HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-332 - Other - City of Covington - Access Easement - 04/16/20202t1t2021 Landmark Web Ofiicial Records Search Instrument Numtrer: 20200427000634 Document:EAS Rec: $106.50 Page-l of 4 Excise Docs: 3A14403 Selling Price: $0.00 Tax Amount: $10.00 RecordDate:412712020 9:2.t AM Electronically Recorded King County, WA After recording retum document to: City of Covington 16720 SE 271st Street, Suite 100 Covington, WA 98042 Document Title: Access Easement Grantor(s): City of Kent Grantee(s): City of Covington Legal Description: Ptn NE %of STR 36-22-s Additional Legal Description is Assessorts Tax Parcel Number: 4 of Ilocument. D ftt^.' €,Uq?',t4 SR 516 (SE 272'd ST) Improvements Creek and 1E5tr PL SE City of Kent ("Grantor"), for and in of TEN AND NO/l00 Dollars, and other valuable consideration, conveys and grants unto of Covington and its assigns, ("Grantee"), under the imminent threat of the of its rightrs of Eminent Domain, a non-exclusive easement over, under, upon the hereinafter described lands for the purpose of the construction and future pedestrian trail crossing SE 272nd Street under the new roadway bridge over Jenkins Creek. Said lands being situated in King County, State of Washington, and described as follows For legal description and additional conditions See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Easement Area") The easement rights conveyed for the Easement Area include, but are not limited to, a pedestrian trail; ingress and egress for installation, maintenance, construction, alteration, reconstruction, and repair offencing and landscaping to channelize trail users away from the adjacent creek; maintenance oflandscaping and vegetation; and for removal oftrash or refuse left in the Easement Area ("Easement Purposes"). Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary, to enter upon the Easement Area, and any immediately adjacent areas, with the necessary equipment for the Easement Purposes, without incurring any legal obligation or liability. FA No. Pmject No. Parcel No. 362205-9184LPA^324 10t2014 Page I of(4) Pages 114 21112021 Landmark Web Ofiicial Records Search Instrument Number: 20200127000634 Document:EAS Rec: $f 06.50 Page-2 of 4 Record Date:412712020 9:24 AM King County, WA ACCESS EASEMENT Grantee shall leave any improvements already existing within the Easement Area and the immediately adjacent areas undisturbed, unless the prior written approval of the Grantor is obtained. If these existing improvements are disturbed or destroyed by Grantee, then Grantee shall restore these areas to the same condition as they were immediately prior to Grantee's entrance into these areas. Grantor shall retain to use the Easement Area, including the immediately adjacent areas, so long as does not interfere with the Easement Pulposes. Under no circumstances by Grantee, be placed or erected in the Easement Area It is understood and agreed that ofthis easement is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not and until accepted and approved hereon in agent. binding upon the City of Covington unless the City of Covington, by its authorized Dated GRANTOR: City of Kent By: Dana Ralph Title: Mayor LPA.324 rc/2014 o %. Accepted and Approved City of Title (Notary Acknowledgment on Following Page) Page 2 of(4) Pages Parcel No. 362205-9184 2t4 21112021 Landmark Web Ofiicial Records Search Instrument Number: 20200127000634 Document:EAS Rec: $106.50 Page-3 of 4 Record Date:112712020 9:24 AM King County, WA ACCESS EASEMENT Acknowledgment STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) ss County of King on this &5v auy or to me known to be the and foregoing instrument and voluntary act and deed of said and on oath states that she is GIVEN and official A before me personally appeared Dana Ralph, City of Kent, and that she executed the within the said instrument to be the free and for the uses and purposes therein set forth, execute said instrument. and year last above Notary PubliczWashington, My commission the St8te ofKra\f -og-^> OF .I, LPA.324 l0t20t4 Page 3 of(4) Pages Parcel No. 362205-9184 314 21112021 Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20200127000634 DocumenfiEAS Rec: $106.50 Page-4 of 4 Record Date4l27l2020 9:24 AM King County, WA ACCESS EASEMENT EXHIBIT A PARCEL 362205-9184-06 ACCESS EASEMENT DESCRJPTION THAT PORTION OF TI{E NORTH HALF OF THE NORTFIEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTT{EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M,,IN KINC COLTNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION KING COUNTY FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED NO. t400465; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON UNDER KING coLiNTY CAUSE NO. 90-2-24267-6 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT TFM NORTHEAST NORTT{EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M,,WASHINGTON; THENCE S OOOO3'58" E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 5O.OI FEET, SAID DISTANCE BEINC 5O.OO FEET S.R, 516 CENTERLINE AND THE POINT OF BECINNING; THENCE CONTINI"JING S OO"O3'58" E, ALONG SAID EAST THENCE S 89"56'02" W, A DISTANCE OF 44.00 FEET; TTIENCE N 46"01'59U W, A DISTANCE OF I2O.O5 FEET; DISTANCE OF 88.03 FEET; THENCE N 02"20'OI" E, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF IO.OO FEET TO A POINT LYING 5O.OO FEET SOUTH OF SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE S E7"39'59" E, PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF 128.58 FEET; THENCE S E9"I2'37" E, PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE, A DISTANCE OF I,42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINC. CoNTAINING 8,21E SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Trm LANDS HEREIN DESCRIBED CONTATN AN AREA OF 8,21 I SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, TrrE SPECIFIC DETAILS CONCERNING AIL OF WHICH ARE TO BE FOLTND ON ST{EETS RW-OI AND RW- 02 OF THAT CERTAIN PLAN ENTITLED SR 516 (SE 272nd ST) IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN IENKINS CREEK AND I85TH PL SE, NOW ON RECORD AND ON FILE AT TFIE CITY OF COVINGTON AND BEARING DATE OF APPROVAL, I t.O4-I9. Orantor's Initials 6D Page 4 of(4) Pages Parcel No. 362205-9184 414