other than for ports). Alliant's approach would be to incorporate a Risk purchasing Group for Cities with the Washington Secretary of State and then to file for ap[roval with the Washington Insurance Department. This would take approximately three months to accomplish. Once the Risk Purchasing Group is in piu.., purchase of any type of liability insurance for City members of the group can be negotiated on a group basis without the imposition of minimum premiums sometimei applicable to specific coverages or liability layers. Alliant has formed KENT 52 Mdarras?f eiry sf Kent R.equest for FroPosal Liability !nsurance Brol<erage Services several Risk Purchasing Groups that have benefited substantially from group purchase of liability inJurance.. In addition to premium savings, there is no risk sharing, and the limits of liability apply separately to each member of the group. Fufther, no Interlocal Agreement is required. Insuranee Pools We do not recommend that the Clty of Kent consider insurance coverage frorn a public entity pool. While pools have done an excellent job providing stable pricing and.coverage for smaller public entities since the late 1980's, Kent is simply to large.for participation in a pool. we look forward to exploring these ideas further with the city. 53 Mffsaref 'l eiry of Ker"tt Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services Abilities ' provide a description of your abilities to meet any other special seruice needs you perceive are needed' Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. is extremely qualified to provide the requested insurance brokerage services to the City of Kent. Our extensive experience in pr*iAing similar slrvices to thousands of public agencies makes us a leader in it'.'it R"tO. Over the past 28 years, Alliant has developed custom insurance and risk management programs for our Public Entity clients. These include over two thousand cities, several thousand special use districts, 56 of California's 58 counties, more than 70 Joint Powers Authorities/ over 170 hospitals, several of the nation's largest transit agencies and school districts, the California State University system and several states. Collectively, Alliant provides services to over 10,000 Public Entity clients in 43 states' eorporate Frofile This focus on Public Entities and their needs has led Alliant to develop specialty programs that deliver comprehensive coverage at "below market" costs. In the ne>[ section of the proposal we will focus on some of those programs that could be useful to the City. In addition to programs, Alliant recruits and employs ipecialists in the public sector. The following are some of our abilities to provide services to the CitY: o Local Expefts The Seattle Office of Alliant is recognized as expefts in the Public Entity arena. Deborah Bovee and Tom Long have sixty plus years of combined public agency experience. They have the ability to draw on Alliant's extensive pool of knowledge and expertise. We have been chosen by our municipal clients because of our ability to offer: e. Establishedr 1925 over $330 MillionRevenues: 48 offices in 43 statesOffices e Services q Retail Brokerage o Risk Management Consulting + Beneflts Consulting o Underwriting e Claims & Loss Control o Human Resources ConsultingMarket ldentiff: SPecialtY Focus Public Entities 54 Mfdraraff _--.. KENT esry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services - Innovative, cost-effective risk management and insurance programs - Added value to the strategic planning process Creative ideas and Products our understanding of the unique public entity political climate Focused Froducts and Servlces Alliant has over 300 employees that focus just on municipal risks' We have been a leader in developing programs that can be used to bring added value to our clients. Success with Other Public Entities The Seattle office of Alliant Insurance Services is dedicated to the Public Sector. Our Seattle Team currently handles close to $25 million in premiums for Public Entities. These types of premiums provide us with Itrong leverage with the major Public Entity markets in Seattle and on the West Coast. We currently have a number of proprietary programs, the most noteworthy being PEPIP (Public Entity Property Insurance Program). With over $320 billion in insured values in more than thifi states, PEPIP i^ +l-n t-rnacr nrnnortr/ incr rran.c nrnnram in the world and OftefSlJ Ll lu lqr :rLJL t,r vFvr '*- r' - J- - memberJleveraged buying power with the attendant benefits of flexibility, enhanced coverage, and reduced premium costs. PEPIP affords coverage under a broad manuscript form adapted to the needs of the public entity. While we understand that the City of Kent's RFP is for tne Lianitity coverages, we also believe that the success of the PEPIP program for public entities is a key differentiator of Alliant, Our companion excess liability program is the Alliant National Municipal Liability Ptogtu* (ANML). Similar to its PEPIP counterpaft, ANML has heen d'esignlO to capitalize on the flexibility, broader coverage provisions, and loweipremium rates of group program purchasing power. Public agency clients maintain the capability of designing coverage limits and O6OuctiUtes specific to individual needs without the necessity of formal membership requirements. The policy form offers coverage specific to public agencies and is notable for the absence of exclusions for fungus and mold and uninsured motorists coverage, broad named insured language inclusive of employees, directors, elected offlcials, and volintJers, and a less restrictive, more beneficial pollution exclusion with favorable pollution definitions. Even more notably, public official errors & omissions and employment practices liability are not subject to aggregate limits as is the case with typical public agency liability insurance policies. o o 55 M$rflpaeaff ) eiry sf Kent Request for ProPosal Liability !nsurance Brokerage Services Manuscripted special excess liability coverages include: Public Officials Errors & Omissions, Employment Practices Liability (a unique clause reimburses up to 50% of reasonable defense costs should allegations of negligence not be proven), Contractual Liability, and Incidental Medical Malpiactice. The rapid growth of this newest Alliant proprietary program - member premiums are nearly $17 million - reinforces the fact that its broad coverage and competitive cost is fulfilling the liability risk transfer needs of the Public sector client. Fufthermore/ We also have developed a number of other group programs designed to address a host of risk management issues on a typically com[etitive, lower than individual policy cost basis including crime/faithful performance bonds, pollution liability, airport, aircraft, vendor'S liability, ienant user liability, watercraft, and fiduciary (ERISA) liability. Our experience and competence coupled with our commitment implicitly assures that quality remains the cornerstone on which we base the delivery of service. Several of the programs that the city will want to consider are: - Fiduciary Liability rnsurance Frogram (FLIF)! The city of Kent has recognized this exposure and purchases insurance coverage for its Fiduciary Liability. This program was launched by Alliant in 2005 to bring the cost advantages of group purchase coverage to retirement systems seeking individualized liability coverage at a cost significantly less than would be purchased as a single public entity, some of the features of this program are: Full Prior Acts coverage Limits and deductible options available Full severability of application endorsement HIPAA Extension Governmental Plan Endorsement Public employer with sponsor organization coverage A+ XV Underwriters This program is an alternative for the City of Kent. capitat Improvement Proiects: The seattle Team of Alliant have a strong construction/design professional liability/ environmental liability background' Tom Long and Deborah Bovee have directed the following major projects in Seattle: e ShoWare Event Center, City of Kent (Builders Risk) q o + e e e 56 MFdsas?f db eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brokerage Services + Brightwater Project (All Lines) c Safeco Field (Project Professional Liability, Environmental Liability, Railroad Protective and Builder's Risk) o Seattle Bus Tunnel (original construction for Metro) Alliant has a specialty focus in this arena. Jim Castle out of our san Diego office directs this group. Jim has over 18 years experience in this arena (please see section Jfor his resume). The Alliant Team has the experience and the resources to work with the City on Capital Improvements Projects' Alliant Insurance Brokerage & Risk ManaEement Services Retai! Brokeraget our insurance brokerage and risk management professionals are client advocates. Our strategy involves segmenting our client groups around our clients'special needs and then providing those specialized services' While we have extensive capabilities to design, place and implement customized solutions across all insurance lines and products, we have developed specialties and group purchase programs that combine mass buying power with specialized focus' - -^ D-^r--F(9, n 5u rd t I L€ P t Utt'Et a !! e e Alliant places the reinsurance for some of the largest Joint Purchase programs in the united states. we also place reinsurance on an inOiiriOuat account basis. King County is a good example of this type of placement. The Seattle Alliant Team has one licensed Reinsurance Broker: Tom Long, Strategic HR. Alliant knows that sornetintes the biggest issues that your cntity faces come from one of your most important resources: your employees' Strategic HR was formed to provide our clients with the tools to try and avert or prevent the claim before it occurs and if the crisis does occur, the resources to navigate through the complex issues. Some of the resources that this group offers are: Ilnlimited Consultation with Human Resources and Safety Expefts Human Resources Seminars - on-Line Access to HR forms, guidelines, policies and checklists Compensation Data KENT q o 57 M4fliarsf & KET{T ) eEry of Kent Request for FroPosal Liability lnsurance Erokerage Services Monthly HR "Toolbox': Monthly e-mails containing information on new laws, best practices and other impoftant information on this ever-changing arena on-site and web-Based Training for Managers and supervisors {Jnemployment Insurance Claims Management Alliant are focused expefts for our municipality clients. We have all of the services and programs available to assist the City of Kent with its day-to-day challenges. 5B M,FF6ant e!ry sf Kent Request for ProPosal Liability Insurance Brolcerage Services Innovation Describe sorne recent examples of innovation or risk management programs your firm has offered to clients. Alliant prides itself on its innovative and creative approaches to solving its clients' issues and problems. Our response to premium and coverage concerns has been to concentrate our clients'hrrying power into highly competitive, comprehensive programs using mass marketing techniques, While City of Kent will"stand on its own" on your major lines of coverage, some of your coverages with less premium will likely benefit from this approach. Examples are the Fiduciary LiabiliV and Crime Coverage. However, whether the City is marketed on its own or if we utilize a program approach, Alliant's presence in the public sector marketplace will bring you market leverage and clout, Because we place over a billion dollars of public sector premium, we are recognized as the premier broker when it comes to public entity business. Some of the innovative risk management programs that we have oftered our clients are: * Fublic Entrty Propefty Insurance Program (FEFIP): This is the largest propefi program in the world with over $320 billion in values. The success of this program comes from its comprehensive, tailored coveragc for public entities and its extremely competitive price strttcture' o Alliant Frlational Municipal Liability Program (ANML): This Excess Liability program provides broad coverage terms with some of the industry's most stable, competitive insurance markets' Alliant understands that our programs are not for every client. However, by concentrating the buying power of our major public sector clients, we will bring the City of Kent a new market segment that you have not had access to in the past. Another major innovation that Alliant Insurance Service has brought to our municipal clents is the Lrse of Risk Purchasing Groups (RCW 48.92) that allows for the group purchase of liability coverages without the restrictions of an insuranie pooi. Alliant has used this mechanism in both Washington (Potts) and Alaska (Cities and School Districts) with stunning results. For example, the Port's Liability premiums have been reduced by 49o/o over the last six years. Alliant believes in actively marketing all of our clients each year. As an integral piece of this activity we always look for innovative, creative ways to enhance your coverage and reduce premiums' KENT D. 59 MFdraraf ) eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services Speeial Qualities provide any additional information you feel would demonstrate your firmb capability and interest in working with the City of Kentb risk management and insurance pragram' There are four critical factors that difterentiate Alliant from our competitors' 1. Experienee We know public entities. Alliant currently provides brokerage services and consulting services to our 7,000 public entities. Public entity is not a sideline for usl Our focus on the public sector is unique in the industry. 2, Our Flrilosophy o Service Focused - Stemming from 40olo employee ownership of the comPanY o elient Focused - Our flat management structure enables us to place key resources at the client level rather than at the corporate level o Fublic Entity Focused - The industry segment represents 3B%o of the company revenue and is the largest client segment of the company c Growth Focused - We are an ambitious company that realizes growth is achieved through a commitment to our current clients and the ability to bring innovative solutions to the industries where we sPecialize o Utiiizisrg Key Resources - we are not bound by geography and all team members, regardless of specialty, work in the same financial unit removing any barriers to collaborative work E Alliant fully understands the complexities and nuances of designing and implementing eftective, viable insurance and self- insurance programs on behalf of our clients. Indeed, this process aftords the first measure of our capability as a broker, and we relish our recognition with the insurance community as being: " Aggnessive - securing broad coverage and capacity at comPetitive Premiums e Innovative - Developing new insurance markets and new programs based upon our specialized expeftise o Comrnitted - Developing and implementing many of our programs only after several years of effott, a long-range perspective that many of our peers cannot or do not maintain E 60 Mfteiaffif eiry sf KenE Request for FroPosal l-iability tnsurance Brolcerage Services o Analytical - Being able to review and understand our clients' operations and exposures and to develop appropriate strategies to manage risk before presentation to only appropriate responsive insurers, Our People Alliant has over 300 senior employees that focus on just public agencies' your Seattle Service Team is a good example of the depth and experience with Public Entities. Deborah Bovee, CPCU' AR'M 30(+)Years Industry ExPerience Has handled or currentlY handles: o Pott of Tacoma c King County o Kitsap County o Pacific Northwest Port Association o Golden Gate Bridge District Thomas Long, CPCU, ARM 30(+)Years Industry Experience iuiarket experl: o King County o Kitsap County o Alaska Public Entity Insurance Pool q City of Ketchikan o City & Borough of Juneau o Ketchikan Gateway Borough (including Ferries) Brian White 10(+)Years IndustrY ExPerience Currently handles: e PorL of Seattle " Golden Gate Bridge District (Propefi) o North County Transit District o Bay Cities loint Powers Insurance Authority * City of Pleasanton a 'i3 r 61 ffiF{iant -) eiry sf Kemt Request for FroPosal l-iability !nsurance Brol<erage Services AeeessibilEfy Alliant Insurance Services will be very accessible to the City of Kent. Our office is located in Seattle. We believe in the Team approach to our major accounts. We have assigned three senior Account Executives to your account: Deb Bovee, Tom Long and Brian White, All three will be intimately familiar with your account and the current issues/projects that are being undertaken on your behalf. At least one of them will be available at all times to answer questions and provide you with the support that a complex account like the City of Kent requires. In addition to Tom, Deb and Brian, there is a senior suppot staft that will also understand your account and be available to answer questions. Renee Judge, Unit Manager, will be the lead and she will be supported by Conni Scott. All of our Account Service Team members have e-mail, cell phones and high degree of accessibility' All of these factors make Alliant the best choice as the City of Kent's Liability broker. 4. 62 affidlsereff eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brol<erage Services F Fee Structure Provide your fee structure covering each year for the next three'year period in consideration of the scope of seruices as outlined above in the SCOPE OF SERVICES. Please include your estimate of the total hours your flrm expects to spend annually to seruice the City of Kent. Alliant Insurance Services is proposing a flat fee for all services outlined in the "Areas of Seryice" in the RFP, This fee for all liability services, including fidelity and bonds, will be guaranteed for three years, It would be $35,000 annually and it would contemplate 250 to 300 hours of seruice per year' We would like the opportunity to be considered as the broker for the City of Kent's other lines of insurance coverage. We would anticipate proposing a separate fee for those lines and any special projects that you would like us to undertake. For special projects, we could either use an hourly rate of $150 per hour or work on a commission basis. Any special projects would be approved by the City prior to Alliant commencing work' 63 Mfdsasrf db.. .KENT eiry of Kent Request for ProPosal Liability lnsurance Brolcerage Services IIX" Appendix A. B. Open Items List Sample Loss Control Repoft: Review of Risk Management and Loss Control Praetiees 64 Mffsamf ':..::T"SAMPE-ECITY OF KENT OPEN ITEMS I-ISTJulyo 2010OpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenOpenTom LongDeb BoveeBrian WhiteTom LongDeb BoveeDeb BoveeTom LongBrian WhiteChris HillsTom LongChris HillsDeb BoveeSeptember, 2010September, 20LOJuly 20, 2010July 20, 2010August, 2010July 1, 2010July 15, 2010Alliant to provide comparisonAlliant to provide analysisCity of Kent forwarding lossdataAlliant to provide comparisonAlliant to send sample wordingSend summary to AlliantAlliant delivering PRISMapplicationReview and comparisonof LiabiliU FormAnalysis of AdditionalCoveragePublic Risk ApplicationLoss Information5 Years of DataReview and comparisonof current Liability formwith proposed formBroker of Record LetterList of Policies withUnderwriters ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC REVIEW OF RISK MANAGEMENT AND LOSS CONTROL PRACTICES City of Kent Mf$saffitr Alliant I nsurance Services,lnc. . 720 Olive WaY' Suite 1700 . Seattle, WA 98101 (2oO) 962-2000 Phone ' (206)962-2048 Fax' risk management@al liantinsu rance' com ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. ReV[teW erti ht+ilSk flUqelneiig,#,If r#t"=r1i aa'iid Un-gi,; ,{=;Ory liit Cl F}fefilitq-:e"::i Ultiyi #h(e$ r[ Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. " 720 Olive Way, ' Suite 1700 " Seattle, WA 9810'1 (2OO)962-2000Phone " (206) 962-2048 Fax' riskmanagement@alliantinsurance'com Supplemental Proposal Suppod Materials TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGETITLE 3 4-9le Best Practices for Municipal Risk Management Risk Manag ement rAssessment Tools Samp 10-11Sample Action Plan 12-14Risk Management Committee Charter 15 Sample Municipal Risk Management Che (Demonstrating our experience and expe cklisG and Fact Sheets rtise working with rnunicipalities) 16-17round Risk Factor EvaluationPlayg 18round SafetY Checklist MuniciPalPlayg '19Warning Signag e for Accessible Ponds and Lakes 1 RISK NflANAGHruTENT A$SHSSMENT TCICILS Page 3 eW$FFffiFEtr Gperationa! Best Pnaetices for Munie ipalities Background trrtany"of our municipal clients have_limited resources and labor and have asked Alliant Risk Management bervices (ARMS) what specific Best Practices they should adopt that will address and help reducethe severity and frequency for property and casualty claims or loss incidents. Based on our experience with more than 200 cities and county clients nationwide and a review of hundreds of claims we have condensed what operational areas municipalities should focus their efforls on for the greatest return on invested resources. This document is based on our combined team's experience, consulting project work, and root canse investigations for municipalities nationwide. Best Practices Recommendations ARMS has developed a set of recommended risk management policies and procedures for our municipality clients. We continue to monitor and revise the recommendations based on claims experience, changes in exposures and liability, and the best practices of our clients. The focus of the recommendations is on those areas that lead to more than 80% of all claims. The areas currently addressed by policies include: " Vehicle Use and Operations e Sewer Loss Prevention and Maintenance n^r:^ ^'A^^.a{innaE r Lrllu I \.rvsl qllvr rr " Fire Operations " Sidewalk Maintenance ' Urban Forest Management " Facilities Maintenance and Hazard ldentification * Contractor Selection and Control o Road Maintenance " Contractual Risk Transfer . Playground SafetY e Claim Reporting arrd Follow UP " ADA Compliance and Transition Plan o Aquatics Programs o Special Events The best practices recommended in each of the above categories are listed on the following pages. Municipal clients are encouraged to request specific policies and procedu-res ieferenced in the best practices from your ARMS consultant, as needed' lf the municipal client currently has a policy or practice that meets or exceeds the recommendations they are encouraged to share them for review and feedback from the Alliant risk management team. contact your ARMS consultant for more information: riskmanagement@alliantinsurance'com page 4 )) nal Best Practices for lMunici ities od n 5VetchUseleanperatio in SIVCdefen riverdncldudetraflvertongrammeetementflprogSIVEcomanagprehenhasadoptedCityiclvehmEnteatnanhiclndaonned-own VCvehcleinandscreendflvernitrai Driver Selection and Traini Measures dan creenS tn ofdSCnverlectiontheASsisbafogizedutillsthatinramactivelyThereaSplacewrittenprog utid AClatedrednflvtaforememand or observed behavior efind ed Athactivd>Records byotoMVehicleMVR)itvrnwithatthemreTheeviISdenceegativepoyees no and/ortrainrehabilitatielnselicountngdedndstabardngarepersonprovrbestttewnmuntcnpracticepal no Mtheir VRtheofactianreseriodnessUSthonneatuvityitiesibildeVI5tngmfrodripendremovedngrespon hiclVe ESrtmentMofotorrolledennthebusocQnreanoDepnvedvehiclewhoAgncyAllanyemployeesforiredote:Re easeNretentionion requareviewedandramVRspreventegligenMUoticeNPProg LLU ram.n Ath Prrednsenotoeslicewhoseflversd Vehicle Maintenance Measures relevant to the vehicles or equipment ence claims.and to hel defend meet standards and warrantiesVehicles and records are m aintained to MeasuresVehicle O celnofuSEther"drive covenudesistracted YdincthatpolicyiclvehuseAAShatcyThpoadoptedCity NSal-catn d stractiodanothernesho gations pad SE S.theof caurootSa analysr"drive mplicationstracteddiectreflnvesthVEcleentanyaccidAII Sidewalk lnspection and Maintenance lan.a sid SChasmaintenaandtn Measures hSUC ralsAS eddewadkefectsmtotmlnzeSurocedrenwrittenplaceereThaISeffectiveCity-specific pn Sstructures d5uchstonurroudmSalinssectiongproreparrsperSUkennpsteeScrosortiItsoffsetspslopes idS ksewalbttcandbetweenoffsetsandraldNS ss such an ordinancedeclined to ntaimal n th eresissibleforownerngatheuttibponnancenstatirtypenaordprongcThehasgpasseditv NSco id red ndounchasciltomanntaiothecublifofaluretoflesthetsleiabforandpsidewalkinju a lowed theewalkssidd>ersown bytonoticentoreparrwrittenarocessprortypeThehasplacepCity sidewa thks emselvesrtomhorAScode,&Streets H addressed by marking, barricading, etc. within reasonable ods to ensure defects have beenThe City has a follow uP P rocedure erown otherorthebmenateddefectsreavepropertybyhreuentoSUitigfodlowThehASprocedupity nablethwlreasonaLIJleres in Public Works to visuallY sidewalk site. This will aid i record action taken to guard against n defense against allegations of inaction by the rea keta andn maintainedhPSraphotog azardousbluawithhcontactthebyp des citvhazards. n)and treesplacementand nanceanordiasielated ofes tree has a for id Measures lity the/'{its nU ictisd anonoftroltreesnershownconnrESdhcnnitsnaordnancepChgASThetypasbed tcbt a orrfeintewithreStreed>SO to afetynotntainmalthrpuAowntorSbofresropeftyppons damownefo)thefoliabilthnd/oratnItonactiresusodomFalutoreconvenlence maintenance costs. ardscape damage, andtrees to minimize hazards, hThere is a written Process to select, situate, and maintain eth AAACn SAwhrSONShaveUuofton rycontroeandSntunderSthpemanrestpervrsrbanUfogeme arborist.orrbanforesterUSandualiondrtisealredntialssion temain nancecarelntcmethodforicaltorovidespectiondandcumentedperiodantnSpwnAntteplacepl noandtreesothefornVemnda abatement and other fire hazards oforeeedoritizdSexposurendamontoripribygnuencyfreqNSmentngnUrbapectionforestmanagp cludn S weedndsrouThISonarksredrsectinteplaygAobscu>'pS.azardtohetation (itheblicvegpu page 5 Practices ntclorfouMBestan n mentMaandagePreventionLossewer rrecu ntthmeetmostAatthatminimumadevicesbackflowcetfluAShoanrdinanpreventionAThreqngcityrevtewuarandmentnspectionforramsknASSESSregwrittenantainsmaiAThprogecodCitylumbingp rSEWCitsforsanresandemmantereventive tces.devformentsbackflowncodeirerreCUntexceedsrequorplumbgmeetsthatcetnanISnnordplace anof nan ceordiadoforonficationstaffandonscostustiptimenrecomatibydutesnreflectjeetimnmlnclCougownerwhenaASAcodroccLlsuchthepropertyneventsaddressedotdewhnbyckflowEVIGESbaureqring selor thelsremodelslossasufferc Measures avail ofrts rSEWErestndtoAownwhenrSwithpongrepotonteractavehtrainedpropertybeennersonelpKeyrevrewforblaretetalnlentluuudutlinentanbacku adherence to the Procedure is frequency or imPact areas" of the ndare5ntenanceplacemainandIseweprocedurnswrittenApection hoattentiton6dcationntifland"higncludeheTAdocumnted.protoeols Measures ines reflect dates indicating reviews are reviewed annual and updates. KeY PoliciesCity written Gene ral Orders (GO's) or guidel other qualified consultani for updated policy and Procedure notification and advice Thc City uses a legal liability service or ning records reflect thisapproach to policing. Trai"force options"City depariments have adopted a thatstandardsrofessionalabiandectreflrrecupntneichlitywharelegaldJstandardsplacCoderiving esvehiclewithroadsemshothersarinmnriskmtzeto erhncludrefresnniofficetraiments,gngrequrreatedallwithState-mandcom peacecvplitydepartments nted.documeersISordnGentoraletraindkillSashbAfortrani sedu to roviderseonaretaudioarecordp.lan person.lin-tatSU 'ahinlac dt!^ ^Ltc\,t IitaUUo-vi ^^+'alvu lr urr rurL/gyDig Ug lvul I ,J I I ltoeTenseal[1sr ilfleasures The department has a written Po defining if and how emergency response (Code 3) driving is ermitted and executed. licy clearly notthatearESSddUmeninnntoaceamayt/gtraieqpandUmenrocedplt,ures,hasheT rp peqdepartment S.the ratufallfromndedsecuorareenbeclos icationndanmmucoedntraidataedoretaitoncltherangeenbsferredtranagncyDishasitherpatch rrordISeretouseddannt facilitCity ntifie oncatindatdHazardManntenaceacilitiesF resentneaarereemenisce,whfor ich unt pl pnclOSthAagcjoid/oan o >'udingownedperated ofnleddmentedocuschforeduspectioncilfaties.AandhtoresUSETSboring processsknSUnelgexpo U bed ilfacilshtiesSdanotherbulC Measures ections are ava ilable for review.ument ntouseddocotheortoolsrecklistsch Action items are prioritized and are ass for completion. ComPletion date is recorded ed for correction with a due datelgn All new or newly acquired facilities ew for structural and oPerational risk nted risk assessment revihave a docume uil otastefiornrearenatunstdisralbetoaduatedbeennedagarprotectedetermihthatnoteqlyavedBngs rs.eothleasedtonorasclassndAQlicbeedUSfo page 6 peratio ipan litiesracticesPrfoMunBesto ofStatecomthWIthe Californlnancenedmadplanbendsroumustspected,c designedityplayg ASand FTM 871 -95roundforkblicPuPnHaThendbooSafetydarebedaygescriwhichulrements,req Measures pl ndfoeachrouexistsumentinventopaygndrourycuArrenteqpayg Th estatedthninventoAasanEWreflectsdrydvafolablerevlipmentequnduuditISnanualAnplaygro Ca SIPntrainedPScorSundanbyecpersonrtifiedecteditherafetyspectorudaISitnduPlaygrocoby coare ctedndu ndanNSavailablerereviewforspectiorecordstraandNSnthmorepaNSmentedpectioDoculy CP SnedoveandrseenwhstaffWASotrabyca.PS oroffnedbystg freq itv kly daily spectl dAU it.ists avare forilableinchecklonweendioraUSEofuanintensdndionADncyngpe bility D sab esliti ActwithAmericansremunntsthederuicomaccesswithdsndothatnotreqorFrouplvgplay forble EWrevicomtanceavailaisriAthDtentotablesmebptotingwithanactionplan(ADA) Additional selection and evaluation criteria are used along with "low bidde/'to ensure safe, cost effective, completion of City projects for laige projects Contractor Selection and Gontro Nleasures o SSrvtewsnUceranchecsitenteAqudrencerefendks,dacriieriinthatclselectioncontractorhasCity alland ctorssubcontrarforanetcenverifiEAcationhistoandgcitationL&l ryhistory The contractor has a safety program (llPP) in place. control, trained workplace safety zone debris removal plan(s) in place. (as appropriate) specialists, inspection, andThe contractor has site protection, traffic safety ityntabilaccourSoveandht,nstaffi gforreviewedaContractsreplansg plan oversight,contractoreetimwithqandualcontrolnnngqitydocumentedCghasity City has a systematic process in place for inspection, maintenance, repair and emergency response for Road Maintenance roadways Nleasures immunity to preserve governmentalall road site protection PlansThe Ciiy Council and/or CitY E ngineer signs off on work zones. to over see and aPProve allzone safety specialistCity has on staff or access to a State-DOT trained work conditions n SdocubementedworkofshouldphotographsitesrotectiondefentoclaimdCthepS,abiloThance itventy's hazardwith usomecocotnntactstsodnotrivedestrianentosures/cyclrs/pedtoustrateltprovidedprotection ity bde removalns fromtheucleanandbitfoaccenSnedcontractorsresponslauISptigpContractrgbyngage ES o ist.vehto IU cyclforStotesucereddamagetherkpotentialWO City has adopted a minimum standard to which road surfacing PMI=70is to be maintained aintenance lndex to serve as thePavement M All contracts in which the city is involved are part of the risk management review process. contracts should Contractual Ris k Transfer uirements.have hold harmless rovisions and in Measures OVETS ht.m n ostrati dn ndadcontractfordeconsistentt5JntoacerevtewtractprovrconpAproces ts.menutreranansesSUdlnohdclauharmlesstntaaconContracts legal counsel to ensure that the City is adequately protected andAll contracts are reviewed and a pproved by risk is transferred or shared as intended. uired insurance documentationContract administrator obtains to work commencin page 7 itiesMufornclPracticesnratioBestala immediate rtin of claims. Folnd ow Uactmla pgRepoftin withusterdanclaonsmonmant,adjucommcatitynlredSLIgnutioenISclaimresolgoodbySuccessfu Measures to facilitate flow of information to an d from the City needed to evaluate and resolve claims City has assigned a claims liaison dad rac cndainwithformationaimantsclndanedtraitoareentifiedprovidedCeesneachfromCitytyDesig e of thethnncreasateUwithuttheineeds informationtrendi dariate.ProdSectiona mageorentpertyethforproppromtoreJarecitypaymrtedclaAllMSpptlvrepoMSaclalandthoseCrectldithetybededSbyvuctibletheofcpaidmayn10%cl MS exceed ty'not rovideandtoandprdclofimseverityrecorateuencyfreqntaimatanaccuntoothetoalscityreported Measures tncis have an ADA tran sition items.transition ontakennactioverifiesocumentationD tancefor ADAans reflect bentand d ects.Five-ear bu access is achieved and facilities until fulldisabled persons to buildingsto provide access forAlternative procedures are in place defibrillators if available safety; ceare rtified recognizebyntswldmmeransafetyparationsfofacillparticiibleAiltaffSityoperesponESdes.ncluThisresitibiSIASmentnofcwithlearponstgita-qe training^'{ttu .anairrod necifieF-- "-E ilvyaE enrations nt;dtan concessloor lpmequtn12tnopenred^^*ili at nooltt9rrUUradl llc'l: -lltuVd ^L^ )cltEu,xternaledanofusetomatedauelivedSEuofudiinclryengoxygendanse,secu emerg ncy responrity onssionsJgnaleducatindedohasatteaurdasedaScertifiManagefacionestafferLifegleaseity uS n.ceen nhasandmenterdaMu atirm nowarnnnfodevicesonunicatigs,ul comm postedemmendedrecopment,rescuFaciliall eqhasty rabl condition.nt dan tnnndainstruction waterforinstalledareotherandcorrectlySayequipmenttvtdboardsblobs,pides,ucha Saument ngEqp ndardsstaotherizednYMCAtheordmenrecogedASntsrecomUSuiremebydanreqweight,depth dedrmuamentreofhiASSmentedDocu nutes.mt06-1ofitioneverywithbodyposutesmlnlonathchange20-30nonsnoareLrotatgardifegu lidesmenSsuchasrricialddeforrvtstonSicatedDedS rvtstoncoseSUedUSund bydanpearecomforonlyonnaceParepetitionsatformsrtiStalyplng tn the se.ueducatedbeenntsaaveathth DivingwaterofCSSLthanfeetdepthareahavethatdeckallnthonecldNotvtpoolmarkedISearlyng" waternaofofeetnSESthotntakeshouldstructionn rams and rentalsallard on d SUA maintenance and water to date.s are on site andualiDail page 8 Best Practices for IUluniclpalities SPecial Events & FacilitY Rentals The program measures below are not a comprehensive list of all the important practices which should be in place to-help ensure an incident-free, well-managed and successful special event' However these measures are good measures to use in the self evaluation [roce"s. They will help ensure the planning and execution of " Ci[y-rponrored event or facility rental includes the most highly-recommended management controls' whenfollowedaremeneBestracticesPnodanSeltractorectiandTransferConManagRiskContractuatheforevent.nt contractorsotnrnhorscreengdoutfacilnganUIitsforevent,renting tySSngperm ualtnncedntractCothasAreferehavencensuracovedoesnotragrenteorntractocotheitteetfpermforliabiservrngcovecerannrageanyoneventsEnSUliquorlityracticludingSsfeTranbestnacRiskpecialp izationsallctand/or organthSnsorbypatingpartiobtaISnrequirededpoalcohol,by Any organization servi quantities. SecuritY is ng alcohol must be Pro provided for any event perly licensed, have ProPerlY with alcohol. trained servers, and control audit and inspection of site, perman emergency plans, traffic and crowd ent and temPorarY structures, control are conducted and documented For outdoor events, a p lighting, communication re-event safetY s, accessibility, meet the recommended writte applicable safetY standards. wheesedemnrvrSCarecesoyuttleshndabyplprovidcontractordentparkiannlessUdedndepenprovibyeetwhicvehiclesmhBestPnndaralnTractices,Dn Selectionflver ing page 9 1 Using dat a from your Frequency and Severity Trending Worksheet' identi-fy the 5 mosi frequenfly 'oc curring and 5 most severe types of general liability cl aims occurring foittre last 5 years, i.e.7l1l00lo7l 1/05. Create additionaljustifiable risk exposure action plans as needed. sW$$gmmff CitylTown of Annual Risk Management Action Plan Program Year page 10 Alliant lnsurance services ,lnc. . 720 olive way ' suite 1700 ' seattle, wA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000 . FAX (206) 962-2048 'www.alliantinsurance'com Top 5 GL claims by frequencY Top 5 GL claim types by cost Top 5 priorities to address based on cost and frequency 1 1 'l z t 2 3 3 a 4 4 4. 5.5 5 Additional Risk Ex ures ffiFdems?# Z. Establish aetion plan for each of the top 5 prio rity risk exposures. lnclude readur"Ule action ltems, and define who is accountable or resp onsible, and establish target dates for update or completion' Top 5 priorities to address based on cost and frequency Action needed to reduce or eliminate exposure and/or related costs Person responsible Target date for update or completion 1 2. 3 4 5. Additlonal Risk ures page 1'1 Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. . 720 Olive Way' Suite 1700 ' Seattle, WA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000 . FN( (206) 962-2048 . www.alliantinsurance.com ffi$lfsmsstr Risk Management eommittee Gharter 1. Purpose The Risk Management Co mmittee (RMC) provides oversight and coordination for the C ity's safety and risk management programs. These programs include, but are not limit ed to, employee safety and-health, workers compensation, general liabili ty, property, vehicle, and financia I risk management. Its members provide data, informati on, and analysis of the City's actual and potential risk expos ures to its departmenti and Councii. 1 This information provides the basis for alloca tion of resources, risk control and mitigation, and adherence to the City's Risk Management Policy' 3. Meeting FrequencY fne Rist< Management Committee meets bi-annually or on an emergency basis. (lf combined with Safety Committee, it must meet qu arterly to comply with the City,s 1pp requireme nts.) The sc hedule for these m eetings should allow for risk management goals and action plans to be addressed in the City's annual budgeting and Capital lmprovement Program (ClP) process' 2. MembershiP a. The committee is chaired by the designated Risk Manager. b. Permanent members include: i. DePartment heads ii. CitY Manager iii. Finance Director iv. Chair of City Safety Committee (if separate) c. Other participants may include those with needed technical expedise' Note: lf this committee is com bined with the Safety Gommittee, membersh ip should include representatives from employee labor groups' 4. Role and Function of the Committee a. Trend analysis and monitoring of data relating to accidents and claims.2 b. Review claims made against the Cit y and their costs to identify major cost areas and prioritize action plans. 1 The inclusion of the City Council in this instance is optional' , nrilntl"rriance services can provide a Management Data Report twice yearly_to assist this pro"""r. Workers' Compensation insurers, TPAs or JPAs may provide similar information for employee injuries. lnternal logs and records should be used as well. page 12 Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. . 720 Olive Way ' Suite 1700 ' Seattle, WA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000 . FAX QAq 962-2048 . www.alliantinsurance.com sWF$smreff c. ldentify and evaluate ri sk exposures including financ ial, infra.structure, safety and health of employees and t he public, vehicle operations, and other areas of concern. d. Evaluate and recommend risk mitigation and control strategies' e. Review risk financing oPtions' f . Ensure risk management programs are effective and support the city's Risk Management PolicY. g. Review inJpection pr ograms, findi ngs, and safety and health issues , submitted by employ"ei, safety committees, and c itizen groups which have CitY-wide imPlications. h. Evaluate proposed programs, events, and major equipment purchases to determine if they expos e the City to unacceptable levels of risk, or recommend ways to minimize their risks'" i. Review and enjure the quality of accident investigations performed by dePartments.j. Develop and maintain a protoc ol for communicating information following a serious safety or health incident to council, employees, and the pubiic. This should include interaction with media representatives. 5. Committee Deliverables a. Meeting Minutes b. Prioritized Action Plans based on trends or potential exposures c. Recommendations to persons/groups of authority regarding safety and risk issues which may require policy change d'Recordsoffollowupandactionplancompletions 6. AuthoritY a., The Risk Management Committee has the authority, with the approval of the City Manlger and Finance Director, to authorize action pla ns to address signitica-nt trends or risk exposures wh ich could negatively impact ttre"city. Negative impact s may include human suffering; financial, c ultural, o-r political los ses; and interference with the City's ability to perform the necessary functions of local government' 7. Committee Pedormance Measures a. The RMC maintains a current list of five to ten significant risk exposures, which are prioritized according to potential impact on the City. b. Th; RMC develops action plans annu ally to address the City's most frequent and/or severe claim types. These may include, but not be limiied to, workers compensation, liability, vehicles, or property damage. t The Risk Evaluation tool in the Alliant Municipal RM Manual may assist in the-eval p."L""-nlternatively, Alliant's Loss Control Consultants can provide a written Risk Program Assessment' page 13 Alliant lnsurance services, lnc. '720 olive way'suite 1700' seattle, wA 98101 pHONE (206) 962-2000 . FAX (206) 962-2048 . www.alliantinsurance.com uation Management a!&ffraffifr c. Meeting minutes reflect the status of action plans, active follow-ups, ' and stePs to imPlement Plans' d. Risk exposure i'dentificaiion and action plan summaries are provided to all empioyees and suggestions for mitigation considered. page 14 Alliant lnsurance services, lnc. . 720 olive way' Suite 1700' seattle, wA 98'101 Ffiof.lE (206) 962-2000 . FAX (206) 962-2048 'wwrrv'alliantinsurance'com SA$Wf, PLH M I"B N EGIPAL RISK HUIANAGEhdIHNT CHHCKTESTS AhID FAGT SHFHTS page 15 ffi$$smffiff Your City PlaYground lnsPection Park/Playground Location : lnspected By: Risk F actor Eval tion page 16 Alliant lnsurance Services ,lnc. . 72O Olive way ' suite 1700 ' seattle, wA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000 . FA)( (206) 962-2048 . www.alliantinsurance'com YHS NOLOGATEON: S[-IPERVISION 1. Adults nt when childrett are on nt 2. Children can be easi viewed when on llr ment 3. Children can be viewed in crawl s s 4. Rules sted re ardi expected behavior A FE A, EIEIDNEbFIATF Ntrq.Ic?TIfll\5E--!{Fr l\\J! l\rnrrL vkv!ver areas for a s 2-5 and 5-12nds have seI e indicati for uipment ed2.S e roun 3. Platforms allow chan of direction to g et on/off structure 4. Platforms have a riate guardrails outside the structurent des n preve nts climbin5.E ul 6. Su rti structure nts climbi on it FALI SURFACENG riafa cr trfaci4I 2. Six foot use zone has riate surfacerop 3.4 ropriate of loose fill Provided 4. Concrete footin s are covered 5. Surface is free of fore rr ub cts E a [.8 F MI N T MA N T N A N e uip ment is free of broken Parts1. E 2 rrrettt is free of missin artsul 3 nt is free of protrudin boltsu nt is free of noticeable4. 5, Equi is free of head en ents uip ment is free of rust6 7 nt is free of sPlintersu uipme nt is free of cracks/holesB.E SconEng: For every YES, your playground receives one point. Add up the number of points for each section. Supervision Aqe-Appropriate Desig n Fall Sudacing Eq u ipment M ai ntenanc€- TCITAL Mdirsmseff congratulations on having a sAFE playground. Make sure you maintain this level of excellence. Your playground is on its way to providing a sAFE environment for children. Work on the areas checked NO. your playground has potential for being hazardous for children. Take corrective measures' children are at risk on this playground. start today and make improvements. Do not allow children on this playground. 20-23 = A {6-{9 = B 12-45 * e 8-{'t = E 7 and Below page 17 Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. . 72O Olive way ' suite 1700 ' Seattle, wA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000 . FN( (206) 962-2048' wrrvw.alliantinsurance.com ffi$frasrff Playgtound Safety Checklist Playground Name/Location . Person Completing InsPection: Date: or failure Fuu1 2, 3 drive screws and or bolts are secure or looseai:e not ofshow no 4. !7elds zre'tntact and ftee of ctacks on: a. Slide and deck enclosures b ladders anci uack ride cross beamsc. e climbersandd. 5. No rust ot corrosion evident 6 or wooddeterioratedother-wiseof (p ^yoNcracked,splintered, drteadrailschainsofwhereafe sto throughattentioflspecial the 7. No scra Metal parts show no visible cracks, bending, warping, or8. bulis r_tL-afts9. No broken or etc. afe10. AII n AII joints are secure (pay special attention to11 1.2 belt swinattentlon to flfe and etc.wc|In sectional slides, notandlubricatedafeFjandbtflngsgfeaseeaflngs,Swivels, 1,4 (check cornefsmetalSunsaoffeNedgespfotfuslonsharp 4lic 8threadetc.max. or crushonents15. No o1fits 7. Plastic is not cut or cracked anchors ate'ntact and secure2. AII slide worn3AII"S" hooks are closed and not Surface material is not scattered off or excessively worn (PaY to areas at the end of slides and under 7 attentlon 2. Surface materiai is at least 12" use area of at least 72" is kept around all equipment3. A clear page 18 Alliant lnsurance Services ,lnc. . 720 olive way ' Suite 1700 ' Seattle, wA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000. FAX (206) 962-2048. www.alliantinsurance'com I MF$smestr warning signage for Accessible Ponds and Lakes A pond or lake is defined as a body of water that is more than 12 inches deep and at least'10 feet across at'its widest points. A pond or lakais accessible when it does not have a continuous surrounding barrier within 50 feet of its shoreline (that is higher than four feet with no openings wider than 2 feet)' Although accessiote ponds and lakes can be attactive spots for activities such as boating, fishing, and swimming, it.,"y pr"r"nt a,variety of hazards. To minimize the hazards associated with ponds and lakes, well- maintained warning signage should be posted. Placement place warning signs on allsides of the pond and at any openings leading to the pond. since sign placement wN uJry according to the pond's layout and terrain, it. may be acceptable to. separate warning "ignr up to 100-Sd0 feet from each other, as lbng as each opening to the lake or pond has a visible warning sign. Warning signs may be posted either in the pond or on the shore' Ensure that warning signs are visible from the shore of the pond and that are no obstructions (e.9. trees, bushes) blocking anY Part of them. For ponds located on golf collrses, warning signs may be posted at the main entrance to the golf course instead of at each Pond therein. Construction Warning signs, including their graphics, must be made of a weather-resistant material such as metal, prestur"-treated wood, plastic, or other approved material' warning signs may use universalsymbols for prohibited activities Warning signs, must be securely fastened to the ground' Suggested warning messages: e WARNING o No swimming or boating o Pond or Lake not monitored for hazardous conditions Size warning signs must be at least 12 inches high and 18 inches wide Lettering on warning signs must be at least 1.5 inches high with any graphics visible by a person with normalvision from 50 feet awaY. Maintenance w"ining signs must be regularly maintained to ensure that they are stillvisible and in good condition. The person wf,J own, or contr"ols lanO tnat includes an accessible pond or lake is responsible for this maintenance. This AIIiant Loss Corttt.ol Services fact sheel is tlot intended to be exhauslive. The discussion and best Practices suggested het'eirt shottld nol be page 19 Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. o 720 Olive Way e Suite 'l 700 e Seattle, WA 98101 PHONE (206) 962-2000 o FAX (206) 962-2048 o www.alliantinsurance.com EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEM ENT wrTH ALLTANT TNSURANCE SERVTCES, rNC. Insurance The Broker shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Broker, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Broker shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1 Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage, If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liabi lity coverage. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Broker's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4 Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) insurance appropriate to the Broker's profession, B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Broker shall maintain the following insurance limits: Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $15,000,000 each occurrence, $15,000,000 general Exhibit B - Insurance Requirements PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 12 2 3 1 2 aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. 3 Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) insurance shall be written with limits no less than $15,000,000 per claim and $15,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: The Broker's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Broker's insurance and shall not contribute with it, The Broker's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Broker and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Broker's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability, D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M, Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Broker shall furrnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Broker before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors Broker shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Broker, Exhibit B - Insurance Requirements PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - 13 1 2 3 ACORD" CERTIFICA',OF LIABILITY INSURAT -1'E COVERAGES DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) 6/2e/2010 PRODUCER Alfiant Insurance Services Inc 1301 Dove st. Suite 200 Newport Beach CA 92660-2436 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED Allianr Holdings I, LLC 1301 Dove Street.,suite 200 Newport Beach CA 92660 INSURERA: Hartford Fire Ins Co 19 682 TNSURERB: Hart.ford Casual-t.y Insurance Co 19424 |NSURERc: Tv/in City Fire Ins Co t 9459 INSURER D: INSURER E: THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE I,ISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE TNSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWTTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCI]MENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTATN, THE TNSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POI,ICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBTIECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE I,TMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ITR \DD't TYPF OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EXPIRATIONNATF IMMTNNMI LIMITS A X GENERAL LIABILITY X COIVIVERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIIV1S I\4ADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER POLICY LOC X 72UUNAH9 94 8 02/or/10 02/oL/lI EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1. 000. 000 $1 ,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person)$ 10, 000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY 91,000.000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 X AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY x ANYAUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS X X 72UUNAH9948 02/or/ro 02/01,/Lr COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident)$r-,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ BODILY INJURY (Por accident)$ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident)$ GARAGE LIABILITY ANYAUTO AUTO ONLY . EAACCIDENT $ OTHERTHAN AIJTO ONLY: EAACC AGG $ $ B EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY X OCCUR CLAI|\rlS MADE DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION 72XHUAH9 8 8 6 02/01,/Lo 02/oL/rr EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1-s, 000, 000 AGGREGATE g 15, 000, 000 $ $ $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? lfyes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below 72W8TN9534 02/or/Lo 02/or/1,1,,, twcslAtu-4 lTnavt tlilTa O IH. FR E.L, EACH ACCIDENT $ 1, 000, 000 E.L, DISEASE . EA EI\4PLOYEE $ t-. 000. 000 E,L, DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1. 000 - oo0 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDQRSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS 3ity of Kent is named as Additional- Insured as respects to work performed by the named insured ACORD 25(2001108) CANCELLATIONlO D @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 CERTIFICATE HOLD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POI.ICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPTRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUTNG INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAII, 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NA},IED TO THE LEFT, BUT FATI,URE TO DO SO SHAI,L IMPOSE NO OB],IGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, AurHoRrzEDREPnesenrarv&-l -\n\r*- !R*^h ** City of KenLAt.tn: Chris Hif 1s 220 4Eh Avenue South Kent. WA 98032 Notice for Non- IMPORTANT lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s), lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statemenl on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of lnsurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (2001/08) NAMED INSURED: Alliant Holdings l, LLC THE NAMED INSURED INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL ENTITIES: Alliant Holdings l, LLC Alliant Holdings ll, LLC Alliant Holdings l, lnc. Alliant Holdings ll, lnc, ARG Holdings, lnc. Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. Alliant Specialty lnsurance Services, lnc. FHI Benefit Plans, lnc. dba: FHI lnsurance Services Atfinity lnsurance Services, LLC dba: Tribal First Partners, G.A. Chapin lnsurance Services Austin, Cooper & Price lnsurance Agency, lnc. Kelter-Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. dba Proquest lnsurance Agency Colonial Healthcare, lnc. Franey Muha Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc. Strategic HR Services, lnc. Benefit Partners-Alliant, lnc. Benefit Management, lnc. Benefit Partners, LLC Alliant Services Houston, lnc. Alliant lnsurance Services Houston, LLC Clarity Benefit Consulting, LLC ClearPoint LP Alliant ClearPoint GP, lnc. Moore-McNeil, LLC zo1l2a10 Narned Insured: Alliant Holdings I, LLC Excerpt frorn Policv {72UUNAH9948 l'olicv I'eriod: zl],l}t)L0 to 211.12O77 necessary litigation expenses incurred by us and necessary litigation expenses incurred by the indemnitee at our request will be paid as Supplementary Payments. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2.b.l2l of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily lnjury And Property Darnage Liability, such payments will not be deemed to be damages for "bodily injury" and "property damage" and will not reduce the limits of insurance. Our obligation to defencl an insured's indemnitee and to pay for attorneys' fees and necessary litigation expenses as Supplementary Payments encls whsn: a. We have used up the applicable limit of insurance in the payment of judgments or settlements; or b. The corrditions set forth above, or the terms of lhe agreement described in Paragraph f. above, are no longer met. SECTION II. WHO IS AN INAURED 1. lf you are designated in the Declaralions as: a. An individual, you and your spouse are insureds, bul only with respecl to the conduct of a business of which you are the sole owner. b, A partnership or joint venture, you are an insured. Your members, your partners, and their spouses are also insureds, but only wilh respect to the conduct of your business. c. A limited liability company, you are an insured. Your members are also insureds, but only with respect to the conduct of your business. Your managers are insureds, but only with respect to lheir duties as your managers. d, Arr organization other than a partnerslrip, joint venture or limited liability cornpany, you are an insured. Your "executive officers" and direclors are insureds, but only wilh respecl to lheir duties as your officers or directors. Your stockholders are also insureds, but only with respect to their liability as stockholders. e, A trust, you are an insured. Your trustees are also insureds, but only with respect to their duties as lrustees. 2. Each of the following ts also an insured: a. Employees and Volunteerworkers Your "volunteer workers" only while performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or your "employees", other than either your "executive officers" (if you are an organization other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company) or your managers (if you are a limiled liability company), but only for acts within the scope of their employment by you or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. However, none of these "employees" or "volunteer workers" are insureds for: (1) "Bodily injury" or "personal and advertising injury": (a) To you, to your partners or members (if you are a partnership or joint venture), to your members (if you are a limited liability company), to a co-"employee" while in the course of his or her employment or performing duties related to the conduct of your busirress, or to your other "volunteer workers" while performing duties related to the conduct of your business; (b) To tlre spouse, child, parent, brolher or sister of that co-"employee" or 'that "volunteer worker" as a consequence of Paragraph (1)(a) a bove; (c) For which lhere is any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the injury described in Paragraphs (1Xa) or (b) above; or (d) Arising out of his or her providing or failing to provide professional health care services, lf you are not in the business of providing professional health care services, Paragraph (d) does not apply to any nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic employed by you to provide such services, (2) "Property damage" to property: (a) Owned. occupied or used by, (b) Rented to, in the care, custody or control of, or over which physical conlrol is being exercised for any purpose by you, any of your "employees", "volunteer workers", any partner or member (il you are a partnership or joint venture), or any member (if you are a limited liability company). b. Real Estate Manager Any person (other than your "employee" or "volunteer worker"), or any organization while acling as your real eslate manager, c, Temporary Custodians of Your Property Any person or organization having proper temporary custody of your property if you die, but only: (1) With respect to liability arising out of the maintenancs or us€ of that property; and (2) Until your legal representative has been appointed, d. Legal Representative lf You Die Your legal representalive if you die, but only with respect to duties as such. Thal representative will HG 00 01 06 05 Page9of18 Named Insured: Alliant Holdirrgs I, I,LC Excerpt frorn Policv #72UUNAH9948 Policy Period: Zl1.lzOtD to 2l'l'1201'1. have all your rights and duties under this Coverage Part. e. Unnamed Subsidiary Any subsidiary, and subsidiary thereof, of yours which is a legally incorporated entity of which you own a financial interest of more than 507o of lhe voting stock on ihe effective date of the Coverage Part. The insurance afforded herein for any subsidiary not named in this Coverage Part as a named insured does not apply to injury or damage with respect to which an insured under this Coverage Part is also an insured ltnder another policy or would be an insured under such policy but for its lermination or the exhauslion of its limits of i nsu ra nce. 3. Newly Acquired or Formed Organization Any organization you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company, and over which you maintain financial interest of more than 50% of the voting stock, will qualify as a Named lnsured if there is no other sirnilar insurance available to that organization. However: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until lhe 1B0th day after you acquire or form lhe organization or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier: b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily iniury" or "property damage" that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization; and c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and advertising inlury" arising out of an offense committed before you acquired or formed lhe organization. 4. Mobile Equipment With respect to "mobile €quipment" registered in your name under any motor vehicle registration law, any person is an insured while driving such equipment along a public highway with your permission. Any other person or organization responsible for the conduct of such person is also an insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of tlre operation of the equiptnent, and only if no other insurance of any kind is available to that person or organization for lhis liability, However, no person or organization is an insured with respecl to. a, "Bodily injury" to a co-"employee" of the person driving the equipment; or b. "Property damage" to property owned by, rented to, in the charge of or occupied by you or the employer of any per.son who is an insured under this provision, 5, Nonowned Watercraft With respecl to watercraft you do not own that is less than 51 feet long and is not being used to carry persons for a charge, any person is an insured while operating such watercraft with your perrnission. Any other person or organization responsible for the conduct of such person is also an insured, but only with respect lo liabilily arising ouI of the operatiorr of the watercraft, and only if no other insurance of any kind i.s available to that person or organization for lhis liability, However, no person or organization is an insured with respect to: a, "Bodily injury" to a co-"employee" of the person operating the watercraft: or b. "Property damage" to properly owned by, rented to, in the charge oI or occupied by you or the ernployer of any person who is an insured under thts provision 6. Additional lnsureds When Requirad By Written Contrscl, Written Agreement Or Permit The following person(s) or organization(s) are an additional insured when you have agreed, in a written contracl, written agreement or because of a permit issued by a state or polilical subdivision, that such person or organization be added as an additional insured on your policy, provided the injury or damage occurs subsequenl to the execulion of the contract or agreement. A person or organization is an addilional insured under this provision only for that period of time required by the contract or agreement. However, no such person or organization is an insured under this provision if such person or organization is included as an insured by an endorsement issued by us and made a part of this Coverage Part. a. Vendors Any person(s) or organization(s) (referred to below as vendor), but only with respect to "bodily injury" or "properly damage" arising out of "your products" which are distributed or sold in lhe regular course of lhe vendor's business and only if this Coverage Part provides coverage for "bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products- completed operations hazard". (1) The insurance afforded the vendor is subject to the following additional exclusions: This insurance does nol apply to: (a) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which the vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contracl or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that the vendor would have in the absence of the contracl or agreement; Page10of18 HG 00 01 06 05 ) N;rrrred Insured: Alliarrt Holdings I, LLC Excerpt from Policy S72UUNAH9948 Policy Period: zlLlz}l,O ro 2|J.12A1.1 (b) Any express warranty unaulhorized by you; (c) Any physical or chemical change in lhe product made inlenlionally by the vendor, (d) Repackaging, except when unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original container, (e) Any failure to make such inspections, acljustments. tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in lhe usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of lhe products; (f) Demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operalions, except such operations performed a[ lhe vendor's premises in connection with the sale of the producti (g) Products which, after distribution or sale by you, have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor, or (h) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the sole negligence of the vendor for ils own acts or omissions or those of its employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. However, this excluslon does not apply to: (i) The exceptions contained in Sub- paragraphs (d) or (f)l or (ii) Such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes lo make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of th€ products. (2) This insurance does not apply to any insured person or organization, from whom you have acquired such products. or any ingredient, part or container, entering inlo, accorrtpanying or containing such products, b. Lessors of Equipment (1 ) Any person or organization from whom you lease equipmenl; but only with respect lo their liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by your maintenance, operation or use of equipment leased to you by such person or organization. (2) With respect to the insurance afforded to these addilional insureds this insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after the equiprrtenl lease expires. c. Lessors of Land or Premises Any person or organization lrom whonr you lease land or premises, but only with respect to liability arising oui of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the land or premises leased to you. Wrth respect to lhe insurance atforded these additional insureds the following additional exclusions apply, This insurance does nol apply to: 1. Any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to lease that land; or 2. Slructural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of such person or organization, d, Architects, Engineers or Surveyors Any architect, engineer, or surveyor, bul only with respect to liability for "bodily injury". "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by your acls or omissions or the acls or omissions of those acting on your behalf: (1) ln connection with your premises; or {2) ln the performance of your ongoing operations performed by you or on your behalf. With respect to lhe insurance afforded these additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to ''bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of or the failure to render any professional services by or for you, including: 1, The preparing, approving, or failing lo prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveysr field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or 2. Supervisory, inspeclion, architectural or engineering activities. e, Permits lssued By State Or Political Subdivisions Any state or political subdivision, but only with respect to operations performed by you or on your behalf for which the stale or political subdivision has issued a permit, Wilh respecl to the insurance afforded these additional lnsureds, this insurance does not apply to: (1) "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising oul of operations performed for the state or municipality; clr (2) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "producls-completed operations hazard". HG 00 01 06 05 Page 11 of '1 I Namect Irrsured: Alliant Holdings I, LLC Excerpt frorn Policv C72UUNAH994f} Policy Period: 211/2010 lo 2lLl201,J' f. Any Other Pariy Any other person or organization who is nol an insured under Paragraphs a. through e. above, but only with respect to liability for "boclily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in parl, by your acts or omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalt. (1) ln the performance of your ongoing operationsi (2) ln connection with your premises owned by or rented to you; or (3) ln connection with "your work" and included within the "products-completed operations hazard", but only if (a) The written contracl or agreement requires you to provide such coverage to such additional insured; and (b) This Coverage Parl provides coverage for "bodily injury" or "property damage" included wilhin the "producls-completed operalions hazard". With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, this insurance does not apply lo: "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or lhe failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1 ) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and speclficationst or (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. The linrits of insurance that apply to additional insureds under this provision is described in Section lll - Limits C)f lnsurance. How this insurance applies when olher insurance is available to the additional insured is described in the Other lnsurance Condition in Section lV - Commercial General L iability Conditions. No person or organizalion is an insured with respect lo the conduct of any current or pasl partnership, joint venture or limited liability company that is not shown as a Named lnsured in the Declarations. SECTION III_ LIMITS OF INSURANCE 1. The Most We will Pay The Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declaralions and the rules below fix the most we will pay regardless of the number of: a. lnsureds; b, Claims made or "suits" brought; or c. Fersons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits", 2. General Aggregate Limit The General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of: a. Medical expenses under Coverage C; b, Damages under Coverage A, except damages bscause of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products-completed operations hazard"; and c. Damages under Coverage B. 3. Products-Cornpleted Operations Aggregate Limit The Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of "bodily injury" and "property damage" included in lhe "products-completed operations hazard". 4. Personal and Advertising lnjury Limit Subject to 2. above, lhe Personal and Advertising lnjury Limit i6 the mosit w€ will pay under Coverage B for the sum of all damages because of all "personal and advertising injury" sustained by any one person or organization, 5. Each Occurrence Limit Subject to 2. or 3. above, whichever applies, the Each Occurrence Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of: a, Damages under Coverage A; and b, Medical expenses urrder Coverage C because of all "bodily injury" and "property damage" arising out of any one "occurrence". 6. Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit Subjecl to 5. above, the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of "property damage" to any one premises, while rented to you, or in the case of damage by fire, lightning or explosion, while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the olvner. ln the case of damage by fire, lightning or explosion, the Damage to Premises Rented To You Limit applies to all damage proximately caused by the same event, whether such damage results frorn fire, lightning or explosion or any combtnation of these. 7. Medical Expense Limit Subject to 5. above, the l\4edical Expense Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage C for all medical expenses because of "b'odily injury" sr:stained by any one person. 8. How Limits Apply To Additional lnsureds lf you have agreed in a written conlract or written agreement lhal anolher person o( organization be Page 12 of I 8 HG 00 01 06 05 Narned Irrsured: Alliant Holdings I, LLC Ixcerpt frorn Policy F72ULTNAI19948 Policy Period: 211/2010 to 2l"l120'l'l added as an additional insured on your policy, lhe most we will pay on behalf of such additional insured is the lesser of: a, The limits of insurance specified in the writlen contract or writlen agreement; or b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. Such arnount shall be a part ol and not in addition to Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations and described in this Section. The Limits of lnsuranc€ of this Coverage Part apply separately to each consecutive annual period and to atry remaining period of less than 12 months, starting with the beginning of the policy period shown in the Declarations, unless the policy period is extended after issuance for an additional period of less than'1 2 months. ln that case, the additional period will be deemed part of the last preceding period for purposes of deterrrtining the Lirnits of lnsurance SECTION IV _ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS 1. Bankruptcy Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or of the insured's estate will not relieve us of our obligations under this Coverage Part. 2. Duties ln The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit a, Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense You or any additional insured must see to it that we are notif ied as soon as praclicable of an "occurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim. To the extent possible, notice should include: (1) How, when and where the "occurrence" or offense took place; (2) The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and (3) The nalure and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "occurrence" or offense. b. Notice Of Claim lf a claim is made or "suit" is broughl againsl any insured. you or any additional insured musl: (1) lmmedialely record the specifics of the claim or "suit" and the date received; and (2) Notify us as soon as practicable. You or any additional insured must see to it that we receive written notice of the claim or "suit" as soon as practicable c. Assistance And Cooperation Of The lnsured You and any other involved insured musl: (1 ) lmmediately send us copies of any demands. notlces, summonses or lagal papers received in connection with the claim or "suit"; (2)Aulhorize us to obtain records and other information; (3) Cooperate with us in the investigalion or settlement of the claim or defense against the "suit"; and {4) Assist us, upon our request, in the enforcement of any right against any person or organizalion which may be liable to the insured because of injury or darnage to which this insurance may also apply. d. Obligations At The lnsureds Own Cost No insured will, excepi at that insured's own cost, voluntarily make a payment, assume any obligation, or incur any expense, other than for first aid, without our consent, e. Additional lnsureds Other lnsurance lf we cover a claim or "suit" under this Coverage Part that may also be covered by other insurance available to an additional insured, such additional insured rnust submit such claim or "suit" to the other insurer for defense and indemnity, However, this provision does not apply to the exlenI that you have agreed in a writlen contracl or written agreement that this insurance is primary and non-contributory with the additional insured's own insurance. f. Knowledge Of An Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit Paragraphs a. and b. apply to you or to any additional insured only when such "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit" is known to: {1) You or any additional insured that is an individual; (2) Any partner, if you or an additional insured is a partnership: (3) Any manag€r, if you or an additional insured is a lirnited I iability company: (4) Any "executive officer" or insurance manager, if you or an additional insured is a corporation; (5) Any trustee, if you or an additional insured is a trust; or (6) Any elected or appointed ofticial, i[ you or an additional insured is a political subdivision or public entity. This duty applies separately to you and any addilional insured, 3. Legal Action Against Us No person or organization has a right under lhis Coverage Part: a. To join us a$ a party or otherwise bring us into a "suit" asking for damages from an insured; or b. To sue us on lhis Coverage Part unless all of its terms have been fully complied with, A person or organization may sue us to recover on an agreed settlement or on a final judgmenl against an insured; bul we will not be liable for damages that are not payalrle under lhe terms of this Coverage Part or HG 00 01 06 05 Page 13 of 1 B {arned Instrred: Alliant Holdings I, LLC ixcerpt frorn Policy sT2UUNz\I19948 'rrl icy, Period: 2/1 1201O to 2fl l2A1 I that are in excess of lhe applicable limit of insurance. An agreed seltlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by us, the insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. 4. Other lnsurance lf other valid and collectible insurance is available to the insured for a loss wa cover under Coverages A or B of this Coverage Part, our obligations are limited as follows: a. Primary lnsurance This insurance is prinrary except when b. below applies. lf other insurance is also primary, we will share with all that other insurance by the method described in c. below. b. Excess lnsurance This insurance is excess over any of the other insurance, whelher primary, excess, contingenl or on any other basis: (1 ) Your Work That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder's Risk, lnstallation Risk or similar coverage for "your work"; (2) Premises Rented To You That is fire, lightning or explosion insurance for premises rented lo ycu or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; (3) Tenant Liability That is insurance purchased by you to cover your liability as a tenant for "property damage" to premises renled to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; (4) Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft lI the loss arises out o[ the rnainlenance or use of aircraft, "autos" or watercraft to the extent not subject to Exclusion g. of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily lnjury And Property Danrage Liability; (5) Property Damage to Borrowed Equipment Or Use Of Elevators lf the loss arises out of "property damage" to borrowed equiprnent or lhe lrse o[ elevalors [o the extent not subject to Exclusion j. of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily lnjury And Property Damage Liability; (6) Whan You Ara Added As An Additional lnsured To Other lnsurance Any other insurance available to you covering liability for damages arisirrg oul of lhe premises or operations, or products and completed operations, for which you have beerr added as an additional insured by that insurance; or (7) When You ,Add Others As An ,qdditional lnsured To This lnsurance Any other insurance available to an addilional insured. However. tlre following provisions apply to other insurance available to any person or organizalion who is an additional insured under tlris coverage part. (a) Primary lnsurance When Required By Gontract This insurance is primary if you have agreed in a written contracl or written agreement that this insurance be primary, lf other insurance is also primary, lve will share with all that other insurance by the method described in c. below. (b) Primary And Non-Gontributory To Other lnsurance When Required By Contract lf you have agreed in a written contract, writlen agreenlent, or pennit that this insurance is primary and non-conlributory with the additional insured's own insurance, this insurance is primary and we will not seek contrrbution from that other insuranoe, Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to other insurance to which tlre addilional insured has heerr added as an addilional insured. When this insurance is excess, we will have no duty under Coverages A or B to defend the insured against any "suit" if any other insurer has a duty to defend lhe insured against thal "suit". ll no other insurer defends, we will undertake to do so, but we will be enlitled to the insured's rights againsl all those other insurers. When this insurance is excess over other insurance, we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the sum of; (1) The total amount that all such other insuranca would pay for the loss in the absence of this insurance; and (2) The total of all deductible and self-insured amounts under all that olher insurance, We will share the remaining loss, if any, with any other insurance that is nol described in this Excess lnsurance provision and was not bought specifically to apply in excess of the Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. c. Method Of Sharing lf all of the olher insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we will follow this method also. Under this approach each insurer contribules equal amounts until il has paici its applicable limit of insurance or none of the loss remains, whichever comes first, Page 14 of 1 I HG 00 01 06 05 .\ ) Narned Instrred: Alliant Holclings I, LLC Excerpt frorn Policy f,72UUNAH994tl Policy' Period: 2!1120lO to 2/11201,1' lf any of the olher insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares. we will contribute by limits. Under this method, each insurer's share is based on lhe ratio of its applicable limit of insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. 5. Premium Audit a, We will compute all premiums for this Coverage Part in accordance with our rules and rates. b. Premium shown in this Coverage Part as advance premium is a deposit premiurn only. At the close of each audit period we will compute the earned premium for that period and send notice to the first Named lnsured. The due date for audit and retrospective premiums is the date shown as the due date on the bill. lf the sum of the advance and audit premiums paid for lhe policy period is grealer lhan the earned premium, we will return the excess lo the first Named Insured, c. The first Named lrrsured must keep records of the inforrnation we need for premium cornputalion, and send us copies at such times as we may request 6. Representations a, When You Accept This Policy By accepting this policy, you agree: (1) The statements in the Declarations are accurate and complete; (2) Those statements are based upon representations you made to us; and (3) We have issued this policy in reliance upon your representations. b. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards lf unintentionally you should fail to disclose all hazards relating to the conduct of your business lhal exist at tho inception date of this Coverage Part, we shall not deny coverage under this Coverage Part because of such failure, 7. Separation Of lnsureds Except with respecl 1o the Limits of lnsurance, and any rights or duties specifically assigned in this Coverage Part to the first Named lnsured, this insurance applies: a. As if each Named lnsured were the only Named lnsured; and b, Separalely lo each insured against whorn claint is made or "suit" is brought. 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us a. Transfer of Rights Of Recovery lf lhe insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment, including Supplementary Payments, we have made under this Coverage Part, those rights are transferred to us. The insured must do nothing after loss to impair them. At our request, the insured will bring "suit" or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce lhem. b. Waiver Of Rights Of Recovery (Waiver Of $ubrogatlon) lf the insured has waived any righls of recovery against any person or organization for all or part of any payment, including Supplementary Payments, we have made under this Coverage Part, we also waive that right, provided the insured waived lheir rights of recovery against such person or organization irr a contract, agreemenl or permit that was executed prior to the injury or damage, 9, When We Do Not Renew lf we decide not to renew this Coverage Part, we will mail or deliver to the first Named lnsured shown in the Declarations written notice of the nonrenewal not less than 30 days before the expiralion dale. lf notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. SEGTION V - DEFINITIONS 1, "Advertisement" rneans the widespread public dissemination of information or images that has the purpos€ of inducing the sale of goods, products or services through: a. (1) Radio; (2) Talevision; (3) Billboard; (41 Magazine; (5) Newspaper; or b. Any other publicalion that is given widespread public distribution. However, "adverlisement" does not include: a. 'l'he design, printed material, inforntation or images contained in, on or upon the packaging or labeling of any goods or products; or b, An interactive conversation between or among persons lhrough a computer network. 2. "Advertising idea" means any idea for an "advertisement". 3. "Asbestos hazard" means an exposure or threat of exposure to the actual or alleged properties of asbestos and includes the mere presence of asbestos in any form. 4. "Auto" means a larrd motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer designed for Iravel on public roads, including any attached machinery or equipment. Bu1 "auto" does not include "mobi le equipment", 5. "Bodily injury" means physical; a, lnjuryt b, Sickness; or c, Disease sustained by a person and, if arising oul of lhe above, mental anguish or dealh at any time. HG 00 01 06 05 Page 15 of '1 I KENT RTQUEST FOR MAYOR'S STGNATUftE Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes WASHtNGToN Brief Explanation of Document: ta<{rcrrf,- il ,jlrr,Jts Ln "L-'."ut'|'?taL}: 4lrl*l''''-r( -;'zr'r/t,,-l 5 t'ot4 -t.Ili-Lnl- J.- tl'>u;st4L-? tl)/D-1u)t<\ i., ba (€('r'r{'.t'" t l, (, l^q 4"{}u4.,- Ix'- s p'-ttt'' ou1\'u, -"'t (.- v^,'ilr J t- J' + :. +-u't k'- r^^1Lo'4 w\<i,t{,1 w/',t' azz}pk.-J ,r-J 'dtt'.i,'.f= -l't<-< Cr t 5 O'v1t,7 V ( u\) Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MUST FTRST BE ROUTED THROUGH TI-IE LAW DEPARTMENT) AII Contracts Must Ee Routed Through the Law Department Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Originator .a1(,t,,tl-,.l/i </ r3 Plrone (Originator): 5Z 7 \ Date Sent: f I >l I U-, ,,Date Required: Return Signed Document to: 6_' l{_/r( <CONTRACT TER/\,II NATION DATE: VENDoR NAME: A llro,,.-F .i- ", t,rrr,-;tut, 5,,,.,DATE OF COUNC!I- APPROVAL i (7--(z'-'t D Received: Approval of City Attorney: City Attorney Comments: (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) /,t t/.tl I/ 1,-,i -l i. . ;:i'fttl( LL t ( Li- L 'L[4lzrlt:<-<1. ri L th,Lo{^- f.t; r.'l ;r;.-l-., .],,,' .i.. .il-iL i i:2i;19 Ji-lJt , r r ,7I I l1/l:-1.; ,*. 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