HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-332 - Other - City of Covington - Warranty Deed - 04/18/2020Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records ManagemcntW^9ar{ctgi Thls torm Combln€s & r€placesth6 Requertfor Mayor.s Slgnatute and Contt.ct Covei $hoet tormr. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) o oLo.c Originator:Cheryl Rolcik-Wilcox Deportment:Public Works DateSent:4lt/20 Dote Required:4[7/20 Authorized toSign: Director or DesiEnee ffimuyo, Date of Council Approval: 3/t7/20 Budget Account Number: 6rant? Type: l_J ves MJ *o N/A tr .9+,o ELoF E IHto EooL Ul Vendor Name:City of Covington Category:'other Vendor Number:Sub-Cotegory Other Project Name:covington's sR 516 Improvements btw Jenkins creek & 185th PL sE proj Project Details:Statutor"y Warranty Deed, Voucher Agreement Amount: $5,145 to be pd to Kent Easisfar Selection of Contractor: Start Date:Termination Date: Notice required prior to Yes Z*o Controct Number:?wrb-3nQ Ulg IH oE ttoL a IEcgl UI 'tu o4 Date Recelved by City Attorney: April l,2020 Cotnments: fuevb Date Routed to the Moyor's Office: 4{v{ut Date to CitV Clerk's Qtficel4 LAto Date Sent to Originotor: Ll Visit 9oc-uryenF.K+,ntlUA,sov to obtai n eoples of all a greem ents ad(cw22373-6,1 9 02/01/2021 - pulled recorded version from King County website Instrument Number: 20200427000631 Document:WD Rec: $106.50 Page-l of 'l Excise Docs: 3044400 Selling Price: $0.00 Tax Amount: $10.00 RecordDilu.il2712020 9:2'l AM Electronically Recorded King County, WA After recording return document to: City of Covington 16720 SE 271't Street, Suite 100 Covington, WA 98042 Document Title: Warranty Deed Grantor(s): City of Kent Grantee(s): City of Covington Legal Description: Ptn. NE %NE% Section 36 T22N RsE WM Additional Legal Description is on Page 4 of Document Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 362205-9184-06 WARRANTYDEED I 9T SR 516 (SE 272d ST) Improvements Bctween Jenkins Creek and I gsth PL The Crantor, CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 Dollars, and other valuable consideration, hereby conveys and warrants to the CITY OF COVINGTON, a Washington municipal corporation, Grantee, the following described real property situated in King County, in the State of Washington, under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its rights of Eminent Domain: For legal description and additional conditions See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Also, the Grantor(s) request the Assessor and Treasurer of said County to set over to the remainder of the hereinafter described Parcel "A", the lien of all unpaid taxes, if any, affecting the real estate herein conveyed, as provided for by RCW 84.60.070. FA No. STP-O516(22) Projcct No. CIP ll27 Parcel No. 3 62205 -9 I 84 -06LPA-3O2 t0l20t4 Page I of4 Pages Instrument Number: 20200127000631 Document:WD Rec: $106.50 Page-2 of 4 Record Date:412712020 9:2.1 AM King County' WA WARRANTY DEED It is understood and agreed that delivery ofthis deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the CITY OF COVINGTON unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the CITY OF COVINGTON, by its authorized agent. Lt Date tD City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation By:t Dana Ralph, Mayor Accepted and Approved CITY OF COVINGTON, a Wash A Agent Date LPA.3O2 t0/20t4 Page 2 of4 Pages Parcel No. 3 6220 5 -91 84 -06 Instrument Number: 20200427000631 Document:WD Rec: $106.50 Page-3 of 'l Record Date:412712020 9:24 AM King Counly' WA Public and for at My commission expires ab - &8 -7)- OFW WARRANTY DEED srATE OF WASHINGTON ) i county o, (rJi,ttPk' ," aA^A \ on this br ou, ,M-,HH".r"me personatly appeared Dana Bql&, to me known to be the Mayor, for the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation and that she executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said City ofKent, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, and on oath states that she is authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN and official the day and year last written. the,Statc ofVslf LPA.3O2 1012014 Page 3 ol4 Pages Parcel No. 36220 5 -91 84 -06 Instrument Number: 20200127000631 Document:WD Rec: $106.50 Page-4 of 'l Record Date:412712020 9:2.1 AM King County' WA WARRANTY DEED EXH]BITA PARCEL 362205-9184-06 RIGHT-OF.WAY ACQUISITION DESCRIPTION Parcel "A" THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTIIEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTIm,AST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M,, IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COIJNTY FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES BY INSTRI.JMENT RECORDED LNDER RECORDING NO. 1400465; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONDEMNED BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON I.INDER KING couNTY CAUSE NO. 90-2-24267-6 LYING NORTH OF TFM NORTH 5O.OO FEET OF SAID SECTION 36 CoNTAINING 4,713 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. THE LANDS FIEREIN DESCRIBED CONTAIN AN AREA OF 4,713 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, THE SPECIFIC DETAILS CONCERMNC ALL OF WHICH ARE TO BE FOUND ON STIEETS RW.OI AND RW. 02 oF THAT CERTATN PLAN ENTTTLED SR 516 (SE 272d ST) IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN JENKINS CREEK AND I85TH PL SE. NOW ON RECORD AND ON FILE AT TI{E CITY OF COVINGTON AND BEARINC DATE OF APPROVAL, I I.04.I9. Grantor's lnitialsp LPA-302 10t2014 Page 4 of4 Pages Parcel No. 3 6224 5 -9 I 84 -06